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                    David Gumbs brings modern        Student classes affected by     Writing Center has a new
                    artwork to festival.             delay in financial aid.         faculty advisor!
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                               THEINKWELL35   @INKWELLGSU       THE INKWELL

                 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2021                                       GEORGIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY - ARMSTRONG

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      Total cases 1/25/2021-1/31/2021: 60

    Armstrong cases 1/25/2021-1/31/2021: 10

         Semester total ( so far): 207
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2-4-21                                                THE GEORGE-ANNE INKWELL EDITION                                                                                            3

                                     LETTER FROM THE EDITOR

   Due to rising print costs and the Covid-19 pandemic, the George-Anne Inkwell Edition has decided to
  reduce our print frequency from once a week to once every two weeks. We are still available to our readership
  24/7 online at here. This is a temporary measure until further notice. Thank you to our
             readers and community for continuing to support The George-Anne Inkwell Edition.

                                                 Lila Miller, Thuy-Linh Dang, and the Inkwell staff

                                                                                          THE NEW YEAR WELCOMES A NEW FACULTY ADVISOR

                                                                                           Berry started her career in a writing         online tutoring consultations through
                                                                                           center at a small community college           the wconline platform and we’ve set up
                                                                                           in upstate New York after she got her         two computers sort of dedicated to that,”
                                                                                           bachelor’s degree in English. She worked      Berry said.
                                                                                           at the community college teaching classes       The writing center also has all new
                                                                                           in grammar and reading and working in         tutors.
                                                                                           the writing center for six years before she     “We have a brand new group of
                                                                                           got a Master’s degree in English.             tutors, who are all new, but are really
                                                                                              After Berry obtained her Master’s, she     enthusiastic and I think are going to be a
                                                                                           continued to teach at the same school for     really great crew of people,” Berry said.
                                                                                           sixteen more years. Then, she moved to          Berry also hopes to market the writing
                                                                                           Savannah and then she started to teach at     center more. Donnette Brow-Ansah
                                                                                           Armstrong State University in the spring      is an intern for the writing center this
                                                                                           of 2009. She started on the staff part-time   semester. The focus of her internship will
                                                                                           as an adjunct professor and then she          be marketing and publicity.
                                                                                           moved to a limited-term position. This is       “One of the things I really hope we
                                                                                           her second year as a lecturer.                are able to do is to be seen as a campus
                                                                                              Berry does not plan to change much         resource for writing in any discipline...
                                                                                           about the services the writing center         Any writing project in any class can
                                                                   REBECCA MUNDAY/staff    offers or how it operates. Students can       be brought to the writing center for a
  Professor Berry helping students at the Writing Center.                                  still expect the same services that have      consultation with a tutor to get feedback
                                                                                           always been offered. These services           and make sure their writing is on track,”
                                                                                           include computers, a typewriter, a de-        Berry said.
BY REBECCA MUNDAY                             centers. I’ve always wanted to be involved
                                                                                           stress station, coffee, and handouts.           To make an appointment, students
Managing Editor                               in the writing center here on campus and
                                                                                              “If you don’t want to make an              must now visit www.georgiasouthern.
                                              I want to build on the fine work that Dr.
                                                                                           appointment to talk about your APA  , select the Armstrong
  After Dr. Deborah Reese retired at the      Deborah Reese in the 21 years that she
                                                                                           style paper, you can stop in and pick up a    campus, create an account and login
end of the fall semester, Professor Renee     ran the writing center,” Berry said.
                                                                                           handout on APA style,” Berry said.            in to schedule an appointment with
Berry stepped up to fill in the position as     “My goal is to continue what she’s
                                                                                              Additionally, online appointments are      the writing center from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
the director of the writing center.           done and bring us into the 21st century,”
                                                                                           coming soon to the writing center.            Monday through Thursday and 10 a.m.-
  “Being able to do this job is a dream       Berry said.
                                                                                              “We’re hoping by the end of February,      12 p.m. on Friday.
of mine, I started my career in writing         Many students may not know Professor
                                                                                           if not sooner, that we will be able to do
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4                                                     THE GEORGE-ANNE INKWELL EDITION                                                                                           2-4-21

                                 VISITS PULSE FESTIVAL
BY DUNCAN SLIGH                              and transitioning to a life in Martinique.
Staff Writer                                          The abstract nature of Gumbs’s
                                             art pieces did not make his career any
  David Gumbs’s virtual presentation         easier. He spoke about the sacrifices
for Telfair’s 2021 Pulse Festival was        he had to make early in his career. “I
technically an international event,          suffered for a long time for feeling like
according to Telfair Museums CEO and         I wasn’t part of a community or trend
Executive Director Benjamin Simons.          because of the abstraction of my work.”
Simons made a point to inform the                     As Gumbs’s career progressed,
audience that a significant amount           he began to see more of the world,
of people from the carribean tuned           including France, the United States, and
in, specifically from St. Martin and         more. Pieces like “Echos of My Skin” and
Martinique.                                  “Echo-Natures” were directly inspired
         This should not come as any         by travelling to and from America and
surprise to anyone familiar with David       the Caribbean.
Gumbs, or his work, which Telfair              Social commentary is a key subject as
displayed as part of the 2021 Pulse Arts     well. Gumbs’s upcoming project “Echo
and Technology Festival. Originally from     of Souls” is a token to those who have
St. Martin, Gumbs’s impressive displays      died from COVID-19 as well as social
of mixed media and abstract visual arts      injustices. “A token to those who we
aim to impact the emotions of the viewer.    did not get a chance to say goodbye to,”
Gumbs has experienced international          he explained. While the range of topics
recognition in recent years for his work,    remains broad, all of these works remain                                                                                DUNCAN SLIGH/staff
but his career started small, primarily      connected by their emotional centers.           David Gumbs’ work featured at Pulse Festival
through the art scenes of Martinique, St.      Gumbs also described his creative
Martin, and Guadalupe.                       process, and how he accesses his              especially challenging for him as it has       most personal. Every piece he has made
         His early life has had a profound   creativity. “I get most of my inspiration     with so many others. It has also served to     is technically impressive, but each work
impact on his work, including one of his     from doing my random drawings…                refresh his perspective on those around        individually tells a story, and together
most ambitious pieces. A work titled         When I find that space where I’m no           him. “Last year was a very difficult year      they detail a life spent travelling around
“Inner Childs” was an experimental           longer thinking… I’m just trying to           for me, emotionally, if it wasn’t for those    the world, experiencing different cultures
piece featuring the works of a sculptor,     follow the inspirations that come.”           close to me I don’t know where I would         and creating new art. This line of thought
a dancer, and a DJ. The combination of         Inspiration seems to be in no short         be.”                                           marks the Telfair Museum in Savannah
sound and visuals was inspired by the        supply, just from observing Gumbs’s             It could be for those reasons that           down as one of the many stops in David
memories of growing up in St. Martin,        work, but this last year has been             Gumbs’s more recent work feels the             Gumbs’s artistic adventure.

BY KEE’ARA SMITH                             according to the FAFSA site. According        said sophomore student Alicia Greene.             The last day to enroll in Southern’s
Marketing Coordinator                        to the site there was an increase in funds    Most professors allowed students who           spring nelnet payment plan was Jan.
                                             needed for people who weren’t attending       were dropped for the moment to still sit       14,2021 at 5pm. Cancellation of classes
  Georgia Southern University (GSU)          a 4-year college. The increase in funds       in class. While other students weren’t         for non-payment occurred on Jan. 19,
students were dropped from their courses     needed from financial aid came from           allowed in the classrooms at all until their   2021 at 2 p.m. If students reached out to
during the second week of classes due to     adults who are returning or beginning to      accounts cleared.                              financial aid before that date, they were
a delay in the financial aid department.     community college                                Greene went on to further explain           given a payment extension of an extra
The Office of Financial Aid quickly put        There was a record number of financial      how she lost access to her Folio online        two weeks for their accounts to be paid
out a statement stating students would       aid applications as more adults are           classroom the same day she was dropped         in full. Though many students were not
be added back to their respective classes    returning to college or beginning their       from her courses.                              aware that a deferment was available.
as soon as the aid was processed and         academic careers. Due to Covid-19, most          “I feel like students shouldn’t have to        At press time, financial aid has no
cleared.                                     of the financial aid staff are working from   be dropped when financial aid knows            information on how long the delay will
  The delay in financial aid was caused      home.                                         the money will be on the way. It’s just a      take place. While many students are back
by the short-handed financial aid staff,       “If I would have known financial            simple delay and now I will be almost a        in their classes, it is expected that all
thanks to the state’s budget crunch          aid was going to have a delay I would         week behind in my classes for something        students will be back in classes within the
                                             have signed up for a payment plan,”           I have no control over,” Greene said.          next two weeks.
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2-4-21                                               THE GEORGE-ANNE INKWELL EDITION                                                                                                          5

BY DUNCAN SLIGH                             a Spikeball event, and a Three Point           the contestants.
Staff Writer                                Shooting contest. Through these athletic       Anybody         who
                                            events, Armstrong remains a place where        has tried working
  The 2021 Armstrong Intramural             athletic competition is welcomed despite       out while wearing
season kicked off this past week, with      the challenging circumstances.                 a thick face mask
the Campus Recreation and Intramurals          Despite social distancing protocols,        knows that it can
(CRI) department offering three different   the Three Point contest was certainly          be a challenge,
events. Students were welcome to            a highlight of the week. Students had a        but the athletes
participate in three athletic events,       great turnout at the event, with the signup    were up to the
including a Ping Pong tournament,           list filling up soon after it was offered to   task. Competition
                                                                                           was stiff, with the
                                                                                           first tournament
                                            Virtual                                        going       through
                                                                                           more than one

                                            Norman Fries                                   tie before student
                                                                                           Michael       Keiser
                 PRESENTS THE               Distinguished                                  eventually took
                                                                                           home round one.
                                            Lectureship Series                                The excitement
                                                                                           continued        into
                                                                                           the second round,
                                                                                           with         several
                                                                                           catching a hot
                                              Culturally                                   streak or two
                                                                                           before        Travis                                                                 DUNCAN SLIGH/staff
                                        Responsive Pedagogy:                               Gordon
                                                                                                           won The two basketball winners, Michael Keiser (left) and Travis Gordon (right).
                                       Educating Past Pandemic                             against      fellow
                                                                                                                                            especially when they directly involve
                                                                                           student Markell Miller. This may have
                                                                                                                                            and affect groups of students and faculty
                                                                                           been simply a fun intramural competition,
                                     Gloria Ladson-Billings, Ph.D.                                                                          members. Students want to compete, and
                                                                                           but it stood as a great way for students to
                                                                                                                                            the Intramural staff wants to let them
                                               PEDAGOGICAL THEORIST,                       let off some steam early in the semester
                                             TEACHER EDUCATOR, AUTHOR                                                                       compete in as many ways as possible.
                                                                                           while remaining safe and following social
                                                                                                                                               Nickel kickball, an event that was
                                                                                           distancing protocols.
                                                                                                                                            very popular in the Fall semester, looks
                                                                                              Athletic events remain popular, and
                                                                                                                                            for a return in the Spring. The limited
                                                                                           will continue to attract students while
                                                                                                                                            number of participants, combined with
                                                                                           they remain the primary option to
                                                                                                                                            the outdoor setting makes for an ideal
                                                                                           participate in organized competition. The
                                       Monday, February 8                                  CRI team at Armstrong wants to continue
                                                                                                                                            event open to a wide variety of interested
                                                                                                                                            students. Other events, such as three-
                                                                                           to provide new events as the year
                                            7 p.m.                                         progresses. Much of the event schedule
                                                                                                                                            on-three basketball, may eventually be
                                                                                                                                            achievable, but that still remains to be
                                                                                           depends on what the circumstances
                                                                                           surrounding Covid-19 look like later in
          Join the virtual lecture via Zoom at                                             the year, especially in Savannah and the
                                                                                                                                               Students are highly encouraged to
                                                                                                                                            suggest any ideas they have for safe and
                                                                                           surrounding areas. Large-scale events
                                                        may be impossible for the foreseeable
                                                                                                                                            fun intramural events. The CRI team are
                                                                                                                                            always looking for suggestions, and the
                                                                                           future, but there is a real possibility of
                                                                                                                                            next big pandemic-style intramural event
                                                                                           some exciting intramural events showing
                                                                                                                                            could come from anyone. Anybody with
                                                                                           up in the coming months.
                                                                                                                                            an idea should seek
                                                                                              There may be reason to be cautiously
                                                                                                                                               out any staff member working in the
                                                                                           optimistic about the future of intramural
                                                                                                                                            Armstrong Recreation Center (ARC) and
                                                                                           sports on campus, but like all things so
                                                                                                                                            let them know. Be sure to keep an eye out
                                                                                           far, absolutely nothing is guaranteed.
                                                                                                                                            for the next Intramural announcements
                                                                                           Plans can change at any moment,
                                                                                                                                            coming soon.
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6                                                        THE GEORGE-ANNE INKWELL EDITION                                                                                                2-4-21

    Arts & Entertainment
BY JOLIE NGUYEN                                   Participants were hypnotized to do
Staff Writer                                   things that they were not aware of. When
                                               they were on stage and being hypnotized,
  Mentalist and hypnotist Michael. C.          they did not remember and were not
Anthony held a hypnotization show on           aware of what they were doing.
campus in the Fine Art building at 7 p.m.         “I kind of knew what I was getting into,
on Jan. 28, which attracted many students      but I didn’t really understand how crazy
to come. Students on the Armstrong             it was going to be,” said Katie Bailey, a
Campus of Georgia Southern University          freshman criminal justice major.
(GSU) had a chance to experience things           One of the volunteer students was
that they never had before that were           hypnotized and made to forget the
astonishing.                                   number six when counting.
  The show was held with social                   “He made me forget the number ‘6’,
distancing policies, in which students         and I honestly thought that was just how
could not sit close to each other and seats    it was supposed to be, I thought it was 1 2
were limited. However, masks and social        3 4 5 7 8 9 10, and that just made sense to
distancing policies could not stop the fun     me until I saw that I had another finger,”
of the show.                                   Bailey said.
  Anthony started the show by talking             Another amazing feat was when he                                                                                          JOLIE NGUYEN/staff
about the experience that students would       triggered the mode “Full Moon” that                Hypnotized students on stage at Michael C. Anthony’s show.
be able to feel when being hypnotized.         made another volunteer student stand up
According to him, students would enter         and howl right on stage.                            “I wasn’t able to be hypnotized, sadly, I     that students participated in. They were
the alternate reality where they can feel,        “Now I kind of remember that I was             think I was too tense. It was a lot of fun to   able to experience the alternate reality
taste, smell or even touch the things that     howling, I thought it was the girl next to        watch what happened to other people,”           world and magic when their minds were
were not in front of their eyes.               me and now I feel so bad because I gave           said Holly Hunt, a freshman elementary          being controlled.
  “I did not realize how weird it was          her a weird look,” Hodges said.                   education major.                                  The show was bizarre but an
going to be,” said Kay Hodges, a                  The show shocked and surprised both              The show was one of the strangest             entertaining way to let students relax and
freshman theatre major.                        participants and members in the crowd.            events to come to the Armstrong campus          have some fun.


BY JOLIE NGUYEN                                that everyone has vanished from Tokyo.
Staff Writer                                   They tried to search for clues but found
                                               nothing. Suddenly, they are dragged into
   The Japanese thriller series “Alice in      a dangerous game and receive a three-day
Borderland’’ with the original title “Imawa    visa, which allows them to participate in the
no Kuni no Arisu” released its first episode   games and survive.
Dec.10, 2020 on Netflix.The story is based        The most important thing about these
on the manga comic with the same name by       games is that they are extremely brutal,
Haro Aso. This is the best series for people   violent and dangerous. Players are required
who love mystery, thriller and action          to kill each other in order to survive.
movies.                                        Arisu and his friends have to do their best
    The show starts with Arisu (Kento          to survive in this brutal world and also
Yamazaki), a genius in geometry, but also      prevent the collapse of humanity.
a loser at the same time, along with his          Thanks to the talented director Shinsuke
friends who decide to hang out together.       Sato, the series of eight episodes receives 4.8
Due to some incidents, they hide in a public   stars rating on Google. With the aesthetic
restroom. After a couple minutes, they go      animation, acting skills of the actors and the
out of their hidden places and discover        story line, the series becomes one of the best
                                               choices for an exciting weekend watch.              “Alice in Borderland” (series)
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2-4-21                             THE GEORGE-ANNE INKWELL EDITION                                                                                7
         Across                                           1    2     3    4          5     6    7     8    9          10   11   12   13

         1. Clerical cloaks                               14                         15                               16
         5. Confounded (2 words)
                                                          17                         18                               19
         10. Shipboard mop
                                                               20               21                               22
         14. Verse writer
         15. Influences                                                   23                          24

         16. Christmas candy stick                        25   26    27                    28   29               30        31   32   33
         17. Jacob's brother
                                                          34                         35         36         37              38
         18. Roof coverings
                                                          39                               40                    41   42
         19. Fragrance
         20. Giving the work out to someone else          43                         44                    45

         23. Gun section                                  46              47    48         49         50         51
         24. Old audio system
                                                                          52         53               54   55
         25. It's part of the stomach
                                                          56   57    58                         59                         60   61
         28. Like some humor
         30. "...give what thou ___" (Cowper)             62                         63                               64             65

         34. Cook too long                                66                         67                               68
         36. Cassowary look alike
                                                          69                         70                               71
         38. Taking after
         39. Taurus, for one
         43. Compass direction                       1. Clerical cloaks 5. Con-         54. Laid up                   was an early cubist
                                                     founded     (2 words)
                                                          12. In a while                56. Backyard grill (2         29. Place to dry out
         44. Mad Hatter's drink                      10. Shipboard mop                  words)                        31. Young dragonfly
         45. 2002 film (2 words)                          13. Titanic's
                                                     14. Verse   writer      downfall 62. Kind of blocks              32. Takes cinder out
                                                     15. Infl
                                                                Complex unit            63. Once more                 33. Stop singing notation
         46. Popular mints
                                                     16. Christmas candy stick          64. Incessantly               35.
         49. Fade away                                    22. Ozone
                                                     17. Jacob’s   brother depleter: Abbr.
                                                                                        66. ___ one’s keep            A lot
         51. Verb with thou                          18. Roof
                                                          25. coverings
                                                                Trig function           67. Change, as a clock        37. Big shooter
                                                     19. Fragrance                      68. Webmaster’s creation      40. Young person
         52. Nobel prize winner, Otto                     26. Sheeplike
                                                     20. Giving   the work out to       69. It’s checkered at the     41. Yellow shade
         54. Laid up                                      27. French
                                                     someone      else painter whoend     wasof an   early cubist
                                                                                                 a race               42. Insensitivity
                                                     23. Gun section                    70. Gown                      47. Mob
         56. Backyard grill (2 words)           
                                                     24. Old    Placesystem
                                                                         to dry out 71. Eskimo asset                  48. Cul-de-__
         62. Kind of blocks                               31.part
                                                     25. It’s   Young
                                                                    of thedragonfly
                                                                            stom-       Down 1. Bruiser 2. Blun-      50. Infants
                                                     ach                                der 3. Mr. Bridges 4. Un-     53. Squirrel away
         63. Once more                                    32. some
                                                     28. Like   Takeshumorcinder out yielding 5. Mary of “The         55. Grounders
         64. Incessantly                                  33. Stop
                                                     30. “...give whatsinging
                                                                          thou ___”notation
                                                                                        Maltese Falcon” 6. Tied       56. Staff symbol
                                                     (Cowper)                           up with string 7. Pepper’s    57. Return to health
         66. ___ one's keep                               35. A lot
                                                     34. Cook too long                  partner 8. It doesn’t quite   58. Site of the Taj Mahal
         67. Change, as a clock                           37. Big shooter
                                                     36. Cassowary      look alike      sound right (2 words) 9.      59. Use a surgical beam
                                                     38. Taking after                   Brazilian palm                60. Worse than bad
         68. Webmaster's creation                         40. Young person
                                                     39. Taurus, for one                10. Nova ____                 61. Nerve network
         69. It's checkered at the end of a race          41. Yellow
                                                     43. Compass           shade
                                                                      direction         11. Dry riverbed              65. Sanguine
                                                     44. Mad    Hatter’s
                                                          42. Insensitivitydrink        12. In a while
         70. Gown
                                                     45. 2002 film (2 words)             13. Titanic’s downfall
         71. Eskimo asset                                 47. Mob
                                                     46. Popular    mints               21. Complex unit
                                                     49. Fade   away
                                                          48. Cul-de-__                 22. Ozone depleter: Abbr.
         Down                                        51. Verb with thou                 25. Trig function
                                                          50. Infants
                                                     52. Nobel    prize winner,         26. Sheeplike
         1. Bruiser                                  Otto53. Squirrel away              27. French painter who
         2. Blunder
                                                         55. Grounders
         3. Mr. Bridges
                                                         56. Staff symbol
         4. Unyielding
                                                         57. Return to health
         5. Mary of "The Maltese Falcon"
                                                         58. Site of the Taj Mahal
         6. Tied up with string
                                                         59. Use a surgical beam
         7. Pepper's partner
                                                         60. Worse than bad
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8                                             THE GEORGE-ANNE INKWELL EDITION                                                         2-4-21

         V   B    E F O R E U S E D H O U R R S E Alike                           Apron
         P   I    A R L O U D T H A T A T C E A C Beer                                                 From              Noses              Site
         M   O    E O P O N W I T H E A T S L Q R Before                          Bigger
         L   E    I W D E W E R E O A N L H A U A Burns                                                Guest             Operation          Struck
                                                                                  Busy                 Happy             Ours               That
         B   U    R N S O A E J U L Y P T I Y I B Club                                                 Hath              Pages              Tidy
         I   D    L E T N R K R U N S S P E K T D Conventional                                         Heats             Pass               Toes
                                                                                  Copy                 Hell              Peaks              Tore
         G   A    O D A E M E S S D N X A Y R E A Crab                                                 Hers              Peep               Toys
         G   T    Y O Y O R F L O O D U G U E S T Crop                                                 HIRING            Pipe               Used
                                                                                  Dates                Hour              Pointer            Uses
         E   E    V E N P C P R I N T S E V P H K Dirt                                                 Hymn              Pole               Vary
         R   S    R I E E O O T S K O E S E R I N                                 Donkey               Ices              Posts              VASE
                                                                                  Ducks                Idle              Prints             Veto
         M   A    A E F R N A P H E R S N T O R E Edge                                                 Illustrations     Quite              Views
         M   G    P S C A R D T Y Y A A E O D I L                                 Else                 Image             Rats               Warm
                                                                                  Ending               Irish             Relay              Week
         D   I    R T R T N I I M P O S T S U N T Ends                                                 July              Reproduction       Were
         P   U    O R S byIMyles
                 SUDOKU          P C      D and
                                      Mellor N E     V Flanagan
                                                  Susan  E R S C G H SUDOKU       Enough by Myles          Mellor and Susan
                                                                                                       Knelt             RibsFlanagan       Yarn
                                                                                  Enters               Loaf              Ridges             Yo-yo
         O   F    N U V O B E Y G G E Y E S T S H Even                                                 Loud              Rods
                 Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been subdivided
                                                                                Each  into nine puzzle
                                                                                       Sudoku   smallerconsists of a 9X9 grid that has been subdivided
         L   I    L   C   A  N   G    S   L   L   E  R   T   A   S    I  T   E    Eyes
                 grids of 3X3 squares. To solve the puzzle each row, column andgrids
                                                                                 box  must  contain
                                                                                  Fancyof 3X3  squares.MeetTo solve the puzzle
                                                                                                                         Said each row, column and bo
         E   L    I   K   S  D   U    C   K   S   A  S   E   F   R   O   M   L
                 of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy, medium  andnumbers
                                                                                   the   difficult.1 toMere
                                                                                                         9. Puzzles comeScar
                                                                                                                          in three grades: easy, medium
         I   M    A G E B C O N V E N T I O N A L
                 Level: Medium                                                    Level: Difficult

              Level: Medium                                                      Level: Difficult
             Noses                  Ribs                   Uses
             Obey1                      7
                                    Ridges     5          9Vary                    7                      1
             Odor4       9         8Rods2                  VASE                           4     5    8                     3
                 3                 1Runs9            5     Veto
                                                                                                9    6               2
             Ours                   Said                   Views
                    7                      8                                       6                      8                2     5
             Pages                  Scar                   Warm
ns           Pass             8    9Seas       2     7     Week                           9                                1
             Peaks                  Send4                  Were9                   3      5               2                      6
             Peep             7     Site   6   9           Yarn4                                4               1    5
             Pipe                   Stay                   Yo-yo
                                           5   7          8       1                       8                     3    9     6
             Pointer                Stir
                         5         2       1                      6                                       9                      3
             Pole                   Struck
             Posts                  That
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