Celebrating our 60th year of classic motoring in Western Australia !

Page created by Frank Brady
Celebrating our 60th year of classic motoring in Western Australia !
Volume 55 No 12             December 2018

           Celebrating our 60th year
              of classic motoring
            in Western Australia !

           Top: Looking good at this year’s Ford T Experience

Above: A nice line-up
of vehicles at the
Chittering Branch
annual display.

Right: The Shearer of
Mannum replica built
by Doug Baker (at
right). Story inside.
Celebrating our 60th year of classic motoring in Western Australia !
                                                                        18     South Eastern Coffee Group run
                                                                               Military Section meeting
                                                                        19     Parts Shed open
                                                                        21     Military Section restoration shed project
                                                                        23     Albany Branch event
                                                                        24     Editor’s birthday
                                                                        26     Parts shed CLOSED

                                                                        1      York Branch event
                                                                               South Eastern Coffee Group
                                                                        2      Parts shed CLOSED
                                                                        4      Military Section Restoration Group
                                                                        6      Katanning & Districts meeting
                                                                        7      Veteran Section meeting
                                                                        8      Vintage Section meeting
                                                                        9      Mid week run
                                                                               Parts Shed open
                                                                        10     Executive committee meeting
                                                                        11     Military Section restoration group
                                                                        13     Busselton Branch meeting
                                                                               Esperance Branch meeting
                                                                               Albany Branch meeting
                                                                        14     Post Vintage Section meeting
                                                                        15     South Eastern Coffee Group run
                                                                               Military Section meeting
                                                                        16     Parts Shed open
                                                                        18     Military Section restoration group
                                                                        20     Peel Branch meeting
                                                                               Warren Blackwood Branch meeting
                                                                               Post Vintage third Sunday run
                                                                               Collie Branch meeting
                                                                        23     Parts Shed open
                                                                        24     Humber Rootes Group section meeting
                                                                               VCC GENERAL MEETING
                                                                        25     Military Section restoration group
                                                                        26/27/28 Busselton Rally—entry form included
                                                                        27     Albany Branch event
                                                                        30     Parts Shed open

                                                                        CLUB CALENDAR—Sections and Branches are re-
                                                                        minded that they can update the on-line calendar on
                                                                        the Club website.. If an event is not listed on the
                                                                        Club’s website, then it won’t get included in the above
                 Next Club Meeting                                      listing.

                                                                        See the club website for information about or al-
         There is no general Club meeting in December                   terations on events: ww.veterancarclubofwa.asn.au
           Next meeting will be on 24 January 2019
                                                                         Early Auto in full colour can be seen on the
                                                                                        Club’s website

                         EARLY AUTO.
               All correspondence for the next issue to :-
           Geoff Moor Email: vintageservices@iinet.net.au
        Include “EA” or “Early Auto” in subject line of emails
  ALL adverts for Bits & Pieces in writing or email please! “Wanted”
   ads must show the advertisers Membership Number of VCCWA
            DEADLINE FOR COPY - 1st of EACH MONTH
        Change of Mailing Address and non-delivery of
    Early Auto—contact: Aileen Stockdale 6 Oxley Place,
           Darlington WA 6070    ph: (08) 9252 1292
         Email: membership@veterancarclubofwa.asn.au
 The opinions expressed in Early Auto are those of our correspondents
 and the Editor, Committee and members of the Veteran Car Club of WA
 (Inc) do not necessarily agree with or endorse them.

Page 2                                                     Early Auto                                    December 2018
Celebrating our 60th year of classic motoring in Western Australia !
In the next year we will be looking to gauge mem-
                              President’s Diary                    bers thoughts on slightly amending our name to the Veter-
                                                                   an and Classic Car Club of WA. This idea was originally
                       Hello members,                              discussed at the Country Branches meeting in May, and
                                                                   was supported as a concept. The reason for looking to
                                 Another year is almost at an      broaden our name is to better reflect the large spectrum of
                          end and it’s another one enriched by     ages of vehicles in our club, and to get rid of confusion
                          being part of the historic car move-     that does exist with some areas of the community who
                          ment. We have had many highlights        mistakenly think that the club is for human “Veterans”. We
                          this year including the opening of our   want to be inclusive without throwing away 60 years of
 magnificent restoration facility, improvements in many of         history in our name – I support this concept and welcome
 our regional locations, and some superb new restored ve-          any feedback.
 hicles joining our club.                                                  At this time of year we often reflect of all those who
        I’m a little late submitting my article this month         have helped us throughout the year – I want to really thank
 (sorry Mr Editor!) but I’ve just come off a couple of lovely      all volunteers that our club has. We are now a huge club
 nights down south enjoying the company of fellow Veteran          distributed all over the state with a huge impact on the his-
 car owners. Whilst my own little Rover ended the year on          toric club movement. We are helped by so many – and
 a sad note, puttering around the South West on roads that         proudly volunteer run……a massive thank you to all.
 you normally would not go down was terrific, and great to                 Please stay safe during the festive season, enjoy
 have members from the Goldfields, Peel and Perth partici-         family and friends and have a fantastic new year.
 pating.                                                                                                                      Tony

                                                                                        Collie Capers Report
                NIGHT RUN                                                                  After an early 9 am meeting twenty
                SATURDAY                                                                  four of us set off for Busselton via Don-
                                                                                          nybrook and Capel. A few showers on
               23 FEBRUARY                                                                the way but a nice leisurely run saw us
                    2019                                              arrive all intact at Amelia Park Lodge for lunch. In our
                                                                      own private pavilion seated at two long tables this ena-
Once again a Night Run is being organised which will                  bled us to chat and laugh freely whilst we waited for our
commence at the Clubrooms at 6.30pm for a 7.30pm Start                food to arrive. a ‘Body Part’ quiz to get the brain into
travelling in a roundabout journey to Dave and Sue Reid’s             gear was good fun. (i.e. Two students – answer
residence in Glen Forrest, similar to previous years.                 ‘Pupils!) After lunch we all headed in different direc-
                                                                      tions some to visit the Old Gaol complex which proved
Drinks will be supplied and we ask all                                most interesting. Thanks go to John and Merrilyn Piva-
Entrants to bring a plate of food to                                  nini for their organisation. (Hope I’ve spelt your name
share in a supper together. Charge                                    correctly this time John!)
for entry is $5 per car.                                                       A survey held at the meeting saw suggestions for
                                                                      club runs, social events and mine visits etc. so next
             Please note: You will need to have had                   year’s calendar should be something to look forward to.
             your evening meal before the commence-                   Starting in January will be a run to Yarloop to take part
             ment of event. Also please bring a torch                 in a Car Cruise. This will help raise funds for the com-
             to read rally instructions and a chair                   munity.
                                                                               Alan Cockell is now a
             Contact David on 0431 929684 or Sue on                   member of our Branch and his
             0415 261144                                              vehicle of choice is a 1981 Rolls
                                                                      Royce Silver Spirit Sedan which
                                                                      he has owned for seven months.
                                                                      Welcome to the club Alan.
                                                                               Peter Briggs has in his possession his grandfa-
                                                                      ther’s handwritten diary containing motoring information
                                                                      from 1903. It also has notes on engine parts and the
                                                                      maintenance thereof complete with illustrations. One
                                                                      item from the ‘Motor Car Act 1903’ reads: Drivers – Li-
                                                                      cence from Council 5/- must be shown to police on de-
                                                                      mand. Fine 5 pounds each offence! That was a lot of
                                                                      money in those days. More info next month.
                                                                               Plans are now finalized for our 30th Anniversary
                                                                      celebrations for 2nd and 3rd of March next year. Look
                                                                      out for the entry form in this edition, The Sunday even-
                                                                      ing function at the Collie Italian Club is limited to 100 so
                                                                      ‘first in , best dressed’.
                                                                      Until next month,                    Roving Reporter Rex

 December 2018                                           Early Auto                                                     Page 3
Celebrating our 60th year of classic motoring in Western Australia !
T    Ford Experience (s)              This Event was successfully held again this year at
                                                                  Whiteman Park down the Mussel Pool Road, which is very
                                                                  quiet and enabled many guests to try their hand at driving
                             On our recent Model T Experience
                                                                  under instruction a Model T Ford in a safe environment.
                             Day we were so very pleased to
                                                                         It was also a great opportunity for youngsters to get a
                             have the only surviving VCCWA        close-up look at the old vehicles actually working. Twenty-
                             Foundaon Members (*) from 1958 four Model T’s participated, ranging from 1910 through 1927
                             to come along. As it turns out, they models, including Coupe, Touring, Utes, Ambulance, trucks
are all Fans of the Ford Model T!                                 and even a bus!! There were also numerous Roadsters and
Kelvin Pepper, George Long and Stan Cook Made the e ort to        speedsters as well as a few other body types.
aend and it was very clear that the passion for the Model T             Several founding members accompanied the families
and old cars in general sll burns within                         and friends who all enjoyed a picnic.
        Stan was there to see his Grandson’s (Chris and Dan Till)        Alan Long conducted a maintenance session; John
Drive the same Red 1920 Truck that he and Grace used in the       Smith demonstrated commutator and timer workings; Rich-
early Rallies.                                                    ard Brisbane-Cohen demonstrated and tested numerous
                              I clearly remember them both in     coils using the recently purchased Coil Tester; Graeme Cox
                       the early 1960’s cruising in the Z Zone    ran his hand crank coil tester and George Long showed var-
                       Runs to Mandurah and Grace swapping        ious old components from a Model T.
                       pop scks around in the Coil Box trying to                                    Kevin Rolland from Esper-
                                                                                              ance brought his replica Ford
                       make it run on “all four”
                                                                                              Kitchen Sink engine, which Henry
                              The Till’s have certainly mastered
                                                                                              Ford used to demonstrate a 4-
the mechanics of the T and from what I can see share the same                                 stroke capability to investors in
enthusiasm of Grandad’s.                                                                      his Kitchen in 1893, and en-
        George Long is a regular at our events and competed in                                thralled all of us with its ease of
the recent weekend get a way in Margaret River. However, on                                   running.
this occasion didn’t bring his T, the one used since 1947 and on                                     This was followed by a run
the rst VCCWA rally in 1958. (with me as a 5 year old passen-                                 of a replica Ford Quadracycle,
ger.) He also brought along a selecon of items peculiar to the                               also produced by Henry Ford to
T and was helpful in running of the event on the day                                          obtain a further round of finance
        Kelvin Pepper hasn’t changed since 1965 and is easily                                 in 1896, built by our own Reno
recognisable. He bought along a unique Commutator Contact                                     Canalini, who generously gave
Grinder, a very useful tool for those who sll run the original                               many of us a ride.
style ignion system.                                                                                The day ended with a pa-
         Kelvin has a Model T under restoraon, regularly                                         rade to the Motor Museum for
aends our oungs and we are all hoping to see his “New T” at                                     a photo opportunity.
the next Experience Day.
        Photo L - R Kelvin Pepper - Stan Cook - George Long
standing in front of Stan Cook’s 1920 T.
Thank you Gentlemen!          Alan Long      Model T Secon

(*) Only Male Foundaon Members that I am aware of
    Rally entrants in April 1958
 #29 Kelvin Pepper; #68 Stan Cook; #16 George Long.
                                                                                           A great day out in the “Tin lizzie”!
                                                                                       Richard Brisbane-Cohen - Treasurer
                                                                       See these photos in colour on the Club website

Page 4                                                       Early Auto                                      December 2018
Celebrating our 60th year of classic motoring in Western Australia !
York Torque
                           On the 11/11/2018, the York VCC,
                           went as a club to the Toodyay Mo-
                           tor Show. The weather was good,
                           the drive was great (although,
                           someone needs to get their
                           speedometer corrected...) and
                           there was a lot to see when we got
                           there. At 11am, the crowd ob-
                           served remembrance day. not a
                           person moved through the service,
which was great to see and be part of. With a great display
of classic cars and motorbikes, plenty of food, it turned into
a great day out.
       On the 16th November, two of our members, Arrin
Byfield and Brad Budiselik, went to Narrogin to see and
compete in the Annual Narrogin ‘RevHeads’. This event
was held over two days and by all accounts, it was a great
success. We spoke to Arrin on the following Monday and
he said that they didn’t win but they had a really great time.
       Then we get to the 19th November, where a few of
the York members, joined with other like minded people for
a very informative talk from Graeme Cocks about each of
the vehicles that are on display at the York Motor Museum.
Graeme Cocks used to be the curator of the museum, so
his knowledge of each vehicle was astounding. The tour,
lasted at least a couple of hours and that was with Graeme
Cocks talking a little about each car as we went around with
him. There are now at least fifteen more educated people in
York, that know a lot more about the vehicles on display in
the York Motor Museum. If you have never been to the York
Motor Museum, it is well worth the visit as it is one of the
best vehicle displays we have ever come across.
       Thank you Graeme, in taking the time out to come to
York and talk to us.
                                               Kathy the scribe.

                    Peel Members and Their Cars                    years ago and the engine was rebuilt at the same time.
                                                                   The crankshaft is still original and has never had to be re-
                                                                   ground. It is still running beautifully and we love it, Our eve-
                                                                   ryday car is now a Commodore International dual fuel.

                                                                   More Rocker Cover News
                                                                   After our meeting on 18th of Nov, we held our annual rock-
                                                                   er challenge for the Peel club in the car park at Golden
Pam Riley writes -                                                 Bay. Unfortunately the wind and rain, which had been
This is my first                                                   holding off, came in and caused havoc. We carried on re-
classic car. It is a                                               gardless with a few
1951 Riley RMB. My husband and I love it. It was some-             brave        members
thing I have always talked about getting as my surname is          where the competi-
Riley.                                                             tion   was     strong.
                                                                   Ken Sommers was
                                     Ruth and Robert               just pipped at the
                                     Worthington writes -          post by Barb Simp-
                                     We bought our 74              son.
                                     Model XJ6L Jaguar
                                     from the original             Jamie Easton pre-
                                     owner in 1980 and             sents the trophy to
                                     it has been our               Barb Simpson. Barb
                                     great joy to have             is holding the winning
                                     had it for 38 years.          rocker racer
It was repainted in the original Lavender Blue about 12

 December 2018                                          Early Auto                                                      Page 5
Celebrating our 60th year of classic motoring in Western Australia !
THE decision to merge two               cakes, slices and biscuits was very popular selling all that was
                         Chittering events has proven             on offer.
                                                                            This year the club decided to have a people’s choice
                              to be the right one.                award. The results were, first Hans Hurig and his 1929 Model A
                                                                  fire truck, second Alex Kirkwood Jaguar XK 120 Coupe, third
           Chittering Branch of the Veteran Car Club of WA (Inc) Roger Duyster 1967 Chevrolet Camara and fourth Wayne
held its third annual car day last Sunday combining with Immac- Dean with his Mustang.
ulate Heart College P & F for the first time.                             The Chittering Branch acknowledges the generous sup-
           The event took place in the grounds of Immaculate      port of the Shire of Chittering, the Road Safety Commission,
Heart College and with the imposing church under construction Slims Tyres Service Bridgestone Bullsbrook, Bullsbrook Hard-
in the background you could say it was a marriage made in         ware, Stringybark and Ellenbrook Supercheap.
heaven.                                                                     Event organiser Jeff Gibbs the day was an incredible
           Over 140 veteran, vintage and classic cars and trucks success. Jeff said the success of the day was also due to a lot
converged on the lush oval of the school where car club mem-      of hard work by car club members who worked enthusiastically
bers directed them to their allotted places. The Model A Ford     and willingly to present the event.
Club were well represented with ten vehicles making the drive               “I really appreciate the contributions of everyone who
to Lower Chittering.                                              got in and did what had to be done and I thank them for it,” he
           Of special interest was a 1929 fire truck lovingly re- said. “I feel quite confident that we will do it all again in 2019.”
stored by owner Hans Hurig and a 3-wheel Morgan that made
the trip to Lower Chittering. A cake stall run by the ladies of   (Photos of the Car Show are on the next page)
Chittering Branch and offering a huge variety of homemade

          Busselton Briefs                                           Thanks to our members who attended. It is always pleasing to
                                                                     see other members participate.
The mid-week run for October was                                            The general meeting for November was held on Armi-
very well supported with 34 members                                  stice Day. A slightly lower than normal turn out of members at-
and guests in 17 cars departing from                                 tended. I have not been advised of a run after.
our club rooms to make our way to the                                       On Sunday 25th November, we were invited to display
excellent facilities at the Capel tourist bay/playground facility.   some 1920’s and 30’s cars at an event in Margaret River. Two
These were very impressive play grounds and a few of our             members braved the inclement weather and took their 1930’s
members tried out some of the items. Morning tea and much            cars to the event. Thanks to Rob Loof and Chris Rowe for at-
chatter was heard, mostly about the impending weather and the        tending this event. The weather kept a few of us away.
numbers on the run. From Capel, we made our way to the                      The cruise ships that were due to visit Busselton during
streets on the beach side of Stratham. We made our way past          November were cancelled due to bad weather. Not to worry,
Pat and Rich Davies daughter’s place only for Pat to be sur-         there are plenty more coming in the next six months.
prised with a big birthday wishes display. I think that Rich knew           The ladies lunch for November was held at Stilts restau-
what was going on. We made our way to the Bull and Bush              rant with seven ladies in attendance. The hat was taken around
Tavern in Boyanup where we had two tables waiting for us. The        for donations to the Busselton hospice and we managed to raise
meals were orderly and were of reasonable size. I have not           $90.00. A great effort and a big thanks to the ladies for their
heard any complaints. Thanks to Rich and Pat for organising          donation.
this run.                                                                   I apologise to all readers of this mag for not having a
        Our run after the monthly meeting in November saw            report in the last Early Auto. My computer said it was sent, but
eight members in five cars take a leisurely drive to Donnybrook      Geoff didn’t receive in time to make the printers. All our branch
for lunch under the gazebo next to the Preston River. A slight       members received a copy with their minutes.
delay was incurred on the way as one member needed to put
some fuel in their car. The breeze was a bit lazy, but those who     Coming Events.
attended enjoyed lunch and the usual chatter that accompanied.       Thursday December 20th is a cruise ship visit. This is a 16 day
        Our visits from cruise ships have started in earnest. We     cruise so passengers may like a stretch of their legs in Bussel-
had two this month planned although one was cancelled due to         ton. 9 am at our club rooms.
the rough weather. The first one saw us display with six vehicles    Mon – Wed24/25/26th is Xmas. Merry Xmas to all our members
and only a moderate number of visitors. Those who did visit          and have a safe and happy new year.
were very grateful and appreciative. We have a busy calendar         Monday 31st is New Year’s Eve cruise ship visit from the Astor.
with a number of cruise ship visits booked. Keep an eye on           Cars at the clubrooms from 9. Am ‘til about 3 pm.
events calendar for dates.                                           Tuesday 1st. New year’s day.
        We also offer our sympathy to the family of club member      As part of the Festival of Busselton, we are displaying our cars
Jeff O'Sullivan on his recent passing. Members attended his          on 12th Jan. 2 pm to about 5 pm. The street parade is listed as
funeral.                                                             an event so members can take their 404 vehicles in the parade
        We offer our condolences to one of our Nannup mem-           if they wish.
bers, Ron Lovering, on the passing of his lovely wife. Our deep-     Sunday 13th. General meeting. 9.am for a 9.30am start.
est sympathy, Ron.                                                   Sunday 13th is another cruise ship visit. 9 am at the club rooms.
        This reporter thanks Tony Griffith for filling in for me     26th 27th 28th is our annual January rally. Sunday the 27th is rally
whilst I took a trip east to see my kids. You did a great job Tony   day so BYO morning tea and enjoy the rally. Nominations close
and I appreciate your input and help. Thanks.                        Friday the 11th, so nominate early so you don’t miss out. See
        In November we attended the Busselton Agricultural           Early Auto entry form for details.
Show with a display of five cars. Much attention was paid to our     Monday (Australia day holiday) is a show and shine at our
display and many appreciative comments were expressed.               club rooms from 9 am followed by the trophy presentation at 10
Thanks to those members who displayed.                               am. Tea and coffee supplied.
        We had seven cars display at the annual Witchcliffe vin-     Sunday 27th is also a cruise ship visit, so members not involved
tage fair. Two from Augusta, Two from Witchcliffe, Two from          in the rally can park their cars at our clubrooms for a display.
Busselton and one from Margaret River. Many members were             I wish all readers of this magazine a safe and enjoyable Xmas
seen stashing goodies into our cars before the wives saw us.         and a prosperous new year.
                                                                                                            Cheers until next time. Bails.
Page 6                                                          Early Auto                                           December 2018
Celebrating our 60th year of classic motoring in Western Australia !
Line up of Busselton Branch members’ vehicles at the Witchcliffe Vintage Fair in November

Setup crew L-R Roland Thomasson, Wynton Trigg, Gemma                             A lot of interest in the trucks on display
Thomasson, Matt Saunders, Graeme Donaldson, Ross Read,                 Alex Kirkwood’s Jaguar came second in the People’s Choice
Margaret Trigg, Marie Donaldson, John Broad and Alvera and
Jeff Gibbs. Kneeling Chris Johnson. Missing Alex Mackie,
Allan Cox and Simon Roberts.

   Chittering Branch Annual
            Car Day
            Hans Hurig and his 1929 Model A fire truck.

 The Model A Ford Club put on a good display; whilst a great
cake stall was presented by the cooks of the Chittering Branch

 December 2018                                            Early Auto                                                  Page 7
Celebrating our 60th year of classic motoring in Western Australia !
Esperance Branch: Left—Gaile Starcevich and her new Mercedes; Above—
         Nulsen in November display. Below—Left—Peter Eardley’s Model A restoration

                                          Esperance Branch is getting known for their
                                                member’s sartorial elegance.
                                        Above: new standard attire for the Secretary
                                        position whilst Left is what is now expected of
                                        the Chairman !!

                                 Left: more elegance from Esperance Branch
                                 members (at the Melbourne Cup luncheon.)

                                   Above: 1936 Oldsmobile ex-South Australian po-
                                      lice car—see Donnybrook Drivings on the
                                                    next page

                                   Left: John Smith in his 1911 Model T Ford at the
                                         Remembrance Day event in Merriden

Page 8                Early Auto                                       December 2018
Celebrating our 60th year of classic motoring in Western Australia !
                                                                         At the club's November monthly
                                                                  meeting it was decided that the club
                                                                  would donate $250 to the local St Johns
                                                                  Ambulance branch pay for a defibrillator
                                                                  storage box.
                                                                         Following the usual after-meeting coffee and cakes,
GREETINGS: To all our members have a safe and happy               the club members set off for a drive up the Ferguson Valley
Christmas and hope New Year is another good year for              for a barbeque at Wellington Mills. The vehicle convoy to
us all to be happy and healthy.                                   the site worked well except for one motorcycle rider who
          It seems as though we bring the rain, every time        had to stop for 2-stroke fuel and got left behind. Determined
we go to display our cars for an event it rains, it certainly     to catch up he took a wrong turn and ended up miles from
has happened again in November for us.                            anywhere. However he does struggle when he gets more
          We had pouring rain for the fete in “Nulsen in          than 20k from home. It's amazing how many of these lovely
November” but thankfully 10 cars still attended although          barbeque spots are scattered throughout the South West.
our cars never got much attention because of the rain,                   The journey back to Donnybrook past Gnomesville
but appreciate the fact that we presented our cars.               and down to Lowden is a particularly enjoyable drive on a
          Our big event for November was of course the            sunny afternoon. Lots of smooth bends and downhill all the
Melbourne Cup. We were filled to capacity with 98 in at-          way. An absolute driving pleasure.
tendance. Merle organised a fashion parade with a differ-                Saturday 24th November was the day of the annual
ence which was fashions through the years 1900-2000               Donnybrook Food and Wine Festival. The Club had a dis-
some cars were involved and for those who know our                play on show limited to seven vehicles by the event organ-
shed, we were able to drive through the middle of the             isers. So our vehicles on display ranged from a 1920's
shed. Norm appropriately attired in top hat and tails             Buick to a 1960's MG. It was noticeable that the older the
greeted the models from the cars as they paraded their            vehicles are the more attention they seem to attract. One of
different outfits while Kim and Tim chauffeured the mod-          our members vehicles that attracted a fair bit of attention
els in the cars. Our club members in Merle, Judy Kelly,           was a 1936 Oldsmobile. With its 6 cylinder, 27h.p. engine it
Janette Seinor, Val Roffey, Jenny Morcombe and Bill and           was ideally suited to its original use as a South Australian
Sharon Vermeij were our models, ably assisted by Norm,            Police pursuit vehicle stationed on the Nullabor Plain. I can't
Kim and Tim. This proved to be a very popular event and           imagine that many vehicles of that time were able to get
we had so many messages of Thanks. Following on from              away from a fired up cop behind the wheel of this car. Mem-
the fashion parade, was of course the big race and the            bers were present throughout the day to answer questions
sweeps that Kim and Paddy looked after, of course there           from visitors to the Festival. A good day was had by all.
were winners and losers. We had an amazing array of               Food, wine and cars. An enjoyable combination when en-
food for lunch as everyone had to bring a plate. After our        joyed in the proper sequence.
tummies were full we then had a team of line dancers                                                          Regards Phil Tyler
(club members and friends ) give a demonstration of line
dancing, Followed by hobby horse races. A very suc-
cessful day thanks to all, everyone really enjoyed the                                        Ford to a T
day.                                                               On November 11th I was asked to take to take the 1911 T
          Our last event for the month was a display of 24         Ford to Merriden after a request for a car of the era of the
cars at the Collector’s fair. (Esperance Mechanical resto-         end of World War 1 for a 100 years re-enactment of the
ration group) which lots of our members are also mem-              announcement of the end of the war. The day started at
bers. They also have a great club and are willing to help          10.30 at the war memorial where army and navel cadets,
our club at a minutes notice. It rained just as the day was        old vehicles, returned servicemen, the fire brigade similar
finishing.                                                         to 100 years ago. The march was led by the cadets and
          Looking ahead we will be taking our cars in the          returned servicemen followed by an old truck carrying a
Christmas pageant on the 9th December and also carry-              band and the old cars taking some returned servicemen
ing the RED Hatter ladies as we did last year.                     and our state M.P. followed by a local T Ford Truck and the
          Our annual Christmas dinner is an outing to the          fire brigade to the town hall.
Chinese restaurant this year for a change, give our ladies                 At the town hall there were speeches and some of
a break from cooking and cleaning up, Not the traditional          the old songs sung by the high school choir. Afterwards we
Xmas party never the less a night out.                             were invited to a sausage sizzle at Pioneer Park.
          Our club has seen another fantastic year and can                 The following Sunday I took the T Ford to the T Ford
only look forward to bigger and better next year. In clos-         day at Whiteman Park it was a very good day well attend-
ing for the year I would like to wish everyone a safe and          ed, unfortunately Lesley couldn't come as she had recently
Happy Christmas and Thank our club members for all the             had a knee replacement.
support they give the committee throughout the year, and                   A thing of interest for T Ford enthusiasts is the igni-
thank the committee for all the good work done through-            tion conversion of my Honda Ag Bike that I sometimes use
out the year. An exciting year ahead especially with the           as a gofer. Because of it's age and the cost of parts it was
Easter rally planned for April. Check the magazine for             uneconomical to repair so I thought there must be another
your Expression of Interest form. (95 will be the cut off so       way so I put a commutator and a T Ford coil on it. So now
get your entry in Early.                                           it is going like clockwork with 100 year technology.
          Signing off for this year is your scribe Merleygirl                      John Smith.

December 2018                                                   Early Auto                                            Page 9
Celebrating our 60th year of classic motoring in Western Australia !
Peel Outing.
                  November 27th NASA landed on Mars, Peel V.C. club visited the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Janda-
                  kot. Being shown through this service was a real eye opener an being told it was funded by donations
                  and a lot of hard work by dedicated Staff.
                  From information about this service costs of aircraft, all experienced professional personnel, Medical
                  boxes carrying every thing from Band-Aid to Defibrillator, with much excitement and anticipation of a
NEW $12 million Jet to the fleet next week for “FREE “ use to everyone in W.A. This will reduce time and cost to make
a quicker recovery for patients.
        From first phone call for help, bringing into action all services needed, medical equipment, staff required, police
involvement an on it goes. So smooth to how it all falls into place in this room onto area where Ambulance comes into,
the Simulator where all Drs, Nurses do training in too prepare them to work in such confined space an treat patients in
       To see all the Medical equipment, being blood, snake venom, printers for scans, Ultra sound machine or Defibril-
lator and everything else which may be unexpectedly needed, all ready for that call from the furthest corner for the fin-
est care.
To have the convenience of all this which we don’t think about till needed, WOW UNREAL !
To the Birthday girl, one day to remember to be finished off by a great lunch an lots of laughs with very happy group.
Thanks to all, hopefully there will be lots more with everyone having a Very Healthy, Happy an Safe Festive season.

                                                                Thankyou to all our Mus-
                                                                tang & Shelby Section
                                                                members who attended our
                                                                end of year Christmas Par-
                                                                ty held at James & Felici-
                                                                ty's Mandurah house on
                                                                Sunday Nov 25th . It
                                                                looked at first as though it
                                                                was going to be a very
 bleak, wet day , yet the sky cleared and the sun ventured out just in time for us to gath-
 er around the outside decorated tables to enjoy a fantastic, Mustang & Shelby Christ-
 mas party . The food was amazing ( thanks also to help from Felicity's sisters, Shirley
 and Val ) , the Secret Santa , good fun ,and we all had a really enjoyable after-
 noon. Our sincere thanks go to James and Felicity for opening their lovely, beach
 front home for our Section to celebrate the final event for 2018 .
                                                                      Those      who    attended:   Davorin    &    Ingrid
                                                               Grgurich, Carmen & Myrlyn Baartzes , Meg ,Steve, &
                                                               Katie Knox , Trish & Jim Colli, Shirley Smith , Val Laing ,
                                                               Maureen & Steve Warner, Ron & Maria Powell , Bob &
                                                               Michelle Galbraith, Chris Bell , Michael White , Felicity &
                                                               James Bowler , Verna & Al Wellington , Carol & Bill Flem-
                                                               ing, Angie & Pete Eyles , Roger & Sally Bell
                                                                      Finally , a wish from Roger and myself that you all
                                                               have a safe and very Happy Christmas and we look for-
                                                               ward to starting our events in 2019 on Sun Jan 13th ,....a
                                                               breakfast run to Clancy's Fish Pub, City Beach ...details
                                                               closer to the time . And for your information ,happily my
                                                               pen was found and returned .
                                                               Cheers, Sally Bell, Secretary Mustang & Shelby Section

Page 10                                                   Early Auto                                    December 2018
Will one of Germany’s finest return?                         on the C-pillars and it
                         by Bill Buys                             might be powered by a
                                                                  6.0-litre twin-turbo W-12

       ew people today will know what a Horch is, but in          sourced from fellow VW
       the 1930s it was one of Europe’s most respected            Group brand, Bentley.
       marques - and in a case of history repeating itself, it             Audi, well aware
could well be back by 2020/21.
         Now Audi is reportedly planning to resurrect
Horch as a super-luxury challenger to Maybach, Bentley
and Rolls-Royce.
         Prussian-born August Horch worked for Carl Benz
from 1896 before setting up his own company in Zwickau
three years later.
         His first cars emerged in 1901 and in 1910 he had
a legal stoush with his former partners in Horch Automobil
which precluded him from using his own name.
         Determined to keep at least a semblance of his
name, old August chose Audi - a Latinised version of
         In 1932 Horch and Audi kissed and made up, and
with fellow German brands DKW and Wanderer, set up                of Daimler’s disastrous experience when it tried to pre-
the Auto Union motoring giant, which, in 1964, was ac-            sent Maybach as a stand-alone brand, will probably take a
quired by the Volkswagen Group.                                   more cautious line with Horch.
         Among the group’s many pre-war achievements                        People with long memories will likely look forward
were the Silver Arrow racing cars, developed by Ferdi-            to its launch, since Horch was a revered name in its day.
nand Porsche and Robert Eberan von Eberhorst, and                           It produced Germany’s first eight-cylinder car in
driven by the stars of the 1930s, among them Bernd                1926, then dropped its four-cylinder line and went on to
Rosemeyer, Hans Stuck, Tazio Nuvolari and Ernst von               concentrate entirely on large, distinguished eight-cylinder
Delius.                                                           models, which soon became synonymous with elegance,
         The Horch brand was regarded as one of Germa-            luxury and technology. By 1932, Horch had 44per cent of
ny’s finest.                                                      the over 4.2litre German car market.
         Field Marshall Erwin Rommel owned a rather spe-                    Its big cars has straight-eight engines of up to
cial one: a stunning 951 cabriolet with body by Erdmann           5.0litres and the more compact ones had 3.5lt V8 power.
and Rossi.                                                                  From 1927 until 1940, about 40,000 eight-cylinder
          Talk at the moment is that a range-topping A8           cars were built.
with a Horch badge will be introduced when the Audi flag-                   How many survive is not known, but it seems like-
ship sedan gets a mid-cycle update in the next two or             ly the brand will do a phoenix and come back to take its
three years.                                                      place in the elite circles before long.
         Like the Maybach S-Class, the Horch A8 will have
individual touches like unique wheels and a Horch badge

                                                                           The next outing, and the first for 2019, will be a Pic-
                                             Members had          nic Run on the third Sunday January 20th. This has been
                                             the choice of        brought forward by 1 week to give members the oppor-
                                             two events in        tunity to participate in the Busselton Rally on the Australia
                                             November –           Day long weekend.
                                             some went to
                                             the Albany                    Between now and then, there will be little club ac-
                                             Show and pro-        tivity so unless something significant happens in the
                                             vided a display mean-                 time that needs to be communicated to
                                             for the crowds                          members, there will not be an article from
                                             and others                  icn ic       the Albany & Districts Branch in the Janu-
                                             went               18  —p                 ary edition of EA.
out for a drive and enjoyed a picnic lunch at             o r 20 ary
                                                         f       n u
Frenchman Bay.
                                                  st run th Ja                And so it is...another year comes to an end and I
       Then there was additional support Fi     r       2 0            take  this opportunity to wish all members and their
                                                   n on
for the Armistice Day function in Albany       ru                 families   a  safe and enjoyable festive season and look for-
with Bill Dixon and Barney McCallum mak-                ing       ward to your participation in some of the activities over
their vehicles available as authentic inclu-      sions into      the coming 12 months.
the 100 year street side celebration overlooking Princess
Royal Harbour. Thanks to all members for your support             …and that’s about it for another year.
at these events.                                                  Graham Wright

 December 2018                                           Early Auto                                                    Page 11
The Mighty Minimatic Continues                              Being a Friday, apart from those on showroom duty,
                                                              sales staff went off to a’ long lunch’ either at the Parmelia
I wonder if Norm (John Surtees’ brother) would give me        or the Ozone hotel, contactable only in person or by the
one of these as my next Demo?                                 hotel paging the person to contact the office.
       I arrived at Winterbottoms with the cheque for the             Not being rostered to showroom duty, customers
Minimatic Friday morning. Full of pride I gave the paper-     were  out   of bounds so without wheels I explored other de-
work for the sale at full price, unconditional, and delivered partments:    Used cars, Pre delivery, new car stock, where
(what we called a “Cleanskin”) to Norm my Boss.               to get fuel,  Accounts,   Paymaster, (I was due my $30 re-
       “You’re late” he said, with a huge cigar protruding    tainer for the week.) I thought better of climbing the Grand
from his mouth, “where is the next one? Get on with it”-      Central Staircase, out of bounds I thought. Next Friday if I
whilst moving away to speak to someone else. I was shat- was still here, lunch at the Ozone was a certainty.
tered, the COOPER S looked a distant prospect.                        I was getting anxious as 5 o’clock drew close. Sales-
       I wandered around the showroom wondering where         men,   all a bit happy after their long lunch, were replenish-
“the next one” would come from, and how I would get           ing their  briefcases with order books, carbon paper, HP
home tonight- I could only hope Norm remembered to ar-        forms,   spare   biros etc: very important!
range a Demo vehicle for me.                                          Off  they  all went to the Caltex at the bottom of Mill
       There were two teams of 5 salesmen. I would realise Street in their Morris 1100s, Austin 1800s, and one Mini to
in time, my team’s supervisor Norm Surtees, was loved by fill up for the weekend. The Rolls was ready to go. I wish I
his team members, they were all enthused by him and           had my Minimatic. Then Norm called me over, handed me
looked forward to coming to work to find “the next one”.      a fuel voucher, a set of car keys. “Get on with it Garry. “
       Each Salesman was allocated a sales territory, at 5
o’clock each afternoon, undecided customers’ details were                                                        Garry Cooper
allocated to the Salesman controlling the area in which the   Photos    on  next  page
customer lived. 5 o’clock was crucial as to where “the next
one“ would come from. 5 o’clock was time to “get on with

              Mid West Out and about                           enjoyed
This year so far                                               beautiful fare,
29th May School “Show & Tell”                                  so good, most
                                     Mike Marsh was invited    of us decided
                                     to take his veteran vehi- that we would
                                     cle to St Lawrence Pri-   not need tea
                                     mary School for a ‘show that night! A
                                     and tell’ session.        wonderful day and a good social interaction with all who
                                            He drove his 1915 took part.
                                     Ford Model T to the
                                     school oval where the     Sunday 22nd July
                                     students came to view     Welcome rain for the farmers had fallen the previous day
                                     this lovely piece of      and intermittent showers were forecast for this day, so the
                                     history. They thoroughly old cars did not come out. We still enjoyed the beautiful
enjoyed learning all about the history of the vehicle and the greens as a group of nine Members traveled northwards
comparisons between a car that is 103 years old and the        again calling in at Oakabella for morning tea of scones
cars of today. An article was in the June edition of Saint     (choice of plain, fruit, pumpkin or Outback!) with jam and
Lawrence’s newsletter. He even gained a good mention           cream of course.
with Photo in the school newsletter.                                   We then travelled a little further north to
Oakabella Homestead for lunch 1st July 2018                    Northampton     to the Machinery shed. A wonderful array of
A beautiful day despite the chilly breeze and the scenery      restored tractors of all shapes, colours and sizes as well as
following the first rains recently had changed to the          many different types of gadgets and small motors - all
beautiful rich green of new growth with promise of a good      Australian made…. Who would find that today?
harvest if the follow up rains come.                              The exhibits were either donated or on loan and most
       Three VCC cars; a Dodge, a Buick and a Jaguar,          were local and had their history displayed it was interesting
drove the 31 kms from Geraldton to Oakabella Homestead. to us “locals”. Marion, Mark’s Mum was with us, she told
Most of the ten of us had not visited before.                  me that she remembers the little grey tractor that had been
       Oakabella station was established in 1850. We           owned by her family - happy memories.
wondered around the “old” Homestead and down to the               The Shed Men who had kindly opened the shed for us
shearing sheds and stables. All maintained with a few          and had pulled out the BBQ for us to use
ancient saddles and horse collars around. Also some very - they cranked it up and we cooked our
old seeders and harvesters which look like they have not       lunch.
been moved since they were parked up for the last time.           The shed was well organised all items
It was interesting to see that they had caravan/mobile         were  clean and most in working order as
home parking facilities as well as overnight stay facilities   was  demonstrated      with the tractors that
too. (Motorhomes, Caravans, Camping etc) There were            they fired up.   It was  all cared for and
some people who had travelled out for a Homestead              obviously  loved    by the men who
breakfast from Geraldton. We ordered our lunches and

Page 12                                                   Early Auto                                     December 2018
The first model Mini Minor released in Australia (painted grille) and
the Cooper S. How the editor misses his second model Mini !!

                         maintained them. We were lucky         appreciated by Stan, Joy, Mike, Mark,
                         that we did not have any rain until    Marg, Les, Helen and their friends who
                         we returned home.                      otherwise would have had a long day in
                         Chapman Valley Show Saturday           the sun.
                         1st September 2018                     Sunday 16th September
                         Thanks to the members who drove        A drive to Gratte’s Farm on Kojarena
                         along the picturesque Chapman          South Road for a picnic lunch and a clay
                         Valley Road to the Chapman             target shoot. Joy was Top Gun for the
                         Valley Agricultural Show. Their                                       day with a 100% score.
                         vehicles formed part of the static                                    Many thanks go to Murray,
                         display. A huge amount of interest                                    Thomas, Stan and Joy Gratte
was shown in the vehicles.                                                                     for giving our members a
                                               Mike had                                        great day out.
                                               purchased the                                   Saturday 6th October
                                               new gazebo       Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings. Mark & Margaret worked
                                               with sun and     hard to organise the goods etc for this fundraising event
                                               wind             with members and their wives pre chopping of the onions.
                                               protection for   Ably assisted by Barry & Shirley, the chief cook and the
                                               all day events   chief bread and sausage organiser. Margaret the chief
like this. Kindly funded by Geraldton Bendigo Bank              order taker and raffle promoter. It was a fun day as it was
Community funding. A long and enjoyable day with many           sunny and not too much wind it was busy and lots of
spectators enjoying looking at                                  customers, and catching up with friends.
the vintage vehicles on                                         All joined in the final clean-up and packing up. The clean-
display.                                                        up inspection acknowledged that it was the best ever, and
        On Saturday with part                                   the $1,000 raised is the bonus. Thanks to all who helped
of the funds granted by the                                     Bob, Leone, Les, Noel & Kate, with especial thanks to
local Community Bendigo                                         Mark & Margaret and Barry & Shirley Barry who all worked
Bank this was the first time it                                 hard with the preparations, set up, clean up and after party
was on display and it was                                       sort out. A super job by all and good team work.

 December 2018                                        Early Auto                                                  Page 13
Military Section Top row—making good use of the new restoration shed; Middle row—left—Wanneroo RSL Armistice day event;
 right—at Fremantle Maritime museum; Lower row—left at Perth concert hall; centre—Armistice day centenary at Kings Park; right—
 Cockburn RSL transport of veterans.

                       Shearer replica on display             1906 Talbot and the Shearer

Page 14                                                     Early Auto                                      December 2018
REPLICA SHEARER STEAM WAGON BUILD                                       The construction is progressing well, it took David
                                                                Shearer eleven years to build the original; we are at-
       I could offer many personal reasons for wanting to       tempting to build the replica in less than half that time.
build the replica Shearer Steam Wagon; however there is         The engine and boiler were commenced in 2016 with the
one controlling principle: to experience the same thrill as     chassis first laid up on the building frame 2/11/17, with
the population of 1898 when the first motorised vehicle         the outcome as seen today taking not quite 12mths.
manufactured in Australia, moved. Inclusive, the build                  Every Thursday, friend Bruce Weir-Smith assisted
will offer a tangible testimony honouring the outstanding       with the build and without his help the results would not
engineering ability of David Shearer. Today the original        have progressed at the rate it has. Also included are
Shearer Steam Wagon is housed in the Birdwood Nation-           friends Iain McDonald, David Ray, Ernie Redford and
al Motor Car Museum for all to admire. Further, it is my        Matthew Lombard, all of whom offered a gargantuan ef-
personal opinion the original vehicle should never be           fort when asked. I sincerely thank you for your support.
driven again. The historic value to Australia and the mo-                It will take approximately another two years to
toring world is incalculable; the vehicle is so unique if an-   complete when returned to my workshop after it has been
ything happened to it, I feel it would be catastrophe.          displayed at the All Steamed Up Weekend in Mannum,
         The original has had a number of modifications         then displayed at the National Vintage Machinery Rally to
during its lifetime, some for the better, others not so.        be held in Murray Bridge March 2019.
However, I hasten to state, without the involvement of the               The Mannum Museum is seeking financial sup-
enthusiastic persons of days past who preserved the ve-         port for the project including a building to house the car
hicle as a legacy we cherish today, it most likely would        when completed. Like all clubs and associations, we are
have been lost to history. To these people I am sincere-        relying on persons such as the reader for your financial
ly grateful, I am also genuinely hopeful there is a record      generosity. This is a very unique opportunity to have an
of these enthusiasts accrediting them for their dedication.     input into this iconic project offering you a level of immor-
         Over an 18-month period, approximately 150             tality as your name will be recorded for posterity.
CAD drawings have been produced; inclusive are 300                       For further information about David Shearer and
photos of the original components enabling the design           the Steam Wagon I recommend you consult Google as
and construction work to be carried out as close as possi-      there are many interesting and informative articles written
ble in this modern world. I therefore feel it necessary to      by academics offering historical details.
expose the use of the word “replica” as this could be                                                            Doug Baker
challenged, this modern build is not an exact facsimile,                                                   eme@iinet.net.au
but as close as possible as can be made. Outwardly the
two vehicles will appear identical; most of the intrinsic       P.S. Having just returned from Mannum where the
components were manufactured embracing modern prac-             Shearer Car project was officially launched by the Mayor
tices. As an example, it was not practical to utilise black-    I thought I would share the day with you.
smith skills of days past if it was to be an exact copy;               The photos are of the replica with 9000 people in
these skills are not readily available, sadly, almost an        attendance over the week end it surely was scrutinized
extinct art.                                                    by the rivet counters with not one negative comment.
         When designing the build, it was also necessary               The accolades Bruce and I received from all we
to consider the ever-lurking expectations of the Australian     very encouraging including a driver of the car who took
Standards and ordinance, especially when designing and          part in the Brighton to London Rally.
building the boiler. The demands governing the integrity               The car will stay in South Australia and attend the
of pressure vessels today are light years ahead com-            National Vintage Machinery Rally to be held in Murray
pared to when the original was built. This also applies to      Bridge March 22-24 then it will come back to WA to be
various other demands, all of which did not exist 120           completed.
years ago.                                                             The brass radiator alongside is a 1906 Talbot also
                                                                in attendance over the weekend.
                                                                                                   Regards,           Doug

 December 2018                                        Early Auto                                                  Page 15
RESTORATION SHED                       advise when you can attend. Obvious-        You will then be provided with a name
    THE OPERATING PROCESS                    ly, there are limitations to the numbers    badge which is specific for the Shed.
                                             that can attend on any one day.             You will then meet with the Area Co-
Last month we broadly outlined the                                                       Ordinator with whom you made your
structure of the Restoration Shed, to-       The Area Co-ordinator and contact           booking and he will then ensure that
gether with the policies and procedures      number for each area is:                    you are able to safely operate equip-
that the Implementation Committee            Mechanical: Dave Reid 0431929684            ment that you will need to use. Safety
have prepared.                               (Dave will be assisted by Murray Liza-      is a key issue to ensure that members
        One key issue is that the Resto-     tovich 0457154440)                          are always safe.
ration Shed is a “do it yourself” facility   Panel: Rob Calcott 0412629228 (Rob
in that skilled tradesmen will assist and    will be assisted by Graeme Price)           ATTENDANCE FEE:
guide you to undertake your chosen           Upholstery: Eddy Brown 92951804 or          A small attendance fee will be payable,
work. The exception to this is the           0417986594.                                 and this will be discussed when you
wooden wheel making area due to the                                                      contact the Area Co-Ordinator to make
complexity of this process.                  WHEEL MAKING FACILITY:                      a booking.
        Set out below are the operating      This is a very specialised process and
processes for the shed which will com-       Graham McDonald will continue to op-        CLOTHING/FOOTWARE:
mence operation in January 2019:             erate this facility with a small group of   Whilst working in the Restoration Shed,
                                             support staff. If you would like wooden     covered footwear must be worn at all
OPERATING DAYS:                              wheels made, Graham can be contact-         times (No thongs or sandals), while
The allocation of days for the Restora-      ed on 0418910841.                           work clothing must be worn which is
tion Shed are:                                                                           suitable for the task to be undertaken.
Tuesday: Upholstery Shop.               WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN YOU
Wednesday:          Mechanical and      ATTEND THE FACILITY FOR THE                      MILITARY:
Panel Shops.                            FIRST TIME:                                      The Military group will use the facility
Friday:      Military.                  The first time you attend, you will need         on a Friday and Jim Sewell is the Co-
                                        to complete a Membership Record and              Ordinator/Contact.
HOW DO YOU GAIN ACCESS TO               an Indemnity Form. You will then be
THE FACILITY?                           given a General Induction so that you            QUESTIONS:
You need to make a booking to under- are aware of the facility layout, exit              If you have any questions around what
take the work you would like to per-    points, emergency procedures, muster             has been outlined in this article, or the
form. This is achieved by contacting    point etc. As part of this process you           November Early Auto article, please do
the Area Co-Ordinator for each trade    will need to “sign” in and out to a Shed         not hesitate to contact Alex Kirkwood
as highlighted below. The Co-Ordinator Attendance Register so that we know               on 0419842573.
will discuss your job with you and will who is in attendance at any one time.

  6293 1726

Page 16                                                       Early Auto                                       December 2018
Journeys of a tragic car enthusiast.
                                                     Part 2, by John McLean.

        ollowing York Railway Museum, we continued to take in the Allied Air Forces Memorial and Yorkshire Air Museum at
        Elvington, home to the RAF and then Free French squadrons during WW2 and post-war became part of the US Strate-
        gic Air Command. Many aircraft including a Curtiss ‘Jenny’, Messerschmitt BF109, Spitfire & Buccaneer fighters as well
as Halifax, Vulcan & Valiant bombers are displayed as is a fully decked out original control tower. An assortment of RAF mili-
tary vehicles is also displayed.
                                 On a recommendation from VCC member Len Douglas, we
                                 ventured to the ‘Beamish Living Museum of the North’ where
                                 life is portrayed in a 1900’s village that has been expanded to
                                 add a 1940’s farm and a 1950’s village is currently being built.
                                 Double-decker buses, double-decker trams and a steam train
                                 helped visitors get around the site.       We were fortunate as
                                 the day we were there was a celebration of VE Day (Victory in
                                 Europe in WW2) and an interesting military display was on
                                 the village green with jeeps, personnel carriers, trucks and even a tank driving through the
                                 grounds and then parked in the village. Enthusiasts in appropriate uniforms really added to the
                                 atmosphere. A wonderful insight as to how life was in days gone by.
        We continued to Whitby, home of Capt. James Cook who discovered New Zealand in 1769, an
event that was very fortunate for me, and moored at the quay is a replica of his ship the “Endeavour”,
                                        a very small ship to travel such vast distances in the search for new
                                        lands ‘down under’. Cook was instrumental in introducing fresh
                                        produce on his ships and thereby eliminated the dreaded disease,
                                               Our journey continued down the east coast to Scarborough
                                        where we found an interesting small museum at Scarborough Fair alongside a holiday
                                        camp. The owner is a steam enthusiast and has many steam powered vehicles, traction
                                        engines and trucks with an assortment of cars, motor-cycles, petrol trucks, buses and
                                        some beautiful mechanical organs that he kindly played for us.
                                              We recrossed the Yorkshire Moors to
                                      visit the Bentley showrooms at Crewe where
                                      we were unable to get a factory tour but, by
                                      talking to the right people, were granted ac-
                                      cess to the Bentley Collection that is not open
                                      to the public. This small but select collection
                                      includes the second Bentley built, EX2 (the
                                      original no longer exists) and an original Blower Bentley that had recently been driven on an
                                      international rally by legendary Belgium racing ace, Jackie Ickx. A selection of the paint col-
                                                                              ours, upholstery materials and colours and a myriad
                                                                              of accessories were all displayed for prospective buy-
                                                                              ers to personalise their new Bentley.
                                                                                     A short visit to Cambridge to view the wonder-
                                                                              ful architecture in this well-known university city then
                                                                              on to visit the Imperial War Museum at Duxford. This
                                                                              was a forward line airfield in WW2, and later an Amer-
                                                                              ican Airbase, which saw enormous amount of activity
during and after the Battle of Britain and has many commemorative displays with various aircraft from many eras. Several
aircraft were flying including a deHavilland Rapide giving joy flights and then the sound of a Merlin engine in a Spitfire flying
overhead was spine tingling. The display of aircraft is overwhelming with planes ranging from the very earliest through WW1,
between the war years, WW2 and continuing into the jet age with deHavilland Comet, Concord, even an SR71 Lockheed
Blackbird that first flew in 1964 and is still the fastest-ever jet plane and a massive B52 bomber that first flew in 1952 and
some are still flying.
        Holiday Inn Express in Warwick was our accommodation for the Forum and our
first day for registration included a visit to Compton Verney built in 1768, a now beautiful-
ly restored Georgian Manor located in 120 acres of garden, landscaped by renown Eng-
lish landscaper, “Capability” Brown. The rooms where we had the welcome function are
adorned with the most beautiful paintings and marvellous sculptures are everywhere.
        The World Forum of Motor Museums drew delegates from many countries and
from a wide variety of motor museums with speakers from countries as far afield as Aus-
tralia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Belgium with the majori-
ty from the UK, covering a variety of subjects relating to running and promoting muse-
ums, restoration and conservation with a brief insight as to the future for museums.
        During the Forum, the three representatives from the Motor Museum of WA, Kelvin Ferris, Jim Walker and myself, all
VCC members, gave a very well received presentation on the funding and building of the museum extension highlighted with
slideshow photos.
       Don’t forget that you can see a full colour edition of Early Auto on the club website www.veterancarclubofwa.asn.au

  December 2018                                           Early Auto                                                      Page 17
MINUTES                        Sinnathurai Subramaniam – Chittering:           Branch car day while a Christmas Breakfast
 Of the General Meeting of the Veteran        1963 Peugeot Sedan                              will be held on Sunday 25th November.
    Car Club of WA (Inc.) held at the         Chris Beattie - Balga: 1963 Datsun Bluebird     Studebaker Section: No report
Club Rooms, 265 Hale Rd, Wattle Grove         sedan,                                          Parts Shed: The parts shed will be closed
    on 22nd November 2018 at 8pm.             1965 Datsun Fairlady Convertible, 1966          on the Wednesday after Christmas Day and
                                              Toyota Crown Ute                                on the first Wednesday in the new year.
Attendance: President Tony Hume               Charlie & Jodee Marsh – Esperance: No           Vehicle Registrar: Dave Reid advised that
(Chair) and members as per the attendance Cars Listed                                         CMC ran an event on code 404 licensing
book.                                         John & Lyn Percy – Wembley Downs:1930           and some 90 representatives from CMC
                                              Buick Series 40 Sedan                           member clubs attended. Dave also
Apologies – as listed in the attendance       Peter & Kama Shattock – Cowaramup:              stressed the importance of fitting conces-
book.                                         1967 MG B Fastback Hardtop                      sional plates to all concessionally licensed
                                              Greg & Judith Higgott – Lower Chittering:       vehicles.
Guest Speaker: Jim Walker spoke about         1966 Ford Mustang Coupe,                        Membership Registrar: No report.
the very interesting topic of the “Automation 1967 Ford Mustang Coupe, 1969 Ford Fair-        Library: No report
of Vehicles”.                                 mont Station Wagon                              Building and Premises Committee: Lyle
                                              Daniel Ostle – Alexander Heights:1943           Metcalf requested that members do not
Confirmation of minutes for the October       Willys Jeep                                     park their vehicles amongst the trees on the
2018 General Meeting as printed in the        Ray Neil – Busselton: 1948 Rover P3 Se-         club grounds.
November edition of Early Auto. Moved         dan, 1948 Rover P3 Sedan,                       Merchandise: Ian Baxter outlined the mer-
Greg Rickett / seconded Lyle Metcalf CAR- 1975 Leyland Mini Sedan, 1967 Vespa                 chandise available.
RIED                                          Sprint Scooter                                  Early Auto: Geoff Moor advised that the
Business arising from the previous            Ken Shaw & Dawn Martin – Hazelvale:             new printer did a good job with printing but
minutes        - Nil                          1947 Lanchester LD10 Sedan,                     was one day late in delivering to the mailing
                                              1961 Jag MK11 Sedan,1967 Jag 420 Com-           house.
Correspondence inwards and outwards: pact Sedan,1970 Jag E S11 Coupe                          Events Coordinator: Geoff Moor advised
The Secretary has processed all mail re-      Peter & Angie Eyles – Lesmurdie:1934            that there are several events coming up.
ceived and this has been dealt with by Ex-    Nash Sedan1973, Alfa Romeo GTV Sedan            These include Busselton rally in January
ecutive Management Committee.                                                                 (important to book accommodation now),
                                              Moved Aileen Stockdale / seconded Murray        Hyde Park display 4th March, Classic car
Business Arising from Correspondence: Lizatovich the persons listed be accepted               Show at Ascot on 24th March. Geoff asked
Matters dealt with by Executive Manage-       as members. CARRIED                             Sections to keep updating the events page
ment Committee.                               Membership Register Aileen Stockdale            om the club web site and include organiser
                                              introduced new members attending their          “contact” information for events.
Treasurer’s Report:                           first meeting as follows:                       General Events Calendar: Full details of
Treasurer John Heydon was an apology for Tom Hume – T Ford, Ralph Newton – 1973               club events are recorded in the “Events”
the meeting. Accounts were placed on the      Ford Mercury Cougar                             section of the club web site. Geoff Moor
board as usual. Alex Kirkwood gave a brief President Tony welcomed these new mem-             has detailed major events to take place
overview of the numbers.                      bers to the club.                               within the near future while further detail is
                                                                                              available in Early Auto.
Moved Alex Kirkwood / seconded Ian Strat- Section, Branch and Other Reports:                  General Business:
ton that the report as displayed be received Veteran: Linton Sharp outlined the Pyle run              60-year Celebration: Tony Hume
CARRIED                                      to Myalup on 4th to 6th December with some       advised that the 60th Year Celebrations will
                                             24 Veteran vehicles attending…                   be held on 5th May 2019 at Sandalford Win-
New Members: New members since the           approximately 50% from the country.              ery. Further details will be published in Jan-
last meeting are as follows:                 Christmas function planned for 3rd Decem-        uary Early Auto.
Gary & Michelle Tiszavolgyi – Man-           ber. Will be joining post Vintage pyjama run             Restoration Shed post opening
jimup:1969 HT Holden Premier Sedan           again at Tomatoe Lake while the Armadale         day: Alex Kirkwood provided information
Scott Buchanan – Bedfordale: 1969 HT         run will be held on 10th March.                  around how the facility will operate. An arti-
Holden Premier Sedan,                        Vintage: No Report.                              cle in November Early Auto outlined the
1985 Holden Commodore Sedan,1982             Post Vintage: Ken Wortlehock advised that        facility structure, but further detail will be
Ford Fairmont Sedan,                         the section will be holding its Christmas        included in December Early Auto. It is
1971 Norton Commando 750 M/C                 function on Sunday 25th November.                planned to commence operations in Janu-
Kevin Mayes – Caversham: 1930 Ford A         Military: Paul Andrews advised of several        ary.
Tourer, 1968 HK Holden Kingswood Ute,        events that were attended by the Section.                General Meeting Speakers: Tony
1968 HK Holden Monaro Coupe                  Bruce Rock Veteran’s reunion, Anzac Cot-         Hume asked members to consider possible
                                             tage Mt Hawthorn “Memorial Men” display,         speakers for future club General Meetings.
Ralph & Lynne Newton – Salter Point: 1973 Remembrance Day on 11 November,                             Club Christmas Party: Roger Bell
Ford Mercury Cougar Convertible (LHD)        Chittering Branch car show.                      advised that all is planned for the event to
Dylan O’Connor – Maida Vale: 1969 VW         Model T: John Wood advised that the T            be held on Saturday 1st December at the
Karmann Ghia Convertible                     Ford event at Whiteman Park was very             club rooms.
Joe & Judy Italiano – Collie: 1977 Morris    successful with some 20 T’s attending. The       Old Printing Facility: Geoff Moor advised
Mini S Sedan                                 day was made special with the display of a       that he had visited a unique printing facility
Ray & Diana Lilly – Coodanup: 1953 Austin replica of Henry Ford’s Quadricycle and a           at Gnowangerup whereby the owners still
Devon Saloon                                 replica of Henry Ford’s first engine (1893)      used old style print processes. The busi-
1949 Rover P3 Saloon                         called the “Sink” engine. Next is a coffee       ness commenced in 1915, and closed not
Paul & Deborah Nordhoff – Lesmurdie1972 run on 16 December.                                   long ago, however the facility is like a time
MGB GT Hardtop                               Mustang & Shelby: Roger Bell advised             capsule with set-up for the final paper still in
Tom Hume – Gwelup: No cars Listed            that the Section will hold its Christmas func-   place. One plate found was a 1920 adver-
Wayne & Jean Jones – Vasse: 1962 Tri-        tion on 24th November at a Mandurah mem-         tisement for a T Model Ford.
umph Vitesse Convertible                     ber’s home.                                      Bits & Pieces: Nil
Geoff & Carolynne Compton –Stoneville:       Humber Rootes Group: Alan Wegner ad-             The raffle was won by Chris Johnson
1941 CMC CCKW 6x6                            vised that members attended the Chittering       Meeting closed at 9.15 pm.

Page 18                                                          Early Auto                                            December 2018
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