General Bylaws of the Southland A&P Association -

Page created by Kathy Graves
a business or commercial partnership the animal or animals shall
                                                                        belong to the members of the business or commercial partnership
                                                                        jointly and not severally. Registered leases of animals are

    General Bylaws of                                                   permitted to enter such animals in their name if so desired.

                                                                        9. An exhibitor holding under lease a purebred animal or animals
   the Southland A&P                                                    registered in a Stud Herd and Stock book of a registered Breed
                                                                        Society, shall if the lease be duly registered with such Society in
                                                                        registrar form be deemed the owner of such animal or animals for

       Association                                                      the time being for Show purposes but may be called upon to
                                                                        produce proof of registration of such lease.

To be read in conjunction with Section Regulations.                     10. In all classes for stud horses, purebred cattle and pigs, the
                                                                        name of the animal, date of birth, sire, dam and breeder shall be
                                                                        given on the entry form. The breeder for the purposes of shows
1. All entries to be submitted on the official entry forms, which
                                                                        shall be the owner of the dam of the subject animal at birth. In
may be obtained from the Secretary. These forms are to be filled
                                                                        sheep the date of shearing and name of the breeder shall be
in and signed by the exhibitor or by some person authorised on
                                                                        given. If no breeders name is given it is assumed that the exhibitor
his or her behalf and must be deposited with the Secretary on or
                                                                        is the breeder.
before the date set down in the schedule. In general, no entries
will be received after this date and if any are received they may
incur a 50% penalty. No entry will be considered valid unless these     11. Pedigree of animals in stud stock classes must be deposited
conditions are complied with and are accompanied with full              with the Secretary when called upon.
payment and made subject to all the rules and regulations of this
Association.                                                            12. Extra stock will not be eligible for any of the enumerated
                                                                        classes for stock.
2. All entries must be made in the name of the bona fide owner.
On no account will any entry be refunded unless a veterinary            13. Prior arrangements must be made for exhibition stock and
certificate is produced. Entries made by either telephone,              they will be subjected to a double entry fee of entries in their
facsimile, on-line or by e-mail must be immediately confirmed in        respective sections payable by closing date.
writing accompanied by the entry fee.
                                                                        14. Owners or handlers in charge of exhibits will be admitted free
3. Arrears -No person who is in arrears with regard to entry fees,      but they must be suitably and tidily attired during judging and will
subscriptions, or any other Show/Event charge is eligible to            be subject to the orders of the Stewards, disobedience of whose
compete at any affiliated Show/Event. Proof of payment will be          orders will entail expulsion from the grounds.
required before any restriction is lifted
                                                                        15. Any case of misconduct or practices offensive to the public or
4. The Executive reserves the right to refuse or cancel any entry       any form of ill treatment to livestock will be reported to the
without advising any reason for doing so.                               Marshal of the section who will take the necessary action.

5. Every exhibitor shall be deemed to have guaranteed the               16. All stock must be penned at the time specified in the
correctness of the contents of every certificate of entry submitted     programme, or the animals will not be judged.
by him or on his behalf. As exhibits are accepted upon the faith of
the correctness of the relative certificate of entry they shall be      17. Whilst in the ring for judging no animal or its attendant shall
subject to such fine or penalty as the Executive may determine in       have any initial crest or mark of ownership on its rug harness, pail
respect of any mis-statement or mis-description contained in a          halters, show coats or hats or other clothing or on any other
certificate of entry lodged by or on behalf of such exhibitor. A mis-   fitting. Prize cards which have been awarded by the judges must
statement or mis-description shall be deemed to have been               only be displayed after final judging in such classes as the exhibit
contained in a certificate or entry if the exhibit on the day of the    may be entered for and then remain affixed to exhibit during the
exhibition does not conform in all respects with the certificate of     Show and no ribbon prize colours or tickets will be permitted on
entry.                                                                  any exhibit unless awarded during the Show. Any infraction of this
                                                                        rule may incur disqualification and bar any further competition in
6. Animals entered in Group or Special Classes must be entered in       that section of the Show.
other classes if and for which they are eligible, otherwise animals
cannot compete in other classes than those they are entered in          18. Any exhibitor, who interferes with or abuses a judge or officer
unless the contrary is specified.                                       of the Association while acting in his official capacity as such, will
                                                                        be dealt with as may be deemed fitting by the Executive. Stewards
7. When an animal has been duly entered and catalogued in any           are instructed to report such occurrences promptly.
class but cannot be shown it may be replaced, at the discretion of
the Section Marshall, providing the replacement is the property of      19. Every protest or objection must be made in writing within one
the exhibitor concerned at the time entries close and a vet             hour of judging of the class in question signed by the persons
certificate is produced.                                                making such complaint and delivered to the Secretary. The
                                                                        objector shall at the time of making such objection lodge the sum
8. In all classes (except in Cattle progeny) and in classes in which    of $50 which shall be forfeited to the Association should the
two or more animals are entered as one exhibit, the animals shall       objection be considered frivolous or vexatious.
be the bona fide property of the exhibitor. In case such exhibitor is
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20. Notwithstanding anything contained in the above rule the            claim in respect of such accident, loss or damage caused by any
Executive may cause an investigation to be made or demand an            exhibit or such exhibitors.
explanation concerning any matter which in their opinion is
considered necessary and may so enforce penalties, fines and            30. It is the Association's policy to see that all due care is taken to
forfeitures as is deemed expedient.                                     protect property and to protect and to keep efficient order its
                                                                        own property and to make provision for protection of the
21. Protests and complaints against any exhibit must be made in         property of others but the Association shall not be liable to any
writing. If lodged before judging is commenced the onus of proof        person in the case of loss or damage by reason of any defect
will rest upon the person protesting. The Executive shall have          accident negligence or neglect however arising.
power to refuse to entertain any protest or complaint lodged later
than the last day of the show.                                          31. Horse floats and stock transport vehicles are accepted for
                                                                        parking on condition that the Association accepts no responsibility
22. All protests, objections and other matters in dispute of            for any loss, theft, injury or damage to persons or vehicles, their
whatever nature by or between any persons whatever shall be             contents, fittings or accessories even when such loss, theft, injury
determined by the Judicial Committee whose decision shall be            or damage is attributed to any negligence on the part of the
absolutely final and binding on all parties, whether such disputes      Association or any of its employees or stewards.
be between any person or persons and the Association or not and
shall not be questioned by any Court. The said Judicial Committee       32. The Association reserves the right to remove any vehicles
shall consist of the Association Vice-President and two Past            parked in prohibited areas or obstructing the running of the show.
Presidents plus the Marshal of the section or alternatively the
Senior Steward should the Marshal be personally involved in any
                                                                        33. Persons occupying grandstands or other seating
                                                                        accommodation on the Showground's do so at their own risk and
                                                                        no claim shall be made against the Association in respect of any
23. The Marshals of the Section shall have at their discretion,         loss or injury by reason of any defect or accident or by reason of
power to decide any dispute in their respective divisions with the      any act of omission whether negligent or otherwise on the part of
exception of regular protests and appeals after consultation with       the Association or of any employee or agent of the Association or
the Senior Stewards of the section involved.                            on the part of any other person.

24. If a prizewinner is afterwards disqualified the Committee may       34. The Association shall not be responsible or liable in case of any
on the advice of the judge decide whether the next animal on the        error mis-statement or mis-description appearing in any prize
list gains the prize.                                                   schedule or show catalogue or in any form or certificate of entry
                                                                        or in any advertisement or notification whether posted, displayed
25. Drugs, artificial stimulants and tranquilizers are prohibited and   or published. It will however be the duty of the Association or the
the use of these will mean disqualification. If a vet is called and a   Secretary and other members of its office to take all proper care
test proves positive the exhibitor is responsible for all expenses.     to avoid any error mis-description or mis-statement. Names of
                                                                        Judges and Stewards (if any) shown in the prize schedule or in the
26. No animal or any herd with regard to which there may be             show catalogue are intended to be informative only and are
suspicion of disease will be knowingly received at the grounds and      subject to such changes from time to time as the Association may
owners will, if necessary, be required to make a declaration as to      at its discretion make and no exception shall be taken by any
whether their herd has been diseased within six months to the           judge or exhibitor by reasons of any change.
date of the Show.
                                                                        35. In allotting applications for space the Association reserves the
27. Each exhibitor shall be deemed to have guaranteed to the            right to refuse any applications should they deem such
Association and have given assurance that each exhibit entered by       undesirable and to cancel any space allocated if any exhibitor
him or her and brought upon the Showground's is at the time free        does not comply with the Associations rules or if any exhibit does
from any contagious or infectious disease. Any exhibitor whose          not prove to be of the nature represented when application was
exhibit or animal infringes this assurance shall be responsible to      made. The right is also reserved to change the position of any
the Association and to any other exhibitor who may suffer by            stands or space allotted.
reason of such breach. Should there be any reason to suspect that
any exhibit or animal is either diseased or dangerous the               36. Any grand parade of horses and cattle (sheep and pigs
Association shall have the right to refuse admission of such exhibit    optional) will be held in the Show ring. All prize-winning animals
to the Showground's or remove the exhibit from the                      must take part and all attendants and riders must be suitably and
Showground's at the expense of the exhibitor.                           tidily attired. Exhibitors failing to comply with this rule or causing
                                                                        delay shall be liable to a fine of $5 and prize money forfeited at
28. The Association shall not be responsible for any loss or            the discretion of the Committee.
damage caused (inter alia) through disease or infection
howsoever arising.                                                      37. No exhibit shall be removed from the Showground's before 4
                                                                        p.m. on the day of the Show without the approval of the Senior
29. The Association will not be responsible for any accident, loss      Marshal and if this rule is contravened any prize taker shall be
or damage that may be caused to or suffered by any exhibit or           liable to have all his unpaid prize money forfeited at the discretion
which may be caused directly or indirectly by any other exhibit         of the Association whose decisions shall be final.
notwithstanding any alleged negligence on the part of any officer
or servant of the Association. It shall be a condition of entry that    38. The Association reserves the right to make an alteration in the
each exhibitor shall hold the Association indemnified against any       Show timetable or to postpone the show or withdraw any event
                                                                        as may be deemed desirable. In the event of a stall or loosebox
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not being used by an exhibitor for the purpose for which it was             be awarded for Supreme or Grand Champions. In the event of two
allotted to him the Directors reserve the right to resume                   exhibitors or more gaining equal points the exhibitor gaining most
possession of such stall or loosebox.                                       first prizes will be declared the winner. If points still equal, the
                                                                            exhibitor being awarded most championships will be declared the
39. All first prize animals eligible will be paraded and the                winner.
Champion will be selected. Immediately when the Champion has
been selected the second prize animal in the class from which the           49. SHOWMEN Any showman operating on the grounds of the
Champion has been selected must be paraded with the remaining               Association or on premises rented by the Association, must have a
first prize animals for the reserve award.                                  current showman's license issued by the appropriate authority
                                                                            and produce such license on demand to any officer of the
40. On payment of the annual subscription for the current year a            Association. Failure to comply with this by law will mean expulsion
membership ticket will be given bearing the members name which              from the grounds or premises
will admit him on presentation to all the Association exhibitions
during the year. All Honorary Life Members and their wives are to           50. The President or any two members of the Executive may have
have the same privileges as Elected Directors to all of the                 ejected from the grounds without compensation or return of fees,
Associations exhibitions.                                                   any person whose conduct either personal or as the proprietor of
                                                                            a side-show as a source of annoyance.
41. Where classes are sponsored with naming rights and
sponsorships total more than the normal A&P prize money then                51. COMPETITORS INSURANCE The Association has extended its
the sponsorship money will be paid out.                                     Public Risk policy to cover the legal liability of the show ring
                                                                            Exhibitors and competitors of up to $1,000,000 for any one
42. The section Marshals have the right to combine classes if               accident happening on the showground. This cover will not
insufficient numbers warrant that action.                                   protect any exhibitor or competitor that is already covered under
                                                                            a policy arranged privately but all protected exhibitors and
                                                                            competitors will be bound by the conditions of the cover. The
43. Refunds will be paid out providing the necessary
                                                                            extended cover protects exhibitors and competitors against claims
documentation is available less 20% to a maximum of $10 per
                                                                            for which they may be held personally liable in their capacity as
                                                                            exhibitors and/or competitors.

44. UNRULY ANIMALS The Association through the Section
                                                                            52. Registration as a competitor and/or attendance at or
Marshals reserve the right to order the immediate removal from
                                                                            participation in the Southland A&P Show constitutes an
the showground's of any animal it considers unruly or
                                                                            agreement by the person to the Southland A&P Association's for
                                                                            the use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the
                                                                            persons image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic
45. PRIVACY ACT. The Association holds records of names and                 reproductions, or audiotapes of such Southland A&P Association
addresses of all members and exhibitors and will publish these as           activities.
necessary for media show reports unless otherwise advised.
                                                                            53. Yellow Card -This Show/Event supports the RAS 'Yellow Card'
46. Certificates of Appreciation may be awarded to individuals              system. A Yellow Card will be issued, In cases of offences in
after a period of at least 15 years of service to the Association.          respect of abuse of animals or inappropriate behaviour as per the
Nominations will be taken at an Executive Meeting and put on the            RAS Constitution and the RAS Rules & Regulations/Bylaws
Agenda for the following Executive Meeting. Voting shall be by              including the Equestrian Rulebook, the RAS affiliated
Executive Members only and shall be by secret ballot by those               Show/Event/registered Measuring Stand and their grounds and
present at that meeting. A majority in favour is required. Post-            their duly appointed delegates may deliver to the Person
humus nominations will not be accepted. However if a nomination             Responsible a Yellow Warning Card (either immediately or within
is successful and the candidate becomes deceased before the                 10 days of the show) which suspends any penalty until possible
certificate is presented then the said certificate will be presented        new offences.Full wording of the 'Yellow Card' system is available
to his/her family by arrangement. Certificates will be presented at         to view on the RAS website –
the appropriate Annual Meeting or by special arrangement.
                                                                            54. Summary of RAS Resolution Process –the full process can be
47. VALUE OF POINTS, with the exception of milk classes in the              found on the RAS website The principle behind
Dairy Section, the points for prize count as follows- Where there           the process is to deal with the matter as it comes to hand and in
are five entries or more the first prize counts six points, second          most cases it should be dealt with directly by the show. If the
prize four points, third prize two points, highly commended one             matter is in regards to an RAS official, the show may request the
point. Where there is less than five entries the first prize - six          assistance of RAS Head Office as to how to deal with this in an
points, second prize - four points, third prize - two points, highly        appropriate manner
commended - nil.

48. Points for milk classes in the Dairy Section shall be as follows,
first prize - ten points, second prize - eight point's, third prize - six
points, fourth prize – four points, Champion - two points, Reserve
Champion - one point extra. In the event of no competition only
half points will be awarded. Competition means two or more
exhibitors whose exhibits are judged competing for the prize or
prizes in the particular class for which prizes are awarded. Ties
count as one win each. For points prizes no additional points will
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10. The above requirements must be completed in writing and the

   Equestrian Section                                                    Horse Secretary should provide facility as for scratchings and

Conditions and Regulations for the Equestrian Section.                   11. This Show supports the RAS "Yellow Card" system which will
                                                                         operate in the Equestrian Section of all RAS affiliated Shows and
To be read in conjunction with the general conditions of                 will be offered for any inappropriate behaviour towards Show
Southland A & P Association printed previous and the rules and           officials, Judges, fellow competitors or any other third party
regulations as set out by The Royal Agricultural Society.                connected with the Show bringing the equestrian discipline into
                                                                         disrepute, or cases which are of a less serious nature to the above
                                                                         in accordance with the Conduct of Members, Owners, Lessees,
1. All horses or ponies competing either in competitive classes or       Competitors and/or Exhibitors as provided in the RAS Equestrian
ring events must be entered in the name of the bona fide owner           Competitors and Judges Rulebook and rule 13 of the RAS
or a member of his or her family and all animals must be named at        Constitution. Implementation of the "Yellow Card" will be in
time of entry.                                                           accordance of the RAS Rules that accompanied this Card, and full
                                                                         wording of the "Yellow Card" system is available to view on the
2. All leased horses or ponies competing at this Show must be            RAS website.
registered with the Royal Agricultural Society. Such lease must be
for a term of not less then twelve months and must be registered         YARDING/STABLING
before entries are made.
                                                                         Yards available on the grounds at Donovan Park at a charge of
3. No entire or filly under the age of two years shall be eligible for   $10.00 per night or $10 for the weekend.
Senior Championships except in the Clydesdale, Welsh, Arab,
Thoroughbred, Hackney and Sport Horse sections. Although it is
provided that horses may compete in more than one class any or           BACK NUMBERS
all of such classes may be judged simultaneously at the
convenience of the judges or stewards. In all such cases exhibitors      Back Numbers will be issued from the Horse Secretary's office on
having an exhibit entered in more than one class must elect in           Show days. Exhibitors must wear back numbers at all times while
which class they compete.                                                in the ring. A $10.00 surcharge will apply on back numbers not
                                                                         returned to the office at the end of the show. These numbers are
4. All horses and ponies in classes of prescribed height must be         not to be used in breastplate holders, however breastplate
measured shoes or no shoes and the person in charge must                 holders are permitted.
produce a current RAS Height Certificate.
                                                                         Equestrian Section Officials.
5. Stallions are permitted in all classes they are eligible for but
must be led, be in the appropriate harness prescribed by the             Chief Marshal: Georgie Bell
Breed Society the stallion is registered with, or which is prescribed
by the host Show, or if ridden must be in appropriate bridle and         Ring Marshal: Sarah Bell
be in total control. A Steward will order any stallion considered
out of control or to be causing undue disquiet to other horses
                                                                         FEI Marshal: Lana Mackay
from the ring without recourse from the stallion
owner/exhibitor/competitor. It is compulsory for all stallions,
regardless of age, to wear identification badge "S" at all shows at      FEI Assistant Marshal: Lana Medder
all times. These badges will be available from the Association
Secretary at a cost of $2 a pair.                                        RTR Marshal: Sarah Bell

6. Before any prizes are awarded in entire classes, horses may be        ORDER OF GRAND PARADE
liable to examination by the Veterinary Surgeon appointed by the
Society. The decision of the Veterinary Surgeon shall be absolutely      Saddle Horse, Riding Horse, Park Hack, Saddle Hunters, Ridden
final and binding on all parties and shall not be questioned by any      Arabs, A Ponies, B Ponies, C Ponies, Saddle Pony Hunters, Ridden
court. The entry by an exhibitor in any class affected will be           Welsh, Lead Rein, First Ridden, Pony Club mounts, Clydesdale,
deemed an acceptance clause.                                             Heavy Horse, In Hand Horse, In-Hand Standardbred, Gypsy Cob,
                                                                         In-Hand Arab, In-Hand Welsh, In Hand Ponies, Shetland, Miniature
7. Ages of all horses shall be computed as at 1st August.                Horses, Harness Horse & Pony

8. Testing for forbidden substances will be carried out under the        COMPETITIONS
Royal Agricultural Society (Inc) Forbidden Substances Judiciary
Committee (FSJC) procedures and rules (refer page 7-10 Royal             Any exhibitor not forward at the appointed hour may not be
Agricultural Society by-laws and Regulations).                           judged. Should the height of any horse or pony be questioned, it
                                                                         shall be decided by the Veterinary Surgeons and Royal Agricultural
9. Any competitor who has administered to their horse or ponies          Society Official Measuring Steward. All horses entered in breeding
any drug during the 7 days prior to the Show is required to notify       classes must be named.
the Horse Secretary of the Show before competing.

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Please note there will be NO measuring at the show.                    SATURDAY 7th MARCH 2019
ENTRY FORMS                                                            MAIN ARENA:
By signing the entry form, exhibitors accept that they are aware         Saddle Hack
that it is their responsibility to ensure that they read and accept
                                                                         Riding Horse
the regulations and information as printed in this schedule. A
receipt showing all details of your entries will be returned to you
                                                                         Park Hack
following data processing.                                               Saddle Hunter
                                                                         Saddle Hunter Pony & Pony A
ENTRY FEES                                                               Pony B & C
Members $7.00, non-members $9.00.                                        First Ridden
The $1.15 RAS levy is payable for each entry in the Horse Section      10am
this is included in the entry fee. All RAS levies paid will be           Lead Rein
forwarded directly to the RAS.                                         2pm
                                                                         Hunter Jumping Competitions
To encourage participation, exhibitors residing North of the
Waitaki River are entitled to a 50% discount on entry fees; Entry
fee discount does not include stable/pen fees, ground fees,            PBNZ, NZRP & Ridden Welsh to follow Pony Championship
catalogues etc.                                                        Classes

FIRST AID AND SAFETY                                                   Livamol Series Class to follow Horse Championship Classes
A $5.00 first aid and safety fee has been automatically added to all
entry forms and is payable per exhibitor. This fee will ensure that                  GRAND PARADE 2:45pm
you as an exhibitor has on-site access and care during the Show by
a quality Paramedic.
                                                                       OUTER RING:
PRIZE MONEY                                                            8:30am
Prize money is relative to the cost of the entry fees and the            Utility
number of entries received and calculated as follows:                    Pleasure Horse
1-3 entries $12.00 & $8.00                                             12:30pm
4 plus entries $16.00, $12.00 & $8.00                                    Led Horse
                                                                         Led Pony
In some cases, prize money may be replaced by product should             Led Welsh
the value of the product be of significant value.                        Led Heavy Horse
                                                                         Miniatures
Show Jumping and RTR Competitions refer to individual classes for      2:15pm
entry fees and prize money.
                                                                         Harness
LATE ENTRIES will only be accepted on a discretionary basis by the
Horse Marshal or their appointed representative and will
                                                                         Unity Competitions
automatically incur a fee of $35.00 per combination on top of the
ordinary entry fee.
                                                                       SHOW JUMPING:
SCRATCHING will only be accepted on a discretionary basis by the
                                                                         Show Jumping Ring One
Horse Marshal or their appointed representative. No refund of
entry fees will be done without a supporting vet or medical
certificate.                                                             Show Jumping Ring Two
A HOSPITALITY TENT is available for judges and stewards.                 Two Fence Challenge

Information correct at time of printing, however is subject to         SUNDAY 3rd MARCH 2019
                                                                       MAIN ARENA:
Competitors MUST be ready to be judged when the classes are            8:30am
scheduled to go ahead. We are unable to hold up our days'
                                                                         Working Hunter
timetable to accommodate lateness.
                                                                         Hunter Jumping Competitions
Prize Money will NOT be paid out unless the exhibitors participate
in the Grand Parade. Any exceptions are to be approved by the
Chief Horse Mashal BEFORE the Grand Parade commences.                  SHOW JUMPING:
                                                                         Show Jumping Ring One
                                                                         Show Jumping Ring Two
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Trophies for section:
            Saddle Horse Awards
                                                                      John Northcoat Trophy
Champion Best Presented Horse
Competed for by winners of Best Presented Classes, to be judged       Most points in Saddle Hack classes
immediately following the conclusion of Saddle Horses Best
Presented Classes, in Ring 3.
                                                                      Saturday 7 March 2020
                                                                      Main Arena - starting at 8.30 a.m
Champion Lady or Gentleman Rider
Competed for by winners of Rider classes from Saddle Hunter,
Saddle Horse, Riding Horse and Park Hack.                             Class 1000 Best Presented Hack, Rider and Gear
                                                                      Winner will compete for Champion Best Presented Saddle Horse.
                                                                      To be judged in Ring 3 immediately following this class.
Champion Novice Horse
Competed for by the winners of Novice Classesin the Saddle Hack,
Riding Horse , Park Hack and Saddle Hunter Sections.                  Class 1001 Novice Hack, 0-5 wins

Paced & Mannered Championship                                         Class 1002 Open Hack over 158 cm and not
McCorkindale Family Trophy - for Champion Paced and Mannered          exceeding 163m
First placegetters in each Paced & Mannered Class to complete for
Champion Paced & Mannered.                                            Class 1003 Open Hack, over 163cm

SUPREME CHAMPION SADDLE HORSE                                         Class 1004 Open Lady's or Gentleman's Hack on Type
Champions from the Saddle Horse, Riding Horse, Park Hack and          May be ridden by a Lady or a Gentleman- conformation class.
Saddle Hunter sections to compete for this award.
                                                                      Champion Saddle Hack
PGG WRIGHTSONS -Grand Champion Horse                                  Reserve Champion Saddle Hack
The Grand Champion Horse Award will be decided on points from
exhibits gaining Champion, Reserve Champion & Supreme                 Class 1005 Novice Paced and Mannered Hack, 0-5
Champion from West Otago, Wyndham, Waiau, Winton, Gore and            wins
Southland Shows in Saddle Horse, Riding Horse, Park Hack, Saddle
Hunter Sections. To be eligible to receive this award, the horse      Class 1006 Open Paced and Mannered Hack
must compete at the 2020 Southland A & P Show.
The horse with the highest aggregate of points as allocated below
to receive a Grand Champion rug sponsored by PGG WRIGHTSON.           Class 1007 Best Rider
Points Allocation: Champion 2 points, Reserve Champion 1 point.
Supreme Champion 1 additional point.                                  Best Novice Horse
                                                                      Supreme Champion Saddle Horse
In the event of a tie, the following count back system will apply:
most Supremes. If still equal then the Supreme at Southland A & P     Champion Adult Rider
Show shall be declared the winner.                                    Supreme Champion Paced & Mannered Horse
                                                                      Best Presented Horse
                    Saddle Hacks
                                                                                         Riding Horses
Open to horses 158 cm and over, to be ridden in the ring.
                                                                      Open to horses 158 cm and over, to be ridden in the ring.
Horses must be 3 years and over.
                                                                      Horses must be 3 years and over.
Height certificates must be carried in the ring and produced to the
steward on request.                                                   Height certificates must be carried in the ring and produced to the
                                                                      steward on request.
Novice and Open Classification
                                                                      Novice and Open Classification
All wins in the novice and open classes must be recorded on the
Royal Agriculture Society Performance & Measuring Card. Winners       All wins in the novice and open classes must be recorded on the
failing to produce their card when requested by the steward,          Royal Agriculture Society Performance & Measuring Card. Winners
forfeit their awards on the day.                                      failing to produce their card when requested by the steward,
                                                                      forfeit their awards on the day.
An exhibit may only enter in one section, either Show Hack, Riding
Horse, Park Hack or Saddle Hunter.                                    An exhibit may only enter in one section, either Show Hack, Riding
                                                                      Horse, Park Hack or Saddle Hunter.
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Saturday 7 March 2020                                                 Saturday 7 March 2020
Main Arena - Starting at 8.30 a.m
                                                                      Main Arena- starting at 8.30 am
Class 1008 Best Presented Riding Horse, Rider and
Gear                                                                  Class 1017 Best Presented Horse, Rider and Gear
Winner will compete for Champion Best Presented Saddle Horse.         Winner will compete for champion Best Presented Saddle Horse.
To be judged in Ring 3 immediately following this class.              To be judged in Ring 3 immediately following this class.

Class 1009 Novice Riding Horse, 0-5 wins                              Class 1018 Novice Park Hack, 0-5 wins

Class 1010 Open Riding Horse, over 148cm, not                         Class 1019 Open Park Hack over 148 cm and not
exceeding 158cm                                                       exceeding153 cm

Class 1011 Open Riding Horse, over 158cm but not                      Class 1020 Open Park Hack, over 153cm and not
exceeding 163cm                                                       exceeding 158cm

Class 1012 Open Riding Horse, over 163cm                              Class 1021 Open Lady's or Gentleman's Park Hack on
Class 1013 Open Lady's or Gentleman's Riding Horse                    May be ridden by a lady or a gentleman (conformation class)
on Type
May be ridden by a Lady or a Gentleman (conformation class)
                                                                      Champion Park Hack
                                                                      Reserve Champion Park Hack
Champion Riding Horse
Reserve Champion Riding Horse                                         Class 1022 Novice Paced and Mannered Park Hack, 0-
                                                                      5 wins
Class 1014 Novice Paced & Mannered Riding Horse,
0-5 wins                                                              Class 1023 Open Paced and Mannered Park Hack
                                                                      Winner will compete for Champion Paced & Mannered Horse
Class 1015 Open Paced and Mannered Riding Horse                       Horse. To be judged in Ring 3 at 11am.

Class 1016 Best Rider                                                 Class 1024 Best Rider
Winner of class 1016 will compete for Champion and Reserve            Winner will compete for Champion Adult Rider. To be judged in
Champion Adult Rider (to be judged from winners of rider classes      Ring 3.
in the Riding Horse & Hack, Park Hack and Saddle Hunter Classes)
To be judged in Ring 3
                                                                                         Saddle Hunter
Best Novice Horse
Supreme Champion Saddle Horse                                         Open to horses over 148 cm, to be ridden in the ring.
Champion Adult Rider
Supreme Champion Paced & Mannered Horse
                                                                      Horses must be 3 years and over.
Best Presented Horse

                                                                      Height certificates must be carried in the ring and produced to the
                       Park Hack                                      steward on request.

Open to horses over 148 cm and up to 158 cm, to be ridden in the      All wins in novice and open classes must be recorded on the Royal
ring.                                                                 Agriculture Society Performance and Measuring Card. Winners
                                                                      failing to produce their card when requested by the steward,
                                                                      forfeit their awards on the day.
Horses must be 3 years and over.

                                                                      An exhibit may only be entered in one section, either Hack, Riding
Height certificates must be carried in the ring and produced to the   Horse, Park Hack or Saddle Hunter.
steward on request.

                                                                      Horses will be required to gallop within the confines and
All wins in the novice and open classes must be recorded on the       constraints of the venue involved.
Royal Agriculture Society Performance & Measuring Card. Winners
failing to produce their card when requested by the steward,
forfeit their awards on the day.                                      Trophies for this section:

An exhibit may only be entered in one section, either the Show        Irish Horse Society (NZ) Shamrock Sash
Hack or Park Hack or Riding Horse or Saddle Hunter.

7|P a g e
Saturday 7 March 2020                                                 -All competitors will receive a registration number; this number
                                                                      will be used thoughout the series, and must be included with the
Main Arena - starting at 8.30 am                                      entry.
                                                                      -Only TB horses registered in this series will be eligible for the TB
                                                                      Show Horse Class at NZ HOY 2018.
Class 1025 Best Presented Saddle Hunter, Rider and                    -Series points will be held at the RAS Head Office.
Extra consideration to be given to those dressed in correct           Placings 1st-4th will accumulate points that will result in an overall
hunting attire.                                                       series winner.
Winner will compete for the Champion Best Presented Saddle
Horse. To be judged in Ring 3 immediately following this class.       Judging criteria will be 80% Conformation, 20% Manners & Paces.
                                                                      Judges will assess each horse individually with saddles removes
Class 1026 Novice Saddle Hunter, 0-5 wins                             after they have been assessed ridden.
                                                                      Horses to show true Thoroughbred qualities; all paces including a
                                                                      good walk, as well as a gallop (space permitting).
Class 1027 Open Saddle Hunter, over 148cm and not
exceeding 163cm                                                       Class 1035 Ridden Registered Thoroughbred

Class 1028 Open Saddle Hunter, over 163cm
                                                                                   Saddle Pony Awards
Class 1029 Open Lady's or Gentleman's Saddle
                                                                      Champion Best Presented Pony
Hunter on Type.
May be ridden by a lady or a gentleman (conformation class)
                                                                      Competed for by winners of Best Presented Classes from Saddle
                                                                      Pony A/Saddle Hunter Pony & Pony B/C.
Champion Saddle Hunter
Reserve Champion Saddle Hunter                                        Champion Junior Rider

Class 1030 Novice Paced and Mannered Saddle                           Competed for by winners of Rider classes from Saddle Pony
                                                                      A/Saddle Hunter Pony & Pony B/C.
Hunter 0-5 wins
                                                                      Ballantyne Cup for the Champion Junior Rider
Class 1031 Open Paced and Mannered Saddle Hunter
Winner will compete for the Champion Paced & Mannered Horse
Horse. To be judged in Ring three at 11am.                            Southland Light Horse & Pony Sash Champion Junior Rider

                                                                      Champion Paced and Mannered Pony
Class 1032 Best Rider
Winner will compete for the Champion Adult Rider.
                                                                      Competed for by winners of Paced and Mannered classes from
                                                                      Saddle Pony A/Saddle Hunter Pony & Pony B/C.
Class 1033 Irish Horse Society Class - Shamrock Sash
Entrants must be registered with the Irish Horse Society and
                                                                      Champion Novice Pony
registration number provided at time of entry.

                                                                      Competed for by winners of Novice Conformation classes from
Class 1034 Qualified Hunter on the flat                               Saddle Pony A/Saddle Hunter Pony & Pony B/C

         Livamol-RAS Ridden                                           Supreme Champion Saddle Pony

      Thoroughbred Show Horse                                         Competed for by Champions from the Saddle Pony A-B-C and
                                                                      Saddle Pony Hunter Sections
           Series 2019-2020
Main Arena – to follow Saddle Horse Championships                     Stafford Family Trophy

(Please note this is a restricted breed class and does not count as   PGG WRIGHTSONS -Grand Champion Pony
a win for Novice Horses)
                                                                      The Grand Champion Pony Award will be decided on points from
-Thoroughbred horses must be registered, or eligible for
                                                                      exhibits gaining Champion, Reserve Champion & Supreme
registration in a recognised Thoroughbred Stud Book, to compete
                                                                      Champion from West Otago, Wyndham, Waiau, Winton, Gore and
in this class and at HOY.
                                                                      Southland Shows in Saddle Pony A, B, C and Saddle Hunter Pony
-All competitors wishing to take part in the RAS Ridden
                                                                      Sections. To be eligible to receive this award, the pony must
Thoroughbred Show Horse Series 2017-2018 must register their
                                                                      compete at the 2020 Southland A & P Show.
TB horses with the RAS Head Office:
                                                                      The pony with the highest aggregate of points as allocated below
Registration is free of charge.
                                                                      to receive a Grand Champion rug sponsored by PGG WRIGHTSON.

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Points Allocation: Champion 2 points, Reserve Champion 1 point.
Supreme Champion 1 additional point.
                                                                      Champion Saddle Pony A
In the event of a tie, the following count back system will apply:    Reserve Champion Saddle Pony A
most Supremes. If still equal then the Supreme at Southland A & P
Show shall be declared the winner.                                    Class 1042 Open Saddle Hunter Pony, not exceeding

                                                                      Class 1043 Open Saddle Hunter Pony, over 128cm
      Saddle Pony A and Saddle                                        and not exceeding 138cm

            Hunter Pony                                               Class 1044 Open Saddle Hunter Pony, over 138cm
                                                                      and not exceeding 148cm
Saddle Ponies A - Open to Ponies over 138 cm and up to 148cm,
to be ridden in the ring.
                                                                      Champion Saddle Hunter Pony
Saddle Hunter Ponies - Open to ponies up to 148cm, to be ridden
                                                                      Reserve Champion Saddle Hunter Pony
in the ring.
                                                                      Class 1045 Novice Paced and Mannered Show Pony,
Ponies must be 3 years and over.                                      0-5 wins

Height certificates must be carried in the ring and produced to the   Class 1046 Novice Paced and Mannered Saddle
steward on request.                                                   Hunter Pony, 0-5 wins
Riders to be under 17 years on the day of the Show. Novice
classes are open to riders of any age including adults.
                                                                      Class 1047 Open Paced and Mannered Show Pony

TROPHIES FOR SECTION:                                                 Class 1048 Open Paced and Mannered Saddle Hunter
The Royal Ann Perpetual Trophy, offered by L & S Cunningham for
Champion Saddle Pony Section A                                        Class 1049 Best Rider

Sunshine Family Trophy, for Champion Saddle Hunter Pony
                                                                      Champion Best Presented Pony
Saturday 7 March 2020
                                                                      Supreme Champion Saddle Pony
                                                                      Supreme Champion Paced & Mannered Pony
Main Arena- starting at 8.30 a.m                                      Champion Novice Pony
                                                                      Champion Pony Rider
Class 1036 Best Presented Pony, Rider and Gear (Not
eligible for class 1196)
                                                                       Saddle Pony B and Saddle Pony
Winner to compete for Champion Best Presented Saddle Pony in
Ring Seven immediately following this class
                                                                      Open to Ponies up to 138 cm, to be ridden in the ring.
Class 1037 Best Presented Saddle Hunter, Rider and
Gear (Not eligible for class 1195)                                    Ponies must be 3 years and over.

Winner to compete for Champion Best Presented Saddle Pony in          Height certificates must be carried in the ring and produced to the
Ring Seven following this class.                                      steward on request.

Class 1038 Novice Show Pony, 0-5 wins                                 Riders to be under 17 years on the day of Show. Novice classes are
                                                                      open to riders of any age including adults.
Class 1039 Novice Saddle Hunter Pony, 0-5wins
                                                                      Trophies for section:
Class 1040 Open Show Pony, over 138cm and not
                                                                      The Forli Perpetual Cup, offered by L & S Cunningham for
exceeding 143cm
                                                                      Champion Saddle Pony Section B

Class 1041 Open Show Pony, over 143cm and not                         Southland Light Horse & Pony Association Trophy, for best rider
exceeding 148cm                                                       Section B
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Paper Doll Trophy, for Best Rider Section C                        To be awarded to the winner of the PBSNZ class. The sash is to be
                                                                   judged 60% conformation 40% paces and manners.
Saturday 7 March 2020
Main Arena - starting at 8.30 am                                   Class 1059 Best Saddle Pony - up to 148cm

Class 1050 Best Presented Saddle Pony, Rider and
Gear                                                                      New Zealand Riding Pony
                                                                            Society Ridden Sash
Winner will complete for Champion Best Presented Saddle Pony.
To be judged in Ring Seven immediately following this class.       Main Arena- to be judged following Pony Championships

                                                                   (Sash awarded to this class) Ponies 148cm and under - Mare or
Class 1051 Novice Show Pony, 0-5 wins                              Gelding to be ridden. Ponies must be registered with the NZRP
                                                                   Society and registration number must accompany entry.
Class 1052 Open Show Pony, not exceeding 123cm
                                                                   Class 1060 Ridden Show Pony Sash Class
Class 1053 Open Show Pony, over 123cm and not
exceeding 128cm
                                                                                      Ridden Welsh
Champion Saddle Pony C
Reserve Champion Saddle Pony C                                     Saturday 7 March 2020

Class 1054 Open Show Pony, over 128cm and not                      Main Arena- to be judged following Pony Championships
exceeding 133cm
                                                                   Class 1061 Best Purebred Ridden Welsh
Class 1055 Open Show Pony, over 133cm and not
exceeding 138cm                                                    Class 1062 Best Partbred Ridden Welsh

Champion Saddle Pony B                                                            First Ridden Pony
Reserve Champion Saddle Pony B
                                                                   To provide a transition from the Lead Rein section to the open
Class 1056 Novice Paced and Mannered Show Pony,                    ridden section, where a rider does not have to canter on the circle
0-5 wins                                                           in company.

                                                                   A Combination is only able to compete in this section for a
Class 1057 Open Paced and Mannered Show Pony                       maximum of twenty-four (24) months.

Class 1058 Best Rider                                              First Ridden Ponies not to exceed 138cm.

       Pony Breeders Society NZ                                    First Ridden Ponies must be ridden in a snaffle bridle with a
                                                                   caveson noseband, a snaffle bit and a single rein–refer to
                                                                   Appendix B.
Pony Breeders Society of New Zealand registration number must
be supplied on your entry form and identification carried on the   A First Ridden Pony may compete in the Open ring with a different
day of the Show.                                                   rider.

Criteria for eligibility for the Pony Breeders Society of New      No spurs to be worn.
Zealand sash: 148 cm and under, fully registered with the Pony
Breeders Society of New Zealand and foaled in New Zealand. If it
is subsequently found that the winner of a Pony Breeders Society   A cane or a whip not exceeding 68cm in length, which includes a
sash is not registered with the Society they will be required to   flap 2cm wide by 4cm long, may be carried by riders in the First
forfeit this award.                                                Ridden Section.

Saturday 7 March 2020                                              Judging Criteria: Judged on -60% suitability, temperament and
                                                                   safeness-40% conformation and paces.
Main Arena - to be judged following Pony Championships
                                                                   All ponies to walk and trot in company, but may be asked to
                                                                   canter in the individual workout.
Sash for section:

                                                                   The same combination cannot enter in both the Lead Rein Section
Pony Breeders Society of New Zealand Sash.                         and the First Ridden Section or in an open ring, but a pony that
10 | P a g e
has been entered in the Lead Rein, Group B or Group C Sections          Riders in this section may not enter any other section, unless in a
can be entered in the First Ridden Section with a different rider       Lead Rein class(s) in a Breed section.
(who is eligible to compete in this section).
                                                                        Riders must be under eight (8) years of age, with a minimum age
A rider who has moved from the First Ridden into the open rings         of four (4) years.
forfeits the right to compete again in any First Ridden Events at
any A&P Show, affiliated show or event, or any show that the RAS        Ponies to be led by a leader/attendant (14 years and over) with
may from time to time designate as a show requiring specific            the lead rein attached to the caveson noseband of a snaffle
qualifications (e.g. Horse of the Year)                                 bridle– refer to Appendix A.

TROPHIES FOR SECTION                                                    Ponies will be asked to walk and trot –no cantering under any
Ka Aroha Welsh Pony Trophy for Champion First Ridden Pony
                                                                        Running or bearing reins or similar tackle are not allowed
Welsh Pony & Cob Rosette for Best First Ridden Combination fully
registered with the Society.                                            TROPHIES FOR SECTION:

Saturday 7 March 2020                                                   Glen Cree Pony Stud Tray, awarded to the Champion Lead Rein
Main Arena- starting at 8.30 a.m
                                                                        The Horne Trophy Junior
Class 1063 Best Presented First Ridden Pony, Rider
and Gear                                                                Pony Breeders Society Sash, awarded to the Best Lead Rein Pony
                                                                        fully registered with the NZ Pony Breeders Society and foaled in
Class 1064 Novice First Ridden Pony, not exceeding
138cm 0-5wins                                                           Welsh Pony & Cob Rosette, for Best Registered Lead Rein Pony
                                                                        fully registered with the Welsh Pony & Cob Society of NZ.
Class 1065 Open First Ridden Pony, not exceeding
128cm                                                                   Saturday 7 March 2020

Class 1066 Open First Ridden Pony, over 128cm and                       Main Arena – starting at 10.00 a.m
not exceeding 138cm
                                                                        Class 1071 Best Presented Lead Rein Pony, Rider and
Champion First Ridden Pony                                              Handler
Reserve Champion First Ridden Pony
                                                                        Class 1072 Novice Lead Rein Pony, not exceeding
Class 1067 Novice Paced and Mannered First Ridden                       128cm 0-5wins
Pony, 0-5 wins
                                                                        Class 1073 Open Lead Rein Pony, not exceeding
Class 1068 Open Paced and Mannered First Ridden                         123cm
                                                                        Class 1074 Open Lead Rein Pony, over 123cm and not
Class 1069 Best First Ridden Rider                                      exceeding 128cm

Class 1070 Welsh Pony & Cob Society Best First                          Champion Lead Rein Pony
Ridden Pony                                                             Reserve Champion Lead Rein Pony

To be registered with the Society. To be judged 60% on suitability      Class 1075 Open Paced and Mannered Lead Rein
and safeness and 40% conformation. Welsh Pony & Cob Society             Pony
Rosette to 1st - 4th place getters. Registration number to be
provided at time of entry.
                                                                        Class 1076 Best Rider 4 to 5 years on a lead rein

                  Lead Rein Pony                                        Class 1077 Best Rider 6 years and under 8 years on a
                                                                        lead rein
In this section, the judging criteria is 60% suitability, temperament
and safeness, and 40% conformation and paces.                           Class 1078 Pony Breeders Society of NZ Best Lead
                                                                        Rein Pony 128 cm and under
11 | P a g e
To be fully registered with the Pony Breeders Society on NZ and      winner to go through to the judging of the SUPREME CHAMPION
foaled in NZ. Registration number to be provided at time of entry.   IN HAND EXHIBIT
If it is subsequently found that the winner of a Pony Breeders
Society sash is not registered with the Society they will be
required to forfeit this award.
                                                                     Champion Category B Miniature
                                                                     Reserve Champion Category B Miniature
Class 1079 Welsh Pony & Cob Society Best Lead Rein                   Supreme Champion Miniature
Pony 128 cm and under
                                                                     Class 1092 Category B Horse and Junior Youth
To be registered with the Society. To be judged 60% on suitability   Handler
& safeness and 40% on conformation and paces. Welsh Pony &           Class 1093 Category B Horse and Senior Youth
Cob Society Rosette presented to 1st - 4th place getters.            Handler
Registration number to be provided at time of entry.
                                                                     Class 1094 Multi Colour Horse Category A and B
               Miniature Horses                                      Class 1095 Solid Colour Horse Category A and B
Exhibitors in this section may not exhibit in any other "In Hand"    Class 1096 Most Attractive Head Category A & B
Section. Horse much be registered with bodies affiliated with the    Combined
Royal Agricultural Society. Registration number and Association      Class 1097 Best Movement Category A & B Combined
must be stated on entry form. The Miniature Horse section will be
run in accordance with NZMHA Show Rules.
                                                                                       Pleasure Horse
Saturday 7 March 2020
                                                                     For Horses, Ponies and Riders not entered in any of the Saddle
Outer Arena- starting at 12.30pm                                     Horse/Hunter/Park Hack or Saddle Pony/Hunter sections, or Pony
                                                                     club section.
Supreme Champion Award winner from this section is eligible to
compete for the Classic Autotrim & Upholstery Supreme                Height Certificate/Performance Cards are not required. Riders can
Champion Led Exhibit                                                 be any age.

Category A Halter                                                    Riders do not have to belong to a Riding Club to enter. Riding Club
                                                                     uniform or plain dress Riding Jackets to be worn.
Class 1080 Best Presented Category A Horse and
Handler                                                              Plaiting Optional. No Double Bridles. No ribbon brow bands.
Class 1081 Youngstock 2 years and under
Class 1082 Mare, 3 years and over                                    Saturday 7 March 2020
Class 1083 Stallion, 3 years and over
                                                                     Main Arena- starting at 8.30 a.m
Class 1084 Gelding 3 years and over
                                                                     Class 1098 Best Presented Mount, Rider and Gear
Champion Catergory A Horse                                           Class 1099 Best Type Pleasure Mount up to 158 cm
Reserve Champion Category A Horse                                    (15.2 hands)
Class 1085 Category A Horse and Junior Youth
Handler                                                              Class 1100 Best Type Pleasure Mount over 158 cm
Class 1086 Category A Horse and Senior Youth                         (15.2 hands)
                                                                     Class 1101 Ridden Standardbred
Category B                                                           Horses entering this class must be able to produce their
                                                                     Standardbred Registration card to enter this class.
Class 1087 Best Presented Category B Horse and
Handler                                                              Class 1102 Best Paced Pleasure Mount
Class 1088 Youngstock 2 years and under
Class 1089 Mare, 3 years and over                                    Class 1103 Best Mannered Pleasure Mount
Class 1090 Stallion, 3 years and over
Class 1091 Gelding 3 years and over                                  Class 1104 Best Rider in Pleasure Horse Section

Supreme Champion Miniature will be judged between the                Reserve Champion Pleasure/Utility Mount
Champion Category A and the Champion Category B with the
                                                                     Champion Pleasure/Utility Mount
12 | P a g e
Winners of Best Utility Rider classes to compete for Champion &
                   Utility Section                                  Reserve Champion Utility Rider. Second placegetter to the
                                                                    Champion to be judged alongside the remaining winners for
Entries in the section are not eligible for any other Saturday      Reserve Champion.
classes with the exception of Show Jumping, RTR, Unity and Pony
Trot                                                                Riders over 12 years of age
All riders to be under 21 years of age on date of show.
                                                                    Class 1116 Best Presented Utility Mount and Rider
Pony Club uniform to be worn if the combination are Pony Club
members otherwise tidy dress (jersey and tie). Plaiting optional.   Class 1117 Best Utility Mount

Saturday 7 March 2020                                               Winners of Best Utility Mount classes to compete for Champion &
                                                                    Reserve Champion Utility Mount. Second placegetter to the
                                                                    Champion to be judged alongside the remaining winners for
Outer Ring - starting at 8.30am                                     Reserve Champion.

Lead Rein                                                           Class 1118 Best Paced Utility Mount

Class 1105 Best Presented Lead Rein Utility Mount                   Class 1119 Best Mannered Utility Mount
Rider, Handler and Gear                                             Winners of Best Paced & Best Mannered classes to compete for
                                                                    Champion & Reserve Champion Paced & Mannered Utility Mount.
                                                                    Second place getter to the Champion to be judged alongside the
Class 1106 Best Lead Rein Utility Mount
                                                                    remaining winners for Reserve Champion.

Class 1107 Best Paced Utility Mount
                                                                    Class 1120 Best Rider on a Utility Mount
Class 1108 Best Mannered Utility Mount                              Winners of Best Utility Rider classes to compete for Champion &
                                                                    Reserve Champion Utility Rider. Second placegetter to the
Champion Utility Lead Rein                                          Champion to be judged alongside the remaining winners for
                                                                    Reserve Champion.
Reserve Champion Utility Lead Rein

Class 1109 Best Utility Lead Rein Rider under 6 years
                                                                    Champion Paced & Mannered Pony Club Mount
                                                                    Champion Utility/Pony Club Mount
Class 1110 Best Utility Lead Rein Rider 6 and under 8               Reserve Champion Paced & Mannered Pony Club
years                                                               Mount
                                                                    Reserve Champion Utility/Pony Club Mount
Rider 12 Years and Under                                            Champion Pony Club Rider
                                                                    Reserve Champion Pony Club Rider
Class 1111 Best Presented Utility Mount Rider and
Gear.                                                                                     Led Horse
Class 1112 Best Utility Mount                                       Saturday 7 March 2020
Winners of Best Utility Mount classes to compete for Champion &
Reserve Champion Utility Mount. Second placegetter to the
Champion to be judged alongside the remaining winners for           Outer Ring- starting at 12 Noon
Reserve Champion.
                                                                    Supreme Champion Award winner from this section is eligible to
Class 1113 Best Paced Utility Horse                                 compete for the Classic Autotrim & Upholstery Supreme
                                                                    Champion Led Exhibit

Class 1114 Best Mannered Utility Mount
                                                                    Classic Autotrim Supreme Champion Exhibit - $100
                                                                    Supreme Champion In Hand Horse
Winners of Best Paced & Best Mannered classes to compete for
Champion & Reserve Champion Paced & Mannered Utility Mount.
Second place getter to the Champion to be judged alongside the      The Supreme winner will go through to the judging of the CLASSIS
remaining winners for Reserve Champion.                             AUTOTRIM AND UPHOLSTERY SUPREME CHAMPION IN HAND
Class 1115 Best Rider on a Utility Mount
                                                                    Class 1121 Best Presented Led Horse and Handler

13 | P a g e
Class 1122 Stallion, 4years and over, over 148cm                      SWPC Trophy for the Supreme Champion Welsh exhibit.

Class 1123 Gelding, 4 years and over, over 148cm                      NZ Welsh Pony & Cob Society Rosette for Best Welsh Exhibit.

                                                                      Southland Welsh Pony & Cob Club kindly donate a sash for
Class 1124 Dry Mare, 4 years and over, over 148cm                     Supreme Champion Partbred Welsh and Supreme Champion
                                                                      Purebred Welsh
Class 1125 Brood Mare, 4 years and over, over
148cm                                                                 Supreme Champion Award winner from this section is eligible to
                                                                      compete for the Classic Autotrim & Upholstery Supreme
(see conditions for Broodmares)                                       Champion Led Exhibit

Champion Adult Led Horse                                              Class 1132 Best Presented Welsh Pony and Handler
Reserve Champion Adult Led Horse
                                                                      Class 1133 Purebred Stallion 3 years and over
Class 1126 Yearling to mature over 148cm
                                                                      Class 1134 Purebred Geldings 3 years and over
Class 1127 Two Year Old, to mature over 148cm

Class 1128 Three Year Old, to mature over 148cm                       Champion Welsh Purebred Male
                                                                      Reserve Champion Welsh Purebred Male
Champion Led Youngstock Horse
Reserve Champion Led Youngstock Horse                                 Class 1135 Mare 3 years and over visibly in foal or
Supreme Champion Led Horse                                            with foal at foot

Class 1129 Irish Horse Society Class                                  Class 1136 Mare Dry 3 years and over
                                                                      Champion Purebred Female
Any age, Male or Female. A sash will be provided by the Irish Horse   Reserve Champion Purebred Female
Society of New Zealand for this class. Horses to be registered with
the Irish Horse Society of New Zealand and the registration
number must be supplied on the entry form.                            Class 1137 Young Stock Colt, Filly or Gelding 2 year
Class 1130 Coloured Horse, any age, Male or Female
                                                                      Class 1138 Young Stock Colt, Filly or Gelding Yearling
Class 1131 Standardbred Class
All horses entering this class must be registered and branded         Champion Purebred Youngstock
Standardbred horses.
                                                                      Reserve Champion Purebred Youngstock
                                                                      Supreme Champion Purebred Welsh
                        Led Welsh
                                                                      Class 1139 Part Bred Stallion 3 years and over
This is a Sire rating Show.
                                                                      Class 1140 Part Bred Gelding 3 years and over
All entries to be registered with the Welsh Pony and Cob Society
of New Zealand Inc. in either the New Zealand Stud Book or New
Zealand Partbred Register and in the case of foals, to be eligible    Champion Partbred Male
for registration.                                                     Reserve Champion Partbred Male
Registration number to be stated on entry form. Registered            Class 1141 Part Bred Mare 3 years and over visibly in
Purebred Welsh Ponies and Cobs must not be plaited in the In
Hand classes unless exhibited in ridden and/or driven classes on
                                                                      foal or with foal at foot
that day. Youngstock, regardless of sections, must not be plaited.
Entrants are not eligible for the In Hand Pony section.               Class 1142 Dry Part Bred Mare 3 years and over

Saturday 7 March 2020                                                 Champion Partbred Female
Outer Ring - starting at 12 noon
                                                                      Reserve Champion Partbred Female

Trophies for the section:
                                                                      Class 1143 Part Bred Colt, Filly or Gelding 2 year old
14 | P a g e
Class 1153 Pony, 2 years, not exceeding 146cm
Class 1144 Part Bred Colt, Filly or Gelding Yearling
                                                                  Class 1154 Pony, 3 years, not exceeding 148cm
Champion Partbred Youngstock
Reserve Champion Partbred Youngstock                              Champion Youngstock
Supreme Champion Partbred Welsh Exhibit                           Reserve Champion Youngstock
                                                                  Supreme Champion In Hand Pony
Grand Champion Welsh Exhibit
 Grand Champion Welsh will be judged between the Supreme          Class 1155 Pony Breeders Society of New Zealand
Purebred and the Supreme Partbred with the winner to go           Adult Sash
through to the judging of the SUPREME CHAMPION IN HAND
                                                                  Not exceeding 148cm and must be 4 years and over. No geldings
                                                                  or dry mares are allowed in this class. Brood mares to comply
Class 1145 Best Head                                              with the Royal Agricultural Society ruling 59. If it is subsequently
                                                                  found that the winner of a Pony Breeders Society sash is not
Class 1146 Best Movement                                          registered with the Society they will be required to forfeit this
                                                                  award. The winners of sashes must be able to show the ring
                                                                  steward their registration certificate before receiving the sash.
                        Led Pony
                                                                  Class 1156 Pony Breeders Society of New Zealand
Exhibitors in this section may not exhibit in any other In Hand   Youngstock Sash 1, 2 and 3 year olds.
section but may compete in ridden classes.
                                                                  Foals are not eligible and young stock not to mature over 148cm.
Saturday 7 March 2020                                             To be registered with the Pony Breeders Society of New Zealand
                                                                  and registration number to be supplied at time of entry. The
Outer Ring - starting at 12 Noon                                  winners of sashes must be able to show the ring steward their
                                                                  registration certificate before receiving the sash. If it is
                                                                  subsequently found that the winner of a Pony Breeders Society
Supreme Champion Award winner from this section is eligible to
                                                                  sash is not registered with the Society they will be required to
compete for the Classic Autotrim & Upholstery Supreme
                                                                  forfeit this award.
Champion Led Exhibit

Class 1147 Best Presented Led Pony and Handler                        Donkeys and Mules- Donkey
Class 1148 Pony Stallion, not exceeding 148cm                           and Mule Society of NZ
Class 1149 Pony Brood Mare, not exceeding 148cm                   To be judged according to the Donkey and Mule Society of New
                                                                  Zealand rules for Showing. All exhibits to be registered with or be
                                                                  eligible to be registered with the Society.
(see conditions for Brood Mares)
                                                                  Saturday 7 March 2020
Champion Adult Led Pony
Reserve Champion Adult Led Pony                                   Donkey Area (Outer Ring) - starting at 10.30 a.m

Class 1150 Dry Mare, 4 years and over, not exceeding              Trophies for section
                                                                  The Tatham Perpetual Trophy for the exhibitor gaining the most
Class 1151 Gelding, 4 years and over, not exceeding
(To be judged from the winners of classes xxx and xxx. Second
                                                                  Class 1157 Best Presented Donkey and Handler and
placed to the Champion to be judged alongside the remaining       Gear
winners for Reserve Champion)
                                                                  (Donkey 50% Gear 25% Handler 25%)
Champion Dry Mare or Gelding
Reserve Champion Dry Mare or Gelding                              Class 1158 Novice Donkey

                                                                  Donkey not to have won more than first prizes in an In-Hand class
                                                                  as at the day of the show
Class 1152 Pony Yearling, not exceeding 140cm
                                                                  Class 1159 Jack, Jenny or Gelding up to 12 months
15 | P a g e
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