Schedule Sydney Royal Flower & Garden Show 12 - 23 April 2019 Sydney Showground Sydney Olympic Park - Royal Agricultural ...

Page created by Marcus Banks
Schedule Sydney Royal Flower & Garden Show 12 - 23 April 2019 Sydney Showground Sydney Olympic Park - Royal Agricultural ...
Sydney Royal
Flower & Garden

12 - 23 April 2019
Sydney Showground
Sydney Olympic Park
Schedule Sydney Royal Flower & Garden Show 12 - 23 April 2019 Sydney Showground Sydney Olympic Park - Royal Agricultural ...
Welcome from the President

   The spirit of friendly competition comes alive at the Sydney Royal Easter
   Show each year when Australia’s agricultural community comes together to
   celebrate. Thank you for joining this community and entering a Sydney Royal

   Today the Sydney Royal competitions held at the Show attract close to 30,000
   entries each year from skilled breeders, producers and craftspeople across
   the country. Because our competitions set benchmarks in excellence and
   encourage development and innovation, they continue to be an important
   part of Australia’s agricultural industry. Winning a prestigious Sydney Royal
   medal not only confirms the exceptional standard of your entry, it can also
   bring commercial advantages. Major award winners have the benefit of
   using Sydney Royal medal artwork to promote their success in marketing

   Every year we work hard to evolve the Sydney Royal competitions. Our
   commitment to adapting to consumer and industry trends keeps our
   competitions relevant and encourages world-class excellence amongst

   The integrity of the competitions relies on the professionalism and ethical
   standards of our judges, and I thank them for the dedication and knowledge
   they share with us. I also extend thanks to our Stewards, generous sponsors,
   our Committees and supporters.

   I wish you the very best of luck this year, and whether your entry is an award
   winner or not I hope you benefit from your Sydney Royal experience.

   Robert Ryan OAM
   President, Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
Schedule Sydney Royal Flower & Garden Show 12 - 23 April 2019 Sydney Showground Sydney Olympic Park - Royal Agricultural ...

                             INDEX TO SCHEDULE
                                                                                                              PAGE NUMBER

  FIRST SESSION (Friday 12 April 2019)
  Dahlias, Floristry Students, National Floral Designer Competition, Schools Australian Native Flora
  Competition, Sydney Royal School Produce Competition, TAFE NSW Outback Wedding Displays                          10

  SECOND SESSION (Sunday 14 April 2019)
  Bridal, Cacti and Succulents, Children’s Classes - General & Decorative, Decorative, Roses                       14

  THIRD SESSION (Tuesday 16 April 2019)
  Cacti and Succulents, Dahlias, Decorative, Floristry Students, Orchids                                           17

  FOURTH SESSION (Thursday 18 April 2019)
  Bonsai, Bridal, Decorative, Gesneriads, Miscellaneous Cut Flowers Roses                                          20

  FIFTH SESSION (Saturday 20 April 2019)
  Australian Native Plants, Dahlias, Decorative, Four Day Floral Display                                           22

  SIXTH SESSION (Monday 22 April 2019)
  Bridal, Carnivorous Plants, Decorative, Fruit and Vegetables (Non-Commercial), Orchids, Roses                    24

  The Great Backyard Pumpkin Challenge (Wednesday 10 April 2019)                                                   28

APPLICATION FOR ENTRY                                                                                              5

AWARD PRESENTATIONS                                                                                                6

CALCULATION OF AGE                                                                                                 6

CLOSING DAY OF ENTRY                                                                                               5

COLLECTION OF EXHIBITS                                                                                             6

CONDITIONS OF ENTRY                                                                                                5

DELIVERY OF EXHIBITS                                                                                               5

DISCLAIMER                                                                                                         6

ENTRIES                                                                                                            5

ENTRY FEES                                                                                                         5

EXHIBITION PASSES                                                                                                  6

HORTICULTURE COMMITTEE                                                                                             4

JUDGING DAYS                                                                                                       7

LEGEND                                                                                                             6

PAVILION PUBLIC OPENING TIMES                                                                                      6

PERPETUAL TROPHIES                                                                                                 6

PRIZES AND GST                                                                                                     6

SPECIAL REGULATIONS - SYDNEY ROYAL FLOWER & GARDEN SHOW                                                            8

SPECIAL PRIZES                                                                                                     9

STAGING OF EXHIBITS                                                                                                6

SUPPORTER PRIZES                                                                                                   6

WORKING WITH CHILDREN                                                                                              6

WORKPLACE SURVEILLANCE ACT                                                                                         6

                                             This version published 4 December 2018

      The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW gratefully acknowledges our supporters throughout the Sydney Royal Flower & Garden Show:

                                                             Royston Petrie Seeds
                                                            Sydney Markets Limited


                          Ace Ohlsson Pty Ltd                                          Kerry Little and Kim Whyte
                          Australasian Carnivorous Plant Society Inc                   Kiwi Orchid Bark NSW
                          Australian Plants Society NSW                                Mr Fothergill's Seeds Pty Ltd
                          Ben & Suzanne Swane                                          Neutrog Biological Fertilisers
                          Bonsai Society of Australia Inc                              NSW Floral Art Association
                          Braidan Swan                                                 Orchid Society of NSW
                          Cactus & Succulent Society of NSW Inc                        Rose Society of NSW Inc
                          Dahlia Society of NSW & ACT Inc                              Royal Horticultural Society of NSW Inc
                          Eden Gardens                                                 Sydney City Bonsai Club
                          Flowers On Queen St                                          The Hamilton Family
                          Gary Hart                                                    Yates
                          Glenfield Wholesale Nursery Pty Ltd

                                                        FRIENDS OF THE RAS
                         Apack                                                         Nati Roses International Pty Ltd
                         Australian Native Landscapes                                  Nursery & Garden Industry, NSW & ACT Ltd
                         East Coast Wildflowers                                        Oasis Horticulture
                         Cattie Florist Pty                                            Qent Pty Ltd
                         Garden City Plastics                                          Smithers Oasis Australia Pty Ltd
                         Glenfield Wholesale Nursery Pty Ltd                           Taubmans
                         Mileto Flowers

                          HORTICULTURE COMMITTEE
                         Mr A Lucas (Chairman)                                         Ms R Petrie
                         Mr G Bell                                                     Mrs C Rogers (Hon Councillor)
                         Mr J Byrnes                                                   Mr R Smith (Hon Councillor)
                         Mrs K Little                                                  Mr E N Swane (Hon Councillor)\
                         Mr M Morgan (Hon Councillor)                                  Mr W R Watson (Hon Councillor)
                         Mrs M Paynter


                                                                        Mr A Lucas

                                                    Assistant Steward-in-Chief

                               Mr G Bell      Mr J Byrnes    Mrs K Little   Mrs M Paynter   Ms R Petrie     Mrs C Rogers

Conducted under the Rules and Regulations of the Royal Agricultural Society of New South Wales and in accordance with the standards of the Royal
Horticultural Society of New South Wales. Both these Societies are affiliated with The Royal Horticultural Society (UK). The Horticulture Committee of the
Royal Agricultural Society of NSW reserves the right to appoint other such standards as may from time to time be determined.

CLOSING DAY OF ENTRY                                                              ENTRY FEES
ENTRIES FOR THE SECTION BELOW WILL CLOSE WITH THE FLOWER                          All fees include GST.
& GARDEN COORDINATOR AT 5PM ON FRIDAY 24 AUGUST 2018.                             Online Entries
      Sydney Royal School Produce Competition                                    An Entry Fee of $35 per Exhibitor for unlimited entries.
ENTRIES FOR THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS WILL CLOSE WITH THE                            Offline Entries
FLOWER & GARDEN COORDINATOR ON WEDNESDAY 13 MARCH                                 An Offline Processing Fee of $25 per Exhibitor.
2019.                                                                             An Entry Fee of $35 per Exhibitor for unlimited entries.
      Bonsai                                                                     Children, Junior, Floristry Student and School Classes - FREE
      Bridal
      Cacti & Succulents                                                         Entry Fee not payable when only entering any of the Classes
                                                                                  below, however if you are also entering any Open Classes, the
      Carnivorous Plants
                                                                                  Entry Fee will be applicable. Youth Classes are listed below:
      Children’s Classes- General and Decorative
      Decorative                                                                 Junior Classes - 5 years and under 16 years:
      Floristry Students                                                         Cacti & Succulents: Classes 231-233, 330-332
      Four Day Floral Display                                                    Dahlias: Classes 140-141, 373-374, 557-558
      Schools Australian Native Flora Competition                                Fruit and Vegetables Non-Commercial: Class 669
NOMINATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS WILL CLOSE WITH                            Children’s Classes:
                                                                                  General: Classes 235-244
CLASS ENTRIES FOR NOMINATED SECTIONS MUST BE MADE BY                              Decorative: Classes 245-252
PHONE OR EMAIL AFTER WEDNESDAY 3 APRIL 2019 AND BEFORE 12                         Floristry Students:
                                                                                  Classes 143-147, 383
      Australian Native Plants
      Dahlias                                                                    Schools Australian Native Flora Competition:
      Fruit and Vegetables (Non-Commercial)                                      Class 149
      Gesneriads                                                                 Sydney Royal School Produce Competition:
      Miscellaneous Cut Flowers
                                                                                  Classes 150-155
      Orchids
      Roses
                                                                                  APPLICATION FOR ENTRY
                                                                                  An Exhibit cannot compete in any Class additional to those for which it
PASSES THAT HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THEM.                                             is entered on the Application for Entry.
                                                                                  All information as requested on the Application for Entry must be
                                                                                  completed otherwise the Entry may be rejected.
The Application for Entry will be accepted online, by mail, telephone or          CONDITIONS OF ENTRY
in person. An additional Offline Processing Fee of $25 (incl. GST)
applies per Exhibitor where one or more Applications For Entry are                Exhibitors should familiarise themselves with the Conditions of Entry
submitted outside the RAS’ online entry facility, including but not limited       outlined in the RAS General Regulations and the Special Sydney Royal
to those submitted by post, by hand or by phone. RAS strongly                     Flower & Garden Show Regulations in this Schedule.
encourages Exhibitors to enter online.                                            A condition of entering into Competitions is strict adherence to the
                                                                                  Regulations. Accordingly, Applications for Entry in the name of deceased
Online                                                                            Person(s) are not eligible for entry.
Entries close on Wednesday 13 March 2019, enter online at:                        The Application for Entry and the Regulations constitute the whole                                                         agreement upon which Entries are submitted and the Exhibitor agrees
                                                                                  that all representations and statements not appearing on the Application
Post                                                                              for Entry or in the Regulations are excluded.
FLOWER & GARDEN COORDINATOR                                                       Any Exhibitor entering the Sydney Royal Flower & Garden Show as an
Royal Agricultural Society of NSW                                                 individual or as part of a team must be a minimum of 5 years old. An
                                                                                  Exhibitor will be considered to be 5 years old if they have had their 5th
Locked Bag 4317, Sydney Olympic Park, NSW 2127.
                                                                                  birthday on or before the first day of the 2019 Sydney Royal Easter
Telephone                                                                         Show.
Only available for Sections that close one day preceding the day of               A refund of Entry Fees shall not be made unless a notification of
Judging.                                                                          withdrawal is received by the Flower & Garden Coordinator in writing by
(02) 9704 1449 or (02) 9704 1129                                                  Friday 5 April 2019. A refund will not be provided until all unused passes
                                                                                  have been returned to the Flower & Garden Coordinator.

SHOW DATES FOR THE NEXT FOUR YEARS:                                               The RAS has the power to evict any Exhibitor from the Showground in
                                                                                  the event of a breach of the Conditions of Entry, RAS General
2019 - 12 April to 23 April                                                       Regulations and/or the 2019 Special Regulations contained in the
2020 - 3 April to 14 April                                                        Sydney Royal Flower & Garden Show Schedule.
2021 - 26 March to 6 April                                                        Exhibitors and every Person admitted to the Showground during a Show
                                                                                  are bound by the Conditions of Entry.
2022 - 8 April to 19 April

                                                                                  DELIVERY OF EXHIBITS
                                                                                  Delivery of Exhibits to the Flower & Garden Pavilion, Sydney
                                                                                  Showground, will be permitted from 10.30pm on the night preceding
                                                                                  Judging until 7.45am on the day of Judging. (Refer to relevant Sessions)
                                                                                  Vehicles will be permitted on site from 10.30pm until 8am. A delivery
                                                                                  pass and Exhibitor pass are necessary to gain access to the
                                                                                  Showground. These passes will be sent to all Exhibitors prior to the
                                                                                  Exhibitors should advise the Night Supervisor of their arrival and at that
                                                                                  time of any concerns or problems they may have experienced in relation
                                                                                  to Showground entry.

EXHIBITION PASSES                                                            WARNING: The Exhibitor must complete the Tax Details on the
                                                                             Application for Entry. Failure to do so will result in the RAS deducting
Exhibitors will be issued with one Exhibition Day Pass per session.          47% of the successful Exhibitor's prize money as Pay As You Go Tax
Each Exhibitor will be issued an additional Exhibition Pass for assistants   (PAYG). The RAS recommends that the Exhibitor seeks professional
based on the following criteria:                                             advice before completing the Tax Details.
Cut flower Classes - 1 additional pass for 10 Exhibits or more.
Children’s Classes - 1 additional one day pass.                              AWARD PRESENTATIONS
                                                                             The majority of Awards and prizes will be presented on the stage in the
Exhibitors who nominate and do not compete must return any passes            Flower & Garden Pavilion at 2.30pm following all results from that
issued to the Coordinator.                                                   session being checked and tallied. All Exhibitors are encouraged to
                                                                             remain for the presentation. The Most Successful Exhibitor of Show,
CALCULATION OF AGE                                                           The Banksian medal, Bronze medal, Most Successful Exhibitor in the
                                                                             Decorative Section and The John Thomas Baptist Memorial medal
The age of an Exhibitor is to be calculated as per the following table:
                                                                             Awards will be once again presented at the Horticulture Lunch.
   5 yrs & under 7 yrs        Born on or after 13 April 2012 and before
                              13 April 2014                                  PERPETUAL TROPHIES
   7yrs & under 10yrs         Born on or after 13 April 2009 and before      Perpetual Trophies remain the property of the Royal Agricultural Society
                              13 April 2012                                  of NSW. Ownership of the Trophy does not pass to the winning Exhibitor.
   10yrs & under 14yrs        Born on or after 13 April 2005 and before      A medallion will be presented to the annual winner whose name will be
                              13 April 2009                                  engraved on the Trophy.
   14 yrs & under 16 yrs      Born on or after 13 April 2003 and before
                              13 April 2005                                  SUPPORTER PRIZES
                                                                             Prizes are provided by third parties and the RAS advises that any such
                                                                             Prize may be subject to change or amendment occurring at any time,
STAGING OF EXHIBITS                                                          thereby making the original information published incorrect.
To be eligible for Judging, Exhibits in Classes must be staged not later
than 7.45am on the day Exhibits are to be judged. Please refer to the
Special Regulations for more detail regarding staging procedures and         DISCLAIMER
requirements.                                                                The information contained in this publication is gathered for the purpose
                                                                             of providing information to our Exhibitors and Show patrons. The
COLLECTION OF EXHIBITS                                                       information is a compilation of information provided by third parties and
                                                                             the RAS does not warrant its accuracy and advises that any such
Please refer to relevant session(s).                                         information may be subject to change or amendment occurring at any
Vehicles will be permitted on site from 10.30pm until 8.00am. A delivery     time and thereby making the information incorrect. Subject to the RAS’
pass is necessary to gain access to the Showground. Delivery passes          legal obligations and responsibilities. If you require confirmation of any
may be obtained by application to the Flower & Garden Show                   information please telephone the RAS coordinator responsible for the
Coordinator.                                                                 particular information or the RAS switchboard on (02) 9704 1111.
For public safety reasons, vehicles MUST be removed from the
Showground not later than 8.00am. Vehicles still on the Showground           WORKPLACE SURVEILLANCE ACT
after 8.00am may be towed away without further reference to the
vehicle’s owner, and at the owner’s expense.                                 RAS operates surveillance cameras from Sydney Showground Security
                                                                             and these are located in and around facilities requiring security
On the last night of the Show, Exhibits must be collected by 12.30am.
                                                                             monitoring for the safety or security of individuals or property. RAS also
No access to the Pavilion from 1.00am.
                                                                             has access to Sydney Olympic Park security cameras and vice versa.
Access to the Showground by vehicle may be delayed if crowds are still       Please note that security camera monitoring is continuous and ongoing
present.                                                                     and it is deemed that a person, by entering the Showground, consents
                                                                             to this photographing, filming or taping. RAS strictly complies with the
PAVILION PUBLIC OPENING TIMES                                                Workplace Surveillance Act 2005.
The Pavilion will be open to the public at the following times:
From 9.00am, Friday 12 April to Thursday 18 April 2019 and Tuesday           WORKING WITH CHILDREN
23 April 2019.                                                               Exhibitors must comply with the following legislations:
From 8.30am, Friday 19 April to Monday 22 April 2019.                        Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012
                                                                             Child Protection Legislation Amendment Act 2015
LEGEND                                                                       Other Child Protection Legislation Amendment Act 2016
D - Distinct                                                                 The Exhibitor agrees to produce on demand, at least 1 month before
NND - Not Necessarily Distinct                                               Competition, evidence of working with children checks for themselves,
                                                                             their employees or volunteers who are involved in a child-related role or
NOS - Not Otherwise Specified
                                                                             have direct unsupervised contact with children.

The Australian Taxation Office has deemed that GST is payable on
prizes if an Exhibitor is registered for GST and enters an Exhibit as part
of a business enterprise.
The information an Exhibitor provides on the Application for Entry
determines whether GST is applicable.
Any prize stated in this Schedule does not include GST.
GST will not apply:
 if an Exhibitor enters an Exhibit as a hobby or private recreational
    pursuit; or
 if an Exhibitor enters an Exhibit as part of a business enterprise,
    the Exhibitor has an ABN, but the Exhibitor is NOT REGISTERED
    for GST.
 if an Exhibitor enters an Exhibit as part of a business enterprise,
    the Exhibitor is not entitled to an ABN as the business or enterprise
    is not operating in Australia.
GST will apply:
 if an Exhibitor enters an Exhibit as part of a business enterprise,
    the Exhibitor has an ABN, and the Exhibitor is REGISTERED for
Where GST applies, the RAS will pay the prize money quoted in this
Schedule plus 10% GST. The RAS will issue a recipient created tax


First Session
Floristry Students
National Floral Designer Competition                Friday 12 April 2019
Schools Australian Native Flora Competition
Sydney Royal School Produce Competition
TAFE NSW Outback Wedding Displays

Second Session
Cacti and Succulents
                                                    Sunday 14 April 2019
Children’s Classes-General & Decorative

Third Session
Cacti and Succulents
                                                    Tuesday 16 April 2019
Floristry Students
Fourth Session
Decorative                                          Thursday 18 April 2019
Miscellaneous Cut Flowers
Fifth Session
Australian Native Plants
                                                    Saturday 20 April 2019
                                                    (EASTER SATURDAY)
Four Day Floral Display
Sixth Session
Carnivorous Plants
                                                    Monday 22 April 2019
                                                    (EASTER MONDAY)
Fruit and Vegetables (Non-Commercial)

The RAS’ General Regulations apply to all Sections of the Show. These         19. EXHIBIT NOT UP TO STANDARD
Special Flower & Garden Regulations apply to this Section only. Unless            Exhibits not considered up to standard or which are affected by
expressly stated in the RAS General Regulations, if there is any                  disease or pests will not be benched or judged.
inconsistency between the RAS General Regulations and these Special           20. EXHIBIT UNWORTHY OF AN AWARD
Flower & Garden Regulations, the Special Flower & Garden Regulations              The Committee has the discretion to reject entries which are
prevail. Copies of all Regulations are available from the Administration          deemed to be either unworthy or unsuitable for display, or not up to
office at the Showground. RAS General Regulations are available at                an acceptable standard, and to decline to ribbons or prize cards                                                                when appropriate. The criteria adopted by the Committee for such
1.   The Sydney Royal Flower & Garden Show shall be conducted under               determinations include but are not limited to the fact that the Exhibit
     the direction of the Steward-in-Chief. The Steward-in-Chief may              is considered against the Society’s charter. The decision of the
     appoint Chief Stewards to oversee the conduct of Judging sessions.           Committee is final in this respect.
     The Steward-in-Chief may make such other appointments as                 21. EXPLANATION OF TERMS FOR EXHIBITORS OF DAHLIAS
     deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the Sydney Royal             Distinct: Used in regard to the larger types this term means that each
     Flower & Garden Show.                                                        bloom must be a different variety from the others. When used for
2.   JUDGING CONDITIONS                                                           smaller types, it means that each vase must contain 3 blooms of the
                                                                                  one variety and that each vase must be of a different variety.
     Judging will be carried out in accordance with the standards of the
     Royal Horticultural Society of NSW or such other standard as may             Not Necessarily Distinct: In the larger types this means that 2 or
     from time to time be determined by the Horticulture Committee of             more blooms may be of the same variety. In the smaller types -
     the RAS.                                                                     Pompone, Miniature, Small, Waterlily and Collerette it means that
                                                                                  each vase must contain 3 blooms of the one variety but that 2 or
3.   Copies of the Horticultural Guide and Standard Reference Book of             more vases of that variety can be shown.
     the Royal Horticultural Society of NSW, the Royal Horticultural              One Variety: This means that each bloom shown must be the same
     Society of NSW, Floral Art Show Guide Book 1 (Traditional Designs)           variety.
     printed 2001 and Book 2 (European Influenced Designs) printed
                                                                                  Distinct Types: When this term is used it implies that each bloom or
     2002 are available by writing to Hon. Secretary, GPO Box 4728,
                                                                                  vase of blooms must belong to a different type of dahlia.
     Sydney, NSW 2001.
4.   Judges may, at their discretion, award 1st, 2nd and/or 3rd prizes,           Decorative Type: Includes Formal, Informal and Semi-Decorative
     and/or make Highly Commended Awards. Judges also have the                    types.
     discretion to make no prize or Award in a Class if, in their opinion,        Cactus Type: Includes Cactus and Semi-Cactus Types.
     there is no Exhibit in that Class worthy of a prize or Award.            22. STAGING OF DAHLIAS
5.   After the Judges have completed their Awards in each session all             All dahlias over 160mm to be staged one per vase. All dahlias under
     cut blooms and other cut plant material shall become the property            160mm to be staged 3 per vase (unless otherwise states). A vase is
     of the RAS.                                                                  any container suitable for staging dahlia blooms as required.
     This Regulation shall not apply to entries in the Decorative Section,        Champion Awards shall only be made to Standard Units. A Standard
     nor in relation to potted plants and Bonsai Classes.                         Unit is a vase of one variety.
                                                                              23. COLLECTION OF RIBBONS AND PRIZE CARDS
6.   At the completion of staging Exhibits, all Exhibitors must leave the
     Competition area.                                                            Exhibitors are encouraged to collect their Ribbons and Prize Cards
7.   Exhibitors are not permitted to approach or speak to Judges until            from the Sydney Royal Flower & Garden Show Administration Office
     after Judging is completed and prize cards have been placed out.             between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm.
8.   Exhibitors are not permitted to enter the Judges and Stewards Room           Any Awards not able to be collected during the Show will be mailed
     at any time.                                                                 to Exhibitors shortly after the Show.
9.   Labelling and Staging of Exhibits. Exhibits in the cut flower or other   24. PROTESTS
     cut plant Classes are to be staged using vases supplied by the RAS.          Any Exhibitor who desires to enter a protest against any decision on
     Each separate variety must be labelled with its generic and                  the part of a Judge or any decision or act or omission on the part of
     individual common name (including the cultivar if applicable), which         the RAS or of any Official of the RAS shall lodge a protest in writing
     will be written by the Exhibitor on a card supplied by the RAS. In the       by noon on the day of Judging of the relevant section, excluding
     Bonsai Classes, the age of the Exhibit is also to be marked. Exhibits        Class 148 - National Floral Designer Competition which needs to be
     not so staged and marked, unless they are seedlings and marked               lodged in writing by 1.00pm on the day of judging. The protest shall
     as such, will be ineligible to compete.                                      set out the circumstances relied upon by such Exhibitor and shall be
     This Regulation shall not apply to entries in the Decorative Section.        lodged with the Coordinator of the Sydney Royal Flower & Garden
10. Novice Classes are open only to Exhibitors who have not won a first           Show. Every protest must be accompanied by the sum of twenty
    prize in a similar Class at a previous Sydney Royal Flower & Garden           dollars and this amount shall be forfeited to the RAS if the protest is
    Show.                                                                         considered frivolous in the opinion of the RAS.
11. Once an Exhibit has been staged it cannot be touched or moved by              The Steward in Chief shall appoint a panel of RAS Councillors from
    an Exhibitor or their agent, without the prior consent of the Steward-        the RAS Horticulture Committee to hear and determine a protest.
    in-Chief or, in their absence, the Chief Steward. Exhibits staged after       Upon hearing and determining a protest, the panel may take and act
    7.45am will be ineligible for Judging.                                        upon such evidence as it thinks fit regardless of the ordinary rules
12. Exhibitors are not permitted to move Catalogue number cards from              of evidence. The decision of the panel in relation to the protest is
    their location on a display bench.                                            final and binding on all parties, and there is no right of appeal.
13. Non-competitive Exhibits may be shown at the discretion of the            25. ACKNOWLEDGMENT, RELEASE AND INDEMNITY
14. Under no circumstances shall any Person canvass or book orders                Exhibitors acknowledge and agree to attend the Showground at
    on the Exhibits.                                                              their own risk and are responsible for all property they bring onto the
15. Exhibits of cut blooms or other cut plant material, or any potted             Showground. There are indemnities in the RAS General
    plants or bonsai, were grown by the Exhibitor either at their place of        Regulations which govern all competitions on the Showground,
    residence or on land regularly under their control for the growing of         please refer to the RAS General Regulations.
    plants. This does not apply to entries in the Decorative section.         26. MEDIA COVERAGE
16. If the Exhibitor is a team, both team members must reside at the              The RAS aims to maximise positive media coverage of the Sydney
    same permanent address. This does not apply to entries in the                 Royal Flower & Garden Show and the hard work done by all
    Decorative section.                                                           Exhibitors. Exhibitors are required to forward all requests by the
17. In the case of Classes for plants growing in pots or other containers,        media directly to the RAS Media Centre or the Sydney Royal Flower
    such plants must be the bona fide property of the Exhibitor and must          & Garden Show Coordinator.
    have been in the possession and ownership of such Exhibitor for a         27. UNETHICAL CONDUCT
    period not less than 3 calendar months immediately prior to the day
                                                                                  In this Competition, General Regulation 4 Definition of ‘Unethical
    of entry. This does not apply to entries in the Decorative section.
                                                                                  Conduct’ (h) (iii) is deleted.
    Exhibits containing any fresh and/or dried weeds declared in the
    Local Control Area of City of Parramatta Council are prohibited and
    will be removed from the bench and destroyed. The list of weeds
    currently declared is available at or
    by contacting the City of Parramatta Council directly on 02 9806

SPECI AL PRIZES                                                           HIGHEST POINT SCORE IN THE DECORATIVE SECTION
                                                                          Bronze Medallion supported by the Royal Horticultural Society of
Winners of Special Prizes on this page receive a ribbon.                  NSW Inc.
                                                                          Previous Winners:
MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR OF SHOW                                         2018 - L Pramana                    2014 - L Pramana
Prize (Annual Trophy) supported by Ace Ohlsson Pty Ltd.                   2017 - N Gamack                     2013 - L Pramana
Previous Winners:                                                         2016 - L Pramana                    2012 - L Pramana
                                                                          2015 - L Pramana                    2011 - L Pramana
2018 - G Davis & J Woodfield        2013 - G & S Davis
2017 - B & L Raines                 2012 - G & S Davis                    MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR IN EXHIBITION ROSE CLASSES.
2016 - J & J Woodfield              2011 - G & S Davis                    Cash Prize supported by Neutrog Biological Fertilisers. Prize $50.
2015 - B & L Raines                 2010 - J & J Woodfield                Product Prize supported by Rose Society of NSW Inc and Neutrog
2014 - B & L Raines                 2009 - G & S Davis                    Biological Fertilisers. Value $50
                                                                          Previous Winners:
THE BANKSIAN MEDAL, presented by The Royal Horticultural                  2018 - E & M Morphett               2013 - G & J Wright
Society (UK), to be awarded to the Exhibitor gaining the highest
aggregate number of points in all Classes of the Sydney Royal Flower &    2017 - E & M Morphett               2012 - J Cunningham
Garden Show at the 2019 Sydney Royal Easter Show, EXCLUDING               2016 - E & M Morphett               2011 - E Morphett
Decorative and Bridal Classes.                                            2015 - E & M Morphett               2010 - E Morphett
The winners, individual, part of a team or team, of the Banksian Medal    2014 - G & J Wright                 2009 - J Cunningham
in 2017 and 2018 shall not be eligible to compete.
Exhibitors may enter more than one Exhibit in each Class, but should an   MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR IN BUNCH OF ROSES, FIVE
Exhibitor win more than one Award in a Class, only the highest placed     STEMS CLASSES (Excluding Miniature Classes). Cash Prize
Award will count towards the Award for the Banksian Medal.                supported by Rose Society of NSW Inc. Prize $50. Product Prize
Previous Winners:                                                         supported by Rose Society of NSW Inc and Neutrog Biological
                                                                          Fertilisers. Value $50
2018 - G Davis & J Woodfield        2013 - J & J Woodfield
                                                                          Previous Winners:
2017 - B & L Raines                 2012 - G & S Davis
2016 - J & J Woodfield              2011 - I Hay                          2018 - E & M Morphett               2013 - E & M Morphett
2015 - G & S Davis                  2010 - J & J Woodfield                2017 - E & M Morphett               2012 - E Morphett
2014 - B & L Raines                 2009 - G & S Davis                    2016 - E & M Morphett               2011 - E Morphett
                                                                          2015 - E & M Morphett               2010 - E Morphett
BRONZE MEDAL, presented by The Royal Horticultural Society
                                                                          2014 - E & M Morphett               2009 - E Morphett
(UK), to be awarded to the Exhibitor gaining the second highest
aggregate number of points.
                                                                          MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR IN CACTI AND SUCCULENTS
The winners, individual, part of a team or team, of the Bronze Medal in
                                                                          CLASSES. Cash Prize supported by Cactus & Succulent Society of
2017 and 2018 shall not be eligible to compete.
                                                                          NSW Inc. Prize $150
Exhibitors may enter more than one Exhibit in each Class, but should an
                                                                          Previous Winners:
Exhibitor win more than one Award in a Class, only the highest placed
Award will count towards the Award for the Bronze medal.                  2018 - I Hay                        2013 - I Hay
                                                                          2017 - I Hay                        2012 - I Hay
Previous Winners:                                                         2016 - R Singh                      2011 - I Hay
2018 - B & L Raines                 2013 - B & L Raines                   2015 - I Hay                        2010 - I Hay
2017 - G Davis & J Woodfield        2012 - J & J Woodfield                2014 - I Hay                        2009 - G Newman
2016 - B & L Raines                 2011 - M Roberts-Osborne
2015 - R Mercer & L Pasfield        2010 - G Davis
                                                                          MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR IN JUNIOR CACTI AND
2014 - G & S Davis                  2009 - I Townsend                     SUCCULENTS CLASSES. Cash Prize supported by The Hamilton
                                                                          Family. Prize $25
Royal Horticultural Society of NSW Inc., to be awarded to the             Previous Winners:
Exhibitor who wins the greatest number of 1st Awards in all Classes of    2018 - K Monajed                    2013 - Not Awarded
the Sydney Royal Flower & Garden Show at the 2019 Sydney Royal            2017 - S & K Rogers                 2012 - N Roberts-Osborne
Easter Show.
                                                                          2016 - Z Trovato                    2011 - N Roberts-Osborne
The winners, individual, part of a team or team, of the John Thomas       2015 - M Wang                       2010 - D Leung
Baptist Memorial Medal in 2017 and 2018 shall not be eligible to
compete.                                                                  2014 - F Smith                      2009 - M Roberts-Osborne
Exhibitors may enter more than one Exhibit in each Class, but should an
Exhibitor win more than one Award in a Class, only the highest placed     MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR CALCULATION
Award will count towards the Award for the John Thomas Baptist            Prizes shall be determined as follows:
Memorial Medal.                                                           For the highest Awards in each Class points shall be allocated on the
Previous Winners:                                                         basis of 3, 2 and 1. The Exhibitor gaining the highest number of points
2018 - G Davis & J Woodfield        2013 - G & J Wright                   (see exceptions) to be the winner. Should there be fewer than three
                                                                          Awards in any one Class, the points shall be on the said basis in order
2017 - B & L Raines                 2012 - G & S Davis
                                                                          of merit. In the event of 2 or more Exhibitors securing an equal number
2016 - J & J Woodfield              2011 - I Hay                          of points, the Exhibitor gaining the greatest number of 1st, 2nd or 3rd
2015 - R Mercer & L Pasfield        2010 - J & J Woodfield                prizes, in order of preference, shall be the winner.
2014 - B & L Raines                 2009 - G & S Davis                    Exhibitors may enter more than one Entry in each Class, but should an
                                                                          Exhibitor win more than one Award in a Class, only the highest placed
MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR IN THE DECORATIVE SECTION.                      Award will count towards the Most Successful Exhibitor Award.
Bronze Medal, presented by The Royal Horticultural Society (UK).
                                                                          Where an Exhibitor is made up of two or more individual Persons, points
Previous Winners:                                                         awarded to that Exhibitor cannot be divided and allocated to those
2018 - L Pramana                    2013 - L Pramana                      individual Persons.
2017 - N Gamack                     2012 - L Pramana
2016 - L Pramana                    2011 - L Pramana
2015 - L Pramana                    2010 - L Pramana
2014 - L Pramana                    2009 - O K Hee Song

FIRST SESSION                                                                CLASS 116 - One Vase Dahlias, Miniature Cactus, under 120mm, three
                                                                             blooms, three varieties.

                                                                             CLASS 117 - One Vase Dahlias, Miniature Cactus, under 120mm, three
                                                                             blooms of one variety.
                                                                             CLASS 118 - Three Dahlias, Exhibition Cactus, over 160mm, (NND).
Classes 100 to 156
                                                                             CLASS 119 - One Dahlia, Exhibition Cactus, over 160mm.
Delivery of Exhibits will be permitted from 10.30pm Thursday 11 April
until 7.45am Friday 12 April.                                                CLASS 120 - One Dahlia, Fimbriated Cactus, over 160mm.
All Exhibits are to remain benched until Saturday 13 April.                  CLASS 121 - One Vase Dahlias, Fimbriated Cactus, under 160mm,
                                                                             three blooms of one variety.
Exhibit collection times are Saturday 13 April from 9.00pm to Sunday 14
April prior to 7.45am.                                                       CLASS 122 - One Vase Dahlias, Waterlily, under 160mm, three blooms,
                                                                             three varieties.
Vehicles will be permitted on site from 10.30pm to 8.00am only.
Weeds declared by City of Parramatta Council are prohibited from             CLASS 123 - One Vase Dahlias, Waterlily, under 160mm, three blooms
being used in any Exhibits at the Sydney Royal Flower & Garden               of one variety.
                                                                             CLASS 124 - One Vase Dahlias, Miniature Ball, under 120mm, three
Champions receive a ribbon.                                                  blooms, three varieties.

                                                                             CLASS 125 - One Vase Dahlias, Miniature Ball, under 120mm, three
                                                                             blooms of one variety.
                                                                             CLASS 126 - One Vase Dahlias, Pompone, under 50mm, three blooms,
Class 100 is limited to ONE entry per Exhibitor.                             three varieties.
LEGEND                                                                       CLASS 127 - One Vase Dahlias, Pompone, under 50mm, three blooms
D - Distinct                                                                 of one variety.
NND - Not Necessarily Distinct
NOS - Not Otherwise Specified                                                CLASS 128 - Three Vases Dahlias, Pompone, under 50mm, standard
                                                                             unit, (NND).
                                                                             CLASS 129 - One Vase Dahlias, Collerette, under 160mm, three
1st $6 each Class unless otherwise specified.                                blooms, three varieties.
CLASS 100 - Dahlia Championship - Six Vases Dahlias, standard                CLASS 130 - One Vase Dahlias, Collerette, under 160mm, three blooms
units, three vases over 160mm and three vases under 160mm, at least          of one variety.
4 types and distinct cultivars. Limited to ONE entry per Exhibitor. Prizes
1st $75 and ribbon, 2nd $50, 3rd $25                                         CLASS 131 - One Vase Dahlias, Orchid type under 160mm, three
                                                                             blooms, three varieties.
(S100CA) - RAS of NSW Award of Excellence Medallion for Dahlia
Championship.                                                                CLASS 132 - One Vase Dahlias, Orchid type under 160mm, three
                                                                             blooms of one variety.
(S100CB) - Class prize money supported by Braidan Swan.
                                                                             CLASS 133 - One Vase Dahlias, Single under 160mm, three blooms,
(S100CC) - Prize (Medallion) supported by Dahlia Society of NSW &            three varieties.
ACT Inc.
                                                                             CLASS 134 - One Vase Dahlias, Single under 160mm, three blooms of
CLASS 101 - Six Vases Dahlias, to be staged one bloom per vase, six          one variety.
vases, six different types.
                                                                             CLASS 135 - One Vase Dahlias, Stellar, under 160mm, three blooms,
(S101CA) - Cash Prizes supported by Dahlia Society of NSW & ACT Inc.         three varieties.
Prizes 1st $50, 2nd $30, 3rd $20
                                                                             CLASS 136 - One Vase Dahlias, Stellar, under 160mm, three blooms of
CLASS 102 - Three Dahlias, Large Decorative, over 210mm, (NND).              one variety.
CLASS 103 - One Dahlia, Large Decorative, over 210mm.                        CLASS 137 - Standard Unit Dahlia, any other type not on Schedule; over
                                                                             160mm, one bloom, under 160mm, three blooms.
CLASS 104 - Three Dahlias, Medium Decorative, 160mm to 210mm,
(NND).                                                                       CLASS 138 - Best Seedling Dahlia, one bloom, any size, which has not
                                                                             won a first prize at a previous Sydney Royal Easter Show and has not
CLASS 105 - One Dahlia, Medium Decorative, 160mm to 210mm.                   been released commercially.
CLASS 106 - One Vase Dahlias, Small Decorative, 120mm to 160mm,              CLASS 139 - One Vase Dahlias, Flower of the Year, standard unit.
three blooms, three varieties.

CLASS 107 - One Vase Dahlias, Small Decorative, 120mm to 160mm,              JUNIOR CLASSES
three blooms of one variety.
                                                                             CLASS 140 - One bloom over 160mm. Exhibitors in this Class must not
CLASS 108 - One Vase Dahlias, Miniature Decorative, under 120mm,             have reached their 16th birthday on or before the first day of the Show.
three blooms, three varieties.
                                                                             CLASS 141 - One standard unit under 160mm. Exhibitors in this Class
CLASS 109 - One Vase Dahlias, Miniature Decorative, under 120mm,             must not have reached their 16th birthday on or before the first day of
three blooms of one variety.                                                 the Show.
CLASS 110 - Three Dahlias, Large Cactus, over 210mm, (NND).                  (S1410) - CHAMPION DAHLIA, LARGE DECORATIVE
CLASS 111 - One Dahlia, Large Cactus, over 210mm.                            (S1411) - CHAMPION DAHLIA, MEDIUM DECORATIVE
CLASS 112 - Three Dahlias, Medium Cactus, 160mm to 210mm, (NND).             (S1412) - CHAMPION VASE DAHLIA, SMALL DECORATIVE
CLASS 113 - One Dahlia, Medium Cactus, 160mm to 210mm.                       (S1413) - CHAMPION VASE DAHLIA, MINIATURE DECORATIVE
CLASS 114 - One Vase Dahlias, Small Cactus, 120mm to 160mm, three            (S1414) - CHAMPION DAHLIA, LARGE CACTUS
blooms, three varieties.
                                                                             (S1415) - CHAMPION DAHLIA, MEDIUM CACTUS
CLASS 115 - One Vase Dahlias, Small Cactus, 120mm to 160mm, three
blooms of one variety.                                                       (S1416) - CHAMPION VASE DAHLIA, SMALL CACTUS

(S1417) - CHAMPION VASE DAHLIA, MINIATURE CACTUS                                    There will be 730mm high tables provided by the RAS for
                                                                                     Exhibitors to work on.
(S1418) - CHAMPION DAHLIA, EXHIBITION CACTUS                                        Rules of Competition are in accordance with Royal Horticultural
                                                                                     Society of NSW handbook.
CACTUS                                                                         All rubbish is to be removed and the area left clean on completion of the
                                                                               (S145CA) - Prize (Annual Trophy) supported by Royal Agricultural
(S1421) - CHAMPION VASE DAHLIA, MINIATURE BALL                                 Society of NSW.

(S1422) - CHAMPION VASE DAHLIA, POMPONE                                        CLASS 146 - Floristry Students currently enrolled in Certificate III in
                                                                               Floristry SFL30115. The Competition will be conducted as a “Surprise
(S1423) - CHAMPION VASE DAHLIA, COLLERETTE                                     Box” and all horticultural material, accessories and sundry items will be
                                                                               provided. The theme will be advised at the start of the Competition.
(S1424) - CHAMPION STANDARD UNIT DAHLIA, ANY OTHER TYPE                        Limited to ONE entry per Exhibitor and limited to the first 16 entries.
                                                                               Prizes 1st, 2nd and 3rd ribbons
                                                                               Flowers supplied by Mileto Flowers.
Champions from (S1410) to (S1424) are eligible.
                                                                                  The Competition will start at 10.45am and finish at 11.45am
(S1425SA) - Cash Prize supported by Ace Ohlsson Pty Ltd. Prize $50                   precisely.
                                                                                  The time allowed for the Competition is 1 hour and your finished
                                                                                     design will be left on public display for two days.
FLORISTRY STUDENTS                                                                The bench space allowed for your display will be 850mm square
                                                                                     with no height restrictions. (Please be aware of safety issues).
CLOSING DAY OF ENTRY - Wednesday 13 March 2019.                                   Exhibitors will be required to bring their own work kit to the
Each Class to be exhibited by one Person only.                                       Competition.
Any embellishments permitted all Classes except where otherwise            
stated.                                                                           There will be 730mm high tables provided by the RAS for
                                                                                     Exhibitors to work on.
Artificial flowers and foliage NOT permitted.
                                                                                  Rules of Competition are in accordance with Royal Horticultural
Judges will provide feedback to the Exhibitors in all student                        Society of NSW handbook.
Competitions following judging.
                                                                               All rubbish is to be removed and the area left clean on completion of the
Awards will be presented on the Flower & Garden stage at 2.30pm.               Competition.
All Exhibits must remain on Exhibition for TWO days.
                                                                               (S146CA) - Prize (Annual Trophy) supported by Royal Agricultural
Weeds declared by City of Parramatta Council are prohibited from               Society of NSW.
being used in any Exhibits at the Sydney Royal Flower & Garden
Show.                                              CLASS 147 - Floristry Students currently enrolled in Certificate IV in
                                                                               Floristry SFL40115. You are to design and create a wired design to be
CLASS 143 - Floristry Students currently enrolled in Certificate II in         worn or carried of fresh flowers and horticultural material, for an ‘outback’
Floristry SFL20115 or equivalent or Certificate III in Floristry SFL30115      wedding.
or equivalent in their first semester of study. You are to create a hand
                                                                               Your finished design must include a range of wiring techniques and may
tied bouquet using fresh flowers and horticultural material, to be given
                                                                               include embellishments but is to be predominantly horticultural material.
to a guest speaker at the opening of an event. Your finished design may
include embellishments but is to be predominantly fresh flowers and            Staging to be supplied by the Exhibitor.
horticultural material. To be displayed in an appropriate container            An image of the outfit and a sample of the fabric that your design is to
supplied by the Exhibitor. Bench space allowed 700mm square. Prizes            complement is to be supplied by the Exhibitor and staged with the
1st, 2nd and 3rd ribbons                                                       completed design. Bench space allowed 850mm. Prizes 1st, 2nd and
                                                                               3rd ribbons
(S143CA) - Prize (Annual Trophy) supported by Royal Agricultural
Society of NSW.                                                                (S147CA) - Prize (Annual Trophy) supported by Royal Agricultural
                                                                               Society of NSW.
CLASS 144 - Floristry Students currently enrolled in Certificate III in
Floristry SFL30115. You are to create an arrangement of fresh flowers
and horticultural material, for a registration table at a book launch of ‘My
Country’ by Dorothea Mackellar. Your finished design may include
                                                                               NATIONAL FLORAL DESIGNER
embellishments but is to be predominantly fresh flowers and horticultural      COMPETITION
material. Bench space allowed 850mm square. Prizes 1st, 2nd and 3rd
                                                                               The 2019 Sydney Royal National Floral Designer Competition will be an
                                                                               invitation only event. Exhibitors will be selected by a panel of judges
                                                                               based on a sketch of your display concept.
(S144CA) - Prize (Annual Trophy) supported by Royal Agricultural
Society of NSW.                                                                You are to create a floral display to the theme of “Our Sunburnt Country”.

CLASS 145 - Floristry Students currently enrolled in Certificate II in         The display can be completed by an individual designer or a team of two.
Floristry SFL20115 or equivalent or Certificate III in Floristry SFL30115      Horticultural material must predominate. Dried or artificially coloured
in their first semester of study. The Competition will be conducted as a       horticultural material can be used and must not exceed 40% of the
“Supervised Surprise Box”, teacher assistance and all horticultural            finished display.
material, accessories and sundry items will be provided. The theme will
                                                                               Artificial flowers and foliage NOT permitted.
be advised at the start of the Competition. Limited to ONE entry per
Exhibitor and limited to the first 16 entries. Prizes 1st, 2nd and 3rd         All Exhibits must remain on Exhibition for FOUR days.
ribbons                                                                        Weeds declared by City of Parramatta Council are prohibited from
Flowers supplied by Nati Roses International Pty Ltd.                          being used in any Exhibits at the Sydney Royal Flower & Garden
    The Competition will start at 9.30am and finish at 10.15am                Show.
       precisely.                                                              PRIZE MONEY
    The time allowed for the Competition is 45mins and your finished
                                                                               Prizes 1st $5,000, 2nd $3,000, 3rd $1,000, 4th to 10th $500.
       design will be left on public display for two days.
    The bench space allowed for your display will be 850mm square             CLASS 148 - National Floral Designer Competition
       with no height restrictions. (Please be aware of safety issues).          The Competition will start at 8.00am and finish at 4.00pm precisely
    Exhibitors will be required to bring their own work kit to the                on Thursday 11 April 2019.
       Competition.                                                              The Competition will be judged on Friday 12 April 2019.
                                                                                 You will be provided with a base of 2m X 2m coloured brown
                                                                                   (Taubmans Rocky Road Ne) with attached backing 2m high
                                                                                   coloured olive green (Taubmans Birch Forest Ac).
                                                                                 Height restriction is 2m.
                                                                                 You are to supply all your own props, flowers, accessories and
                                                                                   sundry items.

          This Exhibit will be on display for four days, so choice and          CLASS 151 - Vertical Garden. Multiple entries permitted per school (i.e.
           use of material must be appropriate for this duration.                class groups). Two components:
          All Exhibitors are responsible for bringing all materials             1.   Grown component: Box or basket (not exceeding 500mm square) of
           and work kit to complete their design.                                     produce from a Metropolitan Secondary school garden,
          Accessories and embellishments can be pre made, but no                     comprising of five different types of fruit, vegetables or herbs.
           horticultural material can be placed in the design prior to                Minimum ONE (1) piece of produce MUST be grown in the FREE
           the start of the competition on Thursday 11 April 2019 at 8.00am.          Nursery & Garden Industry, NSW & ACT Ltd (NGINA) Vertical
          No fresh horticultural material to be pre prepared or placed in the        Garden. Judging: quality of produce (40%), presentation of box or
           design prior to the start of the competition.                              basket (20%)
          Normal post-harvest treatment of plant material allowed.                   Project      component        (submitted      by      email      to
                                                                             or before Friday 22
          No use of power tools is allowed. Battery operated drills and glue         March 2019): PowerPoint Presentation (min. 15 - max. 20 slides)
           guns are permitted.                                                        detailing how students use sustainable techniques to prepare, grow
          There will be 730mm high tables provided by the RAS for                    and maintain the vertical garden to prepare for harvest of produce.
           Exhibitors to work on.                                                     Judging: quality of PowerPoint – refer to rubric (40%). Each entry
          Nothing can be attached to the backing board.                              must supply 1 x laminated A5 (max) card with school name. Prizes
          No aerosol spray paint or other aerosol products are allowed               1st, 2nd and 3rd ribbons
           to be used in the pavilion.
          Rules of Competition are in accordance with the Australian Floral     (S151CA) - Product Prize supported by Mr Fothergill’s Seeds Pty Ltd.
           Art Association (AFAA) handbook.                                      Value $50

All rubbish is to be removed and the area left clean on completion of the        CLASS 152 - Any Garden Types. Multiple entries permitted per school
Competition.                                                                     (i.e. class groups). Two Components:
                                                                                 1.   Grown component: Box or basket (not exceeding 500mm square) of
(S148CA) - Class prize money for first place supported by Royal                       produce from a Metropolitan Primary school garden, comprising of
Agricultural Society of NSW.                                                          five different types of fruit, vegetables or herbs. Judging: quality of
                                                                                      produce (40%), presentation of box or basket (20%)
(S148CB) - Class prize money for second place supported by Royal
Horticultural Society of NSW Inc.                                                2.   Project      component       (submitted       by     email      to
                                                                             or before Friday 22
                                                                                      March 2019): PowerPoint Presentation (min. 5 - max. 10 slides)
SCHOOLS AUSTRALIAN NATIVE FLORA                                                       detailing how students prepare, grow and maintain the garden, with
                                                                                      emphasis on sustainability, to prepare for harvest of produce.
COMPETITION                                                                           Judging: quality of PowerPoint – refer to rubric (40%). Each entry
Native Flowers from the School’s garden are only to be used.                          must supply 1 x laminated A5 (max) card with school name. Prizes
                                                                                      1st, 2nd and 3rd ribbons
All Exhibitors will receive a Certificate of Participation.
                                                                                 (S152CA) - Product Prize supported by Mr Fothergill’s Seeds Pty Ltd.
CLASS 149 - Native Flower & foliage arrangement to a maximum                     Value $50
diameter of 500mm in any container. All Native species and cultivars
accepted. Prizes 1st, 2nd and 3rd ribbons                                        CLASS 153 - Any Garden Types. Multiple entries permitted per school
                                                                                 (i.e. class groups). Two components:
(S149CA) - Cash Prize supported by Australian Plants Society NSW.
Prize $50                                                                        1.   Grown component: Box or basket (not exceeding 500mm square) of
                                                                                      produce from a Metropolitan Secondary school garden,
                                                                                      comprising of five different types of fruit, vegetables or herbs.
                                                                                      Judging: quality of produce (40%), presentation of box or basket
SYDNEY ROYAL SCHOOL PRODUCE                                                           (20%)
COMPETITION                                                                      2.   Project      component          (submitted      by       email     to
                                                                             or before Friday 22
Entry Forms must be returned by 24 August 2018.                                       March 2019): PowerPoint Presentation (min. 15 - max. 20 slides)
                                                                                      detailing how students use sustainable techniques to prepare, grow
All Exhibitors will receive a Certificate of Participation.                           and maintain the garden to prepare for harvest of produce. Judging:
                                                                                      quality of PowerPoint - refer to rubric (40%). Each entry must supply
METROPOLITAN SCHOOLS - Metropolitan schools are recognised as
                                                                                      1 x laminated A5 (max) card with school name. Prizes 1st, 2nd and
those in the ASC of NSW Group 4, inclusive of Greater Sydney Area.
                                                                                      3rd ribbons
CLASS 150 - Vertical Garden. Multiple entries permitted per school (i.e.
                                                                                 (S153CA) - Product Prize supported by Mr Fothergill’s Seeds Pty Ltd.
class groups). Two components:
                                                                                 Value $50
1.       Grown component: Box or basket (not exceeding 500mm square) of
         produce from a Metropolitan Primary school garden, comprising of        REGIONAL SCHOOLS - Regional Schools are recognised as those in
         five different types of fruit, vegetables or herbs. Minimum ONE (1)     the ASC of NSW Groups 1-3 and 5-14. Entry is by submitting PRODUCE
         piece of produce MUST be grown in the FREE Nursery & Garden             at an ASC deemed local Agricultural Show. Winners of Classes 154 and
         Industry, NSW & ACT Ltd (NGINA) Vertical Garden. Judging: quality       155 at a local level will qualify to enter the PROJECT to be submitted by
         of produce (40%), presentation of box or basket (20%)                   email to or before Friday
2.       Project      component        (submitted       by        email     to   22 March 2019 for State Finals to be judged at the 2019 Sydney Royal or before Friday 22           Flower & Garden Show.
         March 2019): PowerPoint Presentation (min. 5 - max. 10 slides)
         detailing how students prepare, grow and maintain the vertical          CLASS 154 - Any Garden Types. Multiple entries are permitted per
         garden, with emphasis on sustainability, to prepare for harvest of      school (i.e. class groups). Two components:
         produce. Judging: quality of PowerPoint - refer to rubric (40%). Each   1.   Grown component: Box or basket (not exceeding 500mm square) of
         entry must supply 1 x laminated A5 (max) card with school name.              produce from a Regional Primary school garden, comprising of five
         Prizes 1st, 2nd and 3rd ribbons                                              different types of fruit, vegetables or herbs. Judging: quality of
                                                                                      produce (40%), presentation of box or basket (20%). Submitted for
(S150CA) - Product Prize supported by Mr Fothergill’s Seeds Pty Ltd.                  judging ONLY at an ASC deemed local Agricultural Show.
Value $50                                                                        2.   Project      component       (submitted          by      email     to
                                                                             or by Friday 22
                                                                                      March 2019): PowerPoint Presentation (min. 5 - max. 10 slides)
                                                                                      detailing how students prepare, grow and maintain the garden, with
                                                                                      emphasis on sustainability, to prepare for harvest of produce.
                                                                                      Judging: quality of PowerPoint - refer to rubric (40%). ONLY winning
                                                                                      produce at a local ASC deemed Agricultural Show require projects
                                                                                      to be submitted to Sydney Royal Easter Show. Prizes 1st, 2nd and
                                                                                      3rd ribbons

                                                                                 (S154CA) - Product Prize supported by Mr Fothergill’s Seeds Pty Ltd.
                                                                                 Value $50

CLASS 155 - Any Garden Types. Multiple entries permitted per school
(i.e. class groups). Two components:
                                                                               TAFE NSW OUTBACK WEDDING DISPLAYS
1.   Grown component: box or basket (not exceeding 500mm square) of            The 2019 TAFE NSW Outback Wedding displays will be an invitation
     produce from a Regional Secondary school garden, comprising of            only even for Floristry Students currently enrolled in Certificate IV in
     five different types of fruit, vegetables or herbs. Judging: quality of   Floristry SFL40115.
     produce (40%), presentation of box or basket (20%). Submitted for
     judging ONLY at an ASC deemed local Agricultural Show.                    Each college is to design and create a display area suitable for an
2.   Project      component       (submitted          by      email     to     “Outback Wedding”. or by Friday 22
                                                                               Horticultural material must predominate. Fresh or dried artificially
     March 2019): PowerPoint Presentation (min. 15 - max. 20 slides)
                                                                               coloured horticultural material can be used and must not exceed 20% of
     detailing how students use sustainability techniques to prepare,
                                                                               the finished display.
     grow and maintain the garden to prepare for harvest of produce.
     Judging: quality of PowerPoint - refer to rubric (40%). ONLY winning
                                                                               Artificial flowers and foliage NOT permitted.
     produce at local ASC deemed Agricultural Shows require projects
     to be submitted to Sydney Royal Easter Show. Prizes 1st, 2nd and          All Exhibits must remain on Exhibition for TWELVE days.
     3rd ribbons
(S155CA) - Product Prize supported by Mr Fothergill’s Seeds Pty Ltd.           Trophies will be presented on the Flower & Garden stage at 2.30pm.
Value $50
                                                                               Prizes 1st, 2nd and 3rd ribbons.

                                                                               Weeds declared by City of Parramatta Council are prohibited from
                                                                               being used in any Exhibits at the Sydney Royal Flower & Garden

                                                                               CLASS 156 - TAFE NSW Outback Wedding Displays
                                                                                 The Competition will start at 8.00am and finish at 4.00pm precisely
                                                                                   on Thursday 11 April 2019.
                                                                                 The Competition will be judged on Friday 12 April 2019.
                                                                                 You will be provided a base 2.4m x 1.22m coloured brown
                                                                                   (Taubmans Rocky Road Ne) with attached backing 2.4m high,
                                                                                   coloured burnt orange (Taubmans Tomato Bisque Ac)
                                                                                 Height restriction is 2.4m.
                                                                                 This Exhibit will be on display for twelve days, so choice and use
                                                                                   of material must be appropriate for this duration.
                                                                                 All Exhibitors are responsible for bringing all materials and work
                                                                                   kit to complete their design.
                                                                                 Accessories and embellishments can be pre made, but no
                                                                                   horticultural material can be placed in the design prior to the start
                                                                                   of the Competition on Thursday 11 April 2019 at 8.00am.
                                                                                 No fresh horticultural material to be pre prepared or placed in the
                                                                                   design prior to the start of the Competition.
                                                                                 Normal post-harvest treatment of plant material allowed.
                                                                                 No use of power tools is allowed. Battery operated drills and glue
                                                                                   guns are permitted.
                                                                                 There will be 730mm high tables provided by the RAS for
                                                                                   Exhibitors to work on.
                                                                                 Nothing can be attached to the backing board.
                                                                                 No aerosol spray paint or other aerosol products are allowed to
                                                                                   be used in the pavilion.
                                                                                 Rules of Competition are in accordance with the Australian Floral
                                                                                   Art Association (AFAA) handbook.
                                                                               All rubbish is to be removed and the area left clean on completion of the

                                                                               (S156CA) - Prize (Annual Trophy) for each placegetter supported by
                                                                               Royal Agricultural Society of NSW.

SECOND SESSION                                                            CLASS 222 - Specimen Pachypodium.

                                                                          CLASS 223 - Specimen Haworthia.

                                                                          CLASS 224 - Specimen Bonsai Styled Succulent (must be Bonsai
SUNDAY 14 APRIL 2019                                                      trained).

Classes 200 to 279                                                        CLASS 225 - Specimen Crested, Monstrose or Variegated Succulent.
Delivery of Exhibits will be permitted from 10.30pm Saturday 13 April
until 7.45am Sunday 14 April.                                             CLASS 226 - Specimen Succulent NOT eligible for Classes 214 to 225.
All Exhibits are to remain benched until Monday 15 April.                 CLASS 227 - Dish Garden, 150mm to 300mm, composed of Cacti or
Exhibit collection times are Monday 15 April from 9pm to Tuesday 16       Succulents or both. Plants used in Garden must be growing on own
April prior to 7.45am.                                                    roots, not cuttings; embellishments allowed.
Vehicles will be permitted on site from 10.30pm to 8am only.
                                                                          (S227CA) - Cash Prize supported by Glenfield Wholesale Nursery Pty
Weeds declared by City of Parramatta Council are prohibited from          Ltd. Prize $75
being used in any Exhibits at the Sydney Royal Flower & Garden
Show.                                         CLASS 228 - Succulent Exhibit incorporating colour & design. You will
                                                                          be required to design your Exhibit to the theme “Our Sunburnt Country”
Champions receive a ribbon.                                               and both the plant & container will need to compliment the colours used
                                                                          in the Flower & Garden Pavilion. Any embellishments may be used. The
                                                                          colours for the design components in the pavilion in 2019 will be gold,
BRIDAL                                                                    green and burnt orange. Bench space allowed 700mm square.

Exhibits in this Class must be wired unless otherwise stated.             (S228CA) - Cash Prize supported by Glenfield Wholesale Nursery Pty
                                                                          Ltd. Prize $45
CLASS 200 - A wired bouquet of fresh horticultural material suitable
for a bride to carry, using Contemporary wiring techniques. Bench space   NOVICE CLASSES
allowed 500mm. Any embellishments permitted. Prizes 1st $35 and
ribbon, 2nd $15                                                           For Exhibitors who have not won a first prize in any Open or Novice
                                                                          Cacti and Succulent Classes at a previous Sydney Royal Easter
                                                                          CLASS 229 - Specimen Cactus.
                                                                          CLASS 230 - Specimen Succulent.
1st $8 each Class unless otherwise specified.

Class prize money supported by The Hamilton Family.                       JUNIOR CLASSES

OPEN CLASSES                                                              CLASS 231 - Specimen Cactus. Exhibitors in this Class must not have
                                                                          reached their 16th birthday on or before the first day of the Show.
CLASS 201 - Specimen Mammillaria, in pot not exceeding 150mm.
                                                                          CLASS 232 - Specimen Succulent. Exhibitors in this Class must not
CLASS 202 - Specimen Mammillaria, in pot exceeding 150mm.                 have reached their 16th birthday on or before the first day of the Show.

CLASS 203 - Specimen Ferocactus or Echinocactus.                          CLASS 233 - Dish Garden, 150mm to 300mm, composed of Cacti or
                                                                          Succulents or both. Plants used in Garden must be growing on own
CLASS 204 - Specimen Astrophytum.                                         roots, not cuttings; embellishments allowed. Exhibitors in this Class must
                                                                          not have reached their 16th birthday on or before the first day of the
CLASS 205 - Specimen Notocactus or Parodia.                               Show.

CLASS 206 - Specimen Gymnocalycium.                                       (S233CA) - Cash Prize supported by Glenfield Wholesale Nursery Pty
                                                                          Ltd. Prize $30
CLASS 207 - Specimen Lobivia, Echinopsis or Rebutia.
                                                                          (S2340) - CHAMPION CACTUS
CLASS 208 - Specimen Ariocarpus.                                          All Cactus Exhibits in the second session are eligible, excluding Classes
                                                                          227 and 233.
CLASS 209 - Specimen Melocactus.
                                                                          (S2340SA) - Cash Prize supported by The Hamilton Family. Prize $50
CLASS 210 - Specimen Epiphytic Cactus.
                                                                          (S2341) - CHAMPION SUCCULENT OTHER THAN CACTI
CLASS 211 - Specimen Crested, Monstrose or Variegated Cactus.
                                                                          All Succulents other than Cacti Exhibits in the second session are
CLASS 212 - Specimen Cactus (any genus), in a pot not exceeding           eligible, excluding Classes 227 and 233.
                                                                          (S2341SA) - Cash Prize supported by The Hamilton Family. Prize $50
CLASS 213 - Specimen Cactus, NOT eligible for Classes 201 to 212.
                                                                          (S2342) - SUPREME CHAMPION CACTUS OR SUCCULENT
CLASS 214 - Specimen Agave, Nolina, Yucca or other Agavaceaea.            Champions from (S2340) to (S2341) are eligible.

CLASS 215 - Specimen Euphorbia, Jatropha, Monadenium or other             (S2342SA) - RAS of NSW Award of Excellence Medallion for Supreme
Euphorbiaceae.                                                            Champion Cactus or Succulent.

CLASS 216 - Specimen Ceropegia, Fockea, Psudolithos, Stapelia or          (S2342SB) - Prize (Annual Trophy) supported by Cactus & Succulent
other Asclepiadaceae.                                                     Society of NSW Inc.

CLASS 217 - Specimen Adromischus, Aeonium, Crassula, Echeveria,           (S2342SC) - Cash Prize supported by Glenfield Wholesale Nursery Pty
Sedum or other Crassulaceae in pot not exceeding 150mm.                   Ltd. Prize $150

CLASS 218 - Specimen Aeonium, Crassula, Echeveria, Sedum or other
Crassulaceae in a pot exceeding 150mm.

CLASS 219 - Specimen Lithops or Conophytum.

CLASS 220 - Specimen Argyoderma, Faucaria, Gibbeaum or other
Mesembryanthemaceae NOT eligible for Class 219.

CLASS 221 - Specimen Aloe or Gasteria.
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