Open for business Supporting local shops and high streets - Protect yourself and others - Hillingdon Council

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Open for business Supporting local shops and high streets - Protect yourself and others - Hillingdon Council
News from your council
September/October 2020

                         Open for business
                           Supporting local shops
                                and high streets

                                         Protect yourself
                                              and others
                                            Help to reduce the
                                         spread of coronavirus


                             COURT WIN       TAKE PART       REFURBISHED
Open for business Supporting local shops and high streets - Protect yourself and others - Hillingdon Council
advertisements                                                                                                                                                                                            people

                                          September/October 2020
                                          ▸ Cover stories

                                              12 Public safeguarded

                                                                                                                                                   s I write this column in August, restrictions imposed
                                                   Trading standards prevents incorrectly labelled and
                                                                                                                                                   in response to the coronavirus pandemic continue
                                                   substandard products entering the UK.
                                                                                                                                                   to ease, more of our services and facilities have
                                          ▸ 14 Protect yourself and others                                                                 reopened now that it is safer to do so and I would
                                               Help to minimise the spread of the coronavirus by                                           like to thank Hillingdon residents who have adhered
                                               following the guidelines.                                                                   to government advice on social distancing and the
                                                                                                                                           wearing of masks that has helped make this possible.
                                          ▸ 16 Supporting your high streets
                                                                                                                                              The coronavirus continues to present a challenge, not
                                               Council provides a range of financial and safety
                                                                                                                                           just to the UK, but in countries across the world. While
                                               initiatives to assist businesses.
                                                                                                                                           small community clusters or localised outbreaks have been
                                              20 Libraries adapt to provide services                                                       occurring across England, in July and August infection rates
                                                   Digital loans and online engagement increases                                           in Hillingdon were low and we have developed plans so that
                                                   during the pandemic.                                                                    we can respond quickly if any local outbreaks do occur.
                                              22 Get involved in this year’s Recycle Week                                                     Despite restrictions easing, I would like to encourage
                                                   A guide to our free, weekly and easy-to-use                                             Hillingdon residents to not become complacent and to continue
                                                   recycling collections.                                                                  to stay alert and act responsibly by keeping a safe distance
                                                                                                                                           from others, washing your hands regularly for at least 20
                                              24 Creating better neighbourhoods                                                            seconds, wearing face coverings when required, and booking
                                                   Funding makes improvements to council-owned                                             a test if you think you have symptoms. By following these
                                                   land for local communities.                                                             guidelines you are reducing the risk of transmission and helping
                                           Regulars                                                                                        to protect yourself, your friends, family and local community.
                                                                                                                                              You can continue to keep up to date with the latest
                                            4 Hillingdon News                            10 Older people                                   coronavirus advice from the government on our
                                            29 Volunteers                                31 Contacts                                       website at
                                                                                                                                              In due course, the council will provide an appropriate
                                          JANE BELITHER-BAVERSTOCK , DIRECTOR OF PLUSH HAIR, WELCOMES                                      memorial to the residents of Hillingdon who passed away as
                                          BACK CLIENTS TO HER COVID -SECURE SALON IN RUISLIP.
                                                                                                                                           a result of contracting COVID-19. We will also recognise and
                                                                                                                                           pay tribute to those residents who have helped to combat this
                                                                                 5                                                8        virus in so many ways, many of whom really are unsung heroes.
                                                                                                                                              The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on us all in so
                                                                                                                                           many ways but in Hillingdon one of our strengths remains
                                                                                                                                           our sound financial position which will assist us both at this
                                                                                                                                           time and in the years ahead. We will, as we have done for
                                                                                                                                           many years, continue to provide services and support for all

                                                                           10                                               18             of our people, all of our environment and all of our heritage.
                                                                                                                                              Finally, may I finish by thanking those residents, colleagues
                                                                                                                                           and staff who took the time to congratulate me on receiving
                                                                                                                                           the award of a knighthood at the end of July. On a personal
                                                                                                                                           note, I would like to thank and pay tribute to my wife, Lindsay,
                                                                                                                                           who really has been the “wind beneath my wings“ and I am
                                                                                                                                           delighted that she will share in this award as Lady Puddifoot.
                                          Advertising deadline for next edition: Friday 25 September.                                         It has been both an honour and a privilege to lead
                                          Editorial and advertising enquiries                                                              Hillingdon Council and I regard this award as recognition
                                             01895 556289                                                                                  of the importance of local government in this country.
                                                                                                  Stay safe.
                                                                                        After reading, please
                                                                                        recycle this magazine
                                          Published by London Borough of Hillingdon © 2020
                                          Hillingdon People, 3S/05 Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1UW.
                                          Design Corporate Communications Printed by Paragon Service Point
                                          Products and services advertised in this magazine are not necessarily endorsed by the council.

                                          For a copy in large print or as an                                                                                                      Cllr Sir Ray Puddifoot MBE
                                                                                                                                                                                  LEADER OF THE COUNCIL
                                          audio version call 01895 556903
 2               September/October 2020                                                                                                                                September/October 2020                  3
Open for business Supporting local shops and high streets - Protect yourself and others - Hillingdon Council
news                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               news

    Work with families praised                                              Towpath improvements                                             Cranford Park project awarded National Lottery funding
    On Wednesday 3 June, the             facing a series of complex                                            Cllr Keith Burrows,           The council’s Cranford              The restoration will
    council was commended                issues, including domestic                                         Cabinet Member                   Park restoration project         allow visitors to discover
    for improving the life               abuse, poor mental health,                                         for Planning and                 has been awarded £2.28           more about the history
    chances of disadvantaged             unemployment, neglect,                                             Transportation, said:            million by The National          of Cranford Park, and the
    families in Hillingdon in            truancy and anti-social                                            “I’m sure residents will be      Lottery Heritage Fund            work is being supported
    the Annual Report of                 behaviour. One key worker                                          delighted to see more            and The National Lottery         by Cranford Park Friends
    the Troubled Families                is dedicated to supporting                                         improvements along               Community Fund following         who have played an
    Programme by the Ministry            the whole family with a                                            the canal, following the         a successful funding bid.        important part in running
    of Housing, Communities              range of problems and                                              fantastic work that’s already       The £2.28 million will        events and helping with the
    and Local Government.                works in partnership                                               taken place between              go towards the delivery          maintenance of the park.
       The report revealed               with other services                                                Stockley Park and Yiewsley.      phase of the project,                 The huge vaulted
    that the council delivered           and external partners              Following a hiatus due to          “The project is already       which will involve essential     cellars will be open to
    successful outcomes                  to deliver support.                the COVID-19 pandemic,          bringing benefits to             repairs to the park’s historic   the public for events and
    for 1,990 families from                 This approach provides          work has resumed on             everyone who visits and          stables, garden walls, ha-ha     exhibitions. A new cafe          Cllr Jonathan Bianco,             preserve this much-loved
    2015 to 2020, which is               continuity for the family,         an ongoing project to           enjoys our stretches of          and historic landscape as        will be built and there will   Cabinet Member for                  and important historic
    14 per cent higher than              and allows the key                 transform towpaths along        canal and beyond. As             well as the introduction         be circular cycling and        Finance, Property                   site. The regeneration and
    the national average,                workers to make informed           the Grand Union Canal.          well as being ideal for          of new visitor facilities        walking trails, two new        and Business Services,              new facilities will transform
    and praised Hillingdon's             decisions based on joined-            Improvement work             leisure use, these safe          and the regeneration of          play areas, an informal        said: "It is wonderful to           the area and enrich the
    "hard work with families"            up partnership working.            is currently being              off-road paths are also          the orchard, woodland            football pitch and a more      receive this vital grant to         visitor experience for
    with outcomes that were              Improving outcomes for             undertaken by the council       ideal for commuting by           and meadows.                     accessible car park.           help us in our plans to             generations to come."
    "higher than the national            families reduces future            between High Street,            foot or by bicycle."
    average." The council was            contact with services and          Yiewsley and Trout Road,           In August, the Canal &
    also commended for its
    "continued commitment to
                                         creates efficiencies for the
                                         council by reducing the
                                                                            West Drayton. The works,
                                                                            which restarted in early
                                                                                                            River Trust also restarted
                                                                                                            improvement works
                                                                                                                                              Revised parking fees                                             Treaty of Uxbridge
    the programme... to achieve          need for future support.           July and are expected to        between Hayes and                  New parking fees and              In addition, all                                                years of bloodshed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            To mark
    significant and sustained               Cllr Susan O'Brien,             last until October, include     Stockley Park. These               charges that were due to       households within a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the 375th            The exhibition will cover
    outcomes with the families           Cabinet Member for                 increasing the width of the     are expected to be                 be introduced on 6 April       parking management                              anniversary        the three main issues
    [it has] been allocated."            Education, Children                towpaths to two metres          completed by the end of            but were postponed             scheme will continue to                          of the            discussed - religion, militia
       The council's children's          and Youth Services,                where possible, laying new      the year. Towpaths and             due to the pandemic            receive a free resident                          Treaty of         and Ireland. It will also
    services department                  said: "Our key workers             surfaces and improving          access points in these areas       came into force on             permit and 10 free visitor                       Uxbridge,         provide some background
    worked together with                 and multi-agency teams             accessibility, as well as       are currently closed, with         Monday 7 September.            vouchers per year, but                           the council       on 17th century
    partners in adult social             support a wide range of            installing new signage          diversions in place and               The first 30 minutes of     subsequent permits issued        has created an exhibition         Uxbridge and highlight
    care, youth justice, housing         local families in need and         and tidying vegetation.         moorings suspended.                parking continues to be        to the same household will       about the local historical        the town's key civil war
    and community safety                 our whole family approach             Led by the council              More information on             free for residents and non-    now be £65 per year and          event, which residents            sites. Each of the Royalist
    to form a multi-agency               has been really successful         in partnership with the         the Grand Union Canal              residents at the majority of   additional visitor vouchers      will be able to view in           and Parliamentarian

    approach to whole families,          in delivering positive             Canal & River Trust,            cycleway (quietway)                council parking facilities.    will now be £8 for 10.           the atrium of Uxbridge            representatives will be
    rather than individuals.             outcomes for children              the project will result in      towpath improvement                   Pay and display charges        During the COVID-19           Library between Friday            depicted alongside facts.
       The multi-agency team             and families, who may be           smoother, more durable          programme can be found             depend on the location         lockdown period the              16 October and Friday 27             Additionally, the display
    adopts a holistic approach           facing a range of social           and mud-free towpaths           at www.canalrivertrust.            and length of stay.            council implemented              November (COVID-19                will feature the history of
    to families who may be               and financial difficulties.”       for walkers and cyclists.                Charges for residents       a range of parking               dependent).                       Treaty House,
                                                                                                                                               with a HillingdonFirst card    concessions for residents           The display depicts            Uxbridge,
                                                                                                                                               remain frozen. This means,     and key workers. This            the story of the treaty           located at the
     Occupational therapy campaign sees huge returns                                                                                           on average, the majority
                                                                                                                                               of residents will continue
                                                                                                                                                                              included free emergency
                                                                                                                                                                              parking permits for
                                                                                                                                                                                                               between the Royalists and
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Parliamentary sides, which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 north end
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of the high
      A campaign launched                     and independent in           communication to remind           “We have continued to             to pay preferential rates      residents, to accommodate        happened between 30               street. The
      in June last year by the                their own homes.             residents to give these back.   support those who still             of 20p for up to an hour,      the higher than normal           January and 22 February           property
                                                                                                                                                                                                               1645 in an attempt to end         was originally
      council has resulted in an                 A lot of equipment was      As a result, the collection   need their equipment,               40p for up to an hour          number of vehicles that
                                                                                                                                                                                                               the First English Civil War.      known
      increase in community                   not being returned to        rate reached a high             but those residents who             and 30 minutes, and 60p        were parked on the                                                 as Place House before
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  This was the beginning
      equipment being returned.               be recycled when it was      of 90 per cent during           did not have said that              for up to two hours.           borough’s streets and a          of a series of conflicts          the Royalists and
         The council and                      no longer needed - in        November last year.             they are pleased to help               Charges for non-            temporary relaxation of          between King Charles I            Parliamentarians met there
      NHS provides medical                    February 2019, only 61 per     Cllr Jane Palmer,             us get it collected.”               residents have increased,      parking enforcement.             and Parliament about              for negotiations. Today,
      equipment and daily living              cent was being given back.   Cabinet Member for                If you, a friend, or relative     meaning, on average,           Key workers were also            whether the country               one wing of the original
      aids on loan to residents                  To address this, the      Social Care, Health and         have mobility aids or               visitors can now expect        allowed to park for free.        should be governed                structure remains as the
      to help keep them safe                  council launched a Return,   Wellbeing, said: “We are        community equipment                 to pay 90p for up to an           Pre-pandemic parking          through an absolutist             Crown and Treaty pub.
                                              Recycle, Reuse campaign,     so pleased with the positive    that you no longer need -           hour, £1.80 for up to an       arrangements were                monarchy or a                        If any further coronavirus
                                              which focused on             response we are getting         whether prescribed by the           hour and 30 minutes, and       reinstated in June but the       constitutional one.               restrictions are imposed,
                                              contacting those who had     for the campaign, which         council, hospital or health         £2.70 for up to two hours.     council continues to allow       Although the talks were           the exhibition will be
                                              been loaned equipment        helps the environment,          worker - please contact                The tariffs are available   NHS, health and social care      not successful, the treaty        available to view at
                                              and hadn’t returned          reduces costs and assists       Medequip on 020 8750                at      workers/volunteers to park       allowed both sides to   
                                              it and other forms of        residents in need.              1580 to arrange a return.           parking.                       for free with a permit.          discuss their views after         treatyofuxbridgeexhibition.

4                    September/October 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                September/October 2020                  5
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    Join the September Clean Campaign             raises awareness
                             The council commissioned
                                                                                                                                 Council wins HS2 planning case in Court of Appeal
    The Great British                 September at Hillingdon     a domestic abuse                                               In July, the council                                                                           would not have been the
    September Clean                   House Farm, meeting         campaign with the                                              successfully persuaded                                                                         intention of Parliament to
    environmental campaign,           near the Nursery/Scout      independent charity                                            the Court of Appeal to                                                                         'set up a scheme which
    run by the Keep Britain           hut at Sweetcroft Lane,     Crimestoppers during the                                       overturn a High Court                                                                          gave the appearance
    Tidy charity, takes place         Uxbridge. To book,          summer in response to                                          decision concerning the                                                                        that HS2 Ltd was a judge
    this month following the          email dknezevic@            the isolating effects of the                                   submission of planning                                                                         in its own cause'. The
    postponement of their             coronavirus pandemic.                                          applications by HS2 Ltd                                                                        government has also
    spring initiative due to             The final event will        The aim was to raise                                        under the HS2 Act.                                                                             been ordered to pay the
    the COVID-19 pandemic,            be held at Cranford         awareness of domestic                                              The council had                                                                            council's legal costs of
    and the council is                Park, adjacent to the old   abuse and Crimestoppers,                                       refused to approve an                                                                          both the High Court and
    encouraging residents             stables and St Dunstan’s    and to encourage                                               application for HS2 works                                                                      Court of Appeal cases.
    to make a pledge to be            Church on Saturday          victims and perpetrators       who are harming their           to be undertaken on a                                                                             Leader of the
    more environmentally              26 September. To            to speak out. The six-         partners and families.          site in the borough of         which would provide the        on Friday 31 July, ruling        Council, Cllr Sir Ray
    friendly or volunteer             book, email secretary@      week campaign was                 Cllr Jane Palmer,            archaeological importance      council with the necessary     that HS2 Ltd cannot rely         Puddifoot, said: ''HS2
    to participate in one of    advertised via a range         Cabinet Member for              on the basis that HS2          assurances that the            upon the Environmental           Ltd thought that they
    its litter pick events.              All run from             of channels, including         Social Care, Health and         Ltd had submitted              archaeological integrity       Requirements and that it         could act with total
       Three litter pick events       10.30am to 1pm.             the media, online and          Wellbeing, said: “We            insufficient information       of the site would be           has to provide sufficient        impunity and just expect
    have been organised                  Cllr Philip              social media, and adverts      continue to encourage           in support of it.              maintained and that HS2        information to the council       the council to approve
    at parks across the               Corthorne, Cabinet          were seen more than            family, friends, neighbours         HS2 Ltd disagreed          Ltd would, if necessary,       in support of its planning       its planning applications
    borough as part of the            Member for Housing          4.6 million times.             and others to break the         with the council's refusal     carry out its own future       applications. The council        without question. As the
    campaign (COVID-19                and the Environment,           Domestic abuse can be       cycle of violence and           decision and challenged        investigations as a means      is under no obligation to        Court of Appeal has said,
    dependent) which runs             said: “We want residents    physical, psychological,       abuse; if you suspect           it, by appealing to the        of safeguarding it.            determine the applications       it cannot have been the
    between Friday 11 and             to feel proud about         emotional, sexual              it, if you see it, if you       government, on the basis          The council sought          unless and until it receives     intention of Parliament
    Sunday 27 September.              where they live, and,       or financial. Often            hear it we encourage            that it was not required to    a judicial review of the       such information. The            to allow HS2 Ltd to be a
       Residents are welcome          however big or small,       neighbours, friends and        you to report it.               provide the information        government's decision to       Court of Appeal also             judge in its own cause. For
    to come along and                 there are a multitude       family have suspicions,           “The safety of victims       which the council required     allow HS2 Ltd's appeal         frowned upon HS2                 the avoidance of doubt,
    work with the council’s           of things you can do to     but are reluctant to get       and their families              as it could instead rely       but in December 2019,          Ltd's contention that it is      this council will continue
    green spaces team and             make a difference and       involved because of            remains paramount. Our          upon a suite of non-           the High Court found in        permissible for it to carry      to challenge decisions that
    local voluntary groups.           protect the environment.    embarrassment, split           Independent Domestic            statutory documents,           the government's favour.       out its own investigations,      may harm our environment
    Waste and recycling               Whether it’s volunteering   loyalties, fear of revenge     Violence Advisory               known as Environmental            The Court of Appeal         as part of the application       or the health and wellbeing
    bags, litter pickers and          for one of our litter       or they don’t think it         service can offer help          Minimum Requirements,          handed down its judgment       process, saying that it          of our people.''
    PPE will be provided.             picking events, recycling   is their business.             and we also work with
    To ensure the litter picks        more, reducing energy          As part of the campaign,    police and domestic
    are socially distanced
    and managed safely,
                                      consumption or travelling
                                      in more environmentally
                                                                  Crimestoppers appealed
                                                                  for information from
                                                                                                 abuse charities to ensure
                                                                                                 that victims and families
                                                                                                                               New paving installed at the Polish Air Force Memorial
    booking is essential.             friendly ways, we’re        people who are aware           are fully supported.          Renovation works have           Yorkstone and improve           Council for their
       The first event will be        keen for everyone           of domestic abuse                 “We encourage              been carried out to replace     drainage across the site.       wonderful work not
    held at Pinn Meadows,             to get involved and         happening to friends,          anyone experiencing           the paving and improve             Leader of the Council,       just in maintaining
    starting near the skate           make a pledge.”             family, work colleagues        domestic abuse to             drainage at the Grade           Cllr Sir Ray Puddifoot,         this memorial,
    park at Kings College                Pledge by visiting       or neighbours. Those           report it directly to the     II listed Polish Air Force      said: “The council is           but enhancing it
    Playing Fields, Ruislip on      with concerns were             police or anonymously         Memorial in South Ruislip.      extremely proud of its          with such taste
    Saturday 12 September.            environment-pledge or       encouraged to pass on          via Crimestoppers as              The council invested        close links with the military   and generosity.
    To book, email                    mention @Hillingdon         what they know, whilst         soon as possible, so          more than £130,000 in           and we are delighted that       On behalf of the               on Twitter and              staying anonymous,             that they can access the      the project, at the site of     in this 80th anniversary        nearly 2,000 fallen
       The next will be held          use the hashtag             by calling 0800 555            right support services.”      national and international      year, that we are able to       Polish airmen
    on Wednesday 16                   #environmentpledge.         111 or completing an               If you're a victim of     importance, after an            restore the memorial’s          commemorated
                                                                  online form by visiting        domestic abuse, or know       annual inspection and           paving and continue             there, we offer our
                                                                  someone who is, and           report by specialist            to acknowledge the              deepest thanks."
                                                                  Crimestoppers then             there's an emergency          contractors A.F Jones           significant contributions         Shortly after the
                                                                  passed this information on.    that's ongoing or life        Stonemasons Ltd outlined        made by the Polish Air          Second World War
                                                                     The campaign also           is in danger, call 999        that the memorial’s crazy       Force in securing victory       ended, senior Polish
                                                                  urged perpetrators of          now. In non-emergency         paving was eroding              in the Battle of Britain.”      Air Force officers formed         and maintenance of the
                                                                  domestic abuse to get          cases and for general         and drainage issues                Richard Kornicki             a committee to coordinate         memorial transferred to
                                                                  help and support via a         advice, please call 101 or    were causing rainwater          CBE, Chairman of                a project to erect the            Hillingdon Council. The
                                                                  number of agencies and a       contact Crimestoppers         to pool on the paved            the Polish Air Force            memorial to honour and            memorial was restored
                                                                  confidential helpline. The     anonymously.                  areas and steps.                Memorial Committee,             commemorate the Polish            and rededicated in
                                                                  Respect Phoneline 0808             For more information          On Monday 11 May, an        said: "The Polish Air Force     airmen killed during the          1996, and in 2010 it was
                                                                  802 4040 is an anonymous       on the support available      eight-week programme            Memorial has never looked       war while under British           refurbished again in time
                                                                  and confidential helpline      in Hillingdon, visit www.     began to remove and             more beautiful. We are          Command. In 1965, the             for the 70th anniversary
                                                                  for men and women          replace the paving with         indebted to Hillingdon          ownership and care                of the Battle of Britain.

6                  September/October 2020                                                                                                                                                                                 September/October 2020                7
Open for business Supporting local shops and high streets - Protect yourself and others - Hillingdon Council
news                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             news

    Youth service supports young people                                                                                                Award to boost walking and cycling opportunities
    In the past year the council          clubs and volunteering         achieved a Gold award.
    has supported 54 young                for organisations.             She said: “Completing is                                      The council has                key town centres and             the health benefits of                  Cllr Keith Burrows,
    people to complete the                  Cllr Susan O'Brien,          such a big achievement                                        secured £100,000 from          London Underground               walking and cycling.                 Cabinet Member
    Duke of Edinburgh’s Award             Cabinet Member for             and I would recommend                                         the Department for             stations, as well as                On each of the routes,            for Planning and
    (DofE) programme, with                Education, Children and        it to everyone. It opens                                      Transport’s first allocation   improvements to access           works will include improved          Transportation, said:
    500 more currently enrolled           Youth Services, said: “I       your eyes up to so many                                       of the Emergency Active        points onto the Grand            signage, temporary cycle             “These routes will provide a
    in this popular national              am so proud of our young       different opportunities and                                   Travel Fund to further         Union Canal towpath.             parking in areas where               wider range of travel choices,
    achievement scheme.                   people participating in the    I feel so proud of myself                                     improve conditions               The proposed routes            there is high demand,                encouraging residents to
       The programme gives                DofE Award who, between        knowing I’ve done lots to                                     for walking and cycling        will provide residents           surfacing repairs and the            walk and cycle more; help
    14 to 24-year-olds the                1 April 2019 and 31            help my local community.         “I intend to go to           across Hillingdon              and visitors with an             upgrade of small-scale               to reduce dependency on
    opportunity to gain                   March 2020, contributed           “I volunteered at          university to study Primary     following the outbreak         opportunity to travel on         cycle infrastructure.                public transport services;
    essential work-ready and              a staggering 1,274 hours       my local Beaver and           Education to become a           of the coronavirus.            foot or bicycle safely and          Overgrown access                  and create links across
    personal skills, such as              volunteering to help           Scout unit and had a          teacher, and universities         The funding will             conveniently, avoiding           points to the Grand Union            the borough that are safe,
    resilience, problem solving           others, equating to a social   place at a special needs      have been very impressed        be spent on practical          traffic hotspots such as         Canal will be cleared and            convenient and attractive.”
    and communication, to                 value of £5,542 to local       children’s playgroup. It      with all my new skills          upgrades to five walking       Swakeleys Roundabout,            accessibility improved                  For more information,
    enhance CVs, university               communities in Hillingdon.     was challenging but it was    and experience.”                and cycle routes through       while maintaining social         (in agreement with the               visit www.hillingdon.
    and job applications.                 Many also continued to         very fascinating as well as      For more details, visit      off-road areas linking         distancing and receiving         Canal & River Trust).      '.
       Young residents have               volunteer throughout           rewarding. I challenged
    also taken part in a range            lockdown while adhering        myself to a four-day hiking   dofe and to enrol or find
    of volunteering activities
    locally for their DofE Award,
                                          to government guidance.”
                                            Jessica Harker, 18,
                                                                         and camping expedition
                                                                         in Snowdonia for the
                                                                                                       out more, email dofe@
                                                                                                                                     Park refurbishment works
    including coaching at sports          from Hillingdon, recently      physical element.             call 07956 534 070.           A special event was held at      steel roof wire brushed
                                                                                                                                     Barra Hall Park on Friday 24     and sanded by hand.
      New tennis booking system                                          Children design dream bikes                                 July to mark the completion
                                                                                                                                     of £165,000 improvement
                                                                                                                                                                         The EMI memorial
                                                                                                                                                                      benches in the park,
                                                                          Hundreds of young              The council’s school        works at the site.               commemorating the women
                                                                          residents were inspired      travel and road                  The park’s octagonal          working in EMI who died
                                                                          to get creative with         safety education              bandstand has been               in an air raid during World
                                                                          a bike themed art            team received 472             restored and was the stage       War Two, have also been             We are interested in                upcoming touring
                                                                          competition in June.         submissions and the           for a performance by             refurbished with new bases.         hearing from residents              exhibition called ‘This is
                                                                            The ‘design your           competition was judged        students from Hillingdon            The distinctive formal           of all ages, who may                Me’, where residents are
                                                                          dream bike’ contest,         by Cllr Keith Burrows,        Music Hub, who played to         garden arches have                  have a fascinating story            invited to photograph
                                                                          which took place during      Cabinet Member                those gathered, including        been sandblasted and                to tell about living or             five objects that mean
                                                                          the pandemic as part         for Planning and              the Mayor of Hillingdon,         repainted, and a zip wire           working in the borough              something to them and tell
                                                                          of National Bike Week        Transportation. They          Cllr Teji Barnes; Cllr Richard   for older children and              for a new Hillingdon                the story of who they are.
                                                                          (Saturday 6 to Sunday 14     were blown away by            Lewis, Cabinet Member for        basket swing have been              Stories campaign.                      The aim of the campaign
                                                                          June), encouraged children   the effort and creativity     Central Services, Culture        added to the playground.               Stories can relate to,           is to highlight the history of
      During the summer,                  maintaining a distance,         to draw their ideal bike     put into designs.             and Heritage; and Leader            Cllr Jonathan Bianco,            but are not limited to,             the borough and what it is
      the council introduced              providing social and            and think about their          The drawings were           of the Labour Group and          Cabinet Member for                  your experiences during             like to live in Hillingdon.
      a new booking and                   mental health benefits.         journeys to school and       digitally recreated and       Townfield ward councillor,       Finance, Property and               the pandemic; growing                  As part of the initiative,
      solar powered entry                    Cllr Richard Lewis,          how these involve safety     presented to each             Cllr Peter Curling.              Business Services, said:            up, living or working               videos have been created
      access system for                   Cabinet Member                  and impact on health         child in a frame, and all        The bandstand was             “Barra Hall Park is one of          in Hillingdon; places               that document the
      Churchfield Gardens                 for Central Services,           and the environment.         12 winners received           built in 1928 by notable         our many award-winning              you enjoy visiting; or              significance of Hillingdon’s
      tennis courts, Ruislip.             Culture and Heritage,             The initiative was open    an Amazon voucher.            iron manufacturers Hill          Green Flag sites and it is a        your local family history.          historical sites alongside
         The system will enable           said: “I’m delighted that       to young people aged         View the winners and          and Smith of Dudley.             pleasure to see how it has          These will be used as               virtual behind-the-scenes
      residents to easily book            the new booking systems         between four and 13 and      their winning entries         The cast ironwork frame          now been transformed for            inspiration for future              tours of our theatre venues.
      a free session online.              are providing residents         they were able to be as      at        was sandblasted and              the continued enjoyment of          exhibitions, writing, visual           A new range of heritage
      The gates are passcode-             with a greater ease of          creative as they liked.      uk/design-a-bike.             redecorated, and the             residents and visitors alike.”      arts and performances               walking tours, which
      enabled, environmentally            access to these facilities.                                                                                                                                     at a variety of venues              explore our diverse and
      friendly and make the                  “Tennis can offer so                                                                                                                                         across the borough.                 award-winning green
      site more secure by                 many health and social                                                                                                                                             Your tales can be                spaces, have also been
      preventing misuse and               benefits and whether you                                                                                                                                        submitted in a range                devised and will take
      anti-social behaviour.              are interested in playing a                                                                                                                                     of formats, such as                 place with social distancing
         These works follow the           game for the first time or                                                                                                                                      photographs, artwork,               guidelines in place.
      installation of systems at          enjoying the sport again, I                                                                                                                                     drawings, in writing or                To find out how you
      Cavendish Recreation                would recommend trying                                                                                                                                          via a short video.                  can be involved and
      Ground, Fassnidge Park              out our tennis courts.”                                                                                                                                            The council is also              submit your stories,
      and Hillingdon Court Park.             For more information                                                                                                                                         interested in showcasing            watch the videos or
         Tennis is a fun sport            and to book, visit www.                                                                                                                                         people from various                 take a tour, visit www.
      that can be played while                                                                                                                                         backgrounds for an        

8                     September/October 2020                                                                                                                                                                                             September/October 2020                  9
Open for business Supporting local shops and high streets - Protect yourself and others - Hillingdon Council
older people                                                                                                                                                                                        older people

     Supporting older residents                                                              impressed with the humanity and
                                                                                             selflessness of the people at Bell Farm,
                                                                                             who are individually and collectively
                                                                                                                                                                                   been providing social interaction and
                                                                                                                                                                                   companionship while the dining clubs
                                                                                                                                                                                   have not been able to run as normal.

     during the pandemic                                                                     during this difficult time giving local
                                                                                             people and the community the
                                                                                             support and help they need.
                                                                                                                                                                                      The clubs are hoping to bring
                                                                                                                                                                                   back their dining experiences, while
                                                                                                                                                                                   adhering to government guidelines
                                                                                                 “I receive thoughtful phone calls                                                 on social distancing, later in the year.
     The council’s Leader’s Initiative for Older People,                                     two to three times a week to check                                                       Manor House Sheltered Housing
     a dining centre funding programme and core                                              if I need anything and whenever
                                                                                             I receive a food basket, there is
                                                                                                                                                                                   Scheme in Hayes held an afternoon
                                                                                                                                                                                   tea party in their communal garden
     grant support for voluntary organisations                                               always a beautiful handwritten card                                                   for around 30 residents in June.
                                                                                             someone has taken the time to make.                                                   The scheme’s staff ensured that the
     all help to keep older residents safe, active                                           This wonderful gesture is actually                                                    day was safe for all those taking
     and independent. Hillingdon People takes                                                more valuable to me than the food
                                                                                             itself, it really means so much. For
                                                                                                                                                                                   part by setting up the tables, chairs
                                                                                                                                                                                   and gazebos so people could
     a look at some groups’ activities in recent                                             me, no praise is too high for the                                                     socialise while maintaining the
                                                                                             volunteers and they have been some                                                    required two-metre distance.
     months as they adapt their services.                                                    of Hillingdon’s hidden heroes.”            Initiative for Older People, the              Luckily, the weather was warm
                                                                                                 The team has also been                 centre hopes to continue to bring          and sunny all day, and the residents

           ell Farm Christian Centre in              The cards have since created many       delivering birthday cakes to those         entertainment to older people’s            enjoyed it so much, the event
           West Drayton assists the local         friendships, as the children and older     shielding on their special day as          doorsteps on a regular basis.              extended into the evening.
           community by providing a               residents have continued to stay in        many of their older members live              Ruislip-based dining centres, the Elm      Before the pandemic, the scheme
     number of services, including advice         touch through letter writing, which        far away from their families.              Park Lunch Club and Tudor Luncheon         hosted regular themed dinners
     and information, activities, events and      has helped to create a community               In addition, Bell Farm has been        Club have 243 members who would            which friends and family members
     courses. Bell Farm receives £18,000          connection especially when people          organising special seasonal activities.    normally visit them on a weekly basis.     could attend. Manor House hopes
     towards its dining centre and a core         were confined to their homes.              During Easter, the team sent out more      Last year the centres combined served      to continue the tea parties outside,
     grant of £50,000 from the council.              Local parents and children              than 100 Easter eggs, and for Father’s     more than 12,000 meals, hosted a           weather permitting, so residents
       While the centre has been unable           have also been involved with               Day, they put together goodie bags         range of activities including bingo,       can still catch up with one another
     to hold its regular lunches, trips and       the care package deliveries.               filled with cakes, flowers, socks, and     arts and crafts and quizzes around         while keeping at a safe distance.
     social activities for older residents, the      Ronald Balsdon, 79, (pictured           delivered them to 65 people.               three times a week, and organised             Residents at Rylstone Sheltered
     team has instead been working five           top right) was a regular visitor to Bell       They also hosted a special VE          two five-day holidays annually for         Housing Scheme in Harefield
     days a week to provide food parcels          Farm’s lunch club for older residents      Day activity where they brought            its members. The council’s support         enjoyed their first coffee morning
     and befriending calls to their members       and has been receiving support             celebrations to more than 100              from its dining centre programme for       since lockdown in July.
     and those who were shielding.                since the start of the pandemic,           people through socially distanced          both centres adds up to £84,000.              Prior to the pandemic, the scheme
       Since lockdown, the centre has             including regular phone calls, the         doorstep visits. They arrived at each         Since March, the team has been          ran weekly events for up to 30
     delivered more than 300 care                 food parcels and handwritten cards.        person’s home in a decorated car           calling each of the members weekly         residents. This time, 12 residents
     packages and made around 250                    He said: “I had such a lovely time      playing wartime music and delivered        to check in with them. They have also      attended the morning, which was held
     calls each week to support the               whenever I went to Bell Farm and it        freshly baked cakes, gifts, a themed       been shopping for those who were           in Rylstone’s lounge, and allowed for
     community and reduce loneliness.             has been a real loss to me since the       activity booklet and more to help          shielding and don’t have family to do      some much-needed catching up with
       The centre also teamed up with             centre had to temporarily close.           residents to commemorate the day.          this for them. Their phone calls have      friends after many months of shielding.
     local schools, including Cherry Lane            “I live alone and my family live            Using a specific £2,000 grant                                                        The residents had requested for
     Primary School, to produce hundreds          several hours away, so the support         received from the Leader’s                                                            social activities to take place again,
     of greetings cards that have been            from them has been so beneficial.                                                      Leader of the Council,                    such as a coffee morning, after
     placed inside the care packages.             Everyone is caring and I’m really                                                      Cllr Sir Ray Puddifoot, “I have           explaining they had felt lonely and
                                                                                                                                         been amazed by residents and              hoped for a bit of normality through
                                                                                                                                         community groups across the               the reintroduction of such events.
                                                                                                                                         borough voluntarily supporting               Employees put measures in place
                                                                                                                                         those in need of help and                 so residents could attend the coffee
                                                                                                                                         protection during the pandemic.           morning while adhering to social
                                                                                                                                         The continued efforts from our            distancing. These visible measures
                                                                                                                                                                                   also helped to put residents at ease.
                                                                                                                                         local dining clubs and sheltered
                                                                                                                                                                                      Following the success of the
                                                                                                                                         housing schemes to look after             morning, Rylstone has made the
                                                                                                                                         older residents really shows the          coffee morning a regular event
                                                                                                                                         selflessness heroism of our               each Wednesday. The mornings
                                                                                                                                         communities and we are proud to           have become increasingly popular
                                                                                                                                         continue to support their work            as more residents are starting to
                                                                                                                                         through the Leader’s Initiative.”         feel comfortable to attend again.

                                                                                                                                             To find out more about the Leader’s Initiative for Older People and to
                                                                                                                                            apply for a grant to hold Christmas events or activities for older people
                                                                                                                                              (COVID-19 dependent), visit

10                      September/October 2020                                                                                                                                          September/October 2020                    11
Open for business Supporting local shops and high streets - Protect yourself and others - Hillingdon Council
               safety                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          section

                       t i n g t h e p u b l i c
             Pro t e c                   rrectlyi n c o
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Face masks and face coverings
                                                                                                                                                                                                         what to look out for

                               n  d a r d a n d
         against substa ks and hand sanitiser
                                                                                                                                                                                                            The trading standards team predominantly
                                                                                                                                                                                                         inspects face masks that have been designed
                                                                                                                                                                                                         as Personal Protective Equipment, such as

             l l e d f a c e m a s                                                                                                                                                                       respirators. When buying such equipment,

                                                                                                                                                                                                         the team recommends customers choose
                                                                                                                                                                                                         a reputable retailer and look out for:
                                                                                                                                   Hand sanitisers with fake branding and insufficient alcohol content      • CE Mark
                                                                                                                                                                                                            • EN 149: 2001 the European safety
                                                                                                                                                                                                              standard for PPE respirator face masks
                                                                                                                                                                                                              with FFP2 or FFP3 level of protection
                                                                                                                                                                  Cllr Douglas Mills, Cabinet               • Name and address of manufacturer
     Our trading standards                                                                                                                                        Member of Community,                      • Name and address of importer/distributor
                                                                                                                                                                  Commerce and Regeneration,                • Product expiry date
     team has been playing                                                                                                                                        said: “Trading standards continues        • Instructions on how to wear the mask.
     a crucial role in                                                                                                                                            to do a sterling job in not only           In the context of the coronavirus outbreak,
                                                                                                                                                                  protecting local residents but also    the best available scientific evidence
     stopping substandard                                                                                                                                         members of the public up and           is that, when used correctly, wearing a
     and incorrectly labelled                                                                                                                                     down the UK who might otherwise        face covering may reduce the spread of
                                                                                                                                                                                                         coronavirus droplets in certain circumstances,
                                                                                                                                                                  be put at risk by substandard or
     face masks and hand                                                                                                                                          incorrectly labelled products.         helping to protect others. You can buy
                                                                                                                                                                                                         reusable or single-use face coverings. You
     sanitisers entering                                                                                                                                            “With the fight against
                                                                                                                                                                                                         may also use a scarf, bandana, religious
                                                                                                                                                                  coronavirus likely to last for some
     the UK via Heathrow                                                                                                                                          time, these cargo inspections are as
                                                                                                                                                                                                         garment or handmade cloth covering.
     Airport since the                                                                                                                                            important as ever, and I’m proud of    A face covering should:
                                                                                                                                                                  the role Hillingdon is playing in
     outbreak of COVID-19.                                                                                                                                        keeping the nation safe.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                              cover your nose and mouth while
                                                                                                                                                                                                             allowing you to breathe comfortably

             uring the first two months of                                                                                                                                                                   fit comfortably but securely against
             the coronavirus pandemic,                                                                                                                                                                       the side of the face
             our trading standards                The teams’ efforts were so              “At a time when face masks and                                                                                     be secured to the head with ties
     team, with support from their              impressive that BBC London went         hand sanitisers have become                                                                                          or ear loops
     counterparts at Hounslow Council,          along to film a cargo inspection for    essential commodities, we’re helping                                                                                 be made of a material that you find to be
     stopped 6.5 million face masks and         the 6.30pm news in June. By the         to stop substandard products                                                                                         comfortable and breathable, such as cotton
     8,000 counterfeit hand sanitisers          end of June, the team had inspected     entering the UK market, where                                                                                        ideally include at least two layers of fabric
     coming through the airport.                13.5 million face masks, all of which   they could potentially end up in                                                                                     (the World Health Organisation
       The majority had been labelled           were either destroyed or required       shops or health settings. In just over                                                                               recommends three depending on
     with false claims or fake safety           changes to their labelling. Where       two months we stopped almost                                                                                         the fabric used)
     certificates, and around 4.25              possible, the team attempted            7,500 kilograms of non-compliant                                                                                     unless disposable, it should be able to
     million had to undergo label               to get the packaging altered to         goods entering the market.”                                                                                          be washed with other items of laundry
     amendments before they were                remove all safety claims so that           All seized goods are                                                                                              according to fabric washing instructions
     subsequently released. However,            the masks could be sold as face         destroyed and the materials                                                                                          and dried without causing the face
     2.25 million were found not to             coverings rather than as face masks.    recycled where possible.                                                                                             covering to be damaged
     comply with legal safety standards.          While face coverings are                Hillingdon and Hounslow                                                                                           You should wash your hands thoroughly
                                                                                                                                   Substandard face mask with weak ear loop straps
       The teams also seized 8,000 fake         recommended because they                Councils’ trading standards services                                                                             with soap and water for 20 seconds or use
     hand sanitisers, branded Andrex and        offer some degree of protection         provide product safety inspections                                                                               hand sanitiser before putting a face
     Comfort, at Heathrow. Suspicions           against COVID-19, they do not           at Heathrow Airport on behalf                                                                                    covering on.
     were raised as they had identical          offer the same protection as            of the UK Office for Product                                                                                       For more information on face coverings,
     packaging and labelling, except for        face masks that comply with EN          Safety and Standards (OPSS).                                                                                     when to wear them, how to wear them
     the brand name, and the same batch         149: 2001 - the European safety         Hillingdon's team currently holds                                                                                safely and how to make your own, visit
     code on the entire consignment. A          standard for respirator face masks.     an OPSS award for excellence for                                                                       
     further 4,500 hand sanitisers with false     Phil Jenkins, Trading                 the work they do at the airport.                                                                                 face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-
     labelling were seized at the airport.      Standards Officer, said: “Many            As well as inspecting PPE such as face                                                                         and-how-to-make-your-own.
     A sample of the fake hand sanitisers       people don’t know about the             masks, the team has continued with
     was analysed by a laboratory and           important frontline role the council    business as usual tasks at the airport
     found to contain only 44 per cent          plays in protecting consumers           through the pandemic, including

     ethanol. Public Health England             up and down the country from            inspecting toys, electrical goods and                                                                                           For more information on the work
     recommends 60 per cent or above            unscrupulous businesses seeking         cosmetics to ensure the products are                                                                                                     of trading standards, visit
     to be effective against COVID-19.          to bypass EU and UK safety laws.        safety compliant and fit for purpose.      Non-compliant face mask with false labelling                          

12                     September/October 2020                                                                                                                                                                                September/October 2020                13
Open for business Supporting local shops and high streets - Protect yourself and others - Hillingdon Council
              section                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                section

     Protect yourself and others                                                                                                                                                                                             household/support bubble no

     from coronavirus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             longer need to isolate.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               4 SHARE       CONTACTS: If
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    you test positive for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             coronavirus, the NHS Test and
     Like all local authorities, we are working with the government, NHS                                                                                                                                                     Trace service will send you a
     Test and Trace and local communities to minimise the spread of                                                                                                                                                          text, email or call you within 24
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             hours with instructions of how to
     coronavirus (COVID-19).                                                                                                                                                                                                 share details of people you have

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             been in direct contact with, or
             his involves sharing current           infection rate data and information   Stay alert to control the virus                                                                                                    within 2 metres of, for more than
             public health guidance                 on council services and support,      and save lives                                                                                                                     15 minutes, and places you have
             as widely as possible so               visit          In July and August, infection rates in                                                                                             visited. Please respond quickly
     everyone knows what they can do                coronavirus.                          Hillingdon were low but it is important                                                                                            so advice can be given to those
     to protect themself and others, what             You can also follow our social      that you continue to follow the guidelines                                                                                         who need it and to protect your
     the virus symptoms are and how to              media accounts. For Twitter follow    to reduce the risk of you and other                                                                                                friends and family and the spread
     access a test if you have symptoms.            @Hillingdon and for Facebook like     people getting ill with coronavirus.                                                                                               of the virus in your community.
        We have also developed plans                the ‘London Borough of Hillingdon’.     You can spread the virus even if you                                                                                             If you are contacted by the Test
     so that we can respond quickly                   We also regularly send email        do not have symptoms.                                                                                                              and Trace service please follow
     if any local outbreaks occur.                  newsletters. Sign up online to          To continue to protect yourself and                                                                                              their instructions. Any information
        For the most up-to-date                     receive these at www.hillingdon.      others, please remember                                                                                                            you are asked to give will be kept
     coronavirus guidance, localised                               the following...                                                                                                                   in confidence.

           Wash your hands                               Keep your distance                         Avoid touching
           often for at least 20                       (2 metres or 1 metre where                     your face
         seconds using soap and                            this isn’t possible)
            water or sanitiser

                                                                                                                                           Test and Trace                            essential worker; or if you have
                                                       You do not need to wear a                                                                                                     been told to have a test before
                                                        face covering if you have a                                                        The NHS Test and Trace service            you go into hospital, for example
                                                                                                                                           helps to identify, contain and            for surgery. You can choose to
                                                     legitimate reason not to. Please
                                                                                                                                           control coronavirus, reduce the           take the test at a test site near you    Leader of the Council,
                                                      be mindful and respectful that                                                       spread of the virus and save lives.
             Cover your face                          there are some circumstances                                                                                                   and get your result tomorrow             Cllr Sir Ray Puddifoot, said:
                                                                                                                                           If you have coronavirus symptoms,         (you can only leave home to have         “Please share this important
          on public transport and                      where people are less able           Cover your mouth and nose                      you should:                               a test), or you can take the test        information with your family,
            in enclosed public                          to wear face coverings and          with a tissue or your sleeve
              indoor spaces                            that the reasons for this may        (not your hands) when you                        1 ISOLATE:        You and anyone
                                                                                                                                                   in your household and/or
                                                                                                                                                                                     with a home test kit.                    friends and community. I would
                                                                                                                                                                                           RESULTS: If your test is
                                                          not be visible to others.               cough or sneeze                          support bubble must stay at home            3 positive,   you must stay at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              like to encourage Hillingdon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              residents to continue to follow
                                                                                                                                           until you get your test results.          home (self-isolate) for 10 days          the safety guidelines, and if you
                                                                                                                                             2 TEST:      You should book a          from when you started to have            think you have symptoms
     Symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)                                                                    If you have any of                      test immediately (within the
                                                                                                                                           first five days of having symptoms)
                                                                                                                                                                                     symptoms. Anyone in your
                                                                                                                                                                                     household/support bubble
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              please self-isolate immediately
                                                                                                           these symptoms,                                                                                                    and book a test. Our ability to
                                                                                                           you should protect              by visiting               should stay at home for 14 days
                                                                                                                                           coronavirus-test or calling 119.          from when you started to have            return to a more normal life
                                                                                                           yourself and others
                                                                                                                                           Everyone is eligible for a test. You      symptoms. If your test is negative,      relies on everyone playing their
                                                                                                           by not leaving
                                                                                                           home (self-isolating)           can get a test for yourself if you        you and other members of your            part and doing the right thing.”
                                                                                                           and immediately                 have coronavirus symptoms; for

                                                                                                           booking a test                  someone you live with, if they                               To find out more about the Test and Trace service, visit
                                                                                                           (see right).                    have symptoms; if you are an                       
      A high temperature                      A new continuous cough          A loss of smell or taste                                                                                                                 or call 119 if you have no internet access.

14                   September/October 2020                                                                                            *All information accurate at time of print.                                                 September/October 2020                15
Open for business Supporting local shops and high streets - Protect yourself and others - Hillingdon Council
               business                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    section

     SUPPORTING YOUR                                                                                                                      The council has also set up a new         the government to take action against
                                                                                                                                       pavement licensing scheme and we             businesses who are not adhering to             Leader of the Council,
                                                                                                                                                                                    the government guidelines. Officers            Cllr Sir Ray Puddifoot, said:

                                                                                                                                       are inviting applications from food
                                                                                                                                       and beverage businesses who want             are carrying out regular compliance            “COVID-19 has had a huge impact
                                                                                                                                       to place tables and chairs on the            checks and will take further action            on the local business community.
                                                                                                                                                                                    where businesses are putting public

                                                                                                                                       pavement outside their premises to                                                          Our support has ensured that a
                                                                                                                                       help customers to socially distance.         health at risk.                                range of businesses could access
                                                                                                                                       The scheme offers good value for             Online business directory                      temporary government funding

                                                                                                                                       money at just £40 for four months. To           We have launched a new online               and that premises were helped to
                                                                                                                                       find out more visit www.hillingdon.          business directory. Businesses can sign        reopen safely - for both
                                                                                                                                                  up for free to advertise their services        employees and customers.
                                                                                                                                          In July, the council held two live        and residents can use the directory              “We hope that through the
                                                                                                                                       Q&A Twitter sessions for non-essential       to find out which businesses are open
                                                                                                                                       businesses and the hospitality industry,                                                    variety of support we are offering,
                                                                                                                                                                                    locally, their hours and any coronavirus-
     The council has delivered various                                                                                                 offering advice on reopening safely.         related restrictions in place. For more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   that we can encourage residents to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   shop in Hillingdon and help the
                                                                                                                                          The council has also been given a         information visit
     forms of targeted support to                                                                                                      range of new enforcement powers by           businessdirectory.                             local economy to bounce back.”
     Hillingdon businesses, both during
     the coronavirus lockdown and as                                                                                                      Jane Belither-Baverstock,                  A risk assessment of the business
     restrictions ease, to assist them                                                                                                    Director of Plush Hair, Ruislip,           was carried out and we have all the
                                                                                                                                          said: “The council was very helpful        PPE - including protective visors
     through this period of disruption,                                                                                                   when we had to close down and              and aprons - and put in place all
     to help them to get back up and                                                                                                      then when we reopened. There
                                                                                                                                          was an amazing amount of advice,
                                                                                                                                                                                     the safety and social distancing
                                                                                                                                                                                     procedures, such as booking by
     running safely, and to encourage                                                                                                     especially on the website, about           appointment and having only three
                                                                                                                                          the assistance available which got         clients in the salon at one time, so
     residents to shop locally to boost                                                                                                   us through those first few weeks           our staff feel safe as well as making
     the borough’s economy.                                                                                                               of panic.                                  our clients feel safe.
                                                                                                                                             “We received the government                “We have always ensured high
                                                                                                                                          grant from the council, along with         levels of hygiene and cleanliness,

                                                                                                                                          rates relief for 12 months, which we       so this didn’t change. All areas used
           ocal businesses received support       bills, so it was pretty scary. With        and guidance to retail premises,             were really grateful for.                  by clients are cleaned after use and       questionnaire. Clients must use
           from the council in accessing          no income, it’s amazing how                beauty salons and the hospitality               “With the help of the council,          equipment is sterilised.                   the sanitiser station before being
           some of the government’s               quickly the money runs out.                sector to ensure they could reopen           we put a lot of time and effort into          “No client can come through             seated, and we give them a sealed
     temporary coronavirus business                                                          safely for customers and their staff.        ensuring the safety of both staff          the door without having their              plastic bag containing a disposable
     support grants. One-off cash                                                              In one week alone they visited more        and our clients for reopening - our        temperature taken first. We then           mask and gown. We also keep
     grants of £10,000 were provided                                                         than 1,000 retail premises. Businesses       salon is run like a military operation.    ask them to complete a health              record cards for Test and Trace.”
     to eligible smaller businesses, and                                                     were also offered a free street marking
     larger premises were entitled to a                                                      service to ensure social distancing
     £25,000 grant. Smaller businesses                                                       and help with risk assessments.
     that were not eligible for the Small                                                                                                                                            are adhering to social distancing            “Customers pre-book their
     Business Grant Fund or the Retail,                                                                                                                                              guidelines and are happy with the          order on an app rather than
     Leisure and Hospitality Fund were                                                                                                                                               safety measures we have in place.          coming up to the bar and staff
     then able to apply for Local Authority                                                                                                                                             “The council worked with us             bring their orders to their table.
     Discretionary Grant funding.                                                                                                                                                    to make it happen, including               Staff have PPE and we are always
        By 18 August, the council had                                                                                                                                                offering free street marking for           sanitising. We have also put
     distributed more than £42 million               "After enquiring about the initial                                                                                              those queuing.                             up protective screens around
     in financial support grants to help          grants, I kept in touch with the council                                                                                              “We have been following strict          the bar area. It’s great to see
     more than 3,284 businesses.                  and they were really good at keeping                                                                                               procedures - there are sanitising          people coming out and enjoying
        Ashley Winston, Director                  me informed, and when the next set                                                                                                 stations at the door, and we have          themselves after lockdown.
     of Palmdale Motors Ltd in                    of funds were released for companies                                                                                               a system for recording customers              “The council’s licensing team
     Hayes, said: “As a car finding               like mine, they were really quick to let                                                                                           details which they can complete            has provided regular updates
     business and not a car dealer, we            me know and act after I had applied.                                                                                               on their phones as they enter. We          regarding the government's
     fell through the gap when the                We were allocated a grant within days.                                                  David Hogg, General Manager                also promote online bookings for           guidelines and have been great
     government financial assistance                 “They linked me to the application                                                   of Millers Tap, Uxbridge, said:            our tables so we can let customers         popping in to see how we're
     for businesses was launched.                 and took the time to speak to                                                           “Things have been going fantastically      know when we are going to be full.         doing and they are constantly
        “We were not eligible for the first       me. I can’t thank them enough.”                                                         since we opened again on 24 July.          With pre-booking we can manage             checking if there is anything extra
     set of grants because we are not                As lockdown eased and a range                                                        Our customers know the rules,              the size of the groups coming in.          they can do to support us.”
     officially in retail, so for two months it   of businesses were given the green

     made things tight and put us on edge.        light by the government to reopen,                                                                                                                             For more information about the support the council
        “I had to furlough my small staff,        council officers went door-to-door                                                                                                                               is offering businesses, visit
     but still had to pay rent, insurance,        across the borough offering help                                                                                                                                         guidance-and-support-for-local-businesses

16                      September/October 2020                                                                                                                                                                                        September/October 2020                   17
Open for business Supporting local shops and high streets - Protect yourself and others - Hillingdon Council
             digital                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     section
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                digital services

     Engaging with residents digitally during the pandemic
     The council has harnessed online                                                                                                                                                      Dementia support continues
                                                                 Video tutorials and plant                                   Virtual council meetings
     technology to transform the
     delivery of a variety of services.                          deliveries to help gardening                                The council recorded a first in May, when the Major           Since the start of lockdown, the council has ensured
                                                                                                                             Applications Planning Committee held its debut                that social support has remained available to residents
                                                                 As a result of the pandemic, the application and            live virtual meeting on YouTube using Google Meet.            living with dementia.
                                                                 judging process for our annual Hillingdon in                   The meeting was not only groundbreaking, but                  The support started with calls to residents who
      Hub delivers lessons online                                Bloom horticultural competition took place
                                                                 virtually this year with residents entering
                                                                                                                             also a way of ensuring that the council’s vital decision-
                                                                                                                             making and democratic processes were able to
                                                                                                                                                                                           usually attended our coffee mornings. The calls were
                                                                                                                                                                                           made to make sure each attendee was safe and to
                                                                 photo entries online.                                       adapt well during the pandemic.                               also direct them to the council’s community support
                                                                    The popular contest received 110 submissions from           Council meetings were briefly suspended in                 hub should they need it. The council’s sport and
                                                                 residents, businesses, community groups and schools         April as the country went into lockdown and                   physical activity team contacted around 60 people
                                                                 in the borough across its nine categories, and judging      social distancing requirements were introduced.               each week, rising to 90, as more people were referred
                                                                 took place during July and August.                                                                                        from Admiral Nurses, the Alzheimer's Society and the
                                                                    The online format allowed more residents to take                                                                       NHS Memory Service based at Hillingdon Hospital.
                                                                 place as it meant that those with back gardens could                                                                         As residents aren’t able to meet at their regular
                                                                 participate for the first time.                                                                                           coffee mornings, a weekly pack containing
                                                                    The results will be announced in September and                                                                         puzzles, word searches, articles and more was
                                                                 will feature in the next edition of Hillingdon People                                                                     also sent out, either by email or delivered in
                                                                 alongside this year’s Autumn Show winners.                                                                                person, by Mick Geraghty, who works with
                                                                    To help people to hone or develop their gardening                                                                      the team and usually leads these mornings.
                                                                 skills and encourage new entrants for Hillingdon in                                                                          Online Zoom sessions were additionally introduced
                                                                 Bloom and the Autumn Show, the council’s adult and                                                                        to help those with dementia and their carers to stay
                                                                 community learning team and the Rural Activities                                                                          connected. Two sessions a week took place initially,
      Children aged between five and 18 are offered              Garden Centre (RAGC) created free gardening video                                                                         increasing to five due to their popularity. During the
      the opportunity to learn a musical instrument with         tutorials, which are available to view on the council’s     Shortly after, new regulations were introduced by             virtual meet-ups, the groups enjoy a range of activities
      subsidised music lessons by Hillingdon Music Hub.          social media pages.                                         the government permitting virtual meetings, and               including singing, as well as chatting about a variety of
        During the pandemic, the Hub has been delivering            The videos cover a range of topics, including how to     councillors began to hold key meetings via the                topics to aid reminiscence. Additionally, a variety of
      online instrumental and singing lessons and digital        plant a hanging basket, making a frame to grow runner       Google Meet platform. This has included meetings              singing and theatre groups have been providing
      resources for schools, such as singing assemblies and      beans and sowing plants from seeds and bulbs.               of the council’s Cabinet and Full Council.                    virtual performances via Zoom and two
      tutorials.                                                    In addition to creating online videos, the team at the      Residents can watch all meetings and proceedings           Whatsapp groups have been set up so
        The Hub also delivered Zoom meetings for                 RAGC also ensured that residents could continue to          live on the council’s YouTube channel and to ensure           people can chat outside the sessions.
      school music coordinators, and children were given         order a range of plants, compost and eggs via a free        new technology is not a barrier for residents and                During the summer, some outdoor meet-ups took
      the chance to be involved in multi-track video             delivery service while the centre itself is temporarily     others participating in virtual planning committee            place, enabling residents with dementia and their
      production on YouTube.                                     closed. The team has completed more than 1,200              meetings, the council has temporarily replaced                carers to meet in small groups while adhering to
        Learning a musical instrument can be beneficial          home deliveries since Tuesday 14 April, and in June         physical speaking rights with written representations,        social distancing guidelines. For some it was the first
      to young people, and can help improve children’s           they launched a choose and collect service.                 subject to a valid petition being received.                   social contact they had had since before lockdown.
      concentration, confidence and coordination.

                                                                                                                                                                                  i                                                                i
                                                                                                                                      Watch the council’s virtual meetings on              For more information about dementia support in
                                                                                                                                            the council’s YouTube channel at               Hillingdon, visit

                                                                                                                             Families take part in Playday 2020

                                                                                                                                     he council developed a range of free videos and
                                                                                                                                     online sessions so that families could take part in
                                                                                                                                     this year’s Playday.
                                                                                                                               The national day of play for children in the UK took
                                                                                                                             place on Wednesday 5 August, and parents were able
                                                                                                                             to access play sessions, videos and fun ideas on the

                                                                    The centre’s stock is regularly posted on their          council’s website and via our Facebook, Instagram and            Playing not only helps with a child’s physical, mental
                                                                  Facebook page ‘Rural Activities Garden Centre’,            Twitter pages.                                                and emotional health, but also contributes to their

            Free tutorials can still be accessed online by                   but can also be emailed to residents.               Hundreds of residents got involved with the day,          learning and development.

                searching for ‘Hillingdon Music Hub’ on                   If you would like to make an order and             engaging with the online content which included themed                  To view some of the Playday videos, visit
        YouTube. For more information about learning                   arrange for a delivery or collection, email           fitness sessions, storytime, arts and crafts, and ideas for            
       an instrument, visit                                 games and messy play.

18                    September/October 2020                                                                                                                                                                         September/October 2020                 19
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