Dark Nights Contemporary German Crime Fiction - Frankfurter Buchmesse

Page created by Jack Greene
Dark Nights
Contemporary German Crime Fiction
Dark Nights
Neue Kriminalromane aus Deutschland

This selection of German titles is show-cased at book fairs all
over the world on the German collective stands organized by the
Frankfurter Buchmesse in 2018.

Authors A-B

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Killing Happiness.                         Finsterwalde                              The Supplier
A Case for Jakob Franck                    Finsterwalde                              Die Lieferantin
Ermordung des Glücks.
                                           MAX ANNAS                                 ZOË BECK
Ein Fall für Jakob Franck
                                           2018, HC, 256 pages                       2017, SC, 324 pages
FRIEDRICH ANI                              € 20.-                                    € 14.95
2017, HC, 317 pages                        Rowohlt Verlag, 978-3-498-07401-2         Suhrkamp Verlag, 978-3-518-46775-6
€ 20.-                                     Rights available                          Rights available
Suhrkamp Verlag, 978-3-518-42755-2
                                           A right-wing nationalist govern-          Great Britain in the not too distant
Rights available
                                           ment is in power in Germany.              future. After Brexit, the next big thing
The murder of an 11-year-old boy           Dissidents are being persecuted,          is “Druxit”: drug use is to be compre-
shatters the happiness of all the          and daily life is subject to compre-      hensively criminalised. A start-up
people who knew him. The hero of           hensive surveillance. People with         finds new sales channels; drug
Ani’s crime series, ex-police detective    darker skin colour are being locked       delivery by drone: effective, cheap
Jakob Franck, applies his unique           away in heavily guarded camps,            and high quality. The old-hands
intuition to the case, while the special   one of which is located in Finster-       in the drugs business see their
task force makes no progress with          walde in Brandenburg. One group           livelihoods threatened, and they
its conventional approach. It’s a          of internees breaks out so they can       declare war on “the Supplier” –
method that provides clarity, if           rescue children left behind in Berlin.    who, on top everything, also has
nothing else, even if that clarity is      In a life-and-death fight, they have      an unpleasant political agenda.
unbearable. Narrated in Ani’s inimitable   to make their way through hostile         Things get ugly on the streets of
voice – the crime novel as elegy, as       territory. A robust action thriller and   London, prowled by racist mobs.
a genre of melancholy.                     incisive dystopian novel.                 A cool and elegant political thriller.

Authors B-C
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Dungeon Child                             The Right to Punish                       Death in the Quiet
Kerkerkind                                Das Recht zu strafen                      Corners of Life
                                                                                    Der Tod in den stillen
KATJA BOHNET                              INGO BOTT
                                                                                    Winkeln des Lebens
2018, SC, 336 pages                       2017, SC, 444 pages
€ 20.-                                    € 13.-                                    OLIVER BOTTINI
Knaur Taschenbuch, 978-3-426-52093-2      Grafit Verlag, 978-3-89425-495-7          2017, HC, 414 pages
Rights available                          Rights available                          € 22.-
                                                                                    DuMont Verlag, 978-3-8321-9776-6
It begins with the charred corpse         A brilliant defence lawyer from Berlin,
                                                                                    Rights available
of a woman. Then the body-count           a public prosecutor on the fast track
starts to mount in the heat of sum-       to the top, and a mean, revenge-          The Romanian town of Temeswar
mer in Berlin: decapitated men,           driven murderer: these are the three      lies on the quiet side of life. Police
strangely displayed. The detective        corners of the triangle of forces that    inspector Ioan Cozma should have
duo Rosa Lopez and Viktor Saizew          form Ingo Bott’s debut thriller. What     been happy with this. But the mur-
each have their own hindrances to         may they do, what can they do and         der of a German woman forces
deal with, but crime make no allo-        what should they do – and what            him into action. He has to leave his
wances for that. A hot lead points        not – each in their respective roles?     recluse and follow a trail that takes
toward them toward Denmark. Sai-          A refined, fast-paced novel with an       him to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in
zew sets off in pursuit – and disap-      intelligent plot that addresses the       Germany, where he’s confronted by
pears. A race against time begins.        moral and ethical implications of our     the conditio humana in a big way:
Tempo, dynamism, drive, and a             legal system, as well as the role and     hate, greed, violence and humanity.
dash of madness are what make             influence of mass media. A delicious      A crime novel with a philosophical
this novel so great.                      dose of irony, too. Bott is an exciting   lining.

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
The St. Pauli Murders                     Beton Rouge                               Satan’s Playground
Die Morde von St. Pauli                   Beton Rouge                               Satans Spielfeld
ROBERT BRACK                              SIMONE BUCHHOLZ                           UTE COHEN
2017, SC, 432 pages                       2017, SC, 227 pages                       2017, HC, 216 pages
€ 9.99                                    € 14.95                                   € 21.90
Ullstein Taschenbuch, 978-3-548-28873-4   Suhrkamp Taschenbuch,                     Septime Verlag, 978-3-902711-61-8
Rights available                          978-3-518-46785-5                         Rights available
                                          Rights available
Hamburg 1927, when social change                                                    The underage Marie falls into the
is becoming more and more obvious         Public prosecutor Chastity Riley and      hands of a rich businessman in the
during the Roaring Twenties, is           her sidekick, inspector Stepanovic of     wealthy, self-absorbed provincial
rocked by a series of murders.            the Hamburg criminal police, are up       Franconia of the 1970s. He sedu-
The victims’ corpses are displayed        against pure madness. Someone is          ces her, rapes her and prostitu-
in prominent places. Is this a gang       abusing managers from the publi-          tes her. But nobody wants to see
war? A message to the populace?           shing world, locking them up naked        the scandal; no one wants to help.
But how does the murder of an             in cages, in public view. Hamburg’s       Marie attempts to defend herself,
upper-class shipping magnate fit          elite are annoyed and scared. With        but on Satan’s Playground she’s
into that picture? The second part        plenty of pace and humour, Simone         hopelessly out-manoeuvred and
of the historical trilogy featuring the   Buchholz coolly sweeps through the        the plot races towards catastrophe.
criminal investigator Alfred Weber.       milieu of opinion leaders and puppet      A subtle psychological thriller and
A critically accurate criminal            masters. She has a sharp eye for the      linguistically original counterpoint
chronicle of the Weimar Republic.         absurd, sad and strange details of        to Nabokov’s Lolita. A biting, provo-
                                          daily life.                               cative debut novel.

Authors C-F
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Cambridge 5 –                             Poison Flood                            A Slap in the Face
Time of Traitors                          Giftflut                                Ein Schlag ins Gesicht
Cambridge 5.
                                          CHRISTIAN VON DITFURTH                  FRANZ DOBLER
Zeit der Verräter   
                                          2017, SC, 480 pages                     2016, HC, 368 pages
HANNAH COLER                              € 15.-                                  € 19.95
2017, HC, 416 pages                       Carl‘s Books, 978-3-570-58565-8         Klett-Cotta/Tropen, 978-3-608-50216-9
€ 19.99                                   Rights available                        Rights available
Limes Verlag, 978-3-8090-2682-2
                                          Intelligent super-gangsters are         Ex-cop Robert Fallner takes a job
Rights available
                                          undermining the stability of Europe.    with his brother’s security firm, whe-
A classic spy novel by a German           They launch destructive attacks on      re he’s given the task of stopping an
historian writing under a pseudo-         important transport routes and the      insidious stalker who’s started fol-
nym. Just as the Soviet Union re-         centres of power, and even threa-       lowing a cult ex-actress. A nostal-
cruited its spies among the British       ten the water supply of large cities.   gic, poetical and funny trip through
elite in Cambridge University in the      For all their technological ad-         the West German pop scene of the
1930s, so today, various secret servi-    vancement, the security forces are      1960s and 70s, and an adoring ho-
ces are trying to spy on the leading      powerless. Only Eugen de Bodt, the      mage to the classics of hard-bitten
IT researchers there. “Sleepers” and      wholly unconventional detective         crime fiction, from Jim Thompson to
“moles” placed early on now seem          with the Berlin police, and his weird   Elmore Leonard. Great dialogues,
at risk, after the emergence of new       team have any chance of halting         strange characters and off-beat
evidence surrounding Kim Philby and       the wave of terror. Grimm comedy,       locations; and not least, a fabulous
the original Cambridge Five. A clever     unrestrained action and a very          novel about Munich.
game of chess across different times.     crafty plot.

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Police Stories                            Brand                                   Deadly Path
Polizeigeschichten                        Brand                                   Totenweg
ERNST DRONKE                              ULRICH EFFENHAUSER                      ROMY FÖLCK
2018, HC, 192 pages                       2016 HC, 144 pages                      2018, HC, 380 pages
€ 18,-                                    € 17.80                                 € 20.-
Walde+Graf Verlagsagentur und Verlag,     Transit Buchverlag, 978-3-88747-338-9   Bastei Lübbe Verlag, 978-3-7857-2622-8
978-3-946896-22-7                         Rights available                        Rights available
Rights available
                                          In the wake of the NSA scandal, an      Frieda is a policewoman rising
With his Police Stories, Ernst Dron-      old case of espionage resurfaces.       quickly up the ranks. When her fa-
ke (1822–1891), who was well known        At the time, there are questions sur-   ther is beaten up and badly inju-
for his social reportage and colla-       rounding a Soviet hydrogen bomb         red she returns to her hometown.
boration with Karl Marx, laid the         and Chernobyl, and about plots          Investigating her father’s case is a
foundation for true crime books far       hatched by the former KGB – plots       colleague who, decades before,
removed from the big sensational          that remain dangerous, even af-         had also been involved in the un-
cases. His stories are an impressive      ter the fall of the Soviet Union. The   solved murder of a young girl whom
illustration of the social causes of      events culminate in Mexico in 1985,     Frieda had known well. The cold
crime and justice in the age of rapid     but history never just stops, it tou-   case gets hot again, as the earlier
industrialisation. An important and       ches us in the present in significant   crime is connected to the attack
exciting rediscovery of this classic of   ways. An intriguing novel that oss-     on Frieda’s father. A first-rate main-
German crime literature, and a vital      cilates between the historical and      stream crime story with a clever
milestone in its development.             the present day; a political thriller   plot, carefully crafted and densely
                                          as an act of self-reflection for Ger-   atmospheric.
                                          man history.
Authors G-J
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
All so Bright Up There                       Tuscan Confession                        Bist Du glücklich?
Alles so hell da vorne                       Toskanische Beichte                      Are you happy?
MONIKA GEIER                                 UTA-MARIA HEIM                           KAI HENSEL
2017, SC, 352 pages                          2017, SC, 352 pages                      2016, HC, 336 pages
€ 13.-                                       € 15.-                                   € 20.-
Argument Verlag, 978-3-86754-223-4           Gmeiner-Verlag, 978-3-8392-2125-9        Hoffmann und Campe Verlag,
Rights available                             Rights available                         978-3-455-40588-0
                                                                                      Rights available
                                             The trail leads from Lake Constance
Monika Geier’s heroine, inspector
                                             to Tuscany. That‘s where a priest        “Are You Happy?” is a hot new ga-
Bettina Boll from Pfalz, is confronted
                                             sets out, forgetting his mobile pho-     ming app that targets people’s
with a bizarre case, when one of her
                                             ne, after an unknown man confes-         yearning for happiness, and which
colleagues is shot dead in an es-
                                             ses to a murder. Once in Italy, the      to achieve it will transgress all
tablishment for forced prostitution.
                                             curious priest gets caught up in a       boundaries and break all taboos.
The plot starts to get thicker when a
                                             terrible intrigue within the Catholic    Its inventor, Patrick, would be
political aspect emerges at the level
                                             Church, which turns out to be qui-       willing to enter a pact with the me-
of secret police. Meanwhile, Boll her-
                                             te a deadly institution. Uta-Maria       taphorical devil, but a secretive
self inherits an apparently haunted
                                             Heim is well known for her highly        woman stalker disrupts the ultimate
house, which doesn‘t make her situ-
                                             literate and original crime stories.     deal. Things become very bloody.
ation any easier. While solidly rooted
                                             She writes intricate and virtuoso        The game turns deadly serious,
in its region, this is far from being just
                                             novels that skirt the edge of the        radically driving all involved to ex-
a local crime novel. Cutting edge
                                             genre’s conventions, without fully       tremes of behaviour. Satirical, in-
crime fiction.
                                             abandoning them.                         sightful and with no illusions about
                                                                                      Homo sapiens.

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Cold Land                                    Lazare and the Dead Man                  DiveStation
Kaltes Land                                  on the Beach (btb, 2017)                 TauchStation
                                             Lazare und der tote Mann
NORBERT HORST                                                                         JÖRG JURETZKA
                                             am Strand
2017, SC, 400 pages                                                                   2017, HC, 272 pages
€ 9.99                                       ROBERT HÜLTNER                           € 18.95
Goldmann Verlag, 978-3-442-48617-5           2017 HC, 384 pages                       Rotbuch Verlag, 978-3-86789-207-0
Rights available                             € 20.-                                   Rights available
                                             btb Verlag, 978-3-442-75660-5
Somebody always profits. There’s                                                      Juretzka’s protagonist, Kristof Krys-
                                             Rights available
lots of money to be earned in Ger-                                                    zinski, has long been a cult figure
many with drugs, weapons and hu-             A dark French-German story from          in German crime fiction. In this, his
man beings. Desperate illegal immi-          Sète in the south of France, where       13th adventure, he has been de-
grants are there in abundance, who           Inspector Lazare goes about his job.     clared dead and established a
can be exploited without taking any          The plot takes in the Front National,    new identity for himself in Bottrop,
risks. Obdurately overcoming all the         the German secret service, racism,       while working for Europol, but he is
reluctance around him, Inspector             exploitation and industrial interests.   soon found out. His arch enemies,
Steiger attempts to track down one           Last but not least, it‘s also about      a Mafia clan from Marseille, are on
of those profiteers – one who ope-           the period of German occupation          his tail again. He has to overcome
rates as a mysterious background             in France. Robert Hültner avoids         this problem once and for all, so he
figure, and whose victims don’t even         touristic clichés. His crime novel       recruits his old gang the “Stormfu-
exist officially. A policeman himself,       attains the level of a cross-border      ckers”, and gets started. This is an
Norbert Horst has injected a large           dialogue,      transplanting    some     excuse for any amount of situatio-
dose of realism into German detec-           collective European problems into an     nal comedy, cracking dialogue and
tive fiction.                                exciting crime plot.                     thrilling action.
Authors K-P
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Kolbe                                      Moabit                                     On The Other Side
Kolbe                                      Moabit                                     Jenseits
2015, SC, 448 pages                        2017, HC, 88 pages                         2017, SC, 320 pages
€ 16.99                                    € 18.-                                     € 14.99
Pendragon Verlag, 978-3-86532-489-4        Galiani Verlag, 978-3-86971-155-3          Kiepenheuer & Witsch Verlag,
Rights available                           Rights available                           978-3-462-05046-2, Rights available

A novel that pays homage to Fritz          Berlin, Moabit 1927. A delightful,
                                                                                      A medical student from Rostock has
Kolbe, who smuggled important ma-          short episode from Volker Kutscher’s
                                                                                      joined IS in Syria. After some time,
terial from the German foreign office      world of Gereon Rath. In a contem-
                                                                                      his parents receive a SMS. He wants
into Switzerland, from 1943 onward,        porary milieu consisting of burglars
                                                                                      out. This sparks the interest of a so-
thereby becoming the Americans‘            and the famous “Berolina” wrest-
                                                                                      cial worker specialised in organising
most important German spy during           ling club, we follow the early story
                                                                                      the return of such people, as well as
the Second World War. Written as an        of Charlotte Ritter, daughter of a
                                                                                      a journalist and the German secret
exciting political thriller with a cons-   prison warden, who, after working
                                                                                      service – all with their own particu-
tant atmosphere of oppression, this        her way up in life, later becomes
                                                                                      lar motivations. But should his wish
is an endless knife-edge ride, with        Gereon Rath’s assistant Charly. The
                                                                                      be taken seriously, anyway? What
lives at stake. A song of praise to one    fabulous, detailed illustrations by
                                                                                      else might lie behind it? A highly
of the quiet heroes of the resistance      Kat Menschik lend this chapter of
                                                                                      contemporary political thriller that
against the Nazi regime, one whose         Berlin-Babylon the decisive extra
                                                                                      draws links to Berlin truck-terrorist
impact is only just being understood       nuance.
                                                                                      Anis Amri, in a cleverly constructed
and honoured in our own century.
                                                                                      plot and commentary on our time.

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Cirrostratus                               Treacherous Naples                         Never
Schleierwolken                             Trügerisches Neapel                        Niemals
REGINA NÖSSLER                             FABIO PARETTA                              ANDREAS PFLÜGER
2017, SC, 320 pages                        2018 SC, 384 pages                         2017, HC, 475 pages
€ 12.-                                     € 10.-                                     € 20.-
konkursbuch Verlag Claudia Gehrke,         Penguin Verlag, 978-3-328-10087-4          Suhrkamp Verlag, 978-3-518-42756-9
978-3-88769-563-7, Rights available        Rights available                           Rights available

Between the metropolis and the pro-        Fabio Paretta is the pseudo-               Andreas Pflüger’s action heroi-
vince, commuting back and forth            nym of a German author, but that           ne, the blind police officer Jenny
between Berlin and Wattenscheid,           doesn‘t undermine the quality of           Aaron, is back. She’s more than able
Elisabeth, a lesbian, feels she’s being    his Naples-based crime novels.             to make up for her handicap, as her
stalked. She also feels that her care-     His protagonist, Commissario de            heightened other senses make her
needy mother doesn’t accept her.           Santis, is a plausible figure, as is the   a deadly weapon on the side of the
At the same time, long-suppressed          story about a murdered schoolboy,          police. Actually, she just wants to
events from her childhood are coming       who might have been nothing more           come to rest, but her worst enemy
back to haunt her. A person’s imme-        than collateral damage. Paretta of-        forces her back into action. He’s
diate social circle can be a dange-        fers us no idyllic Italy here. Of course   waiting for a final duel with her in
rous place. Regina Nössler succeeds        the Camorra are also active, but           Marrakesh. Pflüger is a master of the
in igniting seemingly unspectacular        the day-to-day crime in the city           high art of the action, and has de-
things to create nightmarish litera-       near Vesuvius is more complicated          veloped the perfect language for
ture, not unlike Patricia Highsmith.       than just that. Delightfully clever,       this kind of high-speed thriller.
Wilful, original and lots of suspense.     top quality old-school crime fiction.

Authors R-S
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Omnipotence                                 The Job                                     A Village in Fear
Allmacht                                    Das Ding drehen                             Ein Dorf in Angst
MARCUS RICHMANN                             HANS SCHEFCZYK                              WOLFGANG SCHWEIGER
2017, SC, 407 pages                         2017, HC, 192 pages                         2016, SC, 280 pages
€ 16.-                                      € 10.-                                      € 12.99
Gmeiner-Verlag, 978-3-8392-2043-6           Transit Buchverlag, 978-3-88747-342-6       Pendragon Verlag, 978-3-86532-523-5
Rights available                            Rights available                            Rights available

A Russian oligarch is discovered            Even ex-terrorists can run out of           On his way into a small village in
dead in a luxurious villa on Lake Zu-       money. The age of the militant cells        the Bavarian region of Chiemgau, a
rich. A good thing that the detective,      is over and life underground gets           contract killer dies of a heart attack.
Maxim Charkow, has Russian origins          frustrating. So they decide once            No one knows who his intended
as this lets him pursue his investiga-      and for all to sort some security for       victim was, but it’s clear a replace-
tions in Russia too. He’s drawn into a      their old age. They’ll do one last big      ment killer is on the way. The police
weird story that first started in 1959      job. After all, they still know the right   investigate feverishly, the press wind
in the Ural mountains in the Soviet         routine for that kind of thing. But the     up the pressure, and panic breaks
Union and which, even today, still          enemy is already in their midst, be-        out in the village. Schweiger mixes
causes ructions in the new Russia.          cause the authorities never forget.         up elements of gangster novels and
An international setting, internatio-       A high-paced thriller about pure            police fiction, along with a classic
nal feel, and a basis in historical fact.   madness, played out between Bar-            village tale. Thus the local scene-
A political crime novel about power         celona, Toulouse, Paris and Colo-           ry gains an added dimension that
and money, and about strange me-            gne. Concise, clever and politically        denies the book the simple label of
thods of manipulation.                      insightful.                                 “regional” crime novel.

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Frontlines                                  After us the Penguins.                      The Golden Glove
Fronten                                     A Crime story at the End of                 Der goldene Handschuh
                                            the World
LEONHARD F. SEIDL                                                                       HEINZ STRUNK
                                            Nach uns die Pinguine.
2017, SC, 160 pages                                                                     2016, HC, 256 pages
                                            Ein Weltuntergangskrimi
€ 16.-                                                                                  € 19.95
Edition Nautilus, 978-3-96054-051-9,        HANNES STEIN                                Rowohlt Verlag, 978-3-498-06436-5
Rights available                            2017 HC, 208 pages                          Rights available
                                            € 19.-
Upper Bavaria: racism and xeno-                                                         The Golden Glove is the name of a
                                            Galiani Verlag, 978-3-86971-156-0
phobia have a long tradition here.                                                      local pub in Hamburg which gained
                                            Rights available
The situation threatens to boil                                                         a questionable fame in 1976, when
over when a Bosnian man shoots              A special kind of “locked room” mys-        it was the hunting ground for real-
three police officers and an armed          tery: the governor of the Falkland          life serial killer Fritz Honka. Strunk’s
“Reichsbürger” storms a mosque for          Islands is found murdered inside a          novel centres on the women who
revenge. This report from provincial        locked room. This is doubly troub-          were his victims, and on the regulars
Germany is based on a true sto-             ling, in view of the fact that human-       at the pub. It examines drunken-
ry. Oppressive and uncomfortab-             kind has almost entirely died out.          ness and exclusion, sex and death,
le, it nevertheless has its moments         Only on this small group of islands         violence and crime, rich and
of hope. Politically engaged, and           does anything resembling civilised          poor, perpetrators and victims.
with a clear stance, it is a crime no-      life continue, something the inha-          The low pub represents the world
vel that aims to influence society.         bitants ignore with stoical calm. But       in a nutshell. Written with fury,
Literature with a purpose, in the           a murder is shocking nonetheless,           minutely observed, reconstructed
best sense of the word.                     and an investigation is called for.         with historical accuracy.
                                            A glorious delight.                         A dark novel from a dark place.
Authors T-Z
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Soul-foe                                       The Accident in the Rue Bisson           Sakari Learns to Walk
Seelenfeindin                                  Der Unfall in der Rue Bisson             Through Walls
                                                                                        Sakari lernt, durch Wände
SABINE TRINKAUS                                MATTHIAS WITTEKINDT
                                                                                        zu gehen
2017, SC, 336 pages                            2016, SC, 224 pages
€ 14.95                                        € 16.-                                   JAN COSTIN WAGNER
Emons Verlag, 978-3-7408-0083-3                Edition Nautilus, 978-3-96054-018-2      2017, HC, 240 pages
Rights available                               Rights available                         € 20.-
                                                                                        Galiani Verlag, 978-3-86971-018-1
To psychiatrist Nadja Schönberg,               A fatal car crash keeps Lieutenant
                                                                                        Rights available
Konstanze Friedrich just seems to be           Ohayon busy. Was it perhaps a
a slightly different, but quite fasci-         murder, in fact? At any rate, there’s    In Turku, Finland, a man is found sit-
nating case in her daily work at the           less harmony among the victim’s          ting naked in a fountain. With a knife
clinic. But the more deeply she pro-           friends than they pretend there is       in his hand. Then suddenly he dies. This
bes into her patient’s world, the              to the Lieutenant. This clique of        is the mysterious opening to the
more the boundary between insani-              aspiring young people in the small       latest case for Wagner’s protagonist,
ty and reality seems to disintegrate.          French town has its darker sec-          the empathetic policeman Kimmo
Does he really exist, this man who’s           rets. Quietly and without bravura,       Joentaa. The affair leads to a family
threatening Konstanze and who said             Wittekindt’s novel sets off in pursuit   calamity, and ends in tragedy and
he’ll kill her? After all, except for a lost   of the truth. But the truth resists,     suffering. But also a brief moment
dog there’s no real evidence that              remains deceptively vague. A sub-        of Utopian happiness. A favourite of
she’s really in any danger. A trip to          versive novel about the illusion of      newspaper arts sections, poetically
the darkness of the soul’s abyss.              “enlightenment”.                         sensitive descriptions of highly pro-
                                                                                        blematic people faced by extreme
                                                                                        situations. Noble and distinguished.

A True Crime Novel
Ein True-Crime-Roman   
2017, HC, 408 pages
€ 23.-
CulturBooks Verlag, 978-3-95988-023-7
Rights available                               ____________________________ ____________________________
                                               Planning and                             With support from:
Journalist Billie is working on a
                                               organisation:                            Federal Foreign Office
biography of the mass murderer
                                               Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH
Heinrich Pommerenke (1937 – 2008).                                                      ____________________________
                                               Braubachstraße 16
The proximity to evil does not                                                          Contact
                                               D-60311 Frankfurt am Main
leave her untouched. The closer she                                                     For questions, please contact
gets to Pommerenke’s personality,                                                       Bärbel Becker,
the more she disintegrates herself,                                                     E-mail: becker@book-fair.com,
sliding into a world of madness.               ____________________________             Phone: +49 (0) 69 2102 258
A dark, virtuoso novel about the               Selection, title annotations:            book-fair.com/german_collective_stands
apparent objectivity of true crime             Thomas Wörtche, Berlin
books, and about the poison of
                                               ____________________________             © Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH,
violence and death which leave
                                               Design, setting:                         Frankfurt am Main 2018
nobody untouched or undamaged.
                                               weirauch-mediadesign.de                  No reproduction without prior
                                                                                        permission of the publisher.
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