February 28, 2021 Second Sunday in Lent - Wilshire Baptist Church

Page created by Leslie Wong
February 28, 2021 Second Sunday in Lent - Wilshire Baptist Church
February 28, 2021
Second Sunday in Lent
February 28, 2021 Second Sunday in Lent - Wilshire Baptist Church
Preparing for worship
   As of today, it feels like we have been in Lent        tire of the monotony of our daily routine, Bells
 for 368 days. Lent last year began on February 26,       never does. Every day when we go for a walk,
 2020, and then lockdown for COVID began about            you would think it was the first time she had
 seventeen days later. I saw a tweet just before          ever gone on a walk and experienced the world
 Easter last year that said, “This is the lentiest        outside. Lately on our walks I’ve been watching
 Lent that ever lent-ed.” Now, it’s become the            Bells and trying to find the same wonder, joy and
“lentiest” and longest “Lent that ever lent-ed.”          newness that she finds in each step.
A lot has been given up, lost, and even taken in             I have to admit that at this point, it’s hard for
 the last 368 days. It has been an incredibly long        me to find wonder, joy or newness in worship.
 year of Lent and I am completely exhausted.              I am so weary of recording different worship
There’s really nothing more I care to give up.            elements to an empty sanctuary. I am weary of
At this point, I think we’re all doing good just to       not being able to gather with any of you. I am
 wake up and find a way to get through yet anoth-         weary of watching worship on my television. But
 er day of this.                                          then, I look at Bells next to me on the couch and
   I have found it incredibly difficult as the days       am reminded that Sundays are a reprieve from
 have gone by in this last year to wake up with a         Lent. I am reminded to find the wonder, joy and
 sense of wonder or joy. I rarely wake up with any        newness.
 type of excitement for what newness that day                This morning as you prepare for worship,
 might bring.                                             may you remember that on Sundays we get a
   Most mornings, I wake up to my dog Bells’ face         break from Lent. Lean into that break and take
 directly in my own. Every single day, Bells wakes        a breath. Look for the wonder. Look for the joy.
 up with wonder, joy, and all of the excitement           Look for the newness.
 for the newness that day might bring. While I                                                     —Leigh Curl

          4316 Abrams Road ■ Dallas, Texas 75214 ■ 214-452-3100 ■ wilshirebc.org
                    Partnered with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
              Building a Community of Faith Shaped by the Spirit of Jesus Christ

On the cover: The Rebuking of Saint Peter, Flemish school, circa 1600.
February 28, 2021 Second Sunday in Lent - Wilshire Baptist Church
February 28, 2021
                                        Second Sunday in Lent

Chiming of the Hour

Prelude                           Gabriel’s Oboe (from The Mission)                   Ennio Morricone
                                           Carillon Ringers                     arr. Kevin McChesney
                                      Ralph Manuel, director
                                    Recorded February 16, 2020

Opening Sentences		                                                                     Judith Guthrie

Take heart, beloved seekers, you do not have to be perfect to praise the one who makes us whole.
In this worship space, all parts of you are welcome — your woundedness, your weariness, your
tenderness, your joy, your pain and your doubt will be embraced by 10,000 charms. May all who seek
goodness, mercy, healing, justice and grace praise the Lord.

Hymn 471                       Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy                  restoration
               Candy McComb, vocal; Darren DeMent, mandolin; Jeff Brummel, piano

Greeting to Worshipers		                                                               Darren DeMent

Psalm Reading — Psalm 22:23–27		                                                         Bryan Rollins

You who fear the Lord, praise him! All you offspring of Jacob, glorify him; stand in awe of him,
all you offspring of Israel! For he did not despise or abhor the affliction of the afflicted; he did
not hide his face from me, but heard when I cried to him. From you comes my praise in the great
congregation; my vows I will pay before those who fear him. The poor shall eat and be satisfied;
those who seek him shall praise the Lord. May your hearts live forever! All the ends of the earth
shall remember and turn to the Lord; and all the families of the nations shall worship before him.

February 28, 2021 Second Sunday in Lent - Wilshire Baptist Church
¡Alaben al Señor los que le temen! ¡Hónrenlo, descendientes de Jacob! ¡Venérenlo, descendientes
de Israel! Porque él no desprecia ni tiene en poco el sufrimiento del pobre; no esconde de él su
rostro, sino que lo escucha cuando a él clama. Tú inspiras mi alabanza en la gran asamblea; ante los
que te temen cumpliré mis promesas. Comerán los pobres y se saciarán; alabarán al Señor quienes
lo buscan; ¡que su corazón viva para siempre! Se acordarán del Señor y se volverán a él todos los
confines de la tierra; ante él se postrarán todas las familias de las naciones.

Dying to Live Reflections                                Aaron Coyle-Carr, Juliana Moore, Katie Murray

Solo                                           Just As I Am                            arr. Craig Courtney
                                              Laurie Diffee

                                     Just as I am, without one plea
                                  But that Thy blood was shed for me,
                                And that Thou bidd’st me come to Thee,
                                   O Lamb of God, I come! I come!

                                    Just as I am, and waiting not
                                   To rid my soul of one dark blot,
                              To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot,
                                   O Lamb of God, I come! I come!

                                   Just as I am, though tossed about
                                  With many’a conflict, many’a doubt,
                                  Fightings and fears within, without,
                                    O Lamb of God, I come! I come!

                                    Just as I am, though wilt receive,
                                 Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
                                     Because Thy promise I believe,
                                    O Lamb of God, I come! I come!
                                                 I come!

Prayers of the People		                                                                Leanna Coyle-Carr

Gospel Reading — Mark 8:31–38		                                                            Donna Manuel

Then he began to teach them that the Son of Man must undergo great suffering, and be rejected by
the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again. He said all
this quite openly. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. But turning and looking at his
disciples, he rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan! For you are setting your mind not on
divine things but on human things.” He called the crowd with his disciples, and said to them, “If any
want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For
those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake, and for the
sake of the gospel, will save it. For what will it profit them to gain the whole world and forfeit their

February 28, 2021 Second Sunday in Lent - Wilshire Baptist Church
life? Indeed, what can they give in return for their life? Those who are ashamed of me and of my
words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of them the Son of Man will also be ashamed when
he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”

                                     This is the Word of the Lord.
                                          Thanks be to God.

Luego comenzó a enseñarles:—El Hijo del hombre tiene que sufrir muchas cosas y ser rechazado por
los ancianos, por los jefes de los sacerdotes y por los maestros de la ley. Es necesario que lo maten
y que a los tres días resucite. Habló de esto con toda claridad. Pedro lo llevó aparte y comenzó a
reprenderlo. Pero Jesús se dio la vuelta, miró a sus discípulos, y reprendió a Pedro.—¡Aléjate de mí,
Satanás!—le dijo—. Tú no piensas en las cosas de Dios, sino en las de los hombres. Entonces llamó a
la multitud y a sus discípulos. “Si alguien quiere ser mi discípulo” les dijo “que se niegue a sí mismo,
lleve su cruz y me siga. Porque el que quiera salvar su vida la perderá; pero el que pierda su vida por
mi causa y por el evangelio la salvará. ¿De qué sirve ganar el mundo entero si se pierde la vida? ¿O
qué se puede dar a cambio de la vida? Si alguien se avergüenza de mí y de mis palabras en medio de
esta generación adúltera y pecadora, también el Hijo del hombre se avergonzará de él cuando venga
en la gloria de su Padre con los santos ángeles.”

                                     Esta es la palabra del Señor.
                                           Gracias a Dios.

Message                                 “The Unpopular Must”                            George Mason

Affirmation of Faith                 What Wondrous Love Is This                        wondrous love

Sharing of Decisions		                                                                  George Mason

Recognition of David Nabors		                                                           George Mason

Benediction		                                                                           George Mason

Postlude                                      Deep River                               arr. Gerald Near

February 28, 2021 Second Sunday in Lent - Wilshire Baptist Church
Meet today’s worship leaders
Aaron Coyle-Carr was a pastoral resident at Wilshire         Candy McComb joined Wilshire in 2017 with her
from 2017 to 2019, and his wife, Leanna, is a current        husband, Vic Henry. They direct and teach the Od-
pastoral resident. They are the parents of Henlee, who       yssey Class and have two adult sons. As Wilshire’s
is almost 2. Aaron serves on the Missions Committee.         Children’s Choir coordinator, Candy directs the
                                                             Young Musicians choir and leads music for Sunday
Laurie Diffee joined Wilshire in 1981 and is married
                                                             Night Live. She also sings in Sanctuary Choir.
to Mike. She sings in Sanctuary Choir and Nova, plays
in Carillon Ringers and serves on the Library Com-           Juliana Moore joined Wilshire in 1992 and is married
mittee. She works in IT Services at Guidestone.              to Alex Rivera. She is a deacon, attends Perennial
                                                             Class and serves on the Building and Grounds Com-
Judith Guthrie has grown up at Wilshire and is the
                                                             mittee. Juliana sings in Sanctuary Choir and plays in
daughter of Emily Guthrie. She is in sixth grade and
                                                             Carillon Ringers and Wilshire Winds. She works as a
is active in the children’s ministry, Young Musicians
                                                             Federal Sentencing Services consultant.
and Globetrekkers. Judith attends a Dallas Montes-
sori school and loves to dance.                              Katie Murray is married to Steven and they have been
                                                             Wilshire members since 2013. Their kids are Drew, age
Donna Manuel and her husband, Ralph, joined
                                                             4, Annie, age 2 and James, born in November. Katie is
Wilshire in 2018. She teaches in Cord of Three Class,
                                                             a member of Perennial Class and previously served on
sings in Sanctuary Choir and serves on the bereave-
                                                             Wilshire’s staff as Christian Advocacy Specialist.
ment ministry team.
                                                             Bryan Rollins joined Wilshire in 2017. He attends
                                                             Foundations of Faith Class and has served as an usher
                                                             and as a volunteer serving lunch at The Bridge. He is
                                                             retired from a career in resource management.

Staff contacts
George A. Mason                          Jessica Capps                               Ashley Robinson
Senior Pastor                            Minister to Senior Adults                   Pastoral Resident
gmason@wilshirebc.org                    jcapps@wilshirebc.org                       arobinson@wilshirebc.org
214-452-3132                             214-452-3129                                214-452-3153
Heather Mustain                          Julie Girards                               Jenna Sullivan
Associate Pastor                         Minister to Children                        Pastoral Resident
hmustain@wilshirebc.org                  jgirards@wilshirebc.org                     jsullivan@wilshirebc.org
214-452-3110                             214-452-3104                                214-452-3155
Darren DeMent                            Joan Hammons                                David Nabors
Associate Pastor                         Minister to Preschoolers                    Director of Business
ddement@wilshirebc.org                   jhammons@wilshirebc.org                     Administration
214-452-3102                             214-452-3141                                dnabors@wilshirebc.org
Doug Haney                               Leanna Coyle-Carr
Associate Pastor                         Pastoral Resident                           Dale Pride
dhaney@wilshirebc.org                    lcoylecarr@wilshirebc.org                   Facilities Manager
214-452-3123                             214-452-3154                                dpride@wilshirebc.org
Jeff Brummel                             Leigh Curl
Associate Minister of Music/Organist     Pastoral Resident                           Preston Bright
jbrummel@wilshirebc.org                  lcurl@wilshirebc.org                        Associate Pastor Emeritus
214-452-3122                             214-452-3152

February 28, 2021 Second Sunday in Lent - Wilshire Baptist Church
Tapestry                                                                            News & Announcements
                                                                                    February 28, 2021

Good Nabors
Retiring business administrator to be honored Sunday
D     irector of Business
      Administration David
Nabors will be honored
                                                          previously CFO and treasurer of the Baptist
                                                          General Convention of Texas and spent 21 years
                                                          with Bank of America.
during worship on Sunday,                                   “I really have loved working at Wilshire,” Da-
Feb. 28, on the occasion of                               vid says. “It’s got such a wonderful atmosphere.
his retirement. His departure                             I’ve had lots of jobs, but these last two, Wilshire
from Wilshire’s staff was                                 and First Private Bank, have had such a family
announced last fall and takes                             feel to the staff.”
effect at the end of February.                               David cites several highlights or accomplish-
  Senior Pastor George Mason says, “David has             ments of his tenure at the church, including the
blessed our church and staff with more than               improvement of accounting systems, bringing
just his competence as a business administrator,          information technology services in-house and
although that itself is no small thing for us to          increasing giving options for church members.
feel confident of the good stewardship of our            “I had not been in charge of food service before
resources and management of facilities. He has
graced our choir with his beautiful bass voice
and brought an equally harmonious spirit to
every interaction with our members. He is a true
Christian gentleman who has made us better by
his presence and work. We wish him much joy
in retirement and send to him and Joan our full
blessing in this next stage of life.”
  David came to Wilshire in 2014 from First
Private Bank of Texas, where he served as senior
vice president and chief financial officer. He was       David is a frequent vocal soloist and sings in Sanctuary Choir.

                                Keep up with all the Wilshire news at wilshirebc.org or on social media or
                                via the Wilshire app. At present we are worshiping online only. Worship
                                premieres Sundays at 8:30 a.m. on Wilshire’s YouTube channel and website.
February 28, 2021 Second Sunday in Lent - Wilshire Baptist Church
David and his wife, Joan, plan to   David and Joan look forward to spending time with family. Shown at left is their son Adam
remain at Wilshire as members.      and his family, including wife Courtney, son Aiden and daughter Ryann. At right is David
                                    and Joan’s son Brent with his wife, Jamie.

I came to Wilshire,” David says, “so I’ve learned
a lot about that. I’m proud to have hired [Food
Services Director] Elizabeth Ferguson.”
   Before taking the Wilshire job, David and                    “David is a true
his wife, Joan, were longtime members of Cliff                   Christian gentleman
                                                                 who has made
Temple Baptist Church, where he was chair of
deacons twice and chair of the finance commit-
tee multiple times.
   Music has been a lifelong passion for David,                  us better by his
who is a frequent vocal soloist in worship as well
as a Sanctuary Choir member. In fact, it was a
                                                                 presence and work.”
partial French horn scholarship at North Texas                                 —Senior Pastor George Mason
State University (now the University of North
Texas) that first brought David to Texas from
his native Alabama. He changed his major to
vocal performance before ultimately settling on
                                                                  David says: “I am very comfortable leaving
an accounting degree.
                                                                Wilshire in the capable hands of Lori Gooden
   David and Joan plan to remain members at
                                                                and Randy Crosland. Lori has provided excellent
Wilshire, where they attend Cord of Three Class.
                                                                and accurate support of all financial functions
They look forward to traveling and spending
                                                                at the church over the last five years. She will
time with their family, including their two
                                                                provide a seamless transition, brings a superb
adult sons, Adam and Brent—both of whom are
                                                                work ethic and maintains the financial knowhow
married and live in the Metroplex—and two
                                                                required in this position. Randy has a wealth
                                                                of experience in the operations of church and
   As was announced in January, Lori Gooden
                                                                nonprofit entities. The church is gaining a solid
has been promoted to Director of Finance and
                                                                manager in this area and I’m sure he will bring
Randy Crosland has been hired as Operations
                                                                many improvements to the facility.”
Manager. They started in their roles Feb. 1.
February 28, 2021 Second Sunday in Lent - Wilshire Baptist Church
Lent 2021 ✜ Wilshire Baptist Church

Do you wonder what is waiting for you beyond the wanting? These days, it can feel like our
moments of frustration, hurt, loss, desire, disappointment and anxiety have piled up before us
to form a mountain of collected grief. Perhaps you also feel a heightened sense of longing to
get back to a life you once knew or a life you have envisioned for yourself. In this space, you are
free to name your grief and your longing. During this season of Lent, we will explore the
wondrous love that sustains us, shelters us, calls us and empowers us as we are dying to live.

WEDNESDAYS: LIVING LENT                              HOLY WEEK
Join our pastoral residents at 6 p.m. as they        Palm Sunday, March 28
lead us in practices to help guide our living        ✜ 8 and 11 a.m. in-person services in
with memory-keeping, music, storytelling               north parking lot.
and movement. Sessions will be held on Face-         ✜ Seated (church provides chairs) or drive-in.
book Live or Zoom. For the Zoom link, email          ✜ Advance sign-up required.
the resident leading that week's session.            ✜ Prerecorded online service premieres
✜ Feb. 24: Journaling. Leanna Coyle-Carr               at 8:30 a.m. on YouTube.
 (lcoylecarr@wilshirebc.org), Zoom                   Maundy Thursday, April 1
✜ Mar. 3: Music. Leigh Curl, Facebook Live           ✜ Prerecorded online service premieres
✜ Mar. 10: Storytelling. Ashley Robinson               at 7 p.m. on YouTube.
 (arobinson@wilshirebc.org), Zoom
✜ Mar. 17: Yoga. Jenna Sullivan, Facebook Live       Easter Sunday, April 4
✜ Mar. 24: Journaling. Leanna Coyle-Carr             ✜ 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. in-person services in
 (lcoylecarr@wilshirebc.org), Zoom                     north parking lot. (No sunrise service.)
                                                     ✜ Seated (church provides chairs) or drive-in.
                                                     ✜ Advance sign-up required.
                                                     ✜ The flowering cross will be offered. Stop by
Pastoral Resident Leigh Curl has curated an
eclectic Lenten playlist on the digital music          anytime to place flowers; a limited supply
service Spotify. Click below or search Spotify         of fresh-cut flowers will be provided.
                                                     ✜ Prerecorded online service premieres
for “Dying to Live - Lent 2021 at Wilshire.”
The basic version of Spotify is free to use.           at 8:30 a.m. on YouTube.
                                                     ✜ Sunday School classes will not meet.

   Listen now on Spotify                            wilshirebc.org/lent

February 28, 2021 Second Sunday in Lent - Wilshire Baptist Church
New members
■ Courtney Carter
■ Tracy Berry

Mental Health Network to meet
All mental health providers are invited to
the second quarterly meeting of the Wilshire
Mental Health Network. We hope this ini-
tiative will help us as Wilshire members and
mental health providers to better get to know
one another as well as discuss how we can sup-
port our community. The meeting will be held
via Zoom on Sunday, Feb. 28, at 12:30 p.m. For
questions or to get the Zoom link, email Rachel
Murphy, LCSW, LCDC, at rachel.j.rossiter@

ECLC seeks director candidates
                           Wilshire is actively
                           seeking candidates
                           for the position of
                           Early Childhood
                           Learning Center
                                                          Sunday, March 7
                           director. The search                5 p.m.
                           is being conducted by
                           the Weekday Educa-             North Parking Lot
tion Committee along with Associate Pastor
Darren DeMent and Minister to Preschoolers
Joan Hammons. The ideal candidate will meet
the criteria for serving as a center director           Wear your mask and join us on March 7
according to the State of Texas Minimum                 as Sunday evening in-person worship
Standards for Childcare Centers, have five or           returns. Like previous Church in the
more years of experience as a center director           Lot services, worshipers will have two
and be supportive of Wilshire’s mission and             options: bring your own chair or stay in
ministries. Resumes should be emailed to Joan           your vehicle and listen via a special FM
Hammons at jhammons@wilshirebc.org no                   radio frequency. Attendees must sign up
later than March 12, 2021. The full job descrip-        in advance and check in upon arrival. Full
tion can be found here. ECLC has not been               details are available at the sign-up link.
operating due to the pandemic but hopes to
re-open in the fall.
                                                          Sign up for March 7 
                                                        Future Church in the Lot dates: May 2, June 6

                                                                    Salmon Croquettes w/ Red Bell
                                                                  Pepper Remoulade; Wild Rice Pilaf;
Wednesday Advocacy Updates                                       Green Veggie Medley; Fresh Bread, $12
All are invited to join the Christian Advocacy
Committee and guests from our advocacy part-                     Chef Salad w/ Mixed Greens, Chicken,
                                                                Ham, Roast Beef, Bacon, Cheese and Egg;
ners in a series of Zoom talks Wednesdays at                       Macaroni Salad; Fresh Bread, $12
noon through March 17. Each meeting will focus
on one of our key priority issues and will in-                   Chicken, Ham & Bacon Club w/ Cheddar,
clude background information, session updates                           Swiss, Lettuce & Tomato;
                                                                    Macaroni Salad; Potato Chips, $10
and ways to engage during the Texas legislative
session. These 30- to 45-minute briefings are                   Berry Bread Pudding w/Vanilla Sauce, $2.50
meant for all who are interested in advocacy,                 Full Circle Bakery Texas Cow Chip Cookies (2), $1.25
from beginners to experts. Email Abbey Adcox
(aadcox@wilshirebc.org) for the Zoom link.
■ March 3: Hunger with North Texas Food Bank
                                                        Koinonia offers Full Circle
                                                        Bakery cookies on March 3
■ March 10: Payday Lending with United
Way of Greater Dallas and the Anti-Poverty
Coalition of Dallas                                     Full Circle Bakery’s legendary cookies will be
■ March 17: Healthcare and Medicaid                     offered by Koinonia Café To Go on Wednesday,
Expansion, guest TBA                                    March 3. Full Circle is generously donating the
                                                        cookies as a way to support Wilshire’s kitchen
Sign up for advocacy emails                             staff. Operated by the mom and son duo of
If you’re passionate about a particular advocacy        Wilshire members Judy and Collin Yarbrough,
area and would like to stay informed during the         Full Circle is a home-baked bakery that uses
Texas legislative session and beyond, you can           locally-sourced ingredients and gives 100% of
opt to get email updates from Wilshire. Minis-          its proceeds to nonprofit organizations. Learn
try Assistant Abbey Adcox maintains email lists         more at fullcircletexas.com.
by issue and sends periodic updates and action
items. Email aadcox@wilshirebc.org to be added
to the lists you’re interested in, including:               Order now for March 3 
Anti-Racism                 Human Trafficking           Takeout meals from Wilshire’s kitchen are offered for
Criminal Justice            Hunger                      pickup each Wednesday. Proceeds help defray the cost
Climate Change              Immigration/Refugees        of paying our kitchen workers during the pandemic.
Domestic Violence           Payday Lending              Ordering for March 3 is open now on the church website.
Foster Care                 Public Education            Order, pay and choose lunch or dinner pickup by end of
Homelessness                Religious Freedom           day Tuesday, March 2. Full instructions at ordering link.
FAITH in 3D presents a readers theatre production of

TheAnthony Clarvoe

                                                                                                                            Book clubs
                                                                                                                            ■ The WOW! Brown Bag Book Club meets
                                                                                                                            on Zoom one Thursday a month at noon. On
                                                                                                                            March 4, the group will discuss Fannie Flagg’s
                                                                                                                            The Wonder Boy of Whistle Stop. Contact Abbey
                                                                                                                            Adcox at aadcox@wilshirebc.org or Carolyn
                                                                                                                            Murray at cmurray@wilshirebc.org to sign up.
                                                            Originally produced by the Denver Center Theatre Company        ■ The WOW! Tuesday Evening Book Club
                                                                                                                            meets on Zoom monthly at 7 p.m. On March 9,
                                                                                                                            the group will discuss His Truth is Marching On:
                                                                                                                            John Lewis and the Power of Hope by Jon Mea-
                                                                                                                            cham. To sign up, contact Debby Burton at
                                                                                                                            ■ Wilshire’s Anti-Racism Book Club will
                                                                                                                            discuss Valerie Kaur’s See No Stranger: A Memoir
                                                                                                                            and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love on Thurs-

Faith in 3D
                                                                                                                            day, March 25, at 7 p.m. Register to receive the
                                                                                                                            Zoom link at wilshirebc.org/registration.

streams again
March 12 & 13                                                                                                                                   JOIN US
 Wilshire’s recent production of scenes
 from The Living will be streamed again
 on Friday, March 12, and Saturday, March                                                                                          WOW!
 13. The show, which includes a reflection
 from George Mason and a song from Dar-                                                                                       Virtual Gathering
 ren DeMent, Molly Shepard and Aman-
                                                                                                                                  Saturday, March 6 at 10am
 da Mintz, will premiere on Wilshire’s
 YouTube channel at 7:30 p.m. both nights.                                                                                    FELLOWSHIP, FUN & A FRITTATA DEMONSTRATION

 Like before, it can only be viewed during
 the premiere due to our agreement with                                                                                               ZOOM LINK WILL BE SENT TO ALL FRIDAY 5TH

 the play’s publisher.

Five advocacy actions to
support public education
The Christian Advocacy Committee welcomed                  districts. Contact the TEA and encourage them
Cameron Vickrey of Pastors for Texas Children              to process December funds. Keep an eye on up-
to an open Zoom session on Wednesday, Feb.                 coming additional CARES funding and advocate
24, to share legislative priorities for the current        for it to be processed through the state budget
Texas legislative session. The following are rec-          where local entities can have more control.
ommended actions we can all take in support of             ■ Advocacy Action Point 3: Watch for pos-
public education.                                          sible legislation that would move the approval
                                                           process for charter school expansion from the
■ Advocacy Action Point 1: State funding of
                                                           TEA commissioner to the State Board of Educa-
public schools is tied to each district’s average
                                                           tion, providing a more democratic process.
daily attendance and enrollment. Despite signifi-
                                                           ■ Advocacy Action Point 4: Accountability.
cant efforts by districts, both have suffered due
                                                           Watch for discussion of how 2021 STAAR testing
to COVID-19. A Texas Education Agency policy
                                                           results will be used and if the data will be used
called Hold Harmless allows funding to be
                                                           to penalize districts.
based on pre-pandemic averages. Contact TEA
                                                           ■ Advocacy Action Point 5: Watch for “school
Commissioner Mike Morath (teafeedback@tea.
                                                           choice” bills and remember that language can be
texas.gov) and Texas Governor Greg Abbott
                                                           deceiving. School choice within a district (mag-
(gov.texas.gov/contact) and encourage them to
                                                           net schools, schools of innovation) is different
extend the Hold Harmless agreement.
                                                           from school choice within the state (charter
■ Advocacy Action Point 2: CARES Act fund-
                                                           school expansion, vouchers for private school).
ing from December has not yet been allocated to

                                                                          Thanks for your
                                                                           Last weekend, Wilshire volunteers
                                                                           were able to collect and deliver 10
                                                                           full SUVs’ worth of bottled water,
                                                                           blankets, coats, diapers and other
                                                                           supplies for our neighbors in the
                                                                           Vickery Meadow neighborhood
                                                                           who were affected by the winter
                                                                           storms. This was made possible by
                                                                           your amazing generosity during a
                                                                           time that was trying for everyone.
                                                                           Thank you!

Don’t Miss It — March 19-20, 2021!
Engage in a positive pursuit to cheer your spirit! Find inspiration and education at Perkins
Summit for Faith and Learning (PSFL). Featuring an exciting lineup of Perkins faculty and
an alumnus teaching on a variety of topics, this virtual event promises something to pique
all interests. Half-day and full-day class options will fit your budget and your busy sched-
ule. Experience a day – or two – at seminary. PSFL courses are open to everyone!

To register or find more information, including course descriptions and instructor bios,
please visit smu.edu/Perkins/Summit. Online registration will be available through March
                   First-time Attendees Can Save $25!
A discount of $25 is available to first-time attendees with a registration fee totaling $50 or
more. Enter the code New25 during checkout.

A limited number of partial, need-based scholarships for day-long courses are available.
Call 214-768-3664 for more information.

Friday               $25
                                 Saturday$50                      Saturday$25
2:00 - 4:30 p.m.                 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.            9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
➤ “How to Read the Bible         ➤ “How Do We Solve A             ➤ “Models of Evangelism”
According to the Early           Problem Like...Mary?” with       with Priscilla Pope-Levison
Church Fathers” with James       Jeannie Stevenson-Moessner
Kang Hoon Lee                                                     AFTERNOON COURSE
➤ “An Unconventional God:        ➤ “Truth Telling in a Post-      1:00 - 3:30 p.m.
The Holy Spirit According to     Truth World” with D.             ➤ “An Introduction to Black
Jesus” with John R. (Jack)       Stephen Long                     Theology” with Ray Jordan

Five ways to support
 Wilshire’s mission                                   This Week
                                                      Saturday, Feb. 27
                                                      ■ Stephen Ministry Training,
                                                        Zoom, 8:30 a.m.
                                                      Sunday, Feb. 28
                                                      ■ Morning Worship, virtual, 8:30 a.m.
                                                      ■ Bible Study, online, times vary by class
                                                      ■ Children’s Sunday School, Zoom, 9:45 a.m.
                                                      ■ WSM Sunday School, Zoom, 10 a.m.
                                                      ■ Wilshire Mental Health Network,
                                                        Zoom, 12:30 p.m.
1. BY MAIL: Send to Lori Gooden, Wilshire
                                                      ■ Carillon Ringers, Handbell room, 3 p.m.
Baptist Church, 4316 Abrams Road, Dallas
                                                      ■ Sunday Night Live (K–6), Chapel,
TX, 75214. Please write on your check if it is
                                                        Parlor and porte cochere, 3:30 p.m.
intended for the Unified Budget or another
purpose.                                              Tuesday, March 2
2. ONLINE: Schedule a recurring or one-               ■ Stephen Ministry Training, Zoom, 6 p.m.
time gift charged to either your debit or             ■ Stephen Ministry CE & Supervision,
credit card or directly as an ACH from your             Zoom, 6:30 p.m.
checking account. Visit wilshirebc.org/give
                                                      Wednesday, March 3
(be sure you have enabled cookies on your
                                                      ■ Ukulele rehearsal, online, 10:30 a.m.
phone or tablet).
                                                      ■ Koinonia Café to Go order pick-ups,
3. AUTOMATIC BANK PAY: Go to your                       south parking lot, 11 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
bank’s website, log in to your individual bank        ■ Midweek Update & Reflection video,
account and follow your bank’s instructions             online
to set up Wilshire as a new payee. Your bank          ■ Wednesday Advocacy Update, Zoom, noon
will print and cut a check.                           ■ COVID-19 Advisory Task Force, Zoom,
                                                        5:30 p.m.
4. TEXT: Using your smartphone, text                  ■ Living Lent: Music with Leigh Curl,
WILSHIRE and the dollar amount (example:                Facebook Live, 6 p.m.
WILSHIRE 50) to 73256, then follow the link           ■ Youth Choir, north parking lot, 6:20 p.m.
that pops up. The first time you use this op-         ■ WSM Watershed, Sanctuary, 6:30 p.m.
tion, you will enter credit card and contact
information. All text gifts will be applied to        Thursday, March 4
the Unified Budget.                                   ■ WOW! Brown Bag Book Club, Zoom, noon
                                                      ■ MOPS Kickoff Event, 6 p.m.
5. WILSHIRE APP: Download the Wilshire
app from the App Store or Google Play to              Friday, March 5
make gifts easily from your phone or tablet.          ■ MOPS Playdate, north parking lot, 8:30 a.m.

Rapid-response teams available
Health Response Team is comprised of medical professionals in the church who are willing to
make themselves available for general counsel and encouragement. These volunteers are not dis-
pensing medical care but are available for general questions and guidance, especially when it may
be harder to get to a doctor. Lead contact is Linda Garner, lgarner@wilshirebc.org or 214-452-3151.
Food and Supplies Response Team is comprised of volunteers from our Missions and Ad-
vocacy committees who are at the ready to help those who are isolated and need food or other
supplies brought to them. We have identified existing designated and budget funds that will be
used to meet urgent needs of members, such as food and medicine and limited rent assistance.
Lead contact is Heather Mustain, hmustain@wilshirebc.org or 214-452-3110.
Spiritual Support Response Team is comprised of trained lay leaders and staff who are
available to talk with members who are lonely, scared or just need to talk during this time of
isolation. This is not a substitute for professional counseling. Volunteers will call care receiv-
ers on at least a weekly basis to listen to them and offer emotional support. Other referrals for
additional identified needs will be made to the appropriate teams or staff. Lead contact is Gail
Brookshire, gsbrookshire@gmail.com.

Pray for Wilshire health care workers
Preston Adkins                       Rita Hamilton                        Chad Mustain
Joshua Bautista                      Joey Hamilton                        Mike Plunk
Tanya Benson                         Deborah Herford                      Ross Prater
Gina Biddle                          Jeff Jones                           Lyn Prater
Cayce Brumley                        Tori Korson Wingfield                Nancy Quelland
Joni Cabaniss                        Desiree Krieger                      Katie Smalling
Ann Cossum                           Micki Lacker                         Connie Smith
Karen Cotter                         Bobby Louder                         Jim Sterling
Kelli Culpepper Hall                 Linda Martinez                       Nancy Stretch
Joannah DeMent                       Marty McElya                         Robin Sullens
Diana Early                          Alyssa McElya                        Claire Tommey
Janda Edwards                        Sheri McShan                         Jim Walton
Linda Eggert                         Damien Mitchell                      Amy Wilson
Linda Garner                         Allison Moore                        Jenny Wolff
Kirsten Granberry                    Sheri Mosser                         Alan Wright
Linda Gregory                        Monica Mullins                       Rebecca Yarbrough

Pray for Wilshire

As schools and school districts grapple with the complexities of having school
during covid-19, we have compiled a list of Wilshire members who work in
education. Keep them in your prayers and consider offering encouragement in
the form of a note, email or phone call. We apologize for any omissions; please
let us know of names that should be added to the list.

Kelly Akins                J.D. Isip                   Paige Pendery
Amy Anderson               Katie Koshkin               Mary Lea Phillips
Debbie Atchley             Catherine LaChey            Sarah Plunk
Hugh Atkinson              Debbie LaChey               Robin Pokladnik
Lynne Beard                Thomas Lee                  Priscilla Pope-Levison
Casey Boland               Jack Levison                Lyn Prater
Leigh Ann Brown            Jennifer Madding            Michael Prysock
Jake Bruehl                Ralph Manuel                Aaron Reindel
Reagan Brumley             Candy McComb                Sarah Rose
Kristin Cabaniss           Tricia McCoy                Gerald Shilling
Hillary Campbell           Jane Melton                 Jeanne Spreier
Sunny Carroum              Christie Michie             Megan Thompson
Karen Cotter               Laura Mirochna              Sara Tinsley
Silvia DeLaCruz            Ellen Mooney                Carol Tommey
Joannah DeMent             Wendy Moore                 Janis Townsend
Elizabeth Felton           Mary Morgan                 Jonni Walls
Shana Gaines               Meredith Mosley             Jenn Weaver
Thomas Hare                Monica Mullins              Katie Wilke
Dawn Hallman               Shannon Nadalini            Jenny Wolff
Sherry Hicks               John Parnell

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