E>LL=N;B>?         EDITION 2011

‘From Page to Film’: stories you’ll long to make into movies...

 With the encouragement of the SCELF, BIEF has published this
 collective catalogue for foreign producers who are keen to exploit
France’s editorial production and would like to discover its diversit
Here is a selection of roughly fifty books whose universe, charact
or historical settings provide, in the opinion of the thirty French
publishers who chose them, ideal material for cinematic adaptat
Each entry is an invitation to embark on an audiovisual adventu
A contact is given for each book presented: in just a few pages,
find many names to create or complete your address book.
We hope this catalogue will be the beginning of many new projects

                          115, boulevar
                                        d St-Germain
                          75006 Paris
                          Tel.: +33 (0
                                       )1 44 41 13
4                                                                                                 5

                                                                          ’t make a good
    ‘I believe that if I love a book, there’s no reason why it shouldn
                                                                out  of a terrible book. But
    film. Similarly, it’s also possible to make a great movie
                                                     form  the basis for  the  film, even if it
    I’m convinced that it’s the book that should
                                               better basis than an  origina  l fifteen page
    goes astray. In general, that’s a much
    Michel Audiard, 1983

                                                                      on behalf of
    In France, publishers tend to negotiate the audiovisual rights
                                                this widespr ead practic e has the
    the authors they represent. For authors
                               that   negotia tes the subsidi ary rights for their works
    advantage of a single body
                     radio, theatre , etc) as well as experie nced  advice  on the scope of
    (adaptations for
                                                                       n of the rights sold
    rights, guarantees associated with adapted works, the duratio
    and payment.

                                                                   (SCELF) brings
    Created in 1960, the French Language Publishers Association
                         ing compan ies who manage their author’ s subsidiary rights.
    together the publish

                                                                    use (film or
    Two years ago, the SCELF started to catalog the audiovisual
                                                 a databas  e called ’Source d’Images’.
    television) of books published in France for
                                          than a  thousan  d books  and  can be
    This database already contains more
                             website on or request ed by e-mail from:
    consulted on the SCELF
    scelf@wanadoo   .fr

                                                                        the Paris
     SCELF also organizes the AUDIOVISUAL RIGHTS MARKET during
     Book Fair.
     For further information, contact Elise Griffon by email on: mda@sc

                                         15, rue de Buci
                                         75006 Paris
                                         Tel.: +33 (0)1 53 34 97 13
                                         w w
6                                                                                                                                                                                          7
                                                                                                                                   Author : Jean-Luc Fromental
                                                                                                                                   Genre : Pop-up book, ages 3 and up
                                                                                                                                   Epoch : The present, or a time
    Contents                                                                                                                       close to the present (there is a
                                                                                                                                   bus, a bowling game, signs...)
    10 P’tits Pingouins                 p.05   Les Légendaires                     p.34
                                                                                                                                   Setting : An ice floe
                                                                                                                                   Timespan : Brief lapse of time
                          ___________                            _______________

    Adieu Chaussette   ______________   p.06   Le Malentendu   _________________   p.35
    Airborne 44   ___________________   p.07   Marcel Proust à 20 ans   _
                                                                        _______    p.36
    L’Archéologue et le mystère de             Mon nom est Victoria   __________   p.37
    Néfertiti   _____________________   p.08   La mort de Staline   ____________   p.38                                                          10 P’tits Pingouins
                                                                                            10 p’tits pingouins : un livre
    Au coeur des étoiles   __________   p.09   Mr.   _
                                                     ___________________________   p.39                                                                        9782358510165

                                                                                            animé pour jouer à compter
    Le Bar du vieux français   _
                               _____    p.10   Muette   _
                                                        ________________________   p.40
    Boris Vian à 20 ans   ___________   p.11   Myrtille   _
                                                          ______________________   p.41
                                                                                                                                        A playful book to practice counting
    Les Brumes de sang   ____________   p.12   Les ombres du souvenir   _
                                                                        _______    p.42
    Cassio   _
             ________________________   p.13   Pas de pitié pour les baskets               Ten Little Penguins stand on an icy shore. They start bowling. When one of them
    Comédie d’amour   _______________   p.14   _
                                               ______________________________      p.43
                                                                                          gets knocked off, there are only… nine Penguins left, teasing a whale. One of
                                                                                          them bites its tail. The whale is so furious the Penguin flees, and now there are
    Cristal défense                     p.15   Qu’avez-vous fait de moi ?          p.44
                                                                                          only… eight Penguins left, following a boat. The cook says, Fish one of them! So
                      _______________                                       _

    De Briques et de sang               p.16   Le Rabbin de Salonique              p.45
                            ________                                    _

                                                                                          there are only… seven Penguins, having supper at the igloo. But while the stew is
    Dernier été à Mayfair   _
                            ________    p.17   Rossmore Avenue   _______________   p.46   cooking, the heat makes the igloo melt…
    Les derniers jours de Mussolini            Le Scorpion   ___________________   p.47   It goes on and on: six, five, four, three, two, one… until there are… no Penguins
    ______________________________      p.18   Smoke City   ____________________   p.48   left!
    Les enfants de l’envie   _
                             _______    p.19   Le troisième jour   _____________   p.49   From 10 to 0, the Penguins are eager to introduce children to the concepts
                                                                                          of subtracting, and then adding. The Ten Little Penguins disappear one after
    Et pourtant je l’aimais             p.20   Un début de mois difficile
                                                                                          the other, until we realize with the last pop-up surprise that it was just a huge

    La Face                             p.21   Itinéraire d’une maman braqueuse
                                                                                          Penguin joke!

    La Face cachée des miroirs   _
                                 ___    p.22   _
                                               ______________________________      p.50
    Le Faucon du désert   ___________   p.23   La vengeance du Djinn   _
                                                                       ________    p.51   References : The Smurfs (TV)
    Fritz Kolbe   ___________________   p.24   Les vies sauvées d’Alexandre
    Grands gestes la nuit   _
                            ________    p.25   Vielski   _
                                                         _______________________   p.52
    Histoire d’un état secret           p.26   War & Dreams                        p.53
                                                                                                                                                     Placed copies: 7.000. 10.000 copies
                                ____                          __________________

    L’homme de Kaboul                   p.27   La Zingarina                        p.54
                                                                                                                                                    sold in France since October 2010.
                        _____________                         __________________

    L’inconnu du réveillon   _
                             _______    p.28                                                                                                        Rights sold to the U.S., Spain
    Jacotte                             p.29                                                                                                        (and Catalonia), Germany, The

    Le Jeu de l’ombre                   p.30                                                                                                        Netherlands, Italy, England, Japan,
                                                                                                  12, rue de l’Arbalète

    Journal de guerre d’un juge                                                                                                                     Finland. Sales in France and
                                                                                                  75005 Paris
                                                                                                                                                    abroad: 80.000 copies.
    militaire allemand                  p.31   List of publishers                    58           +33 (0)1 45 87 99 15
                         ____________                               ______________

    Journal intime d’une prédatrice            Index by topic                        62
                                                                                                  Sophie Giraud

    ______________________________      p.32   Index by author   _________________   64 
    Lazard frères   _________________   p.33   Notes   _
                                                       ___________________________   56
8                                                                                                                                                                                                        9
       Author : Benjamin Chaud                                                                                                                         Author : Philippe Jarbinet
       Genre : Children’s literature,                                                                                                                  Genre : Fiction
       ages 4-8                                                                                                                                        Epoch : World War II
       Epoch : The present                                                                                                                             Setting : French Ardennes
       Setting : The forest                                                                                                                            Timespan : A few weeks
       Timespan : One day

    Goodbye, Socks!                                                                                                                                                            Airborne 44
    9782358510394                                                 Adieu chaussette                             Airborne 44, Vol. 2. Demain
                                                                                                                     sera sans nous
                                                                                                                                                        A dramatic episode of WWII takes place
    A book about friendships with stuffed                                                                                                                 on an isolated farm of the Ardennes.
    animals, and how to know when we’re ready to grow up.                                                    The Ardennes Offensive was a major German
                                                                                 a clumsy rabbit             offensive launched towards the end of WWII
    What was I supposed to do when I realized I was too old to have
                                          I made  up my  mind:   he   should  go back to the                 through the forested Ardennes mountains. Airborne
    named Socks as a best friend?                                                                                                                                    Copies sold : 50.000 (two titles)
                           I need  to  find real friends , like other   childre n, and stop                  44 is set during the Battle of the Bulge over the
    forest. The truth is                                                                                                                                             Prix du scénario - Festival BD de
             g all my  time   with  a fluffy rabbit. So I  decided   to leave  for the forest with           course of a few cold weeks in winter. The story tells
    spendin                                                                                                                                                          Chambéry 2010
                                                                                   say a word. I             of an American unit fighting against a German
    him. He was completely unaware of what was going on and didn’t                                                                                                   Brique d’Or du meilleur album -
                                                        and   wonder   ed  what  they  were doing            platoon. A few civilians, a widow and two Jewish
    saw a little girl and her dog in the distance,                                                                                                                   Festival BD de Toulouse
                                                  was how    hard  it would   be to leave stupid             orphans, are trapped between the two groups of
    there. The only thing I did not realize                                                                                                                          Translation : German
                                  to  a  tree and  walked    away,  and  I started  feeling really           men. Strong characters recount this fascinating
    Socks behind… I tied him
                   when  I change   d my    mind  and decided   to  go back  for  him, Socks had             story. A prequel to this book, with the same
    scared. But
                                                                                                             characters in Normandy, will be released in
     disappeared. I yelled out his name, but he did not answer…
                                                                                                             November 2011.
    References : Snoopy (TV)
                                                                                                             References : Battle of the Bulge (1965), Saints and
                                                                                                             soldiers (2003)

                                                                        Number of copies placed and sold:
                                                                        6.000. Reprint under way. Rights           Casterman
                 12, rue de l’Arbalète
                                                                        sold (under way): Finland, Sweden,         Cantersteen 47,
                 75005 Paris
                                                                        Greece, Spain                              BP4 - 1000 Brussels Belgiu
                 +33 (0)1 45 87 99 15                                                                                                         m
                                                                                                                   +32 22098369
                 Sophie Giraud
                                                                                                                   Sophie Levie
10                                                                                                                                                                                               11
        Author : Pierre Boulle                                                                                                                 Author : Denise Fabre
        Genre : Historic mystery                                                                                                               Epoch : 20th century
        Epoch : the 1950s                                                                                                                      Setting : France
        Setting : Europe and Egypt                                                                                                             Timespan :
        Timespan : Several months

     The Archeologist and the                            L’archéologue et le mystère                                                                                  Among the stars
     Mystery of Nefertiti                                        de Néfertiti                                 Au Cœur Des Etoiles                                               9782268069098

                                                                                                                                 The incredible rise of a young girl from Nice, who becomes
                                                                        the sources of
     This “archeological mystery” is also a lot of fun. It goes back to                                                                                                     a television star.
                                                 a three-th ousand -year-o   ld crime scene.
     mystery novels, through the discovery of
                      e crash in Egypt, our heros   unravel  the mysteri  es  of a failed
     After an airplan
                                                                        light a conspiracy
     assassination attempt on the mythical Nefertiti. They bring to                                       No matter what, she’s always smiling and in a good mood.
     that is nothing short of Pharaonic.
                                                                                                          In fact, she is at ease both onstage and off, even if her family and private life
                                                                           explodes. The
     Once again, the Machiavellian talent of author Pierre Boulle                                         have been difficult at times. From her turbulent youth, boarding schools, and a
                                   y  of Nefertit i is a  myster  y  novel that intersects
     Archeologist and the Myster                                                                          TV career in Monte Carlo (TMC), Nice (Studios de la Victorine), and finally Paris,
                   Egyptia n history . The  two main     charact  ers, a wealthy  , young                 where she received the famous “Le 7 d’Or” of 1975, she has often appeared
     with ancient
              t keen on Egyptol ogy and   a true-to-  life archeol  ogist straigh t out of an             on the front page of Paris Match. And now, with a recent comeback in Nice in
                                                             sing  investig ation  on the trail
     Agatha Christie novel, lead us through a hair-rai                                                    politics, she has stars in her eyes.
                                                      Nefertit i. Step  by step, the  men
     of Pharaoh Akhenaton and his wife, Queen
                                        of a conspir   acy  by way   of the objects  they  find           References : La Valise en carton
     reconstitute the circumstances
                            of deducti  on of the  older   and  wiser  of the two.  They  learn
     and the great powers
                                                                                 Nefertiti and
     that the great priests of Amon were scheming to eliminate Queen
     thus destroy the heretic Athon.
                                                                                                                                               Groupe d’éditiond DDB/Le Rocher
                                                                           .                                                                   10 rue Mercœur
     References : Agatha Christie, Hercule Poirot, Indiana Jones…
                                                                                                                                               75011 Paris
                                                                        novel was                                                              +33 (0)1 40 46 54 00
      Editor’s note : Written on the back of another manuscript, this
                                                                    death. It was an                                                           Sabine Larivé
      discovered years after the legendary author Pierre Boulle’s
                                                      ide  bestsellers The  Bridge over the                                          
      unexpected revelation. Boulle wrote the worldw
                                         Here,  he questions  the truth of what we see,
      River Kwai and Planet of the Apes.
      with Machiavellian intelligence. The plot maintains
      suspense with humor, offering the perfect film script.
                       Le Cherche midi éditeur                        Translated into English and
                       23, rue du Cherche Midi                        Italian.
                       75006 Paris
                                                                      Rights sold: Univers Poche and Le
                       +33 (0)1 42 22 00 20
                                                                      Grand Livre du mois
                       Sylvie Cann
12                                                                                                                                                                                               13
        Author : Stassen Lapiere                                                                                                               Author : Claudine Plas
        Genre : Romantic coming-of-age                                                                                                         Genre : Biographical documentary
        drama                                                                                                                                  Epoch : 20th century
        Epoch : Today                                                                                                                          Setting : France
        Setting : Africa (Central and                                                                                                          Timespan : 1920-1950
        North), France (Paris to Marseille)
        Timespan : One year

     The Old frenchman’s bar                                                                                                              s                     Boris Vian at 20
                                                         Le bar du vieux Français                        Boris Vian à 20 ans : J’avai                                     9782846262088
                                                                                                              vingt ans en 1940

     Célestin and Leila were born and raised                                                                                                              How Boris became Vian, an
     thousands of kilometers away. They were never                                                                                  extraordinary young man in a not-so-ordinary era.
     supposed to meet. But in the middle of the desert, fate         Reprinted several times and       The life and work of a great writer at age twenty. From Vian’s exodus to the
     can offer you the most beautiful gift… at the cruelest         translated, it has also been       brutal murder of his father, from his studies in engineering to the Occupation
     price.                                                         awarded at the most important      of France, and jazz music: these are the beginnings of the writer, musician and
     Célestin and his little sister were born in the heart          European book festivals            pataphysician who would one day author the great l’Ecume des jours (Froth on a
     of Africa. Hopeless orphans, they decide to flee from          (Angoulême, Le Mans, Sierre,
                                                                                                       Daydream), only to die at the age of thirty-nine.
     famine and go to France, a land of opportunities. But the      Breda, Durbuy, etc.).
     walk in the desert is fatal for his sibling, and Célestin     Denis Lapière is a famous Belgian
     must continue his journey alone, hitch-hiking his way         writer who has also worked in the
                                                                                                       References : Coco avant Chanel (Coco Before Chanel)
     up to North Africa.
     Leila is an Arab girl, born and raised in France. She’s       film industry.
     the same age as Célestin. When she learns that for her
     sixteen birthday she will be forced to marry a man she
     hasn’t even met, she decides to run away to Morocco to
     meet her grandparents.
                                                                      , the two accidentally
      After many adventures on the way to the land of their dreams
                                                                     the desert of Tangier:
      meet in the middle of nowhere, inside an unlikely pub lost in
                                                                       finding someone to
      The Old Frenchman’s Bar. They settle there for a while, finally
      trust, like a bandage  for a wound…   and  they discover love.
                                                                           again, each in
      But their dreams are too strong. They can’t help hitting the road
                                                                            n of The Old
      the opposite direction, swearing to write one other, to the attentio                                        Au Diable Vauvert                             4.500 copies printed and 3.000
      Frenchm   an’s  Bar.                                                                                        La Laune                                      books sold
                                                                      each other. Braving
      During the second part of their journey, they faithfully write                                              30600 Vauvert
                                                                       reach their goals.
      more dangers and many disillusions, Leila and Célestin finally                                              +33 (0)4 66 73 16 56
                                                                       delivered after the Bar
      But they will never see each other again. The mail stops being
      is suddenly destroyed by flames, forever rupturing their unique
                                                                                                                  Marie-Pacifique Zeltner
                                                                     and Become (Va, vis et             
      References : Bagdad Cafe, Jake Kerouac’s On the Road, Live
                                Dargaud / Le Lombard Dupuis
                                15/27 rue Moussorgski
                                75018 Paris
                                +33 (0)6 08 96 14 61
                                 Laurent Duvault
14                                                                                                                                                                                                              15
        Author : Jacques Mazaux                                                                                                                          Author : Recule Desberg
        Genre : Fiction                                                                                                                                  Genre : Historical adventure
        Epoch : The First World War                                                                                                                      Epoch : Present day and Roman times
        Setting : A small village in the                                                                                                                 Setting : The Mediterranean:
        French countryside                                                                                                                               Turkey, Greece, Italy
        Timespan : Several months                                                                                                                        Timespan : A few days now, ten
                                                                                                                                                         years in the past

     The Vampires                                                                                                                                                                             Cassio
     The Fog of Blood                                          Les Brumes de sang                                              Cassio                                                    9782803626298


                                                                                                                                                One murder and four assassins. 2.000 years after
                                                                                                                  the fact, the investigation begins... and Ornella will have to solve the case if she
     A series of mysterious deaths disrupts the life of a small
                                                                                                                                                                               wants to save her life.
     village. Could they be caused by an otherwordly being?             To be published in the Fall of 2011
                                                                                                               2.000 years ago, Cassio, one of Rome’s most influential men, was struck down by
     August 3, 1914. War has just been declared. All the                                                      four masked shadows, his murder a conspiracy.
     able men of a small Burgundy village have left for the                                                   Today in Turkey, archaeologist Ornella Grazzi finds a new excavation site. She
     front.                                                                                                   discovers hidden parchments written by the victim, Cassio, that tell the story of
     That same day, the village priest is found dead. How                                                     his revenge after his death. She tries to reveal the faces of the four murderers,
     can such a strong man have died of no apparent                                                           and unravels the story of a brilliant and mysterious man supposedly gifted with
     cause? It then appears that he has been bitten by a                                                      magic healing powers.
     strange creature with only one tooth, and drained of                                                     But Ornella’s discovery also seems to attract very real, contemporary dangers
                                                                                tances, leaving
     his blood. Soon, other victims are found dead in similar circums                                         from powerful and invisible enemies, as if the Cassio case were never really
                                   as to  who  or what   killed  them.   Specula tion is rife
     the villagers with no clue                                                                               closed...
                        left in the village, until Isabelle  , the cheeky   young   schoolteacher,
     among the men                                                                                            A chase begins all around the Mediterranean… In the course of her investigation,
      comes up with a theory: What if it were a one-toothed vampir                                            Ornella will realize that Cassio did not die that night. Instead, he tracked down
      Young inspector Dumont is sent to the village to investigate these                                      his enemies and and eliminated them, one by one. Afterward, every trace of him
                                                        is confron   ted with the   archaic ideas
      murders. There, the scientific-minded man                                                               disappears; there is no indication of how or when he died. It is as if he vanished
                                         . The young   woman      deeply  trouble s him, both with
      of the villagers, and of Isabelle                                                                       into thin air. Or perhaps he is still alive...
      her beguiling beauty     and with  her  myster  ious  demean    or….

                                                                            i, Adele Blanc-Sec                Mixing contemporary adventure and historical flashback, Cassio is the perfect
      References : The Fearless Vampire Killers by Roman Polansk                                              vehicle for a new breed of documentary thriller.
      by Luc Besson, Dracula by Francis Ford Coppola
                                                                                                              References : Rome (TV series), Sahara, Sphinx, Tomb Raider

                                                                                                                             Dargaud / Le Lombard
                     Presses de la Cité / Place des Editeurs
                     12 avenue d’Italie                                                                                                                                       Author Stephen Desberg is a
                                                                                                                             15/27 rue Moussorgski
                     75013 Paris                                                                                                                                              famous comic book writer known
                                                                                                                             75018 Paris
                     +33 (0)1 44 16 07 56                                                                                                                                     for his bestselling series The
                                                                                                                             +33 (0)6 08 96 14 61
                                                                                                                                            Scorpio, I.R.$., and Southern Star.
                     Frédérique Polet
                                                                                                                             Laurent Duvault
16                                                                                                                                                                                                             17
        Authors :                                                                                                                                         Author : Catherine Fraidier
        Screenplay: Brigitte Luciani                                                                                                                      Genre : Mystery thriller
        Drawings by Colonel Moutarde                                                                                                                      Epoch : Contemporary
        Genre : Romantic comedy                                                                                                                           Setting : France / Belgique
        Epoch : Now                                                                                                                                       Timespan : Several weeks
        Setting : Paris
        Timespan : Several weeks

     Paris, My Love                                                                                                                                                         Crystal Defense
     9782756011332                                                 Comédie d’amour                                        Cristal défense                                             9782846262248

     The comings and goings of lovers in Paris.                                                                                                              This powerful thriller about economic
                                                                                                                   espionage, GMOs, and a food crisis is in keeping with American suspense films.
     After yet another failed relationship, Jade, a young,
                                                                                                                Éléonore de Coursange, also known as Léo, is the head of the Agency for
     pretty actress, decides that she absolutely will not               Ms. Brigitte Luciani is a writer
                                                                                                                Economic Security (AES), an organization that protects and defends French
     fall in love with the next guy who crosses her path.               for children and young readers.
                                                                        The three graphic novels she            industrial, scientific, and technological assets. She has just been given a new
     Men bother her. She even refuses to act in films that
                                Then, after   an  improm   ptu          wrot  e at Delcourt use tricks and      mission: she must solve the assassinations that have occurred within Aristee,
     are romantic comedies.
                        roof of her building  , she  literally         hum   or  to recall family secrets and   the company that monopolizes the GMO sector. With the help of her team,
     escapade on    the
                          of her neighbo  r, Guy.   Will she           complicated love affairs. The book       Latifa Boubaker, Eric Laville, Karl Saint-Léger, and Igor Sokolov, whose weighty
     falls into the arms
                                                                       has been translated in Spain with        pasts can’t be checked at the office door, she will try to unravel the threads
     fall madly, passionately in love? She will not!
                                                 refusin  g  roles,    the  title «Paris mon amour»             of this case. Who really ordered these assassinations: a competing company?
     She’s too busy. Now that she has been
                                    two  childre   n.  After a long                                             The United States? China? Europe? How far will those behind the crimes go to
     she has accepted to babysit
                                                                                                                hide the truth? Are blood ties and romantic connections the reasons least to be
      promenade through Paris (especially the Notre
      with the two children she babysits and their
                                                                                                                References : 24 heures chrono, Les tontons flingueurs (Crooks in Clover),
      unwanted dad, Jade will decide for herself about the
                                                                                                                Mission Impossible
      charming Guy, and make a comeback to her career
      as an actress.
      Ms. Brigitte Luciani is a writer for children and young readers                                                                                                      8;000 printed, 5.000 copies sold.
      The three graphic novels she wrote at Delcourt use games and                                                                                                         Cristal défense (Crystal Defense)
      humor to recall family secrets and complicated love affairs. This                                                                                                    received the Prix polar Michel
      has been translated in Spain with      the  title Paris  mon  amour.                                                                                                 Lebrun in 2010.
                                                                                                                         Au Diable Vauvert
      References : Le Témoin amoureux (Made of Honor), The Holiday                                                       La Laune
                                                                                                                         30600 Vauvert
                                                    Editions Delcourt                                                    +33 (0)4 66 73 16 56
                                                    54, rue d’Hauteville                                       
                                                    75010 Paris                                                          Marie-Pacifique Zeltner
                                                    +33(0)1 56 03 92 45                                        
                                                    Juliette Mathieu
18                                                                                                                                                                                19
        Authors : David François and                                                                                         Author : Theresa Révay
        Régis Hautière                                                                                                       Genre : Fiction
        Genre : Fiction                                                                                                      Epoch : Contemporary
        Epoch : 1914 and 1936                                                                                                Setting : England (Sussex,
        Setting : The city of Guise, in the                                                                                  London), France (Picardie).
        north of France                                                                                                      Timespan : From 1911 to the end
        Timespan : A few months                                                                                              of World War I

     Of Bricks and Blood                                                                                                                Last Summer at Mayfair
     97822030 08540                                   De briques & de sang               Dernier été à Mayfair                                                                ?

     A crime novel à la Agatha Christie
                                                                                        1911. The Rotherfields are a prominent English aristocratic family. The eldest
     October 1936: the female narrator takes cares of her                               son died after an accident caused by his youngest brother, Edward, who has
     father up until his death. After he passes away, she    Very good media coverage   since become a dashing aviator, womanizer and gambler. It is therefore Julian
     recalls a strange case followed by a reporter about a                              who must carry the family name of the family forward. But he is known as «the
     man and woman found dead in a worker’s community        Spanish version            reluctant heir». Evangeline, the oldest daughter, has joined the suffragettes. Only
     run by a visionary manager.                                                        Victoria is looking for an eligible young man. Along with their German cousins
                                                                                        and French friends, their lives are shattered by the war. Personal challenges
                                                                                        meet head-on with the historical cataclysm, and Julian learns he is not his
                                                                                        father’s son. As these promising young heirs to European patrician families
                                                                                        discover the shocking truths behind family secrets, they must search for the real
                                                                                        purpose of their lives.

                                                                                        References : Remains of the Day by James Ivory, Howard’s End by James Ivory,
                                                                                        Gosford Park by Robert Altman, Downton Abbey by nwritten by Julian Fellowes.

                                                                                                                                               To be published in the Fall of 2011

                      Casterman                                                         Place des Editeurs
                      Cantersteen 47,                                                   Belfond
                      BP4 - 1000 Brussels Belgiu                                        12 avenue d’Italie, 75013 Paris
                                                 m                                      +331 44 16 07 56
                      +32 22098369
                      Sophie Levie                                                      Frédérique Polet
20                                                                                                                                                                                                            21
        Author : Pierre Milza                                                                                                                           Author : Gabrielle Piquet
        Genre : Bioptic                                                                                                                                 Genre : Fiction
        Epoch : The 27th, 28th, and 29th of                                                                                                             Epoch : The 1980’s
        April, 1945                                                                                                                                     Setting : A French town
        Setting : Italy                                                                                                                                 Timespan : A few months
        Timespan : 72 hours

     The Last Days of Mussolini                                                                                                                                    The Children of Envy
                                                                    Les derniers jours de
                                                                         Mussolini                                  Les enfants de l’envie                                           9782203022171

     The final three days of Il Duce’s life in a
                                                                    and the history of a
     fast-paced thriller that vividly portrays both one man’s story                                           After WWII, American military bases spread across Europe. The American army
     nation.                                                                                                  also settled in France, remaining there for close to twenty years. When the
                                                                                  of events nor the           army left the country, it disrupted the balance of the local economy, and
     The verdict is in: Il Duce will die. Nothing – neither the myriad
                   72 hour  chase  precedin  g his  executio   n – will  alter   Benito   Mussolini’s ill-    caused long-term upheaval in the community.
     fated course.                                                                                            This story centers on Basile, the son of Henry, an American soldier, and Juliette,
                                                                                 removed from the
     Indeed, Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci are abruptly                                            a young French woman. Basile has never met his father, and as an adult he
                         they  are  being held  prisone   r, hurried   to the    nearby   Belmonte Villa,
     farmhouse where                                                                                          constantly wonders about his origins. He also nurtures a passion for the United
                                                      bursts  of an  MAS-38       machine    gun, their
     and placed against a wall. With two quick                                                                States, which is present in all of his paintings. The author Gabrielle Piquet
             and a chapter  in Italian Fascism   , come   swiftly  to  an  end.    Who was the gunman?
                                                                                       later elected to the   skillfully recounts the story of Basile and his struggles with his identity.
     Today we know for certain that it was Walter Audisio, aka Valerio,
     Italian Chamber of Deputies with the Communist Party.
                                                                                    leader’s life, Pierre
     In his hour-by-hour account of the last three days of the Fascist
                                               contrad   ictory  sources    , placing    particular
     Milza sifts through a wealth of often
                                                                                     the numerous
      emphasis on the testimonials of those closest to Il Duce, namely,
                                                                                      ; Margherita
      women in his life: Rachele, his wife and the mother of his children
                                                                                   was with him to the
      Sarfatti, his mistress; and of course Claretta, the mistress who
                                                                                 the officials of Il Duce’s
      bitter end. Historical and political figures of all stripes – from
                                     partisan  s of  the Nationa   l Liberati    on Committee – round
      Salò Republic to the fervent
      out the compelling narrative of his decline.
                                                                                both American and
      In his remarkable 72-hour assessment, Milza recounts what                                                                                                           Prix international de la Ville de
                                            in  the  Lake    Como  region     during    that fateful three-
      British secret services were doing                                                                                                                                  Genève pour la BD 2010
                                                                                       why Churchill,
      day period. Were there certain conflicts of interest? We also learn
                                                                                lake under a pseudonym
      having lost the election, returned to the shores of the Italian
                                                    trying   to get  his hands     on the infamous and                                                                    Spanish translation
      following Mussolini’s execution. Was he
                covered  corresp  ondence  that    would  have   tied  him    to Il Duce?                             Casterman
                                                                                                                      Cantersteen 47,
                                                                                    re Sokurov, Vincere
      References : Downfall by Oliver Hirschbiegel, The Sun by Alexand                                                BP4 - 1000 Brussels Belgium
      by Marco Bellocchio                                                                                             +32 22098369
                         13 rue du Montparnasse 7500                                                                  Sophie Levie
                                                     6 Paris
                         +33 (0)1 45 49 82 48 / +33                                                         
                                                     (0)1 45 49 82 47
                         Carole Saudejaud / Ariane
                                         / afoubert@edition
                                                                           s-fayard               .fr
22                                                                                                                                                                                                   23
          Author : Sarah B.                                                                                                                      Author : Pierre Boulle
          Genre : Document                                                                                                                       Genre : Drama
          Epoch : 20th century                                                                                                                   Epoch : the 1950s
          Setting : France                                                                                                                       Setting : South of France
          Timespan :                                                                                                                             Timespan : One Year

     And Yet, I Loved Him
                                                                                                                                                                         Saving Face
     97822680 69487
                                                                Et Pourtant Je L’Aimais                               La face                                                 9782749111254

     To love without dying of it.
                                                                                                                                                The cowardice of a high-level prosecutor
     Every two and a half days in France, a woman dies because of                                           who doesn’t help a young woman as she drowns before his very eyes: during
                                                                 women      between    the ages of
     violence. It’s the number one cause of mortality for                                                 the lawsuit, he accuses an innocent person who is then condemned to death. A
                                                     ts.                                                   fascinating and timeless subject that profoundly speaks out to each one of us.
     16 and 40, before cancer and road acciden
                                                                                    in black and
     Recently in Nice, a colleague of Sarah notices that she is covered                                Chief Prosecutor for the French Republic Jean Berthier does nothing when
                               Horrifie d, she asks   Sarah   about    it. Sarah   collapse  s in
     blue marks and burns.                                                                             he is the only witness to the accidental drowning of a young girl. The public
                     “It’s my husban  d... One day   he  will kill me”.    Two  hours   later, Sarah
     tears, saying,                                                                                    prosecutor’s office is soon working on the case, which appears to be a crime, and
                                                                                  her to the main
     is helped by a small, relatively unknown association that takes                                   Berthier is in charge of proceedings. He wants to “save face” at any cost,
                                                          descent     into  hell. Five weeks
     police station. There, Sarah explains her true                                                    and through cowardice he doesn’t dare do anything that will cause him to lose
                                             and   the  court  gives    him   a prison  sentence of
     later, her husband’s case is decided                                                              the prestige he has earned. How can this virtuous, sincere magistrate with
                                   outside   the  Alpes-M    aritime   s  area  and  a civil rights
     three years, with five years                                                                      scrupulous integrity behave in this way? He succeeds in progressively forgetting
     impeachment.                                                                                      the scene to which he was witness. From that point on, he becomes caught up in
                                                                                  beaten, she
     The main point of this book is to prove that if a woman is being                                  an inexorable spiral that leads him to the depths of his abuse of judiciary power,
                                                            this  spirit   of solidari ty:
     must register a complaint. Let us keep in mind                                                    laying bare the frightening contradiction that each man holds within him. A
                                               , colleagu es,  and   the   many    associa tions,
      the people around Sarah, her friends                                                             breathtaking, fascinating story up to the suspenseful end.
      policemen, and judges, have    all said “NO”   to brutalit   y!
                                                                                                       Editor’s note : French author Pierre Boulle is a
      References : Ne dis rien                                                                         master at dismantling the human soul. His books
                                                                                                       have been been made into hugely successful films,           Translated into English and
                                                                                                       and The Bridge over the River Kwai and Planet of the        Italian.
                                                                                                       Apes have been translated the world over.
                                                                                                                                                                   Rights: Univers Poche et Succès
                                                                                                                                                                   du Livre

                          Groupe d’éditiond DDB/Le Rocher                                                    Le Cherche midi éditeur
                          Le Rocher                                                                          23, rue du Cherche Midi
                          10 rue Mercoeur                                                                    75006 Paris
                          75011 Paris                                                                        +33 (0)1 42 22 00 20
                          +33 (0)1 40 46 54 00                                                     
                           Sabine Larive                                                                      Sylvie Cann
24                                                                                                                                                                                                25
        Author : Catherine Fraidier                                                                                                            Author : Franz Zumstein
        Genre : Mystery thriller                                                                                                               Genre : Historic drama
        Epoch : Contemporary                                                                                                                   Epoch : Spring 1942 and the
        Setting : France                                                                                                                       years that follow
        Timespan : Several weeks                                                                                                               Setting : The desert in Lybia,
                                                                                                                                               Timespan : Several years

     The Hidden Face of Mirrors                                                                                                                             Falcon of the Desert
                                                          La face cachée des miroirs                    Le faucon du désert, Vol. 1.                                        9782756020310
                                                                                                             Martuba airfield

     Crystal Defense left its members from the                                                                                                A young man carried off by the torments
                                                                      They must regain
     Agency for Economic Security in a trap laid by their own allies.                                                                                                           of war.
                   to act  and unravel the hidden ties that unite governm ents and the
     their freedom                                                                                   Ali is half German and half Arab. When he’s enlisted by the Afrika Korps for his
     agro-business giants. ASE, season   2..
                                                                                                     exceptional talent as an aviator, he decides to use these missions to go in search
                                                                           has lost contact with
     After the dismantling of the Agency, Éléonore de Coursange                                      of his German origins and find his mother. As he flies off to the horrors of war,
                                              h  her  investig  ation and   tries to bring her       he leaves behind the beautiful Aicha, who is unable to tell him that she’s
     her personnel. She decides to relaunc
                                friends , returni ng to   the group  from   various   intelligence   expecting a child – their child. As the world seems to smile down upon him, Ali
     team back together. Her
                      work  to resolve their own   sticky   situatio ns. But  in this  deceiving     flies off to Munich.
                                                                                as it is
     hall of mirrors everything is connected, and danger is as diffuse
                                                                              new posts, the
     omnipresent. Whether in their private lives or serving in their
                                                       ic  Securit y must   remain   constantly
     members of the defunct Agency for Econom
                                     converg  e with   econom   ic interes  ts, and  the more the
     on guard. Political ambitions
                           more  a true maze   of corrupt   ion closes  in on  them.
     friends fight it, the

     References : 24 heures chrono, Mission Impossible

                                                                                                                                                                 With two volumes published, this
                                                                                                                                                                 new comic book series is in the
                                                                                                                                                                 spirit of a grand romantic saga set
                                                                                                                                                                 during the Second World War. The
                                                                                                                                                                 author is Swiss-German.
                                                                                                                  Editions Delcourt
                                                                                                                  54, rue d’Hauteville
               Au Diable Vauvert
                                                                                                                  75010 Paris
               La Laune
                                                                                                                  +33 (0)1 56 03 92 45
               30600 Vauvert
               +33 (0)4 66 73 16 56
                                                                                                                  Juliette Mathieu
               Marie-Pacifique Zeltner
26                                                                                                                                                                                        27
        Author : Lucas Delattre                                                                                                              Author : Thibault de Montaigu
        Genre : Biography                                                                                                                    Genre : Saga
        Epoch : The 1940s                                                                                                                    Epoch : The 1950s and the 1960s
        Setting : Germany and                                                                                                                Setting : Paris, Saint-Tropez
        Switzerland                                                                                                                          Timespan : Twenty years
        Timespan : World War II

     Fritz Kolbe                                                                                                                                  Great Moves, Great Night
                                                         Fritz Kolbe : un espion au
                                                            coeur du IIIe Reich                        Les grands gestes la nuit                                         9782213655345

                                                                                                                                             A vintage, jazzy love story, from Paris to
     The story of the greatest German spy of
     the Nazi era.This unique documentary is the result of                                                                                                               Saint-Tropez.
     exemplary research and exclusive access to previously                                         Francine Dalle is twenty-two. She and her friend Kiki have come to the French
                                                                     1.500 copies
     unpublished archives.                                                                         Riviera to party. Then she meets Antoine Braque, the wealthy, thirty-six-year-
                                                                     3.000 copies sold
     ‘‘Probably the greatest spying stunt in World War II’’, said    Rights sold:                  old director of a pharmaceutical lab who is bored to death of his paltry existence.
     William Casey, head of the CIA under Ronald Reagan.             English USA /GROVE ATLANTIC   He had simply come here to look at the sea. He falls madly in love with Francine.
     Fritz Kolbe, alias George Wood (1900-1971), was the most        German / PIPER                For her he is willing to leave his beautiful wife whom he fears, squander his
     important source of information to the Allied espionage         Bulgarian / RIVA              fortune, and open the Eden Plage. This Saint-Tropez den of insouciance and
     forces, working from within Germany’s Third Reich.             Czech / NAKLADATELSVI LIDOVE   absolute excess will become a mythic club, “the place to be” for Brigitte Bardot,
     A civil servant working in the German Ministry of              NOVINY                         Françoise Sagan, and other stars of the time.
      Foreign Affairs, Kolbe became an anonymous but very           Chinese (Mandarin) / CHINESE   Francine and Antoine’s crazy love story lasts ten years, during which they tear
      efficient opponent of the Nazi regime from 1943 to 1945.      PEOPLE ARMY                    each other apart and get back together again, endlessly in search of euphoria,
                                                                    Estonian / OLION               using and abusing every ploy imaginable. Antoine the big bourgeois becomes the
                                                                    Polish / KSIAZKA I WIESZA      number one heroin trafficker in France. A weird, messed-up crowd gravitates
     Why this story? An extraordinary spy story completely
     ignored until now.                                                                            toward him, and his addiction will be the source of his loss.
     Exclusive access to the Fritz Kolbe archives granted
     by his own son, the archives of the Ministry of Foreign                                       References : And God Created Woman by Roger Vadim, Revolutionary Road by
                                                                    U.S. National Archives         Sam Mendes
     Affairs in Berlin, the Swiss Federal Archives in Bern, and the
      in Washington (OSS documents).

                                                                      wicz, Le renard
      References : L’Affaire Cicéron (Five Fingers) by Joseph Mankie
                                              May, Moritur i (The Saboteu r, Code Name
      de Paris (Der Fuchs von Paris) by Paul
      Morituri) by Bernhard Wicki
                                                                                                                  13 rue du Montparnasse 75006 Paris
                                      Editions Denoël
                                                                                                                  +33 (0)1 45 49 82 48 / +33 (0)1 45 49 82 47
                                      9, rue du Cherche-Midi
                                      75278 Paris CEDEX 06
                                      +33(0)1 44 39 73 76                                                         Carole Saudejaud / Ariane Foubert
                                                                                  / afoubert@editions-fay
                                      Judith Becqueriaux
28                                                                                                                                                                                                    29
        Author : Jan Karski                                                                                                                      Author : Cédric Bannel
        Genre : Memoir                                                                                                                           Genre : Action thriller
        Epoch : World War II                                                                                                                     Epoch : Present day
        Setting : Poland, Germany,                                                                                                               Setting : Afghanistan
        France, UK, US                                                                                                                           Timespan : Two weeks
        Timespan : 6 years

     Story of a Secret State                                                                                                                                 The Man from Kabul
                                                  Mon témoignage devant le monde :
                                                    histoire d’un Etat clandestin                             L’homme de Kaboul                                                9782221117156

     Jan Karski, a key figure in the Polish                                                                                                               In Cédric Bannel’s fast-paced
     underground resistance movement during WWII,                                                             thriller, Commissioner Kandar turns a routine investigation surrounding
     seems to have gotten lost in history. Most people don’t                                                  a businessman’s apparent suicide in Kabul into an explosive case that has
                                                                 Originally published in the U.S. in
     know he was the man who offered the Western world                                                                                                      international implications.
     the first eyewitness account of the Holocaust and the       1944. Published in France, and to
                                                                                                       A Swiss-based secret organization known as The Entity uses everything in
     devastating conditions of the Warsaw Ghetto.                be published in England, Germany,
                                                                 Italy, Portugal and Spain.            its power to terminate Kandar’s investigation of Wali Wadi’s death – even if it
     In September 1939, when the German army invaded                                                   means putting an end to his life, as well as the lives of innocent civilians. Nick
     Poland, Karski, 25, was an army officer. After                                                    Snee, an analyst for The Entity, searches for a man named Mandrake, who holds
     the Polish army was handily defeated, many of its                                                 information The Entity is desperately after. Nick discovers that the information
     soldiers, including Karski, were taken prisoner by                                                Mandrake has is related to Wali Wadi’s death, but he doesn’t know how. Nick
     the Russian army. He managed to escape from a POW                                                 joins forces with Kandar to find out what everybody is after, and to learn why
     camp, only to fall into the hands of the Germans.                                                 so many innocent lives are being destroyed in the wake of the Mandrake Affair.
     As he and his fellow soldiers travel by train to their                                            What they discover ends up being far bigger than they could have possibly
     certain enslavement in a work camp, he jumps from                                                 imagined.
     a window and flees to safety amidst rifle fire. From
      there he goes on to become a key figure in the Polish
      underground. He is then captured by the Gestapo
      during a mission and tortured. Once rescued, he is then asked
                                                                     ration camps.                                                                                 Publication March 2011. First
      to tell the rest of the world what is happening in the concent
                                        ed into one so that he can actually provide                                                                                print run: 20.000
      But before leaving, he is smuggl
                                     he meets FDR.                                                                                                                 To be published in Australia, Italy,
      eyewitness testimo    ny when

      References : The Bourne Identity, The Pianist
                                                                                                                     Editions Robert Laffont
                                                                                                                     24 avenue Marceau,
                            Editions Robert Laffont                                                                  75008 Paris, France
                            24 avenue Marceau,                                                                       +33 (0)6 03 47 22 80
                            75008 Paris, France                                                            
                            +33 (0)6 03 47 22 80                                                                      Gregory Messina
                             Gregory Messina
30                                                                                                                                                                                                 31
        Author : Marc Pasteger                                                                                                                 Authors : Géraldine Collet
        Genre : Fiction                                                                                                                        illustrations by Estelle Billon-Spagnol
        Epoch : 20th century                                                                                                                   Genre : Small graphic novel for
        Setting : Everywhere in the world                                                                                                      ages 5 and up
        Timespan :                                                                                                                             Epoch : The present
                                                                                                                                               Setting : A city in France
                                                                                                                                               Timespan : One school year

     The Christmas Eve Stranger                                                                                                                                                 Jacotte
                                                            L’inconnu Du Reveillon                     Jacotte : 60 histoires à lire                                         9782358510400
                                                                                                       seul(e) ou accompagné(e)

     Anything can happen thanks to                                                                                                            60 short stories about a little French girl
     Christmas!                                                                                                             as unique as anyone else – to be read alone or with parents.
                                                                           presents twenty-         My name is Jacqueline. Can you believe it? That’s highway robbery. So I have
     A positive and enchanting book about Christmas! The author
                                        events.  Each of the twenty-    five texts delivers to      decided to call myself Jacotte. I am red-headed, I hate princess dresses, and like
     five true stories based on actual
                            as grace, letting us know  that anythin    g  can  happen on this       to watch stuff grow in the garden. Highway robbery: I say that a lot. It’s because
     us the gift of Christm
                                                                                rs, but they        I have strong opinions about a lot of things: school, schoolmates, teachers, the
     day! Christmas Eve and Day are not magical dates on our calenda
     are able to generate hope for each of us, whether child      or adult.                         fact that everybody works so much, food, ecology, parenthood… I have parents
                                                                            , the United            who, sadly, are still together (all my friends’ parents are divorced), I have a little
     Where do the stories take place? In France, Italy, Great Britain
                                         and  25th of Decemb    er, in the  1950s,   60s, and       brother I love to torture, and I have a stuffed animal named Paulo who likes to
     States... When? Only on the 24th
                              does the  author use?  Emotio  n, optimis    m,  nostalg ia, and a    speak his mind, even though nobody seems to hear him. I am madly in love with
     70s. What ingredients
                                                                          adults will enjoy  this   a boy named Perceval who does not care about me – but one day he will! And
      great deal of hope, always with a truly happy ending. Young
                                                                       childre  n are not  the      there’s this other boy named Marcel who is crazy in love with me... This is all
      book, as will those over thirty-five. Everybody knows that
      only ones who believe in Christmas miracles!                                                  highway robbery!

     References : Love Actually                                                                     References : Mafalda (TV)

                                                                                                                                                                   Number of copies placed and sold:
                                                                                                                                                                   6.000. Reprint under way.

                           Groupe d’éditiond DDB/Le Rocher                                                    Hélium
                           Le Rocher                                                                          12, rue de l’Arbalète
                           10 rue Mercœur                                                                     75005 Paris
                           75011 Paris                                                                        +33 (0)1 45 87 99 15
                           +33 (0)1 40 46 54 00                                                     
                           Sabine Larivé
                                                                               Sophie Giraud
32                                                                                                                                                                                           33
        Author : Sire Cédric                                                                                                                    Author : Otto Müller-Hill
        Genre : Fiction                                                                                                                         Genre : Journal / memoirs
        Epoch : Contemporary                                                                                                                    Epoch : 20th century - World War
        Setting : Paris                                                                                                                         II - 1944-1945
        Timespan : Several months                                                                                                               Setting : Germany (Fribourg),
                                                                                                                                                Timespan : Two years

     The Shadow Game                                                                                                                           The War Journal of a German
                                                          Le Jeu de l’ombre                              Journal de guerre d’un                            Military Judge
                                                                                                         juge militaire allemend

     One young man’s descent into a living hell                                                                                                 Notes taken in the heat of the moment;
                                                                                                         anguished, honest, humanitarian reporting; moving text that has remained
     Swan is a young rock star. One night, after what was                                            unpublished until now: sixty-five years after it was written, an important piece to
     probably the most successful concert of his career, he   To be published in the Spring of                                                  add to the file on major world conflicts.
     goes for a drive in the countryside.                     2011. Sire Cédric’s previous novel,
                                                              De Fièvre et de sang, was awarded     Werner Otto Müller-Hill was in office in Strasbourg in 1944. He held the difficult
     What possessed the young man to drive so recklessly                                            position of democratic jurist and legalist in the reserves, and during the last year
     that he suddenly crashed his car in a horrific           the Prix Polar of Cognac in 2010.
                                                                                                    of the war he kept a personal and political journal that remained hidden until his
     accident? Miraculously, he survives. From that day                                             son Benno discovered it with his inheritance. In it, he relates the gullibility of the
     on, his life becomes a living nightmare. It starts                                             German people, duped by the rodomontades and official lies of the Nazis, from
     with him not being able to hear music anymore, and                                             Dittmar to Goebbels; he denounces the extermination of the Jews, especially in
     culminates with him waking up next to the bloody                                               Poland and Russia; and he evokes his personal preoccupations. His wife Daisy
     corpse of his latest lover, making him the prime                                               and son Benno have taken refuge at their neighbors’ house in Fribourg and live
     suspect in a serial killer case….                                                              in extreme danger since the bombing that destroyed their house. He is not only
                                                                                                    an honest judge, but also a sensitive father and husband who wonders with
     References : Angel Heart by Alan Parker, The                                                   anguish how this evil farce will end for him and those close to him.
     Crimson Rivers by Mathieu Kassovitz

                                                                                                                 15, rue de la Banque
                                                                                                                 75002 Paris
                                                                                                                 +33 (0)1 40 40 40 64
                      Le Pré aux Clercs
                     Place des Editeurs
                                                                                                                 Amélie Pasquet
                     12 avenue d’Italie
                     75013 Paris
                     +33 (0)1 44 16 07 56
                     Frédérique Polet
34                                                                                                                                                                                               35
        Author : Philippe Vasset                                                                                                                  Author : Guy-Alban de Rougemont
        Genre : Aventure                                                                                                                          Genre : Bioptic
        Epoch : Contemporary                                                                                                                      Epoch : Second half of the 19

        Setting : New York, North Pole                                                                                                            and first half of the 20 century

        Timespan : Several months                                                                                                                 Setting : France, United States,
                                                                                                                                                  Timespan : 90 years

     Diary of a Female Predator                                                                                                                                Lazard Frères & Co.
                                                                Journal intime d’une                     Lazard Frères : banquiers des                                           9782213661254
                                                                                                          deux Mondes (1840-1939)

     She helps herself to the Arctic Circle.                                                                                                           Against the backdrop of ambitions,
                                                                                                        travels, and money, the century-long story of one of the biggest investment banks
                                                                             ent fund – a vulture
     The call her She, or Ice Queen. She is at the head of a investm                                        in the world, whose archives have recently become available for the first time.
                                                                    g  a  godsend    : under the
     fund worth 500 million dollars. She finds global warmin                                            Our story begins in the village of Lichtenstadt on territory that is now the Czech
                                                          fresh water,     and   diamon    ds are all
     Arctic ice, treasures of natural gas, petroleum,                                                   Republic, in the middle of the 19th century.Twenty years later, Abraham Lazard
     within her reach!                                                                                  would leave there to arrive in Frauenberg, a village on the French-German
                                                                               a snowmobile
     From the Murmansk harbor to the offices of Sarah Palin, from                                       border that became the cradle of the Lazard dynasty.
                    fundrai sing event  at an ice skating  rink  in the   city  (with iceberg           In 1840, Abraham’s two grandsons Lazare and Alexandre head for New Orleans
     seminar to a
                                                                         wears     a baby seal fur      to open Lazard Frères & Co., a dry goods business. Joined by their brother
     cocktails), She pursues her irresistible race to wealth. She                                       Simon, the associates see their business flourish as everyone takes part in the
                                                              fun   of the    powerfu   l. Then a
     coat, manipulates Inuits and ecologists, and makes                                                 rush for gold. In 1862, Alexandre and Lazare settle in San Francisco, while
                                                ing from  her stands     in  the  way,  at the head
     former colleague who learned everyth                                                               Simon tends the thriving Paris office. The brothers then acquire Woolen Mills,
                                   fund, and  the  Ice Queen’s  anger     is as  large  as  her
      of a competing investment                                                                         the largest wool mill in California. The Civil War appears imminent. In reality, it
                      then  asks  her rightha  nd man   – who  is secretly     in love  with  her –     favors the manufacturing sector, thanks to the need for military uniforms. Then
      demagogy. She
                                                                                                        in 1875, Simon Lazard proposes integrating the banking and finance divisions.
      to spy on the actions of her worst rival.
                                                                                  women wage.           Inaugurated on September 11th, 1876, the Lazard bank progressively enters
      And it is he who narrates the war without mercy that these two                                    the New York Stock Exchange in the 1880s, survives the Dreyfus Affair and
                                                                                                        the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, and remains in the States up until the
                                                                                  Zelman, Glenn
     References : Insomnia by Christopher Nolan, Damages by Daniel                                      1907 Bankers’ Panic, which puts an end to their American adventure. But before
     Kessler and Todd A. Kessler                                                                        anything else, the Lazards are one big family.

                                                                                                        References : The Godfather II by Martin Scorsese, Giant by George Stevens,
                                                                                                        There Will Be Blood by Paul Thomas Anderson

            Fayard                                                                                             Fayard
            13 rue du Montparnasse 75006 Paris                                                                 13 rue du Montparnasse 7500
                                                                                                                                           6 Paris
            +33 (0)1 45 49 82 48 / +33 (0)1 45 49 82 47                                                        +33 (0)1 45 49 82 48 / +33
                                                                                                                                          (0)1 45 49 82 47
            Carole Saudejaud / Ariane Foubert                                                                  Carole Saudejaud / Ariane
   / afoubert@editions-fay                                              csaudejaud@editions-faya
                                                                                                                               / afoubert@edition
                                                                                                                                                                 s-fayard  .fr
36                                                                                                                                                                                             37
        Author : Patrick Sobral                                                                                                                Author : Irène Némirovsky
        Genre : Heroic fantasy                                                                                                                 Genre : Novel
        Epoch : After the “Jovénia                                                                                                             Epoch : The 1920’s
        Accident”, when all adults become                                                                                                      Setting : Paris and the Basque
        ten-year-olds                                                                                                                          coast
        Setting : The world of Alysia                                                                                                          Timespan : A few months
        Timespan : About 5-6 years

     The Legendaires                                                                                                                                   The Misunderstanding
                                                    Les Légendaires, Vol. 1. La
                                                        pierre de Jovénia                                     Le malentendu                                                9782207259559

     Children in a fantasy world.                                                                                                         A disillusioned, cruel tale about a woman
                                                                                                        and a man who don’t understand one another and long for different things, in
     The Legendaires lost their last battle against the                                                                                               spite of their mutual feelings.
     forces of evil. During the “Jovenia Accident” they        Huge bestseller in the comic book
                                                                                                    Yves Harteloup is the offspring of a wealthy, upper-class family, but the Great
     became young again, and the entire population is now     category, with more than one
                                                              million copies sold in France. This   War has left him emotionally crippled, a penniless “outcast” socially estranged
     ten years old. Not easy to rebuild a reputation when
                                                              series contains two volumes of        from his origins. During a vacation in the Basque country he meets a married
     you’re a ten-year-old kid and all the world has got it
                                                              adventures. Core target group ages    woman, Denise, who belongs to the very same upper bourgeoisie world he grew
     out for you. But the Legendaires are courageous, and
                                                              7-12, boys and girls. 13 volumes      up in. Denise soon falls madly for him, but as her feelings grow more intense,
     return to combat for strange, and sometimes tragic,
                                                              published.                            Yves becomes more and more aloof and melancholic. Without thinking for a
                                                                                                    moment that it could alter her relationship with Yves, she agrees to spend time
                                                                                                    with another man, almost as a hobby. Yet in doing so, she is going to forever lose
     References : Knights of the Zodiac
                                                                                                    the man she loves...

                                                                                                    Why this story? From the talented Irène Némirovsky, author of Suite
                                                                                                    Française, an international best-seller, comes this beautiful and cruel love story.

                                                                                                    References : The Notebook by Nick Cassavetes, Cheri
                                                                                                    by Stephen Frears
                                                                                                                                                                 First print run : 17.000
                      Editions Delcourt
                                                                                                                                                                 Total sales : 23.000 copies
                      54, rue d’Hauteville                                                                                                                      Rights sold:
                                                                                                                     Editions Denoël
                      75010 Paris                                                                                    9, rue du Cherche-Midi
                                                                                                                                                                English / CHATTO & WINDUS
                      +33(0)1 56 03 92 45                                                                            75278 Paris CEDEX 06                       Italian /ADELPHI
                                                                                   +33(0)1 44 39 73 76                        German / KNAUS
                                                                                                  Spanish (Castilian) /
                      Juliette Mathieu                                                                               judith.becqueriaux@denoe                   SALAMANDRA
                                                                                                                     Judith Becqueriaux
38                                                                                                                                                                                                 39
        Author : Jean-Pascal Mathieu                                                                                                           Author : Victoria Donda
        Genre : Biographical documentary                                                                                                       Genre : Memory
        Epoch : 19th and 20th centuries                                                                                                        Epoch : 1970s to present
        Setting : France                                                                                                                       Setting : Argentina
        Timespan : 1871-1922                                                                                                                   Timespan : 30 years

     Marcel Proust at 20
                                                                                                                                                          My Name Is Victoria
                                                     Marcel Proust à 20 ans : le                      Moi, Victoria, enfant volée de
                                                      temps de la recherche                              la dictature argentine
     How Marcel became Proust, a fragile boy
     with an irresistible ambition.                                                                                                                  The harrowing true story of an
                                                                                                     Argentinian woman who learns at 27 that her entire life is a lie: her parents were
                                                                       his mother
     The life and work of a great writer at age twenty. Marcel leaves                                murdered by the government, and the people who raised her as their own are not
             first time when he joins the army  at twenty. Upon  returni ng to Paris,
     for the                                                                                                                                                    who they appear to be.
                                                             salons. But in order to
     he moves in artistic circles and takes part in literary                                         Victoria is currently the youngest deputy in Argentinian parliament. To
                                                    the career his father has chosen for
     continue this existence, he must first escape                                                   succeed on such a level, she had to live through an impossible situation. Her
     him.                                                                                            left-leaning parents were killed by the Argentinian dictatorship just after her
                                                                                                     birth. They were betrayed by her uncle, a member of the military who then
     References : Coco avant Chanel (Coco Before Chanel)                                             gave Victoria away to another family with military ties. Her grandmother
                                                                                                     founded an association with eleven others to find the lost grandchildren of “the
                                                                                                     disappeared”. They found Victoria when she was 27 years old.
                                                                4.500 copies, and 3.000 books sold

                                                                                                                                                                Published in Argentina, USA,
                                                                                                        Editions Robert Laffont                                 Germany, Italy, The Netherlands,
                                                                                                        24 avenue Marceau,                                      Portugal
                Au Diable Vauvert
                                                                                                        75008 Paris, France
                La Laune
                30600 Vauvert                                                                           +33 (0)6 03 47 2 280
                +33 (0)4 66 73 16 56                                                          
                                                                              Gregory Messina
                Marie-Pacifique Zeltner                                                                 gmessina@robert-laffont.
40                                                                                                                                                                                                             41
        Author : Robin Nury                                                                                                                                 Author : Emma Becker
        Genre : Historical dark comedy                                                                                                                      Genre : Fiction
        Epoch : 1953                                                                                                                                        Epoch : The 2000s
        Setting : Moscow                                                                                                                                    Setting : Paris
        Timespan : Two days and a few                                                                                                                       Timespan : A few months

     The Death of Stalin                                                                                                                                                                     Mister
                                                                    La mort de Staline,
     97822050 66760                                                                                                                Mr.                                                   9782207109502
                                                                       Vol. 1. Agonie

     The death of Stalin and the two next days:                                                                                                                    In her first novel, Emma Becker
     a true Soviet story                                                                                           scrutinizes the erotic vertigo experienced by a modern-day Lolita. A confession
                                                                                                                      that takes the form a novel, this cruel deconstruction of a fantasy is also the
     On the 2nd of March in 1953, in the middle of the                        A complete English script is                                               disenchantment of a contemporary Lolita.
     night, Joseph Stalin, the “Father of Nations” and the                    already available, written by
                                                                                                                 Sometimes one extracts a splinter. Sometimes one is extracted from a splinter.
     man who ruled over Russia as dictator for years,                        Fabien Nury who, besides being
                                           ct of Commu    nism”    is        a  bestselling comic book artist,   The rest matters very little. The rest is nothing but a slow process of unloving
     has a stroke.  The  “Great  Archite
                                                                             is also a successful movie          that brings all the little girls back to shore, where they unlearn pain and
     declared dead two days later.
                                                                            scriptwriter who penned Tiger’s      compromise and abnegation and angst, where sorrows are more harrowing and
     What follows are two days of internal fights and
                                             intense   days                 Brig  ade. The book has just been    pleasures less enthralling.
     struggles for supreme power, two
                                                 ity and                    relea  sed and is shortlisted        Ellie is twenty. She leads a carefree and superficial life until the day she meets
     drenched with the madnes      s, pervers
                                       .                                    for  all the major comics award      Mister, a married surgeon nearing fifty. At first strictly epistolary, their affair
     inhumanity    of Totalita rianism
                                        history     speciali st to          competitions. It is also Comic       finally takes off in a hotel room in the 15th arrondissement of Paris. Ellie will
     You  don’t need  to be a Russian
                                                                           of the Month for RTL, a major         go through several months of feverish waiting, punctuated by clandestine get-
     enjoy this political and historical farce, where any
                                                     no doctor             radio   broadcaster in France.        togethers and brief phone conversations. Their relationship becomes a vicious
     member dares to take a decision, where
                                          Human      Happin   ess”                                               circle she will try to break, unsuccessfully.
     is able to save the “Garden   er of
     because all the best ones were killed or deported
                                                                                                                 Why this story? A young woman’s erotic life, shamelessly experienced and
     one month before, and where the only device that
                                                                                                                 described. A narrator that analyzes her love affairs with great lucidity.
      could save Stalin isn’t compatible with the electrical
                                                                                     the aftermath of
      system of his Palace... and it’s too noisy! The story also details
                                       Russia,     people  fight  to  seize  control   , from those              References : Lolita by Stanley Kubrick, Lady Chatterley’s Lover by Just
      Stalin’s death: everywhere in
                                         l.                                                                      Jeackin, Une liaison pornographique (An Affair of Love) by Frédéric Fonteyne
      repressed to the most    powerfu

                                                                                    Inner Circle
      References : The Lives of Others (Das Leben der Anderen), The
                                          Dargaud / Le Lombard
                                                                                                                        Editions Denoël
                                                                                                                                                                              First print run : 3.500 copies
                                                                                                                        9, rue du Cherche-Midi
                                                                                                                        75278 Paris CEDEX 06
                                                                                                                                                                              Released January, 2011
                                          15/27 rue Moussorgski
                                          75018 Paris
                                                                                                                        +33 (0)1 44 39 73 76
                                           +33 (0)6 08 96 14 61
                                                                                                                        Judith Becqueriaux
                                          Laurent Duvault
42                                                                                                                                                                                                  43
        Author : Sylvie Taussig                                                                                                              Author : Hugo Lamarck
        Genre : Novel                                                                                                                        Genre : Novel
        Epoch : Contemporary                                                                                                                 Epoch : Contemporary
        Setting : France, Eastern Europe                                                                                                     Setting : Paris (Montmartre and
        Timespan : A few months                                                                                                              Parc Monceau)
                                                                                                                                             Timespan : A few months

     Speechless                                                                                                                                                             Myrtille
     9782351761212                                              Muette                                            Myrtille                                                 9782351760772

     A social satire in the lineage of                                                                                                              She will change your life. A deeply
     Houellebecq                                                                                                                                            charming, wonderful tale.
                                                                                                   One person loves her, another adores her.
     Meet Diane, a woman in her thirties leading a dull life   To be published in September 2011
                                                                                                   That’s the way Myrtille is. She will rarely fail to move you. Quite the contrary:
     with Franck, her husband who doesn’t understand
                                                                                                   she will make you fall in love with her.
     her. Diane sometimes fantasizes he has someone else’s
                                                                                                   Now thirty years old, serene Myrtille is a fruit that breathes love, whatever the
     features. Memories of her friend Anne, now dead
     twenty years, still haunt her, as do their dreams.
                                                                                                   She knows that happiness is built on the shifting sands that are threatened each
     For the past fifteen years, Diane has been making a
     living reading biographies for publishing houses. Her                                         day by the tides.
     head can no longer contain the stories of all these                                           From Monceau Park to the heart of Montmartre, Myrtille can’t help but spend
     people of every age, from everywhere and every                                                her days inventing a universe for dreams and the imagination.
     background. She has seen and lived it all, vicariously.                                       Myrtille: a strange, bird-masked character who appears where one doesn’t
      A confirmed gossipmonger, she has appropriated                                               expect her. A telephone book, with pages as pale as nights can be. Angelo is in
      these stories and tells them to her friends as if they                                       her heart, but not in her bed.
     were her own.                                                                                 Myrtille: a wonderful love story, a poetic fable that sparkles. A simple, beautiful
     Until the day she is struck down by lightning                                                 invitation to pleasure.
     and loses her voice…
                                                                                                   References : The Piano and In the Cut both by Jane
                                                                                                                                                                Finalist for the Prix Orange 2010
                                                                                                                                                                Foreign rights in negotiation :
                                                                                                                                                                China, Germany, Egypt
                                                                                                               108 rue Damrémont
                                                                                                               75018 Paris
                        108 rue Damrémont
                                                                                                               +33 (0)1 42 23 56 02
                        75018 Paris
                        +33 (0)1 42 23 56 02
                                                                                                               Romaric Vinet-Kammerer
                        Romaric Vinet-Kammerer
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