HEARTLAND BANK YOUNG AUCTIONEERS COMPETITION 2019 - www.theshow.co.nz Entries close 24 October 2019

Page created by Phillip Larson
HEARTLAND BANK YOUNG AUCTIONEERS COMPETITION 2019 - www.theshow.co.nz Entries close 24 October 2019
www.theshow.co.nz Entries close 24 October 2019
HEARTLAND BANK YOUNG AUCTIONEERS COMPETITION 2019 - www.theshow.co.nz Entries close 24 October 2019
COMPETITION                                       •   The Competition Committee reserves the
                                        The competition will be held on Friday 15             right to add or replace a nominated judge
                                        November from 12:00pm to 1:30pm on                    or contestant at any time.
OBJECTIVE OF THE COMPETITION            The UBB Lawn at the 2019 New Zealand              •   The Competition Committee reserves the
                                        Agricultural Show. Three judges will use              right to disqualify a judge or contestant at
The Heartland Bank Young                guidelines similar to those used at the ALPA          any time.
Auctioneers Competition aims            Young Auctioneers Competition at the Sydney
                                                                                          •   All contestants must make themselves
to showcase and develop young           Royal Easter Show. Competitors will sell three
                                                                                              available for promotional duties on
auctioneers and improve the             lots. Competitors will be required to sell at
                                                                                              request prior to and immediately after
standard of auctioneering across the    an official live auction. After the
                                                                                              any competition. Failure to abide by this
board.                                  competition entrants will be invited to the
                                                                                              requirement may result in forfeiture of any
                                        Town & Country Bar.
                                                                                              prize money or prizes.
The competition has received the        PRIZES                                            •   The contestants give the New Zealand
support of the New Zealand Stock        Each entrant in the Heartland Bank                    Agricultural Show and other sponsors the
& Station Agents’ Association           Young Auctioneers Competition will receive            rights to use their name and images to
(NZSSAA) and will be held during        a Young Auctioneers shirt and entry ticket/           further promote the competition.
this year’s New Zealand Agricultural    parking pass to attend the New Zealand
Show, on Friday 15 November 2019.       Agricultural Show. First prize is $2,000 to       •   Contestants attending or competing in
                                        enable the winner to attend the 2020                  the Heartland Bank Young Auctioneers
Members of the NZSSAA are               Sydney Royal Show to see the ALPA Young               Competition event may only wear the
encouraged to put forward               Auctioneers competition. The winner will also         supplied competition shirt, but may wear
young talent to compete in the          have the opportunity to sell as an exhibitor.         their company/employer tie. Promotion
competition.                            The winner also receives the Denis Hazlett            of any other membership/association or
                                        Medal and NZSSAA Perpetual Trophy.                    sponsor is strictly prohibited.
                                                                                          •   If the opportunity arises for the winner to
NETWORKING EVENT                        RULES                                                 compete in an International Competition
                                        The competition is open to employees                  and they have left the industry or are
All entrants are are required to        of members or affiliate members of the                unable to compete in further competition,
attend the Members’ Muster in           New Zealand Stock & Station Agents’                   the runner-up may be elevated to that
the Bayleys Members’ Marquee on         Association only. Contestants must be under           vacant position.
Thursday 14th November 2019 from        the age of 30 years as at 1 November 2019.
                                        Proof of age may be required.                     •   The winner and the winner’s employer
                                                                                              (current at the time of use) may use the
                                        Nomination of a contestant by their                   title Winner – Heartland Bank Young
                                        employer for this competition is                      Auctioneers Competition 2019. However,
COMPETITION FORMAT                      acceptance of these conditions and their              ownership of this title will remain with
                                        completed entry form must be received by              the Canterbury A&P Association. Should
Competitors will be required to be in   the closing date. The annual venue for the            the winner or the winner’s employer by
Christchurch on Friday 15 November      Heartland Bank Young Auctioneers Competition          direct action bring the reputation of the
to be ready to sign in at the Vero      will be the New Zealand Agricultural Show.            title and the competition into disrepute
tent on the UBB Cattle Lawn by          It is the responsibility of the entrants to           (implied or otherwise) this right of use
8:30am.                                 arrange and pay for their own accommodation.          may be removed by the Canterbury A&P
                                                                                              Association and the winner and winner’s
                                        JUDGING                                               employer shall immediately cease to use
INTERVIEW                               •   Each contestant will sell three lots.             this title.
The interview component of the          •   The contestants will be judged on overall     •   In the event of over subscription, entrants
competition will be held from               performance including: voice, diction,            will be determined by the Competition
9am on Friday 15 November 2019.             manner and values.                                Committee. Stock & Station firms are
Entrants will be required to report     •   The judges must have been a practising            encouraged to put forward their best
to the Rural Livestock Office in            auctioneer.                                       nominations.
the Auditorium of the Livestock         •   The     competition     methodology     of    •   The Competition Committee reserves the
Pavilion for their interview on             assessment shall be fair and open to              right to add, replace or amend these rules
communication skills and knowledge          scrutiny, however, the judge’s decision           and conditions at their absolute discretion
of the terms and conditions relating        shall be final and points awarded shall be        at any time.
to livestock auctioneering. Exact           confidential unless otherwise agreed by       PERSONNEL
interview times will be emailed prior       way of the judges and the Competition         Convenor: Mick Withers
to the New Zealand Agricultural             Convenor’s unanimous agreement.
Show.Thursday 14th November 2019
                                        •   Contestant scores and placing, other than
from 5:30pm.
                                            first and runner-up, will not be given out.   PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY:
                                            Contestants may ask judges for individual
                                        •   The contestant draw for selling order
                                            will be conducted by the Competition
                                        •   The judges have the discretion to
                                            recommend distinction or make special
                                            mention of a particular contestants
HEARTLAND BANK YOUNG AUCTIONEERS COMPETITION 2019 - www.theshow.co.nz Entries close 24 October 2019

Contact Name:

Postal Address:

Phone: (phone):                                                     (work):

          (mobile):                                                 (fax):


Date of Birth:                                                       Age (years):

Company: Shirt Size:


Servicing Area:

To the best of my knowledge, the above information is correct.
                                                                             Company is a current Corporate Member of the
Phone: (phone):                                                              Canterbury A&P Association

          (mobile):                                                          We would like to become a corporate member

Manager’s Signature:

                                                                             TAX INVOICE # 10-413-184
Amount $:

           CHEQUE – Payable to the Canterbury A&P Association

     DIRECT CREDIT – Canterbury A&P Association. Ref: ‘YAC’ & ‘NAME’
           Account Number: 02 0800 0039982 00

I accept the Association’s conditions of entry and rules and I indemnify the Association under the provisions of the
Health & Safety in Employment Act and its subsequent amendments.


    Post: 	Canterbury A&P Association, PO Box 9002,
                   Tower Junction, Christchurch 8149
    Fax:           03 343 3110
    Email:         mel@theshow.co.nz
    Enquiries to: 	Mick Withers, Convenor, Heartland Bank Young
                   Auctioneers Competition
    Phone:         0274 730 817
    Email:         mick.withers@rll.co.nz
                    COMPETITION WINNER
                                       The Heartland Young Auctioneers Competition entered its seventh year in 2018, and returned
                                       with an innovative twist!

                                       Ben McKerchar, PGG Wrightson, took home top spot after coming in as runner up in 2017.
                                       The competition saw a new type of stock added to the mix, as competitors were asked to
                                       auction off plastic sheep, courtesy of Christchurch City Council, with proceeds going to
                                       the Mental Health Foundation. The ‘sheep’ raised between $300-$500 per item during the
                                       competition, with a silent auction held on the Friday and a total of $10,000 reached.

                                       Ben took home the New Zealand Stock & Station Agent Association Trophy & the Denis
                                       Hazlett Medal as a token of his win. Alongside this, Ben attended the Sydney Royal Easter
                                       Show where he participated in the Australian Young Auctioneers Competition, courtesy of
                                       Heartland Bank.

                                       “Winning the competition meant a great deal to me for a number of reasons. Firstly after
                                       coming close the previous year (2nd) I was determined to go one better this time around.
                                       Also auctioneering is a part of the job that I really enjoy and want to succeed in so winning
BEN MCKERCHAR                          the competition was another step forward in that regard” Ben McKerchar.
  2018 winner

                                        WIN a trip to the
                                              Royal Easter Show
                                                                                  all thanks to Heartland Bank.

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