GRATITUDE REPORT 2020 - Newtown Neighbourhood Centre

Page created by Crystal Jensen
GRATITUDE REPORT 2020 - Newtown Neighbourhood Centre
GRATITUDE REPORT 2020 - Newtown Neighbourhood Centre
Photo: Morri Young
                                                                     Photo: Diana Shypula @ Koshka Media

The 2019-2020 financial year will forever be remembered                    give us some time to get fundraising
as one of the toughest years the world has faced. And                      back underway.
we know there are still challenges ahead as we deal with                   During 2019-2020 we were pleased
                                                                           to receive visits from Minister Gareth
the ongoing health, social and economic impacts of the                     Ward and Minister Luke Howarth,
COVID-19 pandemic.                                                         who wanted to see for themselves
I am so proud of the way our           meetings and access online          the programs and services at NNC.
team of staff and volunteers           resources while working remotely. Minister Howarth even joined the
at Newtown Neighbourhood               Admin also played a key role in     Newtopian volunteers on their
Centre (NNC) responded to the          ensuring we were able to re-open    outreach for the night to get some
pandemic. While we unfortunately       the building with a COVID Safe      firsthand opportunities to engage
had to close the Centre in the         plan and with access to all the     with people sleeping rough. We also
early part of 2020, as soon as         equipment needed to protect staff, appreciate the ongoing support and
it was safe to do so, and in line      volunteers, clients and community interest of our local Councillors and
with health requirements, it was       members from COVID-19.              State and Federal MPs in the work of
the staff who got a roster going                                           NNC.
                                       One of our other challenges in
to ensure we could open at least       2019-20 was ensuring NNC’s          We secured ongoing contracts this
three days a week for our drop-in      financial stability. Following      year with the NSW Department of
Information and Referral service.      some future projections on our      Communities and Justice for our
Staff also proactively took on roles   expected income we had to           Boarding House Outreach Service
they would not normally do like        make some tough decisions to        and our Community Strengthening
dropping off food and toilet paper     restructure, as NNC was not in a    Programs. Our Commonwealth Aged
to residents of Boarding Houses        position to carry additional costs  Care Social Support Program was
who were at high risk of infection     of government funded programs       also renewed for a further two years.
from the virus.                        and remain sustainable. As a        While COVID-19 delayed the
I was also incredibly impressed        result we unfortunately lost a      implementation of some of our
with our 40 new CBD Newtopian          couple of positions, and reduced    future planning, I am pleased that
volunteer outreachers who were         hours for some roles. I want to     we are now back on track with our
recruited in February and then         acknowledge the significant         strategy for 2020-22. We are focused
had to wait until July before          contribution of those staff who     on getting ready for a significant
we were able to provide them           left NNC under these difficult      relocation in 2021 and the launch of a
with their training so they could      circumstances. This situation       new Volunteer Strategy for NNC.
commence outreach to people            caused understandable distress      2019-2020 was certainly a year to
sleeping rough in the city. Their      for staff and also impacted our     remember. I hope that the way we
patience, understanding and            ability to provide the same degree have risen to meet the challenges we
willingness to stay involved           of frontline services. NNC has      have faced this year will stand us in
through the uncertainty was a sign     been fortunate to receive the       good stead for 2020-2021.
of the genuine commitment of           COVID-19 government stimulus
                                                                           Thanks as always for your steadfast
these volunteers.                      payments which reduced the
Our Administration team played         significant financial loss that had
a key role this year in ensuring       been predicted for the financial
                                                                           Liz Yeo
we were set up by December             year. These stimulus payments
2019 to work online using cloud        have been essential for NNC
                                                                           Newtown Neighbourhood
based Office 365. This enabled         given our loss of fundraising
us to easily connect for online        revenue in 2019-2020 and will
GRATITUDE REPORT 2020 - Newtown Neighbourhood Centre
The significance of social
 connection through a pandemic
 For more than 30 years, members of Sydney’s multicultural
 community have made the weekly journey from all over
 town to meet at Newtown Neighbourhood Centre. Dozens
 of friendships have been nurtured, hundreds of games
 played, countless meals shared, births celebrated and
 deaths mourned.
 For the members, our              For many, seeing the emptied            Members were encouraged to each
 Multicultural Aged Care Groups shelves and frantic stockpiling            call at least one person every day.
 provide an opportunity to         triggered memories of                   This was aside from the regular
 discuss the week’s news in their living through war. This was             welfare calls staff and volunteers
 language, celebrate cultural      compounded by the fear of               would make to engage the seniors,
 events and regularly hear from    catching the disease, plus the          monitor their wellbeing and keep
 external guests providing useful fear of isolation. There was also        them updated on anything related
 information, while sharing a      a deep shared anxiety about             to COVID-19.
 delicious morning tea.            their lack of digital literacy skills
  “My favourite part of attending  in order to shop for groceries or
 the Communities of the Former     stay connected.                          Milanka reflected “being
 Yugoslavia group is the people”, “Ordering online worked for               stuck at home I found my
 shared Milanka.                   the younger people but for               anxiety levels increased
  “We come from the same           older  people like me with no            rapidly. I was extremely
 culture and place which allows    computer    skills it was awfully        lonely and depressed and
 us to talk about our past, our    difficult…And    then if we did go       wondered when it would
 family – everyone can relate”.    to  the shops  the   shelves would       end. These calls helped to
 However in March this year,
                                   be empty”, Milanka explained.            build hope and were one of
 this routine for the mostly 75 to Newtown Neighbourhood                    the best ways to harness
 80-year-old members came to       Centre’s  Aged Care staff                social connection during
 a sudden stop when everyone’s     devised   plans  to make                 the pandemic”.
 priority shifted to surviving a   regular  contact   with the group
 deadly pandemic.                  members.    There    were constant
                                   reminders about the importance          Our staff reported similar feelings
“This year has been extremely                                              from other group members
                                   of hygiene, social distancing
 challenging. At the start of the                                          and said that members were
                                   and daily exercise, plus regular
 pandemic I was fearful and                                                appreciative that we hadn’t
                                   entertainment packages were
 afraid to leave my house and                                              forgotten about them. The
                                   posted out which included brain
 the worst part was having                                                 pandemic highlighted the
                                   teasers, word finders and songs
 no control of the situation”,                                             significance of our face to face
                                   to sing.
 expressed Milanka.                                                        groups and how important social
                                                                           connection is to everyone, but in
                                                                           particular seniors.
                                                                           While we are extremely cautious
                                                                           about social distancing measures,
                                                                           we are thrilled that our groups are
                                                                           slowly starting to meet back up in
                                                                           To all the staff and volunteers who
                                                                           continued to support these seniors
                                                                           from Culturally and Linguistically
                                                                           Diverse backgrounds, thank you.
                                                                           Your tenaciousness, empathy and
                                                                           exceptional skills have ensured
                                                                           that members like Milanka have
                                                                           remained connected and safe
                                                                           during a global pandemic.
GRATITUDE REPORT 2020 - Newtown Neighbourhood Centre
Our third annual Newtopian Sleepout was held in
                                                                     SNAPSHOT OF THE YEAR
August 2019 and raised a record $164,000. The
night gives participants an opportunity to sleep
out in Newtown Square and experience some of
the challenges faced by individuals experiencing
homelessness on a daily basis.
A big thank you to the 124 individuals who got involved

and braved the cold.

                      Photo: Diana Shypula @ Koshka
                      Media                                    735
                                                             Number of people  Newtopian Outreach
                                                                accessing            engagements
                                                          NEWTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD * Outreach was suspended
                                                             CENTRE’S Services    in March due to COVID-19

                                                          A LOCAL HERO
                                                          In October, our wonderful and passionate volunteer Jane
                                                          was named the winner of Westfield’s Local Hero Awards.
                                                          Jane was nominated for her key role in establishing and
                                                          expanding our Newtopian Outreachers initiative.
SENIORS WEEK                                              As the successful recipient, Newtown Neighbourhood
There were lots of activities this February as we         Centre received $10,000 to ensure the continuation of the
celebrated Seniors Week.                                  Newtopian Outreach project.
Newtown Neighbourhood Centre partnered with other         A big thank you to Jane for all her hard work and to
local organisations including Community and Cultural      everyone who voted in the community!
Connections, Leichhardt Women’s Community Health
Centre, Ethnic Community Services Cooperative
and Addison Road Community Centre, for Love to            A TV HIGHLIGHT
Celebrate, a multicultural event to share culture,        In December, our One Stop Shop service received a visit
conversation and cuisine. The event, held at Addison      from Dr Chris Brown and the team from The Living Room.
Road Community Centre, encouraged seniors to              The episode emphasised the connection and relationship
engage in activities and was attended by over 300         humans can have with their pets and how services like
people.                                                   Pets in the Park and Maggie’s Rescue (who work with
At the Centre, Newtown Neighbourhood Centre’s             pet owners experiencing or at risk of homelessness) help
Aged Care team hosted a free line dancing event for       keep their animals happy and healthy.
the over 60s and it was tremendous to see everyone
learning the cowboy shuffle and enjoying a great day                    Photo: Inner West Police Area Command
We loved being able to show our appreciation and
celebrate the important role seniors play in our

                                                          A sincere thank you to all of our One Stop Shop partners
                                                          who provide wrap around and easily accessible support
                                                          for our clients.
GRATITUDE REPORT 2020 - Newtown Neighbourhood Centre
Tackling Homelessness
                                                                   IMPACT OF OUTREACHES IN
SUBMISSION                                                           NEWTOWN (2018-2020)
In October, the NSW Government collected feedback
about the boarding house sector to assess the impact
of the 2012 Boarding Houses Act.
Following a boarding house roundtable discussion,
NNC submitted a detailed report based on our
experience working directly with clients in boarding
houses and results from a five year study in partnership    23
with the University of Western Sydney and the
Australian Catholic University.                             15
We are extremely proud that the statutory review of
the 2012 Boarding House Act not only mentioned              8
NNC extensively throughout the report but has also
recommended implementing some of our suggestions,           0
including rent increases to be limited to one per year.
                                                            %     2017             2018            2019            2020

                                                                    Number of rough sleepers counted in the Inner West
COMMUNITY WELLBEING CLINICS                                         (collected at annual Street Count)
When the COVID-19 pandemic first hit, our Boarding
                                                                    Number of rough sleepers who have been permanently
House Outreach Service Team partnered with Sydney                   housed with the support of NNC
Local Health District to host targeted community
wellbeing pop-up clinics for boarding house residents
in the local areas of Petersham, Marrickville, Glebe and
Ashfield.                                                   A NEW ROLE FOR OUR OUTREACHERS
On average 90 people attended each of the four clinics
                                                            We are extremely appreciative of our Newtown Newtopian
where they received detailed health information and were
                                                            Outreach Volunteers who kindly offered to provide social
able to be tested if they showed signs of the virus.
                                                            calls to those most vulnerable in our community during
It is challenging within a boarding house to adopt proper   the pandemic when their weekly street patrols were
hygiene practices due to shared facilities and common       suspended.
spaces. It was gratifying to see a large number of people
                                                            Our volunteers checked in weekly on our boarding house
engage with the clinics and learn proactive measures to
                                                            clients who were feeling isolated due to the COVID-19
prevent the spread of the virus. The clinics reported no
positive cases which was an amazing feat.
                                                            The calls helped to keep the clients connected and
                                                            updated on current restrictions, and also helped
  PERCENTAGE OF SURVEYED CLIENTS WHO                        to support our case managers with their increased
   REPORTED NOTICEABLE IMPROVEMENTS                         workloads.
    WHEN EXITING THE BOARDING HOUSE                         Newtown Neighbourhood Centre relies on volunteers
           OUTREACH SERVICE:                                to support our work and we could not do as much as
                                                            we do without them. To all our volunteers, thank you.

 Housing or living
                                  Emotional wellbeing
situation improved                     improved

Financial situation
                                Increased confidence to
    improved                    tackle future challenges
                                   and opportunities
GRATITUDE REPORT 2020 - Newtown Neighbourhood Centre
You have the power to make a difference
Newtown Neighbourhood Centre              We also work with our partners and        CONTACT DETAILS
aims to build an inclusive, resilient,    with the broader community to find
                                                                                   Newtown Neighbourhood Centre
self-reliant and creative community.      practical local solutions to address
                                                                                   1 Bedford St / PO Box 19
We offer support services to the          homelessness and social isolation
                                                                                   Newtown NSW 2042
local community and provide               in the Inner West.
                                                                                   P: 02 9564 7333
assistance to those most                  We are grateful for the generous
vulnerable.                               support of our donors, who give
                                          both financial contributions and
We remain committed to ending
homelessness and social isolation         gifts in kind, allowing us to lead        ABN 96 884 462 833
in Sydney’s Inner West.                   the way and be innovative in
                                          creating stronger connections with
This is not a goal we can
achieve on our own. We value
our relationships with other              Together we are building a
local providers who we work in            stronger more connected
partnership with to address the key       community while also
causes of homelessness (such as           celebrating the diversity of the
domestic and family violence).            Inner West.

                                                                                    Photo: Diana Shypula @ Koshka Media

We would like to thank the following people and organisations for their generous support:
Supporters                               Funders                                 Newtown Festival Hospitality
Addison Road Community Centre            City of Sydney                          Partners
Adora                                    Clubs NSW                               Courthouse Hotel
Anglicare                                Commonwealth Department of              The Bank
Bread and Butter Project                 Health                                  The Marlborough Hotel
Common Ground (Mission Australia)        Department of Industry, Innovation
Connie Henson – Learning Quest           and Science                     Newtown Festival Community
Diana Shypula                            Inner West Council              Partners
Doytao Newtown                           NSW Department of Communities   All My Friends
Exodus Foundation                        and Justice                     Better Read Than Dead
Fitness First – Newtown                  Street Smart                    BIKESydney
Fox and Scout                            Uniting Foundation              BOYTHiNG
IGA Newtown                              Westfield                       Buzzing Minds
Jenny Leong MP                           Westpac Foundation              Clean Vibes
Multicultural Health Education Officer                                   Dendy
Newtopian Champions                      Partners                        GIRLTHiNG
Newtopian Outreachers                    Cattleyard Collective           Green Energy Australia
Newtopian Sleepout participants          Community Restorative Centre    Heaps Gay
NNC volunteer counselling team           Tom Foster Community Centre     Marrickville Metro
NNC volunteer facilitators for family    Women’s and Girls’ Emergency    Mike Watt (Design & Artwork)
and social inclusion programs            Centre                          Nathan Farrell Entertainment (NFE)
NNC volunteers for our Multicultural                                     Newtown Breakaways
Aged Care Support services               Newtown Festival Major Partners Newtown Hotel
NNC’s Donors & Regular Givers            City of Sydney                  Perform-ability
One Stop Shop Service Partners           Inner West Council              Spewtown
Orange Sky Laundry                       Urbane Newtown                  Street Roller Hockey League Sydney
Oz Harvest                                                               Stuart Ridley (Kids DJ Workshops)
Share the Dignity                        Newtown Festival Promo Partners Sydney Drag Royalty
Support the Girls                                                        Sydney Sustainability Centre
Sydney Local Health District                                             The Coopers Arms
                                         Proud & Punch
Tanya Plibersek MP                                                       The Red Rattler
                                         Rainbow Fertility
Thread Together                                                          The Vanguard
                                         Veggie Delights
Two Good Co.                                                             Tommie Talks
                                         Newtown Festival Media Partners Westpac
                                         The Music
                                         Yeah Sure
GRATITUDE REPORT 2020 - Newtown Neighbourhood Centre GRATITUDE REPORT 2020 - Newtown Neighbourhood Centre
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