Page created by Debbie Scott

With the approach of spring term 2021, LBCC is committed to continuing actions that keep our students and
community safe while delivering high-quality education. To allow students the flexibility and safety they need during a
time of anticipated elevated COVID risk, the majority of courses will continue to be held remotely, either synchronously
or asynchronously. Most lecture based classes will be held remotely.. As allowed by local health authorities, the
majority of the lab sections will be held on campus, with proper physical distancing and cleaning protocols. Clinicals
and practicums in healthcare will be offered at the clinical sites, and follow the protocols set up by the sites. Student
support services are available spring term and will be provided remotely.

Services to Students

Admission and Registration                                          Now virtual meetings via Zoom; partner trainings/professional
Open virtually M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.                              development opportunities via Zoom and/or video recording.
Advising Center                                                    International Programs
Open virtually, M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. and by appointment.         International Programs will offer remote advising.
Business Office                                                    Learning Center
Open virtually M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Contact for case-        The Learning Center will be offering remote services
by-case, in-person needs.                                          for tutoring, the Math Help Desk and the Math Cafe, the
 Campus Store (                              Writing Center, and academic coaching.
 Will remain closed, though purchases may be made at               Library
 Central Point Pickup via counter service. Spring term             Students, staff, and faculty may contact the Library to access
 online orders open Saturday, March 20. Orders may be              materials and equipment (materials will be available for pick
 shipped via UPS for a charge OR may be:                           up at the Campus Store). All Library services including research
 - picked up via Central Point pickup, Albany Campus               support, Student Help Desk services, and research databases
   (8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Mon. - Fri.) OR                                will continue to be provided remotely.
- picked up at the following locations via online order
  (Please allow at least 24 hours for delivery):
                                                                   8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m., daily. Limited hours on Saturdays and
   • Benton Center - March 23, 30, or April 1, 6 from 2 - 6 p.m.
      or March 24, 29, April 5, 7 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
   • Lebanon Center - March 23, 30, or April 6 from 2:30 -         Roadrunner Resources (assistance with basic human needs,
      6:30 p.m. or March 25, April 1, 8 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m        emergency funds, and connection to community resources)
                                                                   Virtual appointments M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Center for Accessibility Resources (CFAR)
CFAR will work with students remotely unless there are             Student Assessment
special circumstances with a student’s accommodations              All test proctoring for LBCC classes will happen remotely.
that require an in-person meeting.                                 Student Leadership
 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Center                            Open virtually M-F 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. when the college is open
 EDI Center will offer all services remotely.                      via Zoom room at or
 Financial Aid
 Open virtually M-Th, 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.;                          Transcript Evaluation and Graduation Services
 Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 pm.                                         Open virtually, M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

 First Resort Student Help Center                                  University Partnerships
 Open virtually from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.                              University Partnerships will offer remote advising for students.

 Food Services - Commons
 Takeout only - order and pay online.
 High School Partnerships
                                                                   100% online, either Virtual/synchronous or Online/asynchronous.
 Open virtually, M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
 - Zoom drop in meetings for high school / prospective             IN-PERSON
   students and parents (Teachers trainings and College            Face-to-face at a specified location within certain hours.
Academic Programs and Disciplines

                                                   MAJORITY    MAJORITY   MAJORITY
   PROGRAM/DISCIPLINE                               REMOTE    IN-PERSON    HYBRID

 Adult Basic Skills
 Animal Technology
 Automotive Technology
 Business Administration
 Child and Family Studies
 Coding (Medical)
 Construction and Forestry Equipment Technology
 Criminal Justice
 Culinary Arts
 Dental Assistant
 Diagnostic Imaging/Computed Tomography
 Exercise and Sport Science
 Foreign Language
 General Science/Geosciences
 Heavy Equipment and Diesel Technology
 Human Development and Family Science
 Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance Technology
 Journalism and Mass Communication

    PROGRAM/DISCIPLINE                                      REMOTE            IN-PERSON            HYBRID

 Machine Tool
 Medical Assisting
 Network and System Administration
 Nondestructive Testing
 Occupational Therapy Assistant
 Social Sciences (Religious Studies, Sociology,
 Philosophy, and Political Science)
 Sleep Technology
 Surgical Technologist
 Visual Communication
 Welding and Fabrication


     REMOTE Courses taught 100% online, either Virtual (synchronous) or Online (asynchronous).
     IN-PERSON Courses offered entirely face-to-face, students attend at specified time and location.
     HYBRID Some course material is delivered remotely, students also attend class at a specified time and location.

Program Specifics
Advanced Manufacturing and Transportation Technology

+ All lectures will be held remotely, and labs will be
  held face-to-face. How the labs will be held to follow
  physical distancing and face-covering guidelines will
  be determined by enrollment.

Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

+ Art: Art History classes, as well as painting and drawing    + Journalism: Journalism classes will be offered
  classes, will be offered remotely. Classes that utilize        remotely with the exception of the Intro to Journalism
  Adobe and the design lab will be offered in a hybrid           class, which will have a hybrid format, enabling
  format to enable students to use the lab once per              students to utilize the design lab once per week.
  week. Ceramics classes will be offered at the Benton         + Music: Music classes will be offered remotely with the
  Center campus, with physical distancing.                       exception of Concert Choir, Chamber Choir, Small
+ Accounting: All classes will be offered remotely.              Ensembles, and Group Piano. The Music Department
+ Anthropology: All classes will be offered remotely.            will ensure physical distancing and has special masks
                                                                 designed for concert singing for the choirs. The
+ Business and Economics: Most classes will be offered           choirs and small ensembles will rehearse outdoors as
  remotely.                                                      weather permits.
+ Child and Family Studies: All classes will be offered        + Practical Business Management: All classes will be
  remotely with the exception of observation and                 held remotely.
                                                               + Psychology: All classes will be offered remotely.
+ Criminal Justice: All classes will be offered remotely.
                                                               + Social Science (including Sociology, Religion,
+ Communication: All classes will be offered remotely.           Philosophy and Political Science): All classes will be
+ Education: All classes will be offered remotely with the       offered remotely.
  exception of observation and practicums.                     + Spanish: All classes will be offered remotely.
+ English: Most English classes will be offered remotely,      + Theater: All classes will be offered remotely. There
  with a few writing sections offered face-to-face.              will be no live performances this year and no
+ HDFS: All classes will be offered remotely with                Children’s Show.
  the exception of practicum.                                  + Writing: All classes will be offered remotely.
+ History: All classes will be offered remotely.


+ Coding: All classes will be taught virtually with Zoom or    + Nursing Assistant: All lectures will be online with
  online.                                                        smaller lab sections held face-to-face and clinicals will
+ Dental: All lecture classes will be taught virtually with      be in person at clinical sites following their established
  Zoom or online. Lab classes will be face-to-face with          protocols.
  small lab class sizes.                                       + OTA: All lectures will be virtual with Zoom. Fieldwork
+ Diagnostic Imaging/Computed Tomography: All lecture            will be in-person on site. Lab classes will be face-to-
  classes will be taught virtually with Zoom or online. Lab      face with small lab class sizes.
  classes will be face-to-face with small lab class sizes.     + Phlebotomy: All lectures will be taught either virtually
  Practicums will be in-person at clinical sites.                with Zoom or online. Lab classes will be face-to-face
+ Medical Assisting: All lecture classes will be taught          with small lab class sizes. Practicums will be held at
  either virtually with Zoom or online. Second-year lab          clinical sites following their established procedures.
  classes will be hybrid with the lecture part virtually via   + Sleep Technology: All lecture classes will be taught
  Zoom and the lab portion meeting face-to-face with             online. Lab classes will be face-to-face with small lab
  smaller lab class sizes.                                       class sizes.
+ Nursing: All lectures will be virtual with Zoom. SIM         + Surgical Technology: TBD
  and skills labs will be face-to-face with clinical groups.
  Clinicals will be in person at clinical sites.

Science, Engineering and Math

+ Agriculture: Most classes will be taught remotely.           + Geoscience/General Science: All classes and labs will
  The exception will be lab components that involve              be taught remotely.
  interaction with animals.                                    + Health: All CPR and First Aid classes will be taught
+ Biology: All 100-level Biology classes and labs will be        face-to-face. Other health classes will either be taught
  taught remotely. For 200-level Biology classes, most           remotely, or with a limited option to attend face-to-face.
  will be taught remotely with face-to-face labs.              + Mathematics: All classes will be taught remotely.
+ Chemistry: All Chemistry lectures will be taught             + PE: Activity based classes will be taught face-to-face or
  remotely, with some limited face-to-face labs.                 hybrid (with online and face-to-face components). All
+ Computer Systems: All classes will be taught remotely.         sections of PE 231 will be taught remotely with the
+ Engineering: Most classes will be taught remotely, with        exception of a few sections that have a limited option
  a few classes having face-to-face labs.                        to attend face-to-face.
                                                               + Physics: All classes and labs will be taught remotely.

Academic Foundations Division                                  Extended Learning

+ Adult Basic Skills: All ABE, GED, and ELA classes will       Open virtually from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  be remote. All student support will be virtual,              + Community Education: Remote classes via Zoom, Google
  available M-F 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.                                 Meets, YouTube, and Facebook, including classes in Arts,
+ STEP Program: Open virtually, M-F 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. and          Fitness, Foods, History, Language, Garden, and Health and
  by appointment.                                                Wellness. Questions can be directed to 541-917-4840.
  — For enrolled STEP students: Meetings will be held          + Driver Education: Remote classes via Google Meets and
  virtually, via Zoom or over the phone. Enrolled STEP           Google Classroom. Questions can be directed to Melissa
  students will be able to contact their Student Success         Richey at
  Specialist via email, phone, text, and Zoom meetings
                                                               + Professional Development: Two remote Leadership
  (including drop-in Zoom office hours) during business
                                                                 Academies, AIM (Accountability, Integrity, Management)
  hours. Through multiple avenues of contact, we aim
                                                                 and 5 Critical Skills for Supervisors via Zoom. Questions:
  to provide the same access to coaching, navigation,
                                                                 Terri Houde at
  and support services as students would receive in an
  on-campus setting..                                          + Small Business Development Center: Remote workshops
                                                                 and classes, including Going into Business, Foundations of
+ JOBS Program: Open virtually, M-F 9 a.m. -5 p.m. and           Business, Small Business Management 1 and 2, Quickbooks,
  by appointment.                                                and Real Estate. Available for free remote advising.
                                                                 Questions: Anne Greene at

Family Resource and Education Center

+ Parenting Education - All 23 remote classes and               child care and parenting support, and referrals to
  workshops via Zoom. Classes available in English and          appropriate primary care, child development, and early
  Spanish. Direct questions to 541-917-4884.                    learning opportunities. For personalized resources visit
+ Family Connections - Child Care Resource and Referral, call 541-917-4884, or contact LeAnne
  serving Linn, Benton and Lincoln Counties) Offering           Trask at
  a variety of professional development supports and           + Early Learning Hub - Umbrella organization for
  technical assistance to child care provider, as well as 33     19 regional Preschool Promise Providers providing
  classes via Zoom and GoToMeeting platforms. Direct             coordinated enrollment and an additional 24 community-
  questions to Lucy Poe at               based organizations providing early learning services in
+ Pollywog - Assists families with children through age 5        Linn, Benton, and Lincoln Counties. Questions can be
  with accessing prenatal and parenting classes,                 directed to Kristi Collins at
Benton Center                                                    Sweet Home Center

+ The Benton Center will not be open spring term but will        + The Sweet Home Center will be closed spring term.
  be available for remote assistance M-Th from 8:30 a.m. -       However, remote assistance will be provided by Mon-Thurs
  5 p.m. and Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. by calling                from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. by calling 541-367-6901 ext 4480 or
  541-757-8944, ext 5128 or ext 5100.                            emailing The Sweet Home Center will
                                                                 not have scheduled textbook/material drop off and distribution
+ The Benton Center is a ibrary material pickup/dropoff          but will be there for curbside drop off and distribution when
  location. Photo ID and student ID number is required for       contacted by the library or students.
  — To pick up materials, an appointment must be made.
  Call 541-757-8944, 5101 or email
  Appointments are available Mon-Thur from 9 a.m. to 4:30
  p.m. or Fri 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m
+ For Campus Store pick up, an online order must be placed
  at least 48 hours prior. Picture ID is required for pick up.
  Available times include:
  — March 23 & 30 from 2 - 6:00 p.m.
  — March 24, 29, 31 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
  — April 1 & 6 from 2 - 6:00 p.m.
  — April 5 & 7 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Lebanon Center
+ The Lebanon Center will not be open spring term, but
there will be scheduled textbook/materials pickup times
as follows:

— March 23 and 30, 2:30 - 6:30 p.m.
— March 25 and April 1, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
— April 6 : 2:30 - 6:30 p.m.
— April 8 - 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Remote assistance will be provided M-F from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.
by calling 541-918-8906 or emailing or

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