Hauora Kokiri SEPT 2021 - Pinnacle Practices

Page created by Edith Mccoy
Hauora Kokiri SEPT 2021 - Pinnacle Practices
Hauora Kokiri SEPT 2021
                        Health locality network taupŌ and turangi

robin.chan@lakesdhb.govt.nz, natalie.clarke@phcl.health.nz, anthony@thct.co.nz, pen.blackmore@pinnacle.health.nz
                     Thanks always to Dr Lisa Hughes Rotorua GPL for her collaboration


                             “Be      a      doer!         Heather Lang Manager COVID-19 Immunisation
                             Karawhiua!”     Says          Programme extended “A massive thanks to all the
                             Anahera          from         amazing admin, clinical, observation, security, and
                             Tuwharetoa at the             logistics teams for their mahi over an incredible
                             Taupō     vaccination         two days. A heartfelt thanks to everyone.”
                             drive through effort
                             on Saturday.

                           The Tuwharetoa led
                           vaccination effort at
   Hirangi Marae was featured on tekarere 1.

   As of the 6th of Sept 61% of Taupō eligible
   population has received dose 1 and 38% has
   received dose 2.

   Drive through Friday 1164 vaccines
   administered, Saturday 1280 vaccines
   administered                                            Primary care colleagues from General Practice in
   Great partnership between Tuwharetoa Health,
   Pinnacle Health, Lakes DHB, St John, Taupo              COVID-19 vaccines resume in Taupo from
   District Council, Taupo Civil Defence, Senjo            Tuesday at the COVID-19 Immunisation Hub,
   Security, and many volunteers!                          Totara Street and in the southern lakes region in
                                                           Turangi at PihangaHealth

                                                                                               Cheeky Lakes

   The team at Pinnacle health celebrating a successful
   day of Vaccination.

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Hauora Kokiri SEPT 2021 - Pinnacle Practices
As we tentatively poke our heads out in
                 From the desk of Natalie       Level 2, I have to reflect on this
                 Clarke, Pinnacle GP            achievement and wonder what else we can
                 Liaison                        achieve as a network in the near future.
                                                Watch this space…..
                 Pan(dem)icking. Verb. To
                 turn your operating
                 systems upside down and
                 inside out in response to      THUMBS UP
entering Level 4.
                                                                           Hilary Morrish-
Well teams, time is a relative variable since                             Allen from
entering Level 3/4 2021. Again, we were                                   Pihanga Health
left to ponder…’What day is it?!?’                                        for military
                                                                          precision in
But this time around we definitely had a                                  setting up the
much smoother and coordinated transition                                  Turangi Drive thru
than 2020. 1 point Taupo/Turangi, 0 points                                vaccine clinic
Delta variant.

What took us weeks to figure out in 2020
(virtual health, red/green streaming,
Zooming), we accomplished overnight in
2021. Ka Pai to of our resilient health teams
and affiliated providers for making this

What really stands out for me is the
strengthening of our existing health teams
in Taupo/Turangi. We are coming into our
own as network because we are focused           MANAGING COVID 19 IN GENERAL
on better communication. I am still blown       PRACTICE
away by the collaboration efficiency
demonstrated during the drive thru              This great webinar produced by the
vaccination rollout.                            Canterbury Primary Response Group
                                                discusses how mild to moderate COVID-19
With Pihanga Health and Tuwharetoa              illness was managed in general practice in
Health paving the way in Turangi,               Ontario, Canada.
contributing valuable input to the Taupo
effort…It turned out to be an historical        Recorded here if you missed it!
joining of forces (DHB, TDC, PHO, Primary
Care), executed with logistical precision
and even the weather held up. A bit of an
‘IronMan’ win for health care, in my

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Hauora Kokiri SEPT 2021 - Pinnacle Practices
Haere rā to Dr Rachel Lynski we will miss you.

                                                    HOSPICE WEBINAR SERIES

                                                    Hospice New Zealand is excited to offer a
                                                    webinar-based       education     opportunity,
                                                    designed for healthcare professionals with an
                                                    interest in palliative care. Thanks to the
                                                    Cancer Research Trust NZ, your staff can
                                                    access this free of charge. Access these
                                                    lectures via webinar on the first Thursday of
                                                    every month from 7.30 to 8.30am. If you have
                                                    any questions or feedback, please include it
                                                    in the post lecture survey, or contact Jacqui
“Thank you to all the healthcare staff at Taupo
Hospital and in primary care in the community.
                                                    Swain (jacqui@hospice.org.nz)
It has been a pleasure to work with such a
friendly and professional group of people. I
have loved my time in Taupo Hospital but am
also looking forward to the new opportunities in
the South Island. All the best for the future.”


Pandemiconium has taken its toll on Mental
health. There are a number of services
providing free support for our community
                                                    PRIMARY CARE QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
Please find some useful resources for Mental
Health and Wellbeing Support in the Lakes
district during Levels 2 - 4 for youth and adults

                                                     A summary of information for community
                                                    healthcare providers involved in assessing and
                                                    managing undifferentiated respiratory illness
                                                    and queries regarding COVID-19 risk and need
                                                    for testing (including general practice,
PSYCHIATRISTS CELL PHONE                            community pharmacy, Hauora Māori and
                                                    urgent care providers). Updated 6 September
 027 214 8162 is active as from today – GPs         2021
can phone this number and will have direct
access to a psychiatrist. There maybe times
when they are with a patient and may need to
phone you back.
                                                                                               Pg 3
Hauora Kokiri SEPT 2021 - Pinnacle Practices
their goals for improved health and wellbeing or
HOSPITAL VISITING HOURS                             lifestyle or behaviour change. They offer
                                                    continuity of care as well as emotional support
At Alert Level 2, our visiting hours are 11.00am    and guidance. They can also help people
-1.00pm and 4.00pm to 7.00pm. Visitors              navigate other services and to get access to
welcomed between these hours are as follows;        any social and cultural support they may need.

  * Maximum of one visitor per patient for each     Karina and Troy continue to work across all
designated visiting period                          Covid lockdown levels using the MOH
  * One continuous support person with a            guidelines to keep everyone safe.
birthing woman and a second as a visitor
during visiting hours                               Karina has been going on ‘virtual walks’ with
  * SCBU/Mothercraft babies – a support             one of her clients, in separate neighbourhoods
person in hospital and a second as a visitor        and talking on the phone together, keeping
  * Patients under 16 years – a support person      their motivation levels and whanaungatanga
in hospital and a second as a visitor               strong.
  * Two visitors with a patient receiving end-
of-life care
  * Support Person permitted for certain            HIPS GO VIRTUAL DURING LOCKDOWN
theatre patients, i.e. Children – under 18 years;
  * Maternity; Vulnerable persons i.e. special
needs; Planned Care – discretionary;
Emergency/ Trauma – as determined by the
clinical team
  * Outpatients - to ensure social distancing
can be achieved please only bring one support
person where essential.


                                                    Health Improvement Practitioners based across
                                                    the four general practices in the rohe have
                                                    moved quickly to virtual consults during
                                                    lockdown, and feedback from tangata has
                                                    been really positive, with several commenting
                                                    how easy the platform is to use, and also
                                                    being a little surprised at how effective video
                                                    consults are, in fact just as helpful as face to
                                                    face ! Doxy.me is an excellent platform that
                                                    some of the general practices use, and is the
                                                    preferred platform for HIPs, as it is easier to
(Waiora Manaaki), Karina Laws and Troy Taylor       use, uses a virtual waiting room to manage
                                                    appointments easily, and is more secure than
Both come from primary mental health                Zoom, or Skype. We see telehealth as a great
backgrounds and have completed specialist           method for connecting with tangata outside
health coach training. They help patients with      lockdown too !
self-management support and with achieving
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Hauora Kokiri SEPT 2021 - Pinnacle Practices
SPOTLIGHT ON MYOCARDITIS                        patients who would benefit from surgery
                                                are able to access publically funded
The benefits of vaccination with the Pfizer     services at the time of assessment. We are
COVID-19 vaccine continue to greatly            unfortunately experiencing an increasing
outweigh the risk of both COVID-19              number of patients, Orthopaedics in
infection and vaccine side effects, including   particular, being re-referred within a very
myocarditis. In fact, you’re 15 times more      short timeframe of being returned to GP
likely to develop myocarditis if you catch      care. We are therefore seeking your
Covid-19 as viral infections are a common       support to assist in managing your
cause.                                          patients’ condition and expectation by only
                                                re-referring when there is a major
Symptoms of myocarditis can include new         deterioration that warrants consideration of
onset chest pain, shortness of breath and       further review.
an abnormal heartbeat. It’s important that
anyone who experiences these symptoms           Maori Fit for Surgery – Korowai Initiative.
in the first few days after vaccination seeks   Lakes DHB has secured a small amount of
medical attention promptly.                     funding via the MoH to explore new ways
                                                of working in conjunction with primary.
https://www.health.govt.nz/news-                Korowai Aroha has offered their support to
media/media-releases/clinicians-reminded-       work alongside our preoperative
be-aware-myocarditis-and-pericarditis-          assessment clinic team to focus on long
symptoms                                        wait patients, yet to be pre-assessed for
                                                surgery. This project is in its infancy
                                                currently and we look forward to provide
                                                you with an update as this progress.
                                                Breast Reduction Surgery – Correction from
Inpatient Waiting Times. Orthopaedics and       last Newsletter. Breast reduction surgery is
General Surgery in particular continue to       not currently provided at Lakes DHB and is
experience the pressures from the effects       facilitated via Health Waikato as our tertiary
of the initial lockdown in 2020 and long        provider for those people that meet their
term staff vacancies. Whilst Orthopaedics       service entry criteria. In order to access this
is now fully recruited, returning to a          service, referral must be via the General
sustainable position of being able to treat     Surgery Department at Lakes District Health
patients within four months will continue to    Board who will assess against the Health
be challenging and take time. Patients          Waikato access criteria. If appropriate a
continue to be scheduled according to their     referral will then be sent to Health Waikato.
priority and our focus remains on reducing      This does not mean Health Waikato will
the length of time patients are having to       automatically accept the referral.
wait. We are employing a number of
strategies to achieve this to ensure timely     DOCTORS NEEDED
access to assessment and treatment.
                                                Taupō Hospital has a number of locum
Patients returned to GP care who do not         shifts available for both Emergency and In
meet the threshold for surgery. In working      patient unit. Contact Robin or Mariska.
within a constrained resourced
environment, you will be aware not all
                                                                                         Pg 5
Hauora Kokiri SEPT 2021 - Pinnacle Practices
                                                                  ST JOHN TAUPO/LAKES
Urology services. Lakes District Health
Board is working closely with the Directors                      Pleased to announce several
of Venturo to establish a new long term                          collaborations and
agreement for the provision of Urology                           partnerships to extend our
                                                 Pre-Hospital access to referrals, pathways, and
Services. Venturo has kindly agreed to
                                                 community care for patients in the Lakes area.
continue with service provision while the
new contract is finalized.                       The Aged Residential Care pathway has been
                                                 initiated by the DHB and St John to ensure that
                                                 patients from Aged Care Facilities are
                                                 prioritised to receive care in the community.
NEW LOCALISED HEALTH PATHWAYS                    This pathway provides a mandate to consult
                                                 with the lead physician involved in patient care
                                                 and to ensure that all avenues of community
                                                 care have been exhausted prior to admission -
                                                 where necessary working directly with the
                                                 receiving department. This is not to create a
                                                 barrier to tertiary care, but instead support the
   •   Diabetes pre-pregnancy planning
                                                 right care being provided to the patient at the
   •   Covid vaccination preparation and         right time.
       after care.
   •   Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy –
       note ondansetron is now a 3rd line
       choice due to new fetal risk data
   •   Useful websites – winz, acc, dhbs,
       moh, starship guidelines, dermnet
       and other links

                                                 In conjunction with Pinnacle Health, we’ve
Our Health Pathways site is going to be          established an electronic referral process for a
updated from the Midland Region Community        range of community healthcare needs offered
HealthPathways to Te Manawa Taki                 by their service, where Paramedics have
Community HealthPathways. The information        identified the need as a part of their
for your DHBs, PHOs, etc. will remain the same   assessment, and the patient is safe to remain
and there will be no changes to how you can      at home. This includes access to the
easily access the site.                          community pharmacist, dietician, peer support,
                                                 social worker, nurse practitioner, health coach,
Te Manawa Taki is the name gifted to the         and exercise consultant. These referrals are
Midland Region by the partnership between the    included as a part of our assessment,
Midland Iwi Relationship Board and the           management plan, and documentation, so that
Midland Region DHBs. The meaning of Te           the patient’s relevant care providers are aware
Manawa Taki is ‘Beating Heart’ .                 of the referral.

                                                 Our current technological project is working
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Hauora Kokiri SEPT 2021 - Pinnacle Practices
with the DHB to setup a process for the            year. The team cover Taupō, Turangi &
electronic transfer our completed patient care     Mangakino and specialise in helping older
records when handing over a patient.               people stay active and independent at home
Previously this has been a process of printing     and doing the things they love.
records at the hospital to provide to the lead
clinician receiving the patient, where as over
the next couple of months we hope to be able       Just before lockdown #2, Jess, our
to implement a fully electronic secure transfer    Occupational therapist, was starting a normal
in the emergency department, eliminating the       day of visits in Turangi, getting a coffee of
routine need to print these documents.             course! She was waiting in line when she heard
                                                   a familiar voice behind her. She turned around
We’ve been working alongside the Lakes DHB         and was greeted by a gentleman in his 80's,
to support the latest Drive-Through Vaccination    sitting on his mobility scooter with a huge smile
Centres, providing an Ambulance and clinical       on his face. I don't know who was more
staff to be onsite. By providing the acute         delighted about this chance meeting Jess or
medical support for any adverse events, we         the gentleman!
hope to free our DHB partners to focus on the
vaccine delivery process, to ensure optimal        This gentleman spent 9 months in a rest home
uptake in the community. So far we’ve              in 2020 and was desperate to go home. Reviva
provided this support in Taupo and Rotorua,        got involved, we made a rehab plan and
and hope that we can continue to support           worked really hard with our patient and the rest
these events as required.                          home staff to see if independence at home was
                                                   an option. We worked with his whānua, the
Ngā Mihi,                                          Pihanga team, Tuwharetoa Health and Enable
                                                   NZ to make this happen. Naturally, the rest is
George Clicquot BHSc (Paramedicine)                history as our story shows! He has been at
Territory Manager - Lakes | Central East           home, getting coffee and cruising around the
                                                   neighbourhood for nearly a year now.

                                                   We absolutely love transitioning people home,
                                                   where they can be with their whānau, their
REVIVA: GOOD NEWS STORY                            beloved pets and prize possessions. It's
                                                   always hard work but so rewarding for
                                                   everyone involved to see the person back in
                                                   the place they love.

                                                   Reviva offers an easy referral process for older
                                                   people that are at risk of falls, scared of falling
                                                   and also falls prevention community classes.
                                                   Feel free to get in touch for a chat if you'd like
                                                   to know more about our services.

                                                   The Reviva team are also very proud to be
                                                   finalists in the Great Lake Taupō Business
                                                   awards - wish us luck!
The community rehab team for older people
                                                   Ngā Mihi,
started in 2008 with just a physio and a laptop.
13 years later, we employ 9 people. We have
Physios, OTs and rehab coaches, seeing
thousands of people in their own homes every

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Hauora Kokiri SEPT 2021 - Pinnacle Practices Hauora Kokiri SEPT 2021 - Pinnacle Practices Hauora Kokiri SEPT 2021 - Pinnacle Practices
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