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     KDNPP 5365/10/2012 (031031)                      ISSUE 69   |   JUL - SEP 2020

Quo Vadis the post                 A tribute to        Spread compassion,
pandemic world?                    the front liners    not fear
Taking a look at                   Our heroes share    Making the world
ourselves, in the wake             their stories       a better place, together
of COVID-19                                                  BERITA SUNWAY | JUL— SEP 2020 |   1
                                                                             B E R I TA
You need to stop believing
                                                                             ISSUE 69 | JUL - SEP 2020
04 - 05 | QUO VADIS THE
An opinion piece from

Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheah AO

06 - 07 | NAVIGATING
An overview on how the world has       14 - 15 | TRAVEL WITH
changed since the pandemic             CONFIDENCE
                                       Stringent hygiene measures
HEROES OF SUNWAY                       implemented for safe and fun          Tan Sri Datuk Seri Razman M. Hashim
08 - 09 | THE FRONT LINERS             experiences                           Ong Pang Yen

OF COVID-19                                                                  EDITORIAL BOARD
Berita Sunway pays tribute to three    16 | SPREAD COMPASSION,               Yap Shi Han |
                                                                             May Lim |
Sunwayians who worked tirelessly in    NOT FEAR                              Tabitha Revi |
                                                                             Jane Lee |
the front lines during MCO             Making the world a better place,
                                       together                              CONTRIBUTORS
                                                                             Anis Shakirah Mohd Muslimin |
FEATURES                                                                     Lee Shaowen |
10 - 11 | COLLABORATION WITH           17 | THE INFECTIONS WE WANT:          Triningsih Ngadimun |
                                                                             Kishen Alex Raj |
FIGHT COVID-19                         GENEROSITY AND HEROISM                Sunway Group Brand Marketing & Communications
Research institute housed in JCBC to   Unearthing goodness in humanity       REGISTERED ADDRESS
develop COVID-19 vaccine                                                     Sunway Management Sdn Bhd
                                       18 | KEEPING HOPE ALIVE               Level 16, Menara Sunway
                                                                             Jalan Lagoon Timur, Bandar Sunway
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT                  IN TRYING TIMES                       47500 Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
                                                                             Tel: +603 5639 8889
12 | PIVOTING IN COVID-19:             Even with the pandemic at large,      URL:
JUMPSTART YOUR BUSINESS’               there are reasons to be hopeful in
                                                                             THIS IS A QUARTERLY PUBLICATION
                                       the future
ONLINE PRESENCE                                                              The views and opinions expressed or implied
                                                                             in Berita Sunway are those of the authors and
Brick-and-click strategy to survive
                                       19 | DO YOUR PART, STAY APART         do not necessarily reflect those of Sunway Group.
the new normal                                                               Unsolicited transparencies and articles are sent
                                       Why flattening the curve matters to   at owner’s risk and the Publisher accepts no liability
                                       overcoming the pandemic               for loss or damage.
13 | FIGHTING THE PANDEMIC                                                   DESIGN BY ADASIA (M) SDN BHD
WITH INNOVATION                        20 | #DUDUKRUMAH                      Printed on environmentally-friendly paper.
Contactless COVID-19 testing pod to    SURVIVAL GUIDE                        Information is correct at the time of printing.
protect healthcare workers             Ideas to keep you occupied as you     ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
                                                                             ©Copyright 2020
                                       stay at home                          by Sunway Group Brand Marketing & Communications.
                                                                             Should you wish to be on our mailing list, contact us at:

                                       21 | #KITAJAGAKITA: CHOOSING          SUNWAY GROUP BRAND MARKETING
                                                                             & COMMUNICATIONS
                                       KINDNESS IN A PANDEMIC                Level 18 Menara Sunway
                                       A clarion call for acts of kindness   Jalan Lagoon Timur, Bandar Sunway
                                                                             47500 Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
                                                                             Tel: +603 5639 8793/8059
                                       22 | BUILDING A NEW                   Send us your feedback at

                                       (SUSTAINABLE) NORMAL FOR
                                                                             PRINTING BY KUAN PRESS SDN BHD
                                       THE ENVIRONMENT                       No 1, Jalan Perindustrian PP 7
                                       See how Mother Nature flourishes      Taman Perindustrian Putra Permai
                                                                             43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor
                                       amid lockdowns                        Tel: +603 8959 2332


FIVE                                                                                    Myth: Sunlight kills
CORONAVIRUS                                                                             Fact:
                                                                                        •	Sunlight contains three

MYTHS                                                                                      types of ultraviolet light -
                                                                                           UVA, which tans your skin

                                                                                           and can cause eye damage;
                                                                                           UVB, which burns and
                                                                                           also ages skin; and UVC,
                                                                                           which is “the most harmful

                                                                                           one” because it is used to
                                                                                           destroy genetic material.
                                                                                        •	A concentrated form of UVC is now on the front line in the fight
                                                                                           against COVID-19. In China, whole buses are being disinfected by
                                                                                           the ghostly blue light each night.
                                                                                        •	However, exposing yourself to the sun or to temperatures
 Myth: Eating garlic,                                                                      higher than 25ºc does not kill the virus.
 onion, as well as
 drinking hot water
 help keep the
 virus away                                                                             Myth: I can contract coronavirus from
 Fact:                                                                                  a package sent from China
   Although garlic is a
    popular      flu   remedy                                                           Fact: World Health Organization (WHO) stressed that there is no
    in traditional Chinese                                                              risk of contamination by the novel coronavirus when receiving a
    medicine and may have                                                               package from China.
    some antimicrobial properties, there is no evidence that garlic
    will protect people from the coronavirus.
 •	Drinking hot water to kill the virus can also be misleading.
    Coronavirus can be killed in water at 56ºc or higher after 30
    minutes, but it is impossible for the human body to lift its
    temperature to 56ºc. Not only drinking hot water does not help,
    it also hurts your oesophagus.

 Myth: You can make your own
 hand sanitiser with whiskey and vodka                                                   Myth: Some claim 5G can suppress
                                                                                         the immune system, thus making
                                • Hand sanitiser that contains at                       people more susceptible to catching the
                                   least 60% alcohol works as a                          virus
                                   substitute to soap and water,                                                Fact:
                                   according to Centers for Disease                                             •	
                                                                                                                  Viruses cannot travel via radio waves/
                                   Control and Prevention.                                                        mobile networks. COVID-19 is spreading
                                • However, the alcohol available at                                              in many countries that do not have 5G
                                   our local stores has been diluted                                              mobile networks.
                                   with water for consumption, but                                              •	Dr Simon Clarke, associate professor in
                                   that also means it is no longer                                                cellular microbiology at the University of
                                   strong enough to kill microbes or                                              Reading told BBC News, “The 5G radio
                                   function as a hand sanitiser.                                                  waves are tiny and they are nowhere
                                                                                                                  near strong enough to affect the
                                                                                                                  immune system.”

Always verify information before sharing them to your family and friends. False information can induce unnecessary panic. You may follow the Ministry of Health on
Facebook and Twitter for verified updates on the COVID-19 outbreak in Malaysia.
Information extracted from WHO, The Star, BBC News and China Daily.

                                                                                                                             BERITA SUNWAY | JUL— SEP 2020 |     3

                                                           By Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheah AO

O       n 11 March 2020, the WHO declared COVID-19 as a global
        pandemic. It was merely an official acknowledgement of the
        reality that nations and populations were already experiencing.
                                                                                As the world takes frantic steps to recover from this devastating body
                                                                                blow, will it be a return to “business as usual” — as what happened
                                                                                following the 2007-2008 financial crisis — or will we use the occasion of
                                                                                this “pause” to hit the “reset” button?
Suddenly, the world came to a shuddering stop as the focus shifted,
rightly, to combating the virus and saving lives. There is little need for me   Will we have the will and the courage to take the necessary decisions and
to go into great detail here about the threat posed by this pathogen to our     steps to build a future that is just, progressive and sustainable for our
lives and its impact on economic livelihoods.                                   future generation?

Instead, I would like to focus on the fundamental question of where do we       Or are we tied to a future of rising income inequality, widening wealth
go from here?                                                                   disparities, polarised societies, sick and starving populations, dangerous
                                                                                geopolitical tensions, and an ailing planet?

I am an optimist by nature. Even in these deeply pessimistic times,           One of these key initiatives is for the SDG Academy, an online knowledge
I strongly believe that humanity will rise to the challenges that confront    network, to draw up a curriculum on sustainable development to be
us, and that we can navigate our way to a better tomorrow.                    mandated as a compulsory subject at K-12 levels around the world.
                                                                              Another is to set up three overarching SDSN centres to coordinate
Let’s start with our current economic system. Over the last 200 years,        continent-wide sustainability initiatives. These centres will be located
the world has enjoyed tremendous economic growth. The progress and            in New York City (North and South America); Paris (Europe and Africa);
prosperity are remarkable, but they have come at an enormous cost.            and Sunway City Kuala Lumpur (Asia).
We are now struggling to cope with the environmental, social and              These plans were scheduled to be announced by the Pope Francis at the
governance problems that growth has brought in its wake. The COVID-19         Vatican City on May 14. That announcement has now been rescheduled
pandemic has starkly exposed many of these shortcomings.                      to a later date because of the pandemic.
The reasons for how we have come to be where we are today are many.           I am particularly proud that Sunway University, where the SDSN centre
But I believe a major factor is our obsession with unbridled growth, as       for Asia will be housed, has been chosen as an important player in this
measured by the metric known as Gross Domestic Product (GDP).                 global effort. It reflects Sunway’s embrace of the sustainability agenda
                                                                              and our commitment to advancing the SDGs in the Asian region.
GDP has come to be perceived as a proxy for the wealth of a nation. But
while GDP may arguably be effective in measuring the standard of living,      The necessity of such efforts, at both practical and policy levels, takes
it largely falls short in valuing the quality of life.                        on greater urgency in the wake of the pandemic and its threat to lives
                                                                              and livelihoods.
We need a wider lens to measure how we are doing. We need metrics
that reflect our well-being as nations, communities and individuals, not      The impact of COVID-19 on public finances all over the world, with even
just a GDP number which bears little relation to every day reality.           governments led by neoliberal ideologues ramping up massive deficits, and
                                                                                                          on the bottom lines of corporations clearly
In the words of Professor Kate Raworth of
                                                                                                          implies the need for a change.

                                                       I mean a
Oxford University’s Environmental Change
Institute and author of the influential
                                                                                                           The very ethos of the capitalist system that
book “Doughnut Economics”: Instead of
                                                                                                           has dominated the past four decades is now
economies that need to grow, whether or
not they make us thrive, we need economies          (compassionate)                                        under increasing scrutiny.

                                                   capitalist system
that make us thrive, whether or not they                                                                   I welcome such initiatives. I am an
grow.                                                                                                      entrepreneur, and a firm supporter of
                                                                                                           capitalism and the efficacy of markets. But
Her views offer a conceptual framework
that prioritises people and shifts the focus
to quality of life, with economic growth
                                                  that motivates and                                       I submit that to build a better tomorrow, we
                                                                                                           must seize the opportunity to move beyond
being a means towards those ends.
                                                  incentives us to do                                      what some have called “cowboy capitalism”
                                                                                                           towards “compassionate capitalism.”
The good news is, the path towards this
transformation has already been charted
for us. On 25th September 2015, the 193
                                                  well by doing good.                                      To put it simply, I mean a capitalist system
                                                                                                           that motivates and incentivises us to do well
                                                                                                           by doing good — one that shifts the focus
members of the United Nations General
                                                                                                           from the quarterly bottom-line of profits
Assembly adopted the UN 2030 Agenda for
                                                                                                           to the “Three P” bottom-line of People,
Sustainable Development. The resolution
                                                                                                           Planet, Prosperity by taking into account the
calls for action through long-term development pathways comprising            interests of all stakeholders.
17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals serve as a
comprehensive and holistic global vision towards development that             This will entail a more balanced approach on determining the roles of
seeks to heal the socio-economic and environmental ills afflicting the        the market and the state. Indeed, over and above systemic change, it
world.                                                                        requires a shift in societal values.

A crucial aspect of the SDGs is their interconnectivity, and their emphasis   Perhaps this is best encapsulated in the remark by Mahatma Gandhi
on the human condition. For instance, many tend to think “climate             “The world has enough for everyone's needs, but not everyone's greed.”
change” when they hear the term sustainable development. However,
it is noteworthy that the first five SDGs – no poverty, zero hunger, good     In the wake of the pandemic, fulfilling everyone’s needs requires us to
health and well-being, quality education and gender equality – prioritise     take a piercing look at ourselves as individuals, and as a society. It calls
people.                                                                       for us to emphasise values such as compassion, empathy, tolerance and
Despite world-wide adoption, the SDGs are still largely perceived to be
aspirational. Their implementation by nations varies by wide degrees          It demands more equitable outcomes in policy-making by governments
and is limited by our economic and financial structures, and mindsets.        and market operations by the private sector.

The COVID-19 crisis offers a genuine opportunity to address these             And in keeping with Gandhi’s words, it means a system and values that
limitations and to advance the sustainability agenda through the SDGs.        place the highest priority on societal needs and curbs individual greed.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
is formulating several avenues through which to channel these efforts.        Systemic change and a shift in values represent an immense challenge
                                                                              to humanity. Are we — as individuals, families, communities and nations
                                                                              — prepared to “reset” our future?

Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheah AO is founder and chairman of Sunway Group, one of Malaysia’s largest conglomerates, and founder and trustee of the
Jeffrey Cheah Foundation. He is also a member of the global Leadership Council of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
and chairman of its Malaysian chapter.

                                                                                                                      BERITA SUNWAY | JUL— SEP 2020 |    5

THE NEW NORMAL IN                                                                                        HEIGHTENED HYGIENE
                                                                                                         AWARENESS AND

                                                                                                         SOCIAL DISTANCING
                                                                                                         Moving forward, there will be greater hygiene
                                                                                                         awareness among the people, particularly in
                                                                                                         hand washing and not touching one’s face,
                                                                                                         as well as new norms of social distancing
                                                                                                         and mask-wearing in public, said Sunway
                                                                                                         Medical Centre, clinical services COO Dr
                                                                                                         Ang Kong Hui.

J   ust a year ago, terms like social
    distancing,    quarantine
    handwashing were unheard of in

daily conversations and in public life.
                                          As of July 28, more than 16.6 million people had
                                          contracted COVID-19 in 188 territories, with over
                                          656,000 succumbing to the disease. In Malaysia, more
                                          than 8,900 people have contracted COVID-19, with 124
                                                                                                         When the RMCO is lifted, Malaysians should
                                                                                                         not let their guard down but continue to
                                                                                                         practise these new habits to create a safe
                                          deaths.                                                        environment for everyone, advised Ang.
Life as we knew it changed overnight
on March 11, when the WHO officially      Governments began imposing varying levels of                   “Currently there is no cure and even if there
classified the COVID-19 coronavirus       quarantines and lockdowns in a bid to stem the spread          was a vaccine, the virus can always mutate
infection as a pandemic - a worldwide     of the virus through social distancing.                        to become more virulent. A vaccine can help
spread of a new disease.                                                                                 in prevention, but we cannot be sure how
                                          On March 18, the Malaysian government introduced               many will be immune to a more virulent
                                          Movement Control Order (MCO) in response to                    strain of the virus,” he explained.
                                          COVID-19, which prohibited movement and mass
                                                                                                         Given that some COVID-19 infected persons
                                          assembly nationwide. International and domestic
                                                                                                         are asymptomatic, Ang underlined the
                                          travels were barred, and all government and private
                                                                                                         importance of Malaysians maintaining the
                                          premises were closed, save for essential services.             necessary precautions of mask-wearing,
                                                                                                         good hand hygiene and social distancing
                                          To date, the MCO has been extended five times, with            to protect others and themselves from
                                          the latest Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO)              the coronavirus. "Even more importantly,
                                          implemented from June 10 to August 31 - a “soft-               it is about safeguarding those who are
                                          landing” approach to safeguard the lives of Malaysians         immunocompromised, including the very
                                          as well as to gradually kickstart the nation’s economic        young and the elderly," said Ang.
                                                                                                         Currently,     Sunway   Medical      Centre
                                          Under the RMCO, Malaysia’s economic, social,                   encourages prospective patients and visitors
                                          educational, and religious sectors were progressively          to fill up a simple online questionnaire
                                          reopened with the government continuing close                  on their travel backgrounds and personal
                                          surveillance and monitoring of new COVID-19 cases.             health details on their mobile phones to
                                                                                                         minimise time spent in physical queues at
                                          Interstate-travel restrictions have been relaxed under         the hospitals.
                                          the RMCO (see Page 14 & 15 on travel with confidence)
                                          but international borders remain closed for the time           "Visitors are also required to scan QR codes
                                          being.                                                         for contact tracing via the app developed
                                                                                                         by the medical centre. Besides thermal
                                          With no vaccine in sight,                                      cameras at the entrance of hospitals, AI
                                          COVID-19 will continue                                         technology is in place to capture face mask
                                          to change the way                  Looking at the              compliance within the hospital premises.
                                          we live every day,             number of COVID-19                                We have teleconsultation
                                          as we adopt “the           infected cases that the MOH                           services and we are looking
                                          new normal” to          has published, people should have                        at ways to expedite online
                                          avoid contracting       confidence to face the new normal                        patient registrations and
                                          the virus.             without fear. However we should be                        online appointments to
                                                                 vigilant and not let our guard down                       avoid crowding in waiting
                                                                    until a safe, effective vaccine is                     areas," said Ang.
                                                                   available, the protective practices
                                                                     that we have learned over the
                                                                       past few months continue                                     Dr Ang Kong Hui,
                                                                              to protect us.                                         Sunway Medical
                                                                                                                                      Centre, Clinical
                                                                                                                                        Services COO

A RECOVERING                                         CREATING SAFE SPACES FOR ALL
ECONOMY                                              Sunway Malls & Theme Parks CEO HC Chan                 to non-essential retailers for 14 days during
                                                     said that the group has seen a recovery of 60%         Phase 1 of the MCO amounting to RM20 million.
The COVID-19 outbreak has adversely                  to 70% in footfalls and tenants' sales have
impacted the Malaysian economy and the               recovered by 30% to 40%. Chan estimates                “In the short-term, the sustainability of the
economic welfare of Malaysians. According            footfall recovery to hit 75% to 85% by year-end,       retail sector depends on how we can manage
to Department of Statistics Malaysia,                and tenants' sales projected to recover 50%            the revival of economic activity and the safety of
almost 47% of self-employed workers have             to 60% as more sectors such as leisure and             our communities. In the longer run, the industry
lost their jobs and for those who still keep         entertainment reopen for business under strict         will need to alter the mall business model. What
their jobs, 35.5% reported a decrease in             compliance to SOPs.                                    we will be seeing is the increasing prominence
income by over 90%.                                                                                         co-sharing, be it profit, risk or resources
                                                     “Prior to the RMCO, shoppers’ visits were more         between mall operators and retailers. The new
The overarching challenge for businesses             frequent, shorter, and focused. Interestingly,         maxim is one of shared prosperity and shared
is weak or falling demand, as consumers              shoppers are no longer confined to visiting            burden. Rental will largely be on percentage of
spend less due to layoffs, reduced wages             malls only on weekends. There were                          sales,” Chan elaborated.
and earnings, as well as virus infection             times when our footfall on weekdays
fears, said Professor Dr Yeah Kim Leng,              were higher than weekends – a new                            "Post MCO, Sunway Malls will be focusing
Professor of Economics at Sunway                     trend seen across all our malls,”                            on value retailing, with more tactical
University Business School and Director of           Chan added.                                                  campaigns. Events will take a backseat
the Economic Studies Programme at the                                                                             and will be evaluated on a case-by-case
Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia.           In May, Sunway Malls launched its                              basis to ensure strict adherence of new
                                                     “Your Safe Space, Our Safe Space”                                   SOPs," he added.
With lower domestic and overseas                     campaign to protect the safety and                                       “The move towards digital
demand, affected businesses are cutting              security of Sunway employees,                                            is seen to be intensified and
costs, adjusting workforce size, or delaying         visitors, and the community.                                             growing in importance too with
investment and expansion plans to survive
                                                                                                                              the new normal. Post MCO
the shutdown during the MCO period.                  “We have to brace for a new                                              will release some pent-up
                                                     normal post MCO. Until there is                                          demand as the opening of non-
However, Yeah is optimistic that Malaysia,           absolute certainty that the virus                                        essentials will see a degree of
with its diversified structure, well-developed       is completely eradicated, social                                         pickup. Much however will be
resource and manufacturing base and                  distancing will be heightened.                                           driven by economic outlook
strong financial system, is well-equipped            That is singularly the most                                              both globally and domestically.
to weather the looming global recession              important consideration,” he                                             Post COVID-19 will reveal new
relatively intact.                                   said.                                                                    business opportunities, or
                                                                                                                              perhaps enable businesses to
“Domestic tourism, hospitality and retail            Recognising the economic                                                 deliver differently,” Chan said.
sectors are recovering as businesses and             impact of the MCO on retailers,
consumers adjust to public health safety             Chan said the group waived rent                                          HC Chan,
requirements mandated by the Ministry of                                                                                      Sunway Malls & Theme Parks
Health. Some businesses could experience                                                                                      CEO
pent-up demand as younger consumers
unleash spending that had been held
back,” Yeah said.                                              TAPPING INTO NEW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                           Due to the pandemic, ‘stay at home’, ‘work from home’ and social distancing have
                                                The economic
Professor Dr Yeah Kim Leng,                                                  become part of the new normal. “Movement restrictions have led consumers
                                          recovery pace will depend
Sunway University Business                                                    to migrate in greater numbers to online shopping, mobile banking, and a
                                       on the nation’s ability to avoid
School Professor of                                                             whole gamut of digital services – home exercises, home cooking and online
                                     a virus resurgence following the
Economics and Economic                                                           entertainment,” Yeah added.
                                    lifting of movement restrictions as
Studies Programme
                                   well as the discovery of an effective
Director at the                                                                  Businesses are presented with the opportunity to innovate and prosper
                                   vaccine or treatment, both of which
Jeffrey Cheah Institute                                                          in the ‘new normal’ environment, as there has been an accelerated shift
                                    are expected within the next six to
on Southeast Asia                                                                towards digitalisation.
                                      12 months. In turn, the pace of
                                        economic recovery will shape
                                                                                 Besides e-commerce and online services, firms could leverage on Industry
                                          business, job, and income
                                                                                4.0 technologies that include robotics, automation, and artificial intelligence
                                              growth prospects.
                                                                              to reduce the threat of pandemics and other systemic shocks, said Yeah.
                                                                            (Turn to Page 12 to find out more about jumpstarting a business’ online presence)

                                                                                         “Businesses could also take advantage of COVID-19-induced
                                                                                           changes in work practices to enhance organisational
                                                                                             effectiveness, staff productivity and business profitability
                                                                                              through virtual meetings, online sales channels, ICT-
                                                                                               integrated supply chains and global-local sourcing networks
                                                                                                that are less prone to disruptions,” he said.

                                                                                                    "If there is one lesson that businesses could learn from
                                                                                                         the pandemic, it is to maintain capital buffers and
                                                                                                            precautionary savings to guard against unexpected
                                                                                                              shocks such as COVID-19," Yeah said.

                                                                                                                           BERITA SUNWAY | JUL— SEP 2020 |    7

                                                                                             OF COVID-19
                                                              it comes to
                                                         adapting to the new                                  hen the MCO was enforced in
                                                      normal, I always believe                             March, Malaysians were told to
                                                     practice makes perfect. A
                                                    repetition of something that
                                                                                                               stay home in a bid to flatten
                                                    initially started as unusual,                        the curve of COVID-19 infections.
                                                      will eventually become a                   However, not everyone had the privilege
                                                                 norm.                        of staying safely at home. From healthcare
                                                                                                    professionals to hotel employees and
                                                                                          zookeepers, front liners from different sectors
                                                                                          were required to work to ensure essential and
                                                                                                       critical services were provided for.

                                                                                         Berita Sunway pays tribute to three Sunwayians
                                                                                           who worked tirelessly in the front lines during
                                                                                          the MCO. They share their working experience,
                                                                                        the challenges they faced, as well as their hopes
                                                                                                   for Malaysia under the ‘new normal’.

                                                                             Low always ensures all personnel in the A&E and medical tent wear
                                                                             appropriate PPE, as they deal directly with potentially infected patients.
                                                  Dr Low Kwai Siong,         Working around the clock also takes a mental, physical, and emotional

                                              Sunway Medical Centre          toll on medical front liners, so Low makes sure his staff has adequate
                                               Consultant Emergency          time to rest and eat during their shifts by alternating their working hours.
                                           Physician and Head of The
                                         Accident & Emergency (A&E)          “Staff are divided into two teams to ensure that they do not cross-infect
                                                         Department          each other. Social distancing among the staff is also a must in common
                                                                             areas,” he said.

SERVICE ABOVE SELF                                                           When there was a shortage of PPEs worldwide, SunMed employees took
                                                                             it upon themselves to sew isolation gowns and make face shields for the
                                                                             front liners, on top of their existing job duties.
As consultant emergency physician and head of the Accident & Emergency
(A&E) department at Sunway Medical Centre (SunMed), Dr Low Kwai              He describes his experience as a front liner throughout the MCO period
Siong’s primary responsibility at work is to oversee the workflow of the     as an eye-opening one. “Being able to see my patients well and smiling
A&E department.                                                              as they walk out from the hospital is the best part of my job. Additionally,
                                                                             the tremendous teamwork and spirit among the A&E team members is
With the pandemic, Low’s daily schedule just got busier. He now              truly exceptional. Great things in medicine are never done by one person.
has regular meetings with SunMed’s COVID-19 Taskforce to create,             They're done by a great team of people,” he said.
implement and brainstorm on SOPs, based on the latest guidelines for
the management of COVID-19. Besides that, he does his clinical rounds        While he was worried for the lives of his family, loved ones, and especially
in the A&E department and the medical tent to screen new patients for        for the patients during the period when the death toll was rising daily, Low
COVID-19, before handling enquiries raised by ward managers on the           said he was proud to be part of the front liners who were able to serve
latest COVID-19, management and SOPs.                                        the nation.

"For me, seeing to the well-being of the healthcare staff in Sunway          Welcoming the strict enforcement of the MCO, Low said public awareness
Medical Centre is especially important as they are the backbone of the       on the importance of new norms – proper social distancing in public areas
whole system; they are irreplaceable,” he said.                              and hand hygiene – is key to preventing and controlling COVID-19.

                                             When it comes to tending to the welfare      introduced self-declaration, temperature screening, use of
                                           of animals, work does not stop, not even       face masks, social distancing and frequent disinfection of
                                         during a pandemic.                               work areas to ensure good bio-security measures were in
                                                                                          place. We practised safe distancing when travelling to work
                                     “On paper, a zookeeper’s job looks like most jobs    and back, changed out of our work boots before leaving the
                                     – eight hours a day, six days a week. However,       zoo, and bathed immediately upon arriving home before
                                      you will need to be ready to respond to any         interacting with our loved ones,” she elaborated.
                                      situation within a moment’s notice – a birth,
                                       sickness, caring for the young – and it greatly    “We need to prepare food and feed the animals twice a day;
                                        varies by the different types of animal. Caring   clean their dens, exhibits and ponds and continue to attend
                                        for animals is a full-time job, whether it is a   meetings via teleconferencing to update colleagues on the
                                         holiday, weekend, or when you are away,” said    changes and progress during this period,” she said.

                                         Sunway Lagoon Wildlife Park veterinarian Dr
                                          Eve Foong.                                      “The management has shown us appreciation during
                                                                                          this difficult period. I hope the government, Sunway and
              It will                    On top of providing healthcare and veterinary    individuals do not forget about the other animal care
           take a while                   attention to the animals at the park, Foong     industries like animal sanctuaries, animal shelters and
     before business returns              manages the day-to-day operations of the        conservation centres that need our urgent support,” said
   to normal but in the short            wildlife park, supervises volunteer work,        Foong.
   term, we will be looking at        and organises school educational tours. She
domestic tourism. Some of the         also works closely with the Wildlife Department     Until a vaccine or cure is discovered, people will have to
challenges include adapting to        (Perhilitan) on matters pertaining to compliance,   maintain social distancing and practice good hygiene.
 the new norm with a reduced          audit, licensing, and animal transfers.             “Continuous education is critical, as people tend to forget
  visitor capacity to promote                                                             easily. They must not be selfish, but rather, be mindful of
     social distancing at the         During the MCO, Foong and her colleagues in         the new normal and continue to practice good hygiene and
          wildlife park.              charge of the wildlife park’s upkeep and security   refuse places that do not follow or respect well-being of the
                                      continued to work as any other day – but with       community we live in,” she said.
                                      additional SOPs. “The company immediately
Dr Eve Foong, Sunway Lagoon
Wildlife Park Veterinarian

Working in the hospitality industry, Sunway Clio Hotel guest             Tungli thanks his team leader who helped them work closely and efficiently
relation executive Fendrilee Tungli’s daily priority is to make guests   during the MCO period. “I am also proud to work for a company that gives
feel at home and have a memorable stay. This proved to be more           back to the community during this crisis. Since the MCO,
challenging during the MCO when the hotel was gazetted as one            Sunway Hotels & Resorts has embarked on several

of the COVID-19 quarantine centres for returning Malaysians from         initiatives including donating personal hygiene amenities
overseas.                                                                to Sungai Buloh Hospital, hotels’ repurposed soaps under
                                                                                  the Soapful initiative to juveniles, and pillows to
“The biggest challenge I faced was working with                                        underprivileged families,” he said.
colleagues that were stressed with being front
liners for the fear of getting infected. As a front             “Moving                 Sunway also provided ‘Stay Safe’ care
liner, nothing is certain – including our health          forward, one of the            packs for hotel staff comprising
and safety – but we had to stay positive with a                                            face masks, vitamin C and hand
smile and battle through each day with hope           biggest challenges would              sanitisers while a doctor
and courage,” said Tungli.                          be how to regain the trust of            and a counsellor from the
                                                                                             Ministry of Health also
While his job scope remained the same –
                                                     travellers. I believe we can.           visited to ensure staff
ensuring hotel guests had a pleasant stay            It will take time to go back           were not under duress
during the 14-day quarantine period – there            to normal or even better             while on front line duty.
were additional tasks such as a quicker check-
in process and daily calls to guests’ rooms to               than before.”               “My greatest hope
check on their health condition, and offer any                                         is for a vaccine to be
assistance.                                                                         found soon so that we
                                                                                 can shake hands,
With new safety measures and strict SOPs from the                          hug and have a meal
government and hotel management, these helped alleviate Tungli's with family and friends.
initial anxiety and to cope well in his workplace. “Most importantly, But until then, practising
we had to remain positive, and adhere to them strictly. We cannot hygiene is my top priority.
take anything for granted. I am thankful that I'm still able to go to
work every day,” he said.                                                Fendrilee Tungli, Sunway Clio
                                                                          Hotel Guest Relation Executive

                                                                                                                     BERITA SUNWAY | JUL— SEP 2020 |   9

                                    COLLABORATION WITH
                           TO FIGHT COVID-19
     Research institute housed at the Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre is at the forefront of the
     UK’s research on COVID-19

I                                                                             THE EPICENTRE OF CAMBRIDGE'S
   n the global war against the COVID-19 pandemic, universities,
   pharmaceutical firms, research institutes and government
   laboratories in more than 30 countries are in a race against time to       RESPONSE TO COVID-19
discover the vaccine for the deadly coronavirus.
                                                                              The JCBC brings under one roof the CITIID, the Wellcome-MRC Cambridge
As of June 9, the WHO reported that 10 candidate vaccines were in clinical    Stem Cell Institute and the Milner Therapeutics Institute, which allows
evaluation, or have commenced human testing trials, while another 126         greater collaboration between scientists and clinicians, transforming
candidate vaccines are in pre-clinical valuation stage.                       pioneering research into effective therapies.

Playing its part in the global vaccine hunt is the Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical   The three institutes are now collaborating intensely in tackling the
Centre (JCBC) at the Cambridge Biomedical Campus in the UK, the               COVID-19 threat.
largest biotech cluster outside the US.
                                                                              Home to the largest BSL (biosafety level 3) containment facility in the
The JCBC currently houses over 150 scientists and clinicians at the           UK, CITIID was established to study the relationship between infectious
Cambridge Institute of Therapeutic Immunology and Infectious Diseases         diseases and human immune systems. Having containment level 3
(CITIID), which is the University of Cambridge’s leading response team        facilities allows CITIID to work on lethal and dangerous pathogens such
against the pandemic.                                                         as the coronavirus.

Opened in 2019, the JCBC is situated in a group of state-of-the-art           “The world is facing an unprecedented challenge, with potentially millions
laboratories and hospitals including the world-famous Laboratory of           of lives at risk, which is why over 150 of my colleagues at our new institute
Molecular Biology (16 Nobel Prizes), the Royal Papworth Hospital – the        are focusing their expertise on the fightback against COVID-19,” said
most illustrious Heart and Lung Hospital in Europe – and Addenbrooke’s        Professor Ken Smith, director of CITIID, in an official statement on the
Hospital.                                                                     University of Cambridge website.

“Together with our partners in the NHS and NIHR, we aim to identify those     University of Cambridge vice-chancellor Professor Stephen J Toope
patients at greatest risk and understand why the coronavirus makes some       expressed his appreciation to Cheah and Sunway for JCBC’s contribution
people so sick while leaving others with only mild symptoms. Ultimately,      to national and international efforts in fighting COVID-19.
we hope this will lead to the development of new treatments against this
dreadful disease.”                                                            “The Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre has become absolutely pivotal to
                                                                              our clinical medicine response to COVID-19. On the Biomedical Campus
The research team at CITIID has successfully set up a Point of Care           and trials (spanning improved diagnostics, experimental treatments,
(POC) test system, implemented rapid diagnostic testing for patients at       vaccine candidates and large-scale observational studies), many in close
Addenbrooke’s Hospital, and developed tests for front line healthcare         partnership with our teaching hospital, Addenbrooke’s,” said Toope.
workers treating COVID-19 patients. It also hopes to recruit consenting
COVID-19 patients at Addenbrooke’s Hospital for further studies.              “CITIID is now focusing entirely on COVID-19 research. It is clear how
                                                                              important this new facility (including the CL3 biocontainment capacity)
Recently, the team of researchers at CITIID also developed a new test for     is in enabling us to make a substantive contribution to national and
infection of SARS-CoV2 – the virus strain that causes COVID-19 – which        international efforts. While no one could have anticipated this immediate
also happens to inactivate the virus at the point of sampling. The test is    and pressing role for CITIID, we are so glad to have it, and profoundly
now being used to screen front line NHS staff. With a four-hour detection     grateful for your visionary support in its creation,” Toope said.
rate, the CITIID team can diagnose the infection much faster than the
current regular tests, which takes over 24 hours to return a result.          SUNWAY-CAMBRIDGE TIES ADVANCE
Addenbrooke’s Hospital is also utilising Samba II machines, a rapid
                                                                              INTERNATIONAL KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER
diagnostic testing solution that produces results in under 90 minutes as      Named after Sunway Group Founder and Chairman Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey
opposed to the regular 24 hours, when testing for COVID-19. Professor         Cheah, the establishment of JCBC is one of several partnerships between
Ravi Gupta of CITIID is leading the ‘COVIDx’ clinical study to evaluate the   Sunway and Cambridge to expand and bolster research capabilities,
impact of this test.                                                          knowledge and skills.

CITIID is also taking a front role in the £20 million COVID-19 Genomics UK    Sunway’s partnership with Cambridge began in 2015 with the establishment
Consortium, a major effort by the UK government to help understand and        of Jeffrey Cheah Professorial Fellowships in Gonville and Caius College,
control the infection.                                                        University of Cambridge and a Jeffrey Cheah Scholar-in-Residence
                                                                              programme, which enables two Sunway academics each year to reside in
CROSS COLLABORATION VITAL TO END                                              the College for a month to undertake research and scholarly study.

THE PANDEMIC                                                                  Following an agreement with the University of Cambridge to establish
                                                                              a major collaboration in biomedical sciences in 2017, the Sunway Clinical
Sunway and Cambridge are currently
                                                                              Research Centre was established in Sunway Medical Centre as a Regional
exploring more collaborative ways
                                                                              Site Partner of the Cambridge School of Clinical Sciences, an extensive
to combat COVID-19, with talks of
                                                                              visiting leaders programme, and a series of medical education programmes.
potential technology transfer and
testing on the table. However,
a feasibility assessment will be
conducted first before forming a
collaboration model for the project.

                                                                                                           We hope that
                                                                                                        their research team
                                                                                                    will succeed in generating
                                                                                                  vital research data to combat
                                                                                                      the pandemic. Talks on
                                                                                                collaborations with the University
                                                                                                     of Cambridge are also in
                                                                                                      progress to help bolster
                                                                                                     Malaysia’s battle against

                                                                                                                     BERITA SUNWAY | JUL— SEP 2020 | 11
        s retailers were forced to close their doors to contain the spread   NAVIGATING E-COMMERCE WITH THE DIGITAL EXPERTS
        of COVID-19, one of the biggest concerns, especially among non-
        essential businesses, was how to compensate for in-store revenue     While there is no cheat sheet for e-commerce success, a structured
loss. Companies with digital presence were able to capitalise on                     curriculum and mentorship from digital experts will go far in
business opportunities otherwise lost from having to                                          steering a company in the right direction.
shut down their physical operations.
                                                                                                      Helping Malaysian retail and SMEs kickstart
To drive consumer demand and assist                                                                      their digital transformational journey
companies facing difficulties in                             IN CASE YOU MISSED IT                          during the COVID-19 economy

                                              PIVOTING IN
adopting e-commerce during                                                                                     are Sunway iLabs and Sunway
the pandemic, the Malaysian                                                                                      University,    which   launched
government launched the                                                                                            the eCommerce Jumpstart
Penjana         Short-Term                                                                                           Programme in April.
Recovery Plan, which
includes    a     RM700                                                                                                 The initiative, features a

million allocation for                                                                                                   free four-week train-
grants and loans to                                                                                                       ing programme to help
encourage       local                                                                                                      businesses get online,
firms to invest                                                                                                             was held in partner-
in    the    digital                                                                                                         ship with industry
transformation of                                                                                                            leaders, government
their businesses.                                                                                                             agencies and digital

                            JUMPSTART YOUR BUSINESS’
Under Penjana,
the government                                                                                                                Through       virtual
will also provide                                                                                                             lectures, talks and

                                ONLINE PRESENCE
RM140 million in                                                                                                              workshops, the invit-
matching grants                                                                                                              ed speakers shared
under the Malaysia                                                                                                           about    e-commerce
Digital    Economy                                                                                                          strategy,   pragmatic
Corporation (MDEC)                                                                                                         steps to getting busi-
for     technological               If there was any takeaway from the COVID-19 pandemic, it                              nesses online and digi-
training,       seller              would be how crucial it is for local businesses to employ a                          tal marketing.
subsidies and sales
assistance.                             brick-and-click strategy to survive ‘the new normal’
                                                                                                                      Among       the     speakers
                                                                                                                    were Sunway Group Chief
For the ‘Shop Malaysia                                                                                                 Innovation    Officer   and
Online’    campaign,    where                                                                                            Sunway iLabs Director
various e-commerce platforms                                                                      We want to               Matt Van Leeuwen,
will be given promotional codes                                                                                             Alibaba Group Vice-
and discount vouchers to incentivise
                                                                                             help businesses that
                                                                                                                            President Brian Wong,
Malaysians to shop online, the government                                                  are not online to get an          Lazada Co-Founder
has allocated RM70 million, an amount that will                                            online presence for their         Hans-Peter Ressel,
be matched by the private sector.                                                          survival, and help them           Fave Co-Founder Yeoh
                                                                                               emerge stronger.             Chen Chow, AirAsia
As more companies have been allowed to operate under the                                                                   OURSHOP CEO Lalitha
current RMCO, Malaysian businesses will do well to leverage                                                               Sivanaser, TheLorry Co-
the government’s incentives and invest in e-commerce                                                                     Founder Nadhir Ashafiq,
to maximise their business potential, as Malaysians                                                                   AVANA CEO Luqman Adris,
continue to stay home and practise social distancing                                                              Shopline Country Manager
where possible to curb COVID-19 infections.                                                                Eileen Feng, Commerce Asia Founder
                                                                                                        Ganesh Kumar Bangah, Kumoten
                                                                                                        CEO Isaac Leong, Red Dino Ventures
                                                                                                        Founder Wong Kim Yoong, as well as
                                                                                                         representatives from MDEC and Sunway
                                                                                                         University respectively.

                                                                                                           The programme culminated with a
                     Scan here for                                                                         quiz challenge, where Choo Chia Poh,
                     more information                                                                      a digital platform manager, won a
                                                                                                            100% fee waiver worth RM12,500 for
                                                                                                            the Alibaba Global eCommerce Talent
  For more information on the Sunway                                                                        (GET) Programme, which includes
  iLabs Accelerator Programme, visit                                                                        access to Alibaba’s global ecosystem                                                                      and resources, as well as opportunity
  accelerator/                                                                                               to join the Sunway iLabs Accelerator



Sunway Installs Contactless COVID-19 Testing Pod to Protect Healthcare Workers

      very month, Malaysia’s healthcare            The first team led by Sunway iLabs director Matt
      workers under the Health Ministry use 59     van Leeuwen put up a project management flow
      million units of PPE in the fight against    to work on a new prototype, while members
the COVID-19 virus, according to Malaysian         of social enterprise EPIC Homes sourced for
health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham       materials and provided feedback to improve on
Abdullah.                                          the original design.

While Malaysia is in a state of gradual recovery   Meanwhile, the second team of doctors and
with a decline in new reported cases, COVID-19     biomedical engineers gave feedback on the
remains a threat and resurgence in cases may       usability, airflow, pressure system and other       As the booth is air-conditioned, medical officers
happen, as seen in countries such as Korea and     key features to be included in the prototype. The   can spend most of their entire shift inside,
Hong Kong.                                         medical team then advised on the practicality of    minimising the number of times they need
                                                   the booth when it came to using the right gloves,   to enter and exit the booth. The air inside the
With severe and mounting disruption to the         positioning of intercoms to communicate with        booth is filtered thoroughly and under positive
global supply of PPE, healthcare workers face      those outside the booth and the screening           pressure, minimising the need for PPEs as well
the threat of being ill-equipped to care for       workflow.                                           as the healthcare worker’s need to put on and
COVID-19 patients.
                                                                                                       remove the PPE — a process where infections
                                                   After three weeks, the first improved COVID-19      can potentially occur.
In response to this, SunMed collaborated with
                                                   testing pod was completed and is currently used
Sunway iLabs to build a contactless COVID-19
                                                   in a designated tent outside SunMed for active      When in use, the gloves are cleaned with an
testing pod to enable healthcare workers to
                                                   testing.                                            alcohol solution between patients and the
conduct testing for suspected patients in a
safer and efficient manner. Being contactless,                                                         front panel is wiped down with disinfectant
the testing pod also lessens PPE usage, as         HOW DOES IT WORK?                                   after contact. An acrylic tray, located at the
medical officers can stay within the booths for    The booth was constructed for ease of               front where samples and swabs are placed, is
longer periods of time during their shifts.        movement, especially under restricted, high-        removed between patients and immersed in
                                                   risk environments in hospitals. Powder-coated       disinfectant to sanitise it further and to ensure
                                                   steel was used to construct the frame, and its      all surfaces are kept as hygienic as possible.
COVID-19 TESTING POD:                              walls were formed with aluminium composite
A TEAM EFFORT                                      panels coated with PVDF specialty polymer           LIVING LAB TO BREED INNOVATION
As Malaysians rallied together to help produce     coating that is easy to clean and more corrosion-   This project bears testament to the innovative
PPEs for front liners, Macam Yes Studios prop      resistant. Acrylic panels were used in the front,   cross-collaboration between the different
builder Brian Lee and Vortex Media executive       with laser-cut ports for gloves to attend to the    components under Sunway City Kuala Lumpur,
director Kenneth Lim teamed up to produce          patients.                                           a living laboratory with a thriving ecosystem
makeshift pressure pods, inspired by a South                                                           to test and transform ideas into sustainable
Korean invention they had seen.                    To further curb infections, gloves, trays and       solutions.
                                                   panels outside the booth are cleaned and
Their efforts caught the attention of Dr Wendy     disinfected regularly.                              The brainchild of Sunway University, Sunway
Tay of SunMed, who grouped two teams of
                                                                                                       Group and Sunway Ventures, Sunway iLabs is
doctors, biomedical engineers and innovators
                                                                                                       a non-profit start-up incubator and accelerator
together to build an improved version of the pod
                                                                                                       that offers students and entrepreneurs access
for the hospital.
                                                                                                       to mentorship, market access and investments
                                                                                                       they need to innovate and scale up their
                                                                                                       business ideas.

                                                                                                       Currently, Sunway iLabs’ ongoing programmes
                                                                                                       include the FutureX Farm, an urban farm
                                                                                                       innovation hub; the iLabs Accelerator for start-
                                                                                                       ups, the Innovation Matching Fund launch for
                                                                                                       Sunway Business Units; a Business Ideation
                                                                                                       Generator programme and Make it Challenge
                                                                                                       for students, as well as the launch of the first
                                                                                                       42 KL campus in Malaysia that provides open-
                                                                                                       to-all and tuition-free courses to train the best
                                                                                                       developers in the world.

                                                                                                                     BERITA SUNWAY | JUL— SEP 2020 | 13
Operating in the ‘new normal’
                                                                                         of the leisure, retail and hospitality
                                                                                     industries, Sunway has implemented
                                                                                 stringent hygiene and safety measures
                                                                              across its premises to protect the safety and
                                                                            security of Sunway employees, visitors, and the

                                                                      All Sunway premises, have put in place safety and
                                                                     hygiene best practices and policies that are in line with
                                                                   recommendations by the Ministry of Health and WHO.

                                                              SHOPPING WITH PEACE OF MIND
                                                             Under its “Your Safe Space, Our Safe Space” campaign, Sunway
                                                            Malls has enforced more than 82 safety measures of social
      COVID-19 FEATURES                                    distancing with regular checks, holistic education and training for

                                                           staff and tenants, periodic cleaning, enhanced screening and safety
                                                          checks across its seven malls.

 Sunway introduces enhanced hygiene and
                                                              Sanitiser stations have been installed throughout the malls while
                                                              frequent touchpoints – handrails, lift buttons and door handles
 safety measures across leisure and hospitality                – are sanitised every 45 minutes. Child-friendly amenities and
                                                                play areas are sanitised with Smartcoat nano-sized titanium
 properties as top priority in the new normal                    dioxide sterilising solution. Friendly visual reminders
                                                                  are placed throughout the malls while social distancing
                                                                    officers and customer care ambassadors are tasked with

                                                                      encouraging shoppers to practise good hygiene and
          alaysia has eased restrictions for interstate                 social distancing in the malls.
          travel to boost domestic tourism and
          accelerate economic activity during the RMCO,
much to the delight of wanderlust Malaysians who have
not travelled since the start of the MCO in March.

Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister in the Prime
Minister’s Department in charge of the economy, said
that while 90% of workers have returned to work,
real economic activity has yet to catch up. Citing a
Statistics Department study, he said retail sale
performance was only at 30% of pre-MCO levels,
while only 15.6% of hotel rooms were occupied.

“There is still a lack of confidence among
people to go out, which in turn leads to a lack
of consumer spending. Without household
spending,      the    government’s      stimulus
packages will fall flat on its face as one of the
desired outcomes of these stimulus packages
is to help businesses pick up. So as far as we
can, let us spend and help keep businesses
afloat,” said Mustapa in a June 29 op-ed article
in The Star.

As of July 1, theme parks and water-based parks across Malaysia
will reopen under the new normal of strict hygiene SOPs and social

Sunway Theme Parks has ramped up precautionary measures to
combat COVID-19, requiring employees to fill in the health and travel            SAFE, LUXURIOUS STAYS AT SUNWAY
self-declaration form, have their temperatures taken as well as
wearing face masks at all times.                                                 Whether it is a staycation or a corporate event, Malaysians can breathe
                                                                                easy at Sunway Hotels & Resorts, as all hotels have implemented the
Spanning 35 hectares with over 90 attractions, Sunway Lagoon will               ‘Sunway Safe Stay’ programme to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
only allow in 50% of its total visitor capacity to ensure adherence to
social distancing.                                                             This includes 30 safety and hygiene measures focused on enhanced hotel
                                                                              cleaning practices, social interactions, and workplace protocols.
To minimise physical contact, visitors are encouraged to purchase
theme park tickets online and fill in digital self-declaration forms        Hotel employees are required to don protective masks while staff handling
before entering the park. Hand sanitisers are available around             luggage and food preparation wear gloves for additional protection. Social
the parks, particularly at animal feeding areas at Sunway                 distancing is observed throughout hotel premises, with floor demarcation
Lagoon Wildlife Park and Lost World of Tambun Petting                    at queueing areas – front desk, concierge, F&B outlets, cashier counters
Zoo. Consistent water testing is carried out periodically to            and guest elevators – and furniture in public areas rearranged further apart to
ensure safe water quality at the waterpark attractions.                maintain social distancing.

Social distancing demarcation remind visitors to                         Public areas, especially high-touch points and guests’ vehicles are cleaned at
maintain their physical distance at all queuing                                more frequent intervals using medical-grade disinfectants. Contactless
areas, food outlets and seating areas. For                                          handheld thermometers are used to screen guests’ at all hotel
hygiene purposes, touchpoints are sanitised                                             entrances, from the main lobby to F&B outlets and meeting
every two hours and rides are sanitised                                                    venues. Clear partitions are placed at the front desk for
after every use.                                                                              additional protection while guests’ luggage is sanitised
                                                                                                 during check-in.

                                                                                                    Each guest room is thoroughly sanitised, after
                                                                                                     which a notification is placed at the room door to
                                                                                                       indicate cleaning is complete. Guest room key
                                                                                                         cards are disinfected before and after use.
                                                                                                          For their own protection, guests can also opt
                                                                                                           out of the daily housekeeping service if they
                                                                                                            wish to keep hotel staff out of their rooms
                                                                                                             throughout their entire stay.

                                                                                                               Visual reminders are placed throughout
                                                                                                               the hotel and in guest rooms, with
                                                                                                                detailed instructions on how to safely
                                                                                                                wear, handle and dispose of face masks.

                                                                                                                       BERITA SUNWAY | JUL— SEP 2020 | 15

                                                   NOT FEAR

 The world would be a better place if everyone shows more compassion and kindness to help ease the devastating
                                           effects of the COVID-19 crisis

        lot has transpired since        This may manifest in many ways:      In solidarity and support of our own   Chairman’s Office Ong Pang Yen,
        the turn of the decade –        from as simple as adhering to        people who are adversely affected      on the importance of showing
        the world is working hard       social distancing, to not lying      by the crisis and the MCO, Sunway      compassion during a pandemic.
to contain a pandemic without a         about overseas travels, hoarding     Group staff, in collaboration with
vaccine in place yet, the global        supplies when panic buying, as all   Jeffrey Cheah Foundation have          During the MCO, Sunway Clio
economy is on the brink of a            these actions may determine life     set up the #SunwayforGood Fund         Hotel, Sunway Pyramid Hotel,
recession and unemployment is           or death.                            to aid our healthcare colleagues       Sunway Velocity Hotel and Sunway
steadily on the rise, claiming tens                                          and those in essential and critical    Hotel Seberang Jaya have been
of millions of jobs globally. These     Now is not the time to preserve or   services, as well as the most          utilised as quarantine centres
are indeed unnerving times.             reestablish the status quo – it is   vulnerable communities, the B40        for Malaysians who had recently
                                        about protecting human lives.        in the vicinity of Sunway townships    returned from overseas.
Though hope is in short supply                                               nationwide.
these days, compassion should           BE COMPASSIONATE,                                                           “We are thankful for all 5,000
never be. Now more than                                                      SETTING AN EXAMPLE                     Sunway employees who continued
ever, everyone should practice
                                        ALWAYS                                                                      working      despite the potential
                                        Some corners of society have         “Cometh the hour, cometh the
compassion, big or small.                                                    man”, were the words of Winston        risks,” said Ong.
                                        taken advantage of this unsettling
                                        environment to go on the offense,    Churchill and they embody his
The crisis is a painful realisation                                          leadership during World War II.        LOOK BEYOND SELF
                                        spreading fake news, prejudice
and a reminder for governments                                               It simply means when faced with        During these times of stress
                                        and racism on social media. From
around the world to rebuild                                                  great need, a true leader will rise    and uncertainty, one way to
                                        reprimanding overseas students
countries in a more compassionate                                            to the occasion.                       stay optimistic and positive is to
                                        or workers for returning home,
and humane manner.                                                                                                  practice more compassion and
                                        to racially attacking Chinese
                                        citizens for supposed ignorance on   That “hour” has returned in the        gratitude.
LIFE IS VALUABLE                        hygiene, and many more.              form of the COVID-19 outbreak.
It always takes a disaster for                                               Leaders not only have to choose        Have more compassion and always
people to realise the sanctity          Others have risen above the          the right path, they are also placed   keep in mind that someone out
and frailty of life. This has in turn   negativity by stepping up relief     with the monumental burden of          there has it worse than your
transformed into greater concern        efforts for the most vulnerable.     reassuring and guiding the public      current situation. You may be on
for the most vulnerable in society,     Our brave Malaysians on the front    to follow government decisions         the verge of getting a pay cut, but
a better appreciation of loved ones     lines work tirelessly round the      with compassion.                       a breadwinner just lost a secure
and an opening of our hearts to be      clock to ensure communities are                                             9-5 job. You may grumble at the
more compassionate to those who         safe. Companies, organisations       How leaders respond to disasters       long queues at the supermarket,
are vastly different from us.           and individuals have channelled      plays a key role in gaining public     but somebody does not even have
                                        millions to the COVID-19 fund, a     trust and cooperation. “There          enough income to buy necessities.
We have reached a crossroads            special government fund which        must be a fine balance between
where we must decide to take            will give financial aid to those     fear and compassion, and we            Simply put, everyone is affected
the high road and be guided by          directly affected by the pandemic.   must lean heavily towards the          by the crisis in their own different
our moral compass and ethics.                                                latter. Celebrate compassion,          ways, and a little perspective and
                                                                             not submit to fear,” said Sunway       compassion would only be good
                                                                             Group Executive Director of            and healthy in the long run.

You can also read