Page created by Clarence Fields
Deakin Business
       School School
of Medicine


  Associate Professor Lara Fuller
  Director, Rural Community Clinical School (RCCS)
  School of Medicine
  Ph: 5247 9140

  Position description current from July 2018                               * Equivalent to Deakin Lecturer/Senior Lecturer

Deakin University is ranked     With over 53,000 students (17% international),
                                Deakin is one of Australia’s largest universities
                                                                                       OUR STRATEGY
in the top 3% of universities   and its education and research activities have
                                                                                       LIVE the future: Agenda 2020 articulates Deakin’s
                                                                                       strategy for defining and distinguishing Deakin
worldwide across each of        international reach.
                                                                                       through to the end of 2020. Deakin aims to
                                Since 1974 Deakin has been committed to
the three major international   lifelong learning; to providing students with
                                                                                       harness the power, opportunity and reach of the
                                                                                       digital world in all that it does. It aspires to be
rankings*. We are also          choices about how, when and where learning             Australia’s premier university in driving the digital
                                occurs – almost a quarter of Deakin’s students         frontier – to enable globally connected education
ranked in the top 50 under      study wholly in the cloud (online). Affirming its      for the jobs of the future, and research that
50 years of age in both         long held reputation for accessibility, Deakin         makes a difference to the communities we serve.
                                has rated first in Victoria for student satisfaction
the QS and THES. 89%            for six consecutive years (AGS 2010-2015). In
                                                                                       Deakin has a long tradition of innovation in
                                                                                       learning and examples of Deakin’s success in
of Deakin’s research was        2014, Deakin received the Premier’s Award for
                                                                                       the current landscape of digital change include:
                                international education provider of the year
rated at or above world         and was named Victoria’s leading Education and         •• DeakinSync, an innovative communication and
                                                                                          collaboration platform for students and staff.
standards in the Australian     Training provider in the Victorian Governor’s
                                Export Awards in both 2015 and 2016.                   •• World-first partnership with cognitive
Government’s Excellence in      Deakin’s four faculties offer a comprehensive             computer IBM Watson to provide students
Research for Australia (ERA)    range of courses across the arts, science, sport,         with personalised advice 24/7 365 days a year
                                                                                          on multiple devices.
2015 assessment.                nutrition, architecture, business, law, medicine,
                                optometry, engineering, nursing, allied health,        •• Technology rich, flexible and stylish learning
                                psychology and teaching.                                  spaces across all Deakin campuses.
                                Deakin has always had a strong reputation              •• Deakin was awarded the gold global award in
                                for innovation and in this digital age, has been          the Reimagine Education awards for innovative
                                driving the digital frontier in the use of new and        higher education pedagogies enhancing
                                emerging technologies in research, teaching               learning and employability.
                                and community engagement.
                                Deakin has 4 Institutes and many Strategic
                                Research Centres and is one of only a few
                                Universities to focus on manufacturing research.
                                Deakin’s carbon fibre research has captured
                                the attention of automotive and aeronautical
                                manufacturing globally with its Carbon Nexus
                                facility acknowledged as a nationally significant
                                piece of infrastructure embracing new ways of
                                manufacturing in automotive, aerospace and
                                construction industries.

                                                                                       * Shanghai Jiao Tong Academic Ranking of World
                                                                                          Universities (ARWU), Times Higher Education and QS
                                                                                          World University Rankings                                                                                                                      2

Deakin Health is recognised in Australia                                   The Faculty of Health teach a large variety of health disciplines and sub-
                                                                           disciplines at campuses and health services in Geelong, Burwood, Ballarat,
and internationally for its teaching,                                      Warrnambool and other locations in Melbourne, Western Victoria and
training, research and service. We are one                                 further afield. Our courses are delivered both on campus and online via
                                                                           our Cloud Campus using a state-of-the-art blend of face-to-face and online
of the fastest growing health faculties                                    teaching methods.
in Australia. Our teaching, research and                                   The Faculty is made up of five schools:
                                                                           •• School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences
service contribute to improved health and                                  •• School of Health and Social Development
wellbeing, and to strengthening the health                                 •• School of Medicine
                                                                           •• School of Nursing and Midwifery
and human services sectors in Australia and                                •• School of Psychology
the Asia-Pacific. We assist governments,                                   Through our Schools and research groups we work collaboratively with
communities and organisations to develop                                   a wide range of external organisations. These include federal and state
                                                                           governments, schools, public and private hospitals, health centres, non-
a wide variety of health and social programs                               government organisations such as Diabetes Australia, community groups,
and policies.                                                              international bodies such as the World Health Organization, commercial
                                                                           companies, and other universities and research institutes at home and
                                                                           overseas. A number of highly productive partnerships across the sector
                                                                           include joint appointments at professorial level.
                                                                           Deakin Health is guided by a strong and vibrant commitment to improving
                                                                           the health and wellbeing of all people in Australia and our surrounding
                                                                           region. Please join us in this important work.

    The Faculty of Health strives to achieve Deakin’s vision by:
    1. inspiring our students to realise their potential, develop their    3. undertaking world-class research to support evidence-based
       knowledge and skills, and grow as individuals who excel                policy and practice and provide a stimulating research
       in the workplace, contribute to their communities and engage           training environment
       in lifelong learning                                                4. engaging our students, alumni, staff, partners and friends
    2. providing learning experiences that are personal, dynamic and          to participate fully in the life of the Faculty and University
       contemporary, with clearly articulated expectations and standards      and to become global citizens.                                                                                                                               3

The School has come a long       We accepted our first medical students in 2008
                                 to our postgraduate medical degree, and our
                                                                                      We have four research “pillars” in the School:
                                                                                      Infection, Immunity and Cancer; Neurosciences;
way in a short time, since       graduating interns have already established          Metabolic/Musculoskeletal medicine; and Rural
its foundation in 2006. Our      strong links with regional and rural hospitals,
                                 together with the Melbourne city hospitals. The
                                                                                      Health research. School staff participate in the
                                                                                      University’s Strategic Research Centres and work
vision includes equipping        medical degree is a 4 year course, with 2 years of   with our community partners to achieve world
                                 pre-clinical education at the University campus in   class results.
all of our students with the     Waurn Ponds, and then 2 years clinical education     Our Strategic Research Centres and partners
education and experience         and experience in one of our clinical schools. The   include:
                                 School has received approval from the University
necessary to achieve the         and from the Australian Medical Council to
                                                                                      •• The Molecular and Medical Research Strategic
                                                                                         Research Centre (MMR)
goal of work readiness and       transition to the Doctor of Medicine Degree (MD)     •• Psychiatric Health and Epi-Centre for Healthy
                                 from the BMBS degree. This will commence in
professionalism in their         2019.
                                                                                         Ageing Strategic Research Centre (IMPACT)
                                                                                      •• Metabolic Research Unit (MRU)
chosen profession. We are        The School has also developed other new              •• Centre for Rural Emergency Medicine
also focussed on addressing      undergraduate and postgraduate programs,             •• Geelong Centre for Emerging Infectious
                                 namely Optometry, Medical Imaging, Agricultural         Diseases
workforce shortages in           Health and Medicine, Units in the Bachelor           •• National Centre for Farmer Health
Australia, especially in rural   of Biomedical Science and Health Science             •• Epworth Hospital Geelong
                                 Majors, Bachelor of Health and Medical Science       •• University Hospital Geelong
and remote areas.                Honours, a MBA (Healthcare Management) and           •• CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory
                                 a Masters Degree in Surgical Research.. We also      •• The Western Alliance Academic Health Science
                                 have a significant number of M Phil (Masters by         Centre
                                 Research) and PhD students in both basic clinical    •• The Kardinia Health GP Superclinic
                                 sciences and clinical research. Our research         As a School we are committed to providing
                                 capability and performance has grown rapidly.        excellent education, research facilities and
                                 This involves academic staff at the Waurn Ponds      services for students and staff. We look forward
                                 campus and those working in primary and              to welcoming you to the School of Medicine.
                                 secondary care throughout the region.                                                                                                                4

The Deputy Director, RCCS         PRINCIPAL                                                    and provision of feedback to RCCS clinical
                                                                                               teachers in compliance with the University’s
will assist the Director with     ACCOUNTABILITIES                                             and Faculty’s quality assurance principles and
the planning, development         The appointee is responsible for ensuring that            •• Contribute to the provision of support for
                                  the RCCS teaching program is of high quality and
and delivery of the clinical      delivered according to best practice teaching
                                                                                               students, including academic advice and
                                                                                               student wellbeing processes and appropriate
teaching program for students     and learning principles. This will include
                                  development and adaption of learning materials
                                                                                            •• Assist with IT and library support for RCCS
undertaking placement within      and delivery within the RCCS program, including
                                  cloud-based, online, face to face and site-based
the RCCS during study for         teaching programs. The appointee will be
                                  expected to make a significant contribution to            Research
the medical program. The          direct teaching of RCCS students, including online        •• Make a contribution to collaborative research
appointee will enhance the        and face to face tutorials, clinical skills sessions
                                  and regional teaching visits. They will assist with
                                                                                               and scholarly publication in an area relevant to
                                                                                               the RCCS.
role of the University within     RCCS assessment processes by contributing to
                                  the planning, delivery and review of student
General Practices and their       assessment tasks.                                         Service
                                                                                            •• Deputising for the Director when absent and
associated health services                                                                     assuming other delegate, responsibilities, as
                                  The Deputy Director will be responsible for                  agreed.
in Western Victoria and will      the coordination and communication with                   •• Co-ordinate, with assistance of other RCCS
assist the Director to develop    all clinical staff involved in the RCCS teaching
                                  program, including casual staff and will assist
                                                                                               staff, the day-to-day running of the RCCS
                                                                                               teaching program.
and consolidate affiliations      with recruitment and training of RCCS clinical
                                                                                            •• Develop and maintain good working
                                  teachers. The Deputy Director will work closely
with clinical training sites to   with other members of the RCCS academic                      relationships with administrative staff and
                                  and administrative team, and will deputise                   clinical staff at clinical teaching sites delivering
provide clinical experience       for the Director when absent. The appointee                  the RCCS program, other clinical schools and
                                                                                               within the School of Medicine.
for Deakin Medical School         will contribute to the provision of academic
                                  and personal support to students enrolled in              •• Represent the RCCS within the School of
students.                         the RCCS program and to student wellbeing                    Medicine on committees and working groups
                                  processes.                                                   as required.
                                                                                            •• Promote the school and its programs within
                                                                                               the health and medical professions, and to
                                  The appointee will be expected to contribute
It is anticipated that the        to research, scholarly publication and the
                                                                                               other educational institutions and within the
                                                                                               wider community.
                                  generation of external research income, as
appointee will have a clinical    appropriate. They will be an advocate for rural           •• Participate in the University’s Performance
                                                                                               Planning and Review program.
role in a practice or health      careers and promote the RCCS Clinical School to
                                                                                            •• Ensure compliance of areas of responsibility
                                  clinicians, health services and communities in the
service in Western Victoria.      RCCS area.                                                   with all legislative requirements and
                                                                                               University policies including equity and equal
                                                                                               opportunity, and occupational health and
                                  TYPICAL DUTIES                                               safety.
                                                                                            •• Ensure that students undertaking the RCCS
                                  Teaching, Learning and the Student                           program observe the rules of Deakin University
                                  Experience                                                   and of clinical teachings sites delivering he
                                  •• In consultation with the Director, develop,               program.
                                     plan, implement and evaluate the teaching              •• Provide reports as requested to the RCCS team
                                     program in the RCCS according to best                     and Director.
                                     practice.                                              •• Carry out other duties as directed by the Head
                                  •• Monitor teaching performance and ensure                   of School and Director of the RCCS.
                                     compliance with the University’s and Faculty’s
                                     quality assurance principles and procedures.
                                  •• Make a significant contribution to direct
                                                                                            OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY
                                     teaching of RCCS students, including online            •• Promoting and providing a safe working
                                     and face to face tutorials, clinical skills sessions      environment for students, staff and visitors
                                     and regional teaching visits.                             with attention to the requirements of relevant
                                                                                               Occupational Health and Safety, Workers
                                  •• Assist with RCCS assessment processes by
                                                                                               Rehabilitation and Compensation and Equal
                                     contributing to the planning, delivery and
                                                                                               Opportunity Acts.
                                     review of student assessment tasks.
                                  •• Assist with recruitment, training, supervision                                                                                                                         5
ORGANISATIONAL CONTEXT                                  Regional Medical Educators for the clinical school.   POSITION LOCATION
                                                        The appointee will report to the Director of the
The appointee will form part of the teaching                                                                  The RCCS encompasses nine towns in rural
team within the School of Medicine, which is            RCCS.                                                 Victoria. It is expected that the successful
one of five Schools in the Faculty of Health. The                                                             candidate will be located within one of these
School of Medicine offers a 4 year graduate             ORGANISATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS                          towns and would be expected to travel to other
entry medical course; students are based at the                                                               clinical sites and the main Waurn Ponds campus.
                                                        The appointee will work closely with members of
Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus for the first two
                                                        the RCCS team, including academic, research and
years of the course. In year 3 students move to
                                                        administrative staff. There will be regular contact
commence their clinical training at one of five
                                                        with other academic, clinical and administrative      PROBATIONARY PERIOD
clinical schools; Geelong, Ballarat, Warrnambool,
                                                        staff within the School of Medicine at Waurn          The University may require an academic staff
Eastern Health or the Rural Community Clinical
                                                        Ponds, at the other four clinical Schools, and at     member who is offered a fixed term appointment
School (RCCS). Students in the RCCS undertake a
                                                        clinical placement sites. The appointee will also     with the University to serve a probationary
12 month Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (LIC)
                                                        interact regularly with community, professional
program, during which they study all the year 3                                                               period.
                                                        and industry organisations. It is expected that
disciplines in an integrated way, in the context of
                                                        the appointee will be actively involved in medical
rural primary care.
                                                        practice within their region.                         CLINICAL PRACTICE
The RCCS currently has nine clinical sites in
                                                        As a program that is distributed across many          It is expected that the successful candidate will be
southern and western Victoria in which twenty
                                                        sites in southern and western Victoria, it is
students are placed each year. The staffing of the                                                            an academic clinician, preferably practising in the
                                                        important that all RCCS staff strive to work
RCCS comprises the Director, Regional Medical                                                                 local area.
                                                        together as a cohesive and productive team and
Educators, Clinical Skills Instructors, research and
                                                        to develop similar relationships with clinical and
administrative staff. It is anticipated that the
                                                        administrative staff at teaching sites within the
Deputy Director would contribute as one of the
                                                        program area.

                                                        •• Experience of collaborative research and being       collegiality, continuous improvement, ethical
Qualifications                                             a productive member of a research team.              behaviour, accountability and environmental
•• A medical degree registrable with the Medical        •• Demonstrated understanding of the needs              responsibility.
   Board of Australia.                                     and interests of rural and regional Australia,
                                                           and of the problems confronting the health
•• Possess, or studying for, higher qualifications in
                                                           practitioners working in these communities.        DESIRABLE SELECTION
   either research or medical education.
                                                        •• Experience in clinical practice, preferably in     CRITERIA
                                                           rural or regional Australia.                       •• Experience of delivering clinical teaching
Experience, Knowledge and Skills                        •• Ability to represent and effectively promote          programs in rural settings and to multiple sites.
                                                           the school within the University and the           •• Experience with Longitudinal Integrated
•• Experience in undergraduate medical
                                                           broader community.                                    Clerkship Programs.
   education and/or General Practice teaching
                                                        •• Demonstrated skills in maintaining effective       •• Experience in developing/maintaining
•• Demonstrated ability to design and provide
                                                           working relationships with students, clinical         University-Health Service relationships.
   high quality learning sessions for students
                                                           teaching staff and professional and academic       •• Completion of, or progress towards, a post-
•• Experience in developing and/or leading                 University staff.                                     graduate qualification in medical education.
   curriculum delivery in a medical education
   program.                                                                                                   •• Appreciation of the opportunities and
                                                        Personal Qualities                                       challenges facing medical education.
•• Capacity to prepare and deliver University
   teaching and learning materials, including           •• Demonstrated personal qualities of leadership,     •• Familiarity with the functioning of General
   flexible and online delivery.                           ability to work independently, innovation and         Practices, Health Services and clinicians in
                                                           high motivation.                                      Western Victoria.
•• Experience in assessment, particularly clinical
   assessment.                                          •• Ability to adapt to changes in the environment     •• Professional network in medical education
                                                           and effectively meet new challenges.                  and/or clinical medicine.
•• Demonstrated ability to provide academic
   advice and counselling to medical students,          •• Demonstrated commitment to Equal                   •• Demonstrated record of relevant research
   including those experiencing personal or other          Opportunity principles and practices and              publication.
   difficulties.                                           Occupational Health and Safety.
•• Ability to communicate effectively with              •• Commitment to the University’s Mission,
   students, colleagues and the public, orally and         Core Commitments and Values which
   in writing.                                             include – excellence, academic freedom,

                                                        PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS
                                                        Annual performance objectives and expected outcomes will be defined for this role in accordance
                                                        with the Minimum Standards and Typical Duties for Academic Levels (MSTDALs) and Faculty
                                                        Research Expectation Models (FREMs). Specific duties will be allocated with reference to the
                                                        applicable Workload Allocation Model (WAM). These documents are updated from time to
                                                        time and are available on request.                                                                                                                                      6

APPLICATION                                        [INSERT CLOSING DATE XX/XX/XXXX]                     REMUNERATION AND BENEFITS
Thank you for your interest in the position of     INTERVIEW PROCESS                                    An attractive remuneration package is offered.
Deputy Director, Rural Community Clinical School
                                                   Short-listed candidates will be interviewed by a     This will include:
                                                   panel.                                               Salary: $116,428 - $133,881 p.a. pro rata
HOW TO APPLY                                       Details of professional referees will be requested   Clinical loading: $31,141 p.a. pro rata
Please apply online via:                           prior to the interview.
                                                                                                        Superannuation: 17%
Include cover letter, curriculum vitae                                                                  Total Rewards at Deakin
and a response to the Selection Criteria.
Please quote reference number:                                                                          TERM OF APPOINTMENT
180xxx                                                                                                  0.5 - 0.6 EFT and continuing.

All enquiries will be confidential and should
be directed to:
Associate Professor Lara Fuller
Director, Rural Community Clinical School (RCCS)
School of Medicine
Ph: 5247 9140


                                                                                                        Deakin University values diversity, enables access and
                                                                                                        promotes inclusion. Deakin University is an employer of
                                                                                                        choice for women and strongly encourages applications
                                                                                                        from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.                                                                                                                                       7

Deakin has four campuses, one in Burwood,        Melbourne has been named the worlds’ most liveable city
                                                 for more than 5 years running*.
two in Geelong (Waterfront and Waurn             Further information regarding our locations and relocating to
Ponds) and one in Warrnambool. It also           Victoria can be found here:

has corporate centres in Melbourne               Our locations

CBD, Burwood and Geelong, a network of           Considering Relocation

technology-rich learning centres across               Geelong/SurfCoast timelapse

regional Victoria and international offices in
India, China and Indonesia.

                                                 *The Economist’s annual study

                                                    WAURN PONDS
                                                    Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus is located on the western edge
                                                    of Geelong and is a thriving regional campus attracting over
                                                    7,000 undergraduate and postgraduate on-campus students.
                                                    It boasts open and inviting spaces for socialising and studying,
                                                    innovative architecture, spacious new buildings and wireless
                                                    hotspots. The campus features expansive landscaped grounds
                                                    and extensive sporting facilities. The campus is home to the
                                                    Geelong Technology Precinct, which provides research and
                                                    development capabilities and opportunities for university-industry
                                                    partnerships and new enterprises in the region.                                                        Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B   8
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