Grade 7 Curriculum Overview - Nanjing International School

Page created by Ryan Baker
Grade 7 Curriculum Overview
The Middle Years Programme focuses on the understanding that students in this age group are developing skills
that will help them to succeed in the rest of their academic and social lives. During this time, we recognise that
they are particularly aware of social and cultural influences. The MYP strives to make the most of this time of
growth to help students develop the capacity to become responsible for their own learning and to make informed

NIS has a Pre-K to Grade 12 curriculum that ensures that each subject builds on prior understandings and skills.
As life is a complex myriad of relationships and connections, students engage with these understandings and
skills through units that allow students to grapple with complex ideas and look at a variety of perspectives. Each
unit in the MYP is developed around a Key Concept that provides a framework for learning. These concepts
encourage students to make connections between subjects, create personal relevance, and achieve higher
levels of critical, creative, and conceptual thinking.

Organisation of Subjects
From Grades 6 to 8, MYP offers a core set of subjects. These are outlined for this grade level in this overview.

Language A is for native/near-native speakers, whereas Language B phases represent a continuum of second
language learning. Depending on English proficiency students will be placed in appropriate leveled classes.
Students also study one or two additional languages. Languages other than English taught at NIS are Mandarin
A and B, French B, Spanish B, Korean A, and German A.

MYP teachers use a variety of means to assess student progress regularly, applying assessment criteria
established by the IB. Full academic reports reflecting achievement on the subject area assessment criteria are
communicated in two Semester reports in January and June. Semester grades are represented on a 1-7 scale.
Nanjing International School provides the opportunity for NIS MYP Certificates at the end of Grade 10.

For additional information on any aspect of the Middle Years Programme, please contact the Head of Middle
School, Kasson Bratton:

Language Arts
Gr7 English A: Will provide students with the skills to respond to a variety of texts, develop a critical approach
to literature, communicate formally and appropriately in various situations through written and oral forms,
understand their own culture and those of others, gain a deeper understanding of human nature and read for

Week Unit/Statement of Inquiry       Key Concept                   Content                 Assessment

1-7     Thinking like an author/     Communities                   Analysis of literary    Novel Study
        How do authors use                                         techniques              Descriptive Write
        language to impact the                                     Produce original,       Personal Narrative
        reader?                                                    creative work
                                                                   Using Language

8-14    Short Stories/Why are        Creativity                    Narrative (Plot)        Short Story
        some stories better than                                   Structure            Composition
        others?                                                    (3D) Character Study Short Story Analysis
                                                                   Genre exploration

15-22 Flip the Script:Subverted      Perspective                   Thesis statement        Comparative
      fairy tales/How can film                                     composition             analytical essay
        be used to subvert                                         Essay structure and
        stereotypes?                                               format
                                                                   Stereotype analysis
                                                                   Using Language
23-30 Persuasion in Action/How Communication                       Persuasive              Compose and deliver
      can words be more                                            techniques in           a persuasive speech
      persuasive than money
      or force?                                                    different text types
                                                                   Key’s of public

31-38 Rites of Passage/What          Identity                      Theme, Conflict,        Mini-Memoir Podcast
      are the “universals” of                                      Symbolism
      growing up?*
      *In the context of the                                       Literature Circle
      literature circle                                            Roles (Literary
                                                                   Vocabulary in

Gr7 English B Phases 3-4: The focus is on the English skills needed to communicate independently and
confidently for academic and social purposes. Formal assessments will take place at the end of each semester
and the language status of each student reviewed. Parents will be kept informed of any changes. English for
Cognitive and Social Success (ECSS) support is given in place of a second language until students move from
English B Standard. The ECSS program develops skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. This is
achieved through active classroom support in Humanities and Science, with consolidation in ECSS classes
two lessons a week.

Week    Unit/Statement of Key Concept          Content                              Assessment
1-2     Introduction and   Communication       identifying main and supporting      Testing of reading
        Testing                                ideas; drawing conclusions; basic    comprehension and
                                               essay structure.                     writing
3-9     Poetry translation Creativity          Home-language poetry.                English translations
                                                                                    of home-language
10-17   Æsop’s Fables      Connections         Audio and print renditions of        Criterion A and
                                               Æsop’s fables.                       Criterion B written

18-14   The Birthday       Communication       Information about a famous person Keynote/Powerpoint;
        Project                                from history who shares a birthday   oral presentation
                                               with the student.

15-22   Legends, Icons     Culture             Two chapters from the book           Written responses
        and Rebels                             Legends, Icons and Rebels (plus      (Criteria A-D)
                                               accompanying mp3 recordings).

23-30   Mirrormask         Connection          The film Mirrormask; various         Screen-shot task;
                                               recordings of the song “(They Long comparison-contrast
                                               to Be) Close to You.”                essay based on
                                                                                    versions of the song
                                                                                    “(They Long to Be)
                                                                                    Close to You.”

Language Arts
Gr7 English B Phase 6: Grade 7 students develop and enhance the four skills of speaking, listening, writing,
and reading. Assessment throughout the year will be based on task-specific rubrics. Formal assessments will
take place at the end of each semester and the language status of each student will be reviewed. Parents will
be kept informed of any changes.

Week    Unit/Statement of       Key Concept             Content                    Assessment
1-6     What makes an                                   The Giving Tree            • An oral presentation of
        effective story? What                           • Theme and plot revision a story to PYP students
                                   Communication        • An introduction to essay • A literary essay
        makes an effective                                writing                    analysing a children’s
        story teller?                                                                story

7-16    How do journeys                                 The Little Prince          • A literary essay,
        challenge and                                   • Setting                    addressing the
                                                        • Developing an opinion      question “The journey
        change our                     Identity
                                                        • Writing effective          or the destination?”
        understanding of the                              paragraphs               • Planet Nanjing, a play
        world?                                                                       outlining what you have
                                                                                     learnt about life since
                                                                                     arriving in Nanjing
17-29 To what extent is my                              Mrs Frisby and the Rats    • Class debate: Motion -
        education preparing                             of NIMH                      Animal testing should
                                                        • Debating procedures,       be banned
        me to make informed                               terminology and skills   • A literary essay on the
        choices?                    Connections
                                                        • Public speaking            theme of civilisation as
                                                        • An formal open letter      discussed in the novel
                                                          expressing an opinion      Mrs Frisby and the
                                                        • Characterisation           Rats of NIMH
30-38 To what extent                                    A Wrinkle in Time          A literary essay on the
        should we conform?                              • Plot review              theme of conformity in
                                                        • An introduction to       the novel A Winkle in
                                       Culture            foreshadowing            Time
                                                                                   An oral presentation on
                                                                                   A Wrinkle in Time

Korean A
Gr7 Korean A: will provide students with the skills to respond to a variety of texts, develop a critical approach
to literature, communicate formally and appropriately in various situations through written and oral media,
understand their own culture and those of others, gain a deeper understanding of human nature and read for

Week Unit/Statement of           Key Concept             Content                     Assessment
1-8     Eyes of a Child          Connections             Nine Year Old Life          Create Character Analysis
        Is happiness relative                            An engage in activities     poster. Write short essay on
        or absolute?                                     to understand many          relative and absolute
        How much influence                               social, economical and      happiness.
        do we have on                                    political factors in life   Letter to a character in the
        society? and vice                                during the 1960’s.          novel.
        versa?                                           Realize the
                                                         importance of
                                                         friendship and love,
                                                         and the meaning of
9-16    Hymn of Life             Creativity              Analyzing poems             Produce a presentation
        Is an understanding                              Engage in activities to     focusing on analyzing poems/
        of a poem based on                               develop their abilities     lyrics which reflect social
        perspective or                                   in comprehending a          issues.
        personal intellectual                            piece of poem/lyrics.       Write a creative poem and go
        level?                                           Produce a piece of          through processes to transfer
        How can our                                      poetry to express their     it into a poem.
        thoughts be                                      own feelings.
        expressed in a
        concise manner?
17-3    Responding a novel      Perspective              MongShilUnNi                Write a scenario for
1       through different                                Engage in activities to     “MongShilUnNi” and this
        genres                                           understand the              piece of creative writing
        How did the Korean                               importance of               focuses on the adaptation of
        War effect the lives of                          perspective and             factors of a scenario into a
        Korean civilians?                                historical context in       class material.
        Can sacrifice for                                literature.                 Compare a part of the
        one’s family be the                                                          Mongsil with that of a drama
        same as happiness?                                                           called the Eye of upheaval
32-3    Backgrounds in           Communities;            “GamJa”, “DuPaSan”          Write a creative piece, a
9       stories written before   Culture                 and “Red Flame”             small yet significant event will
        independence                                     Engage in activities to     be changed and students are
                                                         understand the              to carry the story on.
        To what extent does                              importance of               Discussion concerning the
        environment affect                               environment on one’s        factors affecting human
        morality and ethical                             morality and ethical        behavior
        decision making?                                 decision making

German A
Grade 7 German A will provide students with the skills to respond to a variety of texts, develop a critical
approach to literature, communicate formally and appropriately in various situations through written and oral
forms, understand their own culture and those of others, gain a deeper understanding of human nature and
read for enjoyment.

Week Unit/Statement of          Key Concept             Content                    Assessment
1-10    Explore the world!      Perspective             Reading, writing and       Descriptive writing: Travel
                                                        watching texts of the      Report
                                                        literary genre travel
                                                        report. When I´m
                                                        traveling or exploring
                                                        Nanjing, China or
                                                        other countries, how
                                                        can I describe what I
                                                        see, know, feel and
10-20 You can not escape        Communication           Media is all around us. Argumentative Essay
        the influence of                                How is media
        media!                                          persuading us? What
                                                        do I really think? Can I
                                                        use the same tricks to
                                                        persuade someone?

20-30 Are we all the same -     Connections             An intro into inclusion - Characterisation
        or different?                                   how do we treat
                                                        people different? What
                                                        assumptions do we
                                                        have? How do I want
                                                        to be treated? How do
                                                        characters in books
                                                        represent stereotypes?

30-39 Stories tell us what      Creativity              Discover the moral         Summary
        the authors think is                            and message of             Creative writing
        right or wrong                                  different short stories,
                                                        fables, sagas or

The Grade 7 Language B Spanish course reinforces basics of the Spanish language to beginner learners. It
encourages students to use Spanish as a means of communication and offers insight into the cultural
characteristics of the Hispanic world while fostering curiosity, lifelong interest, and enjoyment in language

Phases 1-2
Week Unit/Statement of               Key Concept        Content                    Assessment
1-9     Family and friends.          Communication      Identities and             Listening comprehension
        How do families and          Relathionships     relationships              Reading comprehension
        friends differ? What is                         Extended family.           Oral communication - talk about
        our role within a family/                       Physical description.      my family and friends and my
        community?                                      Personality traits.     relationship with them.
        Statement of inquiry:                           Do you get along with…? Writing- describe my family's
        The concept of the                                                         appearance and personality.
        word "family" can be
        different in various

10-18   Jobs and personalities       Communities        Identity and relationships Listening comprehension
        How can interests and        Identity           Types of jobs and          Reading comprehension
        personality influence                           professions.               Oral communication- my family's
        my choices?                                     Interests for the future   job and my dream/ideal job
        Statement of inquiry:                           (What would you like to    Writing- poster/email/short story
        There are many                                  be?).
        interesting jobs which                          Matching personalities
        require specific                                and jobs requirements.
        personal qualities/traits.
                                                        Work places.

                                                        Comparing jobs
                                                        (more..than…, less…

19-23   Clothing.                    Connections        Personal and cultural      Listening comprehension
        How does fashion             Identity           expression                 Reading comprehension
        reflect my preferences?                         Describing types of        Oral presentation - clothes and
        Statement of inquiry:                           clothes.                   seasons
        Clothing reflects our                                                      Writing-posters, emails, letters
        interests and taste                             Likes and dislikes.

                                                        Fashion related to
                                                        weather,seasons and
                                                        different ocassions.

This is a general science course that caters for all learning styles and makes relevant links between science
and the student's life. There is a combination of practical laboratory classes, research and various writing
tasks. Computer technology is embedded in the curriculum to facilitate a deeper understanding of the content.

 Week Unit/Statement of         Key Concept        Content                                 Assessment
 1-9    Density: Density is                        Student are re-introduced to the        •Lab Report
        an important                               laboratory and how to work safely.      •Unit test.
        property of matter.                        Students will review the particulate
                                                   nature of matter, mass and volume
                                                   and apply this knowledge to density.
 9-17   Heat: How does it                          Student will use their knowledge of •Lab report
        affect our lives both                      density to learn about heat and     •Impact of Science
        now and into the                           temperature, conduction, convection •Semester exam
        future?                                    and radiation as methods of
                                                   transferring heat and uses of
                                                   (conductors and insulators).
                                                   Students finish with a major
                                                   research project on energy efficient

 18-27 Disease: How                                Students are introduced to infectious • Impact of
       should people                               and non-infectious disease. They        Science Project
                                                                                         • IDU: Group
        choose between                             then focus on the different
        prevention or cure?                        pathogens, spread of infection,       • Topic test
                                                   details about bacteria and viruses    • Lab Report
                                                   and the principles of vaccination and
                                                   immunity. Students investigate
                                                   examples of prevention vs cure.
                                                   Finally, students complete a major
                                                   investigation on a disease in groups
                                                   as part of the interdisciplinary unit
                                                   (IDU) with Humanities.

 28-33 Chemistry: How do                           Students are introduced to the          •Lab Report
        the chemical                               concept of matter, learning about       •Semester Exam
        properties of                              atoms, compounds, mixtures, and
        substances affect                          the differences between physical
        their behaviour?                           and chemical reactions. Students
        What are the roles                         learn the structure of atoms and
        of acids and bases                         their position on the periodic table.
        in our lives?                              Students learn how to separate
                                                   mixtures using mechanical means.
 34-39 Rock Cycle: Over                            Students are introduced to the          •Lab Reports
        time things change                         different types of rocks (igneous,
        and repeat.                                metamorphic, sedimentary rock).
                                                   The students learn about how these
                                                   rocks are linked in the rock cycle.                      8
The Grade 7 Mathematics course is taught in homeroom groups. It has been devised to help students to
continue fully mastering the basic skills in all areas of Mathematics, whilst introducing them to new concepts
and ideas.
Between the listed units there are also investigations developing skills from multiple units in a practical
application of mathematics.

Week     Unit question                  Key Concept        Content                       Assessment

1-7      Properties of Numbers:         Form               • Number talks                • Fraction pattern
         An understanding of how                           • The Number System             investigation (B,C)
                                                           • Number Operations
         numbers in different                              • Fractions: Equivalence,     • Summative Test (A)
         representations relate to                           simplifying, adding,
         each other and their                                subtracting, multiplying
                                                             and dividing
         context allows for us to
                                                           • Directed Numbers
         choose the best                                   • Review: Factors and
         representation for solving a                        Multiples
         particular problems.
8-16     Statistics:                    Logic              • Mean, median, mode          • Fitness
         Tracking data and using                           • Range, interquartile range    Interdisciplinary Unit
                                                           • Box plots                     with P.E. (D)
         logic can help make                               • Collecting and organizing
         decisions.                                          data                        • Summative Test (A)
                                                           • Statistical inquiry process

18-22    Algebra: Patterns              Relationships      • Linear and quadratic        • Pattern Talk (B,C)
         Patterns are all around if                          Patterns
                                                           • Substitution into           • Summative Test (A)
         you look close enough.                              Formulae
                                                           • Plotting patterns on
                                                           • Create rules for patterns

23-27    Number: Fractions,             Form               • Operations and              • Big Math and Fries
         Decimals, Percentages                               Conversions using             (D)
                                                             Percentages, Fractions
         Numbers can be written is                           and Decimals.               • Summative Test (A)
         various forms to solve                            • Finding Percentages and
         particular problems.                                Fractions of Amounts
                                                           • Applications of
28-32    Algebra: Expansion,            Relationships      • Simplification and          • Algebraic Patterns
         Factorization and                                   Factorization                 (B,C)
                                                           • Expansion
         Equations                                         • Inverse Operations and      • Summative Test (A)
         Problems can be solved by                           Solving Equations.
         understanding opposing
34-38    Angles, Lines and              Form               • Points and Lines            • Golf course (D)
         Parallelism                                       • Measuring and
                                                             Classifying Angles          • Summative Test (A)
         Modeling activities through                       • Angle Properties
         relationships and form.                           • Parallel Lines

This grade level’s theme is: Responsibility. Students learn the need to be responsible in a global world and
understand the impact that a person can have on another or their environment. Students are taught to be
reflective about their actions and how they can be a positive influence in their world today.

 Week     Unit/Statement       Key Concept            Content                            Assessment
          of Inquiry

 1-12     Conquest:            Change                 This course examines the           Daily life oral
          Power can be                                impact of the Spanish              presentation.
          used by one                                 conquest of the Aztec and Inca     Source Analysis.
          civilization to                             civilization.                      Spanish conquest
          change the                                                                     research project.
          culture and
          identity of

 13-21    Healthcare:          Systems                History of medicine focusing       Ancient medicine
          Systems are not                             on ancient civilizations and the   Comic Book.
          always developed                            Black Death. Examine the           Health and Medicine
          upon fairness and                           healthcare initiative the United   IDU exhibition.
          choice.                                     Nations and other NGO in
                                                      combating disease on global
                                                      scale. We focus on the
                                                      transmission of disease with
                                                      Science as a part of an IDU.

 22-33    Tourism:             Global Interactions    Study of the positive and          Test on Traveler’s
          Responsible                                 negative impact of tourism;        Code.
          interactions with                           how to make sustainable            Study analysis.
          people and                                  choices when travelling.           Tour website.
          places involve                              Examining sustainable              Economic sectors
          making                                      economic activities - primary,     report.
          sustainable                                 secondary, tertiary and
          choices                                     quaternary; the formal and
                                                      informal economic sectors.

 34-39    Biomes:              Time, Place, Space     What is physical geography?        Map work
          Appreciating                                What is an ecosystem?
          natural places                              Deserts: Characteristics,          Case study
          and spaces can                              locations, formation, plant and
          raise awareness                             animal adaptations,
          about sustainable                           desertification.
          living (time).                              Rain forests: Characteristics,
                                                      uses, deforestation,

Mandarin A will provide students with the skills to respond to a variety of texts, develop a critical approach to
literature, communicate formally and appropriately in various situations through written and oral media,
understand their own culture and those of others, gain a deeper understanding of human nature, and read for

Week     Unit/Statement of           Key Concept    Content                                            Assessment
1-8      Novel:                      Perspective    Texts:
                                                    Journey to the West                                Creative
         The definition of a hero,                  Adventure,                                         Writing &
         depends on one’s                           imaginative writing,                               Character analyzing
         perspective.                               characterizations,
                                                    Human nature

9-18     Fables and Idioms:          Connections    Texts:
                                                    Yu Yan Si Ze                                       Debate
         Language is a tool for                     Zheng Ren Mai Lu                                   Rewrite from classical
         personal growth, social                    Ke Zhou Qiu Jian                                   language to modern
         interaction and for                                                                           language
         developing relationships                   Chinese sayings, history, moral, personality
         within the community.

19-27    Prose: Culture and          Culture        Selected texts from the textbook Yu Wen:
         tradition                                  Duan wu Ri                                         Descriptive writing
                                                    Ben Ming Nian de Hui Xiang
         Reading a diverse                          Zhong Qiu Yong Yue Shi Ci San Shou
                                                                                                       Analytical writing
         variety of texts gives                     Traditions, values, feelings; narrative,
         insight into Chinese                       describing, expressing etc.
         culture and traditions,
         and a deeper
         understanding of the
         style of Chinese

28-33    Short stories:              Change         Texts:
         Growing pain                               Wei Ren Xi Bao                                     Creative writing
                                                    Dang hai dao qu
         Short stories are a                        Ba Ba de Hua er Luo le                             Literal analysis
         reflection of us as
         people, what we do and                     Family, relationship, society, personality, life
                                                                                                       Oral presentation
         how we are changed                         skills, characterizations; writing process.
         and shaped through

34-39    Poetry:                     Creativity     Texts:                                             Oral presentation
         What is poetry?                            Shao Nian Ge
                                                    Sheng Huo Shi Duo Me Guang Kuo                     Creative writing
         Language is a vehicle
         for thought creativity,                    Poetic devices, differences between classic
         learning, reflection, and                  poems and modern poems.

Gr7 Mandarin B will develop the students’ ability to communicate information, ideas and opinions, provide
access to varied sources of information and enable the student to develop an appreciation of host country

Phase 1-2

Week Unit/Statement of Inquiry          Key Concept        Content                 Assessment

1-9     Family                          Culture            Immediate and           Presentation; reading
        Family members can be                              extended family         comprehension; writing
                                                           members and             test
        identified according to their
10-17 Clothes                           Identity           Seasons, weather,       Magazine article writing,
      Clothing reflects our                                clothing                reading comprehension.
      interests and tastes.                                and different

18-25 Sports and Hobbies                Change             Sports and hobbies,     Reading comprehension,
                                                           the                     presentation.
       Our interest and                                    advantages of
       environments influence our                          exercising
Phase 3-4
       choices of hobbies.
26-32 Jobs                              Connections        Jobs and activities,    Role play, letter writing.
        Our jobs influence our lives.                      work places

33-38 Health                            Communication      Body parts, minor       Reading comprehension,
        How do we keep healthy?                            illness,                retell stories, rearrange
                                                           basic treatment.
                                                                                   the story.

Phase 3-4

Week Unit/Statement of Inquiry Key Concept          Content                             Assessment

1-9    Food and Culture             Culture         Food names, nutrient facts, food    Poster making, reading
                                                    pyramid, a variety of factors       comprehension,
       Different countries have                      affect the type of foods people      presentation.
       different food cultures.                      eat.

10-17 Celebrations                  Communication   The nature of celebrity.            Magazine article writing,
                                    Identity                                            reading comprehension.
       Students will understand
       that the more famous they
       are, the more
       responsibilities they have
       to shoulder.

18-25 Traditional Costume           Change          Terminology for traditional         Reading comprehension,
                                    Culture         clothes: factors affecting the       presentation.
       Natural environment                          style of clothing including
       shapes culture and ways                      geographical location, climate/
       of life.                                     weather, religion, natural

26-32 Animal Protection             Connections     Different types of animals in their Role play, letter writing.
                                                    habitats, food chains,
       Animal habitats impact on                    animal protection.
       human survival.

33-38 Fable Stories                 Creativity      Idioms through stories. The         Reading comprehension,
                                                    cultural background behind          retell stories, rearrange the
       Fable stories delineate                      stories.                            story.
       different morals.

Phases 4-5 (use the Phase 4 curriculum)
Week Unit/Statement of          Key Concept    Content                                Assessment
1-9     Food and Culture        Culture        Food names, nutrient facts, food    Poster making, reading
                                               pyramid, a variety of factors affect comprehension, presentation.
        Different countries                     the type of foods people eat.
        have different food

10-17   Celebrations            Communicatio   The nature of celebrity.               Magazine article writing, reading
                                n                                                     comprehension.
        Students will           Identity
        understand that the
        more famous they
        are, the more
        responsibilities they
        have to shoulder.

18-25   Traditional             Change         Terminology for traditional            Reading comprehension,
        Costume                 Culture        clothes: factors affecting the style    presentation.
                                               of clothing including geographical
        Natural environment                    location, climate/weather, religion,
        shapes culture and                     natural resources
        ways of life.

26-32   Animal Protection       Connections    Different types of animals in their     Role play, letter writing.
                                               habitats, food chains,
        Animal habitats                        animal protection.
        impact on human
33-38   Fable Stories           Creativity     Idioms through stories. The            Reading comprehension, retell
                                               cultural background behind             stories, rearrange the story.
        Fable stories                          stories.
        delineate different

The Grade 7 Language B French course encourages students to use French effectively as a means of
reasonable communication and offers insight into the cultural characteristics of the Francophone world whilst
fostering curiosity, lifelong interest, and enjoyment in language learning.
Phase 1-2

Week     Unit/Statement of Inquiry         Key Concept   Content                         Assessment

1-7      Family and friends.               Communicati       Extended family             Listening comprehension
                                           on                Height and weight           Oral communication
         Family members can be             Connections       Physical description        Reading comprehension
         identified according to their                       Zodiac signs                Writing
         different size and appearance.                      Comparison

8-18     Work.                             Communities   Jobs                               Listening
                                           Identity      Places of work                  comprehension
         Our jobs influence our lives.                   Opinion                         Oral communication
                                                         Personality                         Reading

19-22    Shopping.                         Connections       Clothes and accessories     Listening comprehension
                                           Identity      Likes and dislikes              Oral communication
         Clothing reflects our interests                 Shops                           Reading comprehension
         and tastes.                                                                     Writing

23-28    Health.                           Communicati       Body parts                  Listening comprehension
                                           on                Minor illnesses             Oral communication
         We can use body or verbal         Systems           At the doctor’s             Reading comprehension
         language to communicate                         Basic treatment                 Writing
         how we feel.

29-38    Leisure.                          Identity          Sports and hobbies          Listening comprehension
                                           Time, place       Weekend activity schedule   Oral communication
         Our interests and environment and space             Music instruments           Reading comprehension
         influence our choice of                         Likes and dislikes              Writing

This year students will enjoy two semesters of Design provided in three focussed environments. Students are
challenged to solve problems during one semester in Product Design (PD), Systems (SD) and Digital Design
(DD) and one semester in an integration of the 2 strands of design not covered in the other semester. Grade 7
students are reinforcing their knowledge of the Design Cycle throughout these units.

Design (two semesters)

Semest     Unit/Statement of       Key Concept    Content                    Assessment
er         Inquiry
Product    Express yourself                       Introduction to die        Inquiring and Analysing
           Time                                   casting metal, finishing   Developing Ideas
                                                  metal and designing in     Creating a Solution
                                                  a style.                   Evaluating
System     FLL Competition and                    First Lego League (FLL) Inquiring and Analysing
           Task                                   Robotic skills             Developing Ideas
                                                                             Creating a Solution

Ditgital   Dressing it up                         Digital manipulation       Inquiring and Analysing
                                                  (Photoshop)                Developing Ideas
                                                                             Creating a Solution

Product/ Express yourself                         Introduction to die        Inquiring and Analysing
Digital    safely                                 casting metal, finishing   Developing Ideas
                                                  metal and .                Creating a Solution

Product/ Express yourself in 3D                   Introduction to die        Inquiring and Analysing
System                                            casting metal, finishing   Developing Ideas
                                                  metal. Design own part     Creating a Solution
                                                  to print on 3D printer     Evaluating

Digital/   Lego Movie                             Animation Robotics         Inquiring and Analysing
System                                            Systems                    Developing Ideas
                                                                             Creating a Solution

The Arts
Students in Grades 6-8 choose 2 Arts subjects from Drama, Music and Visual Arts. They have 1 semester of
each of their 2 choices.
Students in grade 7 study tourism within their Humanities course. As part of this interdisciplinary unit,
music students will study how locations around the world have provided musical inspiration for
compositions and performances. This will result in the student creating their own piece of popular
music. Students will have both theoretical and practical work, in both individual and group settings,
that allow them to grow as musicians, while helping to solidify their foundational knowledge for the
upcoming years in MYP. This will be done through process work in the Process Journal.

Week        Unit/Statement of Key Concept       Content                            Assessment
3-8                                                                                This unit will have a
                                                Performance: Using their skills    strong focus on the
                                                and their knowledge of the         creative cycle and how
                                                Elements of Music, students will   their process journals
                                                perform the music related to
             Tourism: Music                                                        show their development
                                                specific locations.
               helps us to
                                                                                   as musicians over time.
             immortalise our
                traveling        Communication
9 - 18
              experiences.       / Personal and Composition: Students will         Mini-tasks relating to
                                     Cultural   study compositional techniques,    different location-inspired
             This unit is linked   Expression   including chord maps, aleatoric,
                                                                                   music will be used and
              to the Grade 7                    rhyming schemes, song
                                                structures, and country studies.   recorded into iMovie.
             Humanities unit.                                                      Short quizzes and a
                                                                                   process journal will
                                                                                   highlight knowledge
                                                                                   gained. A summative
                                                                                   song compositional task.

Drama students in Grade 7 are exposed to a range of dramatic styles and techniques. The first unit of study
focuses on developing improvisation skills and allows them to think quickly and creatively. The second unit
enables them to explore the techniques used in oral storytelling, particularly focusing on voice and physical
expression. Through a range of activities they develop confidence to perform in front of others. They document
their progress through the use of the developmental workbook. They use this to reflect on their work and record
 Week Unit/Statement of             Key Concept       Content                          Assessment
        Improvisation - the art     CONNECTIONS
 1-8                                                  Comedy Improvisation             Reflecting and recording
        of quick thinking!                            through a range of activities    ideas using the
                                                      and Theatre Sports Games         Developmental workbook.
                                                                                       Taking part in a Theatre
        Life is an improvisation!
                                                                                       Sports Competition
        The art of storytelling     COMMUNICATION
 9-13                                                 Learning the art of              Reflecting and recording
                                                      storytelling focusing on vocal   ideas using the
        We are all storytellers                       and physical expression.         Developmental workbook.
                                                                                       Performing a story to a
                                                                                       Public audience.

The Arts
Visual Arts
Visual Arts in Grade 7 introduces students to new and more complex art making processes. Students will learn
a variety of practices and skills including various drawing and collage techniques, large 3D model making and
painting. Students will use the Process Journal to explore and express their own ideas and to develop new
media skills and art techniques. They are also used to document research and to make preparatory work.

Week    Unit/Statement of      Key Concept           Content                      Assessment

1-9     Unit 1                 Scientific &          Working independently        Submission of a
        Bacteria IDU           Technical             to design and create a       completed 3D model of
                               Innovation            3D model of a bacteria.      a bacteria and related
        Multiple disciplines                                                      information about it.
        can influences and                           Creative drawing and
        compliment one                               constructing a 3D model      Process Journal
        another.                                     using clay.                  detailing working
                                                                                  process including
                                                     Painting or glazing their    ongoing reflection and
                                                     completed model              evaluation.
10-19   Unit 2                 Personal & Cultural Research Observational         Submission of a
        Repeat Pattern         Expression          drawing,                       completed piece.
        Print                                      enlarging an image,
                                                   creative drawing & use         Process Journal
        Pattern can be                             of Photoshop                   detailing working
        created by                                                                process including
        studying the                                                              ongoing reflection and
        natural world.                                                            evaluation.

Physical Education
PE in Gr 7 focuses on the development and application of specific locomotor, non locomotor, and manipulative
skills. In 1st semester this is achieved through participation in health-related activities, net games and
composition. In 2nd semester, through aquatic activities, composition, games and track & field. The emphasis
is making choices leading to a healthy lifestyle.

Week    Unit/Statement of Inquiry Key Concept           Content                        Assessment

1-8     Net Games - Choices                             Volleyball focus - Scoring,    Observation,
        made by players lead                            rotation, dig, set, serve,     assessment of specific
        to constantly changing                          spike, introduction to pass/   skills. Assessment of
        movement within court                           set/attack concept.            the effort, and
        systems.                                                                       progress made.

7&      Health Related                                  This unit is divided up into   Observation,
20-2    Activities - How can I                          smaller focus units            assessment of specific
        improve my health &                             throughout the year and        skills.
6       fitness?                                        covers; Skeletal &             Projects or quiz for
        How can I develop                               Muscular Systems, Fitness      each topic.
        healthy habits?                                 and Nutrition

8-14    Movement                                        Incorporation of gymnastic     Observation,
        Composition - Adding                            and creative movement in       assessment of specific
        props to a movement                             a routine that expresses       skills and creative
        routine increases the                           the given theme. Props are     compositions of
        level of energy,                                used for this task             movements.
        coordination and                                (gymnastic ribbons, hoops)
        concentration needed
        to achieve an
        aesthetic balance.
15-1    Swimming and Water                              Water safety techniques        Observation,
9       Safety - Refining                               and stroke development.        assessment of specific
        skills, knowledge and                           (course is adapted to the      skills. Emphasis on
        awareness about the                             ability of the students)       active participation and
        changing conditions of                                                         progress
        aquatic environments
        can increase the
        safety of ourselves
        and others whilst
        participating in a range
        of water-based

27-3    Athletics - Refining                            Track and field events         Observation,
2       movement techniques                             (throwing and jumping)         assessment of specific
        lead to an                                      using 5* Athletics Award       skills related to Athletic
        improvement in                                                                 events.
        performance in athletic
33-3    Invasion Games -                                Touch Rugby or Flag            Students will be
8       Movement choices                                Football focus -               observed and
        determine how space                             Introduction to the rules      assessed on practical
        is created.                                     and main concepts of the       skills, strategies,
                                                        game. Practice of basic        tactics and game play
                                                        skills and tactics.            according to the
                                                        Application of skills in a     criteria and descriptors
                                                        game setting.                  set out for the unit.

The Curriculum - Grade 6, 7 & 8
To ensure a strong knowledge base in all subjects the following are offered: Language A, Language B,
Mathematics, Mandarin, Sciences (6,7,8), Design, Performing and Visual Arts, Physical Education.

Interdisciplinary Units provide the focus for developing the connections between the disciplines, so that
students will learn to see knowledge as an interrelated, coherent whole.

                              Subject               Periods         %

                              English               5               12.5

                              Mandarin              4               10

                              Languages             4               10
                              Humanities            5               12.5

                              Sciences              4               12.5

                              Math                  5               12.5

                              Design                4               10

                              Drama/VA/Music        4               10

                              Life skills           HR              2.5

                              PE                    3               7.5

                              TOTAL                 40              100

Contact Details

                               Nanjing International School

                                      Xue Heng Lu 8
                           Xian Lin College and University Town
                                      Qi Xia District
                                     Nanjing 210023

                                  Phone: +86 25 85899111
                                   Fax: +86 25 85899222

   Director:                                    Head of Primary:
   Mr Laurie McLellan                           Mrs Marina Gijzen  

   Deputy Director - Learning:                  Head of Middle School:
   Mrs Arden Tyoschin                           Mr Kasson Bratton   

   Deputy Director - Operations and Finance:    Head of Upper School:
   Mr Arek Owczarek                             Dr Juan Saavedra   

   Admissions Director:                         Counsellors:
   Mrs Sue Northcott                            Ms Kris Bezzerides (K-G8)    
                                                Mr Scott Langston (G9-G12)

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