Home Learning Pack Year 1 Week Beginning 08.03.21 - HIGH FOCUS ...

Page created by Kirk Howell
Home Learning Pack Year 1 Week Beginning 08.03.21 - HIGH FOCUS ...
Home Learning Pack
         Year 1
 Week Beginning 08.03.21
Home Learning Pack Year 1 Week Beginning 08.03.21 - HIGH FOCUS ...
Home Learning Links

Oak National Academy
Oak National Academy is an online classroom and resource hub. It provides high-quality video
lessons and resources to support teachers, parents and pupils.

BBC Bitesize
With BBC Bitesize it is easy to keep learning at home. You can access regular daily lessons in
English, maths and other core subjects.

Phonics English Hubs
Online phonics lessons for the Letters and Sounds phonics programme.

World Book Online
World Book online have just made their fabulous collection of over 3,000 e-books and audiobooks
available for free for children to access at home. They have books suitable for all ages. Click on the
following link to access them.

Read Works.org
Read Works offers access to 3000+ comprehension for all age groups. Just sign up for a free
account to access fantastic texts.

Beanstalk website is packed with lots of interactive materials for children aged 1 to 6. They are
offering free access to all families during the COVID-19 pandemic.

An online platform with tutorials and videos for home learning.

Education Quizzes
A series of short quizzes for children to complete related to the National Curriculum subjects. Just
select KS1 for Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 and select KS2 for Years 3-6.

Top Marks
A range of activities here but especially good interactive activities for maths.

Classroom Secrets
Home Learning Pack Year 1 Week Beginning 08.03.21 - HIGH FOCUS ...
Classroom Secrets Kids is offering free access to everyone until the end of April 2020. The platform
is aimed at primary aged children and covers subjects such as maths, reading, grammar and
spelling. The platform is really child-friendly so that they're able to access it on their own. There
are a load of games and interactive activities from phonics to SATs

National Geographic
National Geographic is a great platform for learning and it’s totally free. There are online games,
resources and competitions, too.

Reading Eggs

Home Learning Pack Year 1 Week Beginning 08.03.21 - HIGH FOCUS ...
Key Question Week 9: What is your favourite Disney film?
Key Text for Linked Learning: Walt Disney Fact File
Linked Learning: English, History, Computing & Music
This week is all about Walt Disney. The children will find a bag containing different objects about the
mysterious man such as his early illustrations, photos of himself and Disneyland, and other Disney
inspired clues and will have to discuss why they think this person is famous. The children will then
find out who he is, what he looks like, what are some of his films he is famous for and why he is still
so important today. The children will then be using their chronology skills to create timelines of his
work, ordering key events within Walt Disney’s life. The children will be comparing old animation
with recent Pixar films, to create discussion about what has changed within history. This will lead to
the children discussing what their favourite Disney films and why it is their favourite film. In Music
children will identify instruments in various Disney songs and soundtracks. They will comment on
composition and how the music makes them feel. In addition, the children will be exploring a range
of non-fiction texts and videos to gather more information about Disney. After retrieving the
information, the children will be creating their own non-fiction fact file about Disney using the
laptops to present their work. This will include using a search engine to find out information, copy
and pasting pictures as well as typing non-fiction sentences.
Maths: This week the children will be completing a range of activities that will reinforce their
understanding of place value and practise their number facts.
Science: Children will revise their knowledge of material properties by sorting a range of materials
explaining their choices.
Geography: Children will explore the United Kingdom and will begin to understand that it is
comprises of four countries.
History: See above
Computing: See above
Music: See above
Art / Design Technology: Children will complete their original Pop art inspired artworks.
PDW / R.E: Children will discuss their aspirations and will set a goal or target.

P.E: We will be making dance routine inspired by technology. We will be exploring different ways to
travel to enhance our dance routines.
Home Learning Pack Year 1 Week Beginning 08.03.21 - HIGH FOCUS ...

Below are the spellings the children will be learning this half term. Please practise
the following words:

Home Learning Pack Year 1 Week Beginning 08.03.21 - HIGH FOCUS ...
Monday 8th March
Whole School Reading Day – Listen to the story ‘Wisp’ on the following link:






Home Learning Pack Year 1 Week Beginning 08.03.21 - HIGH FOCUS ...



Home Learning Pack Year 1 Week Beginning 08.03.21 - HIGH FOCUS ...


Home Learning Pack Year 1 Week Beginning 08.03.21 - HIGH FOCUS ...
Monday 8th March 2021

Picture:                              Syllables (clap out the sounds of the word):   Synonyms (words that mean the same):

                                      Word:                                          Opposite (what is the opposite?):

Meaning (what does the word mean?):

Shake, usually as a result of fear

Put it in a sentence: Remember ABC
Home Learning Pack Year 1 Week Beginning 08.03.21 - HIGH FOCUS ...
Monday 8th March 2021

L.O: I know that I am entitled to be happy, healthy, safe, warm, loved, well fed and listened

                                   What’s in your wisp?

       Challenge – Can you act out your Wisp to your family?
Tuesday 9th March
LO. To write neatly on the line
LO. To write a simple sentence.

     Choose your favourite Disney character and write sentences following the
     sentence checklist.






Wednesday 10th March
LO. To listen to and discuss a wide range of stories and non-fiction.
    To sort texts into fiction and non-fiction.
               Fiction                               Non-fiction
Friday 12th March
LO.. To correctly sequence my sentences to form short narratives (non-fictional).
Cut out the treasure box net and follow the treasure hunt card on the next
page. Tick them off as you go.

                              Treasure box net
Treasure hunt card

    Two (2) items must be the same.

 No more than two (2) items can be the

         One (1) must be blue.

        Four (4) must be bumpy.

You will need twice as many hard items as
                soft items.

You should have an odd number of brown
items and an even number of green items.

 You should have fewer shiny items than
              dull items.
How many?
Count and write how many of each minibeast.
   Alongside these 1 to 10 number tracks, write speech bubbles, draw pictures
and    write things that are special for you and your family.
    See example on next page.
Burj Khalifa 830m
                         10.03.21 Tall Towers
                      Colour these famous tall towers.
               What is their height order, shortest to tallest?

Eiffel Tower
                                                      The Shard
              How to make a spiral number snake

1. Create segments on your snake
   and decide on how you will
   decorate it.

    2. Decide on the number pattern
       you are going to use.
       Write the numbers in pen.

   3. Carefully cut out your
      snake, then cut all the
      way to the tail,
      following the curved

                                      4. Hang and enjoy!
Finish the counting patterns - Colour the doors and jars.
Tuesday 9th March 2021
Circle the picture that matches the sentence.
Wednesday 10th March 2021
Draw a picture that represents this
Thursday 11th March 2021
Add the information to the picture.
Tuesday 9th March 2021
Stick the events of Walt Disney’s life in chronological






Thursday 11th March 2021
To identify the 4 countries of the United Kingdom




England                 Northern                    Wales
Scotland   The capital city
           is London
England     England
           The capital city
           is Cardiff
           The capital city
Northern   is Edinburgh

           The capital city
           is Belfast
Thursday 11th March
To use simple tools and equipment.      (Timers)

How long does it takes
you to write your name
10 times?

How long does it take
you to stack 15 lego
pieces together?

How long does it take
you to cut a piece of
wool 10cm long?

How long does it take
you to flush the toilet
and come back?

How long does it take
you to order the days of
the week?
Wednesday 10th March

L.O: To recognise changes in music that reflects mood and or characters.

Song 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF-c1K3WWg4

Song 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGywGcdJ17w

Song 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KP_XkN2v7OM

      Song                    Do you like it?                   Mood / Feelings of


Friday 12th March
L.O: To set a goal/target and discuss my aspirations.   When I am older, I want to be…
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