FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS - COVID-19: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems in Buildings

Page created by Veronica Mcgee
COVID-19: Heating, Ventilation and Air
Conditioning (HVAC) Systems in Buildings

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems
Q1. Can HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems play a role in the transmission of

In general, while there is plausibility of COVID-19 transmission by inhaled virus in air particularly in
crowded, poorly ventilated settings, there is limited epidemiological evidence that this occurs.
Specifically, the overall scientific evidence does not indicate that transmission of COVID-19 occurs via
HVAC systems at this time. Although viral RNA has been detected in air and HVAC systems, the
viability of virus in or infection from air circulated through HVAC systems has not been demonstrated.

COVID-19 is primarily transmitted via direct contact and droplets propelled for various distances.1
Screening and self-isolation of infected individuals; physical distancing; hygiene measures such as hand
hygiene, cough and sneeze etiquette, respiratory source control; and environmental cleaning and
disinfection are the mainstay of measures to reduce transmission risk.

Ventilation is the supply/distribution or removal of air from space by mechanical or natural means.2
Mechanical systems often involve heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Few studies
to date examine the role of HVAC systems in COVID-19 transmission.

Reviews by Institut National de Santé Publique du Québec (INSPQ) and Leclerc et al report COVID-19
outbreaks and clusters in various indoor spaces, including homes, means of transportation, as well as
religious, elder care, meal and office settings.3,4 Few clusters are reported in exclusively outdoor settings
where ventilation is not an issue.4 Various studies and reviews cite poorly ventilated spaces and high
occupant density as possible contributors for transmission via inhalation.3,5,6,7 There are experimental
and modeling studies that show respiratory aerosols during breathing and speech, droplet dispersion in
the air and that suggest the plausibility of transmission through inhaled virus.8,9,10 There are also
environmental sampling studies that demonstrate viral RNA in air and surfaces where COVID-19 patients
have been,11,12,13 including HVAC systems.14 These studies lend support to the possibility of transmission
by inhaled virus, however few reports document clusters that suggest actual transmission via this

Lu et al and a further pre-peer review analysis by Li et al are cited often, regarding transmission of
COVID-19 between families at three tables in a densely occupied restaurant (Table A had the index case
and was between Table B and Table C).15,16 A wall air conditioner with no fresh air intake may have
facilitated transmission by dispersing infectious particles from the infected customer; none of the other
diners or staff in the restaurant were infected. 15,16 The three tables involved in the outbreak were also
directly along the line of the likely airflow of the unit to the opposite wall and back to the unit – i.e.,

FAQs COVID-19: HVAC Systems in Buildings                                                                   1
there appears to have been little mixing with the air in the rest of the room.16 Exposure time to droplets
may also have been a factor in transmission.16 Diners at Table A with the index case and Table B
overlapped for 53 minutes and Table A and Table C overlapped for 75 minutes. Tracer gas experiments
demonstrated that droplets from the index case would have been elevated at Tables A, B and C and
another adjacent table. However, this table only had 18 minutes of exposure to Table A. The preprint
analysis concluded that the adjacent table and servers were likely uninfected due to the relatively short
exposure time to exhaled droplets from the index patient.16

Other reports of outbreaks in fitness dance classes,17 and a call centre in South Korea,18 and choir
practices in Washington State,19 are examples where poor ventilation may have contributed but
specifics on ventilation are not available and transmission through close contact and fomites were also

Q2. Does recirculation come with a risk of increased contamination with infectious particles?

There is limited information on recirculated air specifically as a cause of COVID-19 transmission.

Recirculation in the context of HVAC systems refers to indoor air returned to and filtered in the central
system, then redistributed within the building. There is limited information on recirculated air
specifically as the cause of COVID-19 transmission. Lu et al reported COVID-19 transmission in a
restaurant, described above, that may have been facilitated by a wall air conditioner.15 The pre-peer
review analysis, in addition to demonstrating a zone around the three tables where air was somewhat
contained based on air currents from the AC, also reported that there was no outdoor air supply and
that ventilation was only achieved by infiltration of air through occasional door openings and an exhaust
fan in the restroom.16 Note, this account suggests an extreme case of recirculation (compared to how air
would be recirculated in HVAC systems), one where there is virtually no ventilation with outdoor air and
minimal dilution even with building air.

Q3. What can be done to minimize the risk from infectious aerosols?

Enhancing outdoor air ventilation and good maintenance of HVAC systems will complement other
public health measures to reduce COVID-19 transmission, e.g., screening, self-isolation when sick,
physical distancing, hand hygiene, respiratory source control, environmental cleaning and disinfection.

In addition to the risk reducing measures outlined in Q1 to prevent droplet and close contact
transmission, good ventilation is important in indoor environments for the general health and comfort
of occupants. Optimization of HVAC systems can be done on the basis of best practices for ventilation,
as COVID-19 transmission from HVAC systems has not been observed. In general, avoiding stagnant air
conditions and ventilating indoor environments with fresh outdoor air, whether by increasing the
outdoor air ratio of the HVAC system or by opening windows, will dilute exhaled air from the occupants
including any infectious particles. Thus, most guidance encourage ventilation with outdoor air, avoiding
recirculation as far as practically possible and ensuring clean filters.3,6,7,20,21

For central air handling units at a building level or serving multiple zones, avoiding recirculation is ideal,
e.g., operating on as high as possible or 100% outdoor air supply. Even if this is not feasible for the
whole facility, it may be possible for specific high risk zones, e.g., highly occupied areas, or in healthcare
settings, wards or rooms where COVID-19 patients are being treated. Some HVAC systems may not
allow changes to outdoor air fractions, and those that do may require adjustments to filter maintenance
protocols.3,7,21,22 In these situations, the outdoor air level can be enhanced by opening windows,
checking filter adequacy or upgrading filters.3,7,20,21,23

FAQs COVID-19: HVAC Systems in Buildings                                                                     2
Additional measures include controlling humidity (e.g., relative humidity of 40%-60%), minimizing the
number of people sharing the same environment, and individually avoiding being in the way of another
person’s direct airflow.3,5,7,22

Q4. Are there special considerations for the number of hourly air exchanges required?

Standards are set by various bodies for different types of building environments.

Standards for air change rates are available from the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) for HVAC
systems in specific zones or areas in healthcare facilities, CSA Z317.2:19.24 These air change rate
standards for clinical settings account for the potential of airborne infection risks.24

For other indoor settings, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
(ASHRAE) provides minimum ventilation rates for acceptable indoor air quality according to the type of
setting (e.g., correctional facilities, offices, educational settings, hotels, food and beverage settings),
occupancy and area.25 This standard was set in order to keep carbon dioxide (CO2) at levels where most
occupants would not have complaints about air quality (e.g., from occupant odors) but were established
before COVID 19 and do not take into account mitigation of infection transmission.

CO2 levels serve as a proxy for determining whether outdoor air ventilation is adequate for the number
of occupants. In order to have meaningful indoor CO2 measurements, sampling during typical and peak
occupancies and at different points during the day will be informative and can be compared with
outdoor CO2 levels. As occupants breathe out CO2, if sufficient outdoor air ventilation is occurring, CO2
levels will not buildup in the room over the course of the day.

Limited Occupancy Mode
Q5. Is there guidance for HVAC systems running on partial or limited occupancy modes in buildings
during a shutdown?

Generally, most HVAC guidance documents recommend against a complete shutdown of the HVAC
system, even during a shutdown; during normal operations, they suggest running the system for
longer than usual.

ASHRAE suggests that if a building is operating at a partial or limited occupancy during a shutdown, it
might be desirable to have the building automation system have an override so that the HVAC system is
in unoccupied mode for shorter duration than is typical.26

During routine operations, ASHRAE and the Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air
Conditioning Associates (REHVA) recommend increasing outdoor air supply and exhaust ventilation and
starting ventilation at least 2 hours before the building is occupied and continuing to run the ventilation
for at least 2 hours after the building has been vacated.21,27 REHVA recommends keeping the outdoor air
ventilation running with lowered ventilation rates when people are absent.21 Temperature and humidity
settings could be adjusted to save on energy costs if desired as long as comfort levels are maintained for

Inspection and Maintenance
Q6. Are additional inspection or maintenance measures needed?

FAQs COVID-19: HVAC Systems in Buildings                                                                    3
Routine inspections and maintenance as appropriate for the system are necessary.

Recommended maintenance measures for air handling systems (including inspection and replacement
of filters, if applicable) are essential to follow.3 Adjustments to ventilation (e.g., increased outdoor air)
may require more frequent inspections and filter changes. In addition, adjustments may benefit from
consultation with a HVAC specialist to verify intended parameters and advise on appropriate
maintenance procedures.

There is a joint standard from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), ASHRAE and Air
Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) for HVAC inspection and maintenance. ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA
standard 180-2018 (Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC
Systems) details procedures and establishes minimum HVAC inspection and maintenance requirements
that preserve a system’s ability to achieve acceptable thermal comfort, energy efficiency, and indoor air
quality in commercial buildings.28 This guidance can be considered by facility operators in order to
optimize HVAC system operation on a routine basis, even in the absence of an infectious disease

Air Currents Generated by Fans and Air Conditioners
Q7. Is there guidance for the use of room AC units and fans?

Avoiding direct airflow at head level (i.e., around people’s breathing zones) will reduce respiratory
droplets being dispersed from person to person.

Air currents created by fans or air conditioning and HVAC systems could affect the dispersion of
respiratory droplets in the air, hence directing air flow to avoid blowing air from one person to another
may reduce risk. Manufacturer’s guidance should be followed for cleaning, disinfecting and maintaining
fans and air conditioners on a routine basis. More detailed guidance on the positioning, use, and
maintenance of fans and air conditioning units can be found in Public Health Ontario’s report titled “The
Use of Portable Fans and Portable Air Conditioning Units during COVID-19 in Long-term Care and
Retirement Homes”, found here.29

    1.   Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (Public Health Ontario). COVID-19 routes
         of transmission – what we know so far [Internet]. Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer for Ontario;
         2020 [cited 2020 Aug 31]. Available from:

    2.   Qian H, Zheng X. Ventilation control for airborne transmission of human exhaled bio-aerosols in
         buildings. J Thorac Dis. 2018;10(Suppl 19):S2295-304. Available from:

    3.   Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ). COVID-19: indoor environment:
         questions and answers [Internet]. Québec, QC: Gouvernment du Québec; 2020 [cited 2020
         May 30]. Available from:

FAQs COVID-19: HVAC Systems in Buildings                                                                        4
4.   Leclerc QJ, Fuller NM, Knight LE, Funk S, Knight GM. What settings have been linked to SARS-
        CoV-2 transmission clusters? [version 1; peer review: 1 approved with reservations]. Wellcome
        Open Res. 2020;5:83. Available from:

   5.   World Health Organization. Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: implications for infection prevention
        precautions: scientific brief [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020 [cited 2020
        Aug 12]. Available from:

   6.   Morawska L, Tang JW, Bahnfleth W, Bluyssen PM, Boerstra A, Buonanno G, et al. How can
        airborne transmission of COVID-19 indoors be minimised? Environ Int. 2020;142:10832.
        Available from:

   7.   Dietz L, Horve PF, Coll DA, Fretz M, Elsen JA, Van Den Wymelenberg K. 2019 Novel coronavirus
        (COVID 19) pandemic: built environmental considerations to reduce transmission. mSystems.
        2020;5(2):e00245-20. Erratum in: mSystems. 2020 May;5(3):e00375-20. Available from:

   8.   Somsen GA, van Rijn C, Kooij S, Bem RA, Bonn D. Small droplet aerosols in poorly ventilated
        spaces and SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Lancet Respir Med. 2020;8(7):658-9. Available from:

   9.   Vuorinen V, Aarnio M, Alava M, Alopaeus V, Atanasova N, Auvinen M, et al. Modelling aerosol
        transport and virus exposure with numerical simulations in relation to SARS-CoV-2 transmission
        by inhalation indoors. Saf Sci. 2020;130:104866. Available from:

   10. Stadnytskyi V, Bax CE, Bax A, Anfinrud P. The airborne lifetime of small speech droplets and
       their potential importance in SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.
       2020;117(22):11875-7. Available from:

   11. Santarpia JL, Rivera DN, Herrera VL, Morwitzer MJ, Creager HM, Santarpia GW, et al. Aerosol
       and surface contamination of SARS-CoV-2 observed in quarantine and isolation care. Sci Rep
       10, 12732 (2020). Available from:

   12. Liu Y, Ning Z, Chen Y, Guo M, Liu Y, Gali NK, et al. Aerodynamic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 in two
       Wuhan hospitals. Nature. 2020;582(7813):557-60. Available from:

   13. Guo Z, Wan Z, Zhang S, Li X, Li L, Li C, et al. Aerosol and surface distribution of severe acute
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   14. Horve PF, Dietz L, Fretz M, Constant DA, Wilkes A, Townes JM, et al. Identification of SARS-CoV-
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   15. Lu J, Gu J, Li K, Xu C, Su W, Lai Z, et al. COVID-19 outbreak associated with air conditioning in
       restaurant, Guangzhou, China, 2020. Emerg Infect Dis. 2020;26(7):1628-31. Available from:

FAQs COVID-19: HVAC Systems in Buildings                                                                   5
16. Li Y, Qian H, Hang J, Chen X, Hong L, Liang P, et al. Evidence for probable aerosol transmission
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   17. Jang S, Han S, Rhee J. Cluster of coronavirus disease associated with fitness dance classes,
       South Korea. Emerg Infect Dis. 2020;26(8):1917-20. Available from:

   18. Park S, Kim Y, Yi S, Lee S, Na B, Kim C, et al. Coronavirus disease outbreak in call center, South
       Korea. Emerg Infect Dis. 2020;26(8):1666-70. Available from:

   19. Hamner L, Dubbel P, Capron I, Ross A, Jordan A, Lee J, et al. High SARS-CoV-2 attack rate
       following exposure at a choir practice — Skagit County, Washington, March 2020. MMWR
       Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2020;69(19):606-10. Available from:

   20. Shoen LJ. Guidance for building operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. ASHRAE J. 2020:72-
       4. Available from:

   21. Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations (REHVA). REHVA
       COVID-19 guidance document, August 3, 2020 [Internet]. Belgium: Federation of European
       Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations; 2020 [cited 2020 Aug 12]. Available

   22. Morawska L, Cao J. Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2: the world should face the reality.
       Environ Int. 2020;139:105730. Available from:

   23. World Health Organization. Q&A: ventilation and air conditioning in public spaces and buildings
       and COVID-19 [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020 [cited 2020 Aug 12].
       Available from:

   24. CSA Group. CSA Z317.2:19: Special requirements for heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning
       (HVAC) systems in health care facilities. Toronto, ON: CSA Group; 2019.

   25. ASHRAE/ANSI. ASHRAE/ANSI Standard 62.1-2019: Ventilation for acceptable indoor air quality.
       Atlanta, GA: ASHRAE/ANSI; 2019.

   26. ASHRAE. Building readiness: shut down a building temporarily [Internet]. Atlanta, GA: ASHRAE;
       2020 [modified 2020 May 07; cited 2020 Aug 12]. Available from:

   27. ASHRAE. How to return the HVAC system to normal operation FAQ [Internet]. Atlanta, GA:
       ASHRAE; 2020 [cited 2020 Aug 12]. Available from:

FAQs COVID-19: HVAC Systems in Buildings                                                                    6
28. ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA. ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 180-2018: Standard practice for inspection
       and maintenance of commercial building HVAC Systems. Atlanta, GA: ASHRAE and ACCA; 2018.
       Available from:

   29. Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (Public Health Ontario). At a glance: the
       use of portable fans and portable air conditioning units during COVID-19 in long-term care and
       retirement homes [Internet]. Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer for Ontario; 2020 [cited 2020 Aug
       31]. Available from:

FAQs COVID-19: HVAC Systems in Buildings                                                            7
Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (Public Health Ontario). Frequently asked
questions: COVID-19: heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in buildings. Toronto, ON:
Queen’s Printer for Ontario; 2020.

©Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2020

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FAQs COVID-19: HVAC Systems in Buildings                                                                 8
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