Ex JOINT WARRIOR - Trident Newspaper

Page created by Grace Thomas
Ex JOINT WARRIOR - Trident Newspaper
Monday October 5, 2020                                 Volume 54, Issue 20


MV Asterix and HMCS Halifax transit to Ex JOINT WARRIOR, while the CH-148 Cyclone,
King Fisher, patrols the area, September 25, 2020.
                                                     S1 LOUIS-PHILIPPE DUBÉ, CAF IMAGERY
Ex JOINT WARRIOR - Trident Newspaper
2                                                                                                                         TRIDENT NEWS          OCTOBER 5, 2020

    Current and former members of the Stadacona
    Band were at Government House on September
    17 to accept the Government House Gold Medal
    in recognition of the band’s 80th anniversary.

Government House recognizes
Stadacona Band’s 80th anniversary
By Ryan Melanson,
Trident Staff

  As the Stadacona Band of the Royal      tenant Governor in 2017, and he also   Scotia International Tattoo, concerts      but they are not simply musicians
Canadian Navy continues to celebrate      recalled enjoying the band’s music     for local school children, and their       who play together. The members of
their 80th anniversary year, current      on the jetty during ship departures,   many overseas engagements.                 the Stadacona Band are ambassadors
and former members of the band were       during the annual ‘Til We Meet Again     “Simply stated, the Stadacona Band       for the Royal Canadian Navy, for Nova
invited to Government House on Sep-       concert, and on a number of other      makes each event so very special,” he      Scotians, and for Canadians”
tember 17 for a special presentation in   occasions. He also noted the band’s    said.                                        The award was officially accepted by
honour of that milestone.                 longtime support to the Royal Nova       “I know that music is their passion,     Stadacona Band Commanding Officer
  The band was awarded the Govern-                                                                                          Lt(N) Brad Ritson. Along with the cur-
ment House Gold Medal, a significant                                                                                        rent and former members of the band,
honour that recognizes outstanding                                                                                          RAdm Brian Santarpia, Commander
services to Government House by a                                                                                           MARLANT and JTFA, and Formation
group or individual. Nova Scotia’s                                                                                          Chief CPO1 Tom Lizotte were also on
Lieutenant Governor can award the                                                                                           hand for the presentation. LCdr Ritson
medal to anyone they desire, with a                                                                                         said he was thrilled to accept the
maximum of two presentations per                                                                                            award on behalf of the band’s current
year, but the presentation to the band                                                                                      roster and all those who came before
marked the first Government House                                                                                           them through the 80-year history.
Gold Medal to be awarded by the cur-                                                                                          “The band has been all over Canada
rent Lieutenant Governor, The Hon-                                                                                          and the world doing what they do.
ourable Arthur J. LeBlanc.                                                                                                  They’re a tremendously hard working
  “For 80 years you have made your                                                                                          group, and very deserving of being
musical mark – not just in the military                                                                                     recognized in this way,” he added.
milieu, but also on the broader musi-                                                                                         While in-person events for the band
cal and cultural scene. As such, it is                                                                                      have been limited since the spring,
only fitting that we gather the cur-                                                                                        they’ve been busy marking their 80th
rent members of the Band and many                                                                                           anniversary with a number of online
former members and pause to salute                                                                                          projects, members have performed at
and say thank you,” the Lieutenant                                                                                          small, socially distanced events, and
Governor said.                                                                                                              they’re currently planning a recording
  He noted that the band holds a           The Honourable Arthur J. LeBlanc, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia,            project to share online in lieu of their
special place in his heart, as they        and Stadacona Band Commanding Officer LCdr Brad Ritson unveil the                regular fall and winter concert events.
performed at his installation as Lieu-     Government House Gold Medal award.
                                                                                     OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR
Ex JOINT WARRIOR - Trident Newspaper
3                                                                                                                                TRIDENT NEWS            OCTOBER 5, 2020

Battle of Britain ceremony marks 80th anniversary
of event
By Trident Staff

  This year marked the 80th anniver-        Commanding Officer, gave an address
sary of the Battle of Britain.              and wreaths were laid. A Cyclone he-
  A commemorative ceremony took             licopter overflew the area during the
place at 12 Wing Shearwater on Battle       ceremony.
of Britain Sunday, September 20.              During the Battle of Britain, Germa-
Because of COVID-19 health and safety       ny’s Luftwaffe attacked Britain from
requirements, attendance at the cere-       the skies in order to prepare the way
mony, which took place in the com-          for a planned invasion of the country.
memorative park opposite the Shear-         The fight raged from July 10 to Octo-
water Aviation Museum, was limited          ber 31, 1940. Estimates are that at least
to 25 people. The attendees wore            100 Canadian pilots, as well as ground
masks and were socially distanced.          crew, participated in the battle along-
  Col James Hawthorne, 12 Wing              side the Royal Air Force.

                                                                                         Col Hawthorne and CWO Poirier, Wing Chief Warrant Officer, laid a wreath during
                                                                                         the ceremony.
                                                                                                                                           AVR JACLYN BUELL, 12 WING IMAGING

Commemorative wreaths were laid by several local officials and CAF leadership includ-    His Honour the Honourable Arthur LeBlanc, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia (left)
ing the Lieutenant Governor and the Wing Commander.                                      and the Honourable Mrs. Patsy LeBlanc (on His Honour’s right) attended the ceremony
                                                     AVR JACLYN BUELL, 12 WING IMAGING                                                      AVR JACLYN BUELL, 12 WING IMAGING

A sailor’s extraordinary Arctic experience
By Lt Michel Thomassin,
Public Affairs Officer

  This year, HMCS Ville de Québec           the trade of his dreams: “The Weapons        protecting our sovereignty and inter-
took part in Operation NANOOK-TU-           Engineering Technician trade is par-         ests in the North, cooperation with
UGAALIK 2020 in Canada’s North: a           ticularly suited to people who like to       Indigenous Peoples and showing deter-
first for Weapons Engineering Techni-       work with their hands and mechanical         mination in the case of the Northwest
cian PO1 Matthew Pitman.                    and electronic equipment like radar,         passage,” PO1 Pitman said.
  “This deployment was special              sonar, communications and network              In short, this was a rewarding expe-
because even though we were still in        systems on board the ship.”                  rience for PO1 Pitman and the crew of
Canada, you really feel like you’re           An old hand at deployments, he             Ville de Québec. Due to the COVID-19
somewhere else. It’s a whole other          has crossed oceans and visited tens          pandemic and associated restrictions,
world,” he said.                            of countries on every continent, but         Operation NANOOK-TUUGAALIK
  Originally from Eastern Passage,          according to him “the best part of this      2020 was a shorter deployment than
Nova Scotia, PO1 Pitman joined the          job is your colleagues. You can create       in previous years, with no port visits
Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) a little          connections that last a lifetime with        or community relations activities.
more than 17 years ago.                     people you have sailed with for only a       PO1 Pitman said he and his shipmates
  “I enrolled in the RCN because I got      short period of time. I have met most        implemented a number of measures,
the opportunity to travel the globe         of my best friends through the RCN.”         including enhanced cleaning routines,
while being paid, and I didn’t have to        Operation NANOOK-TUUGAALIK                 to mitigate COVID-19-related risks and
move every two or three years like          takes place every year and is the            ensure the operation’s success.
other environments in the Canadian          primary CAF operation in this remote           “We are here to serve and protect,
Armed Forces (CAF).”                        region.                                      and that’s exactly what we will contin-       PO1 Matthew Pitman
  For PO1 Pitman, he is employed in           “For me, the operation represents          ue to do.”                                                                 SUBMITTED
Ex JOINT WARRIOR - Trident Newspaper
4                                                                                                                                                    TRIDENT NEWS          OCTOBER 5, 2020


                                                             Sailor of the Quarter credited
Editor: Virginia Beaton
 (902) 427-4235
                                                             for Op REASSURANCE work
Journalist: Ryan Melanson                                    By Ryan Melanson,
 reporter@tridentnews.ca                                     Trident Staff
 (902) 427-4231
Editorial Advisor: Margaret Conway
                                                               When HMCS Fredericton was prepar-            S1 Hann also worked above his rank           S1 Hann said he was grateful for the
 margaret.conway@forces.gc.ca                                ing for its Operation REASSURANCE            frequently, including acting as the          acknowledgement, and despite the
 902-721-0560                                                deployment in late 2019, S1 Ethan            Auxiliaries and Main Propulsion Mas-         difficulties of COVID-19 restrictions
www.tridentnewspaper.com                                     Hann, a MARTECH onboard the ship,            ter Sailor while others were on course       and tragedy at sea with the loss of
Trident is an authorized military publication distributed
                                                             was playing a key role. He was credited      or leave, and his dedication to broad-       Fredericton’s Cyclone helicopter and
across Canada and throughout the world every second          with ensuring Fredericton left Halifax       ening his expertise was said to embody       shipmates, described the deployment
Monday, and is published with the permission of Rear
Admiral Brian Santarpia, Commander, Joint Task Force
                                                             with a functioning steam generator,          the MARTECH mandate of expanding             as an important step for his career.
Atlantic. The Editor reserves the right to edit, condense    and for educating himself on electrical      the foundation of knowledge and skills         “It was my first deployment, so there
or reject copy, photographs or advertising to achieve the
aims of a service newspaper as defined by the Interim
                                                             maintenance procedures enough to fix         for members. His former Commanding           was a lot to learn and the first few
Canadian Forces Newspapers Policy dated April 11,            issues and bring the system back into        Officer, Cdr Blair Brown, who nomi-          months were pretty exciting. Things
2005. Deadline for copy and advertising is 10 a.m., 11
business days prior to the publication date. Material must   service while at sea.                        nated him for the award, said his reli-      got difficult from there, but we got
be accompanied by the contributor’s name, address and          This was just one of the ways that S1      ability, professionalism and initiatives     through it, and now I’m very happy to
phone number. Opinions and advertisements printed
in Trident are those of the individual contributor or        Hann has been lauded by his supervi-         made him a tremendous asset during a         be back home.”
advertiser and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or     sors and shipmates. He also worked           difficult deployment.
endorsements of the DND, the Editor or the Publisher.
                                                             long nights and weekends prior to
Le Trident est une publication militaire autorisée par le    deploying, served as training coordina-
contre-amiral Brian Santarpia, Commandant la force
opérationnelle interarmées de l‘Atlantique, qui est          tor for all MARTECH’S of his rank and
distribuée partout au Canada et outremer les lundis          below, and constantly set an example
toutes les quinzaines. Le rédacteur en chef se réserve
le droit de modifier, de condenser ou de rejeter les          for his peers and junior members
articles, photographies ou annonces publicitaires            while at sea.
jugées contraires aux objectifs d’un journal militaire
selon la définition donnée à politique temporaire des           In recognition for this hard work
journaux des forces canadiennes. L’heure de tombée des       before and during Fredericton’s de-
annonces publi- citaires ou des articles est fixée à 1000
le jeudi précédant la semaine de publication. Les textes     ployment, S1 Hann was presented with
peuvent être soumis en français ou en anglais; ils doivent
indiquer le nom, l’adresse et le numéro de téléphone du
                                                             MARLANT’s Sailor of the Quarter
collaborateur. Les opinions et les annonces publicitaires    award on September 24, with Cmdre
imprimées par le Trident sont celles des collaborateurs et
agents publicitaires et non nécessairement celles de la
                                                             Richard Feltham, Commander Canadi-
rédaction, du MDN ou de l’éditeur.                           an Fleet Atlantic, and Fleet Chief CPO1
    Annual Subscription (25 issues):                         Darcy Burd visiting HMCS Charlotte-
    • NS: $37.38 ($32.50 + 15 % HST)                         town’s shore office to make the presen-
    • ON, NB & NFLD: $36.73 ($32.50 + 13% HST)
    • BC: $36.40 ($32.50 + 12% HST)                          tation at S1 Hann’s new unit.
    • Remainder of Canada:                                     “I can’t lie, I was a little bit shocked
    $34.13 ($32.50 + GST)
    • United States: $45 US                                  when I found out about this,” said
    • Abroad: $65 US                                         S1 Hann, who was humble about the
    Courier address:                                         praise from his superiors. He said he
    2740 Barrington Street,
    Halifax, N.S.                                            had mentorship that helped him gain
    B3K 5X5                                                  the expertise needed to keep equip-
    Publication Mail Agreement No.                           ment running at sea, and that his
                                                             shipmates also played a big role.
    Return undelivered Canadian address to:
    Trident Newspaper Bldg. S-93                               “I really can’t take all the credit for
    PO Box 99000                                             these things. The entire department
    Station Forces, Halifax, NS B3K 5X5
                                                             was great, they gave me a lot of help,       S1 Ethan Hann was presented with MARLANT’s Sailor of the Quarter award
    Return Postage Guaranteed
    ISN 0025-3413                                            and I really enjoyed spending time           on September 24. The presentation was made by Cmdre Richard Feltham,
    Circulation: Minimum 8,500                               with a lot of our people,” he added.         Commander Canadian Fleet Atlantic, and Fleet Chief CPO1 Darcy Burd.
                                                                                                                                                                         MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA

Launch of the 2020 NDWCC – Halifax Region
By NDWCC Coordination Team – Halifax Region

  On Monday, September 28, we offi-                            Notably, we’re excited to announce         year courtesy of the Trident Newspa-         questions: How will I be canvassed if
cially launched the 2020 National De-                        two new, online resources this year          per. This website lists a multitude of       I’m working from home? What local
fence Workplace Charitable Campaign                          that will make your participation easi-      NDWCC resources including a local            and national health/social/community
(NDWCC) here in the Halifax region!                          er than ever!                                contact list, Q&A document, recogni-         issues should I consider when deciding
  This year, for the health and safety                         • ePledge: For the first time ever,        tion page and more! It will be updated       where to direct my funds? How can I
of our members and our NDWCC part-                           Defence Team members can donate on-          as resources become available. Take          create a virtual fundraising event?
ners, we moved our campaign kickoff                          line using ePledge, which is a secure,       a look! www.tridentnewspaper.com/              As a Defence community, let’s get
online! Please take a few minutes to                         convenient (web based, mobile friend-        ndwcc2020                                    Ready to Help and Ready to Lead this
watch and listen to our kickoff video,                       ly) and simple way to give. Check it out       Please join us online this campaign        campaign season. Despite being p
featuring our NDWCC Champion, CFB                            here: https://uwco.ca/gcwcc/donate.          season.  Make sure to follow CFB             hysically apart, we can work together
Halifax Base Commander Capt(N)                               For instructions on using ePledge,           Halifax on Facebook (@BaseHalifax),          to make a big difference in our
Williams and several NDWCC ambas-                            visit https://tridentnewspaper.com/          Twitter (@CFBHalifax) and Instagram          communities.
sadors, which will provide you a sneak                       ndwcc2020/ndwcc-qa/; and                     (@cfbhalifax_bfchalifax) for informa-
peek into what’s to come this campaign                         • A publicly accessible 2020 NDW-          tion on ePledging, remote canvass-
season. https://www.facebook.com/                            CC (Halifax region) website: A 2020          ing, NDWCC events and more! We’ll
BaseHalifax/videos/2463981493902412/                         NDWCC website has been created this          help you answer some important
Ex JOINT WARRIOR - Trident Newspaper
5                                                                                                                               TRIDENT NEWS            OCTOBER 5, 2020

Lancement de la CCMTDN – Région d’Halifax
Par L’équipe de coordination de la CCMTDN – Région d’Halifax

   Lundi, le 28 septembre, nous avons       en sûr, pratique (site Web, peut être       distance, les activités de la CCMTDN        Comment puis-je créer une activité de
lancé officiellement la Campagne            utilisé avec les appareils portables)       et plus encore! Nous vous aiderons à        collecte de fonds virtuelle?
de charité en milieu de travail de la       et simple de faire un don. Consultez        répondre à certaines questions impor-         En tant que communauté de la
Défense nationale 2020 (CCMTDN) ici         son site https://uwco.ca/ccmtgc/don.        tantes : Comment serai-je sollicité si je   Défense, soyons Prêts à Aider et Prêts
dans la région d’Halifax.                   Pour des instructions sur l’utilisation     travaille à domicile? Quels enjeux lo-      à Diriger durant cette campagne.
   Cette année, pour la santé et la         d’ePledge, consultez https://uwco.ca/       caux et nationaux en matière de santé/      Bien que nous soyons physiquement
sécurité de nos membres et de nos           gcwcc/donate                                société/communauté devrais-je pren-         séparés, nous pouvons travailler
partenaires de la CCMTDN, nous                 • Un site Web de la CCMTDN               dre en considération pour décider à qui     ensemble pour faire une grande dif-
avons donné le coup d’envoi de notre        2020 (région d’Halifax) accessible          je souhaite que mes fonds soient remis?     férence dans nos collectivités.
campagne en ligne! Veuillez prendre         publiquement : Un site Web de la
quelques minutes pour regarder et           CCMTDN 2020 a été créé cette année
écouter notre vidéo de lancement, met-      grâce au journal Trident. Ce site Web
tant en vedette notre champion de la        présente une multitude de ressources
CCMTDN, le Captv Williams, comman-          concernant la CCMTDN, y compris une
dant de la BFC Halifax, et plusieurs        liste de personnes-ressources locales,
ambassadeurs de la CCMTDN, qui              un document de questions et réponses,
vous donnera un aperçu de ce qui aura       une page de reconnaissance et plus
lieu durant cette campagne. https://        encore! Il sera mis à jour au fur et à
www.facebook.com/BaseHalifax/vid-           mesure que les ressources seront dis-
eos/2463981493902412/                       ponibles. Jetez-y un coup d’œil! www.
   Nous sommes notamment ravis d’an-        tridentnewspaper.com/ndwcc2020
noncer deux nouvelles ressources en            Joignez-vous à nous en ligne pour
ligne cette année qui faciliteront votre    cette campagne. Assurez-vous de
participation plus que jamais!              suivre la BFC Halifax sur Facebook (@
   • ePledge : Pour la toute première       BaseHalifax), Twitter (@CFBHalifax)
fois, les membres de l’Équipe de la         et Instagram (@cfbhalifax_bfchalifax)
Défense peuvent faire un don en ligne       pour obtenir des renseignements sur
en utilisant ePledge, qui est un moy-       les dons en ligne, la sollicitation à

Department of National Defence is making sure military
spouses and partners have more job opportunities

   The Department of National Defence       have options for transferring my job,       Sajjan, Minister of National Defence .      streams such as information man-
is making it easier for military spous-     finding a new job, or putting my job on     “Military partners—mostly women—            agement and information technology
es and common-law partners to find          hold while on a temporary posting. My       face a high degree of career instability    (IM/IT), procurement, materiel man-
secure and meaningful jobs. Today,          employer is across Canada, and there        as a result of the frequent relocations.    agement, language teaching, health
the Military Spouse Employment Initia-      are many opportunities to grow within       This initiative creates better options      services, administration, and general
tive will open up opportunities for them    the Department of National Defence          for military spouses to find good jobs      services, as well as general trades and
across the entire federal public service.   community. I feel extremely secure in       and benefits within the federal pub-        labour.
   The average military family relocates    my career, and I’m proud to be contrib-     lic service, and is exactly the kind of       The initiative supports several
three times more often than the average     uting to my own pension and making          tangible support that helps improve         objectives outlined in Canada’s defence
Canadian family. This means uprooting       a career for myself.” Opening up the        the overall wellbeing of the military       policy, Strong, Secured, Engaged. Those
their lives, changing their routines,       employment inventory to the entire          families who contribute so much to our      objectives seek to support military
and encountering new challenges on          federal public service will ensure there    country. Employing a Canadian mili-         families by addressing and alleviating
a regular basis. As a result, it can be     are more stories like Justine’s.            tary spouse is a wise strategic decision    the employment challenges that they
very challenging for partners of serv-        Further, at the Department of Na-         for any employer. Military life teaches     face when relocating across Canada.
ing members to secure continuous            tional Defence, military partners can       our Canadian Armed Forces families          The Military Spouse Employment
and meaningful employment. To help          now be considered as a hiring option        to organize, adapt, manage, and work        Initiative has won the Most Effective
address this challenge, in 2018, the        ahead of other candidates (with the         within a team, and any military spouse      Recruitment Strategy silver award
Department of National Defence creat-       exception of those with priority entitle-   will arrive at their new job with those     at the Canadian HR Awards 2020.
ed the Military Spousal Employment          ments or preference) if they meet all of    essential skills well-developed. By         The Military Spousal Employment
Initiative to identify job opportunities    the essential qualifications for the job.   hiring a military spouse, employers are     Initiative is a complement to a wide
at the Department of National Defence.      “Our Defence Policy, Strong, Secure,        strengthening Canada and Canadian           range of services available to military
Today’s announcement expands upon           Engaged, puts the care of members           business lines,” said Jody Thomas, Dep-     spouses through Canadian Forces
the initiative offering the entire Public   of the Canadian Armed Forces and            uty Minister of National Defence.           Morale and Welfare Services and local
Service access to a talented workforce.     their families at its core. Today, on          The inventory is open exclusively to     Military Family Resource Centres.
   The initiative has already proven        Military Family Appreciation Day,           spouses and common-law partners of          These services include the flagship Mil-
to ease some of the stress felt by many     we continue to build on our efforts to      serving CAF members, who either live        itary Spousal Employment Network,
military families, including Justine        support the families who serve along-       at the military member’s place of duty      launched in 2018. The Military Spousal
Walker’s. “I’m very grateful for my job,    side those in uniform, and the Military     or live separately for military reasons.    Employment Network boasts over 3,200
and I definitely wouldn’t have it if it     Spousal Employment Initiative is an         The CAF member must belong to the           military spouse participants and show-
wasn’t for the Military Spouse Employ-      important step to the commitment.           Regular Force or to the Reserve Force       cases national and virtual employers
ment Initiative,” said Justine Walker,      Military spouses and common-law             on Class C service or Class B reserve       interested in hiring military spouses
who works as a compensation assistant       partners will have more exposure            service of more than 180 consecutive        through an online platform and virtual
at National Defence. A military spouse,     helping them increase the likelihood        days. Those who meet the above crite-       and in-person. Last year, just over 25
Justine says her full-time position         of gaining meaningful employment,           ria are eligible to apply online to the     percent of military spouses who partic-
gives her security, both now and in the     wherever they are posted in the coun-       inventory.                                  ipated were hired through the Military
future. “When we get posted again, I’ll     try,” said The Honourable Harjit S.            The pool of talent includes many         Spousal Employment Initiative.
Ex JOINT WARRIOR - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS       OCTOBER 5, 2020                                                                                                                                     6

CFB Halifax hosts blood                                                                Plays Abbigail
donor clinic                                                                           By Garth Paul Ukrainetz,
                                                                                       Poet laureate of the Blackmud Creek
                                          So many Defence Team members donated
                                          blood in support of our communities          EDITOR’S NOTE:                           Amazing Grace how sweet the sound
                                          on September 18. Our latest Canadian         Ukrainetz wrote the following            That fills the world half way around
                                          Blood Services clinic, which took place at   poem as a tribute to the late SLt        Her highland cushion pressed to side
                                          Stadacona’s CF Health Services Centre        Abbigail Cowbrough. He was               Like Nova Scotia, filled with pride
                                          (Atlantic), reached 120% of its donation     inspired to do so after seeing a
                                          targets. Bravo Zulu to our local Defence     video of SLt Cowbrough playing           And waving tall above her head
                                          community, volunteers and healthcare         Amazing Grace on her bagpipes            Her maple leaf of crimson red
                                          practitioners for their dedication to this   from the deck of HMCS Freder-            On sea of blue a sky of cloud
                                          important cause, especially during these     icton, just a few days before her        Her mother and her father proud
                                          challenging times.                           tragic death.
                                                                                                                                While standing firm with pipe and bag
                                                                                       Published by permission of the           On dancing shadow of the flag
SAVE THE DATE: the next Canadian Blood Services clinic will take place on
                                                                                       author.                                  Her heart as big as ship’s full sail
November 20 on Base. For more information and to book your appointment now,
                                                                                                                                In gentle wind plays Abbigail.
please visit www.blood.ca.
                                       SYDNEY MACLEOD, BASE PUBLIC AFFAIRS INTERN

CFB Halifax Storm Line                                                                 Old Fish Shed in
  Please note that the CFB Halifax Storm Lines (902-721-8325 and 902-706-7830)
and 12 Wing Shearwater Storm Line (902-720-1305) can be called for information
on Base and Wing openings, closures and delays. The Storm Lines are updated
                                                                                       the Fog
by 6 a.m. daily. Our CFB Halifax social media sites (Twitter, Facebook and Ins-        By The Steel Spirit
tagram) will also be updated in the event of a Base closure or delayed opening.
                                                                                         Bill Murphy grew up in Truro, Nova Scotia. He joined the Army Re-
@BaseHalifax      @cfbhalifax_bfchalifax     @CFBHalifax                               serve on the day he turned 16 and was sworn into the regular army when
                                                                                       he was eight days over 17 in 1961. Bill served for a bit over 21 years, did
                                                                                       a full 1 year tour in Egypt UNEF 1 and 2 full tours with UNEF 2 and
                                                                                       UNDOF (Egypt and Syria). He also served 4 1/2 years in Germany with 1
                                                                                       RCHA Signal Troop.
                                                                                          “Remembrance is usually near the surface of my thinking and I often
                                                                                       think of the fine people who I had the honour of serving with. A large
                                                                                       number of them are now gone. If I had a bucket list, #1 I would go back
                                                                                       to the Middle East so I could visit 1 more time, with the UNEF 1 men
                                                                                       who are buried in the Canadian Section of the Gaza War cemetery.”
                                                                                          Post military life, Bill spent most of his time farming. Upon turning
                                                                                       65 he realized that he could no longer keep going at the physical pace
                                                                                       required. They sold the farm and moved.
                                                                                         “Without my cows I was more or less lost until I got it in my head that
                                                                                       I wanted to paint something.”
                                                                                         At the age of 70, Bill started to paint.
                                                                                         Artwork submissions by Military & First Responder Services.
                                                                                       The Steel Spirit is always looking for new and emerging artists
                                                                                       with and without experience, from every background and every
                                                                                         For more information or if you would like to be involved, please
                                                                                       visit: www.thesteelspirit.ca

                                                                                          MILITARY & FIRST RESPONDER SERVICES        MILITARY & FIRST RESPONDER SERVICES
Ex JOINT WARRIOR - Trident Newspaper
7                                                                                                                                      TRIDENT NEWS           OCTOBER 5, 2020

Un marin trouve l’expérience de l’Arctique extraordinaire
Par Lt Michel Thomassin,
Public Affairs Officer Officier des affaires publiques

   Cette année, NCSM Ville de Québec          tout en étant payé, et je n’ai pas à         travail, c’est les collègues. Vous pouvez     sante pour le m 1 Pitman et l’équipage
a participé à l’opération NANOOK-TU-          déménager tous les deux ou trois ans         créer des liens à vie avec des personnes      du NCSM Ville de Québec. En raison
UGAALIK 2020 dans le Nord canadien            comme d’autres éléments des Forces           avec lesquelles vous n’avez navigué           de la pandémie actuelle de COVID-19
et ce fut une première expérience pour        armée canadienne (FAC). »                    que pendant une courte période. La            et des restrictions associées en place,
le technicien responsable en génie des          Pour le m 1 Pitman, le métier de ses       plupart de mes meilleurs amis, je les ai      l’opération NANOOK-TUUGAALIK
armes, le Maître de 1re classe (m 1)          rêves est ce qu’il fait présentement. «      rencontrés grâce à la MRC. »                  2020 a été un déploiement plus court
Matthew Pitman.                               Le métier de technicien en génie des           L’opération NANOOK-TUUGAA-                  que les années précédentes, sans visites
   « Ce déploiement est particulier car       armes convient particulièrement aux          LIK se déroule chaque année et est la         de port ni activités de relations com-
tout en étant chez soi, on a vraiment         personnes manuelles qui aiment tra-          principale opération des Forces armées        munautaires. Cependant, le m 1 Pitman
l’impression d’être à l’étranger. C’est       vailler avec de l’équipement mécanique       canadiennes dans cette région isolée.         et ses collègues ont adopté plusieurs
très dépaysant. »                             et électronique comme les systèmes de          « L’opération signifie pour moi la          mesures, y compris des routines de
   Originaire d’Eastern Passage en            radar, de sonar, de communication et         protection de notre souveraineté et de        nettoyage accrues, pour atténuer les
Nouvelle-Écosse, il s’est enrôlé dans la      de réseau à bord du navire. »                nos intérêts dans le Nord, la coopéra-        risques liés au COVID-19 et assurer le
Marine royale canadienne (MRC) il y a           Habitué des déploiements, il a par-        tion avec les autochtones et de faire         succès de l’opération.
un peu plus de 17 ans.                        couru les océans et a visité des dizaines    preuve de détermination dans le dos-             « Nous sommes ici pour servir et
   « J’ai joint la MRC car j’ai l’occa-       de pays sur tous les continents, mais        sier du passage du Nord-Ouest. »              protéger et c’est exactement ce que
sion de voyager dans le monde entier          selon lui, « la meilleure partie de ce         Bref, cette expérience fut enrichis-        nous continuerons à faire. »

Fire Prevention Week 2020
By National Fire Prevention Association

  Fire Prevention Week 2020 runs                    onto stove burners and catch fi-       AND PRACTICE                                    •   Going to your outdoor meeting
from October 4 – 10. This year’s theme              Wear short, close-fitting, or tight-     Home fire escape planning should                  place
is Serve Up Safety in the Kitchen. The              ly rolled sleeves when cooking         include the following:                          •   Calling 9-1-1 or the local emergen-
National Fire Protection Association            •   Have a kid-free zone of at least         •    Drawing a map of each level of               cy number from a cell phone or a
has created the following list of fire pre-         3 feet (1 metre) around the stove            the home, showing all doors and               neighbor’s phone
vention ideas for people to use in order            and areas where hot food or                  windows
to make their home, businesses, and                 drink is prepared or carried.            •    Going to each room and pointing        HEATING
places of recreation safer for everyone.                                                         to the two ways out                      Heating equipment is one of the lead-
                                              SMOKE ALARMS                                   •   Making sure someone will help            ing causes of home fires during the
COOKING                                         Smoke alarms detect and alert people             children, older adults, and people       winter months.
   Cooking is the leading cause of home       to a fire in the early stages. Smoke               with disabilities wake up and get        •   Space heaters are the type of
fires and home fire injuries. Thanks-         alarms can mean the difference be-                 out                                          equipment most often involved in
giving is the leading day for fires           tween life and death in a fire.                •   Teaching children how to escape              home heating equipment fires.
involving cooking equipment.                                                                     on their own in case you cannot          •   All heaters need space. Keep
   •   The leading cause of fires in the        •    Working smoke alarms cut the                help them                                    anything that can burn at least 3
       kitchen is unattended cooking.               risk of dying in a home fire in          •   Establishing a meeting place                 feet (1 meter) away from heating
   •   Stay in the kitchen when you                 half.                                        outside and away from the home               equipment.
       are frying, boiling, grilling, or        •   Install smoke alarms in every                where everyone can meet after            •   Have a 3-foot (1-metre) kid-free
       broiling food.                               sleeping room, outside each sep-             exiting                                      zone around open fires and space
   •   If you are simmering, baking, or             arate sleeping area, and on every        •   Having properly installed and                heaters.
       roasting food, check it regularly            level of the home, including the             maintained smoke alarms                  •   Purchase and use only portable
       and stay in the home.                        basement.                                •   Pushing the smoke alarm button               space heaters listed by a qualified
   •   Always keep a lid nearby when            •   Test smoke alarms at least once a            to start the drill • Practicing what         testing laboratory.
       cooking. If a small grease fire              month using the test button.                 to do in case there is smoke: Get        •   Have a qualified professional
       starts, slide the lid over the pan       •   Make sure everyone in the home               low and go. Get out fast.                    install heating equipment.
       and turn off the burner. Leave               understands the sound of the             •    Practicing using different ways         •   Maintain heating equipment
       the pan covered until it’s cool.             smoke alarm and knows how to                 out and closing doors behind you             and chimneys by having them
   •   Keep anything that can catch fire            respond.                                     as you leave                                 cleaned and inspected by a qual-
       away from your stovetop.                                                              •   Never going back for people, pets,           ified professional at least once a
   •   Loose clothing can hang down           HOME FIRE ESCAPE PLANNING                          or things                                    year.
Ex JOINT WARRIOR - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS        OCTOBER 5, 2020                                                                                                                                       8

New training facility at CFB Halifax helps
student sailors prepare for the future

  With the completion of a new naval       to the modernization and digitiza-         complex were completed in 2015 and         our greenhouse gas emissions and sav-
training facility at CFB Halifax, the      tion of the naval training system.”        2016, respectively. The main entrance      ing on energy costs while supporting
Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN) next           On the back wall of the building,          to CFB Halifax’s Stadacona property        the needs of a modern navy. In total,
generation of sailors had more to look     a large mural highlights the vast          was also realigned to improve traffic      DND’s recent investments in CFB Hal-
forward to than classwork when they        history of the RCN in Halifax,             flow for both Defence Team members         ifax infrastructure have helped create
returned to training this summer.          with ship silhouettes and images           working on Base and local residents        economic opportunities for the com-
  CFB Halifax’s newest building is a       of Halifax Harbour from decades            transiting through the neighbourhood.      munity, and a more cohesive, modern,
modern, functional, and green 9,500-       past. The mural was designed by            By modernizing and greening our de-        and functional campus for personnel
m2 training facility designed to meet      Department of National Defence             fence infrastructure, we are reducing      stationed at the Base.
the educational requirements of a 21st     employee Shelly Gillis, with images
century navy. Completed in May 2020,       from the Naval Museum of Halifax.
this $57.8-million facility provides       “In Halifax, we are proud of our
space for sailors to study, learn, and     identity as a military town and CFB
develop the skills they need to support    Halifax is integral to the fabric of our
the RCN’s naval operations at home         city,” said Andy Fillmore, the Member
and abroad.                                of Parliament for Halifax. “With the
  The facility’s main tenant, Naval        completion of this new naval training
Fleet School (Atlantic), welcomed the      facility, the federal government is
first sailors for training in June. The    continuing to provide the members
building features a large, shared train-   of the Canadian Armed Forces with
ing space, auditorium, and classrooms      the infrastructure, resources, and
for formal learning, as well as hands-     support they need to do their import-
on learning with naval equipment,          ant work on behalf of our nation.”
including a small arms simulator. To       Aside from the benefits for sailors,
provide sailors with realistic training    this project also helped contribute to
while ashore, the inside of the build-     the local Halifax economy. “Completed
ing also features a three-storey train-    on time and on budget by local com-
ing area that mimics the interior of a     pany, Bird Construction, this project
ship.                                      has created around 160 jobs during
  In the words of Capt(N) Jason Boyd,      construction and will help reduce
Commander Naval Personnel and              DND’s greenhouse gas emissions
Training Group, the facility provides,     in our region,” said MP Fillmore.
“the adaptability and flexibility to       This naval facility is the most recent     A classroom in CFB Halifax’s new naval      The naval training facility’s multi-floor
develop and support the instruction        of a number of infrastructure proj-        training facility.                          Close Engagement Ammunition Simu-
of our sailors so they are ready to        ects at CFB Halifax that consolidated        CPL RENZO RUIZ HAAS, FORMATION IMAGING    lation System (CEASS) trainer includes
meet the needs of our Fleet, now           accommodation, training, and support                                      SERVICES     modifiable spaces that mimic the interi-
and into the future.” According to         facilities into three new buildings.                                                   or of a Royal Canadian Navy vessel.
Capt(N) Boyd, the completion of            A personnel support facility and a                                                      CPL RENZO RUIZ HAAS, FORMATION IMAGING
the facility is a “tremendous boon         new Junior Ranks accommodation                                                                                          SERVICES

Ex JOINT WARRIOR - Trident Newspaper
9                                                                                                                                   TRIDENT NEWS              OCTOBER 5, 2020

The new Common Support Training Facility’s main tenant is the Naval Fleet School (Atlantic). The building features a large, shared training space, auditorium, and class-
rooms for formal learning.
                                                                                                                                 CPL RENZO RUIZ HAAS, FORMATION IMAGING SERVICES

Le nouveau centre d’instruction à la BFC Halifax
permet de mieux préparer les marins de demain
Par le MRC AP

   Grâce à l’achèvement des travaux au       du Groupe du personnel et d’instruction     locale, Bird Construction, ce projet a        BFC Halifax a aussi été réalignée afin
nouveau centre d’instruction navale à        de la Marine, le centre offre « l’adapt-    généré la création d’environ 160 em-          d’améliorer la circulation tant pour les
la BFC Halifax, les marins de demain         abilité et la souplesse nécessaires pour    plois durant la phase de construction         membres de l’Équipe de la Défense tra-
de la Marine royale canadienne (MRC)         développer et appuyer l’instruction de      et contribuera à réduire les émissions        vaillant à la Base que pour les résidents
avaient beaucoup plus à découvrir            nos marins afin qu’ils soient prêts à       de gaz à effet de serre du ministre de la     de la région qui traversent le quartier.
que le contenu de leurs cours lors de la     répondre aux besoins de notre flotte,       Défense nationale (MDN) dans notre            Enfin, en modernisant et en écologisant
reprise de leur instruction cet été.         aujourd’hui et à l’avenir. » Selon le       région, » a ajouté le député Fillmore.        nos infrastructures de défense, nous
   L’édifice le plus récent de la BFC Hal-   Capv Boyd, l’achèvement du centre           Cette installation navale est la plus         réduisons nos émissions de gaz à effet
ifax est un centre d’instruction mod-        est « l’un des grands avantages de la       récente d’une série de projets d’infra-       de serre et les coûts liés à l’énergie,
erne, fonctionnel et écologique d’une        modernisation et de la numérisation         structure réalisés à la BFC Halifax           tout en répondant aux besoins d’une
superficie de 9 500 m2 qui a été conçu       du système d’instruction navale. »          pour regrouper les installations de           marine moderne. Dans l’ensemble, les
pour répondre aux besoins en matière         Sur le mur arrière de l’édifice, une        logement, d’instruction et de soutien         investissements récents du MDN dans
d’instruction de la marine du 21e siè-       grande muraille illustre la longue          dans trois nouveaux édifices. Un centre       les infrastructures de la BFC Halifax
cle. Achevé en mai 2020 et construit au      histoire de la MRC à Halifax, avec des      de soutien du personnel et un nouveau         ont permis de créer des emplois dans la
coût de 57,8 millions de dollars, il offre   silhouettes de navire et des images         complexe de logements à l’intention des       région et d’offrir au personnel en poste
aux marins un espace où ils peuvent          du port d’Halifax au cours des décen-       caporaux et des soldats ont été achevés       à la Base un complexe plus cohérent,
étudier, apprendre et acquérir les com-      nies. La muraille a été conçue par une      en 2015 et 2016, respectivement. L’entrée     moderne et fonctionnel.
pétences dont ils auront besoin pour         employée du ministère de la Défense na-     principale du site de Stadacona de la
appuyer les opérations navales de la         tionale, Shelly Gillis, à partir d’images
MRC au pays et à l’étranger.                 fournies par le Musée naval d’Halifax.
   Le principal occupant de l’édifice,       « À Halifax, nous sommes fiers de notre
l’École navale (Atlantique), a accueilli     identité en tant que ville militaire, et
ses premiers stagiaires en juin. Les         la BFC Halifax fait partie intégrante
installations comprennent un grand           de la structure de notre ville, » a dé-
espace d’instruction partagé, un au-         claré Andy Fillmore, député d’Halifax.
ditorium et des salles de classe pour        « Grâce à la construction de ce nouveau
l’apprentissage formel, et il est possi-     centre d’instruction navale, le gouver-
ble pour les stagiaires d’acquérir une       nement fédéral continue de fournir aux
expérience pratique avec l’équipement        membres des Forces armées cana-
naval sur place, dont un simulateur          diennes les infrastructures, les ressou-
d’armes légères. Les marins peuvent          rces et le soutien dont ils ont besoin
aussi s’entraîner de façon réaliste pen-     pour accomplir leur important travail
dant qu’ils sont à terre, car l’intérieur    au nom de notre pays. »
de l’édifice comporte également une            Outre les avantages qu’il présente
zone d’entraînement de trois étages qui      pou les marins, ce projet a aussi per-
reproduit l’intérieur d’un navire.           mis de stimuler l’économie locale
   Pour reprendre les mots du capitaine      d’Halifax. Réalisé dans le respect des      The mural on the Gottingen Street-facing, exterior back wall of the new CFB Halifax naval
de vaisseau Jason Boyd, commandant           délais et du budget par une entreprise      training facility, which highlights the Royal Canadian Navy’s history in Halifax.
                                                                                                                                CPL RENZO RUIZ HAAS, FORMATION IMAGING SERVICES
Ex JOINT WARRIOR - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS       OCTOBER 5, 2020                                                                                                                             10

                                                                              Into the Deep: HMCS
                                                                              Victoria returns to sea
                                                                              By Peter Mallett
                                                                              Staff Writer

                                                                                HMCS Victoria achieved another           warships and submarines. It is a game
                                                                              milestone last week as part of its ongo-   changer for the class,” said Capt(N)
                                                                              ing sea trials.                            Ouellet.
                                                                                With the diesel electric submarine         The Force Commander also congrat-
                                                                              operating on the surface near Esqui-       ulated the crew of Victoria, military
                                                                              malt, a CH-148 Cyclone helicopter          and civilian workers from FMF CB, the
                                                                              hovered above to practice transferring     Formation Technical Authority, Bab-
                                                                              equipment and personnel – a first for a    cock Canada, Seaspan Victoria Ship-
                                                                              Victoria-class submarine and this new      yards, and the Government of Canada’s
                                                                              helicopter.                                Director General Maritime Equipment
                                                                                “This serial allowed both units to       Program for preparing Victoria for its
                                                                              update their standard operating pro-       return to sea.
                                                                              cedures for helicopter transfer with         “It is also important to recognize
                                                                              this new airframe,” said Capt(N) Jean      HMCS Chicoutimi and its crew who
                                                                              Stéphane Ouellet, Commander Cana-          played a critical role in supporting
                                                                              dian Submarine Force. “The subma-
                                                                              rine crew gained valuable experience
                                                                              from this interaction.”
                                                                                Victoria and its 48-person crew re-
                                                                              turned to sea Sept.18 after a five-year
                                                                              hiatus in dry dock where it underwent
                                                                              routine maintenance, repairs, and
                                                                                “The return of HMCS Victoria to sea
                                                                              marked a significant achievement for
                                                                              the Canadian Submarine Force and its

Faces of the Base:
                                                                              submarine enterprise partners. It is
                                                                              the result of our collective hard work,
                                                                              resilience, determination, and dedica-

CPO2 Hugh Webber                                                              tion,” said Capt(N) Ouellet.
                                                                                That return also marked the re-
                                                                              sumption of Canadian submarine op-
  Meet one of our newest #FaceofBaseHFX: CPO2 Hugh Webber. CPO2               erations following a pause that began
Webber is the Clinical Company Sergeant Major (CCSM) at Canadian              in 2018 when HMCS Windsor returned
Forces Health Services Centre (Atlantic). His role includes coordinating      from a Mediterranean deployment.
development of Medical Techs, Lab Techs and Diagnostic Imaging Techs,           Eleven other personnel are on board
through coaching on difficult tasks and providing insight to the succession   Victoria for the trials including sub-
planning for all personnel within the clinic’s Primary Care and Diag-         mariners in training and Sea Training
nostics Therapeutics Services team. CPO2 Webber is also the new CFB           staff.
Halifax Blood Donor Coordinator Liaison Officer. This secondary duty            In addition, personnel from the
involves liaising with CFB Halifax, 12 Wing Shearwater and Canadian           Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape
Blood Services to plan and organize Blood Donor Clinics within our local      Breton (FMF CB) were embarked to           Victoria, especially towards the end of
Defence community. CPO2 Webber feels great about this additional duty,        conduct specific equipment trials.         the repair work period when the Victo-
as it directly ties in to Canadians’ health and wellbeing. Bravo Zulu CPO2    After conducting trials at sea and         ria crew was required to commence its
Webber, and thank you for everything you do for the Base and our local        damage control exercises, Victoria         modified quarantine.” added Capt(N)
Defence Team.                                                                 returned alongside to address some         Ouellet.
                                                                              issues discovered during the trials          Those directly involved in the sea tri-
                                                                              before continuing on with the dived        als have been adhering to a COVID-19
                                                                              portion of the program.                    quarantine protocol with strict control
                                                                                At-sea trials test most major me-        of who can embark the submarine. It

Army cadets
                                                                              chanical and combat systems such           involves in-home quarantine for seven
                                                                              as propulsion, steering, sonars, and       days prior to embarking and COVID-19
                                                                              periscopes. It is also an occasion to      testing that has so far yielded no posi-
                                                                              re-familiarize the crew to working in      tive tests.

accepting new
                                                                              a submarine environment as not all           “Returning a submarine to sea is
                                                                              evolutions can be simulated alongside      always challenging; however, the
                                                                              or in the trainers.                        COVID-19 pandemic added an addition-
                                                                                Victoria will also conduct a deep        al level of complexity to that process

                                                                              dive scheduled for October to ensure       which we had never experienced be-
                                                                              the submarine is watertight and            fore,” said Capt(N) Ouellet.
                                                                              confirm all of its on-board systems are      Following completion of the sea
                                                                              operational at its maximum allowable       trials, the focus for Victoria will be to
                                                                              depth.                                     train new submariners while contribut-
By 3036 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps                                         As part of the five-year work period,    ing to continental defence, said Capt(N)
                                                                              Victoria received the new BQQ-10 so-       Ouellet.
  The 3036 Sackville Lions            us to set up a registration and in-     nar, also used on board United States        The next major milestone for the
RCEME Royal Canadian Army             formation phone call: cadets3036@       Navy attack submarines, and a new          Canadian Submarine Force will occur
Cadet Corps will be accepting         gmail.com. There are no registra-       battery.                                   in the coming months with the antic-
new youth between the ages of 12-18   tion fees. For more information,          “This new state-of-the-art sonar sys-    ipated return to sea of Windsor on the
to join the cadet corps.              email cadets3036@gmail.com or           tem will radically improve our ability     East coast.
   New cadets are welcome to email    go to Facebook.com/cadets3036           to detect, classify, and track quiet
11                                                                                           TRIDENT NEWS   OCTOBER 5, 2020

     The BMO
     Canadian Defence
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         See bmo.com/cdcbcontest for full terms and conditions.
TRIDENT NEWS         OCTOBER 5, 2020                                                                                                                                 12

Fall for self-care
By Victoria Stead
P.Dt., A/Health Promotion Manager

   The Back to School season as kids       air is associated with helping to pre-
certainly impacts us and shapes us         vent depression, improved mood and
into our adulthood. So many say they       better concentration. Take advantage
find fresh motivation and kick start       of Nova Scotia’s remarkable season
new beginnings come the fall season.       and go for a fall hike in the Cape Bret-
As Gretchen Rubin, author of The           on Highlands or apple picking in the
Happiness Project says, “September         Annapolis Valley. Take in the foliage,
is the other January.” In other words,     the chilly mornings and all things
this may be the perfect time to re-eval-   pumpkin-scented.
uate our goals, embrace a fresh start
and focus on our self-care routines.       LOCAL PRODUCE

                                                                                      Acute care training
   As daylight gets shorter and the          The change in the season is the best
air gets cooler, our time outdoors         time to adjust your eating habits. Go
becomes far and few between as we          to your local market and pick up fresh
grasp on to the last days of summer.       fall produce, like squash, root vege-

                                                                                      reboots for RCN
Our self-care routine in the fall looks    tables, beets and apples. Using these
quite different than in the summer,        ingredients will help you gain fresh
where we leave the memories of             enthusiasm for mealtime.
staycations, beach days, hikes and
campfires behind for evenings cozied       MORNING ROUTINE                            By Peter Mallett,
up inside with a book.                       Fall brings busier days and demand-      The Lookout Staff
                                           ing priorities. Set your alarm for five
LAYER UP                                   minutes earlier to enjoy your cup of
   Don’t let the crisp air keep you in     coffee on the back deck as a gift before      Medical staff aboard Pacific Fleet      depending on a ship’s location.”
- get dressed up in your warm layers       the demands on the day take over.          warships are improving their readi-          They trained in a simulated envi-
and spend time outdoors. The fresh                                                    ness to handle life-and-death emergen-     ronment with simulated patients, but
                                                                                      cies at sea.                               Capt Doucette said the supplies and
                                                                                         Three Physician Assistants and six      medication used by students were the
                                                                                      Medical Technicians recently com-          same ones available on a ship.
                                                                                      pleted a four-day Acute Care Team            Students were divided into three

October is Healthy
                                                                                      Training course from August 25 to          teams with their skills put to the test
                                                                                      28 at Albert Head Training Facili-         dealing with scenarios that included
                                                                                      ty. This group of students were the        traumatic injuries and medical emer-
                                                                                      first to complete the training held in     gencies.

Workplace Month
                                                                                      Esquimalt. Previously courses have           “Students were evaluated on their
                                                                                      been held in Vancouver but due to the      medical skill in evaluating the pa-
                                                                                      global COVID-19 pandemic organiz-          tient, the medical interventions they
                                                                                      ers had to switch gears and offered        performed, and the ongoing plan for
                                                                                      the course locally to Equimalt-based       patient care,” said Capt Doucette.
By Victoria Stead                                                                     medical staff. The 6th installment           The course was delivered by Physi-
P.Dt., A/Health Promotion Manager                                                     of the course is being planned for         cians, Critical Care Nursing Officers,
                                                                                      later this fall. Course organizers say     Physician Assistants, and Medical
   We spend a substantial part of our      •    Eat right. Explore the possibility    instruction focused on enhancing           Technicians from the Fleet Support
day in the workplace, usually seated           of keeping free healthy fruits on      the skill set and knowledge of ship’s      Medical Unit, 1 Canadian Field Hospi-
and often stressed out. We may not             hand, or take turns buying for         medical teams and their ability to         tal, and the Canadian Forces Trauma
think much of it, or we simply accept          your colleagues. Hold a healthy        operate successfully in a navy-specific    Training Centre (West) of Vancouver.
it as the nature of our work. But              potluck at lunchtime to inspire        environment.                                 Physical distancing and health
spending our days like this can put            better eating habits. Make water          Captain Irene Doucette of Canadian      protection measures were in place
strains on our mental and physical             more accessible by setting up a        Forces Health Services (Pacific), a        throughout the course, which Capt
health over time, ultimately impact-           water cooler close to your work        Physician Assistant employed within        Doucette said presented a separate
ing quality of work. This October is           station, and set daily hydration       Fleet Support Medical Unit and work-       challenge to students in delivering
Healthy Workplace Month, the best              goals.                                 ing for Coastal Forces, helped with        high-quality medical care in a pan-
time to make a change in your work-        •   Improve your space. Bring in a         the coordination of the event and also     demic environment.
place. Introducing healthy practices           couple of low maintenance plants       acted as an in-class mentor for the stu-     “Some of the scenarios also includ-
into the workplace has many bene-              to purify the air. Make sure that      dents. She says the rationale behind       ed simulated patients with COVID19-
fits, from improved mental health              your workplace is clean and hy-        the training is to fill an important       like symptoms with students being
and higher levels of creativity to             giene-equipped, with tissues and       gap, in that land-based units of the       challenged to work in full Personal
decreased healthcare costs and less            hand sanitizer readily available.      CAF have received similar training         Protective Equipment,” said Capt
staff turnover. Even the smallest                                                     (for land based operations) for several    Doucette.
of changes can have a great impact         Putting changes like these into            years but failed to address the various      Aside from scenario-based learning,
on your overall wellbeing, so here         practice is conducive to a healthier       demands of at-sea operations. The          students also participated in several
are some ideas to get this October         workplace as well as a healthier you,      RCN is in the process of reviewing         skills labs where they practised or
started:                                   so why not give it a try?                  this new training and its planned          learned new skills such as wound
                                                                                      roll-out across the Navy. Focus is also    care, IV medication preparation,
•   Get active. Introduce standing           http://healthyworkplacemonth.ca/         shifting to renewed training for our       using ventilators, and doing chest
    desks or take opportunities to         en/healthy-activity-ideas                  casualty clearers, the other import-       needle decompression.
    get up for a stretch. Encourage                                                   ant members of the onboard medical           Upon completion of the course,
    using breaks and lunches to move         https://www.webmd.com/women/             team.                                      students were presented with a certif-
    around; organize a walking group,      features/10-tips-to-improve-your-             “Being on board a ship with a crit-     icate from the new Regional Surgeon,
    hit the gym, practice yoga, or even    health-at-work#2                           ically ill or injured patient is a very    LCol Andrew Currie, and Pacific
    play a sport. Getting active with                                                 unique and demanding situation,”           Fleet Surgeon, LCdr Mitchell Drake.
    a friend or in a group can help          https://quickbooks.intuit.com/           she said. “Our ships sail in all weath-    Students were also credited with
    to keep you motivated. Suggest a       ca/resources/business/9-tips-for-a-        er conditions, often with prolonged        Continuing Professional Education
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