TESOL France The Spring Day on Managing Students, Teachers and Yourself - The IATEFL ELT

Page created by Jeanette Douglas
TESOL France The Spring Day on Managing Students, Teachers and Yourself - The IATEFL ELT
TESOL France
           in association with

         The IATEFL ELT
  Leadership and Management SIG


The Spring Day on Managing
    Students, Teachers
       and Yourself

              Venue: Telecom ParisTech
          49 rue Vergniaud, 75013 Paris, France
                      9AM - 7:30PM
TESOL France The Spring Day on Managing Students, Teachers and Yourself - The IATEFL ELT

Enrol for the IDLTM course at International House Barcelona
The International Diploma in Language Teaching Management (IDLTM) is a tailor-made course for EFL managers.
It is jointly awarded by the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, UK; the School for International Training (SIT),
USA; and the Institute of Continuing and TESOL Education, The University of Queensland (ICTE-UQ), Australia.

The IDLTM course will:
-      extend your knowledge of relevant management principles and practices;
-      develop your management skills through the application of this knowledge to a Language Teaching context;
-      demonstrate these skills in effective practice as Language Teaching managers

The course consists of a two-week face to face component from July 26th - August 6th followed by 8 months of
online modules, which cover the following areas:

Organisational Management         Customer Care         Human Resource Management              Financial Management
Project Management                Marketing             Change Management                      Academic Management

COURSE TUTORS: The team includes George Pickering, management development and training consultant and IATEFL
ELT Management Special Interest Group Coordinator, Andrew Hockley, project manager and previously IDLTM Coordinator,
SIT Vermont, Julie Van der Horst Jansen and Melissa Laughner - who along with Andrew Hockley are the co - authors of
"From Teacher to Manager" CUP.

Other courses available at IH Barcelona include:
CELTA, CELTYL, CELTYL Extension, DELTA, Young Learners,Translators and a wide range of on-line Teacher Training courses
- which include: How to teach Vocabulary, How to teach Pronounciation and the new CLIL course

     2             HOUSE BARCELONA
Teacher Training Department, C/Trafalgar 14, 08010 Barcelona
t: (34) 93 268 4511 e: training@bcn.ihes.com w: www.ihes.com/bcn
TESOL France The Spring Day on Managing Students, Teachers and Yourself - The IATEFL ELT
    Welcome to the Spring Day on       and credentials, using             kept up-to-date on all our
    "Managing Students, Teachers       technology in the classroom,       events. You can sign up at the
    and Yourself" brought to you by    and using the arts as a            TESOL France stand in room
    TESOL France and the IATEFL        teaching tool. The day will end    E200. And after today, if you
    Leadership and Management          with a special event: a round      find yourself wanting more, why
    Special Interest Group. This       table discussion on "Classroom     not become a member of
    one-day conference brings          Management: The challenges         TESOL France thus
    together the best speakers in      teachers face today."              guaranteeing free entrance to
    Professional Development from      We encourage you to stock up       all of our events for an entire
    around the world. We were          on the latest materials at the     year (details on page 5).
    thrilled when the IATEFL LAM       ATTICA stand. Youʼll also have     We are also proud to have
    SIG agreed to join forces with     the opportunity to meet up with    representatives from the LAM
    us.                                colleagues, past and present,      SIG who can also give you
    Todayʼs speakers are based in      as well as engage in a general     information on the benefits of
    Algeria, France, Ireland, Spain,   exchange of ideas. This event      being a member of IATEFL (see
    Turkey, the UK and the United      is a chance to have fun,           information on page 6). We
    Arab Emirates with ELT             recharge those intellectual        hope you enjoy today's Spring
    experience stretching the          batteries and boost your own       Day.
    length and breadth of the          professional development. If       Bethany Cagnol, TESOL
    globe. Talks are on topics as      you are new to TESOL France,       France President and Event
    diverse as teacher observation,    we would like to encourage you     Coordinator
    the ELT market in France and       to sign up for our free mailing
    abroad, managing your career       list which will ensure you'll be   George Pickering IATEFL LAM
                                                                          SIG Coordinator

    Table of Contents
    Acknowledgements           Page 4                     Key to Acronyms                  Page 10

    TESOL France               Page 5                     Today’s Schedule                 Page 11

    IATEFL LAM SIG             Page 6                     Join TESOL France!               Page 12

    2010 Conference            Page 7                     Plenary Speaker                  Page 13

    Map of the Area            Page 8                     Meet the Speakers                Page 14

    Restaurant List            Page 9                     Round Table Participants         Page 18

    Map of the Venue           Page 10                    Call for Volunteers              Page 19

TESOL France The Spring Day on Managing Students, Teachers and Yourself - The IATEFL ELT
TESOL France would like to               George Pickering        Our institutional members
thank the following people and          LAM SIG Coordinator     • Aqualangues - Veolia
organizations for their help and                                • ARAXI Formations
support.                                        IATEFL          • Business Class Language
                                          Ellie Broadbridge       Solutions
                                             Linda James        • ESIEE
       This year’s event was                                    • IGN/ENSG
         brought to you by                                      • Institut Municipal de Langues
                                          John Cagnol &
                                          Andy Hockley          • Institut Optique
           Shara Brennan                     websites           • IUT de Cachan Langues
           Bethany Cagnol                                       • Langage Forum
             Gillian Evans               Telecom ParisTech      • Polytechique de Bordeaux
                                           James Beneson        • Sungard Consulting
            Eric Halvorsen
                                         EL Mahdi Bouhadou        Services
             Elaine Henry                                       • Tomatis Fréquences
                                       Vera-Françoise Dickman
         Marianne Raynaud                 Nazha Essakkaki         Langues
           Tricia Sampson                                       • Université de La Rochelle
             Debbie West                       AQEE             • YES - Your English Solution
         Laurence Whiteside               Delta Publishing
              Ros Wright                                          Our friends and affiliates
                                        International House,
                                           Oxford TEFL

        Thank you Océ France
          for the programs!                                       IATEFL Poland    TESOL Spain

                                   TESOL France Supporters

TESOL France The Spring Day on Managing Students, Teachers and Yourself - The IATEFL ELT
                                   PARIS: September 25th                       PARIS: October 2009
                                   Cambridge Days                              Teachers Workshop
                                   in Association with TESOL France            Presented by: Andreea Pulpea

 PARIS: 26-28 November                     TESOL (Teachers of English to         and abroad. Our members include
                                     Speakers of Other Languages) France, an     teachers, lecturers, teacher trainers,
 29th Annual Colloquium
                                     affiliate of TESOL Inc. and IATEFL, is a    academic managers, researchers,
 Plenary Speakers:                   non-profit organization of teachers of      authors, publishers, testing agencies,
 David Crystal &                     English in France. Its purposes are to      company founders, and institutions.
 David A. Hill                       stimulate professional development, to
 Venue: Telecom ParisTech            disseminate information about research,          Annual membership
                                     books and other materials related to        Individual: €49
 PARIS 2011 Workshops
                                     English language teaching, and              Benefactor: €55
 • Auto-Entrepreneur
                                     strengthen instruction and research. We     Student, unemployed, retired: €27
 • Classroom Management
                                     regularly organize high-quality events      Institutional: €173
 • Testing and Assessment
                                     which are opportunities to keep up-to-      Supporter: €173
 • Several Swap Shops
                                     date with current trends in teaching,
 GRENOBLE 2011                       share knowledge and experiences and to      Your membership is valid for 12 months
 • Phonetics and Phonology           meet and network with other teachers.       from receipt of your payment.
 (2) Follow-up workshop with
 Dan Frost                               TESOL France operates through an            TESOL France membership includes:
 • Pair Work Activities to           Executive Committee of volunteers           • Workshops and discussion groups
 Maximize STT                        responsible for organizing events,          • Spring Day
 • Using L1 in the Classroom         publications and membership. We also        • Annual Colloquium
 --Without Speaking It!              have correspondents in the different        • Quarterly magazine, The Teaching
 • Computer Literacy with            sectors (primary, university, etc.) who           Times
 Elizabeth Anne                      keep us informed of the preoccupations      • Leadership opportunities with our
                                     and needs of their sector.                        Executive Committee

                                         Membership is open to anyone            TESOL France & Web 2.0
                                     involved in the English Language            Blog: http://tesolfrance.blogspot.com
                                     Teaching (ELT) industry, both in France     Twitter: TESOLFrance
                                                                                 Facebook: TESOL France

Join the TESOL France Jobs List!
Do you want to receive offers for English teaching jobs       Voulez-vous recevoir des offres d’emploi partout en
throughout France? Join TESOL-France’s Jobs List!             France ?
To sign up, just go to:                                       www.tesol-france.org/teachingjobs.php
                                                              Pour diffuser une offre d’emploi, envoyez l’offre (rédigée
To advertise a job offer, send the offer (written in French   en français ou en anglais) avec le détail des cours, les
or English) with details about classes, times,                horaires, les conditions d’emploi, le sujet de l’annonce,
qualifications, salary, employment conditions,                et la personne à contacter à :
appropriate subject line, and the contact person to:
teachingjobs(at)tesol-france(dot)org                          teachingjobs(at)tesol-france(dot)org

TESOL France The Spring Day on Managing Students, Teachers and Yourself - The IATEFL ELT
IATEFL and IATEFL LAM SIG welcome you all to this conference. We hope you
                                   will benefit from the wonderful talks, workshops and presentations, and the
                                   opportunity this conference offers to network and to build links with other ELT

                                   IATEFL is the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign
                                   Language and our mission is to link, develop and support English Language
                                   teaching professionals throughout the world. We do this through:

•   A range of regular publications, such as our magazine IATEFL Voices;

•   Holding an Annual International Conference with an extensive programme of talks and workshops,
    which attracts over 1,900 delegates;

•   Offering members the chance to join any number of 14 Special Interest Groups (SIGs);

•   Providing members with reduced rates on a number of selected professional journals;

•   Offering scholarships to specific groups of teachers to enable them to attend our Annual Conference;

•   Linking with associated professional organisations in other countries;

•   Providing help to others in forming or developing a local teachers' organisation.

To contact IATEFL please visit www.iatefl.org

The ELT Leadership & Management Special Interest Group was created in 1990 to meet the needs of academic
and administrative managers in both the state and private sectors of the industry. Our current membership
stands at over 500. Half our members are based in the UK.
What are our aims?
  • To raise awareness among the ELT profession of management issues.
  • To contribute to the development of good management practices within ELT.
  • To provide a forum for the discussion of management issues that affect our profession.
    •     To provide opportunities for, and information about, relevant management training.
    •     To help improve quality standards in ELT.
    •     To find out more about IATEFL LAM SIG please visit http://eltm.iatefl.org/index.html

                    ow ce
                  kn ran an                   IATEFL Basic membership is only available by application
               u      F      c      a         through TESOL France and only costs 19 GBP! Basic
             yo OL ou           a t           members of IATEFL still receive the core benefits of
        Di ES er y FL ?                       normal individual membership although there are some
              T b          TE ate
           a      m      A
                                              differences. If you would like to join a Special Interest
                e             r
               m in I ed                      Group please note that these cost 14.50 GBP each.
                  jo uc
                                              For more details please see Linda James from IATEFL at
                                              the IATEFL / TESOL France Stand today!
Page 6
TESOL France
         29th Annual Colloquium
          26 - 28 November 2010
                              Paris, France

                 David Crystal
                           Professor David Crystal is one         Ben Crystal), The Stories of English
                       of the world's foremost authorities        (2004), By Hook or By Crook: a
                       on language. An internationally            journey in search of English (2008),
                       renowned writer, editor, lecturer,         and Just a Phrase I'm Going
                       and broadcaster, he received an
                                                                  Through: my life in language (2009).
                       OBE in 1995 for his services to the
                       English language. He has authored
                                                                      TESOL France is honored to
                       and edited over 100 books
                                                                  have Professor Crystal as one of
                       including the Cambridge
                                                                  our 2010 Plenary Speakers.
                       Encyclopedia of Language (1987),
                       English as a Global Language
                       (1997), Language Play (1998),
                       Shakespeare’s Words (2002, with

And a Closing Plenary on Shakespeare with David Crystal’s son, Ben

                    David A. Hill
                          David A. Hill is a free-lance teacher   He has recently co-written the teacher
                     trainer and educational materials            resource book Writing Stories for
                     writer working out of Budapest,              Helbling Languages for whom he has
                     Hungary. He has worked for The               also adapted several classics and
                     British Council (18 years), Pilgrims,        written original readers. David has held
                     Canterbury (12 summers) and has              positions of responsibility within
                     been a teacher trainer with NILE,            IATEFL for nearly 25 years, and is
                     Norwich every summer since 1998.             currently the Coordinator of the
                     David has worked with many major             Literature, Media & Cultural Studies
                     ELT publishers, writing courses for          SIG.
                     Italy, Spain, Poland, Egypt,
                     Kazakhstan, Morocco and Bulgaria.

          Call for Papers: www.tesol-france.org/Colloquium10.php
Page 7             Telecom ParisTech, 46, rue Barrault - 75013 Paris, France
Map of the Area



         TESOL France Venue
         49 rue Vergniaud
         75013 Paris                     Parlez vous français?

            A table for two (four).                    Une table pour deux (quatre).

            Could I have the menu?                     Est-ce que je peux avoir la carte?
            I am a vegetarian.                         Je suis végétarien(ne).
            Do you have...?                            Est-ce que vous avez...?
            One/Two of these, please.                  Deux comme ça, s'il vous plaît.
            For starters, I'd like...                  Comme entrée, je prendrai...
            For the main dish...                       Comme plat...

            For dessert...                             Comme dessert...
            More bread, please.                        Encore du pain, s'il vous plaît.
            That was delicious.                        C'était délicieux.
            The bill, please.                          L'addition, s'il vous plaît.
            Is service included?                       Est-ce que le service est compris?
            There's a mistake in this bill, I think.   Il y a une erreur dans l'addition, je crois.
            Where are the toilets?                     Où sont les toilettes?
Page 8
Those of you wishing     you are in the mood for
                         to continue your          traditional French
                         Parisian experience are   cuisine or Fusion Food,
                         encouraged to wine        there’s something for
                         and dine at the           everyone here in the
                         following restaurants     City of Lights.
                         in the area. Whether      Bon appetit!

         RESTAURANT              ADDRESS                          CUISINE                   PRICE

A la Bonne Cave       11 rue de l’Espérance                   Traditional French              €15
                      75013 Paris
                      Tel: 01 45 80 82 48

La Montagne d’Or      211 rue de Tolbiac                           Chinese                    €15
                      75013 Paris
                      Tel : 01 45 88 31 92

Chez Papa             27 rue de la Colonie,              Traditional French regional      €15 with wine
                      75013 Paris                       cuisine and enormous salads
                      Tel: 01 45 88 30 98

L'Auberge Berbère     39 rue Daviel                      Moroccan cuisine from the        €20 to €25
                      75013 Paris                             Berbere region
                      Tel: 01 45 80 68 52

Café Fusion           12, Rue de la Butte aux Cailles              Fusion                €30 with wine
                      75013 Paris
                      Tel : 01 45 80 12 02

Café du Commerce      39 rue des Cinq Diamants            Traditional French cuisine     €25 with wine
                      75013 Paris                                 and curry!
                      Tel: 01 53 62 91 04

Chez Gladines         30 rue des Cinq Diamants            Cuisine from the Basque             €20
                      75013 Paris                                  country
                      Tel: 01 45 80 70 10

Les Cailloux          56 rue des Cinq Diamants                      Italian                   €30
                      75013 Paris
                      Tel: 01 45 80 15 08

Tandem                10, Rue de la Butte aux Cailles              Wine bar                   €35
                      75013 Paris                        (specialist in organic wines)    (wine costs
                      Tél : 01 45 80 38 69                                                   extra)

Chez Paul             22 rue de la Butte aux Cailles       Traditional French haute      €40 with wine
                      75013 Paris                                   cuisine
                      Tel: 01 45 89 22 11

Page 9
Map of the Venue
                         Entrance / Exit
                         49 rue Vergniaud

          B312                                                                 AMPHITHEATER
                                                                               (Plenary Session)


                                    Who’s in B310?                   Who’s in ESTAUNIE?
 What’s in E200?                                                     ★ Fiona Dunlop
                                    ★ Maher Bahloul
 ★ Coffee                                                            ★ Sénateur Salah Derradji
                                    ★ Duncan Foord
 ★ ATTICA Bookshop                                                   ★ George Pickering
                                    ★ Roger Hunt
 ★ TESOL France and                                                  ★ Arthur McKeown
     IATEFL Stands                                                   ★ Panel Discussion
                                   Who’s in B312?
 ★ Wine Reception
                                   ★ Laurence Whiteside
                                   ★ Ian Bell
                                   ★ Carol Bausor
  Key to Acronyms
  BE: Business English                             HE: Higher Education
  CEFRL: Common European Framework of              IATEFL - International Association of Teachers of
  Reference for Languages                          English as a Foreign Language
  CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning   LAM: Leadership and Management
  DOS: Director of Studies                         LT: Learning Technologies
  EAP: English for Academic Purposes               SIG: Special Interest Group
  EFL: English as a Foreign Language               TESOL: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other
  ELF: English as a Lingua Franca                  Languages
  ELT: English Language Teaching                   TTD: Teacher Training & Development
  ESP: English for Specific Purposes               TA: Testing & Assessment
  GI: Global Issues                                YL: Young Learners
  GV: Grammar & Vocabulary

Page 10
Program for Saturday May 29th
          Venue entrance: 49 rue Verignaud

      9:00 - 9:30                               REGISTRATION IN THE LOBBY
     TIME               ESTAUNIE                           B312                              B310
                      Fiona Dunlop              Laurence Whiteside *                  Maher Bahloul
                   Enhancing Academic           Free Software Tools to          Empowering ELT Teachers:
                  Quality through Teacher       Enhance your Teaching          Teaching and learning through
                       Observations                                                      the arts
  11:00 - 11:15                             Sénateur Salah Derradji
                                 Special Employment Opportunities Announcement
                                                Room: Estaunie

  11:15 - 12:30                         Plenary with George Pickering
                          Professional Development for Leaders, Managers and Teachers
                                                Room: Estaunie

  12:30 - 14:00                     Lunch and visiting ATTICA bookshop
                        There are several restaurants and sandwich shops near the venue

                     Arthur McKeown                     Ian Bell                      Duncan Foord
                   Classical and Emerging        Managing Your Own              Does My Bum Look Big in
                   Themes in Leadership         Career: A forum session        This? How feedback changes
                      and Management                                                    everything
  15:30 - 16:00              Coffee break and visiting ATTICA bookshop

  16:00 - 17:20       Dr. Salah Derradji        Carol Bausor                   Roger Hunt
                   L’impact des nouvelles   Give Yourself a Pay rise! Walk Slow: An overview to ELT
                         technologies de    How to multiply your EFL      management and the
                     l’information et de la       salary by 10           International Diploma in
                    communication sur la                                   Language Teaching
                  qualité de l'enseignement                               Management (IDLTM)
                  et de l'apprentissage des
  17:30 - 18:45                       Round Table Discussion:
                        Classroom Management: The challenges teachers face today
                                          Room: Estaunie

      18:45                                         Reception
                                                    Room: E200

  * Due unforeseen circumstances, Catherine Jolivet-Buon was not able to make it to Paris. We have invited her to
  give her talk, Developing Tech-Savvy ESL/EFL Teachers, at the TESOL France Conference in November.
Page 11

 Page 12
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Plenary Speaker
                                George Pickering
                        Professional Development for
                      Leaders, Managers and Teachers

All ELT professionals face a common set of        George Pickering is an educational coach,
challenges and opportunities in the globalised    trainer and consultant. He has delivered talks
world. In this participatory plenary we will      and workshops in over 50 different countries for
discuss the major challenges confronting us all   IATEFL, the British Council and other
and ways to approach them constructively.         organisations. George is the lead tutor on the
We will then review the opportunities available   English UK Diploma in Management and a tutor
to us for personal and professional reflection    on the International Diploma in Language
including:                                        Teaching Management. He is an inspector of
                                                  language schools for the British Council in the
• Self-reflection, self-observation, self-        UK (Accreditation UK). He is the director of the
  motivation,                                     new Bell Teacher Campus at Homerton College,
• Coaching and mentoring,                         Cambridge. George was the treasurer of IATEFL
• Training courses,                               (International Association of Teachers of English
• Communities of practice.                        as a Foreign Language) for six years and is the
                                                  co-ordinator of the IATEFL Leadership &
                                                  Management Special Interest Group (LAM SIG).
                                                  George trained as a state school teacher in the
                                                  UK, has an MA in Applied Linguistics and is a
                                                  Master Practitioner and certified trainer in NLP.
                                                  George lives with his pet camel and monkey in
                                                  Ramsgate, England.


   Page 13
Meet the Speakers
Dr. Maher Bahloul (American             He has taught in the United States,   Carol Bausor is English, but she
University of Sharjah)                  North Africa, and the Middle East.                           fell in love with
Empowering ELT Teachers:                He is Associate Professor at the                             France at the
Teaching and learning through           American University of Sharjah and                           age of 13 and
the arts                                currently on sabbatical in Paris.                            arranged to
Room: B310 (9:30-10:50)                                                                              move there
                                       Carol Bausor (ILTC, Societe de                                (ostensibly for
     The current study shows that
                                       Formation Continue en Langues)                                one year) as
teaching and learning in and
                                       Give Yourself a Pay rise! How to       soon as she possibly could. Over
through the arts empowers
                                       multiply your EFL salary by 10         30 years later, she's still here, still
teachers and students rendering
                                       Room: B312 (16:00 - 17:20)             enjoying life, France and her job.
the traditional issues of
                                                                              She originally began teaching
management (i.e., training, time,
                                            This presentation springs from    English to 3-10 year olds because
place, culture, behavior,
                                       the postulate that being a             someone suggested it "might be
satisfaction, etc.) much less
                                       successful EFL trainer is a highly     fun" (it was). Since then she has
challenging. I will show a number of
                                       skilled, challenging job. So how       taught in a French Collège, a Lycée,
curricula that have strong learning
                                       come it is so often badly paid? I will at University, in an Engineering
through arts programs which laid
                                       be examining the limits posed by       School and in many different
grounds for effective managerial
                                       the so-called "market price" for EFL contexts in Adult Education. She
skills. The audience will also watch
                                       services in France, and explaining     has also organized and taught
samples of such arts activities,
                                       why they should not be a limiting      different Trainer Training Sessions,
which show both teachers and
                                       factor for ambitious teachers who      including training instructors on a
students, managers within their
                                       want to get ahead and... earn a        Full Scope Simulator on a Nuclear
respective spaces. In short,
                                       higher salary. I will further be       Power Plant. She is at present the
incorporating arts into the
                                       exploring the idea that teachers are owner of ILTC (International
curriculum and learning through the
                                       often their own worst enemies          Language & Training Consultants),
arts are the keys to positive and
                                       when it comes to career                which is located in Paris, Lyon, Aix
efficient educational management.
                                       development and will give some         en Provence, and Algiers. She is
                                       practical guidelines so that           proud of the fact that ILTC has
Dr. Maher Bahloul holds an MA in
                                       participants can leave with ideas      always had an ongoing in-house
                      Linguistics from
                                       and an action plan. This is a          Trainer Training Programme and
                      the Sorbonne
                                       resolutely optimistic presentation,    that the company motto is
                      University and a
                                       based on my own experience as a        Révelateur de Compétences, which
                      Ph.D from
                                       trainer, a consultant and a company she translates as "Revealing your
                                       owner.                                 talent" - a statement which applies
                      University, USA.
                                                                              not only to all those who follow
                      Dr. Bahloul has
                                                                              ILTC training programmes, but to
                      been teaching
                                                                              the personnel as well!
                      MA TESOL
courses for the past 7 years. His
research interests cover issues in
theoretical linguistics, applied
linguistics, and language pedagogy.

Page 14
Meet the Speakers
Ian Bell (AQEE & Vocable)                 De nos jours, personne ne peut    même idéal de solidarité entre les
Managing Your Own Career: A          rester  indifférent aux                peuples pour le développement
forum session                        développements relatifs aux            harmonique de notre planète.
Room: B312 (14:00 - 15:30)           nouvelles technologies de
                                     l'information et de la                 Dr. Salah Derradji
     Ian Bell will lead this session communication (NTIC) qui se sont                          1990-1991 : Chef
which will give the lowdown on       multipliés de façon rapide au cours                       de département à
where the best foreign language      des dix dernières années. Ces                             l’institut des
jobs are around the world. You'll    technologies nous facilitent la vie                       langues,
hear of his own and other teacher's en nous économisant du temps,                              université de
experience along with information    mais nous constatons que leur                             Sétif.
from the EL Gazette's network of     adoption est assez lente quand il                         1996 -1997 : Chef
international contacts. At the end   s’agit de les intégrer dans le                            de département à
of the session you'll have some of   monde de l’éducation.                                    l’institut des
the information you need to choose        On constate que les (NTIC) se     langues université de Bejaia.
whether to stay in France, or head reflètent peu dans les pratiques         1997-1999 : Directeur de l’Institut
off to Thailand, Korea, Rome or for pédagogiques de l’enseignement          des langues, université de Bejaia
that matter Siberia. If you are a    en général et de l’enseignement        1999-2001 : Président du conseil
teacher who is working / has         des langues en particulier dans nos    scientifique de la faculté des
worked in another country recently, établissements universitaires. En       Lettres.
and would like to share your         effet, ce sont autant les              2003-2006 : Doyen de faculté des
experience during the forum, get in apprenants, les formateurs, que les     lettres et sciences Humaines,
touch with Ian:                      formateurs de formateurs qui           Université de Béjaia.
ibell(at)lcci-france(dot)com         doivent modifier leurs stratégies      2008-2010 Recteur de l’Université
                                     d'enseignement et                      d’Eltaref
Ian Bell has worked with teachers d’apprentissage, qui doivent
from around Europe, the Middle       répondre aux attentes et aux           Publications Internationales
East and Africa promoting quality    besoins des apprenants dans leur       • How to enhance oral proficiency
testing services. In 2009 he         milieu socio-économique.               in our learners
directed the language department          Pour cela, il convient que les    • How to use a portfolio as an
of a network of schools in Algeria.                                         alternative tool of assessment.
                                     futurs enseignants reçoivent une
                                                                            Dans : Revue Internationale en
He runs his own consultancy and      formation technologique,
                                                                            Sciences Humaines. Université de
works with universities to provide   pédagogique et méthodologique          Constantine
quality tests in partnership with    qui leur permettra une bonne
Vocable.                             utilisation des (NTIC). Enfin la       Résumé des compétences
                                     formation continue des                 • La didactique des langues,
Dr. Salah Derradji (Sénateur,        enseignants en exercice devient        l'analyse du discours oral et écrit,
Recteur des Universités en           une priorité pour innover et assurer   la Psychopédagogie, la
Algérie & Vocable)                   un enseignement des langues de         méthodologie de recherche et les
L’impact des nouvelles               qualité qui permettra aux              techniques d'expression orale.
technologies de l’information et     apprenants de constater que les        • La Sociologie, les Sciences
de la communication (NTIC) sur       langues servent non seulement
la qualité de l'enseignement et                                             Sociales et les relations
de l'apprentissage des langues       comme un outil d’accès aux             internationales
                                     sciences et aux technologies, mais     • Le rôle de la Communication
Room: Estaunie (16:00 - 17:20)
                                     aussi à communiquer avec d’autres      dans le développement et la
                                     personnes dont la culture peut être    modernisation de la société
                                     différente mais qui poursuivent un
 Page 15
Meet the Speakers
Fiona Dunlop (IATEFL LAM SIG         that and then look at some ways of        Roger Hunt (International House
and Wimbledon School of English) helping the people who matter in              Barcelona)
Enhancing Academic Quality           your work (students, colleagues,          Walk Slow: An overview to ELT
through Teacher Observations         bosses) tell you what they really         management and the
                                     think of your work. The talk includes     International Diploma in
Room: Estaunie (9:30 - 10:50)
                                     some pairwork and audience                Language Teaching Management
                                     participation, but you won't have to      (IDLTM)
     In this session we will address try on any clothes!
issues of academic quality in a                                                Room: B310 (16:00 - 17:20)
language school and look at how
                                     Duncan Foord has been in ELT
academic managers can maintain                          since 1984. He             The language teaching business
the highest quality of teaching in a                    started his ELT life   has been expanding rapidly and
mixed-experience teaching staff. We                     as a language          globally for many years. This
will focus on observation types for                     assistant in a         expansion has not only created a
experienced and inexperienced                                                  demand for language teachers, but
                                                        secondary school
teachers and feedback styles,                           in Lyon, France.       also a demand for qualified
teacher types and setting                               He has also            managers of language teaching
professional development goals.                         worked in London,      centres. New managers are often
                                                          Oviedo, Prague       teachers and while they may be
Fiona Dunlop is Director of Studies                                            excellent teachers, they may not
                                                         and Barcelona.
                      at Wimbledon      He's taught English to all sorts of    always be successful or well
                      School of         people (and a bit of German once),     prepared managers. In this talk I will
                      English,          trained teachers on Trinity            give an overview to the IDLTM
                      London. Fiona     CertTESOL and Dip TESOL courses        course with reference to a number
                      has been                                                 of short case studies intended to
                                        and worked as a Director of Studies
                      involved in       and school manager. Foord is co-       exemplify the topics and
                      many aspects      founder of OxfordTEFL, a teacher       management skills included on the
                      of ELT over the   training and language training         IDLTM course.
                      past 20 years,    school with centres in Prague and
including Teacher Training, Business                                           Roger Hunt is Director of Education
                                        Barcelona so he has had quite a bit
English, marketing and Academic         of involvement with both the                                 at International
Management. She also runs               academic and business sides of                               House
intensive courses for the EUK/Trinity   ELT. He also works for Trinity                               Barcelona
Certificate in Business English         College London, moderating                                   where he is
Training at Wimbledon School of                                                                      responsible for
                                        CertTESOL courses. He has
English.                                completed Cert, Dip and                                      educational
                                        MEdTESOL qualifications. The                                 development
Duncan Foord Oxford TEFL and            Developing Teacher (Delta                                    in both
Delta Publishing)                       Publishing), 2009 winner of The        teaching and teacher training. He
Does My Bum Look Big in This?                                                  has worked in ELT for thirty years in
                                        Duke of Edinburgh ESU English
How feedback changes                    Language Book Award, is Foord's        many parts of the world as a
everything                              second book. The first is the          teacher, teacher trainer and
                                        Language Teacher's Survival            educational manager. He is currently
Room: B310 (14:00 - 15:30)                                                     involved in writing and tutoring on
                                        Handbook, co-authored with
                                                                               the IH Barcelona on-line teacher
    Feedback is a great accelerator     Lindsay Clandfield and published by
                                        Its Magazines. Foord has lived in      training courses. He is co-author of
for professional development.                                                  Fountain (Longman, 1992), and TKT
Everything you ever wanted to know      Barcelona for the last 18 years.
                                                                               preparation course (McGraw Hill,
about yourself, your students, your                                            2008). He has also published
job and your haircut is just a couple                                          numerous articles on language
of questions away, but you usually
                                                                               teaching and teacher training.
don't ask them. Why? We'll consider
Page 16
Meet the Speakers
Arthur McKeown (Business               • A simple self-assessment           There are plenty of free programs
Institute, University of Ulster,         instrument to help those           out there that allow you to create
Northern Ireland)                        attending to identify gurus and    web pages, make and edit sound
Classical and Emerging Themes            approaches of particular interest  recordings and give presentations.
in Leadership and Management             to themselves, as a basis for      And you don't need to a degree in
Thinking                                 follow-up activity,                Computer Science to use them.
Room: Estaunie (14:00 - 15:30)         • A companion Moodle, for            There are also lots of free online
                                         convenient access to links         resources which you can exploit in
     The aim of this presentation is     mentioned during the delivery of   class, even if your classroom
to help managers in language             the presentation.                  doesn't have an internet
teaching organisations and                                                  connection. In my talk, I'll be
teachers of management and             Arthur McKeown works at the          showing you some of this
business English to identify                               University of    software, where to find it, how to
opportunities for using the                                Ulster where he use it, and where you can find
approaches of some significant                             teaches at the   more information.
gurus in the management of their                           Business
organisation, teams they manage                            Institute in the Laurence Whiteside started out
and their own personal                                     Ulster Business                    teaching English
development. Those attending are                           School on a                         in Spain in 1993,
challenged to identify, from a large                       range of                            and has stayed in
number of possibilities, a smaller                         programmes                          the profession
number that are worthy of further                          for private,                        continuously
enquiry, to suit their particular      public and not for profit client                        since then. He
needs.                                 organisations. He worked as a                           worked in the
     The presentation has three        teacher, teacher trainer and                            private and public
elements:                              manager in EFL for 15 years in                         sectors in
• A review of some classical           Sweden, Libya and Kuwait as well England and ran a modern
   approaches to leadership and        as in the UK.                        languages department in a further
   management,                                                              education college in Cambridge for
• An overview of the recent            Laurence Whiteside (TESOL            four years. Laurence was also
   contributions of some               France)                              active in his union both in his
   academics and practitioners,        Free Software Tools to Enhance       workplace and in the East Anglia
• A series of examples of how          your Teaching                        region. He moved to Paris in 2005
   those attending can access a        Room: B312 (9:30-10:50)              to join his partner (now wife) and
   range of 'user cuddly' resources                                         take up a lecteur post, and he
   to develop their knowledge and      (Please note: This is the same       joined the TESOL France ExCom in
   understanding of the                workshop Laurence gave during 2006. He passed the CAPES
   approaches and contributions        the Professional Development         exams in 2007, and currently
   mentioned in the earlier            Day in June 2009 and replaces        teaches Business English in the
   sections.                           Catherine Jolivet-Buon’s talk on UFR d'Economie et Gestion of the
     The presentation is               “Developing Tech-Savvy ESL/          University of Cergy-Pontoise.
complemented by:                       EFL Teachers”) One of the best
• A brief opportunity to ask           kept secrets of technology is that
   questions and discuss issues        you don't have to pay large
   raised,                             amounts of money for the software
                                       you need to get the job done.
Page 17
Round Table Discussion and Bios
Round Table Discussion on                                                    English UK Diploma in
Classroom Management:               Duncan Foord has been in ELT             Management and a tutor on the
The challenges teachers face                       since 1984. He started    International Diploma in Language
                                                   his ELT life as a         Teaching Management. He is an
Room: Estaunie (17:30 - 18:45)
                                                   language assistant in a   inspector of language schools for
Panel members include:
                                                   secondary school in       the British Council in the UK
• George Pickering (Chair)
                                                   Lyon, France. He has      (Accreditation UK). He is the
• Burcu Akyol (via Skype)
                                                   also worked in            director of the new Bell Teacher
• Bethany Cagnol
                                                   London, Oviedo,           Campus at Homerton College,
• Duncan Foord
• Linda Vignac                                  Prague   and Barcelona.      Cambridge. George was the
                                    He's taught English to all sorts of      treasurer of IATEFL (International
Burcu Akyol graduated from          people (and a bit of German once),       Association of Teachers of English
                Hacettepe           trained teachers on Trinity              as a Foreign Language) for six
                 University, ELT    CertTESOL and Dip TESOL courses          years and is the co-ordinator of the
                 Department in      and worked as a Director of              IATEFL Leadership & Management
                 2000. She holds a  Studies and school manager. Foord        Special Interest Group (LAMSIG).
                 Master's degree in is co-founder of OxfordTEFL, a
                 Educational        teacher training and language            Linda Vignac (Langues et
                 Management. Her    training school with centres in          Entreprises) is a Franco-American
                 main areas of      Prague and Barcelona so he has                          teacher trainer and
interest are teacher training and   had quite a bit of involvement with                      Program Designer.
learning technologies. Currently,   both the academic and business                           Linda began her
she works at Istek Schools as       sides of ELT. He also works for                          career as an ESL
Foreign Languages Department,       Trinity College London, moderating                       Teacher/Trainer at
Education Coordinator.              CertTESOL courses. He has                                Langues et
Twitter: burcuakyol                 completed Cert, Dip and                                  Entreprises, one of
                                    MEdTESOL qualifications. The                             Paris’ leading
Bethany Cagnol (TESOL France)       Developing Teacher (Delta                corporate language firms, where
                 has an MA in       Publishing), 2009 winner of The          she created and facilitated
                 Teaching Second    Duke of Edinburgh ESU English            programs for adult professionals
                 and Foreign        Language Book Award, is Foord's          from a wide range of sectors:
                 Languages,         second book. The first is the            banking & finance, automobile,
                 founded her own    Language Teacher's Survival              pharmaceutical, aerospace,
                 freelance teaching Handbook, co-authored with               insurance, hotel & tourism, etc. Still
                business,           Lindsay Clandfield and published         at Langues et Entreprises, she is
International Customer and is the   by Its Magazines. Foord has lived        now Program Designer &
President of TESOL France. Thanks in Barcelona for the last 18 years.        Pedagogical Director. Her
to the contacts she's made through                                           responsibilities include ongoing
the association she has spoken at   George Pickering is an                   training and mentoring of trainers
IATEFL, IATEFL BESIG and IATEFL                         educational          representing over 30 nationalities.
Poland Conferences. She’s                               coach, trainer and   She creates and facilitates
currently working on several                            consultant. He       workshops and seminars on
materials design projects. Her                          has delivered        intercultural communication,
professional interests include                          talks and            management, team-building and
Business English, Testing and                           workshops in         pedagogy throughout Europe in
Assessment, Teacher                                     over 50 different    English and French.
Development, English for Specific   countries  for  IATEFL,  the British
Purposes, and English as an         Council and other organisations.
International Language (ELF).       George is the lead tutor on the
 Page 18
      WANTS YOU!
☞         Expand your career horizons!

☞         Get in touch with publishers and organizations around the world!

☞         Take on leadership roles in an association that cares about teachers!

     Or: volunteer as a helper during our November Conference
                   Join our energetic team and enrich your ELT experience!
          see Bethany Cagnol or Ros Wright during the event or e-mail us at: tesol@enst.fr
Page 19
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