Departure orientation for students going abroad - International Office JYU. Since 1863.

Page created by Lonnie Espinoza
Departure orientation for students going abroad - International Office JYU. Since 1863.
Departure orientation for
 students going abroad

        International Office

                               JYU. Since 1863.   7.5.2020   1
Departure orientation for students going abroad - International Office JYU. Since 1863.
Study abroad and the corona
• At the moment, all study related trips are
  cancelled at JYU until 31 July
• It is possible that the epidemic will
  influence exchanges in 2020-2021
  (postponed, cancelled, online-learning
  only etc.)
• We will inform all outgoing exchange
  students of any decisions JYU or your host
  university will make on the matter
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Departure orientation for students going abroad - International Office JYU. Since 1863.

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Departure orientation for students going abroad - International Office JYU. Since 1863.
1. Before the

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Departure orientation for students going abroad - International Office JYU. Since 1863.
Get to know your host university

• Website of the host
• JYU coordinators
       Faculty coordinator
       International Office
• Travel reports
• Former exchange students
• Local facebook groups

                              JYU. Since 1863.   7.5.2020   5
Departure orientation for students going abroad - International Office JYU. Since 1863.
Apply to host university
• Application forms on the
  website of the host
  university or received by
• Some universities use
  online application systems
• Notice deadlines
• Typical attachments:
        Transcript of records
        Learning Agreement
• You are responsible for
  submitting the documents
  on time!

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Departure orientation for students going abroad - International Office JYU. Since 1863.
Learning goals for mobility period set by
JYU Education Council 11/2015 1/2
• After completing a mobility period the student
    Deepened his/her academic expertise
    Created networks with other experts in the field
    Developed language skills, interaction skills,
    cooperation skills and ability to work in multilingual
    and multicultural environments
    Increased self-confidence and self-knowledge,
    ability to cope with uncertainty and flexibility
    Developed critical thinking skills and problem
    solving skills

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Departure orientation for students going abroad - International Office JYU. Since 1863.
Learning goals for mobility period set by
JYU Education Council 11/2015 2/2

• After completing a mobility period the student
    Understands the meaning of various cultural factors
    and contexts (language, nationality, gender, age,
    academic field) to interaction
    Is conscious of and can analyse the factors affecting
    the formation and transformation of one’s own cultural
    Understands and respects cultural diversity
    Is interested in global issues and can study them from
    new perspectives

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Departure orientation for students going abroad - International Office JYU. Since 1863.
Skills learned abroad
• Traditional view on
  skills gained from
     Language skills
     Cultural knowledge
• Extended view on
  international expertise:

                             JYU. Since 1863.   7.5.2020   9
Departure orientation for students going abroad - International Office JYU. Since 1863.
Attributes which
employers think
are significant in
(Demos Helsinki
& CIMO 2013)

Source: Faktaa, Facts and
Figures 1/2014, Hidden

                            7.5.2020   10
Set goals to maximize benefits
1) Recognize skills to      Skills to improve include…
   improve                  • expertise in your own
2) XYHX009 Intercultural      study field
   professional competences • language skills
   (3 ECTS cr.)             • problem-solving
3) Develop skills           • cooperation skills
4) Demonstrate skills in CV • communication skills
                            • knowledge of different
                            • self-confidence
                            • etc.

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Study planning
• Make a study plan before your exchange, discuss your
  course choices with your faculty/programme coordinator
• Upload a Learning Agreement (LA) to the Mobility-Online
  àinstructions will be send via email
• Send your study plan or LA to your host university
• 30 ECTS (European credit system) cr. per semester

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Apply for housing
• Student housing
            apply through host university
• From the private sector
            book temporary
           accommodation (hostel,
           Airbnb etc.) for a week before
           the semester starts
            check what is included in the
           rent and termination             • Rent/sublet your room:
           conditions etc.
•   Maintain your right of residency in             Student Union
    Kortepohja (student village), i.e.              Apartment Forum
    you can get a similar type of                   (incoming students!)
    residence when you return
•   NB! Not possible to maintain the      
    right of residency at KOAS!, but      
    you can sublet your apartment

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Travel grant
•   Apply in Mobility-Online
            Instructions by email from the International Office
            Nordplus students: usually a paper application from the Faculty coordinator
            Erasmus students to Switzerland: instructions concerning your scholarship from
            host university
•   Dates of your exchange period
            Beginning date = The day when you need to arrive to your host university
            (recommended arrival date, first day of orientation, first day of a language course)
            End date = The last day you complete studies, for example the last exam date
•   Grant
            Paid 1 month before your exchange
            No effect on the Finnish student financial aid (opintotuki)
            Not tax-deductible

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Finnish study aid
•   Normal study aid (about 250€/month)
•   Fixed housing allowance (210€/month)
           Excluding Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary,
           Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia and
           Slovenia (
•   Study loan abroad (800€/month)
•   Apply online (
•   Kela will receive a confirmation of your exchange dates when you
    apply for your scholarship in Mobility-Online à if you need a
    certificate of your finances earlier (for your host university
    application, visa application), please ask for an exchange
    certificate from Intl. Office

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Register for attendance at JYU

• Register for attendance in the OILI service:
    If you cannot register in the OILI service (e.g. if your
    JY user account is not active, or you do not have
    internet banking services in a Finnish bank), you can
    register by paying the Student Union membership fee
    to the Student Union’s account. After paying the fee,
    you must show the receipt of the payment at the
    Student Services (building T, 2nd floor).
• If you register after 31 July, you are required to
  pay a re-registration fee as well
• JYU tuition fee requirement also during exchange!
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Brush up language skills

• Courses at Movi
• Each one Teach One
• Duolingo (iPhone,
• Memrise, Mango
  languages (Android)
• OLS (Online
  Linguistic Support)

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OLS for Erasmus+

• Compulsory language test for Erasmus+
  in Bulgarian, Flemish, Croatian, English, Estonian, Hungarian, Irish,
  Italian, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Latvian,
  Lithuanian, Maltese, Portuguese, Polish, Romanian, Swedish,
  Slovak, Spanish, Danish and Czech

• Invitation by email
• Optional free online courses (including
  MOOCs, tutoring with a native teacher etc.)

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Facing cultural differences
• Get to know local customs and norms
       helps you adjust to a new culture

• Prepare for cultural
       XYHX009 Intercultural
       professional competences
       (3 ECTS)
• Facing a culture shock
  is normal
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Residence permits and visas 1/2

• Nordic citizens to a Nordic country
       No residence permit / visa required, bring a valid passport
• EU citizens to another EU country
       A residence permit to be obtained in the host country
• Non-EU citizens to an EU country
       You can stay up to 360 days in another EU country.
       You must register in the host country (if required). Find out
       Requirement: your residence permit in Finland must be valid
       for the entire exchange period.

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Residence permit and visas 2/2

• Other countries
       A student visa / residence permit
       Apply before entering the country via the country’s embassy
       in Finland (apply early enough!)

• Country-specific visa information can be found
  on the International Office website

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Health care
EU citizens in the EU area,                Other countries and
Norway, Iceland or Switzerland             nationalities

•   European Health Insurance              •   Private health insurance
          Apply from the social security
          organisation of the country
          where you are insured (in
          Finland: Kela)
          Public medically necessary
          care with local prices
•   Complementary insurance

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• Fill in YTHS (FSHS) pre-travel health assessment form
  via self service :
  3 months prior to your departure to see if any vaccinations are
• Vaccination certificates from YTHS (FSHS)
• Basic vaccinations: tetanus-diphteria, polio and MMR
  (measles, mumps and rubella) are free
• Other vaccinations: ask for a prescription at YTHS and
  buy the vaccination from a pharmacy
• Malaria medication needed for some areas

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• Do not quit taking medication prescibed to you during the
• Buy long-term medication for the entire exchange period
        E.g. asthma, allergies, diabetes, blood pressure, birth control
        pills etc.
        Remember to show your prescriptions at customs
        Take the customs regulations of the host country into
• Finnish prescriptions are valid in the EU
• Get a prescription in English from your doctor
• Finnish prescription medicines sold in online pharmacies
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Avoid diarrhea!

• Keep your hands clean
• Lactid acid bacteria
• Buy diarrhea medicine
  in advance

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• Students abroad:                • Travel insurances
                                         Can be continuous or trip-
      not insured by JYU                 specific (usually up to 3
      should get private travel          Continuous insurance can
      insurance                          be more affordable
                                         Luggage insurance can
• Trainees abroad:                       also be part of your home
      Insured by JYU in
      unpaid internships
                                  • Student insurances
                                         Finnish insurance
      (accidents at work)                companies (compare!)
                                         International insurance
                                         companies, e.g. SIP
                                         (Student Insurance

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Issues that affect travel
insurance price
• Home insurance in the same company
• Length of your travel
• Destination country
• Excess
• Amount of compensation
• Activities during the exchange (different sports
  may not be included)
N.B! Pay attention to insurance validity, you may
need to purchase additional days / months
                                      JYU. Since 1863.   7.5.2020   27
• Acceptance from host university à book your flights!
• Especially in 2020-21: Wait before making any travel
  arrangements until JYU and your host university has
  confirmed the exchange
• Luggage
         Luggage regulations on the airline company website, e.g.
         Usually max. 20 kg as luggage (if included)
         Excess luggage as travel cargo
•   Travelling
    • Always carry a passport or a picture ID with you when
    • Take into account your carbon footprint à choose the
      train/bus when travelling during the exchange!

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Traveling with ISIC card

• Discounts with the International Student Identity
  Card (ISIC): or
• ISIC does not replace local student cards

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Travel apps
•   Weather pro
•   XE currency
•   Packing bro
•   Tipulator
•   Perfect world clock
•   Skyscanner (flights)
•   Hostelworld
•   Airbnb
•   Uber
•   Wifi-Finder / Wefi
•   Google translate
•   Erasmus+ App
                           JYU. Since 1863.   7.5.2020   30
Financial matters

• Visa Electron card        • Bank transfers
       Withdraw cash              EU payment =
       Pay in many places         IBAN + BIC + €
                                  Online banking (mobile
• International credit            phone data protection
  card                            when using public wifi!)
                                  Bank account not
• Card payments are               needed in SEPA
  free of charge                  countries
• Check card expiration           Other countries: ask
                                  former exchange
  date and limits                 students

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Change of address

• Register Office (Maistraatti) = obligatory
• Post office

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Safety abroad 1/3
• Anything can happen anywhere!
• Find out before hand what kind of a country and
  city you are headed for
• Pay attention to the local culture, customs,
  habits, norms about clothing etc.
• Consent to individual liability form as a part of
  the scholarship application
• ICE (In Case of Emergency)
• Emergency number in EU 112; find out what the
  emergency number is in your host country and
  save it to your phone!
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Safety abroad 2/3
• In case of crises: follow the instructions of local
• Help from a Finnish Embassy or from the
  Embassy of your home country
• Online consul of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
  of Finland helps in facebook (in Finnish):

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Safety abroad 3/3
• Travel advice             • Travel notification
Ø website of the            Ø website of the
  Ministry for Foreign        Ministry for Foreign
  Affairs of Finland (in      Affairs of Finland
  Finnish) :                Ø check from your     home country’s
Ø         Ministry for Foreign
  travel-advice               Affairs

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Safety abroad: experiences
• Generally safe, but be aware of
   • Pocket thiefs
   • Traffic (drunken drivers)
   • Giving your contact information
     to strangers
   • Drugs
   • Walking alone after dark
   • Demonstrations
   • Natural disasters (hurricanes,
     floods, earthquakes etc.)

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Country specific safety situation


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You are an ambassador of JYU

• Promote JYU abroad        •
       Brochures, videos,
       Power Point
• Learn the basics of
       6 faculties
       Courses in English
       Excellent student

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2. During the

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Arrival procedures
• Registration                   • Residence permit
       Register at the local           Acquire a residence
       international office or         permit from the local
       student affairs office          authorities if necessary

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Mobile phones
• Change your PIN code     • No roaming fees inside
• Data protection            the EU
• GSM or CDMA mobile       • Outside the EU
  phone system?                   Check the roaming fees
                                  from your operator
• Set maximum € for data          Tips on cheap mobile
  transfer                        operators from former
                                  exchange students,
• Backup phone numbers            locals, discussion
                                  Use Wifi and Skype

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• Stay in touch with folks at home

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Networking and integration

• Try to make friends    • Follow the local topics
  outside the exchange     in the host country by
  student circles          reading online news
• Take part in local       sites
  clubs etc.             • Student
                           organisations, e.g.
                           Erasmus Student

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Confirmation of your stay
(Erasmus+ only)
• Erasmus+ students
       Letter of Confirmation
• Erasmus+ trainees
       Work Placement
• Ask signatures from
  your host university or
  organisation at the
  end of your exchange
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Houston … we have a problem

If you run into overwhelming difficulties…

• Do not return to Finland immediately unless your
  home university recommends it (excluding acute
  serious illness and crises)
• Contact the host and home university and seek
• Remember that the scholarship is tied to the
  length of your exchange period
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Changing the length of your stay

• If you want to change       • N.B.! Your scholarship
  the length of your            is tied to the length of
  exchange period,              your exchange
  1) Your host and home       • N.B.! Minimum length
     international offices
                                is 3 months (2 months
                                in FIRST)
  2) Kela (if you receive
     student financial aid)

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Be a reporter for JYUnity
• Write about your
  study abroad
  experience to
  JYUnity, university’s
  online stakeholder
• The story should have
  a broader point of
  view than just the
  exchange itself
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3. After the

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Documents to be returned

• Travel report / training • Only for Erasmus
  report or blog in               Final LA (also for Nordlys
  Mobility-Online                 and Nordplus)
                                  Letter of confirmation
• Upload host university          (students) or Work
  transcript to Mobility-         placement confirmation
                                  (interns) to be returned
  Online                          within one month!
• Give feedback to                EU Survey (Erasmus
  JYU!                            students and interns)
                                      Complete OLS test part 2

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Credit transfer

• Apply for credit           • Language study credits
  transfer!                            Contact Movi
                                  1.     Language courses
• Major / minor studies
                                  2.     Credits for courses
       Contact the                       completed in a foreign
       International                     language
       Coordinator at your
                                       Max 8 credits if you have
                                       taken courses in your
• A new ”minor” study                  own field in the language
                                       of the host country
  programme (min. 15-                  Max 4 credits if you
  25 credits)                          studied in English
       Contact the faculty
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Re-entry orientation

• Arranged twice a year
• Sharing your
  experiences with
  other exchange
• Invitation will be send
  via email

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International office

• Building T, 2nd floor (opening hours 9-15)

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We hope you will have a rewarding
       exchange period!

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You can also read