Page created by Oscar Becker
                                           GUN COLLECTORS
                                          ASSOCIATION, INC.
                             SPRING EDITION                                                         APRIL 2019
Association Office Address
Vicki L. Morin               President’s Message
Executive Secretary
PO Box 5053                  Congratulation goes out to Rob Moore for running one of the best DTGCA
West Fargo, ND 58078
701-361-9215 message
                             shows ever. If you missed it and there was not many of you that
                             did, you missed a great collection of displayed guns. To run the NRA
PRESIDENT                    display show with our regular show in Sioux Falls was done by Rob and
Tom Seaburg
Carrington, ND
                             his crew extremely well.

VICE PRESIDENT               One show left and the season for DTGCA is over until fall. But the
Daethal Dockter
Milbank, SD                  work of your board still goes on and I have some good news and some
                             bad news to relay to you. First the bad news it appears the Dickinson
PAST PRESIDENT               Show will have to be cancelled. The Astoria hotel is under new
Brandon Maddox
Sioux Falls, SD              management and they sent us a new 3 year contract taking the rent
                             from $3,000 to $6,000 plus other increases. We tried to deal with them
                             to no effect. We countered if we raised table rent we maybe could
Don Glynn                    make $4,000 work. Their response was they could do that but we would
Fullerton, ND                not be able to set up until Sat. morning. Clearly they do not want us
Bob Lee                      and there appears nothing else will work but we are still looking.
Watertown, SD

Kelly Lorge                  Now for the good news. The Grand Forks show and Alerus Center wants
Bowman, ND                   us to move from the ball room to 1/2 the football field. They have
Wayne Duncan                 concerns about the crowds in the ball room and the football stadium
Wyndmere, ND                 will be empty now that basketball has been moved to the BETTY. The ball
Laura Ennen                  room had just under 300 tables and the football stadium should hold
Bismarck, ND                 400+ and room to grow. They are also working on filling the other 1/2
Rick Drennen                                                          with some kind of camper and or boat
Flandreau, SD                                                         show. So if you were on a
Dale Fliehs                                                           waiting list or wanted more tables we
Groton, SD                                                            should be able to help you and
                                                                      that is your board of director's goal to
New Member—$25.00                                                     see all venders space filled. While in
Renewal—$25.00                                                        Grand Forks for the gun show I toured
Life Member—$200.00
                                                                      the stadium with Bill Braun and
Include self-addressed,                                               both he and I are excited about the items
stamped envelope.
                                                                      offered in the new venue.
     Renew at a show
         by mail.
                                                                      Tom Seaburg
 I’m in color on the WEB
July 21, 2018
                Our Extended
                 Sympathy                                The scheduled Summer Meeting of the DTGCA Directors and Show
                                                         Managers was held July 21, 2018 at the Holiday Inn Board Room, Aber-
    The Association would like to notify                 deen, SD at 3:00 p.m. Present were President Tom Seaburg, Executive
you and recognize the death of the following             Secretary Vicki Morin, Directors Brandon Maddox, Don Glynn, Paul Her-
                members.                                 man, Daethal Dockter, Wayne Duncan, Laura Ennen, Rick Drennen,
                                                         Dale Fliehs and Kelly Lorge; show managers Roger Krumm, Rob Moore,
                                                         Steve Livermore, Chuck Harens, Bill Braun, Mike Seaburg, Keith Hake-
      Eugene “Gene” Ashby Huron, SD                      man, Glenn Davis and Vic Carter. Guest Dennis Klimisch.
                    4-30-18                              President Tom Seaburg recognized a quorum present.
       Gerald Haley Grand Forks, ND                      There was no Old Business.
                   11-14-18                              New Business was opened. President Tom Seaburg informed the show
         James Stargel Nashua, MN                        managers of any discussions and or actions from the Directors’ meeting
                   11-21-18                              that involved them;
        Ronald Jager Rock Valley, IA                     Phantom table increase, free tables, Staff responsibilities, load-
                   12-11-18                              ing/unloading, free membership card admission, Master Vendor file, badg-
       Wayne Danielson Hudson, SD                        es. The Billboards were discussed and will be continued to be used. Dis-
                   12-17-18                              cussion on Animals at shows and general public on Friday nights.
        James Aplan Piedmont, SD                         Show managers’ business and show reports (income and expenses) were
                   12-26-18                              addressed in show date order. Brandon Maddox moved with Rick Dren-
       DeWayne Duncan Viborg, SD                         nen’s second to approve the show reports as presented, all ayes, carried.
                    1-15-19                              Rick Drennen moved with Brandon Maddox’s second to approve Dennis
      Donald Eykamp Lake Preston, SD                     Klimisch of Utica, SD as the new show manager for Yankton, SD, all ayes,
                    2-06-19                              motion carried.
           Larry Jones Verona, ND                        Brandon Maddox moved to adjourn the meeting with second by Rick
                    3-24-19                              Drennen, meeting adjourned at 4:4 p.m.
                                                         Duly submitted, Vicki L. Morin Executive Secretary DTGCA

             RUGER SINGLE 6 owner Jerry Hertel Carrington, ND                                   GUN SHOW UPDATES
                                                                                              FARGO—No Facility Secured Yet
                                                                          Ruger Single 6
                                                                           Revolver 22        DICKINSON—No Facility Secured Yet
                                                                          Caliber SN 97
                                                                                              GRAND FORKS—show will be
                                                                             Carved Pearl
                                                                                              moving into the Alerus Arena,
                                                                          Grips, Cole Agee,
                                                                                              more space, more tables.
                                                                          Cecil Coe [Cole]
                                                                          Agee was born in
                                                                          1901, in Runge,
                                                                          Texas. Mr. Agee         NEW SHOW DATES
                                                                          had been a law-           BACK PAGE
                                                                          man, a bartender
                                                                          in New Mexico
where he reportedly had to shoot a man dead when trouble erupted
between two patrons, one of whom pulled a pistol, he practiced on
scrap steel until he “scrolled out” his first pistol, while engraving,                         EXTRA BUCKLES FOR SALE
Cole caught a flying steel shaving in his left eye, was turned down for                             By Membership
military service because of his defective left eye , worked with W. T.
                                                                                              The following people have extra
McTeer Engraving Company in Ft. Worth, decided to resign and
                                                                                              older buckles For Sale.
establish his own shop at his home on Christine Street in Ft. Worth.
Soon Mr. Agee was engraving pistols for his former law enforcement                            Charles Strom 218-238-5750
friends. He used time consuming detailed work and much of his                                 Brian briz@iw.net
engraving was embellished with gold inlays and gold washing.                                  Sid Sycks 218-234-6250
July 21, 2018

The Summer Meeting of the DTGCA was held in Aberdeen, SD at the Holiday Inn Board Room on July 21, 2018. Present were
President Tom Seaburg, Executive Secretary Vicki Morin, Directors Brandon Maddox, Don Glynn, Paul Herman, Daethal Dock-
ter, Wayne Duncan, Laura Ennen, Rick Drennen, Dale Fliehs and Kelly Lorge.
President Tom Seaburg recognized a quorum present and called the meeting to order.
Second quarter report of 2018 was presented and income and all expenses were reviewed. Rick Drennen moved with Wayne
Duncan’s second to approve the financial report, all ayes, motion carried. The tax audit of Gidding’s & Associates was reviewed;
Paul Herman moved to accept the tax audit with Laura Ennen’s second, all ayes, motion carried.
Old business was opened by President Tom Seaburg.
Show Manager for the Fargo, Grand Forks and Valley City Shows, at this point Tom Seaburg excused himself under the Conflict
of Interest Policy with Vice President Daethal Dockter presiding. Laura Ennen moved for Mike Seaburg to manage the Valley City
show, discussion, motion failed. Brandon Maddox moved with Don Glynn’s second to offer the Valley City and the Fargo Show to
Mike Seaburg and the Grand Forks Show to Bill Braun, all ayes, motion carried.
Discussion on Fargo Show facilities, new belt buckle design viewed, NRA Gun Collector Show
New business:
Paul Herman moved with Laura Ennen’s second to leave the table rent price as is, all ayes, motion carried.
Kelly Lorge moved with Rick Drennen’s second to raise the Phantom Table rent to $50.00 per person with no additional passes,
6 ayes – 3 opposed, motion carried.
Laura Ennen moved with Daethal Dockter’s second to leave the responsibility of the WEB site updates and maintenance with
Brandon Maddox who accepted the responsibility, all ayes, motion carried.
President Tom Seaburg brought up gun show items for the Directors to think about and then at the end of the meeting discus-
sion was held and action taken.
              --Show Managers will keep tally on number of free admissions there are with the membership card.
              --Dale Fliehs moved with Wayne Duncan’s second to offer PROMOTION First time show vendor at a DTGCA
                   show – members only, receive two free tables, one time only to show your gun related items. Show Manager
                   discretion on items, contact the show mgr. of the show you are interested in for more details.
              --Paul Herman moved with Kelly Lorge’s second to have show managers direct staff, gun checkers their responsibil-
                   ity is to service the show when on duty and not inquire about items for sale or not, 7 ayes, 2 opposed, motion
              --Laura Ennen moved with Don Glynn’s second to have a Master Table Vendor file for each show, kept at the Asso-
                   ciation office, all ayes, motion carried.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED If you would like to volunteer for duties at any one of the DTGCA gun shows, contact the show
manager of that show. Volunteers needed Friday through Sunday of the show’s dates. Managers were encouraged to obtain as
many as they need.
Board Protocol was addressed when receiving correspondence from outside sources or giving out information.
Letters addressed to the Board of Directors were reviewed and discussed.
Daethal Docktor moved with Dale Fliehs second to accept the resignation of Chuck Harens as the Yankton Show Manager, all
ayes, motion carried.
Don Glunn moved with Paul Herman’s second to name the Rapid City show “Sonny Pesicka Memorial Show”, all ayes, motion
carried.Daethal Dockter moved with Brandon Maddox’s second to issue a maximum of $1000.00 each or what was specified on
the request form to each the following Request for Contributions, all ayes, motion carried.
                              Sioux Falls Orange Crushers
                              Outdoor Women of South Dakota, Emery, SD
                              PDR Disable Youth Deer Hunt, Sioux Falls, SD
                              Great Plains Outdoorsmen, Aberdeen, SD
                              Whetstone Sportsman Club, Milbank
                              Northern Lights Council Boys Scouts, Bismarck, ND
                              Dakota Christian High School Clay Target, Platte, SD
                              Laura Ennen moved with Brandon Maddox’s second to donate $15,000.00 to the NRA/ILA specifying
                              North and South Dakota distribution, all ayes, motion carried.

The Summer Meeting of 2019 will be in Aberdeen, July 20, 2019 at the Hampton Inn Board Room.
The next scheduled meeting of the DTGCA will be the Annual Meeting on February 2, 2019 in Aberdeen, SD or as called by
President Tom Seaburg.
Kelly Lorge moved for adjournment at 2:30 p.m. with Paul Herman’s second, meeting adjourned.
Duly Submitted Vicki L. Morin Executive Secretary DTGCA
ARTICLE II Purpose;                     Section 1.
 The purpose for which this corporation is formed is TO disseminate information to its members, and to
the general public in regard to the construction, use, care, exchange, collection, exhibition and history of
guns as designated in Article VIII-Acceptable Arms & Accessories. TO actively promote the 2nd amendment
of the Constitution of the United States. TO acquire, maintain and possess the necessary facilities for such pur-


       NRA/ILA                                       PDR Youth, SD
       NRA Acorn Fund                                Big Sioux R & P
       Rocky Mt. Elk                                 Dickey Cty 4-H Hecla
       ND Jr. Duck Stamp Contest                     Turner Cty 4-H BB Gun Parker, SD
       Twist of Fate                                 Dakota HotShots Humboldt
       Bismarck Mandan R& P                          Central Dakota Sportsman, WAHLU
       Bismarck D R Cowboy                           Great Plains Outdoorsmen, Aberd.
       Farm Products                                 Brookings Outdoor Learning Center.
       Friends of NRA                                Davison Cty 4-H, Mitchell, SD
       ND Wildlife Federation                        Black Hills Shootist
       SD Wildlife Federation                        Ramsey Cty 4-H, Devils Lake, ND
       Sportsman Club Browns County                  Fargo Air Museum
       Humboldt Sharp Shooters                       SD Firearms Industry Association
       Missouri Valley Shooting Sports               Sioux Falls Orange Crushers
       Rutland Sportsman Club                        James River Sportsmen
       Whetstone Gobblers, Milbank                   ND High School Clay Target League
       Whetstone Sportsmen, Milbank                  Head of the Red Trap
       Lewis & Clark Boy Scout, SD                   Lincoln HS JROTC
       Emmons County 4-H Linton, ND                  Montana Trappers Assoc.
       ND Jr Rifle Champion Bismarck                 Outdoor Women of SD
       Red River Area Sportsman, Wahpeton            Yankton Boys Scouts
       Strasburg Wildlife Club                       Spinks Cty Shooting Sports
       Siouxland Youth Shooter                       Northern Lights Boy Scouts
       Izaak Walton League, Pierre, SD               Milbank Area HS Clay Target
       Ellendale Area Hunters Ed                     RRRMC, Fargo, ND
       Beadle Cty Sportsmen, Huron                   Garrettson Sportsmen Club
       Burleigh County 4-H
       Dakota Christian HS Clay Target
       SD Outdoor Adventure Foundation
       Enderlin/Sheldon Wildlife
       National Field Archery, Yankton
PERCUSSION SIDE BY SIDE owner Gail Steinhauer Thief River Falls, MN
I always wanted a good double Rifle and a gent came to my table in Missoula, MT wanting a couple of rifles that I had. We made a
deal and I ended up with one of the most beautiful firearms that I have owned.
A percussion side by side made by M. Brunner of Munchen Germany. Gold inlays, extra fancy wood with carved animal scene.
Has a fancy trigger guard that is carved end of wood with metal inlays. Has a very good octagon bore. My hope is to use it wild
pig hunting.

                    FARGO SHOW BACK IN FARGO

  ND NRA Rep Susan Trnka with DTGCA President Tom Seaburg                                   Show held at the Holiday Inn Fargo, ND

                                                    Owner Russell E Kastelle, Breckenridge, MN
This rifle has a unique history. During WWII
some where in the South Pacific the Ameri-
cans were being overrun by the Japanese.
Two Americans were fighting side by side,
one of which was killed by a Japanese sniper
from a bullet in the head from this rifle. The
Japanese advanced so the situation became a
hand to hand fight between the surviving GI
and the Japanese sniper. The surviving GI was
able to wrestle the rifle away from the Japa-
nese, killed him with his own rifle. The sur-
viving GI was a Mr. Gluck who was a machinist by trade and who also kept the rifle. When he returned to the US he became an instructor for
rehabilitation training for other GI’s. Sometime later, he lent the rifle to a friend to use for hunting and the friend had some sort of accident and
broke the stock. My high school classmate, Roger Halvorson, who was injured in a helicopter accident in the service, took retraining under Mr.
                                                            Gluck. Roger acquired the rifle
                                                            from Mr. Gluck to use for re-
                                                            working and for practicing en-
                                                            graving on etc. I acquired the rifle
                                                            from Roger as a gift between
                                                            friends in October 2018.
                                                            The rifle is stamped JAP-31CAL
                                                            and has a 5 digit SSN and the
                                                            Lsawa Jyuko Arsenal marking.
 1978 to current
Owners Jim and Cora Keller Ashton, SD

                                        Vernon Schock
                                        Jamestown, ND
Third Reich handguns from captured or capitulating countries; 1938 – 1945
                                                        By Brian Carlson, Oakdale, MN
     Note: this is (generally) the text from my display of the same name, which won Best Handgun Display at the Bismarck fall 2018 show.

                               When the Nazi war machine made its way across Europe, both through hard-handed politics then
                               the Blitzkrieg, they were well noted for making use of the war material from the countries they cap-
                               tured. While they had their standardized German arms, the “master race” wasn’t above using the
                               weapon systems of the countries they captured – or bought on the foreign market. Not only using
                               arms which were already made, but also keeping them in production. This was especially true of
                               handguns, of which the Third Reich always seemed to be in short supply. While it would seem that
                               this would be a logistical nightmare (it was), the need for more pistols was more pressing.
                               All captured weapon systems standardized by the Nazis received a new model number, with an
                               indicator of the originating country. For example, the Steyr-Hahn was renamed the 12(o) – the letter
                               in parenthesis indicating Osterreich (“Eastern Realm”, or Austria). Note that the letter was never
                               capitalized – something of a snub to each country from conquering Germany. After manufacture,
                               each individual weapon that passed inspection and was put into service received an acceptance
                               stamp – known as a Waffenamt. Each company had a unique Waffenamt code, in addition to the
                               two or three letter code assigned to each plant that made war material for the Reich.
By and large, captive handguns were issued to secondary and police forces. However, certain pistols which had a cachet before the
war were in demand by specialized forces such as the SS and paratroopers.
A common trait of most captive production handguns was simplification in marking and features, plus a diminishing level of fit and
finish quality “under new management”. This was especially true as the war continued. In some cases, it was deliberate internal
sabotage. However, smuggling weapons out of the factories for use by the resistance and partisans generally kept them at least
functional. More than anything else, build quality diminished as the Third Reich found themselves being over-extended and in
need of weapons – regardless of quality.
Built quality was not an issue with arms sold to the Third Reich by non-combatant countries that still traded with or were sympa-
thetic to them, such as Spain.
Representative examples:

                     1. Austria Original: Steyr-Hahn model 1912; 9mm Nazi: Pistole, Modell 12(o); (9mm Parabellum)
                     Originally a commercial handgun, the Steyr-Hahn became Austro-Hungary’s World War I issue pistol. After
                     the Anschluss (annexation) of March 1938, the Germans re-barreled existing Austrian military pistols from 9mm
                     Lang (Long) to 9mm Parabellum (Luger) for police use. These pistols were restamped on the side of the slide
                     with “P.08” (9mm Parabellum, German military standard of 1908).
None were newly manufactured during WWII. While the company that originally made them (Steyr-Daimler-Puch) was still in
business, the Nazi arms ministry deemed their production facilities to be needed more for making larger ordinance and vehicles
rather than handguns. (Display pistol courtesy of Ken Yuly)
                          2. Czechoslovakia Original: CZ vz. 27; Nazi: Pistole Modell 27(t). (7.65mm) Ceska Zbrojovka was known
                         between the wars as a maker of quality arms and their homeland’s standardized CZ 27 was no exception.
                         Adopted by the Czech army six years before the Nazi party came to power, it was readily adopted by the
                         Germans after Czechoslovakia was split up and annexed in 1938. Under Nazi control, CZ was renamed
                         Bohmische Waffen Fabric AG (or Bohemian Arms Manufacturing), assigned manufacturer code “fnh”, and
                         this is how their pistols were marked during the occupation. It tended to see usage with police and second-
                         ary forces with the Nazis.
                           3. Poland Original: Pistolet ViS wz. 35 “Radom”; Nazi: Pistole Modell P35(p). (9mm Parabellum) The in-
                         vasion of Poland on September 1, 1939 touched off World War II. With that, the Nazis took over the Polish
                         State Arsenal at Radom, assigning it manufacturer code “bnz”. Poland’s standardized handgun was the
                         Pistolet ViS wz. 35, adopted in 1935. It’s one of the few captured designs that actually saw more use with
                         the Nazis than the originating country, as it was just starting to get into general distribution after being ini-
                         tially issued to cavalry and infantry officers. After the invasion, the Radom was favored by Waffen-SS and
                         paratroop units for its robust construction. It also saw use during the Warsaw ghetto uprising in 1944, from
                         pistols assembled from components smuggled out of the plant.
                         4. Belgium Original: Fabrique National P35 “High Power” Nazi: Pistole Modell 640(b). 9mm Parabellum
                         Fabrique National, in the city of Herstal, had the reputation of being one of the premier arms makes in Eu-
                         rope – if not the world. It was the European home of John Moses Browning and made several of his designs
                         even after his death in 1926. One of the last projects he was involved in was a pistol initially intended for a
                         French military contract, completed after his death by Dieudonne Saiver, which became the famed High
                         Power. First adopted by the Belgians – not the French – in 1935, it was also the standardized sidearm of
                         Denmark and Romania when they were taken over by the Nazis. . Produced under new management
(literally, as FN management refused to capitulate) as plant “ch" under Nazi control, the 13-round capacity Pistole 640(b) was fa-
vored by the SS and the Luftwaffe.
                                              CONTINUED IN SUMMER NEWSLETTER
PO Box 5053
West Fargo, ND 58078


SEPTEMBER 28-29, 2019                  JANUARY 18-19, 2020             FEBRUARY 22-23, 2020
BISMARCK, ND                           BISMARCK, ND                    VALLEY CITY, ND
Chairman: Laura Ennen                  Chairman: Laura Ennen           Chairman: Mike Seaburg
508 N Bell St                          508 N Bell St                   25 3rd St S
Bismarck, ND 58501                     Bismarck, ND 58501              Carrington, ND 58421
(701) 221-2638                         (701) 221-2638                  (701) 650-1233

OCTOBER 26-27, 2019                    JANUARY 25-26, 2020             MARCH 7-8, 2020
SIOUX FALLS, SD                        YANKTON, SD                     GRAND FORKS, ND
Chairman: Rob Moore                    Chairman: Dennis Klimisch       Chairman: Bill Braun
PO Box 425                             43763 298th St                  1331 14 ½ Ave N
Mitchell, SD 57301                     Utica, SD 57067                 Wahpeton, ND 58075
(605) 630-2199                         605-661-8021 605-655-4619       701-640-6260

                                       FEBRUARY 1-2, 2020              MARCH 14-15, 2020
NO FACILITY SECURED YET                ABERDEEN, SD                    MITCHELL, SD
DICKINSON, ND                          Chairman: Terry Ennen           Chairman: Rob Moore
Chairman: Terry Ennen                  16610 62nd Ave SE               PO Box 425
16610 62nd Ave SE                      Menoken, ND 58558               Mitchell, SD 57301
Menoken, ND 58558                      (701) 391-2416                  (605) 630-2199
(701) 391-2416                         ANNUAL MEETING following show

                                       FEBRUARY 08-09, 2020            MARCH 21-22, 2020
JANUARY 04-05, 2020                    TROPHY SHOW-THE BIG ONE         CODINGTON CTY AG BLDG
FARGO, ND                              SIOUX FALLS, SD                 Chairman: Vic Carter
Chairman: Mike Seaburg                 Chairman: Rob Moore             18299 US Hwy 81
25 3rd St S                            PO Box 425                      Castlewood, SD 57223
Carrington, ND 58421                   Mitchell, SD 57301              (605) 793-2347
(701) 650-1233                         (605) 630-2199

                                                                       APRIL 18-19, 2020
JANUARY 11-12, 2020                    FEBRUARY 15-16, 2020            RUSHMORE CIVIC CENTER
SWIFTEL CENTER                         RAMKOTA RIVER CENTRE            RAPID CITY, SD
BROOKINGS, SD                          PIERRE, SD                      Chairman: Keith Hakeman
Chairman: Vic Carter                   Chairman: Steve Livermore       7301 Pinon Jay Circle
18299 US Hwy 81                        PO Box 972                      Rapid City, SD 57702
Castlewood, SD 57223                   Ft. Pierre, SD 57532            (605) 270-0764
(605) 793-2347                         (605) 280-2438
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