CYBER SIMULATION EVENT - March 5, 2019 - FireEye Investor Relations

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CYBER SIMULATION EVENT - March 5, 2019 - FireEye Investor Relations

March 5, 2019
CYBER SIMULATION EVENT - March 5, 2019 - FireEye Investor Relations
CYBER SIMULATION EVENT - March 5, 2019 - FireEye Investor Relations
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  3   ©2019 FireEye
CYBER SIMULATION EVENT - March 5, 2019 - FireEye Investor Relations
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  4   ©2019 FireEye
CYBER SIMULATION EVENT - March 5, 2019 - FireEye Investor Relations
Today’s Goals
▪ Engage in an interactive presentation

▪ Illustrate the complexity and challenges of today’s security

▪ Demonstrate how FireEye is building a platform, differentiated
  by our threat intelligence and expertise, that address these

▪ Encourage you to learn more about FireEye and our vision for
  the future of cybersecurity

      ©2019 FireEye
CYBER SIMULATION EVENT - March 5, 2019 - FireEye Investor Relations
FireEye @ RSA 2019 – Booth #5959, North Hall
Keynote: A View from the Front Lines of Cybersecurity

Special Topic: Playing with Fire: How Cyber-Physical Attacks Threaten Our Connected World

Panel: Tales from the Front Lines

Classroom: Reverse Engineering Attribution: The Man Behind the Man Behind the Curtain

   6   ©2019 FireEye
CYBER SIMULATION EVENT - March 5, 2019 - FireEye Investor Relations
Today’s Agenda                                                SPEAKERS

                                                              Kevin Mandia,
 8:30 – 8:45         FireEye Today: Uniquely positioned
                     to lead in cybersecurity                 Grady Summers,

 8:45 – 9:45         Interactive Case Studies                 Steve Booth,
                     The Power of Threat Intelligence
                     The Attack Lifecycle and FireEye Helix
                     The Managed Defense Partnership          Steve Elovitz

9:45 – 10:00         Q&A

 7   ©2019 FireEye
CYBER SIMULATION EVENT - March 5, 2019 - FireEye Investor Relations
Kevin Mandia
CYBER SIMULATION EVENT - March 5, 2019 - FireEye Investor Relations
RSA 2019 Announcements
     Expertise on Demand              M-Trends 2019 Release        Email Security Upgrade
       Access to a full range of        10th anniversary edition      Now provides full secure
          industry-leading                                             email gateway (SEG)
        cybersecurity experts            Median dwell times
                                        New name APT groups
     A full solution of technology,     Regional case studies
      intelligence and expertise                                       Email detection and
            working together                                           protection with one
                                                                         singular solution

 9    ©2019 FireEye
CYBER SIMULATION EVENT - March 5, 2019 - FireEye Investor Relations
M-Trends 2019 – 10th Anniversary
                                 Median Dwell Time by
                                  Detection Source                              APT Groups Evolution



                       100    186 184

                        50                 101
                                                            58.5 50.5
                              External          All          Internal

                                         2017     2018

                      New APT Groups            Retargeted Incident Response Client, by region

                                                Region                   2017           2018
                                                Global                   56%            64%
                                                Americas                 44%            63%
                                                APAC                     91%            78%
                                                EMEA                     47%            57%
 10   ©2019 FireEye
Recent Accolades
        Endpoint Security           2019 Fast Company            Microsoft Intelligent
          MITRE Att&ck                   Innovator               Security Association
     FireEye ranked #1 reaching      FireEye earns #6 spot on       FireEye joins Microsoft
     highest efficacy and highest   Fast Company’s global list           association
          number of behavior             of 410 companies
         detections among all                                      Shared intelligence with
         participating solutions    Recognized for innovation      Microsoft products and
      Based on Forrester scoring        in cyber security             alliance partners

11    ©2019 FireEye
Breaches are inevitable…
   Impactful breaches don’t have to be.
Intelligence for Decisions

Grady Summers
Tool or Weapon?      Is this a weapon?




                          IT DEPENDS

                     Answer at
14   ©2019 FireEye   PIN 177889
Forensic Intelligence   Is this actionable?




                             IT DEPENDS
                        Answer at
 15   ©2019 FireEye     PIN 177889
Contextual Intelligence   Is this actionable?
The hammer is found
next to a boot print.
Local police present               YES
intel of a similar boot
print found at recent
crime scenes in the                NO
area within the past
12 months.

                               IT DEPENDS
                          Answer at
 16   ©2019 FireEye       PIN 177889
     ©2019 FireEye
FireEye Ecosystem

 18   ©2019 FireEye
This innovation cycle cannot
                     exist without our experts
                     embracing the technology
                     we build as their own, and
                     our product teams
                     embracing the world-class
                     expertise provided by our
                     frontline teams.

19   ©2019 FireEye
Security Incident
Steve Booth
FireEye Chief Security Officer
ACME Co. Security Profile
$3B in revenue, 2,500 employees
• $15M annual IT budget, 3M for security
• 4 dedicated security professionals; average
  industry experience of 1.6 years
• Implemented O365 for email and collaboration
• Standard security tech stack from various vendors
• No documented and tested incident response plan
• No reverse engineering or threat intelligence capability
x                    Day 1 – 8:30am                                   Which of the following
                                                                          emails look legitimate?

You (A/P Manager at ACME) receive an urgent
email from Shelly Smith, CFO of ACME. The email                   
includes an attachment that she says is a past-
due invoice. She requests the vendor be paid
immediately to avoid disruption in the delivery of                         SHELLY.SMITH@ACMEC0.COM
key manufacturing components.


Initial Recon:             Initial    Establish   Escalate     Complete
  Targeted               Compromise   Foothold    Privileges    Mission

                                                                          Go to
   22    ©2019 FireEye
                                                                          PIN 177889
Word takes forever to
   x                   Day 1 – 8:35 am                            load, so you close and try
                                                                  it again. After three tries,
You double-click the attachment to open it, and the Duo sign-in
screen pops up. You check “Remember me for 8 hours” so you         Decide to wait until later and
remain authenticated for the day and enter a passcode. Word        move on to something else.
begins to load the file.

                                                                  Check the “From” address, see
                                                                   it’s fake and delete the email

                                                                  Open a email helpdesk ticket
                                                                  about problem opening Word

                                                                     Call helpdesk about the
                                                                     problem opening Word

                                                                  Go to
  23   ©2019 FireEye                                              PIN: 177889
Critical Unknowns:
   x                   Day 1 – 8:35 am                          ▪ When the passcode was
                                                                  entered, they gained the
                                                                  ability to log into the
▪ The Duo authentication screen is fake and links back to the     corporate VPN.
▪ The .DOCX file was loading from a remote server and
  established a connection                                      ▪ While the DOCX was
                                                                  loading, it captured
                                                                  credentials for the local

                                                                In the meantime:
                                                                ▪ Helpdesk scans your
                                                                  machine for malware and,
                                                                  finding none, suggests you
                                                                  reboot. You check outgoing
                                                                  wires and see the vendor
                                                                  was paid recently.

  24   ©2019 FireEye
x                    Day 1 – 9:00 am                                  Comments:
                                                                          ▪ Sophisticated phishing
                                                                            attacks often target a
                                                                            small number of people
A second employee receives a similar email from                             within an organization.
the CEO, also with a suspicious attachment and
forwards the message to ACME’s abuse inbox                                ▪ It is not uncommon to
without opening the attachment.                                             impersonate

Established security process is to check the abuse
inbox first thing every morning.

Initial Recon:             Initial    Establish   Escalate     Complete
  Targeted               Compromise   Foothold    Privileges    Mission

   25    ©2019 FireEye
x x
                      Day 2 – 8:00 am              What should the security
                                                   team do with this notification?

The first SOC analyst to arrive checks the Abuse    Open the attachment that was
inbox for new emails and sees the email             in the email in the Abuse Inbox
forwarded by Employee #2 at 9:00 am the
previous day.
                                                     Call the CFO to ask if he sent
                                                               the email

                                                     Open a ticket to launch an

                                                     Upload the attachment to a
                                                      free sandbox for analysis

                                                   Go to
 26   ©2019 FireEye
                                                   PIN: 177889
x x
                        Day 2 – 10:30 am            What is the next step in the

After reviewing the email in the Abuse inbox, the
                                                    Search for similar emails across
Analyst thinks the email might warrant further               the enterprise
investigation. He notifies the SOC manager.
                                                    Re-image the affected system,
                                                            just in case.

                                                        Conduct open source

                                                    Further analyze the attachment

                                                    Go to
 27     ©2019 FireEye
                                                    PIN: 177889
x x
                       Day 2 – 3 pm                Critical Unknowns:
                                                   ▪ With VPN access and local
                                                     network credentials,
                                                     attackers were able to
Google search results return no direct hits, but     escalate privileges and
results for similar scenarios suggest a common       access detailed customer
criminal campaign designed to trick companies        data, including payments
                                                     due, taxpayer IDs,
into wiring funds. The SOC analyst and manager       correspondence and other
conclude the incident was isolated and               information.

They congratulate themselves that security
processes worked, and no funds were lost. As a
pre-caution, they re-image Employee #2’s
laptop and create a new rule to block emails
from the sender.

 28    ©2019 FireEye
▪ The average company spends

Security Analysts’ Day                                                $2.4M per year on cyber
                                                                      security defense

                                                                    ▪ >90% of attacks begin with
           Manually                                                 ▪ >50% of organizations receive
        correlating data                                              more than 10,000 threat alerts a
         from multiple                          Investigating         day, and 27% receive more
            systems                            and responding         than 1M threat alerts a day
              35%                              to critical alerts
                               50% of IT pros admitted to
                                  threats                               ignoring alerts worthy of
                                                                        investigation based on prior
                                                                        false positive behavior or
                                                                        because they don’t have the
                                                                        staff or expertise to handle
                                                                      – 2/3 of alerts go
               Investigating                 Staying
                                                                        uninvestigated every day
                                            current on
               incidents via              security news
              online sources                bulletings              ▪ >90% of security professional
                    25%                         5%                    report high stress levels over
                                                                      inability to manage alerts

 29   ©2019 FireEye
x x x
                      Days 3-12                   The cost of
x x x x
x x                                               complacency
No further emails impersonating the CEO or CFO    ▪ The average “dwell time” of
are reported and the new rule does not              attackers in Mandiant 2018
generate any alerts.                                incident response
                                                    engagements was 78 days.

Believing the risks are minimal and current       ▪ 31% had dwell times of less
                                                    than 30 days, attributed to
security processes are solid, the team moves on     an uptick in financially
to other tasks.                                     motivated compromises
                                                    such as ransomware and
                                                    business email compromise.

                                                  ▪ 64% of breached
                                                    organizations were
                                                    retargeted within 12 months.

 30   ©2019 FireEye
x x x
x x x x
x x
                      Day 13 – 10:00 am               What should the security
                                                      team do next?

the CFO, stops by the A/P desk to ask if updated
bank account and wiring instructions for two of        Escalate to leadership team
your key vendors has been received.
When you respond that you didn’t know the
                                                           Notify third-parties of
information had changed, she tells you that the        suspected malicious activity
CFOs of both firms said ACME had requested the
information in an email. You both realize you did
not send an email requesting new information .           Search outbound emails

Concerned, she sends an email to the security
ops alias about possible malicious insider activity          Phone a friend
or cyber crime.
                                                      Go to
 31   ©2019 FireEye
                                                      PIN: 177889
ACME Situation Recap
 Emails with malicious attachment sent to a targeted      Attackers successfully
   number of employees from altered email address         steal credentials and
                                                              access VPN.

                            Event deemed contained;              Day2
                     new detection/block rules created   Investigation of 2nd email
                                                          reveals no compromise,
                                                              impacted laptop

      Two suppliers ask the CFO if the updated banking
             information she requested was received.            Day13
                                                             Investigation into
                                                           suspicious outbound
                                                            emails opened (no
                                                              linkage to initial

32   ©2019 FireEye
x x x
x x x x
x x
                      Day 13 – 4:45pm            What is your first
                                                 recommended action?

The CISO asks you, the SOC manager, for a full
debrief and recommended next steps.                Contact internal legal team

He reminds you he is supposed to leave for a      Immediately search for and
planned vacation with his wife and children in    remediate all compromised
the morning.                                               systems

                                                  Continue scoping incident to
                                                    ensure full containment

                                                     Call FireEye Mandiant

                                                 Go to
 33   ©2019 FireEye
                                                 PIN: 177889
x x x
x x x x
x x x
                      Day 14 – 8 am                Evaluating the problem:

                                                   ▪ How widespread is the
                                                     problem? How many
The CISO has cancelled his vacation and begins       emails were sent, and from
process of engaging an outside incident response     how many mailboxes?
                                                   ▪ How did the sender access
                                                     the CFO’s email account
Several more vendors call to confirm updated         without her knowledge?
banking information requested by the CFO was
received.                                          ▪ Is this an inside job, or a
                                                     targeted attack?

                                                   ▪ What else was

 34   ©2019 FireEye
ACME Incident Timeline                                              Day1
                                                            SEG fails to block initial
  Emails with malicious attachment sent to a targeted        impersonation attack

    number of employees from altered email address
                                                             Investigation reveals
                             Event deemed contained;           no compromise,
                      new detection/block rules created        impacted laptop

       Two suppliers ask the CFO if the updated banking        Investigation into
                                                             suspicious outbound
              information she requested was received.           opened (still no
                                                                linkage to initial
                            Forensic investigation begins
                                                              Outside consultants

                                                                  Day 30
                                                            Engagement concludes;
                                                             security transformation
 35   ©2019 FireEye
                                                               project launched
Same security incident
…with the FireEye solution
Grady Summers
▪ Organization now has
                 Day 1 – 8:30am                                 FireEye Helix platform,
                                                                Email Security &
                                                                Expertise on Demand

Email ostensibly from Shelly Smith blocked at email           ▪ Average staff industry
gateway for further analysis.                                   experience is 1.6 yrs.

Action Taken                                                  ▪ No reverse engineer on
Helix displays a malicious object alert from Email Security
to the security team.                                         ▪ Does not have a
Threat Intelligence from FireEye displayed within Helix         documented and
immediately indicates this is credential stealing malware       tested incident
                                                                response plan
associated with a specific APT threat group.

 37   ©2019 FireEye
x                    Day 1 – 8:30 am                                  FireEye customers

                                                                          ▪ Targeted Executive
Email from Shelly Smith, CFO of ACME, is blocked                           Impersonation email
as potentially malicious. The email includes an                            blocked by FireEye
attachment she says is a past-due invoice. She                             Email Security
requests the vendor be paid immediately to
avoid disruption in the delivery of key                                   ▪ Alert flagged in Helix
manufacturing components.

Initial Recon:             Initial    Establish   Escalate     Complete
  Targeted               Compromise   Foothold    Privileges    Mission

   38    ©2019 FireEye
Helix Email Security Alert & Intelligence

                      Alert flagged
                        as critical

                                       IOC identified,
                                      with an overview
                                         of behavior

                                                            All available
                                                            resources a
                                                         single click away

 39   ©2019 FireEye
Double Click on Contextual Intelligence

                  We now know:
                  • The identified malware was used to steal credentials to gain a foothold in
                    the customer environment
                  • It is associated with a specific APT group (APT3)
                  • With a FireEye Intelligence subscription, we can deep-dive to learn about
                    associated tactics, techniques, and procedures used by this group

                                                         Click for
                                                     contextual intel
                                                     on the attacker

  ©2019 FireEye
                8:35am                                                         ▪ Organization now has
                                                                                 FireEye Helix platform,
                                                                                 Email Security &
                                                                                 Expertise on Demand
A second employee receives a similar email with a suspicious attachment
and forwards the message to SmartCo’s abuse inbox.                             ▪ Average staff industry
                                                                                 experience is 1.6 yrs

Action Taken                                                                   ▪ No reverse engineer
                                                                                 on staff
With Helix, the security team was notified from the first alert. Next steps:
▪ Use Investigative Tips tab for recommended next actions                      ▪ Does not have a
                                                                                 documented and
▪ Automations tab to quickly triage systems and find additional impacted         tested incident
  systems                                                                        response plan

With Expertise on Demand:
▪ Security team researches the threat with Analysis Tools
▪ Security team submits request for analyst support, included in their
  subscription package.

  42    ©2019 FireEye
Helix Investigative Tips Tab

                       suggest next

 43   ©2019 FireEye
                8:38am                                                              ▪ Organization now has
                                                                                      FireEye Helix platform,
                                                                                      Email Security &
                                                                                      Expertise on Demand
A security analyst deems this a critical alert and escalates the event to the SOC
manager.                                                                            ▪ Average staff industry
                                                                                      experience is 1.6 yrs

Action Taken                                                                        ▪ No reverse engineer
With Helix, the security team already assigned this to an analyst.                    on staff
With Expertise on Demand, they assess this is an active attacker threat.            ▪ Does not have a
                                                                                      documented and
The SOC manager has full visibility into this investigation.                          tested incident
                                                                                      response plan

  44    ©2019 FireEye
Engage directly with experts – from the Helix console

 45   ©2019 FireEye
                9:15am                                                            ▪ Organization now has
                                                                                    FireEye Helix platform,
                                                                                    Email Security &
                                                                                    Expertise on Demand
As the SOC manager, you review an email from the CFO with a (presumed)
malicious email attachment                                                        ▪ Average staff industry
Action Taken                                                                        experience is 1.6 yrs

With Helix and Email Security the security team sees all the email alerts, and    ▪ No reverse engineer
effectively block the threat from proliferating within the environment.             on staff

                                                                                  ▪ Does not have a
With Expertise on Demand, the security team accesses their Incident Response        documented and
Retainer and Threat Intelligence support to help them determine whether this is     tested incident
part of a known campaign or new targeted activity.                                  response plan

  46    ©2019 FireEye
Search results show emails from same sender

 47   ©2019 FireEye
Current “Known” Situation…
with Helix, Email Security & Expertise on Demand
▪ 50 legitimate employees received the email
▪ 25 employees opened the attachment
▪ 37 devices affected
▪ This was a targeted industry attack
▪ Attacker TTPs similar to that of a recently named APT Group

 48   ©2019 FireEye
                   10:17am                                                        ▪ Organization now has
                                                                                    Helix platform, Email
                                                                                    Security & Expertise on
The CISO asks you, the SOC manager, for a full debrief and recommended next
steps.                                                                            ▪ Average staff industry
                                                                                    experience is 1.6 years

Action Taken                                                                      ▪ No reverse engineer
                                                                                    on staff
Turn to Expertise on Demand for a Custom Threat Briefing and Incident Response.
                                                                                  ▪ Do not have
                                                                                    documented and
Your first recommendation is ….                                                     tested incident
                                                                                    response plan

                                                                                  ▪ No threat intelligence

  49    ©2019 FireEye
DAY         4:45pm

 ©2019 FireEye
The Power of Advanced
Contextual Threat Intelligence

Cobalt Strikeout                                                     Initial Detection
                                                                                                         0 Hours
Alert disguised as legitimate testing activity.

Leveraged internal FireEye resources to investigate and confirm
true attacker activity.

Frontline experience enabled FireEye team to connect attacker
activity to a previous client intrusion within the same industry.

In under 4 hours, FireEye was able to discover, attribute and
contain an aggressive threat actor that disguised itself to deeply
infiltrate the customers environment.

                                                                                                         3.5 Hours
                                                                      Attacker lost
                                                                     access to victim

                                                                                                           Managed Defense
                                                                                                          Alert to Containment
   52   ©2019 FireEye
Winning with FireEye
  Managed Defense in Action

                                                          12:21 UTC
9:03 UTC                                                                                    14:33 UTC

                                                Threat              Threat                        Scoped
                                               Detected          Investigated                   & Contained

                           Initial Detection

                                      10:57 UTC                                 13:40 UTC
                                                                                                     Total Time
           ©2019 FireEye                                                                         * 2018 FireEye Mtrends Report
                                                                                                 **2017 Ponemon Cost of a Data Breach Study

Intelligence-Led Detection
Identify intrusions that have evaded other controls to avoid security incidents

   Comprehensive                                                         Identify the
      Hunting                                                            Threats that
    Mitigate the risk of an        Leverage FireEye’s unique        Cut through the noise of
attacker going undetected           vantage point to identify        the “alert-cannon” to
 for an extended period of           emerging threats and              focus on the most
 time, exposing intellectual     campaigns which may impact         impactful threats, saving
property, sensitive customer       customers broadly, or in a         your team time and
data, or financial resources.     particular industry or region.             effort.

     ©2019 FireEye
Proof Points: Attacker Lifecycle
▪ Managed Defense is proven to help identify malicious activity early in the attacker
 lifecycle to help minimize the impact of a breach

                  Initial             Establish             Escalate               Internal
                Compromise            Foothold              Privileges              Recon

        43% 29% 9%                                                                 2%
                         Threats found by Managed Defense Analysts at Each Stage

     ©2019 FireEye
Our Mission       To relentlessly protect security-conscious
                  organizations and critical infrastructure
                  from cyber threats with innovative
                  technology and expertise learned on the
                  front lines of cyber attacks.

  ©2019 FireEye
Did you have fun?
(as much as you can at
  8am on a Tuesday?)               No


                             It Depends

                         Go to
 57   ©2019 FireEye
                         PIN: 177889
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