Hanoverian prevention concept to improve (self-responsible) home-based oral hygiene

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Hanoverian prevention concept to improve (self-responsible) home-based oral hygiene
PRACTICE                                                 MINIREVIEW                                                                 65

Hanoverian prevention concept
to improve (self-responsible)
home-based oral hygiene

Caries and periodontitis are biofilm                    larly root and crown margin caries)                          ment should be expected to increase
associated diseases with multifactori-                  and inflammatory periodontal dis-                            in the future.
al causes. In addition to regular visits                ease. Nowadays, successful preven-                               Meanwhile, ample evidence from
to the dentist and dietary control, the                 tion concepts combined with ad-                              epidemiological, clinical and experi-
efficient removal of oral biofilm plays                 vances in the field of restorative den-                      mental studies has suggested that
a major role in the prevention of                       tistry have made it possible to pre-                         periodontal infections are not only
these diseases. The removal of bio-                     serve natural teeth for much longer                          influenced by systemic factors, but
film should not only be the concern                     or even until the end of life [26].                          that they themselves can also exert
of the dental professional, but rather                  Hence, there is a clear trend towards                        systemic effects [24]. Oral health,
that of the patient who should rou-                     “tooth preservation in old age” (sig-                        which can be defined as the unre-
tinely employ home-based oral hy-                       nificant reduction in tooth loss) [23].                      stricted functionality and symptom
giene measures [10]. Therefore, self-                   However, the longer that teeth are                           free from inflammation and discom-
responsible, home-based oral hygiene                    preserved, the more they are exposed                         fort, is an important component of
is an important pillar for maintaining                  to the risk of periodontitis or caries.                      general health together with a
oral health.                                            The causes of increased susceptibility                       healthy diet and it has a close link to
    The awareness with regard to oral                   to root or crown margin caries in                            the quality of life [8, 36]. The saying
health of the German population has                     older people is multifactorial (e.g. in-                     “health begins in the mouth” is in-
increased significantly in recent                       creased proportion of exposed root                           deed true when a well functioning
years. In the Fifth German Oral                         surfaces or crown margins, extensive                         and well maintained masticatory sys-
Health Study (DMS V), depending on                      prosthetic restorations, insufficient                        tem is present. The effectiveness of a
the age group, between 70–85 % of                       removal of plaque, reduced sali-                             good home-based oral hygiene com-
the survey respondents were con-                        vation [caused by medication],                               bined with regular prophylactic visits
vinced that they could contribute                       previous periodontal therapies) [1, 7,                       to the dental professional for the pre-
“very much” or “much” to maintain-                      20, 29].                                                     vention of caries and periodontitis
ing or improving their oral health                          In relation to periodontal health,                       has been proven in studies [2, 6]. The
[23]. Thus, patients are certainly                      DMS V shows that 75.4 % of younger                           sole removal of biofilm by qualified
aware of the fact that plaque/biofilm                   seniors (65 to 74-year-olds) suffer                          dental personnel in the context of
removal as part of self-responsible,                    from moderately severe (one in two;                          professional tooth cleaning is not suf-
home-based oral hygiene is of great                     50.8 %) or severe periodontitis (one                         ficient for the prevention of caries
importance in the prevention of car-                    in four; 24.6 %) and that 80.6 % of                          and periodontitis. Rather, it should
ies and periodontitis. Especially in                    older seniors (75 to 100-year-olds)                          be regarded as an individual prophy-
the age group of young seniors (65                      suffer from moderately severe (one in                        lactic component in a more compre-
to 74-year-olds), a significantly in-                   two; 50.5 %) or severe periodontitis                         hensive prophylaxis concept [38]. In
creased awareness of their own oral                     (one in three; 30.1 %), thus suggest-                        addition to needs-based plaque re-
health was observed in DMS V [23].                      ing that periodontitis is still wide-                        moval, a thorough prophylaxis con-
However, DMS V also shows that a                        spread [23]. Given that periodontitis                        cept should also focus on teaching
relatively large number of patients                     increases with age, the demographic                          practical skills for optimal home-
are still affected by caries (particu-                  trend implies that the need for treat-                       based oral hygiene, as well as, foster

Translation from German: Christian Miron
Citation: Günay H, Meyer-Wübbold K: Hanoverian prevention concept to improve (self-responsible) home-based oral hygiene. Dtsch Zahnärztl Z Int 2020; 2: 65–72

                                                                  © Deutscher Ärzteverlag | DZZ International | Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift International | 2020; 2 (3)
Hanoverian prevention concept to improve (self-responsible) home-based oral hygiene
66                                                     PRACTICE                                                     MINIREVIEW

     Figure 1 Hanoverian prevention concept to improve self-responsible, home-based dental and oral hygiene

     health-promoting and health-pre-                              Components of the Hanove-                               ment and establish the current level
     serving behavior patterns through                             rian prevention concept                                 of oral hygiene, oral (tooth, implant,
     education, instruction and moti-                              AF-iIMI (anamnesis, findings, indi-                     periodontal, peri-implant and muco-
     vation [30].                                                  vidual information, motivation and                      sa) findings and quantitative
         At the Clinic for Conservative                            instruction) is the main component                      plaque indices for the smooth and
     Dentistry, Periodontology and Preven-                         of the prophylaxis concept. However,                    proximal surfaces of teeth are col-
     tive Dentistry in Hannover, we have                           it should not only be understood as                     lected. The degree of gingival in-
     developed a practicable prophylaxis                           pure oral hygiene training.                             flammation is checked using the
     concept which consists of different                                                                                   index “Bleeding on Probing” (BoP)
     interlinking and overlapping com-                             A                                                       and the need for periodontal treat-
     ponents: “anamnesis and findings –                            In the beginning, a general, specific                   ment is determined using the “Peri-
     individual information, motivation                            and prevention anamnesis (in-                           odontal Screening Index” (PSI). The
     and instruction (AF-iIMI)”, “the                              cluding dietary anamnesis) is re-                       bleeding and plaque indices are suit-
     CIOTIPlus tooth brushing system                               corded. On the one hand, this                           able for quantifying and monitoring
     and technique”, “self-control of                              allows conclusions to be drawn                          the current oral hygiene status of the
     oral hygiene” and “compliance                                 regarding compliance (health aware-                     patient. For better visualization,
     assessment” (Fig. 1). The effective-                          ness and behavior, individual sig-                      plaque staining agents are applied to
     ness of each individual component                             nificance of oral hygiene, moti-                        make plaque visible for the patient,
     has already been investigated and                             vation for change), while on the                        while keeping in mind to differen-
     confirmed in several studies and pilot                        other hand, it also provides clues as                   tiate between “old” and “new”
     projects [13–18, 25]. The combination                         to whether interdisciplinary coop-                      plaque. The results of a plaque
     and integration of each component                             eration is needed as part of oral                       index, where only a yes or no deci-
     into an overall concept should lead to                        health care promotion interdisci-                       sion is made with regard to the pres-
     an improvement in self-responsible,                           plinary (OHCP-i) (e.g. cooperation                      ence of plaque, is often less suitable
     home-based oral hygiene and oral                              with diabetologists, general physi-                     for motivating the patient than an
     hygiene self-control, specially in risk                       cians, family physicians).                              index that assesses plaque quanti-
     groups, hence ensuring sustainable                                                                                    tatively (e.g. Quigley-Hein-Index –
     dental, oral and general health. Each                         F                                                       QHI). Hardly any patient is able to
     components of the Hanoverian pre-                             After this, in order to evaluate the                    achieve complete plaque free within
     vention concept are presented below.                          risk, determine the need for treat-                     the framework of home-based oral

     © Deutscher Ärzteverlag | DZZ International | Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift International | 2020; 2 (3)
Hanoverian prevention concept to improve (self-responsible) home-based oral hygiene
PRACTICE                                             MINIREVIEW                                                                 67

Figure 2 Using a magnifying mirror, problem areas are revealed           Figure 3 Education regarding AF-iIMI of the same patient
to an 89-year-old female patient based on the AF-iIMI framework

hygiene. The value of a plaque index         iI                                                         mine the extent to which the patient
with a simple qualitative yes or no          Based on the anamnesis and findings,                       can be motivated and is willing to co-
decision may change only margin-             each patient receives individua-                           operate. Depending on the patient,
ally in the course of follow-up              lized needs-oriented education and                         different models (e.g. the preventive
examinations, despite a significantly        information regarding, for exam-                           intervention or transtheoretical mod-
reduced amount of plaque. There-             ple, caries (root surfaces and crown                       els) can be used for support. Based on
fore, this type of index does not            margins), gingivitis, periodontitis and                    the categorization of the patient, in-
track changes in plaque levels thor-         peri-implantitis, as well as advice on                     dividualized motivation then follows,
oughly enough and could result in            possibilites of risk minimization, pre-                    which should include the principles
patient demotivation. Similar to the         vention, treatment and maintenance                         of “motivational interviewing” (MI)
QHI, which assesses the extent of            therapy (recall). Supplementary die-                       for active participation. In order to
plaque on smooth surfaces, we have           tary recommendations for (dental)                          make this session strictly individua-
suggested an index to assess the ex-         health should also include advice on                       lized for the patient, the motivational
tent of plaque in approximal areas           foods that promote and inhibit in-                         interview should make use of aids in
(mAPI) [15]. Under optimal lighting          flammation. Moreover, the function                         the form of denture models of the pa-
conditions and with the help of              of mastication and the necessity of                        tient, X-rays, photographs and the
magnifying mirrors, the patient is           intensive chewing needs to be ex-                          documented findings of the plaque
shown “problem or weak areas” in             plained (Fig. 3). When periodontal                         and inflammation indices which
the mouth (Fig. 2). Individual den-          treatment is required, it is essential                     present the patient’s own case. If the
ture models or intraoral images of           that the patient understands the                           need for treatment was identified at
the patient’s mouth can also be              meaning and purpose of “partner                            the time of diagnosis, it is vital that
helpful here. The presentation of the        treatment”. In this step, the relevance                    the patient is first given a “whole
patient’s specific case using, for           of being “self-responsible” and active                     mouth therapy concept” before follow-
example, X-rays, photos (not only            participation for his/her dental and                       ing any further instructions on oral
current, but also previous ones, if          oral health should also be clarified.                      hygiene measures; this is done in
available) as part of a “case presenta-      Furthermore, the effect of regular and                     order to minimize iatrogenic irri-
tion” individualizes the possibly            effective home-based dental and oral                       tation factors and establish hygiene
existing problem and should act to           hygiene on oral health should also be                      ability. It is imperative to avoid stan-
sensitize the patient with regard to         explained while not forgetting to em-                      dardized, ordinary, and boring rou-
his/her dental and oral hygiene and          phasize the importance of employing                        tine explanations when familiarizing
self-responsibility. For patients with       a systematic approach (e.g. the                            patients with the AF-iIMI approach!
removable dentures, a demonstra-             CIOTIPlus system or technique).                            The patient must have the feeling of
tion is necessary to point out any                                                                      receiving personalized individually
existing plaque on the denture, as           M                                                          care! It is recommended not to resort
denture hygiene is also a component          An important prerequisite for sub-                         to any repetition of well-known slo-
of dental and oral hygiene.                  sequent motivation is to first deter-                      gans (e.g. “Don‘t forget to brush your

                                                     © Deutscher Ärzteverlag | DZZ International | Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift International | 2020; 2 (3)
Hanoverian prevention concept to improve (self-responsible) home-based oral hygiene
68                                                     PRACTICE                                                     MINIREVIEW

     teeth twice daily after meals!”) in pre-
     ventive care, as only individualized
     health counseling can shape health-
     conscious behavior [19]. In order to
     ensure consistent professional think-
     ing using the same language, the
     dental professional and the office
     staff must discuss the office’s prophy-
     laxis concept as a team and update it
     regularly with new findings (very im-
     portant: joint continuous internal
     and external training). Motivational
     Interviewing (MI) is another evi-
     dence-based method for positively
     influencing patient behavior in den-
     tistry [37]. Based on the “preventive
     intervention model” according to
     Weinstein et al. (1989), the patient‘s
     perception of risk (“recognizing hav-
     ing a problem”) and willingness to
     cooperate (willingness to work on the
     problem) are the basic prerequisites
     for successful prophylaxis [35]. The                          Figure 4a Observation of a 71-year-old patient through a venetian mirror in a special
     reasons for failure in the area of moti-                      oral hygiene place while she performs oral hygiene in the context of AF-iIMI
     vation and instruction usually have
     3 different causes: lack of knowledge,
     lack of skills or lack of motivation. A
     thorough behavioral analysis before
     starting motivation and instruction
     should therefore establish whether
     the problems are connected to
     knowledge, skill or motivation. Ac-
     cordingly, in several small steps,
     either knowledge can be imparted
     (for problems on the knowledge
     level), skills can be trained (for prob-
     lems on the skill level) or work can
     be done on problems with moti-
     vation [11]. In any case, the patient
     must be aware of their own responsi-
     bility. In order to successfully moti-
     vate a patient, his/her willingness to
     cooperate should be assessed in ad-
     vance. Although originating from
     health psychology, a classification
     using the “transtheoretical model”
     can also be of help in dentistry [9].

     As part of instructions, the patient
     should first demonstrate how he/she                           Figure 4b Observation-oriented oral hygiene instruction using a model for the same
     performs home-based oral hygiene                              patient at a special oral hygiene place within the context of AF-iIMI
     with his/her personal oral hygiene
     tools brought from home. Before-
     hand, the plaque should be made vis-
     ible to the patient with a plaque                             patient. It is advisable to perform this                light source, opportunity to sit). The
     staining agent. Instructions must be                          step together with the patient in                       patient is asked to demonstrate his/
     observation-oriented (Fig. 4a and b)                          special oral hygiene places with                        her daily dental and oral hygiene
     and dependent on individual abilities                         “bathroom-like equipment” (mirror,                      routine with own oral hygiene tools
     as well as the intraoral status of the                        washbasin, magnifying mirror with a                     brought from home. Firstly, it should

     © Deutscher Ärzteverlag | DZZ International | Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift International | 2020; 2 (3)
Hanoverian prevention concept to improve (self-responsible) home-based oral hygiene
PRACTICE                                            MINIREVIEW                                                                 69

be evaluated if the tools already           cleaning the dentures should also be                       tooth hard tissue [22]. The aim of
being used by the patient allow for         shown and explained.                                       “CIOTIPlus” system is to achieve both
sufficient oral hygiene or whether              Many dental professionals recom-                       a more effective plaque reduction (re-
small changes in the application of         mend the “modified bass technique”                         moval of supragingival [visible] and
these tools could lead to hygiene im-       for mechanical plaque removal using                        achievable subgingival [non-visible]
provement. Depending on the indi-           a toothbrush [5]. However, this tech-                      plaque from the tooth surface) and
vidual abilities and motivation of the      nique is difficult to learn. There is no                   improved fluoride availability to the
patient, various other oral hygiene         evidence in literature indicating that                     tooth surface. In addition, the peri-
tools can be recommended and train-         this technique is superior to, for                         odontium is also stimulated by me-
ing with them should occur on site          example, the “horizontal scrubbing                         chanical stimuli (plus function),
with the patient. Oral hygiene rec-         technique” for plaque removal [12,                         which is intended to promote blood
ommendations for older people, in           27, 34]. It is generally agreed that it is                 flow to the epithelium and subepi-
particular, should be formulated as         probably more important to follow a                        thelial connective tissue and to
simple as possible and tailored to          brushing system than to follow a spe-                      strengthen the periodontal tissue. The
their individual abilities and moti-        cific technique when using both                            effectiveness of CIOTIPlus has already
vation, while simultaneously paying         hand and electric toothbrushes [12].                       been proven in several studies [13, 15,
particular attention to possible age-       The regular use of a certain system is                     17, 25]. In older patients that had
related functional limitations such as      intended to prevent teeth or tooth                         undergone periodontal therapy, the
a decline in motor, sensory or mental       surfaces from being overlooked dur-                        use of the CIOTIPlus system not only
abilities [36]. In order to objectively     ing home-based oral hygiene [28]. For                      increased the removal of plaque on
verify the motor, sensory and mental        this reason, we recommend, explain                         smooth and proximal surfaces [13,
abilities of a patient, various “short      and demonstrate the “CIOTIPlus” sys-                       15, 17, 25], but combined with effi-
tests” can be used (e.g. the money          tem and technique to the patient as                        cient regular supportive periodontitis
counting test and the neck grip left/       part of the instructions [16]. Accord-                     therapy, it even minimized the
right, and if necessary, the fist/finger-   ing to this system, the patient first                      formation of new root surface and
tip test) [31]. The results of the vari-    brushes the chewing, followed by the                       crown margin caries and stabilized or
ous tests can then be used to decide        inside and outside surfaces, with a                        improved the periodontal conditions
which oral hygiene tools (hand and          toothbrush. Afterwards, the tongue                         [15]. Yet, in order to identify “prob-
electric toothbrushes [oscillating/         and interdental spaces are cleaned                         lem sites” in the area of plaque con-
rotating or sonic]) can be used for         with interdental hygiene tools. Subse-                     trol, and thus successfully prevent
home-based oral hygiene. Often,             quent to this cleaning procedure, the                      caries and periodontal disease, indi-
“modifications” of oral hygiene tools       patient re-applies the same pea-sized                      vidualized and observation-oriented
can be useful. For example, if patients     amount of fluoride-containing tooth-                       dental and oral hygiene advice, in-
are no longer able to grip or guide a       paste evenly across all tooth surfaces                     formation and instruction (AF-iIMI),
manual toothbrush properly, an indi-        and uses the toothbrush to systemati-                      as well as regular re-instruction and
vidualized “gripping aid” for the           cally brush the tooth surfaces and                         re-motivation are absolutely essential
toothbrush handle may help them.            gums using circular or rotating move-                      for every patient. Following the oral
Changing to an electric toothbrush,         ments (“plus”). In order to clearly                        hygiene training, a professional tooth
which has a more compact and easier         demonstrate the advantage of the sys-                      cleaning is performed.
to grip handle, and which also              tem’s “plus” step to the patient, it is
requires no movements from the              useful to make the plaque visible                          SC
wrist joint, may also be beneficial. In     again before and after the “plus” step.                    In order to achieve the best possible
case of decreased eyesight we recom-        The plaque is made visible to the pa-                      results in self-responsible, home-based
mend wearing reading glasses during         tient a total of 3 times: before the                       oral hygiene, a patient should be able
oral hygiene and using a magnifying         instruction, after performing the                          to evaluate and control the cleaning
mirror with an integrated light             “CIOTI” system and after the “plus”                        process and cleaning result alone.
source. An opportunity for seating          step. In this manner, the patient can
gives the patient the chance to take        see and be convinced that a further                        Self-control of the cleaning
sufficient time for oral hygiene.           reduction of plaque can be achieved                        process (daily):
    For patients with removable den-        by the “plus” step. This system does                       It appears that many patients have
tures, advice regarding the impor-          not literally denote “double” brush-                       difficulties with the regular imple-
tance of regular and effective denture      ing, as the entire cleaning process is                     mentation of a specific daily dental
hygiene for oral health should not be       not repeated in the same way [16].                         and oral hygiene system. Numerous
overlooked. The plaque (biofilm) on         By applying the fluoride-containing                        possibilities exist for patients to per-
removable dentures represents a             toothpaste once more, the tooth sur-                       form the self-control of the cleaning
source of microorganisms. Therefore,        faces are mechanically cleaned again                       process or system. In the digital age,
careful cleaning and, if necessary, dis-    on the one hand, while on the other                        computer programs or apps may
infection of the dentures is as impor-      hand, additional fluoride adminis-                         offer the possibility to support pa-
tant as brushing natural teeth and          tration occurs. Fluoride appears to be                     tients in their daily dental and oral
implants. The tools and procedure for       more effective on clean, plaque-free                       care [21]. However, the fact that

                                                    © Deutscher Ärzteverlag | DZZ International | Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift International | 2020; 2 (3)
Hanoverian prevention concept to improve (self-responsible) home-based oral hygiene
70                                                                                               PRACTICE                                                     MINIREVIEW

                                               Figure 5a 72-year-old patient, condition                      Figure 5b The same patient, status                      Figure 5c The same patient, status
                                               before the start of AF-iIMI                                   before the start of AF-iIMI, plaque made                3 weeks after AF-iIMI, plaque made
                                                                                                             visible with a plaque-staining agent (t0)               visible with a plaque-staining agent (t2)
                                                                                                             (QHI: 2.4; mAPI: 4.0)                                   (QHI: 1.1; mAPI: 1.8)

                                                                                                                                                                     veloped an initial “oral hygiene
                                                                                                                                                                     protocol” in which the patient can
                                                                                                                                                                     document the system he/she has
                                                                                                                                                                     used on a daily basis. We evaluated
                                                                                                                                                                     the use of these protocols in a study
                                                                                                                                                                     and it could be shown that such
                                               Figure 5d The same patient, status                            Figure 5e The same patient, status                      protocols are well suited for the self-
                                               6 months after AF-iIMI, plaque made                           3 weeks after Fig. 5d, plaque made                      monitoring of the cleaning process
                                               visible with a plaque staining agent (t3a)                    visible with a plaque-staining agent (t3b)              for a short period of time and that
                                               (QHI: 2.2; mAPI: 3.5)                                         (QHI: 0.6; mAPI: 1.6)
                                                                                                                                                                     they do indeed improve oral hygiene
                                                                                                                                                                     [15]. However, such simple protocols
                                                                                                                                                                     are frequently not very attractive for
                                                                                                                                                                     patients in the long run. Thus, we
                                                                                                                                                                     have additionally developed an aba-
                                                                                                                                                                     cus (“CIOTIPlus-Abacus”). With this
                                                                                                                                                                     tool, it is very easy for the patient to
                                                                                                                                                                     document the “CIOTIPlus” brushing
                                                                                                                                                                     system and technique on a daily
                                                                                                                                                                     basis in a playful way, which also in-
     (Fig. 1–5: H. Günay & K. Meyer-Wübbold)

                                                                                                                                                                     creases the motivation to use this
                                                                                                                                                                     tool for documentation and self-con-
                                                                                                                                                                     trol. At the same time, this tool
                                                                                                                                                                     allows the patient to test his/her cog-
                                                                                                                                                                     nitive and motor skills. Unfor-
                                                                                                                                                                     tunately, the success of the tool was
                                                                                                                                                                     not evaluated over a longer time
                                                                                                                                                                     period and this is why we developed
                                                                                                                                                                     an app/computer program. The use
                                               Figure 5f Smooth and proximal surface plaque index values of the 72-year-old patient                                  of the CIOTIPlus-App and the CIOTI-
                                               at different times                                                                                                    Plus-Abacus were tested in a pilot
                                                                                                                                                                     study; it was shown that dental and
                                                                                                                                                                     oral hygiene could be significantly
                                                                                                                                                                     improved by self-controlling the
                                               computer programs or apps are not                             older age, such as visual or hearing                    cleaning process with an app or aba-
                                               suitable for everybody should be                              impairments, limitations in fine                        cus in senior citizens [18].
                                               considered. Particularly, many older                          motor skills and cognitive limi-
                                               people use newer technical devices                            tations, can also be a hurdle [31, 32].                 Self-monitoring of the cleaning
                                               less than younger ones. The reasons                           In a survey, 41 % from 1000 people                      result (once weekly):
                                               for this are manifold. First, older                           over the age of 65 stated that they                     Many patients find it difficult to ob-
                                               people barely have any contact with                           found it difficult to operate modern                    jectively evaluate their own cleaning
                                               new technologies because they did                             technical devices [31, 32]. In order                    result. A pure visual check, even with
                                               not grow up with them and thus lack                           that these patients also have the                       magnifying aids and optimal lighting
                                               an understanding of how modern                                possibility to self-control their oral                  conditions or a “tongue feel test” to
                                               technology works [31, 32]. Moreover,                          hygiene at home, our working group                      identify any plaque-affected areas
                                               physical challenges occurring in                              “oral health care promotion” has de-                    that may still be present is insuffi-

                                               © Deutscher Ärzteverlag | DZZ International | Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift International | 2020; 2 (3)
PRACTICE                                           MINIREVIEW                                                                 71

cient and cannot reveal hidden            of all, the necessary home conditions                     Conclusion
“problem or weak areas” (e.g. inter-      should be discussed (optimization of                      The improvement of home-based
dental spaces, the inside surfaces of     the site for home-based oral hygiene                      oral hygiene for risk groups is a chal-
the teeth and the areas around the        by means a telescope magnifying mir-                      lenge both for the dental profes-
gum line) particularly well. We there-    ror with a light source and possible                      sionals and teams as well as for the
fore recommend that patients use          seating).                                                 patient. The presented concept can
plaque staining agents (e.g. staining                                                               help to contribute to sustainable den-
[chewing] tablets or rinsing solution)    C                                                         tal, oral and general health in these
at least once weekly during their         All good intentions fade with time.                       groups.
home dental and oral hygiene in           In this respect, success in terms of
order to visualize plaque. Plaque         patient cooperation is rather
staining agents that make a distinc-      short-term [4]. Figures 5a–f illustrate
tion between “new” and “old”              a patient case. The patient was re-                       1. Adriaens PA, Adriaens LM: Effects of
                                                                                                    nonsurgical periodontal therapy on hard
plaque are also useful. Patients          examined 3 weeks after “AF-iIMi”
                                                                                                    and soft tissues. Periodontol 2000 2004;
should make plaque visible both be-       and a clear improvement in home-                          36: 121–145
fore starting and after completing        based dental and oral hygiene was
                                                                                                    2. Axelsson P, Nystrom B, Lindhe J: The
home-based oral hygiene. The initial      observed based on the smooth and                          long-term effect of a plaque control pro-
staining serves as a guide for perform-   proximal surface plaque index val-                        gram on tooth mortality, caries and peri-
ing oral hygiene by allowing one to       ues. After 6 months, the same pa-                         odontal disease in adults. Results after
concentrate directly on the “problem      tient was re-examined again. How-                         30 years of maintenance. J Clin Peri-
                                                                                                    odontol 2004; 31: 749–757
or weak areas”. The second staining is    ever, the plaque index values of the
then used to check the cleaning re-       smooth and proximal surfaces were                         3. Baab D, Weinstein P: Oral hygiene
sult. Studies have shown that a sec-      found to have returned to the initial                     instruction using a self inspection plaque
                                                                                                    index. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol
ond staining after tooth brushing is      values. In order to successfully pre-                     1983; 11: 174–179
advisable; the plaque staining agents     vent caries and periodontal disease
                                                                                                    4. Baab D, Weinstein P: Longitudinal
in any remaining plaque are partially     in the long-term, in addition to the
                                                                                                    evaluation of a self inspection plaque
washed out or bleached by the clean-      AB-iIMI (including implementation                         index in periodontal recall patients. J
ing process and the ingredients in        of the system/technique CIOTIPlus)                        Clin Periodontol 1986; 13: 313–318
toothpaste (e.g. surfactants), thus       and self-control in home-based oral                       5. Bass CC: The necessary personal oral
making plaque less visible to the pa-     hygiene, patient cooperation should                       hygiene for prevention of caries and peri-
tient [13]. Visualization of plaque       be regularly monitored in terms of                        odontoclasia. New Orleans Med Surg J
helps patients to evaluate and opti-      re-instruction and re-motivation. It                      1948; 101: 52–70
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                                                 © Deutscher Ärzteverlag | DZZ International | Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift International | 2020; 2 (3)
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     © Deutscher Ärzteverlag | DZZ International | Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift International | 2020; 2 (3)
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