Economic Freedom Fighters' Debut in the Municipal Elections

Economic Freedom Fighters' Debut
                in the Municipal Elections
                                      Sithembile Mbete
                                     University of Pretoria

Abstract                                          Youth League president, Julius Malema. It
                                                  won 6.3 percent of the popular vote in its
The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has           first election in 2014, allowing it to take up
transformed the South African political           twenty-five seats in the National Assembly
landscape since it was established in 2013.       and to become the official opposition in two
In the 2016 municipal election, the EFF won       provinces – Limpopo and North West (IEC,
8.2 percent of the national vote making it        2016a). This was a remarkable achievement
the third biggest party after the ANC and         for a party that had only existed for a few
the Democratic Alliance (DA). It did not take     months. In the 2016 municipal election,
over any municipalities, but it performed         the EFF won 8.2 percent of the national
well enough to be the kingmaker in 13             vote, making it the third biggest party
hung councils, including three metros. This       after the ANC and the Democratic Alliance
paper discusses the EFF's electoral campaign      (DA), which won 53.9 percent and 26.9
and performance in the 2016 local general         percent, respectively. The EFF did not win
election (LGE). It asks whether the EFF has       any council outright, but received 761 seats
transcended the personality politics of its       in councils nationwide (IEC, 2016b). This
leader to attract its desired constituency on a   was a satisfactory performance for a new
broad scale. Has the party managed to move        party, but fell short of expectations that it
beyond a politics of spectacle to develop the     would breach the 10 percent threshold or
content of its political value proposition?       take over governance of some municipalities
Given the organisational challenges it faces,     (Times Live, 4 August 2016).
what are its prospects of being a serious
contender for national government in 2019?        Electoral success is the least of the EFF story,
                                                  though. Through its disruptive political
Introduction                                      engagement in parliament and its clever
                                                  use of the courts, the EFF has succeeded
The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has           in setting the national political agenda and
transformed the South African political           stimulating unprecedented public interest
landscape since it was established, in 2013,      in the country's political institutions.
by expelled African National Congress (ANC)       It was the party's activism that kept the

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Economic Freedom Fighters' Debut in the Municipal Elections
                                       Sithembile Mbete

issue of security upgrades to President             management require technical expertise
Jacob Zuma's Nkandla homestead in the               and do not easily lend themselves to the
public consciousness, long after the ANC            kind of political spectacle that has served
had hoped to squash the issue. The EFF              the EFF so well at national level. Slogans
was the first party to highlight the role of        such as "Zupta must fall" and "Pay back
the Gupta family in government decisions,           the money" are hard to translate to the
making the term "state capture" a part of the       more mundane administrative issues of
public lexicon. Some of the tactics the party       local government. Furthermore, the mixed
used were disruption and non-cooperation            ward and proportional representation (PR)
in parliament, leading to frequent clashes          electoral system at municipal level requires
with the speaker of parliament, Baleka              an extensive organisational machinery to be
Mbete, and resulted in their being, forci-          able to put up ward candidates in as many
bly, removed from the National Assembly             wards as possible across the country. Would
chamber on several occasions. It was the            the EFF be able to mobilise, at community
EFF that approached the Constitutional              level, to put up ward candidates? Would
Court, directly, to institute legal action to       the party prove itself to be more than a
contest the ad hoc Nkandla committee that,          one-man show?
they argued, violated the Public Protector's
constitutional powers. In April 2016, a full        Populism is a useful lens through which to
bench of the court confirmed the powers of          assess the EFF. Many features of its politics
the Public Protector and found that Zuma            are consistent with the rise of populist
"had failed to uphold, defend and respect the       movements of "the people" against "the
Constitution as the supreme law of the land".       elite" in a range of contexts across the globe
(Grootes, 2016). This finding is the most           from the Brexit campaign, in Britain, to the
significant indictment of Zuma's leadership,        Red Shirts, in Thailand. Using a framework
since he became president in 2009, and set          developed by Moffitt and Tormey (2014) in a
the tone for a bruising campaign for the            previous article, I analysed the EFF's politics
2016 local government election.                     in terms of the constitutive relationship
                                                    between political style and substance. This
That the EFF has had such a major impact            was significant, because the party's distinctive
on South African politics indicates that the        style has been criticised for masking a lack of
party has proven itself to be more than             political substance. In these highly mediated
"a case of media hype over substance"               times, when social media has made everyone
(Friedman, 2014). In the run up to the 2016         with a smart phone a potential broadcaster,
municipal election, observers were curious          the optics and spectacle of politics matters
to see whether the EFF would be able to             more than ever before. While much of the
repeat its 2014 success. Local government           debate about the EFF has been about where
is notoriously difficult to govern and has          to place it on the ideological spectrum (right-
been the site of widespread service delivery        wing/fascist or left-wing/progressive), I have
protests across the country. Municipal              argued that this is a false dichotomy that does
governance issues, such as water and                not help us understand the EFF's politics, or
sanitation, road maintenance and waste              its appeal to voters.

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Economic Freedom Fighters' Debut in the Municipal Elections
                                        Sithembile Mbete

The Moffitt and Tormey (2014) model of               its manifesto, campaign methods and im-
political style has three main elements:             portant events. Thirdly, it discusses the EFF's
1. Appeal to "the people", which the EFF did         performance in the elections as well as its
in its founding manifesto where it stated it         role in the formation of governments in
represents the poor, marginalised masses of          several hung councils across the country.
South Africa who continue to be exploited            It closes with some thoughts on the EFF's
by political and economic elites. 2. The use         development as a party and its prospects
of crisis, breakdown and threat to simplify          for the 2019 elections.
the terms of political debate and promote
radical, decisive solutions to political prob-       Election Campaign
lems. This was seen in the EFF's use of the
Marikana massacre, being expelled from               The 2016 election campaign took place
parliamentary debates and the Nkandla                within a political context of vocal dis-
controversy to advance its political agenda.         satisfaction with President Jacob Zuma's
3. "Bad manners" or disregard for behaving           political leadership and several scandals
appropriately within the rules of formal             about his stewardship of the country, in-
political institutions. This was seen in the         cluding the financing of security upgrades
EFF's "revolutionary" dress code and refusal         to his private residence and the influence of
to abide by certain parliamentary rules.             the Gupta family on cabinet appointments.
                                                     This context was advantageous to the EFF,
The main purpose of this article, therefore,         as it has been at the forefront of the charge
is to determine how the party has translated         against Zuma's leadership, the climax of
or harnessed its populism in this local              which was the verdict of the Constitutional
election. This is a critical point of enquiry,       Court on 31 March 2016 that Zuma had
for local elections are vastly different to          violated his terms of office by failing to
national elections. For a relatively new party,      comply with the Public Protector's report
contesting local elections is particularly           on the Nkandla upgrades. As the party was
hard, as it is still establishing local presence     contesting its first local government election,
in many parts of the country. This presents          the attention and publicity it received from
the challenge of establishing party structures       its stance on national government issues
while simultaneously, contesting local               was an important entry point into its
elections. How the party dealt with this             2016 campaign.
challenge receives attention in this paper.
Following an analysis of the party's per-            However, the party faced significant chal-
formance in this election, the paper examines        lenges in mounting a successful election
its prospects in the next national elections,        campaign at local level, because of resource
scheduled for 2019.                                  constraints and the difficulty of contesting,
                                                     nationwide, in effectively 258 separate
The article begins with a brief conceptual           elections at once (Fakir & Potgieter, 2016).
discussion to set the terms of analysis.             The mixed ward and PR electoral system
Then it moves on to an examination of                at local government benefits big parties,
the EFF's 2016 LGE campaign, including               because they can put up candidates in all

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Economic Freedom Fighters' Debut in the Municipal Elections
                                       Sithembile Mbete

wards in the country and ward votes are             rallies and a manifesto that was developed
counted based on the overall proportion             through a process of consultative meetings
of votes that is used to allocate PR seats          with constituents across the country. This
in councils. For a relatively small party           populism is reflected in the manifesto
like the EFF, having enough candidates to           promises, which respond directly to popular
run in wards across the country can be a            grievances, such as the opening hours of
major challenge. Nevertheless, the EFF had          municipal offices, a lack of fresh food in
candidates contesting in every province             townships and informal settlements and the
in the country and almost the majority              inaccessibility of ward councillors.
of wards. This paper evaluates the EFF's
campaign in terms of the party's rallies, its       At the manifesto launch, Malema insisted
manifesto and campaign costs.                       that the party was making commitments,
                                                    not promises, to the people, as he did not
Rallies and Manifesto                               intend to play with their emotions like the
                                                    ANC has (Munusamy, 2016). He reinforced
Attendance at political rallies and the abil-       the EFF as a party of black South Africans by
ity to fill up stadiums was, curiously, a           explaining the choice of hosting the launch
particular point of competition between             in Soweto with the words "the umbilical
the ANC, DA and EFF in this election. While         cord of the EFF is buried here in Soweto",
this seems an arbitrary concern in a country        evoking the practice used in all African
troubled by such significant socio-economic         cultures to introduce a child to the ancestors
challenges, filling stadiums became a proxy         and establish its home (Malema, 2016a).
for political support in uncertain political        The leaders and activists of the June 1976
times. Both politicians and political analysts      uprising were invoked as the ancestors in
were uncertain of the extent to which ANC           whose legacy the party follows. Malema
political scandals had affected the loyalty         set out to establish the EFF's revolutionary
of the electorate, the appeal of a Mmusi            credentials, exemplified in "shaking par-
Maimane-led DA and the popularity of                liament" by rejecting the Eurocentric dress
the EFF. Thus, crowds at rallies became a           code and seeing to the eradication of
yardstick for political actors and observers        the colonial and apartheid legacy in the
alike. At the EFF's manifesto launch, on            institution (Malema, 2016a)
30 April 2016, at Orlando Stadium, as
well as the 30 July 2016 Tshela Thupa               In the opening remarks of the manifesto,
closing rally at Peter Mokaba stadium               Malema states that "the EFF contests political
in Limpopo, Julius Malema contrasted                power through elections within the difficult
the EFF's organic support of people who             confines of electoral rules and systems that
willingly attended party events with the            favour existing political parties. The EFF's
alleged "rent a crowd" practice of the ANC.         contestation of political power through
He consistently contrasted the EFF's appeal         elections should, however, not be mistaken
to the people to "manipulation" by the ANC.         with our revolutionary determination to
The EFF's campaign reinforced its image as a        remove the current government by other
populist mass movement with well-attended           revolutionary means" (EFF, 2016:1). Malema

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Economic Freedom Fighters' Debut in the Municipal Elections
                                        Sithembile Mbete

goes on to criticise the structure of local          such as the share it receives from its MPs'
government, which he argues is inap-                 salaries. Yet, it continues to set itself apart
propriate for the South African context.             from the elite and identify itself as part
The system of conditional grants, in which           of the majority of South Africans who are
municipalities apply for funding from                excluded from formal political institutions.
provincial and national government, is               Strategically, this allows the party to em-
discriminatory against rural and poor mu-            phasise its "newcomer" status and minimise
nicipalities, as they are unable to generate         the expectations of the electorate.
additional income from their residents and
it is unsuitable for "a politically polarised        According to Malema, the manifesto was
environment", because these grants can be            developed out of 1000 meetings across
manipulated for political ends (EFF, 2016:1).        South Africa to find out the real demands
Malema contends that the funding of                  of the people. The ideas in the manifesto
municipalities merely reproduces apartheid           were, thus, generated by the "poorest of the
structural and spatial inequalities, because         poor" in rural areas, townships and squatter
the system is based on assumptions that              camps – those "ordinary people, particularly
all citizens are employed, live in formal            the black nation, who are ignored and not
housing and can sustain the municipality             listened to by anyone" (Malema, 2016a). The
through rates and taxes. This system is              goal of responding to the direct grievances
inappropriate in a country with high unem-           of communities is evident in the manifesto,
ployment and poverty. This claim is false,           which contains a motley mix of issues that fall
however. The system of conditional grants            within the jurisdiction of local, provincial and
was instituted to, specifically, mitigate            national government. This is explicitly stated
income inequality between municipalities             in the manifesto introduction, which says
by providing additional financial support to         that the party seeks to use municipalities for
poor municipalities. This is another example         economic transformation by going beyond
of the party's populism, as it uses popular          the legislated responsibilities of local gov-
statements that resonate with ordinary               ernment and implementing programmes
citizens, regardless of their factual validity.      for education, skills, safety and security,
This questioning of the political system and         training, healthcare and the food economy.
its adequacy for serving the needs of "the           There are seven "core values" on which the
people", while, simultaneously, presenting           manifesto is based:
a manifesto for participation in the system,
is a populist strategy that allows the party         ●● Building local state capacity with the
to accept the perks of participation without            aim of abolishing tenders.
having to take full responsibility for the
system's effects. The EFF is now one of              ●● Creating sustainable jobs for residents
the "existing political parties" favoured               of the municipality.
by the electoral system because it can
access funds from the IEC, on the basis of           ●● Provision of quality basic services such
its parliamentary representation and has                as water, sanitation, healthcare, elec-
access to important financial resources                 tricity and clean communities for all.

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Economic Freedom Fighters' Debut in the Municipal Elections
                                       Sithembile Mbete

●● Providing a conducive and accessible             recreational and sporting facilities (EFF,
   environment for education, skills and            2016:9-10). The party commits to building
   training.                                        spacious houses with a separate kitchen,
                                                    living area and a minimum of two bedrooms
●● Building and maintaining quality and             to allow parents "to touch each other without
   safe infrastructure for all through labour       the disturbance of children" and improve the
   absorptive and efficient methods.                quality of life of the people (EFF, 2016:13;
                                                    Malema, 2016a). In those cases where
●● Stimulating local economic activity and          people can afford to build houses, the party
   participation through the localisation of        promises to provide stands with all basic
   economic activities.                             services including flush toilets. This kind of
                                                    direct appeal to people's immediate needs
●● Guaranteeing safety and security for all         was met with the loudest cheers by the crowd
   (EFF, 2016:5-6).                                 at Orlando Stadium and is indicative of the
                                                    effectiveness of the EFF's populist message.
Specific manifesto promises are intended
to focus on the needs of "the people".              A notable feature of the EFF's manifesto
These promises include building fresh food          commitments is their focus on the character
markets in each municipality to sell local          and responsibilities of the party's elected
produce, opening municipal offices six days         local government representatives. After
a week to accommodate full-time workers,            criticising the non-responsiveness and
and the direct employment of all municipal          unaccountability of ANC councillors, the
workers with a decent wage and benefits.            party sets out a list of ideal behaviour
One of the primary responsibilities of              for its representatives. These include EFF
municipalities is the zoning and distribution       councillors residing where they are elected
of land. Municipalities often own extensive         and having an open door policy in their
tracts of land and are also responsible             communities, holding at least one commun-
for determining the purposes for which              ity meeting per month, being available
private land can be used. Given that land           24 hours per day, being a mother/father
expropriation is one of the EFF's organising        figure to all orphans in their wards, making
tenets, its manifesto commitments on land           sure no one in their wards goes hungry,
are important. Among its promises are               assisting in the burial of all poor people in
passing by-laws to expropriate and allocate         their wards and ensuring that all schools
land equitably for residential, industrial and      and clinics in their wards have water and
other activities "with the principle of use         electricity. Among the qualities of the EFF's
it or lose it", allocating land to "ordinary        revolutionary councillors are:
citizens", allocating stands to people for
free, the provision of bulk services to all         ●● A revolutionary councillor is a well-
land designated for residential use, providing         informed/knowledgeable professional
additional land for burial, providing bulk             in the way he/she approaches the
irrigation services for agricultural land              political question of revolution.
and making land available for religious,

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Economic Freedom Fighters' Debut in the Municipal Elections
                                        Sithembile Mbete

●● A revolutionary councillor abolishes his/         asked about the cost of the EFF's campaign
   her ego and attachments to personal               and how it raised funds. In 2015, the
   success; she or he is selfless.                   party's national spokesman, Mbuyiseni
                                                     Ndlozi, admitted that "The question of
●● A revolutionary councillor is never de-           resources is the biggest challenge for the
   pressed, bored and sad; there is always           EFF. Finding the money for campaigning to
   something to do and revolutionary ac-             have the ability to support the movement
   tions to be taken.                                is tough" (eNCA, 24 July 2015). The party
                                                     hosted a fundraising gala dinner after its
●● A revolutionary councillor does not               manifesto launch in May 2016. Address-
   hold grudges or complain about un-                ing about 100 potential donors, Malema
   necessary matters.                                reportedly asked them to commit to a
                                                     monthly subscription of R1 000 a month
●● A revolutionary councillor always reads           to the party. He reportedly said "If you
   and listens to people to understand the           are true to the cause, ask for the forms
   struggles and suffering of the people             to sign a subscription and say: ‘I'm going
   on the ground.                                    to donate R2 000, R3 000, R1 000, to
                                                     the EFF every month." Especially the next
●● A revolutionary councillor does not               three months – they are very crucial (The
   dwell in the conspicuous consumerist              Citizen, 2 May 2016).
   practices that seek to blindly show off
   privilege (EFF, 2016:22-23).                      After the election, Malema stated that the
                                                     party had spent less than R10 million on its
These standards of conduct are unrealistic           entire campaign. In an interview with Sam
even by manifesto standards as they expect           Mkokeli (2016) from the Financial Mail, he
almost superhuman levels of energy and               said of the party's campaign method, "it's
commitment from the mere mortals who                 not expensive at all, because in the EFF we
stand for public election. It is significant         maximise the little resources we have. We
that these commitments apply to directly             sleep in the same rented places, we share
elected ward councillors, more than those            the small accommodation, we travel in the
elected on the PR ballot. Since the EFF              same cars, we have no convoys and the
ended up winning very few wards in this              mobilisation depends largely on word of
election, receiving the majority of its council      mouth, because there are no posters and
seats on the PR portion of the mixed sys-            no leaflets". Apparently, the party had a
tem, these are commitments that will not             number of large logistics trucks containing
be widely tested in practice.                        public address systems that allowed them
                                                     to organise meetings and rallies on the spot.
Campaign Funding                                     According to Mkokeli, several community
                                                     meetings were hosted daily with Malema
Amid rumours that the ANC spent nearly               doing "three such meetings a day, with
R1 billion on its campaign and the DA spent          his leadership colleagues doing the same
R350 million, there were many questions              in other parts of the country". A party

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Economic Freedom Fighters' Debut in the Municipal Elections
                                       Sithembile Mbete

spokesman said this allowed the party               9 September 2016). The relationship between
to speak to "plus-minus 50 000 people               money and politics is a sore point for many
in a day and we haven't spent more than             South African citizens, as it is seen as the
R10 000." (Mkokeli, 2016).                          source of government corruption. A Pew
                                                    Global survey found South Africans ranked
At the Polokwane rally, Malema explained            government corruption as the third biggest
that the EFF's campaign was funded through          problem facing the country (after crime and
its allocation from the IEC, compulsory con-        a lack of employment opportunities) (Wike
tributions from its MPs and a bank loan from        et al., 2016). The EFF cleverly played on
Standard Bank. He added: "We didn't have            these concerns to distinguish itself from
money from government. We don't have                the ANC and to also protect itself from ac-
money from tenderpreneurs. We don't have            cusations of corruption.
money from all those dodgy characters"
(Malema, 2016b). To dispel any doubts,              Election Performance
Malema challenged the media to look at
the party's books to see where its money            The EFF improved on its previous tally. It
comes from, as they have nothing to hide.           also landed in the coveted position of
The point was to underscore that the EFF is         kingmaker in several important councils,
not a proxy for any interests; its members          including four metropolitan municipal-
are committed to the party's cause; hence,          ities.
they're making financial contributions; and
that the party is genuine in its message.           Breakdown of Electoral
This, the party argued, put them in contrast        Performance
to the ANC.
                                                    The EFF had a notable performance in the
Accordingly, the ANC's use of money for             election, winning 8.19 percent of the vote
its campaign is a point the EFF frequently          compared to the 6.3 percent that it won
brought up during and after the election.           in 2014, a nearly two-point increase. This
On 8 September, the party opened a case of          made it the third biggest party after the
corruption and maladministration against            ANC, which won 53.9 percent, and the DA,
former Tshwane mayor, Kgosientso Ramok-             which won 26.9 percent. In 2014, the EFF
gopa, for the alleged use of the municipal          won a total of 1 169 259 of the national
budget to pay for ANC billboards during             vote, which almost doubled in this election to
the election campaign. Tshwane councillor,          2 282 385. The party did not win any council
Benjamin Disoloane, accused the ANC of              outright, but won 761 seats nationally. Most
financial malfeasance: "Financial resources         of these seats were PR seats. The EFF won
of the City were, fraudulently, used to boost       only eight ward seats nationwide, which
the electoral fortunes of the corrupt and           was a big disappointment for a party that
useless ANC in their dismal bid to win the          claims to represent the will of the people.
City again. Despite using the resources of          A provincial breakdown of the party's per-
the City to campaign, the residents of Tsh-         formance provides a picture of where it had
wane still rejected the corrupt ANC" (eNCA,         its strongest showing.

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Economic Freedom Fighters' Debut in the Municipal Elections
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      TABLE 1: EFF gains/losses per                  activists contributed to the EFF's success
          province by percentage                     by connecting the party's rhetoric to local
Province       2014       2016      Gain/Loss        issues. The role played by these kinds of
EC              3.48       5.12       1.64           grass-roots activists, in growing the EFF,
FS              8.15       9.95       1.80           has been under-investigated by the media
GAUTENG        10.30      11.38       1.08           and political analysts.
KZN             1.85       3.47       1.62
LIMP           10.74      16.81       6.07           In Mpumalanga and the Northern Cape, the
MP              6.26       9.40       3.14           party grew by over three points compared
NW             13.21      15.60       2.39           to 2014. It appears to have been more
NC              4.96       8.71       3.75           difficult for the party to make inroads
WC              2.11       2.73       0.62           into the Eastern Cape and Western Cape,
NATIONAL        6.35       8.31       1.96           where it won 5.3 percent and 2.73 percent,
  Source: Electoral Commission of South Africa       respectively. This overall performance masks
                                                     the fact that in the Buffalo City and Nelson
From the table above, it is clear that the           Mandela Bay metros the party performed
EFF improved its performance in all the              well in certain wards, eroding the ANC's
provinces. It received the most votes in             support base. For example, in Kwanobuhle
Gauteng, Limpopo and North West, which               and Motherwell, the party won 11.2 percent
consolidates these provinces as party                and 11.27 percent respectively. Kwanobuhle
strongholds. In the North West and Limpopo,          was a stronghold of the National Union of
it was the second best performing party              Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA,
after the ANC. The EFF's performance in              which was formerly part of the ANC alliance
Limpopo and North West challenges the                through the Congress of South African Trade
idea, pandered after the election, that the          Unions (Cosatu)) in 2015, but has supported
ANC lost support in only urban areas, thus           opposition parties since then. It appears that
becoming a rural party. In these mostly rural        disgruntled ANC voters in that area shifted
provinces, the EFF succeeded in eroding              to the EFF. The EFF won ward 43 by default,
the ANC's support. As Phadi, Pearson and             because the ANC failed to register a ward
Lesaffre (2016) argue, the EFF's "ideology           candidate; significantly, it beat the United
resonates with life experiences in this rural        Front candidate, reflecting its success in
mining milieu. During the elections, self-           overtaking NUMSA in attracting working
professed EFF voters echoed some of the              class support.
key pillars of the party's manifesto. Calls
for economic freedom and denunciations               The Kingmakers
of white monopoly capitalism strike a
chord with many whose principal source               Despite not winning control of any council,
of employment comes from massive multi-              the EFF's electoral performance allowed it
national companies." Furthermore, several            to be kingmaker in several hung municipal-
EFF organisers were local activists with             ities across the country. There were twenty-
a history of promoting community and                 seven hung municipalities nationwide in
labour struggles that predate the EFF. These         every province except Mpumalanga. The

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Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal had the             Nelson Mandela Bay at R11.3bn. Ekurhuleni,
most hung municipalities with eight and            where the ANC formed a coalition govern-
seven, respectively. Among the hung mu-            ment, has R37.4bn. Cape Town, which has
nicipalities were four metro municipal-            been governed by the DA for ten years, has
ities, including the City of Johannesburg,         R40bn. The ANC retains control over Buffalo
Ekurhuleni and Tshwane in Gauteng, and             City (R7.6bn), eThekwini (R38.5bn), and
Nelson Mandela Bay in the Eastern Cape.            Mangaung (R9.6bn). The ANC now controls
The hung metros are displayed in Table 2           only 40 percent of the budget for metro
below.                                             municipalities compared to 83 percent
                                                   before the election. This translates to a
The biggest implication of the loss of the         massive loss of resource of patronage, as
metros was that the ANC lost control of a          well as an opportunity to demonstrate that it
significant portion of the local government        can improve the lives of the ever-important
budget. Two-thirds of all spending at mu-          urban voters.
nicipal level is done by the eight metros,
a total budget of R233bn in 2016. The              After the election, the EFF said that it
ANC secured an electoral majority in only          was open to speaking to any party that
three of those and a minority government           approached it for a coalition deal, but it
in one. It held seven before the election.         would not engage in any negotiation that
Johannesburg's budget is the largest at            sought to undermine the will of the people.
R56.2bn, with Tshwane at R32.5bn and               It would approach negotiations with the

                      TABLE 2: Hung metropolitan municipalities
Party                 Johannesburg        Ekurhuleni        Tshwane        Nelson Mandela Bay
ACDP                        1                  1               1                   1
AIC                         4                  4               0                   1
Al Jama-ah                  1                  0               0                   0
ANC                        121               109               89                  50
COPE                        1                  1               1                   1
DA                         104                77               93                  57
EFF                         30                25               25                   6
FF+                          1                 2                4                   0
IFP                          5                 2                0                   0
IRASA                        0                 1                0                   0
PA                           1                 1                0                   1
PAC                          0                 1                1                   0
UDM                          1                 0                0                   2
UFEC                         0                 0                0                   0
Total                      270               224              214                 119
Governing Coalition       DA+               ANC+              DA+                 DA+
                          Source: Electoral Commission of South Africa

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ANC from a principle of no coalitions,               removal of Jacob Zuma as president of South
because it refused to legitimise the Zuma            Africa and the nationalisation of mines and
administration. This left it to consider a           banks. Because the ANC refused to accede
coalition deal with the DA, a party with             to these conditions, Malema explained, the
the exact opposite ideological and political         EFF decided not to go into coalition with
foundations. Many questioned the wisdom of           a party of "kleptocracy and corruption".
the EFF going into coalition with a party that       The EFF also refused to join a DA coalition,
has private property, capitalism, deregulation       because it was "the party of white racists"
and minimal state intervention as some of            (Malema, 2016c). Malema was insistent that
its key ideological tenets, especially in the        the EFF would only go into power through
three Gauteng metros that make up South              a decisive mandate from the people and not
Africa's economic heartland. In his post-            "through a shortcut".
election press conference, Malema made
it clear that his party would not pursue             Nevertheless, the party had decided to support
coalitions at all costs. In the instance of          opposition parties to form governments in
the DA, this meant that the EFF would not            the various hung municipalities by voting
join a coalition with the DA unless there            with them to enable councils to be formed,
had been an agreement on land expropri-              but it would not participate in governance.
ation and nationalisation. He set out three          What this meant was that the party would
possible options being considered by the             vote with the IFP in KwaZulu-Natal, the
EFF: 1. Coalitions; 2. Re-run of elections           Service Delivery Forum in Rustenburg and
– memorable political rhetoric, but not an           the DA in the four hung metros. When
option within the Municipal Electoral Act;           asked about the contradictions between
3. Abstain – choosing to abstain from all            the EFF and DA's policy positions, Malema
elections for mayors and speakers in hung            described the DA as a "better devil" than
municipalities (IOL, 5 August 2016).                 the ANC (Malema, 2016c). The EFF's vote
                                                     influenced the election of leaders in 14
In the event, the EFF decided against                out of 27 hung municipalities, as noted in
forming a coalition with either the ANC              Table 3 on the following page. It helped
or the DA. The decision was announced                bring DA mayors to power in Tshwane,
at a press conference in Alexandra in the            Johannesburg and Nelson Mandela Bay,
middle of the veld, outside the informal             Solly Msimanga, Herman Mashaba and
settlement of Setjwetla. The choice of the           Atholl Trollip, respectively.
location was a masterful use of optics and
political spectacle as it was the perfect            The EFF voted for DA mayors in Metsimaholo
juxtaposition to the DA's press conference           municipality in the Free State (EWN, 22
held two hours later, on the same day, in a          August 2016), Mogale City in Gauteng
plush boardroom in wealthy Sandton, less             (EWN, 19 August 2016), Modimolle/
than 10km from Alexandra (Herald Live,               Mookgopong (BusinessDay, 23 August
17 August 2016). At the press conference,            2016) and Thabazimbi (SABC, 26 August
Malema detailed the conditions his party had         2016) in Limpopo. One of the EFF's goals
set for a coalition with the ANC, including the      was to vote out the ANC's leadership in

Journal of Public Administration • Volume 51 • Number 3.1 • September 2016                    606
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            TABLE 3: Hung local municipalities in which the EFF was influential
 Province            Municipality           Seat Allocation          Total     Minimum         Winning
                                                                     Seats     Required        Coalition
 Free State         Metsimaholo        ANC 19, DA 12, EFF 8,          42          22          DA+
                                       MCA 2, VF+ 1
 Gauteng            Mogale City        ANC 38, DA 27, EFF 9,           77          39         DA+
                                       VF+ 2, IFP 1
 KwaZulu-Natal      Endumeni           ANC 6, IFP 4, DA 2,             13            7        IFP+
                                       EFF 1
                    Nqutu              IFP 15, ANC 14, NFP 2,          33          17         Undecided
                                       EFF 1, DA 1
                    AbaQulusi          ANC 21, IFP 19, DA 3,           44          23         IFP+
                                       EFF 1
                    Jozini             ANC 19, IFP 18, EFF 1,          40          21         IFP+
                                       DA 1, Independent 1
                    Mtubatuba          IFP 18, ANC 18, DA 2,           40          21         IFP+
                                       EFF 1, AIC 1
 Limpopo            Thabazimbi         ANC 10, EFF 5, DA 5,            23          12         DA+
                                       TRA 2, VF+ 1
                    Modimolle/         ANC 13, DA 7, EFF 6,            28          15         DA+
                    Mookgopong         VF+ 2
 North-West         Rustenburg         ANC 43, EFF 24, DA 14,          89          45         ANC+
                                       F4SD 4, AIC 1, VF+ 1,
                                       UDM 1, BCM 1
 Source: Paul Berkowitz

Rustenburg, in support of the miners in                 Jozini result would be decided by a coin
Marikana. After the first attempt to vote               toss until a mystery spoilt ballot within
for municipal leaders was disrupted by                  the ANC-faction gave the IFP candidate the
fighting between EFF and ANC councillors,               lead (BusinessDay, 16 September 2016).
the ANC succeeded in having incumbent                   The election of officials in Nqutu was still
Mayor Mpho Khunon re-elected.                           pending at the time of writing because the
                                                        EFF had expelled its PR councillor from the
In KwaZulu-Natal, the EFF voted with the                party and had taken him to court to prevent
IFP to enable the latter to take control of             him from taking his seat in the council.
the AbaQulusi (Vryheid Herald, 23 August                The councillor obtained a court order on
2016), Endumeni (Northern Natal Courier,                1 September to retain his position, so the
18 August 2016) and Jozini municipalities.              EFF obtained a court order suspending all
After five unsuccessful attempts at forming             municipal meetings until a court had settled
a government, it seemed as though the                   the intra-party dispute (IOL, 13 September

607                   Journal of Public Administration • Volume 51 • Number 3.1 • September 2016
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2016). This delayed the formation of a gov-           Party Organisation and Discipline
ernment in Nqutu.
                                                      Developing a sustainable party structure
The Nqutu case is the most extreme example            that not only mobilises people to attend
of the inherent tensions in forming and               rallies, but also organises them into re-
sustaining governments in hung councils.              cruitment, fundraising, research and policy
Tensions between the EFF and DA in Johan-             units is critical for the EFF's longevity.
nesburg emerged when Herman Mashaba                   Together with the DA, the EFF has the
announced that the city would privatise               potential to push the ANC's electoral support
the refuse removal service, Pikitup. The              below 50 percent in 2019, but this will
EFF threatened to challenge any such                  only be possible through sustained party
privatisation, as it goes against the party's         organising. Signs of discontent within
core principles (IOL, 31 August 2016). On 14          the party emerged after the municipal
September, the EFF reiterated that it would           elections, with newly elected councillors
decide whether to support any initiatives             refusing to give 50 percent of their salaries
of the DA-led municipalities, on a case-by-           to the party leadership for their first three
case basis, in Tshwane and Johannesburg.              months in office (The Citizen, 5 September
The EFF's Gauteng command committed                   2016). This is a requirement to be a
itself to continuing land invasions in both           representative for the party, meant to
cities and it "put the DA on notice" should           pay off a loan the party secured to contest
its administrations fight efforts by the EFF          the local elections. Malema was quoted as
to take unutilised land (The Citizen, 14 Sep-         saying "The party levy is going to help EFF
tember 2016).                                         not to be captured by private donors" (IOL,
                                                      5 September 2016).
Prospects for 2019
                                                      The party leadership also pledged to remove
The 2016 municipal elections have consoli-            PR councillors in wards where the party
dated the EFF's place, as an influential political    received less than 100 votes and replace
actor, in the current period of transition in         them with candidates from wards where the
South Africa. With the deeply factionalised           EFF received the most votes. Malema argued
contestation in the ANC, the changing com-            that these councillors had not fulfilled their
plexion of the DA, crisis in public administration    duty to win votes for the party and they
and poor economic performance, the EFF                would be forced "to become community
has emerged as a party that speaks to popular         activists" (Times Live, 5 September 2016).
concerns and desires. Its message of national-        The reason for this was to avoid becoming
isation, expropriation and Africanisation res-        like the ANC and "hoarding a large group
onates with a significant proportion of the           of careerists". According to Malema, "the
population. The extent to which it builds on          principle of rewarding progress and rejecting
the gains it made in this election will deter-        mediocrity will, henceforth, underpin the
mine its future prospects, especially in the          EFF's list processes, including in the lead-up
coming 2019 election. Three main challenges           to the 2019 general election". (Times Live,
are worth highlighting.                               6 September 2016).

Journal of Public Administration • Volume 51 • Number 3.1 • September 2016                     608
Economic Freedom Fighters' Debut in the Municipal Elections
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These kinds of top-down decisions risk               anticipated that the party would be eager
alienating the party leadership from its             to test its revolutionary ideals in practise.
support base. This is, especially, the case          Furthermore, positions in municipal govern-
in areas where its grassroots support                ment come with excellent salary packages,
comes from existing local activism. As               which would be a boon both to individual
Phadi, Pearson and Lesaffre (2016) state,            councillors and to the party that would
some party activists in Limpopo "fear that           receive a share. By deciding to stay out
the ANC's authoritative decision-making              of government, the EFF stayed true to its
style is being reconfigured within the EFF".         fundamental ideals, but forfeited the benefits
An EFF spokesperson encapsulated this                of incumbency. This is unusual in African
concern: "The minute Malema comes here               politics (and indeed, South African politics),
and wants to control us, and not listen to           where the desire for power often overrides
us, that's when I will start to fight the EFF.       other strategic considerations. Given the
I support the policies of the EFF, not Julius        EFF's inexperience in municipal governance
Malema." In another incident, soon after             and its strident rhetoric, remaining in op-
the elections, a disgruntled group of EFF            position was the best strategic decision for
activists in eThekwini Municipality called for       the party. Much of municipal governance
the party's Regional Command Team to be              is about technical service delivery issues
disbanded, because of alleged discrepancies          such as sanitation, water provision and road
in the list of regional PR candidates that the       maintenance that do not lend themselves
party submitted to the IEC (SABC, 20 August          easily to the EFF's revolutionary rhetoric. The
2016). There were also disputes about the            party does not have many of the technical
council list in Sedibeng District Municipality       skills and know-how required to be effective
(The Citizen, 16 August 2016). As a result, the      at municipal level. So the decision to avoid
party has disbanded provincial leaderships           the test of governance, at this stage in its
of KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape, for           formation, is shrewd. As Malema (2016c)
ill discipline and the misrepresentation of          stated in the Alex press conference, "we
party membership.                                    are not an organisation of positions".
                                                     He insisted that the primary goal was to
The legacy of the party's origins in the ANC         build the party, indicating that the party's
and the deep distrust of the ruling party leave      leadership is taking a long view of its role
the EFF vulnerable. Its ability to develop a         in South African politics. Moreover, had the
new party culture unique from the ANC, as            EFF joined the DA in government, it would
well as developing a functional grassroots           have done so as a minority partner putting
network of activists, will determine its             it in the awkward position of appearing
future success.                                      to rubber-stamp DA majority decisions.
                                                     This goes against the party's identity as a
Governance Challenges                                popular radical movement. Remaining in
                                                     the opposition allows the EFF to maintain
The EFF's decision not to join any coalitions        its identity and retain the bargaining chip
and to remain in opposition in all hung              of being able to collapse DA-run municipal
municipalities came as a surprise. Many              governments.

609                  Journal of Public Administration • Volume 51 • Number 3.1 • September 2016
Economic Freedom Fighters' Debut in the Municipal Elections
                                        Sithembile Mbete

The EFF seems to want to pursue a kind of            either, because he has to be mainly office-
"guerrilla governance" at municipal level            bound in an organisational capacity". (Times
by occupying land, supporting community              Live, 19 September 2016). Malema has said
protests and providing services, itself, in the      that the party wants to grow its support in
wards it governs. In his post-election press         KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape where
conference, Malema promised that all the             party structures were established quickly
wards won by the EFF would have basic                and are relatively weak: "We are concerned,
necessities such as water, even if it meant          because if we don't get the Eastern Cape and
the party had to dig boreholes, itself, in the       KwaZulu-Natal right, we can forget about
communities it represents. In Gauteng, the           growing the EFF's influence in the country"
provincial leadership has said that it will          (Malema quoted in Times Live, 6 September
continue "land invasions" on unoccupied land,        2016). This focus on building a sustainable
regardless of having supported the DA to take        party structure may mitigate the need to prove
power in Johannesburg and Tshwane. The               itself in formal institutional politics.
EFF disrupted the commencement of Herman
Mashaba's inaugural speech as mayor,                 Youth Vote
because it wanted the house to acknowledge
the grievances of DA activists who had,              South Africa's population and electorate
apparently, not been paid by the party. EFF          are becoming younger. People aged 15 to
councillors claimed to be standing for the           29 make up 28.19 percent of the national
workers' rights by supporting the protest            population; 55 percent of eligible voters aged
(Eyewitness News, 13 September 2016).                20 to 29 are registered. A look at the turnout
                                                     statistics of the 2011 and 2014 elections,
Whether these actions will attract and con-          demonstrates that young people turnout
solidate support for the EFF remains to be           at higher rates in national elections than in
seen. The attendance of EFF MPs at policy            municipal ones.
committee meetings in the national parliament,
since 2014, has been relatively poor – 34                   TABLE 4: 2011 turnout by age
percent, in 2015, compared to the ANC and
                                                           Age Group (in years) % Turnout
DA's 73 percent. These committees are where
                                                             Age                 Turnout
the real work of parliament is done – writing
laws and holding the executive accountable.                 18-19                  69%
On 19 September 2016, the party announced                     20-29                   48%
that Julius Malema had been relieved of                       30-39                   49%
all his parliamentary committee duties to                     40-49                   61%
enable him to focus on developing the party's
                                                              50-59                   70%
structures before the 2019 general elections.
EFF spokesman Fana Mokoena said, "Mr                          60-69                   74%
Malema will mainly be deployed on a stringent                 70-79                   70%
programme to build the EFF everywhere in                       80+                    52%
the country. The secretary general, Godrich            Source: Electoral Commission of South Africa
Gardee, will not be in parliament that often               Municipal Elections Report 2011:47

Journal of Public Administration • Volume 51 • Number 3.1 • September 2016                      610
Economic Freedom Fighters' Debut in the Municipal Elections
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      TABLE 5: 2014 turnout by age                   This bodes well for the EFF in 2019. As was
                                                     discussed in the previous section, the party's
      Age Group (in years) % Turnout
                                                     message resonates with young people and
        Age                 Turnout
                                                     much of its support is in informal settlements
       18-19                  83%                    with large migrant populations. It will be
        20-29                    72%                 easier for its natural support base to par-
        30-39                    69%                 ticipate in the 2019 general elections, which
        40-49                    74%                 should boost the party's share of the vote.
                                                     The challenge for the EFF is to encourage
        50-59                    80%
                                                     the 45 percent of eligible voters under 30,
        60-69                    80%
                                                     who are not on the voters' roll, to register to
        70-79                    73%                 vote. Young people do participate politically,
         80+                     55%                 through informal means such as protests. If
  Source: Electoral Commission of South Africa       the EFF can convince them to participate in
     National and Provincial Report 2014:44          formal political structures, such as elections,
                                                     it will have succeeded in securing itself a
In 2011, 48 percent of voters aged 20 to             sustainable electoral base.
29 turned out to vote compared to 75 per-
cent of women and 69 percent of men in               Conclusion
2014. This discrepancy can be explained
by the difference in voting rules in different       Since it burst onto the electoral scene, the
elections. At municipal elections, people            EFF has proved to be an excellent disrupter of
are required to vote in the wards in which           South African politics. Using its unique brand
they are registered. In general elections,           of political spectacle, the party has succeeded
people can vote at any voting station in the         in setting the political agenda and sparking
country – on both national and provincial            popular interest in political institutions. Unlike
ballots if they vote in the province in which        the ANC-breakaway party that preceded it,
they are registered, and only on the national        the Congress of the People (COPE), the EFF
ballot if they vote outside their province.          managed to sustain the electoral promise of
Municipal election rules, thus, discriminate         its debut elections, in 2014, in the challenging
against transitory populations of migrant            terrain of local government elections in 2016.
workers or students who often reside far             One of the reasons it managed to do this was
from where they are registered and lack the          by avoiding the kind of leadership disputes
time, motivation or knowledge to update              that caused COPE's implosion. The challenge
their registration before elections. What is         the EFF faces now is to expand its support
clear is that young people do turnout to vote        base while managing competing interests
when they are registered and are allowed             and proving itself as a serious contender for
to do so by the rules.                               government in 2019.

611                  Journal of Public Administration • Volume 51 • Number 3.1 • September 2016
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