Hamburg 2024 - A vision for the Olympic and Paralympic Games

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Hamburg 2024 - A vision for the Olympic and Paralympic Games
Hamburg 2024 –
A vision for the Olympic and Paralympic Games

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Hamburg 2024 - A vision for the Olympic and Paralympic Games
Hamburg 2024 - A vision for the Olympic and Paralympic Games

                           WITH HAMBURG
                          AS THE HOST CITY
The General Assembly of the German             biggest, most intense and most thrilling
Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB)            sporting event. The City of Hamburg envis-
and its 410 delegates have unanimously         ions games in the heart of a cosmopolitan
chosen Hamburg as Germany’s applicant          metropolis that will enable Germany to
city for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic       present itself internationally as a colour-
Games.                                         ful and diverse country. “The Olympic
                                               and Paralympic Games amidst an open
The 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, Bava-        society are also a signal for the Olympic
ria, showcased Germany as a democratic,        movement,” says Olaf Scholz, adding: “It
liberal and modern country in front of an      shouldn’t be the case that all of us are
international audience and laid the founda-    thrilled to watch the Olympic Games on
tion for Bavaria’s international reputation.   television but shy away from organising
More than half a century will elapse in the    them in our own country. We can indeed
meantime if Hamburg is to host the 2024        take this on.”
Olympic and Paralympic Games with the
unanimous support of Germany’s sports          “We are united by the desire for the Olym-
sector. Olaf Scholz, the First Mayor of        pic idea as a unifying bond within a vulner-
the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg,        able world,” said DOSB president Alfons
stresses that even at this stage Hamburg is    Hörmann. “In short: we are united by the
looking forward to “serving as the gateway     desire for the Olympics!” Hamburg and the
for the world”.                                Hamburg Metropolitan Region with more
                                               than five million inhabitants are all set for
Hamburg’s application is an application        becoming this destination of desire – for
on behalf of Germany for the world’s           guests and athletes from around the globe.
Hamburg 2024 - A vision for the Olympic and Paralympic Games

      HAMBURG –

Hamburg 2024 - A vision for the Olympic and Paralympic Games
The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg is          landscape and high quality of life on the
the oldest existing independent city state         water attracted twelve million tourists
in Europe. Today, the city state of Ham-           in 2014 alone. This record number now
burg is one of the 16 federal states of the        makes Hamburg one of the top ten Europ-
Federal Republic of Germany. Hamburg is            ean city destinations, and this positive
located in the north of Germany about 100          trend is ongoing.
kilometres from the Elbe estuary and the
North Sea. The city of Hamburg has 1.8             Hamburg provides excellent transport
million inhabitants and is the second larg-        links. Some 60 airlines connect Hamburg
est city in Germany and one of the main            Airport with about 115 national and inter-
economic growth centres in Europe. With            national airports via non-stop flights. The
a total of five million inhabitants, the Ham-      German capital of Berlin can be reached
burg Metropolitan Region is one of the             by train within 100 minutes, and the Dan-
most productive and prosperous regions in          ish capital of Copenhagen is only 300 kilo-
Europe. Due to its long history as a port          metres away by road.
and trading city, Hamburg maintains rela-
tions across the globe and also serves as
the foreign trading hub for Northern and
Eastern Europe – especially in trade with          Port and trade at the
China. In addition to the city’s flourishing       heart of a dynamic
trade and booming logistics industry, Ham-
burg is Germany’s media capital and the            economy
world’s third largest centre for civil avi-
ation. In recent years, Hamburg has also           Hamburg’s port is one of the biggest con-
become the centre of the European wind             tainer ports in the world and is an impor-
energy sector.                                     tant engine for growth. With its central
                                                   location at the interface of global trade
Hamburg is considered to be the greenest           flows, the Hamburg Metropolitan Region
of Europe’s metropolitan regions. One-fifth        with the port of Hamburg has a cen-
of the city’s surface is made up of water,         turies-long tradition of overseas trade.
and Hamburg, the “European Green Capi-             Thanks to its locational and infrastructural
tal 2011”, is also one of the most environ-        advantages the region has also evolved
mentally friendly and sustainable cities           as Northern Europe’s main logistics hub.
worldwide. Pioneering urban development            Ongoing globalisation and the opening
projects such as the HafenCity Hamburg             of Eastern Europe have now transformed
district in addition to the city’s rich cultural   the Hamburg Metropolitan Region into
Hamburg 2024 - A vision for the Olympic and Paralympic Games

      the core region for Northern and Eastern       set and reduce the environmental impact
      European logistics. From here, national        of intense port operations and industry,
      and international companies coordinate         thereby demonstrating that ambitious en-
      their global supply networks.                  vironmental goals and economic growth
                                                     can go hand in hand. This includes sustain-
      A fresh breeze, ample green spaces and         able urban development that is based on
      a sweeping view of the water – no other        climate protection, resource efficiency, re-
      German city combines abundant stretches        newable energy and a smart public trans-
      of water and green areas with a strong         port system. Sustainability and climate
      economy that continues to secure em-           protection do not only increase quality of
      ployment and offers excellent economic         life in the city, but also generate positive
      prospects. It is thus hardly surprising that   effects on the regional economy.
      Hamburg repeatedly scores top positions
      in international city rankings on quality of   The world is at home in Hamburg. Com-
      life. From an early stage, the Hanseatic       merce and shipping have contributed to
      City of Hamburg made an effort to off-         the city’s cosmopolitan flair for centuries.
Hamburg 2024 - A vision for the Olympic and Paralympic Games
With around 100 consulates, Hamburg is         to support their sporting idols during any
one of the most international cities in Ger-   event – in the stadium, in one of the sports
many and fosters strong ties around the        arenas, parks, at the boxing ring or on the
globe. Numerous companies have chosen          golf course, or in Hamburg’s city zone,
Hamburg as a location for their global or      which is ideally suited for sporting events.
European headquarters and appreciate the       Every year, hundreds of thousands of visit­
city’s cosmopolitan flair. More than 35,000    ors come to Hamburg to join one of the
trading companies with over 125,000 em-        city’s sporting events. In addition to many
ployees make Hamburg Germany’s leading         small events throughout the year, Ham-
foreign trade centre. Ten of Germany’s 100     burg hosts several high-profile events,
highest-turnover companies outside the         among them the ITU World Triathlon Ham-
financial sector have their head offices in    burg, the Haspa Marathon, the Vattenfall
Hamburg. As well as offering an attractive     ­Cyclassics bicycle race, the German Jump-
business environment, the city also pro-        ing and Dressage Derby in Klein Flottbek
vides safety and a high quality of life.        and the German Derby in Hamburg-Horn,
                                                as well as the German Open Tennis Cham-
                                                pionships in Rotherbaum. Other high-
                                                lights include the Curling World Cup and
A city of sports                                the Hansewerk AlsterCup, a swimming
Hamburg is a city of sports, and Ham-           and rowing competition. It is worthwhile
burg’s locals are avid sports fans and love     noting that many of these events, among
Hamburg 2024 - A vision for the Olympic and Paralympic Games

      them the marathon, the triathlon and the
      Cyclassics bicycle race, actually take place
                                                       Hamburg – a cultural
      in the heart of the city and on the streets      and media hub
      and squares around the Inner Alster Lake
      – a unique setting for an unforgettable          Students, artists, fashion designers and
      sporting event with an enthusiastic audi-        media professionals are drawn to Ham-
      ence. This enthusiasm was also evident           burg. A diverse media landscape and the
      here in 2012 when more than 30,000 spec-         city’s leading role in the print media sector
      tators celebrated the return of the German       have made Hamburg a media capital. Ger-
      Olympic team from London.                        many’s three biggest weekly magazines
                                                       are produced in Hamburg, and so is the
      These sporting events and the enthusiasm         main daily news show on national tele-
      generated by them contribute greatly to          vision.
      the city’s quality of life, its attractiveness
      and its development. In order to retain and      The city’s vibrant high and subculture
      foster this attractiveness, the Hamburg          scenes offer a stimulating environment
      Senate, the state government, has adopt-         and ideal conditions for all those who are
      ed its ten-year strategy “Hamburg macht          professionally involved in culture. Offering
      Sport” – an initiative that is unparalleled      outstanding theatre, classical music and
      in Germany and beyond. The initiative            ballet productions, musicals of Broadway
      aims to promote sports in Hamburg across         standards, and a young, authentic music
      all levels in the coming years, from popular     scene in the countless pubs and clubs of
      sports to professional sports. The concept       the St Pauli district, this north German
      is based on the belief that all of Hamburg’s     capital pulses with life 24 hours a day.
      residents should have the opportunity to         With the opening of the spectacular Elb-
      exercise and be active. To achieve this,         philharmonie concert hall in 2017, Ham-
      Hamburg offers various training grounds          burg will add another great landmark to its
      and sports programmes and continues to           cultural landscape.
      expand these even further.
Hamburg 2024 - A vision for the Olympic and Paralympic Games
                                 IN GERMANY –

                         MAKING A DREAM
                              COME TRUE
The Olympic and Paralympic Games in            stands for economic strength and success,
one’s own country and even in one’s own        and for the common will to make a big
home town – this is a dream that is dreamt     dream come true. Hamburg’s concept puts
by athletes and spectators alike. Follow-      people first: athletes from all over the
ing the German Olympic Sports Confed-          world, citizens and all those who want to
eration’s decision on 21 March 2015, this      celebrate this great inspiring festival on
dream might come true for Germany and          the Alster Lake and the River Elbe. In our
Hamburg in 2024.                               view, all of these people are part of the
                                               Olympic family, and we want them to feel
Hamburg has developed a fascinating            at home in Hamburg.
concept for the Olympic and Paralympic
Games: compact games in the heart of the
city and in close proximity to the water.
Games with short distances, and games
with facilities and infrastructure that meet
the highest standards in terms of environ-
mental protection and economic efficiency.

The Games and their values can be a
symbol of Hamburg’s strongest assets as
a community: cosmopolitanism and toler-
ance, modernity and mutual understand-
ing, confidence and understatement. Yet,
in international competition, Hamburg,
the second largest city in Germany, also
Hamburg 2024 - A vision for the Olympic and Paralympic Games



      In autumn 2015 the citizens of Hamburg will
      decide on whether Hamburg shall apply for the
      most important sporting event in the world, and
      their vote will be binding. Only in the event of
      a positive vote by Hamburg’s citizens will the
      city enter into the competition with the Interna-
      tional Olympic Committee (IOC) for hosting the
      2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Transparency and                            The Games as driver
participation from                          for urban develop-
the start                                   ment
Hamburg’s citizens have been involved       A river island in the Elbe constitutes
in the planning for the Olympic and Para­   the centrepiece of Hamburg’s concept
lympic Games from the very beginning.       for hosting the Olympic and Paralympic
Transparency is the guiding principle       Games: the Kleiner Grasbrook quarter,
from the planning stage to the potential    which is situated right in the port and in
­implementation stage. Hamburg’s compre-    the heart of the city. This site serves as the
 hensive Transparency Law and the city’s    planned venue for the Olympic Centre and
 collaboration with Transparency Inter­
 ­                                          will be developed into a new urban quarter
 national Germany further contribute to     after the Games. The new quarter, “Olym-
 fulfilling this principle.                 pic City”, will be an attractive new urban
                                            area with more than 3,000 resi­        dential
                                            units, commercial spaces, a public park
                                            and several sports facilities – ensuring a
                                            sustainable Olympic heritage for residents
                                            and sports organisations in Hamburg and
                                            the whole of Northern Germany.
10 / 11



          Hosting the Games in Germany would entail      Based on this concept, Hamburg strives
          far more than just sports. The Olympic and     to set an example and support the Inter-
          Paralympic Games create room for experi-       national Olympic Committee in bringing
          encing encounters, exchange, hospitality,      the wonderful Olympic idea and its values
          emotions and internationalism – a festival     back to their roots. Hamburg’s sports-loving
          of sports that spans the entire city and in-   citizens and Germany as a sports location
          tegrates local residents and guests from       could demonstrate that the Olympic and
          across the globe. All events are aimed to      Paralympic Games that thrill athletes and
          be held in an ecologically, economically and   audiences alike are welcome in pluralistic
          socially responsible manner. Equal weight      societies that are characterised by strong
          and priority will be attached to planning      civic participation.
          both the Olympic and Paralympic competi-
››	games with short distances: most Olympic      ››	only few of the competition and training
    venues are located within a radius of only        facilities will have to be built anew. Many of
    ten kilometres from the Olympic Centre.           Hamburg’s sports facilities will be modern-
    Many of the venues are within walking             ised – for the benefit of Hamburg as a sports
    distance from the city centre.                    city and all those who are actively involved
                                                      in sports.

   s tate-of-the-art sports facilities will
   continue to lure national and international
   associations and their athletes to the Ham-
                                                  OLYMPIC AND
   burg Metropolitan Region even after the
   Games, and sports fans will be able to enjoy
                                                  PARA­LYMPIC GAMES ­
   world-class events in the north of Germany.    IN HAMBURG
                                                  AT A GLANCE:
››	sporting and cultural events in all of Ham-
    burg’s districts will enable Germany and
    its guests from around the world to jointly
    celebrate the Olympics.

››	after the Games, the Olympic Centre at        ››	the city’s transport infrastructure will be
    Kleiner Grasbrook will be transformed into        advanced further so as to meet the latest
    an attractive green quarter with a public         technological standards and comply with
    park – in the heart of the port and just a        the requirements for barrier-free mobility
    few minutes’ walk from the city centre.           – to the benefit of road users, pedestri-
                                                      ans, cyclists, wheelchair users, motorists
                                                      and users of public transport.

››	the port of Hamburg will be developed fur-    ››	after the Games, the Olympic Village
    ther. The Olympic and Paralympic Games            and the accommodation facilities for
    will add further impetus to the moderni­          international media representatives will
    sation of the port area and the efficient         be transformed into thousands of new
    use of available land.                            residential units for Hamburg’s citizens:
                                                      the general public will benefit from the
››	responsible use of resources: sustainable
                                                      Games, as desired by the IOC.
    land management, use of renewable ener-
    gies, and sustainable event management.
12 / 13

          Olympic Hall   Olympic
                         Aqua Dome
HAMBURG 2024 / 2028
                             Kleiner Grasbrook – the Olympic Centre

Olympic Stadium

           Olympic Village
14 / 15
Competition sites in Hamburg – within a radius
                                               of 10 kilometres
                                                     2024 / 2028
                                     Übersichtsplan Hamburg
16 / 17

                        MORE SPORTS
Hamburg is a sport-loving city. Sport            both residents and guests to get active. In
shapes people’s everyday lives, it con-          2015, the motto is “Hamburg in training“!
nects them and has long been part of the
cityscape. The Olympic and Paralympic            And the training is paying off! In all of
Games would be the highlight of Ham-             Northern Germany, amateur athletes, and
burg’s sports development. The Games             children and young people in particular,
would be a major boost for sports – not          will have the opportunity to practice be-
only for Hamburg and the Hamburg Metro­          tween and after the Olympic competition
politan Region, but also for the whole of        onsite the designated Olympic locations.
Germany.                                         Hamburg’s “Allympics” concept, which
                                                 spans popular recreational sports such as
The Games serve as a showcase – not just         running, cycling and swimming, will pro-
for the organising city and country, but also    vide a link between professional sports
for the IOC and the Olympic sports world in      and sports for young people, amateurs and
general. The Olympics stand for the moti-        persons with disabilities. Even today, this
vation to become active and communicate          concept inspires visitors at all major sport-
the values of sport and the Olympic ideals.      ing events in Hamburg.
In the realm of sport, acknowledgement
is not a question of origin but of perfor-       New and modernised sports and exer-
mance. Rules have not only been handed           cise facilities will be a great benefit to
down over time, but also stem from a             all sports enthusiasts in the north of Ger-
common belief. Fairness and team spirit          many and will attract additional national
are an inseparable part of sports. All over      and international events with athletes
the world people would follow the Olym-          from around the globe. Hamburg as a city
pic and Paralympic Games in Hamburg and          of sports would move to the forefront
participate in a sporting experience of un-      of worldwide attention. By hosting the
paralleled attraction.                           Olympic and Paralympic Games, Germany
                                                 would spread the fascination of the Olym-
Everyone is invited to join this global sport-   pic sports all over the world.
ing event regardless of age or nationality.
Hamburg’s sports facilities are being ex-
panded even further. Sport disciplines that
are not yet firmly established in Northern
Germany would receive a boost. The city’s
sports clubs take on an important role
here: sporting events and sports compe-
titions in all parts of the city encourage
18 / 19

                                                                    OLYMPIC AND

                                SPORTS FACILITIES
          The Olympic Centre
          Hamburg aims to present games with           venues. After the Games, the athletes’
          short distances. Most of the proposed        accommodation facilities will be trans-
          venues are located in the city centre. The   formed into a new urban quarter with
          planned Olympic Centre will be situated      more than 3,000 residential units, as well
          in the Kleiner Grasbrook area, which can     as commercial spaces and green areas.
          be reached on foot from the city centre.     The planned public park would attract
          This is the site where the planned Olym-     people from all over the Hamburg Met-
          pic Stadium, the Olympic Hall, the Olym-     ropolitan Region. As the Olympic sports
          pic Aqua Dome and the Olympic Village        venue concept is being developed further
          would be created. Athletes would be          until January 2016, the entire German
          accommodated in the city centre and          sports sector is being integrated into the
          in close proximity to the main sports        process.
New sports
An important feature of Hamburg’s con-          Olympic Hall and
cept is that, in accordance with the IOC’s      Olympic Aqua Dome
Agenda 2020, the majority of the city’s         The planned Olympic Hall and the Olym-
Olympic sports facilities would consist of      pic Aqua Dome would both accommodate
facilities that are already in use. According   15,000 spectators. Both facilities would
to current plans, only four sports facilities   be subsequently used: the Olympic Hall
would be newly built. Sustainability is a       would be transformed into a new cruise
priority here, and the future use of these      terminal to account for the growing im-
sports facilities is being integrated into      portance of Hamburg as a cruise port.
the planning process.                           The Olympic Aqua Dome would be con-
                                                verted into an attractive waterpark and
The Olympic Stadium                             adventure pool after the Games.
With a capacity of 70,000 seats, the Olym-
pic Stadium would constitute the heart          Canoe slalom course
of the Olympic Centre at Kleiner Gras-          A white-water course could be created
brook. During the Olympic and Paralympic        in the district of Wilhelmsburg. After the
Games, the stadium would be primarily           Games it would be reconstructed and in-
used for the opening and closing ceremo-        tegrated into Wilhelmsburg’s existing lei-
nies and athletics. Other uses – such as for    sure and entertainment landscape.
the Modern Pentathlon – will be examined
also with a view to the Olympic Games in
Rio and Tokyo. After the Games, the sta-
dium would be largely retained for subse-
quent use. With a post-Olympic capacity of
20,000 seats, the Olympic Stadium would
be one of the most modern and attractive
venues for track and field events and team
sports such as American football. The new
stadium would close a gap in Northern
Germany’s sports facilities landscape.
20 / 21

          Experiencing the                               Olympic and
          Olympics first-hand                             Paralympic
          All those disciplines that draw hundreds of
                                                         competitions in the
          thousands of visitors to Hamburg each year     whole of Northern
          could be experienced first-hand also during
          the Olympics: the triathlon, the marathon
          runs and the bicycle road races would all be   Like most of the cities bidding to host the
          held on Hamburg’s tried and tested routes.     Olympic and Paralympic Games, Hamburg
                                                         refrains from limiting sporting events to
                                                         urban areas. All of Germany should be able
                                                         to participate in hosting the Games.
          More sports for
          everyone                                       Thus the city of Kiel has been chosen as
                                                         the designated host for the sailing compe-
          Many of Hamburg’s sports centres and           titions on the Baltic Sea – a hugely popular
          sports facilities are being renovated and      sailing area that has been previously used
          modernised and would serve as training         as an Olympic venue.
          venues for the Olympic Games. After the
          Games, Hamburg’s pupils, sports clubs          Luhmühlen, which is situated just outside
          and recreational athletes will benefit from    of Hamburg, enjoys an international re-
          these measures.                                putation among eventing riders, and the
                                                         neighbouring municipality of Garlstorf
                                                         provides a modern shooting facility. Re-
                                                         nowned international golf tournaments
                                                         are held at Gut Kaden. Finally, the pre-
                                                         liminary rounds of the Olympic football
                                                         tournament could be hosted in various
                                                         locations across Germany – with a true
                                                         Olympic atmosphere guaranteed.

Especially in countries with a long Olym-      a good starting point for jointly hosting the
pic tradition there tends to be an intense     biggest sporting event in the world.
debate on the pros and cons of bidding to
host the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Many questions are raised in the course
of such debate; among them questions           Games without debt
relating to the costs and environmental
impact of the Olympic Games. For us it         Determining and presenting the costs
is paramount to take these questions se-       of hosting the Olympic and Paralympic
riously and to learn from them. Hence all      Games is an integral part of our informa-
comments are being listened to, and all        tion policy. Thus the key cost items are to
questions are being answered. This cre-        be identified and the sources of financing
ates transparency, which is called for by      are to be outlined in spring 2015. As the
Hamburg’s residents, and which Hamburg         process continues, both the financial con-
has promised to adhere to as part of its       cept and the plans relating to the Olympic
application. An open discussion from the       sites shall be specified at regular intervals
beginning and an honest debate are inte-       and shall be published on a regular basis.
gral parts of the bid, as these facilitate a
rational assessment of the situation and       For Hamburg it is clear that the Olympic
give Hamburg’s citizens the opportunity        and Paralympic Games may by no means
to form an opinion and to participate in       result in increasing the city’s debt level.
further planning.                              As per the German constitution, none of
                                               Germany’s federal states are allowed to
In a representative survey conducted in        run up new debt after the year 2020. This
February 2015, two-thirds of Hamburg’s         provision is binding, and the Games will
residents stated that they were in favour of   not be funded through cuts in the social or
Hamburg’s application for the Olympic and      educational sectors, and neither through
Paralympic Summer Games. This provides         extensive privatisation.
22 / 23

          Safety and freedom                            Avoiding the burden
          of movement for                               of oversized Olympic
          Hamburg’s citizens,                           sports facilities after
          athletes and inter-                           the Games
          national guests                               From the early planning stages, high prior-
          Germany is one of the safest countries        ity has been attached to the future reuse
          in the world. During the 2006 FIFA World      of all buildings involved. The Olympic and
          Cup it demonstrated how an interna-           Paralympic Games in Germany will not
          tional sporting event can be both well-       create “white elephants”; i.e. buildings or
          organised and relaxed. Ensuring safety        sports facilities for which there is no need
          is in the interest of athletes and spec-      for after the Games.
          tators alike. The security situation will
          be assessed by the German police, and
          understandably the requirements cannot
          be specified at this point in time. It is
          clear, however, that not only legitimate
          security interests will be considered, but
          also the freedom of movement of those
          living in Hamburg. Life in our city should
          remain largely unaffected. This is the ba-
          sis for a peaceful sporting event that can
          be jointly celebrated by athletes, citizens
          of Hamburg and visitors from around the

     New residential                                Designing the Olym-
     units                                          pic and Paralym-
     After the Olympic and Paralympic Games,
                                                    pic Games in an
     the Olympic Village and the media village      eco-friendly way
     in the district of Wilhelmsburg will be
     transformed into new, attractive urban ar-     Germany promotes Games that are based
     eas to live in and work in. Approximately      on the responsible use of natural resources
     2,500 new residential units in Wilhelms-       from the planning and construction phases
     burg and more than 3,000 new units in the      to the closing ceremony. Energy-efficient
     future Olympic City will be built, of which    building construction, the expansion of the
     one-third will be made up of socially subsi-   public transport system and bicycle paths,
     dised housing. The highest environmental       the economical use of water, the avoid-
     standards will be taken into account, and      ance of waste and a sophisticated recyc-
     the majority of apartments will be barri-      ling system are but a few components of
     er-free. The Olympics will be part of Ham-     Hamburg’s approach to sustainable and
     burg’s housing programme.                      environmentally friendly Games.
Publication details
Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
Ministry of the Interior and Sports
Johanniswall 4
20095 Hamburg

Editorial work:
Task Force “Olympics for Hamburg”

Thies Sauer

Michael O’Sullivan, Ingrun Wenge, Berlin

Legally responsible for content (V.i.S.d.P.): Frank Reschreiter

Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner (gmp)
Office Gärtner + Christ

© WITTERS Sports Press Pictures GmbH, Hamburg / Jörg Modrow / Christian Spahrbier

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         We are    Flamme
         for theinGames
     für Spiele     Hamburg

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