HEAR & SOLE - Sole Bay Team Ministry

Page created by Ross Davidson
HEAR & SOLE - Sole Bay Team Ministry
Magazine of the Churches in the Sole Bay Team


HEAR                                  December

                                     January 2022


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HEAR & SOLE - Sole Bay Team Ministry
Mary’s Song

     And Mary said:

‘My soul glorifies the Lord
     and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour,
   for he has been mindful
   of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
     for the Mighty One has done great things for me –
   holy is his name.
   His mercy extends to those who fear him,
   from generation to generation.
   He has performed mighty deeds with his arm;
   he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost
   He has brought down rulers from their thrones
   but has lifted up the humble.
   He has filled the hungry with good things
   but has sent the rich away empty.
   He has helped his servant Israel,
   remembering to be merciful
   to Abraham and his descendants for ever,
   just as he promised our ancestors.’

HEAR & SOLE - Sole Bay Team Ministry
The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell
in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. Isaiah
Chapter 9
This well known verse from the 9th Chapter of the prophet Isaiah came to my
mind while watching the efforts of world leaders to reach consensus at the recent
Copt 26 summit in Glasgow. Many Christians globally supported that conference
in prayer, interceding with God that his Holy Spirit would guide decision makers
into the ways of justice and responsibility. By the end of the conference there were
signs of hope, new light shining in the darkness. There were promises to reduce
the use of coal, to cut carbon emissions, and to halt deforestation.
Last year Christmas was impacted by Coronavirus, a darkness that has still not
gone away, so we are all hoping for light to shine and for the darkness to be lifted.
Anxiety about these things is very real for many people because the threat of climate
change renders the future uncertain, and coronavirus remains a blight on people’s
health, education and businesses. “What will tomorrow bring?” is a common cry
on all our hearts, not just in respect of global matters, but also personal and family
matters. The angel Gabriel comforts Mary with the reassurance not to be afraid.
“How can this be?” she protests.
Some things do indeed seem too difficult, too challenging, cope with or overcome.
We need to hear the strength of the angel’s confidence in the God who has sent
him; “The Holy Spirit will come upon you”, “for nothing is impossible with God.”
This does not mean that the future will be easy for Mary. The prophet Simeon
forewarns her of the sword that will pierce her heart, the grief of standing at the
foot of the cross on Good Friday. The angel tells Mary that her child will be holy,
the son of God, and this she finally understands to be true on that first Easter
morning when the light of the risen Christ shatters the darkness forever, and
makes all things new.
We walk with Mary on the same journey of faith and love and joy. She trusted
in God, even in the most unlikely, unpromising and hardest of circumstances.
She followed her Son Jesus Christ in discipleship. Her journey gave her reasons
to laugh with joy and to cry with sorrow, to befriend, serve and welcome others.
Sometimes the going seemed easy, at other times very hard. She believed and
trusted in God and ultimately her confidence was not misplaced. At the promise
of her baby Mary sang the Magnificat, Luke Chapter 1 verses 46 to 55. It is a song
of hope, liberation and joy. It is a good song to read while praying for the future
of our global family and for the right actions by governments. It is a song by a

HEAR & SOLE - Sole Bay Team Ministry
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HEAR & SOLE - Sole Bay Team Ministry
single young woman ready to play her part in God’s redeeming works. It is a song
by a young woman who knows in her heart that a loving God can indeed work
through his faithful people to make all things new.
It is a song to make our own, as we like Mary prepare to welcome the Christ child
and commit ourselves to walk in his ways as children of light.
May you know the joy of welcoming the light of Christ this Christmas, and of
walking with him into a new year.

                                  TEAM NEWS

                  COP26: Walking the Holton Labyrinth
After the stormy winds and rain over the weekend, the morning of Monday 1st of
November was bright and clear for the COP26 Labyrinth walk and prayer event at
St Peter’s church, Holton.
Our intention was to meet, consider and reflect prayerfully on the immediate and
urgent challenges facing the world leaders meeting in Glasgow, due to the climate
emergency. Each one alone feeling small and relatively helpless to influence such
important and urgent issues. Yet by gathering, we could support one another and,
focussing on God’s strength and transformative power, we could discern ways to
be effective agents of change for the world, beginning with actions we each could
take. We anchored our intentions in prayer, scripture, and sang the Labyrinth hymn
unaccompanied, to ‘Monks Gate’ (He who would valiant be).
Then individually, and yet together, we walked the labyrinth in gentle rhythm,
following each fold, bend, and curve, from the edge, into the centre and back again.
The open air and clear blue skies complemented the crisp autumnal setting. Using
Christian Aid resources as a guide: acknowledging and releasing our fears we
walked inward, paused to reflect at the centre, before ‘unfolding’, returning along the
same path. Accompanied by sights and sounds of the natural world: a brisk breeze
moving trees and branches, the journey of changing leaves as they swirled and fell,
a pair of squirrels playing chase, and the antics of the rooks and crows dodging each
other in family groups, while chasing the Kestrel and Buzzard from ‘their patch’
among highlights observed.
Returning to St Peter’s, we gathered and shared reflections, lit candles of hope and
promise, and felt glad for this time of prayer and motion in company with one other,
as fellow pilgrims. We hope to hold further Labyrinth prayer and reflection events at
St Peter’s in 2022, if interested, please contact Rev Alison alisonalder@hotmail.co.uk
or Rev Judy Miller judym61@btinternet.com for more information.

HEAR & SOLE - Sole Bay Team Ministry
TEAM NEWS (continued)

In the meantime, the beauty of this resource is that it is always ‘open’ without need
for an organised event: if you haven’t yet walked it, it’s worth trying, whatever the
focus of your thoughts or prayers. As the saying, attributed to St Augustine, goes,
‘Solvitur Ambulando’- “It is solved by walking”.

                  2022 Advertising in Heart & Sole
  Heart and Sole is the monthly publication of The Sole Bay Team of Churches,
  and is distributed in the communities of Southwold, Reydon Wangford,
  Uggeshall, Blythburgh, Sotherton, South Cove and Walberswick.
  The magazine contains news from both the local churches and the wider
  community. Reaching residents and visitors it serves a useful purpose in
  building up the local community, bringing people together and keeping them
  Southwold Press are handling all advertising enquiries from
  January 2022. We invite you to promote your business and to support our
  community. Please email Mike Mayhew on: info@southwoldpress.co.uk
     for information.
HEAR & SOLE - Sole Bay Team Ministry
TEAM NEWS (continued)

                             My Walk with Amal
For a week from Monday 25th to Friday 29th October I joined the team who have
been performing street theatre for the last four months throughout the Middle East
and Europe to raise awareness of the plight of child refugees. It is estimated that
over half of the world’s 80 million refugees are children, often separated from their
Amal, a 3.5 metre puppet, operated by a puppeteer on stilts, has journeyed from
the Syrian/Turkish border through Greece, Italy (including visiting the Pope in the
Vatican), Germany and France until she arrived in Folkestone at the weekend prior
to me joining the group.
On Monday 25th I joined Charles Storer and his wife Bev (Founders of the Charity
‘Hope and Aid Direct’) at Westminster Cathedral for a service of welcome for Amal.
None of us noticed at first that Charles was sitting next to Vanessa Redgrave (hidden
behind a face mask)! Cardinal Nicholls and, former Archbishop, Rowan Williams
welcomed Amal and there followed a very joyful service that included the chant
‘Whatsoever you do to the least of my sisters/brothers that you do unto me’.
After the service we then walked to Parliament where Amal was greeted by the Right
Honourable Lindsay Hoyle, the Speaker of the House of Commons, Lord Dubbs, a
refugee from the Second World War who came to England on the Kindertransport
from Prague, and the Right Honourable Jeremy Corbin.
The next day we had to pick up our 7.5 tonne truck from The Roundhouse Theatre
in Chalk Farm and drive to Oxford, where Amal met another puppet, Alice in
Wonderland, in the botanical gardens. Thousands of people turned out to greet
Amal and it brought the traffic to a standstill. Bands played and Amal was welcomed
with banners proclaiming the ‘City of Oxford welcomes Refugees’.
We then had supper with most of the 40 people in the company and I met several
refugees whose stories were tragic, but also wholly inspiring in the way that the
individuals had made the effort to seek a new and much more peaceful life. One
woman, who is waiting for residency, is now working as a journalist, entirely self-
taught as she was forbidden to attend school. She had fled from Kurdistan and
without taking that risk she would now be either in prison or may even have lost
her life.
We then travelled to Coventry ready for the next day’s activities.
In Coventry, Amal did a walk through the streets to large crowds and then received
UK citizenship in the ruins of the old cathedral. It was a very moving ceremony
and several children who welcomed Amal also received their UK Citizenship. In
the evening, a dramatic sound, light and dance show told the story of Coventry and
HEAR & SOLE - Sole Bay Team Ministry
also the story of Amal. There were also interviews with people who have made years
of contributions since arriving in this country as refugees, working in the NHS for
The next day we travelled to Birmingham for a ‘walkabout’ in the City and then on
to Sheffield, in readiness for the next day’s activities. We were able to park the truck
next to the Crucible Theatre, by special permission.
The next day, amidst a street party atmosphere, Amal appeared before the crowds on
a canal barge which was such a creative way for people to be able to meet her. After
this performance I travelled back to Suffolk via London for the weekend services.
Amal completed her journey with her arrival in Manchester and a visit to the home
of Manchester United.
As a result of people sponsoring me for Hope and Aid Direct, the charity will receive
over £1000, plus Gift Aid on many donations, for their most important work. Please
let me know if you would like to sponsor me retrospectively. I would like to thank
everyone who sponsored me, both for their generosity and encouragement.
The ‘Walk with Amal’ will take me some time to process but I would ask anyone
reading this article to think about the child refugee crisis and what can be done to
help young people who find themselves homeless and stateless through no fault of
their own.
‘Whatsoever you do to the least of my sisters/brothers that you do unto me’. Matthew
25:40                                                                         Rev. Alan


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            Apply in strict confidence:
                By writing to:- The Reydon Trust,
        C/O post box at entrance to Reydon Village Hall,
              Lowestoft Road, Reydon IP18 6RF

HEAR & SOLE - Sole Bay Team Ministry
Holy Trinity Blythburgh
Church Lane, IP19 9PL
Gathering of saints
We were delighted to host a visit by the Bishop of Dunwich, Mike Harrison on
31st October. A congregation of 91 from across the team filled the Cathedral of
the Marshes, including seven of our clergy (not sure what the collective noun for
priests is: a cassock, a collar, creed?) to mark All Saints Day. A good time was had
by all, helped by Adnams’ thoughtful provision of 36 pints of Ghost Ship – it was
Hallowe’en, after all!
Car park makeover
Holy Trinity is fortunate in having a spacious car park, which is useful, since we host
a large number of public events, as well as services, throughout the year. However,
if there are no marshals, visitors often park spontaneously, which can create a kind
of log jam effect. We have now taken steps to help give some shape to the space,
by planting a row of trees in the centre. From the beginning of December, visitors
should see that we have five trees, together with some paving and posts, to improve
matters. There is a hornbeam, two acer negundos, and two evergreen crataegus
(hawthorn) trees. These will create shade as well as stature. Please park responsibly!
Christmas is coming
At the time of writing, we hope to offer the full Christmas menu (see service details
elsewhere in Heart & Sole). This year, Holy Trinity will be supporting the charities
Save the Children, and Home Start in Suffolk through its Christmas fundraising.
Please note that there will be no services in Blythburgh on Boxing Day, 26 December
(there is a Team Service at St Edmund’s Southwold that morning), but there will be a
service of Choral Evensong on Sunday 2nd January at 6.00pm.
								Malcolm Doney

News and views from around the Community . . .
                      Southwold Dickens Fellowship
                      We have started a new season of meetings at the Guide
                      Centre, Cautley Road. They take place at 2.30pm, usually on
                      the fourth Tuesday of the month.
                      The next meeting is on 14 December. Visitors and new
                      members are welcome. Contact Bill Wallond on 01502 722212
                      or wjwallond@hotmail.com.

HEAR & SOLE - Sole Bay Team Ministry
Tools with a Mission is a Christian charity that collects unwanted usable tools, refurbishes
them, sorts them into trade tool kits and sends them to the developing world for livelihood
We believe that people suffering from poverty don’t just need a financial handout that may
allow them to eat for a day, they need a way to consistently earn money and put food on the
table every single day. We give them the push that they need to build their own businesses,
giving them a sustainable income and putting poverty in the past for good.
Every year, we send around 20 containers filled with over 300 tonnes of tools to local
community groups and skills centres, giving these communities the resources to develop a
mindset of independence, not reliance.
If you would like to donate some of your old tools, give us a gift, or join our dedicated team
of volunteers, visit our website at twam.uk, or give us a call at 01473 210 220.
Find us on :       Facebook – toolswithamission      Instagram – @toolswithamission
Tools with a Mission, 2 Bailey Close, Hadleigh Road Industrial Estate, Ipswich, IP2 0UD
                  Barclays Bank Limited, account number 3319 0994, sort code 20-44-51

The Talitha Koum Hope Centre service provides specialist supported housing for women
whose lives have been affected by trauma and turmoil.
The Hope Centre is set in two acres of beautiful Suffolk countryside, providing eleven en-suite
rooms and communal living, kitchen, dining, craft and leisure/learning rooms and facilities.
Our team of staff work alongside residents offering help by creating a recovery pathway plan
and encouragement as women move towards healing and making choices about their future
For more information, please do look at our website www.talithakoum.org.uk, or our
Facebook page TK - Talitha Koum. If you would like to be added to our database and receive
electronic up-dates please contact the office admin@talithakoum.org.uk
If you’d like to give a gift to help with our work, please donate to our bank account 65598337
sort code 08-92-99, or send a cheque to The Hope Centre, Witnesham, Suffolk, IP6 9JE-

PARISH NEWS (...continued)
St. Margaret’s Church, Reydon
Wangford Road, IP18 6PB

In October there were two baptisms. Emily Rayner and James Seaman brought their
daughter, Sophia, for baptism on Sunday 17th October and on 24th October, in our
Feast Service, Luke Pipe and Jessica Harvey brought their son Finley to be baptised.
Finley slept through the whole occasion, including the moment when he had water
sprinkled on his head. Finley is very blessed because he has six godparents, which is
the most Rev Alan has experienced.
It was great to once again have hymns and songs played on the organ with saxophone
(David Bardell) and flute (Anne Abbott) accompaniment.
On 28th November, for Advent Sunday, we will combine our Holy Communion
Service with Feast, so there will be activities laid on for children who attend. The
service will start at the normal time of 9.30am.
On 30th October the bell ringers played a peal to ‘Clang for Climate’ as a symbol
for the world’s leaders to wake up to their responsibilities regarding the dangers of
global warming. This was both a local and national initiative.
Rev. Alan is once again visiting the two care homes in the parish with support from
Margaret Dinn, Edith Garrett and Angela Ladd. Pitches View had a Songs of Praise
Service for Harvest and Oaklands House had two communion services. Both were
well attended.
In October and November the Open the Book team went to Reydon Primary School
and told the pupils the story of Noah and Abraham. Also, two classes came to the
church for their lessons to learn about baptism and the Christian faith in general. It
was lovely to have the church full of enthusiastic children.

Looking forward, we will have our Carol Service on Sunday 19th December at
4.00pm; our Crib Service on Christmas Eve at 4.00pm; Midnight Mass at 11.00pm;
and our Christmas Day Eucharist at 9.30am.
All are welcome to join us for these services.
            		                                                        Rev Alan
100 Club Winners
November 100 Club winners are:
1st - Faye Puddifoot
2nd - John Allport
3rd - Neil Holloway
                                                                 Sue Puddifoot

News and views from around the Community . . . (continued)

               A new group for Southwold and Reydon
The new CAMEO group (Come And Meet Each Other) meets fortnightly in the
Stella Peskett Hall in Southwold for company and
conversation in a relaxed and informal way. The
idea is to get to know others in the community and
to share refreshments and occasional activities.
The December drop-in meetings take place on
Thursdays 2nd December and 16th December.
On December 2nd suggestions can be made
about the content of the Christmas meeting on
December 16th, which will include musicians and
festive refreshments between 1.00pm and 3.00pm.
Everyone is warmly invited to attend.
                   Further information from janmeades@gmail.com

                              Wrentham Chapel
Wrentham Chapel will be hosting its regular “Caedmon at Christmas” event on
Tuesday 14th December at 7.00pm.
This social event invites those attending, if they are so inclined, to bring along
a contribution to the evening’s entertainment. Readings, poems, music and
songs will be combined into the programme on the night. They may be sacred
or secular, silly or sombre and will be mixed with opportunities to enjoy seasonal
food and drink, along with plenty of chat.
There is no admission charge but there will be opportunity to donate to Christian
Aid in a retiring collection.
Contact: Sue Hardy 01502 578994

PARISH NEWS (...continued)
St. Lawrence’s Church, South Cove
On B1127, NR34 7JD

                                   The sun shone on the morning of Saturday
                                   18th September 2021 and St Lawrence Church
                                   South Cove was full of Family and Guests for
                                   the marriage at 11.00am of William Glover to
                                   Laura Morris. The Rev’d Alan Perry officiated
                                   and the organist was Alison Evans.
                                   The bride entered the church to ‘Air on a G
                                   String’ by Bach. Three hymns were sung. The
                                   bridegroom’s father, David Glover, read a
                                   passage from “The Amber Spyglass” by Phillip
                                   Pullman, followed by Louise, the bridegroom’s
                                   mother, reading verses from 1 Corinthians 13.
                                William and Laura exchanged rings. Following
                                the blessing of the marriage and signing of the
marriage document, Mr and Mrs Glover recessed the church to ‘Canon in D major’
by Pachelbel.
Celebrations followed at Southwold Pier and then in the evening at Henstead
We wish William and Laura much happiness in their future together in Wrentham.
Our congratulations to Kevin Copestake who took part in the Suffolk Historic
Churches Trust Bike Ride in September. He raised a significant amount in
sponsorship money towards St Lawrence Church. We are most grateful for all his
support this year; thank you very much, Kevin.
Well done to the winners in the South Cove ‘100 Club’ in November: 1st Mary
Seaman, 2nd Dr. & Mrs Turvill-Smith, 3rd Siegfried and Val Pagel. Thank you to
everyone for your support.
As in previous years South Cove church has supported the Samaritan’s Purse Shoe
Box Appeal. This year, 10 shoe boxes have been filled and sent off. Thank you very
much indeed to all those who contributed to this worthwhile cause.
The Church Family at St Lawrence wish all our readers a very joyous and Happy
Christmas and very many good wishes for 2022.                     Alison Evans

5      Second Sunday of Advent                  LECTIONARY
0800   Southwold      Eucharist (BCP)           Baruch 5.1–9 or
0930   Reydon         Eucharist                 Malachi 3.1–4
0930   Southwold      Family Service            Cancle: Benedictus
1100   Southwold      Eucharist with Baptism    Philippians 1.3–11
                                                Luke 3.1–6
1115   Walberswick    Eucharist (CW)
1115   Wangford       Eucharist (CW)
1800   Blythburgh     Choral Evensong
1800   Uggeshall      Evening Prayer (BCP)

12     Third Sunday of Advent                   LECTIONARY
0800   Reydon         Eucharist (BCP)           Zephaniah 3.14–end
0930   Reydon         Eucharist
                                                Isaiah 12.2–6
0930   Southwold      Eucharist                 Philippians 4.4–7
1115   Blythburgh     Eucharist                 Luke 3.7–18
1115   Wangford       Eucharist (CW)
1500   South Cove     Carol Service
1800   Southwold      Choral Evensong
1800   Uggeshall      Evening Prayer (BCP)
1800   Walberswick    Advent Choral Evensong

Saturday 18th December
1600 Blythburgh       Carol Service
19     Fourth Sunday of Advent
0800   Southwold      Eucharist (BCP)
                                               Micah 5.2–5a
0930   Blythburgh     Morning Prayer
                                               Cancle: Magnificat or
0930   Reydon         Eucharist                Psalm 80.1–8
0930   Southwold      Messy Church             Hebrews 10.5–10
1100   Southwold      Eucharist                Luke 1.39–45[46–55]
1115   Wangford       Carol Service
1115   Walberswick    Eucharist
1600   Reydon         Carol Service
1600   Sotherton      Carol Service
1800   Southwold      Carol Service
1800   Uggeshall      Evening Prayer (BCP)

Do you like surprises?

The Christmas story is full of surprises! Mary didn’t expect to be
chosen by God to give birth to His son. Joseph was surprised and
shocked that Mary was pregnant. They thought they would start
married life together in Nazareth, but instead they had to travel to

The shepherds were surprised and frightened by the choir of angels
then they found new born baby Jesus in a manger full of hay for the

The Wise Men were surprised to see a new star in the sky, and so they
followed it all the way to Jerusalem. They were surprised that the new
baby King was in a stable, not a palace.

The biggest surprise of all – although the first Christmas happened
more than 2000 years ago, it also happened for you and me!

Will you be writing a letter to Santa Claus? You might like to ask him to add
one of these lovely Christmas books to your stocking…

                          God Gave Us Christmas
                          by Lisa Tawn Bergren and David Hohn, Authentic,

                         This sweet story helps young children understand
                         the true meaning of Christmas and discover how
                         very much God loves them. As Little Cub and her
                         family prepare to celebrate the most special day of
                         the year, the curious young polar bear begins to
wonder… “Who invented Christmas?” So Mama and Little Cub head off on a
polar expedition to find God and to see how He gave them Christmas. Along
the way, they find signs that God is at work all around them. Through
Mama’s gentle guidance, Little Cub learns about the very first Christmas.

The Characters of Christmas Storybook
by Ruth Hearson, 10Publishing, £3.50

There are lots of different characters that all play a
part in the wonderful story of Christmas. There’s
brave Mary, scary King Herod, the excited
shepherds, and not forgetting the most important
character of all – Jesus! You can meet them all in
this beautiful book, and learn how you too can be
part of the most amazing story ever!

When Santa Learned the Gospel
by Simon Camilleri, 10Publishing, £3.99

Follow Santa’s journey in this Christmas fable as he learns about Jesus’s
message and discovers what it means for both the naughty and the nice.

Tuesday 21st December
1700 Walberswick           Carol Service
Christmas Eve
1600   Reydon              Crib Service
1600   Southwold           Christingle Service
1630   Walberswick         Crib Service
1700   Blythburgh          Crib Service
1800   Uggeshall           Carol Service
1100   Reydon              Midnight Eucharist
1130   Blythburgh          Midnight Eucharist
1130   Southwold           Midnight Eucharist

25     Christmas Day
0800   Southwold            Eucharist (BCP)              Isaiah 9.2–7
0930   Reydon               Eucharist                    Psalm 96
0930   Walberswick          Eucharist (CW)               Titus 2.11–14
1000   Blythburgh           Family Service               Luke 2.1–14[15–20]
1000   Southwold            Family Service
1115   Wangford             Euchrist (CW)
       joined by Uggeshall & Sotherton

28     First Sunday of Christmas
1100 Southwold             Team Eucharist Service

Services will be live streamed via YouTube from St Margaret, Reydon for those
continuing to join us from home.
Tuesday- Reydon 6.30pm Eucharist (via Zoom)
Wednesday- Walberswick 10am Eucharist
Thursday - Southwold 10am Eucharist,
           8.30pm Compline from Blythburgh via Zoom
Friday—Southwold 4pm Evening Prayer
Please note there will be no mid-week services from 22 December to 3 January

1600   Reydon              Crib Service
1600   Southwold           Christingle Service
1630   Walberswick         Crib Service
1700   Blythburgh          Crib Service
1800   Uggeshall           Carol Service
1100   Reydon              Midnight Eucharist
1130   Blythburgh          Midnight Eucharist
1130   Southwold           Midnight Eucharist

25     Christmas Day
0800   Southwold            Eucharist (BCP)              Isaiah 9.2–7
0930   Reydon               Eucharist                    Psalm 96
0930   Walberswick          Eucharist (CW)               Titus 2.11–14
1000   Blythburgh           Family Service               Luke 2.1–14[15–20]
1000   Southwold            Family Service
1115   Wangford             Euchrist (CW)
       joined by Uggeshall & Sotherton

28     First Sunday of Christmas
1100 Southwold             Team Eucharist Service

Services will be live streamed via YouTube from St Margaret, Reydon for those
continuing to join us from home.
Tuesday- Reydon 6.30pm Eucharist
                                       (via Zoom)
Wednesday- Walberswick 10am Eucharist
Thursday - Southwold 10am Eucharist,
           8.30pm Compline from Blythburgh via Zoom
Friday—Southwold 4pm Evening Prayer
Please note there will be no mid-week services from 22 December to 3 January

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                                                                                               • Virtual Assistant

                                                   Go 2 Girl                                   • Business Services
                                                                                               • Payroll Services
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                                                                                               • Personal Home Care
                                                                                               • Errands

                                             email info@southwoldpress.co.uk
                                                    the editor for further details:
                                                      for further details
       Tony Brown
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      Tony Brown
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  All funerals conducted personally
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        by Martin      603108
                   or Ben  Brown
         Funeral  Parlour, New cut,
               tb.fs@virgin.net             6
       saxmundham, iP17 1eh

     Tel: 01728 603108
      email: tb.fs@virgin.net

PARISH NEWS (...continued)
St. Edmund’s Church, Southwold
Bartholomew Green, IP18 6JA

As Christmas approaches we need games and puzzles in good condition to sell in
the church. Please leave them inside the church door any time the church is open.
While you are there, pop in and see the many small gifts and stocking presents for
sale on the stall.
                                                                    J. Williamson

News and views from around the Community . . . (continued)

                              HMD: ‘One Day’
Over the past two years there has been a local
ceremony held in Southwold and Reydon to
commemorate international Holocaust Memorial
Day. Although next year this will not be possible
due to the availability of organisers and ongoing
safety concerns relating to the pandemic, it will be
possible to share in the UK ceremony by attending
its streamed service online starting at 7.00pm on
Thursday 27th January 2022. At the ceremony we
will hear the moving testimony of people affected
by the Holocaust and other genocides, as well as
readings from special guests, music and much
more. The 2022 theme is One Day.
The HMD Trust has said that ‘HMD is for everyone
and although we are physically apart, we can still
come together on 27th January to bear witness’. After the ceremony, at 8.00pm,
we are invited to ‘Light the Darkness’ by lighting candles and safely putting them
in our windows to remember those who were murdered and also to stand against
prejudice and hatred today.
To attend this ceremony, visit the HMD website at: Holocaust Memorial Day Trust
(hmd.org.uk) and click on: ‘Register for the HMD 2022 Ceremony’.
Further information available from Chris Ure at ure.spring@btinternet.com.

PARISH NEWS (...continued)
St. Andrew’s Church, Walberswick
The Street, IP18 6UZ
Remembrance Day flower arrangement at St Andrew’s.
Looking forward to Christmas, our traditional service
of Lessons and Carols on 21st December will be at
5.00pm for the first time.
All are welcome on Christmas Eve at 4.30 for the crib
service, ‘The Impossible Promise – A Christmas Story.
Come and join us in bringing the Christmas story to
life. Children and adults, do come in costume if you can
(a few spare costumes will be available on the night).
Please bring your own crayons or coloured pencils too.
We look forward to seeing Mary and Joseph, the baby
Jesus, shepherds, wise men, some animals and stars.
There will be a service of Communion at 9.30am on
Christmas Day.

News and views from around the Community . . . (continued)

                                 Hello from Dogs Trust!
Your local Dogs Trust branch at Snetterton would
like to briefly make you aware of a few services
that we provide:
The first, our Canine Care Card scheme, is a free
service for dog-owners whereby, in the event of
their death or illness, we will look after their dog,
providing them with all the care they need until we
can find a responsible, loving new home for them.
This is often a great concern to the elderly, as their
dog may be their only friend and companion –
Dogs Trust can give them peace of mind, knowing
that their canine companion’s future is safe,
should the worst happen to them. Every year, we
care for more than 14,000 dogs at our nationwide
network of rehoming centres and we never put
down a healthy dog.
Secondly, we provide free talks to local community
groups about the varied work of Dogs Trust,
where we come from and where we hope to be in
the future. There are no speaker fees or travelling
expenses so please let me know if your local club
would be interested.
If anyone has any further queries, or would be interested in booking in a talk, please contact
me by emailing emily.matthews@dogstrust.org.uk or phone 01953 497912.

               BOOK REVIEW
              Held in Your Bottle
     by Jeannie Kendall, Authentic, £9.99
This book looks at the many reasons why we
cry, and why these tears are important to our
wellbeing and to God. Whether we are crying
tears of regret, loss, gratitude or anger, the
Bible says that God holds them all in His
bottle. We can draw comfort from the fact
that no tear goes unseen by Him.
Each of these emotions is explored by a
modern-day story mirroring a retelling of a
relevant Bible character’s experience. The
book may enable you to look at the Bible
in a fresh way and help you accept and
understand your emotional life.
PARISH NEWS (...continued)
St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church, Wangford
Church Street, NR34 8RR

November 14th saw our Remembrance Sunday service in the church and it was
nice to all come together and pay our respects after not being able to have a public
service in 2020.
Now thoughts turn to Christmas and we all pray that there will no change in the
transmission levels of Covid which may affect families’ ability to celebrate together
over the festive period.
The hamper for the Christmas raffle is looking very nice indeed and thanks to the
generosity of people and businesses in the village, the prize will actually be two
Tickets are on sale for £1 each and are available in church each Sunday and from the
village store and the farm shop.
The draw will take place after the service on Sunday December 19th which is the
date of our Christmas Carol Service. Please do come along at the usual time of
11.15am for what is always a lovely service of carols and readings (and mulled wine
and mince pies afterwards).
Wishing everybody a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year and look forward
to seeing everyone in church throughout 2022.
                                                                        Mark Notton

                     OTHER SOLE BAY CHURCHES
Minister Rev Peter Rayson, 38 Ashburnham Way, Carlton Colville, NR33 8SJ
Email:revpeterrayson@gmail.com       01502 560178
Morning Worship will be held in December as follows:
Sunday 12th December       10.30am     Rev Robert Soanes
Sunday 19th December       10.30am     Carol Service led by Worship Leaders
Saturday 25th December 10.00am         Rev Peter Rayson Christmas Day Service

Minister: Revd Charles Croll     E-mail: minister@southwoldurc.co.uk

Contact Details: Fr Richard Ireson - Presbytery 723207

News and views from around the Community . . . (continued)

                           Reydon Afternoon WI
     We would like to Invite all you ladies to an afternoon of fun and friendship.
                          We meet here, at the Village Hall
                 on the first Wednesday of each month at 2.30pm.
     We have a raffle and afternoon tea as well as speakers or demonstrators.
All are welcome – please come along and just see for yourself – the main thing is:

                             WE’RE BACK!!!!!
          Our Programme starts 5th Jan 2022 with a Bingo Session
  If you would like to know more, please contact the Secretary: 01502 725389.

Holy Trinity Church, Blythburgh - Church Lane IP19 9LP
Churchwarden – Meryl Doney (478229); PCC Secretary – Jenny Allen (478314)
PCC Treasurer – Jenny Allen (478314); Church Bookings – Jenny Allen (478314);
Organist – Patsy Murray (722022); Tower Correspondent – Peggy Meredith (478580)
Church of St. Margaret, Reydon – Wangford Road IP18 6PB
Churchwardens – Jan Collins (725731) jan.pat.collins@btinternet.com;
Ray Rogers 07565 508729 rogers.dorcas@yahoo.co.uk
PCC Secretary – Barbara Herman (07791 401163)
PCC Treasurer – Neil Holloway (723706);
Tower Correspondent – Peter Doy (723927)
Church of St. Andrew, Sotherton – East of village sign on A145 NR34 8ES
Churchwardens – Gerard Walker (01986 874248), Stephen Flaxman (01986 873123)
PCC Secretary – Karen Flaxman (01986 873123);
PCC Treasurer – Jane Walker (01986 874248); Organist – Sue Taylor (578408)
Church of St. Lawrence, South Cove – On B1127 NR34 7JD
Churchwardens – Alison Evans (675610) alisonevans@gmail.com; Caroline Barnes (450671)
PCC Treasurer – Alison Evans; Organist – Alison Evans
Church of St. Edmund, Southwold – Bartholomew Green IP18 6JA
Churchwarden – Jonathan Sutton (07866 072327);
PCC Secretary – Hugh Williamson (722319); PCC Treasurer – Jill Horne (723220);
Director of Music – Victor Scott (723775); Tower Captain – Kate Assmann (722600);
Verger – Joan Goldsmith (722422/724696)
Church of St. Mary, Uggeshall – Wangford Road NR34 8BD
Churchwarden – Giles Crisp (578251); PCC Secretary – Clare Palmer (578679);
PCC Treasurer – Giles Crisp (578251); Organist - Sue Taylor (578408)
Church of St. Andrew, Walberswick – The Street IP18 6UZ
Churchwardens –               PCC Secretary – Jacki Neeves (722556);
PCC Treasurer – Kevin Murphy; Organist – Julia Josephs (722828)
Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Wangford – Church Street NR34 8RR
Churchwardens – Jackie Casement 578992jackie.fishhut@btinternet.com;
Mark Notton 578691 markn.church@gmail.com; PCC Secretary – Edna Utting;
Organist - Sue Taylor (578408)
                                     Parish Correspondents
Holy Trinity Blythburgh      Malcolm Doney       478229         malcolmdoney@me.com
St Margaret’s Reydon       Lorraine Stephenson   07867 513078   the-stephensons@talktalk.net
St Andrew’s Sotherton        Karen Flaxman       01986 873123   d.flaxman@btconnect.com
St Lawrence’s South Cove      Alison Evans       675610         alisonevans195@gmail.com
St Edmund’s Southwold         Lin Le Versha      722111         linleversha@hotmail.com
St Mary’s Uggeshall           Elona Rogers       578256
St Andrew’s Walberswick     Joanna Saunders      07511 013829   joannahoare008@gmail.com
St Peter & St Paul Wangford Jackie Casement      578992         jackie.fishhut@btinternet.com
Where telephone numbers have no area code, please precede with (01502)

                 BAY TEAM  DIRECTORY
                     BAY TEAM DIRECTORY
                                 BAYE TEAM DIRECTORY
                                      BAY TEAM DIREC TORY
                       SOLE BAY TEAM DIRECTORY
                      SOLE BAY TEAM DIRECTORY

         Hon Canon Revd. Simon
Revd.   Simon
 imon Pitcher    Pitcher Revd. Alan
           Pitcher, Team Rector
                                     Revd.    Alan Perry
                                                                Margaret     dinn dinn Robert Andrewes
       Team Rector        Revd.   Simon
                                   Revd.   Pitcher
                                          Team      Pitcher
                                                Vicar        Revd.    Reader
                                                                     Alan   Perry
                                                                              Alan Perry          Margaret
                                                                                                 Reader     dinn di
am Rector    Clergy              Team
                     Publisher Team     Vicar                         Reader         robert.andrewes26@gmail.com
 Blythburgh,  Southwold,                 01502
                                      Rector    453624
                                         Team  Rector              01502Vicar
                                                                   Team  724740
                                                                         01502  724740                 Reader Reader
gh, Southwold,
         Blythburgh,        adperry64@gmail.com
                       Southwold.                                 01502 724740
                                                                           Team  Vicar
and      and Walberswick  Blythburgh,
     Walberswick       Simon   Pitcher
                                        01502 453624
                                   Blythburgh,  Southwold,
                                                   Revd.     adperry64@gmail.com
                                                          Alan  Perry                Margaret dinn
                                                                      adperry64@gmail.com          01502 724740
                                                                                                           01502 72474
         Uggeshall,            01502
                        Uggeshall      453624
                                   and Walberswick
      01502 725424
02 725424 01502 Team       Rector
                                 Uggeshall   and Walberswick
                                                                         01502  453624      Reader
                      725424 01502 725424
n63@gmail.com  Blythburgh, Southwold, 01502 725424
          revsimon63@gmail.com                     adperry64@gmail.com                 01502 724740
            Uggeshall and Walberswick                 01502 453624
                    01502 725424

 Marina Turvill-Smith
              Revd. Judy MillerTania     Tania Turvill-Smith
                                         Marina  Birtwistle                   Matthew
                                                                          Tania   BirtwistleHorwood
 Turvill-Smith             Marina       Birtwistle
                                     Marina     Turvill-Smith Matthew
                                      Turvill-Smith                    Tania      Tania
                                                                                    HorwoodBirtwistle      Matthew
                                                                                                           Sally EastMatthew
                                                                                                                       Horwood  Horw
         Lay Chair                      Team   Administrator
               Assistant PriestTeam Administrator
                                               Lay  Chair               Team    Editor,  Heart
                                                                               Administrator    & Sole
Lay  Chair                          Lay  ChairLay Chair               Team
                                                                      Editor,    Team&Administrator
                                                                                Heart     Sole               Editor
                                                                                                             Editor, Heart & Sole & S
                                                                                                                      Editor, Heart
marinaturvillsmith@me.com                  01502 724115
           judym61@btinternet.com marinaturvillsmith@me.com                   solebaymag@gmail.com
                                                                           01502    724115
 villsmith@me.com                 01502   724115
                           marinaturvillsmith@me.com                     01502       01502 724115solebaymag@gmail.com
                                                                     solebaymag@gmail.com                            solebaymag@gmai
               Marina Turvill-Smith(Tues & Thurs 9am-3pm)Tania Birtwistle
                                                                     (Tues  &      01502
                                                                               Thurs        722704
                                                                                       9am-3pm)            Horwood 01502 72270
                          (Tues   &  Thurs    9am-3pm)          (Tues    & (Tues
                                                                         01502       &9am-3pm)
                                                                                   722704       9am-3pm)       01502   722704
                        Lay Chair        assistvicar@aol.com
                                                        Team   Administrator
                                                                         assistvicar@aol.com    Editor, Heart & Sole
                                assistvicar@aol.com                    assistvicar@aol.com
               marinaturvillsmith@me.com                   01502 724115                       solebaymag@gmail.com
                                                   (Tues & Thurs 9am-3pm)If you wish to advertise 01502in722704
                                                                                                            this space,
              Copy Deadline is 10th
               Heart and Sole is published byHeart
      Heart and Sole     is published     Heart    and
                                                        Sole and  Bay
                                                                   Sole Team    Ministry,
                                                                          is published
                                                               isinpublished           contact:-
                                                                                 by the soleby theMike
                                                                                                     Team Mayhew
                                                                                                          Bay  Team Ministry,
                      Eight  Church ofby    the sole
                                         England        Bay
                                                     parishes Team  NE Ministry,
                 ofthe month to:-
             Eight Church of England parishes
                  editor: Matthew horwood
                                                  EightinChurch     Church
                                                               Suffolk. England
                                                        editor: Matthew
                                                                               of England
                                                                           email:   parishes
                                                                                              parishes   in NE Suffolk.
                                                                                               in NE Suffolk.
         editor: Matthew horwood
                             Heart and Sole   editor:  Matthew
                                                  is published     by  theSouthwold
                                                                    horwood sole Bay     Presssolebaymag@gmail.com
                                                                                         Team   - Tel: 01502 723361
             solebaymag@gmail.com    Eight Church of England parishes          (Mon-Fri     9am-1pm & 2-5pm)
                                                                                  in NE Suffolk.
                                  editor: Matthew horwood             solebaymag@gmail.com
                Heart &     Sole
                         Find   thethe
                                     Heart  and churches’
                                         team      Sole Magazine
                                                                          Heart  of the
                                                                                  and    CofE
                                                                                       Sole    Sole Bay
                            Heart   and             Find the    Heart         Sole  Magazine
                               SoleTeam   Team   Magazine
                                            Ministry     in     website
                                                             North-East       Suffolk.
                                                 on the
               on the Solewww.solebayteamministry.co.uk
                            Bay Team Ministry             Sole Bay Team Ministry websitewebsite
                                                              the   Sole  Bay   Team   Ministry
                                       Find the Heart
                   www.solebayteamministry.co.uk            and Sole Magazine
                        Deadline foronall copy,
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                                                    Bay Team
                                                   Deadline    adverts
                                                              for       for all
                                                                  all copy,     copy,and
                                                                             photos   photos and adverts
                Deadline for all  copy,
                              is the    photos
                                     10th day ofandeachadverts
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                     is the 10th day of each month.      is the 10th   day of each  month.
                                      Deadline for all copy, photos and adverts
                                            is34the 10th day of each month. 34
Alan’s Walk with Amal
To all the
                                                                and readers of
                                                               Heart & Sole and
                                                                to everyone at
                                                               Southwold Press
                                                                  from Sally

       Building Contractors                         From 2022 advertising is
          26 Fountain Way, Reydon                      being handled by
            Southwold, IP18 6SZ                       Southwold Press Ltd.
                01502 723366
           info@cooperdenny.com                         Please email Mike:-
                                                           for information.
       All work undertaken & guaranteed

Heart and Sole is published by the Sole Bay Team Ministry, 8 C of E parishes in NE Suffolk.
      Printed by Southwold Press Ltd.     www.southwoldpress.co.uk Tel: 01502 723361
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