Daily Eastern News: February 26, 2019 - The Keep

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Daily Eastern News: February 26, 2019
Eastern Illinois University

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HANDLING MIDTERMS                                                                                             FIRST WIN
Students on campus shared the various                                                                         Eastern's baseball team has won its first
ways they have been preparing for and                                                                         win of the season against Eastern
dealing with midterms in recent weeks.                                                                        Kentucky, with a score of 8-1.
                                              PAGE 3                                                                                               PAGE 8

       D aily E astern N ews

Tuesday, February 26, 2019                                              “TELL THE TRUTH AND DON’T BE AFRAID ”                                                                      VOL. 103 | NO. 108
CE L E B RATI NG A CE NTUR Y OF COV E RA GE 		                                                        E S T . 1 915			                                W W W . D A I L Y E A S TE R N N E W S . C O M

Speakers to
discuss global
issues at
By Logan Raschke
News Editor | @LoganRaschke

   Sammy Rangel, executive director of the Life
After Hate nonprofit organization, will talk about
his past experiences as a former violent extremist
at the Eighth Annual Interdisciplinary Center for
Global Diversity Symposium Tuesday afternoon.
   According to the ICGD program, Rangel
joined the Maniac Latin Disciples gang when he
was 11 years old.
   After a number of years of violence and spend-
ing time in and out of mental institutions, foster
homes and detention homes, Rangel decided to
pursue his education after checking himself into a
drug abuse program, the ICGD program says. He
then began working for the Wisconsin Safe Streets
Outreach Program.
   Now, Rangel helps law enforcement to prevent
and reduce violent extremism and is also the au-
thor of his own autobiography, "Fourbears: The                                                                                                                   JORDAN BOYER | THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS
Myths of Forgiveness," according to the ICGD            Team Watermelon's members talk with each other during the Historical Twist NAACP Jeopardy game Monday night in the Coleman Auditorium.
   The Life After Hate nonprofit that Rangel is ex-
ecutive director of is comprised of other former vi-    Students play
olent extremists as well, said James Ochwa-Echel,
an Eastern professor and the director of ICGD.
   “The (Life After Hate) organization works to
                                                        Jeopardy game
counter violent extremism and offers outreach,
consultations, interventions and support systems
for individuals who have successfully disengaged
from violent extremism among other things,” he          By Austen Brown
said.                                                   Staff Reporter | @DEN_news
   Rangel also went on to found Formers Anony-
mous, he said.                                             Students competed in an NAACP-themed
   “(Formers Anonymous is) a national self-help         game of Jeopardy at the Coleman Auditorium
group based on a 12-step model meant to help            Monday night.
criminal addicts addicted to street life and violence      The categories included quotes from famous
who are looking for support, change and recovery,”      equal rights activists, movies and television shows
Ochwa-Echel said.                                       featuring well-known African-American actors
   In addition to Rangel’s speech, there are oth-       and prominent civil rights events and figures.
er speakers of note that will be presenting their          Students who attended the event were divided
own perspectives on globally diverse subjects at the    into two teams and competed against each other.
symposium.                                                 They fired back and forth, answering ques-
   From noon until 1 p.m., a complementary              tions about African-American history topics
lunch will be provided for all speakers and guests      ranging from inquiries about famous activists
in attendance.                                          like Malcolm X and Mahatma Gandhi to the
   After lunch, Rangel’s speech lasts from 1 p.m.       television show “The Boondock Saints” and the                                                            JORDAN BOYER | THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS
until 2 p.m.                                            rapper Drake.                                         Eastern President David Glassman sits and watches the Historical Twist NAACP Jeopardy game
                           SYMPOSIUM, page 5                                         JEOPARDY, page 5         Monday night in the Coleman Auditorium.

Fraternities, sororities to pair up for Greek Week 2019
By Carole Hodorowicz                                    2018 results, the fraternity participation was        chapters.
Staff Reporter | @DEN_news                              low:
                                                           • Zero fraternities participated in Panther
                                                                                                                 Laramie Artega, senior marketing major
                                                                                                              and the other Greek Week overall co-chair,
                                                                                                                                                                Greek Week pairings
   Fraternities and sororities will be paired up        Service Day                                           said Greek Week is important for Eastern’s       1. Sigma Sigma Sigma + Sigma
for Greek Week 2019.                                       • One fraternity participated in trivia            campus because it brings unity and gets the
                                                                                                                                                                 Phi Epsilon + Alpha Sigma
   Other changes made to Greek Week 2019                   • One fraternity participated in pyramids          chapters involved in the Greek community.
include removing the GPA requirement and                   • Two fraternities participated in tugs               Cash said Greek Week is important because       Alpha
replacing Cans for Construction with making                • Two fraternities participated in Cans for        it something people can look forward to in       2. Sigma Pi + Delta Delta Delta
tie blankets.                                           Construction                                          the spring semester.                             3. Delta Chi + Alpha Sigma Tau
   The pairings consist of one fraternity and              • Three fraternities participated in airband          “It’s something fun, and everyone loves       4. Kappa Delta + Phi Kappa
one sorority, with the exception of one pair-              The pairings will form teams for pyramids          competition. I think that’s one of the best
ing consisting of two sororities and one frater-        and airband together. Tugs will remain a sep-         parts. You can really get people going and
nity due to the low number of members.                  arate event, with each fraternity and each so-        get people together for the base of a compe-     5. Lambda Chi Alpha + Alpha
   These changes have to do with one thing:             rority forming its own independent teams.             tition,” Cash said. “Also again, the unity as-     Gamma Delta
involvement.                                               “I know last year some fraternities were           pect because yes our community is pretty         6. Pi Kappa Alpha + Sigma
   “Last year, people were calling it a ‘PHC            like, ‘We want to participate, but we just            close, but I think with the pairings you make      Kappa
(Panhellenic) Week.’ And that’s not what we             don’t have the numbers. We can’t get people,'”        it even closer because now you might get a
                                                                                                                                                               7. Delta Zeta + Sigma Nu
want,” said Rebecca Cash, senior public rela-           Cash said.                                            new friend out of it.”
tions major and Greek Week overall co-chair.               She said the pairings will help with deep-                                                          8. Sigma Alpha Epsilon + Alpha
“It’s Greek Week.”                                      ening the Greek unity on Eastern’s campus as                    Carole Hodorowicz can be reached at      Phi
   Last year, according to the Greek Week               well as increase participation from the Greek                    581-2812 or cdhodorowicz@eiu.edu.
2       THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS | AP NEWS                                                                                                                                                                             TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2019

Local weather                                                 STATE AND NATION
     TUESDAY                   WEDNESDAY
                                                                 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

                                                             R. Kelly leaves jail                                                                            Methodist                                     Trump, Kim to
                                                                                                                                                                                                           start summit with
                                                                                                                                                             Church on
    Partly Cloudy
       High: 45°
                                     High: 44°
                                                             after posting $100K                                                                             edge of
                                                                                                                                                                                                           private dinner on
                                                             in sex abuse case
       Low: 31°                      Low: 23°
                                                                                                                                                             breakup over                                     President Donald Trump will be-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           gin his second summit with North
                                                                CHICAGO (AP) — R. Kelly walked              prosecutors video evidence that he said
                                                                                                                                                             LGBT stand                                    Korea's Kim Jong Un with a private

T h e D a i ly
                                                             out of a Chicago jail Monday after post-       showed Kelly having sex with an under-                                                         dinner Wednesday.
                                                             ing $100,000 bail that will allow him to       age girl.                                           ST. LOUIS (AP) — The United                   The White House said Monday

 Eastern News
                                                             go free while awaiting trial on charges            Avenatti said the second video involves      Methodist Church teetered on the brink        that the leaders' two-day meeting
                                                             that he sexually abused four people dat-       a 14-year-old girl. He said the footage          of breakup Monday after more than half        in Hanoi will begin with an official
                                                             ing back to 1998, including three under-       from 1999 or 2000 is about 55 minutes            the delegates at an international confer-     greeting and a meal.
    “Tell the truth and don’t be afraid.”                    age girls.                                     long, but he did not say if it was the same      ence voted to maintain bans on same-sex          Trump will be joined by Secretary
                                                                Hours earlier, the R&B star pleaded         14-year-old girl seen in the first video he      weddings and ordination of gay clergy.        of State Mike Pompeo and White
                                                             not guilty to the allegations after spending   turned over to the authorities.                     Their favored plan, if formally ap-        House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney.
   The Daily Eastern News                                    the weekend behind bars. He said little            "The conduct in the tape can be de-          proved, could drive supporters of LGBT        Kim will also have two aides present
         1802 Buzzard Hall
 Eastern Illinois University                                 during the brief arraignment, telling the      scribed as nothing short of outrageous, il-      inclusion to leave America's second-larg-     and both men will have translators.
      Charleston, IL 61920                                   judge only his name. His lawyers spoke         legal. It leaves no question as to Mr. Kel-      est Protestant denomination.                     Trump and Kim will then hold a
              217-581-2812                                   on his behalf.                                 ly's guilt," Avenatti said.                         A final vote on rival plans for the        series of official meetings Thursday.
        217-581-2923 (fax)                                      The singer-songwriter was arrested              Avenatti said he is aware of a third tape,   church's future won't come until Tues-           Trump is set to land in Vietnam
                                                             Friday on 10 counts of aggravated sexu-        but he did not provide details.                  day's closing session, and the outcome        late Tuesday and will have meetings
                                                             al abuse. A judge set bond at $1 million,          Defense attorney Steve Greenberg reit-       remains uncertain. But the preliminary        with the host country's president and
    News Staff                      Advertising              meaning Kelly had to post 10 percent of        erated at a news conference that Kelly has       vote Monday showed that the Tradi-            prime minister the next day before
                                       Staff                 that amount to be released. He will be for-    done nothing wrong and said no one has           tional Plan, which calls for keeping the      seeing Kim.
  Analicia Haynes                                            bidden from having any contact with fe-        shown him any evidence to the contrary.          LGBT bans and enforcing them more                Trump and Kim first met last
                                   Faculty Advisers
                                   Editorial Adviser
                                                             males younger than 18.                             "Everybody is entitled to a defense. Ev-     strictly, had the support of 56 percent       June in Singapore, a summit that
                                    Lola Burnham                The recording artist has been trailed for   erybody is entitled to the presumption of        of the more than 800 delegates attend-        yielded powerful images but few
  Managing Editor
    Kristen Ed                                               decades by allegations that he violated un-    innocence. We should all be taking a step        ing the three-day conference in St. Louis.    concrete steps for North Korea's
                                    Photo Adviser
                                     Brian Poulter
                                                             derage girls and women and held some as        back. Let's see what happens, what the ev-          The primary alternative propos-            denuclearization.
    gmail.com                                                virtual slaves. Kelly has consistently de-     idence is and how this plays out," Green-        al, called the One Church Plan, was
                                   Website Adviser           nied any sexual misconduct, and he was         berg said.                                       rebuffed in a separate preliminary
     News Editor
    Logan Raschke
                                    Brian Poulter            acquitted of child pornography charges in          Details of the allegations against Kel-      vote, getting only 47 percent support.        UK lawmakers
    dennewsdesk@                                             2008.                                          ly emerged Saturday when the prosecu-            Backed by a majority of the church's
                                     Lola Burnham               Attorney Michael Avenatti, who said         tion released four detailed documents —          Council of Bishops in hopes of avoid-         pursue strategies
  Associate News
                                  Business Manager
                                     Betsy Jewell
                                                             he represents two Kelly accusers, said his
                                                             legal team gave prosecutors a second video
                                                                                                            one for each accuser — outlining the ba-
                                                                                                            sis for the charges. The allegations date
                                                                                                                                                             ing a schism, it would leave decisions
                                                                                                                                                             about same-sex marriage and ordi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           to delay Brexit
   Corryn Brock                                              Monday that shows Kelly sexually abus-         back as far as 1998 and span more than           nation of LGBT clergy up to region-              Britain's main opposition Labour
                                   Press Supervisor          ing a minor. Avenatti previously gave          a decade.                                        al bodies and would remove language           Party has thrown its weight behind
                                     Tom Roberts
                                                                                                                                                             from the church's law book asserting          efforts to hold a new referendum on
    Photo Editor                                                                                                                                             that "the practice of homosexuality is        the country's European Union mem-
                                      Night Staff
    Jordan Boyer
                                     for this issue
                                                             Nigerian president takes early                                                                  incompatible with Christian teaching."
                                                                                                                                                                Monday's voting did not kill the One
                                                                                                                                                                                                              The party has previously said it
                                                             lead amid vote-rigging charge
                                      Night Chief
                                       Kristen Ed                                                                                                            Church Plan but makes its prospects on        would support a referendum as a last
   Assistant Photo
                                                                                                                                                             Tuesday far more difficult.                   resort if it could not secure a new
                                      Copy Editors
    Thalia Rouley
                                     Logan Raschke
                                                                KANO, Nigeria (AP) — Nigerian                  As of midnight, Abubakar had won                 "This is really painful," said David       election or make changes to Prime
   DENphotodesk@                                             President Muhammadu Buhari surged to           three southern states and the territory that     Watson, a dean and professor at United        Minister Theresa May's EU divorce
                                   Sports Designer           an early lead in election returns Monday,      includes the capital, Abuja. Buhari led by       Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio,         deal.
                                      JJ Bullock             winning seven of 36 states in Africa's larg-   more than 450,000 votes overall.                 who was at the gathering. "Our disagree-         In a change of emphasis, the par-
    Sports Editor
      JJ Bullock                                             est democracy, while the main opposition          Abubakar's party chairman, Uche Sec-          ment has pitted friend against friend,        ty says leader Jeremy Corbyn told La-
  Assistant Sports
                                                             rejected the count, alleging manipulation.     ondus, accused ruling party agents of            which no one wanted."                         bour lawmakers on Monday that the
        Editor                                                  Election observers said the last-min-       hacking into the electoral commission's             Formed in a merger in 1968, the            party is committed to "putting for-
  Dillan Schorfheide                                         ute postponement of the vote until Satur-      computer server and manipulating re-             United Methodist Church claims about          ward or supporting an amendment
                                                             day discouraged some Nigerians from go-        sults. He rejected the count as "incorrect,      12.6 million members worldwide, in-           in favor of a public vote to prevent a
                                                             ing to the polls as Buhari seeks a second      thus unacceptable."                              cluding nearly 7 million in the U.S.          damaging Tory Brexit being forced on
Get social with The Daily Eastern News                       term heading a country troubled by cor-           The ruling party dismissed the claim          While other mainline Protestant denom-        the country."
                                                             ruption, insecurity and a weak economy.        and accused Abubakar's party of trying           inations, such as the Episcopal and Pres-        Britain is due to leave the EU on
       The Daily Eastern News                                   Buhari, a former military dictator          to discredit the election. Spokesman Fes-        byterian (U.S.A.) churches, have em-          March 29 but Parliament has so
                                                             from the north, faced a strong challenge       tus Keyamo urged the opposition not to           braced the two gay-friendly practices,        far rejected the deal struck between
       dailyeasternnews                                      from top opposition candidate Atiku            "derail us to the dark past with its child-      the Methodist church still officially bans    May's government and the bloc. Par-
                                                             Abubakar, a former vice president and          ish antics."                                     them, even though acts of defiance by         liament is due to hold a series of votes
       @DEN_News                                             businessman, in a race many saw as too            Final results are expected on Tuesday         pro-LGBT clergy have multiplied and           Wednesday on next steps in the Brex-
                                                             close to call.                                 or Wednesday.                                    talk of a possible breakup has intensified.   it process.
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                                                               8th Annual Interdisciplinary Center for Global Diversity Symposium | 1:00 - 2:00 PM |
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                                                                     Keynote speaker Mr. Sammy Rangel will present, “Is there Life after hate?: The Life experiences
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TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2019										                                                                                                                   THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS | NEWS
   Midterm time
   Students on campus share
   how they have prepared
   By Shamaine Ware                       are and how in-depth they are is             “I need these classes to move
   Contributing Writer | @lovethyshae     what (makes me nervous),” Fish-          forward, so if I don’t pass them,
                                          er said.                                 it would make me a sophomore
       Students on campus have been           She is in the library every day      again next semester instead of a
   preparing for midterms for the last    preparing for her upcoming mid-          junior,” Garcia said.
   three weeks.                           terms, Fisher said.                          Even though she is nervous,
       Jacob Myers, a junior major-           “I’m really stressed about the       Garcia said she is determined to
   ing in criminal justice, said he had   midterms because a lot depends           pass all of her midterms.
   three midterms, and they were          on it,” Fisher said.                         Rebecca McDaniel, a soph-
   giving him anxiety.                        Fisher is most stressed about        omore majoring in middle-lev-
       “I’m scared about the questions    her biology exam, she said.              el mathematics with an enhance-
   (on the midterms). Are they going          “I need a C or better in the         ment in elementary education,
   to match what was on the study         class in order to get in the nursing     said she has two midterms.
   guide?” Myers said.                    program, so that is the class I stress       McDaniel said she studies as
       He prepared for his midterms       about the most,” Fisher said.            much as she can every day.
   by studying in the library using           Fisher is still studying and pre-        “I just sit in my room with my
   study guides, and it took him sev-     paring to take her midterm ex-           headphones and read the (text-
   eral hours, sometimes spanning         ams, she said.                           book),” McDaniel said.
   over sleepless nights, Myers said.         Samantha Garcia, a sophomore             She also has plenty of places
       After all that hard studying,      majoring in family and consum-           she likes to study, McDaniel said.
   Mysers said he is done with his        er sciences, said she has five mid-          “We have a lounge in Taylor
   midterms this semester.                terms.                                   Hall; we have a lobby, the base-
       “I just took my last midterm           “I give myself two hours each        ment and my room, but if (what
   for my law class. I was scared be-     day to study for each class,” Gar-       I’m studying for) is really impor-
   cause it was all essay questions,      cia said                                 tant, I go to the library,” McDan-
   so I had to really apply what I            She studies off campus with          iel said.
   learned in class,” Myers said.         notecards, flash cards and a lot             McDaniel does not study for
       Now that he has finished all his   of group studies, but she is still       long periods of time because she
   midterms, he said he feels pretty      stressed about midterms, Garcia          said she is not nervous about her
   good about them.                       said.                                    upcoming midterms.
       Aspen Fisher, a freshman ma-           “I got certain classes that (have)       “In total, I study for two hours
   joring in pre-nursing, said she        more material and (need) more            a week, maybe 30 minutes a day,”
   is really nervous about her mid-       work than other classes, so it is        McDaniel said.
   terms.                                 more (stressful),” Garcia said.
       “College is nothing like high          Garcia is also worried about           Shamaine Ware can be reached
   school, so the transition of the       not passing the midterms, she                         at 581-2812 or at
   testing styles, how long (the tests)   said.                                                 sdware@eiu.edu.                                                 PHOTO BY LOGAN R ASCHKE |
                                                                                                                                                                  THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS

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                                                                                                                                                                                  T h e D ai l y Eastern News
                                                                                                                                                                                      W W W. DA I LY E A S T E R N N E W S . C O M
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Tuesday, 02.26.19

                                                                                                                                                                          STAFF EDITORIAL
                          Forget endless wishes; I want a nap
                                                                                                                                                                         is not OK;
                                                                                                                                                                         tell your
                                                                                                                                                                         the truth
                                                                                                                                                                             You are not in an open relationship if you
                                                                                                                                                                         are the only one who knows about it; you just
                                                                                                                                                                             As relationships evolve and change into be-
                                                                                                                                                                         ing a variety of things, we at The Daily Eastern
                                                                                                                                                                         News believe in being honest with yourself and
                                                                                                                                                                         your partner(s) about what you are doing.
                                                                                                                                                                             If what you are doing is telling your part-
                                                                                                                                                                         ner what you are doing (and who) you are do-
                                                                                                                                                                         ing outside of the two of you and they are OK
                                                                                                              MAURICE TOLBERT | THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS
                                                                                                                                                                         with it, then you are in an open relationship.
                                                                                                                                                                             If what you are doing is going behind your
                                                                                                                                                                         partner’s back and they are unaware of what is
                                                                                                                                                                         going on between you and a third party, you

Instead of hating on people, stay quiet                                                                                                                                  are cheating.
                                                                                                                                                                             According to Taylor and Francis Online,
                                                                                                                                                                         one in five participants in a study report-
   I was introduced to Lil Pump’s music a                                                                       one of the most talked-about rappers in the              ed engaging in consensual nonmonogamy at
couple of years ago by a friend, and my re-                                                                     world. However, much of that talk comes                  one point in their lifetime, and the results re-
action was the same as many who listen to                                                                       with controversy, whether it’s about his brash           mained constant age, education level, income,
the rapper’s music for the first time: what is                                                                  musical style or his equally brash behavior,             religion, region, political affiliation and race,
this? Keep in mind, this was before “Gucci                                                                      and with that controversy comes criticism                but it varied with individuals’ gender and sex-
Gang” and the Kanye collaboration “I Love                                                                       and even hate. Lots of hate, actually. Why?              ual orientation.
It.” At the time, Lil Pump had only a hand-                                                                     I’m not sure; I guess people don’t have any-                 With statistics showing consensual non-mo-
ful of singles to his name and may have been                                                                    thing else to do with their sad lives.                   nogamous relationships being common comes
best known for his repeated disses of J. Cole,                                                                     Here’s my point: what’s with all the hate?            the responsibility of making sure that what you
as well as his online courting of Miranda Cos-                                                                  Sure, Lil Pump may not be mentioned along-               think is your open relationship is what your
grove.                                                                                                          side rap greats like Jay-Z and 2Pac, or mod-             partner thinks your relationship is.
   If you’re not familiar with Lil Pump and                                                                     ern titans like Kendrick Lamar. Who cares? I                 We at The Daily Eastern News encourage
therefore have no idea what I’m talking                                                                         didn’t care for Pump’s music when I first lis-           people to feel confident to do what they want
about, let me give you an idea of who ex-                          JACKSON BAYER                                tened, but I just left it there – there’s no rea-        within their relationships but to also keep oth-
actly he is. Lil Pump is a rapper from Mi-                                                                      son to go any further. Growing up, my mom                er factors in mind while doing it.
ami, Florida who started to gain notoriety in           tention of listening again. But as time went            used to tell me “if you don’t have anything                  Obviously, make sure your partner is aware
2016 through a stream of singles on Sound-              on, you know what happened? I found my-                 nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” That al-        that the two of you are not just the two of you,
Cloud and plenty of antics on Instagram.                self getting mind-numbingly ignorant to Lil             ways annoyed me as a child, but now, that’s              meaning they are aware that your relationship
His biggest hit is the aforementioned “Guc-             Pump’s music, despite my initial reaction. I            my exact message to everyone who’s still read-           is fluid and not only between the two of you.
ci Gang,” which released in 2017. He bought             even started using his catch phrases “ouu” and          ing this column: why be a hater?                             Also, make sure you and your partner get
a Porsche and then crashed it. He claims to             “esketit” with some regularity, and sometimes              This isn’t an endorsement of Lil Pump                 tested frequently for sexually transmitted infec-
have dropped out of Harvard to save the rap             not even ironically. I didn’t know what was             and/or his music, nor is it a positive review            tions and sexually transmitted diseases to en-
game, as evidenced by his latest album, Har-            happening to me.                                        of Harverd Dropout, or anything of the sort              sure both of your physical health.
verd Dropout (misspelling intended), which                 You may not care for Lil Pump’s music,               – I’m just saying, if you’re going to say some-              However, physical health isn’t the only im-
released last Friday.                                   and you may not even consider his music                 thing hateful, maybe just be quiet instead.              portant thing to keep in mind. Talk to your
   I didn’t like Lil Pump’s music when I first          to be “music,” but you can’t ignore his ener-                                                                    partner regularly about how they feel about
heard it. I saw it as too repetitive and devoid         gy. It’s infectious. There’s no way around it.            Jackson Bayer is a senior creative writing major. He   the relationship and encourage them to be
of any kind of substance. I had no real in-             It’s proven to be successful, too; Lil Pump is            can be reached at 581-2812 or at jcbayer@eiu.edu.      open about their feelings on it. Make sure you
                                                                                                                                                                         feel the same confidence to talk to your part-
                                                                                                                                                                         ner as well.
                                                                                                                                                                             At the end of the day, how you chose to be

Gen Z, Gen X both have texting problems                                                                                                                                  in a relationship is up to you, but make sure
                                                                                                                                                                         it’s mutually beneficial and that there is a com-
                                                                                                                                                                         mon understanding of what the relationship is.
   My generation, the Gen Z (or iGen), gets a                                                                   tion and would have to ask the same question a
lot of hate for being on our phones, and I’m not                                                                few times in order to get the parents to look up         The daily editorial is the majority opinion of
going to make any excuses for us, but I am go-                                                                  and respond.                                             the editorial board of The Daily Eastern News.
ing to draw attention to those Gen Xs (iGen’s                                                                      After looking around the rest of the restaurant,
parents and grandparents) that are just as guilty                                                               there was another parent and a young teenager
of the addiction to technology as everyone else                                                                 who, this time, were both on their phones, not in-
claims we are.
   There are clear differences between those who
                                                                                                                teracting at all with each other.
                                                                                                                   And the depressing, isolating trend continued
                                                                                                                                                                          Letters to the Editor
have grown up with technology and those who did                                                                 throughout the room.                                      Those interested can inquire at
not; however, all differences need to be set aside                                                                 Most of the people at these tables were glued to       opinions.DEN@gmail.com for all
when we are at the dinner table (even if that din-                                                              their screens almost the entire time they spent at        opinion questions, submissions
ner table is at a little restaurant).                                                                           the restaurant— with the small exception of them
   There is nothing more disrespectful than                                                                     actually eating their food.
                                                                                                                                                                          and letters to the editor.
someone being on their phone when at a
                                                               NATALEE REYNOLDS                                    My point is yeah, my generation is guilty of           Please allow a week for us to pub-
restaurant.                                             four: parents, a daughter and a son. Both of the        having an addiction to technology and the “satis-         lish letters to the editor.
   I usually don’t notice it too much because the       kids seemed to be teenagers, but what struck me         faction” that our screens seem to provide us. But         The Editor reserves the right to not
people I eat with are usually pretty good about         was not them, but rather their parents.                 the Gen X’s are just as bad, if not worse.                publish letters.
keeping conversation and not being on their                The kids talked to one another and laughed              It’s time to detach ourselves from the screens. At
phones, but the other day my boyfriend and I were       back and forth while both of the parents were pre-      the very least, during dinner time.
                                                                                                                                                                          Please include your name and
celebrating a late Valentine’s Day date at a Japanese   occupied on their phones on the opposite side of                                                                  phone number to verify letters.
restaurant in Evansville, Indiana, and we both no-      the booth.                                                 Natalee Reynolds is a sophomore English and cre-       For more information please call
ticed the surrounding tables.                              There were several moments, though, when the         ative writing major. She can be reached at 581-2812       217-581-2812.
   At one table in particular, there was a family of    two siblings would try to get their parents’ atten-                               or at nmreynolds@eiu.edu.
                  Editorial Board
Editor- in-Chief             Managing Editor            News Editor               Associate News Editor            Sports Editor         Assistant Sports Editor          Photo Editor            Assistant Photo Editor
Analicia Haynes              Kristen Ed                 Logan Raschke             Corryn Brock                     JJ Bullock            Dillan Schorfheide               Jordan Boyer            Thalia Rouley
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2019        								                                                                                                                                                  THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS | NEWS
                                                                                                                                            UB to host night of
    The “Final Jeopardy” question was
about Ida B. Wells and her involvement
in the founding of the NAACP.
                                                                                                                                            karaoke, bowling
    In the end, the winners were award-                                                                                                     By Logan Raschke                                     While finding the courage to get up
ed African-American Heritage Month-                                                                                                         News Editor | @LoganRaschke                      on stage and sing in front of strangers
themed pin-back buttons.                                                                                                                                                                     can be nerve wracking at first, King said
    Kortney Lucius, a junior biology pre-                                                                                                       Students, faculty, staff and people          the experience is a lot of fun.
medicine major, said the game was made                                                                                                      from the Charleston community can                    Instead of focusing on everyone else
by Eastern’s NAACP board members.                                                                                                           sing and bowl their hearts out at Univer-        in the crowd, she said it helps to just let
    “Each member (of the board) came                                                                                                        sity Board’s first Karaoke Bowling Tues-         everything all out on the stage.
up with a selected topic and the secretary                                                                                                  day night.                                           “If you’re a little bit nervous (to sing
composed them,” Lucius said.                                                                                                                    Sienna Mark, a junior health admin-          karaoke), I feel like it kind of comes with
    The board’s secretary, Tykyla Crockett,                                                                                                 istration major and the special events co-       the territory. Even I still get nervous, but
a sophomore early childhood education                                                   JORDAN BOYER | THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS
                                                                                                                                            ordinator for UB, said she is expecting a        I think (people should) just kind of take
major, was the one who put the whole            Raven Gant, a pre-medicine major, plays Jeopardy at the NAACP Historical Twist              little over 100 people to attend Karaoke         a deep breath, go up (to the stage) and
game together.                                  Monday night in the Coleman Auditorium.                                                     Bowling.                                         just be (themselves), have fun and leave
    This game was one of several activities                                                                                                     She said UB is paying for the first 100      it all on the stage,” King said. “As long as
to be hosted by the NAACP for African-             Lucius and Crockett said it is impor-      a look on different cultures.”                people who show up to bowl for free and          you’re having fun and you’re enjoying it,
American Heritage Month that will be            tant to attend events like this to widen a        Some other events in relation to Afri-    everyone else pays $1 per game.                  you should go.”
open for all students to attend.                person’s perspective on diversity and the     can-American Heritage Month this Feb-             Free pizza will also be available for ev-        King emphasized that Karaoke Bowl-
    Lucius said that any students interest-     struggles of minority groups.                 ruary were the Miss Black EIU pageant         eryone and the University Food Court             ing is a totally safe place for people who
ed could attend the NAACP’s showing of             “Attending multicultural events in gen-    last weekend and “The Evolution of the        will still be open, so people can purchase       love singing to try out karaoke, and she
“The Hate U Give” on Wednesday, which           eral—whether it’s African-American, His-      Black Woman” on Feb. 18.                      soft drinks and other food from there            is very excited to entertain and hear oth-
is a movie that highlights police harass-       panic, Caucasian—give you a sense of              Upcoming events for African-Ameri-        and bring it to the bowling alley if they        ers.
ment of African-Americans.                      where everybody is in life and where they     can Heritage Month include “Black Ex-         want, Mark said.                                     In fact, King said she is looking for-
    “’The Hate U Give’ is a movie that re-      want to go,” Lucius said. “And they also      cellence—The Importance of Gradu-                 Lauren King, sophomore public rela-          ward to getting on the stage to sing a few
flects the racial profiling from police offi-   give you a sense of inclusion of how you      ate School,” hosted by the Black Gradu-       tions major and the spotlight coordina-          songs herself.
cers, and we … want to bring that to light      can better them and how they can better       ate School Association, and the Interdisci-   tor for UB, said people who want to sing             “I think I’m going to sing Ariana
on campus at Eastern,” he said.                 you.”                                         plinary Center for Global Diversity Sym-      karaoke have a wide variety of genres and        Grande’s ‘God is a Woman,’” she said.
    He also said that he had received re-          “(Eastern is) known as a diverse com-      posium; both will take place Tuesday and      artists to pick from.                            “I think I want to do some TV karaoke
ports of police harassing black students on     munity,” Crockett said, expanding on the      conclude the events for African-American          “If you want to sing gospel songs, you       things (like) Hannah Montana’s ‘The
campus recently via email.                      importance of attending events hosted         Heritage Month.                               can sing gospel. If you want to sing rock        Best of Both Worlds’ and maybe some
    “We felt before the month of February       by equal rights groups. “I think that you                                                   songs, you can sing rock songs. Pretty           High School Musical—a kickback to
ended that we should address these issues;      get a different (idea) of being diverse … I        Austen Brown can be reached at           much you get to choose what you want             Disney.”
that’s why we had this event,” he said.         think (attending these events) gives people      581-2812 or at albrown6@eiu.edu.           to sing,” she said.                                  Karaoke Bowling will last from 5
                                                                                                                                                Guests can also plug in their phones         p.m. until 7 p.m. at the Bowling Lanes,
                                                                                                                                            to the karaoke machine if they have spe-         which is located on the bottom floor of
»    SYMPOSIUM                                  tion: Evidence-based Demystification
                                                of the Kanto Massacre of Koreans in Ja-
                                                                                              presentation, “Twitter, Television and
                                                                                              Sexism: Comparing the Live Tweeting
                                                                                                                                            cific songs they want to play, she said.
                                                                                                                                                With it being midterms week, King
                                                                                                                                                                                             the Martin Luther King Jr. University
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1                           pan, 1923.”                                   Practices of Viewers of Serial Program-       said Karaoke Bowling is a great oppor-
   After Rangel, Vanesa Landrus will               In addition, Myrtle Castro will pres-      ming, Reality Television and Political        tunity for students to relax and unwind               Logan Raschke can be reached at
present “The Politics of Identity in Es-        ent “Awkward Alliance: An Analysis            News Coverage” at 5 p.m.                      from the stress of studying for tests.               581-2812 or at lrraschke@eiu.edu.
meralda Santiago’s 'Casinua Mujer,'”            of American and Philippine Relations             The Symposium will take place in
Katherine Lewandowski will present              from 1965-1989,” Razak Dwomoh will            the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the Martin
“Turning the Tide: Trends in Partici-           present “The Development and Impli-           Luther King Jr. University Union.             CORRECTION
pation of Women in Oceanography”                cations of Social Studies/History Cur-                                                         The staff editorial in Monday's edition of The Daily Eastern News incorrectly
and then Jinhee Lee will talk “Record-          ricula in Ghana” and the Symposium                 Logan Raschke can be reached at          identified Jussie Smollett's status. He is facing charges of disorderly conduct for
ing and Revealing Toward Reconcilia-            will come to a close with Melissa Ames’           581-2812 or at lrraschke@eiu.edu.         allegedly filing a false police report.

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                                                                                                                           9:00 AM - 3:00 PM                                                     counterproductive.
                                                                                                                           6:00 PM - 9:00 PM                                                   Be sure to schedule a
                                                                                                                                                                                                few breaks into your
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6   THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS | REVIEW                                                                                                                                                              TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2019


Season 2 of ‘The Dragon Prince’ does not disappoint
   The following review contains spoil- do it in the end because of the love he
ers for “The Dragon Prince” season had for his little brother and decided
two.                                       to keep all of dread and burden with-
   Netflix recently released “The Drag- in him.
on Prince” season two, and it is way          Due to this and other factors, Cal-
better than the first season. I was not lum goes on a spiritual quest within
expecting to get another season so his own mind, and by the end of it, he
quick, being that season one only de- finds enlightenment and clarity, thus in
buted five months ago. Hopefully they turn, granting him the true power of
stick with this schedule because I am al- primordial magic. When Ezran finds
ready hyped for season three.              out about the news of his father’s death,
   If you are not aware, “The Dragon his character takes a drastic turn. Him
Prince” is an animated fantasy tale that being the direct heir to the throne,
mainly follows three main heroes Princ- he made the choice to leave Ray-
es Callum (Jack De Sena), Ezran (Sasha la and Callum and return to his right-                  JORDAN BOYER
Rojen) and their new Moonshadow elf ful throne. He knew he had to lead his
comrade Rayla (Paula Burrows). They people and they needed a true leader vos, and this leads to what seems to be
travel across the world in order to re- due, so he made the decision to not ful- a betrayal. But it is left on a cliffhanger,
turn the Dragon Prince Azymondias to fill his quest with his best friends.             so we viewers are not entirely sure what
his rightful land and father, the Drag-       Both mini character arks are a com- happened. Viren is a great antagonist;
on King. This does sound like a cliché ing of age story for Callum and Ezran. he is shown to be conflicted with his
fantasy tale, but this brief synopsis does They both have matured and grown up inner morals before and after the death
not begin to breakdown the greatness in a sense by the end of the season; no of King Harrow, but Aravos has got a
of this show.                              longer are they the goofy kids they once crazy mystery surrounding him.
   Season two took what made season were.                                                 Why is he imprisoned in this mir-
one so interesting and impactful and          The most hyped aspect of the new ror? What happened during and after
expanded upon it to build the world season was the character Aravos. Aravos that mini flashback that had his cam-
even further and fleshed out our char- is actually teased in the pilot during the eo appearance?
acter’s struggles within themselves and mini flash back to describe the primal            He is also an extremely powerful
the world around them.                     sources of magic and the introduction mage, channeling his magic into Viren,
   The best aspects of this season are of dark magic in the world. He is also he is shown using powerful primordial
the strong advances in character devel- the narrator for that small flashback.         spells in succession. He is a very charm-
                                                                                                                                                                                 PHOTO TAKEN FROM CREATIVE COMMONS
opment and the introduction of new            Aravos is a Startouch Elf (the only ing and charismatic character that has
interesting characters.                    one we have seen so far in the series), the hype to fulfill the role of the big
   Let’s start off with two of our three and he is revealed to be trapped in bad in the series. This due to the fact                   me on this series. Also, for those of you     lot of inspiration from Avatar, so if you
main heroes, Callum and Ezran. At some kind of magic mirror for who that I can easily see Viren getting some                           who grew up watching the show “Ava-           enjoyed that series, you will enjoy this
separate points in the story, they both knows how long. Viren, the main an- kind of redemption ark, or at least be-                    tar: The Last Airbender” just like me,        one. Both seasons are currently avail-
come to terms with their father’s death tagonist, comes into possession of the ing shoved to the side when it comes to                 some of the people behind the scenes          able on Netflix streaming service.
at the beginning of season one. Callum mirror and struggles with trusting Ara- the main antagonist to the story.                       worked on that show as well. In fact,
was the first to learn about this trage- vos.                                             Currently this series has a rating of        Callum’s voice actor Jack De Sena is           Jordan Boyer is a senior history major.
dy, and being the older brother, he had TheOnlyNewafterYork   Times
                                                          Viren        Syndication
                                                                 has nothing           Sales
                                                                              else to 100         Corporation
                                                                                            percent   on Rotten Tomatos, so al-        the person who voiced Sokka in Avatar.           He can be reached at 581-2812 or at
to tell Ezran. However, he could not lose 620        Eighth
                                               does he  finally Avenue,     New
                                                                choose to trust Ara-York, N.Y.
                                                                                       most        10018
                                                                                              all the other reviewers agree with       “The Dragon Prince” seems to draw a                                 jtboyer@eiu.edu.
                                                      For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550
                                                    For Release Tuesday, February 26, 2019

                                                                               Edited by Will Shortz                                   No. 0122                             For rent
        ACROSS                  27 Grilled order with   53 Org. for Jaguars,   1    2     3    4    5         6    7    8    9         10   11   12   13       Large, Modern 3 or 4 bedroom near campus. Freshly updated: new
                                   corned beef             but not Panthers                                                                                    flooring & paint. Porch & Basement. Large backyard. Lots of parking.
   1 Jan. honoree
                                29 Accomplished         54 Big blows           14                             15                       16
                                                                                                                                                               Water & trash included. All bedrooms have locks! $360/bedroom
   6 Mild reprimands
                                30 Before, in poetry    55 Idiot               17                        18                            19
                                                                                                                                                               www.myeiurental.com 773-372-8205
  10 Industrial vessels
                                31 Long past time?      57 French military                                                                                     ___________________________3/1
  14 “Old MacDonald”                                       hat                                 20                                 21                           3 Bedroom apartment. Freshly updated w/paint, wood floors and
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                                   holder for the       58 Massive electoral                                                                                   countertops. Free trash, WiFi & Video surveillance. Lots of parking.
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                                                                                                                                                               $350/bedroom. www.myeiurental.com 773-372-8205
     be “high in the               most consecutive     62 The “E” of Q.E.D.                                                                                   ___________________________3/1
     middle”                       days of sun                                 27              28                       29                  30
                                                        63 Biblical twin                                                                                       Looking for 2 quiet students or a couple for remodeled nice upstairs
  16 “Thus with a kiss             (768), informally
                                                        64 Creepy looks        31                        32   33   34                                          apartment. Very reasonable. Near campus. Kevin 217-208-9724
     ___” (Romeo’s              35 “Look out!” … and
     last words)                   warning when         65 M&M’s that were          35              36                                 37   38   39
                                   encountering the        discontinued                                                                                        Quiet apartments for older students. Variety of prices and locations.
  17 Glider                        circled things in       from 1976 to
     measurement                                                                                    40                                 41             42       Wood Rentals, Jim Wood, Managing Broker.217-345-4489.
                                   this puzzle             1987 over fears
                                                           about their dye                                                                                     __________________________3/29
  19 “Have you ___              40 “Fingers                                    43   44    45        46                       47   48
     wondered …?”                  crossed!”            66 Chip’s cartoon
  20 Close calls                41 Baseball’s                                  49              50                  51   52                  53
                                   Matty, Felipe or     67 Rear admiral’s
  21 Certain close-                                        rear
     knit social media             Moises                                      54                             55                       56

     group                      43 Some people                                 57                        58                                 59   60   61
                                   have a gift for it           DOWN
  22 “Brigadoon”
     co-star Charisse           46 Wall St. starter      1 Kitten’s call       62                        63                       64

  25 Actor Wilson who           47 Addressee             2 Super Bowl of
     has appeared                  modifier on an          2018                65                        66                       67

     with Ben Stiller in           envelope              3 Burns in film
     12 films                   49 Media sales           4 Lively dances       PUZZLE BY JOHN E. BENNETT AND JEFF CHEN
  26 Maker of the                  team, informally
                                                         5 ___ Lee Browne,
     Pathfinder and             51 Auto company            actor/director in   22 Shout                  36 Contents of a          51 What follows the
     Rogue                         since 1899              the Theater Hall                                 poker pot                 semis
                                                                               23 “Dang, that
                                                           of Fame                hurts!”                37 Damage, as a           52 “It should be my
  ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE                              6 Yankee Joe          24 ___ mater (brain
                                                                                                            reputation                turn soon”
                                                           whose #6 was           membrane)              38 Zeno of ___
    P   A   S   H A         O
                            S       L O     S   O   N      retired                                          (philosopher)          55 Org. behind the
    F   R   E   E D     C   A
                            R       O M     U   Z   I    7 Glossy look         26 Hobbyists’                                          New Horizons
                                                                                  racers controlled      39 [And it’s gone!]          probe
    F   I   T   F O R   A   K
                            I       N G     P   A   X    8 Hyundai                remotely               42 Mixed martial
    T   A   O       A   B   E
                            L             M E   R   E      alternatives                                     arts org.              56 Nutritionist’s plan
                                                                               28 Transaction with
            N   A T I   O   N
                            A       L   P A R   K   S    9 Lawn order             a bookie               43 Rubbernecker           58 Was in front                                       FIND US
    S   C   H   M I D   T   N       E   A R             10 YouTube                                       44 Stick (to)
                                                                               29 ___ ex machina                                   59 Ruby of the silver
    H   E   A   P S       S K       E   T C H   U   P      popularity metric
                                                                               33 Ore, for one?          45 Bikini insert             screen
    U   R   L       T   R E A       D       I   N   O   11 Counsel
                                                                               34 “The Cask of           48 Ring-shaped
    T   A   L   K S H   O W             L O T   U   S   12 Accessory for a                                  islands                60 Blunder
                I C E   D   A       B   O U T   M   E      cravat                 Amontillado”
                                                                                  writer                 50 Sends out              61 Nine-digit ID
    T   H   E   W H O   L E T       R   U T H           13 Peaceful
    H   E   M   I       A M O       R       E   C   O   18 Places where        Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 7,000 past
    E   L   M     C I   V I L       R   I G H   T   S      goods are                                                                                                    www.dailyeasternnews.com
                                                           sometimes fenced    puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year).
    F   L   Y     O D   E L L           T I A   R   A                          Read about and comment on each puzzle: nytimes.com/wordplay.
                                                        21 Listings in a
    T   A   S     D O   R Y             S L Y   L   Y      nautical table
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2019         										                                                                                                                 THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS | SPORTS

Race at top of OVC tightening up for final games
By Oscar Rzodkiewicz
Men’s basketball reporter | @ORzodkiewicz

   The race for the OVC regular sea-
son crown comes to a close this week-
end, and it is a two-headed race at the
top as Eastern floats behind the top
   The Panthers (14-15, 7-9 OVC)
had as unsuccessful of a weekend as
you can, dropping games to both Bel-
mont and Tennessee State, but the
5th seed in the conference still be-
longs to Eastern.
   Eastern is currently tied in confer-
ence record with Morehead State and
just a game ahead of Tennessee State.
   The good news for Eastern is
Morehead State’s tough slate ahead;
the Eagles have to hit the hardwood
against one of the OVC’s top teams
in Murray State on Thursday before
facing one of the top scorers in East-
ern Kentucky’s senior Nick Mayo on
   For Eastern, the road is mildly easi-
er, as the Panthers take on third-seed-
ed Jacksonville State on Thursday be-
fore facing Tennessee Tech, the last
place team in the OVC, to close out
the regular season.
   The real business is happening
above the fourth place dividing line,
as just one game separates the top
four teams in the conference, and pre-
season favorite Belmont controls its
   The Bruins (23-4, 14-2 OVC) se-
cured two blowout wins last week as
they ride 11 straight victories into the
last week of the regular season.
   Belmont gets two sub-.500 op-                                                                                                                             JORDAN BOYER | THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS
ponents with Tennessee-Martin and           JaQualis Matlock attempts a shot around the basket as Eastern Kentucky’s Nick Mayo tries to block it during Eastern’s 67-66 victory Jan. 31 in Lantz
Southeast Missouri this week to close       Arena.
out the campaign, and the Bruins                                                                                                                        OVC Standings
claim the tiebreaker over fellow top-       they already boast a win over Austin         Austin Peay (21-8, 13-3 OVC) fac-                             t1. Belmont (14-2)
slotted Murray State.                       Peay just under two weeks ago, but        es Eastern Kentucky on Thursday be-                           t1. Murray State (14-2)
   The Racers (23-4, 14-2 OVC) have         the bad news was that the win came        fore its date with Murray State over                           t3. Austin Peay (13-3)
a tougher slate as they face Morehead       by only two points.                       the weekend, while Jacksonville State                      t3. Jacksonville State (13-3)
State to decide playoff seeding before         Murray State needs to win out and      (21-8, 13-3 OVC) gets to play South-                              t5. Eastern (7-9)
taking on third-ranked Austin Peay          get a loss from Belmont to secure the     ern Illinois Edwardsville after the                          t5. Morehead State (7-9)
over the weekend.                           number one seed in the postseason.        matchup with Eastern this week.                             7. Tennessee State (6-10)
   Murray State laid claim to the top          Meanwhile, just below the top spot        The OVC Basketball Champion-
                                                                                                                                                 t8. Eastern Kentucky (5-11)
spot of the conference for a large por-     chatter is Austin Peay and Jacksonville   ships begin on March 6 in Evansville,
tion of the season, but after falling       State, as both teams are in no dan-       Indiana.                                                   t8. Tennessee-Martin (5-11)
to Jacksonville State just a few weeks      ger of falling out of the top four but                                                        t8. Southern Illinois Edwardsville (5-11)
ago, the race has been much tighter.        could manage to secure a higher seed       Oscar Rzodkiewicz can be reached at                      11. Southeast Missouri (4-12)
   The good news for the Racers is          with losses from the top two squads.       581-2812 or orrzodkiewicz@eiu.edu.                         12. Tennessee Tech (3-13)

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S ports                                                                                                                                                                                                                         8
                                                         Sports Editor                                                                                                               T H E DA I LY E ASTE R N NEWS
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                                                         217 • 581 • 2812                                                                                                       T U E S DAY, F E B R UA RY 26, 2019
                                                         DENSportsdesk@gmail.com                                                                                                          N O. 103, V O LU M E 108

Panthers pick up first win of season
By Dillan Schorfheide
Assistant Sports Editor | @Eiu_journalist

    A five-run inning was the extra cher-
ry on top of the Eastern baseball team’s
first win of the season, 8-1 Monday,
over Western Kentucky.
    Eastern (1-5) scored a run in the first
and second inning, with the run in the
second proving to be the only other
one needed for Eastern’s win, as Spens-
er Dexter pitched a great game on the
mound against Western Kentucky (5-2).
    Dexter had eight runs of support be-
hind him, but he ended the game with
8.1 innings pitched, nearly getting a
complete-game shutout.
    Overall, he only gave up four hits
and one earned run with seven strike-
    Western Kentucky’s Jake Sanford
was the spoiler to Dexter’s forthcom-
ing shutout when he hit a double to left
center to score Davis Sims.
    “Spenser has been tremendous the
first two games,” said Eastern head
coach Jason Anderson. “After shutting
down a nationally-ranked team last
week, he came back with 8.1 scoreless
innings against a 5-1 team.”
    Against Arkansas Feb. 17, Dexter
got the start and gave up three hits in                                                                                                                                                     FILE PHOTO | THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS
four innings against Arkansas with two         Jimmy Govern hits a pitch during his at-bat in Eastern’s 15-6 victory over Robert Morris Peoria at Coaches Stadium in April 2018. Eastern got its first win
strikeouts and one earned run.                 of the season this past weekend.
    For most of Monday’s game, though,            “The offense has been brilliant so          Keith Kerrigan. Kerrigan led Eastern           with a solo home run to right field, his        the seventh inning, scoring Emme on
Eastern’s offense dominantly gave East-        far this year,” Anderson said. “We have        with three RBIs on the day.                    first of the season.                            an unearned run.
ern insurance run after insurance run.         been able to put a lot of pressure on the         Then, in the second inning, Dane                One out later, Toppel doubled down             In the young season, the Panthers are
    The Panthers are embracing a new           opposing team with the new approach,           Toppel gave the Panthers the only oth-         the left-field line, scoring Knernschield       averaging 5.5 runs per game while also
offensive style, featuring more focus          and the numbers have showed up be-             er run it needed for the win, grounding        from third base and advancing Grant             giving up 7.66 runs per game.
on getting on base and doing the small         cause of it.”                                  out to the shortstop but scoring Ryan          Emme to third.                                     The Panthers are batting .283 as a
things better (like base running), rather         Western Kentucky defeated Eastern           Knernschield.                                      Kerrigan was up to bat next, singling       team and have an 8.36 combined ERA.
than just swinging for home runs.              in the first game of a doubleheader Sun-          Toppel ended the day tied for the sec-      up the middle to score both Toppel and             “This team really competes hard,”
    Against top-25 Arkansas in the open-       day 10-9 in 10 innings, and the Hilltop-       ond-most RBIs in the game (two) with           Emme, for his first two RBIs of the day.        Anderson said. “We came back from be-
ing weekend, Eastern posted four runs          pers beat the Panthers 5-4 in the second       Mackey.                                            After a few more Eastern batters got        hind in three consecutive games before
per game.                                      game.                                             Four scoreless innings passed before        on base, Mackey sacrifice flied out to          finally pulling away and getting our first
    Against Western Kentucky, the Pan-            But Monday, Eastern’s offensive out-        the Panthers struck again, this time with      right center, scoring Kerrigan from third       win Monday.”
thers averaged seven runs per game, yet        burst was not matched.                         more damage done to Western Ken-               base.
still lost the first two games of the se-         Matt Mackey hit a double down the           tucky.                                             Kerrigan then rounded out the day               Dillan Schorfheide can be reached at
ries.                                          left-field line in the first inning to score      Jimmy Huber started the sixth inning        scoring-wise by singling to right field in          581-2812 or dtschorfheide@eiu.edu.

Eastern loses 5 more as new pitchers settle in
By JJ Bullock                                                                                                                                                                                thrown 21 innings for the Panthers this
Sports Editor | @DEN_Sports                                                                                                                                                                  season and has an ERA of 6.33, the sec-
                                                                                                                                                                                             ond-lowest on the staff. But Schuette says
   The Eastern softball team lost all five                                                                                                                                                   having a lefty like Thompson on the staff
of its games in the Tiger Invitational in                                                                                                                                                    brings an invaluable asset to the team.
Auburn, Alabama this weekend, extend-                                                                                                                                                            “It is just something that you don’t see
ing its losing streak to eight games and                                                                                                                                                     that often in softball,” Schuette said. “The
dropping its season record to 3-11.                                                                                                                                                          fact that she can take the ball and have it
   Eastern was shutout twice in the tour-                                                                                                                                                    start on the outside of the plate and have
nament, once by Auburn 6-0 and once                                                                                                                                                          it come in to a righty is something that
by Troy 3-0. The shutouts were the sec-                                                                                                                                                      softball players don’t see as often.”
ond and third of Eastern’s season. East-                                                                                                                                                         The Panthers’ pitching staff is also wel-
ern’s other three losses came to Villanova                                                                                                                                                   coming two new-comers this season: Jade
14-3, Troy 4-3 and North Dakota State                                                                                                                                                        Montgomery, a transfer from Wabash
9-6.                                                                                                                                                                                         Community College, and freshman Syd-
   The losses Eastern has sustained al-                                                                                                                                                      ney Cammon.
ready are a stark difference from last sea-                                                                                                                                                      Montgomery leads Eastern with 31
son, in which Eastern began its season                                                                                                                                                       innings pitched this season, but so far
12-3 through the first three tournaments                                                                                                                                                     has not seen the ERA numbers a pitcher
rather than 3-11.                                                                                                                                                                            would like to have, sporting a 6.48 ERA.
   The most striking difference between                                                                                                                                                          “(Montgomery) is an excellent and
last year’s 12-3 starting team and this sea-                                                                                                                                                 very capable starter for us, and she is the
son’s 3-11 squad would be the perfor-                                                                                                                                                        haus that we want to go in a takeover
mance of the pitching staff.                                                                                                                 FILE PHOTO | THE DAILY EASTERN NE WS
                                                                                                                                                                                             batters,” Schuette said. “She is going to
   Eastern has used four pitchers this sea-    Jessica Wireman delivers a pitch to an Indiana State batter during Eastern’s 2-0 victory in April 2018 at Williams                            throw a combination of rise ball coupled
son and has seen varying degrees of suc-       Field. Wireman graduated last season, along with Michele Rogers, leaving a gap to fill in Eastern’s pitching staff.                           with a curveball away from right-handed
cess as the Panthers now carry a staff                                                                                                                                                       batters. She is tough and she’ll compete.”
ERA of 5.17, 8th in the Ohio Valley            Cammon.                                        stronger than ever and has gotten more            “We don’t have two players that are              Cammon has only appeared in 7.1
Conference. Last season, Eastern had a             Coffman is the only pitcher this sea-      than a few starts already. She throws a real   just going to alternate starts,” Schuette       innings for Eastern this season, but her
staff ERA 3.01, carried by seniors Jessica     son carrying an ERA under 6.00. Coff-          heavy drop ball that will induce hopefully     said. “And that makes it kind of inter-         physical make-up has Schuette keeping
Wireman and Michele Rogers.                    man has pitched 28.1 innings for the           a lot of ugly swings and mis-hit ground-       esting because of I have been lucky to          an eye on her early.
   Granted as Eastern head coach Kim           Panthers this season to the tune of a 2.22     balls.”                                        have some go-to pitchers, but this is ac-           “Syd is a former three-sport ath-
Schuette said, early season ERAs are al-       ERA.                                              Outside of Coffman, the rest of the         tually pretty fun having more pitchers          lete who is about 6-foot-1 and throws it
ways high for pitchers because of the lim-         Coffman is in her junior season at         pitching staff has not been able to ful-       who all do something different and who          hard,” Schuette said. “We would love for
ited number of innings pitched.                Eastern but has only made four appear-         ly fill the shoes that Rogers and Wire-        right now are more of a pitching staff, al-     Syd to come in and kind of be our clos-
   But, without Rogers and Wireman             ances for the Panthers. She missed almost      man left unfilled, but Schuette is excited     most like a baseball mentality approach         er and just come in and throw the ball
this season, the Panthers have turned to       all of last season with a knee injury.         to work with all four pitchers as the sea-     where you use more than one pitcher in          hard.”
a combination of four pitchers to fill the         “She (Coffman) is if I said eager, an      son progresses as a four-person “pitching      one game which is a little bit different for
void: Valerie Thompson, McKenna Coff-          understatement,” Eastern head coach            staff,” rather than a two-person rotation      Eastern softball.”                               JJ Bullock can be reached at 581-2812 or
man, Jade Montgomery and Sydney                Kim Schuette said. “She is ready to go,        Eastern used with Wireman and Rogers.             Left-hander Valerie Thompson has                                    jpbullock@eiu.edu.
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