Everyday people, everyday places, everyday things, everyday times - Disability Resource Centre Hawke's Bay ...

Page created by Gerald Gray
Everyday people, everyday places, everyday things, everyday times - Disability Resource Centre Hawke's Bay ...
8/12/2021                                                        All Terrain Wheelchair

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                             Everyday people, everyday places,
                              everyday things, everyday times

                                                      Point to ponder....

                           Which came first Orange the colour or Orange the fruit?

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Everyday people, everyday places, everyday things, everyday times - Disability Resource Centre Hawke's Bay ...
8/12/2021                                                        All Terrain Wheelchair

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                                                  09 August 2021

                                                       Kia Ora,
               Welcome to this week's Disability Information and Advisory
                                 Service newsletter.

               Each time I look up from the computer today, the weather outside has
                changed again... and it immediately brings to mind Crowded House
                                  singing 'four season in one day'.
               Hope you are managing to stay warm, and looking out for each other.

                                 IN THIS WEEK'S EDITION

                               This week's DRC living life connected Superhero

                                  All Terrain Wheelchair available for local use

                                      Parent to Parent COVID Vaccine News

                                    Hawkes Bay Brain Injury Assn Newsletter

                     Another interesting read from People First's Easy Read library

                                                     and much more.....

              In 2021 we are looking forward to continuing bringing you
             news about inclusive events and happenings in the Bay, so
                 if you have something to share, please let us know.

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Everyday people, everyday places, everyday things, everyday times - Disability Resource Centre Hawke's Bay ...
8/12/2021                                                        All Terrain Wheelchair

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Everyday people, everyday places, everyday things, everyday times - Disability Resource Centre Hawke's Bay ...
8/12/2021                                                        All Terrain Wheelchair

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                                 DRC living life connected

             Check out this week's DRC living life connected
             Sunday Superhero on our Facebook page here

                    ‘All Terrain Wheelchair’ available for
                                  local use

             We were made aware recently that not everyone knew about the FREE ‘All
             Terrain Wheelchair’ that is available to use for anyone living in Hawke’s Bay to
             use in Hawke’s Bay.

             It has two sets of wheels so it can be used on the beach/in the sea/water and the
             other set of wheels can be used for off road forest paths.

             Below are a couple of pictures to show you what it’s capable of.

             Full details are available of ‘how, what and when’ at the council’s website:
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Everyday people, everyday places, everyday things, everyday times - Disability Resource Centre Hawke's Bay ...
8/12/2021                                                        All Terrain Wheelchair

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             There is a $50 bond required that will be returned to you upon the undamaged,
             clean return of the wheelchair.

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8/12/2021                                                        All Terrain Wheelchair

                                  PARENT to PARENT
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                                COVID 19 VACCINE NEWS

             Parent to Parent is excited to announce that they have been chosen by
             the Ministry of Health to support whānau caring for disabled family
             members across NZ with up-to-date COVID-19 vaccine information.

                     Click here for COVID 19 Vaccine News for Disabled People &

                                 HB BRAIN INJURY ASSN
                                  AUGUST NEWSLETTER

             This month's Brain Injury Assn Newsletter edition brings you some news
             on staff changes in the BIA office, and updates on our events and other
             activities in the community.

                                              Click here for the newsletter

             If you would like to be included on the mailing list please let Katie know
             by emailing katie.hopkins@braininjuryhb.co.nz

                     EASY READ FROM PEOPLE FIRST

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Everyday people, everyday places, everyday things, everyday times - Disability Resource Centre Hawke's Bay ...
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                                   From the Easy Read library this week....

                      Employment Support Service Practice Guidelines:
                          Supporting disabled people to get jobs

             What is Easy Read information?

             Easy Read information is:
             information that is clear and easy to read and understand

                     developed to support people with learning (intellectual) disability
                     better understand written information
                     different from plain English and plain language but uses the same
                     principles and builds on them
                     written information, supported by pictures
                     uses everyday words and has no jargon or acronyms.

             Who is Easy Read information for?
             Easy Read information is for people who have difficulty reading and
             understanding written information.
             Easy Read information is for some people who:

                     have a learning disability
                     have low literacy levels
                     use English as a second language
                     are elderly
                     are Deaf.

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             Some people    will be able to read Easy Read information independently.Translate
                    Past Issues
             For others they will require someone to facilitate the information.

             The People First Website also has a database of Easy Read documents
             available, just click here

                                              SENSE RUGBY

             Sense Rugby is returning to the Bay, and they need more volunteers to
             support the great action that is going to be happening in our region very
             shortly. Sense Rugby is a rugby based Occupational Therapy program
             that was designed to help kids who usually find it difficult to be part of a
             sports team and they are looking for energetic, fun, and kind volunteers
             to help out.

             Sound like you or someone you know?

             Check out a sense rugby video here

             For more info or to express your interest please email the team at
             Sense Rugby NZ: newzealand@senserugby.com.au

             Sense Rugby Programme details:
             When: Saturday mornings from 28th August-2nd October
             Time: 9am-12pm
             Where: Hawke's Bay Rugby Union Community Training Centre - Park
             Island Reserve
             To find out more about Sense Rugby head to their website and check
             out their video there.

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                                  Parent2Parent Support Groups Hawkes Bay

             Does your child/teenager/young adult have a disability, special need or
             health impairment? Would you like to meet other parents? Share
             experiences? Access information? Get support and meet new friends?
             Come along and meet other parents of children with different abilities in
             a relaxed and informal coffee group. You can drop in for as long or as
             short a time as suits you.
             All welcome, however please remember to RSVP for the CHB and
             Taradale catchups. Meet-ups are still once a month for this year. You
             are welcome to join us let Blanche know 020 40118711 or
             email hawkesbay@parent2parent.org.nz and Blanche will welcome you
             to the group! Just ask at the counter to point you in Blanche's direction
             on your arrival.

                                              USEFUL LINKS

             Hikoi4Life Facebook page
             All Abilities Gym hbitf.org.nz/all-abilities-fitness-gym/
             IHC Library IHC Library
             Inclusive Taekwon do www.nz-itf.org/
             Hawkes Bay Parent to Parent Parent to Parent HB

                                   WHAT'S ON IN THE BAY

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              Don't forget to email us with your activities and events
                        for 2021 information@drchb.org.nz

             11 August
             Parent2Parent Waipawa Coffee Group - Mama G's Main Street,
             Waipawa 11am-1pm - see above for more details.
             Koryo Taekwando United Diversity KTUD - 128 Market Street North
             Hastings 11am, koha. A class for everyone, taught by students with
             diverse abilities. For more information http://www.koryo.co.nz/
             Shake Rattle & Roll - A music and dance group for adults with
             intellectual disabilities to socialise and have fun. Each Wednesday
             10.00am to 11.15am. Napier Baptist Church, 36 Riverbend Rd,
             Maraenui. $3.00 includes morning tea (caregivers free). For more info
             contact Gail on 027 495 5172.

             18 August
             Koryo Taekwando United Diversity KTUD - 128 Market Street North
             Hastings 11am, koha. A class for everyone, taught by students with
             diverse abilities. For more information http://www.koryo.co.nz/
             Shake Rattle & Roll - A music and dance group for adults with
             intellectual disabilities to socialise and have fun. Each Wednesday
             10.00am to 11.15am. Napier Baptist Church, 36 Riverbend Rd,
             Maraenui. $3.00 includes morning tea (caregivers free). For more info
             contact Gail on 027 495 5172

             22 August
             Parent2Parent Taradale Coffee Group - Bay Expresso, Gloucester
             Street, Taradale 11am-1pm - see above for more details.

             25 August
             Koryo Taekwando United Diversity KTUD - 128 Market Street North
             Hastings 11am, koha. A class for everyone, taught by students with
             diverse abilities. For more information http://www.koryo.co.nz/
             Shake Rattle & Roll - A music and dance group for adults with
             intellectual disabilities to socialise and have fun. Each Wednesday
             10.00am to 11.15am. Napier Baptist Church, 36 Riverbend Rd,
             Maraenui. $3.00 includes morning tea (caregivers free). For more info
             contact Gail on 027 495 5172

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             1 September
             Parent2Parent Hastings Coffee Group - Westerman's Cafe, Russell
             Street Hastings 11am-1pm - see above for more details.

             02 September
             The Brain Injury HB Central Hawke's Bay Peer Support Group - Lily
             Pond Cafe, Waipukurau at 11am. First Thursday of every month
             Please get in touch with the office on 06 878 6875 to register, or email

             8 September
             Parent2Parent Waipawa Coffee Group - Mama G's Main Street,
             Waipawa 11am-1pm - see above for more details.

             24 September
             StarJam End of Term Disco - Taradale Town Hall, more details to

             25 September
             Parent2Parent Taradale Coffee Group - Bay Expresso, Gloucester
             Street, Taradale 11am-1pm - see above for more details.

                                  ARTICLES OF INTEREST

                Owners: Incentives needed to build more wheelchair accessible homes

                           Council takes first steps to support cyclists and walkers

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                     Sharing a love of dance - it's what you can do, not what you can't
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                                                       Willing and Able

                                            Language and Disability (Audio)

                       New Zealand Fashion Week to continue diverse model casting

                                             EDITOR'S NOTE

             We are pleased to be able to send out this information and to keep the
             community informed about what’s going on. Please continue to send us
             your flyers, and any information you have about cool stuff happening
             here. Don't forget to add your contact details for readers who want
             further information about your event.

             We also appreciate any feedback you have about this newsletter. Tell
             us what we got right, got wrong or just let us know what you want to

             Friendly reminder
             To ensure your notices, news items and information gets into the
             update, please have details into us by this Friday 12pm midday at the
             latest. The update gets sent out weekly on a Monday.

             DRC receives information from our many networks which we pass on in
             this update. Feel free to share and use this information.

             To place a notice, phone 06 873 8210, or email

             Keep up to date with us on Facebook facebook.com/drchb and visit
             our website at www.drchb.org.nz

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                                           Click here for Firstport

             DRC is a Principle member of:                           Funded by:

                             Copyright © 2020 Disability Resouce Centre (H.B.) Trust, All rights reserved.

                                                      Our mailing address is:
                                                            PO Box 2348
                                                           Stortford Lodge
                                                          HASTINGS 4153

                                                      Our physical address is:

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                                                         204 Nelson Street South
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