Gallery of Art by GW Residents

Page created by Maria Wang
Gallery of Art by GW Residents
Vol. 25, No. 2 – February 2021
P.O. Box 70, Millstone, N.J. 08510
A Monthly Periodical Serving Greenbriar at Whittingham


                                  Gallery of Art by GW Residents
  GW has so many talented artists living in the community. Be-                            you would like your picture to be printed in a future edition,
low is a small sample of some artwork done by the residents. If                           please send it by email to:

                         Painting of our pond                                           “Out of my way!”                               Mendocino Dreaming
                         By Frances Gunther                                              By Audrey Roth                                  By Marie Divak

                      Pastel Pond                                               Spring Bouquet                                         Interesting Tree
                    By Sheila Kaplan                                            By Zena Horvath                                        By Elaine Macina

                                         Nurses Notes: Warp Speed Ahead - Vaccinating against COVID-19
                                         By Kaytie Olshefski,             medical products that help      recommendations to the             was urgent to develop these
                                         BSN, RN-BC                       during a public health emer-    Centers for Disease Control        vaccines to stop the spread
                                            After a challenging year,     gency. There are guidelines     and Prevention (CDC). Sci-         of this virus as quickly as
                                         2021 starts off with hope: two   that must be met before an      entists, with funding from         possible. Although the manu-
                                         different vaccines for COVID-    EUA is issued. The FDA is       different countries, including     facturing process of this vac-
                                         19, created by Pfizer and        responsible for making sure     United States, worked to-          cine was accelerated, it is
                                         Moderna, have been ap-           all vaccines have met the       gether with one goal in mind       important to note that the
                                         proved for Emergency Use         standards for both safety and   – to develop vaccines to fight     safety and efficacy review
                                         Authorization (EUA) and vac-     efficacy. After the FDA ap-     this devastating virus. The        process by the FDA was not
                                         cinations are underway. The      proves the vaccines, the Ad-    vaccines went through three        rushed.
                                         Food and Drug Administra-        visory Committee on Immuni-     phases of clinical trials in six     What are the differences
                                         tion (FDA) issued an EUA         zations Practices (ACIP) re-    months instead of the typical      between the Pfizer and Mod-
      Sherlock Holmes
                                         allowing access to critical      views the data and makes        two years. In this pandemic it                  (Continued on page 3)
      By Francine Kitts
Gallery of Art by GW Residents
FEBRUARY 2021 – PAGE 2                                                                       GREENBRIAR AT WHITTINGHAM VOICE

 In Memoriam                                    He was married for 60 years
                                             to the late Carole (Lombardo)
                                                                                         servant, and with his career
                                                                                         in banking, he was very de-                    Board Meeting Report
                                             Tamburro. They resided in                   tail-orientated, especially                  January 15, 2021             cussed. The gatehouse was
                                             East Brunswick where they                   when it came to finances. His            Renovations are continuing       redone because the top was
                                             raised six children. The couple             advice was exceptional. He            in the clubhouse, the gate-         often hit, and residents had to
                                             moved to Monroe in 1997 in                  kept a close watch over the           house, and tennis courts. The       wait while taller vehicles
                                             retirement.                                 town, with plenty of integrity,       community garden will have          came in the residents’ gate.
                                                Mayor Tamburro served as                 which is what you need to do          new fencing, a slate walkway,       Therefore, the top was omit-
                                             vice president of commercial                as mayor.”                            and new topsoil.                    ted from the reconstruction.
                                             lending for the National State                Mayor Tamburro is sur-                 Comcast overpricing was          However, the security team is
                                             Bank of Elizabeth and as                    vived by his two sons: Gerald         discussed. The company is           protected from the rain when
                                             president of a community                    Tamburro, Jr. and his wife            moving away from the current        vehicles come through.
                                             bank in New Jersey. He also                 June and Peter Tamburro               technology and moving to-              If you need assistance reg-
                                             earned a graduate degree                    and his wife Alba. He has             ward streaming services and         istering with the state for the
                                             from the Stonier Graduate                   four daughters: JoEllen               will not lower the rates. Alter-    COVID vaccine, call the li-
 Mayor Gerald W. Tamburro                                                                                                      natives include satellite TV or
                                             School of Banking at Rutgers                Schmidt, Susan Kinsey and                                                 brary or the senior center.
   Monroe Township Mayor                     University.                                 her husband Kevin, Lynn               streaming services with high-       They are spending a great
Gerald W. Tamburro, who                         When Mrs. Tamburro                       Manza       and     Cynthia           end internet. For all options       deal of time assisting resi-
                                             passed in 2019, Mayor Tam-                  Lombardi. He is also sur-             google cnet.                        dents with this endeavor.
served in elected office in
                                             burro shared his own love                   vived by a sister, a sister-in-          Checking fire extinguishers         GW is very fortunate to have
Monroe for 19 years and dedi-
                                             story with the community, say-              law, nine grandchildren, and          fall to each homeowner; we          a skilled, cheerful, friendly
cated decades of his life to
                                             ing he fell in love early and               three great grandchildren.            cannot get a service for that       nurse on staff. Please do not
public service, passed away
                                             was married at 23 – the cou-                  Donations may be made in            task. If you need help in doing     call her for information unre-
peacefully on Thursday, De-
                                             ple’s sole possession at the                the name of Mayor Tamburro            this yourself, call the fire com-   lated to health issues. Our con-
cember 31, surrounded by
                                             time was a Hi-Fi phonograph.                to the Monroe Township Li-            pany at 609 409-2980 for ad-        cierge is in the clubhouse Mon-
family. He was 84.                                                                                                             vice.
                                             “From there, we somehow                     brary Foundation, 4 Municipal                                             day through Friday and will be
   He was elected as second-                                                                                                      Concern over rain by the
                                             built an incredible life to-                Plaza, Monroe Township NJ                                                 happy to assist you with these
ward councilman in November                                                                                                    gatehouse entrance was dis-
                                             gether,” Mayor Tamburro re-                 08831.                                                                    other concerns.
2001. He went on to serve as
council president for eight                  called.
years before being elected
mayor in 2015 and re-elected
                                                He often spoke of his
                                             years of military service and
                                             its lasting effect. He still kept
                                                                                              News from the Golf Course
in 2019.
   “Mayor Tamburro was a                     his old Army-issued foot                    By Allan Cooper                       protecting the community:           there will be more excrement
                                             locker, where he stored his                    The Golf Course was                   When it rains, water             to pollute the ponds. There-
tireless and passionate advo-
                                             shoe polish. He valued and                  forced to raise the mainte-           rushes down our streets and         fore, WHOA was taking care
cate for Monroe Township
                                             honored all veterans and                    nance fee $2.00 for many              into our sewers. Many peo-          of the issue. However, two
residents and served the town-
                                             made it a point to personally               different reasons: One obvi-          ple think the water simply          years ago there was a
ship with love and pride,” said
                                             thank veterans whenever                     ous cause was the Covid               goes down the sewers and            change in the philosophy of
Council President Miriam
                                             possible.                                   pandemic:                             from there into some river          management of our commu-
                                                His close friend was former                 Due to the Covid pandemic          and eventually out to sea.          nity. WHOA and the Green-
   Mayor Tamburro became
                                             Monroe Mayor Richard Pucci,                 the golf course was required          Actually, what happens is           briar Board decided that the
involved in public life shortly
                                             who always appreciated                      to close for six weeks by or-         that the water runs from the        golf course should pay for
after moving to Greenbriar in
                                             Mayor Tamburro’s intelligence,              der of the Governor. We had           sewers, through pipes that          clearing geese from golf
1997. Born in Newark, Mayor
                                             extreme punctuality and focus               to reimburse playing mem-             put the water directly onto         course land which is both the
Tamburro grew up in Nutley.
                                             on serving the community at-                bers six weeks of their mem-          the golf course. This helps         fairways of the golf course,
   He joined the U.S. Army in
                                             large.                                      bership fees. This cost the           protect our homes from              and at the same time it is the
1957 and was discharged in
                                                “There was not a day when                golf course more than                 flooding. The water runs            glide path for goose excre-
August 1964. He attended
                                             we wouldn’t speak,” Pucci                   $25,000. In addition, several         across the fairways and into        ment to the flow into the
Seton Hall University, where
                                             recalled. “We had an out-                   thousand dollars in golf cart         ponds that both collects and        ponds.
he earned a degree in bank-
                                             standing, open-door relation-               fees were lost when the               holds the water for a period           There was further discus-
ing. He landed his first bank-
                                             ship. Jerry was very special                course was closed.                    of time.                            sion about which company
ing jobs at Boonton National
                                             to me. He was a great public                   When the golf course finally          Now another fact: Before         should be hired. Companies
Bank in the 1960s.
                                                                                         re-opened, we needed to take          our community was devel-            that use dogs to chase
                                                                                         special precautions to protect        oped, when it was simply            geese were asked to bid on
             G REENBRIAR at W HITTINGHAM VOICE                                           golfers. In addition to requiring
                                                                                         masks, every golf cart had to
                                                                                                                               undeveloped land, heavy
                                                                                                                               rains would be partially ab-
                                                                                                                                                                   both the cost of clearing the
                                                                                                                                                                   ponds from geese and the
                                                                                         be carefully disinfected when a       sorbed by the earth. Once           cost of clearing the land on
                               Staff Members                                                                                   the land was developed with         the golf course.
                                                                                         golfer completed a round of
       S. Alexander Banks, Editor-in-Chief                                               golf. This required extra staff.      roadways, homes, drive-                Although one company
                                                                                         Moreover, we could only allow         ways and parking lots,              came in with the lowest bid
     Elaine Alberts                Joan Freeman                  Arlene Lazar
      Ruth Banks                    Mimi Gruber                  Harvey Lazar            one golfer per cart, further re-      there was no land to absorb         for both the ponds and the
      Lisa Baruch                  Zena Horvath                 Paul Rosenberg           ducing our income. That cost          the water. If something isn’t       fairways, WHOA and Green-
       Ben Baum                    Phyllis Kundel               Charlotte Rubin          us another several thousands          done to prevent the water           briar decided they liked the
 Carol Bergman-Grunes                                             Mark Surks             of dollars of revenue income.         from rushing downstream,            company they were using
                                                                                         Finally, this year we were un-        other communities would             better than the company that
                         Joan Hermelee, Copy Editor                                      able to hold any golf outings         become flooded. So, we are          had won the bid. They said
                                                                                         which usually brings in an ad-        obliged by various laws to          they didn’t mind paying a
                              Editorial Board                                                                                  hold the water and release          slightly higher price because
                                                                                         ditional $5,000.
                Alex Banks                  GWCA Rep. Arnold Riback                         Another cost, unrelated to         it slowly downstream.               they really like the company
                Ruth Banks                       Ben Baum                                                                      These create ponds on the           they were using.
                                                                                         Covid, is the cost of clearing
                                                                                         geese from the land and               golf course. These ponds               Using one company for the
          Editorial Office                            Advertising Office                 ponds on the golf course. For         attract geese. Geese use the        ponds and the golf course
    Greenbriar Whittingham VOICE                  Princeton Editorial Services           the year 2021 the cost is             water to protect themselves         and using another for its land
      100 Whittingham Drive                                P.O. Box 70                   $15,350. For the year 2020            from predators.                     would not be successful.
      Monroe Twp., NJ 08831                        Millstone Twp., NJ 08510              the cost was $7,200. For                 This Stormwater Commit-          When the geese were
           (609) 655-4791                                (732) 761-8534                  every year before that, there         tee, in previous years, de-         chased out of the water they
   e-mail:                                                           was never any cost to the             cided that the committee            could run to the fairways.
                                                                                         golf course for this service.         would pay the fee to have           When they were chased from
                                      Publisher                                          Why was that?                         dogs chase geese away from          the fairways they could run to
                       Princeton Editorial Services                                         The short answer is that it        our property. This was based        the water.
     P.O. Box 70, Millstone Twp., NJ 08510 · (732) 761-8534 or 8535                      was considered a community            on the idea that the geese             The golf course committee
                                                                 problem and the fees for the          are a community problem.            spoke to an agent for the
                                                                                         Dogs to Chase Geese was                  It should also be pointed        USDA, and to Dr. Souza, a
     Greenbriar at Whittingham VOICE is a monthly periodical presented by the            paid by the Stormwater Com-           out that during the heavy           Botanist who was a consult-
  residents of Greenbriar at Whittingham, Monroe Township, New Jersey.                   mittee.                               rains, excrement from the           ant to Stormwater for many
     All editorial material for publication should be submitted on or before the 3rd                                           geese washed down the land          years. They both agreed
                                                                                            What is the Stormwater
  of the month prior to publication month to the Editorial Office.
                                                                                         Committee? It has represen-           on the golf course into the         that the fairways and the
    Greenbriar at Whittingham residents may deliver material to The GW VOICE             tatives from WHOA from the            ponds. The excrement con-           ponds had to be policed at
  mail box located at the Concierge Desk in the Towne Centre.                            Greenbriar Community Asso-            tains bacteria, phosphorous,        the same time. Using two
                                                                                         ciation Board and from the            and nitrogen. Adding these          different companies was
     Greenbriar at Whittingham VOICE is not liable for any typographical or
                                                                                         golf course. It was created           elements to the ponds can           obviously an untenable so-
  printing errors that may appear, including in its display or classified advertising,
  over the cost of the space of the advertisement.                                       because the issue of storm-           cause algae bloom. This al-         lution. The golf course was
                                                                                         water is a community wide             gae bloom is not a healthy          therefore forced to hire one
    Note: The advertisements in Greenbriar at Whittingham VOICE are, to the                                                    substance and in the sum-
                                                                                         issue and not special to any                                              company to clear both the
  best of The VOICE’s and Princeton Editorial’s knowledge, accurate
  representations of the products and services offered. However, no                      one of the three organiza-            mer when the ponds have             land and the ponds on the
  endorsement by The VOICE or any other party is intended or implied.                    tions.                                less water,,it can give off a       golf course.
  Acceptance of all materials is at the discretion of the publisher.                        To explain something               pretty awful smell.                    Further related issues will
                                                                                         about stormwater, and the                If geese are not chased off      be explored in the following
                                                                                         role the golf course plays in         the land on the golf course,        editions.
Gallery of Art by GW Residents

Nurses Notes                      If you have a history of se-
                                  vere allergic reaction to an
(Continued from page 1)           injectable medication, talk
erna vaccines? Storage is an      with your primary care physi-
important factor. The Pfizer      cian and ask him/her if you
vaccine must be stored at         should take the vaccine. Im-
minus 95 degrees. The Mod-        munocompromised individu-
erna vaccine can be stored        als and those receiving im-
at standard freezer tempera-      munosuppressant therapies
ture of minus 20 degrees.         should speak with their doc-
Pfizer’s vaccine must be re-      tor as they may have a di-          ness of breath, fatigue, mus-
constituted into a liquid while   minished immune response.           cle and body aches, new
Moderna’s vaccine does not.       You should not take any             loss taste or smell, sore
   These vaccines do not          other vaccines 14 days be-          throat, congestion, runny
have any part of live or dead     fore getting the COVID-19           nose, nausea or vomiting,
coronavirus in them. The          vaccine. If you received            and diarrhea.
vaccines are made using           COVID-19 antibody treat-               Many residents are asking
messenger RNA (mRNa),             ment or convalescent plasma         if we will be giving the
which is a small genetic code     within the past 90 days, it is      COVID-19 vaccine. At this
that reads and produces pro-      advised that you talk with          moment we are working on
tein in your body’s cells.        your doctor about when to           the logistics, storing the vac-
These cells recognize coro-       get the COVID-19 vaccine.           cine in the required tempera-
navirus protein and will          After receiving your first dose     ture range to keep it safe,
launch the immune system to       of the COVID-19 vaccine, do         and following CDC guide-
target the coronavirus to pro-    not have any vaccinations           lines in keeping residents
tect you from coming down         until after your second dose.       and staff safe when giving
with COVID-19. mRNA does          If you have had COVID-19,           the vaccine in an open room.
not affect or change your         speak with your doctor as he/          The local sites that have
DNA. You cannot get COVID         she may have you wait at            registered with the state will
-19 from these vaccines.          least 90 days past a positive       be granted permission to
   Is one vaccine better than     COVID-19 test and when you                         (Continued on page 4)
the other? The FDA applied        are not exhibiting any symp-
the same stringent review         toms of the virus.
process to both vaccines              Experts need to under-
regardless of the manufac-        stand more about the protec-
turer. Pfizer’s vaccine has       tion that COVID-19 vaccines
shown to be 95% effective         provide before changing any
and the Moderna vaccine is        recommendations on the
94.5% effective in preventing     steps to slow the spread of
COVID-19. To achieve maxi-        the virus. There will be ongo-
mum protection, both vac-         ing studies regarding
cines are given in two doses.     whether vaccinated people
The Pfizer vaccine’s second       are able to transmit the virus.
dose must be administered         Until researchers tell us oth-
21 days after the first dose      erwise, we need to continue
was given. Moderna’s sec-         following CDC guidelines
ond dose must be given 28         even after being vaccinated
days after the first vaccine      for many months while the
was given. There is no data       general public is being vacci-
available on interchangeabil-     nated. In an effort to keep
ity between the two vaccines,     yourself and the people
meaning if your first dose        around you safe, continue to
was the Pfizer vaccine, your      wear a mask, social dis-
second dose must be the           tance, wash your hands
Pfizer vaccine. Protection        properly, avoid crowds and
from the vaccines is not im-      follow quarantine guidelines
mediate; it will take one to      if exposed to someone who
two weeks after the second        is COVID positive.
dose to be considered fully           As there is a limited supply
vaccinated. What scientists       of the vaccine, the New Jer-
know at this time is that the     sey Department of Health
vaccine will last a minimum       (NJDOH) has provided guid-
of four months. Research is       ance on who is to receive the
continuing and as more and        vaccine first and which
more people are vaccinated,       groups will follow. Below are
it will be discovered if these    the current guidelines out-
vaccines will last longer than    lined by the NJDOH:
predicted. After these vac-        Phase IA: Personnel work-
cines are administered,              ing on the frontline who
Pfizer and Moderna will con-         have the highest level of
tinue to monitor the safety,         patient contact, along with
efficacy, and side effects of        long-term facilities resi-
the vaccines.                        dents and staff,
   Side effects may be mild to     Phase 1B: Adults who are
moderate. Common side ef-            high risk with medical con-
fects may include pain and           ditions and people over the
tenderness at the injection          age of 65, essential work-
site and swelling of the             ers including police, fire
lymph nodes in the same              fighters, correction officers,
arm of the injection. General        and high-risk adults.
side effects are fever, chills,       There is still much to learn
fatigue, headache, muscle         about coronavirus, but we do
aches, joint pain, nausea and     know that COVID-19 is a
vomiting. The side effects        very serious illness and
may be more intense after         many people have died from
the second dose but should        it. Coronavirus is the third
subside in 24 hours. A se-        leading cause of death be-
vere allergic reaction could      hind cancer and heart dis-
occur within a few minutes to     ease. Researchers are look-
one hour afterwards.              ing at all angles to try to find
   Who should not get the         out why some people come
vaccine? If you had a severe      down with mild symptoms
allergic reaction after having    and others develop life-
the first dose of the COVID-      thr e ate ni ng s ym pt om s .
19 vaccine, do not take the       Symptoms of COVID-19 may
second dose. Let your physi-      appear two to 14 days after
cian know immediately about       exposure. Symptoms include
the severe allergic reaction.     fever, chills, cough, short-
Gallery of Art by GW Residents

                                               THE COMMUNITY AROUND US

                            Stephen Dalina Takes Oath of Office
                                as Monroe Township Mayor
                                                              through 2019.                           stores. I take this very, very
                                                                  A special election will be          seriously and I will make sure
                                                              held in November to elect the           our voice is heard.”
                                                              candidate who will fill the un-            Dalina said another top pri-
                                                              expired term of the late Mayor          ority will be to reach out to
                                                              Gerald W. Tamburro, who                 various constituents in the
                                                              passed away December 30.                township, from leaders of
                                                                  The Monroe Township De-             boards and commissions, to
                                                              mocratic Committee submitted            department heads, to the
                                                              three candidates and the                Board of Education to state
                                                              Township Council selected               officials who represent and
                                                              Dalina.                                 serve Monroe. “I want to en-
                                                                  Dalina took the oath of office      gage in these important con-
                                                              during the council’s January            versations and foster inclusiv-
                            Councilman Stephen Dalina         20 meeting, pledging to con-            ity, as we all work toward a
                         has been appointed as Mayor          tinue to fulfill the objectives         common goal,” he said.
                         of Monroe Township.                  that Tamburro established                  The new mayor has been
                            Dalina and his family have        when he was re-elected in               heavily involved in volunteer
                         been active members of the           November 2019.                          service for Monroe. He for-
                         Monroe Township community                In his remarks, Dalina ex-          merly served as chairman of
                         for more than two decades.           pressed appreciation to his             both the Monroe Township
                         He was elected councilman at-        family for their support, as well       Zoning Board of Adjustment
                         large in 2011 and served as          as offered a special acknowl-           and the Recreation Advisory
                         council president from 2017          edgement to his late father,            Board. He is a past member
                                                              Stephen “Pete” Dalina, who              of the Monroe Township Base-
                                                              served on the county free-              ball Association Executive
                                                              holder board for 19 years and           Board, serving as League
                                                              was director in 2009. “My dad           president in 2007 and 2008,
                                                              is always in my heart and I             the former president of the
                                                              carry his guidance and wis-             Rutgers Club from 2005 to
                                                              dom with me every day of my             2010, and previously served
                                                              life,” said the mayor, noting his       as secretary, treasurer and
                                                              brother, Rick, and his nephew,          president of the Northern New
                                                              Kevin, have also been inspired          Jersey Chapter of the Asso-
                                                              to serve the public in elected          ciation of Records Managers
                                                              office in Middlesex County.             and Administrators.
                                                                  The new mayor expressed                As a Council liaison, Dalina
                                                              his appreciation to the munici-         currently sits on the Monroe
                                                              pal staff, as well as the town-         Township Library Board, the
                                                              ship’s emergency responders             Citizens Review Board as
                                                              and volunteers, who continue            chairman, the Affordable
                                                              to assist residents during the          Housing Commission as chair-
                                                              lingering pandemic. As state,           man and the Recreation Advi-
                                                              county and local officials focus        sory Board.
                                                              on vaccinations, Dalina said, a            Dalina, a Woodbridge na-
                                                              main objective of his office is         tive, moved to the third ward
                                                              to ensure Monroe residents              with his wife, Susan, and two
                                                              are aware of all local opportu-         children in 1998. He is the
                                                              nities to receive these vital           director for Rutgers Univer-
                                                              inoculations.                           sity’s Business and Adminis-
                                                                  “My initial goal will be to fight   trative Services, as well as
                                                              to get increased quantities of          served as a part-time lecturer
                                                              the coronavirus vaccine to              in the School of Communica-
                                                              Monroe as soon as possible,”            tion at Rutgers. He earned his
                                                              Dalina said. “Right now, I’m            bachelor of arts degree from
                                                              very concerned about the lim-           Rider University and has a
                                                              ited number of vaccines com-            master of library science de-
                                                              ing from the federal and state          gree from Rutgers.

                                                                 Nurse’s Notes                           In the meantime, we can
                                                                                                      stay vaccinated against other
                                                              (Continued from page 3)                 illnesses. If you still have not
                                                              give the COVID-19 vaccine.              received your flu vaccine,
                                                              These sites include local and           call the nurse’s office at
                                                              county health departments,              (609) 395-7554 and arrange
                                                              health clinics, physicians’             to get one. We have the
                                                              offices, urgent care centers,           three different flu vaccines:
                                                              and retail pharmacies. It was           standard, high dose and
                                                              announced that New Jersey               Flublok.
                                                              plans to open six mega vac-                Saint Peter’s has devel-
                                                              cination sites; the closest             oped a COVID-19 Recovery
                                                              mega-site to Monroe will be             Program for people who still
                                                              the Convention and Exposi-              have lingering complications
                                                              tion Center in Edison. New              such as shortness of breath,
                                                              Jersey has launched a web-              chest pain, digestive prob-
                                                              site to sign-up for Covid-19            lems and fatigue. The pro-
                                                              vaccine. The website is:                gram provides access to
                                                     The             multi-specialty care for pa-
                                                              site gives COVID information            tients who have previously
                                                              and scheduling centers.                 tested positive and were ei-
                                                                 Stopping the pandemic                ther hospitalized or recov-
                                                              requires using all the knowl-           ered at home. If you or
                                                              edge and tools we have.                 someone you know is experi-
                                                              Vaccines work with our im-              encing complications due to
                                                              mune system to fight the vi-            COVID-19, call the COVID-
                                                              rus if we are exposed. Fol-             19 Recovery Program at
                                                              lowing CDC guidelines re-               (732) 745-8552 to make an
                                                              duce our chance of being                appointm ent or em ail
                                                              exposed to the virus and                CO VID19rec over y@s aint
                                                              spreading it to others.       
Gallery of Art by GW Residents
Gallery of Art by GW Residents

                                                            Around Town and Beyond
                                                           By Ben Baum                     people and respected him
                                                              Report on the Monroe         because it was apparent he
                                                           Township Council Regular        loved his family.”
                                                           Meeting held via zoom on           Charles DiPierro- “He gave
                                                           January 11, 2021:               110%; proposed an award to
                                                              The meeting, conducted by    honor the Mayor.”
                                                           Miriam Cohen, Council Presi-       Leonard Baskin- “The
                                                           dent and Acting Mayor, be-      Mayor was financially astute
                                                           gan with a moment of silence    which assisted the Township
                                                           for the passing of Jerry Tam-   in achieving its AA+ bond
                                                           burro, Mayor, and for those     rating; he had a real affinity
                                                           who lost their lives in the     for the children and veterans
                                                           Washington, D.C at the Capi-    in Monroe Township.”
                                                           tol on January 6. Each Coun-       Steven Dalina- “The Mayor
                                                           cil member then offered their   was first class, well-dressed;
                                                           comments on the loss of         a determined man; at times
                                                           Mayor Tamburro. The follow-     feisty; always willing to fight
                                                           ing is a summary of the         for what was right; true public
                                                           Council Members comments:       servant; also had a soft side.
                                                              Miriam Cohen-Neighbor,       Mayor, you’ll be missed.”
                                                           good, decent man; respected        Louis Raimone, Township
                                                           the Office of Mayor; believed   Attorney, explained the State
                                                           in government; believed he      regulations regarding the
                                                           should do good work for the     replacement of the Mayor.
                                                           people he represented; he       Initially the Council President
                                                           never discussed politics in     is required to serve as the
                                                           the Municipal Building.         Acting Mayor; then the
                                                              Elizabeth Schneider- “He     Mayor’s party (Democratic) is
                                                           was the Mayor for the peo-      required to submit three
                                                           ple; was concerned for the      names to the Council by
                                                                                           January 15. By the end of
                                                                                           January, the Council is re-
                                                                                           quired to select the candi-
                                                                                           date for Mayor. That person
                                                                                           will serve as Acting Mayor
                                                                                           until the November election.
                                                                                           At 6:30 pm on January 20
                                                                                           there will be a special meet-
                                                                                           ing to share the results of the
                                                                                           Council’s decision.
                                                                                              Next item addressed was
                                                                                           the nomination and appoint-
                                                                                           ment of Elizabeth Schneider
                                                                                           to the Monroe Township
                                                                                           Planning Board and Charles
                                                                                           DiPierro to the Middlesex
                                                                                           County Housing and Com-
                                                                                           munity Development Com-
                                                                                              Alan Weinberg, Township
                                                                                           Business Administrator, re-
                                                                                           ported on the problems with
                                                                                           the B.F.I. landfill. The over-
                                                                                           flow on their property was
                                                                                           reported to the D.E.P. and
                                                                                           E.P.A. He stated that we are
                                                                                           working with them to facili-
                                                                                           tate an efficient and safe op-
                                                                                           eration. He shared the cur-
                                                                                           rent status of vaccine distri-
                                                                                           bution from the State. We
                                                                                           are currently in category 1A
                                                                                           which encompasses the
                                                                                           health care and long term
                                                                                           care industries. The Gover-
                                                                                           nor has given the green light
                                                                                           to including fire, police and
                                                                                           EMS personnel in category
                                                                                           1A. The Township is petition-
                                                                                           ing to get vaccine distribution
                                                                                           sites in the Township. Cate-
                                                                                           gory 1B will include all resi-
                                                                                           dents over 75 years old.
                                                                                              Michael Biennas, Town-
                                                                                           ship Police Chief, indicated
                                                                                           that he has been in touch
                                                                                           with the N.J. Attorney Gen-
                                                                                           eral and the Governor via
                                                                                           Zoom regarding Monroe
                                                                                           Township’s demographics.
                                                                                           The problem is lack of vac-
                                                                                           cines from the federal gov-
                                                                                              Mark Rasimowicz, Town-
                                                                                           ship Engineer, reported that
                                                                                           the roadwork at Stonebridge
                                                                                           is close to completion. The
                                                                                           traffic signal at Matchaponix
                                                                                           and Gravel Hill Road would
                                                                                           be completed by early Febru-
                                                                                           ary. And major improve-
                                                                                           ments are scheduled for the
                                                                                           intersection of Forsgate
                                                                                           Drive and Rossmoor Drive.
                                                                                           The improvements will be
                                                                                                        (Continued on page 7)
Gallery of Art by GW Residents

The Green Thumb
By Laura Resnick                   the bugs never cease, and
      WELCOMING NEW                the gardener gets no re-
            PLANTS                 prieve. In that setting, we
   In winter, the best way to      would miss out on all our         dogwood, cherry and crab
acclimate plants to the drier      beautiful plants that need a      apple. The time to cut the
atmosphere of the heated           prolonged period of cold to       branches is when the tiny
home is to reduce watering.        trigger flowering, such as        new buds are visible. This
They will respond by grow-         lilacs and daffodils.             way you can have flowering
ing roots instead of leaves.              SNOW IS GOOD!              branches well into March.
Water the plants only when            There is no better protec-           VALENTINE’S DAY
the top of the soil feels dry.     tion for plants. Snow insu-          When buying ROSES,
Then give enough water             lates the ground like a ther-     look for firm heads and buds
until it runs out of the drain-    mal blanket. Its tiny air pock-   that are not too tight and not
age holes. Always use water        ets keep the ground warmer        too far open. Keep them in
at room temperature or             than it would otherwise be        clean, fresh water. If you
slightly lukewarm.                 and prevent cycles of freez-      want to re-cut the stems, do
   Those great foliage plants      ing and thawing that would        it with the entire stem under
like schefflera, philodendron,     have roots near the surface       water. Use floral preservative
Spathiphyllum, dieffenbachia       right out of the ground. Think    as well, for a long-lasting
and Ficus are easy to grow.        of snow as temporary mulch        display.
At least they have that repu-      that spreads itself and melts        CHOCOLATE is a by-
tation.                            away without costing you a        product of the cocoa tree,
   So, what happened to the        penny.                            which grows in tropical rain
one you just brought home             A PREVIEW OF SPRING            forests, notably in Brazil,
that’s dropping leaves? The           Did you know that spring-      Venezuela and the Ivory
problem is light. Your new         flowering shrubs can be           Coast of Africa. After the co-
plant has been growing in a        forced to bloom indoors, well     coa beans have been dried,
greenhouse where it got            ahead of their regular bloom-     roasted and ground, the co-
fairly strong light. It has to     ing time? Forsythia, an early     coa is refined.
get used to the typical low        bloomer, will soon exhibit tiny      Bitter chocolate is made by
light of most homes. It will       buds. Cut branches, 2 to 3        mixing cocoa paste with
manage nicely in front of an       feet long, with visible buds,     small amounts of sugar.
east window, or a clear north      and place them in lukewarm           Milk chocolate is a mixture
window. It can also spend          water. Keep them indoors,         of cocoa paste, cocoa butter,
the summer outside on an           away from direct sun, and in      sugar and powdered milk.
enclosed porch, or under a         several weeks you will have          White chocolate is a mix-
shade tree.                        a stunning display of bright      ture of cocoa butter, sugar
   It’s not unusual for plants     yellow flowers. This can be       and milk.
to drop leaves when first          done with other species as           A gift on Valentine’s Day is
brought into the house.            well: pussy willow, dogwood,      usually meant to convey
Eventually the existing            lilac, magnolia and the fruit     love, appreciation, admira-
leaves will be replaced by         trees, such as pear, apple,       tion. So, take your pick.
the more efficient shade
         WAY WITH US
   However, there is some-
thing good about the season
                                      Calling for Minyan Volunteers
of frost and cold. Just as we           The Minyan Group of Greenbriar at Whittingham
need sleep to recharge body          has served our community for over 30 years. We need
and soul, plants of our cli-         to ensure the presence of ten Jewish residents – men
mate are programmed to slip          and/or women at all Shiva minyans. If a family, in ac-
into a period of rest we call
dormancy. In tropical loca-
                                     cordance with their beliefs, requires that only men
tions the weeds never die,           may be counted to constitute a minyan, the Shiva
                                     Group will honor that request. You do not have to be
                                     fluent in Hebrew to be a part of our group, but we do
     Around Town                     need your presence. If you wish to be a minyan volun-
                                     teer, please call: Bob Levine at 609 395-9325, Nor-
(Continued from page 6)              man Katz at 609 409-0330, or Phyllis Kundel at 609
made by the County and will          619-3656.
include the traffic signal, road
improvements and replace-
ment of the bus shelter with
a new structure with a pro-
jected completion date of
July 2021.
   The Council passed an
Ordinance to amend the
Township Code to add a new
component to the Recreation
Facilities section, namely, an
enforcement provision to
facilitate the adherence to
the Recreation Facilities
   The Council passed 41
Resolutions. The following
are the Resolutions that ap-
peared to be relevant to our
population: Authorizing the
purchase of various materi-
als and services through the
N.J. State Cooperative Pur-
chasing Program; authorizing
amendment to a professional
services contract with H2M,
Inc. for public outreach con-
sultant services in connec-
tion with the Master Plan and
setting date for a special
meeting to fill the vacancy in
the Office of the Mayor pur-
suant to the Municipal Va-
cancy Law.
Gallery of Art by GW Residents

                                       ORT                     addition, new activities are
                                                               being planned by the program
                         By Joan Hermelee                      committee to be Zoomed, and
                            Happy Valentine’s Day!             eventually conducted in per-
                            ORT has been arranging             son, when the clubhouse re-
                         many lunches to be delivered          opens. Dues are requested
                         at your doorstep and is looking       every January. Please con-       will be entitled to attend all
                         to expand our choices of res-         tinue to help our students and   events and know that you are
                         taurant and food deliveries.          mail (or leave in container by   contributing to education
                         Every time you order a meal,          the door) your $36 member-       around the world. We need
                         you contribute to the education       ship dues in an envelope to      new people to assist on our
                         of children across the world. In      Carole Fantel, 64 Westminster    committees. Please consider
                                                               Drive, 609 409-3819.             offering input or assistance
                                                                  As the curtain falls on       with program meetings, edu-
                                                               2020, a year of unparal-         cational functions, creating
                                                               leled uncertainty and up-        flyers, day trips, hospitality,
                                                               heaval for so many around        phone squad, artistic skills,
                                                               the world, it also signals       game/card parties, fundrais-
                                                               the conclusion of ORT’s          ing, and/or carpooling. We
                                                               140th anniversary.               welcome all new ideas and
                                                                  “For 140 years our net-       people. If interested, please
                                                               work has developed the           contact Carole: 609 409-3819
                                                                                                or Joni: 609 664-2794.
                                                               skills to adapt to whatever
                                                                                                   Do you buy food at the su-
                                                               circumstances we find our-
                                                                                                permarket? Please consider
                                                               selves in,” said Dan Green,      helping ORT use profits made
                                                               World ORT Director Gen-          to help students get an educa-
                                                               eral and CEO, “and rarely        tion by buying Shop Rite/Stop
                                                               has that flexibility been on     and Shop gift cards, sold by
                                                               show as clearly as in            Jane Newman, 609 860-6618.
                                                               2020.”                           ORT-sponsored greeting
                                                                  Even as schools and col-      cards and tributes are sold by
                                                               leges closed their doors in      Helen Kuhl – 609 409-1788. If
                                                               response to the disease in       you do not reach the person
                                                               March, our students con-         by phone, please keep trying.
                                                               tinued their preparations
                                                               for the annual ORT Day            Alisa Hadassah
                                                               cel ebr ation     (Pi ctur ed    By Rhoda Juskow
                                                               above: ORT students cele-
                                                                                                  There is a chill in the air,
                                                               brate in Russia). With the
                                                                                                but Alisa Hadassah is heat-
                                                               help of their teachers, they
                                                                                                edly keeping active with
                                                               quickly switched to online
                                                                                                Zoom meetings and new
                                                               activities, remotely work-
                                                                                                fundraising ideas. Welcome
                                                               ing in teams to organize
                                                                                                to our new officers for 2021.
                                                               postcard exchanges and to
                                                                                                Be sure to join us as we in-
                                                               join a global quiz.
                                                                                                duct our new officers via
                                                                  It provided a perfect stu-
                                                                                                Zoom at our next meeting.
                                                               dent-led example of what
                                                                                                Congratulations to our entire
                                                               could be done in spite of
                                                                                                slate of officers: Co-
                                                               the circumstances and laid
                                                                                                Presidents for January, Feb-
                                                               the foundations for May’s
                                                                                                ruary and March: Bunny
                                                               first-ever virtual General
                                                                                                Bloom, Gail Shinberg and
                                                               Assembly ** (quoted from
                                                                                                Sheila Farber; Fundraising
                                                               the ORT website).
                                                                                                Co-Vice- Presidents: Eileen
                                                                  As a member of ORT, you
                                                                                                Carpenter and Cheryl Saft;
                                                                                                Education/Programming V.P.
                                                                                                Sharon Nachimson;, Mem-
                                                                                                bership Co-Vice Presidents:
                                                                                                Marilyn Gerstein and Rita
                                                                                                Swirsky; Treasurer – Carol
                                                                                                Levine; Corresponding Sec-
                                                                                                retary – Ester Swier; Re-
                                                                                                cording Secretaries- Fran
                                                                                                Solomon and Lillian Rich.
                                                                                                  Bintel Brief continues
                                                                                                every other Wednesday at
                                                                                                10:00 a.m. via Zoom. If you
                                                                                                are interested, contact Fran
                                                                                                Solomon (609-395-8707). If
                                                                                                you don’t use Zoom, you can
                                                                                                always dial in with your
                                                                                                  On Tuesday, December 15
                                                                                                at 1:30 p.m., Sharon
                                                                                                Nachimson led a discussion
                                                                                                via Zoom of the movie, “The
                                                                                                Angel”. Our Israeli Boutique
                                                                                                Holiday Fundraiser is over.
                                                                                                All the items were made in
                                                                                                Israel – Rockets into Roses
                                                                                                Collection, featuring neck-
                                                                                                laces and Key Chains. Hope
                                                                                                we have the opportunity to
                                                                                                see some of you wear your
                                                                                                new earrings at our Zoom

                                                                                                             (Continued on page 9)
Gallery of Art by GW Residents
GREENBRIAR AT WHITTINGHAM VOICE                                          FEBRUARY 2021 – PAGE 9
                                                                      that thought keep us going
  Alisa Hadassah                       sah Bulletin on page 8.
                                                                      through this cold winter
                                                                                                            the collection of dues for the       The Italian
                                       Questions: Call Ellen Pan-                                           2020 year in recognition of
(Continued from page 8)
                                       zer Schwartz 516-672-
                                                                      month. This year, as never            the suspension of our com-         American Senior
                                                                      before, we need to look to
meetings (unless you gave
them away as Chanukah
                                                                      the future.
                                                                                                            munal facilities and activities.    Cultural Club
                                      Zoom Monthly Meeting:                                                We are now resuming our            By Paul Hartnett
gifts).                                                                  Are you still making New
                                       Monday, March 15, 2021 –                                             monthly meetings and speak-           For many centuries, the
    A reminder: If you need to                                        Year’s Resolutions? Why not
                                       7:00 p.m. – Dr. Dorothy                                              ers via Zoom. Starting Janu-       Italian peninsula was a politi-
purchase Hadassah greeting                                            resolve to become a board             ary 1, 2021, we began col-
                                       Greenbaum,           Mohelet                                                                            cally fragmented conglom-
cards, call one the following                                         member of GW Friends in               lecting dues again, so that
                                       (female Mohel, Bris Doc-                                                                                eration of city-states, repub-
women:                                                                2021? Being active means              we can continue to provide
                                       tor). Zoom information to                                                                               lics, and other independent
    Millie Semel – 609-409-                                           letting us know your thoughts         activities, events, and
                                       follow.                                                                                                 entities. In 1792, the French
1578, Rhoda Lesser – 609-                                             and ideas about how we can
                                      Zoom Monthly Meeting:          make our organization better.
                                                                                                            speakers for your enjoy-           invaded the Italian peninsula,
409-9557, Florence Weiss -                                                                                  ment throughout the year.
                                       Monday, April 19, 2021 –       Just drop an email to Alex                                               consolidated many of the
609-409-1924, or Harriet                                                                                    Dues will remain the same
                                       7:00 p.m. – Holocaust Pro-                                                                              Italian states, and estab-
Cohen – 609-860-5953                                                  Nachim son         at    shar-        as in previous years--$10
                                       gram with Naomi Miller and with the                                                  lished them as republics.
    Our Bereavement Support                                                                                 for single membership and
                                       Dave Schlossberg. Zoom         simple words— “I’d Like to                                               Then in 1799 the Austrian
Group is available to assist                                                                                $15 for couples. If you
                                       information to follow.         Help.”                                                                   and Russian armies pushed
any of the families of our                                                                                  would like to continue as a
                                        Wishing Everyone a Happy        The Covid Vaccine--What                                                the French out of the Italian
members who may need                                                                                        member of GW Friends and
                                     And Healthy New Year!                  You Need to Know                                                   peninsula, which led to the
information assistance when                                                                                 be a part of our activities,
a death of one of our Hadas-                                             Please join us on Monday,                                             demise of these fledgling
sah members has occurred.            GW Friends for                   February 22 at 7:00 for this
                                                                                                            please make checks pay-
                                                                                                            able to “GW FRIENDS” and
                                                                                                                                                  After Napoleon’s rise to
For information, contact Ar-         Men and Women                    very useful and important             mail or place into the mail-       power, the Italian peninsula
lene Lazar (609-409-2749)                                             ZOOM presentation by Col-
                                     By Sharon Nachimson                                                    box of Mark Lindell, 15            was once again conquered
( or Karen                                            leen Marchetta, MD, of                Trent Road.
                                        Even though February is                                                                                by the French. Under Napo-
Mandel (609-235-9289)                                                 Princeton Penn Medical Cen-
                                     the shortest month of the                                                                                 leon, the peninsula was di-
(                                               ter, to learn about the Covid         Alex Nachimson, President
                                     year, sometimes it seems                                                                                  vided into three entities: the
    A thank you to all those                                          Vaccine, who should be vac-           Ralph DeVito, Vice President
                                     like the longest since it is                                                                              northern parts were annexed
who have made donations to                                            cinated, and what you can             Mark Lindell, Treasurer
                                     the border between winter                                                                                 to the French Empire
Hadassah Medical Organiza-                                            expect afterward. Details for         Stu Filan, Program Coordinator
                                     and spring. However, in                                                                                   (Piedmont, Liguria, Parma,
tion Cancer & MS Research.                                            joining this ZOOM presenta-           Alan Hermelee,
                                     February there is always                                                                                  Piacenza, Tuscany, and
    Joanne Ferstan will be                                            tion will be available in early       Recording Secretary
                                     one day at least when we                                                                                  Rome), the newly created
moving away to live near her                                          February.                             Sharon Nachimson,
                                     can smell the distant, but                                                                                Kingdom of Italy (Lombardy,
son. Joanne was thanked for                                              GW FRIENDS would like              Corresponding Secretary
                                     surely coming, summer. Let
all her ingenious plans,                                              to remind you that we waived                                                         (Continued on page 10)
thoughts and all around as-
sistance to everyone in our
Alisa Chapter.
    Bintel Brief will be continu-
ing through April by popular
demand. See some upcom-
ing dates listed below.
  “Save the Date” for future
     events and meetings:
 Bintel Brief - Feb. 10 &
   Feb. 24, 2021 – 10:00 a.m.
   Call Fran Solomon at 609
   395-8707 or email her at
   com to register. Zoom info
   will be provided prior to
 Zoom Monthly Meeting:
   Monday, Feb. 15, 2021 –
   7:00 p.m. Zalman Neufield
   will speak to us on his jour-
   ney from leaving Orthodox
   Judaism to becoming a
   PhD. Professor in sociol-
   ogy. Mtg. ID 837 2579
   2234 Passcode: 971025.
 Zoom Education Meeting:
   Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021 -
   1.00 p.m. Rabbi Eric Eis-
   enkramer will speak about
   Women in Judaism. To
   register or for info call
   Sharon Nachimson at 609-
   664-2745 or email her at to
   register. Zoom information
   will be provided prior to
 Zoom Monthly Meeting:
   Tuesday, March 9, 2021 –
   1:30 p.m. In celebration of
   Purim, a, book review: Ha-
   dassah: One Night with
   the King by Mark Andrew
   Olsen and Tommy Tenney.
   The book and kindle version
   are available on Amazon:
   Hadassah:           Night-King-
   dp/0764229435. Call Sharon
   Nachimson at 609-664-
   2745 or email her at to
   register. Zoom info will be
   provided prior to program.
 Virtual Tour of Israel:
   Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2021
   – 1:00 p.m. Join us on a
   Virtual Tour of Jerusalem
   with tour guide, Gadi Ben
   Dov. Tour includes Hadas-
   sah Hospital. Couvert:
   $18.00. See flyer in Hadas-

                             The Italian                         claimed the Kingdom of Italy,       shows us one of the most
                                                                 with Victor Emmanuel II as          romantic products of the
                           American Senior                       its king. At this point, there      time. He was a lovable and
                            Cultural Club                        were only two major territo-        charming person, of trans-
                                                                 ries outside of the parame-         parent honesty, who was
                          (Continued from page 9)                ters of the new Kingdom of          obeyed without hesitation.
                          Venice, Reggio, Modena,                Italy: Rome and Venetia.            Garibaldi will be remem-
                          Romagna, and the Marshes)                 The unification of Italy was     bered as a champion of
                          ruled by Napoleon himself,             completed in 1870 when Na-          freedom, progress, and tol-
                          and the Kingdom of Naples,             poleon III was forced to with-      erance.
                          first ruled by Napoleon’s              draw the French troops from
                          brother Joseph Bonaparte.
                             The period of French inva-
                                                                 Rome which were stationed               Yiddish Club
                                                                 there since 1849. That was
                          sion and occupation was im-                                                By Diane Morris-Paff
                                                                 due to the fact that Napoleon
                          portant in many ways. It in-                                                  The days are beginning
                                                                 had to fight against Prussia,
                          troduced revolutionary ideas                                               have more hours of daylight
                                                                 and it was necessary to col-
                          about government and soci-                                                 and although we are in the
                                                                 lect troops from everywhere.
                          ety, resulting in an overthrow                                             deep winter, spring is not all
                                                                 It was in this way that the
                          of the old established ruling                                              that far off. Here is hoping
                                                                 unification of Italy was com-
                          orders and the destruction of                                              that all our members are safe
                                                                 pleted in 1870 as a result of
                          the last vestiges of feudal-                                               and well, and maybe, some
                                                                 the efforts of the Italian patri-
                          ism. The ideals of freedom                                                 of you have already been
                                                                 ots, foreign help and the
                          and equality were very influ-                                              vaccinated.
                                                                 force of circumstances.
                          ential. The concept of nation-                                                On Sunday, February 7,
                                                                    Two of those Italian patri-
                          alism was introduced, thus                                                 the Yiddish Club will be hold-
                                                                 ots and main heroes of the
                          sowing the seeds of Italian                                                ing a virtual breakfast. De-
                                                                 unification were the above
                          nationalism throughout most                                                tails below. We would like to
                                                                 mentioned Giuseppe Mazzini
                          parts of the northern and                                                  thank our Program Commit-
                                                                 and Giuseppe Garibaldi.
                          central Italian peninsula.                                                 tee for their hard work to find
                                                                    Born in Genoa, Giuseppe
                             With the downfall of Napo-                                              worthwhile entertainment for
                                                                 Mazzini (June 22, 1805 –
                          leon in 1814 and the redistri-                                             our breakfasts. Please note,
                                                                 March 10,1872) was a politi-
                          bution of territory by the Con-                                            that our club dues are cover-
                                                                 cian, journalist, activist for
                          gress of Vienna (1814-15),                                                 ing the costs of these events.
                                                                 the unification of Italy and
                          most of the Italian states                                                 We will try our best to pro-
                                                                 spearhead of the Italian revo-
                          were reconstituted. Secret                                                 vide a virtual breakfast every
                                                                 lutionary movement. His ef-
                          societies formed to promote                                                other, or every 3rd month,
                                                                 forts helped bring about the
                          Italian nationalism and the                                                depending on availability and
                                                                 independent and unified Italy
                          idea of a unified Italian politi-                                          cost. For those without email,
                                                                 in place of the several sepa-
                          cal state. One such society                                                most of the Zoom events can
                                                                 rate states, many dominated
                          was the group Young Italy,                                                 be called in from a landline
                                                                 by foreign powers, that ex-
                          f ounded in 1831 b y                                                       phone.
                                                                 isted until the 19th century.
                          Giuseppe Mazzini. Mazzini                                                     A reminder, it is time to
                                                                 An Italian nationalist in the
                          was an ardent advocate of                                                  renew your Yiddish Club
                                                                 historical radical tradition and
                          the necessity for Italian unifi-                                           membership. For those who
                                                                 a proponent of social-
                          cation through the desires                                                 have already renewed,
                                                                 democratic republicanism,
                          and actions of the Italian                                                 please ignore this request. If
                                                                 Mazzini helped define the
                          people. Thus, the movement                                                 you have not, please read
                                                                 modern European movement
                          of Italian unification, a proc-                                            on. Checks may be dropped
                                                                 for popular democracy in a
                          ess referred to as the Risor-                                              off at, or mailed to, Lynda
                                                                 republican state.
                          gimento (resurgence) prolif-                                               Radowitz’s house, 76 Chich-
                                                                    Giuseppe Garibaldi (July 4,
                          erated by mid-century.                                                     ester Rd. There is a drop box
                                                                 1807–June 2, 1882) was an
                             Risorgimento continued to                                               outside the front door (on the
                                                                 Italian general, patriot and
                          gain adherents after 1848.                                                 front steps - marked Yiddish
                                                                 republican. He was born in
                          The final push for Italian uni-                                            Club). If you do not have a
                                                                 Nice, then a part of Italy.
                          fication came in 1859, led by                                              membership form, please
                                                                 Garibaldi contributed to the
                          the Kingdom of Piedmont-                                                   include your name, address,
                                                                 Italian unification and the
                          Sardinia (then the wealthiest                                              phone # and email address
                                                                 creation of the Kingdom of
                          and most liberal of the Italian                                            written on a piece of paper
                                                                 Italy. He is considered to be
                          states), and orchestrated by                                               with the check. Dues are $10
                                                                 one of the greatest generals
                          the Prime Minister, Count                                                  per person.
                                                                 of modern times and one of
                          Camillo di Cavour. A skilled                                                  If you are new to the com-
                                                                 Italy’s “fathers of the father-
                          diplomat, Cavour secured an                                                munity, or new to the club,
                                                                 land”, along with Camillo
                          alliance with France. The                                                  membership gives you ac-
                                                                 Benso, Count of Cavour,
                          Franco-Austrian War of 1859                                                cess to Zoom meetings with
                                                                 Victor Emmanuel II of Italy
                          was the agent that began the                                               entertainment. This is usually
                                                                 and Giuseppe Mazzini.
                          physical process of Italian                                                at no extra cost to our mem-
                                                                    At the height of glory,
                          unification.                                                               bers. There are many other
                                                                 Giuseppe Garibaldi was
                             The northern Italian states                                             opportunities for entertain-
                                                                 perhaps the most famous
                          held elections in 1859 and                                                 ment (concerts, museum
                                                                 person in Italy. His name
                          1860 and voted to join the                                                 exhibitions, and more) that
                                                                 was much more famous
                          Kingdom of Piedmont-                                                       we share with our members
                                                                 than that of Cavour and
                          Sardinia, a major step to-                                                 via emails. Questions may
                                                                 Mazzini, and many more
                          wards unification, while Pied-                                             be directed to Ivan Radowitz,
                                                                 people would have heard of
                          mont-Sardinia ceded Savoy                                                  club president.
                                                                 him than Verdi or Manzoni.
                          and Nice to France. Native                                                    If we do not have your
                                                                 Abroad, Garibaldi symbol-
                          son Giuseppe Garibaldi was                                                 email address, or you have
                                                                 ized the Risorgimento Italy
                          instrumental in bringing the                                               not been receiving your
                                                                 of those dramatic years and
                          southern Italian states into                                               emails, please contact Diane
                                                                 the intrepid audacity that
                          the unification process. In                                                at 609 860-2925.
                                                                 contributed so much to the
                          1860, Garibaldi cobbled to-                                                           Breakfasts:
                                                                 formation of the Italian na-
                          gether an army (referred to                                                   Sunday, February 7, join
                                                                 tion. A professional libera-
                          as the “Thousand”) to march                                                our Zoom breakfast. Maxine
                                                                 tor, he fought for the op-
                          into the southern part of the                                              Simpson will present “The
                                                                 pressed people wherever
                          peninsula. Landing first in                                                Magic of Audrey Hepburn”,
                                                                 he found them. Despite
                          Sicily and then moving on-                                                 a journey through the life of
                                                                 having the temperament of
                          wards into Naples, Garibaldi                                               an amazing woman, actress,
                                                                 the fighter and the man of
                          and his men overthrew the                                                  and humanitarian. The
                                                                 action, he managed to be
                          Bourbon monarchy and                                                       breakfast will start promptly
                                                                 an idealist distinctly distinct
                          turned over the southern ter-                                              at 10:30 am. Please check
                                                                 from his colder-minded con-
                          ritories to Victor Emmanuel                                                your email for more details.
                                                                 temporaries. He acted with
                          II, King of Piedmont-Sardinia.                                                Our program committee is
                                                                 passionate conviction and
                          In early 1861 a national par-                                              constantly on the lookout for
                                                                 unlimited enthusiasm. Gari-
                          liament convened and pro-              baldi’s colorful career                         (Continued on page 11)

(Continued from page 10)           judgment”. In The Valley of        -suffering landlady of 221B
new and exciting possibilities     Fear Holmes confessed that         Baker Street, Mrs. Hudson.
for our Zoom breakfasts. In-       “I am not a whole-souled ad-       Her first-floor flat was in-
person breakfasts are post-        mirer of womankind”. And in        vaded at all hours by
poned until further notice,        The Sign of the Four he de-        throngs of singular and of-
due to the closure of the          clared “Women are never to         ten undesirable characters.
Towne Centre.                      be entirely trusted- not the       Her remarkable lodger
              Trips:               best of them”.                     showed an eccentricity and
No trips will take place due to       Nonetheless he had, when        irregularity in his life which
Covid-19. We will have to          he liked, “a particularly ingra-   must sorely have tried her
see about trips, going for-        tiating” way and “a remark-        patience.       Malodorous
ward.                              able gentleness and courtesy       chemical experiments, in-
      Ruth Goldstein Film          in his dealings with woman”.       door target practice into the
             Series:               Holmes has the ability to          wall of his rooms and a pe-
   Our film series going for-      calm down and allay the            culiar parade of clients,
ward will be named for our         fears of the women who             plus that band of street ur-
former, longtime president,        come to 221b Baker Street          chins, The Baker Street
Ruth Goldstein. Films are          for his help, such as Mary         Irregulars, were enough to
postponed until further no-        Sutherland in A Case of            drive the woman to distrac-
tice.                              Identity and Violet Smith in       tion!
          Elsie Landau             The Solitary Cyclist.                 In the Dying Detective,
         Yiddish Vinkle:              However, in the stories         Watson tells us that despite
   For those who speak Yid-        where a number of attractive       all this Mrs. Hudson was
dish or understand Yiddish,        young women appear,                fond of Holmes and stood in
please join us on the 3rd          Holmes remains insensitive         the deepest awe of him. She
Wednesday of each month.           to their charms. This includes     never dared to interfere with
Each month brings a new            the winsome Mary Morstan           him, however outrageous his
topic or new idea. New peo-        (introduced in The Sign of         proceedings might seem.
ple always welcome! We             Four), who eventually mar-         Mrs. Hudson was always
meet via Zoom. It is great to      ries Dr. Watson. In The Ad-        there to give Holmes (and
“see” everyone again. You          venture of the Copper              Watson, when he resided at
may join via computer, smart       Beeches, the good doctor           Baker Street) all his needed
phone, iPad or landline call       had hoped for a relationship       comforts, particularly his
in. Please contact Harriet         to develop between their at-       meals. Holmes was apt to
Weitzner for further details,      tractive client Violet Hunter      complain of her presence in
especially if you are new to       and Holmes, based on his           his rooms while he was on
the group.                         attentiveness and caring atti-     her case, but he also re-
     Sylvia Kolber Yiddish         tude towards her. However,         warded her with “princely”
       Multi-Media Center:         Watson wrote “rather to my         rent payments and occa-
   Is closed until further no-     disappointment”, he mani-          sional praise.
tice and we can get back into      fested no further interest in         Mrs. Hudson’s true caring
the Towne Centre.                  her “when once she had             and affection shows through
   A reminder… you do not          ceased to be the center of         when she runs for help in
need to speak Yiddish to be        one of his problems”. Nice try     The Dying Detective, believ-
a member of our club, you          Doc, but it was not to be.         ing Sherlock to be on his
just need an interest in meet-        In the Adventure of the         deathbed. And her deep re-
ing others and sharing an          Five Orange Pips Holmes            gard for him was such that
experience with our mem-           says: “I have been beaten          she responded with great
bers. You must be a club           four times -- three times by       emotion upon his return to
member to partake in all ac-       men, and once by a                 Baker Street in 1894, after
tivities.                          woman.” And that woman-            everyone believed he had
                                   The Woman- brings us to            perished at the Reichenbach
    The Sherlock                   Irene Adler. Only Irene
                                   Adler from A Scandal in
                                                                      Falls in his duel with Profes-
                                                                      sor Moriarty.
    Holmes Club                    Bohemia, a retired operatic           Please read on about
By Paul Hartnett                   diva and a prima donna of          Sherlock Holmes and the
   Sherlock Holmes’ relation-      the Imperial Opera of War-         women of the Canon by en-
ship with women, as either         saw, seems to have caught          joying the 56 short stories
clients or villains, can be dif-   Holmes’s attention. He de-         and 4 original novels by Sir
ficult to understand. The          scribed her as “the daintiest      Arthur Conan Doyle. They
master detective’s cold-           thing under a bonnet on this       are available for free online
hearted approach to his pro-       planet.” Irene Adler appears       at and other
fession would seem to leave        to Holmes as an extraordi-         sites.
no room for any romantic           nary woman, but he was                Until we meet again stay
affiliations. Although Holmes                                         safe my friends. The Game
                                   primarily captivated by her
does not have a complete
                                   mind.       “To     Sherlock       is Afoot!
aversion to women, he does
                                   Holmes,” Dr Watson said,
not find the need to have
romantic relationships with        “she is always the woman.               Connections
                                   In his eyes she eclipses
them. Once you get to know                                            By Elinor Koll
the private detective fully,       and predominates the
                                                                         Happy February. We hope
you will understand why this       whole of her sex”. “She has
                                                                      2021 will be filled with good
is all but natural.                the face of the most beauti-
                                                                      health, peace, and love. With
   His work requires him to be     ful of women, and the mind
                                                                      vaccinations, we may be
cold and calculating. These        of the most resolute of
                                                                      able to resume some group
traits make him a great detec-     men”. And so, Holmes ad-
tive, that is true. But it also    mired her because she out-
                                                                         With the help of our dues,
compromises his ability to be-     witted him and his client,
come a lover. It makes him
                                                                      we have continued our dona-
                                   the King of Bohemia.
rely on his brain and gut in-                                         tions to the Monroe Town-
                                      She is one of the most nota-
stinct rather than his feelings.                                      ship Senior Food Pantry,
                                   ble female characters in the
He views emotions as a bar-        Sherlock Holmes series, de-        Women Aware, and Home-
rier to accurate and clear rea-    spite appearing in only one        front. Dues are $15.00 for a
soning.                            story. In derivative works, she    single membership and
   In A Scandal in Bohemia         is frequently used as a roman-     $20.00 for a family member-
Watson tells us that Holmes        tic interest for Holmes, a de-     ship. If you haven’t paid your
never felt any emotion that        parture from the stories, in       2020 dues, please mail your
was “akin to love”. Love, he       which he harbors a platonic        check to: MARY BOWERS, 6
said, “is an emotional thing,      admiration for her wit and cun-    SEVERN WAY, MONROE
and whatever is emotional is       ning.                              TOWNSHIP, N.J. 08831.
opposed to that true, cold            There is, in the end, but          If you need to send aa
reason which I place above         one woman who was a con-           congratulatory note, get-well
all things. I should never         stant in the life of Sherlock      or sympathy message,
marry myself, lest I bias my       Holmes, appearing in many          please contact Marilyn Jeris-
                                   of the stories. She is the long    409-0698.

                          Techno Idiot
                          By Joan Freeman                       even comparison shop, so           one asks you what the capi-
                             I am admittedly technically        you don’t need to go from          tal of Tasmania is or how old
                          challenged and over the               store to store until you are       a famous baseball player
                          years I have avoided writing          exhausted.                         was when he retired you can
                          anything on this topic. I run            For any type of informa-        pretend to be super smart.
                          the other way when an en-             tion, you used to look up in         While I still enjoy the old
                          thusiast starts to compare            an encyclopedia you only           fashioned way of life, I am
                          the merits of the iPhone 7 to         need to ask your iPhone or         convinced that very soon I
                          the iPhone 12 or how won-             Google it and you will have        will adapt to the new technol-
                          derful it is to pay all your bills    an instant reply. So, if some-     ogy era.
                          electronically. Even attaching
                          my article to an email to send
                          to our editor raises my blood           Manage Medical Conditions
                             I thought that the tradi-                during COVID-19
                          tional means of getting infor-           Diabetes and heart dis-         which are common in people
                          mation from newspapers,               ease are two pre-existing          with type 2 diabetes, along
                          TV, and radio were sufficient.        medical conditions that re-        with keeping blood glucose
                          All this has changed now that         searchers believe contribute       levels in check, supports
                          we have access to the inter-          to elevated risk of severe         heart health and may also
                          net. It is really mind-boggling       complications from COVID-          prevent or slow down pro-
                          to find an explosion of sub-          19. In fact, patients with two     gression of chronic kidney
                          ject matter so vast that few          or more pre-existing condi-        disease – another condition
                          can begin to absorb a frac-           tions have 4.5 times greater       that heightens the risk of se-
                          tion of what can be had on            risk of needing treatment at a     vere COVID-19 complica-
                          the web.                              hospital if they contract          tions.
                             No more match makers:              COVID-19, according to esti-            COVID-19 Precautions
                          Friends of the family no              mates by the Centers for               Considering that people
                          longer try to introduce young         Disease Control and Preven-        with conditions like diabetes
                          people to one another. Jdate,         tion.                              and heart disease are at
                          eHarmony and other sites                   How Diabetes Affects          higher risk for severe illness
                          specialize in introducing peo-                 Heart Health              from COVID-19, it’s espe-
                          ple to each other on the com-            If you have diabetes, your      cially important to keep
                          puter. I’ve met several cou-          body either makes too much         health-related numbers in
                          ples who have met this way.           or not enough insulin, which       healthy ranges and manage
                             Religious leaders no               results in too much glucose        these conditions, in addition
                          longer need to spend many             in your bloodstream. Over          to taking precautions against
                          hours each week preparing             time, high blood glucose lev-      contracting the virus. Con-
                          to give a meaningful ser-             els can increase damage to         sider these tips from the
                          mon to their flocks. Now              your organs, including your        American Heart Association
                          they can search among                 heart, brain and kidneys.          and American Diabetes As-
                          hundreds available on the                Diabetes is associated with     sociation:
                          web to address their con-             a buildup of plaque that can        If you’ve delayed or post-
                          gregations.                           clog arteries, so the longer          poned medical appoint-
                             No more visits to the doc-         you live with type 2 diabetes,        ments due to COVID-19,
                          tor: You can email your               the higher your cardiovascu-          it’s vital to resume them,
                          symptoms to your doctor               lar risk. At least one-third of       either in person or through
                          along with photos, and re-            people with heart failure             virtual options.
                          ceive a diagnosis, remedy,            have diabetes, and heart            Continue to take medica-
                          and other information about           disease is the leading cause          tion as prescribed. If you’ve
                          what ails you.                        of death and a major cause            lost your medical insurance
                             Shopping malls may be              of heart attacks, heart failure,      or can’t afford it, talk to
                          turned into senior living             strokes and disability for peo-       your doctor or pharmacist
                          apartments, or indoor gyms.           ple living with type 2 diabe-         about available resources.
                          Covid19 has accelerated the           tes.                                  Stopping your medication
                          speed of the changeover to               Managing high blood pres-          without talking to your
                          online purchases. You can             sure and high cholesterol,            health care provider could
                                                                                                      lead to serious illness or

                          Poetry Corner
                                                                                                    Know your numbers. If you
                                                                                                      have diabetes, check blood
                                                                                                      glucose levels frequently
                                                                                                      and make necessary ad-
                                                                                                      justments to insulin and
                                                      LAZY BONES                                      diet to keep levels under
                          By Bill Friedman                                                            control. If you have high
                          Getting things right without mistakes,                                      blood pressure, make sure
                          being willing to spend the time it takes.                                   to monitor that number
                          Living with fear of taking too long,                                        regularly from home.
                          will ultimately lead to getting things wrong.                             Manage stress, which can
                          Constant excuses of being impeded,                                          also impact blood glucose
                          failing to deliver results that are needed.                                 and blood pressure levels.
                          Blessed with talent quite often unused,                                     In addition to maintaining
                          so often appearing much less than enthused.                                 your social support network
                          Rather than being a perfect example,                                        (even if it’s through social
                          content with presenting a below average sample.                             distancing), exercise, ade-
                          Failing to achieve is more common than odd,                                 quate sleep and meditation
                          except for the few who’ve been gifted by god.                               can help improve your
                          Sad reminders of what could have been,                                      mental health.
                          had more energy been used toward the effort to win.                       If you or someone around
                          Unwilling to bend or jump through a hoop,                                   you has symptoms of heart
                          ok with the title a Lazy Piece of Poop.                                     attack or stroke, remember
                                                                                                      to call 9-1-1 as the hospital
                                                                                                      is still the safest place to go
                                                                                                      in a medical emergency.
                                                                                                    If you have diabetes, talk
                                                                                                      with your doctor about
                                                                                                      ways to reduce your risk of
                                                                                                      heart attack, heart failure,
                                                                                                      stroke and COVID-19.
                                                                                                     Visit KnowDiabetesby-
                                                                                          for resources like
                                                                                                   diabetes-friendly recipes,
                                                                                                   success stories and a list of
                                                                                                   questions to ask your doctor.
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