Highlands United Church Stewardship 2020-2021

Page created by Melvin Fitzgerald
Highlands United Church Stewardship 2020-2021
Page   Highlands United Church Stewardship 2020-2021
Highlands United Church Stewardship 2020-2021
Invitation to Stewardship
Our theme for this year’s Stewardship          As we enter our Stewardship Connection for 2020,
Connection is Living Courageously.             take some time to think about stewardship as a
                                               spiritual practice. Thank you for all you have done to
                                               help our community, through your finances, time,
It is hard to imagine a more appropriate       and talent. Highlands can continue to do God’s work
theme given our current life situation. We     with your ongoing contributions. We are grateful
have heard and seen many acts of courage       that we have such a generous community, who are
from those who work on the front line to       committed to our motto to Live Grow and Thrive.
ensure we all have what we need, be that
health care, groceries, safety and security,   Susan Hogman
and spiritual support.                         Stewardship Chair

Throughout these past several months our
Highlands team of staff and volunteers has
continued to provide support to our            Susan
community and beyond. The Sunday church
services have reached people all over the
country and internationally. The Zoom
coffee time, pastor on the porch, Saturday
lunch, Shelter to Home, senior’s outreach,
the work with the children and teens (grad
2020, etc.) are just some of the ways
Highlands continues to be a spiritual
presence in our community.

                                               Stewardship Chair

Life that Really is Life—Live Courageously                                                    Page 2
Highlands United Church Stewardship 2020-2021
Life that Really is Life—Live Courageously
You know that saying, “If you want to make God        showing us what a courageously lived faith looks like.
laugh, tell God your plans?” Well that almost         And this booklet is intended to help you discern the
feels like the sub-title of 2020. So many plans. So   part you play in the financial life of Highlands United.
many changes. In so many ways it is hard to feel
confident in any plan we might make because
everything is changing so quickly.                    So please, take a moment to read through this
                                                      booklet, think about the important part Highlands
                                                      plays in enabling you to live courageously, and make a
And yet, here we are in the Fall of 2020 and our      pledge to give generously in the coming year. Thank
Stewardship theme is “Living Courageously.”           you in advance for your courageous generosity.
How could we have known that 2020 would ask
us to be courageous in so many different ways         Blessings
when we set that theme four years ago? Some           Rev. Will Sparks
of you are staying home, isolating yourselves
from others, and that takes a certain courage.
Others are trying to find safe ways to get to
work, teach a class, run a program, connect with
family. And all of it seems to rely on an element
of courage.

Peter Short once said that courage is the one
virtue that makes all the others possible.
Courage activates the best in us. Compassion is
a virtue but without courage it stays safe. Justice
is a virtue but without courage, it ends up being
justice for some but not for all. Humility is a
virtue but without courage, our ego gets in the
way. So in this final year of our four-year round
of Stewardship themes, “Living Courageously” is
made for this time because courage makes
everything worthwhile in our church life
In the month of October, from Thanksgiving to
All Saints Day, we will explore how to live
courageously, and specifically, how to give
courageously. We will begin in gratitude
(Thanksgiving), and end with a celebration of all
those who have gone before us (All Saints Day)

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Highlands United Church Stewardship 2020-2021
Storytelling Budget: Live Courageously
This year as we contemplate what to pledge      areas: Worship and Music, Education and Faith
for 2021, we invite you to consider giving as   Formation, Congregational Life and Caring, and
a spiritual practice. How might your gift       Outreach.
reflect the generous way you would like to
support the work of God at Highlands
United Church? How do you want to               The Worship and Music Ministry is the heartbeat of
contribute to generations worshipping           Highlands. On Sunday mornings, the community
together, strengthening those in need in our    gathers for thoughtful reflection, to worship and be
neighborhoods and around the world, and         together in the spirit of Christ. Usually we meet in
exploring new ways to connect with God?         the Sanctuary but during the pandemic, many of us

In order to know more about where gifts go
when they are given to Highlands United
Church, below is a Storytelling Budget. It
presents the operating budget finances in a
narrative format. All the work of the church
is for the purpose of being God’s people and
carrying out God’s mission in the world.

For this Storytelling Budget we have divided
the ministry of Highlands into four major

                                                       have been able to connect online—and
                                                       some folks have been able to join us from
                                                       around the world. It is a time of support and
                                                       caring; laughter and tears. The minister’s
                                                       reflection, or sermon, is brief and accessible;
                                                       the theology is progressive and looks for the
                                                       metaphor in biblical scripture that relates to
                                                       the challenges we face today. Always
                                                       thought provoking, sometimes, we even get
                                                       an “aha” moment and our lives are
                                                       Highlands is also blessed with a legendary
                                                       music ministry with about 200 people
                                                       participating in four choirs. The Music
                                                       Ministry builds community, nurtures

Life that Really is Life—Live Courageously                                                     Page 4
Highlands United Church Stewardship 2020-2021
Storytelling Budget: Live Courageously—continued
individuals, stimulates faith questions and is hard    or overlook what a gift it is for someone to be able to
work combined with a whole lot of fun. Even during     explore core values and discuss other views of faith in
the pandemic, music helped to lift our spirits         a safe and secure community.
through pre-recorded choir songs, familiar singers
and musicians, and guests performing online.
Worship and music nurture our hearts, our              Through staff time, administrative time, the cost of
thinking, and prepare us for the thin places of life   resources, and the upkeep of the space where we
where heaven and earth are so close we can see         meet we invest approximately $175,750 per year.
both. Through staff time, administrative time, the
cost of music, the computers and supplies we use
                                                       Congregational Life and Caring Ministry: We
and the upkeep of the space where we meet we
                                                       experience caring in the popular Seniors Ministry; in
invest approximately $205,900 per year.
                                                       the caring listening that happens when someone
Stewardship Chair                                      comes into the office just to say “hi”. We recognize it
The Education and Faith Formation Ministry is the      in the way the online ministry took action during the
core of our learning ministry. Sunday school, youth    pandemic to provide a way for people to worship
ministry, adult study groups, online ministry,         together. We see it in the people who visit the sick
membership workshops, summer camp ministry,            and the shut‐in. We experience it when Healing
parenting groups, retreats all give a portion of the   Hands accompanies someone through a difficult time
congregation an opportunity to explore: who is         and when the adults dress up for the kids at the
God, who is Jesus, who am I, does prayer really        family Halloween party.

                                                       We experience the caring and support when we
We are fortunate to have the church library as a       gather over coffee in the Welcoming Space on
key faith formation resource as well as individual     Sundays and in smaller groups through the week. We
curriculums to guide our explorations. Those of us     see it in the turnout of volunteers for the Flea
who have been in church for a long time may forget     Market, which sadly will not be taking place this year.
                                                                           We anticipate some items will be
                                                                           sold on line, so stay tuned for that.
                                                                           With the children and youth
                                                                           programs that are so integral to
                                                                           the vitality of the church.
                                                                           The Leadership Board and
                                                                           committees, the staff and the
                                                                           congregation work creatively to
                                                                           ensure the strength and well‐being
                                                                           of our congregational life.
                                                                           Newcomers often remark that
                                                                           they are moved and inspired when

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Highlands United Church Stewardship 2020-2021
Storytelling Budget: Live Courageously—continued
                                                            off the street and seek our assistance with the
                                                            troubles of their lives. The Ministry of Outreach
                                                            includes our generous giving’s to the national
                                                            church’s Mission and Service Fund, our
                                                            responsiveness to world crises as well as the socks,
                                                            clothing, toiletries and money we give to First
                                                            United in the Downtown Eastside. Outreach
                                                            includes the grants we give to other community
                                                            groups such as Capilano Community Services,
                                                            W.I.S.H. and our own feeding ministries.
they come to Highlands because there is such a good
spirit in the community.                                    It includes the support we give to new Canadians
                                                            through the English Language Learners programs.
In staff, in programs, in resources, in space, in food to   We have seen it as we have shared in the
support a caring and vital congregational life, we          resettlement of refugees, individuals and families, in
invest almost $220,800 per year.                            North Vancouver after their journeys from afar.
                                                            What our sense of outreach at Highlands really
                                                            translates into is lives that are made a little more
The Ministry of Outreach: Highlands is a church with
                                                            pleasant and secure.
a generous spirit. We give to others. People walk in
                                                            Investment in the Outreach Ministry is
                                                            approximately $127,250 per year.

                                                                     Saturday Lunch

Life that Really is Life—Live Courageously                                                                 Page 6
Highlands United Church Stewardship 2020-2021
Giving Guidelines
By making our financial pledge during the
Stewardship Connection we provide                    Each step in the chart below indicates a range of annual
information that helps in setting the budget for     pledge levels. The numbers on the top of each step
the coming year. However, there is more than         represent the number of pledges made at that level for
the budgetary aspect to pledging. As we think        2020.
about what we can give to the church, we
                                                     Are you able to move up a level in your pledge for 2021?
remind ourselves of what the church gives to us
all year long – the role that our church plays in    Suggested Pledge Levels for Weekly, Monthly and Annual
our lives, in the lives of our families and in the   Giving on page 8:
life of the community. What is important is that
giving is a thoughtful, intentional response to
God’s ever‐ faithful love. A spiritual practice.

Personal circumstances as individuals or
families will determine our level of financial
giving to the church. The traditional guideline,
still followed by some, was the tithe, or 10% of
earnings; a challenging goal to be sure. In
today’s world where there are so many
worthwhile causes perhaps thinking about
taking a step up in our giving’s is
something to consider.

   Page 7                                                        Highlands United Church Stewardship 2020-2021
Highlands United Church Stewardship 2020-2021
Pledge Step Chart

       Annual         At 3% of Annual Income      At 5% of Annual Income       At 8% of Annual Income
                    Weekl   Monthly    Annual    Weekly   Monthly   Annual   Weekly   Monthly   Annual
          $25,000     $14       $63      $750       $24     $104    $1,250     $38      $167     $2,000
          $50,000     $29      $125     $1,500      $48     $208    $2,500     $77      $333     $4,000
          $75,000     $43      $188     $2,250      $72     $313    $3,750    $115      $500     $6,000
         $100,000     $58      $250     $3,000      $96     $417    $5,000    $154      $667     $8,000
         $125,000     $72      $313     $3,750     $120     $521    $6,250    $192      $833    $10,000
         $150,000     $87      $375     $4,500     $144     $625    $7,500    $231    $1,000    $12,000

Life that Really is Life—Live Courageously                                                              Page 8
Highlands United Church Stewardship 2020-2021
The Giving Process

 There are 2 ways to pledge
    Online 2021 Pledge Form Link
    Physical / paper form: This will be mailed to those without email or a copy can be
     obtained at the church office.
 There are 6 ways to fulfill your pledge
    Monthly PAR: (Pre-Authorized Remittance) Your donation is transferred automatically
     from your bank on the 20th of each month. (Highlands pays no commission on these
     giving’s) If you are a new PAR giver, there is a form to complete. Please contact the
     church office.
    Postdated cheques: Please send a set of postdated cheques to the church office.
    Weekly envelopes: Please contact the church office.
    Visa/Mastercard: (Monthly) Your donation is charged automatically to your credit card
     account on the 20th of each month. (Highlands pays 2.5% processing fee)
    PayPal: Available through the online form
    Other: Some people prefer to hand in cheques periodically during the year, or donate
     through the United Way.

 All pledge donations receive a tax receipt. You will receive a periodic statement of your
 donations and a tax receipt at year end.

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Highlands United Church Stewardship 2020-2021
3255 Edgemont Blvd., North Vancouver, BC V7R 2P1
www.highlandsunited.org / churchoffice@highlandsunited.org
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