From the Principal's desk .

Page created by Vivian Oliver
From the Principal's desk .
Term 4 Week 6                                                                           November 18, 2019
                                                 VISION STATEMENT
                   To change the world through our faith in Jesus who is our light and hope.

From the Principal’s desk….
Welcome to Week 6.
This Friday we welcome our new 2020 Kinders to school for their first Orientation. This
will be an exciting day for the children and I am sure a little bit sad for the parents. The
Parent Information session last week was very well attended. The kinder teachers have
done an excellent job planning for a smooth transition. Welcome to SJP Kinder 2020.

We will soon begin the process of allocating children to classes for 2020.We will be able to inform you of class
teacher allocations soon. Sometimes there are social or academic reasons that need to be considered when
student placements are being decided. The teachers will be using a range of criteria such as social, academic and
learning needs when making these decisions. If you wish to have any issues considered in relation to your child’s
placement for 2020, I ask that you write to me via Please note that the final decision
on class placements rests with the school. Requests concerning specific teachers will not be considered.

                            Today I would like to write about safety in our school car park. We all want our children to
                            arrive to school safely and enjoy their day and leave safely at the end of the school day. It
                            is very important that we as a school community demonstrate patience and care. SJP is
                            one of very few schools that operate an internal pick up in Dubbo. I would be grateful if
                            the following reminders would be adhered to.

                            Front Car Park: The front car park is for Administration staff and visitors only.
                            This helps the Administration staff to stay out of the main car park and
                            provide more parking spaces for teachers and ancillary staff. The staff car
park is limited and there are no available spots for parents. The only parents to use the front car park
are those accessing the disability parking and have a disability parking permit.

Dropping Off Children This means that no student should be dropped at school using the front car park in the
mornings. Parents and carers need to drop their children off in the drop off zone. The children can then walk around
the walking path into school - Area 1.

In the afternoon all students not travelling on a bus or walking home are to be picked up in the pick up area and not
the front car park. Parents are welcome to line up in their cars for the pick up zone. Students are expected to wait in
the fenced area / shelter area until the time their parent enters the pick up space, when the teacher will direct them
to their car.

                Alternatively, parents are also welcome to park along Sheraton Road and walk over to meet their
                child in the pick up space. Also, an important reminder that vehicles are not to turn right into
                Sheraton Road in the afternoon until 3:30pm. There have been a number of vehicles driving off at
                speed and this is clearly not a safe practise.

SCHOOL MANAGER/CHAPLIN Father Greg Kennedy                             PRINCIPAL Mr Anthony O’Leary
P&F MEETINGS: 2nd & 7th Tuesday each Term
From the Principal's desk .
Gospel and Reflection: Luke 21:5-19 The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times

Some of his disciples were remarking about how the temple was adorned with beautiful stones and with gifts
dedicated to God. But Jesus said, “As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on
another; every one of them will be thrown down.” “Teacher,” they asked, “when will these
things happen? And what will be the sign that they are about to take place?”

He replied: “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name,
claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them. When you hear of wars
and uprisings, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not
come right away.” Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom
against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various
places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

“But before all this, they will seize you and persecute you. They will hand you over to syn-
agogues and put you in prison, and you will be brought before kings and governors, and all on account of my name.
And so you will bear testimony to me. But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend your-
selves. For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. You
will be betrayed even by parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death.
Everyone will hate you because of me. But not a hair of your head will perish. Stand firm, and you will win life.

‘By your perseverance you will secure your lives’

The psalm offers us nourishing words to console us in times of upheaval and crisis. We hear that ‘the Lord comes to
rule the earth with justice’, a promise which acts as encouragement in our days. There is a musical theme
throughout, as we are invited to praise with harp, voice, trumpets, and horn. The sea, the world, the rivers, the
mountains, all make music to the Lord in joy and acclamation.

The Lord is on his way to rule with justice and equity for the peoples. We wait in expectant hope and attend to this
time with faith and trust. ‘All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well’ as our sister
Julian of Norwich once wrote. So today, when we feel moved to worry, let us place our hope in the Lord, singing
songs of praise until he comes.

God Bless and have a wonderful week.

Anthony O’Leary

Week 6 Term 4
      November 21 - Year 5 RISE leadership Day at St Brigid’s.
      November 21 - Year 3 Reconciliation with FR Greg 10.20am
      November 21 - Year 4 Reconciliation with Fr Greg 11.30am
      November 21 - Year 1 Blue Masonic Village Visit
      November 22 - First Orientation morning for Kindy 2020 9.15am - 11.00am

Week 7 Term 4
      November 25   - 28 Year 2 & year 3 Swimming Program
      November 26   – Year 6 Hit the Ground Running transition to High School program.
      November 28   – Year 4 T20 Cricket Day Lady Cutler Oval.
      November 29   - Second Orientation morning for Kindy 2020, 9.15am – 11.00am
From the Principal's desk .
From the Principal's desk .
P & F Raffle Winners
     1st prize - Gold Coast Holiday - James Lees

     Hamper 1 - Ryan Newton                               * Hamper 2 - Jacqualine Elliot

     Hamper 3 - John Alicaya                              * Hamper 4 - Ncube Family

     Hamper 5 - Jayne Humphreys                           * Hamper 6 - Ruby Asimus

     Mud Kitchen - Nick Ryan                              * FitBit Inspire - Casey Nunn

     Robert Oatley Wine - Danny Tink                      * Mumma Bird Beauty Voucher - Le-Roy Trengove

     MV Beauty Voucher - James Stevenson                  * Rivers Voucher - Ann Rennie

     Rivers Voucher - Kurt O’Hara                         * Wealth Planners Voucher - Liz Bottomley

     Wealth Planners Voucher - Simon Kerr                 * DMC Voucher - Jo Trengove

     DMC Voucher—Maddie Bleechmore                        * Cupcakes by Amy Rutherford - Traci Bevern

                             CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR WINNERS.


                                           Many Thanks P&F Committee

   On Tuesday 12th November, 42 students from Year 5 and 6 travelled to Orange to
 compete in the Western Schools Cup touch carnival. For what was a warm, windy and
dusty day, all students competed with a great amount of effort, enthusiasm and team-
 work. All teams came away from the day with a win, many smiles and doing our school
                          proud with the sportsmanship shown.

We would like to thank Emma Fitzgerald who took the time to support the four teams in
training and strengthening their touch skills throughout the term. Congratulations to all
the students on their hard efforts training for the day and competing at the carnival.
Well done!

      CANTEEN NEWS WEEK 6 TERM 4                                       CDF BANKING
                                                                 Our next rostered banking will be
      Have a great week                                                          Wednesday November 20th

                                                                    Our banking parent for this week is Brooke Whiteley

                                                                    Please ensure that child’s banking is sent in to school
                                                                                     before Wednesday .
       Cathy and Brooke
From the Principal's desk .
Christmas Celebrations 2019
         The P & F would like to invite all of the families of St Johns to join us at our end of

                                    year Christmas celebrations.

                                           Activities will include:

                        A visit from Santa to the Kindergarten class rooms.

                             Christmas carols performed by each grade.

               Christmas hams and other prizes to be won on the chocolate wheel.

Bring your own picnic dinner and enjoy the celebrations.

The year 6 students will be selling drinks and ice blocks on the


When: 3rd December

Time: 5.30pm – 7pm

Where: St Johns Primary School

Year 6 continues to bring you ICE BLOCK FRIDAY! Each Friday Year 6 will be selling Zooper
Doopers and Icy Poles from the silver seats during Break 1 & Break 2 (or until sold out). To
enjoy this delicious treat you will need 50c Zooper Dooper or $1 for an Icy Pole

All funds raised will go to a gift for the school to remember Year 6 2019!
From the Principal's desk .
ICAS Results.

Well done to the following students on their great results in the recent ICAS Science Assessment.

      Merit - Elsa James yr. 3

      Merit - Thashiru Abayawickrama yr. 5

      Credit - Brodie Pearson yr. 3

      Credit - Nethuli Pathirana yr. 4

      Credit - Dhanesh Weerapperuma yr. 4

      Credit - Sophie Egan yr. 5

      Credit - Aidan Webeck yr. 5

      Distinction - Vishaka Rupasinghe. Yr. 5


    Well done to the following students on their great results in the recent ICAS English

      Credit - Aoife Joe yr. 4

      Credit - Sophie Egan yr. 5

      Credit - Aidan Webeck yr. 5

      Credit - Brianna Shuttle yr. 6

      Distinction - Nethuli Pathirana yr. 4

      Distinction - Vishaka Rupasinghe yr. 5

      Distinction - Saheli Jayanetty yr. 5

      Distinction - Tessa O’Brien yr. 5
From the Principal's desk .

Well done to the following students on their great results in the recent ICAS Digital Technologies Assessment.

     Merit - Jake Hodges Yr 6

     Merit - James Armour Yr 6

     Merit - James Wonderley Yr 3

     Credit - Jacoby Fitzgerald Yr 2

     Credit - Aoife Joe Yr 4

     Credit - Nethuli Pathirana Yr 4

     Credit - Flynn Neville Yr 4

     Credit - Aidan Webeck Yr 5

     Credit - Tessa O’Brien Yr 5

     Credit - Sophie Egan Yr 5

     Credit - Pethmin Jayaweera Yr 6

     Credit - Brianna Shuttle Yr 6

     Distinction - Saheli Jayanetty Yr 5

     Distinction - Lachlan Webeck Yr 2

     High Distinction - Vishaka Rupasinghe Yr 5
From the Principal's desk . From the Principal's desk . From the Principal's desk .
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