(EDF) 11th European Development Fund

Page created by Elaine Webb
11th European Development Fund

October 7, 2014                     1
11th EDF Legal Framework
                                                            Legal basis for
 Legal basis for cooperation                                cooperation with
 with ACPs: Cotonou                                         OCTs: TFUE – Part
 Agreement                                                  Four

                               11th EDF Internal

                                                                       OAD: Overseas
                                                                       Association Decision

11th EDF
                                       11th EDF Financial
EDF specificities

o Covers cooperation with ACPs and OCTs
o OUTSIDE EU BUDGET: specific legal framework, specific EDF
  committee, no involvement of EP in legislative process
  (Council/MS), separate treasury
o MULTIANNUAL: for the EDF the budget rule of the annuality
  doesn’t apply
o Sunset clause: all funds of 10th EDF had to be committed by
  the end of 2013, same sunset clause for 11th EDF (end 2020)
o FLEXIBILITY: B-allocations, Reserves

11th EDF Legal framework

1/ Implementation Regulation and Financial Regulation
   Legal basis: MS constitutional difficulties on provisional
   application of Internal Agreement => both Regulations first
   adopted as amendments to the Regulations of the 10th EDF
   during transition period until entry into force of 11th EDF, then
   will be adopted as 11th EDF Regulations

    1.1 Implementation Regulation
    o Defines the general framework for programming and
      implementation of the 11th EDF as well as the monitoring,
      reporting and evaluation requirements (focus on results)
    o Alignment as much as possible on other external instruments
      (DCI, CIR) while respecting Cotonou provisions
    o Adoption by Council on 26 May 2014 of Regulation 566/2014
11th EDF Legal framework

o 1.2 Financial Regulation
   o Alignment as much as possible with Financial Regulation of the
     General Budget and with CIR
   o Adoption by Council on 26 May 2014 of Regulation 567/2014
   o Examples of novelties:
        EU Trust Funds (with specific governance of pooled funds)
        Indirect Management with partner countries, Member
         States' agencies and international organisations (former
         decentralised, centralised indirect and joint management)
        Blending (explicit provisions on financial instruments)

11th EDF Legal framework

2/ Overseas Association Decision (OAD)
  o    New Council decision 2013/755/EU adopted on 25/11/2013
  o    Provides legal basis for the association of the OCTs with the European
       Union and establishes priority areas (including inter alia environment,
       trade and regional integration) for cooperation with OCTs.
  o    Main objectives :
      •    establishment of a reciprocal relationship between the European
           Union and OCTs based on mutual interests and shared values
      •    support to the sustainable development of OCTs
      •    enhancement of OCTs' competitiveness
      •    strengthening of OCTs' resilience and reduction of their
      •    promotion of cooperation of OCTs with other partners
      •    promotion of EU's values and standards in the wider world

Bridging Facility
Foreseen to allow committing EDF funds between January 2014 until
entry into force of the 11th EDF.
Council decision creating the Bridging         Facility   adopted   on
12/12/2013 (OJ L335 of 14/12/2013, p.48).
The Bridging Facility consists of funds de-committed from 8-9th EDFs,
uncommitted funds of 10th EDF at 31/12/2013, and de-
commitments from the 10th EDF after Sunset Clause.
These funds will be accounted for under the 11th EDF.

Limited resources (€1.4bn or lower) => cover priority needs, will be
insufficient to cover full 2015 pipeline

11th EDF Programming: principles
• The principles of the ACP-EU Partnership (ownership, pivotal role
  of dialogue) + new policy with the Agenda for change:
  o Value added and greater impact, targeting ressources where
       they are most needed (differentiation and concentration)
  o Focus on inclusive and sustainable growth, governance, and
       human development
  o Joint programming with Member States
  o Complementarity exercise between the different instruments
       and levels of programming

11th EDF Programming: process (1)

3 level of programming :

1/ National level: to support ACP nat. development plans
o 39 National Indicative Programmes (NIPs) signed by EU and
  ACP sides (16 NIPs signed in Nairobi on 19/06/2014) or ready
  to be signed as soon as possible
o Remaining NIPs to be finalized in the course of 2014
o European Parliament (EP) will exercise its democratic scrutiny
  under new legislature (EP position to be taken into account
  during implementation)
o Benchmarking for Human Development (20%) and Climate
  Change (20%) on track, even if targets refer to the whole EU
11th EDF Programming: process (2)

2/ Regional level: support reg. integration & cooperation
o New approach for regional programming:
   o more focused (regional economic integration, peace and security,
     natural resources)
   o support few key objectives of regional organisations + tackle
     obstacles of regional integration => support also role of national
     authorities, specialised institutions, regional development banks
   o around €1bn on blending (mixing EU grants +loans) for
o Regional Indicative Programmes (RIPs) in preparation, to be
  finalized end 2014/early 2015
3/ Intra-ACP level: adress common challenges faced by
ACP countries as a whole
o Intra ACP Strategy to be finalized by end 2014: increased
  concentration/focus on key shared challenges where international
  cooperation brings added value
Thank you


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