Down Syndrome Disintegrative Disorder: A Clinical Regression Syndrome of Increasing Importance

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Down Syndrome Disintegrative Disorder: A Clinical Regression Syndrome of Increasing Importance
Down Syndrome Disintegrative
                              Disorder: A Clinical Regression
                              Syndrome of Increasing Importance
                              Mattia Rosso, MD,a Ellen Fremion, MD,b Stephanie L. Santoro, MD,c,d Nicolas M. Oreskovic, MD, MPH,c Tanuja Chitnis, MD,a
                              Brian G. Skotko, MD, MPP,c,d Jonathan D. Santoro, MDe,f

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Down syndrome disintegrative disorder (DSDD), a developmental regression                                abstract
in children with Down syndrome (DS), is a clinical entity that is characterized
by a loss of previously acquired adaptive, cognitive, and social functioning in
persons with DS usually in adolescence to early adulthood. Initially reported
in 1946 as “catatonic psychosis,” there has been an increasing interest among                           a
                                                                                                          Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases, Harvard
the DS community, primary care, and subspecialty providers in this clinical                             Medical School, Harvard University and Brigham and
area over the past decade. This condition has a subacute onset and can                                  Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; bInternal
                                                                                                        Medicine-Pediatrics Program, Baylor College of Medicine,
include symptoms of mood lability, decreased participation in activities of                             Houston, Texas; cDivision of Medical Genetics and
daily living, new-onset insomnia, social withdrawal, autistic-like regression,                          Metabolism, Department of Pediatrics, Massachusetts
                                                                                                        General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; dDepartment of
mutism, and catatonia. The acute phase is followed by a chronic phase in                                Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University,
which baseline functioning may not return. No strict criteria or definitive                              Boston, Massachusetts; eDepartment of Neurology,
                                                                                                        Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California; and
testing is currently available to diagnose DSDD, although a comprehensive                               f
                                                                                                          Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California,
psychosocial and medical evaluation is warranted for individuals presenting                             Los Angeles, California
with such symptoms. The etiology of DSDD is unknown, but in several                                     Drs Rosso and J.D. Santoro conceptualized and
hypotheses for regression in this population, psychological stress, primary                             designed the structure of the review, drafted the
psychiatric disease, and autoimmunity are proposed as potential causes of                               manuscript, and revised the manuscript; Drs
                                                                                                        Fremion, S.L. Santoro, and Skotko drafted the
DSDD. Both psychiatric therapy and immunotherapies have been described as                               manuscript and revised the manuscript for
DSDD treatments, with both revealing potential benefit in limited cohorts. In                            intellectual content; Drs Oreskovic and Chitnis
this article, we review the current data regarding clinical phenotypes,                                 critically reviewed and revised the manuscript for
                                                                                                        important intellectual content; and all authors
differential diagnosis, neurodiagnostic workup, and potential therapeutic
                                                                                                        approved the final manuscript as submitted and
options for this unique, most disturbing, and infrequently reported disorder.                           agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
                                                                                                        Accepted for publication Nov 13, 2019

Down syndrome (DS) is the most                     implications on both quality of life                 Address correspondence to Jonathan D. Santoro,
                                                                                                        MD, Department of Neurology, Children’s Hospital Los
common cause of intellectual disability            and the autonomy of persons with
                                                                                                        Angeles, 4650 Sunset Blvd, Mail Stop 82, Los Angeles,
worldwide and occurs in ∼1 in 800                  DS.4 It is, therefore, key for all                   CA 90027. E-mail:
live births; it is most frequently caused          providers to be aware of DSDD to                     PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online,
by trisomy of chromosome 21 due to                 evaluate and potentially treat this                  1098-4275).
nondisjunction or translocation                    condition. The etiology,                             Copyright © 2020 by the American Academy of
events.1–3 In recent years, multiple               pathophysiology, and therapeutic                     Pediatrics
centers have reported a specific                    options for DSDD are currently unclear,              FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated
pattern of developmental regression                although clinical data are rapidly                   they have no financial relationships relevant to this
in individuals with DS, wherein                    emerging. Our focus for this review is               article to disclose.
patients lose language, behavioral,                to summarize the current knowledge of                FUNDING: No external funding.
and cognitive skills that they previously          clinical features, potential etiologies,
acquired.4,5 This condition has been               neurodiagnostic workup, and                              To cite: Rosso M, Fremion E, Santoro SL, et al.
more recently referred to as Down                  therapeutic options and to identify                      Down Syndrome Disintegrative Disorder: A
                                                                                                            Clinical Regression Syndrome of Increasing
syndrome disintegrative disorder                   future areas of focus and research in
                                                                                                            Importance. Pediatrics. 2019;145(6):e20192939
(DSDD). DSDD can be severe, with                   this field.

PEDIATRICS Volume 145, number 6, June 2019:e20192939                                                   STATE-OF-THE-ART REVIEW ARTICLE
HISTORICAL REPORTS                           TABLE 1 Characteristics of DSDD
                6                             Criterion                                                                        Features
In 1946, Rollin described a cohort of
73 institutionalized adolescents and          I                                                        Autistic regression
young adults with DS, 17 (23.3%) of           II                                                       Cognitive decline resulting in a dementia-like state
                                              III                                                      Older age at onset than at autistic regression
whom were diagnosed with
                                              IV                                                       No other diagnosis that may explain the condition
“catatonic psychosis.” These
                                             Adapted from Worley G, Crissman BG, Cadogan E, Milleson C, Adkins DW, Kishnani PS. Down syndrome disintegrative
individuals had an appropriate               disorder: new-onset autistic regression, dementia, and insomnia in older children and adolescents with Down syndrome.
developmental period followed by             J Child Neurol. 2015;30(9):1147–1152.
behavioral changes, including
agitation and harm directed toward
self and others, during early               Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders                      also reported and include depression

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adolescence (ages 11–14) that led           criteria of autism spectrum disorder                        (42%), social withdrawal (34%), and
their families to seek institutional        to aid in standardization of                                anxiety (16%).5,12,13 In recent
care. Afterward, they experienced           phenotypic description for the latter                       studies, catatonia was observed in
a deterioration phase marked by             phenomenon.4,9 Diagnosis by using                           47% of cases labeled as DSDD, which
incontinence, mutism, apathy, social        these guidelines involves new-onset                         is higher than rates originally
withdrawal, occasional behavioral           impairments in social interaction;                          reported by Rollin6 (38%).5,11,12
outbursts, and psychosis, eventually        communication; stereotyped patterns                         New-onset insomnia was also
leading to catatonia.                       of movement, behavior, and thought;                         described in 43% of cases.4,5,7,11,12
                                            and developmental delays.9 At                               Pooled estimates from 4 studies
In 2000, Kerbeshian and Burd7               baseline, autism can be present in                          revealed a 14% rate of psychotic
provided a clinical description of          roughly 15% of children with DS;                            symptoms, including delusions and
autistic-like regression in a child with    however, a previous diagnosis of                            hallucinations, in persons with
DS. In this study, the authors              autism was not observed in any of the                       DSDD.4,5,11,12 Aggressive behavior
described an 8-year-old girl with DS        studies reviewed in this report.10                          was reported in 42% of
who experienced autistic regression         DSDD is an entity that is believed to                       patients.2,5,11,13 As was highlighted by
(loss of social and communication           be distinct and separate from autism                        Mircher et al,5 aggression in persons
skills), loss of cognitive functions, and   spectrum disorder.                                          with DSDD may be directed toward
a rapid-onset insomnia, referring to                                                                    self (auto-aggression) or others
this condition as autistic-like             Beyond regression, symptoms of                              (hetero-aggression). A minority of
regression.7 Subsequently, in 2015,         DSDD can be heterogenous and are                            patients with DSDD (12%) also had
Worley et al4 presented similar case        reported with variability (Table 2). In                     anorexia as part of their clinical
reports and characterized DSDD as           3 large studies, up to 87% of patients                      presentation.11,12
a subacute onset of “autistic               with DSDD were diagnosed with
regression,” cognitive decline              language regression, with symptoms                          Because there are no diagnostic
resulting in a dementia-like state,         ranging in severity from dysfluency to                       criteria available, DSDD is best
occurring at an older age typical for       mutism.5,11,12 Among patients in                            described as a clinical syndrome that
autistic regression, and no other           whom severity of language regression                        should be considered in adolescents
established diagnosis to explain the        was quantified, 38% had partial                              and young adults with DS and
condition (Table 1).8                       language regression and 52% had                             subacute-onset behavioral
                                            mutism.5,11,12 Mood symptoms are                            changes.13 It is also key to appreciate

                                             TABLE 2 Clinical Features Reported in DSDD
The demographic profile of DSDD                Clinical Feature                                                                                        % (n/N)
includes a postpubertal onset and an
                                              Language regression5,11,12                                                                            87   (42/48)
elevated female/male patient ratio of            Partial                                                                                            38   (18/48)
2:1.4,5 A defining feature of DSDD is             Mutism                                                                                             52   (25/48)
regression of previously attained             Catatonia2,5,11,12                                                                                    47   (25/53)
skills, notably in the domains of             Mood symptoms2,5,12,13
language, communication, and social              Depression                                                                                         42 (21/50)
                                                 Social withdrawal                                                                                  34 (15/44)
skills. No formal criteria exist within          Anxiety                                                                                            16 (8/50)
the diagnosis of DSDD to define either         Insomnia4,5,11,12                                                                                     43 (25/58)
regression or autistic-like behavioral        Aggression2,5,11,13                                                                                   42 (17/40)
regression; however, some groups              Delusions or hallucinations4,5,11                                                                     14 (8/56)
have used the Diagnostic and                  Anorexia11,12                                                                                         12 (5/43)

2                                                                                                                                                 ROSSO et al
that persons with DS may experience                   The imaging features of DSDD are                       a postpubertal onset and an elevated
adaptive, social, or cognitive                        heterogenous, and no defining                           female/male patient ratio of 2:1 in
regression for reasons other than                     characteristics have been identified.                   the 2 largest studies to date.4,5 This
DSDD, making a complete workup                        Across 5 studies, abnormal MRI                         finding has raised the suspicion that
critical in the assessment of these                   findings were found in 26% of                           inflammation may play a role in the
patients (see Evaluation and                          patients (n = 9 of 35).4,5,11,12 The                   etiology of DSDD because this
Differential Diagnosis). Compared                     imaging findings were described to be                   demographic is mirrored in other
with the typical onset of autistic                    dementia-like in 2 cohorts in which                    inflammatory disorders such as
regression in persons with DS, DSDD                   hippocampal atrophy was reported in                    multiple sclerosis and autoimmune
takes place when patients are older,                  20% of patients (n = 4 of 20).5,12 In                  encephalitis.4,5,13,15 Additionally,
typically between the first and third                  other studies, there has been a failure                recent research has revealed the

                                                                                                                                                                    Downloaded from by guest on 17 December 2021
decade.4,13 The acute regression                      to find any imaging findings                             presence of other autoantibodies,
appears to last for ∼6 months and is                  associated with DSDD, which may                        such as antinuclear antibodies, anti-
followed by a chronic phase in which                  reflect the significant heterogeneity of                 microsomal antibodies, striational
previous skills may not be                            the study cohorts.2,4,11                               antibodies, thyroperoxidase
completely recovered (Table 3). In 2                                                                         antibodies, and anti-tissue
studies, it has been reported that                                                                           transglutaminase antibodies, which
58% of persons with DSDD                              THEORIES ON ETIOLOGY                                   have elevated levels in some
experience a partial or total recovery.               Whereas the etiology of DSDD is not                    individuals with DSDD.11 These
Only 7.5% of patients experience                      fully understood, 2 possible causes                    findings may be understood as
additional worsening, whereas 35%                     that have been proposed are immune                     a consequence of DS, which is
of patients stabilize.4,5 However, in                 dysregulation and psychological                        generally associated with high serum
patients with stabilizing DSDD,                       stress triggering neuropsychiatric                     levels of proinflammatory cytokines,
a complete recovery to the                            presentations (analogous to Rollin’s6                  high rates of complement protein
premorbid baseline condition                          original report). The demographic                      consumption, and various other
appears to be infrequent.2,4                          profile of DSDD includes                                forms of immune dysregulation.16 As

TABLE 3 Studies of Patients With Clinical Phenotypes Similar to DSDD
 Authors, Year         Design                    Patient Population                                           Summary of Results
 Rollin, 1946        Case series 17 cases of DS with catatonic psychotic living in Description of a period of behavioral agitation followed by decompensation
                                    an institution                                    characterized by incontinence, mutism, apathy, social withdrawal,
                                                                                      occasional behavioral outbursts, and psychosis eventually leading to
 Kerbeshian and      Case series 5 cases of DS and Tourette’s syndrome, 1 case Description of new-onset insomnia, autism, and loss of cognitive skills in
   Burd,7 2000                      of childhood disintegrative disorder and DS       a patient with DS
 Prasher,8 2002      Case series 357 patients with DS                              DSDD regression is severe and gradual, lasting 2 y and followed by
                                                                                      a chronic plateau; regression affected language, social, and cognitive
 Castillo et al,14   Case-       24 patients with DS and autism                    50% (12 of 24) of patients with DS and autism lost previously acquired
   2008                control                                                        language, social skills, and communicative abilities; language loss
                       study                                                          occurred later in DS with autistic regression than in isolated autistic
                                                                                      regression (62 vs 20 mo)
 Akahoshi et al,12 Case series 13 young adults with DS with acute                  Patients with DS presented with depression, obsessive-compulsive
   2012                             neuropsychiatric symptoms                         behaviors, delusions, and hallucinations
 Worley et al,4 2015 Case series 11 patients with DSDD                             Late mean age of onset of DSDD (mean = 11.4 y); autism was new in onset
                                                                                      in 8 of 11 patients and worsened in 3 of 11 patients; 91% (10 of 11)
                                                                                      patients had cognitive decline; s82% (9 of 11) patients had new-onset
 Ghaziuddin et al,2 Case series 4 patients with DS and regression                  Regression was accompanied by motor symptoms, including catatonia;
   2015                                                                               recovery after a therapy with benzodiazepines and ECT
 Jacobs et al,13     Case report Young adult male with DS                          19-y-old patient presents with severe clinical deterioration; the patient
   2016                                                                               presented with low mood, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, and motor
 Mircher et al,5     Case series 30 patients with DS and regression                Regression was seen at all levels of cognitive functions; regression was
   2017                                                                               characterized by partial or total loss of activities of daily living;
                                                                                      regression was associated with other psychiatric symptoms, which
                                                                                      included catatonia, depression, delusions, and stereotypical behaviors;
                                                                                      regression was preceded by severe emotional stress in all patients

PEDIATRICS Volume 145, number 6, June 2019                                                                                                                      3
the autoimmune etiology of several           TABLE 4 Autoimmune Characteristics of DSDD
psychiatric syndromes becomes                 Authors, Year         Patient Population                              Summary of Results
increasingly accepted, researchers            Worley et al,4        11 patients with       Anti-thyroperoxidase antibody levels were elevated in 91% of
speculate that some cases of DSDD               2015                  DSDD                   patients with DSDD (10 of 11) vs 23% of patients with DS (5 of
may be driven by autoimmunity.17,18                                                          21) (P , .001)
                                              Jacobs et al,13    Young adult male          Negative results on autoimmune panel
Elevated serum and cerebral spinal              2016               with DS
fluid levels of anti-thyroperoxidase           Cardinale et al,11 4 patients with           Anti-thyroperoxidase antibodies (n = 3 of 4), anti-TSH antibodies
antibodies found in some patients               2019               DSDD                      (n = 2 of 4), anti-microsomal antibodies (n = 2 of 4), anti-tTg
with DSDD have led some researchers                                                          antibodies (n = 1 of 4), antinuclear antigen antibodies (n = 1
                                                                                             of 4), anti-striational antibodies (n = 1 of 4)
to propose Hashimoto encephalopathy
                                             anti-TSH, anti–thyroid-stimulating hormone antibodies; anti-tTg, anti-tissue transglutaminase.
(HE) as an underlying etiology. Across

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4 studies, 35% of persons with DSDD
(n = 16 of 46) had high titers of anti-
                                            the largest study of 30 patients,                             An exact etiology of DSDD remains
thyroperoxidase antibodies, although
                                            Mircher et al5 described a new school                         difficult to identify, although
the agreement between these studies
                                            environment as the most common life                           components of immune
is considered poor because rates range
                                            stressor preceding a diagnosis of                             dysregulation, psychiatric symptoms
from as low as 20% (Mircher et al,5
                                            DSDD (51%).11,22 Other common                                 in persons with intellectual disability,
n = 15 tested) to as high as 82%
                                            stressors were awareness of disability                        and dysregulated cholinergic and
(Worley et al,4 n = 11 tested).11,13
                                            triggered by the wedding or departure                         serotonergic circuits may be involved
Epidemiological studies have revealed
                                            of a sibling (23%), assault (17%),                            (Fig 1). Although the role of
that thyroid disease has a greater
                                            illness of a close one (13%), and                             inflammation in neuropsychiatric
prevalence in patients with DSDD than
                                            overstimulation (10%).5 Although                              disease continues to evolve, the
in the general population.4 In addition,
                                            notable, many children with DS                                combination of neuroinflammation,
the rates of thyroid disease increase
                                            experience similar stressful triggers                         autoantibody generation, and/or
with time, as does the prevalence of
                                            and do not have similar                                       cytokine dysregulation could
thyroperoxidase antibodies, with rates
                                            neuropsychiatric changes, rendering                           interface with existing psychological
up to 22% in asymptomatic patients.19
                                            stress-related triggers an incomplete                         capacities to cope with external
The significance of anti-
                                            explanation. Stein et al22 also reported                      stressors and the baseline circuity of
thyroperoxidase antibodies is unclear
                                            on the role of environmental changes                          these responses. For this reason,
because steroid therapy, the gold
                                            as potential triggers for regression in                       additional investigation into the cause
standard treatment of HE, has
                                            DSDD. In their case study, the authors                        of this potentially polyfactorial
revealed no clinical benefit in DSDD.4
                                            reported that a patient with DS                               phenomenon is needed.
HE also differs from DSDD because it
                                            developed reactive depression after
presents with seizures, headaches,
                                            moving to a new city and changing
hallucinations, and ataxia. Although                                                                      EVALUATION AND DIFFERENTIAL
                                            schools.23 The authors postulated that
HE can present as an isolated
                                            the patient dealt with distress through                       DIAGNOSIS
psychiatric illness, this presentation is
                                            complex behavioral and adaptive                               At this time, DSDD is best described
rare in children.20,21 Thus, additional
                                            changes because she failed to express                         as a constellation of symptoms
studies are needed to fully elucidate
                                            her distress with the usual verbal                            without a distinct etiology. Thus,
the pathologic role of anti-
                                            channels.22 This description would                            clinicians should pursue
thyroperoxidase antibodies in patients
                                            exist on the spectrum of an acute                             a comprehensive psychosocial and
with both DS and DSDD (Table 4).
                                            stress reaction as opposed to                                 medical evaluation of potential
An alternative hypothesis proposes          a primary psychiatric disease and thus                        secondary causes of behavioral
that psychological stress may act as        may explain the recovery noted in                             change and regression. In their
a trigger of regression in DSDD (Fig 1).    patients over time. Mircher et al5 put                        article, Jacobs et al13 provide
In their studies, Stein et al22 and         forth a hypothesis that explains the                          a suggested diagnostic workup for
Mircher et al5 postulated that such         susceptibility in terms of widespread                         such cases organized in 5 different
behavioral changes may be a way for         dysregulation of serotoninergic and                           tiers of testing (Table 5). The first 2
persons with DS to express distress in      cholinergic circuits. If this were the                        tiers are common causes of a new
the context of their developmental          case, DSDD may be amenable to                                 onset of psychiatric symptoms in
delays. Across 3 studies, 86% of            treatment with selective serotonin                            young adults with DS, which include
persons with DSDD (n = 30 of 35)            reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which                            psychosocial stressors, depression,
reported identifiable life stressors         have only been explored in a few                              electrolyte disturbances, infections,
preceding the onset of symptoms. In         studies thus far.24,25                                        liver disease, thyroid disorders, and

4                                                                                                                                              ROSSO et al
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Diagram of proposed DSDD pathophysiology.

immunologic disorders. Common                adults. These syndromes are                disorder, and anxiety disorders, may
co-occurring conditions associated           characterized by an inability to           have symptoms that mimic
with DS should also be considered            process certain metabolites, including     a regression.27 These disorders should
such as sleep apnea, acid reflux, celiac      amino acids, fatty acids, or organic       be evaluated thoroughly because they
disease, and constipation. Another           acid. A final differential diagnosis to     unify the presence of environmental
diagnosis in tier 2 is pediatric acute-      be aware of is Lesch-Nyhan                 triggers and associated
onset neuropsychiatric syndrome,             syndrome, the presentation of which        neuropsychiatric disease, although
which displays some overlap with             may closely resemble DSDD, except          diagnosis can be challenging in
DSDD. Persons with pediatric acute-          that onset is typically in infancy or      persons with intellectual disability.28 A
onset neuropsychiatric syndrome              early childhood. Patients with Lesch-      key point to consider is that the
may present with a subacute onset of         Nyhan syndrome present with                presence of mild baseline psychiatric
abnormal motor movements, tics, and          a combination of a regression of           disease and exposure to stressful
obsessive-compulsive symptoms,               intellectual skills, dystonic              triggers may yield regression-like
although caution should be exercised         movements, and compulsive self-            symptoms, although this likely exists
before making this diagnosis, as well,       mutilation because of a failure of         along a complex spectrum. One final
given the heterogenous diagnostic            purine metabolism.26 These genetic
                                                                                        important differential diagnosis to
and clinical criteria.                       conditions typically present in early
                                                                                        consider is early-onset Alzheimer
                                             childhood rather than adolescence
Multiple genetic conditions can occur                                                   disease (AD), which continues to be an
                                             and young adulthood like DSDD, but
in the same patient, and because DS is                                                  important differential for patients with
                                             delayed diagnosis is plausible.
one of the most common genetic                                                          DSDD.11 Early-onset AD is common in
disorders, evaluation for other              Finally, it is important to note that DS   patients with DS owing to the 3 copies
genetic disorders should be                  is associated with several psychiatric     of chromosome 21 (and thus 3 copies
considered. Two important diagnoses          conditions. As previously mentioned,       of amyloid precursor protein genes)
to evaluate for are Fragile X                DSDD differs from other forms of           carried by these patients. Early-onset
syndrome and Rett syndrome, which            autistic regression in the later age at    AD differs from DSDD because of the
are 2 important genetic causes of            onset, high female/male patient ratio,     later onset between the ages of 40
regression in early childhood. By the        and presence of additional symptoms        and 60 years and its steady and
same token, inborn errors of                 such as insomnia and catatonia.4,5 In      irreversible decline, as opposed to
metabolism are possible causes of            the presence of stressful triggers,        the subacute and partially reversible
regression and behavioral                    primary psychiatric disorders, such as     decline observed in DSDD.29 However,
abnormalities in children and young          major depressive disorder, bipolar         AD onset may occur earlier than age

PEDIATRICS Volume 145, number 6, June 2019                                                                                      5
TABLE 5 Proposed Diagnostic Workup for Regression in Patients With DS                                                       sertraline), and anticholinergic drugs
    Tier                  Diagnosis                                               Evaluation                                (eg, donepezil and rivastigmine) have
    Tier   Thyroid disorders: hypothyroidism,           TSH, fT4, thyroperoxidase antibodies, thyroglobulin
                                                                                                                            been used to address many of the
       1      hyperthyroidism, HE                          antibodies                                                       neuropsychiatric disturbances
           Electrolyte disturbance, infections,         Electrolytes, CBC, LFTs                                             observed in DSDD.4 In 3 recent
              liver disease                                                                                                 studies, 25% of patients showed
           Vitamin deficiency                            Folate, vitamin B12, 25-OH vitamin D                                a response to SSRIs, which seem to
           Celiac disease                               Anti-tTg, total IgA
           Obstructive sleep apnea                      Polysomnography                                                     improve mood symptoms, motor
           Hearing loss                                 Hearing test                                                        symptoms, and sleep
           Vision loss (cataracts, ulcers, etc)         Vision screen                                                       disturbance.12,31 Tamasaki et al31
           Constipation                                 Abdominal radiograph                                                reported a case study of a 14-year-old

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           Depression                                   Depression screen
                                                                                                                            boy with DSDD symptoms who was
           Stress and anxiety                           Screen for stressors
           Other psychiatric disorders                  Psychiatric referral                                                treated with donepezil, which led to
           Other neurologic disorders                   Brain MRI                                                           a complete psychosocial recovery;
    Tier   Lyme disease                                 Serological testing                                                 however, the efficacy of cholinergic
       2                                                                                                                    medications for cognitive impairment
           PANDAS                                       Antistreptolysin O
                                                                                                                            in individuals with DS is debatable,
           Seizure disorder                             EEG
           Other immunologic disorders                  Antinuclear antibodies, ESR, CRP                                    and they are not US Food and Drug
           Syphilis, HIV                                RPR, HIV serology                                                   Administration approved for children
    Tier   Fragile X syndrome                           Fragile X syndrome testing                                          and adolescents.32,33 Another
       3                                                                                                                    therapeutic option for persons with
           Rett syndrome                                Methyl CpG binding protein 2
                                                                                                                            DSDD is antipsychotic treatment.
           Heavy metal toxicity                         Serum levels of lead, manganese, mercury, zinc, nickel,
                                                          thallium                                                          Across 4 studies, 70% of patients
           NMDA receptor encephalitis                   Anti-NMDA receptor autoantibodies                                   experienced at least some
           Microdeletion or microduplication            Chromosomal microarray                                              improvement in motor symptoms,
             syndrome                                                                                                       sleep disturbance, and catatonia with
    Tier   Aminoacidopathies                            Plasma amino acids
                                                                                                                            antipsychotic therapy.2,12,13
           Organic acidurias                            Urine organic acids, urine acylglycines
           Fatty acid oxidation disorders               Plasma acylcarnitines                                               Ghaziuddin et al2 reported that high-
           Mitochondrial disorders                      Pyruvate, lactates                                                  dose benzodiazepines, such as
           Urea cycle disorders                         Ammonia                                                             lorazepam, could benefit patients
           Ovarian teratoma (limbic encephalitis)       Ovarian ultrasound                                                  with DSDD and catatonia. Across 4
    Tier   Lesch-Nyhan syndrome                         Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase
                                                                                                                            studies, 91% of patients with DSDD
       5                                                   gene mutation
           Porphyria                                    Aminolevulinic acid, porphobilinogen,                               and catatonia demonstrated at least
                                                           hydroxymethylbilane synthase gene mutation                       a partial response to
           Congenital disorders of glycosylation        Carbohydrate deficient transferrin                                   benzodiazepines; however, catatonia
           Peroxisomal storage disorders                Very long chain fatty acids, phytanic acid,                         was unresponsive to benzodiazepines
           Lysosomal storage disorders                  Urine glycosaminoglycans, urine oligosaccharides,
                                                                                                                            in only 1 patient.2,11–13
                                                           urine sialic acid                                                Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has
           Other genetic disorders                      Whole exome sequencing                                              also been shown as an effective
anti-tTg, anti-tissue transglutaminase; CBC, complete blood cell count; CRP, C-reactive protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedi-     therapy for DSDD with catatonia that
mentation rate; fT4, free thyroxine; IgA, immunoglobulin A; LFT, liver function test; NMDA, N-methyl D-aspartate; PANDAS,   warrants careful consideration by
pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections; RPR, rapid plasma regain;
                                                                                                                            clinicians.2 However, ECT can have
TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone; 25-OH, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol.
                                                                                                                            several complications, including the
                                                                                                                            requirement of sedation, the potential
40 and may be exacerbated by factors                           also the need for choosing the most                          for memory impairment and
similar to those reported in DSDD.30                           appropriate intervention.                                    neurocognitive sequelae, and the
                                                                                                                            need for repeated ECT sessions to
Of note, the diagnosis of DSDD is                                                                                           maintain symptom remission; thus, it
based on clinical phenotype, and for                           THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS FOR                                should be considered in conjunction
this reason, it is important to realize                        DSDD                                                         with specialists experienced with its
that this syndrome may be produced                             Several therapies have revealed some                         use in DS.34 In a recent case report,
by multiple causes. This is a necessary                        clinical benefit in patients with DSDD.                       administering high doses of the
consideration regarding not only the                           Symptomatically, antipsychotics (eg,                         antipsychotic clozapine was the only
need for a standardized workup but                             risperidone), SSRIs (eg, fluoxetine and                       effective treatment of catatonia and

6                                                                                                                                                        ROSSO et al
TABLE 6 Previously Reported Experimental Therapies in DSDD
 Authors, Year      Design             Patient Population                                           Summary of Results
 Akahoshi et al,12 Case     13 young adults with DS with acute    A total of 10 of 11 patients responded to pharmacotherapy, and marked improvements
   2012              series   neuropsychiatric symptoms              were seen in 3 of 11; attempted pharmacotherapy included fluvoxamine, amantadine,
                                                                     haloperidol, and benzodiazepines
 Ghaziuddin        Case     4 patients with DS and regression     High-dose lorazepam and ECT were associated with the improvement of catatonia; SSRIs,
   et al,2 2015      series                                          mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and antiepileptic drugs resulted in no change or
                                                                     worsening of symptoms
 Jacobs et al,13   Case     Young adult male with DS              Antipsychotics exacerbated the patient’s catatonia; trazodone and high-dose
   2016              report                                          benzodiazepines had no therapeutic benefit; the patient benefited from clozapine,
                                                                     which brought him back to 85% of his baseline status (as reported by the patient’s

                                                                                                                                                                   Downloaded from by guest on 17 December 2021
 Tamasaki et al,31 Case     Male teenager with DS                 Initiated escitalopram after immune therapy with IV methylprednisolone and
   2016              report                                          anticatatonia therapies; improvement over 4-wk period, although continued autistic
                                                                     features; initiated donepezil, with improvement in autistic features over an additional
                                                                     4 wk
 Cardinale et al,11 Case     4 patients with DSDD                 Immunotherapy improved catatonia, insomnia, autism severity, cognitive decline, and
   2019               series                                         psychosis in DSDD; regimens included IV and oral steroids, IV immunoglobulins,
                                                                     mycophenolate, and rituximab
IV, intravenous.

was started after other treatment                   hypothesis of an immunologic                         classes of therapies have revealed
options were exhausted.13 It is crucial             component in the pathophysiology of                  some clinical benefit (ie,
to consider that catatonia may be                   DSDD for individuals with positive                   benzodiazepines and ECT for catatonia
a symptom of DSDD because it may be                 autoantibody screening results, but in               and SSRIs for mood symptoms), but
easily mistaken for schizophrenia or                this study, a limited cohort was                     a standardized treatment guideline
another psychiatric disorder (Table 6).2            analyzed, and additional studies with                should be developed. Future studies
                                                    larger cohorts are needed.4 However,                 will also be needed to elucidate the
Newer therapies have been proposed                  as noted above, the presumed                         role of immune dysregulation in DSDD
that target the hypothesized                        etiology may differ between cases;                   and the effectiveness of
autoimmunity etiology of DSDD.                      thus, the choice of therapeutic                      immunotherapies in larger cohorts.
Cardinale et al11 explored the use of               intervention should mirror this
various immunotherapeutic regimens                                                                       Molecular biomarkers and radiologic
                                                    because multiple causes could                        hallmarks also need to be identified
in 4 patients with DSDD who had                     produce the same clinical phenotype.
positive serum autoantibody                                                                              that correlate with the clinical
screening results. Different regimens                                                                    findings. Additionally, truly
                                                                                                         separating the symptoms of DSDD
were attempted because of the side                  FUTURE DIRECTIONS
effects associated with many of these                                                                    from chronic comorbidities
                                                    DSDD is a recently redefined                          associated with DS will be
treatments, which required treatment
                                                    constellation of symptoms, including                 a necessary component of future
discontinuation in many instances.
                                                    mood lability, socio-communicative                   analysis. Finally, prospective studies
The regimens included intravenous
                                                    regression, loss of activities of daily              are needed to understand the long-
and/or oral steroids, mycophenolate
                                                    living, psychomotor changes, and                     term prognosis and the effectiveness
mofetil, intravenous
                                                    insomnia, which may permanently                      of therapies for this unique and
immunoglobulins, and rituximab. The
                                                    alter the adaptive and social functions              troubling condition.
clinical benefit in the domains of
                                                    of persons with DS.4–6 Both patients
hallucinations, mood, autistic
                                                    and families are impacted by this
features, and insomnia was
                                                    condition. Additional research is                       ABBREVIATIONS
immediate in 3 of 4 patients, whereas
                                                    urgently needed with particular focus
1 patient showed a clinical                                                                                AD: Alzheimer disease
                                                    on identification of the
improvement in ∼3 months.11                                                                                DS: Down syndrome
                                                    pathophysiology of the syndrome and
Catatonia was present in all patients                                                                      DSDD: Down syndrome
                                                    the interplay between DSDD and
who responded completely to                                                                                       disintegrative disorder
                                                    other chronic comorbidities seen in
immunotherapy. Approximately 50%                                                                           ECT: electroconvulsive therapy
                                                    patients with DS.
of patients experienced an                                                                                 HE: Hashimoto encephalopathy
improvement in sleep disturbance                    Prospective studies are needed to                      SSRI: selective serotonin reuptake
and autistic behaviors. These results               identify the effective therapies for each                    inhibitor
may lend more credence to the                       of the symptoms in DSDD. Several

PEDIATRICS Volume 145, number 6, June 2019                                                                                                                     7
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Dr Skotko has received payment for expert witness testimony related to Down syndrome (but not Down syndrome disintegrative
disorder); the other authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.

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