HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY - February 2019 No.461 - St Gennys Parish Council

Page created by Russell Cortez
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY - February 2019 No.461 - St Gennys Parish Council
February 2019 No.461   50p to Non Residents

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY - February 2019 No.461 - St Gennys Parish Council

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY - February 2019 No.461 - St Gennys Parish Council
Editorial                                               CONTENTS                             PAGE
On a personal level I love January                      Age Concern                          30
but many don’t and it’s a long                          Answers to quizzes                   30,31
month but now the days are getting
                                                        Churches/religion                    12,14
lighter and it’s Valentine’s Day
soon. Hope you enjoy this                               Clubs & Societies                    16,18,37

“romantic gazette”.                                     Events                               2,5,31,39,
I’ve double checked the answers to
                                                        Notices                              9,10,16,
the Valentine’s Day Quiz but I’m                                                             22,26
sure if any are wrong somebody will                     Obituary                             28
let me know!
                                                        Parish Council                       34,35
February is another busy month in                       Parish Diary                         20,21
the Parish with lots going on. Have
                                                        Photos from the Haven                24
a look at all the events and see
what you fancy.                                         Valentine’s Day Quiz                 7
                                                        Valentine’s Day Mega                 32
Until next time….
                                                        Word Search
Jane Wardlaw                                            What to do in the                    28
This months editor                                      garden

    The Deadline for submissions to the next Gazette is
               end of day 17th of this month

                                       Your Editors are:
                            Jane Wardlaw 01840 230933
                            Heather Smith 01840 230976
                        Margaret Kirkwood 01840 230911

The St Gennys Gazette exists for the benefit of St Gennys Parish and its residents. It aims to pro-
vide an information service to publicise events and activities in St Gennys and its neighbouring par-
ishes and publish Parish topics of interest. Publishing includes printed, digital and online formats. It
takes no editorial positions. The Editors may edit articles, letters, adverts or any other content sub-
mitted to the Gazette. They reserve the right not to publish anything that they judge to be counter
to the intentions of the Gazette or generally inappropriate for publication.
Disclaimer: The ideas and opinions printed in the Gazette do not necessarily reflect the views of
the Editor and the Gazette Team. The contents of the Gazette, including images, may not be copied,
reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, posted, transmitted or displayed in any form or
by any means without prior permission of the St Gennys Gazette Team. If permission is sought and
given, it is expected that all articles/images be accredited to either St Gennys Gazette or the author
of said article/images.

             The Gazette is available on the Parish Council website -
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY - February 2019 No.461 - St Gennys Parish Council
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY - February 2019 No.461 - St Gennys Parish Council

   Bude Concert Orchestra                   FEBRUARY PARISH WALK
    Saturday 2 March 2019
                                               Saturday February 16th
Parkhouse Centre Bude 7.30 pm
Overture to Italian Girl in Algiers;       Meet at the Legion Hall at 11.00 am
             Rossini                            – Coxford, Footpath 5 to
        Finlandia; Sibelius                Tresmorne, on to Cleave, Footpath
                                               1 back by lane to the hall.
    Robin Hood Suite; Curzon
    Romance from the Gadfly;                Walking boots essential. Thermos
        Shostakovitch                                 comforting.
  Oboe Concerto in Bb; Handel
 Concertino for Alto Saxophone;               If you are not sure about the
                                             meeting point please give me a
          Alan Ridout
      Adults £6 Children £2
       Light Refreshments                      Gill Nicholls 01840 230393

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY - February 2019 No.461 - St Gennys Parish Council
What do farmers give their wives on
Valentine’s Day?
Hogs and kisses

What do squirrels give on Valen-
tine’s Day?

What do pigs give on Valentine’s

Why do skunks love Valentine’s
Because they’re scentimental

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY - February 2019 No.461 - St Gennys Parish Council
Valentine’s Day Quiz
Just for Fun - Answers on Page 30
1) If your birthday fell on Valentine’s Day what would your star sign be?
2) In which year did The St Valentine’s Day Massacre take place and in
   which city?
3) In what TV series did Anthony Valentine lock up David McCallum and
   Robert Wagner?
4) In which film does a boy called Jonah write to a woman called Annie
   asking her to meet his father at the top of the Empire State Building on
   Valentine’s Day?
5) According to superstition if a woman sees a robin on Valentine’s Day it
   means she will marry who?
6) In which country did St Valentine live?
7) Who got married to German music engineer Renate Blauel on
   Valentine’s Day 1984?
8) Who played the title role in the film Shirley Valentine?
9) Who had a top ten hit in 1988 with “Valentine”?
10) In which European city is St Valentine buried?
11) On which Greek island was the film Shirley Valentine largely set?
12) How many people died in The St Valentine’s Day Massacre?
13) What do letters SWALK stand for on the back of a Valentine’s Day
14) In what type of building did The St Valentine’s Day Massacre take
15) Why was St Valentine beheaded?
16) St Valentine was born on 14 February hence St Valentine’s Day - True
    or False?
17) In the film Shirley Valentine who played the part of her husband?
18) In which century was the first Valentine’s Card sent?
19) In which English county will you find the cricket ground Valentine’s
                                                        Trial Hill
20) Which film tells the story of two unemployed musicians who accidentally
    witness The St Valentine’s Day Massacre and flee to Margaret
                                                           Miami disguised as
    girls?                                              Kirkwood

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY - February 2019 No.461 - St Gennys Parish Council
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY - February 2019 No.461 - St Gennys Parish Council

                         ST GENNYS CALENDAR 2020

After a break, we are back with the intention to publish another year of St
Gennys pictures for sale as early as possible to maximise profit for the Burden

So, please send us your photographs, in as high a resolution as possible, in
landscape format.

Those chosen will receive a free...yes free, copy of the calendar and
associated glory.

                               GET SNAPPING!

                   Send to stgennysgazette@yahoo.co.uk

                                Heather Smith

                            OBSERVER’S CORNER
                        It’s Big RSPB Birdwatch again
26 and 27th January - hopefully this gazette will be delivered in time for you
                               to take part
Join the thousands around the country doing excellent work for their environ-
                            ment and wildlife.
                                  Have fun!
                                 Gill Nicholls

                             MATHS TUITION

  Maths classes/tutoring at the Institute, for anyone who wants it, up to
                               GCSE level.

         Class to cover cost of renting the space, teaching is free.

                  Please get in touch if this is of interest:


                               Duncan Walker
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY - February 2019 No.461 - St Gennys Parish Council

  MOBILE LIBRARY                      Mobile
The library van will be at        Post Office Van
Crackington Institute on
      the following                Will be in the
       Wednesdays                    Institute
 10.15 am to 10.45 am                Car Park
      13 February                  every Friday
        13 March
        10 April
                                  12.45 to 1.45pm
         8 May

 ON 01840 230933
A Methodist Minister’s View
Climate Change is very much a political issue, and on the agenda of many
commercial, charitable and social organisations. Uniquely an international
conference in Poland in November was extended by a few days to enable
the delegates to reach a compromise for the conference report, with the
aspiration that the recommendations would be taken up by the nations of
the world. The issues are serious for the future of our world, and to ignore
them will have consequences for our children, grandchildren, and great
grandchildren. Climate change and the issue of plastics are matters which
have to be dealt with for the benefit of all of us.
As I have been thinking along these lines I started thinking about the
‘climate’ or ‘atmosphere’ which exists in many of our national organisa-
tions. I sense that there is a need for a ‘climate change’ in many spheres
of our national life. Our health services, welfare services, schools, police
service, prison service to name a few are coping with increasing demands
and a declining resource base. The consequences of this are pressurised,
stressed members of staff who find themselves unable to adequately meet
the demands on them, as well as disaffected clients. It seems that the
messages of recent months about austerity coming to an end have not
reached the ground floor yet and are unlikely to have an impact in the near
future. Having said that there is a little evidence that some are listening.
The Archbishop of Canterbury addressed the issue in his New Year’s Day
message, and the very recent NHS report has some signs of hope within it.
We have on the hall wall of our home a cross-stitch picture given to us by
our daughter when we came into the Ministry – it reads ‘In the beginning
God created the heaven and the earth – Now it’s up to us.’ We are all
stewards of the God given resources of nature, people, things and money,
and need to encourage the use of them for the long-term well-being of the
World and its people. This happens as we share perspective and views
with those around. Food for thought as we move forward in 2019.
Every blessing,
                                Bryan Ede

P.S.    A date for your diaries – at Delabole Methodist Church on Sunday,
        10th March at 7.30 pm we shall be hosting a concert by the
        Nankersey Male Voice Choir – one of Cornwall’s leading choirs.
        All will be welcome.

St Gennys Church

                         Times of February Services

 Sunday 3rd                11.00 am                  Holy Communion

 Sunday 10th               11.00 am                  Morning Prayer

                           6.00 pm                   Taize Service

 Sunday 24th               11.00 am                  Holy Communion
                                                     Otterham Hall

                           4.30 pm                   Evensong

                               NEW BEGINNINGS
As we start the year many of us are meeting in our groups planning events for
the year and we have new challenges and new hopes.
St Gennys Church is doing exactly that and changes are going on as we join
the Boscastle and Tintagel cluster of Churches and leave the Week St Mary
cluster. The purpose is to share resources better across the Deanery. At our
recent PCC meeting we were delighted to have Rev Heather Aston in
attendance and planned our forthcoming events. We hope services will grow
after a lovely Christmas with well attended services and the numerous cribs in
the Church, which we hope to repeat next year. There is a regular Taize service
now every other month and plans afoot to include children in a family service.
Friends of the Church have achieved a great deal in the past few years. Our
thanks go to all those who have supported in any way or served on the
Committee, and the generous people who have donated or helped in some
way. There are lots of improvements inside the Church, some scheduled soon
and more always needing to be done. Once again our thanks to all.
A new electoral roll is due to be made and those on the existing list will need to
fill in a new enrolment form. The relevant documentation inviting people to
enrol is displayed in the Church Porch as well as the current Electoral Roll.
Please ask one of the Church officers for a form.
All from St Gennys Church wish you a very Happy 2019.
Gill Shipsides

St Gennys & District Horticultural Society
It's that time of the year again, when keen gardeners are buying their seeds
and planning for the year ahead.

The committee of the St Genny's and District Horticultural Society or simply the
Flower Show will be meeting soon to plan another show.

The show which started in the early 1930's has had an unbroken record except
for the years during WWII, and this year promises to be the 88th. The senior
members of the parish will remember the Flower Show as one of the highlights
of the year, with keen competition, friendly banter, teas, children's games and
sports and much more, a popular event for a good social gathering.

The show still enjoys excellent support with the same keen competition and
friendly banter and is always a place of enjoyable social contact.

The small committee which organize and stage the show are always ready to
welcome willing folks who would like to commit to organising, helping and sup-
porting the show in a behind the scenes way.

It would be good to welcome and see some new faces at the

Annual General Meeting at the Legion Hall on Thursday February 28th at 7.30

Please contact me for more details
Jen Cowling (Sec) 01840 230756


  BOSCASTLE – New Road closed 14th January to 12th April 2019

New Road is due to be closed for reconstruction works lasting
approximately three months.

During the closure service 95 will operate a diversion running non-stop
on the B3266 and A39 between Doctors Corner and Tresparrett Posts.

Buses on diversion will not be able to serve the stops at Boscastle Bridge
and Car Park, Penally Hill or the B3263 through St Juliot.

Tennis Club News
A new year and a few people have been spotted on the court but not many

Last year went well, new courts, membership still healthy... but enthusi-
asm did lead to a few injuries!

Talking of injuries, our coach James Brobin badly tore his calf muscle which
largely took him out of action for Autumn. He was very apologetic in award-
ing our Most Improved Players from the lessons of last Summer a lot later
than usual.

Most Improved Adult Player 2018 Johnny May
Most Improved Junior Player 2018 Jack Knight

Well done Johnny and Jack and we look forward to seeing you both back on
court in 2019.

                               More News!!

                                We have a

 Tennis Club Quiz planned for Wednesday February 6th 7.30pm at
                     the Coombe Barton Inn

Glyn is kindly hosting. Tables of four, to be booked directly with the pub
01840 230345 (probably £5 a head?)

The tennis club will be raising money, not for ourselves, but to start a fund
towards purchasing a defibrillator to be situated in the Haven.

Please come if you can and let’s make for another fun evening.

Helen Seez 01840 230664

St Gennys Parish Diary

February Events
Date Day             Event                        Venue
1st    Friday        Craven Players Snow White    Institute 7pm
2nd    Saturday      Craven Players Snow White    Institute 2pm
3rd    Sunday        Folk Club                    Snooker Club 7.45pm

6th    Weds          Tennis Club Quiz             Coombe Barton 7.30pm

9th    Saturday      Social Evening               Snooker Club 7.30pm

10th   Sunday        Taize Worship                St Gennys Church 6.00pm

16th   Saturday      Parish Walk                  Legion Hall 11.00am

16th   Saturday      Live Bluegrass Music from    Institute 7.30pm
                     The Other Band
16th   Saturday      Dizzard Quiz Night           Legion Hall 7.30pm
17th   Sunday        Film Club, The Bookshop      Institute 7.30pm
23rd   Saturday      The Winding World            Institute 7.30pm

28th   Thursday      St Gennys & District         Legion Hall 7.30pm
                     Horticultural Society AGM

Forthcoming Events

21st            Thursday Ladies Fashion Show     Jacobstow Primary School
23rd            Saturday Restoration of        Institute 7.30 pm
                         Trengwainton National
                         Trust garden
                         Film followed by Q&Es
                         with director Barbara

St Gennys Parish Diary
Regular Events
Sunday (Every)      Crackington Crew Beach      The Haven     10.00am

Monday (Every)      Get Active Class            Institute     10.00am
Monday (Every)      Pilates Intermediate        Institute     6.30pm
Monday (Every)      Pilates Beginners           Institute     7.45pm

Monday (Every)      Crackington Ladies Choir    Institute     7.30pm

Tuesdays (Every)    Scottish Country Dancing    Institute     7.15pm

Tuesdays (1st &3rd) Table Tennis For Fun        Institute     3.00pm

Tuesdays (2nd)      Social Afternoon            Institute     2.30pm

Wednesday (Every) Tennis Club                   Tennis        From 6.00pm

Wednesday (Every) Life Drawing Class            Wooda         10.00am to

Wednesday (Every) Silver Band                   Legion Hall   7.00pm to

Wednesday (3rd)     Crafty Day                  Institute     From 10.00am

Thursday (Every)    Yoga                        Institute     4.30pm to

Thursday (Every)    Crackington Playgroup       Institute     10.00am to

Thursday (Every)    Pilates Improvers/Beginners Institute     6.30pm
Thursday (Every)    Table Tennis                Institute     From 7.00pm
Friday (1st)        Dance The Body Alive        Institute     7.00pm to

Friday (Monthly)    Gardening Club              Various       10.00am to
                                                Venues        Noon

Friday (3rd)        Cribbage & Chess            Snooker       8.00pm

Renewable Energy in St Gennys
Last summer a report was written by an energy expert (and paid for out of
European funds) about the potential for renewable energy for St Gennys. It is
full of amazing ideas and positive ways forward.

I was trying hard to get the principles of long-term sustainability into the Neigh-
bourhood Development Plan, but other members of the committee were
more conservative and disliked radical ideas, so I withdrew.

Since then, we have heard a great deal about how scary the future might be
if we don’t change our ways. Human beings are at a pivotal point. The UN
warns we have 12 years to halt the Earth from warming above 1.5 degrees.
The time to get real about this is NOW.

I would like to offer to email anyone in the parish a copy of the report “St
Gennys Energy Report April 18” and urge all young people (and not-so-young)
to take the question of our energy future in this parish seriously.

Before I retired, I was a sustainability consultant and am more than willing to
help. I’d like the people in this parish to have a secure future, full of happiness
and well-being, and for that, we need to develop local food and local energy

Best wishes, Jackie Carpenter, jackie@trelay.org

                  THANK YOU        THANK YOU THANK YOU
                         90th Birthday Celebrations
A huge big thank you to all my family and to all my friends in the village
for making my 90th Birthday so very special.
I am surrounded by gifts, flowers, plants and so many cards.
Thank you so much for my fabulous surprise party at the Institute it was
lovely to see so many friends there and a special thank you to my family
who travelled from afar.
Thanks also to my friends at the exercise class at the
Institute for the lovely celebration and cake.
Such a special birthday and such a special time with
so many people.
Thank you all.
Audrey Short

Photographs from the Haven
                                                  Ivor Ward has been going
                                                  through his photographs and
                                                  has sent in these two which are
                                                  both taken on or near the
                                                  beach. Information from Ivor

                                                  When next the sand disap-
                                                  pears search for the old iron
                                                  mooring pin driven into the
                                                  rock. It would have had an iron
                                                  ring on it for mooring the
                                                  small schooners that used to
                                                  come in to the Bay to collect
                                                  slate from the Barton quarry on
                                                  the back slope of Penkenna.

The photo below is of a cider press stone built into the bridge. It is identifiable
as a cider stone, not a mill stone by the channel for the apple juice flow cut in-
to it.


    FREE TO A GOOD HOME                       DEXTER MEAT FOR SALE
                                                END OF MAY/JUNE
   Skittle boards. 3 x 8ft x4ft.
 Chipboard with wood bracing.                         15 kilo box
             Chute.                                     £140.00
                                      Beautifully packaged into family sized
  Condition uncertain, has been
stored in barn unused for 4 years.
                                           Various steaks, joints and mince
      Will need collecting.                         Rosalind Crocker

         Tony Stedham                                01840 230195
          01840 230976


  If you want a newspaper, daily or weekly,
 delivered to Higher Crackington please ask
 Wainhouse Stores to add you to the regular
            delivery to the estate.

Call Ida or Ellen (230311) about where to pick
      it up. If you're able to drive up there
   approximately every six weeks we could
             always use more drivers

                                   FOR SALE
                       Oak Tree Mobility Single Bed
  Champagne colour. Head and foot rising. Good condition - OFFERS

                     Mobility Scooter TGA Minimo Plus
Foldable mobility scooter. One year old. Never used. In perfect condition
                           £1000 or nearest offer

                              Phone Anne Cobb
                                01840 230521

           Robert Hepburn
      Sadly on 8th January 2019
       Robert Hepburn (Robbie)
who lived in Crackington Haven passed
  away in Stoke after a short illness

The family would like to thank everyone
 who helped make his life a happy one

Age Concern

           Answers to Valentine’s Day Quiz from Page 7
1) Aquarius 2) 1929 Chicago 3) Colditz 4) Sleepless in Seattle
5) A Sailor 6) Italy 7) Elton John 8) Pauline Collins 9) T’Pau 10) Dublin
11) Mykonos 12) Seven 13) Sealed With A Loving Kiss 14) A garage
15) He secretly married young Christians at a time when it was outlawed
16) False - He was beheaded on 14 February 269 AD 17) Bernard Hill
18) The 15th Century 19) Essex 20) Some Like It Hot

Rollover from our January edition
Answers to last months Quizzes - Just for Fun!
Secrets from the Gazette (page 5)
Unscrambled - We are all volunteers
Childrens signpost quiz (page 35)
1 Church Park 2 After the ford on Pencuke Lane 3 St Gennys Church car
park 4 Near Hallagather 5 Beach entrance 6 Between Tenouth Cottages
and Kerensa 7 Near Lansweden 8 The corner of Haven Road 9 On the
coast path towards Cambeak from the beach 10 On a telegraph pole in
Church Park Road 11 Haven car park
Margaret Kirkwood

Valentine’s Day Mega Word Search

St Gennys Parish Council
              Report of the Parish Council Meeting
                    Tuesday 8 January 2018
Present: Cllrs T Stedham, A Birt, J May, Mrs C Cook, Mrs J Anderson, Mrs J Ward,
R Ward, M Bates and M Northcott
B Jordan (Clerk)

To receive Apologies for absence with reasons

Cllr Leach - personal reasons. Cllr Birt proposed that the council accept the
apology, seconded by Cllr Stedham and agreed.

To receive Declarations of Interest and Approve Dispensations


To receive and approve the Minutes

Cllr A Birt proposed that the minutes of the meeting on Tuesday 11 December
2018 be signed as a true and correct record, this was seconded by Cllr May
and agreed.

To receive Clerk’s report on Matters Arising

1   Rock falls - letter from Jeff Cherrington, National Trust, read to councillors.
2   Seaside award - letter from Jolyon Sharpe. Cllr Anderson also had further
    information and the council agreed to keep monitoring the issue.
3   Website - clerk to meet with Anthony Chorleton this Sunday.


Approvals - PA18/11211 APPROVED Applicant: Jackie Carpenter. Location:
Trelay Farm - access to Trelay Farm St Gennys. Proposal: Non material amend-
ment for minor changes to roof-lights, doors, windows, access and finish in re-
spect of decision PA16/00414. Parish: St Gennys.

Portfolio Reports

Legion Hall - A new light has been fitted.
Beach - Regulations: It was agreed to update and post the new notice on the
board. Correspondence has been received from Natural England regarding
Parish Council Cont.
the coastal margin, Cllr Anderson stated that everything is fine and meets the
CROW Act. Clerk to get prices for new notice board and check if funding is
Toilets - It was agreed to reply to Mr Walter of the trustees.
Rights of Way - Clerk to contact Debbie Ebsary regarding issues that have
been raised with trees that have fallen down across footpaths and the bridge
on footpath 17.
Transport - Potholes that were filled during the bad weather have started to
lift again. Cllr Birt to try to meet with CC officer regarding the underpinning of
the bridges in the Haven.
Crackington Institute - Things seem to be fine, an operations sub-committee
has been set up to monitor the building. The Craven Players pantomime is
scheduled for 31 January, 1 and 2 February.
Neighbourhood Plan - Steering group members attended a training day by
CC and the questionnaire is ongoing.
Adult Social Care - Nothing to report.

1 Sowenna. Request for donation - Cllr Anderson proposed that a donation
    of £150 be made, seconded by Cllr Birt and unanimously agreed.
2 CALC Annual conference 16 February 2019 - Noted.
3 Natural England. Coastal access - Noted.
4 Cornwall Council. Application to add a footpath from footpath 10 to foot-
    path 28 - Noted.
5 Cornwall Council. Community governance review - Councillors felt that
    no review is needed.
6 Cornwall Council. Leadership teams for the community network panels -
7 National Trust. Beach risk assessment - Received.
8 CALC. No change to council tax capping 2019/20 - Noted.
9 Cornwall Council. Speed-watch - Clerk to contact Nicola Drewett CC.

Agenda Items
Standing Orders - Clerk to amend the standing orders and bring back to the
next meeting.

Items for February 2019 Agenda
Standing orders
Parking in the Haven


Directory of Clubs and Societies
Group/Society                 Contact              Phone No.      Venue/Info
Beavers                       Josie Shepherd       07855 001284   Scout Hut Wainhouse

Crackington Choristers        Gill Nicholls        01840 230393   Institute/Mondays

Crackington Folk Club         Kevin Johnson        01840 230792   Institute/Monthly

Crackington Institute         Mrs E Bird           01840 230448   Booking Enquires

Crackington Playgroup         Dana Selwyn          07794269348    Institute/Thursdays
Crackington Yoga              Fiona Compton        01208 851735   Institute/Thursdays

Crafty Afternoon              Mrs Karen Skin-      01840 230666   Institute/3rd Weds
Craven Players                Mrs Lesley Cooke 01840 230490       Institute/Weds

Cubs & Scouts                 Mrs D Dowling        01288 352786   Scout Hut Wainhouse

Friends of St Gennys Church   Heather Smith        01840 230976   St Gennys Church

Gardening Club                Heather Smith        01840 230976   Varies

Guides/Brownies/Rainbows      Mary Andrews         01840 230006   Jacobstow Parish Hall

Horticultural Society         Mrs J Cowling        01840 230756   Meetings as notified

Jubilee Club                  Mo Chambers          01840 230428   Monthly Weds

                              Or Eve Thain         01566 781452

Juliotter Garden Club         Paul Greatorex       01840 269178   Otterham Hall

Legion Hall                   Barry Jordan         01840 230141   Booking Enquires

Life Drawing                  Max Burrows          01840 230129   Wooda

Parish Council                Barry Jordan         01840 230141   Legion Hall

Scottish Dancing              Les & Dawn           01840 261708   Institute/Tues
Snooker Club                  Barry Bird           01840 230448   Lower Institute

St Gennys Church              Mr A Farquhar        01840 230384   Coxford Farm

St Gennys Gazette             Editorial Team       See page 3
St Gennys Band                Linda Lewis          07414 609043   Legion Hall

Surf Club Nippers             Mr A Birt            01840 230425   Surf Clubhouse

Surf Life Saving Club         Simeon Leete         01840 230769   Surf Clubhouse

Table Tennis Club             Paul Seez            01840 230664   Institute

Tennis Club                   Paul Seez            01840 230664   Tennis Courts

Transition St Gennys          Ron Muckleston       01840 230127   Meetings as notified

Business Index
Accommodation       Skylark                17   Health (cont.)         The Body Workshop         6
                    Aspects Holidays       25                          Neate Feet                11
Accountants         Metherell Gard         15                          Brooks Pilates            8
Animal Care         Cozy Cats Cattery      33                          Conscious Touch           6
Appliance Retail    Gilbert & Vanstone     25   Home Maintenance       Any Colour You Like       6
Appliance Repairs   DDAS Repairs           17                          Granville Jones           19

Blinds & Curtains   P&B Interiors          19                          JT Home Improvement       23
Building            Trevor Marshall        11   IT                     Boscastle IT              36
                    Camel Valley Flat      33   Motor Engineer         Mason D G                 15
                    Climo & Sons           36   Planning               Preller, M                27
                    Cowling, Mike          33   Plant Hire             RTC Plant Hire Ltd        29

                    North Coast            13   Plumbing               Aquaflame                 23
                    Carpentry & Building

Cafe                Cabin Cafe             4                           Moorheat Services         11
Carpentry           John Tarling           27                          Seb Bailey                25
Carpets             West Country Car-      13   Pub                    Coombe Barton             13
Catering            Julie’s catering Van   29                          Horseshoe Inn             36

Chimney Sweep       Mrs Metters & Sons     8    Shops                  Wainhouse Country Store   17

                    R Mears & Sons         17   Skip Hire              Tintagel Skip Hire        29
Collecting          Richard Leach          23   Solicitors             Busbys                    11
Electrical          M Biddick & Son        17                          Parnalls                  19
Food                Food Hub               25                          Paul Finn                 4
Fuel                R&N Fuels              15   Stoves                 CBL Stoves                8
Funeral Directors   Sargent, RJ            27   Walling                D B Walling               27
                    Wellington, D          23   Web Design             Lee Robertson             27
Garden              Miller, Gary           29   Window Cleaning        EB Window Cleaning        33
                    ACB Gardening          15                          T&C Window Cleaning       13
                    Iball, Carl            33
                    Tippett, Ben           19
                    Trees And Grass        36
                    West Country Sheds     17
Guitar Tuition      Tom Lintell            33
Health              Bude Eye Centre        4

                    Ashtanga Vinyasa       8
                    Matheson               11
                    Debbie Routly          4             Cambeak , Margaret Kirkwood



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