Documents on Liu Hongsheng's Match Enterprises: Introduction and Glossary - Brill

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Chapter 21

                Documents on Liu Hongsheng's Match Enterprises:
                           Introduction and Glossary
                                       :~u ~ !:1:. 1~J~ tt ~

Liu Hongsheng (or Liu Hung-sheng; also known as 0. S. Lieu, 1888-1956) was one of the most
prominent and successful entrepreneurs of the Republican period. Liu was involved in many
industries, such as mining, cement, wool, and banking. Liu's singular success in match
manufacturing earned him the accolade "King of Matches" (huochai dawang ;k~:k±).
    Liu attended St. John's College (later St. John's University) in Shanghai for one year. He
married the daughter of Yeh Cheng-chung (Ye Chengzhong :f.nt~, 1840-99), a pioneer in
Chinese match manufacturing and owner of the Xiechang Match Company (Xiechang huochai
gongsi ijl {§ :k.~-0--if]). Later, Liu established the Hung Sung Match Company (Hongsheng
huochai gongsi ~~;k.~-0-if.l) in 1924. In 1927 Liu traveled to Europe and the United States to
study Western business practices. Although this selection of documents focuses on Liu' s efforts
to create a joint-venture company in the match industry, Liu was interested in joint ventures in
other industries as well.
    Chinese match manufacturing, like many indigenous industries, blossomed during World
War I. After the war, however, Chinese manufacturers were hampered by continued domestic as
well as international obstacles. Foreign competitors in match manufacturing, especially Swedish
and Japanese firms, were armed with superior capital and technology, and Chinese manufacturers
were also less competitive in terms of economies of scale. Moreover, they faced transportation
bottlenecks, political instability, and labor strife.
    In 1927 Liu Hongsheng and fellow Chinese manufacturers responded to their eroding
competitive edge by forming a trade association (tongye gonghui lfi] :f.-0-"t), and by petitioning
the local government and the new National Government for relief. On one front, Liu negotiated
mergers with the Yingchang (~{§)and Zhonghua (if~) match companies. This effort culminated
in the formation in 1930 of the China Match Company (Da Zhonghua huochai gongsi :kif ~ k
~ -0--§] ), which accounted for one-quarter of total match production in China. On another front,
Liu and fellow manufacturers petitioned the government for a trade association-run monopoly
(gongmai -0- Jf). However, manufacturers and the government could not agree on whether the
government or the private firms would run the monopoly. The scheme also faced vigorous
protests from Western manufacturers and governments. Liu's vision of a national match combination
did not come to fruition until 1936.
    The following selections illustrate Liu's efforts to create a larger and more Western-style
match company from existing companies. They also show how Liu attempted to involve the
government in managing the domestic market in order to circumvent foreign competition. For
basic biographical information on Liu Hongsheng, see Howard Boorman, ed., Biographical


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Chapter 21     Documents on Liu Hongsheng's Match Enterprises

  Dictionary of Republican China. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1968), 3: 398-400;
  Min guo renwu dacidian ~ I A #J :.k fff ~ (Biographical dictionary of the Republican period)
. (Shjijiazhuang: Hebei renmin chubanshe, 1991), p. 1457; Zhongguo renming dacidian: dangdai
  renwujuan t:f I A~ :.ktiiJ~: lt1~A#J~ (Chinese biographical dictionary: contemporary
  personages) (Shanghai: Shanghai cishu chubanshe, 1992), p. 570; Li Shengping, ed., Zhongguo
  jinxiandai renming dacidian t:f I :il[JJL 1~A~ :.kfff~ (Biographical dictionary of Chinese in
  modern times) (Beijing: Zhongguo guoji guangbo chubanshe, 1989), p. 179; Who's Who in
  China, 5th ed. (Shanghai: China Weekly Review, 1932), p. 167; Zhang Qifu and Shu Heng, eds.,
  Huochai dawang Liu Hongsheng k~:.k.£~~~~ (Liu Hongsheng, the King of Matches) (Henan:
  Henan renmin chubanshe, 1990, 1993); Liu Nianzhi, Shiyejia Liu Hongsheng zhuanliie: huiyi
  wade fuqin -J ~ ~~ ~ ~ 1tl!l§.- @]'It =B
Chapter 21       Documents on Liu Hongsheng's Match Enterprises

Document 1 (vol. 2, p. 25)

                            Letter from Liu Hongsheng to Chen Yuanlai
                                        :Wl~ ~ ~ 3k '*-)Jffi I®

In general, a Chinese letter contains three main sections: salutation (such as 7\.fi- dajian, j$J~
junjian, and MT' gexia), body, and closing. The body of the letter is further divided into an
opening phrase (such as A:l!Zft$. jiuwei yajiao or *'~'ll;t shishen huainian), a courtesy
expression (such as ~4r cizhe, R liS! ciyin, or R#t cijiang), the substance of the letter, and a
courtesy expression to signal the end of the letter (such as tf1t &. duanci or                      *41
                                                                                           fengfu). The
closing section of the letter is divided into a greeting (such as :/Uft:.i:JiJ\.~ jingsong da'an) and a
signature. The salutation, opening phrase, courtesy expression, greeting, and signature all denote,
with some variations, the type of correspondence and the relationship between sender and reader.
Not all letters necessarily conform to the standard formulas. The editors of the letters from which
these selections were taken saw fit to dispense with many formulaic courtesy expressions and
greetings. For more information, see James C. P. Liang, Lloyd Haft, and Gertie Mulder, Business
and Correspondence Chinese (Dordrecht, Holland: Foris Publications, 1983).
    Chen Yuanlai was in Kobe, Japan, when Liu wrote to him.

*11?                   shenhu                            Kobe

PEl                    han                               letter

~                      di                                I (conventionally used by a speaker or
                                                            writer to refer to himself)

~f"                    ji~myu                            in view of

~9¥~:$-:l:             Iianhe shiye                      joint enterprise, trust, combine

~~                     yuru                              and moreover

.g.IJ                  wuguo                             my country (China)

)(~:l:                 huochai ye                        match industry

/f:t!R                 bu zhen                           unable to prosper, backward


                                                          William C. Kirby, James Chin Shih, Man-houng Lin, and David A. Pietz - 9781684173433
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Chapter 21      Documents on Liu Hongsheng's Match Enterprises

~~             y!wei                           in order to; to consider, think

ilkll          yu tu                           attempt to, want to

fFJJ:t         t6ngye                          same trade or business

*JJU~          da guim6                        large-scale

               rang neng                       only (until) then can ...

               shly1                           therefore, hence; by this means

               qifijian                        during the autumn

               heblng                          merger

               dangjing                        already

~t~~~.­        taolun weiym1nhul               discussion committee         dagang                          outline

               yijue                           to deliberate and decide

               sl                              thereafter

               sul zhl                         then causing it to ... ; consequently

               ylshen                          increasingly serious

               jfji kewei                      in imminent danger

               hu                              Shanghai

               ch6uyl                          to deliberate, arrange, settle

               d!zhl zhi ce                    strategies for resistance

               yinzhi                          thereby

               bur6ng huo huan                 must not be delayed


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Chapter 21    Documents on Liu Hongsheng's Match Enterprises

                       zhlshU                        send a letter

                       jiu'an                        former proposal, former issue
Jtk:XT'z~              yao tianxia zhi xlng          to be extremely fortunate

*/_, [j) _z_J~\         situ zhi xin                 for selfish purposes

                       longduan                      to monopolize

                       c6ng da chu yuan chu          to take into account all factors and
                         zhu6xiang                       consider the long term

                       daju                          overall situation

                       hulyu                         to be so kind as to give

1~                     bl                            so that

~M   ... £-~           shu ... jichu                 establish ... foundation

~t~                    wengu                         stabilize; stable, .solid

                       ruishang                      Swedish merchants

                       ze xlng shen yi               thus, I would be extremely grateful


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Chapter 21     Documents on Liu Hongsheng's Match Enterprises

Document 2 (vol. 2, p. 26)

                                  Letter from Chen Yuanlai to Liu Hongsheng
                                            I!JtUJ!U$. ~ ;f!fl? :fllu #b ~ iJ

Chen Yuanlai's reply (from Kobe) to Liu Hongsheng's letter of January 3, 1930.

                             fu                             to answer, to reply

                             pengdu                         to read with reverence

                             taihan                         your (esteemed) letter

                             zhr xr yYshi                   respectfully noted everything

                             jici ... sh:fq1                at this time of ...

                             shangzhan                      trade war


                             zY yli hou zhe ll yu h6ng      those with the most resources have the
                                                              most power

                             jinzhan                        development

                             erru cunn                      ... and seek survival

                             m:fnsheng                     the people's livelihood

                             rlyong bixu zhl pin            daily necessities

                             qi                            so far, up till now

IDE ... ll                   jL .. qie                     both ... and ...

0\. iz:.1t- ::fifE Mt        renll ge bu xHingm6u          isolated from each other and without


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Chapter 21     Documents on Liu Hongsheng's Match Enterprises

                  kainin                         with deep feeling

~MtJJ9f1}          gaom6u shengsuan              clever and superb calculation and planning

7¥U ~ ~~ ~         B.gu6 fumin                   to benefit the nation and the people

~~j[J\_            guangming zhengda             guileless and aboveboard

~&)£               wuji                          deeply

                   yide yixin                    with one heart and one mind, with one
                                                  idea and will

}J~t               lim6u                         to make every effort to

~tl                ziinni                        your venerable drafts

1t                fu                             to turn over to

~M                 wuqi                          to be sure to do something, make sure to
                                                   do something

                   tuoxie                        to compromise and accommodate

                   yizhi                         unanimity, consensus

                  y6u suo xinxing                particularly fortunate and overjoyed

                  bichu                          my humble place (company)

                  quqian houjiao                 hasten to await your instructions

                  jietan                         interview

                  shihe                          would be grateful if ...


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Chapter 21     Documents on Liu Hongsheng's Match Enterprises

Document 3 (vol. 2, p. 27)

                             Letter from Jia Shiyi to Liu Hongsheng

f:/t                  dongjun                        Mr. Dong

'ti                   wei                            but

~·                                                   monopoly

IH}1~i~ ,jtJt        ltte de genggai                having received the gist of the plans

~~                   canzhao                        to refer to, consult; in light of

100. 17~             t5ngll                         general practice

~1*                  zhu6 dii                       to adopt after deliberation

=Ilh't               nijiu                          completed formulation (of a draft); to
                                                      draw up

~~                   dio'an                         a draft

                                                    (this horizontal stroke in a Qing or
                                                      Republican document is often used to
                                                      initiate an item in a list; it does not
                                                      necessarily have anything to do with



                                                    to entrust

~i-                  gonghui                        association, union, league, society

-~i                  zhangcheng                     charter, rule, regulation


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Chapter 21       Documents on Liu Hongsheng's Match Enterprises

                   qm'in ze                        rights and responsibilities

                  jut!                             specific, concrete

                   y1                              because of

                   B.h~ti                          advantages and disadvantages; benefit and

                   xlmu                            detailed items

                   hetong                          contract, agreement

                   chao feng                       to copy and respectfully present to you

                   ji q1 chazhao                   please immediately note

                   zlyang                          wording


tt4 @9             zhenzhu6                        deliberation and adjustment

~ti                duzhan                          monopoly, to monopolize

fft~               d!chu                           in contravention of, in conflict with

l?} ... ~~         y1 ... mingy!                   in (under) the name of, in the capacity as

                   cuoci                           wording of a letter

                   zhuanxuan zhi yudl              room to maneuver

                   flifeng                         send the enclosed to you

                   shuaichen                       to state frankly

                   yljian                          personal assumption, a hypothesis,
                                                     personal ideas (which are usually not
                                                     true or sound)

                                                   would be grateful for ...


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Chapter 21     Documents on Liu Hongsheng's Match Enterprises

Document 4 (vol. 2, p. 28)

           Appendix A: Outlines of the Conditions Governing the Match Monopoly (extracts)
                                         x~•••)!7d~ em~)

Yl.~                           maimai qm1n                      right to buy and sell; sales monopoly

-'tJI-T                        zhuan shilyu                     belongs exclusively to

IDL~                           shuoming                         explanation

}JUz                           guiding                          to stipulate

?JT )I                         suoshil                          to belong ... to

~;_~                           y!wei                            take as, is regarded as

tR-*                           genben                           base, basis, foundation,

~it                            zhfxfng                          to implement, to carry out

jE)c m- ?JT ~ z._   ...        zhengfil suo she zhi ...         agency established by the government
    1'-f                         guanshu

_i_~                           zhilguan                         to take charge of

_i_ ~ "X"      1' -f           zhilguan "X" guanshil            the government agency/agencies that is/are
                                                                  in charge of X

.f.Jji                         shlxiang                         affair, matter

~~                             diaocha                          to investigate; investigation

.IfL'{jf                       pfngjia                          to regulate prices

ti:Hl~J                        zhaoshang                        to invite merchants

fl.l                           baomai                           to have exclusive selling rights


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Chapter 21     Documents on Liu Hongsheng 's Match Enterprises

iKtJif                     chengb~m                        to undertake

liltJt                  gong buying qiu                 demand exceeds supply

1£L l?J . . . ~ ~&.        dan y! ... wei xian             only within the limits of ...

lJLi:f                     xianyou                         now existing


                                                           advanced arrangements


Mdf                        blngrei                         is not

~A                         shuru                           to import

:i!P                       jlnkou                          to import

~1m                        haiguan                         customs, maritime customs

ilt:t                      jmshu                           the entire amount, completely

~it                        jl.cun                          to store temporarily


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Chapter 21      Documents on Liu Hongsheng's Match Enterprises

                      fushe                           affiliated, attached

                      zh!                        to appoint, assign; assigned, designated

                      cangku                          warehouse

                      zhuommg                         to consider

                      xuj1                            supply and demand

                      anzhao                          on the basis of

                      ddl.                            order, sequence

f-±5]                 pingjun                         average, on the average

Iii ... Y5z J:        you ... shoumai                 purchased by ...

Chapter 21      Documents on Liu Hongsheng's Match Enterprises

Document 5 (vol. 2, pp. 29-30)

               Appendix B: Temporary Regulations Granting the Match Trade Association
                                         Monopolistic Rights (extracts)
                            cllft .=..) ~~-*-~~-t• J:x~tti-r•~i ctoo~)

hW,it                      shixing                        to execute, carry out, put into operation

q~~                        de zhao                        can follow in accordance with

J•tt..   :El               jingH                          to manage

;ltd~                      chengxHio                      contract to sell

/',                        zhi zhun                       only allow

#.~'t                      zonghuJ.                       federation of trade unions

IN,                        jJ.                            since, as

FlP                        ji                             then, accordingly

-100 l?jJ:_                yige yishang                   more than one

*/ffrP~                    ruo bunid                      if it is not so

Yf,)L'                     jJ.ngxiao                      to compete for markets

MiL                        chengll                        to establish

~at                        suishi                         at any time

5J& Jl                     pai yuan                       to dispatch officials

i5-xn                      guyi                           hence it is appropriate

J:.ift:i                   zhuguan guanshu                government office in charge, responsible


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Chapter 21     Documents on Liu Hongsheng's Match Enterprises

if.t~                  jHincha                        to inspect

~§                     zh~mgmu                        accounts

:t~                    mHinzhl.                       so as not to

~~                     zhengyl.                       dispute(s)

1-fjE)c                xingzheng                      administration

j3;i- •••   :9r        chu ... wru                    except ...

~t-t                   weitu5                         to entrust

M1~                    qiman                          to expire

1t1J                   gujia                          to appraise, assess the price of

1~#                    chiicun                        to store

                       diankuan                       to advance money; money advanced

                       gu6ku                          state treasury

                       hedmg                          to check and decide

taWJ5i                 xieshang fa                    (method of) consultation and negotiation

M~iii                  chunyl.                        net profit
g(p                    ji                             namely

¥lWJJ                  baochoii                       pay, reward

~:t                    kaizhi                         expenses, expenditure

:trt~                  yousiin                        decrease, harm

                       jiadmg                         arrange or assume for the time being

                       yidai                          so as to wait for


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Chapter 21    Documents on Liu Hongsheng's Match Enterprises

~~             sancheng                      30 percent (each~= 10%)

B)C   R         gailiang                     to improve

               zhipei                        to allocate, use, spend


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Chapter 21      Documents on Liu Hongsheng's Match Enterprises

Document 6 (vol. 2, p. 31)

              Appendix C: Chinese-Swedish Treaty (extracts concerning monopolies)
                                    em.=..) !=f J#fl1~*~ !=f ~• •   if ~m ±..1~x

JlJl                       feizh!                               abolish

1tf1JJ                     hangshang                            Cohong merchants (in 1720, Chinese
                                                                 merchants in Canton formed a trade
                                                                 monopoly called the Cohong (iHt))

~~                         duzhan                               to monopolize

~~q~                       sh!de                                only ... can

~~                         nuowei                               Norway

f[~                        chenmin                              subjects (i.e., of a state, kingdom, empire,

*iiliA IJJ:l.Z... Jt y,(
        t:r ' _,.,.  tm    shU chii ru pill zhi maimai          the import or export trade

~R 1ll~                    xianzhl.                             restrictions

~il.rl                     zuai                                 to hinder, impede


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Chapter 21     Documents on Liu Hongsheng's Match Enterprises

Document 7 (vol. 2, p. 32)

                   Appendix D: Chinese-French Treaties (extracts concerning monopolies)

~4fifi                       teqmin                         privileges

WJ$it1±                      shangshi huishi                trade union or association

1~t:!J*                      duzh~m    ye                   monopolies

±Jtpg                        jingnei                        within the boundaries
i'i)Z.                       shezhi                         establish

w                            yi                             and, also

fiB                          twintl                         organization

it                           cha                            it is found that, we find that

I        ~iE~Jff             gu6min zhengfU                 National Government

lfJt                         guanshui                       customs duty


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Chapter 21     Documents on Liu Hongsheng's Match Enterprises

Document 8 (vol. 2, p. 33)

                             Letter from Lu Hongji to Liu Hongsheng
                                 miD ~iE}{JN Jl;tiE}{:tf~ ~~t"~~~~i_     w

-~p                    yijie                             regarding the matter of ...

it I.                  da.lan                            to have received and read

~                      Zl                                now

Jt~                    ziinzhu                           as requested

llffif-                flifeng                           to enclose and send (to you)

ifj-&                  sizhang                           head of the department

~3ziE                  gaizheng                          to revise

tNJ                    dangju                            the authorities

ti~                    tuicheng                          to display sincerity

:t ... ±__J.t          you ... zhllu                     to be concerned over something

~~- ±__ T- ft{i        shenzhl yu sh1                    to be cautious from the beginning

~1ft-~*                meiqiao shangye                   American merchant businesses (in China)

~-.·:tit               yu ... youwei                     does not comply with ...

%W-~                   hezhonggu6                        republic (here referring to the United

1±1!                   renbi~m                           freely, without interference

if±                    du                                to prevent

-PL:Jl                 baolan                            to monopolize


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Chapter 21    Documents on Liu Hongsheng's Match Enterprises

                    hac hi                        to dominate

                    qm1nxian                      rights

                    gu1                           your (honorific)

                    tepai jHiosheyuan             specially appointed negotiator (in foreign
                                                    affairs), special commissioner of the
                                                    Ministry of Foreign Affairs stationed in
                                                    a certain province

tf)tj               shanyong                      to do something without authorization

~06                 sh1b1                         certainly will

Ill*#,~ #'y}        gu6j1 jiiiren                 international dispute(s)


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