In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - Phoenix P-12 Community College

Page created by Jimmy Ayala
In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - Phoenix P-12 Community College
‘In Knowledge there
                                                                                   is Opportunity’

                                                                                     March 2021, Issue 3

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT                                            SUPPORTING OUR STUDENTS TO CATCH UP:
Week 7 Term 1                                                 Following COVID-19 we have numerous strategies in
LIVING OUR VALUES                                             place to help students catch up. Tutors are in our classes
At Phoenix we are clear about our purpose as a school         and working with our students. The gratitude our
and a community. Our Moral Purpose is to ensure that          students are expressing is incredibly affirming. Literacy
together we develop socially respectful and responsible       Support: We have a range of literacy intervention
global citizens of tomorrow. We want our students to          strategies happening from Prep to Year 12; this includes
have the power to make their world a better place and         Levelled Literacy Intervention (LLI), STAPP, Multi-Lit as
to have the opportunity to choose their future. At school     well as additional reading instruction.
we frequently discuss, model and affirm our school            Mrs Karen Snibson—Principal
values. These human competencies are the cornerstones
for success in College life, at home and more broadly in      MIDDLE/SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT
the community.                                                YEAR 7 CLASSES
Respect             Responsibility            Integrity       I would like to congratulate the Year 7 cohort for the
      Cooperation                Excellence                   positive transition they have all made into secondary
We invite parents to join us in this positive education by    school. We have 11 Year 7 classes at Phoenix this year.
discussing the values at home as well. Question and           Many students can find the transition from Primary to
discuss what they look like, sound like and feel like in      Secondary school quite overwhelming. However, I have
action. It is through discussion and story telling that our   been incredibly proud of the way in which our Year 7
behaviours become habits and our habits become a              students have settled into the Phoenix community this
permanent part of our culture.                                term. I have observed Year 7 students focused on
COVID-19 UPDATE:                                              learning and being the best version of themselves they
As restrictions relating to COVID-19 continue to change       can be. I am looking forward to watching the students
we look forward to opportunities to again welcome             become even more settled in our Phoenix community
parents to our school site. We anticipate being able to       and developing great learning habits as the year
have face-to-face Parent/Teacher/Student interviews           progresses.
next term, in addition to a range of other forums for         LAPTOP PROGRAM
parent and family participation. We continue to be            I would just like to remind all students and parents that
vigilant about ensuring that we undertake additional          Phoenix is a 1:1 laptop school. This means that every
cleaning as well as being mindful that students or staff      student should have their own dedicated laptop from
who have flu-like symptoms remain at home until a test        Years 7-12. It is an expectation that students are bringing
can be undertaken and cleared. By being vigilant              their fully charged laptop to school every day as it is a
together, hopefully we can continue to enjoy the              vital learning tool. We learnt from last year that being
freedoms we have and avoid future periods of flexible         ready to be adaptable so that learning can be continuous
and remote learning.

At Phoenix we have a zero tolerance attitude to violence and aggression of any form
 to staff and others. We build a thriving community by working positively together to
                                 educate our children.
In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - Phoenix P-12 Community College
is achieved through ensuring each student has their            VCAL/VET REPORT
dedicated device. We maintain a stock of laptops for any       VCAL
families yet to purchase a laptop for their child. Order       And the busy times begin! Over the last 4 weeks we have
forms and payment plans are available through the              been diving right into our programs and ticking off those
General Office. If your child is having issues with their      outcomes!
device not working properly, please email                           Barista training and we will ensure the              Our Year 11 students have started their Barista training
device is fixed and a loan device offered if required.         in preparation for opening the VCAL Café. We have 30
                                                               more students to complete their training next week.
                                                               What a way to upskill!
Your child may have already completed or might be
                                                                    Senior Leadership day at Lake Dewar
expecting to complete their first assessment task for
                                                               Our Year 12 students headed out to YMCA Lake Dewar to
Term 1. To assist with this we ask that parents support
                                                               complete leadership challenges and come together to
this by ensuring your child has a productive space at
                                                               define their personal leadership. Lots of fun was had,
home to study. Planned and regular homework time,
                                                               lots of laughs and some great opportunities to step
free of interruption of other electronic devices such as
                                                               outside our comfort zones!
phones and television is a good idea. In the absence of
set homework tasks some quiet reading for 30 minutes
                                                               Please read through the quick reminders below:
can be a great task to help students increase their
                                                                   VET is adult education at school and it is important
literacy skills. Please ask your child about their
                                                                       that you work hard in both the practical and
homework and check for due dates and further details in
                                                                       theory components.
COMPASS. It is important that we all encourage students
                                                                   VET has a mandated number of attendance hours –
to establish positive study habits at this early stage of
                                                                       be in class!
the year.
                                                                   Students completing their VET offsite need to ensure
COMPASS PARENT PORTAL                                                  they are signing out at the General Office at the
Parents are reminded that COMPASS is an online portal                  approved time.
that allows you to monitor attendance, receive semester            VET is a whole year commitment; you cannot change
reports, email teachers, check your child’s learning                   subjects mid-year.
progress, receive notifications and receive messages           Any questions around either VET or VCAL, please don’t
from the school. You can also follow your child’s learning     hesitate to contact me at the College.
progress through our continuous reporting platform             Stay safe!
through learning tasks. If you do not have your                Miss Kiya Eberle—VCAL/VET Coordinator
COMPASS account activated and would like to know how
please contact the General Office.
We would like to remind Middle School students that
organisation is the key to success. It is important that
students strive to arrive to every class on time and are
prepared. Our expectation is that we see our Phoenix
students in the right place at the right time with the right
equipment ready to learn. This means ensuring they
have their laptops, correct books and pencil case for
every class. Supporting your child in establishing this
routine and expectations now will help to set up
students as they progress towards VCE and life beyond
Mrs Deanne Joosten—Assistant Principal
In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - Phoenix P-12 Community College
                                                                  Please ensure we have accurate family contact details for your
                                                                  family, in particular telephone, address and email address as
When you visit the College at any time please bring your
                                                                  we use these details for contacting you. Please contact the
mobile phone and register with QR Tracking code in the foyer.
                                                                  General Office or update your information on COMPASS if you
If you do not have a mobile phone please register manually.
                                                                  have any changes to your family contacts, emergency
COMPASS PORTAL:                                                   contacts, email, employment or family guardianship details.
https:\\                             We need to have current data to make sure we can contact
COMPASS is vital for communication with the College and           you if required. The family accounts are emailed out to
keeping abreast of what is happening. It is our primary           families, along with other vital information regarding the
communication channel so please make sure you are                 education of your child(ren).
connected. All families should have information about
                                                                  THE FINANCIALS—INVOICES:
COMPASS and their family login details. If you cannot access
                                                                  Families will have received various invoices already for the
or login to your COMPASS account, please contact the
                                                                  Educational Costs – including the senior classes elective costs
General Office and the staff will be able to assist you.
                                                                  for 2021. Each time there is a cost (including excursions or
CONTACT WITH THE COLLEGE                                          other activities) added to the family account an invoice will be
URGENT MESSAGES                                                   sent for payment. Statements will be
If you have an urgent message for your child, please call the     distributed regularly but please contact the
General Office telephone number 5329 3293 – Option 1 for          General Office if you need an updated
the Sebastopol Campus and Option 2 for the Redan Campus.          statement any time. Payment is appreciated
The Absence Hotline is for Absences only and your message         as soon as a possible and remember you can
may not be picked up in time.                                     pay instalments.
SICK BAY                                                          SET UP REGULAR PAYMENTS NOW
If students are unwell, they need to be at home                   Many families have already set up payment plans and started
where you can care for them. Please do not                        paying off their Educational Costs for 2021 – thank you. We
send your child to school if they are unwell. If                  are happy to receive regular weekly or fortnightly deposits
your child is unwell at school you may receive a                  into your family accounts. Cash, EFTPOS, Centrepay or BPAY
call from the Sick Bay staff requesting you pick                  are welcome. If you need to have a chat about a plan please
your child up from the General Office. Parents are required to    pop into the General Office and see Lorraine.
come into the General Office Foyer to collect and sign out
                                                                  SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING
their child.
                                                                  The Annual General Meeting of Council will be held on
PICKING UP STUDENTS DURING THE DAY                                Monday March 29th, 6pm, and the General Meeting Monday
If you have appointments or other reason for collecting your      March 29th, 7pm, 2021.
child during the school day, please make sure you send a note
                                                                  QKR! OUR CANTEEN APP
or contact the school to make arrangements. Parents are
                                                                  The instruction of the Qkr! App for ordering and
asked to come into the General Office Foyer to collect and sign
                                                                  paying for Canteen lunches has been a great
out their students. If students are not signed out, their
                                                                  success. If your family is a regular user of the
absence from class will generate unexplained absences.
                                                                  Canteen, this is a great way to organise lunches.
STUDENT ABSENCES - IT IS NOT OK TO BE AWAY!!                      Download the Qkr! App on your mobile phone
Students are expected to be at school every day. If your child    and follow the prompts.
is marked as absent and we have no notification you will
                                                                  There is a ‘How To Chart’ posted at the back of the
receive an SMS message to the nominated mobile telephone
                                                                  Newsletter. If you need help please do not hesitate to contact
at 11am. Please contact the College to verify your child’s
                                                                  the General Office.
                                                                  Ms Lorraine Hayes—Business Manager
In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - Phoenix P-12 Community College
WorkSafe ‘White Card’ Safety Ticket,                          FEDERATION UNIVERSITY HEALTH
                                                                    SCIENCE FACULTY EXCURSION
        Training and Assessment                                 On Wednesday, 24th March a group of 8 students from
                                                                Years 11 and 12 visited the new Health Science Faculty
VET Building and Construction students in the Phoenix
                                                                at Federation University. We were kindly shown around
College pre-apprenticeship program recently undertook
                                                                the state-of-art facility by Neville Down and Scott Talpey
training at Phoenix to gain their Construction Induction
                                                                and discussed the variety of courses available. Students
card (white card), enabling them to safely work on
                                                                were able to view and undertake activities in a variety of
construction sites.
                                                                new and exciting areas including:
Around 55 students spent a full day working with                     Anatomy Lab
trainers from the CFMEU who are accredited by                        Active Studio
WorkSafe, the body that issues the cards. Students will              Study pods/Hub
be issued with their “white card” tickets to enter                   P210
construction sites upon satisfactory completion of a very            Gym
comprehensive assessment of student knowledge,                       Smart Room
ensuring they can safely work on a construction site.                Swimming Pool
Only those holding a “white card” are legally permitted              Exercise Physiology Clinic & Hydrotherapy Pool
to enter a construction site anywhere within Australia.              Physiology Lab
Topics covered in the training and assessment process                Strength & Conditioning Gym
include vital knowledge to keep workers safe on                      Health & Fitness Centre Gym
construction sites. It includes on the job safety signage,
personal protection equipment and other measures to
keep construction workers safe across a range of work
activities; fire safety on site, identifying hazards and risk
assessment, reporting hazards, incidents and accidents,
hazardous manual handling, noise, asbestos, on site
personnel and industry terminology for amenities and
facilities found on site, bullying and harassment policies
and useful information and contacts for those
commencing an apprenticeship.
Students participating in the course have been advised
                                                                             In the Strength & Conditioning room Tyson
that WorkSafe will issue their cards and they will arrive                    volunteered to demonstrate his skills on
after a period of 60 days.                                                   the 1080 resisted/assisted device and the
                                                                             Speed Mat which measured his reactive
Fiona Ludbrook, on behalf of the VET Building and                            strength index (RSI=Power)
Construction Team.
In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - Phoenix P-12 Community College
Nurture Room                                               Head of the Lake
Thursday 25th February we had Connor Scott and
                                                           We would like to thank the amazing coaches and
Mikaela McPhan graduate as the first two students to
complete the Nurture Program. Accompanied by staff,        organisers of the 2021 BAS Head of the Lake Rowing
their families and their classmates, Connor and            Regatta for their hard work and dedication to their
Mikaela braved the lectern and spoke about what            crews!
they have enjoyed about Nurture and what they’ve
learned.                                                   Well done to all crews who competed in this event!

                                                           We couldn't be more proud and would like to
Mikaela: “Before I came to the Nurture Room, I felt
scared and small. Sometimes I didn’t know what to do       congratulate the Phoenix crews on their outstanding
when I felt sad and I didn’t always make kind or           effort on Sunday!
positive choices. Now I know that it is okay to feel sad
                                                           Phoenix crews results are below:
and I can tell people how I am feeling. I trust grown
ups now thanks to the Nurture Room. I will miss the        Senior Crew 1: Div. 5 - 3rd Position
Nurture Room lots.”                                        Senior Crew 2: Div. 6 - 1st Position
                                                           Intermediate Crew: Div. 5 - 3rd Position
Connor: “I have liked spending time in the Nurture         Juniors Crew: Div. 5 - 6th Position
Room because it helps me feel calm when my body
                                                           Well done Phoenix!
feels busy and hot. Sometimes I still feel mad but now
I know what to do when I’m angry, like doing my
breathing or just walk away instead of making a
dangerous choice. The Nurture Room feels safe and
warm and now I know I am safe at school. Now I
know that people care about me and want me here.”

Congratulations Connor and Mikaela, pictured below
with classmate supporter Nathaniel Murray.

The 40th anniversary of Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre on
                  Friday 26th February.                    EFTPOS NOW AVAILABLE FOR ALL STUDENTS
In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - Phoenix P-12 Community College
My Phoenix Reflection                                                  2021 Senior Music Camp
Hello, my name is Jordyn and I’m writing about my Year       It was so good to be back, not only rehearsing but performing.
7 experiences at Phoenix P-12 Community College.             For many of the students from Phoenix P-12 Community
The first day of school was great! I was so excited to       College, Stawell Secondary College, Nhill and Horsham
walk over to Bonshaw with my friends and when I got to       Colleges it has been a full year. Wow, I really thought this may
class, I talked to a lot of new people and my first day      dent the quality of sound that the Mega Band would produce
nerves went away. The 3-day induction was really good.       after a disastrous COVID-19 year of no performances, no
I got to know the teachers and my peers; it was fun doing    rehearsals and a big lack of motivation. I was so glad I was
all the different activities and getting to know my new      wrong; the enthusiasm and concentration levels from the
classmates.                                                  students were so, so high. We ended up performing all seven
                                                             charts we rehearsed which was a first. Not only performed
I like High School a lot more than Primary School            them but nailed them.
because I have the opportunity to meet new people and
make new friends. Some of my friends went to different       The variety of repertoire selected by the four participating
High Schools but I still like to keep in touch with them.    schools made it very interesting playing. The like of
                                                             ‘Kokomo’ (Beach Boys and arranged by Nick Shirrefs),
                                                             variations on a Celtic tune (based on the Irish song ‘Mo Ghile
My favourite thing this term so far was Athletic Sports
                                                             Mear’), an arrangement of ‘Shotgun’ (performed by George
day. I loved doing the long jump which I placed 3rd in; I
                                                             Ezra), ‘Hatikvah’ (Israeli National Anthem arranged by Elliot
also liked the 200m and the 100m races. I placed 3rd in
                                                             del Borgo), ‘When Summer Comes’ (a dreamy beautiful piece of
the 100m and 2nd in the 200m. My friends and I all
                                                             music, based on            ‘Danny Boy’), ‘Hooked on a
cheered each other on in different events; we supported
                                                             Feeling’ (performed by Blue Swede in 1974, but in 2021 it was
each other, even if one of us didn’t place.
                                                             performed by ex-Phoenix student Emily Ward with the backing
                                                             of the Band; an excellent performance which we were going to
For the Year 6’s who will be going into Year 7 next year,    have at the 2020 Cabaret, maybe this year) and the last item was
Year 7 isn’t as scary or hard as you may think it is when    ‘Insert Super Hero Here’. This music chart was composed by
you’re in Year 6. I thought I wouldn’t be able to do any     Nick Shirrefs from Horsham College; what a ripper! It depicts
of the work in Year 7 because it would be too hard but       slices of many super hero themes. The students loved playing
now that I’m here it really isn’t that bad! As long as you   this one. I am sure you will hear our version when you come
try your best, work hard and don’t give up, High School      and see us perform.
will be no challenge for you. Some friendships won’t
last, but you will make new friends. So, don’t stress.       I am exceptionally proud of all our students who attended;
High School is what you make of it so the decision is        their willingness to improve, listen, help, encourage other
yours if you make your experience good or bad.               students was impeccable. Such a pleasure to perform side-by-
                                                             side with them. Special thanks to Miss Felicity Liston and Emily
                                                             Ward      for    “jumping       in”    and      helping     o u t.
                                                             John Netherway—Music Coordinator

               Phoenix Term 1
When I first started at Phoenix P-12 Community
College it was super nerve racking but all the staff were
there to help you when you needed it. The first three
days were Induction Days which help you to get to
know your class, the school and your teachers.
After the Induction Days we started to do normal
classes and move around the school. A few times we got
lost but it’s totally normal. Some suggestions for Year
6’s moving up to Secondary College is to try to be
prepared and organised and to learn about the school as
quick as you can. Being at Phoenix has been so much
fun, meeting new people and learning new things.
- Piper Bogers, Year 7 Student
In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - Phoenix P-12 Community College
The Phoenix Academy of Sport is very lucky to have
                                                              high quality external coaches that lead each sport

                                                                 Coach Profile – Jason Spirovski (Soccer/Football)

                                                             Qualifica-     Youth C Licence
                                                             tions:         Senior C Licence
                                                                            Currently awaiting approval of B Licence
                                                             Teams          All junior age groups at Ballarat City NPL
                                                             Coached:       2015-2020.
                                                                            Senior assistant - Ballarat City FC.
                                                                            Technical director - Ballarat City FC.
                                                                            Multiple Victoria representative Futsal
                                                                            sides at National competitions.
                                                             Greatest       Playing:
                                                             sporting       Representing Victoria both as a Futsal and
                                                             achieve-       outdoor player when I was a junior player.
                   PARKING                                   ment:          Coaching:
                                                                            Technical director of NPL club at age 23.
                                                             Best advice    In whatever sport you play your game day
Could all parents/guardians please assist us in not
                                                             for aspiring   is your reward for the work you put in dur-
parking in the 7-Eleven car park or the Ballarat Health      athletes:      ing the week. Enjoy your training and take
Services Dental Clinic Carpark for drop-off and pick-up.                    pride in getting the details right because
They have received multiple complaints from service                         those become the difference at higher lev-
users unable to park in the car park when accessing
these locations. We have had reports from 7-Eleven that
it is becoming extremely dangerous for children with         Sebastopol Junior Football Netball Club
traffic at these times.                                       Come to a family friendly environment. We
                                                                 are excited to offer your children an
We ask again for your cooperation in not using this car        opportunity to flourish in a family oriented
park for the dropping off and picking up of students.        club. All ages and skill level players welcome.

                                                             Sebastopol Football Netball Club is located in
                                                              Burnett Street Sebastopol, straight off Albert
                The Smith Family                                                 Street.
                                                                   Please forward your enquires to
            End of Year reports are due now                              Jeff Mihel 0412 505 171
 Please could you upload your child’s Semester 2 2020               or Narelle Cromb 0417 380 117.
         End of Year report to My Smith Family
                                                             We look forward to hearing
(We do not get these reports automatically from school)         from you...GO BURRA!
 If you are unsure of the process, please call the service     We have a great club
line on 1800 280 223 or contact Karen on 0458 716 669        atmosphere and believe in
                                                             building from within...UP THE
In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - Phoenix P-12 Community College
TRIPLE R RESPONSE TO BIG EMOTIONS                                         OMG YOU GUYS!
Emotions can be tricky and confusing to manage for adults at                PHOENIX COLLEGE STUDENTS TO PRESENT
the best of times. Young people have an even tougher time:                           LEGALLY BLONDE JR.
they are still learning how to navigate their feelings, they are
managing a mix of school and social pressures, not to mention
the hormonal changes (thanks puberty!). Adults play a key
role in shaping a young person’s emotional experiences and
management strategies, but how do you manage a teenager
that has just flown off the handle? With the TRIPLE R RE-
A young person can’t think rationally when their emotions are      The 2021 Phoenix P-12 Community College Production
in charge! First things first, support your child to regain con-   students will have Ballarat thinking pink when they pre-
trol of their emotions. This can be done through:                  sent their 2021 production - Legally Blonde JR. The fun
     Engage them in something with rhythm and movement             and upbeat musical follows the adventures of a sorority
                                                                   girl named Elle Woods – a Gemini with a double Capri-
          (e.g. dance, trampoline, running).
                                                                   corn moon – who tries to win her ex-boyfriend back by
     Meet their sensory needs (e.g. pressure blankets, fidget
                                                                   earning a Harvard law degree. Based on the famous
          toys, dark space, music).
                                                                   movie, the musical is full of catchy songs and quirky
     Get the emotions out through self-expression: art, music,     characters.
          dance, writing, etc.
                                                                   Performances will be on the 17th, 18th and 19th June.
     Remain open, warm and most importantly, calm!
                                                                   More details on times and tickets over the coming
                                                                   months so make sure you save the date!!
The emotions are under control, now what? It’s too soon to
start talking about the big emotions, what led to them and
what happened. This is a good time to simply connect with
your child. You can do this through:
     Playing a board game.
     Having some quiet time together.
     Engaging in a mutually enjoyed activity.
     Go for a walk together.
Reason                                                             The BRAVE Program is an online program for the treatment
With those big emotions under control and you and your child       of anxiety in young people. It was developed by a team of
connected, now is the perfect time to exercise those problem-      researchers from the University of Queensland, Griffith
solving skills! You can get a better understanding of what hap-    University and the University of Southern Queensland and has
pened by asking:                                                   been specifically designed to teach young people the skills
     What were you feeling?                                        they need to reduce anxiety and to cope with stressful
     What made you feel X, Y, Z?                                   situations.
     How did you deal with it?                                     The BRAVE Program is based on Cognitive-Behavioural
     Do you think you did a good job of managing your feel-        Therapy (CBT) and has been running in Australia for over 13
          ings?                                                    years. Therapy techniques used in this program include:
     What could we do better next time?                            relaxation training, identification of emotions and thoughts,
With some support from the adults around them, our young           positive self-talk, coping skills, problem solving and graded
people can learn to manage their big feelings and grow into        exposure.
happy, healthy and adjusted members of our community.
                                                                   The BRAVE Program was converted into a self-directed
Kenneth Anthony Alfred Spedding
                                                                   therapy program (BRAVE Self-Help), which is now freely
Mental Health Practitioner
                                                                   available to all Australian young people, aged 8-17 years old
Educational and Developmental Psychology Registrar
                                                                   and their parents. The program is suitable for all types of
                                                                   anxiety. There are four different programs available: One for
                                                                   children aged 8-12 years, one for teenagers aged 12-17 years
                                                                   and one for parents of children and teenagers of these age
                                                                   groups, respectively.

                                                                   To learn more visit
In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - Phoenix P-12 Community College
Student Leaders Welcome Lunch                            PATHWAYS & CAREERS NEWS
                                                            YEAR 10 WORK EXPERIENCE
Student Leaders from Years 8 to 12 met on Tuesday, 2nd      Year 10 students have now been presented with the
March for the first time this year. It was a great oppor-   information around the Work Experience process in
tunity for them to meet each other and discuss ways in      preparation for their May/June placements.
which they can make the school a better place for all       Students in the following English classes will go out in
students. After sharing a meal, Captain and Village Cap-
                                                            the first week 24-28th May
tain badges were handed out and Mrs Snibson wel-
                                                            Nicole Delima
comed the students, saying how excited she was to see
                                                            Rebecca Parnaby
what they will achieve this year.
                                                            Jade Browning
Students then separated into the Villages they were rep-    Victoria McDonnell
resenting (Albion, Bonshaw, Cornish and Picton) as well
                                                            Students in the following English classes will go out in
a College Captain team, and brainstormed activities that
                                                            the second week 31st May – 4th June
they could do by the end of term. More information
about these to come, so keep your eyes peeled!              Ernest Ridgway
                                                            Lucinda Taylor
                                                            Matthew Vlahos
                                                            Katie McDonald
                                                            Steps moving forward to prepare your son or daughter for
                                                            Work Experience are:
                                                                Speak to family, friends, and relatives to see if they
                                                                    have contacts for the type of employer you are
                                                                Once you have found an employer who is happy to
                                                                    take you in your given week, see MIPS to collect
                                                                Student, Parent and Employer to fill in and sign
                                                                    Work Experience paperwork.
                                                                Return paperwork to MIPS Office – we will organise
                                                                    Principal signature.
                                                                Ensure you have completed your General and
                                                                    Industry safe @ work modules and give copy to
                                                                Make sure you know what you will be required to
                                                                    wear and have it ready to go.
                                                            We encourage student to use the coming school holidays
                                                            to source their placements.
                                                            If you have any questions around Work Experience
                                                            please speak to either Pauline or Sharron in the MIPS
                                                            LUNCHTIME TALKS
                                                            Over the coming months we are inviting Universities to
                                                            come and speak with interested students.
                                                            The first of our talks was ACU who presented on
                                                            Thursday, 11th March in the Year 12 Centre.
                                                            Coming up are Deakin, Federation University and
                                                            La Trobe University. Melbourne University will also
                                                            present an evening information session in the coming
                                                            months. Stay tuned for this date.
                                                            For any questions please email either
                                                            Pauline Pipkorn
                                                            Sharron Smith
In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - Phoenix P-12 Community College
Doctor in School Program
  Dr Kathryn Oliver and a practice nurse are on site every
 Wednesday morning. Dr Oliver is available for all general
health needs. These sessions are bulk billed, that means no
 expense to you. All that is required is a current Medicare
   card. Please contact Lorraine Firth, School Nurse for

                ASTHMA SEASON
If your child is diagnosed with Asthma, please make
sure they have a current puffer and
Action Plan from their Doctor.
Asthma medication is allowed to
be carried on the student
throughout the day.
More information on clubs and programs can be found in the Bonshaw Open Space, along with signup sheets
for activities that require it.

      WHEN                           WHAT                                 WHERE                             WHO
     MONDAY                     STRENGTH CLUB                          WEIGHTS GYM                        MR LAYTON
                                   MINECRAFT                               ALBION                         MRS JOOSTEN
                            PHOENIX UNPLUGGED
                                                                       BETWEEN B&A                        MR SHEEHAN
                                 (WEEKS 5 & 9)
     TUESDAY                GIRLS STRENGTH CLUB                        WEIGHTS GYM                        MISS EBERLE
                                  DODGEBALL                          BASKETBALL GYM                       MISS LIZZUL
   WEDNESDAY                    STRENGTH CLUB                          WEIGHTS GYM                        MR POWELL
                                  CHESS CLUB                                  LRC                           MRS GIRI
                                   BOOTCAMP                             FRONT LAWN                        MR LAYTON
    THURSDAY                        ROBOTICS                                  Z90                         MR NICHOLS
                                  DRAMA CLUB                                  E80                         MRS WEBSTER
                                LEGO MASTERS                                  B70                         MISS FENTON
      FRIDAY                    STRENGTH CLUB                          WEIGHTS GYM                         MR CARTER

                               New Canteen ordering app—Download it now!
                     *Please ensure you select the correct Campus menu and Home Group for your student.
                                            Prep– Year 6— Redan Campus Menu.
                                          Lunch orders Tuesday and Thursday Only.
                                        Years 7-12—Sebastopol Campus Lunch Menu.
                                                    Available every day.
The Club runs Monday, Wednesday and Friday on the Senior
                                                               2021 CALENDAR
Campus (Canteen) and Tuesday/Thursday on the Redan Cam-
                    pus (Art Room).

Breakfast starts at 8.15am and is                          March
          available for                                    18th    P-6 Athletics Day
        ALL STUDENTS!                                      29th    College Council AGM
 We have cereals, breads, juice,                           29th    College Council Meeting
   and milo! See you there!

                                                           1st     Last day of Term 1
                                                                   Dismissal 2:30pm
                                                           19th    Term 2 Commences
                                                           29th    Parent/Teacher/Student
                                                                   Interviews 4pm-7pm
                                                           30th    Parent/Teacher/Student
                                                                   Interviews 9am-3:15pm
                                                                   No scheduled classes
                                                                   Formal classes will run for
                                                                   Year 12 ONLY Year 12 VCE
                                                                   classes & Year 12 VCAL work
                                                                   placements as normal.

                Helpful Parent Information

Phoenix P-12 Community College
PO Box 49 Sebastopol VIC 3356
P: (03) 5329 3293
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