Page created by Gregory Simon

Yo u Fo r w a r d

              ALAN MIKKELSON                                        KYLE BROOM                                          PATRICIA STERNAD
                608-347-3444                                        262-370-3244                                          608-216-5749
     Co-owner/broker and active member of         Co-owner/broker, appraiser, and active member through           Your local resource of Real Estate in
    Deerfield/Cottage Grove commnity groups.          the Chamber of Commerce and Village Trustee                      Dane County for 12 years.

        TINA GRAHAM                            TRINA WINGER                          MELISSA ERICKSON                              DEB KREGER
        608-228-2928                            608-206-7878                           608-719-7377                                608-235-6143  
Lives and Works in the Community               Working for YOU!                 ABR & GRI designated Realtor and                Here to help you find
     she loves;Cottage Grove                                                 active with Deerfield Community Center.             your dream home!

                 Growing our Community & Business to Better Serve You

   JENNIFER TRAN                    JIM LOWREY                   ROBYN OGDEN                     RACHEL MILLAR              JANE SCHUSTER-KARTES

  BRYAN HARBISON                   CARRIE STANKE                 DYLAN MILLER                  ROXANE SCHILLER                   RICHARD NELSON

                        536 Southing Grange, Unit G • Cottage Grove, WI 53527
2 | Village of Cottage Grove Resource Guide    SPRING/SUMMER 2017
Welcome Letter
                                             WELCOME                                3              Welcome to the Village
                                                                                                   of Cottage Grove and
History of Cottage Grove                                                           4              the new Cottage Grove
Village Hall                                                                       6              Resource Guide!
                                                                                                                        This resource guide provides
                                                                                                                        information about village
Public Safety                                                                      9                                   events, church listings, contact
                                                                                                                        information for your elected
                                                                                                                        and appointed village officials,
Economic Development                                                            12                                     our Police, EMS, Fire, and Public
                                                                                                                        Works/Utilities Departments,
                                                                                                                        and the Monona Grove School

Public Works & Utilities                                                        14                                     District. You will also find helpful
                                                                                                     information on economic development, civil and
                                                                                                     social organizations, and community services and

Places of Worship                                                               16
                                                                                                     demographics, as well as a fascinating history of
                                                                                                     our village. We have an outstanding variety of rec-
                                                                                                     reation programs if you are looking for something
                                                                                                     for you or your family to get involved in, and there
Parks & Recreation                                                              17                  is a complete listing of programs and registration
                                                                                                     information in this guide.

Family Recreation                                                               23                  If you are a business owner looking to expand,
                                                                                                     or want the perfect place to start a business, our
                                                                                                     Commerce Park is right on the I-94 corridor, and
Youth Recreation                                                                 24                  we have tax incremental financing (TIF) districts in
                                                                                                     this and several other locations within the village,
                                                                                                     not to mention the rarest commodity – available

Youth Enrichment                                                                 26                  land– creating an appealing environment for busi-
                                                                                                     ness development.
                                                                                                     If you are a future homeowner looking for the
Adult Enrichment                                                                 30                  comfort and ease of a small town lifestyle with
                                                                                                     friendly neighbors, an outstanding school system
                                                                                                     and the amenities of Madison 15 minutes away,
Community Organizations                                                         33                  look no further.
                                                                                                     Our Village Hall is located at 221 E. Cottage Grove
                                                                                                     Road, and Village Board meetings are held on the
Who We Are (Demographics)                                                       35                  first and third Mondays of the month at 6:30p.m.
                                                                                                     Our Police, Parks and Recreation, and Public
                                                                                                     Works Departments are located in our Municipal
Monona Grove School District                                                    39                  Building at 210 Progress Drive.
                                                                                                     Please check out our website at www.village.
                                                                                            for more information, and
                                                                       PHOTOS BY KEVIN PASSON
ON COVER: Nichole Schlobohm holds Jori Schlobohm on her lap just prior to the start of
the 2016 Cottage Grove Fire-men’s Festival parade. The 86th annual event will be held in             Jack W. Henrich
June.                                                                                                Cottage Grove Village President
Evelyn MacLeod enjoys her meal before the start of a Music in the Grove concert in         
August. The concert featured the music of Char Nelson and was sponsored by Heartland
Family Chiropractic and Summit Credit Union. Another round of Music in the Grove
concerts is scheduled for the summer and fall.

                                                                                                SPRING/SUMMER 2017         |3
   Cottage Grove’s path to becoming a village
                                             COTTAGE GROVE
      Cottage Grove was born at the intersection of two trails, where a               as the village also took the name of Cottage Grove from its post
      house was built in 1841.                                                        office in 1880.
      The “public house,” built by William C. Wells, was a combined home,             The current village was all farmland at that time, but buildings
      post office and stagecoach inn, and Wells became the first postmas-             began going up shortly after that. The depot and related buildings,
      ter in Cottage Grove.                                                           such as the grain elevator, warehouse and stockyards, were the first
                                                                                      buildings to be put up in the new village.
      The post office had to have a name, and according to the Cottage
      Grove Area Historical Society, “Cottage Grove” was chosen because               Dan Reynolds’ tavern, now known as the Outpost Tavern, was one
      it is said that people coming from Milwaukee were relieved to see               of the next buildings to be built and has been in continual use with
      Wells’ house in its grove of trees after having traveled through                various modifications since 1882. More houses and buildings were
      swamps and across prairie.                                                      built during the 1890s and into the 1900s.
      The town took the name of the post office when the land that                    The present village of Cottage Grove, however, was not incorpo-
      became Cottage Grove Township was separated from Madison in                     rated and did not officially become a village until 1924. Irvin Witte,
      1857. The first village, located across the intersection from the Wells’        a former town board member, was elected as the first village
      public house, was also known as Cottage Grove. What is now known                president.

                                                    Cemeteries tell story of early life in the area
                                                      For those who travel north or west of               Chrittendon, moved to the area in 1846. Across
                                                      Cottage Grove, you’ve no doubt driven               from the Gaston property, S.O.Y. Gurnee settled.
                                                      past a pair of small cemeteries, each the
                                                    final resting place for about two dozen or            And, like so often happens today, arguments
                                                 so early residents of the area. Today, a few tall        between the two were common. One of the
                                                  trees stand guard over the crumbling and                arguments was about the location of the road
                                                  broken headstones, many with names and                  that is now known as Highway N.
                                                 dates nearly faded away from the decades                 “Gurnee, it seems, wanted it several feet to the
                                                of wind, rain, snow and sun that have beaten              west of where it is now,” Dahl wrote. “Mr. Gaston
                                                against them.                                             deeded a plot of land for a cemetery and fenced
                                                 You can find Prairie (or Gaston) Cemetery on             in a lot which was specified as his own, thus
                                                 Highway N heading north to Interstate 94. It’s           placing his own grave right in the middle of what
                                                 on the west side of the road just before the             Gurnee waned as the road, and by so doing so,
                                                Gaston Road intersection.                                 outwitted his neighbor and made it necessary to
                                                                                                          place the road where it is now is.”
                                                Salem Church Cemetery in on West Cottage
                                                Grove Road near its intersection with Buss                Albert and Adelia Gaston, and their son, Grove,
                                                Road.                                                     are among those buried in the cemetery.

                                                    Gaston Cemetery                                       Salem Church Cemetery
                                                      Sara Steele, local historian, said the first        “The Salem Cemetery history is as much a
                                                      burial at the Prairie Cemetery dates to             story of the piece of land as it is the story of the
                                                      1849, eight years after the first home              cemetery,” Steele said. “It is a church cemetery,
                                                      in the township was built. She quotes               but it was added when a second church bought
                                                          extensively from a 1947 history com-            the first.”
                                                           piled by Elenore Dahl.                         Among those buried there are Christian and
                                                             Albert Gaston, originally from New           Louisa Uphoff, and a few others from the Uphoff
                                                             York and then most recently from             family, many from the late 1800s.
                                                             Michigan where he married Adelia             According to “Hope the Community on the

4 | Village of Cottage Grove Resource Guide       SPRING/SUMMER 2017
Town Line,” a report compiled by the Cottage Grove Area
          His-torical Society, the original Salem Church was organized
          by members (the Uphoffs among them) who broke away
          from the Zion congregation (Methodists). Around 1879,
          the trustees purchased the church building built in 1861 by
          Methodist settlers from the east. This new congregation
          also established the cemetery.
          Not many years after forming the church, the building itself
          was moved to West Reynolds Street, where it stood from
          1892 and sometime in the 1930s. It was torn down at that

Stress & Worry Free Tax Preparation
                                Marjorie Budahn, CPA SC
                                441 B West Cottage Grove Rd.
                                   Cottage Grove 839-1150

     Present this ad and receive $30 OFF



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                                                                               SPRING/SUMMER 2017   |5
Stay Informed
                                                           VILLAGE HALL
      There are many avenues to access information about the Village’s           Village Hall
      activities. Meeting agendas are posted at Village Hall along with             221 E. Cottage Grove Road, Cottage Grove, WI 53527
      four locations around the Village: Wisconsin Bank & Trust, Outpost            Hours: Monday–Friday 7:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
      Bar & Grill, Village Liquors and the Cottage Grove Post Office. The
      Village also has a Cable Channel – Channel 989 – through Charter              Matt Giese – Village Administrator
      Cable. You can view prior meetings as well as community events      
      throughout the day. Another great source of information is the Vil-
                                                                                    Erin Ruth – Village Planner
      lage’s website, Meeting agendas are posted
      the Friday prior to the meeting and packets for Board of Trustee and
      Plan Commission meetings are also posted the Friday prior to the              Deb Winter – Village Treasurer
      meeting. The Village also now has a YouTube Channel! You can find   
      the link on the home page of the website and can choose which
      Board or Plan Commission meeting you are interested in watching.              Lisa Kalata – Village Clerk
      The website also gives information on elections, parks & recreation,
      Village ordinances, permit applications and economic develop-
                                                                                    Cynthia Clay – Utility Clerk
      ment. And remember, you are welcome and invited to attend any
      Village meeting. In particular, you may be interested in attending
      Board of Trustee meetings. The Board meets on the first and third             Cyndi Peck – Municipal Court Clerk
      Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Village Hall.                           (608)839-8064,
                                                                                    Andrew Day – Cable Coordinator
   Dog Licensing                                                          

      All dogs six months of age and older must be licensed each calen-
      dar year in the Village of Cottage Grove. Not only is it required by
      law to license your pets, it’s also a good idea. Should your pet wan-
      der from home, the license tag number can be used to track down
                                                                              Paying Your 2016
      the proper owner. Plus, if you want to purchase a Dane County dog
      park permit, you’ll need a license.
                                                                              Property Taxes
                                                                               Village of Cottage Grove can only collect 2016 tax payments until
      Annual licenses are $15.00 for each spayed/neutered pet or $20.00        January 31, 2017. If you are making payments after January 31, 2017
      for each unspayed/unneutered pet. You must have a copy of your           you must pay Dane County Treasurer. Below are the options on
      pet’s current rabies certificate (available from your veterinarian).     how to make that payment.
      Licenses cannot be issued without a rabies certificate. License tags
      for 2017 are available and ready. To purchase your license, stop by      Pay by mail with a check payable to…
      Village Hall during our regular business hours. Permits for Dane         • Dane County Treasurer
      County dog parks can be purchased online at https://www.reserve-         • PO Box 1299                                                    • Madison, WI 53701-1299
                                                                               Pay in person at the City-County Building…
                                                                               • 210 Martin Luther King Blvd, Rm 114
   Local Contacts                                                              • Madison, WI 53703
                                                                               • 7:45-4:30 Monday – Friday
      U.S. Post Office Cottage Grove
      451 W. Cottage Grove Road, (608) 839-3931                                Pay On-line with a credit card or e-check. Please note that there are
      Hours: Monday–Friday 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.–noon                additional charges if you pay electronically.
      Electric/Natural Gas                                                     Additional property information is available on AccessDane.
      Alliant Energy, (800) 862-6222
      Telephone – Verizon, (800) 483-4000
      Cable – Charter, (608) 274-3511
                                                                               The Bookmobile is in Cottage Grove on Wednesdays. It is at Dublin
      Garbage/Recycling                                                        Park from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., Dublin Circle & Killian Trail, and then at
      Advance Disposal, (800) 583-2510 or (608) 251-7878                       Market Place from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m., 421 W. Cottage Grove Rd. For
                                                                               more information, visit or call 608-266-6388.

6 | Village of Cottage Grove Resource Guide      SPRING/SUMMER 2017
   Elections                                                                              Recycling
      Have you recently moved to Cottage Grove? Have you moved from one                    The garbage and recycling carrier for the Village of Cottage Grove
      address in Cottage Grove to another? Have you changed your name                      is Advanced Disposal. Below is a current list of items that can be
      since you last voted? If you answered “YES” to any of these questions,               recycled. If you have a large item or a question about what is ac-
      then you need to update your voter registration information. You can                 cepted, please call Advanced Disposal directly at 1-800-248-2373.
      now do it online if you have a valid Wisconsin Driver License or Wisconsin
      State ID card go to . You can always call Village             • Newspapers, Magazines, Office Paper (Includes glossy inserts, cata-
      Hall at 608-839-4704 if you have questions, or need assistance with reg-                logs, mail circulars, phone books, paper-back books, cereal boxes,
      istering. Please remember that if you are registering in person to bring                envelopes, wrapping paper, etc.)
      with you proof of residency such as an official piece of mail like a utility         • Cardboard (Flattened, clean cardboard only. Must be broken
      bill or bank statement, which verifies your current address and name.                   down, flattened, and tied in bundles)
      Do you want to find out if you are a registered voter, or what is on the bal-
                                                                                           • Glass (Clear-Brown-Green, all bottles and jars must be rinsed out.
      lot, or when is the next election, or where do I vote, or who are my elect-
                                                                                              No window glass or light bulbs, TV tubes, drinking glass, etc.)
      ed officials, or you want an absentee ballot request, you can find all of
      this information on the updated My Vote Wisconsin website. Simply go                 • Aluminum (Aluminum beverage cans only, no aluminum foil)
      to and you can get all of your voter information
      at your fingertips. Please remember if you are registering to vote before            • Tin & Bi-Metal Cans (Soup, vegetable, juice cans, etc. All cans must
      or on election day to bring the proper documentation. You will need to                  be rinsed out completely)
      provide proof of residency for registration and photo ID for voting.
                                                                                           • Plastic Containers (This includes plastic bottles with threaded caps,
      If you are a qualified elector who has registered to vote, and you                      the recycling symbol 1 through 5 & 7. All plastic bottles must be
      would like to request an absentee ballot, you may do so through                         rinsed completely. No deli or butter containers)
      Village Hall or at . Please remember that a
      photo ID is required for absentee ballots as well as in person voting.               • Waste Oil (Common engine oil only. Must be in a leak-proof, non-
                                                                                              breakable, one-gallon jug with a threaded lid labeled oil) Limit two
                                                                                              gallons per week.
   Did You Know??                                                                          • Lead Acid Vehicle Batteries (Car and truck batteries only. Battery
      Below are miscellaneous household items you can dispose of prop-                        casings must be unbroken.
      erly to benefit various local groups as well as the environment.
                                                                                           • Tires (Car tires off the rim) Two per week up to 8 per year.
      Handheld Electronics                                                                 • Construction Debris (Plaster, lath, 2x4s, shingles, etc. are to be
      Cell phones and accessories, iPods, MP3 players, handheld games, e-readers,
      digital still and video cameras, laptops, GPS devices, portable hard drives,            placed in 32 gallon containers weighing no more that 50lbs, man-
      walkie talkies, etc. There is a box inside the door at Village Hall where you can       ageable by 1 person. These items will be taken as trash.
      donate these. This campaign raises funds for the Henry Vilas Zoo.                    • Empty or Dry Paint Cans (Place next to your trash can with the lids
      Used Eyeglasses and Hearing Aids
      There is a container inside the door at Village Hall where you can do-               Place your recyclables in the containers provided. Any overflow
      nate these. This campaign supports the Wisconsin Lions Foundation.                   may be placed in clear plastic bags next to the containers. Please
                                                                                           keep your recyclables separate from your other trash and easily
      Expired and Unused Medications                                                       accessible. The garbage and recycling bins are to be left with the
      Hometown Pharmacy here in Cottage Grove will accept your unwanted                    residence if you move.
      medications. Just bring them into the pharmacy during regular hours.

      Worn out American Flags
      There is a drop box outside of the Municipal Services Building at
      210 Progress Drive where you can deposit your worn out American
      Flags to have them disposed of properly.

                                                                                                                                           FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS
      Cottage Grove’s Realtor®                                                                                                         • Bowling- All new since Nov. 2016
                     Your Neighbor Since 1973                                                                                       • Bar & Grill • Deli • Catering • Bowling
                                                                                                                                    Leagues • Wedding/Banquet Hall • Softball
For over 30 years, I have been turning customers into friends. I am professional
knowledge & dedicated to assisting you in your real estate goals, I specialize in:                              • Now Offering Bags
                      UÊ>À“Ã]Ê>À“iÌÌiÃÊUÊ,iÈ`i˜Ìˆ>ÊEÊ œ˜`œÊœ“ià                                          Banquet Room Available
                      UÊ6>V>˜ÌÊ>˜`]Ê,iVÀi>̈œ˜>Ê*Àœ«iÀ̈iÃÊ                                        • Receptions • Banquets • Parties/Showers
                      UÊ œ““iÀVˆ>ÊEʘVœ“iÊ*Àœ«iÀÞÊ                                                      Meat Deli / Catering
                                                                                                                                             4586 Baxter Rd.
                     ELLERY JENSEN                                                                    FRIDAY NIGHT
                                                                                                    FISH FRY BUFFET
                                                                                                                                           Cottage Grove, WI
                                                                                                                                            (located 2 miles East of
Realtor®, GRI, ALC                                                                                 All you can eat includes salad bar.   Cottage Grove, off of Hwy. BB) FRE
608-345-9773                                                                      (Available Year Round)                608-839-5101             WI-FI

                                                                                                       SPRING/SUMMER 2017                   |7
   Village Board                                                                        Department of
      Jack Henrich -
      Committees: Ad Hoc Architectural Review, Board of Review, Community Development   Planning & Development
      Authority, Emergency Government Committee, Finance/Personnel Committee, Joint     Summit Credit Union has announced plans to relocate its cor-
      Fire Department Committee, Law Enforcement Committee, Plan Commission
                                                                                        porate headquarters to Cottage Grove. The Village Board, Plan
      Kyle Broom - Village Trustee (Term Expires: 2017)                                 Commission, and Architectural Review Committee approved                                                Summit’s general development plan for a six-story, 140,000
      Committees: Ad Hoc Architectural Review, Board of Review, Natvig Land-
      fill Monitoring Review Committee, Plan Commission                                 square foot office building to be located in the Commerce Park,
                                                                                        adjacent to the Highway N interchange. When complete the
      Troy Allen - Village Trustee (Term Expires: 2018)                                 building will house 250 employees while also hosing training for
      Committees: Emergency Government, Deer Grove EMS-Alternate                        employees based throughout Wisconsin. Detailed architectural
                                                                                        plans will be developed over the course of 2017, and it is antici-
      Alex Jushchyshyn - Village Trustee (Term Expires: 2017)                           pated that construction will begin in 2018.
      Committees: Natvig, Landfill Monitoring Review Committee, Ordinance Re-           Two other businesses have opened in new Commerce Park
      view Committee, Public Works Committee, Utility Commission
                                                                                        buildings in 2016. Atlantis Valley Foods built an 18,000 square
      Jennifer Pickel - Village Trustee (Term Expires: 2017)                            foot office and food prep area for its vending and catering                                               company, which employs about twenty. In addition, Culver’s
      Committees: Finance/Personnel Committee, Law Enforcement Commit-
                                                                                        opened its Cottage Grove franchise at the corner of Highway N
      tee, Parks, Recreation and Forestry Committee
                                                                                        and Commerce Parkway.
      Harvey Potter - Village Trustee (Term Expires: 2018)                                               Cottage Grove Storage has opened its personal warehouse
      Committees: Community Development Authority, Deer Grove EMS Committee,            buildings on Progress Drive in the Cottage Grove Business Park.
      Emergency Government-Alternate, Finance/Personnel Committee, Law Enforce-         The business operates both cold and warm storage structures.
      ment Committee, Ordinance Review Committee, Peer Court Steering Committee
                                                                                        Rainbow Child Care is finishing construction on an 11,000 square
      John Williams - Village Trustee (Term Expires: 2018)                              foot daycare facility located at the corner of Highway N and                                             School Road. Finally, construction has begun on a 60 unit senior
      Committees: Deer Grove EMS Committee, Joint Fire Department Com-
      mittee, Public Relations Committee                                                apartment building located on E. Reynolds Road near the Aster
                                                                                        Assisted Living facility.


                                                                                                  Visit your local Culver’s restaurant today:

                                                                                                  Culver’s of Cottage Grove
                                                                                                  1599 Landmark Dr.
                                                                                                  Cottage Grove WI 53527

                                                                                                          Expires 4/30/17.

                                                                                                                             1599 Landmark Grove WI 53527

8 | Village of Cottage Grove Resource Guide           SPRING/SUMMER 2017
PUBLIC SAFETY                Thefts
Village of Cottage Grove                                                    Lock your vehicle when it is parked on the street or in your driveway
                                                                            and remove any valuables from plain sight. We have a large number
Police Department                                                           of thefts from parked vehicles with many occurring because the
                                                                            vehicles were left unlocked. Many thieves will simply bypass your
 Cottage Grove Police Department                                            vehicle if it is locked unless they see a valuable in plain sight. Lock-
 210 Progress Drive, Suite 1                                                ing garage doors is also a good idea as some thieves will enter
 Cottage Grove, WI 53527                                                    unlocked garages to steal from vehicles inside.
 Daniel Layber – Police Chief
 Emergencies – 911
                                                                           Police Station
 24 Hour Non-Emergency – 608-255-2345                                       Is located at 210 Progress Drive on the south side of the village. Our
 Business Office – 608-839-4652                                             lobby hours are 8am to 4 pm Monday through Friday. To reach a Vil-
 Fax – 608-839-4588                                                         lage police officer after lobby hours contact Dane County Dispatch
                                                                            at 608-255-2345. Please dial 911 for any emergency.

                                                                           Underage Drinking Parties
Parking                                                                     Please do not host underage alcohol consumption parties at your
 In excess of 24 hours prohibited. No person shall park any motor           residence. If you allow this type of gathering at your residence you
 vehicle, trailer, semitrailer or mobile home on any Village street or      are subject to fines and criminal prosecution under some circum-
 Village parking lot for 24 or more consecutive hours. No parking           stances. This is in addition to any civil matters that may arise as a
 within 3 feet of a mailbox or driveway. We have seen an increase           result of these parties. The police department will pursue the most
 in boats and campers parked on Village streets. These recreation           severe penalties for these events as possible due to the serious
 vehicles are subject to the same 24 hour restrictions as a motor           nature of the offense. Young people driving drunk is a recipe for
 vehicle.                                                                   disaster and many serious incidents occur at these parties such as
                                                                            assaults and sex offenses.

Craigslist Safe Zone
 The Cottage Grove Police Department now offers the police parking         Animal Licenses
 lot and lobby as a designated Safe Zones for Craigslist, or any other      Dogs and cats are required to be licensed in the Village of Cottage
 online classified transactions. Citizens that are wary of any in person    Grove. Licenses can be obtained at Village Hall with proof of vac-
 meetings with buyers and sellers are probably aware of incidents           cination for rabies required. Also, dogs are required to be on leashes
 across the country involving in person meetings for Craigslist             when out of their yard due to the possibility of a bite situation.
 transactions resulting in thefts, robberies and assaults. The police
 department lot at 210 Progress Drive is well lit and has video cam-
 eras recording 24 hours. The lobby is also open from 8am to 4pm
 Monday through Friday and is available if citizens feel the need for
                                                                           Juvenile Curfew Hours
 extra security. The lobby vestibule is open on nights and weekends         Are 11pm to 5 am on Fridays and Saturdays, 10pm to 5am on other
 with an emergency phone located therein for contact with the 911           days. Exceptions to the curfew hours can apply when someone
 Center. Please contact the police department in advance if you             younger than 18 is returning home from work or a supervised
 are conducting a transaction in the lobby and we will attempt to           school, church or civic function, or performing an errand directed
 have an officer in the building in case of an emergency. Remember          by parents.
 to always only take cash or a cashier’s check for merchandise and
 beware of the latest scams involving online classifieds. The Wis-
 consin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
 has consumer alerts for the latest scams that consumers should be
                                                                           Facebook Page
 aware of.                                                                  Like us on Facebook (Cottage Grove, WI Police) for the latest news
                                                                            about the police department, the community, crime trends, arrests
                                                                            and other news.

                                                                                       SPRING/SUMMER 2017          |9
   Cottage Grove Police                                                       Some of those programs are drunk driver enforcement, underage
                                                                              alcohol enforcement, pedestrian safety projects, speed reduction
   Department                                                                 efforts, improved child safety in school zones, child safety initia-
                                                                              tives, increased safety belt use and many other activities aimed
     The Village of Cottage Grove Police Department was established           at reducing traffic crashes and enhancing the safety of motorist,
     in January 2015 after the dissolution of the joint village and town      pedestrians, bicyclists and community residents.
     police department that had operated since 1982. The Village of
     Cottage Grove Police Department is located in a joint municipal          The Cottage Grove Police Department is committed to Commu-
     building at 210 Progress Drive, Suite 1, Cottage Grove.                  nity Oriented and Problem Solving policing. This is a method by
                                                                              which the police and residents join as partners to identify and solve
     The police department building has room for growth and was built         problems in the community. When officers and residents become
     as a police department, not a conversion from another use. Suf-          involved together, each becomes organizers, planners and educa-
     ficient office space, meeting rooms, interview rooms and evidence        tors; this benefits the community and the individuals involved.
     processing and storage was gone to professional standards. All ve-
     hicles are now stored in a large garage shared with the Department
     of Public Works, which should help minimize maintenance issues.          Deer-Grove EMS
     The staff of the police department consists of a chief of police,        Deer-Grove EMS provides 911 emergency medical services to the
     lieutenant, a detective, a K-9 officer and his dog, a patrol officers    Village and Town of Cottage Grove, the Village of Deerfield and a
     supported by an administrative staff of two full-time personnel.         portion of the Town of Pleasant Springs.
     Around-the-clock call response and patrol is maintained by the de-       Deer-Grove EMS provides this service to a growing population of
     partment. All 911 emergency calls are received by the Dane County        13,000 across 72 square miles. Deer-Grove EMS is an Advanced Life
     Public Safety Communications Center in Madison and relayed to the        Support Service that is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year by a
     on-duty officer via radio and mobile data computer.                      joint staff of paid professional and volunteer emergency care providers.
     During the year, the agency participates in traffic and safety initia-   Deer-Grove EMS was formed in 1978 when the villages and towns of
     tives through the Wisconsin Department of Transportation safety          Cottage Grove and Deerfield drafted a municipal agreement to com-
     programs and its membership in the Safe Community Coalition.             bine resources for the provision of emer-gency medical services.

10 | Village of Cottage Grove Resource Guide        SPRING/SUMMER 2017
                 Cottage Grove
                 Volunteer Fire                                                        Deer-Grove EMS host safety fair,
                 Department                                                            pancake breakfast
                                                                                          The Deer-Grove EMS Association
                        The Cottage Grove Volunteer Fire Department is                    hosted its second annual safety fair and
                        located at 4030 Highway N on the south side of                    pancake breakfast in 2016.
                        the village.
                                                                                          The event included a UW Med Flight
                        The building is home to the fire department,                      landing and tables with information
                        Deer-Grove EMS and Emergency Government                           from the YMCA, Stoughton Hos-pital,
                        Operations. The Cottage Grove Volunteer Fire                      Cottage Grove Traid and more.
                        Department serves the Town and Village of Cot-
                        tage Grove and a portion of the Town of Pleasant                  Trucks and other apparatus were on
                        Springs.                                                          display from the Cottage Grove Police
                                                                                          Department and K-9 unit, Dane County
                        The Cottage Grove Fire Department, like 80                        Sheriff’s Office special team units,
                        percent of community departments across the                       Salvation Army, Paul Davis Restoration,
                        nation, relies on volunteers to answer the call.                  Deerfield Volunteer Fire Department,
                        Anyone who is at least 18 years of age, lives in                  Cottage Grove Volunteer Fire Depart-
                        the Town or Village of Cottage Grove, or works                    ment, Marshall EMS, Cambridge EMS
                        within the Town or Village of Cottage Grove and                   and Deer-Grove EMS.
                        has an interest in learning more is invited to                                                                                           PHOTO BY KEVIN PASSON
                        call the department’s non-emergency number                        The purpose was to provide the com-            Dan Cushing, left, and Trevor
                        (608-839-4343, ext. 13), and a Personnel Com-                     munity an opportunity to learn what            Schlicht served up breakfast at the
                                                                                          may be available to its residents in a         Deer-Grove EMS fundraiser and
                        mittee member will con-tact them to answer any
                                                                                          time of need.                                  safety fair last year.
                        questions and provide them with an application
                        if requested.
                        The Cottage Grove Fire Department supplies
                        firefighters with their own personal protective
                        equipment and the necessary training.
                        Because the CGFD is a fully volunteer department,
                        it is important that the training program and
                        modules correlate and provide a direct balance                                                                                   James Arnold, CFP®
                        with a member’s family and home life. All training                                                                                Financial Advisor
                        is paid for by the department.
                        Training evolutions are completed on the first,
                        third, and fourth Tuesday evenings of each
                        month. Other trainings and make-ups are sched-                                  435 West Oak Street, Suite D • Cottage Grove, WI 53527
                        uled sometimes on the fifth Tuesday eve-nings.
                        Members also complete training on scheduled
                                                                                                               Tel (608) 839-5052 • Tel (877) 839-5086
                        Sunday mornings.                                                                                  Fax (608) 839-5081
                        In most cases, community members and potential
                                                                                                       Securities and advisory services offered through Commonwealth Financial
                        department members are welcome to ob-serve                                     Network®, Member FINRA/SIPC, a Registered Investment Adviser.
                        training sessions.

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                                  MON-TH     9am-8pm • FRI 9am-6pm • SAT 7am-1pm

                                                                                                                   SPRING/SUMMER 2017                | 11
   Big, small businesses make Cottage Grove home
     The past six months have seen several changes to the business land-        Culver’s made its debut in the village in September.
     scape in Cottage Grove – from large businesses to small businesses,
     as well as a few acquisitions.                                             The restaurant, owned by Bob Coon, opened at 1559 Landmark
                                                                                Drive. The store is bordered by Highway N on the west, Commerce
     Construction of a building to house the new Atlantis Valley Foods          Parkway on the north and Landmark Drive on the east.
     operation in Commerce Park was completed.
                                                                                Coon also owns the Culver’s franchise in Stoughton. He will mark his
     The building is located within the boundaries of Tax Incremental           16th anniversary with that store in March, but his time with Culver’s
     District 5, north of the Midwest Stihl property.                           goes back even a few more years.
     Atlantis Valley Foods provides fresh food for local food service out-      “We started 23 years ago with store number 13,” he said.
     lets by placing workplace vending ma-chines, installing office cold
     drink and coffee centers, serving food on-site to business employ-         The Cottage Grove Culver’s is store number 585.
     ees, catering special occasions and custom-fitting standing “micro         Also in the area of the business park, Landmark Services Cooperative
     markets” at commercial and industrial facilities.                          announced the acquisition of K&S Kustom Service Inc. out of Marshall.
     The agreement between the business and the village broadened               K&S, which started in 1994, provides seed, soil sampling, custom ap-
     the village’s tax base, with the objective of improving the develop-       plication, spreading fertilizers, crop protection and precision prod-
     ment value of the property to a target of, at least, $1.5 million by the   uct offerings. Throughout those 10-plus years, K&S has maintained
     end of 2016.

                         Irresistible Flowering
                                      Spring Open   House Fun
                                                 Container   Saturday  4/8 & Sunday 4/9
                    Saturdays Family
                                and Sundays   4/23 & 4/24,Egg
                                       Fun Community       4/30Hunt  Saturday
                                                                & 5/1,          4/155/21 & 5/22
                                                                       5/14 & 5/15,
                                Family           Container
                                        Fun Community        Fun
                                                           Egg    Experiences
                                                               Hunt  Saturday 3/26
                Saturdays  and   Sundays  4/22  &  4/23,  4/29  &  4/30,
                         Irresistible Spring Flower Show Saturday 4/16   5/6
                                                                           &&    5/7, 5/20
                                                                              Sunday    4/17 & 5/21
                       Rewarding Arbor
                                    Arbor and
                                          and Earth
                                               Earth Day
                                                      Day Celebration    Free Tree
                                                           Celebration Free   Tree Seedling
                                                     4/23 &
                                                          & Sunday   4/23
                                                             Sunday 4/24
             Joyful 6th Annual   Dog  Wash  Fundraiser
               Joyful 6th Annual Dog Wash Fundraiser (Dane County Humane
                                                         (Dane County                    Saturday7/23
                                                                       Humane Society)            7/22
                                     Dazzling Art
                                               Art&& Craft  Fair Saturday
                                                     Craft Fair  Saturday 9/16

                                                              Check our website for a schedule
                                                          of over 40 upcoming greenhouse events
                                                            (608)    222-2269
                                                            “Have more
                                                            “Have   more fun
                                                                         joy and create more
                                                               memories...It’s our
                BRING HOME THE JOY                             memories...It’s  ourpromise.”
                                                4311 Vilas Hope Road
                                     (608) 222-2269 • 4311 Vilas Hope Road

12 | Village of Cottage Grove Resource Guide       SPRING/SUMMER 2017
a working relationship with Landmark.                                     Road and Sprecher Road in Madison. Last fall, he opened his 30th
                                                                          club in Evansville, and earlier in 2016, he moved his corporate head-
Landmark is a member-owned cooperative providing agronomy,                quarters from near East Towne Mall in Madison to Monona.
animal nutrition, grain, energy and retail products and services to
more than 15,000 members throughout southern Wisconsin and                4 Mutts Pet Spa, located at 214 W. Cottage Grove Road, opened for
northern Illinois.                                                        business Nov. 1.
Dr. David P. Nelson, an optometrist and owner of Cottage Grove Eye        Owner Elicia Lanier worked as a groomer on the west side of Madi-
Care, was elected president of the Wis-consin Optometric Associa-         son for the last 10 years and was looking to open her own location.
tion (WOA) at the association’s annual convention and business
meeting.                                                                  Although she was originally looking at space elsewhere, she ended
                                                                          up being shown the location on Cottage Grove Road. Although it
Nelson began his new role Jan. 1. The Wisconsin Optometric Asso-          had been vacant for years, she said it has everything she needs for
ciation is a nonprofit affiliation of licensed optometrists and associ-   her business.
ated businesses. The WOA is a statewide professional organization
representing more than 620 licensed doctors of optometry.                 “This is perfect for what I need,” Lanier said.

Andy Gundlach, owner of the local Anytime Fitness business, was           Monona Bankshares Inc., the parent company of Monona State Bank
named Anytime Fitness Club Operator of the Year. It’s his third time      (with a branch in Cottage Grove), has finalized its acquisition of MCB
winning the award, claiming the honor in 2011 and 2012. He’s the          Bankshares, the parent company of Middleton Community Bank.
only franchise owner ever to win the award more than once.                Both Monona State Bank and Middleton Community Bank will con-
There are more than 3,000 Anytime Fitness locations worldwide,            tinue to run independently until June 12, when the two banks are
with more than 1,000 franchise owners. Gundlach owns 30 Anytime           expected to be fully integrated.
Fitness locations.                                                        No positions will be lost as a result of the merger, and once merged,
The award is based on member satisfaction, club growth and other          the bank will employ more than 150 as-sociates.
metrics.                                                                  After June 12, Monona State Bank will have nine locations around
Gundlach grew up in Cottage Grove and is a graduate of Monona             the Madison area. All five Middleton Community Bank locations in
Grove High School.                                                        Middleton, Cross Plains, Belleville, Sauk City and Brooklyn will re-
                                                                          main open, as will all four Monona State Bank locations in Monona,
His first location – which he still owns today – was at Cottage Grove     Madison and Cottage Grove.

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  Located at the beginning of the Glacial Drumlin Bike Trail,
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                                                                                    SPRING/SUMMER 2017         | 13
                                                      & UTILITIES
     2017 Brush Pick-Up Schedule
                                                                                    Public Works & Utilities
     Brush collection will occur monthly during the first full week of each            Municipal Services Building, 210 Progress Drive, Suite 2
     month starting in April and continuing through November (weather                  608-839-5813; Monday–Friday, 6:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
     permitting).                                                                      JJ Larson – Director of Public Works/Utilities
     Week of:                                                                
     April 3rd           May 1st 		            June 5th                                Cynthia Clay – Utility Billing Clerk
     July 3rd            August 7th            September 4th                           Kristen Krause – Administrative Assistant
     October 2nd         November 6th (weather permitting)                             Marty Groskreutz – Public Works Foreman
     Christmas tree pick-up will be the weeks of January 8th and January 15th.         Timm Taylor – Public Works Technician
      Have your brush, stacked per Village requirements, out by 6am on                 James Rothman – Public Works Technician/Forester
      Monday of collection week. In order to maintain efficient use of                 Larry Cooper – Public Works Technician
      staff time, Public Works crews will be working through the Village               David Viken – Public Works Technician
      once and not returning for brush that was not placed in time.                    Greg Gordon – Public Works Technician
       Please note the following:
      • Brush collection is for brush trimmed by the homeowner only.
         Brush generated by a private contractor is to be disposed of by the      Utilities
      • While many Village residences abut public property, residents are
                                                                                   The Village public water system is served by three groundwater
         not permitted to clear brush from public waterways, public natural
                                                                                   wells, ranging from 530’ to 675’ in depth, and two storage reservoirs:
         spaces, parks or any Village-owned property.
                                                                                   the new water tower on the north side and the standpipe located
      • NO compost, root balls, barrels, lumber, furniture, bags or boxes of
                                                                                   up the hill from Well #3. The Annual Water Quality Report can be
         brush, or materials containing metal will be collected.
                                                                                   viewed on the Village website, under the Public Works/Utilities tab.
      • All Christmas trees must be free of all items (stands, bags, tinsel,
         lights, ornaments, etc.) or they will not be collected.
      • Large limbs are not to exceed 8 inches in diameter.                        Spring Hydrant Flushing
      • Brush is to be stacked. If it is not stacked, it will not be collected.    The Village of Cottage Grove flushes hydrants in the spring and fall.
      • Maximum brush allowed is, 2 piles; 4 feet wide by 4 feet high by 10       Spring flushing will be from mid-April through mid-May. Flushing
         feet long. Residences with piles exceeding this will be skipped and       of hydrants serves a number of important purposes:
         responsible for removal.                                                  • Public Works staff inspects, operates and ensures that hydrants
      Please visit our website at and click on the         are functioning as they should in order to provide adequate fire
      Public Works/Utilities tab to see the complete Brush Collection Policy.         protection for the Village.
      The Village of Cottage Grove does not have a site for brush drop-off,        • The flushing program also serves to clear naturally-occurring
      brush can now be taken to the Dane County Landfill, located at 7102             deposits from the Village water system.
      US Hwy 12. Please visit their website for more information: https://         • The flushing program circulates water in low-flow areas.                              A reminder that during flushing operations water may become
                                                                                   discolored. The discolored water is safe, but doing laundry should
     Compost Drop-Off Site                                                         be avoided until the water has cleared. To clear the lines inside your
     • Compost can be dropped off at 225 Bonnie Rd.                                home, run the COLD water until it runs clear.
     • Compost consists of leaves, grass clippings and garden waste.
     • No brush allowed. Any woody plants over ¼” thick are considered brush.
     • The site is self-service.
     • Site is for Village residents only.
                                                                                    No Wipes Down the Pipes!
                                                                                       Even if a product says it is “flushable”...
     Street Sweeping                                                                   Unless it is toilet paper, it should not be flushed!
     Public Works staff sweep every Village street each spring in order
                                                                                       • Diapers (including cloth, cotton, disposable or plastic)
     to clean the gutters of debris accumulated over the winter months.
                                                                                       • Flushable, disposable, cleaning or baby wipes
     Street sweeping is also used, as needed, throughout the spring
                                                                                       • Paper towels, cloth towels or any type of rag
     and summer months. The street sweeper is also utilized through
                                                                                       • Feminine hygiene products
     the entire Village during the fall months to remove leaves. Street
                                                                                       • Facial Tissues
     sweeping is an extremely effective way to protect water quality;
     removing sediment, organic material, and excess nutrients from the                Place the items listed above in a trash can. Putting these items
     roadway before they enter our stormwater system.                                  down toilets may plug sewers and cause raw sewage to back up
                                                                                       into YOUR HOME. Department of Public Works • 608-839-5813

14 | Village of Cottage Grove Resource Guide        SPRING/SUMMER 2017
Stormwater Management                                                      Sanitary Sewer
The Public Works Department oversees and maintains all stormwa-            The Village of Cottage Grove is a customer of the Madison Metro-
ter sewers, ditches, detention and retention basins located within         politan Sewerage District (MMSD) and relies on them for treatment
the Village of Cottage Grove. Public Works ensures that the Village        of wastewater. The Village sanitary sewer system consists of private
complies with the increasingly stringent water quality standards of        laterals, gravity mains, forced mains and four lift stations. Public
the EPA, DNR, and Dane County.                                             Works staff works hard to inspect and maintain this system; and
                                                                           below are some steps you, as a resident, can take to cut down on
Storm water is more than just water. Rain and snowmelt wash dirt,          the time and tax dollars spent on maintenance and repairs:
grease, trash, and more from the roads, parking lots and other hard        • Flush only human waste and toilet paper down the drains.
surfaces into storm drains and ditches, that empty directly into your      • In recent years there has been an increase in the number of
streams, rivers, and eventually into the lakes. Storm water carries           products marketed as “flushable.” These products are not, in fact,
excess nutrients like phosphorus with it, which can turn our lakes            flushable and they cause major and costly problems in the sanitary
green and foul smelling.                                                      sewer system. Public Works staff spends a tremendous amount of
The way to protect and clean your lakes and streams is to make sure           time and energy responding to pump and valve clogs caused by
only rain goes into the storm drains and ditches:                             the flushing of inappropriate materials; ultimately these are your
• Keep roadways clear of leaves, brush and grass clippings.                   tax dollars and utility rates paying for this work. These products
• When watering; make sure that water is not sprinkled on paved              can also clog sewer lines on private property, resulting in expen-
   areas.                                                                     sive unclogging and repair costs to the homeowner.
• Never discharge hazardous materials to the stormwater system            • Fats, oils and greases (FOGs) should never be put into the sanitary
   and report any suspicious discharges.                                      system, they should be disposed of with the trash. FOGs cause
• Do not apply fertilizers, pesticides, weed control, etc. immediately       sewer line clogs and backups and disrupt operation of lift stations.
   prior to heavy rains & sweep excess from sidewalks, driveways and          Responding to emergencies and cleaning of these clogs take a
   roadways.                                                                  tremendous amount of staff time as well.
Please visit the Village website and click on the Stormwater Man-          • Hazardous materials and medications should be discarded prop-
agement tab for more information on ways you can protect our                  erly in order to keep our system safe and effective. You can take
most important natural resource.                                              items like antifreeze, paint, etc. to the Clean Sweep location at the
                                                                              Dane County Landfill and medications can be dropped off at Med-
                                                                              Drop locations around the county.

                                                                                     SPRING/SUMMER 2017       | 15
    Church listing                                   Door Creek Church
                                                     6602 Dominion Drive, Madison
                                                                                                                                    Hope Lutheran Church
                                                                                                                                    2702 Highway AB, McFarland
        Abiding Shepherd Evangelical                 608-222-8586                                                                   608-838-3586
                                                     Lead Pastor Mark Maillefer                                                     Revered Chris Lee-Thompson
        Lutheran Church                              Senior Associate Pastor Mark Sullard                                 
        406 W. Cottage Grove Road,
        Cottage Grove
                                                                                                                                    New Life Lutheran Church
        Administrative Pastor Nathan Krause
                                                     His Living Word Church                                                         7564 Cottage Grove Road, Madison
                                                     3954 Highway N, Cottage Grove                                                  608-223-9337
        Associate Pastor Nathaniel Abrahamson
                                                     608-259-0936                                                                   Pastor Rob Carlson
                                                     Pastor Don Parker                                                    
        Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church                                                                                               St. Patrick’s Catholic Church
        229 N. Main St., Cottage Grove
                                                                                                                                    434 N. Main St., Cottage Grove
        Pastor Matthew Ploeger
                                                                                                                                    Father Michael Tarigopula

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16 | Village of Cottage Grove Resource Guide    SPRING/SUMMER 2017
Welcome and thank you for your participation and continued support of the Cottage Grove Parks and Recreation
Department! We are pleased to offer you another exciting season of fun programs and events for the whole family.
Residency Requirements
 Residents are defined by those who live within the Village limits of
 Cottage Grove; non-residents are those who live outside the Village
 limits. If you pay your taxes at the Cottage Grove Village Hall, your tax
 dollars help support the administration of our programs and you are
 considered a resident. If not, an additional fee has been added.
 Exceptions: Some programs are supported by other taxing authori-
 ties and therefore do not require the resident/non-resident pricing
 - examples include Adult Fitness Classes, Frontier Stage, Red Cross
 Babysitting, MG Boys & Girls Soccer Camp, Madison Area Show
 Choir Camp, Legion Baseball, Glass Fusing & Ski/Snowboard Trips.
                                                                             Late Fees
                                                                              Registration is not guaranteed after program deadlines. A $10 late
                                                                              fee will be added to all late registrations.
Tiered Pricing System for
Resident/Non-resident                                                        Medical Insurance
                                                                              The Village of Cottage Grove does NOT carry individual medical
 Non-resident Cost Structure                                                  insurance for participants or spectators. It is recommended that all
 (For non-school district affiliated programs)
                                                                              participants obtain insurance before participating in programs.
 $10 extra (programs that are $30 and under)
 $20 extra (programs that are $31–$49)
 $30 extra (programs that are $50 and over)                                  Sales Tax
                                                                              All program fees include applicable state and county sales and use
 Please feel free to email any questions to our department.

Registration Procedures                                                      No Smoking/Alcohol
 Registrations are currently being accepted by mail, in person, and
                                                                              The use of alcohol and tobacco products is strictly PROHIBITED dur-
                                                                              ing all Parks and Recreation Department sponsored activities unless
 Please make checks payable to Village of Cottage Grove                       specifically noted by the event and the department.

 Mail registrations to:
 Cottage Grove Recreation Department                                         Scholarship Applications
 210 Progress Drive, Suite 2
                                                                              The Cottage Grove Recreation Department continues to offer 50%
 Cottage Grove, WI 53527
                                                                              pro- gram scholarships to qualified participants. Scholarship ap-
                                                                              plications should be turned in at least one week before the program
 Register Early!                                                              deadline. Applications must be updated every school year. For ap-
 If cancellation comes BEFORE the printed deadline, you will receive
                                                                              plication and more information, contact the director at 839-8968.
 a full refund. Cancellations made after the deadline but before the
 first class will receive a 50% refund. No refunds after the first class.
 Classes that are cancelled by the department will receive full refund.      Parks, Recreation & Forestry Staff
                                                                              608-839-8968; Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Refund Policy                                                                 Sean Brusegar – Parks, Recreation & Forestry Director
 If cancellation comes BEFORE the printed deadline, you will receive
                                                                              Reese MacAskill – Recreation Supervisor
 a full refund. Cancellations made after the deadline but before the
 first class will receive a 50% refund. No refunds after the first class.
                                                                              Kristen Krause – Administrative Assistant
 Classes that are cancelled by the department will receive full refund.

                                                                                       SPRING/SUMMER 2017        | 17
   Reformatted from the Center of Disease Control’s Heads Up Concussion in Youth Sports Program. More information can be found online at

   Cottage Grove Parks and Recreation
   Parent/Athlete Concussion Awareness Information
     A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that changes the way
     the brain normally works. A concussion is caused by a bump, blow,            Concussion Danger Signs
     or jolt to the head or body that causes the head and brain to move            In rare cases, a dangerous blood clot may form on the brain in a person
     rapidly back and forth. Even a “ding,” “getting your bell rung,” or what      with a concussion and crowd the brain against the skull. An athlete
     seems to be a mild bump or blow to the head can be serious.                   should receive immediate medical attention if after a bump, blow, or
                                                                                   jolt to the head or body they exhibit any of the following danger signs:

   What are the Signs and                                                          • One pupil larger than the other
                                                                                   • Is drowsy or cannot be awakened
   Symptoms of a Concussion?                                                       • A headache that gets worse or slurred speech
                                                                                   • Weakness, numbness, or decreased coordination
     Signs and symptoms of a concussion can show up right after the injury         • Repeated vomiting or nausea
     or may appear days or weeks after the injury. If an athlete reports one or    • Convulsions, seizures, or unusual behavior
     more symptoms of concussions listed below after a bump, blow, or jolt         • Cannot recognize people or places
     to eh head or body, they should be kept out of play the day of the injury     • Becomes increasingly confused or agitated
     and until a health care professional, experienced in evaluating concus-       • Loses consciousness for any amount of time
     sions, says they are symptom-free and they are OK to return to play.

     Signs Observed by Coaching Staff:                                            Why Should an Athlete
     • Appears dazed or stunned
     • Is confused about position or assignment                                   Report Their Symptoms?
     • Forgets an instruction                                                      If an athlete has a concussion, his/her brain needs time to heal. While
     • Is unsure of game, score, or opponent                                       an athlete’s brain is healing, they are much more likely to have another
     • Moves clumsily                                                              concussion. Repeat concussions can increase the time it takes to re-
     • Answers questions slowly                                                    cover. In rare cases, repeat concussions in young athletes can result in
     • Loses consciousness (even briefly)                                          brain swelling or permanent damage to their brain. It can even be fatal.
     • Shows mood, behavior, or personality changes

                                                                                  What Should You Do if You Think
     • Cannot recall events prior to hit or fall
     • Cannot recall events after hit or fall

     Symptoms Reported by Athletes:                                               Your Athlete Has a Concussion?
     • Headaches or “pressure” in the head                                         If you suspect that an athlete has a concussion, remove them from
     • Nausea or vomiting                                                          play and seek medical attention. Do not try to judge the severity of
     • Balance problems or dizziness                                               the injury yourself. Keep the athlete out of play until a medical profes-
     • Double or blurry vision                                                     sional says they are symptom free and are OK to return to play. Rest is
     • Sensitivity to noise                                                        the key to help an athlete recover. Exercising or activities that involve
     • Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy                                    a lot of concentration (studying, computers, video games) may cause
     • Concentration or memory problems                                            concussion symptoms to reappear or worsen. After a concussion,
     • Confusion                                                                   returning to sports and school is a gradual process that should be
     • Just not “feeling right” or “feeling down                                   carefully managed and monitored by a health care professional.

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18 | Village of Cottage Grove Resource Guide         SPRING/SUMMER 2017
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