Federal Reserve and US Mint Take Action to Address Coin Shortages - ARTAZN

Page created by Joel Bennett
Federal Reserve and US Mint Take Action to Address Coin Shortages - ARTAZN
VOLUME 18 – NO 7 / JULY 2020

Federal Reserve and                                                                                  Taking
US Mint Take Action to                                                                               Down the
Address Coin Shortages                                                                               Law enforcement authorities from
                                                  Consequently, retailers have been forced           Italy, Belgium and France, supported
                                                  to limit or even refuse to give out change.        by Europol, have dismantled an
                                                  Kroger Co, a supermarket chain with nearly         organised crime network involved
                                                  3,000 stores, is one example, temporarily          in euro counterfeiting, arresting 44
                                                  refusing to give coins out as change.              suspects and freezing assets worth
                                                  Customers can either round up their bills          €8 million in Italy. It is understood
                                                  to the nearest dollar and give the excess to       be the largest euro counterfeiting
                                                  charity or get their change stored on loyalty      network to be disrupted in the history
                                                  cards. Retailers around the country are            of the euro.
                                                  taking similar measures, putting up posters        The criminal network is believed to have
                                                  asking customers for exact change or               produced and distributed more than 3
                                                  payment by card.                                   million counterfeit banknotes with a total
                                                  The Fed is responsible for coin distribution       face value of over €233 million over the
                                                  and one of its first actions in June, when         years, which represent one quarter of
Nowhere is the mismatch between                   the problem became apparent, was to                all counterfeit euro banknotes detected
public and media perceptions that                 implement quotas based on historic                 in circulation since the introduction of
COVID-19 is hastening the demise of               order volumes by denomination and the              the currency.
cash on the one hand, and yet evidence            depository institution endpoint to protect         According to Europol, the mastermind
that demand is surging in many                    its coin inventories. As a result, banks and       behind the criminal organisation has
countries on the other, more apparent             other distributors of coins have received          been involved in currency counterfeiting
than in the US, which has had to take             less than what they ordered or even less           for more than 20 years. He had not
action to remedy a shortage of coins              than their usual allotments.                       only established the whole network in
describe by the Federal Reserve as a                                                                 charge of the production of counterfeit
                                                  Another action is that the United States
‘significant issue’.                                                                                 euros and other currencies, but also
                                                  Mint has upped coin production. Circulating
The Chairman of the Federal Reserve,              coin production has decreased in recent            organised their dissemination on the
Jerome Powell, told the House Financial           years, down from 16 billion in 2016 to 11.9        European market.
Committee in Congress that ‘with the partial      billion in 2019. And because of COVID-19
closure of the economy, the flow of coins         restrictions for Mint workers, the first half of
through the economy has gotten… It’s kind         this year has been particularly slow. In the
of stopped.’                                      second half, however, the US Mint expects
In April 2020 there were $47.8 billion worth      to produce up to 1.6 billion coins per
of coins in circulation in the US, up from        month for the rest of the year, adding up to
$47.4 billion a year earlier, showing that this   projected total of 14.2 billion coins for 2020.
issue is not a shortage of coins themselves,      The Mint has also issued a statement to
but their circulation. With banks and shops       the public, asking for its help in paying at
closed, people have not been paying with          shops with exact change and returning
cash, whilst the Fed’s system of producing        spare change to circulation by depositing it
and distributing coins has been disrupted,        at banks.
meaning that banks have been holding
                                                  Continued on page 6 >
fewer coins.                                                                                         Continued on page 16 >

Federal Reserve and US Mint Take Action to Address Coin Shortages - ARTAZN
What is the Future for Cash?
                                        There can be no doubt that the future              For cash
                                        for cash will be different from what it            There are, however, also reasons why the
                                        would have been had the world not                  use of cash may stabilise or even increase:
                                        experienced COVID-19.                              1. During the pandemic, and even if a
                                        We consider the implications at a time                vaccine is developed in the next six
                                        when there is still so much that is not               months, there is going to be a recession
                                        known about the virus, or stated another              and high unemployment, even in those
                                        way, there is still much to learn.                    countries with the highest GDP. Cash
                                        That aside, it is possible that the effects           has been proven to be the best way to
                                        of the pandemic will reduce the usage of              manage household and other personal

     Inside this Issue                  cash even after it itself is (we hope) a distant
                                        memory. The evidence for this, as noted our
                                                                                              budgets in a crisis, and many will adopt it
                                                                                              out of necessity.
      1 Federal Reserve and             supplement ‘Protecting Cash, Safeguarding          2.It is probable that cash will be shown
         US Mint Take Action to         the Public Against COVID-19 – Part 3’, is            either not to be a hygiene risk for
         Address Coin Shortages         as follows.                                          COVID-19 or to offer less risk than the
                                        Against cash                                         use of plastic cards.
      1 Taking Down the                                                                    3. The current focus globally is defending
                                        1. Cash use fell in lockdowns because
         Counterfeiters                                                                       and improving the rights of minority
                                           even habitual cash users were forced in
      2 What is the Future for             some cases to adopt alternative payment            groups, the socially deprived and those
                                                                                              on low incomes. A large number of
         Cash?                             methods – they may not return to the
                                           same level of cash usage. For example,             these people use cash for their daily
      3 Year of Growth and                 people have had to shop online for basics          transactions – governments will not wish
         Innnovation for Bank              such as food to be delivered or collected,         to institute policies against them.
         Indonesia                         and for items normally available in shops       4.A high percentage of commerce takes
                                           selling non-essential items that have             place in informal markets in under-
      3 Busy Year for                      not been allowed to open. Payments in             developed and developing countries.
         Central Bank of Turkey            virtually all cases have been digital. It is      Cash is essential in these circumstances
      3 Bank of Botswana                   expected that many people will continue           – as they recover and grow, so will cash
         Prepares for the Future           to shop like this, even after shopping            (until digital becomes more acceptable).
                                           returns to normal.
                                                                                           Likely scenarios
      4 News in Brief                   2.Hygiene – the perception that cash could         Taking these factors into account, there are
      5 New Notes and                     cause contamination has led people and           a considerable number of logical scenarios
                                          organisations to direct payment to cards
         Tenders in the Region                                                             regarding the future of cash. The most
                                          and mobile phones. It will be a major            likely are:
      5 Argentina Runs out of             task to reverse this perception and new
                                                                                            Cash will remain as a widely used form of
         Capacity                         behaviour.
                                                                                            payment, not least because the poorest
                                        3. Contactless payments substituting for
      5 CMB Moves Forward as               cash may have formed new habits.
                                                                                            people in rich countries, and most people
         Strategic Company                 Contactless card limits being increased
                                                                                            in poorer countries currently depend on
                                                                                            cash. This is unlikely to change in the near
      6 People in the News                 by c. 50% will remain, increasing the            future, so cash will remain in use globally,
                                           opportunity and inclination to pay with          but especially in low GDP countries, as a
      7 Cash and COVID-19 –                them.                                            major form of payment for at least 10-15
         Expert Views from the          4.Access to cash will be reduced as bank            years.
         Frontline (Part 3)               branches and ATMs decline in number.              It may decline globally afterwards but it
     10 Making the Change –             5. The correlation between cash                     is too soon to predict the rate of decline,
         Artazn Gears up for Coins         transactions and GDP is high. The                not least because it will vary from country
         of the Future                     economic impact of the pandemic is likely        to country and the impact of digital
                                           to reduce GDP.                                   currencies, including those of central
     12 Not All Plastic is Bad – Just   6.Contactless/digital payments will                 banks, is too soon to predict.
         Ask the Issuers of Polymer       continue to be highly promoted for both           Digital payments will continue to increase
         Banknotes                        convenience and safety from infection.            their market share. Cash will continue
     13 Security Shouldn’t be           7. As cash usage declines the cost of               to decline as a form of payment. It will
                                                                                            decline to as low as 10% of transactions
         Breezed Over                      providing cash will increase – access to
                                           cash will decline forcing a move to other        in the most developed countries within 10
     14 Oman’s new 50 Rial –               forms of payment.                                years, but will continue to be the prime
         Celebration Matched to         8.Legislation may be required to ensure
                                                                                            form of payment in the least developed
         Innovation                       cash remains available, but government
                                                                                            countries for at least 15 years.
                                                                                            Governments may have to subsidise or
     15 Note and Coin News                funding may also be required.
                                                                                            fund the use of cash where its use has
                                                                                            declined below commercially viable levels.

Federal Reserve and US Mint Take Action to Address Coin Shortages - ARTAZN
Year of Growth and Innovation for                                                                                                          Bank of
Bank Indonesia                                                                                                                             Botswana
According to Bank Indonesia's recently-                               Cash in circulation increased by 51%, from                           Prepares for the
released Annual Report, its new Command                               Rp 2 22,769,920 million to Rp 335,745,187
Centre for Rupiah Currency Management                                 million during the year. Perum Peruri
became operational in 2019 and                                        delivered 11,558 million banknotes and 999
successfully co-ordinated cash services                               million coins. Bank Indonesia spend 45%                              The Bank of Botswana’s 2019 annual
when an earthquake struck Palu, NTB, and                              more on currency planning, procurement                               report looks to the future of payments in
when there were floods in Java Island on                              and printing compared with 2018, Rp                                  two main areas in addition to reporting on
1 January 2020. Christmas 2019 also saw                               4,483,509 million.                                                   cash in circulation (CIC).
the annual issue of banknotes increase by                             The Bank conducts two surveys each                                   Banknote and coin usage continues to
14.9% compared with the previous year,                                year of households and traders/MSMEs                                 grow strongly. In 2019 banknote volumes
reaching Rp 112.5 trillion.                                           across 82 cities/regencies and five areas                            increased by 18% and coins by 6%. The
Again, the Command Centre played its role                             of the Bank’s cash custodians. 2019 saw                              P200 remains the largest circulation note
in managing this significant increase.                                survey results that significantly exceeded                           by volume, representing 31% of issued
                                                                      targets set for both large and small                                 notes. The volume of P10 notes increased
                                                                      denomination notes.                                                  by 41%, significantly more than any other
                                                                                                                                           denomination. The old series of coins
                                                                                                                                           were demonetised at the end of the year,
                                                                                                                                           resulting in coins in circulation to fall 47.6%

Busy Year for
                                                                                                                                           as old coins were returned.
                                                                                                                                           In January 2019, the Electronic Payment

Central Bank of Turkey                                                                                                                     Services (EPS) Regulation, statutory
                                                                                                                                           instrument No 2, came into force. This
                                                                                                                                           establishes the legal framework for the
The value and volume of banknotes issued                              Firstly, the number of Decentralised Cash                            licencing and oversight of EPS Providers,
by the Central Bank of the Republic of                                Management Depots (MONY) increased                                   including money and value transfer
Turkey (CBRT) increased by 16% and                                    by 13 to 21. These are in addition to its 21                         service operations. It brings mobile money
11.7% respectively in 2019 to a value of TY                           branches, 16 banknote depots in provinces                            operations under the jurisdiction of the
153.4 billion and 2.139 billion notes.                                that don’t have branches, and two cash                               Bank, an important move given the growth
The average each year over the last five                              centres. CBRT organised collections of                               in mobile payments in the region.
years has been a 12.8% increase in value                              TRY 559.3 billion and payments of TRY
                                                                      580.4 billion.                                                       The Annual Report gave a comprehensive
and an 8.6% increase in volume. Every                                                                                                      overview of digital payments and reviewed
denomination saw double digit volume                                  Secondly it established 11 new                                       what is happening with Central Bank
increases apart from the TY 10 and TY 20                              Consignment Coin Depots (CCDs) to                                    Digital Currencies (CBDCs) around the
denominations (see charts 1 and 2 below).                             enhance coin cash management. These                                  world. It laid out the operator, regulator,
The annual average value of banknotes                                 were organised through a protocol with the                           overseer and catalyst for change functions
in circulation as a percentage of GDP                                 Post and Telegraph Organisation. There are                           of the Bank across payments, a summary
decreased from 4% in 2009 to 3.4%                                     now 12 in total which handled 36% of the                             of selected fintech products and their
in 2019.                                                              country-based coin transaction volumes.                              advantages and disadvantages, some of
Banknote printing expenses increased by    CBRT has a serial number tracking project                                                       the regulatory concerns relevant to fintech
6% to TY 44.4 million due to an increase inwhich developed analytics and dashboards                                                        and a detailed summary of the uptake of
the number of notes printed and exchange   using sample datasets based on its BPS                                                          CBDCs around the world.
rate movements.                            2000 high speed sorter data. It has also         Although cash will remain a core payment
CBRT re-organised a number of elements     continued work on its new series banknote        method, this review summarised the
of its cash management system during       design project. CBRT has a virtual museum        situation and the Bank’s role in managing
the year.                                  for banknotes, including production              the changing payment environment.
                                           processes, and this was renewed during
           1: Value
              1: Value
                           Numberof Banknotes
                                    of Banknotes
                                               in in               Chart
                                                                         2: Number
                                                                             2: Number
                                                                                     of Banknotes
                                                                                        of Banknotes  in Circulation
                                                                                                         in Circulation
                                                                                                                     by by
                                           the year.
      Circulation                                                                                          Denomination (Million
                                                                                                             Denomination   (Million

               of Banknotes
                    of Banknotes
                             in Circulation
                                  in Circulation
                                                        Billion)  (left axis)
                                                            (left axis)                                       200 200
                                                                                                                  TL TL            100 100
                                                                                                                                       TL TL            50 TL
                                                                                                                                                            50 TL
         Number        of Banknotes
                  of Banknotes       in Circulation
                                in Circulation      (Million)
                                               (Million)  (right(right
                                                                  axis)axis)                                  20 TL
                                                                                                                  20 TL            10 TL
                                                                                                                                       10 TL            5 TL5 TL
   180   180                                                                                  2,4002,400                                                                                 900   900
   160   160                                                                                  2,2002,200                                                                                 800   800
   140   140                                                                                  2,0002,000                                                                                 700   700
   120   120                                                                                                                                                                             600   600
   100   100                                                                                                                                                                             500   500
   80    80                                                                                                                                                                              400   400
   60    60                                                                                                                                                                              300   300
   40    40                                                                                   1,2001,200                                                                                 200   200
   20    20                                                                                   1,0001,000                                                                                 100   100
   0     0                                                                                    800 800                                                                                    0     0

Chart 1: Value and number of banknotes in circulation (Source: CBRT).                                       Chart 2: Number of banknotes in circulation by denomination (million banknotes)
             CBRTCBRT                                                                                      Source:
                                                                                                            (Source: CBRT).

                                                                                                                                    CENTRAL BANK NEWS | VOLUME 18 – NO 7 | JULY 2020                 3
Federal Reserve and US Mint Take Action to Address Coin Shortages - ARTAZN
News in Brief
  Bulgaria and Croatia Enter                         Goebel Breaks Ground on                        The senior secured noteholders will take
  Euro Waiting Room                                  New Production Hall                            full control of Travelex, the company said.
                                                                                                    The restructuring came after the company
  Bulgaria and Croatia have been accepted            Goebel Capital, manufacturer of high           failed to secure a buyer, having put itself
  into the ERM-2 mechanism, a mandatory              security printing presses, recently held a     up for sale after its parent Finablr was
  stage and so-called ‘waiting room’ for             ground-breaking ceremony for the new           brought to the brink of insolvency by an
  joining the euro, heralding the currency           production hall it is building in Eschenbach   apparent fraud.
  bloc's first expansion in a half decade.           in Switzerland, attended by representatives
                                                     from local politics and business.              The deal will see the company divided into
  The two eastern European nations must                                                             two parts. New Travelex will include the
  spend at least two years in ERM-2 and              The company’s technology is based on           wholesale and outsourcing business, as
  fulfil a number of further criteria relating to    web-fed printing. According to Managing        well as some international retail businesses.
  economic policy and convergence before             Director Manuel Vogel, sheet-fed printing      Warehouse Travelex will comprise of some
  starting the practical preparations to join the    is far less efficient and takes much longer    of the company’s retail businesses in UK,
  euro, a process that takes roughly another         than Goebel’s technology. In addition,         Europe and North America.
  year, making 2023 the earliest year for            he claims, the Goebel Capital machines
  their membership.                                  are more suitable for the production of        The company’s revenue fell 36% to £112
                                                     polymer banknotes.                             million in the first quarter of 2020, mainly
  The decision ‘represents an important                                                             due to a cyber attack at the start of the year
  milestone in Bulgaria and Croatia’s efforts        Goebel Capital is headquartered in Baar        which forced it to take all its systems offline
  to join the euro area’, the European               in Switzerland with a production and           for several weeks. Subsequently it has been
  Commission said.                                   service facility in Darmstadt in Germany.      badly hit by the impact of COVID-19 on
  Both countries will sit on the ECB’s               Production at the new facility is due to       global travel and forex demand, particularly
  Supervisory Board from October with full           start in September. In addition to banknote    at international airports where it has a
  voting rights.                                     presses, the company also manufactures         strong presence.
                                                     web presses for visas and stamps. The first
  As part of ERM-2, the ECB has set the
  central rate of the Bulgarian lev at 1.95583
                                                     machine to be produced at the new site is      G4S Lays off Quarter of
  against the euro and the Croatian kuna’s
                                                     for the Chinese post office.
                                                                                                    Cash Workforce in UK
  central rate at 7.53450.
                                                     Sound of Intaglio Now                          G4S is planning to make as many as 1,150
  The last EU member to adopt the euro was
  Lithuania, in 2015. Bulgaria joined the EU
                                                     Available at POS                               workers in its UK and Ireland operations
                                                                                                    redundant as it scales back its struggling
  in 2007 and Croatia in 2013. When they             Sound of Intaglio® – the authentication        cash handling business, with the job losses
  adopt the euro, the number of eurozone             technology that uses image processing to       representing more than a quarter of its
  countries will rise to 21.                         validate authentication banknotes that, to     4,000-strong workforce in cash solutions.
                                                     date, has been used exclusively for forensic
                                                                                                    The overall business had revenues of £1.1
  New Currency Centre for                            intelligence and examination – is now also
                                                                                                    billion in 2019, before the sale of part of the
  Algeria?                                           available for banknote authentication at the
                                                     point of sale (POS).                           operation to Brink’s in February. However, in
  In the recent ceremony to launch Algeria’s                                                        March, shortly before the UK’s coronavirus
                                                     The technology allows detection of genuine     lockdown, the UK cash business reported a
  new 2,000 dinar note and 200 dinar coin
                                                     intaglio print through the analysis of 2D      loss of £91 million for 2019.
  (see page 15), the country’s Minister for
                                                     images using state-of-the-art wavelet
  Finance, Aymen Benabderrahmane, is                                                                It has been struggling amid a decline in
                                                     transform (see CN August 2019). It
  reported to have referred to the granting                                                         cash transactions in the UK as people
                                                     has been integrated into the Document
  of land intended for the realisation of a                                                         increasingly switch to card payments in
                                                     Analysis and Classification System (DACS),
  modern industrial centre to include a new                                                         stores and online. The decline in cash
                                                     a stand-alone laboratory device for
  printing facility, a national sorting centre for                                                  usage during the coronavirus outbreak
                                                     analysis, description and classification of
  banknotes and an educational and training                                                         has added further to the pressures on
                                                     banknote counterfeits.
  institute for banknote production.                                                                the company.
                                                     Sound of Intaglio is a joint development
  Algeria’s state-owned printworks, Hotel des
  Monnaies, is the only banknote production
                                                     between KBA-NotaSys and the Institute          DLR Raises Funds for
  facility in the world to use web technology.
                                                     Industrial IT of Technische Hochschule
                                                     Ostwestfalen-Lippe, and is being
  Its current banknote production line, which                                                       De La Rue has successfully raised £100
                                                     commercialised through Coverno, a joint
  can produce up to 1.7 billion notes a year,                                                       million through the issuing of almost 91
                                                     venture between the two companies.
  was supplied by Goebel and installed                                                              million shares, sold at £1.10 each, meeting
  in 2004.
                                                     Lifeline for Struggling                        its target for the fundraising first announced
  It is understood that a greenfield site for
  the new premises has been purchased,
                                                     Travelex                                       last month.
                                                     The troubled foreign exchange provider         According to CEO Clive Vacher, the equity
  but that any progress has been put on                                                             raise will provide the company with the
  hold pending the appointment of a new              Travelex has been thrown a lifeline after an
                                                     announcement that its debt holders will        financial and operational flexibility to ensure
  governor. Benabderahmane Ayman was                                                                the success of its Turnaround Plan. ‘With
  appointed governor last year, but lasted           inject £84 million pounds of fresh liquidity
                                                     as part of a debt restructuring to help        this capital, we will be able to strengthen
  less than six months before moving to the                                                         our balance sheet, reduce our costs and
  post of Finance Minister.                          the currency service provider ride out the
                                                     coronavirus crisis.                            invest in the exciting growth opportunities
                                                                                                    we see in authentication, polymer banknote
                                                                                                    production and security features. I firmly
                                                                                                    believe this will drive improved returns
                                                                                                    and create long-term value for our
                                                                                                    shareholders,’ he said.
Federal Reserve and US Mint Take Action to Address Coin Shortages - ARTAZN
New Notes and                                                                                      Argentina
Tenders in the Region                                                                              Runs out of
The Central Bank of the Bahamas has
announced the results of its tender                                                                According to local reports, the
for the reprinting of the Bahamas $10,                                                             Argentinean government is having
which was awarded to Crane Currency                                                                to import banknotes for the first
– making it its first banknote printing                                                            time in five years, as the domestic
contract with the central bank.                                                                    supplier (Casa de Moneda
While the award is for a reprint, the $10                                                          Argentina, or CAMOAR) can’t keep
                                                The Bahamian $50, printed on Durasafe and
will undergo an upgrade in security with        incorporating MOTION RAPID thread.
                                                                                                   pace with soaring demand due to
the addition of a RAPID® Detect 4mm                                                                a combination of the pandemic
micro-optic security thread and a revamped      Guatemala and Costa Rica                           and inflation, currently running at
colour scheme. According to Crane, this                                                            over 40%.
                                                In Central America, meanwhile, the Bank
follows the Bank’s evaluation and positive      of Guatemala has recently tendered                 The nominal value of bills and coins in
public response to the RAPID security           for all its denominations in preparation           circulation jumped 80% this month,
thread used in the new Bahamas $50              for the increased demand expected                  and the number of notes issued has
banknote issued in October 2019 (which          due to COVID-19. The winners were                  increased by 30%. CAMOAR, which
was the first such thread to be integrated      Giesecke+Devrient, Oberthur Fiduciaire and         has two printing facilities, is currently
into Landqart’s Durasafe® substrate).           Orell Füssli.                                      operating at full capacity. It already has
The current series of Bahamas banknotes                                                            supply agreements with the printworks
                                                And in Costa Rica, the central bank has
is known as CRISP Evolution (CRISP being                                                           of Chile and Brazil, but both options are
                                                unveiled details of the new 2,000, 5,000
the acronym for Counterfeit-Resistant                                                              considered too expensive and hence it
                                                and 20,000 colones notes, which are being
Integrated Security Product) that began with                                                       is holding an international tender for 250
                                                printed on Guardian® by Oberthur Fiduciaire
the new $10 in 2016. The final banknote                                                            million 500 peso notes.
                                                and which will shortly go into circulation.
in the series, the Bahamas $100 (the                                                               The problems of capacity have been
                                                The country is in the process of converting
country’s highest denomination) is reported                                                        compounded by the shelving of a new
                                                all its notes to polymer, and, whilst the new
to be in an advanced stage of design and                                                           high denomination 5,000 peso note
                                                notes will maintain the colour, characters
is expected upon issue in 2021 to contain                                                          due to controversy over one of the
                                                and size of the current paper notes, there
a micro-optic MOTION SURFACE® stripe,                                                              personalities portrayed in the design,
                                                will be some changes to the design, notably
also applied to Durasafe in another first for                                                      with the government focusing instead
                                                in the form of a window with a holographic
a feature-substrate pairing.                                                                       on issuing more 200, 500 and 1,000
                                                element, along with a SPARK® Live feature.
                                                                                                   peso notes. If the 5,000 peso had been
                                                The Bank has also announced that,                  issued, according to reports, CAMOAR
                                                following a tender issued earlier this year        would have been able to easily supply
                                                for 25 million 1,000 and 65 million 10,000         the country with enough banknotes.
                                                colones notes, the contract has been
                                                awarded to Orell Füssli.

CMB Moves Forward as Strategic Company
As reported in the last issue of Currency       In its 2019 annual report, CMB announced        This result reflects the progress CMB has
News, the future of the Casa da Moeda           a 39% increase in gross profit to R$469         made to become more efficient and win
Brasil (CMB) is clearer as the President        million. 2019 saw record passport               new business. The annual report said that
removes it from the privatisation list. Its     production, 2.99 million units, and strong      CMB is investing in a new technology
operational performance in 2019 showed          growth in banknote and coin volumes.            arm, recognising the continued move to
significant improvement, although               CMB’s President told a local newspaper          digital documents, and continues to seek
remaining in loss, but with a clear             last year that CMB would make a loss of         export markets.
strategic direction.                            R$200 million in 2019. In fact, the loss was    In a related development, and a further
In November 2019 a Provisional Measure          significantly less, just under R$90 million.    boost to CMB, the Central Bank of Brazil
(MP) for the privatisation was announced        In 2016 CMB lost a major revenue source,        has announced that it will issue a new
in Brazil’s Congress. The MP sought             the Brazilian national cold beverage tax        high denomination R$200 later this year.
to revoke the CMB’s exclusive right to          stamp system (SICOBE), and it has not yet       Some 450 million of the new notes are to
produce banknotes, coins and passports.         returned to profit overall as a result.         be printed.
It expired in April and, according to the
constitution, cannot be renewed during           Volumes (millions)                Coins            Banknotes               Passports
the next legislative year. In May, President
                                                 2014                               400                1028                    2.27
Jair Bolsonaro announced that he would
be removing CMB from the 15 companies            2015                               658                954                     2.29
on the government’s privatisation list,          2016                               648                1062                    2.26
as he considers it to be a strategic
                                                 2017                               769                1116                    2.55
national company.
                                                 2018                               727                1668                    2.88
                                                 2019                               881                1764                   2.99

                                                                                                REGIONAL NEWS | VOLUME 18 – NO 7 | JULY 2020    5
Federal Reserve and US Mint Take Action to Address Coin Shortages - ARTAZN
Coin Shortages
                                               People in the News
                                               Portugal’s former finance minister, Mário      Efthimios Matsoukis –
  In this statement, it noted that in 2019     Centeno, is likely to become the country’s     Entrepreneur, Security Printer,
  it contributed 17% of newly-minted           next central bank governor, replacing          Role Model
  circulating coins to the supply chain,       Carlos Costa, who has stepped down after
  with the remainder coming from third-        serving two five-year terms.
  party coin processors and retail activity.
  Hence the need for the public to help in
  improving the coin supply issue.             Malawi’s newly elected President has
                                               dismissed Dalitso Kabambe, Governor of
  ‘For millions of Americans, cash is
                                               the Reserve Bank of Malawi, and replaced
  the only form of payment and cash
                                               him with Wilson Banda, its former General
  transactions rely on coins to make
                                               Manager for Economic Services who has
  change. We ask that the American
                                               also worked at the World Bank.
  public start spending their coins,
  depositing them, or exchanging them
  for currency at financial institutions or    Kyrylo Shevchenko has been appointed
  taking them to a coin redemption kiosk.      the new Governor of the National Bank          Efthimios Matsoukis.
  The coin supply problem can be solved        of Ukraine. He replaces Yakiv Smolii,
  with each of us doing our part,’ it said.    who resigned in early July citing political    Efthimios Matsoukis, Managing Director
  Meanwhile earlier this month, the            pressure.                                      of Veridos Matsoukis Security Printing in
  Federal Reserve set up the US Coin                                                          Athens, passed away on 21 June after a
  Task Force – a time-limited, limited-                                                       serious illness. He came from a long line
                                               The Governor of Danmarks Nationalbank,
  scope convention of industry leaders to                                                     of printers, entering the family business
                                               Hugo Frey Jensen, has resigned after 36
  ‘work together to identify, implement,                                                      A Matsoukis in 1972, which had been
                                               years at the Bank. He will depart when his
  and promote actions to reduce                                                               founded by his grandfather in 1891. Printing
                                               successor has been found.
  the consequence and duration of                                                             and entrepreneurship were in his blood.
  COVID-19 related disruptions to normal                                                      In 1969, A Matsoukis began its cooperation
  coin circulation’.                           The Bank of Israel has set up a committee      with Giesecke+Devrient, initially working
  In addition to the Federal Reserve and       to search for a new Director General, after    on the new Greek passport and later
  US Mint, task force members represent        the incumbent, Hezi Kalo, announced his        producing passports worldwide,
  all major participants in the coin supply    plan to step down from the position this       becoming one of the few G+D contract
  chain, including representatives from        September, following 12 years at the Bank.     manufacturers. In 2007 the cooperation
  armoured carriers, the American                                                             was formalised in the joint venture Giesecke
  Bankers Association, the Independent         The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is             & Devrient Matsoukis SA; in 2015, G+D
  Community Bankers Association, the           setting up a new payments services             transferred its shares in the company
  National Association of Federal Credit       department, which will be led by Steve         to Veridos.
  Unions, coin aggregator representatives      Gordon, currently Head of Currency,            ‘We are losing not only a trusted business
  and the retail trade industry.               Property and Security. Ian Woolford will       partner but a friend’, said Andreas
  It has already convened and will             take over as Head of Money and Cash.           Räschmeier, CEO of Veridos. ‘Efthimios
  complete a first set of recommendations      He has held a variety of roles at the RBNZ     Matsoukis combined business sense with
  shortly, at which point it will share its    over the last three decades, most recently     wisdom, entrepreneurship with empathy.
  progress and evaluate the benefits of        heading the financial policy team in the       His leadership was exceptional, and we will
  continuing the task force.                   analysis department.                           miss him very much’.
  In addition, coin industry partners are      ‘Two major strategic projects – the Payment    Efthimios liked to share his vast knowledge
  encouraged to use social media to            Systems Replacement, and the Future of         and expertise and to move things forward.
  promote the circulation of coin, using       Cash – have resulted in new responsibilities   Consequently, he was active in the Greek
  the hashtag #getcoinmoving.                  and considerable advancements in thinking      Printing Federation which he led ‘into
                                               and future direction for physical and          Europe’, fostering cooperation with Intergraf
  ‘The coin circulation issue is national
                                               electronic payments’, Assistant Governor       and with fellow security printers in Europe.
  in scale. While the task force will be
                                               Christian Hawkesby said. ‘The Future           As a member and Chairman of Intergraf’s
  focused on identifying actionable
                                               of Cash project is designed to explore         Committee of Experts, where he was best
  steps that supply chain partners can
                                               and encourage conversations about how          known by the banknote community, he
  take to address the issue, it is clear
                                               the role of cash is changing. Woolford         shaped the Intergraf Conference and led it
  that it will take all of our collective
                                               will be responsible for establishing a new     from a relatively modest event in 2003 to its
  efforts to get coin moving again’, the
                                               policy function, focusing on expanding the     present size and importance.
  Fed commented.
                                               Future of Cash project and work on digital     ‘Efthimios was more than respected, he
                                               currencies, as well as the central bank’s      was loved by the community as an elder
                                               existing currency functions.’                  statesman’, said Beatrice Klose, Intergraf’s
                                                                                              Secretary General. ‘He loved sharing his
                                               Peter Huber has retired as Mint                expertise and experience, and he had
                                               Director of the State Mints of Baden-          a great sense of humour. If you needed
                                               Württemberg. He has been succeeded by          advice, Efthimios was there for you. He will
                                               Benjamin Hechler.                              be sorely missed’.

Federal Reserve and US Mint Take Action to Address Coin Shortages - ARTAZN
Cash and COVID-19 –
Expert Views from the Frontline (Part 3)
In the April issue of Currency News™, we initiated a new feature called Expert Views from the Frontline, in which we asked a
selection of ‘on the ground’ experts, who are dealing with various aspects of cash on a daily basis, about how COVID-19 is
impacting their operations and is likely to impact the future of cash.
That selection represented a cross-section of producers, issues and influencers, which we followed up in May with a further cross-
section, albeit with a more geographically diverse focus, including views from Latin America, Africa and Australia.
This month we continue the theme, with an emphasis on companies and organisations involved in cash handling and management.

  Excluding Cash Can Exclude                                                       Merchants Will Rethink
  Americans                                                                        and Expect Alternative
  Brad Moody, EVP Operations, Lowers &                                             Ways of Dealing with Cash
  Associates                                                                       Vik Devjee, Vice President, CIMA
  Q: How important is cash or otherwise in the current situation?                  Cash Handling America
  A: The figures speak for themselves.                                             Q: How important is cash or otherwise in the
  Payments and receipts trended together for much of the last 30                   current situation
  years, from the 1980s through the early 2000s. Cash payments were                A: Cash has never been more important in times
  consistently slightly higher than other forms of payments, leading               of crisis like the one we are currently living. The
  to an increase in cash in circulation. In the mid-2000s, the Federal             underbanked or unbanked population that depends
  Reserve’s payment and receipt volumes diverged, causing the value                on cash need to be addressed with even more
  of currency in circulation to spike. In 2018, the Fed paid out 2.1               vigor today than before.
  million more notes more than it received, for a value of $100 billion            Lockdowns, access to banks, etc. pose huge risks
  additional currency in circulation. This indicates cash as the preferred         on this segment to access cash. As unemployment
  method of payments.                                                              increases due to business closures and furloughs,
  Domestic cash in circulation increased 5.6% over the past 40 years,              consumers become more diligent on living within
  and the differentiation doubles when comparing to the US currency in             their means and budgeting daily. Access to cash
  circulation internationally.                                                     and its use become critically important in times
  The value of currency in circulation per US resident has grown from              like this.
  $861 in 1978 $1,477 in 2018, using 1993 dollars, almost doubling.                Q: What your customers are saying and doing?
  Debit card usage still dominates the payments preference averaging               A: Our community of partners and retailers tell us
  41% of all payments, where cash and credit also maintain a 22% and               that certain retail segments are experiencing record
  30% payment preference respectfully. Digital/other payments are                  high revenue levels. Grocery and health related
  less than 5% year over year.                                                     business are seeing never before growth numbers.
  Q: How do you think this will change payments?                                   Cash is certainly being scrutinised at every level
  A: The spending habits of the population where cash is used for                  from handling at point-of-sale to back office
  general merchandise, gifts, and food and personal care equate to                 operations. All retailers are exploring better ways to
  64% of all cash usage. The main age demographic for the usage                    handle and deal with cash.
  of cash for amounts under $20 is led by 19-25 year old’s. There is               Regardless of research on cash being safe, there is
  no recent data to show information as of 2020, but with contactless              still a negative perception on the use of and handling
  payment options and retailers that continue to offer digital payment             of cash in the retail and banking segments at the
  solutions such as Venmo, it is expected to make a nominal change.                moment. Service providers need to address these
  The population still maintains a sense of satisfaction from feeling              concerns with real solutions, not spend their time
  the currency in their hands and having the physical notes available              trying to convince them otherwise.
  on demand from an ATM or retail banking center. This is a culture                Q: What do you see as the future for cash post-
  behavior that could take decades to shift.                                       COVID?
  Q: What will be the impact on payments in the future?                            A: I feel that cash will come back to pre-COVID
  A: Retailers still need to provide a payment option for the unbanked             levels inevitably. However, I have no doubt that
  and underbanked. These items represent around 10% of the                         merchants who accept cash will rethink and
  population which primarily consists of cash payments. 32% of the                 expect alternative ways of dealing with cash. I see
  unbanked are paid in cash. Retailers must continue to accept cash                greater adoption of technology that automates the
  as a form of payment in order to deliver the goods and services                  consumer-facing process of cash payments at self
  purchased. Digital payments create a separation in the population                serve kiosks or at point of sale.
  that buy goods and services and continue to contribute to the                    I also see better ways of managing cash in back
  economy. Contactless payment options have a greater risk to                      office cash rooms through the use of technology and
  retailers in the form of cyber breaches and excessive transaction fees           more optimized cash in transit (CIT) processes.
  that are significant to profitability.

                                                                                                     COVID-19 | VOLUME 18 – NO 7 | JULY 2020   7
Federal Reserve and US Mint Take Action to Address Coin Shortages - ARTAZN
Cash at a Crossroads – NAC                                         Cash is the Go-To Solution
    Weighs In                                                          in Case of a Disaster
    Bruce Renard, Executive Director,                                  Luis Oro, Head of Innovation &
    |National ATM Council                                              Productivity, Prosegur
    Q: How is the pandemic affecting your members,                     Q: How important is cash or otherwise in
    the ATM community?                                                 the current situation?
    A: The National ATM Council, Inc has been proud to play            A: Maintaining the right to use cash is more
    a prominent role in seeking to preserve and further the            important than ever. In a crisis, and this is a big one,
    interests of cash as a safe and secure payment option for          you want to keep options open and never renounce
    consumers in the US. To this end, we have supported the            something that has proved to work. Central banks
    nation’s thousands of ATM deployers with information and           around the world have been very clear about
    guidance throughout the pandemic concerning safe cash              the relevance of keeping cash circulating in the
    handling ‘best practices’ and available federal/state/local        domestic economies.
    financial relief.                                                  Contrary to that, cash has been attacked using
    This has been a most challenging time for all our ATM heroes       unfounded sanitary arguments. Subsequently,
    who have continued to ensure an uninterrupted supply of            authorities have recognised that touching a plastic
    convenient cash at the hundreds of thousands of essential          PIN pad is more dangerous than paying with cash,
    retail locations continuing in operation during the pandemic.      but the damage has already been done.
    At the same time, ATM companies have been hurting, with            It is important to realise that pushing consumers
    entrepreneurial retail ATM routes down by approximately            to use debit and credit cards or other new digital
    50% on average from all the retail locations that have been        alternative payment methods is creating an additional
    shut down during this health crisis. For those locations           problem to people that are already suffering a lot.
    remaining open, our NAC members have seen significant              Those most vulnerable are in a greater risk if cash is
    transaction volume upticks, reflecting withdrawal of the           not available.
    many governmental assistance funds (PPP/SBA funds;                 For small retailers, fighting for their survival, cash just
    unemployment benefits) distributed in recent months.               costs them the time to take it to the bank. On the
    Q: What measures are you taking to actively promote cash?          other hand, card payments charge them fixed plus
    A: NAC has taken a lead role in debunking ‘fake news’              variable fees, taking a toll on their revenues. Even
    about cash safety in the wake of the pandemic and in               more, these costs are higher when we talk about new
    communicating the fact that cash is physically as safe or          digital payments.
    safer than other payment mechanisms. NAC informed the              Finally, resiliency is more critical than ever. Experience
    WHO regarding the science showing that porous US paper             is showing that we can’t predict the next thing that
    currency is a dramatically lower transmitter of viruses/           will go wrong. Electronic means of payment are
    bacteria to human hands than those nonporous surfaces              subject to collapse while cash is the go-to solution in
    associated with other payment methods such as charge               case of a disaster.
    cards and mobile phones – leading to the WHO walking               Q: What action you are likely to mitigate the current
    back its earlier attributed public statements casting doubt        effects and to secure the future of your business?
    on cash safety.
                                                                       A: It is difficult to predict the depth of the financial
    NAC has also helped form the Consumer Choice in                    crisis in general and the specific impact in the cash
    Payments Coalition – a unique assembly of leading business         cycle. Cost efficiency is a must and we are taking
    and consumer organizations dedicated to maintaining cash           important steps in that direction. Sanitary concerns
    acceptance and vitality in America.                                will most probably lead to a world where self service
    The CCPC is dedicated to enacting federal legislation that         solutions take an important role. We are aggressively
    requires cash acceptance as a universal payment option             developing the portfolio of cash payment front
    for consumers at brick and mortar venues throughout the            office solutions as part of our Prosegur Smart
    US. The CCPC has also issued material public statements            Cash solutions.
    regarding cash safety, seeking to restore public confidence in     Q: How do you think this will change the industry?
    using cash, notwithstanding the pandemic. Having a unified
                                                                       A: The challenges our customers are facing might
    voice representing powerful national consumer and business
                                                                       be the trigger to radical changes in the cash cycle.
    organizations will make a real difference in the court of public
                                                                       Among other projects, ATM and even branch
    opinion on this issue.
                                                                       network utilities are crystalising.
    NAC and CCPC members are continuing efforts to add to
                                                                       Q: What do you see as the future for cash post-
    the 43 Members of Congress now co-sponsoring HR-2650,
    the Payment Choice Act of 2019. This is a strong pro-cash
    choice measure with broad bipartisan support in the House          A: The pandemic has shown us that there is public
    and poised to be taken up promptly once Congress returns           demand for the freedom to use cash. While some
    to business.                                                       governments were wrongly pushing for cashless
                                                                       payments at the beginning of the crisis, people were
    Efforts are also underway for a bipartisan companion bill to
                                                                       taking cash home as a precautionary measure, as
    be introduced in the Senate, that will further ensure a speedy
                                                                       the ECB or the Federal Reserve stated.
    enactment by Congress. Signature of such a measure to
    preserve the ongoing vitality of US currency as a universal        As the sanitary situation improves, cash payments
    payment option for consumers is also expected from                 are recovering their share. Hopefully governments will
    the President.                                                     realise it is critical to maintain the freedom to use cash
                                                                       and, if needed, take action to defend it.

Federal Reserve and US Mint Take Action to Address Coin Shortages - ARTAZN
Perceptions, Innovations & Cash                                       Relying on a Time Proven
in the Next Normal                                                    Commodity
Paul Race, Vice President, Strategic                                  Thomas Savare, Chairman,
Marketing, International Business, Glory                              Oberthur Fiduciaire
Q: What is your view on the current negative                          Q: How important is cash or otherwise in the
perceptions of cash?                                                  current situation?
A: Bad news travels fast. And in the case of the WHO’s                A: Banknotes are proving to be vital; if governments
supposed statement about COVID-19 and cash, arguably                  and central banks have used quantitative easing
faster than the virus itself. The impact of global coverage           as a key means of response, then humans have
of the mis-quote continues to have a dramatic impact                  responded by relying on that much maligned but
on our industry. Consumers have moved from the tacit                  absolutely essential, time proven commodity – the
understanding that ‘cash is dirty’ to the widespread belief that      banknote. While individuals may in some countries
‘cash is dangerous’.                                                  reduce their usage of banknotes as a payment
In many ways this shift is understandable – we all want to            mechanism, they certainly are using them as a store
minimise our risk in the face of the virus.                           of value; an insurance policy – just as we all have for
                                                                      hundreds of years.
There is, however, a broader societal concern. For many
people around the world, even in developed economies, cash            Q: What is the impact on your business and
is their only payment option and for many more it remains a           what action are you taking to secure the future of
strong preference, often for budgeting reasons. Until we can          your business?
reverse the impact of the virus on employment numbers and             A: Our business is in a strong place; in all our
economies, the number of people relying on cash to manage             locations (France, Holland, Bulgaria) we have
their household finances is likely to increase significantly.         put robust protocols in place to protect, first and
Q: Albert Einstein famously said that ‘in the midst of every          foremost our employees, but also our suppliers and
crisis, lies great opportunity’. Do you see this as the case, and     therefore ultimately our customers. The systems
if so how?                                                            we put in place in the ‘good times’ have stood up
                                                                      to the pressure and I am pleased to say that we
A: Glory recently launched our ‘Contactless Cash Payment’
                                                                      have a record order book – a reflection, I think of
campaign demonstrating how cash recycling technology at
                                                                      the confidence customers have in our processes
the point of sale enables physical distancing between cashier
                                                                      and procedures.
and customer – ensuring retailers can continue serving the
widest possible customer base and arguably providing an               Q: How do you think this will change the industry?
even safer transaction process than those involving card              A: I am not sure this event will act as a particular
readers, particularly when a PIN is required.                         catalyst for change in our industry: I think it has been
While cash continues to be an extremely cost-effective way            evident for some time who will survive and who will
for retailers to receive payment from customers, there remains        not survive in the long term and I don’t see COVID
significant inefficiency in the overall cash cycle. A recent report   changing this dynamic.
from Deloitte quantified the global cost of this at $23.5 billion     On the other hand, I do think central banks will seek
annually, with 70% of that number associated with ATMs and            more reassurance that the banknotes they issue are
transportation. For banks and retailers there is a continued          not vehicles for transmission of disease. Certainly, we
mismatch between the cash they have versus the cash they              have been very pleased with the reaction to the launch
need and every movement of cash costs money.                          of Bioguard Enhance™, which does enable central
Around the world Glory is enabling retailers and banks to             banks to reduce this risk by issuing banknotes with
change the way cash moves. The next evolution of the cash             biocidal properties; we believe these properties will
cycle – Cash 4.0 – enables them to reduce costs and offer             be as common a feature on banknotes as intaglio or
new services to their customers, including free and convenient        watermarks within a few years.
access to cash at a lower cost than traditional ATMs.                 Equally, I believe that central banks will pay more
Integrating mobile phone applications into the cash cycle is the      attention to the environmental footprint of the banknote
next step in its evolution. Through our investment in socash          supply chain and I am so very proud of the role our
in Asia we’re connecting retailers who have excess cash               company is playing in leading this dialogue and debate
with consumers who need to access cash. And through our               across the industry.
acquisition of Cash Payment Systems, consumers can now                Q: What do you see as the future for cash, post-
pay for online purchases, utility bills and more using cash in        COVID?
retail outlets as well as withdrawing / depositing cash to their      A: I remain very positive: too many people for too
bank account all at the point of sale using their mobile phone.       many years have predicted the end of cash. All I can
Q: What do you see as the future for cash post-COVID?                 say is that we see no sign of it at the moment.
A: While the mainstream press headlines continue to forecast          Of course, we need to be on guard and fight for our
the imminent demise of cash, the news may not be as bad as            position but let’s not forget that the human being
it seems.                                                             loves the intimacy and freedom which cash provides.
Inevitably we will see a ‘less-cash’ future but while we              The freedom to use cash is a fundamental human
collectively continue to innovate, finding new ways to increase       right, a protection against the might and overreach
the efficiency of the cash cycle and reduce cost for all involved     of government and state as well as information
in the process, there is very much a place for cash in the ‘next      technology giants.
normal’ post-COVID. It’s about ‘need’ for some, and ‘choice’          We humans will continue to use banknotes; we at
for many others.                                                      Oberthur Fiduciaire will continue to provide them.

                                                                                          COVID-19 | VOLUME 18 – NO 7 | JULY 2020   9
Federal Reserve and US Mint Take Action to Address Coin Shortages - ARTAZN
Making the Change – Artazn
  Gears up for Coins of the Future
  The pioneer in plated coins – Jarden              Q: What were those ownership changes,           Q: What was the logic behind the change of
  Zinc Products – which has been                    and where does Artazn stand now?                name from Jarden Zinc to Artazn, and what
  supplying coins blanks since the 1980s            A: We go back to 1885 as part of the            does it mean?
  – has recently been renamed as Artazn             Ball Brothers’ canning jars, where zinc         A: There were two main driving forces.
  LLC and rebranded as ARTAZN™. The                 was used for the lids. They had two             One was that we needed to maintain our
  company has announced the first                   different facilities at the time, which were    zinc heritage – hence the ‘zn’ at the end
  major contract for its new ZincSecure®            consolidated here in Tennessee 50 years         of the name. The other is to leverage the
  technology, which it sees as the                  ago. Fast forward to 1993, Ball Corporation     term ‘artisan’ to reflect that what we do is
  industry’s solution to replacing high             spun off four operating businesses which        all about craftsmanship. We have over 300
  cost banknotes with secure, cost-                 became known as Alltrista. The two              billion coins in circulation and these are all
  effective zinc-based coins. And it has            gentlemen that were the guiding force took      made to very tight specifications, dealing
  been challenged recently to ramp up the           the business from a $300 million company        in microns. For example, we have had an
  supply of blanks for US coins, following          to a $10 billion company under the name         impeccable quality record as a supplier
  the pandemic-induced shortages in                 Jarden Corporation.                             to the US Mint for nearly 40 years with
  the country.                                                                                      25 years as a sole source. That does not
                                                    At the time virtually all of Jarden was
                                                    comprised of consumer-oriented products.        happen by accident.
                                                    In 2016 the company was bought out by           So the idea of craftsmanship – quality,
                                                    Newell Rubbermaid to become Newell              integrity, and trust – and our heritage in
                                                    Brands. Newell divested a number of the         zinc, were really the basis for our name.
                                                    Jarden businesses, and a deal was then          Q: You have recently obtained a contract for
                                                    structured to create what is now Jadex          ZincSecure for new coins in Ukraine. Is this
                                                    Inc, with Artazn being one of four business     the first contract for the technology? And if
                                                    under that platform. Jadex in its entirety is   so, what were the challenges in persuading
                                                    about a $650 million company.                   the National Bank of Ukraine to go with
                                                    Q: And now for some words on what Artzan        this option?
                                                    actually does.                                  A: The NBU was already a customer for
                                                    A: We are the leading manufacturer              zinc-based commemorative coins, but
                                                    of zinc strip in North America, with in-        then wanted to convert some of its notes
                                                    house capabilities for melting, alloying,       to coins to save money and provide
                                                    casting, rolling, slitting, blanking and        greater security. A particular benefit of
                                                    plating operations. We use different alloy      ZincSecure, aside from the cost savings,
                                                    compositions to create properties for a wide    is in its unique electromagnetic signature
  Tom Wennogle.                                     range of applications, including coinage.       (EMS) that provides a distinctive signal and
                                                    In that market, we are the world’s leading      greater security.
  Currency News™ spoke to Artazn’s
                                                    manufacturer of plated coin blanks with         So security is a key benefit of ZincSecure
  President, Tom Wennogle, about these
                                                    more than 300 billion coin blanks made          and so is its lower cost compared to
  developments, and what – in such
                                                    and released into circulation in more than      solid alloys and banknotes. Both were
  uncertain times – he sees as the future for
                                                    20 countries.                                   important considerations.
  Artazn and the coin industry.
                                                    Our core offering is zinc, but we also supply   But another benefit is artistic. Zinc is a
  Q: Can you describe your background and
                                                    steel-based coinage that we can do in any       softer material and more ductile, meaning
  why you joined Artazn?
                                                    finish and plating technology, be it mono-,     that you can achieve a greater relief and
  A: I have been the president for Artazn for 12    bi- or multi-ply. In fact, we were the first    therefore, from an aesthetic point of view,
  years now, but in the business world for 45       company to develop and offer plated coins       better results. What the NBU was able to
  years, primarily in metals and the stainless-     back in the 1980s.                              do with the face of their new coins (the
  steel Industry. When somebody suggested                                                           5 and 10 hryvnia) is stunning. They did
                                                    In addition to that, we now offer a security
  that Jarden Zinc, as it was then, was looking                                                     their homework, tested public opinion
                                                    component in the form of ZincSecure,
  for some new leadership, I applied and really                                                     and based on positive results decided to
                                                    which is a plated zinc-based alloy coin
  fell in love with East Tennessee, which is                                                        use ZincSecure.
                                                    blank. We developed technology to anneal
  where the company is located.
                                                    the blank without melting the zinc core. We     Q: Do you have any other partnerships
  There was nothing to fix here – it was a          believe that ZincSecure could fundamentally     within the industry regarding licencing
  great business, but just needed a little bit of   change the industry, by offering a high-        and production?
  a cultural change. It was a manufacturing         security plated product not afforded by         A: In the past, we have had very successful
  and engineering-oriented company but              plated steel and offering increased savings     partnerships with a number of industry
  needed more of a strategic outlook, which         on currency conversion from notes to coins.     leaders. Today we are developing other
  has been my emphasis. We have gone
                                                                                                    partnerships to promote zinc-based
  through a number of ownership changes,
                                                                                                    coinage products. It is apparent in the
  but despite that we have had tremendous
                                                                                                    industry that the market for steel-based
  growth, expanded our international coinage
                                                                                                    products is crowded and very competitive.
  capacity, and have rebuilt most of the zinc
  strip production equipment that has been
  around for almost 50 years.

The technology we have developed has             A: We are following all of the CDC (Center      Director Ryder of the US Mint has gone
clear benefits in which other organizations      for Disease Control and Prevention)             on record stating that he does not see a
have expressed interest. We would like           guidelines because our associates and our       day where the penny would be eliminated,
to expand the number of producers who            customers are paramount. We want to keep        but he does offer the idea of programs to
could offer zinc-based coin blanks.              them safe and healthy.                          increase circulation. It does not necessarily
Q: How important do you view security in         We have been deemed an essential                bode well for us in terms of manufacturing,
coins versus other attributes such as cost?      business, so we need to continue our            but it is probably one of the more effective
How do your products (ZincSecure and             production operations. The nature of            means to be more efficient with existing
others) compare with the competition?            our automated operations allows for the         circulating coinage.
A: As far as we are concerned, the security      appropriate social distancing in most cases     So as a taxpayer I get it, but in reality I
of ZincSecure is unparalleled to other plated    and, where there is a potential for more        think that the logistical challenges are very
coin options. That is our strongest pitch, the   condensed areas, we have re-engineered          difficult to overcome. But we never take
security side of it, whether it be in vending,   those spaces to enable social spacing.          anything for granted, and we are always
coin counting, or sorting equipment.             Our HR policies are highly geared towards       looking for the next ‘big thing’, which is
                                                 protecting our employees, including the         where ZincSecure comes in.
A significant security advantage of this zinc-
based coinage product is the EMS that it         rotation of office employees. We have           Q: What do you see as the future for coins?
provides. The availability of a wide range of    effectively reduced our physical attendance     A: I know that we are challenged, but I see
ZincSecure alloy compositions, each with a       in our offices by about 60%.                    a continued demand. I think that countries
different EMS, gives customers a variety of      Q: Have you seen a change in demand             at their heart recognise the need for
choices with much greater accuracy.              following the arrival of COVID-19?              currency and the ability to make change in
Additional to the security features are the      A: Recently, yes, we have. Our US Mint          a cash transaction.
economic benefits of ZincSecure, which           operations are basically full and are going     We will see more consumption and use
we believe offers mints and central banks        seven days a week on those lines. It is         in developing countries, where coinage is
considerable savings over banknotes and          now common news that there is a coin            still a very big part of their economy. I think
solid alloys.                                    shortage in the United States. The US Mint      that there is a sense of pride and security
We have a very cost competitive and highly       and the federal government are responding       in it. In the US I certainly see the challenge
secure product with ZincSecure.                  aggressively to get their inventories back up   continuing, and I think that it will take some
                                                 to where they want. As people go back into      work on the part of the industry to raise
Q: What do you see as the main issues
                                                 retail, they are going to use cash and are      awareness here.
facing circulating coins at the moment?
                                                 going to need change for that as well.          I am hoping too that our new zinc-based
A: There are a number of challenges,
                                                 It is worth pointing out as well that the       material helps coins move forward over the
including electronic payments, but I also
                                                 current coin shortages, which are a direct      next decade or so.
think it’s generational, with younger people
                                                 result of the pandemic and the disruption       Q; And the future for Artazn?
willing to walk around without cash in
                                                 it has caused to the normal flow of
their pocket. And while the concept of an                                                        A: It is really bright. We have worked very
                                                 coins, show just how important coins are
electronic or cashless society has its merits                                                    hard at diversifying. We also have a terrific
                                                 for transactions.
conceptually, it just takes one computer                                                         ownership structure that is very supportive
crash or security breach and people rush         Q: One scenario for the future of coins         and interested in seeing us grow, and
back to cash.                                    is greatly reduced demand due to more           we are exploring many different products
                                                 efficient recirculation policies and the        associated with zinc. Obviously, our pride
I think that we as an industry have to
                                                 removal of low denominations. Do you            and joy is ZincSecure, so we are really
continue to promote the security of the
                                                 agree that this could be the case and, if so,   excited for the future.
coin, the need for coinage and currency,
                                                 what steps are you taking as a company to
and not get overrun by the big money that                                                        What gives me faith in our future is that we
                                                 prepare for and mitigate against it?
is in credit cards and mobile apps.                                                              have a terrific workforce, great technical
                                                 A: The US is slightly different to other        minds and engineering resources. I do
However, there is definitely a place for
                                                 countries that have eliminated lower            not think we have ever been as ready to
coins, they are secure and accepted
                                                 denomination coins. By comparison, our          meet the demands of the future as we are
everywhere, unlike some digital payment
                                                 economy is much larger. There is also a         right now.
options. I think that young people are very
                                                 fairly large percentage of the population
security conscious. They understand the
                                                 that is unbanked, so coins are crucial
vulnerability of cyber security and they also
                                                 for them. I think that around 68% of
understand the value of having cash in
                                                 Americans surveyed said that they support
an emergency.
                                                 the penny. Changing the composition of
Q: What steps have you taken to make your        our coins is a very politically cumbersome
business COVID-19 resilient and if demand        task as Congress would have to approve
has increased, have you managed to meet          any changes.
it and if so how?

                                                                                                 ON THE RECORD | VOLUME 18 – NO 7 | JULY 2020      11
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