Quarterly - Spring 2019 - Tulsa Garden Center

Page created by Jerome Jenkins
Quarterly - Spring 2019 - Tulsa Garden Center
Quarterly – Spring 2019

        IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019 | 1
Quarterly - Spring 2019 - Tulsa Garden Center
Learn about growing

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2 | IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019
Quarterly - Spring 2019 - Tulsa Garden Center
Don’t Blink
As any high-functioning non-          people who are just starting to
profit organization knows, a          think about community service?
strong volunteer base is one of
                                      One of the many ways we are
the key components to overall
                                      accomplishing this goal at
success. When you can provide
                                      Woodward Park is by working
a welcoming environment, robust
                                      with young college students from
volunteer training, and a process
                                      the Tulsa Achieves program. Tulsa
to incorporate volunteer feedback
                                      Achieves is a funding program         Alyssa is polished and dedicated,
into your programming, you
                                      that provides up to 100 percent of    completing projects with a level of
not only will you have engaged
                                      tuition and fees to Tulsa County      professionalism lacking in many
and passionate volunteers,
                                      high school graduating seniors        seasoned employees, and Raven
but you will also have created
                                      who enroll at Tulsa Community         is a delightfully artistic student
veritable ambassadors who
                                      College. As part of each student’s    with a pure servant’s heart.
will help propel you towards
                                      program, they are required to
your vision and mission.
                                      volunteer at least 40 hours a year,   I feel blessed to have had
To witness this level of excellence   and that’s where we come in!          an opportunity to impart a
at Woodward Park, you need                                                  lasting, positive impression
                                      Over the past few years, I have       of gardening and horticulture
look no further than the Linnaeus
                                      immensely enjoyed working             on such energetic, intelligent,
Teaching Garden program as
                                      with quite a few Tulsa Achieves       and resourceful young women
evidence that when it comes
                                      students; three in particular who     like Leah, Alyssa, and Raven.
to volunteers, we are some
                                      have really impressed me. Leah,       These young ladies are the
down-right serious do-gooders!
                                      Alyssa, and Raven are quite           go–getters who will be running
Consisting primarily of retirees
                                      remarkable young ladies who           the world someday soon, so
with a passion for gardening,
                                      have been working on some             be careful not to overlook or
the over 350 “Linnys”, as we
                                      sorely needed organizational          underestimate them or you might
proudly call ourselves, are truly
                                      projects around the Tulsa             just miss seeing the mavens
the people who keep the Tulsa
                                      Garden Center Mansion.                of the future. Don’t blink.
Garden Center at Woodward Park
moving forward in excellence.         Leah is always enthusiastic,          Laura Chalus, Executive Director
                                      always smiling, and brings a
But what about fostering the next
                                      sense of humor to her projects
generation of volunteers? How
                                      which has been quite refreshing.
do we recruit and retain young

                              Spring Newsletter – March, April and May 2019

                              Tulsa Garden Center at Woodward Park
                       2435 S. Peoria, Tulsa, OK 74114-1350 | (918) 576-5155
                        tulsagardencenter.org | info@tulsagardencenter.org   IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019            | 3

      Tuesday–Friday: 9:00 am–4:00 pm | Saturday: By appointment | Sunday­–Monday: Closed
Quarterly - Spring 2019 - Tulsa Garden Center
SunPatiens, A Next Generation Bedding Plant
    Barry Fugatt, Director of Horticulture at the Tulsa Garden Center and
    Linnaeus Teaching Garden at Woodward Park.

    Nothing sweeps me off my                       Tulsa that wasn’t decked out
    feet like flowers. Any flower. It              with impatience. It was, for
    could be as grand as a daffodil                years, the best-selling annual
    or as mundane as a dandelion                   of all time. But like so many
    puff. If it’s blooming, it has my              plants that get over planted, it
    rapt attention. And over the                   developed problems, not the
    past several years, no flower                  least of which was the serious
    has captured my attention                      fungal disease: Downey Mildew.
    quite like SunPatiens.
                                                   Common impatience truly
    SunPatiens is a revolutionary                  was the classic “Goldilocks”
    new hybrid bedding plant, a true               plant--it only thrived in shady
    breakthrough in flower breeding.               locations that were “not too
    I’m sure most gardeners                        hot, not to cold, but just right.”
    are familiar with common                       The new hybrid SunPatiens,           full sun or part shade and it’s
    impatience. For decades there                  on the other hand, is as tough       virtually immune to insect and
    was hardly a shady garden in                   as it is beautiful. It thrives in    disease problems. I personally
                                                                                        rate it number one among
                                                                                        annual bedding plants in
                                                                                        today’s nursery industry.

                                                                                        Twenty-two new SunPatiens
                                                                                        varieties were tested in the
                                                                                        Linnaeus Teaching Garden in
                                                                                        2017. They flowered non-stop
                                                                                        from May through November.
                                                                                        And they performed this
                                                                                        miraculous “bloom-a-thon” fete
                                                                                        in one of the hottest areas of
                                                                                        the Linnaeus Teaching Garden.
                                                                                        On days when I was a little
                                                                                        down or weary, I would head
                                                                                        straight to the SunPatiens
                                                                                        display to feast on the outlandish
                                                                                        beauty spread out before me.
                                                                                        The gorgeous floral display
                                                                                        always lifted my spirit.

4 | IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019
Quarterly - Spring 2019 - Tulsa Garden Center
Tulsa Garden Center
                                                                                    at Woodward Park

                                                                         BOARD OFFICERS
                                                                         Andy Zanovich, President
The SunPatiens family consists       orange, lavender and red.           Ann Harral, Vice President
of three unique series based on                                          Andrea Cooper, Treasurer
                                     Garden success has never been       Patsy Wynn, Secretary
height and spread: SunPatiens
                                     simpler with easy-to-plant, easy-   BOARD DIRECTORS
Compact, SunPatiens
                                     to-grow SunPatiens. Thick flower    Cindy Davis
Spreading and SunPatiens                                                 Josie Driskill
                                     petals and strong study stems       Harriet Dunitz
Vigorous. Flower colors
                                     hold up amazing well in our hot     Mary Fencl
include white, rose, salmon,                                             Richard Gallman
                                     and humid summer weather.           Robert Gardner
                                                                         Karen Langdon
Barry Fugatt can be reached at (918) 576-5152 or by email at             Denise Payne
bfugatt@tulsagardencenter.org.                                           Margaret Schulte
                                                                         Marilyn Snedden

                                                                         Laura Chalus, Executive Director
                                                                         (918) 576-5266

                                                                         Mike Blake, Education Manager
                                                                         (918) 576-5154

                                                                         Dylan Axsom, Communications Manager
                                                                         (918) 576-5164

                    SPRINGFEST                                           DAxsom@tulsagardencenter.org

                                                                         Cristen Burdell, Events Director
                      at Woodward Park                                   (918) 576-5153
  Tulsa hosts lots of spring        spectacular! I’ve grown both
  plant sales, the most historic    of these classic, pass-a-long        Pat Hobbs, Accounting Manager
                                                                         (918) 576-5165
  and unique being SpringFest,      asters for over thirty years.        PHobbs@tulsagardencenter.org
  the Tulsa Garden Center’s         I’ve lost count of the number
                                                                         Barry Fugatt, Director of Horticulture
  annual fund-raising event.        of times I’ve dug and divided        (918) 576-5152
  Each year thousands of            these asters to share with           BFugatt@tulsagardencenter.org

  gardeners attend SpringFest       friends. Hundreds of times,          Julie Powers, Horticultural Assistant
  looking for beautiful and         I’m sure. Gardeners aren’t           (918) 576-5150
  hard-to-find plants.              the only ones who love these
                                    asters. Bees, butterflies and        Sherita Roberts, Administrative Assistant
  This year look for incredible                                          (918) 576-5160
                                    other pollinator insects also        Admin@tulsagardencenter.org
  (and commercially hard to
                                    adore these heirloom asters.
  find) pass-a-long perennials                                           Caty Coffee, Operations Manager
  like Raydon’s Favorite Aster      SpringFest is Friday and
  and Tatarian Aster. These         Saturday, April 5th and 6th, at      Kade Barnes, Caretaker
  perennial asters have truly       the Tulsa Garden Center, 2435
  stood the test of time. They      South Peoria from 9 am–4 pm.         Ashlee Vogt
                                                                         Donor Services Administrator
  have none of the common           You can bet I will be on hand        (918) 576-5157
  diseases associated with          looking for great plants for         AVogt@tulsagardencenter.org

  many modern asters and their      my garden. Don’t miss this
  fall flower displays are beyond   one-of-a-kind garden event!

                                                                                        IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019 | 5
Quarterly - Spring 2019 - Tulsa Garden Center
Perennials for Every Occasion
     Mary Moore, Tulsa City-County Library

     Any experienced gardener knows perennials can be the main fabric of an
     ornamental garden. Perennials dominate through persistence, returning year
     after year becoming the framework around which one arranges other plants.
     Selecting the perennials wisely is such an important process. These books can
     help you decide which plants will bring the beauty needed and thrive in the
     conditions you can provide.

                                             humorous anecdotes add to          requirements. Both the
                                             these extensive profiles.          beginner and the professional
                                                                                gardener will appreciate the
                                             Essential Perennials: The
                                                                                instructions on selecting
                                             Complete Reference to 2700
                                                                                new varieties and caring for
                                             Perennials for the Home
                                                                                established garden favorites
                                             Garden (Timber Press, 2014)
                                             would make an excellent
                                             addition to personal gardening
                                             collections. Each entry includes
                                             flower color, bloom time,

     Armitage’s Garden Perennials
     (Timber Press, 2011) is a
     gardening classic. This second
     edition adds 300 perennials
     which gives a selection of
     more than 1250 choices. Each
     entry includes scientific and
     common names, hardiness zone                                               This eye catching guide,
     information, tips on growing                                               Essential Perennials for Every
     and cultivation. The first rate                                            Garden: Selection, Care, and
     authoritative advice from Dr.                                              Profiles to over 110 Easy-Care
     Allan Armitage includes his                                                Plants (i-5 Press, 2015) gives
     unique humor and conversational         foliage characteristics, size,     readers recommendations about
     tone. Little known facts and            and light and temperature          reliable performers and exciting

6 | IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019
Quarterly - Spring 2019 - Tulsa Garden Center
                                                                         4EVERY MONDAY
                                                                         Tai Chi Chuan Yang Form–Slow Set
                                                                         Tai Chi is a slow, graceful, rhythmic
new varieties. The illustrated
                                                                         exercise which promotes good health,
alphabetically arranged directory                                        bone density, and balance while the gentle
                                                                         twisting improves flexibility and circulation.
also offers sidebars with plant
                                                                         $15 per month for TGC members or $20
partnering suggestions. The                                              per month for non-members. Taught by
                                                                         Karen Nelson.
brilliant blooms and foliage help
                                                                         Beginner Class: 4:45–5:45 pm
with decision making in planning                                         Advanced Class: 6:00–7:00 pm (prior
                                                                         experience required for Advanced Class)
the garden. Easy methods to
develop a new garden or expand                                           –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--

an existing one will help you get                                        4FIRST, SECOND, FOURTH AND FIFTH
                                                                         TUESDAYS 12:00–1:30 pm
the most out of these plants.                                            Let’s Talk Gardening!
                                                                         The Tulsa Garden Center Garden Study
                                                                         Group meets for informal discussions about
                                                                         gardening and nature in general. There
                                                                         is no charge to attend this Study Group.
                                                                         Reservations aren’t required.


                                    The third edition of The Well-       4MOST WEDNESDAYS 4:45–5:45 pm
                                                                         (see calendar for actual dates)
                                    Tended Perennial Garden: The         Balance for Life Exercise Class
                                    Essential Guide to Planting          Strength training can ward off age-related
                                                                         muscle loss, keep your bones strong,
                                    and Pruning Techniques               promote mobility and function, prevent
                                    (Timber Press, 2017) updates         falls, and help combat depression and
                                                                         cognitive decline. Karen Nelson leads the
                                    this classic. Practical advice in    participants in low-impact, body-friendly
                                    its A-Z encyclopedia includes        exercises.
                                    pruning and maintenance              $15 per month for TGC members or $20
                                                                         per month for non-members.
                                    schedules. The photographs
Five-Plant Gardens: 52              emphasize an important feature
Ways to Grow a Perennial            of each plant. The updates           CLASSES AND EVENTS
Garden with Just Five Plants        to the older editions keep the       –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
(Storey Publishing, 2014)           garden design projects fresh.        4FRIDAY, MARCH 1
helps gardeners with a simple       The lists of plants for specific     Tulsa Council of Federated Garden Clubs
                                                                         10:00 am monthly meeting. David Hillock,
key giving a stunning visual        conditions are especially helpful.   Assistant Extension Specialist, will talk
effect. The various gardens                                              about Container Gardening with a hands-
                                                                         on demonstration.
feature just five perennials that
                                                                         Oklahoma Native Plant Society, Heather
grow well together, whether                                              Holm Lecture
for diverse color options or                                             6:00 pm. Attracting Bees and Beneficial
                                                                         Insects with Native Plants. The Oklahoma
seasonal schemes. Each design                                            Native Plant Society presents Heather
is tailored to a specific set of                                         Holm, award winning author lecturing on
                                                                         Attracting Bees and Beneficial Insects
growing conditions. The season                                           with Native Plants. Heather’s books will be
by season maintenance and                                                available for purchase at the lecture and
                                                                         she will be available to sign them at 6:00
growing tips take the guesswork                                          pm. Her lecture will start at 7:00 pm. The
out of perennial gardening.                                              public is invited to attend this lecture at no

                                                                                         IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019 | 7
Quarterly - Spring 2019 - Tulsa Garden Center
Orchids Wild and Wonderful
    The Tulsa Orchid Society will host its annual AOS judged show and Sale,
    “ORCHIDS WILD AND WONDERFUL” April 20-21st at the Tulsa Garden Center.
    Easter is the perfect weekend to come and celebrate the beauty of blooming
    orchids. Open each day at 10:00 am with free admission the TOS Orchid Show
    boasts thousands of blooming exotic orchids to enjoy and purchase.

    The Tulsa Orchid Society’s
                                             Right: Small bicolored pink Cattleya
    members will be present to                  hybrid. This is one of the popular
    educate and advise on how                    ‘mini-Catts’ for those gardeners
                                               who love classic Cattleya flowers
    anyone can be successful                    but don’t have room for the large
    growing orchids. This year the            standard plants. These minis grow
                                                well on bright sunny windowsills,
    Orchid Society will bring back it’s                    patios and sun rooms.
    very popular “The Orchid Doctor
    is In” table to help trouble shoot
    your orchid growing questions         exam” for such issues as; not
    and problems. Bring in your           blooming, does it have bugs?
    orchid for a free “orchid doctor      does it need repotting, and

8 | IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019
Quarterly - Spring 2019 - Tulsa Garden Center
Continued from page 7

                                                                                         4MONDAY, MARCH 4
                                                                                         Tulsa Garden Club
                                                                                         10:00 am monthly meeting. Insights from a
                                                                                         Landscaper and Garden Designer with Jane
      Right: Exotic orchids such as this                                                 Fanning, Owner, Stone Petal Landscape,
       striped Lady Slipper, also called                                                 LLC, Inola, Oklahoma.
     ‘Paphiopedilum’ will be on display
                                                                                         Tai Chi class
    and also for sale at the annual TOS
                                                                                         4:45–5:45 pm
                          show and sale.
                                                                                         6:00–7:00 pm
                                                                                         Oklahoma Native Plant Society
                                                                                         6:30 pm monthly meeting. Program will be
other questions. You can even                                                            given by Cheryl Cheadle of Blue Thumb.
                                                                                         Oklahoma’s Blue Thumb is a statewide
get your orchid repotted for a                                                           citizen science program that trains
small donation to the society                                                            volunteers to monitor creeks and streams
                                                                                         and share their knowledge of water quality
at the Orchid Doctor table.                                                              with others. The goal of Blue Thumb is to
                                                                                         empower people to protect water in their
There will be an informative                                                             region from nonpoint source pollution.
                                                                                         Green Country Bonsai Society
free presentation on the history
                                                                                         7:00 pm monthly meeting. Open workshop
of orchid discovery and tips                                                             discussing re-potting and wiring Bonsai.
on growing the common
                                                                                         4TUESDAY, MARCH 5
varieties each day at 1:30 pm                                                            Tulsa Herb Society
in the downstairs ballroom                                                               9:00 am member activities
of the Garden Center.                                                                    Linnaeus Teaching Garden
                                                                                         9:00 am gardens reopen
                                                                                         Let’s Talk Gardening!
                                                                                         12:00–1:30 pm
                                                                                         4WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6
    Right: Cattleya orchid species such                                                  Balance for Life class
       as this Cattleya skinneri will be in                                              4:45–5:45 pm
  their full glory for the April TOS show.                                               –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
                                                                                         4THURSDAY, MARCH 7
                                                                                         Tulsa Area Daylily Society
                                                                                         6:30 pm monthly meeting. Report to
                                                                                         membership on upcoming 2019 events.
                                                                                         4SATURDAY, MARCH 9
                                                                                         Calligraphy Guild of Oklahoma
                                                                                         8:00 am–4:00 pm workshop
                                                                                         Makeup Workshop by Mary Fencl Events
                                                                                         and Stunning By Starla.
                                                                                         3:00 pm-5:00 pm. Please join Stunning
                                                                                         by Starla and Mary Fencl Events at The
                                                                                         Mansion at Woodward Park as they
                                                                                         host a Makeup Workshop! Learn how to
                                                                                         confidently create a look that will last all
                                                                                         day, with products that you already own,
                                                                                         and some new ones too! This class will
                                                                                         help you determine what products are
                                                                                         good for your skin and what to avoid, while
                                                                                         learning functional tips for an everyday
                                                                                         lasting look. AND did we say Champagne?
                                                                                         Yes! Champagne, appetizers, & custom
Vendor table. This beautiful display looks as exotic as the orchid show’s exhibits but
                                                                                         giveaways!!! Don’t miss out on this unique
all of these orchids are for SALE! The Orchid show provides the best variety of orchid
                                                                                         experience! Tickets are $75 and can be
color, size and shapes as well as knowledgeable growers to answer questions. The
                                                                                         reserved by visiting Facebook at www.
Tulsa Orchid Society’s annual show and sale is the best opportunity to buy the best
orchids in Tulsa.

                                                                                                         IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019 | 9
Quarterly - Spring 2019 - Tulsa Garden Center
D E S I G N + B U I L D + M A I N TA I N

            C O V E R E D PAT I O S

           OUTDOOR ROOMS

       C U S T O M F IR EP L A C E S

       O U T D O O R K IT C H E N S



           W AT E R F E AT U R E S





                   I R R I G AT I O N

             ARTIFICAL TURF


            CUSTOM DESIGN

               M A IN T E N A N C E

            P L A NT W E L L N E S S







10 | IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019
CLASSES AND EVENTS Continued from page 9

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--    ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--            Tulsa Audubon Society
4SUNDAY, MARCH 10                              4THURDAY, MARCH 14                              7:00 pm monthly meeting. The Ecology of
                                               Tulsa Area Iris Society                         Bees: Population Decline and How We Can
Calligraphy Guild of Oklahoma
                                               6:30 pm monthly meeting. Tall Bearded Iris.     Work to Counteract It. The Tulsa Audubon
8:00 am–4:00 pm workshop
                                               Bob Skaggs, an Iris hybridizer from House       Society presents Ana Chicas-Mosier. Ana
Tulsa Orchid Society                                                                           is a Ph.D. student at Oklahoma State
                                               Springs, Missouri will give a program on Tall
1:30 pm monthly meeting. Sara Kilpatrick,                                                      University and is studying contaminants in
                                               Bearded Iris. Bob grows over 1,300 named
Tulsa Orchid Society member, will speak                                                        honey bees and their impact on humans.
                                               varieties of Iris and 3,000 Iris seedlings.
about The Secret Life of Orchids, covering                                                     The public may attend at no charge.
                                               Three of his introductions are ‘Marilyn’s
covers topics such as pollination, pests,                                                      –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
                                               Skirt’, ‘Golden Snitches’ and ‘Judy’s Smile.’
and diseases.
                                               The public may attend at no charge.             4WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20
Tulsa Rose Society                             –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--     Balance for Life class
2:00 pm monthly meeting. ROSE BINGO
                                               4FRIDAY, MARCH 15                               4:45–5:45 pm
is back in the house as the highlight of the                                                   ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
                                               National Association of Parliamentarians
March meeting of the Tulsa Rose Society.
                                               1:00 pm monthly meeting                         4THURSDAY, MARCH 21
This annual fundraising event help support
                                               –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--     Children’s Story Time in the Garden for
rose education and the Tulsa Rose Garden.
                                               4SATURDAY, MARCH 16                             Spring Break
There will be two sessions of bingo and
                                                                                               10:00 am. “All About Gardens.” This
each bingo card is $5. There will also be      Tulsa Area Iris Society
                                                                                               Linnaeus Teaching Garden program is
a silent auction for those who just can’t      9:00 am–3:00 pm. Iris Judging School. The
                                                                                               targeted to toddlers and children up to
stand walking away without a lovely rose       Tulsa Area Iris Society invites the public
                                                                                               10 years old. The opening subject for the
bush to plant.                                 to join them for Judge’s Training with
                                                                                               Story Time series is “All About Gardens.”
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--    Bob Skaggs. He will be teaching a 3 hour
                                                                                               This will help the students understand the
4MONDAY, MARCH 11                              school on Tall Bearded Irises and a 2 hour
                                                                                               other topics that will be covered in later
                                               school on Median Iris. There is a $10 fee to
Tai Chi class                                                                                  sessions. Reservations are not required
                                               attend this training. Registration is at the
4:45–5:45 pm                                                                                   and there is no cost to attend.
6:00–7:00 pm
                                                                                               Tulsa Perennial Club
                                                                                               7:00 pm monthly meeting. TPC members
4TUESDAY, MARCH 12                                                                             Anne Pinc, Carla Childs and Annette
Tulsa Herb Society                                                                             Thompson will discuss how to design a
9:00 am monthly meeting. Join the                                                              flower bed.
“Herbies” for their annual March Tea. This                                                     –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
year’s theme, “Birds and Blooms,” will                                                         4SUNDAY, MARCH 24
be especially lovely with the event taking
                                                                                               How to Grow Mushrooms class
place in the gorgeous South Room of
                                                                                               1:30-3:30 pm. Ethan Miller of Earthwise
the Tulsa Garden Center Mansion. The
                                                                                               Mycology will instruct the attendees on
famous Tulsa Herb Society sweets and
                                                                                               how to inoculate a log with mushroom
savory treats alone will be worth a trip to    –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--     spores. Once inoculated, the log should
Woodward Park!
                                               4MONDAY, MARCH 18                               produce mushrooms for approximately 4
Let’s Talk Gardening!                          Tai Chi class                                   years. Cost for the class is $40 for TGC
12:00 noon–1:30 pm                             4:45–5:45 pm                                    members and $45 for non-members.
Green Country Water Garden Society             6:00–7:00 pm                                    Reservations are required and can be
7:00 pm monthly meeting. Preparing                                                             made at tulsagardencenter.org.
                                               African Violet Society
Ponds for Spring. Glenn Doughty of Green                                                       –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
                                               7:00 pm monthly meeting. How to Grow
Country Water Garden Society will give         Show-winning African Violets. The African       4MONDAY, MARCH 25
a lecture on how homeowners should             Violet Society of Greater Tulsa presents        Tai Chi class
prepare their water gardens for spring. The    Spring Show winners sharing their tips on       4:45–5:45 pm
public may attend this lecture at no charge.   how to grow show-winning plants. There          6:00–7:00 pm
                                               will also be a leaf exchange. There is no       Calligraphy Guild of Oklahoma
                                               charge to attend this presentation.             6:30 pm monthly meeting
                                               –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--     –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
                                               4TUESDAY, MARCH 19                              4TUESDAY, MARCH 26
                                               Tulsa Herb Society                              Tulsa Herb Society
                                               9:00 am member activities                       9:00 am member activities
                                               Tulsa Garden Center Book Club                   Let’s Talk Gardening!
                                               12:00 noon–1:30 pm. Mary Lemmond                12:00–1:30 pm
                                               will review “Peonies: The manual of
                                               the American Peony Society Edited by            Hosta Connection
                                               James Boyd, 1928.” Learn what was               6:30 pm monthly meeting. Bringing Birds
                                               said in 1928 and contrast/ compare with         to Your Garden. Jeff Cox of the Tulsa
4WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13                                                                           Audubon Society will be offering tips on
                                               current information. Revel in the fantastic
TGC Class Balance for Life                                                                     how to attract birds to your garden. Free
                                               photographs and joy of this amazing
4:45–5:45 pm                                                                                   admission.

                                                                                                               IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019 | 11
Now Booking 2020
              WEDDINGS +                       PRIVATE EVENTS

                  The Mansion
                  at Woodward Park   cburdell@tulsagardencenter.org | tulsagardencenter.org/mansion

12 | IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019
CLASSES AND EVENTS Continued from page 11

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--    –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--   Let’s Talk Gardening!
4WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27                           4MONDAY, APRIL 1                              12:00–1:30 pm
Linnaeus Volunteers                            Tulsa Garden Club                             Green Country Water Garden Society
9:30 am monthly meeting                        10:00 am monthly meeting. Bringing People     6:30 pm monthly meeting. Building and
Balance for Life class                         and Nature Together In Your Garden” with      Updating Water Gardens. Mike Miller of
4:45–5:45 pm                                   Deborah Early, owner Wild Birds Unlimited     Unit Liner will discuss building and updating
                                               Nature Shop, Tulsa.                           water gardens. Free admission.
Spring Flower Arranging class
                                               Tai Chi class                                 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
6:30–8:00 pm. Toni Garner of Toni’s
Flowers will facilitate a workshop on flower   4:45–5:45 pm                                  4WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10
arranging using spring flowers, and each       6:00–7:00 pm                                  Balance for Life class
participant will get to take home their        Green Country Bonsai Society                  4:45–5:45 pm
own arrangement. This popular class            7:00 pm monthly meeting. GCBS member,         –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
has a limited number of seats at $100          Bill Fox, will conduct a workshop on          4THURSDAY, APRIL 11
per participant, and usually sells out.        creating tray landscapes and Groves           Tulsa Area Iris Society
Reservations are required and can be made      utilizing multiple trees.                     7:00 pm monthly meeting. Betsy Mahtani
at tulsagardencenter.org.                      –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--   will give a lecture on preparing your Iris for
                                               4TUESDAY, APRIL 2                             exhibition.
                                               Let’s Talk Gardening!                         –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
                                               12:00–1:30 pm                                 4SUNDAY, APRIL 14
                                               –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--   Tulsa Orchid Society
                                               4WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3                           1:30 pm monthly meeting. TOS member,
                                               Balance for Life class                        Kay Backues, will give a presentation on
                                               4:45–5:45 pm                                  Orchids, How it all got started and how you
                                               –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--   can grow them too! An informative overview
                                                                                             of how orchids were discovered, became
                                               4THURSDAY, APRIL 4
                                                                                             the queen of flowers and how you can
                                               Tulsa Area Daylily Society
                                                                                             grow the most popular ones. This fun and
                                               7:00 pm monthly meeting. Members only
                                                                                             informative presentation takes you to the
                                               plant distribution.
                                                                                             exotic wilds of South America and Asia in
                                                                                             Victorian times where the discovery of new
                                               4FRIDAY, APRIL 5                              orchids was all the rage of the aristocracy,
                                               SpringFest at Woodward Park                   to the time of the modern orchid hunter.
                                               9:00 am-4:00 pm.                              Additionally, the basic care of popularly
4THURSDAY, MARCH 28                                                                          grown orchids in the home or greenhouse
Green Country Sierra Club                                                                    will be discussed. Don’t miss out on this fun
7:00 pm monthly meeting. International                                                       informative presentation.
Studies on Air Quality. The Green Country
                                                                                             Tulsa Rose Society, monthly meeting
Sierra Club will present a report by Emily
                                                                                             2:00 pm monthly meeting. Rose
Vickers on the international studies which
                                                                                             Propagation by Cuttings Demonstration.
have been conducted on air quality. The
                                                                                             Learn how to easily propagate your own
public is welcome to attend at no charge.
                                                        SPRINGFEST                           roses using cuttings. Consulting Rosarians
                                                         at Woodward Park                    will be demonstrating various techniques
4SATURDAY, MARCH 30                                                                          you can take home with you and begin
Woodward Park Volunteer Day                    tulsagardencenter.org/springfest
                                                                                             implementing right away. Who knew
8:00–11:00 am. Planting Trial Roses. Come      –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
                                                                                             growing your own roses could be so easy!
out and help us plant 13 new varieties         4SATURDAY, APRIL 6                            –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
of American Garden Rose Selections             SpringFest at Woodward Park                   4MONDAY, APRIL 15
trial roses. Work alongside City of Tulsa      9:00 am-4:00 pm
                                                                                             Tai Chi class
gardeners, Tulsa Rose Society members,         –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
                                                                                             4:45–5:45 pm
Linnaeus gardeners, and other community        4MONDAY, APRIL 8                              6:00–7:00 pm
volunteers while we plant at least 52 new      Tai Chi class
roses in the historic Tulsa Rose Garden.                                                     African Violet Society of Greater Tulsa
                                               4:45–5:45 pm
                                                                                             7:00 pm monthly meeting. The African
Barry Fugatt’s All About Vegetables class      6:00–7:00 pm
                                                                                             Violet Society of Greater Tulsa presents
10:00 am. You truly don’t know vegetables      –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
                                                                                             Linda Hall giving a program on Unusual
until you’ve heard Barry Fugatt talk           4TUESDAY, APRIL 9                             African Violets. She’ll discuss unusual leaf
about them. Barry will talk about both         Tulsa Herb Society                            forms and blossom types, their origins
the old and the new and share his tips         9:00 am monthly meeting. Jim Sposato,         and what current hybridizers are working
on growing vegetables and how to use           of Coach’s Bar-B-Que Catering, will be        on. There is no charge to attend this
them. Free admission to Tulsa Garden           speaking on Grilling with Herbs. Jim can be   presentation.
Center members, non-members fee is $5.         found on Facebook where his regular “Que
Reservations are required and can be made      Tip” of the day includes great advice such
at tulsagardencenter.org.                      as removing the odor of garlic from your
                                               hands after using it to grill.

                                                                                                             IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019 | 13
Locally owned and
                                 operated since 1982
                                  9025 S Lewis Ave | (918) 299-9409

14 | IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019
CLASSES AND EVENTS Continued from page 13

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--    Calligraphy Guild of Oklahoma                    is $5. Please visit the website to register
4TUESDAY, APRIL 16                             6:30 pm monthly meeting                          tulsagardencenter.org.
Tulsa Herb Society                             –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--      Tulsa Area Iris Society Show and Sale
9:00 am member activities                                                                       12:00 noon–3:00 pm. Hundreds of Iris
                                               4TUESDAY, APRIL 23
Tulsa Garden Center Book Club                                                                   on display. Potted Iris will be offered for
                                               Tulsa Herb Society                               sale. Free admission to the public. For
12:00 noon–1:30 pm. Sandra Goodson             9:00 am member activities                        additional information contact mblake@
will review “All About Geraniums” by                                                            tulsagardencenter.org.
                                               Let’s Talk Gardening!
Peggy Schulz. Geraniums are international                                                       –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
                                               12:00 noon–1:30 pm
favorites. This is an all-encompassing book
                                               –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--      4SUNDAY, APRIL 28
on geraniums.
                                               4WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24                             Tulsa Area Iris Society Show and Sale
Tulsa Audubon Society                                                                           11:00 am–3:00 pm. Hundreds of Iris on
                                               Linnaeus Volunteers
7:00 pm monthly meeting. Birding                                                                display. Potted Iris will be offered for
                                               9:30 am monthly meeting
Adventures with Kenn Kaufman. Kenn is                                                           sale. Free admission to the public. For
a legend among birders. A field editor for     Balance for Life class                           additional information contact mblake@
Audubon, a regular contributor to every        4:45–5:45 pm                                     tulsagardencenter.org.
major birding magazine, and author of          –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--      –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
numerous books on birds, including the
                                               4THURSDAY, APRIL 25                              4MONDAY, APRIL 29
Kaufman Guides. The public is welcome to                                                        Tai Chi class
attend at no charge.                           Pollinator and Perennial Plant Market
                                               and Discussion Group                             4:45–5:45 pm
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--                                                     6:00–7:00 pm
                                               5:30–7:30 pm. Tulsa Garden Center plant
4WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17                           experts will host a discussion on pollination    –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
Balance for Life class                         in front of the Linnaeus Teaching Garden         4TUESDAY, APRIL 30
4:45–5:45 pm                                   Barn. Pollinator and Perennial plants will be    Tulsa Herb Society, member activities
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--    for sale as well. All are welcome to attend at   9:00 am
4THURSDAY, APRIL 18                            no charge. Visit www.okbutterflyplants.com       Let’s Talk Gardening!
Tulsa Perennial Club                           for more information.                            12:00 noon–1:30 pm
7:00 pm monthly meeting. Stacie Martin,                                                         –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
Director of Horticulture at the Gathering                                                       4WEDNESDAY, MAY 1
Place will speak about their perennials.
                                                                                                Balance for Life class
                                                                                                4:45–5:45 pm
                                                                                                Rose Gardening Without Chemicals class
National Association of Parliamentarians
                                                                                                5:30 pm–7:00 pm. Sammy Stevens,
1:00 pm monthly meeting
                                                                                                Tulsa Rose Society member, presents
Tulsa Orchid Society and Tulsa Garden                                                           her personal experience on growing
Center Members Only Reception                                                                   roses and other plants without the use
5:30 pm–7:30 pm. TOS and TGC members                                                            of insecticides, miticides, or fungicides.
are invited to a special invitation-only                                                        Sammy will speak about her past
reception to celebrate the annual TOS                                                           successes and failures, and will also share
Show and Sale. This is a chance to preview                                                      some of her favorite companion plants
and purchase orchids at a discount                                                              such as caryopteris. This class is free for
before the general public arrives Saturday     Green Country Sierra Club                        Tulsa Garden Center members, or $5 for
morning. Members can also enjoy free hors      7:00 pm monthly meeting. Update on               non-members. Registration is required and
d’oeuvres and music, and a cash bar will be    Sutton Avian Research. The Green Country         can be accomplished on our new website,
available as well. Orchid experts will be on   Sierra Club will present Audra Fogel giving      tulsagardencenter.org.
site to answer all your questions on how to    an update on the activities of the Sutton
care for some of the most exotic flowers in    Avian Research facility. The public is
the world.                                     welcome to attend at no charge.
4SATURDAY, APRIL 20                            –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
Tulsa Orchid Society, Show and Sale            4SATURDAY, APRIL 27
10:00 am–5:00 pm                               Woodward Park Volunteer Day
1:00 pm Special Speaker                        8:00 am–11:00 am
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--    Barry Fugatt’s Tour of Linnaeus Teaching
4SUNDAY, APRIL 21                              Garden class
Tulsa Orchid Society, Show and Sale            10:00 am–12:00 pm. The beautiful
10:00 am–4:00 pm                               Linnaeus Teaching Garden is home to
1:00 pm Special Speaker                        thousands of plants. Barry Fugatt, Director
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--    of Horticulture, will lead a tour of the
                                               grounds that showcases gorgeous shrubs,
                                               perennials and annuals best suited for
Tai Chi class
                                               Tulsa area gardens. Tour is limited to 25
4:45–5:45 pm
                                               attendees and registration is required. TGC
6:00–7:00 pm
                                               members are free, and non-members cost

                                                                                                                IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019 | 15
16 | IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019
CLASSES AND EVENTS Continued from page 15

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--      enjoy Tulsa’s private residential gardens         –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
4THURSDAY, MAY 2                                in full spring splendor. A Gem of a Tour,         4WEDNESDAY, MAY 8
Cacti and Succulent Society of Tulsa            Celebrating the Club’s 90th - Emerald             Balance for Life class
7:00 pm monthly meeting. Come Say Aloe!         Anniversary offers five Tulsa gardens and         4:45–5:45 pm
Join the Tulsa Cacti and Succulent Society      two interiors in Riverview Historical District,
                                                Riverside Historical District, and Florence       Heirloom Plants for a New Century class
for a casual discussion of all things cacti                                                       6:30–8:00 pm. As the Tulsa Garden Center
and succulents.                                 Park. Proceeds will benefit operations
                                                and endowment of Tulsa Garden Center,             Mansion approaches its 100 anniversary,
                                                along with other Tulsa Garden Club                Diane Beckert and Marcus Clayton with
                                                projects, including local conservation            the Tulsa Perennial Club will discuss how
                                                and beautification, programming, and              gardens were originally designed and how
                                                scholarships. $10 Advance tickets                 many of the same plants are still being
                                                available. $15 Tour day at each of the            used in today’s modern gardens. They will
                                                featured Gardens. Visit tulsagardenclub.org       also discuss other plants from that era that
                                                for more information or to purchase tickets.      should be considered in today’s gardens.
                                                                                                  Lecture is free to TGC members and $5 for
                                                                                                  non-members. Registration is required and
                                                4SUNDAY, MAY 5                                    can be made at tulsagardencenter.org.
                                                Tulsa Area Iris Society, Show and Sale
                                                11:00 am–3:00 pm. Louisiana Iris will be          Beginning Watercolor Part I class
                                                featured. Potted Iris will be offered for         6:00–8:00 pm. Laura Voth, local artist and
Tulsa Area Daylily Society                      sale. Free admission to the public. For           instructor, will teach a 2 session Watercolor
6:30 pm monthly meeting. Distribution of        additional information contact mblake@            painting class. Session one on May 8th will
Daylilies to members and brief lecture on       tulsagardencenter.org.                            teach watercolor techniques. In the second
growing daylilies.                              –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
                                                                                                  session, on May 17, students will apply the
                                                                                                  techniques they’ve learned to complete
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--     4MONDAY, MAY 6                                    a work of art, utilizing a floral display
4FRIDAY, MAY 3                                  Tulsa Garden Club                                 exhibited in the Tulsa Garden Club’s Flower
Tulsa Council of Federated Garden Clubs         10:00 am monthly meeting. “Simple                 Show. Attendees will be provided a list of
10:00 am monthly meeting                        Designs for Home Use” with Member, Sue            supplies they should acquire. Tuition fee
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--     Lovelace.                                         for TGC members is $75 for both sessions,
4SATURDAY, MAY 4                                Tai Chi class                                     Non-member fee is $90. Please visit
Tulsa Perennial Club, Annual Plant Sale         4:45–5:45 pm                                      tulsagardencenter.org to register.
9:00 am–2:00 pm. Annual Plant Sale.             6:00–7:00 pm                                      –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
Hundreds of perennials grown in member’s        Oklahoma Native Plant Society                     4THURSDAY, MAY 9
gardens will be offered for sale at very                                                          Tulsa Area Iris Society
                                                6:00 pm monthly meeting
reasonable prices.                                                                                6:30 pm monthly meeting. Robert
Pollinator Plant Sale                                                                             Hollingworth of Williamston, Michigan
9:00 am–2:00 pm. All manner of milkweed                                                           will give a program on Siberian Irises.
and nectar plants will be offered for sale.                                                       Hollingworth has registered over 60
Barry Fugatt’s Tour of Linnaeus Garden                                                            Siberian irises, 8 of which have become
class                                                                                             Morgan-Wood Medal Winners. If you aren’t
10:00 am–12:00 pm. The beautiful                                                                  currently growing Siberians, this is your
Linnaeus Teaching Garden is home to                                                               opportunity to learn about them and include
thousands of plants. Barry Fugatt, Director                                                       them in your garden. The public may attend
of Horticulture, will lead a tour of the                                                          this presentation at no charge.
grounds that showcases gorgeous shrubs,                                                           Children’s Story Time Under the Stars,
perennials and annuals best suited for Tulsa                                                      “Flowers, Seeds, and Birds”
area gardens. TGC members are free, and                                                           6:30–7:30 pm. Bring your toddlers and
non-members cost is $5. The tour is limited                                                       children up to 10 years old to Story Time
to 25 attendees and registration is required.                                                     Under the Stars at the Linnaeus Teaching
Please visit the tulsagardencenter.org to                                                         Garden. Children are encouraged to wear
                                                Green Country Bonsai Society
register.                                                                                         their pajamas and listen to stories read
                                                7:00 pm monthly meeting. Workshop where
Tulsa Area Iris Society, Show and Sale                                                            by the Linnaeus volunteers. Reservations
                                                members are asked to bring a Bonsai tree
12:00 noon–3:00 pm. Louisiana Iris will                                                           are not required and there is no charge to
                                                that they can work on in class. The second
be featured. Potted Iris will be offered for                                                      attend this event.
                                                half of the meeting will discuss getting a
sale. Free admission to the public. For         bonsai tree ready for exhibition.
additional information contact mblake@          –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--       4SATURDAY, MAY 11
tulsagardencenter.org.                          4TUESDAY, MAY 7                                   Green Country Bonsai Society Show
Tulsa Garden Club                                                                                 10:00 am–4:00 pm. Hundreds of Bonsai
                                                Tulsa Herb Society
10:00 am–5:00 pm. 69th Annual Garden                                                              Trees are exhibited by members of The
                                                9:00 am member activities
Tour. The Tulsa Garden Club presents                                                              Green Country Bonsai Society. Bonsai
                                                Let’s Talk Gardening!                             demonstrations will be held during the
Tulsa’s longest-running educational tour
                                                12:00 noon–1:30 pm.                               show hours. Free admission.
as the public’s greatest opportunity to

                                                                                                                 IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019 | 17
18 | IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019
CLASSES AND EVENTS Continued from page 17

Tulsa Rose Society, Annual Spring Rose         Selections (AGRS). AGRS is a nonprofit         –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
Show and Sale                                  which recognizes and recommends the            4SATURDAY, MAY 18
1:00–4:00 pm. The Tulsa Rose Society           best garden worthy rose varieties for the      Creating a Bonsai class
presents its 72nd Annual Rose Show.            various regions of the US through testing.     9:00 am–11:00 am. Do you think you might
Entries will be accepted from 7:00 am–         –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--    like to try Bonsai? This class is designed
10:00 am, and the public will be admitted      4MONDAY, MAY 13                                to let you explore if Bonsai is the hobby
at 1:00 pm. Please visit tulsarosesociety.                                                    for you. Justin Lovelace with the Green
                                               Tai Chi class
org for more information on how to enter                                                      Country Bonsai Society will teach a 2-hour
                                               4:45–5:45 pm
a rose.                                                                                       class on trimming and wiring a Juniper into
                                               6:00–7:00 pm
Members-Only Reception for Tulsa Rose          –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--    a Bonsai. Juniper plant material and wire
Society, Green Country Bonsai Society,         4TUESDAY, MAY 14                               will be supplied as part of the tuition fee.
and Tulsa Garden Center members                                                               Cost is $35 for TGC members and $45 for
5:30 pm–7:30 pm. TRS, GCBS, and TGC            Tulsa Herb Society
                                                                                              non-members and registration is required.
members are invited to a special invitation-   9:00 am member activities                      Please register at tulsagardenceter.org.
only reception to celebrate the annual Rose
                                               Let’s Talk Gardening!                          Cacti and Succulent Society of Tulsa,
and Bonsai Shows. Members will enjoy
                                               12:00 noon–1:30 pm                             Plant Sale
free hors d’oeuvres, music, and a cash
                                               Green Country Water Garden Society             10:00 am–3:00 pm. The Cacti and
bar while speaking with experts who can
                                               6:30 pm monthly meeting. MEMBERS               Succulent Society of Tulsa presents its
answer all your questions on how to be
                                               ONLY Plant Exchange.                           annual plant sale. All manner of cactus and
more involved in some of the most popular
                                               –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--    succulents will be offered for sale. Come
gardening activities in the world.
                                                                                              early for the best selection.
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--    4WEDNESDAY, MAY 15
                                                                                              National Public Gardens Day, Tulsa
4SUNDAY, MAY 12                                Balance for Life class
                                               4:45–5:45 pm                                   Garden Crawl
Tulsa Rose Society, Annual Spring Rose                                                        10:00am. Don’t miss out on this unique
Show and Sale                                  Cell Phone Photography class.                  city-wide opportunity to visit some of
10:00 am–1:00 pm. The Tulsa Rose Society       6:30–8:00 pm. Do you know how to utilize       Tulsa’s premier public gardens, all while
presents its 72nd Annual Rose Show.            all the photographic features of your cell     riding with your friends in the comfort of a
Please visit tulsarosesociety.org for more     phone? This class is designed to help          party bus, enjoying curated experiences
information.                                   you take better pictures. Natalie Green        at each garden, and stopping along the
Tulsa Rose Garden Tour class                   and Mary Beth Ede of Apertures, Inc. will      route to enjoy a bit of wine and ale from
11:00 am. Spend Mother’s Day at                cover those items that are common to           local breweries and vineyards. Please visit
Woodward Park and learn about the              both I-Phones and Androids. The class will     our website tulsagardencenter.org for more
historic Tulsa Rose Garden during this free    then split into two sessions with Natalie      information and registration instructions.
tour.                                          covering I-Phone items and Mary Beth
                                               covering Android. Admission is $25 for         Tulsa Garden Club, Flower Show
                                               TGC members and $30 for non-members.           10:00 am–3:00 pm. Gems of the Past
                                               Registration is required and may be made       90 Years Continues Tulsa Garden Club’s
                                               at tulsagardencenter.org.                      anniversary theme and nearly 90 years
                                               –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--    tradition of staging FREE educational flower
                                                                                              shows. This show features horticultural
                                               4THURSDAY, MAY 16
                                                                                              entries and creative floral design exhibits
                                               Tulsa Perennial Club                           for the public. Admission is free to the
                                               7:00 pm monthly meeting. John Kahre will       public. For more information please visit
                                               be the featured speaker discussing the         tulsagardenclub.org.
                                               horticultural efforts he leads at the Dick
                                               Connor Correctional Facility.                  Gateway to Wine Tasting class
                                               –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--    1:30–3:30 pm. Andy Zanovich, Tulsa
                                                                                              Garden Center Board President and
                                               4FRIDAY, MAY 17
                                                                                              certified sommelier, provides guests with
Green Country Bonsai Society, Show             National Association of Parliamentarians       an overview on wine price versus value.
 11:00 am–4:00 pm. Hundreds of Bonsai          1:30 pm monthly meeting                        Students will blind taste 6 wines and will
Trees are exhibited by members of The          Beginning Watercolor Part II class             be taught how to look at the wine, smell
Green Country Bonsai Society. Bonsai           6:00–8:00 pm. Laura Voth local artist          the wine, and taste the wine to determine
demonstrations will be held during the         and instructor will teach 2 sessions of        which is a $5 bottle of wine and which is a
show hours. Free admission.                    Watercolor painting class. Session one on      $25 bottle of wine. The goal is to educate
                                               May 8th will teach watercolor techniques.      on wine in general so you will be more
Tulsa Rose Society
                                               In the second session, on May 17th,            confident ordering wine at a restaurant or
2:00 pm monthly meeting. Tulsa Rose
                                               students will apply the techniques they’ve     buying wine at the liquor store. Andy will
Garden: Life After Mites. Laura Chalus,
                                               learned to complete a work of art, utilizing   also go over how to read a label and some
Tulsa Rose Society President, and Heather
                                               a floral display exhibited in the Tulsa        history of wine as well. Cost for the tasting
Michaelson-Hale, Tulsa Rose Society Vice-
                                               Garden Club’s Flower Show. Attendees will      is $35 for Tulsa Garden Center members
President, will give a presentation on the
                                               be provided a list of supplies they should     and $40 for non-members. Reservations
evolution of the Tulsa Rose Garden in light
                                               acquire. Tuition fee for TGC members is        are required and all attendees must be 21
of the nationwide issue of Rose Rosette
                                               $75 for both sessions, Non-member fee is       or over. Please visit the website to register
Disease. For the past two years, the Tulsa
                                               $90. Please visit tulsagardencenter.org to     tulsagardencenter.org.
Rose Garden has played host to rose trials
in partnership with American Garden Rose       register.

                                                                                                              IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019 | 19
                             at Woodward Park

                                 Tulsa Garden Center’s anNual fund-raising event

                             Friday and Saturday, April 5–6
                                       9 am–4 pm
                       The Tulsa Garden Center at WoOdward Park
                                   2435 South Peoria, Tulsa, OK

20 | IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019
CLASSES AND EVENTS Continued from page 15
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--    Tulsa Garden Center Book Club                   –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
4SUNDAY, MAY 19                                12:00 noon–1:30 pm. Librarian, Sandy Cox,       4SATURDAY, MAY 25
Cacti and Succulent Society of Tulsa,          is back in the house and reviewing Instant      Woodward Park Volunteer Day
Plant Sale                                     Gardens by Peter McHoy. Here’s how to           7:00–10:00 am
                                               create an inventive garden full of impact &     –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
10:00 am–3:00 pm. The Tulsa Cactus
                                               beauty without the wait!
Society presents its annual show and sale.                                                     4TUESDAY, MAY 28
All manner of cactus and succulents will       Tulsa Audubon Society                           Tulsa Herb Society
be offered for sale. Come early for the best   7:00 pm monthly meeting. William Oakley         9:00 am member activities
selection.                                     lecturing on B-Side Ornithology: Movement
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--                                                    Let’s Talk Gardening!
                                               Behavior & Ecology of Migratory Birds in
                                                                                               12:00 noon–1:30 pm
4MONDAY, MAY 20                                the Non-Breeding Season.
Tai Chi class                                  –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--     Hosta Connection
4:45–5:45 pm                                   4WEDNESDAY, MAY 22                              6:30 pm monthly meeting. Members Only
6:00–7:00 pm                                                                                   Plant Swap. Please bring three hostas or
                                               Balance for Life class
                                                                                               companion plants to swap.
Calligraphy Guild of Oklahoma                  4:45–5:45 pm
6:30 pm monthly meeting                        Plant Propagation Methods that Work
                                                                                               4WEDNESDAY, MAY 29
The African Violet Society of Greater          class
                                               Would you like to create new plants from        Linnaeus Volunteers
                                               some of your favorite plants? Who better to     9:30 am monthly meeting
7:00 pm. The African Violet Society of
Greater Tulsa presents Dale Martens            teach you how than a Linnaeus Volunteer         Balance for Life class
showing a webinar on streptocarpus. She’ll     and professional nurseryperson. Anne            4:45–5:45 pm
share her considerable expertise on the        Pinc who operates her own commercial            New Age Victory Gardens class
subject of hybridization and on growing        nursery will do a hands-on demonstration        5:30–7:00 pm. Paul Stratton, gardener
better streptocarpus. There is no charge to    of plant propagation. Cuttings, Grafting        with the City of Tulsa Parks Department,
attend this presentation.                      and Rooting will be covered. $10 fee to         presents a fresh look at the concept of
                                               TGC members, $15 for non-members.               World War II Victory Gardens. Victory
                                               Registration is required and can be made at     Gardens were the foundation of home
                                               tulsagardencenter.org.                          based agriculture during the 1940’s. With
                                                                                               the ever growing threat of global climate
                                               4THURSDAY, MAY 23                               change, future generations need to adopt
                                               Pollinator and Perennial Plant Market           this same foundation to ensure food
                                               and Discussion Group                            sustainability. Free admission to TGC
                                               5:30 pm–7:30 pm. Tulsa Garden Center            members, $5 admission to the general
                                               plant experts will host a discussion on         public.
                                               pollination in front of the Linnaeus Teaching   –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--
                                               Garden Barn. Pollinator and Perennial           4THURSDAY, MAY 30
                                               plants will be for sale as well. All are
                                                                                               Green Country Sierra Club
                                               welcome to attend at no charge. Visit
                                                                                               7:00 pm monthly meeting. Johnson
                                               okbutterflyplants.com for more information.
                                                                                               Bridgwater, Director and Lobbyist for the
                                               Calligraphy Guild of Oklahoma                   Oklahoma Sierra Club, will give a legislative
4TUESDAY, MAY 21                               6:30 pm monthly meeting                         review of the current Oklahoma legislative
Tulsa Herb Society                                                                             session.
9:00 am member activities

    Bequest made through your estate either by will or trust can
    provide important benefits to both you and the Tulsa Garden
    Center at Woodward Park.
      • Reduce or eliminate estate taxes
      • Change beneficiaries at any time
      • Designate any amount
    We would love to discuss ways to make a gift through your
    estate plan with you or your estate planning professional.

    Please contact Laura Chalus, Executive Director
    Tulsa Garden Center at Woodward Park
    2435 S Peoria, Tulsa, OK 74114
    lchalus@tulsagardencenter.org | www.tulsagardencenter.org

                                                                                                              IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019 | 21
The Oklahoma Native Plant Society Presents

                                    Heather Holm
                                                                         Oklahoma City
                   Friday, March 1, 2019
                                                                    Saturday, March 2, 2019
                     6 pm Book signing
                                                                       1 pm Book signing
                     7 pm Presentation
                                                                       2 pm Presentation
                    “Attracting Bees and
                                                                  “Forget Television – The Real
                   Beneficial Insects with
                                                              Entertainment is Happening Outside
                       Native Plants”
                                                                in Your Pollinator-Friendly Yard”
                    Tulsa Garden Center
                                                              OSU-OKC Allied Health Auditorium
                     2435 S. Peoria Ave.
                                                                      440 N. Portland Ave.

                         Books will be available for purchase at a competitive price.
                             Both events are free, donations are appreciated.

22 | IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019
A musical comedy
set in the key of life.
           APRIL 5-14

   Order tickets at TulsaPAC.com
           or 918.596.7111

        Sponsored by Tulsa Garden Center

                                           IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019 | 23
             Tulsa Garden Center                                                                  Organization
             at Woodward Park                                                                    US POSTAGE
             2435 S. Peoria                                                                          PAID
             Tulsa, OK 74114-1350                                                                Permit No. 192
                                                                                                   Tulsa, OK

                                                ROSE SHOW
                                      Presented by the Tulsa Rose Society

                                              Saturday, May 11, 2019
                                                   1-4 pm public hours

                                   5:30–7:30 pm Invitation-Only Reception for Members
                                      of Tulsa Rose Society and Tulsa Garden Center

                                         Sunday, May 12 – Mother’s Day*
                                                10 am–1 pm public hours
                                             11 am Tulsa Rose Garden Tour
                                             2 pm Rose Garden Presentation
                                        *Free rose for each Mother, while they last

                                 Roses for Sale * Special Exhibits and Education
                        www.tulsarosesociety.org * (918) 576-5266 * admin@tulsarosesociety.org

24 | IN THE GARDEN Spring 2019
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