Page created by Morris Peters
Dean’s Office requests submission of faculty recruitment plans for review or a               Dean/Director, Finance and
Department Chair/School Director identifies a need or an exceptional candidate.              Administration
Hiring Plans are submitted to and reviewed by the Dean’s Advisory Group, consisting          Dean, Associate Deans and
of the Dean, Associate Deans and Director of Finance and Administration. Approved            Director, Finance and
plans are sent to the Provost for permission to recruit. Chairs/Directors are notified of    Administration
the decision by the Executive Officer.
Establish a Search and Selection Committee for approved faculty position(s) and              Chair/Director & Administrator
submit for approval by the Dean:
      Ensure the Search and Selection Committee is diverse in its representation            Executive Officer communicates
        o includes members from the four designated groups (FDGs) - women,                   Dean’s approval to the Chair of
             Aboriginal Peoples, persons with disabilities and visible minorities and        the selection committee
             from various ranks;
      Includes a Dean’s representative (see below);
      All committee members must have up-to-date training in recruitment best
        practices, diversity and implicit bias awareness training;
      Committee members must be informed of the Dean’s commitment to
        excellence and ensuring equal access to opportunities for all qualified
Develop a Recruitment Plan to address inclusive excellence for submission to the Dean        Chair/Director & Administrator
for comment and approval.
Plans must include:
      Posting on Mosaic, University Affairs (UA), and the Canadian Association of
        University Teachers (CAUT) for at least 30 days
        o Note that Mosaic now automatically posts to Pride at Work Canada,
             Indigenous Link

Additional recommendations:
    Identify major publications in the field to advertise in;
    Identify major conferences in field/area and find out which faculty members
        from the department/school are attending. Ask faculty members to promote
        McMaster Engineering and source out excellent talent, highlighting
        consideration of diversity;
    Targeted Outreach - Contact Deans/Chairs/Directors across Canada and
        internationally to identify rising stars, highlighting consideration of diversity;
    Advertise widely – Canadian Coalition of Women in Engineering, Science,
        Trades and Technology, and the Canadian Research Institute for the
        Advancement of Women, and Research Gate. Please see list of posting venues
        attached. (Appendix A)
    Identify leading research groups worldwide and develop a strategy to promote
        McMaster Engineering;

         Revised: April 5, 2019
   Involve all members of the Department/School, not just those on the search &
        selection committee;
       Ask for assistance from leading researchers with complementary interests
        outside of the Department/School.

Additional items to include in Recruitment Plan:

       Draft job advertisement and send to Executive Officer for review and Dean’s
        approval. Use the language around equity, diversity, and inclusion (highlighted
        in green) in the Template Ad (EDI) (Appendix B)
        o list the qualifications and skills necessary for the position;
        o Inclusive, unbiased, ungendered language (i.e. them, the applicant, all
             genders avoiding stereotypical or gendered traits and descriptions).
     Draft the applicant screening tool/rubric, based on the job advertisement, and
        submit it as part of the Recruitment Plan. The criteria must be weighted for
        importance to the role. See the attached template rubric. (Appendix C)
Assign Dean’s representative for the committee who is tasked with:                        Associate Dean, Research
        o ensuring that best practices are followed;                                      (tenure-track positions)
        o promoting collaboration;                                                        Associate Dean, Academic
        o encouraging diversity in the selection process by advising the committee        (teaching-track & CLA positions)
             of the Faculty’s equity targets and current representation;
        o providing a list of suggested interview questions, and advice on how to         Executive Officer provides name
             evaluate applications that include non-traditional components.               to Administrator
Review the recruitment plan, job advertisement, and weighted rubric. Prepare budget       Executive Officer
form with Director of Finance and Administration. Seek Dean’s approval.
Send the approved budget form and job advertisement to Chair/Director and                 Executive Officer
Administrator. Advise them that a job opening can be created in Mosaic and external
advertising can be arranged.
Create job opening in Mosaic for university approval process and post externally.         Administrator
Acknowledge receipt of applications, as per SPS A1                                        Administrator

Prior to the preliminary screening of candidates by the Search and Selection              Executive Officer
Committee, mandatory diversity/implicit bias awareness training will be completed by
the entire committee. Includes instruction on how to recognize and combat
unconscious, implicit, overt, prejudicial, and any other forms of bias.
Contact the Employment Equity Facilitator (Executive Officer) and invite them to          Administrator
attend the first meeting of the Search & Selection Committee. The Employment Equity
Facilitator will explain the role and mechanisms to support equitable recruitment
Starting September 2019, contact the Employment Equity Specialist in Human                Administrator/Search and
Resources for aggregate applicant self-ID data for the job opening to determine the       Selection Committee Chair
diversity of the applicant pool. Copy the Executive Officer on the request.
When reviewing applicants, use the approved rubric containing criteria from the job       Search and Selection Committee
advertisement and ensure that committee members are evaluating applicants against

        Revised: April 5, 2019
the criteria (versus whether or not they “like” them, what schools they attended, who
their Ph.D. supervisor was, etc.) to mitigate unconscious bias.

Allow the committee members ample time to review applicants. Encourage them to
change their mindset from selecting applicants they want to put on the long list to
think about which applicants they should remove from consideration.

Screen the applicants using the weighted rubric. Each applicant should be screened by
more than one committee member. Long-listed candidates should be reviewed by the
entire committee.

Starting September 2019, once the long-list of candidates is identified, contact the
Employment Equity Specialist to provide aggregate candidate self-identification data to
ensure that diversity is still represented at this stage of the screening process, before
the Skype interviews are arranged. Where equity-seeking candidates are close to the
Zone of Excellence threshold, they should be considered in the next round of
screening to mitigate for unconscious bias. The Search and Selection Committee
members will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement (provided by HR) prior to
reviewing the self-identification data.

A successful recruitment process should ensure a diverse pool leading to a short-list
that reflects diverse representation. If the long-list is not diverse, the search process
should be suspended. A written report on the recruitment process should be
submitted to the Dean who will decide whether to proceed or declare the search a

Upon completion of the preliminary screening, it is the responsibility of the Search
and Selection Committee Chair to request declarations of any conflicts of interest
between the selection committee members and any of the candidates being
considered for an interview. If a conflict of interest exists, the committee member(s)
will be asked to recuse themselves from the committee.
Conduct Skype pre-screening interview with at least 10 long-listed applicants using          Search and Selection Committee
effective and appropriate interview questions in rank order of importance, and using
the same questions for each candidate. Recognize that excellent candidates may have
had vastly different career trajectories. Women candidates must not be penalized for
career interruptions for maternity/parental leaves.

Explicitly state the established equity, diversity, and inclusion expectations before each   Chair, Search and Selection
interview begins. Encourage Search and Selection Committee members to privately              Committee
consider their own pre-conceived biases toward each candidate for a few minutes
prior to the start of an interview to become more self-aware.
Starting September 2019, once the short-list is identified, contact the Employment           Employment Equity
Equity Specialist to provide aggregate candidate self-ID data to ensure that diversity is    Facilitator/Executive Officer
still represented at this stage of the screening process before in-person interviews are
arranged. Where equity-seeking candidates are close to the Zone of Excellence
threshold, they should be considered in the next round of screening to mitigate for
potential implicit bias.

         Revised: April 5, 2019
Complete and submit to the Dean a short list of at least four potential candidates using   Search and Selection
the Candidate Screening Tool (Appendix D), indicating if/how they align with the six       Committee/Administrator
Innovation from Excellence criteria, for consideration and approval. Include the
candidates’ curriculum vitae. All equity-seeking candidates who are close to the Zone
of Excellence should be included on the Candidate Screening Tool.
Communicate to the Chair of the Search and Selection Committee and                         Executive Officer
Department/School Administrator the names of the candidates approved by the Dean
to attend on campus interviews.
Arrange in-person interviews for approved candidates with Search and Selection             Administrator
Arrange interviews with the following Faculty and University leaders, as appropriate       Administrator
(depending on the faculty appointment rank and type):

Faculty Dean & Associate Dean, Academic
Associate Dean, Graduate Studies (Engineering) **only if the CLA faculty is expected to
supervise graduate students

Dean, Faculty of Engineering
Associate Dean, Academic
Associate Dean, Graduate Studies (Engineering)
AVP, Faculty

Dean, Faculty of Engineering
Associate Dean, Research & External Relations
Associate Dean, Graduate Studies (Engineering)
AVP, Faculty

With Tenure or a Chair position
Dean, Faculty of Engineering
Associate Dean, Research & External Relations
Vice-Provost & Dean, School of Graduate Studies

Provide Dean’s Office with an interview package for each candidate that includes:
     Interview Itinerary
     Cover letter
     Candidate’s curriculum vitae
     Letters of reference (minimum of 3)
     Job advertisement
Ensure Dean sends an email to the Department Chair/School Director and                     Executive Officer
Administrator following each interview to provide feedback for the recruitment

        Revised: April 5, 2019
Once a final candidate is selected, complete top portion of Chair’s New Hire             Chair/Director & Administrator
Recommendation Form (Appendix E) and send to the Executive Officer with a copy of
the candidate’s curriculum vitae and research statement.
Using the curriculum vitae, consult with Director of Finance and Administration and      Executive Officer
the Associate Dean, Research & External Relations for salary and start-up
recommendations. Obtain approval from the Dean.
Following the Dean’s approval, send the signed form to the Department Chair/School       Executive Officer
Director and Administrator. Give a copy to the Director of Finance and Administration.
Present verbal offer to the candidate. All negotiations must be approved by the          Chair/Director
Director of Finance and Administration and the Dean.
Once candidate either agrees to the offer or negotiates changes, submit the Chair’s      Administrator
New Hire Recommendation form (with all changes/additions noted in writing) to the
Executive Officer for the Director of Finance and Administration and the Dean’s final
Once approved by Dean, send a fully signed copy of the Chair’s New Hire                  Executive Officer
Recommendation Form back to the Chair/Director and Administrator and request
submission of the New Faculty Hire Appointment Recommendation Package.
Submit New Faculty Hire Recommendation Package. Package should include:                  Administrator
    o Appointment Recommendation Form
    o Chair’s/Director’s Letter of Recommendation
    o Curriculum Vitae
    o Interview Statements
    o Reference Letters
    o Interview Schedule
    o Job Advertisement
Review details of Appointment Recommendation Form and package, re-confirm                Executive Officer
financial details with Director of Finance and Administration and seek the Dean’s
approval. If approved, keep a copy for the faculty personnel file and forward to
original to the Vice-Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies and Provost for their
approvals and issuance of the official offer letter from the President.

        Revised: April 5, 2019
Appendix A

                              List of Options for Faculty Job Postings

Mosaic www.mcmaster.ca/mosaic

Please note that when you post to Mosaic now, your posting is automatically shared with Indigenous
Link (https://careers.indigenous.link/) and Pride at Work Canada (http://prideatwork.ca/). You no
longer need to post to these sources separately.

University Affairs https://www.universityaffairs.ca/advertise/recruitment-advertising/

CAUT https://www.caut.ca/

In addition to the mandatory job posting locations above, and any research field specific job posting
locations, consider posting your positions on the following sites:

ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/

Academic Keys https://www.academickeys.com/

Career Edge https://www.careeredge.ca/

Polytechnic Positions www.PolytechnicPositions.com

Canadian Coalition of Women in Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology http://www.ccwestt.org/

National Society of Black Engineers http://www.nsbe.org/home.aspx

Aboriginal Professional Association of Canada (contact Anna Fleming aflemin@mcmaster.ca)

Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women http://www.criaw-icref.ca/en/

ASEE Minority in Engineering and Women in Engineering Divisions

Women in Engineering ProActive Network https://www.wepan.org/

National GEM Consortium schools

Academica Careers (https://www.academicacareers.com/)

Charity Village (https://charityvillage.com/app/)

Linked In https://www.linkedin.com/

Twitter https://twitter.com

March 28, 2019
Appendix B

Tenure-Track Faculty Position

McMaster University, Department of

The Faculty of Engineering at McMaster University invites applications from outstanding scholars for a
tenure-track position at the rank of ________________ in the Department/School of __________. The
appointment will begin on July 1, ____, or shortly thereafter.

McMaster University is committed to building an inclusive community dedicated to teaching and learning
within a diverse environment. The Faculty of Engineering seeks to attract an active, culturally and
academically diverse faculty member of the highest caliber and welcomes applications from highly
qualified candidates with skills and abilities that will contribute to the values of equity, diversity and
inclusion in research, teaching, and the workplace.
[Insert paragraph on department or School here]

Applicants will hold a doctorate in ______, or a related discipline, and must demonstrate a successful
record of research, reflected in extramural grant acquisition and publication in high quality peer-reviewed
journals. The successful candidate will teach both undergraduate and graduate level courses. They will
also be expected to establish a strong externally-funded research program, supervise graduate students,
and foster existing or new collaborations with other departments and faculties. Evidence of leadership
skills, excellence in service, and a demonstrated ability to work effectively with individuals from diverse
communities and cultures is also required.

McMaster's large, attractive campus, the interior of which is open only to pedestrians and cyclists, is at
the western end of Lake Ontario. The University is minutes from downtown Hamilton, a city rich in history
and culture with a vibrant arts community. Nearby recreational and conservation attractions include
Cootes Paradise, the Bruce Trail, the Niagara Escarpment, the Waterfront Trail, and the Royal Botanical
Gardens. Surrounded by spectacular nature and unique neighbourhoods, Hamilton is ideally located
halfway between Toronto and Niagara Falls.

The Faculty of Engineering at McMaster University has a reputation for innovative programs, cutting-edge
research, leading faculty, and aspiring students. It has earned a strong reputation as a centre for academic
excellence and innovation. The Faculty has over 180 faculty members, along with approximately 5,000
undergraduate and 1,000 graduate students. The Faculty of Engineering promotes a nurturing and
inclusive environment where supportive resources are made accessible to assist with on-boarding and
opportunities are made available for continuous personal and professional growth.

Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, a research dossier that includes
a statement of research interests and plans, a selection of research publications, a teaching dossier that
includes a teaching philosophy, as well as evidence of teaching experience and effectiveness, along with
the names of at least four references that speak to academic and research performance (with postal and
email addresses). In both your research and teaching statements, please also describe how you will
further equity and inclusion to advance McMaster University’s commitment to fostering a culture that
embraces and promotes the rich diversity of our campus community. Some current examples of activities,
include diversity-related programming, contributions to student success, committee work, and
Appendix B

appropriate mentoring of individuals,            especially   those    from     groups    that   have    been
historically marginalized or disadvantaged.

Complete applications must be made online at www.workingatmcmaster.ca/careers (Faculty Postings,
Job #) to the attention of:

Dr. Professor & Chair
Department of
McMaster University,
Hamilton, ON Canada L8S 4L7

Complete applications that are received by _________ will receive full consideration. Review of
applications will continue until the position is filled. The effective date of appointment is negotiable, but
July 1, ____ is preferred. All applicants will receive an on-line confirmation of receipt of their application;
however, only short-listed applicants will be contacted for interviews.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian and Permanent Residents will be
given priority. Job applicants requiring accommodations to participate in the hiring process should
contact the Human Resources Service Centre at 905-525-9140 ext. 222-HR (22247) to communicate
accommodation needs.

To comply with the Government of Canada’s reporting requirements, the University is obliged to gather
information about applicants’ status as either Permanent Residents of Canada or Canadian citizens.
Applicants need not identify their country of origin or current citizenship; however, all applications must
include one of the following statements:

Yes, I am a citizen or permanent resident of Canada
No, I am not a citizen or permanent resident of Canada

In keeping with its Statement on Building an Inclusive Community with a Shared Purpose, McMaster
University strives to embody the values of respect, collaboration and diversity, and has a strong
commitment to employment equity. The diversity of our workforce is at the core of our innovation and
creativity and strengthens our research and teaching excellence. The University seeks qualified
candidates who share our commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion. While all qualified candidates
are invited to apply, we particularly welcome applications from women, persons with disabilities, First
Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples, members of visible minorities, and LGBQT+ persons.
Position                                                                                                                   Appendix C

                   Category of Qualification                                                             Criteria                                                                             RANKING

    Rate demonstration of selection criteria/qualifications:

                     0 - not demonstrated
                                                                                                                                                              Give a score to all candidates without weighting first and rank according to
     1 = minimally or inconsistently demonstrated (poor)
                                                                                                                                                              this rating. Then return and multiply each score by weight indicated under
              2 = adequately demonstrated (fair)
                                                                                                                                                             each criterion, and enter new weighted score in grey cell. Make comments on
                 3 = well demonstrated (good)
                                                                                                                                                                  whether your ranking changes as a consequence of this new score.
            4 = very well demonstrated (excellent)

#                     Candidate                          Weight      ___ %   ___ %   ___ %   ___ %   ___ %        ___ %      ___ %   ___ %   ___ %   ___ %    SCORE                            Comments                            RANK


                                                                                                                 Page: ___
Appendix D

                                                                Innovation from Excellence Faculty Candidate Screening Tool

      Date: _____________________________________                        Department: _______________________________

      Rank: _____________________________________                        Category: __________________________________

      Following a pre-screening process, but prior to an in-person interview, please provide the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering with a list of the top 3-5 candidates being considered for the faculty
      position listed above and include a copy their curriculum vitae. You are encouraged to ensure that gender diversity is represented in the list below. For each candidate, please indicate which of
      the six key criteria outlined in Innovation from Excellence they demonstrate/exemplify. Please refer to the Innovation from Excellence document at the following link for more information.

      Once approved by the Dean, Faculty of Engineering, you may proceed with arranging interviews with the selection committee for the following candidates:

Candidates’ Names      Improves diversity        Promotes student          Improves the graduate   Promotes pedagogy,         Fosters a sense of      Enhances the            Complements the           Dean’s
                       within the Department/    retention through         student experience &    teaching, and research     community and           reputation of the       culture of McMaster     approval for
                       Faculty, particularly     teaching and learning     prepares students for                              collegiality            Department/ Faculty     Engineering               further
                       gender diversity                                    future career success                                                                                                     consideration

      _______________________________                  _____________________________
      Dr. Ishwar K. Puri, Dean                         Date
      Faculty of Engineering

      Approved: April 5, 2019
Appendix E
                                                                         Faculty of Engineering
                                                     Department Chair New Hire Recommendation

Appointee Information * attach CV*
Name:                                                                                    Male □ Female □ Other □


E-Mail:                                                           Telephone:
                                                    Year of PhD
Citizenship:                                                                      Job Opening #

Candidate Appointment Information –To be filled by Department Chair/School Director
                                                                  If CLA,
Appointment Type:
Appointment Date:
Student Support:

Additional Comments:

Financial/Salary Details – To be completed by Director of Finance and Administration
Moving Allowance:
(Indicate University Portion
      and Faculty Portion)
CFI-LOF Allocation:

Additional Comments:

Dean’s Approval:                                                     Date:

Dean/Dean’s Designate’ s Offer to Candidate

Dean’s Approval:                                                     Date:

                                                                                                           April 2019
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