Events October - December 2020 - Events marked #BSROnlineLectures will take place via Zoom. Please sign up in advance at ...

Events October - December 2020 - Events marked #BSROnlineLectures will take place via Zoom. Please sign up in advance at ...
 October – December 2020

Events marked #BSROnlineLectures will take place via Zoom.
Please sign up in advance at
Events October - December 2020 - Events marked #BSROnlineLectures will take place via Zoom. Please sign up in advance at ...
October                                          November                                               TUESDAY 24 NOVEMBER                                       MONDAY 7 DECEMBER
                                                                                                        18.00–19.30                                               18.00–19.30
WEDNESDAY 7 OCTOBER                              WEDNESDAY 4 NOVEMBER                                   #BSROnlineLectures                                        #BSROnlineLectures
18.00–19.30                                      18.00–19.30                                            William Dugood and William Kent: a story                  Roman relics and Renaissance collectors,
The movement of early medieval medical           #BSROnlineLectures                                     of politics, freemasonry and art deals in                 1350–1500
knowledge: exchange in the Italian peninsula     Negotiating radical remoteness: from                   eighteenth-century Rome                                   Hester Schadee (BSR; Exeter)
Claire Burridge (BSR; Cambridge)                 catacombs to dark matter laboratories                  Clare Hornsby (BSR)
                                                 Fiona Crisp (Northumbria)                                                                                        THURSDAY 10–SATURDAY 12
WEDNESDAY 14 OCTOBER                                                                                    WEDNESDAY 25 NOVEMBER                                     DECEMBER
18.00–19.30                                      WEDNESDAY 11 NOVEMBER                                  18.00–19.30                                               #BSROnlineLectures
#BSROnlineLectures                               18.00–19.30                                            #BSROnlineLectures                                        Tra Roma e il mare
Forcing the papacy’s hand: the unlikely but      #BSROnlineLectures                                     “We die everywhere for Italy”:                            Workshop in the series Trasformazioni
inevitable beatification of the martyrs of       The early medieval manuscript dissemination            commemoration of Fascist martyrs in New                   territoriali e insediamenti umani dal
Gorkum, 1572–1675                                of the Liber pontificalis and its implications         York and Naples during Mussolini’s early rule             secondo dopoguerra ad oggi. Le eredità
Jan Machielsen (Cardiff)                         Rosamond McKitterick (Cambridge; BSR)                  Amy King (Bristol)                                        del passato e gli scenari per il futuro.
                                                                                                                                                                  Registration: https://traromaeilmare.
WEDNESDAY 21 OCTOBER                             THURSDAY 12 NOVEMBER                                                                                   
18.00–19.30                                      18.00–19.30                                                                                                      Organised by the BSR, Università degli
New light on Giorgione’s Castelfranco            #BSROnlineLectures                                                                                               Studi Roma Tre, Università di Roma Tor
Altarpiece                                       Navigating loss: from the end of life to the                                                                     Vegata, Sapienza — Università di Roma,
Georgios Markou (BSR; Cambridge)                 end of the world                                                                                                 Parco Archeologico Ostia Antica, Società
                                                 A conversation between Simona Corso                                                                              Romana di Storia Patria, École Française
                                                 (Roma Tre), Sandra Moog (Essex), Florian                                                                         de Rome and Centro Ricerche per Roma.
                                                 Mussgnug (UCL) Zoe Papadopoulu, and
                                                 Aarathi Prasad (UCL). Chaired by Harriet                                                                         FRIDAY 11–SATURDAY 19
                                                 O’Neill (BSR)                                                                                                    DECEMBER
                                                                                                                                                                  December Mostra
                                                                                                                                                                  Exhibition of works by current Fine Arts
                                                                                                                                                                  award-holders at the BSR.
                                                                                                                                                                  Opening hours (by appointment only):
Giorgione, Madonna and Child (detail from the    WEDNESDAY 18 NOVEMBER                                                                                            16.30–19.00. Closed Sunday. Contact Fine
Castelfranco Altarpiece), Duomo di Santa Maria   18.00–19.30                                            Large crowds in Naples honour the return of the Conte     Arts Curator, Marta Pellerini
Assunta e San Liberale, Castelfranco Veneto.
                                                 #BSROnlineLectures                                     Rosso, which carries the bodies of two Italian American   ( for an appointment.
                                                                                                        Fascists killed in New York in 1927.
MONDAY 26 OCTOBER                                Mobilità di popoli nell’Italia antica: il caso
18.00–19.30                                      dei Volsci                                                                                                       WEDNESDAY 16 DECEMBER
#BSROnlineLectures                               Massimiliano Di Fazio (Pavia)                          December                                                  18.00–19.30
The calabash lecture                                                                                                                                              #BSROnlineLectures
Winston Branch                                                                                          WEDNESDAY 2 DECEMBER                                      “It belongs in a museum”: a look at three
                                                                                                        18.00–19.30                                               investigations, their outcomes, and their
WEDNESDAY 28 OCTOBER                                                                                    Molly Cotton Lecture                                      compromises for reclaiming a country’s
18.00–19.30                                                                                             #BSROnlineLectures                                        stolen cultural heritage
#BSROnlineLectures                                                                                      Searching for identity: Byzantine southern Italy          Lynda Albertson (ARCA) and Q&A with
Varro’s guide to being Roman                                                                            Paul Arthur (Salento)                                     Roberta Mazza (Manchester)
Diana Spencer (Birmingham)                       Part of the walls of Arpinum in the Latium region of
                                                 Italy. Image courtesy of Daniele Baldassarre.
Events October - December 2020 - Events marked #BSROnlineLectures will take place via Zoom. Please sign up in advance at ...
BSR Award-holders                            Dr Barbara Gentili (Cardiff)                  BSR Research Fellows
                                             The ‘modern soprano’: performing the
HUMANITIES                                   donna nova in early twentieth-century Italy   Joan Barclay Lloyd
                                                                                           Maria Cristina Biella
Balsdon Fellow                               Hugh Last Rome Awardee                        Raffaella Bucolo
Dr Hester Schadee (Exeter)                   Konogan Beaufay (Oxford)                      Roberta Cascino
Roman relics and Renaissance collectors,     Heating systems in Imperial-period Roman      Patrizia Cavazzini
1350–1500                                    baths in Central Italy: Aquinum and           Francesco Maria Cifarelli
                                             beyond                                        Roberto Cobianchi
Residential Research Fellow                                                                Maria Giuseppina Di Monte
Dr Claire Burridge (Cambridge)               VISUAL ART & ARCHITECTURE                     Elizabeth Fentress
The movement of early medieval                                                             Stefania Gerevini
medical knowledge: exchange in               Abbey Fellow in Painting                      Inge Lyse Hansen
the Italian peninsula                        Jeff McMillan                                 Andrew Hopkins
                                                                                           Clare Hornsby
Rome Fellows                                 Augusta Scholar                               David Knipp
Dr Maria Harvey (Cambridge)                  Beth Collar                                   Simon Martin
Latin signori in a diverse land: del                                                       Guido Petruccioli
Balzo Orsini art and architecture in late    Creative Wales–BSR Fellow                     Renato Sebastiani
medieval southern Italy (c. 1350–1450)       Paul Eastwood                                 Maurice Whitehead
                                                                                           Karin Wolfe
Dr Georgios Markou (Cambridge)               Sainsbury Scholars in Painting & Sculpture
Between empire and exile: Cypriot nobles     Charlie Fegan                                 The award-holders listed on the
between the Regno di Cipro and Venice        Max Fletcher                                  adjacent page are those in residence
                                                                                           October–December. For a full list
Dr Karie Schultz (Queen’s, Belfast)                                                        of award-holders this year, see our
British and Italian intellectual networks:
the Scots and English Colleges in Rome,
                                             Did you miss the                              website —
                                             BSR Online
Rome Scholar
Antonia Perna (Durham)                       Lecture Series?
Schoolbooks in Napoleonic Italy: social
regeneration and cultural imperialism,
                                             Check it out on our                           The BSR Podcast
                                             YouTube Channel                               Past BSR lectures are now available as podcast episodes
Rome Awardees
Dr Zoe Farrell (Cambridge)
Identity and community in the immigrant
artisan population of early modern Rome
Events October - December 2020 - Events marked #BSROnlineLectures will take place via Zoom. Please sign up in advance at ...
Please note that this programme of events
is subject to change. Visit our website at for updated information.

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British School at Rome
Via Gramsci 61, 00197 Roma
Events October - December 2020 - Events marked #BSROnlineLectures will take place via Zoom. Please sign up in advance at ...
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