Feast of the Ascension of the Lord - Parishes Online

Page created by Eddie Harrison
Feast of the Ascension of the Lord - Parishes Online
May 16th 2021
                                                                                     The Ascension
                                                                                       of the Lord

                        Feast of the Ascension of the Lord
The Feast of the Ascension commemorates Jesus' ascension into heaven 40 days after his resurrection. Thus
Ascension Day falls 40 days after Easter, on the 6th Thursday of Easter. This solemnity may also be celebrated on the
Sunday after the 6th Thursday of Easter, which is the 7th Sunday of Easter, as it is in the Diocese of Rockford and
most dioceses in the United States.

Forty Days after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Acts of the Apostles records Jesus' ascension into heaven. The
ascension is an important Christian feast attesting and celebrating the reality of the God-Man Jesus Christ's returning
to the Father, to return again in the future parousia (second coming). The Ascension is the final component of the
paschal mystery, which consists also of Jesus' Passion, Crucifixion, Death, Burial, Descent Among the Dead, and
Resurrection. Along with the resurrection, the ascension functioned as a proof of Jesus' claim that he was the
Messiah. The Ascension is also the event whereby humanity was taken into heaven. Finally, the ascension was also
the "final blow" so-to-speak against Satan's power, and thus the lion (Jesus) conquering the dragon (Satan) is a
symbol of the ascension. Early Christian art and iconography portrayed the ascension frequently, showing its
importance to the early Church.

The Catholic Catechism summarizes three important theological
aspects (with which most Christian churches agree) of the
Ascension concisely:

•   Christ's Ascension marks the definitive entrance of Jesus'
    humanity into God's heavenly domain, whence he will come
    again (cf. Acts 1:11).
•   Jesus Christ, the head of the Church, precedes us into the
    Father's glorious kingdom so that we, the members of his
    Body, may live in the hope of one day being with him
•   Jesus Christ, having entered the sanctuary of heaven once
    and for all, intercedes constantly for us as the mediator who assures us of the permanent outpouring of the Holy
    Spirit (665-667).
Excerpt from https://stmargaretmary.org/feast-of-the-ascension-of-the-lord/
Feast of the Ascension of the Lord - Parishes Online
The Ascension of the Lord
               MASS INTENTIONS                                                             Seminarian Corner
                                                                                      Message from Seminarian Connor
Sunday, May 16
8:00 am…………..…….……Helen and Lorriaine Descourouez                                     Newman Family,
9:30 am…………..…………………......................Jones Family
11:30 am….…..………………….……….…….†Orlando Osorio                                            Upon returning from the mission trip down to
Monday, May 17                                                                         Murfreesboro, TN, I have been reflecting upon the
12:05 pm………………………………….……………..Maya Jenkins                                              meaning of the words “important” and “significant”.
Tuesday, May 18                                                                        The primary task for the 12 of us while we were down
12:05 pm…………………………………..………….Valerie Johnsen
                                                                                       south was to completely gut a house so that Habitat
Wednesday, May 19
12:05 pm…………………………………………..†Dr. Joseph Yaney                          for Humanity could come in and redo the entire interior: floors,
9:00 pm……………………………………………………Adlyn Blakey                              cabinets, shelves, and painting. We had one on-site supervisor,
Thursday, May 20                                                     Jasen, who works for Habitat for Humanity who gave us direction on
12:05pm……………………....………………….…….Vivian Johnsen                         what he wanted done that day and taught us (with much patience and
Friday, May 21                                                       kindness) how to complete those tasks. During lunch on our first day
12:05 pm……………………………………………………..Mass
                                                                     Jasen shared with us the narrative of how he was led to his current
Saturday, May 22
9:00 am…………………………………....…….…………………Mass                               job with Habitat for Humanity. One part of his story has yet to dim in
4:30 pm………….……………………..……........Andrew Blakey                        my memory. He was describing that prior to working for Habitat for
                                                                     Humanity he had a job that paid more money than what he was
         Please pray for parishioners,                               currently making. His previous job he called important, but his work
   relatives and friends of our community,                           with Habitat he described as significant. It is doing significant work
  and those who are suffering from illness,                          that he said supplies him with the satisfaction that was absent in his
                   especially:                                       life.
                                                                     The distinction between important and significant continued to linger
                                                                     in my head and I have spent time thinking further about the difference
Judith Grimes, Christopher Canaday, Sharon Howard,
                                                                     as it applies to our Christian life. When the term important is used it
Beth LeMarr, Amy Atherton, Emerald Fannin, Judy Willard,
Heidi Linn, Ricky De La Cruz, Joanne Mata, Janis Sober,              refers to a person, a thing, or an action that will likely result in positive
John Shankman, Melanie Elliott, Melissa Reitz, Krysti                and beneficial consequences. For example, the service of gutting a
Farnam, Nicki Angela Shaw, Randi Brantner, Laura Bird,               house so that it can be repaired and refurbished is important work
Aubrieta Hope, Jackson Miller, Diane Strand, Rebecca Glenn           because it will lead to the effect of someone receiving a livable and
Hood, Abel Viland, Jim Gardner, Isabel Morales, Erica
                                                                     affordable house they didn’t think they would ever have. Their home
Harstad, Kelly Batten, Dawn Yeloushan, Robert Lufrano,
Laura Olsen, Roger Stilley, Stephanie Edmond, John                   becomes a place they can take care of themselves, raise a family,
Dawson, Nancy Culver, Moy Pulido Mario Fontana, McKenna              host family and friends, etc. So many great things can follow.
Turner, Mark Nachman, John Schaeffer, Lisa Kaczmarczyk,              That same act of service we all participated in is also significant work.
Annette McKay, Matthew Paul, Marianne Steimel, Gary                  The work signifies something. In other words, the work points toward
Hamilton, Larry Laskowski, Laura Lundstrom, Joe Hoiness              another reality. In this case, taking a share in preparing a house for
   Please pray for those who protect and serve us and our country.   someone signifies God’s generosity with His children, His charity, His
                                                                     providence. Our service made present God’s desire to provide and
            To add or delete a name from the prayer list,
           please call the Newman office at 815-787-7770.            support his children. As Christians, as “little christs” everything we do
                                                                     is to signify Christ. To point towards and make present the love,
                                                                     compassion, and work of God in Jesus.
                       Mass Intention                                Our prayer, work, or sacrifice may not seem important. Maybe we
The Mass is the greatest form of prayer. To have a Mass said
  for a loved one who is sick, deceased, or simply in need of        don’t see a lot of effects from our effort to grow as disciples and living
your prayers, call the Newman office at 815-787-7770 or email        more and more like Jesus. And that’s okay. What we truly strive for is
                                                                     that our thoughts, actions, and our whole lives be significant. That
                                                                     what we do reveals who God is and what His love is like. It is in letting
                                                                     our lives signify God that we will be filled with meaning, joy, and
                                                                     Through the power of God, may our lives always signify Jesus and
                                                                     transform the world.
                                                                     God bless,
Feast of the Ascension of the Lord - Parishes Online
May 16th 2021 The
                                                                          Ascension of the Lord
                                                                                    Mass Schedule
                                                            for the
                                                          Diocesan       Saturday.……………..………...….4:30 pm
                                                                         Sunday.…….………..……..8 am, 9:30 am,
                                                         Appeal are      …….…………...................11:30 am, 8 pm*
                                                                                   Signing for the deaf:
                                                        available on              Available by request
                                                        the check-in                     Weekday
                                                                        Monday-Friday…..…...………..…12:05 pm
                                                         table in the   Wednesday…….…………………..9:00 pm*
                                                                        Saturday………..……….……...….9:00 am
                                                         Thank you
                                                                           Celebration of Sacraments
                                                           for your       Please call the Newman Center for more
                                                                        information on baptismal preparation classes
                                                         generosity!     and baptism dates. Baptisms will be on the
                                                                              1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month.

                                                                        Saturday...……….….…...…..3:30-4:30 pm
                                                                        Wednesday.….............11:00 am-12:00 pm
                                                                        …………………...……….8:30 pm-9:00 pm*
       2021 Diocesan Stewardship Appeal                                 Sunday………………...……..7:30-8:00 pm*
      Goal: .......................................... $35,647.00                 *when NIU is in session
      Total Pledged:. .......................... $13,025.65
      Total Paid: ................................... $8,125.65           Please contact Marcia Feltes at least six
                                                                           months in advance of wedding date at
      Pledge Balance: .......................... $4,900.00                   officemanager@newmanniu.org.
      Number of Families Pledged:..…………...33
                                                                           Inquire about becoming Catholic
                                                                             (RCIA) or Adult Confirmation
                                                                              Please contact Rachel Johnsen

                                                                           Religious Education/Sacramental
                                                                             Please contact Cheryl Lehman,
                                                                            Director of Family Faith Formation

                                                                                  Anointing of the Sick
                                                                                   and/or Sick Calls
                                                                         Please contact the main office if you would
                                                                          like to receive the sacrament of the sick.
                                                                         Also, if you are unable to attend Mass and
                                                                           would like to receive Holy Communion,
                                                                             please contact the Newman Office.

Thank you for your support of the 12 students who travelled to
Murfreesboro, TN for the Newman Mission trip! With the                            Parish Membership
generosity of the Newman Parishioners, we were able to cover the         Please notify us of address or telephone
cost of the trip for every student! They returned safely to DeKalb      number changes or if you will be leaving the
on Saturday, May 8th after a full week of service, prayer, and joy.                       parish.
Feast of the Ascension of the Lord - Parishes Online
Cook for Fr Manno, Fr Gonnella, and Connor!
      Pastoral Contacts
                                                 Go to our website where it says “Meals for our
Director and Administrator
                                                 Priests!” and click on the Sign Up Genius icon to
Fr. Kyle Manno…...…..FrManno@newmanniu.org
                                                 sign up. If you have difficulty, please contact the
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Robert Gonnella……………..                       Parish Office at 815-787-7770 for assistance.
         …...…….…FrGonnella@newmanniu.org        Please bring the meals to the Parish
Jim Dombek…………………...jjd10634@aol.com             Office before 5 pm.
                                                 Thank you in advance to all the good
Campus Minister
Denise Sanders……...                              and generous cooks in our Newman family!
                                                 Thank you from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul!
Student Ministry Team Co-Chairs
                                                 St. Vincent de Paul thanks everyone who provided
Katie Sosnowski and Michelle Norberciak……...
      ………..…studentministry@newmanniu.org        generous monetary donations to SVdP to allow us to

Newman FOCUS Mission Team
                                                 help our neighbors in need. We are so humbled by all
Jared Burbach….….…..jared.burbach@focus.org      the donations received for the Lenten Campaign at

Director of Family Faith Formation
                                                 Newman. With your generous help, we raised
Cheryl Lehman.....faithformation@newmanniu.org   $10,660, vastly surpassing our goal! All funds will go

Director of Youth Ministry                       to support neighbors in DeKalb who
Claire Hahn………youthminster@newmanniu.org         are struggling to stay in their homes.

RCIA Coordinator                                 Thank you for your continued support
Rachel Johnsen…………….rcia@newmanniu.org           in “Helping Us Help Others” in the

Business Manager                                 name of Jesus Christ.
Birdie Welsh……..….…..bwelsh@newmanniu.org
                                                       Diocesan Stewardship Appeal Current
Parish Office Manager
                                                                       Status for 2020
Marcia Feltes…...officemanager@newmanniu.org
                                                    Goal: .......................................... $33,709.00
Parish/Newman Office
512 Normal Road • DeKalb, Illinois 60115            Total Pledged: .......................... $34,370.00
Office Hours……..…..Mon-Fri 8:30 AM—5:00 PM          Total Paid: ................................. $34,214.58
Fax………………..…………………..815-758-2053                    Pledge Balance: ............................. $155.42
Email………..…….......secretary@newmanniu.org          Refund Anticipated: ........................ $661.00

Rita Brown Book & Gift Shop
Hours..………….….Mon-Fri 8:30 AM—5:00 PM                OUR WEEKLY OFFERING 5/9/2021
St. Vincent dePaul                               Collections needed to meet budget.…....$7,143.00
                                                 Actual Collections…………....………..$2,392.38
www.svdpdekalb.org                               Online giving 5/3-5/9/21….........………$2,211.00
Phone 815-200-4730
Helpline: 815-761-0430
                                                 National Appeal…………...……………$8243.00
                                                 International Appeal….....….…......……$7,085.00
Feast of the Ascension of the Lord - Parishes Online
Cook for Fr Manno, Fr Gonnella, and Connor!
      Pastoral Contacts
                                                 Go to our website where it says “Meals for our
Director and Administrator
                                                 Priests!” and click on the Sign Up Genius icon to
Fr. Kyle Manno…...…..FrManno@newmanniu.org
                                                 sign up. If you have difficulty, please contact the
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Robert Gonnella……………..                       Parish Office at 815-787-7770 for assistance.
         …...…….…FrGonnella@newmanniu.org        Please bring the meals to the Parish
Jim Dombek…………………...jjd10634@aol.com             Office before 5 pm.
                                                 Thank you in advance to all the good
Campus Minister
Denise Sanders……...                              and generous cooks in our Newman family!
                                                 Thank you from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul!
Student Ministry Team Co-Chairs
                                                 St. Vincent de Paul thanks everyone who provided
Katie Sosnowski and Michelle Norberciak……...
      ………..…studentministry@newmanniu.org        generous monetary donations to SVdP to allow us to

Newman FOCUS Mission Team
                                                 help our neighbors in need. We are so humbled by all
Jared Burbach….….…..jared.burbach@focus.org      the donations received for the Lenten Campaign at

Director of Family Faith Formation
                                                 Newman. With your generous help, we raised
Cheryl Lehman.....faithformation@newmanniu.org   $10,660, vastly surpassing our goal! All funds will go

Director of Youth Ministry                       to support neighbors in DeKalb who
Claire Hahn………youthminster@newmanniu.org         are struggling to stay in their homes.

RCIA Coordinator                                 Thank you for your continued support
Rachel Johnsen…………….rcia@newmanniu.org           in “Helping Us Help Others” in the

Business Manager                                 name of Jesus Christ.
Birdie Welsh……..….…..bwelsh@newmanniu.org
                                                       Diocesan Stewardship Appeal Current
Parish Office Manager
                                                                       Status for 2020
Marcia Feltes…...officemanager@newmanniu.org
                                                    Goal: .......................................... $33,709.00
Parish/Newman Office
512 Normal Road • DeKalb, Illinois 60115            Total Pledged: .......................... $34,370.00
Office Hours……..…..Mon-Fri 8:30 AM—5:00 PM          Total Paid: ................................. $34,214.58
Fax………………..…………………..815-758-2053                    Pledge Balance: ............................. $155.42
Email………..…….......secretary@newmanniu.org          Refund Anticipated: ........................ $661.00

Rita Brown Book & Gift Shop
Hours..………….….Mon-Fri 8:30 AM—5:00 PM                OUR WEEKLY OFFERING 5/9/2021
St. Vincent dePaul                               Collections needed to meet budget.…....$7,143.00
                                                 Actual Collections…………....………..$2,392.38
www.svdpdekalb.org                               Online giving 5/3-5/9/21….........………$2,211.00
Phone 815-200-4730
Helpline: 815-761-0430
                                                 National Appeal…………...……………$8243.00
                                                 International Appeal….....….…......……$7,085.00
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