CHAPTER SENIOR SAFEGUARDS - Protecting yourself online - Aveo

Page created by Roberto Benson
CHAPTER SENIOR SAFEGUARDS - Protecting yourself online - Aveo
CHAPTER      SUMMER 2018/19

SENIOR                              PEDAL POWER
SAFEGUARDS                          Around the world
Protecting                             on two wheels
yourself online
                                   ROYAL LETTERS
BUSINESS HEAD                        How you can get
Arise senior                            a letter from
entrepreneurs                             the Queen
CHAPTER SENIOR SAFEGUARDS - Protecting yourself online - Aveo
To find
                                                                                                                   out more
                                                                                                                     13 28 36

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CHAPTER SENIOR SAFEGUARDS - Protecting yourself online - Aveo

                                                                 4	Have your say...
                                                                      We love hearing your feedback. Read what others
                                                                      thought about our previous issue.

                                                                 6	Clear and present danger
                                                                      Australian scamming victims are losing an average
                                                                      of $6500 each in their lifetime, with active seniors
                                                                      among the easiest targets.

                                                                 10	The big bang
                                                                      Senior entrepreneurship is riding a wave of global

to our fourth edition of Chapter, the magazine that seeks
                                                                      popularity with online connectivity revolutionising the
                                                                      way active seniors are spending their golden years.

                                                                 14	Cairns’cycling cyclone
to reflect our incredible communities. As this is your
                                                                      He has been locked in detention in The Central
magazine, it is our sincerest wish that you’ll be uplifted by
                                                                      African Republic on suspicion of being a member
the stories contained in these pages, as well as marvel
                                                                      of the press and had a run in with an Iranian
at the determination and get up and go displayed by so
                                                                      revolutionary. Clearly Aveo The Parks resident, Robert
many of our extraordinary residents.
                                                                      Waldthaler, is anything but your typical retiree.
  You could do worse than select this month’s cover star,
Robert Waldthaler, as your muse. A former professional           18	Switched on seniors
cyclist who still cycles up to 400 kilometres a week, the             Seniors are successfully turning to blogs to enhance
77-year-old has so many incredible stories to share, we               their social connections and share their lives with
found it difficult to restrict him to just four pages. Having         a virtual community. Chapter explores the basics of
been locked in detention and had his life threatened on               blogging later in life.
at least two occasions, he has seen the very best and
very worst of human nature with his trusty bike taking           20	Letters of significance
him on a raft of adventures that almost defy belief.                  Reaching a milestone birthday or anniversary is an
  We’ll also introduce you to Brisbane native Sue                     event worth celebrating. But how easy is it to secure
Loncaric, who upon recognising she was floundering in                 a letter from the royal family or other officials?
retirement, opted to pour her energies into something            24	Legal talk
more productive by learning how to start her own blog.                Retirement village contracts are complex and can
  We also have a chat to Mark Young, an active member                 prove rather confusing for the uninitiated.
of the Australian Seniors Computer Clubs Association,                 Our legal expert, Danielle Lim, outlines the three
about the proliferation of online scam artists. Mark offers           types of tenures and the key features of each.
some sage advice on how to safeguard yourself online
and what to do if you suspect your personal information          28	7 Top cruising destinations
has been compromised.                                                 For the adventurous, cruising can provide the perfect
  As part of our commitment to always present topics we               opportunity to explore many incredible regions
know you’ll find of interest, we will shortly be launching            without the need for an exhausting travel schedule.
an extension to this magazine in the form of a blog called
Chapter Plus. Keep an eye out for it on our website:
                                                                 32	Aveo Fountain Court
                                                                      Offering a quiet garden oasis and an assortment
                                                                      of active and sedentary activities, Aveo Fountain Court
Enjoy the read.                                                       offers the ultimate in retirement and aged care living.

                                                                                                    Aveo Chapter / Summer 2018-19   3
CHAPTER SENIOR SAFEGUARDS - Protecting yourself online - Aveo

      Have your say...
           Here at Chapter HQ we love nothing more than receiving your feedback on previous issues.
             And its clear that our feature ‘Courting in the Third Age’ struck a chord for many of you.
                             Below is just some of the correspondence we received.

      Take it to the stage                      Another happy ending                       persuaded Hildegard to share
      I live at Aveo Durack. One of the         I have read your story ‘Courting in the    accommodation and the romance
      residents started a play reading group    Third Age’ with great interest. I am       commenced soon after the ship left
      which is going well. We discussed         at Aveo Durack and I am 87 and my          port. Their romance bloomed during
      the need for a play set in a retirement   fiancée is 84. We met two years ago. I     the course of their high sea adventure
      village. We felt some romance was         have been a resident at Durack for 13      and eager to protect Hildegard from
      needed. I enjoy writing plays so I        years and my fiancé for three years.       any innuendo that may be directed at
      wrote one which we have read.             Ludolf Gutzeit                             her, the pair got engaged soon after.
          The play covers all the points                                                      With no real desire to get married,
      brought out in your feature ‘Courting     Ed: While wedding bells are unlikely       “I googled how long can you be
      in the Third Age’. It was based on        to sound in the near future for Ludolf     engaged for and the answer came
      my observations of at least four          (known as Lou) and his delightful          back as ‘indefinitely’” – the pair
      “couples” who are happily enjoying        fiancé Hildegard Kreaka, the couple        maintain their own units but have
      each other’s company and I have           told Chapter they feel extremely lucky     shown their ongoing commitment
      been living here less than a year so      to have found each other and to            by co-purchasing an English Pointer
      there may be others!                      have a significant other with which to     dog and meeting each other’s
      Julie Christie                            experience their retirement with.          families. They meet up at night three
                                                   German-born Lou first met Austrian      or four times each week in addition
      Ed: Thank you so much for taking          native Hildegard around three years        to meeting each and every morning
      the time to write in Julie, we would      after the latter moved into Aveo Durack    to walk the dog hand-in-hand. In
      like to commend you on both your          and let it be known she was on the         addition, Lou (who has two children,
      creativity and turning your play          hunt for someone with whom she             two grandchildren and five great
      around so quickly. A play reading         could converse in German with. Lou         grandchildren) collects Hildegard
      group sounds like a fantastic way         who was widowed around 11 years            from her unit in time for regular
      to spend an afternoon and certainly       ago, went to visit Hildegard in her unit   swims and aqua aerobics classes.
      an activity that some of our other        where he was struck by her youthful           The pair say they are delighted
      communities may like to consider          appearance. A short time later Lou         to have found the chance for such
      doing. Here at Chapter HQ we are          summoned up the courage to ask             close companionship later in life
      suckers for a great romance, so are       Hildegard if she would be interested in    and believe the key to their success
      very pleased to hear so many of our       taking a cruise with him so they could     is to afford each other the freedom
      residents are discovering their Mr or     get to know each other better.             to live their life independently while
      Ms Right living almost on their own          Arguing it would be too expensive       also indulging in regular shared
      doorsteps.                                to get separate cabins, Lou                         •

                    We would love to hear more from you about what’s on your mind - be it good, bad or indifferent.
                                                 Email us at

4   Summer 2018-19 / Aveo Chapter
CHAPTER SENIOR SAFEGUARDS - Protecting yourself online - Aveo
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CHAPTER SENIOR SAFEGUARDS - Protecting yourself online - Aveo

              Clear and
      Australian scamming victims are losing an average of $6500 each
        in their lifetime, with active seniors among the easiest targets.

                 ne in five Australians        30 June, 2018, there were more than
                 believe their online safety   13,600 reports made to its hotline
                 has been compromised in       with scams or fraud, purchase or sale
      the past 12 months.                      and cyber bullying the top three most
         Of these, the largest security        popular cybercrimes. This was up
      breaches occurred via either an          from 11,800 from the same reporting
      email account or via social media.       period in 2017.
      The remainder were made up by              Queensland accounted for almost
      computer, banking, smartphone,           one third of all offences reported
      tablet hacks or threats to cloud         (30%) followed by Victoria (26%) and
      storage facilities.                      NSW (22%). Over 17% of all victims
         That’s just one of the many           were aged 60 or over.
      frightening scenarios highlighted          Similarly, figures come from
      in EY’s Sweeney’s Digital Australia:     the Australian Competition and            Scamwatch, a website run by
      State of the Nation’s 2017 report        Consumer Commission (ACCC)’s            the ACCC, says active seniors are
      which unsurprisingly found cyber         ninth annual Targeting Scams report     an attractive target for would-be
      security is uppermost in the minds of    found these equated to losses           scammers because they tend to have
      most Australians.                        totalling $340 million.                 more money and more accumulated
         And it is not without good reason.      As well as noting a $40 million       wealth than their younger
      The Australian Cybercrime Online         increase in reported losses from the    counterparts.
      Reporting Network (ACORN) is the         previous year, the report also showed     They are also seen as generally
      government’s reporting and referral      that investment scams were most         less internet and computer savvy by
      service for cybercrime and online        common, with Australians aged 55 to     scammers who rely on the fact active
      incidents under Australian law.          64 reporting the highest amount of      seniors will be less familiar with new
      According to statistics from ACORN,      losses, and those over 65 lodging the   technologies.
      in the three months from 1 April to      highest number of reports.                As such, many scammers choose

6   Summer 2018-19 / Aveo Chapter
CHAPTER SENIOR SAFEGUARDS - Protecting yourself online - Aveo
to scour dating sites and social
media for older Australians who have     PROTECT YOUR DATA
recently divorced or lost a long-term    When it comes to passwords there are a number of
partner, in the hope of identifying      key points to remember.
those in a vulnerable emotional state.    
                                         • Write them down in an organised way
  “Scammers take advantage                
                                         • Use unique passwords for each device – don’t duplicate across accounts
of people looking for romantic            
                                         • Don’t make them so complex you can’t remember them
partners, often via dating websites,      
                                         • Try to ensure they are 12 characters or more
apps or social media by pretending        
                                         • Have a password or number code to unlock your devices
to be prospective companions.             
                                         • Learn how to change your password
They play on emotional triggers to       • If something seems ‘not right’ with your email or other account,
get you to provide money, gifts or         change your password				                                   Source: ASCCA
personal details.”

                                                                                             Aveo Chapter / Summer 2018-19   7
CHAPTER SENIOR SAFEGUARDS - Protecting yourself online - Aveo

        Phone and email scams are the
        biggest danger when it comes
        to protecting your personal data
        • Inform yourself of the kinds of
          scams that are out there by
          using the SSO website and
          or subscribing to their alert
          service. Also consider using sites
          such as or              Other common online scams            they’re fishing for information on
 to check on facts         targeting older Australians include     you – the ‘ph’ comes from ‘phone’).
        • Be wary of conversations that        investment scams involving getting        Usually the scammer warns that
           you did not initiate                you or your business to part            something might happen to you or
        • Realise that scammers are            with money on the promise of a          your finances if you don’t confirm
           criminals that want your money.     questionable financial opportunity;     your personal information by
           They are like ‘actors’, not real    unexpected prize, lottery and           logging into the website. This site
           people and do not care about        inheritance scams, where they ask       may adopt the appearance of the
           you. They often try to frighten     you to pay some sort of feed in         real website of your bank, power
           you into doing what they want.      order to claim a prize or winnings or   or phone company, but is actually
           Do not try to reason with them      trick you into sharing your bank or     fake, as is the phone number
           and cut the conversation short      credit card details.                    provided.
        • Don’t agree to pay or click on          Another troubling scam doing           Mark Young, the club support
           links without checking with a       the rounds is a so-called rebate        officer at Australian Seniors
           knowledgeable friend                scam where scammers try to              Computer Clubs Association
        • Don’t click on anything in ‘fun’     convince you that you are entitled      (ASCCA) – which has more than
           or ‘interesting’ emails. Delete     to a rebate or reimbursement from       100-member clubs across every
           them – even if they are from a      the government, a bank or trusted       state in Australia – says the
           friend.         Source: ASCCA       organisation and phishing scams,        problem is compounded because
                                               called phishing scams because           many seniors feel they have been

8   Summer 2018-19 / Aveo Chapter
CHAPTER SENIOR SAFEGUARDS - Protecting yourself online - Aveo
pushed by well-intentioned family
members into online social networks         TAKING YOUR POWER BACK
and applications such as Instagram,         Actions to take if you suspect you’ve been targeted by online scammers
FaceTime and Facebook.                        
                                            • When dealing with uninvited or unexpected contact from a government
   Mark says active seniors who               agency or trusted business — whether over the phone, by email, in person or
use the Internet are often passive            through social media — always consider the possibility that it may be a scam
viewers rather than posting their             
                                            • If you're unsure whether a call or email is real, verify the identity of the
own photos online but have come               contact through an independent source, such as a phone book or online
to realise that, without using these          search. Don't use the contact details provided by the caller or in the
tools they are likely to miss out on          message they sent to you
photos and interaction with their             
                                            • Don’t be pressured by a threatening caller. Hang up, then check whether
loved ones.                                   their story is real
   Others, he says, are determined            
                                            • If you’re still unsure, speak to a trusted friend or family member about
not to use social media and mention           what has happened
this at their first opportunity.              
                                            • Never send money or give your bank account details, credit card details
   Seniors come from a time where             or other personal information to anyone you don’t know or trust
people ‘minded their own business’            
                                            • A government agency or trusted business will never ask you to pay by
and privacy was a habit. The self-            unusual methods, such as a gift or store card, iTunes card, wire transfer
promotion and the broadcasting of             or bitcoin
trivial events in social media is alien       
                                            • Don't open suspicious texts, pop-up windows or emails and don’t click on
to them, he says.                             links or open attachments – just delete them
   Mark, whose volunteer peak body            
                                            • Never give anyone remote access to your computer if they’ve contacted
organisation provides learning                you out of the blue – whether through a phone call, pop up window or
materials to member clubs to allow            email – and even if they claim to be from a well-known company that you
them to teach seniors how to use              know and trust.				                               Source: Stay Smart Online.
digital technology, says the biggest
fears and concerns are a lack of
control when using technology.            you understand very little of it. The      the essentials of staying safer
   “When coming to lessons about          possibility of a mobile phone was          online such as why we need strong
devices, such as smartphones, active      ‘too good to be true’ once and now         passwords, how to create and
seniors often say that they ‘just want    many of us have one.”                      remember these passwords and
to know more’. They don’t know               To assist active seniors to stay        how to avoid common mistakes;
what they don’t know. They don’t          ahead of online scammers, the              how to download and save
feel ownership of the technology.         government has launched a new              documents; and how to pay
They sometimes get sporadic help          digital literacy program specifically      safely online.
by younger people that consists           tailored to older Australians to             Mark says from ASCCA’s point
of explaining things too quickly or,      help them increase their online            of view, the best thing Australia’s
worse, doing it for them.”                confidence, skills and safety.             active seniors can do is to learn
   He says active seniors are                The program, Be Connected,              more about digital technology to
certainly alert to all the media          offers free courses on everything          help lessen their chances of being
hype about the dangers of the             from how to access the internet, to        targeted by scammers.
Internet and loss of money is a           using your device and keeping in             With more knowledge, a person
huge concern to people who have a         touch with others online.                  can evaluate if a website or email
limited amount.                              Also available in a range of            might be a scam while they are also
   “Having your privacy invaded is        other languages, including Arabic,         better positioned to know where to
another. The ‘if it’s too good to be      Spanish, Macedonian and Greek,             get help should the worst happen,
true…’ cliché is unhelpful when           topics covered in the guide include        he says. •
                                                                                                  Aveo Chapter / Summer 2018-19   9
CHAPTER SENIOR SAFEGUARDS - Protecting yourself online - Aveo

       The big boom
                Senior entrepreneurship is riding a wave of global popularity with online connectivity
                  credited with revolutionising the way an increasing number of Australia’s active
                                 seniors are choosing to spend their golden years.

                 s far as digital natives are concerned there are    By the numbers
                 several factors the heads of successful start-ups   A 2017 report, The Silver Economy, commissioned
                 have in common.                                     by NBN, found that tech-savvy entrepreneurs (often
        Firstly, most see America’s Silicon Valley as the holy       referred to as SeniorPreneurs) represent the fastest
     grail of all things technology, innovation and social media-    growing sector of entrepreneurship in Australia with
     related and, secondly – owing in part to the massive            just over a third (34%) of all small businesses being
     success of tech entrepreneurs such as the 27-year-              led by senior entrepreneurs.
     old Snap founder Evan Spiegel, 33-year-old Facebook                Expected to contribute an additional $11.9 billon
     founder Mark Zuckerberg and Airbnb co-founder Nathan            to the Australian GDP in new ventures each year,
     Blecharczyk, aged 34 – many see this entrepreneurial            the same report found more than half (54%) of them
     success as the sole preserve of the young.                      claim they employ a predominantly online model in
        “Young people are just smarter,” Zuckerberg once             their businesses, with 61% of them preferring to
     remarked, conveniently overlooking the fact that it was         upskill online.
     baby boomer innovators such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs              While the reasons behind their renaissance were
     and Tim Berners-Lee who led the information revolution          as varied as the business men and women themselves,
     in the first place.                                             more than two thirds of the SeniorPreneurs surveyed
        Yet with a plethora of business resources now available,     for the report claim creating or supplementing their
     increasing numbers of Australian seniors are harnessing         income was their main motivation for starting a
     online tutorials, online video tutorials and online ‘how        business.
     to’ articles to source inspiration and turn their business         In addition, 58% admitted launching because they
     dreams into reality.                                            were choosing to pursue passion projects and 55%
        While many have yet to reach the dizzying commercial         stated they launched their start-up to keep themselves
     heights of big name brands such as Apple or Microsoft,          mentally stimulated. Other respondents were of the
     and those who have invented a product as globally               opinion that self-employment helped minimise risk when
     significant as the world wide web are few and far               it came to future employment opportunities.
     between, senior entrepreneurs have slowly but surely been          “I think it doesn’t matter what age you are, it’s one
     making themselves a force to be reckoned with, actively         of the reasons why I decided to start my own business
     contributing to fiscal, social, health, active ageing and       because when you’re 40-plus people think you’ve got
     lifestyle outcomes in their communities in the process.         one foot in the coffin. For some reason people have

10   Summer 2018-19 / Aveo Chapter
Booming success 1
Carolyn Palliardi was 51 when
she found herself retrenched
from her job as a beauty editor.
Following two years of research
and development, the Melbourne-
based business woman launched
her natural skincare range to
provide a point of difference
to the existing homogenised
teenage male grooming market.
Seven years later and her
business, 808 Dude, continues
to go from strength to strength,
boasting hundreds of Australian
stockists as well as selling across
Amazon in the US and Canada.

                                      Aveo Chapter / Summer 2018-19   11

                                                             “They have better business experience,
                                                             superior technical and managerial skills
                                                              and are in a stronger financial position
                                                                  than younger entrepreneurs.”

                                    got this preconceived idea that if you’re under 40          seniors have many advantages over their younger
                                    you’re viable to them, if you’re over 40 you’re half dead   cohorts when it comes to founding and then operating
                                    and they don’t want to employ you … this is another         their own businesses.
                                    reason why I started my own business, because people           Dr Maritz says active seniors are more capable of
                                    don’t discriminate as much when you’re 40-plus when         starting a business than their younger peers, are also
                                    you have your own business,” one noted.                     more productive and have more developed networks.
                                      These findings followed an earlier report on the             “They have better business experience, superior
                                    same subject, published two years earlier, which            technical and managerial skills and are in a stronger
                                    showed a high prevalence of senior entrepreneur             financial position than younger entrepreneurs.”
                                    activity in Australia. This was evidenced by the fact the      Dr Maritz says tech-savvy boomers also add significant
                                    entrepreneurship activity rate of 8% for the age group      impact to emerging technologies on the creative
                                    55–64 in Australia is approximately 3% above the            economy.
                                    average of innovation-driven economies.                        “Senior entrepreneurs turn their creativity into
                                      Titled, Senior Entrepreneurship in Australia – Active     business value and growth by starting new businesses
                                    Ageing and Extending Working Lives, the 2015 report         in their prime of life.”
                                    found senior entrepreneurs work fewer hours per                Dr Maritz cautioned however, that it wasn’t all smooth
                                    week compared to younger entrepreneurs (18.5 to             sailing for those active seniors wishing to launch their
                                    23 hours), have more industry experience (13.25 to          own business, arguing that often they faced the same
                                    7.5 years), invest more in their business ($1,487,000       barriers to entry as younger competitors.
                                    to $272,000) and earn greater profits ($264,000 to             His own research into the topic had shown that the
                                    $115,000).                                                  types of concerns voiced by active seniors in regards
                                                                                                to launching their own start up included: complex
                                    Not just for the money                                      administrative procedures and government ‘red tape’,
                                    LaTrobe University Professor of Entrepreneurship, Dr        attitudes and stereotypes others hold of seniors —
                                    Alex Maritz, who was involved with both studies and         ‘ageism’, a lack of belief in one’s own capabilities, a lack
                                    who is one of the country’s leading authorities on          of information on how to start a new business, and a
 Photographs: Fairfax Syndication

                                    senior entrepreneurship, says that while entrepreneurs      lack of awareness created by government.
                                    may be pulled or pushed into self-employment, their            Yet despite this, SeniorPreneurs who were prepared to
                                    entrepreneurship is often not just an economic              take the plunge found themselves competing in a world
                                    phenomenon; with research showing it helps keep them        of sectors without borders, he says, and are therefore
                                    mentally stimulated and stay physically active while also   more active in digital reinvention.
                                    lifting their self-confidence.                                 “As digital technologies penetrate industries, boomers
                                       With a lifetime of experience behind them, starting      are at the forefront to continue its advances by
                                    a business as a late-career alternative means active        launching new start-ups,” he says.  •
12                                  Summer 2018-19 / Aveo Chapter
Booming success 2
Telecommunications expert
Jeff Downs had also passed
the half century mark when,
in 2007, he sought to make
distance obsolete by improving
the way organisations connect,
communicate and collaborate.
The Canadian businessman
was in his 52nd year when he
launched his start-up, Redback
Conferencing, in Sydney and has
since diversified the business
to incorporate everything
from bespoke HR application
development to resource planning

                                   Aveo Chapter / Summer 2018-19   13
     Cairns cycling cyclone
                  He has been locked in detention in The Central African Republic on suspicion of
                  being a member of the press and had an Iranian revolutionary threaten to shoot
                  him after wrongly assuming he was an American citizen. Clearly, Aveo The Parks
                            resident Robert Waldthaler is anything but your typical retiree.
                                     PHOTOGRAPHS BY BLUECLICK PHOTOGRAPHY

14   Summer 2018-19 / Aveo Chapter

                hen it comes to cycling,      weeks, instead it has lasted 49 years.         places it is “safer, better and cheaper
                Austrian Robert                  “My longest cycle tour has been             to sleep inside a room”.
                Waldthaler is about as        from Invercargill in New Zealand                  “Listening to the locals and asking
sacrosanct as they come.                      to North Cape in Norway. During                them for advice is very important
   For more than four decades he has          the tour I travelled four years and            because they know the area and what
traversed the globe as a professional         55,000 kilometres. To get the money            is happening.”
cyclist, visiting 143 countries and           needed for such a long trip I worked
being exposed to some of the most             during the tour in the Antarctica, New         So many highlights
intriguing places on the planet.              Zealand, Australia, India, Pakistan,           A naturally curious person who
But now he has given up the work              Italy and Norway as a pastry chef but          speaks, reads and writes in German,
that consumed much of his life, he            I also took on casual work.”                   French, English and Italian, Robert
limits his travels to largely domestic           A trip around the world along the           says his skills have enabled him to
adventures in and around Cairns.              Equator from Dakar in Senegal back             enjoy many once-in-a-lifetime-type
   But to assume that the 77-year-old         to Dakar consumed two years of his             experiences the highlights of which
professional’s retirement means he            life and resulted in a further 35,000          include a raft of popular travel and
spends less time cycling is to do him         kilometres on his trusty bike.                 dining companions including Bob
a great disservice, with Robert and                                                          Marley, the Indian PM Indira Gandhi
wife Renate – whom he met in 2003             The art of fuelling                            and the King of Tonga.
while on tour in the Algerian Sahara –        Robert admits that when he started               “[In addition I] travelled by bicycle
typically clocking up around 300-400          cycling back in 1977, he “didn’t know          through Iran during the Iranian
kilometres on their bikes each week.          very much” about cycling and living            Revolution and during the war in Iraq.
By early next year, he is expected to         outdoors. Time on the road has since           An Iranian woman revolutionary guard
surpass the 500,000 kilometre mark            taught him the importance of refuelling        wanted to shoot me as she assumed
with grand plans to have cycled one           his body as well as not putting himself        that I was an American. My Aussie
million kilometres before leaving his         in unnecessary danger.                         passport saved my life.”
mortal coil.                                     Robert says most touring cyclists             Another time things got a bit dicey
   As someone who didn’t even learn           develop their own habits of fuelling           was when Robert found himself
to ride a bike until aged 12, he has          their bodies during longer rides and           locked up for three days in what
clearly come a long way.                      he is no exception.                            he terms “one of the most corrupt
   Having trained as a pastry chef in            Being a lacto-vegetarian helps as           countries on earth” after being found
his native Austria, Robert – named            this means that he is able to eat dairy        carrying a camera and an Italian press
Tilmann at birth – has always been            products and eggs which simplifies             identity card.
a keen traveller, using his unique            travelling.                                      But it wasn’t just being exposed to
cooking skills to help subsidise the             “Oats, brown rice, couscous, dried          corrupt officialdom that helped make
costs of what were up until that point        fruit and vegetables, honey, sprouting         Robert’s time on the road enjoyable
fairly traditional adventures.                seeds, lots of water and a few other           with floods in Cambodia and Thailand,
   In 1975, while working and                 things are the basic nutrients I’ll take       an earthquake in Costa Rica, and
travelling around Australia, he met           with me. [I’ll visit] market stalls, bazaars   volcanic eruptions in both Sumatra
a Belgian cyclist who inspired him            and restaurants to source salads               and in Bali adding to his extensive
with his stories on the road, so much         and meals which give me a healthy              memory bank.
so that within two years Robert had           boost, vitamins and veggies. Fast food,          Ultimately, however, Robert says
returned home, sold many of his               snacks and all sorts of other junk food        while meeting the odd celebrity
possessions and equipped himself              are not on my bucket list.”                    or breathing in the beauty of his
with a custom-built touring bike that            In addition, he ensures he also             surrounds has been great fun, the
took 12 months to build and 3200              carries a tent on each adventure,              learnings taken from his time on the
German mark to acquire.                       arguing that while it is not always            road have given him far more than
   He intended his first trip to last three   possible to use the tent, in certain           just pictures to look over with friends.

                                                                                                         Aveo Chapter / Summer 2018-19   15

                                                                                              Robert and his wife Renate typically
                                                                                              clock up around 300-400 kilometres
                                                                                                         on their bikes each week.

       “I have used the roads of the world    opportunity to go some of the way        on his bucket list, there are still a few
     to discover the path to myself. In all   to repaying the people who have          remaining.
     these years on the road I became         assisted him on his escapades.              His ultimate goal, however, is
     aware that every good trip starts           “Travelling through countries in      unlikely to be one achieved with
     with gathering information about the     Africa and Asia I found that the         pedal power.
     country, culture and people. This type   people have been very kind to me.           “During my travels I have seen so
     of information is vital as it makes      Sharing the little they had with a       much poverty, injustice and suffering
     travelling so much easier. In order to   world cyclist, offering me a place to    in the world, that I feel very privileged
     experience adventures I still have to    stay, share their stories, problems,     to live in Australia and we can enjoy
     leave room for on-the-spot decisions     sad times but also moments of joy.       the little we have. Due to the many
     and changes to the original plans        Never asking anything from me. Most      trips I have done I love travelling
     because situations can change from       of my 14 bikes I have offered as         but at home at the Aveo The Parks
     one minute to the next.                  souvenirs to real good friends or they   Community in Cairns I am at ease
                                              have been auctioned off for a worthy     which adds quality to our life. It is a
     Lessons learned                          cause, helping to build a school in      privilege to be at home with my wife,
     Having established a reputation as       India, helping children through the      turn on the tap for a shower, cook a
     an author (he’s now written 17 books     Care for Rare Foundation. This is        good meal and sleep in a comfy bed,
     documenting his travels), presenter      my way of saying ‘thank you’ to the      lock the doors and let the world out
     and equipment tester during his          people of the world who have been        there turn around with us on it.
     travels abroad, Robert was able to       so kind to me.”                             “My wish is very simple but not very
     attract sponsorship from a variety          Robert, who fresh from an interview   practical. People have not understood
     of corporates and successfully           by Joan Duplock for Aveo The Parks’      how to best use the resources
     negotiated the receipt of 14 bikes,      village newsletter, was about to set     available to us. The future holds a lot
     all of which he was able to keep long    off on another cycling adventure to      of adventures for us all and I hope
     after his latest tour had ended.         Western Australia, says while he has     that we’ll find a way to manage them
        This, he says, afforded him the       been able to cross off many countries    peacefully and with less violence.”   •
16   Summer 2018-19 / Aveo Chapter
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                                                                           A            ustralians are a relatively
                                                                                        plugged-in population.
                                                                                        We spend an average
                                                                           6.8 hours a day online, with
                                                                           smartphones being our primary point
                                                                           of connection, research shows.
                                                                              And it isn’t just the younger
                                                                           generation switching on to
                                                                           technology. The Australian Bureau
                                                                           of Statistics 2016-2017 Household
                                                                           Use of Technology report shows just
                                                                           over half (55.2%) of people aged
                                                                           65-plus are internet users. The top
                                                                           reasons for seniors to jump online
                                                                           include entertainment, followed by
                                                                           banking, making purchases and
                                                                           social networking.
                                                                              Digital connectivity can help bridge
                                                                           the gap between human contact and
                                                                           isolation and can offer seniors a way
                                                                           to feel part of a community, learn
                                                                           new things, access services and stay
                                                                           in touch with family and friends.
                                                                              In fact, research by National
                                                                           Seniors Australia found that for
                                                                           people of culturally and linguistically
                                                                           diverse backgrounds, digital literacy
                                                                           prevents social isolation.
                                                                              “Being online allows them to find
                                                                           and connect with other people of
                                                                           similar backgrounds, to share their
                                                                           stories and experiences, as well as
                                                                           staying connected with family and

       Switched on
                                                                           friends near and far through the likes
                                                                           of Skype, Facebook and email,” a
                                                                           report into Bridging the Digital
                                                                           Divide explained.

       Seniors are successfully turning to blogs to enhance their social
                                                                           Blogging benefits
                                                                           One digital form of connection (and
                                                                           entertainment) is blogs, which are
                                                                           conversational webpages created
                                                                           by either a person or a group and
                                                                           updated regularly. They usually
         connections and share their lives with a virtual community.       have a following of interested
                Chapter explores the basics, and the benefits,             readers whom enjoy the writing
                          of blogging later in life.                       style, themes and topics, and some

18   Summer 2018-19 / Aveo Chapter
people even participate in the blog’s

                                           “The connection with others has been
associated online community. There
is opportunity to keep informed and
entertained, relate to someone else’s
journey or step into someone else’s
                                          one of the benefits of blogging and when
shoes to understand their point of         someone writes that I have inspired or
view. It has benefits for both the
blogger and the audience.                    motivated them, it makes my day.”
   Sixty-one-year-old Brisbane-based
blogger Sue Loncaric launched her
blogging journey four years ago after     life can change in the blink of an eye   commenting on other blogs.
taking early retirement to spend time     encouraged him to step outside his          Sue says the blogging landscape has
with her husband. However, after one      comfort zone and travel solo.            also become easier in recent years.
year in she found it hard to settle.         While backpacking around the             “There are many sites that just
   “I had worked full time for most       world, Chris documented his journey      concentrate on teaching people how
of my life [and] felt I had lost my       in a weekly blog (myseniorgapyear.       to set up a website and of course
purpose and was floundering. I            com), inspiring many with his            analytics such as Google Analytics
needed something for me to put my         experiences. Positive feedback from      are very helpful to gain an insight
energies into” Sue explains.              his readers encouraged him to grow       into who your readers are and what
   “I knew I was passionate about         his blog posts into a book, which        they like to read,” she explains.
living a healthy and active life,         was launched earlier this year by the       “Setting up a website is much
so I decided to start my blog to          federal Minister for Aged Care and       easier these days, as you can use a
encourage women over 50 to                Indigenous Health, Ken Wyatt.            free design to start with that has all
embrace life with an ageless attitude.                                             you need without even having to be
I wanted to inspire them to focus         Launching a blog                         tech savvy. If you want something
on enjoying their life rather than        If you are considering starting your     more you can purchase a website for
their ‘number’ and to realise that        own blog, it can be a steep but          as little as $50. You just type in your
retirement only means retiring from       rewarding learning curve. There are      website name basically and away
work, not life.”                          many online tutorials and programs       you go.”
   Her creation, Sizzling Towards 60      that take the complicated work out          As for the personal benefits that
& Beyond (       of blogging and free sites to get you    come with running your own blog, it
au) is the end-result and is all about    started without upfront payment.         has been a pleasant surprise for Sue.
making the most of this “fabulous            “If you want to be serious about         “My self-confidence has grown,
time of life”. The blog attracts          building your readership, or to gain     I’m connecting with fabulous women
around 6,000 visitors per month,          affiliates or make money from your       over 50 who, like me, aren’t giving up
predominantly from Australia, USA,        blog, you need to put the time and       on life because they are ageing, but
UK and Canada and she has over            effort into producing quality writing    rather starting new careers or taking
2000 followers on Facebook and            about topics of interest and, most       new directions in their lives.
more than 1500 on Instagram.              importantly, reply to comments left         “I have also found the self-
                                          on each post. You are building a         confidence to become a guest
Blogging through life changes             relationship with readers and this       speaker and emcee and I’m in the
Another successful blogger, Chris         takes time,” says Sue.                   process of starting a life coaching
Herrmann from Western Australia,             Now, she spends up to 15 hours        business. The connection with others
has been writing about his travels        a week on her blog, which includes       has been one of the benefits of
since embarking on what he dubbed         topic planning, writing posts,           blogging and when someone writes
his ‘senior gap year’. After losing his   which she publishes three times a        that I have inspired or motivated
wife to cancer, the realisation that      week, replying to comments and           them, it makes my day.” •
                                                                                              Aveo Chapter / Summer 2018-19   19

        Letters of significance
                       Reaching a milestone birthday or anniversary is an event worth celebrating.
                      Chapter investigates how you go about securing a letter from the royal family
                              or other officials and finds out whether the effort is worth it.

     T         wo years ago 81-year-old
               Geoff Thornely and his
               gorgeous wife Carolyn, aged
     72, found themselves the centre of
     some unexpected attention.
                                               responded by asking “why stop there?”
                                                  “Most people responded really
                                               quickly, like within 48 hours. It was
                                               so great. Reading back over all the
                                               sneaky emails between my brother,
                                                                                            names and marriage date on it.
                                                                                               “We simply introduced ourselves,
                                                                                            mentioned that we were seeking
                                                                                            messages from our parents’ favourite
                                                                                            figures, told them a bit about what
       The Toronto, NSW-based couple           sister and me, I recall it was a very        our parents meant to us, and asked
     were commemorating 50 years               intense period of sending stuff              very, very politely. I would say it was
     of marriage and had arranged a            out, and we had a little celebration         definitely worth the effort.”
     weekend away with their three             among ourselves every time we got               Alongside the assortment of
     children and three grandchildren to       something back.”                             handwritten notes, emails and cards
     toast the occasion.                          While they learnt they would              from other local and state politicians
       Having met when they became             have to wait a decade to reach               the trio accrued were messages from
     colleagues at Qantas more than            their Diamond anniversary before             some of the Thornely’s favourite people
     half a century earlier, the pair          qualifying for a letter from The Queen,      including former Australian cricket
     anticipated a quiet luncheon              correspondence was received from the         captains Ricky Ponting and Michael
     celebration with immediate family         then Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull,        Clarke, Restauranteur and author
     at an Airbnb in Melbourne.                Governor-General Peter Cosgrove,             Maggie Beer, comedienne Jo Brand,
       But eldest son Michael, then aged       Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott,           entrepreneur Dick Smith and television
     47 and twin daughters Joanne and          then NSW Premier Mike Baird and the          host Karl Stefanovic - who appeared
     Shelley, aged 45 and both writers,        Governor of NSW David Hurley.                in a video dressed in footy shorts while
     had other ideas.                             Shelley says in terms of the official     holding a bottle of champagne.
       Instead of toasting the couple’s        correspondence, the process was                 The trio later collated the messages
     celebration with a few glasses of         far easier than anticipated, coming          appropriately enough in a gold-coloured
     Marlborough’s finest, the trio instead    as a result of a quick Google                folder, which was presented to their
     made a hit list of their parents’         search and then an official email            parents over a restaurant lunch.
     favourite political figureheads and       sent to the federal member for                  “We surprised them. Oh boy, did we
     sportsmen and women and together          Shortland, her parents’ electorate,          surprise them. In Dad’s words, “We
     with letters flooding in from much        requesting correspondence from any           were completely gobsmacked”.
     loved friends and family vowed to         Commonwealth representatives who                Shelley says the contents of the
     contact each one to get a personal        would be willing to oblige.                  folder proved so overwhelming that
     message of support.                          Shelley says she was initially asked      by the time Geoff and Carolyn worked
       Starting out about six weeks ahead      to provide her parent’s marriage             their way through the messages from
     of the actual anniversary date, Shelley   certificate, but because of the need         significant friends and got to the
     says the trio’s mission began when        to keep the whole thing a secret, the        PM, GG and celebrity component,
     her brother suggested contacting          officials later accepted a copy of her       her mother refused to believe the
     The Queen and the PM and the twins        birth certificate, which had both parents’   messages were real.

20   Summer 2018-19 / Aveo Chapter
“I can’t recall Mum’s exact words,
but I remember when she saw the
PM’s letter she said something like
‘Oh really?’ with her best sceptical
voice. Then as they read more
and more, she realised they were
authentic and she absolutely ‘lost’
it. Dad just smiled a lot and looked
impressed. Mum was in tears and
kept saying ‘But how did you…?
When did you…?’”
    Requests were also made to a
number of others who either didn’t
respond or had commitments that
prevented them from answering in
time – for example, it was David
Attenborough’s 90th birthday the
same week. Despite this, Shelley
estimates their efforts achieved
around a 30% success rate, much
higher than expected.
    Two years down the track and
Shelley is adamant she could not have     Carolyn and Geoff Thornely and some of the many letters of congratulations
asked for a more satisfying response.     they received marking their 50th wedding anniversary.
    “To be completely clichéd about it,
it was the kind of happiness money
can’t buy.”

Who is eligible?
The Department of the Prime
Minister and Cabinet’s Honours,
Symbols and Legal Policy branch
says there are a number of different
instances where Australians qualify
for anniversary messages.
  Those eligible to receive a
message from the Prime Minister           celebrated, or be about to celebrate           the anniversary and the date of the
include those celebrating their 50th      their 60th wedding anniversary (and            anniversary and can include items
wedding anniversary and those             every fifth year after) or their 100th         such as copies of birth certificates,
marking their 90th birthday.              birthday (and every fifth year after).         passports or marriage certificates.
  To receive a message from the                                                          If you are unable to locate the
Governor General, you must have           Requesting a message                           appropriate documentation, a
celebrated, or be about to celebrate,     Ensure you gather supporting                   statutory declaration – sourced
your 50th wedding anniversary or          documentation for the relevant                 from any post office or online from
your 100th birthday.                      birthday or wedding anniversary.               the Attorney-General’s Department
  Those who wish to receive a             The document needs to clearly state            – with the relevant names and
message from The Queen must have          the full name/s of those celebrating           anniversary details will suffice. •
                                                                                                      Aveo Chapter / Summer 2018-19   21
A balancing act
          Good nutrition plays a key role in reducing the risk of injury by helping strengthen your bones.
                 Our resident rehabilitation expert outlines the importance of a balanced diet.

              ou’ve heard the saying ‘you     often result in serious injury, which    many people don’t know of the direct
              are what you eat’? In this      can then lead to hospital time,          correlation that nutrition plays in
              case, it means that if you’re   multiple appointments and potentially    reducing falls risk and aiding recovery.
     not eating a well-balanced diet, you     longer term issues. It’s important for      The link between exercise,
     certainly won’t be as physically well-   the health of ageing Australians to be   increased strength and balance
     balanced, which can lead to a fall.      aware of the significance of nutrition   is more well known. Sometimes,
       Even the simplest stumble can          status as a risk factor for falls; yet   however, while you might think you

22   Summer 2018-19 / Aveo Chapter

are eating ‘well’ your diet may not           Both men and women lose                  So what can you do with your diet
be providing the nutrition required.       bone mass. However, women lose              to help reduce the risk of falls?
Poor nutrition (often referred to as       more calcium from their bones in the        Ensure you have a well-balanced
malnutrition) can lead to reduced          five to ten years around the age of         diet by:
muscular strength and decreased            menopause. While a diet high in calcium       
                                                                                       • Including adequate energy
mobility. This is where healthy eating     cannot reverse age related bone loss, it      (calorie) and protein intake which
coupled with a balanced diet comes         can slow down the process.                    is important to promote strength,
into play. You shouldn’t have one             A balanced diet giving you the             mobility, balance and cognitive
without the other.                         daily nutrients required is the best          function
  If the word ‘malnutrition’ conjures      way to combat malnutrition, and to            
                                                                                       • Introducing variety in your diet;
up a picture of a thin and slight          stay healthy. Seeking advice from an          eg. whole grain foods, fruit,
person, you are not alone in these         accredited dietitian is a great way to        vegetables and dairy
thoughts. While this can be the            find out if you are in fact meeting your      
                                                                                       • Ensuring you are getting enough
case, many people with malnutrition        daily nutritional requirements.               vitamin D to help improve muscle
aren’t even aware they have it, until                                                    function; the best source of
they have a fall, or become ill, and       The role vitamin D + calcium play             vitamin D is actually the sun
only then it may be picked up by a         It is also important to understand the        
                                                                                       • Including calcium to help
health professional.                       role that vitamin D and calcium play in       minimise bone loss.
  Malnutrition is a physical               reducing your risk of falling.
condition resulting from either: a)          
                                           • Vitamin D helps improve muscle            Staying hydrated by:
an inadequate diet or b) a physical           function and coupled with calcium,         
                                                                                       • Starting the day with a glass
inability to absorb or metabolise             helps minimise bone loss                   of water
nutrients. Think about your diet; is it      
                                           • Vitamin D helps the absorption of           
                                                                                       • Drinking water with every meal,
adequate? Do you get enough of the            calcium into our bones                     and in between meals.
nutrients your body requires?                
                                           • Good sources of calcium include
                                              dairy foods: cheese, milk, yoghurt       Remaining active by:
Your changing diet + nutritional              and custard, fortified soy products        
                                                                                       • Ensuring you maintain a stable
requirements                                  and bony fish (such as sardines)           weight as this promotes a
As we age, our metabolism slows and          
                                           • Vitamin D can be found in some              reduction in falls risk
our appetite decreases. The way we            food sources including eggs,               
                                                                                       • Regular exercise can help with
process food also changes, as do our          margarine and oily fish                    muscular strength and balance
daily nutritional needs. Unfortunately,      
                                           • The best source of vitamin D is             
                                                                                       • Incidental exercise is a great
our taste buds don’t always get this          actually the sun. Try not to spend         way to ensure you are moving
message.                                      more than 10 minutes a day and             (take the stairs, not the elevator,
  Generally speaking, the number of           cover up with a hat and sunscreen.         walk a few laps inside the
calories we require in our older years                                                   shopping centre).
decreases, usually due to a reduction      Other vitamins associated with aiding
in the amount we exercise, while our       a person’s mobility are Vitamins A,         If you are concerned about your
nutrient needs tend to stay the same       B12, C, E and folic acid. Deficiency in     nutrition, it is recommended you
or increase. This means that if dietary    these vitamins can cause vision loss        consult an accredited practising
changes are made to accommodate            which can lead to confusion, poor           dietitian. Some companies, including
these changing needs, we should stay       balance and disorientation… which, in       Mobile Rehab, even have dietitians
healthier, longer.                         turn, all increase the risk of a fall.      to visit you in your home. •
Mobile Rehab has over 20 years’ experience in working in allied health in the community – and they visit you in your own home.*
        Visit or call on 1300 363 483 to find out more. *Only available in Queensland.

                                                                                                   Aveo Chapter / Summer 2018-19   23

                                 Legal talk
           Retirement village contracts are complex and can prove rather confusing for the uninitiated.
               Here, Danielle Lim outlines the three types of tenures and the key features of each.

         Danielle Lim is the principal of DSL Law.
         She is a solicitor of the High Court of Australia
         and the Supreme Court of Queensland. Danielle has
         consulted with the government about seniors living legislation,
         she sits on various committees regarding seniors living and
         regularly works for retirement village operators and residents.

24   Summer 2018-19 / Aveo Chapter
A           s a solicitor, I am lucky enough to help people
            with the contract documents involved in moving
            into a retirement community almost every day.
Most of my wonderful clients have bought or sold property
throughout their lives – some have done so many times. With
                                                                  contribution’ in exchange for an exclusive ‘right to reside’ in
                                                                  a unit. The right to reside continues until the death of the
                                                                  last surviving resident, or until the lease is terminated.
                                                                    Leasehold units are great for residents for many reasons,
this in mind, they think they know what to expect with their       
                                                                  • The interest in the property is to the exclusion of all
retirement village contract. But retirement village contracts       others (in much the same way as freehold);
are a completely different kettle of fish. The main reason for     
                                                                  • The interest in the property is registered in the Land
this is something lawyers describe as the underlying ‘tenure’.      Titles Registry. The registration status provides an
This article seeks to outline the main features of three of the     additional layer of protection;
most common types of tenures found in retirement village –         
                                                                  • There is no stamp duty, which can save residents
freehold, leasehold and licence. The differences are far less       thousands of dollars;
significant than residents might first think.                      
                                                                  • The transaction is simple compared to a freehold
                                                                    transaction as it is all documented in one lease document
Freehold                                                            with the operator.
Freehold tenure represents the ‘traditional’ form of tenure
– it is the way that any member of the general public would       Licence
typically buy or sell a home in the suburbs. In exchange          Retirement village units of ‘licence’ tenures are very
for payment of a purchase price, the title to the property is     similar to leasehold. The operator retains ownership, and
registered in a person’s name and is also recorded on the         the resident pays an ingoing contribution in exchange for
Land Titles Register – which is searchable by anyone.             a ‘right to reside’. The main difference between licence
  When a resident purchases a freehold unit in a                  and leasehold is that the licence is not registered on
retirement village, the documents that they sign are:             title. However, additional protection is provided under the
a. the contract of sale (between the seller and the buyer);      Retirement Villages Act under the relevant state.
    and                                                              Licences are fairly uncommon, except for South Australia
b. a management contract (between the buyer and the              where they are the dominant type of tenure offered.
    retirement village operator)
While ‘freehold’ does tend to give a sense of comfort and         What does it all mean?
familiarity – there are some important differences in a           In practical terms, the differences between the types of tenure
retirement village context including:                             are largely limited to expense and complexity. Freehold units
  i. Q
      uite often the retirement village operator will place      involve a significantly more complex set of documents, which
     documents on the title to the property in order to secure    often translates to a more expensive conveyance.
     obligations under the management contract (e.g. the             If a resident was to obtain advice about each of the
     payment of an exit fee). An example of a document that       three types of tenure, they would see that they all have
     an operator might lodge on title is a caveat.                very similar rights, responsibilities and restrictions. This
  ii. The retirement village unit is an asset, but it is         similarity is achieved by the introduction of contractual
      different to other assets that you may own because          terms by the operator, and is supported by documents
      it generally cannot be transferred or gifted. The           lodged on title. Importantly, in all three types of tenure, the
      exception to this is where there are two people who         resident has a secure right of residence and, in the case
      own the home as ‘joint tenants’, and one passes away.       of lease and licence, a protected right to recover their
      In this case, the property may be transferred to the        ingoing contribution.
      remaining owner.                                               While a solid understanding of the legal and financial
                                                                  implications of retirement living is important, it is my
Leasehold                                                         firm belief that the most important reason to choose
Leasehold property is by far the most common type of              a retirement village unit goes far beyond tenure. The
tenure in retirement villages.                                    determining factor should be the cultural and emotional fit
  From a resident’s point of view, they pay an ‘ingoing           with you and your lifestyle.•
                                                                                                    Aveo Chapter / Summer 2018-19   25
You can also read