FROM THE CLUBHOUSE - Crescent Lawn Tennis Club

Page created by Philip Reyes
FROM THE CLUBHOUSE - Crescent Lawn Tennis Club

ESTATE AGENTS AS OUR CLUB (SILVER)      Alex Neil – Club Sponsors
                                        The Blackfen Chiropractic
SUMMER’                                  Championship
                                        Meet Tim!
                                        Membership News!
                                        Safeguarding & Welfare
                                        Sun Awareness
FROM THE CLUBHOUSE - Crescent Lawn Tennis Club
From the Chair….                             for the foreseeable future. They are
                                             just way too expensive.

                                             The Committee will be meeting in May
                                             to discuss a way forward.

                                             We will have to apply for a grant to
                                             achieve this challenging goal.

                                             So, realistically we will probably not
                                             get this project to fruition until 2022.

                                             We will of course keep you informed
Graham Watson                                on progress on this project.
We’re now back after so many                 Wimbledon will be going ahead this
months not being able to get onto            year, but with severely limited numbers
court.                                       of spectators. Unfortunately, there will
                                             not be a ballot this year, and it looks
The weather has been a bit variable          like tickets will not be available to the
but attendance at all social sessions        public.
has been generally very good.
Especially Sunday mornings.                  If you’re new to the club, please
                                             register with the LTA.
If you want to play Saturday social
please be aware that we are now              Lite membership is free. This will give
running junior championships every           you access to ClubSpark, and also
Saturday afternoon. There is still           increase the numbers of tickets the
plenty of court space available for          club gets allocated in next year’s
social play though, so don’t be put off      ballot.
by lots of juniors playing singles during
what is Social Play time.                    It is with the greatest sadness that I
                                             have to report the death of Ken Peel.
During lockdown we have been                 Ken and Brenda have been stalwart
investigating the logistics of reinstating   members of the club for over 20 years.
courts 1 and 2.                              Ken was a very enthusiastic and
                                             welcoming member of the club. He
Of the eight companies approached,           was always very happy to play with
we’ve had four companies come back           everyone. He and Brenda rarely
with quotes.                                 missed a social session. He was a
                                             delightful quiet, gentle man who will be
Our original idea was to have an astro       sorely missed by all who knew him
turf or artificial clay surface. The
quotes however rule these options out
FROM THE CLUBHOUSE - Crescent Lawn Tennis Club
By Nick Baker

Welcome to our latest club sponsors - Alex Neil Estate

Crescent Tennis Club is delighted to be associated with award-winning, Alex Neil Estate

Alex Neil are specialists in selling and letting property throughout the areas covered by their
Chislehurst & Bromley, Bow & Bethnal Green, Canary Wharf & Docklands, and Rotherhithe
& Bermondsey offices.

Founded in 1984, Alex Neil have cultivated an excellent reputation for consistently delivering
first class sales and lettings services. They are dynamic, forward thinking, and engage
cutting edge technology to provide both sellers and landlords with the very best marketing.

Their dedicated and highly motivated teams combine a wealth of industry expertise with local
knowledge that ensures new and returning clients enjoy the best service and experience.

Liz Man, Corporate Partnerships Manager at Alex Neil says, ‘we are delighted to be
sponsoring Crescent Tennis Club, it is an excellent, vibrant, local tennis club enjoyed by
players of all abilities.’

Alex Neil invites club members and local residents thinking of selling or letting their homes to
book their free Valuation & Market Appraisal appointments.

Alex Neil Estate Agents
61 High Street
Tele:020 8297 8800  
FROM THE CLUBHOUSE - Crescent Lawn Tennis Club
Welcome to our 2021 Club Championship Sponsors!
By Nick Baker

We are delighted to announce that the club has entered into a sponsorship with Blackfen
Chiropractic Clinic for our 2021 club championships this summer.

Blackfen Chiropractic
Clinic provide a
solution to health
needs – the team
comprises of
chiropractors, sports
and exercise
therapists as well as
counselling services.

As well as having a presence during the build up to our club championships – they will also
feature on finals day.

The Clinic’s team are will also be hosting events to our members on motivational health
topics during the year.

So if you have any aches or pains or need the clinic’s comprehensive services please get in
contact with the team.

If you are interested in their services – take a look at their website for full details of their
range of services – or call 01883 340411 or pop into the
Clinic, 248 Blackfen Road DA15 8PW.
FROM THE CLUBHOUSE - Crescent Lawn Tennis Club
Coaching at Crescent
Matt’s Top Tips
Crescent’s lead coach regular column – this edition is all about the volley!

                                         Whether it’s in singles or doubles at some
                                         stage we all come a cropper with our volley!

                                         There’s a lot we can do to correct this –
                                         however, one of the most common errors is
                                         that players tend to swing at the ball!

                                         When you are mid court or at the net, you
                                         often don’t have time to plan the shot and you
                                         miss-time the volley – if you swing at the ball,
                                         you are unlikely to make the right connection.

                                         If your shot is going out, then you need to
                                         take into account that when you’re volleying
                                         you are closer to the net, so the court length
                                         is less.
Here’s a good way to think when
volleying –

      If you cannot see your rackets strings
       before you make contact – you are
       taking the racket too far back.

      If you can’t see you racket strings
       after you have made the shot – you
       swung the racket too far forward or
       followed through too far.

If you would like some advice or help with your volley or any other coaching
contact us email:       telephone 07341 841831
FROM THE CLUBHOUSE - Crescent Lawn Tennis Club
Meet the coaches…….Here are the coaches from Neil Biddle Tennis

 Neil Biddle                  Richard Nicholson            Nelson Cooper
 Tennis Director – level 4    Assistant Head Coach – LTA   Tennis coach LTA accredited.
 Accedited                    accredited

Neil Biddle Tennis are Crescent Tennis Clubs coaching team.

The coaches offer a wide range of coaching opportunities for those who are new to
the game, intermediate players or more advance players.

The team also run a range of junior Easter, half term and summer junior camps – it’s
a great way of getting the younger players into tennis and offers opportunities to play
for fun, develop technique and play in a range of competitions, including our own
Club Championships or Box Leagues.

For our beginners, intermediate and advance players our coaches are also available
for group or individual one to one coaching session.

For more information please go to our website or
contact Neil Biddle Tennis email: telephone 07341 841831
FROM THE CLUBHOUSE - Crescent Lawn Tennis Club
Club Championship 2021 – It’s time to enter!
By Tony Garrett

This year’s 2021 Club Championships, which are sponsored by Blackfen
Chiropractic Clinic, will start on 1 July 2021, with finals day being on 11
September 2021. There is a wide range of categories to enter;

           Men’s and Ladies singles.
           Men’s and Ladies doubles*.
           Mixed doubles*.
           Men’s Vets singles.
           Men’s Vets doubles *
           Mixed doubles handicap**
           Junior boys under 18s singles
           Junior girls under 18s singles
           Junior boys under 14 singles
           Junior girls under 14s singles
           Juniors’ doubles*.

(*All the doubles events are drawn partners, so please just enter and you will be given a partner.
**Except the mixed handicap, where you can pick your partner. You can still enter this event if you
don’t have a partner!! Please just state ‘partner wanted!)

Our coaching team will also be running mini junior events.

For more information and if you would like to enter please contact Tony Garrett

The closing date for entries is SUNDAY 27 JUNE 2021

 For further details on the services provided by Blackfen Chiropractic Clinic
 please visit their website:
FROM THE CLUBHOUSE - Crescent Lawn Tennis Club
By Bernie Adams

Membership benefits include:
   8 hard courts – 4 with flood lights
   Social Play
   Entry into club championship and box leagues
   Chances to play club matches (Kent/North Kent and National Leagues)
   Clubhouse facilities
   Quarterly newsletter
   Entrance into the Wimbledon ticket ballot

Membership fees are until 30th March 2022.

New adult members                        £250.00
Junior Membership Aged 11-18             £50.00
Junior Membership Aged 5-10              £25.00
Parent playing with Junior Members       £35.00

Method of payment:
   By bank transfer to Crescent Lawn Tennis Club - NatWest Acc. No 33577307
     SC 60-19-19; or

For further details including monthly direct debit payments – please contact

A big welcome to our new members – don’t forget, once you have joined the club,
please become a member of the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) – ‘Lite’
membership is free. The more club members we have signed up, the more
Wimbledon ballot tickets we will be allocated! Go to to register. This
year however, it looks as if Wimbledon will not be running a ballot because of the
COVID-19 restrictions.
FROM THE CLUBHOUSE - Crescent Lawn Tennis Club
‘LIFE IN THE OLD             When did you join           members and play
                             and what lead you to        players of different
DOG YET’                     Crescent Tennis             ability. I’d have to say
By Nick Baker                Club?                       that social tennis
                                                         sessions are a real
                             I joined the club back in   strong point of the
                             1988, having played for     Club. Also, having Neil
                             Glenhurst Tennis Club,      Biddle Tennis coaching
                             which sadly closed.         join the club has been a
                             Crescent, was               revelation, the club has
                             conveniently located        attracted a large
                             half way between home       number of new
                             and work. I think           members. Effective
                             Crescent offers so          marketing has also
                             much; the bar patio         played an important
                             area provides a             role as has Bernie
                             convivial setting for       Adams, our
                             home and away players       membership secretary,
                             after matches. The          who has gone out her
So, it is with great         membership is               way to welcome new
pleasure that in the first   extremely friendly and      members to the club.
of our ‘meet the             pleasant. Players have
members’ interviews          been tolerant of my         So, what would like to
we say hello to long         erratic play over           see improved at the
serving member – Tim         several decades and I       club?
Brasier                      have always been
                             grateful for their          Well, of course we’d all
How does it feel being       forbearance. One of         like to see courts 1&2
the first to take the        the strengths of the        reinstated, so as to
plunge and be                club is that some of the    open up more playing
interviewed for ‘From        stronger players have       facilities and coaching
the Clubhouse’?              been prepared to mix in     opportunities. A real
                             with others to make a       bug bear for me is the
If I’m honest I was quite    game.                       state of the car park,
taken aback when I                                       but also, I’d like to see
was asked. At the            Yes, a part from the        our clubhouse updated.
same time I did think        friendly people, what       I appreciate that it’s
why me and do I really       do you like about the       only a small space, but
have anything of             Club?                       with a bit of
interest to share, but                                   imagination, I’m sure
yes, I’m quite chuffed       For me it has to be the     we could do something
really.                      opportunity to play         with it!
                             socially. It’s a great
                             way to meet other
FROM THE CLUBHOUSE - Crescent Lawn Tennis Club
How did it feel to win     Christine Mackenzie        Yes, I like the turn of
the 2019 men’s             and losing to Ernie        phrase icon, so I’m
championship               Wellhausen and his         happy to own it!
doubles?                   partner 4-6, 7-5, 7-5. I
                           was also delighted to      Walking has been a
Like all the good things   win the mixed doubles      favourite activity. My
in life – doubles takes    with Mandy McWhinnie.      wife and I also started
two! So credit must go     This year, with Tony       to teach ourselves
to my partner Ernie        Garrett, beating two of    some Italian which has
Wellhausen! However,       our excellent younger      proved very enjoyable if
the final, due to one of   players Elliot Scott and   limited in outcome.
our opponents being        Andrew McClean was         Before lockdown I
injured, meant we won      achievement proving        enjoyed going to the
by default – but taking    there’s life in the old    theatre, the cinema,
part was fun.              dog yet!                   Historical Association
So, you’d recommend        The worst was moment
our new members to         happened during a          That’s interesting –
take part in our           social set when I struck   what did you do
championships?             Dot Garrett with a         professionally?
                           forehand volley!
Definitely! I know some                               In 1976, I started
people are a bit           Playing techniques         teaching History in a
apprehensive in taking     come and go in             school in Sidcup and in
part in competition –      tennis, but one            1989 I moved to a
but it’s really a good     debate amongst             school in Bickley to
experience and let’s       coaches and players        teach History and
face it if the draw is     lingers on – double or     Politics. I retired in in
kind to you could end      single back hand?          2015 after 39 years of
up in a final – so yes,                               teaching. I loved
guys and girls enter the   I sometimes wonder         teaching these subjects
club championships!        what a backhand is! As     and seeing the
                           a ‘vintage’ player – I’m   students’ progress.
With the highs of          pro single handed –
winning in tennis          and even now it’s a        So, tell us something
come the lows – what       work in progress!          about you that we
was your best/worst                                   don’t know about?
moment on a tennis         Of course there’s
court?                     more to Tim Brasier        I attended a tennis
                           than being an icon on      coaching course at La
My best moment in          Crescents Tennis           Manga in Spain run by
tennis – there have        Courts – what keeps        Jo Durie and her coach
been two – was playing     you busy when you’re       Alan Jones. I was
in the handicapped         not winning                fortunate to have a
mixed match with           championships?             warm-up knock with her
and she was very                                       chosen meal as I don’t
impressive.                The French Open             cook! There might be
                           appeals to me. I have       plenty left if Nadal and
You’ve been lucky          been to watch some          Kyrios storm out after
enough to have             matches for a few days      an argument!
watched the greats in      in recent years. There
the professional           is a nice atmosphere at     Thanks Tim I’m sure
games – who would          Roland Garros and the       your fellow members
you say is your            rallies at times are        will enjoy your
favourite male/female      interminable. It is great   interview – who do
players?                   to see the skill of the     you think we should
                           players as they try to      ask next?
My favourite male          put the ball away.
tennis player was                                      Thanks, Nick it’s been
Andre Agassi – his         To celebrate your           really enjoyable and
ground strokes and         fantasy Roland              something I think we
returns of serve were      Garros victory, which       should continue –
almost faultless. I am     four professional           personally I’d like to
surprised that he only     players would you           hear from some of you
won Wimbledon once.        invite to your              younger players, so
I also liked watching      champion’s dinner –         come on Elliot
Tim Henman who had         and what’s on the           Scott/Andrew McCean
a great style. My          menu?                       give it a go!
favourite female
players were Virginia      I suppose the players
Wade (who never quite      that strike me as good
fulfilled her potential)   company are Roger           (we’d love to interview you and
                                                       particularly some of our lady
and Andrea Temesvari       Federer, Raffa Nadal,       and/or junior members – with
(who suffered a lot of     Nick Kyrios and Andy        parental permission. If you’d
injuries).                 Murray although, Nadal      like to add to our list let me
                           and Kyrios don’t get on.
If you could, which
grand slam would you       I think a take-away
most like to play in?      pizza would be my
Sun Awareness
By Nick Baker

As we head towards the summer months, fingers crossed, we are all hoping for long spells
of sun and more opportunities to play tennis

Playing tennis means spending hours in the sun. Make sure to protect your skin with these
helpful tips:

What are UV rays?
Ultraviolet radiation is the portion of the sun’s rays responsible for skin damage, which may
lead to skin cancer. UV rays are worse in the spring and summer and can be increased by
reflection for pavements and tennis courts. The UV index lets you know how strong UV rays
are on a given day.

What is sun protection?
To protect yourself from UV rays, use sunblock, wear a wide-brimmed hat or shirts and
sunglasses that block 99 percent of UV rays.

When do I need sun protection?
You should always wear some form of sun protection. You can get sunburned on overcast
                                          days and in cold weather.

                                               What type of sunblock is best?
                                               Broad spectrum lotion that protects against
                                               both UVA and UVB rays. Use a minimum of
                                               30 SPF and make sure sunscreen is fresh; it
                                               usually expires after two years.

                                              When do I apply sunblock?
                                              A minimum of 30 minutes prior to going out in
                                              the sun, so that it is most effective. And make
sure to reapply every two hours or more often as needed.

What else can I do to play safely?

Make sure you are properly hydrated
The number one rule is to keep hydrated. I’m extreme heat you should be hydrating before
and after a match.

Take breaks between games
Always take the maximum break between games and make sure to rehydrate and reapply
sun protection.

Stop if temperatures are too high
Don’t be too proud to stop a match if the heat is too much.

For more details on sun awareness look at our Sun Awareness Policy
Team Updates
By Tony Garrett

Been a bit of an up and down start for our club teams.

In the North Kent our ladies 1 have played 2 lost 2, the ladies 2 have played 2 lost 1,
drew 1 and the men’s team have only played the one match, which they drew. The
x2 mixed teams have both played 1 each and unfortunately lost them. The vets 1
however have played 3 won 3, whilst the Vets 2 have played 4, recording 1 victory
and 3 losses.

In the Kent league our men’s 1 team have played 2 and lost them both, the 2nd team
have played 2, winning 1 and losing 1 and the 3rd team have played 2 and lost them

In the National league our men’s 1 have played all their 4 games, winning 1 and
losing 3, whilst the men’s 2 team have played 3, winning 1 and losing 2. The ladies
have only played 1 game (lost) thus far.

There are still plenty of matches to play through the Summer, so if you are interested
in being involved in any of these games, please contact Dot
( or Tony (

    To play in any League/Team match – you will need register and get a British Tennis
    Member (BTM) player number – Its free and quite simple – log onto the LTA website Click on the ‘join’ button at top of page – scroll to ‘Advantage Play+ Free’
    and sign up.

Crescent Social Tennis                                  Dates for your diary

Get to meet and play other club                  Summer Box             May-June 2021
members, in fun atmosphere….                     Leagues
Social Play takes place on;                                             28 June -11 July
                                                 Wimbledon 2021         2021
     Tuesday 9am-12 noon
     Thursday 9am-12 noon                       Club Championships     Start 1 July 2021
     Friday 9am-12 noon                         & summer BBQ           (closing for
     Saturday 2pm-4pm                                                  entries 27 June
     Sunday 9am-12 noon                                                Finals Day11
                                                                        September 2021
Book onto social play via the website                     AGM 2022               11 February 2022

    Seeking a Social Media Guru

    Do you have what it takes to be the clubs social media guru?

    We are looking someone to take the lead on the clubs social media particularly
    Facebook and Instagram.

    There might be scope to also work alongside others in developing our website
    presence, but initially it would be focus on social media.
    In particular, we are looking for one or more members to act as administrators and to;
    - check content, periodically, post news, results, coaching and membership
    opportunities, updates about the club and up load photographs of the club events.
    - ensure any sponsor has a presence- monitor the content of our social media.

    You are interested contact
Keeping you and your children safe
By Gary Payne

Crescent Tennis Club is committed to ensuring that our club is a safe and inclusive
environment for our members, visitors, parents and those who come to play or watch tennis.

We have a Welfare Officer contact details are fully visible in our club house, on our website
and provided in this article.

 We are currently seeking a Deputy Welfare Officer, to support and cover our Welfare
 Officer, ideally we’d like appoint from our ladies membership, but would be open to
 another male taking up this appointment – if you are interested please speak to Gary

The Welfare Officer has to have completed LTA approved, Safeguarding training as well as
being regularly DBS checked to be in their positions.

In addition, from 1 October 2019 it is a requirement that LTA registered clubs who use the
services of a Level 3 (and above) coaches are LTA Accredited; which means that they
undergo regular safeguarding and first aid training as well as DBS checks. As part of their
Accreditation, they personally commit to ongoing coach development and their Accreditation
is monitored by the LTA to ensure full compliance.

A copy of our Crescent Tennis Club’s Safeguarding Policy can be found in our club house
and on our website.

Our Welfare and Safeguarding contacts at the club are:
   • Welfare Officer Garry Payne – tele 07551 529 499 or by email
   • Deputy Welfare Officer - TBC

However, if for any reason you don't feel comfortable raising a concern with either of the
clubs Welfare officers, you should use any of the contacts below:

   •   LTA Safeguarding team directly on 020 8487 7000
   •   Email the Safeguarding Team at
   •   The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) via 020 8303 7777
   •   The NSPCC on 0808 800 5000

If someone is in immediate danger, always call the police (999) first!
Guest Players
By Graham Watson

Members are welcome to bring guests along to play at Crescent when there is court
space available. Please ask permission from the Treasurer before inviting a guest.
We will need their contact details. It is your responsibility to collect the £5 guest fee
and pay the Treasurer on line. Guests are permitted a maximum of 5 visits in any
one year. They are NOT able to take part in social play.

Contact our Treasurer at:
You can also pay using our Sum Up card reader located in the club’s cupboard.

                                                                                     It’s a ‘Touch
                                                                                     Screen’ device,
                                                                                     just follow the

       Please do not use ‘Sum up’ card to pay your membership fees!

        Want to contribute an article for the newsletter?
        We are very open to any of our members who’d like to contribute an article to the Club’s Newsletter.
        If you are interested or have any suggestions please let me know

                                        Are you following us on Facebook?
                                        Find us at
Helping our club…..

                                                     Each month there will be two prizes, one
You have more chance of winning the 100
                                                     each of £30 and £15. For the December
Club than any lottery!
                                                     draw these prizes will increase to £50 and
                                                     £25, if we have enough participants.
For those members unfamiliar with this
concept, the idea is that members contract
                                                     All funds raised will go to help the Club to
to pay £2 a month for a year by Direct
                                                     improve our facilities and thus offering
Debit or an annual lump sum of £24, also
                                                     more opportunities for playing the sport we
payable by direct debit or cheque. Please
                                                     all love. Please do seriously consider
set up a Direct Debit Crescent Lawn
                                                     signing up today. It would be greatly
Tennis Club, NatWest Account Number
                                                     appreciated, and will help the club build up
33577307, Sort Code 60-19-19.
                                                     the reserves that are so urgently needed
                                                     to improve courts 1 & 2.
The draw will take place on the last
Sunday of every month. The draw will take
                                                     The committee reserves the right to
place in accordance with COVID-19 rules
                                                     suspend this activity and return all the
in place at the time.
                                                     money, on a monthly pro rata basis, if we
                                                     do not get enough people signing up.
This represents the price of one coffee. In
return, you will be given a number which
                                                     Good luck!
will then go into the monthly draw.

What’s EasyFundRaising? – Well it’s a method of giving a donation from your online
shopping trips to a local charity or club. It’s free to use and the donation is given by the
retailer you use – not by you! Around 20 members are already using it and helping our club,
simply when on-line shopping. You can download the app from the apple store, for free, set
up an account and set Crescent Tennis Club as your cause to receive funds!

Alternatively, register and start helping the Club go to Just
register on this site, search for your on-line retailer on this site. Click the link and sign into
your usual retailer and the club will get a percentage of your spend – it costs nothing except
a little forethought.
By Neil Biddle

The Neil Biddle Tennis shop is now open!

A fully stocked pro shop for all your needs including

*Restringing service              *Rackets in all price range from £20 to £200

*Rackets demo available (try before you buy)

*Tennis shoes and clothing - mens and ladies (junior sizes available)

Visit us at Old Road, Crayford, Kent, DA14 6RA or call 07341 841831
You can also read