Even Rainbows Have Dark Clouds - July 25, 2021

Page created by Kenneth Bush
Even Rainbows Have Dark Clouds - July 25, 2021
Even Rainbows Have Dark Clouds
                      July 25, 2021
Even Rainbows Have Dark Clouds - July 25, 2021
Order of Worship
                                            July 25, 2021
                               *Denotes when congregation stands, as able.
                              Bold type denotes congregation speaking aloud.

Gathering Music                                                                                     Jeb Barrett
                                  Fantasy on an Irish Ballad (variations 1-6)
                                             by Andrew Clarke

Special Music, the Light of Christ Enters                                                        Dave Ramsey
                                         His Eye is On the Sparrow
                       Words by Civilla Martin and Music by Charles H. Gabriel

Welcome                                                                                         John Simmons

*Call to Worship                                                                                John Simmons
       New every morning is God's love,
              Poured out on us, washing away the past,
       Shining hope on our path, renewing the earth,
              And awakening joy deep within us!
       Great is God's faithfulness, a watchful eye in times of trouble.
              God's mercy never ends. We sing our praise and gratefulness!

*Opening Hymn                                 Be Thou My Vision                                      UMH 451

All-Age Story                                                                           Rev. Emily Flemming

Koins for Kids Offering                          Arky, Arky

Scripture                                   Psalm 46:1-7 CEB                                 John Simmons
     God is our refuge and strength, a help always near in times of great trouble. 2 That’s why we won’t
   be afraid when the world falls apart, when the mountains crumble into the center of the sea, 3 when its
   waters roar and rage, when the mountains shake because of its surging waves. 4 There is a river whose
   streams gladden God’s city, the holiest dwelling of the Most High. 5 God is in that city. It will never
   crumble. God will help it when morning dawns. 6 Nations roar; kingdoms crumble. God utters his
   voice; the earth melts. 7 The LORD of heavenly forces is with us! The God of Jacob is our place of
                                                                                     ©2011 Common English Bible
   This is a Word of God for the people of God.
      Thanks be to God, Amen.

Centering Song                                 My Hope is Built                                UMH 368 vs. 1

Message                            “Even Rainbows Have Dark Clouds”                     Rev. Emily Flemming

Invitation to Respond                                                                           John Simmons
To give electronically, text “CCUM” to “77977” which will provide a link to our giving website. Or click “Online
                            Giving” on the www.ChristChurchColorado.org home page.
Sharing Joys and Prayer Concerns                  Rev. Emily Flemming        Please tear along crease and place
                                                                                    in the offering plate.
Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer             Rev. Emily Flemming
                                                                                PRAYER REQUESTS
*Sending Hymn                  Grace Alone                    TFWS 2162
                                                                                     Week of July 25th
*Blessing and Sending                             Rev. Emily Flemming
                                                                              We ask for prayers this coming
                                                                                        week for:
Postlude                                                  Jeb Barrett
    **Please remain in your pew until the Light of Christ exits.**
                Fantasy on an Irish Ballad (variations 7-9)
                           by Andrew Clarke

We’re looking for volunteers for our Welcome Home Team. This team
will meet Thursday, July 29th at 7:00pm on Zoom and will be reaching out
to everyone in our database and planning the Aloha BBQ. You can find the
Zoom meeting info in the News and Notes on Tuesday. Contact Pastor
Emily with questions, eflemming@ChristChurchColorado.org.

Bring donations of feminine hygiene items for our Sanitary Supply Drive.
No one should have to choose between buying food or sanitary supplies, so
bring your donations anytime now through August 15th. This drive is
sponsored by the United Methodist Women.

Backpack Blessing is Sunday, August 15th during worship. Students of all
ages, educators, and school administrators please bring your backpack or
briefcase to be blessed.

Worship Volunteer Training is Sunday, August 15th at 9:00am in the
sanctuary. If you are interested in learning more about being Welcome
Desk Staff, Greeter, Usher, or Worship Leader, or have been serving in
these capacities for years, please join us for this important training.

BYOB2 will meet in the church parking lot tonight at 5:30pm. Bring a
chair to sit in and a beverage. Young at heart adults over 21 are welcome.
Contact Kat Harrell with questions, keharrell89@comcast.net.
                                                                             The church staff prays over these
Mark your calendar and plan to wear your grass skirts and Hawaiian shirts    requests during staff meeting.
to worship then plan to stay for our Aloha BBQ Sunday, September 12th
in the courtyard after worship.                                                 I would like to share this
                                                                                request in newsletters.
Please complete the connections                              Welcome to Worship
 slip below and place it in the
         offering plate.             Welcome to Christ Church United Methodist. This faith community works
          July 25, 2021              to be REAL (Relating, Engaging, Advocating, and Learning). We share a
Name(s):                             deep connection to God and one another, loving across differences. We
                                     want you to know how excited we are that you are here! We hope that you
                                     will feel welcome, relaxed, and comfortable. Please reach out to the pastor
                                     or staff if you have any questions. No matter who you are, where you’re
                                     from, or what you believe, ALL are welcome here!
Children in attendance:
                                     Color Dots = Social Distance Comfort
                                     Please choose either a red, yellow or green sticker to wear during worship
                                     to help others know your comfort level.
                                     Red = Please maintain 6’ distance.
Street:                              Yellow = some closer contact ok (i.e. elbow bumps).
                                     Green = High fives and handshakes welcome.

                                     Children at Christ Church
City/State/Zip:                      Children of all ages are welcome in worship, books are available in the
                                     Children’s Library.

                                     Contact Us
                                     Pastor, Rev. Emily S. Flemming (she/her)
Home Phone:                                                        EFlemming@ChristChurchColorado.org
                                     Music Director, Dave Ramsey (he/him)
Cell Phone:
Email(s):                            Church Administrator, Rebecca Bourgeois (she/her)
                                     Organist, Jeb Barrett                         maestrojeb@gmail.com
      My contact info has changed.
I am/We are
   Regular Attendee
    First-Time Visitor
Visitors, how’d you hear about us?
   Website                           Photo on cover by Grahame Jenkins on Unsplash.
What drew you to our community?

The church office needs to know:
   I would like to receive emailed

   I would appreciate a nametag.
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