Page created by Lillian Griffith

                                                       COMPETITION SCHEDULE

              4 - 13 SEPTEMBER 2020 | THESHOW.COM.AU
                                            JUNIOR ART, CRAFT & DESIGN

                                                       IMPORTANT INFORMATION
                                                 2020 JUNIOR, ART, CRAFT & DESIGN
                                      Goyder Pavilion, Goodwood Road, Adelaide Showground.
                       All exhibits to be delivered, judged and removed (if applicable) from the Goyder Pavilion.

Exhibits must be delivered at the times stated below and be accompanied by the Society computer printout of entry details. Once
exhibits have been received, the pavilion will be closed for judging.
Exhibits must be collected from the Goyder Pavilion at the time stated below on receipt of computer printout entry details or be
returned to exhibitors if sufficient postage and packaging has been supplied.

                                      DELIVERY, JUDGING AND COLLECTION TIMETABLE

 SECTION                   DELIVERY                JUDGING                      COLLECTION
                                                                                Tuesday 15 September
                                                                                Duncan Gallery
                           Monday 24 August                                     8.30 am to 12 noon
 Junior Art, Craft &                               Tuesday 25 August
                           Duncan Gallery                                       Work not collected by 12 noon, will be
 Design                                            9.00 am
                           8.30 am to 12.30 pm                                  available from 10 am to 4 pm Monday 28
                                                                                September to Friday 2 October at the
                                                                                Secretary’s Office.
                           Thursday 3
 Junior Art, Craft &       September                                            Please indicate your intention to attend by
                                                       A preview night for      contacting Tara Weygood.
 Design Voucher            Goyder Pavilion            teachers to see the
 and Presentation                                                               Phone: 8210 5213
                           4.00 pm to 6.00 pm         display and talk with
 and                                                                            Email:
                           Presentations will be     Judges and Stewards
 Teachers Night                                                                 tweygood@adelaideshowground.com.au
                           at 5.00 pm

All exhibits, Certificates of Merit and Medallions not collected on 15 September will be available from 10 am to 4 pm
Monday 28 Seotember to Friday 2 October at the Secretary's Office.
The Royal Agricultural & Horticultural Society makes every attempt to ensure that all the information contained within this schedule
is correct at the time of printing, however the RA&HS reserves the right to change such details as they may be required. Please
read through the Competition Schedule carefully and double check all entries, classes and age groups.

CLOSING DATE OF ENTRIES                                                The RA&HS reserves the right to inform prize sponsors of the
                                                                       details of recipients to enable distribution of their
FRIDAY, 26 JUNE 2020 at 5.00 pm                                        voucher/product prizes.

CLOSING DATE OF ENTRIES                                                GENERAL REGULATIONS
The following conditions will strictly apply:                          Exhibitors are reminded that the Society’s General
•   All entries, whether posted, lodged in person or                   Regulations apply to all sections of the Show. A copy of the
    completed online must be in the Society’s possession at            General Regulations can be obtained from the Society’s
    its Administration Office by 5.00 pm (CST) on Friday 26            website at www.theshow.com.au or from the Society’s
    June 2020.                                                         Administration Office.
•   When sending entry forms and fees by post, the onus is             Exhibitors should note that the General Regulations contain a
    on the exhibitor to ensure adequate delivery time.                 number of provisions relevant to competitions and this
•   Entry forms by facsimile or email will not be accepted.            Schedule including but not limited to, offences, penalties,
•   A late entry option is available under the following               prohibited drugs. As those conditions apply in addition to the
    conditions:                                                        regulations contained within this schedule, Exhibitors should
    o Late entries may only be submitted online and will be            familiarise themselves with the General Regulations.
         accepted for 7 days after the official closing date (by
         5.00 pm CST)                                                  SPECIAL REGULATIONS
    o An additional fee equivalent to three times the                  Exhibitors are reminded that the Special Regulations
         standard entry fee is paid.                                   contained within this Schedule are merely supplementary to
                                                                       and subject to the General Regulations.
Absolutely no exception to the above conditions will be                The members of the Society’s Art, Craft, Cookery &
made to any exhibitor under any circumstance.                          Technology Committee shall have the authority to act on
                                                                       behalf of the Society to take any necessary action under
ONLINE ENTRIES                                                         these Special Regulations.
                                                                       RESTRICTION OF ENTRIES
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ENTRIES                                             Exhibitors can only submit one entry per Class
Entries submitted online will be acknowledged via email.               If the number of exhibits exceeds the space available, the
For postal entries, if you require formal acknowledgement that         Society reserves the right to display Merit winning
your entry has been received please include a stamped, self-           exhibits only.
addressed envelope with your entry form.
                                                                       •   Pre-Schoolers Exhibits must not be larger than an A3
ENTRY FEES (GST INCLUDED)                                                  sheet, 297mm x 420 mm for Junior Art or Craft.
Entry fees - $3.50 per entry (online), $4 per entry (paper).           •   5 to 6 years of age- Exhibits must not be larger than an
Postage stamps will not be accepted as payment for entry                   A3 sheet, 297mm x 420mm for Junior Art, Craft and
fees.                                                                      Design Classes.
Cheques should be made payable to RA&HS and posted with                •   7 to 18 years of age- Exhibits must not be larger than an
the completed entry form.                                                  A2 sheet, 420mm x 594mm. (except where large
Please do not send cash (notes or coins) through the                       paintings and Graduate works) for Junior Art, Craft and
post.                                                                      Design Classes.
When paying fees by cheque or credit card, exhibitors must             •   Maximum size of articles (unless otherwise specified), for
ensure that sufficient funds are available at the time of entry.           display in Junior Art & Craft cabinets, is 1300 mm high by
Failure to do so may result in non-acceptance of entries.                  1000 mm.

REFUNDS                                                                (Measurement taken diagonally across the base for 3
No refund of entry fees will be made after the closing                 dimensional exhibits).
date of entries.                                                       Any exhibit not conforming to the size stipulated will not
                                                                       be placed before the judge and may not be displayed.
Exhibitors need not be members of the Royal Agricultural &             TRANSFERS
Horticultural Society of SA Inc.                                       Please ensure exhibits are entered in the correct class at time
Membership fees: Adults $175, Juniors $59 (under 18).                  of entry. No exhibit will be transferred to another class after
                                                                       the closing date of entries.
Post RA&HS – Junior Art, Craft & Design Section                        EXHIBIT CARDS
PO Box 108, GOODWOOD, SA 5034                                          After entries have closed; exhibit cards will be forwarded to
Email entries@adelaideshowground.com.au                                exhibitors and must accompany each entry.
Phone (08) 8210 5211 Between 9.00 am - 5.00 pm Monday                  These cards should be securely fastened to entries so that
to Friday                                                              the card is clearly seen when the work is displayed.
Website www.theshow.com.au                                             Straight pins must not be used to attach exhibit cards.
                                                                       Good quality tape or staples are preferred.
YOUR PRIVACY                                                           Every separate article of a set must bear the exhibit number
If you do not want your details to be made available to other          and be attached to the set by mounting.
parties, please tick the box on the entry form supplied by the         Exhibits must not have any identification markings or
RA&HS. Your personal information will then only be used by             names, other than the exhibit cards supplied by the
the RA&HS to maintain contact with you and allow us to                 Society.
manage your entries.

WITHDRAWALS                                                               •   No clipart or commercially available images are to be
All withdrawals must be made in writing and can be sent via                   included in computer generated entries, unless advised
email to entries@adelaideshowground.com.au or faxed to                        otherwise.
(08) 8210 5222. Emailed withdrawals must include                          •   All construction must be made in such a way to avoid
“Withdrawal” in the subject line and the section (eg Junior Art,              having parts that fall off or become unattached from the
Craft & Design, exhibitor name, class number/s, exhibit                       object.
number (if known) and exhibit name (if applicable).                       •   The RA&HS of SA reserves the right to use images of
Withdrawals must be made at least 24 hours prior to judging.                  work presented, for advertising purposes related to future
                                                                              Show activities.
In Junior Art, Craft and Design Classes, judges will award                DISPLAY OF EXHIBITS
Certificates of Merit to no more than 25% of entries if the               Exhibitors wishing to have their work considered for display
standard of entries warrant.                                              should attach a minimum of four velcro HOOK SPOTS or tabs
Recipients of Certificates of Merit will also receive an "Award           on the back corners of all pieces entered.
of Merit" Medallion in lieu of monetary payments.                         The Society reserves the right to display only prize winning
                                                                          exhibits should the number of entries exceed the display
Please read the schedule carefully, as changes may have                   space.
occurred from previous years. Exhibits may be rejected if
they do not fit the criteria as printed.                                  USE OF IMAGES
                                                                          The RA&HS of SA reserves the right to use images of exhibits
•   In all classes an exhibit can only compete in one class.              for the purpose of advertising and illustration for the 2020
•   Exhibits/work entered in the Royal Adelaide Show in                   Royal Adelaide Show.
    previous years cannot be entered in subsequent years.
•   The Society will not accept responsibility for any exhibit            VOUCHER PRESENTATION & TEACHERS NIGHT
    entered in a wrong class and transfers will not be                    A Teacher and Voucher Presentation Night will be held on
    permitted.                                                            Thursday 3 September in the Goyder Pavilion from 4.00 pm
•   The Society will not under any circumstances hold itself              till 6.00 pm. Teachers can view the display and talk with some
    responsible for any loss or damage to any exhibit.                    of the Judges and Stewards. Voucher presentations will take
•   The judges are empowered to award a certificate or                    place at 5.00 pm and Professional Development Certificates
    prize, whether there are one or more exhibits, providing              will be issued after this. Please indicate your intention to
    they deem the exhibit worthy.                                         attend by contacting Tara Weygood on (08) 8210 5213 or
•   The judge’s decisions are final and no correspondence or              email tweygood@adelaideshowground.com.au or Gary
    discussion will be entered into.                                      Schulz on 0417 082 963.
•   IN JUNIOR CLASSES: Exhibitors should note that entry
    forms must be signed by parent, guardian or teacher                   JUNIOR ART, CRAFT & DESIGN
    stating that the work entered is the original and
    unaided work of the exhibitor.                                        (Refer Timetable Inside Front Cover)
•   IN POTTERY CLASSES, all clay work must be fired.                      Exhibitors are requested to read the conditions of entry and
                                                                          the delivery and removal of exhibits timetable, before lodging
SPECIAL NOTES - JUNIOR ART, CRAFT AND DESIGN                              entries.
EXHIBITORS:                                                               AGES OF ALL EXHIBITORS WILL BE TAKEN AS OF 1
                                                                          SEPTEMBER OF THE CURRENT YEAR
•   All Certificate of Merit entries will be displayed,
    together with as many other entries as the display space              GLOSSARY
    will permit.                                                          Collage: A picture including scraps of paper and other odds
•   Exhibitors are reminded to FIRMLY attach a minimum                    and ends pasted on.
    of four Velcro HOOK tabs on the back corners of all                   Still Life: A picture of an arrangement of inanimate objects
    2D pieces entered if they would like them considered                  e.g. flowers, fruit, and vegetables, pots and pans etc.
    for display.                                                          Portrait: A likeness of a person.
•   Please ensure that any double-sided tape used is of high              Photomontage: A selection of photographs or parts of
    quality and securely attached.                                        photographs pieced together and attached to a surface to
•   Any school submitting a large number of entries is                    form another visual image.
    encouraged to place a small coloured spot or sticker on               Pinata: A Pinata is a brightly-coloured paper mache container
    the front of the exhibit card to facilitate easy identification       traditionally filled with confectionery or treats
    when the work is collected.                                             Exhibitors are requested to read the conditions of entry
•   Names, school names and ages should not be displayed.                 and the delivery and removal of exhibits timetable, before
•   Work in the “not included elsewhere” classes will not be                                         lodging entries.
    accepted if it could have been entered in one of the                  AGES OF ALL EXHIBITORS WILL BE TAKEN AS OF 1
    above classes.                                                        SEPTEMBER OF THE CURRENT YEAR
•   No framed Artwork or Artwork with glass will be
    accepted for judging.
•   Lego® works will not be accepted in any class.
•   All clay work must be fired to at least 600C
•   No images that may offend, or items that fall into the
    category of being weapons, will be accepted for
    judging or display.

                 SPECIAL AWARDS                                       Class 11 Drawing, Featuring a Zoo or Museum Animal,
                                                                               using any drawing media.
To be awarded to the most successful school with the highest          Class 12 Drawing, Houses in a Street, using any
number of Merit awards.                                                        drawing media.

MOST SUCCESSFUL INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITOR IN JUNIOR                        Class 13 Painting, Featuring a Pet Animal, using any
ART, CRAFT & DESIGN                                                            drawing media.
To be Awarded to the Individual with the most Certificates of
Merit.                                                                Class 14 Painting, A Dream of a Wonderful Place, using
                                                                               any painting media.
                                                                               Collage can be included.
        2 to 5 YEARS OF AGE                                           Class 15 Painting, Still Life, A Bowl of Fruit, using any
•   Exhibitors 2 to 5 years of age.                                            painting media.
•   Framed art work or art work covered in glass will not be
                                                                      Class 16 Painting, Still Life, including flowers and/or
    accepted for judging.
                                                                               vegetables, using a variety of painting media.
•   Lego® works will not be accepted in any class.
•   All works must be the unaided work of the exhibitor               Class 17 Painting, The View Through a Window, using
•   Size of works not to exceed A3.                                            any painting media.
•   These works will not be judged.
•   The exhibitors will have their work displayed and they will       Class 18 Painting, Portrait of a Showing and Emotion,
    receive a Participation Certificate.                                       using a variety of painting media.
                                                                               eg happy, sad, angry, scared, cheerful,
                                                                               disappointed etc.
Class 1    Drawing, any subject matter, using any
           drawing media.                                             Class 19 Painting, A Clown, using any painting media.
           eg pencils, oil pastel, crayon, inks, markers etc.
                                                                      Class 20 Painting, A Tree House, using any painting
Class 2    Painting, any subject media, using any                              media.
           painting media.
                                                                      Class 21 Painting, My Favourite Toy, using any painting
Class 3    Craft, any article of craft work, using any craft                   media.
           materials new or recycled.
                                                                      Class 22 Painting, An Imaginary Animal or Bird, using
                      JUNIOR ART                                               any painting media.

•   Framed art work or art work covered in glass will not be          Class 23 Painting, My Favourite Animal at the Show,
    accepted for judging.                                                      using any painting media.
•   The use of water-colour pencils and wash will be
    considered as painting.                                           Class 24 Print, Any Subject Matter, experimenting with
•   Lego® works will not be accepted in any class.                             painting media and paint application.
                                                                               For example, relief print, stencil print, left print,
                  5 TO 6 YEARS OF AGE                                          block print using any printmaking media.
                                                                               Size A4.
Class 4    Drawing, Black and White, Still Life, using any                     To be attached to heavier card for display
           drawing media.                                                      purposes.
           eg Pencils, pastels, charcoal, ink, markers etc.
                                                                      Class 25 Print, any example of printmaking, using any
Class 5    Drawing, Coloured, Still Life, using any                            printmaking media.
           drawing media.                                                      For example, finger prints, relief print, stencil print,
           eg pencils, oil pastels, crayon, ink, markers etc.                  leaf print, junk prints, block print.
                                                                               Size A4
Class 6    Drawing, Things that Live in Trees, using any                       To be attached the heavier card for display
           drawing media.                                                      purposes.

Class 7    Drawing, A Favourite Place, using any drawing              Class 26 Smartphone Photograph, Having Fun.
           media.                                                              Clay sculptures must be fired.
                                                                               Lego® sculptures will not be accepted.
Class 8    Drawing, On Holidays, using any drawing
           media.                                                     Class 27 Sculpture, any example of three dimensional
           Collage can be included                                             art in any media, new, recycled or natural.
                                                                               Clay sculptures must be fired.
Class 9    Drawing, Portrait of a Funny Face, using any                        Lego® sculptures will not be accepted.
           drawing media.
           Collage can be included.

Class 10 Drawing, Featuring an Imaginary Bird, using
         any drawing media.

Class 28 Any Other Example of Artwork, not elsewhere               Class 46 Painting, Any Landscape, experimenting with
         included.                                                          any painting media and any paint application
         Items submitted in this class which should have                    methods.
         been entered in one of the above classes will not                  It is important that you firmly attach a copy of the
         be judged.                                                         image you have studied and the name of the artist.

                  7 TO 8 YEARS OF AGE                              Class 47 Painting, At the Beach, using any painting
Class 29 Drawing, Black and White Still Life, Things at
         Home, eg toys, bikes, shoes, plants, fruit,               Class 48 Painting, Portrait of a Showing and Emotion,
         treasures, using any drawing media.                                using a variety of painting media.
         eg charcoal, pencils, oil pastels, crayon, ink,                    eg happy, sad, scared, angry, cheerful,
         markers etc.                                                       disappointed.

Class 30 Drawing, Still Life of Flowers in a Vase, using           Class 49 Painting, A Clown, using any painting media.
         any drawing media.
         eg. pencils, oil pastels, crayon, ink, markers etc.       Class 50 Painting, An Animal You Wish You Could Have
                                                                            as a Pet, using any painting media.
Class 31 Drawing, A Bird or Animal from a Dream, using
         any drawing media.                                        Class 51 Painting, Self Portrait Making a Funny Face,
                                                                            using any painting media.
Class 32 Drawing, A View Through a Door, using any
         drawing media.                                            Class 52 Painting, A Zoo or Museum Bird or Animal,
                                                                            using any painting media.
Class 33 Drawing, The Circus, using any drawing media.
                                                                   Class 53 Painting, An Illustration from one of the
Class 34 Drawing, Portrait of a Person Making a Funny                       subjects you are studying, using any painting
         Face, using any drawing media.                                     media.

Class 35 Drawing, The Camp Fire, using any drawing                 Class 54 Painting, Any Subject Matter, experimenting
         media.                                                             with painting media.

Class 36 Drawing, Featuring an Imaginary Bird, using               Class 55 Painting, Favourite Animal at the Show, using
         any drawing media.                                                 a variety of painting media.
         Collage can be included.
                                                                   Class 56 Print, any example of printmaking.
Class 37 Drawing, Featuring a Fantasy Animal, using                         eg finger printing, relief print, stencil print, leaf
         any drawing media.                                                 print, junk prints, pulled string prints, block print,
         Collage may be included.                                           using any printmaking media.
                                                                            Size A4.
Class 38 Drawing, Featuring a Zoo or Museum Animal,                         To be attached to heavier card for display
         using any drawing media.                                           purposes.

Class 39 Drawing, Featuring a Native Australian Bird or            Class 57 Sculpture, any example of three dimensional
         Animal, using any drawing media                                    art using new, found or recycled materials.
                                                                            Clay sculptures must be fired.
Class 40 Drawing, A Very, Very Detailed Drawing of an                       Lego® sculptures will not be accepted.
         Insect, using any drawing media.
                                                                   Class 58 Any Other Example of Artwork, not elsewhere
Class 41 Drawing, A Happy Dream, using any drawing                          included.
         media.                                                             Items submitted in this class which should
                                                                            havebeen entered in one of the classes above will
Class 42 Painting, Still Life, including Plants or Flowers,                 not be judged.
         using any painting media
                                                                   Class 59 A Digital Photograph, Making a Funny Face.
Class 43 Painting, Still life, including Fruit or                           Not to be digitally enhanced. Maximum photo size
         Vegetables, experimenting with any painting                        A4. Mounting on card is encouraged.
         media and any paint application methods.
         eg cardboard, fingers, palette knives, sticks,            Class 60 A Digital Photograph, A Special Place.
         sponges etc.                                                       Not to be digitally enhanced. Maximum size A4.
                                                                            Mounting on card is encouraged.
Class 44 Painting, Buildings in a Street, using a variety
         of painting media.                                        Class 61 A Digital Photograph, Food on a Plate.
                                                                            Not to be digitally enhanced.
Class 45 Painting, Something Our Teacher Taught Us,                         Maximum size A4.
         using any painting media.                                          Mounting on card is encouraged.
         Collage can be included.

Class 62 Smartphone Photography, A Special Person.                  Class 79 Drawing, Featuring a Fantasy Bird from a
         Not to be digitally enhanced.                                       Dream, using any drawing media.
         Maximum photo size A4.
         Mounting on card is encouraged.                            Class 80 Drawing, Featuring a Fantasy Animal from a
                                                                             Dream or your Imagination, using any drawing
Class 63 Photograph, Interesting Shadows, Patterns or                        media.
         Digital manipulation is encouraged.                        Class 81 Drawing, A Very, Very Detailed Drawing of an
         Maximum photo size A4.                                              Insect or Plant, using any drawing media.
         Mounting on card is encouraged.
                                                                    Class 82 Drawing, In a Magic Castle, using any drawing
Class 64 A Photograph from Above Looking Down.                               media.
         Not to be digitally enhanced.
         Maximum photo size A4.                                     Class 83 Any Other Example of Drawing, not included
         Mounting on card is encouraged.                                     elsewhere.
                                                                             Items submitted in this class that should have
                 9 TO 10 YEARS OF AGE                                        been entered in one of the above classes, will not
                                                                             be judged.
Class 65 Drawing, Black and White Still Life, using any
         drawing media.                                             Class 84 Painting, Still Life, including Flowers or
         eg charcoal, pencils, oil pastels, crayon, ink,                     Vegetables or Fruit, using a variety of painting
         markers etc.                                                        media.

Class 66 Drawing, Still Life, coloured, using a variety of          Class 85 Painting, An Abstract Interpretation of a
         drawing media.                                                      Landscape, using any painting media and
         eg pencils, oil pastels, crayon, ink, markers etc.                  application technique.
                                                                             eg cardboard, fingers, palette knife, twigs, sticks,
Class 67 Drawing, Portrait, in the style of an artist you                    cotton buds etc.
         have studied this year.
         It is important that you firmly attach a copy of the       Class 86 Painting, Landscape, in the style of an artist
         image you have studied and the name of the artist.                  you have studied this year.
                                                                             It is important that you firmly attach a copy of the
Class 68 Drawing, Landscape, in the style of an artist                       image you have studied and name of the artist.
         you have studied this year.
         It is important that you firmly attach a copy of the       Class 87 Painting, Australian Flooded Landscape, using
         image you have studied and the name of the artist.                  a variety of painting media.

Class 69 Drawing, Still Life, including collage and any             Class 88 Painting, Portrait of a Showing and Emotion,
         other drawing media.                                                using a variety of painting media.
                                                                             eg happy. sad, scared, angry, cheerful,
Class 70 Drawing, Creatures from a Dream, using any                          disappointed etc.
         drawing media.
         Collage can be used.                                       Class 89 Painting, an illustration from one of the
                                                                             subjects you are studying, using any painting
Class 71 Drawing, A Local Landscape, using a variety of                      media.
         drawing media.
                                                                    Class 90 Painting, Portrait or Figure Study, in the style
Class 72 Drawing, Scoring a Goal, using any drawing                          of an artist you have studied this year.
         media.                                                              It is important that you firmly attach a copy of the
         Collage can be used.                                                image you have studied and the name of the artist.

Class 73 Drawing, My Favourite Activity, using any                  Class 91 Painting, an Australian Bird, Flower or Reptile,
         drawing media.                                                      using any painting media.
         Collage can be used.                                                Items submitted in this class that should have
                                                                             been entered in one of the above classes will not
Class 74 Drawing, Houses in a Street, using any                              be judged.
         drawing media.
                                                                    Class 92 Painting, A Family Pet, using a variety of
Class 75 Drawing, Portrait of a Happy Person, using any                      painting media.
         drawing media.
         Collage can be used.                                       Class 93 Painting, reflecting your Parent's or
                                                                             Grandparent's Cultural Heritage or a Painting
Class 76 Drawing, Featuring an Australian Bird, using                        reflecting a culture you have studied this year,
         any drawing media.                                                  using any painting media.

Class 77 Drawing, Featuring an Australian Animal,                   Class 94 Painting, any subject not elsewhere included,
         using any drawing media.                                            experimenting with painting media and
                                                                             application techniques.
Class 78 Drawing, Featuring a Zoo or Museum Animal,                          eg cardboard, fingers, palette knife, twigs, sticks,
         using any drawing media.                                            cotton buds etc.
Class 95 Print, any example of printmaking, using any                Class 106 Photomontage, A Party.
         printmaking media.                                                    Entrants are encouraged to carefully check the
         eg finger painting, relief work, stencil, leaf print,                 definition of the word "montage"
         block print.
         Size A4.                                                    Class 107 A Photograph from Above, Patterns in a
         To be attached to heavier card for display                            Country Landscape.
         purposes.                                                             Could be from a drone or very high place.
                                                                               You must not break the law or invade another
Class 96 Sculpture, any example of three dimensional                           person's privacy.
         art in any media, using new, natural or                               Maximum photo size A4.
         recycled materials.                                                   Mounting on card is encouraged.
         Clay sculptures must be fired.                                        Not to be digitally enhanced.
         Lego® sculptures will not be accepted.
                                                                                      11 TO 12 YEARS OF AGE
Class 97 Any Other Example of Black and White
         Artwork, not elsewhere included.                            Class 108 Drawing, Still Life in Black and White, using
         Items submitted in this class that should have                        any drawing media.
         been entered in one of the above classes, will not                    eg pencils, charcoal, oil pastels, inks, markers or a
         be judged.                                                            combination of more than one media.

Class 98 Any Other Example of Coloured Artwork, not                  Class 109 Drawing, Still Life, colour, using any drawing
         elsewhere included.                                                   media.
         Items submitted in this class that should have                        eg pencils, oil pastels, crayons, ink, markers or a
         been entered in one of the above classes, will not                    combination of more than one drawing media.
         be judged.
                                                                     Class 110 Drawing, in the style of an artist you have
Class 99 Computer Generated Print, Fantasy Character.                          studied this year.
         Two or three dimensional.                                             It is important that you firmly attach a copy of the
         Size up to A4.                                                        image you have studied and the name of the artist.
         To be attached to heavier card for display
         purposes.                                                   Class 111 Drawing, Still Life, Abstract, experimenting
         Scanned and manipulated images are acceptable                         with a range of drawing media.
         as are those drawn on a tablet.                                       Collage can be included.

Class 100 Computer Generated Print, any subject matter               Class 112 Drawing, A Local Landscape, including a
          not elsewhere included.                                              building, using a range of drawing media.
          Size A4 to be attached to heavier card for display
          purposes.                                                  Class 113 Drawing, A Bushfire in an Australian
          Scanned and manipulated images are acceptable                        Landscape, experimenting with any drawing
          as are those drawn on a tablet.                                      media.

Class 101 Smartphone Photograph, A Favourite Bird or                 Class 114 Drawing, Self-Portrait, in the style of an artist
          Animal.                                                              you have studied this year.
          Maximum photo size A4.                                               It is important that you firmly attach a copy of the
          Mounting on card is encouraged.                                      image you have studied and the name of the artist.
          Not to be digitally enhanced.
                                                                     Class 115 Drawing, Portrait of a Family Member, using
Class 102 Smartphone Photograph, Still Life,                                   any drawing media.
          Arrangement of Flowers, Fruit or Vegetables.
          Maximum photo size A4.                                     Class 116 Drawing, A Very, Very Detailed Drawing of an
          Mounting on card is encouraged.                                      Insect, using any drawing media.
          Not to be digitally enhanced.
                                                                     Class 117 Drawing, Houses in a Street, demonstrating an
Class 103 Smartphone Photograph, Portrait of a Sad                             understanding of perspective, using any
          Person                                                               drawing media
          Maximum photo size A4.
                                                                     Class 118 Drawing, Featuring an Australian Bird, using
          Mounting on card is encouraged.
                                                                               any drawing media.
          Not to be digitally enhanced.
                                                                     Class 119 Drawing, Featuring a Dangerous Animal, using
Class 104 A Digital Photograph, An Interesting View
                                                                               any drawing media.
          Through a Window or Door.
          Maximum photo size A4.
                                                                     Class 120 Drawing, any other example not included
          Mounting on card is encouraged.
          Digital manipulation is encouraged.
                                                                               Items submitted in this class that should have
                                                                               been entered in one of the above classes, will not
Class 105 A Digital Photograph, any subject matter.
                                                                               be judged.
          Maximum photo size A4.
          Mounting on card is encouraged.
                                                                     Class 121 Painting, Still Life, a Vase of Flowers, using
          Digital manipulation is encouraged.
                                                                               any painting media.
Class 122 Painting, an abstract interpretation of a Still            Class 134 Print, any example of black and white
          Life, including Fruit and Vegetables or a                            printmaking, using any printmaking media.
          Favourite Meal, using a variety of painting                          eg relief print, stencil print, leaf print, block print,
          media.                                                               lino print.
          Collage can be included.                                             Computer generated prints can be included.
                                                                               Maximum size A4.
Class 123 Painting, Shadows or Patterns in the                                 To be attached to heavier card for display
          Landscape, experimenting with any painting                           purposes.
          media and application techniques.
          eg cardboard, fingers, sponges, sticks, twigs,             Class 135 Print, any example of colour printmaking,
          cotton buds, cotton wool etc.                                        using any printmaking media.
                                                                               eg relief print, stencil print, leaf print, block print,
Class 124 Painting, reflecting your Parent's or                                lino print etc.
          Grandparent's Cultural Heritage or a Painting                        Computer generated prints can be included.
          reflecting a culture you have studied this year,                     Maximum size A4
          using any painting media.                                            To be attached the heavier card for display
Class 125 Painting, an illustration from one of the
          subjects you are studying, using any painting              Class 136 Experimental Computer Generated Digital
          media.                                                               Artwork, any subject matter.
                                                                               Two or three dimensional.
Class 126 Painting, Portrait of Your Best Friend, using                        Size up to A3.
          any painting media.                                                  To be attached to heavier card for display
Class 127 Painting, Landscape, Self Portrait or Figure                         Google SketchUp® can be used.
          Study, in the style of an artist you have studied                    Scanned and manipulated images are acceptable
          this year.                                                           as are those drawn on a tablet.
          It is important that you firmly attach a copy of the
          image you have studied and the name of the artist.         Class 137 Sculpture, any example of three dimensional
                                                                               art in any media, new or recycled.
Class 128 Painting, abstract interpretation of a Still Life,                   Clay sculptures must be fired.
          including flowers, experimenting with any                            Lego® sculptures will not be accepted.
          painting media and application techniques.
          eg cardboard, fingers, sponges, twigs, sticks,             Class 138 Smartphone Photograph, Special People in
          cotton buds, alfoil etc.                                             Your Life.
                                                                               Maximum size A4
Class 129 Painting, abstract interpretation of a                               Mounting on card is encouraged.
          Landscape, experimenting with any painting                           Not to be digitally enhanced.
          media and application techniques.
          eg cardboard, fingers, sponges, twigs, sticks,             Class 139 A Digital Photograph, Special People in your
          cotton buds, cotton wool etc.                                        Life
                                                                               Maximum photo size A4.
Class 130 Painting, abstract interpretation of the Majesty                     Mounting on card is encouraged.
          of a Tree, experimenting with non-traditional                        Not to be digitally enhanced.
          media and application techniques.
          eg cardboard, fingers, sponges, twigs, sticks,             Class 140 A Digital Photograph, An Historic Building in
          cotton buds, cotton wool etc.                                        an Australian Landscape
                                                                               Maximum photo size A4.
Class 131 Painting, Illustrating a Myth or Legend, using                       Mounting on card is encouraged.
          any painting media and techniques.                                   Not to be digitally enhanced.
          Please write the myth or legend being illustrated
          on the back of your painting.                              Class 141 A Digital Photograph, any subject matter
                                                                               Maximum photo size A4.
Class 132 Painting, any subject matter not elsewhere                           Mounting on card is encouraged.
          included, using any painting media.                                  Digital manipulation is encouraged.
          Items submitted in this class that should have
          been entered in one of the above classes, will not         Class 142 Photomontage, any subject matter
          be judged.                                                           Entrants are encouraged to carefully check the
                                                                               definition of the word "montage"
Class 133 Any Other Example of Painting, not included
          elsewhere.                                                 Class 143 A Photograph from Above, featuring Shadows
          Items submitted in this class that should have                       and/or Patterns from a Landscape.
          been entered in one of the above classes, will not                   Could be from a drone or very high place.
          be judged.                                                           You must not break the law or invade another
                                                                               person's privacy.
                                                                               Maximum photo size A4.
                                                                               Mounting on card is encouraged.
                                                                               Not to be digitally enhanced.

                 13 TO 15 YEARS OF AGE                               Class 161 Painting, A Fantasy Planet, using any painting
                                                                               and/or drawing media.
Class 144 Drawing, Still Life in Black and White,
          including flowers or plants, using a variety of            Class 162 Painting, An Australian Landscape, in the style
          drawing media.                                                       of an artist you have studied this year.
          eg charcoal, oil pastels, crayons, ink, markers or a                 It is important that you firmly attach a copy of the
          combination of more than one drawing media.                          image you have studied and the name of the artist.

Class 145 Drawing, Still Life in Colour, using any drawing           Class 163 Painting, Abstract Interpretation of The
          media.                                                               Majesty of a Tree, experimenting with non-
          eg pencils, oil pastels, crayons, ink, markers or a                  traditional media and application techniques.
          combination of more than one drawing media.                          eg cardboard, fingers, sponges, twigs, sticks,
                                                                               cotton buds, cotton wool etc.
Class 146 Drawing, A Landscape featuring Houses or
          Buildings, demonstrating your understanding                Class 164 Painting, Portrait or Figure Study, using any
          of perspective, any drawing media.                                   painting media.

Class 147 Drawing, Still Life of Kitchen Utensils, using a           Class 165 Painting, Abstract Portrait, in the style of an
          variety of drawing media.                                            artist or art movement you have studied, using
          eg pencils, oil pastel, crayon, ink, markers etc.                    any painting media and application methods.
          Could include pots, pans, crockery, glasses etc.                     eg cardboard, fingers, sponges, twigs, sticks,
                                                                               cotton buds, alfoil etc.
Class 148 Drawing, Imaginary Landscape, using more
          than one drawing media.                                    Class 166 Painting, Illustrating a Myth or Legend, using
                                                                               any painting media.
Class 149 Drawing, Buildings in a Local Landscape,                             The name of the myth or legend should be written
          using any drawing media.                                             on the back of your work.

Class 150 Drawing, Portrait of a Special Person in your              Class 167 Painting, a Native Australian Bird, Animal,
          Life, using any drawing media.                                       Reptile or Insect, using any painting media.
          Collage can included.
                                                                     Class 168 Painting, an Example of Experimental Art,
Class 151 Drawing, Houses or Tall Buildings,                                   using painting media, non-traditional
          demonstrating your understanding of                                  application of the paint and any other
          perspective, using any drawing media.                                experimental contributions.

Class 152 Drawing, Scoring a Goal, using any drawing                 Class 169 Painting, an Illustration from one of the
          media.                                                               subjects you are studying, using any painting
Class 153 Drawing, Featuring an Australian Native Bird,
          using any drawing media.                                   Class 170 Painting, Any Subject Matter, not included
                                                                               elsewhere, using any painting media.
Class 154 Drawing, Featuring a Dangerous Animal, Bird,                         Items submitted in this class that should have
          Insect or Reptile, using any drawing media.                          been entered in one of the above classes, will not
                                                                               be judged.
Class 155 Drawing, A Very, Very Detailed Drawing of an
          Insect, using any drawing media.                           Class 171 Any Other Example of Painting, not elsewhere
Class 156 Any Other Example of Drawing, not included                           Items submitted in this class that should have
          elsewhere.                                                           been entered in one of the above classes, will not
          Items submitted in this class that should have                       be judged.
          been entered in one of the above classes, will not
          be judged.                                                 Class 172 Print, Still Life, using any printmaking
Class 157 Painting, Still Life, mono-colour, using any                         eg relief print, stencil print, leaf print, block print.
          painting media and application techniques.                           Maximum size A4
          eg fingers, sponges, twigs, sticks, palette knife,                   To be attached to heavier card for display
          cotton buds etc.                                                     purposes.
                                                                               Computer generated prints can be included.
Class 158 Painting, Still Life, including Fruit and/or
          Flowers and/or Vegetables, using any painting              Class 173 Print, any other example of black and white
          media.                                                               printmaking, using any printmaking media.
                                                                               eg relief print, stencil print, leaf print, block print.
Class 159 Painting, Still Life, abstract interpretation,
                                                                               Maximum size A4
          using any painting media.
                                                                               To be attached to heavier card for display
Class 160 Painting, reflecting your Parent's or                                purposes.
          Grandparent's Cultural Heritage or a Painting                        Computer generated prints can be included.
          reflecting a culture you have studied this year,
          using any painting media.

Class 174 Print, any other example of coloured                            Class 186 A Photograph, Patterns in the Landscape from
          printmaking, using any printmaking media.                                 above, taken from a drone or a very high
          eg relief print, stencil print, leaf print, block print.                  viewing point
          Maximum size A4                                                           If you use a drone, you must not break the law or
          To be attached to heavier card for display                                invade another person's privacy.
          purposes.                                                                 Maximum photo size A4.
          Computer generated prints can be included.                                Mounting on card is encouraged.
                                                                                    Not to be digitally enhanced.
Class 175 Experimental Computer Generated Digital Art
          Work, any subject matter.                                                        16 TO 20 YEARS OF AGE
          Two or three dimensional.
          Size up to A3.                                                  Class 187 Drawing, Still Life, including Flowers, Plants,
          To be attached to heavier card for display                                Fruit or Vegetables, using a variety of drawing
          purposes.                                                                 media.
          Google SketchUp® can be used.                                             E.g. Pencils, oil pastels, crayon, ink, markers etc.
          Scanned and manipulated images are acceptable
          as are those drawn on a tablet.                                 Class 188 Drawing, Portrait or Figure Study, using any
                                                                                    drawing media.
Class 176 Sculpture, any example of three dimensional
          art in any media, new, natural or recycled.                     Class 189 Drawing, A Very, Very Detailed Drawing of a
          Clay sculptures must be fired.                                            Flower or Insect, using any drawing media.

Class 177 Sculpture, 3D printing, any example of                          Class 190 Drawing, any other example not included
          sculpture produced with a 3D printer.                                     elsewhere.
                                                                                    Items submitted in this class that should have
Class 178 Experimental Computer Generated Digital Art                               been entered in one of the above classes, will not
          Work                                                                      be judged.
          Exhibitors are encouraged to experiment.
                                                                          Class 191 Painting, Still Life, items found in the kitchen,
Class 179 A Digital Photograph, Portrait of a Special                               using any painting media and application
          Person in your Life.                                                      techniques.
          Not to be digitally enhanced.                                             eg cardboard, fingers, sponges, twigs, sticks,
          Maximum photo size A4.                                                    cotton buds etc.
          Mounting on card is encouraged.
                                                                          Class 192 Painting, Reflecting your Own, your Parent's or
Class 180 A Digital Photograph, a Monument of Historical                            Grandparent's Cultural Heritage, using any
          Significance                                                              painting media.
          Not to be digitally enhanced.
          Maximum photo size A4.                                          Class 193 Painting, Australian Landscape, including
          Mounting on card is encouraged.                                           Animals or Birds, using any painting media.

Class 181 A Digital Photograph, Still Life, Arrangement of                Class 194 Painting, Portrait or Figure Study, using any
          Flowers, Fruit, Vegetables or Kitchen Utensils                            painting media.
          Not to be digitally enhanced.
          Maximum photo size A4.                                          Class 195 Painting, Shadows or Patterns in the
          Mounting on card is encouraged.                                           Landscape, using any painting media.
                                                                                    Collage can be used.
Class 182 A Digital Photograph, A Family Pet or Farm
          Animal                                                          Class 196 Painting, any subject matter not included
          Not to be digitally enhanced.                                             elsewhere,using any painting media and
          Maximum photo size A4.                                                    application techniques.
          Mounting on card is encouraged.                                           eg fingers, sponges, twigs, sticks, palette knife,
                                                                                    cotton buds etc.
Class 183 A Smartphone Photograph, featuring Shadows
          or Patterns                                                     Class 197 Painting, illustrating an aspect of one of your
          Not to be digitally enhanced.                                             subjects, using any painting and drawing
          Maximum photo size A4.                                                    media.
          Mounting on card is encouraged.
                                                                          Class 198 Painting, any subject matter, painted on board
Class 184 A Digital Photograph, any subject matter                                  or canvas.
          Digital manipulation is encouraged.                                       Not to exceed 1 metre square in area.
          Maximum photo size A4.                                                    Please ensure your canvas or board has a wire for
          Mounting on card is encouraged.                                           hanging purposes.

Class 185 Photomontage, a non-offensive, Social                           Class 199 Any Other Example of Experimental or
          Comment.                                                                  Abstract Painting, not included elsewhere.
          Entrants are encouraged to carefully check the                            Items submitted in this class that should have
          meaning of the word "Montage"                                             been entered in one of the above classes, will not
                                                                                    be judged.

Class 200 Print, any example of printmaking                         Class 210 Any Example of Artwork presented for
          Not to exceed 1 square meter in area.                               examination, using any drawing or painting
          Please ensure your canvas or board has a wire for                   media.
          hanging purposes.
                                                                                   SPECIAL NEEDS STUDENTS
Class 201 Experimental Computer Generated Digital
                                                                    •   Lego® works will not be accepted in any class.
          Artwork, any subject matter.
                                                                    •   These classes are for students receiving their education
          Two or three dimensional.
                                                                        in Special Schools or Special Classes in Primary and
          Size up to A3.
                                                                        Secondary Schools.
          To be attached to heavier card for display
                                                                    •   Students in these classes may enter their work in any
                                                                        other classes if they wish.
          Google SketchUp® can be used.
                                                                    •   Each exhibitor should have their name, age and school
          Scanned and manipulated images are acceptable
                                                                        on the back of the work being entered.
          as are those drawn on a tablet.
                                                                    Class 211 Drawing, any example of black and white
Class 202 Sculpture, any example of three dimensional
                                                                              drawing using any drawing media.
          art in any media, new, natural or recycled.
                                                                              eg charcoal, pencils, oil pastels, crayon, ink,
          Two or three-dimensional.
                                                                              markers etc.
          Size up to A3.
          To be attached to heavier card for display
                                                                    Class 212 Drawing, any example of coloured drawing,
                                                                              using any drawing media.
          Google SketchUp can be used.
                                                                              eg pencils, oil pastels, crayon, ink, markers etc.
          Scanned and manipulated images are acceptable
          as are those drawn on a tablet.                           Class 213 Painting, any example of painting using any
                                                                              painting media.
Class 203 Any Other Example of Artwork, not elsewhere
          included.                                                 Class 214 Sculpture, any example of sculpture using any
          Items submitted in this class that should have                      media, new or recycled.
          been entered in one of the above classes, will not
          be judged.                                                Class 215 Craft, any example of craft work using any
                                                                              craft media.
Class 204 A Digital Photograph, Portrait or Figure Study.
          Not to be digitally enhanced.                             Class 216 Group Project, any single example of art, craft
          Maximum photo size A4.                                              or design work, involving more than one
          Mounting on card is encouraged.                                     student in the production of the single work.

Class 205 A Digital Photograph, A Building in a
          Landscape                                                                     JUNIOR CRAFT
          Not to be digitally enhanced.                             •   Lego® works will not be accepted in any class.
          Maximum photo size A4.                                    •   All craft exhibits must be made by the exhibitor.
          Mounting on card is encouraged.
                                                                                       5 TO 6 YEARS OF AGE
Class 206 Smartphone Photograph, Patterns or Shadows
          in the Environment                                        Class 217 Two-Dimensional Craft Work
          Not to be digitally enhanced.                                       Could include Batik, tie-dye, weaving, silk painting,
          Maximum photo size A4.                                              collage, applique, knitting, crochet, macrame etc.
          Mounting on card is encouraged.
                                                                    Class 218 Three-Dimensional Craft Work.
Class 207 A Digital Photograph, Still Life, an arrangement                    Could include puppets, totem poles, utilitarian
          of flowers, fruit, vegetables, pots or pans.                        articles, wooden toys, money boxes, jewellery
          Not to be digitally enhanced.                                       boxes, jewellery, ceramic cars etc.
          Maximum photo size A4.
          Mounting on card is encouraged.                           Class 219 Craft Kit Assemblage or Construction.
                                                                              Any example of an assembled commercially
Class 208 A Digital Photograph, any subject matter.                           available craft.
          Not to be digitally enhanced.
          Maximum photo size A4.                                    Class 220 A Puppet or Puppet Head, made from any
          Mounting on card is encouraged.                                     materials.

Class 209 Photomontage, Fabric Patterns on Fashion                  Class 221 Papier Mache, Container or Plate
          Entrants are encouraged to carefully check the            Class 222 Papier Mache, Party Mask or a mask from a
          definition of the word "Montage"                                    historic period you have studied.
                                                                              eg Egyptian, Venetian, Papua New Guinea etc.
                 GRADUATED STUDENTS                                           Other materials can be attached such as wool,
                                                                              raffia feathers, material, jewellery etc.
(for students who attended secondary school in 2019)
                                                                    Class 223 A Necklace, using found natural or recycled

Class 224 A Safe Wooden Toy for a Pre-School Child.                                 Using any fabric materials.

Class 225 A Craft Construction, using recycled and/or                   Class 239 Clay Work, utilitarian or sculptural, any article
          naturally occurring materials.                                          made from clay.
                                                                                  All items must be fired.
Class 226 Any Other Craft Article, not included
          elsewhere.                                                    Class 240 Craft Kit Assemblage/Construction.
          Items submitted in this class that should have                          Any example of an assembled, commercially
          been entered in one of the above classes, will not                      available craft article.
          be judged.
                                                                        Class 241 Papier Mache Item
                    7 TO 8 YEARS OF AGE                                           eg dish, plate, container, hat, party mask, toy,
                                                                                  totem pole, wall hanging etc...use your
Class 227 Two-Dimensional Craft Work.                                             imagination.
          Could include Batik, tie-dye, weaving, silk painting,
          collage, applique, knitting, crochet, macrame etc.            Class 242 Jewellery Item using new, found, natural or
                                                                                  recycled materials.
Class 228 Three-Dimensional Craft Work.                                           eg clock or computer parts, seeds or seed pods,
          Could include, Puppets, totem poles, utilitarian                        lids, fishing line, raffia, nails, screws, wood, foil,
          articles, wooden toys, money boxes, jewellery                           copper etc.
          boxes, ceramic cars etc.
                                                                        Class 243 A Craft Construction, made from new, natural
Class 229 Craft Kit Assemblage or Construction, any                               or recycled materials.
          example of an assembled commercially
          available craft article.                                      Class 244 Any Other Craft Article, not included
Class 230 Fabric Work, any article, using any fabric                              Items submitted in this class that should have
          materials and decorations.                                              been entered in one of the above classes, will not
                                                                                  be judged.
Class 231 Model, make a toy or game for a young child
          using appropriate materials.                                                    11 TO 12 YEARS OF AGE
          Not to exceed 400 mm x 400 mm
                                                                        Class 245 Two-Dimensional Craft Work.
Class 232 Papier Mache, containers, plates, totem poles,                          Could include fabric, batik, tie-dye, weaving, silk
          party mask or a mask from an historic period                            painting, collage, applique, knitting, crochet,
          you have studied.                                                       macrame etc.
          eg Egyptian, Venetian, Papua New Guinea
          etc...use your imagination.                                   Class 246 Three-Dimensional Craft Work.
                                                                                  Could include, Puppets, totem poles, utilitarian
Class 233 Jewellery Item, using found, natural or                                 articles, wooden toys, money boxes, jewellery
          recycled materials                                                      boxes, fashion items, ceramic cars etc.
          eg clock or computer parts, seeds or seed pods,
          lids, fishing line, raffia, nails, screws, wood, foil,        Class 247 Fabric Work, any article using any fabrics.
          copper etc.
                                                                        Class 248 An Accessory Item, decorated in the style of
Class 234 A Craft Construction, made from new, natural                            an artist you have studied this year.
          or recycled materials.                                                  eg shoe, handbag, hat, scarf, rubber boots, gloves
          eg clock or computer parts, seeds or seed pods,                         etc.
          lids, fishing line, raffia, nails, screws, wood, foil,
          copper etc.                                                   Class 249 An Accessory Item, decorated in the style of
                                                                                  an artist you have studied this year.
Class 235 Any Other Craft Item, not included elsewhere.                           All items must be fired.
          Items submitted in this class that should have
          been entered in one of the above classes, will not            Class 250 Creative Garment Construction, any example
          be judged.                                                              of creative use of fabrics and/or paper for
                   9 TO 10 YEARS OF AGE                                           All clay items must be fired.

Class 236 Two-Dimensional Craft Work.                                   Class 251 Papier Mache, any object made with papier
          Could include Batik, tie-dye, weaving, silk painting,                   mache from an historic period you have
          collage, applique, knitting, crochet, macrame etc.                      studied.
                                                                                  eg containers, plates, birds, animals, totem poles,
Class 237 Three-Dimensional Craft Work.                                           party mask or a mask
          Could include, puppets, totem poles, utilitarian                        eg Egyptian, Venetian, Papua New Guinea...use
          articles, wooden toys, money boxes, jewellery                           your imagination
          boxes, fashion items, clay construtions, ceramic
          cars etc.
          Clay work must be fired.

Class 238 Fabric Work, any article.
Class 252 Jewellery Item, using found, natural or                       Class 266 Clay Work, utilitarian, decorative or sculptural,
          recycled materials.                                                     any article.
          eg clock or computer parts, seeds or seed pods,                         All clay items must be fired.
          lids, fishing line, raffia, nails, screws, wood, foil,
          copper etc.                                                   Class 267 Creative Garment Construction, any example
                                                                                  of creative use of fabrics or other materials, for
Class 253 A Craft Construction, using new, recycled                               clothing.
          and/or naturally occurring materials
          Other materials can be attached, such as wool,                Class 268 A Craft Construction, made using new,
          raffia, feathers, materials, jewellery.                                 recycled and/or naturally occurring materials.

Class 254 Any Craft Article, not included elsewhere.                    Class 269 Any Craft Article, not included elsewhere.
          Items submitted in this class that should have                          Items submitted in this class that should have
          been entered in one of the above classes, will not                      been entered in one of the above classes, will not
          be judged.                                                              be judged.

                  13 TO 15 YEARS OF AGE                                                   GRADUATED STUDENTS
                                                                            (for students who attended secondary school in 2019)
Class 255 Creative Papier-Mache, any example of
          'creative' papier mache                                       Class 270 Creative Garment Construction, any example
          eg masks, puppets, sculptures, totem poles,                             of creative use of fabrics, paper or other
          vases, bowls, piggy-banks etc                                           materials, for clothing.
                                                                                  (presented for examination in 2019)
Class 256 Clay Work, Utilitarian or Sculptural, any article
          made from clay.                                               Class 271 Any Example of Craft Work, presented for
          All items must be fired.                                                examination in 2019.
                                                                                  Items submitted in this class that should have
Class 257 An Accessory Item, decorated in the style of                            been entered in one of the other classes will not
          an artist you have studied this year.                                   be judged.
          eg Shoe, Handbag, Hat, Scarf, Rubber boot,
          Glove etc.
                                                                        JUNIOR DESIGN: Communication, Product
Class 258 Papier Mache Item.                                                       & Environment
          eg dish, plate, container, hat, party mask, toy,              Lego® constructions will not be accepted in any class.
          totem pole, wall hanging etc...use your
          imagination.                                                                    7 TO 8 YEARS OF AGE

Class 259 Jewellery Item, made using found natural or                   Class 272 Communication Design, design an A3 poster
          recycled materials.                                                     for a special event.
          Eg clock or computer parts, seeds or seed pods,                         Any media can be used, as can computers to
          lids, fishing line, raffia, nails, screws, wood, foil,                  assist you with your final presentation.
                                                                        Class 273 Product Design, write a Product Design Brief
Class 260 A Safe Toy, Game or Puzzle for a Pre-School                             and present a final solution to the brief.
          child.                                                                  Drawings, models and/or prototypes that show the
          Make or construct using any materials.                                  development of the idea can be presented. Any
                                                                                  media can be used. The design brief should
Class 261 Model, make an architectural model of a                                 accompany your entry.
          house, shack or building using appropriate
          materials.                                                    Class 274 Environmental Design, design an environment
                                                                                  for living, relaxation or entertainment.
Class 262 Creative Garment Construction, any example                              Present 1 A3 sheet of ideas with your final
          of creative use of fabrics, paper or other                              solution.
          materials for clothing.                                                 Any media can be used.
          Not to exceed 400mm x 400mm x 400mm.
                                                                                          9 TO 10 YEARS OF AGE
Class 263 Any Craft Article, not included elsewhere.
          Items submitted in this class that should have                Class 275 Design an A3 poster for a School Event.
          been entered in one of the above classes, will not                      Any media can be used, as can computers to
          be judged.                                                              assist you with your final presentation.

                  16 TO 20 YEARS OF AGE                                 Class 276 Communication Design, design a logo or
                                                                                  trademark using your own name and initials.
Class 264 Craft Work, any article.
          Could include, clothing, quilting, embroidery etc.

Class 265 Papier-Mache Item.
          eg dish, plate, container, hat, party mask, toy,
          totem pole, wall hanging etc...use your
Class 277 Product Design, write a Product Design Brief                               13 TO 15 YEARS OF AGE
          and present a final solution to the brief.
          Drawings, models and/or prototypes that show the          Class 286 Design an A3 Poster for a School or
          development of the idea can be presented. Any                       Community Event.
          media can be used. The design brief should                          Any media can be used, as can computers to
          accompany your entry.                                               assist you with your final presentation.

Class 278 Environmental Design, design an environment               Class 287 Communication Design, write a
          for living, relaxation or entertainment.                            Communication Design Brief and present a
          Present 1 or 2 A3 sheets with your final solution.                  final solution to the brief.
                                                                              Drawings, models and/or prototypes that show the
Class 279 Any Other Example of Design Work, not                               development of the idea can be presented. Any
          included elsewhere.                                                 media can be used. A short design brief should
          Designs submitted in this class that should have                    accompany your entry.
          been entered in one of the above classes will not
          be judged.                                                Class 288 Communication Design, design a logo or
          Lego® constructions will not be accepted.                           trademark using your own name and initials.
                                                                              Any media can be used for the finished
                 11 TO 12 YEARS OF AGE                                        product. At least 1 x A3 sheet of annotated
                                                                              sketches should accompany your finished entry.
Class 280 Design an A3 Poster for a School, Class or
          Community Event.                                          Class 289 Product Design, write a Product Design Brief
          Any media can be used, as can computers to                          and present a final solution to the brief.
          assist you with your final presentation.                            Drawings, models and/or prototypes that show the
                                                                              development of the idea can be presented. Any
Class 281 Communication Design, write a                                       media can be used. The design brief should
          Communication Design Brief and present a                            accompany your entry.
          final solution to the brief.
          Drawings, models and/or prototypes that show the          Class 290 Environmental Design, design an environment
          development of the idea can be presented.                           for human or animal living, relaxation or
          Any media can be used.                                              entertainment..
          The design brief should accompany your entry.                       Present 1 A3 sheet of ideas with your final
Class 282 Communication Design, design a logo or                              Any media can be used.
          trademark using your own name and initials.
          Any media can be used for the finished                    Class 291 Any Other Example of Design Work, not
          product. At least 1 x A3 sheet of annotated                         included elsewhere.
          sketches should accompany your finished entry.                      Designs submitted in this class that should have
                                                                              been entered in one of the above classes will not
Class 283 Product Design, write a Product Design Brief                        be judged.
          and present a final solution to the brief.
          Write a Product Design Brief and present a final                           16 TO 20 YEARS OF AGE
          solution to the brief. Drawings, models and/or
          prototypes that show the development of the idea          Class 292 Design an A3 Poster for a School, Community
          can be presented. Any media can be used. The                        or Special Event.
          design brief should accompany your entry.                           Any media can be used, as can computers to
                                                                              assist you with your final presentation.
Class 284 Environmental Design, design an environment
          for human or animal living, relaxation or                 Class 293 Communication Design.
          entertainment..                                                     Write a Communication Design Brief and present
          Present 1 A3 sheet of ideas with your final                         a final solution to the brief. Drawings, models
          solution.                                                           and/or prototypes that show the development of
          Any media can be used.                                              the idea can be presented. Any media can be
                                                                              used. The design brief should accompany your
Class 285 Any Other Example of Design Work, not                               entry.
          included elsewhere.
          Designs submitted in this class that should have          Class 294 Product Design, write a Product Design Brief
          been entered in one of the above classes will not                   and present a final solution to the brief.
          be judged.                                                          Any media can be used. The design brief should
                                                                              accompany your entry.

                                                                    Class 295 Environmental Design, design an environment
                                                                              for human or animal living, relaxation or
                                                                              Present 1 A3 sheet of ideas with your final
                                                                              Any media can be used.

Class 296 Any Other Example of Design Work, not
          included elsewhere.
          Designs submitted in this class that should have
          been entered in one of the above classes will not
          be judged.

                 GRADUATED STUDENTS
(for students who attended secondary school in 2019)

Class 297 Communication Design, an example of
          Communication Design presented for
          examination in 2019.
          Any media can be used, as can computers to
          assist you with your final presentation.

Class 298 Product Design, an example of Product Design
          presented for examination in 2019.
          Write a Product Design Brief and present a final
          solution to the brief. Drawings, models and/or
          prototypes that show the development of the idea
          can be presented. Any media can be used. The
          design brief should accompany your entry.

Class 299 Environmental Design, any example of
          Environmental Design presented for
          examination in 2019
          Present 1 A3 sheet of ideas with your final
          Any media can be used.

Class 300 Any Other Example of Design Work, not
          included elsewhere.
          Designs submitted in this class that should have
          been entered in one of the above classes will not
          be judged.
          Lego® constructions will not be accepted.

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