El Batidor COMMENCEMENT 2020 - VOLUME III - Cate School

Page created by Ted Chandler
El Batidor
2 - Contents
 Dear Reader, fun entertainment pieces, and blurbs from
 members of the Class of 2020.
 This issue is not what we expected it to
 be. As Senior Editors, we were not planning Next year, our El Bat Editors-in-Chief
 to organize the Commencement Issue, nor will be Athena Von Bothmer, Ryan Lack, and
 were we expecting to be doing so from our Avery Carter, and the three of us are very
 homes. Usually, the incoming Senior Editors excited to pass the torch to them. Though we
 create the Commencement Issue, but given cannot knight them in assembly with the Bat
 the circumstances, we didn’t feel we had as we usually would, we know they will do an
 sufficient time to prepare our Junior Editors, incredible job with the paper next year. Later
 though they still played a vital role in the in the issue, you will find their ideas and
 creation of this issue. hopes for the future of the paper, so be sure
 to look for that.
 We are aware that COVID-19 has taken
 a lot from our final experiences as Cate Thank you for an incredible year, even
 seniors, and because of that, we felt the need though we are not ending it as we hoped.
 to address the loss of senior spring in this
 issue. You will also find letters from leaders
 in our community, reflections on experiences Sincerely,
 in quarantine across the globe, as well as
 advice on how to stay healthy and happy for
 the remainder of quarantine. We are sure
 you have heard enough about Coronavirus to Kim, Millie, Emme, and Spencer
 last a lifetime, though, so we also have some

 In This Issue:
 Headmaster’s Letter 3
 Quarantine Experience 4
 Moving Forward 5
 Senior Reflections 5
 Outgoing President Letter 8
 Incoming President Letter 8
 Finally: The American People Can Listen to Supreme Court Cases Live 9
 Environmental Impacts of Covid-19 10
 Staying Active 12
 Life in ‘25 House 14
 Healthy Habits in Quarantine 15
 Hobbies for Quarentine 16
 Creative Piece 17
 What I Learned When My Mom Was Exposed to Coronavirus 18
 Movie Reviews 19
 Comfy Cooking! 20
 Senior Blurbs 23-31
 Summer Horoscopes 32
 Crossword 33
3 - Letters & Op-Ed

Headmaster’s resolve,

Letter in
 Ben Williams accomplishment in
 I was on a tour of the nearly finished Booth intellectual pursuits,
Commons the other day. In the main dining and distinctive and
area, there are enormous fireplaces on the generous expressions
north and south walls, so big that I can fit of leadership. Our
in each one and stretch my arms out to the Servons Speeches
sides without touching. Atop each hearth is have lived up to
a large mantle with an inscription carved in that title, each
the stone. On one is the first portion of our one an expression of caring and service to
mission statement, “Through commitment, this community. I mentioned in a Zoom
scholarship, companionship and service discussion with our parents in April that Cate
each member of the community contributes enjoyed unprecedented momentum in this
to what our founder called, “the spirit of this school year.
place …” It would be easy, I
 The inscription on We did not want this suppose, to say that
the northern end is less everything changed in
familiar. It’s a quote from
 ending. It would have March. Much did change,
a Commencement Speech been far easier to simply both at Cate and in the
several years ago, “Build a many communities of
life full of your very best, the world. We who had
 follow traditional grown accustomed to the
most unselfish dreams,
 near constant presence
and you will surely be patterns, revel in life of each other suddenly
as happy as those with
whom you share your predictable, end as we had to deal with life
generous souls.” without such familiar
 began: with celebration and reassuring constants.
 As I stood in that empty But even as life changed,
dining hall pondering and joy and in honor of a certain things stayed the
those words, I couldn’t same. Students began
help but note that this remarkable senior class. reaching out almost
building that has yet immediately asking how
to be occupied by this they could help peers
community is already haunted by it. We are connect. Those concerned about the families
there in the words, in the expectations, in and homes we visit on Wednesday night
the sharing. We have come to the end of a sought ways to continue our presence there.
year that is finishing very differently than it Carol Cai delivered the very first virtual
started. Servons Speech, fittingly on the “flavors of
 life.” She called March “sour,” but she rightly
 When the senior class sat at the top of acknowledged that we need all flavors to
Woodworth Lane in August to welcome those make each individual taste distinct.
newest to Cate, there was nothing but energy
and good intentions. The Mesa was awash We did not want this ending. It would have
in them. We saw it in the Sunset Ceremony been far easier to simply follow traditional
too, in the senior class articulations of our patterns, revel in life predictable, end as we
commitments. “To wonder happily, to wake began: with celebration and joy and in honor
eagerly, to celebrate frequently, to laugh of a remarkable senior class.
heartily, to savor appreciatively, to lounge
indulgently, to love graciously, to serve But that was not supposed to be, and
faithfully.” maybe that is because this Class of 2020 was
 not meant to follow a familiar path. Abraham
 And so the year has gone, with such Lincoln, whom I consider something of an
spirit complemented by remarkable archetype when it comes to wisdom, and
4 - Letters & Op-Ed

 courage, and principle, was a great believer in realized that my knife skills were sadly lacking.
 destiny. He was sure that we are all directed Fighting the stinging sensation in my eyes, I
 in some way by forces beyond us. And he doggedly continued chopping away, slicing
 took comfort in the understanding that any the onions both vertically and horizontally
 burdens he carried were given to him because in a desperate attempt to create cubes. As I
 he was meant to carry them. finished cutting two whole onions, I quickly
 put them in a pan to hear the satisfying
 Perhaps that is why this spring was visited sizzle, which was well worth all of my pain
 upon us, because we were meant to manage and effort. Next, I carefully added the ground
 it, because we have the strength and the beef, which added sharp “pops” and steady
 conviction and the hope to see it through. crackling to the symphony of food, while
 And maybe because of what we have seen and submerging the pasta in water. Now, it’s
 felt and learned we can live up to another of important to note that the recipe specifically
 Lincoln’s admonitions, “As our case is new, calls for spaghetti, which is apparently a
 so we must think anew, and act anew …” controversial choice for bolognese purists.
 If there is a class of students ready to live up However, as I’ve always admired the elegant
 to that charge, it is surely our current seniors. image of twirling spaghetti pasta into a nest,
 They cannot escape history, nor can we, but naturally, I wanted to do the same with my
 they can also make history someday hence. own culinary creations. Finally, after pouring
 As can all of us. That is the understanding I jars of ruby-colored tomato sauce into the pan
 will take from a year like no other on and off with the now seared meat and translucent
 the Mesa. onions, I thrust the al dente spaghetti into the
 mixture, creating the final product. Although
 the pasta was too crunchy and the beef was
 Quarantine slightly overcooked, I thoroughly enjoyed
 reaching my goal: to make bolognese pasta.
 Experience After completing a dinner dish, following
 Ryan Suh ‘21 the natural order, I began to focus on desserts.
 After having been stuck at home for the past But, baking was a rather high wall to scale,
 two months, the slightest hint of cabin fever so, instead, I focused on the loophole that is
 coupled with restlessness began to distort key lime pie, which requires a fridge more
 my every move. Without a strict schedule, than an oven. Although most of the work
 the construct of time seemed to dissolve as behind making this pie was actually finding
 days stretched into weeks in a blink of an key limes, which meant driving to various
 eye. Finally, rather than falling victim to the grocery stores and waiting in line, the deep
 effects of quarantine, I took advantage of my contentment that followed my discovery of
 environment in order to explore some new these limes outweighed the effort spent to
 interests. procure them. Unfortunately, the entire bag
 of key limes produced only half of the lime
 One day, after wandering through my juice needed, forcing me to resort to regular
 house to see what I could do to relieve my limes, which is yet another crime in the world
 disquietude, I found my mother’s collection of cooking. After maneuvering around this
 of recipes. Consisting of leaves of slightly obstacle, I carefully shaved the pungent lime
 burnt, coffee-stained paper haphazardly zest into a sticky, sweet glob of condensed
 stapled together, this collection of recipes is milk, sour cream, and lime juice to create
 affectionately known as the “cookbook” within the filling of the pie. Then, to finish a truly
 our family. Previously, as a boarder trying homemade key lime pie, I decided to make
 to keep up with a hectic school schedule, I a graham cracker pie crust. After smashing
 didn’t have the time to dig through the book, graham crackers in a Ziploc bag with a bottle
 but now, since time had become an abundant of olive oil, I combined the graham cracker
 resource, I began to recreate each recipe to powder with a ridiculous amount of butter
 the best of my ability. and sugar. Finally, after setting the graham
 cracker mixture into a pie pan, I experienced
 First, I wanted to overcome the seemingly the ultimate fulfillment as I poured the filling
 easy challenge of dinner dishes. However, as on top, forming a smooth layer of pale daffodil
 I started to chop the onions for bolognese, I yellow speckled by green zest and encircled
5 - Letters & Op-Ed

by a crumbly graham cracker circle. It has also been an opportunity to slow down
 and have a moment of self-reflection and to
 After spending a week on these two projects, spend time with family. Most people are so
I became a self-proclaimed cook, a title that I busy nowadays that we don’t spend nearly
plan to keep by making more dishes. Before as much time working on maintaining or
I found activities such as cooking, I had felt developing relationships with the people in
lost and confused, but, by anchoring myself to our lives. I myself have been guilty of putting
the present, I have emerged invigorated, both off calling my parents or feeling less than
mentally and physically. More importantly, enthusiastic when strong-armed to attend big
as I tumbled down this rabbit hole, I found family functions. This situation has brought
myself enjoying the liberty of the resulting home how precious my family is to me and
free fall with all manner of exciting things also to prioritize what is truly important in
flashing past. my life.
 As the coronavirus Nations, cities, families, Finally, another ray of
continues to spread all hope during this time has
across the world, many and humanity are been a necessary wake-
Cate students have had up call of our lack of
their normal lives taken reaching out to each preparedness for such a
away from them, and, as pandemic. In the future,
a result, have experienced other regardless of we may experience more
some sort of emotional and more zoonotic
toll. However, by physical distance, outbreaks as viruses and
establishing some stability bacterial strains mutate
through simple, grounding borders, political
 and cross the species
activities, this seemingly barrier. It is also highly
endless situation can seem
 ideology, religion, age,
 probable that we will
less intimidating. With this
 and economic status. one day face another
in mind, finding hobbies pandemic even deadlier
or activities throughout than Covid-19. However,
the day to cherish, whether it be an hour of countries will have better infrastructure
meditation or time with family, is imperative in place with which to handle these issues.
in order to keep a positive mindset and, more Fortunately, as frightening as Covid-19 has
importantly, to enjoy life during this time of been, it could have been much worse. Armed
quarantine. with awareness, it will be easier to prepare
 for future outbreaks. Our current situation is
Moving Forward far from over, but take heart, and please stay
 healthy and positive.
 Jinny Chung ‘22
 After having experienced one of the scariest
and most devastating global calamities in
 Senior Reflections
recent memory, I admit that the negativity and
fear surrounding Covid-19 are undeniable. Lina Infante
However, I have found there to be pockets of I’ve kept a journal for the past four years.
light even in these darkest of hours. In this It’s a black, 13 x 21 cm Moleskine and was
quarantine where so many local communities gifted to me for my fourteenth birthday. My
and countries are separated in self-isolation, first ever journal entry at Cate was written on
the quarantine has also brought unity on a a cold Pyles bed. In that entry, I wrote down
scale rarely seen in history; nations, cities, the names of everyone I had gotten to know
families, and humanity are reaching out to over the week and a few words on my first
each other regardless of physical distance, impressions of everyone on that list. The first
borders, political ideology, religion, age, impressions are kind of embarrassing, so
and economic status. Even countries with I won’t include them here, but I think they
existing animosity are working towards model the style that my entries over the next
helping each other as needed as co-operation four years would follow.
takes precedence over pride and past slights.
6 - Letters & Op-Ed

 If there’s anything that my journal you’re freaking out because for the first time
 entries have taught me, it’s that I’m a big ever, you sort of feel like a grown-up.
 fan of details. I write down first impressions
 and dates and conversations, all in hopes of How sad you feel when you learn that a
 coming back to them later. I can remember campus tree is going to be cut down. Up until
 my four years at Cate pretty well, with each now, you’ve walked by the tree every day and
 year having a distinctive mood from the never thought twice about it. You’ll get over
 others, but as time goes on, the details of it in a bit, but a part of you is subconsciously
 my everyday interactions start to quietly slip processing the surprise of losing something
 away. Journaling, more than photos and you never knew meant so much to you in the
 videos, has helped me retain loads upon loads first place.
 of details that might have been forgotten had The loss of my senior spring feels a bit like
 they not been written down. My Moleskine’s Cate trees being chopped down. I knew I was
 pages are spilling with sketches of my dorm enjoying my time at Cate, and I knew that I was
 rooms and passages that detail everything constantly surrounded by people that I love,
 from my run-in with the bird flu in 2017 to the but I never knew that my senior year would
 fears and doubts I wrestled with as I settled be chopped on such a whim. This pandemic,
 into a freshman dorm my senior year. of course, has taught me to appreciate the
 With all honesty, I’ve been pretty bad people and places around me that I take for
 at journaling lately. The world feels a little granted. Perhaps more importantly though,
 heavy right now, and I’m having trouble I know that despite the grief I feel towards
 navigating the feelings that accompany this lost time and connections and a world turned
 pandemic. I’ve veered towards sulking rather upside-down, I have pages of details to pour
 than productivity, which is 100% normal over and look back on. I’ve realized that the
 and justified in times like these, but it’s left records of my days are so important to me
 me with lots of empty journal pages. Seeing because you can’t do a double-take on life’s
 that I’m already up and writing this article, daily happenings unless you capture them in
 I thought I’d knock out two birds with one some way. My entries, especially this past
 stone and treat the rest of this article as one one, are a way to look back on the moments
 of my last high school journal entries. Here I’ll miss just one more time and smile. They
 are some Cate details I hope I never forget: allow me to close the book and move on.

 When you walk out of class to use the Scott Holmes
 bathroom, and you’re lucky enough to stumble
 upon a lawn-sprawling Sable. You walk over I’ve moved three different times during my
 to rub her belly, of course. Everyone’s in life, and all have been made on this campus. I
 class, so for just a few moments it’s just you moved from High House to CHE when I was
 and Sable taking in the Sun. Life is good. six months old, then from CHE to where the
 Pouye’s live now when I was 4 years old, and
 Saturday night food hunts. You and your finally, from there to the house across from
 pals are all out of snacks, but dinner’s been the track field, where I live now. Yet, during
 digested and the night is still young. You all of these moves, I never felt I was leaving
 venture from dorm to dorm like common anything behind. Even though I was going to
 room mice. If you’re lucky, you’ll finesse a live in a different house, I never really felt like
 world-class PBA cheeseburger from CHW. If I was leaving home. The Cate community was
 you’re REALLY lucky, you’ll get a faculty ride my home, and a move across campus wasn’t
 to Micky D’s. going to change that. And, despite the fact
 Your first day on campus as a sophomore. that I’ve spent the last two months on campus
 How good it felt to see your friends after at Cate, it has never felt less like home. There
 your first real break from them. The sweet are no cheers from the gym, no shouts from
 satisfaction of no longer feeling like the the lower field, no lights on at campus, and no
 campus’s babies. one in the dining hall. As much as you all miss
 the Cate campus, the campus misses you just
 The first time you connect with a freshman as much. As my mom put it the other day, “It
 as a senior feels pretty magical. You seem very just doesn’t feel right.” For seniors, there’s
 cool and mature to them, but on the inside, nothing I can really do to make this situation
7 - Letters & Op-Ed

better. We lost the most treasured part of our and it doesn’t go unnoticed. We’re tasked with
Cate experience: the senior spring we’d all being leaders, role models, and figure heads
been hearing about since we first stopped at for the underclassmen to look up to and are
the bottom of the hill to let a senior into our responsible for projecting positive energy to
cars freshman year. The sad truth is that we radiate across the entire campus community.
won’t be able to reclaim this. And as hard as
it is, it’s important not to dwell on what could Undoubtedly, though, every senior is eager
have been. to get to that one point: Senior Spring. Once the
 spring trimester rolls around, and the anxiety
 of college decisions subsides as everyone
Oscar Vasquez figures out where they’re going, a huge weight
 It’s a little before noon on another dull is lifted from our collective shoulders. Late
weekday, and you wake up to the familiarity of nights to finish our assignments seem like an
your childhood room, preparing yourself for absurdity, and the idea of putting any more
another day of school via our new platform. added stress on ourselves over school is in
You check your phone to open the snaps the rearview. We made it. We got into college.
you’ve received from your friends who feel Then, Senior spring really becomes about
too far away, and then proceed to Instagram soaking up every moment you can with your
to either see the future friends that await you beloved class. When the Class of 2020 first
in college, or if one of Cate’s own has shared came in, we were pretty divisive, as any
another “I miss my friends” post. You attend typical high school class would be. Over the
a class or two, not entirely engaged because years, though, we’ve really grown fond of each
you are a third trimester senior, and no one other and become such a successful senior
can take that away. You’ve spent the past five class because we worked collectively to be as
weeks confined to this one space where you influential and remarkable as we could be.
sleep, watch TV, and do your work. The walls We did everything that was expected of us,
feel like they’re beginning to close in, and every and then some. Our freshmen loved us, we
other night you have another meaningless brought energy back to assembly, we showed
argument with your family. You’re absolutely the underclassmen where tenacity and hard
losing it - going insane, but holding on to a work can get you, etc.
sliver of hope that something’s bound to
change, and we’ll be able to go back to the After that, all we wanted for this spring
Mesa one last time for a proper goodbye. tri was to blow off school, head down to the
 beach, have our day students drive us to lunch,
 Being away from campus during this run around campus playing Four Square and
time is heartbreaking, to say the least. For Tag, gossip with our favorite faculty, raid the
years, you anticipate that your senior year Library for the snacks, convince someone to
of high school will be one of, if not the most, drive us down for a late night McDonald’s
memorable year of your adolescence. Make run, and take in each and every day until
no mistake, though, this has definitely been we closed the door on our time on the
the most memorable year for the millions Mesa forever. But instead, life intervened,
of high school seniors in this country who and threw us into a spiral of online classes,
lost out on how they expected their final few quarantine activities, and Facetime calls with
months to go. our friends and family.
 In late summer of 2019, right before school And yet, we still try to take on each day,
started, my friends and I made “THIS IS OUR one step at a time. We await news that they’ve
YEAR!!” our motto, to remind ourselves and found a vaccine for Corona, or that the cases
everyone around us that we were seniors, have plateaued enough for us to all meet
that this moment had finally come. It’s no again and have the ceremony we’re owed to
secret, being a senior comes with its fair celebrate all of our accomplishments. No one
share of power and clout. Seniority may could have foreseen this, and no other group
not be as prevalent a topic at Cate as it is at at Cate has lost out on as much as we have.
other typical American high schools, but the But we will all meet again one day soon. And
principal idea remains: Seniors are superior. even though the year ended as abruptly as
In being a senior, we carry around a great it did, and we’ll never be fortunate enough
amount of influence over the whole school, to get our Senior Spring, the Class of 2020
8 - Letters & Op-Ed

 has so much more to be proud of than I can can thrive. I have full faith that, despite the
 even put into words, and this undoubtedly circumstances, Peter and Asa will continue
 makes us the most memorable, resilient, to build on our foundation and further fortify
 and inspiring class in all of Cate history. No the bond between Cate students and faculty.
 Although I perhaps did not need this
 community in order to experience all that I
 Outgoing President had, I know that the decision to chose you
 all has been truly worth it. Being the Student
 Letter Body President for such a loving community
 has taught me what true leadership should
 Avery Ransom ‘20
 look and feel like. Throughout my time at
 This El Bat letter has been blank for a Cate, I have felt empowered and supported,
 whopping four days. And at this moment, I and I hope that I was able to do the same for
 still do not know what I should say or what all of you special people.
 there is left to say. I felt the same way when
 I was sitting in front of my computer at Take care of yourselves, wash your hands,
 10:32PM freshman year, contemplating the and stay safe.
 essay prompt “Is College Worth it?” (Answer:
 Thank you and with eternal love,
 inconclusive). Now, as I sit here at 2:32AM,
 ready to go to college, I wonder if Cate was Avery Ransom 20’
 worth it.
 Michelle Obama Out.
 I wonder if I could have achieved everything
 I had at Cate if I had said “No” and decided
 to stay home. Honestly, I am not sure. Every
 one of us, in our most straining moments
 and hardships, wonders if their time would Incoming President
 have been better spent elsewhere. Natural
 disasters, the passing of loved ones, and now
 this? These tribulations, which have affected Peter Coors ‘21
 us all, pop up in my head and strengthen my
 Cate School,
 doubts. Was all of this worth it?
 Howdy! I hope everyone is safe and well.
 We might not see the impact of this
 I’ve missed being on the Mesa these last few
 experience until we are far removed and able
 months. I’ve missed seeing everyone every
 to recollect with a clear mind. In truth, I did
 day, and honestly, this fall can’t come soon
 not know I was going to be Student Body
 enough. I’m very much looking forward to
 President when I was booking it from the
 our return to Cate, as I hope you are as well.
 vending machine to 25’ House two minutes
 before in-dorm on a Tuesday night. Sable I’ve been asked to write this letter to give
 did not know she was going to be the face of students and faculty an idea of what my
 Cate School when she first drove up onto the goals and ideas are for the upcoming year,
 Cate campus, with her personal chauffeur, especially given
 Newsome, in her Porsche. Swain did not the uncertainty
 know he was going to have a birthday every surrounding next
 month of the Cate academic year when he year. Coronavirus
 was playing with clay as a chubby toddler in has changed our
 a large plaid flannel. lives in so many
 different ways, one
 It would truly be a disservice if I just wrote
 of the main ones
 about what Natasha, Senate, and I have done
 being that it has
 for the Cate community; hopefully, you all
 kept us apart this
 have felt the impact of our efforts. This is
 spring. Therefore,
 not a Senate check-in email or an assembly
 when we return
 presentation -- this is a farewell letter. We have
 to the Mesa in the
 spent countless hours building a foundation
 fall, we will have
 upon which Cate students in future years
9 - Features

been separated as a community for over also some serious issues we want to address,
6 months. Because of these extraordinary specifically mental health. Asa and I have
circumstances, I feel that my main goal as been working with Dean’a Curry, the head
your incoming president is to strengthen our of counseling at Cate, to vastly increase the
community in the wake of the pandemic. size and scope of the mental health program
 at our school. This includes the creation
 To me, I think the best way for us to of a peer counseling program, which we’re
reconnect as a community is to simply relax modeling after a successful program from
and have fun together. Quarantine has been another boarding school, and a mental health
a stressful time for many of us, and I think council. They’ll work on projects like bringing
we all deserve some time when we return to speakers to Cate to talk about mental health,
school to spend quality time with our friends. and organizing information sessions on
To that end, one of my goals throughout this specific mental health topics like test-taking
spring and summer is to work with the faculty and nutrition at boarding school. Both of
to see how we can rearrange our normal back- these programs will include new leadership
to-school routine so that there’s more time positions for rising juniors and seniors, so if
for community-building. you are at all interested, keep an eye out for
 The biggest part of my campaign, and those applications.
the part that I’m most excited about, is our So, those are most of my ideas for the
idea to introduce a school-wide, year-long upcoming school year. To me, the overarching
competition for the next school year, and theme is community. With these ideas, I want
each school year to come. In my mind, this to build up the already strong culture we have
is yet another activity that will be something at Cate. I want to put a new emphasis both on
enjoyable we can do to get back into life fun school activities and mental health, and
at Cate. This idea is still very much in the through those two outlets make our school
works, but in the next few weeks, I’m going stronger as a whole. Ultimately, I think we can
to take the first big step towards making this make the year after the pandemic an amazing
a reality: hosting a competition to name the… one. Thank you guys for all the support and
competition. And, if you enthusiasm you’ve
have any ideas on what already shown me and
we can include to make Asa, and I can’t wait
it better, please let me or to get back to school
Asa know! This is about with all of you and start
the entire community working to make next
having fun together year incredible.
to reconnect after the
pandemic, as well as a Presidentially,
tradition at our school
that will last for many Peter Coors

 There are also a plethora of smaller ideas Finally:
Asa and I have already started working
on with the faculty. We want to increase The American
the amount of laundry card machines on
campus, get people excited to attend sports
 People Can Listen
games (I’ve already talked to Cooking Club,
and they are willing to grill and cook food
 To Supreme Court
for important games), make on-campus
activities like dances and pool parties more
 Cases Live
fun with themes, and introduce a job program Avery Carter ‘21
for seniors during sports block. These aren’t We are living history. That’s something
monumental things, but rather little changes that is a given considering the current state
that I think will really benefit us as students. of where we are, what we are doing, and the
 many changes forced upon our behavior as
 Obviously, everything I’m working on
 a society. The face masks and gloves that
can’t just be about enjoyment. There are
10 - Features

 we once only saw in the doctor’s office are Native American sovereignty on reservations,
 now upon us all in the grocery store and and a “small” nine-million-dollar dispute
 on the sidewalks, and, according to some involving Google. Furthermore, the Supreme
 governors’ directives, this will be the case Court’s decision ordering Wisconsin to hold
 for the foreseeable future. Things we took an in-person election versus an absentee
 for granted before, such as paper towels and ballot and restrict voters from having extra
 hand sanitizer, are now scarce. Most of these time to cast ballots by mail could have a
 changes are not for the good; however, there significant impact on the outcome of the
 might be a small ray of hope or infinitesimal Presidential elections in November.
 benefit from all these restrictions and
 closures. The opportunity to hear the Justices skewer
 the lawyers live, listen to their responses to
 The Supreme Court, the United States’ pointed and probing questions and then wait
 highest court of law, has evolved before our for the decisions which may very well impact
 very eyes. For the first time ever, we were the upcoming elections is certainly historic.
 able to listen to the Supreme Court’s oral Many lower courts in the system have opened
 arguments which were opened to the public up public scrutiny through cameras, live
 in real time. We listened to what could be the video and audio recording and the like, so why
 next landmark Supreme Court cases through wouldn’t the Supreme Court? And should we
 a simple call on our cell phones--like calling go back to closing the Court’s message off
 a friend or ordering a pizza--something from the public? The switch to live-streamed
 unheard of until now. Previously, other than oral arguments should have happened years
 the attorneys ago, and the
 of record, next question
 only a select is whether
 few who were the Court
 lucky to gain will officially
 admission to adopt the new
 the spectator’s policy after
 gallery could the COVID-19
 hear the pandemic is
 argument resolved.
 live and try
 to discern the
 judge’s hidden
 We were also the first to witness its successes
 and failures, considering the way the justices
 are known for interrupting lawyers in their
 courtroom. However, the format was changed
 to accommodate these circumstances, so both
 Impacts of Covid-19
 sides had the same amount of time. Each Jasmine Ross ‘21 and Paige Rawiszer ‘22
 side began with two minutes of speaking As we are all aware, the negative effects
 followed by the justices, in order of seniority, of Covid-19 are numerous. An increase in
 who each had two minutes for questions. For unemployment rates, a crash in the economy,
 six days in May we were able to listen in on and the drastic number of lives lost are just
 the arguments of many controversial cases a couple of the terrible consequences of this
 that will impact the future of democracy in global pandemic. Whether we like it or not,
 America. What would it have been like if this pandemic is going to change the way we
 people could have listened in on Roe v. Wade make a meaningful impact in the future, as
 or Brown v. Board of Education? we begin to stress more on the importance of
 Many of the United States’ hottest topics technology. During this time, we’ve all faced
 were argued, including cases relating to the losses of different degrees -- from not being
 electoral college, President Trump’s financial able to see your loved ones, to not being able
 records, employment discrimination against to attend music festivals you’ve waited for,
 teachers at Catholic schools, the question of or the dreadful feeling of constant insecurity
11 - Features

regarding your safety. This pandemic is York Times reports, in a town in Wales, a
going to test our limits in various ways, and herd of Great Orme Kashmiri goats walked
cause us to reflect on what we care about around the city center, a place normally
most. However, as with anything in life, it filled with people. Wildlife are having the
is important and necessary to focus on the chance to explore areas free from the various
silver linings in order to keep our spirits dangers of humans, an opportunity granted
high. Regarding the coronavirus, the positive by the pandemic. It is interesting to observe
environmental impacts of this pandemic how these animals and their behaviors are
should be a focal point in discussions. If you adapting to the “new normal” of the pandemic.
are looking for an uplift during this time, the
examples below display how the coronavirus The Return of Clean Water
is changing the environment in a positive As we are all familiar with, stay-at-
way. homes orders have been assigned to almost
Reduction in Air Pollution everyone and have left people stuck in
 their homes. Because of these orders, the
 As Scott Collins, an atmospheric scientist use of recreational boating has decreased
at the Argonne National Laboratory dramatically. In Venice, for instance, Cailey
emphasized that across China, there has Rizzo, an author for Travel and Leisure, has
been a 50% reduction in nitrous oxide and reported that the usually muggy and dirty
carbon monoxide due to the closing of heavy water that fills the canals has now become
industries and factories during this time. clear and clean. In addition, Italians have
Since the start of Covid-19, there has been an spotted dolphins and various marine life in
immense reduction in air pollution. Reporter the canals, a phenomenon not seen since the
Emma Newburger and Photographer Adam rise in climate change and environmental
Jeffery from CNBC reveal that New Delhi has destruction.
recorded a 60% drop in the world’s deadliest
air pollutant, fine particulate matter. Again, Covid-19 has taken its toll on
Moreover, in Punjab, India many have stated us in many ways, and we cannot neglect
they can see the snow peaks in the Himalaya the feelings this pandemic brings about.
for the first time in decades, due to a decrease Although many of us feel the need to put on
in air pollution. This reduction is one of the a brave face, we must embrace this time, and
greatest silver linings of this pandemic. use it as an opportunity to reflect on our daily
 routines, and see what we can do to improve
 Carbon Dioxide Emissions have them. Covid-19 has specifically caused us to
Dropped question the way we choose to live our lives,
 and while it has prompted many positive
 The coronavirus has also played a part in environmental changes, this impact could
lower numbers of carbon dioxide emissions. only be temporary. The challenges of the
Rob Jackson, a professor of Earth system coronavirus have forced us to redefine our
science at Stanford University, emphasized values and reconsider our influence on the
that this has been the first drop in CO2 environment, as we start to enter a virtual
emissions since the 2008 economic crisis. In era in our homes. Because of this, it is
fact, the CO2 emissions could fall by the largest crucial that we, of course, take the time we
amount since World War II if the decline need to recover from this sudden new way
continues at the current rate. This decline of life. But eventually we should grow from
in carbon dioxide emissions, if it should this experience, and change our mindset by
continue declining, could be a gamechanger increasing our respect for the land and people
in the discussion of climate change. around us we constantly take for granted in
Wildlife Is Free order to make these positive changes stay
 All over the world, there have been sightings
of wildlife in unexpected places. With people
inside their homes, various animals have
taken the opportunity to explore areas
normally covered by humans. For example,
an article by Sandra E. Garcia from The New
12 - Features

 Staying Active What do you think are some habits (e.g.
 dietary, physical) that students should
 During Quarantine learn to avoid during this period of
 virtual learning?
 Interview by Ophelia Ke ‘22
 Erik Hansen: I would say that the biggest
 What are some online fitness resources mistake someone can make that has to do with
 that Cate provides for the students? their exercises is not planning. For example,
 Erik Hansen: Currently, we’ve posted I can be just as lazy as the next person. I
 COVID-19 at-home workouts on The General know that as my day progresses, the chances
 and on the Cate Strength and Conditioning of me getting in a workout if I haven’t gotten
 Instagram account. We also provided a it done first thing in the morning, is low. The
 Google Sheet with the at-home workouts, and chances decrease as the day progresses, and
 sent it to The General. Most of the exercises so, for me, simply writing it in, or scheduling
 are in the drop down list on the sheet, so it the night before is really important. I don’t
 that you can adjust things according to your go to bed until I know when I am working
 access to equipment. The live Zoom workouts out and what I am going to do. You can set
 (with Aysia) and Instagram everything up (clothes,
 live workouts (@catesandc) Go on walks! Break water) so that all you have
 are based on the exercises to do is wake up, walk over,
 on this sheet. Reaching out up your exercise and do the workout.
 in general, and asking us for There’s a really good
 specific advice is also crucial. throughout the day,
 book called Switch that
 It is difficult sometimes to studies how successful
 cater to everyone’s needs so that movement
 organizations have shifted
 after taking into account
 injury history and physical
 goals can be and changed the culture
 of their communities. One
 ability. So, contacting achieved. of the major points is to
 coaches individually can be shrink the change. You have
 extremely helpful as well. to make sure that that change will be easily
 Another resource that we are providing are attainable. It can’t be A to Z, it’s got to be A to B.
 articles on In the Loop, which give The second mistake would be not scheduling
 What specific exercises do you think realistically. Great intentions aren’t always
 are really crucial in at-home workouts? answered. You have to be realistic, and find
 the part of the day that works with you the
 Erik Hansen: I think in one sense, the most.
 most valuable exercises a person can do at
 home are the ones that a person 1) can do, The same goes for nutrition. For example,
 and 2) realistically going to do. What I mean there’s no problem with snacking, but you
 by that is I can give you eight exercises that I should try to figure out what are good snacks.
 think are the most important for a person to That way, when you plan ahead, you have
 do at home, but if the person doesn’t know those quality snacks there to begin with.
 how to do it or doesn’t have access to the Looking at the recent burst in exercise-
 right kind of equipment, then it’s not going related activity on social media
 to be relevant. So, using the standard of platforms such as Instagram; how do
 something is better than nothing just go do you suggest Cate students process that
 something to begin the rhythm or pattern of information?
 that, then it will become easier to guide that
 person on what might work better later. The Aysia Shellmire: I think that people should
 better exercises are the ones that they know take advantage of the rest period, and pay
 how to do and the ones they can do. In terms attention to how their bodies move in different
 of the most important exercise, I think that ways. If they see a fitness guru doing a Turkish
 diaphragmatic breathing is one of the most get-up, watching this on the other end, having
 crucial ones. never done that movement before, I would
 never put myself under the pressure of doing
 that. Filtering that information so that you
13 - Features

are left with exercises that you are familiar equipment, is it very important to do
with can allow you to get the gains that you body weight workout during this time?
want. How?

 Erik Hansen: I had deep reservations and Aysia Shellmire: Of course. If your goal is
concerns with doing the April Challenge to build on strength, you want to work with
because I have no idea what situation some resistance. Your body weight is, in fact,
everybody is in out there. I try to put myself the weight that you’re moving and pushing
in the situation that someone might be in around, so whatever you choose to do with
NYC or Milan, who is in a very intense place, that, you’re just going to need to provide more
who may have diagnosed family members, tension. You can start doing isolation holds in
without many certainties of the future. For your movement, just to make it harder and to
me, if I were in that situation, these high- provide your body with more challenges. You
energy posts would make me angry, as they got to move your body, regardless, but if you
are completely insensitive. But at the same do have access to equipment, that’s definitely
time, there may be other people who need this a bonus.
kind of message, pattern, or infrastructure to
their life. As I always say, sleep and nutrition Erik Hansen: Again, I think the key is
come first; exercise isn’t the most important. just to move. Two examples used in exercise
I’m hoping that our program is able to strike a physiology class: If you want to see effects
balance of reaching out to students who need in non-movement, look at astronauts. When
that structure and to be okay to students in they are put into an environment where it is
sensitive situations. impossible for them to overcome the force
 of gravity, they can barely walk on the stairs
If some Cate students don’t feel the when they are back on Earth. The second
motivation to dedicate an hour every day example is when you watch the Disney movie
to work out, what small modifications Wall-E; you can see how the lack of body
can we make to maintain fitness? weight exercises breaks down your body.
 There’s a direct correlation between how
 Aysia Shellmire: Go on walks! Break physical you are with your mental health, so
up your exercise throughout the day so it’s important to stay active.
that movement goals can be achieved. For
example, you can do jumping jacks whenever What message do you have for Cate
you get up from the computer or when you athletes who are looking to maintain
move on to the next destination. Just try to their fitness or get stronger despite the
find really small goals because right now, if fact that gyms and clubs are closed?
you’re doing ten repetitions of something in
between your classes and meals, that can be a Aysia Shellmire: Just find movements that
win for you. I think that people have to show you can simulate from your sport with or
themselves a lot of grace in these movement without weight, and do them often. If your
goals that they set for themselves. goal is to develop power and you don’t have
 any weights, go jump, go sprint, get in as
 Erik Hansen: I think what Aysia mentions many repetitions as you can with what you
is a great example of what the book Switch have.
mentioned about small changes because
some students might find the prospect Erik Hansen: I think one of the most
of starting a whole workout routine valuable things that Cate athletes can learn
intimidating. However, if they are presented during this time is how to make something
with a strategy such as that of getting squats challenging but doable. In order to get
here and there, it may appear more doable. a stimulus and to know that you will see
This way, you go through the step-through- improvement from that exercise, that exercise
step process instead of being frightened by needs to be challenging towards the ends of
the bigger picture. Whatever you enjoy doing your last few reps. You need to be able to do
that is active, that you’re able to do, just start it in good form to make sure that you’re not
there. Go get it done! in risk of injuries. Cate students need to slow
 down, and show enough maturity to think:
Since many people don’t have access How can I make this challenging with what I
to weights, bands, and other gym have? You can do them slower, you can pause
14 - Features

 at certain positions, you can grab things on another Sunday night in January, when
 around the house to hold. The mistake would the girls of ‘25 gathered in the common room
 be to treat an exercise program as something munching on snacks and chatting about their
 to be done with. weekend. Maya, Lina, Lea, and Jess shouted
 “dorm meeting!” at the top of their lungs. The
 If you need any help, shoot them a few late stragglers scurried in as the chatter
 message on email (erik_hansen@cate.org; came to a hush. “Split up into lower and
 aysia_shellmire@cate.org) They are happy upper hall and we’ll be playing charades!”
 to support! Everyone scampered off to their respective
 halves of the common room, Tati and I to the
 Life in ‘25 House lower hall side. We nominated Beatrice and
 Phebe to represent us in this serious face-off,
 Room 9 - Nicole Teh ‘23 and Tatiana von while upper hall sent Claudia and Kaity to the
 Bothmer ‘23 battlefront. The dorm soon buzzed with girls
 chanting “upper hall!” while creating a U
 Despite ‘25 house having had our share of
 shape with their hands and others screaming
 mice, leftover tea bags, microwave mysteries
 “lower hall!” while the representatives of
 (one of which led to an all school fire alarm -
 each hall hastily acted out their given phrase.
 sorry about that) and, to quote the queen of
 The actors desperately moved around and
 the dorm, Ms. Doyle, herself, “disappointing”
 flailed their arms, morphing their body
 dorm meetings, we’ve also had a fair amount
 into whatever shape necessary as they were
 of shower parties, laughter echoing the halls,
 engulfed with guesses from every corner of the
 and the best prefects in the world - and we
 room. After a long, hard fight, upper hall was
 wouldn’t have wanted to spend freshman
 declared the winner, followed by an eruption
 year living anywhere else.
 of applause and giggles from one half of the
 Thursday nights were some of the most common room. Though we suffered a loss,
 thrilling of all in ‘25 house. At approximately it was a fun and memorable moment (...and
 8:58 pm, freshmen and sophomore girls lurked lower hall will always be superior).
 in the hallways, peering into the common
 These lasting memories will make us
 room. They longed for the comforting smell
 never forget
 of white cheddar
 our experience
 topped with
 being a part of
 scents of sweet
 the ‘25 house
 dark chocolate.
 community. We
 The anticipation
 have learned
 heightened when
 to make every
 the one and only
 moment into an
 Mrs. Holmes
 got up from her
 one, whether
 monitoring chair
 it’s hanging out
 and strolled
 with prefects,
 over to the blue
 stringing up
 Albertson’s bags
 behind her.
 lights, or
 The minute she
 gathering for
 placed out the
 another dorm competition. We’ve learned
 blocks of cheese, pita chips, and cookies,
 to make the best of tricky situations like the
 she was bombarded by busy bees in PJs and
 “woodpecker” keeping us up at night (its true
 slippers. A million arms swarmed the table,
 identity, the heater, to be later discovered).
 eagerly grabbing at the snacks. It was as if
 No matter the story, we have gained
 these ‘25 house girls had never seen food
 extraordinary memories from ‘25 house
 before. Once the girls were full, the remaining
 and the people there. Even though ‘25 and
 15 minutes free from homework were spent
 Longhouse will be switched next year, we are
 buzzing and laughing, extremely grateful for
 positive that the amazing community will stay
 this Thursday night treat.
 intact for future freshman and sophomore
 Another favorite ‘25 memory took place girls. We will miss it greatly next year.
15 - Features

Healthy Habits in to rest our bodies and create time to absorb
 our feelings during this difficult time. Then
Quarantine we can roll out the dough--and our feelings-
 -in positive ways later on. We can do this
 Avery Carter ‘21 and Ryan Lack ‘21 by channeling our pent up emotions into
 With more time on our hands, my family our hobbies instead of into our stress about
and I have taken turns making dinner each the things we cannot control. It’s the simple
night. While making dinner is simple, it’s things, like supporting your local community
also a great mental exercise in patience and or recycling old hobbies, that will provide
seeing things through to the end. On Devon’s stability in these unstable times.
dinner night, she made tacos from scratch. The third step is to add the meat and the
Her meal soon became a quarantine staple in crunch. Fill the tacos with healthy ingredients
our house, so we wanted to share this twenty- like chopped veggies, sauteed onions, and
minute recipe for all of you fellow chefs out meat, tofu, or grains. For the crunch, fennel
there. stem or radishes compliment the other
 The first step is to gather your ingredients, textures nicely. For the flavor, lemon adds
including hot water, flour, baking powder, acidity, fish sauce adds umami, and soy sauce
salt, butter, and taco fillings. Preparing to cook or vinegar add saltiness. It all depends on your
before beginning is one of the more tedious palate. Doing things that complement each
steps, but it is essential for organization in the other like the different textures in a taco is a
kitchen. Quarantine is similar; we have plenty good way to stay emotionally and physically at
of tedious busywork and mindless tasks to fill equilibrium. Eating healthy and hearty is one
empty time, but it’s important to focus on the source of emotional and physical well-being.
big picture and to prioritize. Think of the taco It provides ample energy, mental clarity,
shells like the larger structure of your days-- and it feeds your muscles. While snacking
our goal for the day is what holds everything is important, the unhealthy ingredients in
together. On the other hand, the fillings have certain snacks can increase inflammation
redolence and textures that add to the taco, and resistance to insulin, making you feel
just like the more colorful, silly activities we hungrier at night and keeping your body
fill our quarantine days with. The balance awake. Eating a balanced meal at dinner is
between the soft, bland tacos shells and the a great alternate. These tacos are filled with
myriad of flavors is what keeps us sane--it’s the this good balance--the sweet, salty, bitter, and
balance between the dull and the meaningful sour suit each other, and the fiber, protein,
activities. Balance is important for reducing and sugar balance out as well.
stress, especially when cooped up. It’s also The last step is to cook the tortillas and
imperative to take breaks throughout the day plate the tacos. Roll out the tortillas and
for exercise, outlets, and time to unwind. A brown them on each side in an ungreased
great source for unwinding that we’ve found pan. Fill the tacos, and you’ll have yourself
is meditation, and homemade meals are a plated meal. If there are extra tortillas,
almost a form of meditation in themselves. put them in the freezer to save for later. It’s
 The second step is to actually make the always good to save a couple good things
tortillas. After whisking together the dry for later, whether that be a good book or a
ingredients, blend in the butter and water funny joke. No matter how small or good that
to form the dough. Knead it like you knead thing may be, save it for a day when you’re
clay in ceramics before putting it on the particularly bored or stressed to help redefine
wheel, which should be a good arm workout your balance. Practicing patience and balance
if you’re doing it right. However, be careful in our newly unstructured days is essential
not to over-knead so that it doesn’t become in order to stay emotionally and physically
too stiff (just like how you shouldn’t overdo healthy, and making meals helps to create
screen time during quarantine, or you’ll be that balance and gives you a different sense
wound up too tight, knotted, like a ball of of appreciation while eating it. Stay safe, and
dough). Seperate the dough into balls and let happy eating!
them rest. This resting time allows the dough
to absorb the water and makes it easier to roll
out later on. This is similar to how we need
16 - Features & Entertainment

 Hobbies for Write short stories or poems

 Quarantine If you need to decompress:
 Hannah Biles ‘20 Try meditating (Calm or Headspace are
 With routine out the window, shelter-in- great guided meditation apps!)
 place really setting in, and Clare Crawley’s Journal
 season of The Bachelorette having been
 postponed, I’ve found myself with a lot of time Text a trusted adult
 on my hands. It’s time that easily slips away
 into scrolling Instagram or binge-watching Read a book!
 Narcos, but I am a maximizer! This time will
 Start a Zoom book club with friends
 be nothing if not an opportunity to pick up a
 bunch of new hobbies. In working to inspire Exercise: walk, run, bike, hike, yoga
 myself, I came up with several ideas to share
 with the community on how to pass this time. Sit in the sun
 Here’s a comprehensive list of some hobbies
 Call a friend and walk + talk (this is a
 to try while spending time in quarantine.
 personal favorite)

 If you’re feeling creative in Listen to music
 the kitchen: Have a dance party
 Make homemade bread--sourdough,
 banana, focaccia If you’re looking for a new
 Bake a cake
 Learn to code
 Make pancakes or waffles
 Learn a language (Duolingo is free!)
 Use up your random spices on your spice
 If you recently watched
 Make mac & cheese
 Little Women:
 Crack into that canned food stash and
 Learn to knit
 make a soup
 Pick up sewing
 Learn how to make bomb guacamole
 Write old-fashioned letters (your
 Copy your favorite meal from a restaurant
 classmates’ addresses are on Veracross!)

 If you’re just feeling… If you’re a self-care junkie:
 Try homemade face masks
 Cut your hair (high risk, high reward!)
 Use the random art set in the back of your
 closet Paint your nails

 Pick up photography Stretch

 Collage with old magazines, catalogues, Take 24 hours off of your phone
 old photos, and a glue stick
 Lay in the sun (with appropriate SPF)
 Start a Bullet Journal
 Take a bath or a relaxed (but environmentally
 Make some Pinterest boards responsible!) shower

 Write time capsule letters Read self-help books
17 - Entertainment

If you crave order and mom inside her room for the past 7 days. I just
 had to drop her food and beverage outside
stability: her door.
 Rearrange your room Looking back on it now, I think it was a
 Color code your bookshelf or your closet bit inevitable that my family would come so
 close to the virus. Or more accurately, that it
 Declutter your bathroom drawers would come so close to us. With both parents
 as doctors actively treating patients exposed
 Clean out your camera roll to the virus, it was bound to happen. But for
 some reason, I’d never thought it would affect
If you’re still looking for me.
things to do: Me.
 Play a game: PSYCH or Scriblio with A random girl from Granite Bay, California.
friends, solitaire, a board or card game, mafia
 1 out of millions.
 Watch a documentary
 What are the chances?
 Have a Harry Potter marathon (or any
movie series marathon) I guess they’re pretty high.

 Make a wish list I don’t exactly remember the moment
 my dad told us my mom was exposed.
 Support a local or small business All I remember are the words “exposed,”
 Watch that show that everyone is talking “quarantine,” “mom,” and “now.” But, I
about suppose that gave me all the information I
 really needed.
 Listen to an interesting podcast
 The next couple of days felt like an eternity.
 Call extended family who you don’t talk to Constantly rushing back and forth between
often her room and the kitchen. Having to take on
 all the responsibilities that she had: groceries,
 laundry, dishes, general cleanliness of the
What I Learned house, and making sure our germaphobic

When My Mom
 nanny didn’t find out. It felt like the weight
 on my chest was getting heavier and heavier,

Was Exposed to slowly closing in on my lungs.

 But a large source of hope for me was the
Coronavirus celebration of a religious holiday in Hindu
 Ashi Kamra ‘22 culture called Navratri. According to my
 Nani (Grandma), this holiday celebrates the
 In the fifteen years that I’ve been alive, Divine Goddess Durga’s victory over evil.
I would like to think that I’ve somewhat Worshipping her during this time is said to
mastered the art of not spilling my mother’s bring salvation and strength for the future.
chai. I figured that our family could use some
 salvation right now and so tried to put all of
 For those who don’t know, homemade chai
 my energy into the daily prayers, hoping that
straight from the kettle is a deadly weapon
 somewhere, some deity (Hindu or not) would
when exposed to the skin. Which is why,
 change our condition.
during the sixty-two foot journey from the
kitchen to my mother’s bedside, I must take During that week, I often used school work,
all precautions to ensure my safety when documentaries, and podcasts to distract
transporting this caustic liquid. Though on myself from the anxious thoughts filling my
my most recent journey, I didn’t have to head. It worked for the most part, until I
travel the normal 62 feet. stumbled upon an episode from the Daily, a
 podcast done by the NY Times, titled What I
 This was because we had quarantined my
You can also read