Page created by Russell Crawford
 Vol. 3 No. 13

IHG’S DEFENCE      FY2017/18 Q1       FY2016/17

    Kitchen markets 2018
    New home builds will have limited growth, and the renovation market will be
    under pressure. RBA could raise rates in Q4. What to expect in 2018.

                           40: click to view
    Dreams of white kitchens
    White kitchens had a major influence on the market in 2017. The trend will likely
    fade by the end of 2018. The new kitchen is more modest, less “kitchen-y”, and
    closely integrates with the surrounding rooms.

                          51: click to view
    Solid surfaces
    DuPont pioneered the field with Corian in the 1960s. Now it is reviving as a
    kitchen benchtop surface choice.

                           64: click to view
    Engineered quartz
    Surfaces such as Caesarstone continue to gain market share, and could be set to
    replace more of the granite market in 2018.

                           71: click to view
                        Wesfarmers/Bunnings 2017/18 Q1
                        Bunnings in Australia continues to grow strongly under
                        Michael Schneider’s skilled leadership. Bunnings in the UK
                        and Ireland is working hard to improve in 2018. Can it put its
                        kitchen woes behind it?

                            31: click to view
                        DuluxGroup 2016/17 full year
                        DuluxGroup surged ahead in the past financial year. Good
                        growth in its core paints business was complemented with
                        growth in Selleys/Parchem, and B&D has proved its worth.
                        But the company faces challenges in the medium term.

                            35: click to view
contents - II
IHG delivers its defence                                              Housing market
Metcash’s hardware entities, along with individual                    downturn
respondents, have filed defence statements in the                     There are two views: the building
pending court case brought by National Building                       industry sees this as a medium-term
Suppliers, alleging a data breach. HNN takes a broad                  downturn, and the real estate/home
look at some of the general issues involved, and                      owner market sees it as more short term.
                                  provides examples of                Factoring in RBA intervention, HNN
                                  the defence document                agrees with the building industry.

                                                   28                                                              12

                                  Silicosis should be
                                  a disease no one
                                  contracts in this                  Wow, what a year. Looking ahead to
                                  decade. Instead,                   2018, we will see Metcash’s Independent
                                  its incidence is on                Hardware Group make a branding
                                  the rise. One major                decision, the resolution of the Natbuild
                                  source is working                  data breach court case, HBT will have
                                  with engineered                    some surprising news (we think), and
quartz using dry processes instead of wet, and working               we’ll find out if Bunnings can make the

without respiratory protection. The industry
                                                                     cut in the UK.
must move swiftly to educate, and to rid
Australia of this dreadful, terminal disease.

   Home Improvement
  News is a publication of
  Net Percent Pty Ltd.
  © 2017 Net Percent Pty Ltd      big box update............................................................16
       Betty Tanddo
                                   indie update................................................................21
       betty@hnn.bz                supplier update..........................................................24
       0411 031 832
                                   usa update..................................................................85
        Scott Lewis
       editor-at-large             europe update............................................................89
      Wow. 2017. That was some year.
       Looking ahead to 2018, what can we expect? Probably the first
    issue that will get resolved, one that has been hanging around for
    much of 2017, is what Metcash will decide to do with the two major
    hardware brands in its Independent Hardware Group (IHG), Home
    Timber & Hardware Group (HTH) and Mitre 10.
      Further down the road with that same company, we’re going to
    see more developments in the legal case it has with National Build-
    ing Suppliers (Natbuild). HNN will certainly be showing up for
    those court dates to report on what is happening for our readers.
       Hardware & Building Traders (HBT) will — if the rumours are
    true — see some interesting changes early in 2018. HBT continues
    to expand rapidly. HNN thinks 2018 will see the group undergo
    another surge in growth. The 2018 HBT National Conference, to be
    held in Adelaide in May, is something we think both suppliers and
    retailers really will not want to miss.
      With Bunnings, we’ll find out a little later in the year whether its
6   operations in the UK and Ireland will manage to get back closer to
    even. We’ll also get to see what Bunnings in Australia will do with
    online retail, as it should be launching online sometime before the
    end of February 2018.
      Overarching online will be what happens with retail in Australia
    now that Amazon has a physical presence here. HNN is pretty sure
    we are in for some surprises, though much of 2018 will be a year of
    consolidation and expansion for Amazon, and its real impact won’t
    be felt until Christmas 2019.
      HNN itself is going to see some large changes in 2018. Some of
    those are about new ways to deliver content, and some new con-
    tent we will be providing to the home improvement industry.
      Much of HNN’s focus, however, will be on helping many in the
    industry with their marketing. There are a lot of very good prod-
    ucts out there, many of them involving technology in their pro-
    duction, or that deliver technology direct to tradies, which simply
    do not have the market presence they deserve. We hope we can
    help some of these second, third and fourth tier companies gain
    the market traction they need to take on more of the incumbent
    market leaders.
      It is traditional, of course, for publishers to say “thank you” to
    those who support them. HNN really means our “thank you”. In
    the second half of 2017, the distribution of HI News went over
    an average of 100,000 per issue. We’re very grateful to everyone
    who reads us, as well as to the advertisers who have supported us

throughout the year. You have all given us a great incentive
    to keep trying to do better. We really hope we can live up to
    your expectations in 2018.

    Happy Holidays
      Looking back, 2017 has for HNN largely been a year that
    was all about people. Even though we’ve been involved in
    writing and publishing about the home improvement indus-
    try for over 20 years, this year all the team felt as though we
    have only now begun to understand how deeply many people
    think and feel about this industry.
       While the commercial bonds count for a lot, we were
    reminded of just how deep the community bonds are as well.
    Whether it was discussing how retail stores are nurtured into
    life with people like Chris Moorfoot, Julie Murphy and Ian
    Cornwell, or getting deep into the origins of HBT with Lawrie
    Peck, there is a lot that goes on beneath a seemingly casual
    way of doing business.
      It made us all feel very fortunate to be involved in this
    part of the retail industry, which is so closely connected with
    helping families build a real home for themselves here in
    Australia. While we continue to believe in tough reporting,
    deep research, and moving from opinion to analysis, we were
    reminded that in the end what we do is largely in the service
    of this community.
7     We hope you all have an enjoyable time over
    the holidays, and we look forward to seeing
    you in the New Year.


                                                                    TEL: (03) 9795 6789
                                                                    FAX: (03) 9795 4567

  Merchandising display for all Romak bulk items. Gondola not included.
                        Carl Sandeman,
                        Imex Lasers
                          If you spend as much
    name:               time investigating hard-
    • Carl Sandeman     ware stores as the team
                        at HNN does, you will
                        soon become acquaint-
    • National sales    ed with the familiar,
      manager           high-visibility, bright
    company:            green custom stands of
    • Imex Lasers       Imex Lasers. Something
                        like nine out of ten hard-
    products:           ware stores that we’ve
    • Laser levels      visited, big and small,
                        stock the attractively
9   • imexlasers.com.
                        designed laser products
                        of Imex.
      au                  To find out how the
    email:              company is doing, and
    • info@             its view of the laser level
      imexlasers.com.   market as it continues
      au                to develop, HNN caught
                        up with Carl Sandeman,
                        Imex’s national sales
                        manager. Those very
                        visible displays are a
                        significant part of the
                        company’s strategy,
                        which is very focused on
                        helping retailers.
                          “Imex operates as a true
                        partner to retailers,” Carl
                        tells us. “The company does not do any direct         warranties, full back-up service and tools with
                        selling. We value the loyalty of our retailers. We    cutting edge technology and features,” Carl
                        reciprocate with great product displays and           states, with some emphasis.
                        point of sale material to assist retailers in every     It’s a claim that is backed up with considerable
                        way possible.”                                        evidence. The company’s UK office has recently
                          One of the great points of difference that Imex     reported on two model LX3DG lasers that came
                        offers is the accuracy and reliability of all its     back to the office with quite serious damage,
                        products. “There has been an explosion of cheap       including broken lighthouses. Yet both lasers
                        DIY laser levels onto the market,” Carl explains,     were still, the company says, projecting accurate
                        “especially small line and dot lasers. These are      lines. That’s quite an achievement.
                        typically deficient in accuracy, unable to be
                        calibrated and either have faint lines or thicker     Experience
                        Class 3 lines — and no warranties.”
                          That’s not what Imex is about. “Imex is a brand       The first construction laser was launched in
                        for serious professional tradesman, supplying         1968 by Spectra Physics. This consisted of a sim-
                        all lasers with calibration certificates, long        ple laser that had to be levelled by the use of the


     traditional bubble level. The plasma tube, which      and mainstream. The units themselves have
     contained the helium and neon gasses which            become smaller, cheaper, more task-diverse and
     were “lased” to produce the laser would last          user-friendly.”
     for up to 300 hours of operation. The rig cost          Perhaps most importantly, it’s become much
     USD8,000 — equivalent in today’s US dollars of        easier for tradies to buy lasers through the
     over USD56,000.                                       retailers they trust.
       The next development Spectra made was to              The contemporary brands in the industry —
     add a motor to rotate the laser beam, which           such as Imex — have used the extensive network
     meant the level standard could be available to        of tool and hardware stores as the main channel
     multiple workers building the interior fittings       to market. This has greatly increased the aware-
     to a room. Next, the first self-levelling laser       ness and changed the dynamics of the laser level
     was developed, again by Spectra, in 1973. By the      space.
     late 1970s there was general acknowledgement            One of the big changes that is still ongoing,
     of just how useful the lasers were, with some         it that tradies are finding lasers so useful and
     sources stating they increased productivity by        cost-effective, that many own at least two dif-
     30% to 40%.                                           ferent types.
       The commercial development of the diode la-           Because of the multiplicity of tasks where
     ser in the mid-1990s changed the laser industry       lasers are a big help, and productivity gains that
     dramatically. These used semiconductor materi-        have become very significant, it is now almost
     als similar to those used in light emitting diodes    a necessity for professional tradesman to have
     (the familiar LED lights). Much less expensive        more than one laser. A plumber might have a
     to produce than gas-based lasers, and offering        rotating laser and a pipe laser. A builder might
10   a much longer operating period, these began to        use a line laser for internal work, and a rotating
     fundamentally change the laser level industry.        laser for external set-out and levelling.
     The effect was to produce lasers that lasted for        Imex has worked hard to enable retailers
     30,000 hours of operation instead of 300, and         to take advantage of these trends. “Imex has
     cost half the price of gas-based lasers.              increased its range to cater for this demand,”       According to the Imex
       Imex has a very long history with the build-        Carl explains. “It’s a trend we see continuing for   blog: “Two LX3DG‘s
     ing industry in general. “The Imex team has an        some time into the future.”                          recently came back into
     extensive background in the construction in-                                                               Imex UK office a bit bat-
                                                                                                                tered and bruised from
     dustry, specifically in steel fabrication construc-   Design advantage                                     some harsh use! Both of
     tion,” Carl says. “We have been around laser                                                               the LX3D’s are both still
     levelling equipment since its inception around          Understanding the market, and reacting to          working and projecting
     30 years ago.”                                        demand in a timely manner is one part of the         accurate lines in spite
       The Imex brand was started as a niche market        Imex strategy, but another major part is to con-     of being dropped and
                                                                                                                lighthouses broken.”
     measuring equipment supplier, International           tinue to be at the leading edge design.
     Measuring Equipment. It sold specialist tapes,
     measuring poles, and laser distance measurers
     to a number of specific markets such as the
     window furnishing, forestry, petroleum and
     winery market.
       In the early days, while laser levels brought
     efficiency and better quality work within range
     of the average tradie, they still had problems
       The original laser levels were expensive, cum-
     bersome, difficult to calibrate and dominated
     by two or three major brands. They were sold
     almost exclusively through a small number of
     specialist laser suppliers and repairers.
       That changed, however, and Imex was a big
     part of that change. “In the last 15 years the
     laser market has changed dramatically in terms
     of diversity of use, channel to market, range of
     products and accessibility for all trades,” Carl
     tells us. “Lasers have become more popular


                                                                                                                Imex is well-known for its
       In particular, Imex has innovated the power         is working well for the company. “We’ve seen an
                                                                                                                colourful, well-designed
     supply, moving to long run Lithium-ion batteries,     increase in warranty registrations and enqui-        displays.
     with USB port quick charging, something which         ries.”
     is relatively new to the laser industry. The next       For retailers, Imex offers extensive back-up
     rotating laser range for 2018 will include this       to their in-store activities. This includes staff
     technology.                                           training, and the company is always happy
       That’s just the beginning of what Imex has          to hear from retailers. “We welcome retailers
     planned for 2018. “The range will also have           contacting us when the consumer is actually
     standard millimetre reading detectors manufac-        in their store. That let’s us run through the
     tured in Germany, which replace the usual up          customer’s requirements, so that we can help
     or down direction arrows on current detectors,”       the retailer find the correct tool for their use,”
     Carl says. “With a dual pick-up for either red        Carl says.
     beam or green beam rotating lasers, these will          The company also encourages retailers to
     increase efficiency and accuracy.”                    engage with customers digitally. “A strong
       It’s a development Imex is very proud of. “This     website, a good social media presence, and an
     will become the benchmark in exterior laser lev-      online store are becoming essential for retailers
     elling,” Carl tells us. There is also a new machine   to remain relevant,” Carl says. “Imex supports
     control receiver, the MR240, which is suitable        these with content and back-up.”
     for smaller excavators. “We have a number of            For retailers who want to take their laser level
     updates planned for the line laser range next         sales to the “next level”, the company offers the
     year, along with some additional ancillary lasers     Imex Measurement in-store solution.
     and hand tool items.”                                   This is a “store within a store” that provides
                                                           great results. It offers a true customer experi-
     Retailer focus                                        ence, including a training area. With over 20 of
                                                           these throughout the country, Imex is currently
       The company also works hard to deliver sales        looking to expand this program.
     incentives direct to tradies. An example is its
     “Summer Tradie Deal”. “For December and
     January, Imex is utilising a Cashback for their
     Summer Tradie Deal with all rotating and pipe
     lasers sold eligible for this,” Carl explains. This

                            Housing market:
                            the new downturn
                              It’s only natural        niture and other goods
                            that, to some extent,      to complete their new
     in this                those involved in the      homes, after all. But it
     update:                building industry come     turns out not to add
                            to slightly overrate the   that much. Spending
        The text
             housing        contribution building      on furnishing and
        market seems        makes to the Austra-       household equipment
        convinced there     lian economy. One of       accounts for less than
        will be a down-     the Reserve Bank of        half the share of GDP
        turn, but it will   Australia’s (RBA) assis-   that housing construc-
        be short-lived      tant governors, Luci       tion does, not all of it to
                            Ellis, spoke on the sub-   furnish new homes.
     • However, with        ject of “Where is the
       historically low     Growth Going to Come
       interest rates, it
12     is likely the RBA
                            From?” in mid-Novem-
                            ber 2017. These are
       will intervene in
                            some of her comments
       third of fourth
       quarter of 2018      on Australia’s building
     • A target of 2.0%       Residential build-
       interest rates by    ing work remains at
       March 2019 is        a high level -– faster
       likely               than would be needed
     • As capital exits     to house our growing
       housing for other    population –- but it is
       investments,         no longer adding ma-
       growth in home       terially to growth. You
       improvement re-      could argue that there
       tail revenue will    are important spillover
       be constrained       effects from housing.
                            People need to buy fur-
                                                         Above, Chart 1, RBA-set interest rates. Top, Chart 2, Business investment as share of GDP.


       Housing construction         on the asset value of           any real direct shock to       tial dwelling prices            The quarters when
     contributed about 0.3          their houses to borrow          the economy, betrays a         according to the ABS            building commence-
     percentage points to           more, making up for             desire to stimulate at         price index, as well as         ments have reached
     annual GDP growth              slow growth in wages,           almost any cost.               dwelling completions,           a peak, followed by a
     over recent years. So          while others have                 The marked decline           represented as the              decline, are shown by
     any spillover via fur-         “cashed in” on assets.          in business investment         number of dwellings.            the dark grey bars.
     nishings must be even            The story of what             since 2012 shown in
     smaller. This sector is        has been going on is            Chart 2, meanwhile,
     not where we will find         partly told by the two          shows that the stim-
     an ‘engine of growth’ to       graphs marked as                ulus is not having a
     pull us all along.             Chart 1 and Chart 2.            direct effect there. It is
       That said, the               Chart 1 shows the level         an economy just barely
     housing construction           of the overnight cash           eking by, a portrait fur-
     industry and the real          rate determined by the          ther fleshed out when
     estate market that has         RBA. It’s likely that           we consider the low
     supported it has played        to Australian econo-            growth in wages.
     an important part in           mists and others of 15
     the economy, simply            years ago, this would           Housing
     through redistribution         be a little shocking.
     of wealth. Families            The very low levels of           Chart 3 shows the
     have been able to rely         interest rates, absent          movement in residen-


       Above, Chart 3, shows the ABS dwelling price index, along with the ABS completed dwellings, by number. Top,Chart 4, shows RBA estimates of changes in
       house prices..


       Housing completions        and prices decline slowly.
     experienced a decline in       One reason why the
     the second half of calen-    second version is more
     dar 2015, then picked up     likely to come true is
     from late 2015 through to    down to the role the RBA
     early 2017, and have been    has to play. As several
     flat since then.             commentators have
       For the two previous       pointed out, the hous-
     peak events, we could        ing market has almost
     say that the peak is         held the RBA’s ability

     somewhat market              to alter interest rates
     predictive, or taken to      hostage since June 2015,
     be market predictive,        when the interest rate
     and just as housing          first moved down to the
     commencements start
     to taper off, so do house
                                  2.0% level. It seems quite
                                  likely to HNN that one
                                                                          Don’t miss out!
     prices, as market de-
     mand decreases.
                                  of the RBA’s goals would
                                  be along the lines of
                                                                         We’ll email you the
       In the most recent
     peak, however, while
                                  lifting the interest rate
                                  back up above 2.0% over
                                                                         summary and link
     there is a decline in
     house prices in Sydney
                                  the coming 18 months.
                                  If the real estate mar-
                                                                          every fortnight
14   immediately before the
     peak, after the peak,
                                  ket remains depressed
                                  through to June quarter                      FREE
     strong price growth          2018, then recovers in the
     starts up again, until the   September quarter 2018,
     most recent, September       an interest rate rise in
     quarter. Melbourne
     also shows strong price
                                  the final quarter of 2018
                                  is very likely, followed by
                                                                         Click to subscribe
     growth.                      more rises in the subse-
       What is going on here?     quent quarter.
     One interpretation             What will that mean
     might be that we are         for the home improve-                        or go to:

     seeing the two ends of       ment industry? As
     the building industry        HNN has suggested in
     coming to quite differ-      the past, we are likely
     ent conclusions about        looking at a period when
     what happens next. On        capital will be exiting the
     the real estate/home         housing industry, with
     buyer end of the market,     households diversifying
     the sentiment may be         more into other invest-
     that while there could       ments. Overall construc-
     be a lull in house price     tion activity will remain
     rises, as demand re-         flat in housing, while
     mains strong, prices will    infrastructure spending
     continue to rise. At the     will be boosted for the
     other end of the market,     next two years at least.
     construction and house       That means that retail
     builders, the sentiment      revenue growth will be

     is more balanced toward      constrained, as it is at
     the downside. Construc-      present, and probably
     tion activity may remain     favour the consumer
     at the same level over       over the trade side of the
     the next 18 months, but      business.
     demand will moderate,

The NEW construction laser range from Imex; a quantum
                          leap in laser level innovation, with multiple ground breaking
                          features. It’s time to level a whole new world….

                           • 9 Ah lithium-ion batteries with up to 48hr run time
                           • USB port fast charge batteries
                           • Digital Detectors in mm increments standard on all models
                           • High wind alert auto reset

Available at leading tool and hardware stores nationwide

big box update
                             More Bunnings stores
                             are green-lit
                               Bunnings has sub-
     in this                 mitted development
     update:                 applications for stores
                             in Ballarat (VIC) and
     •start                  Woolloongabba (QLD).
        for Bunnings         It has received ap-
        stores               provals for stores in
                             Clyde North (VIC) and
     • Change of plan        Majura Park Shopping
       for Balmain site      Centre (ACT).
     • Bunnings moves
       on from SA site       Ballarat store
     • Sunshine and
16     Devonport stores
                               Bunnings has lodged
                             a planning applica-
     • Mernda and            tion for a 17,000sqm
       Bairnsdale stores     premises on the corner
       sold                  of the Glenelg High-
     • Bunnings grows        way and Cherry Flat
       its New Zealand       Road in Ballarat (VIC).
       store network         Should the application
                             be given the green
                             light, construction is
                             set to begin in the first
                             quarter of 2018.
                               In a statement, Bun-
                             nings general manager
                             – property Andrew
                             Marks said the new
                             store would be in
                             addition to the existing
                             Creswick Road prem-
                               The announcement
                             comes after the open-
                                                                   The proposed
                             ing of the huge Dela-                Woolloongabba
                             combe Town Centre,                   (QLD) store. Top,
                             driven by lead tenants               artist’s impression,
                             Woolworths, Kmart                    middle, plan view,
                             and Ballarat’s second                and bottom, map
                                                                  and orientation of
                             movie theatre, Showbiz               the store.
                               The proposed Bun-
                             nings site which sits
                             across from the Dela-

                  continues next page                    hnn.bz
big box

     Bunnings green-lit (cont.)
     combe Town Centre has been touted as a future bulky goods         The 16,600-square-metre DIY warehouse will anchor stage
     retail premises since the development of the Ballarat West      one of developer MAB Corporation’s 38-hectare project,
     Precinct Structure Plan, which was approved in 2012.            which is set to include showrooms, a petrol station, a child-
       Delacombe Town Centre landlord Steven Troon said he           care centre, food and beverage outlets and leisure facili-
     was excited to see a retailer like Bunnings building across     ties in addition to 65 industrial lots ranging in size from 1000
     the road. He said the shopping centre was already experi-       to 3000sqm each.
     encing increasinggrowth, with Kmart’s auto service store          Ian Parry, development manager at MAB Corp, said the
     to open in the new year as well as a Groove Train chain         previous owners had held preliminary discussions with
     restaurant.                                                     Bunnings – the deal got over the line when Bunnings se-
                                                                     cured a permit for the new warehouse.
     Getting to Gabba                                                  The nearest existing Bunnings is four kilometres away, a
                                                                     store about half the size of the proposed new warehouse.
       Bunnings is expected to open a store at Woolloongabba,          Mr Parry told The Australian Financial Review it would be
     late next year or in 2019, after lodging a development appli-   the first Bunnings to open in a MAB Corp business park and
     cation.                                                         would act as a catalyst for the next phase of the develop-
       The news has split the local community, according to the      ment of the rapidly growing Clyde North area.
     Courier Mail, with many in support but others upset about         Infrastructure works at Element Park are set to commence
     an estimated 1058 extra car trips on Saturdays and the im-      in early 2018 and cease in early 2019, prior to the completion
     pact on smaller retailers.                                      of the Bunnings Warehouse.
       The development application outlined plans for a
17   17,000sqm, two-storey building covering 88% of the site,        Majura Park confirmation
     which borders Ipswich Road and Henry Street. Bunnings
     believes high public transport use would mean the 399            Canberra Airport has confirmed that Bunnings will be
     planned car parks would be sufficient.                         opening a new store at the Majura Park Shopping Precinct
       Gabba Business Association president Suzanne Bosanquet       next year. It will occupy the 13,500sqm previously occupied
     said while it might have an impact on medium-sized traders,    by Masters to the north of the precinct, with parking for 350
     the new store would be a great thing. She said:                cars. The store is expected to open in mid-2018.
       This will bring people to the area. That part of the Gabba     Bunnings said a site of this size allowed it to increase the
     really needs activation. At the moment people are having to    range of products on offer to the local community.
     drive out to Cannon Hill or Tarragindi to go to a Bunnings,      Canberra Airport managing director Stephen Byron said
     but now they will come here.                                   the Airport looked forward to welcoming Bunnings Ware-
       Particularly after Mitre 10 closed at West End, something    house to Majura Park. He said:
     like this is really needed.                                      The arrival of Bunnings, coupled with the recent opening
       Finlayson’s Timber and Hardware director Michael Fin-        of AutoBarn and Dan Murphy at the shopping centre, are
     layson said while they took nothing for granted, their busi-   fantastic additions to our customer experience and breadth
     ness was much more trade based and they were confident of      of offer.
     fending off any competition. He said:                            No decision had been made about the future of the nearby
       We will just focus on improving our trade offer. We have     Fyshwick store but Bunnings said it would keep team mem-
     knowledge of the industry nobody else has,.                    bers and the community informed.
     Element Park business park                                       goo.gl/ikoTHW
       Bunnings is set to open a large-format store in Clyde North goo.gl/9ppDZS
     in Melbourne’s south-east in 2019 after taking up a 3.77-hect-
     are site within the $150 million Element Park business and
     retail park.

big box

     Change of plan for Bunnings Balmain outlet
       Bunnings has lodged      alternative to visiting
     a new development          the larger Bunnings”.
     application for a          He said:
     three-storey outlet          The site (has) a histo-
     at 2-8 Parsons Street,     ry of commercial uses
     Rozelle (NSW), oppo-       and is surrounded by
     site the heritage-listed   retail and wholesale
     White Bay Power            and light industrial
     Station. If approved,      businesses. We remain
     the $11.8 million devel-   committed to bringing
     opment would involve       jobs and investment to
     demolition of a disused    the local community.
     warehouse to make            Bunnings withdrew
     way for two levels         similar plans for the
     of retail on top of 74     same site in February
     ground level car parks.    after the council raised      A map of the proposed site at 2-8 Parsons Street, Rozelle NSW 2039
       This is a revised        11 objections includ-
     proposal after earlier     ing traffic impacts on      to be “quite minor” due       cil to subdivide the site        ly found the develop-
     versions met with          the Victoria Road and       to the “small format”         into three two-storey            ment plans did not
     obstacles with Inner       Robert Street inter-        store — roughly               buildings. Proprietor            assess noise impacts
18   West Council. Bun-         section, which had not      one-fifth the size of         Grant Crowle said he             on nearby homes,
     nings said the revised     been measured in the        an average Bunnings           was in the process of            failed to use correct
     proposal included          application.                warehouse                     looking for alternative          flood analysis model-
     “significant improve-        An updated traffic          In addition to in-          sites should the busi-           ling, and lacked waste
     ments” to streetscape      assessment predicted        creased traffic, there        ness have to relocate.           management plans.
     and heritage including     40% of vehicles would       was also community              In submissions to                To view the plans, go
     “heritage interpreta-      access the site from        concern about impacts         the new plans, traf-             to Inner West Council’s
     tion” and landscaping.     Victoria Road, which        on the existing nearby        fic impacts remain               development applica-
       Bunnings general         currently carried           independent hardware          the primary sticking             tion site for the former
     manager – property         80,000 cars per day,        retailers.                    point with residents,            Leichhardt council
     Andrew Marks previ-        while 30% would fun-          However in a recent         with some saying any             area and search:
     ously told the Inner       nel through Mansfield       development, the land-        increase in vehicles             D/2017/631.
     West Courier the small     and Mullens Streets.        lord of The Hardware          would “exacerbate                  goo.gl/T8XAUw
     format store would           The report, however,      Store has lodged plans        peak hour bottlenecks”.
     offer a “convenient        predicted the increase      with Inner West Coun-           The council previous-

     Bunnings switches up site in SA
       Bunnings plans to        of the area was a “great    income.                       were a few individuals           would be a better fit.
     open a new two-storey      opportunity missed”.          Panorama Clapham            who didn’t want it, like          In a brief statement,
     store on South Rd, Ed-     He said:                    Community Group               any situation, but I             Bunnings general man-
     wardstown (SA) after        First of all, it’s $50     spokesman Neil Baron          think overall if we look         ager of property An-
     pulling out of building    million in capital that     said there was strong         at Bunnings … it’s not           drew Marks thanked
     a store in Panorama        hasn’t happened in          community support             an evil, illegal entity we       members of the com-
     following objections       Mitcham. The site is        for a Bunnings store in       should be shunning, it’s         munity who supported
     over its design. The       a pigsty … We missed        the area on the former        something we should              the proposal.
     proposed store is          out on the economic         TAFE site. He said:           embrace.                          We will now be ex-
     located 2km from the       impact of jobs while          People thought it was        A group of residents            ploring other develop-
     Panorama site.             the centre was being        going to go through           complained the large             ment opportunities for
       Mitcham Mayor            created, we miss out        and they didn’t have          hardware store would             the site.
     Glenn Spear told           on 170 ongoing jobs for     to vocally support the        be inappropriate for              goo.gl/7bLY7h
     Adelaide Now that          our people and we miss      issue…The community           the area and that medi-
     Bunnings pulling out       out on significant rate     was supportive. There         um-density housing

big box

     First Bunning store re-opens                                                     Bunnings Mernda and
                                                                                      Bairnsdale sold
                                                                                        Private developer RCL Group has sold a yet-
                                                                                      to-be-built Bunnings in Melbourne’s north-
                                                                                      ern suburbs for around $25 million.
                                                                                        The 15,000sqm hardware store on Plenty
                                                                                      Road in the outer growth-area suburb of
                                                                                      Mernda has been pre-leased to Bunnings, and
                                                                                      is expected to open midway through 2018.
                                                                                        A Bunnings in Bairnsdale, in Victoria’s
                                                                                      East Gippsland district, has also sold in an
                                                                                      off-market transaction for $12.42 million. The
                                                                                      smaller 8,558sqm store was purchased by
                                                                                      a Melbourne-based syndicate on a yield of
       Sunshine Bunnings        pers will become com-      According to The Advo-       The vendor, based on the Mornington Pen-
     Warehouse, the first       fortable at alternative    cate, he held the crowd    insula, made a profit of $4.213 million, a gain
     Bunnings store to be       stores. We’re surround-    in the palm of his hand    of 51.33% from the $8.207 million purchase
     built in Australia, has    ed by Bunnings stores      as he spoke about          price in 2013, said Burgess Rawson’s Graeme
     reopened after a $13       around here.               what drives people and     Watson.
19   million refurbishment.       But with the project     life in general.             The Bunnings Mernda site is part of larger
       The newly renovat-       now complete, Mr             Mr Sheedy regaled        8.5 hectare comprehensive development
     ed warehouse has           Caruana said the store     people with typical        zone, in one of Melbourne’s fastest-growing
     50 additional staff        is now a source of         “Sheedy wisdoms” but       new communities.
     members and a new          great pride.               at almost 70, it was his     The site has capacity for big box retail
     undercover timber            We had a staff open-     passion for life and       outlets, fast food and medium to high-densi-
     yard, large landscape      ing for the store before   genuine connection         ty housing, according to RCL chief executive
     and green life nurs-       we had the public          with all ages which        David Wightman.
     ery, trade sales drive     one and 700 people         struck a real chord.         goo.gl/g2Cg6g
     thru, state-of-the-art     attended, which just         Devonport complex
     kitchen division and       shows how much this        manager Felicity
     air conditioning.          place means to the         Powell said the store is
       Store manager Matt       organisation. It was       the seventh Bunnings
     Caruana said he was        definitely all worth       warehouse in Tasma-
     delighted with the         it. As Australia’s first   nia and represented a
     results of the 16-week     Bunnings store, it’s       $19 million investment
     project. While pleased     important that it’s kept   in the city. She said
     with the end result, Mr    in line with modern        Bunnings opened two
     Caruana said the proj-     standards so it stays      North-West warehous-
     ect was difficult from     around for many more       es because the public
     a logistical standpoint.   years to come.             wanted one in Devon-
     He told Star Weekly:         *Motivational”           port.
       We have 110 team         Devonport opening            goo.gl/sWKaZP
     members here who had         The recent opening of      goo.gl/LrG4kz
     to be placed in other      Bunnings Devonport
     stores while the works     resembled more of a
     were being undertaken.     motivational seminar
     On top of that, there’s    with AFL legend Kevin
     also the risk that shop-   Sheedy at the helm.

big box

     Bunnings expands store network in New Zealand

20     The Bunnings Hamilton South store is for sale

       Bunnings’ new trade          always wanted to have        like Bunnings to have        Bunnings New Zea-  the property has a
     centre in Hastings,            a strong presence here,      the confidence to invest   land general manager net lettable area of
     Hawke’s Bay, New               so this is exciting for us   in Hastings is fantas-     Jacqui Coombes said  11,645sqm on a 3.1ha
     Zealand is seen as             … It’s a great oppor-        tic.                       the new smaller for- site. It incorporates
     evidence of the region’s       tunity, especially on          Over the last two        mat store was expect-a 1796sqm garden
     booming economy.               our trade side we deal       years 200 commercial       ed to open in early  centre, a 5187sqm main
       After investing more         with everything from         and industrial building    2018. She said:      warehouse, a 2224sqm
     than NZD4 million              orchardists, farmer to       approvals have been          We can confirm we  timber trade sales area,
     into the trade centre          builders.                    granted in Hastings,       have received draft  and a 1939sqm timber
     on Heretaunga Street,            This trade centre is       worth about NZD100         resource consent for trade yard. It is also
     Bunnings commer-               the big box retailer’s       million. Another           a new Bunnings store fully leased for 12 years
     cial manager (NZ)              eighth in New Zea-           positive for the local     in Rangiora and are  to Bunnings.
     Des Bickerton said             land and the second          economy has been the       currently reviewing theJason Seymour of
     Hastings’ thriving             premises in Hastings,        release of industrial      conditions.          Colliers International
     building industry and          alongside a Bunnings         land in Omahu and            The Rangiora store said Hamilton is expe-
     the “booming” wider            Warehouse on Market          Irongate.                  will become the sev- riencing strong growth
     Hawke’s Bay economy            Street. It is 3000sqm                                   enth store in the South
                                                                                                                 as a result of New
     were major reasons             and includes an under-       Rangiora                   Island. Bunnings     Zealand’s economic
     behind the move. He            cover drive-through          development                currently has about  success.
     told the New Zealand           area and 25 parking                                     53 stores across New   Construction of the
     Herald:                        spaces.                        A Bunnings Ware-         Zealand.             Waikato Expressway,
       We used to be                  The trade centre was       house is also set                               due to be completed in
     Benchmark Building             officially opened by         to open in central      Hamilton South          late 2020, is expected
     Supplies and we had a          former All Blacks Taine      Rangiora, New Zealand store for sale            to cut travel times to
     really strong presence         Randell and Jeff Wil-        next year. The big box                          Auckland significant-
     here, then obviously           son. Mr Randell said:        retailer has applied      The Bunnings Hamil- ly, making Hamilton
     when Bunnings came               For Hawke’s Bay,           for approval to open a ton South store for sale much more accessible.
     along and took over            certainly the last few       store in the old Count- is being marketed as a    https://goo.gl/TfWeAj
     our Benchmark stores           years have been fan-         down supermarket on long-term investment          https://goo.gl/bf6qjs
     and rebranded them,            tastic and to have an        the corner of Queen     property.                 https://goo.gl/iVmQ9c
     we really realised we’ve       international company        and Victoria Streets.     Completed in 2016,

indie update
                             Bundaberg HTH
                             closes due to insurance
     in this                   The Bundaberg News       the commu-
     update:                 Mail reports that a        nity newspa-
                             Home Timber & Hard-        per as saying:
     •start                  ware Group store has         Trying
        Moree, NSW cel-      been forced to close,      to sell a
        ebrates turning      mainly because it can-     property and
        5, even as family,   not obtain insurance       business,
        community            against flooding.          which was
        mourn loss of          Cooper’s Hardware        highly sale-
        Anthony ‘Dipper’     has been in business       able before
        Diprose              for a reported 25 years.   because it
                             It suffered during         had insurance cover,       gation efforts in Bund-    Bunnings have made
     • Porter’s Mitre 10
21     in Mackay,QLD,
                             the floods that swept      is not saleable now        aberg. In particular, he   his business less viable.
                             through Bundaberg,         because no one is going    sees the establishment       While his own busi-
       will complete
                             Queensland in 2011 and     to buy a business that     of the East Bundaberg      ness will cease, Mr Coo-
       transition to
       Sapphire stores       2013, but managed to       isn’t insured. It has      levee as crucial to the    per is reported as being
       in January 2018       recover from those two     reduced our ability to     town’s future.             enthusiastic about the
                             events. Now, however,      talk to banks, borrow,       Mr Cooper also           future of Bundaberg
     • Cooper’s HTH in       the store finds it can-    all the things you need    believes that the          itself, praising in par-
       Bundaberg, QLD,       not obtain the neces-      to do and put a massive    entry of Masters Home      ticular the $16 million
       has shut down         sary insurance, and        amount of pressure         Improvement into the       CBD Revitalisation
       as store cannot       has little choice but to   on us.                     market (even though        Project.
       obtain flood          close down.                  Mr Cooper is report-     he runs an HTH-ban-          goo.gl/3ru69A
                               Store owner Stephen      ed as being a strong       nered store) and the
                             Cooper is reported by      supporter of flood miti-   ongoing expansion of

                                    Porter’s M10 moves to Sapphire
                               In April 2017      which has sub-       is expected to        product ranges,        each unique store.
                             the well-known       sequently been       be completed by       and a higher           Independent
                             Porter fami-         closed. The stores   mid-January 2018,     level of amenity.      Hardware Group/
                             ly of Mackay,        re-opened under      but the results are   Included in the        Mitre 10 also uses
                             Queensland,          the Porter’s Mitre   already evident in    changes will be        the program to
                             moved to buy         10 banner in early   the stores, accord-   showrooms for          encourage store
                             most of the equal-   June 2017.           ing to the Mackay     the Principal DIY/     owners to range
                             ly well-known          Since then,        Daily Mercury         trade kitchens.        specific products,
                             Woodman family’s     Porter’s has been    newspaper.              The Sapphire         the “core range”.
                             Mitre 10 stores.     busy, and is now       The Mercury         program now            Metcash quotes
                             This included the    most of the way      quotes the man-       has 28 converted       an average retail
                             stores in Sarina,    through convert-     aging director of     stores across Aus-     sales of uplift of
                             Marian, Proser-      ing its Mackay       Porter’s, Gavan       tralia. It introduc-   more than 15% for
                             pine and Cannon-     store to become      Porter Snr, as        es a standardised      converted stores.
                             vale, but not the    part of the Mitre    saying that the       way of presenting       goo.gl/6ssrM5
                             store on Nebo        10 Sapphire pro-     new stores will       products, which
                             Road, Mackay,        gram. That work      include wider         is customised to


     Joy, sadness as Dipper’s
     HTH Moree turns 5
       The day of 1 November          Speaking to the Moree
     2017 was greeted with joy      Champion newspaper, Ms
     tinged with some sadness       Diprose reflected on the
     at Dipper’s Home Timber        hard work that had made
     & Hardware in Moree,           the store possible.
     NSW. It was a joyful oc-         When Dipper and I
     casion because it marked       embarked on this business
     the five year anniversary      we knew the early years
     of when Anthony ‘Dipper’       would be hard work – long
     Diprose and wife Rebecca       hours and steep learning
     first opened their store. It   curves – and they were,
     was also somewhat sad as       particularly with a young
     Mr Diprose passed away         family.
     recently, in September           But we knew that for all
     2017.                          that hard work we were
       The store did not take       building a brand and a
     long after opening to          fantastic local business
     become one of the stars        that could withstand any
     in the HTH fleet. Just         challenges – and one that
22   two years after opening,       would eventually afford us
     in 2014, the store won the     more family time, and, of
     prestigious Home Timber        course, give Dipper more
     & Hardware National            time on the golf course!
     Store of the Year award          Ms Diprose is deter-
     for stores larger than 1000    mined to continue run-
     square metres. Recently,       ning the store. The Moree
     Dipper’s found out it had      Champion reports that
     won yet another award,         she has long been involved
     the 2017 Northern NSW          in its management, and
     Home Timber & Hardware         has the benefit of a strong
     Store of the Year, again       support team at the store.
     in the over 1000 square          goo.gl/MCH6ZN
     metres category.

John Ioakim
                                                                              independent with a strong brand and no forced promotional stock eating up
The Lakes H Hardware - LAKES ENTRANCE, VIC                                    floor space and our bottom dollar.
How did you come into the hardware business?
I was the store manager of this store under the previous owners when it was   How is business today?
a bannered store. In 2016 the owners called me looking to sell. My wife,      We opened in July 2016 and 12 months on business is good. We’ve had
Leanne and I spent many a night around the kitchen table running figures      growth and we have strong customer base. Our trade business makes up
and swapping ideas for the store. We decided to go for it but we wanted to    75% of the business, I look after that and Leanne is the face of our retail
be truly independent and in control of our stock.                             side. It’s come along way from our first official order that BGC sent to our
                                                                              house and I borrowed a trailer to be able to deliver it to site.
What made you decide on branding your new store H Hardware?
We had a few recommendations to join the HBT Buying Group and when that       What would you say to someone considering transitioning
stacked up we had a chat with Steve Fatileh who showed us the branding        to H Hardware?
for H Hardware. It looked great, the colours are eye catching and it really   If you want to have control of your business, your stock, your promotions
stands out. The clincher for us was that the store was ours, we could be      and a stand out brand,then H Hardware is a no brainer.

For more information and
membership application call

1300 305 719
big box update
                           supplier update
                           Koala Nails now part of
                           Brighton Best
                             Brighton Best In-
     in this               ternational (BBI) has
     update:               closed its acquisition
                           of NSW-based fastener
     •start                supplier, Koala Nails.
        James  Hardie
        makes European       In a correspondence
        acquisition        to its distributors,
                           BBI president Jun Xu
     • Tool brands go      said that “combining
       under Crescent      the strength of BBI’s
       name                worldwide distribution
     • Smart factory       network and sourcing
       initiative from     abilities, with the …
24     Stanley Black &     knowledge of the Koa-
       Decker              la Nails team, will bring   tunities for Koala’s       ples, pneumatic air        undisclosed amount. It
     • Hillman’s fasten-   tremendous value and        current companies          nailers and staplers,      manufactures task-spe-
       er business got     benefit to customers.”      and potential for much     nylon nail-it plugs and    cific PPE gloves.
       bigger                Patricia Palladino,       larger reach for future    mickey pins, split drive     Founded in Cincin-
                           director at Koala Nails     customers”.                anchors, tie wire and      nati, Ohio (USA) and
     • Brighton Best       concurred, and said           Koala Nails began        hammer drive alloy         headquartered in
       buys Koala Nails    that “adding the Koala      operations in 1981. Its    anchors.                   Taiwan, Brighton Best
     • Big River Group     range of products to        product line includes       Ironclad Performance      is a global supplier of
       focuses on trade    BBI’s offering makes        collated screws, loose     Wear, a US-based           industrial and con-
       supply              sense and will provide      screws, framing nails,     supplier of hand safety    struction fasteners.
                           long term strength          coil nails, collated       solutions has also been      goo.gl/GJ7vJS
                           and growth oppor-           brads, collated sta-       acquired by BBI for an

                                    Hillman buys specialty fastener maker
                             US-based Hillman          will also maintain a       erational capabil-
                           Group has purchased         distribution centre        ities will expand
                           Texas fastener man-         in Cincinnati, Ohio,       our presence in
                           ufacturer, Hargis           where Hillman is           strategically im-
                           Industries which does       based. Hillman CEO         portant commer-
                           business as ST Fasten-      Greg Gluchowski said       cial and industrial
                           ing Systems (STFS). It      in a statement:            markets.
                           has become part of the        We are excited to have     Hillman expects            Founded in 1964,
                           company in a deal in        STFS join the Hillman      STFS’s portfolio to fit    Hillman sees itself as
                           which financial details     family. Bruce is a great   well with its own fas-     a provider of complete
                           were not disclosed.         addition to the Hillman    tener offerings. STFS      hardware solutions. It
                             STFS’s headquarters       leadership team and        products are sold to       is Greater Cincinnati’s
                           will remain in Texas        we look forward to the     metal building fabrica-    12th-largest private
                           and industry veteran        contributions that he      tors, hardware whole-      company with 2016
                           Bruce Crouch will           and his team will bring    salers and building        revenue of USD814.83
                           continue to lead it as      to Hillman. STFS’s         products distributors      million.
                           a part of Hillman. It       product lines and op-      in the US.                   goo.gl/bvZeMm


     European growth plan for James Hardie
       James Hardie Indus-       the United States but       generating organic
     tries has entered into      wasn’t able to develop      growth. The US
     an agreement to ac-         enough momentum.            still represented
     quire German-based XI       Mr Gries said:              the biggest oppor-
     (DL) Holdings GmbH            We just haven’t gotten    tunities for the
     and its subsidiaries        the traction that we        company, but the
     which includes Ferma-       wanted. We were just        Fermacell acquisi-
     cell, one of Europe’s       not a big enough influ-     tion gave it a much
     largest fibre gypsum        encer in the market,        better platform
     board manufacturers.          So it opted to buy Fer-   to build a bigger
       James Hardie CEO          macell when it came         European business.
     Louis Gries said the        on to the market in a       Before this deal,
     Fermacell acquisition       competitive sales pro-      the North Amer-
     is about accelerating in    cess. The acquisition       ican operations
     Europe where demand         is expected to close in     represented about
     is rising. He also said     the fourth quarter of       80% of the compa-
     the group isn’t likely to   James Hardie’s 2018         ny’s business.         Fermacell is one of Europe’s largest producers of gypsum board
     pursue any other big        fiscal year.                  We think what
     acquisitions for the          Mr Gries said Fer-        Fermacell does is         Hardie has in the US                 Mr Gries also said the
     next five years after       macell had more than        give us that regional     market, but similar to company was “pretty
     spending $720 million       70% market share in         capability and regional those in the Australian happy” with the con-
25   to purchase Ferma-          the fibre gypsum board      influence that will be    market. He said:                   tinued momentum of
     cell. Mr Gries told The     category in Germa-          important to launch a       Fermacell will diver-            its Australian business
     Australian Financial        ny and was the best         much higher-growth        sify our geographic,               in building products at
     Review.                     springboard to capi-        fibre cement strategy in product and end-mar- a time when property
       This is an unusual        talise on economies in      Europe.                   ket portfolio, comple-             markets in Sydney
     step for us. We’re an or-   western Europe, which         Mr Gries said Fer-      menting our strong                 and Melbourne were
     ganic growth company.       were starting to show       macell has good           positions in North                 slowing.
       James Hardie had          more signs of life.         growth opportunities America and Austral-                      goo.gl/EyHJnQ
     been exporting into           He said the company       in Europe, not as big     asia…                                goo.gl/V9ypBm
     western Europe from         would now focus on          as those that James

     Hand tool brands consolidate
       Lufkin, Wiss, Nich-       will now include all        nior director of brand       but from several other products from which
     olson, and H.K. Porter      Lufkin measuring            management at Apex,          respected hand tool     to choose, all under the
     tools will come togeth-     tapes, rules and wheels;    said:                        brands in the Apex Tool Crescent name.
     er under the Crescent       Wiss snips, scissors,         The Crescent brand         Group portfolio. This     goo.gl/t7izZV
     brand, according to the     shears, knives and          has been trusted by          expansion will give
     Apex Tool Group.            trade tools; Nicholson      professional trades-         our customers a wider
       The company has           files and saws; and H.K.    people for well over 100     selection of quality
     a new brand iden-           Porter cutters. The         years. We
     tity program for its        main Crescent brand         are build-
     Crescent brand which        will continue to cover      ing on this
     involves a different        adjustable wrenches         trust by
     logo, colour palette,       and other hand tools.       expand-
     and tagline – “Trusted        Supporting brand          ing the
     by the Trades” – along      logos, product design,      Crescent
     with an expanded            colours, packaging,         offering
     product offering of         websites, and other         to include
     over 2,600 products         forms of identification     products
     across the five brand       will migrate to the new     not only
     names.                      brand identity in early     from
       The Crescent lineup       2018. Curt Weber, se-       Crescent,


     Stanley to build “Smart Factory”
       Stanley Black & Deck-    is refers to manufac-
     er will open an Ad-        turing technologies,
     vanced Manufacturing       including cyber tech-
     Center of Excellence       nology, the Internet of
     as part of its Global      Things, cloud comput-
     Industry 4.0 “Smart        ing, robotics, artificial
     Factory” initiative.       intelligence and 3-D
       Called “Manufactory      printing.
     4.0,” named after the        The company has
     original Stanley Bolt      also made a three-year
     Manufactory founded        commitment to part-
     in 1843, the 23,000sqft    nering with Techstars,
     centre will develop its    and is announcing the         Hartford, Connecticut (USA) has been chosen the location for Stanley Black & Decker’s
     work in automation         launch of the Stan-           Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence
     and data exchange.         ley+Techstars Additive
       Manufactory 4.0 will     Manufacturing Accel-        in the program’s first          new technologies to              those involved in rapid
     serve as the epicentre     erator. The mentor-         year. Companies will            market.                          prototyping, rapid
     for the latest technolo-   ship-driven, entrepre-      co-locate with Manu-              Additive manufactur-           manufacturing and
     gies and processes with    neurial accelerator         factory 4.0 and have            ing refers to 3-D print-         free form fabrication,
     respect to Industry 4.0,   program will identify       access to mentoring             ing and the collection           among others.
     according to Don Allan,    10 startups in the ad-      and resources to grow           of technologies that               goo.gl/4UQ4wU
26   CFO for Stanley Black      ditive manufacturing        their ideas into viable         are used throughout                goo.gl/Jd7Jzb
     & Decker. Industry 4.0     space to participate        businesses, and bring           the process, including

                          Big River positioned for trade
       Building materials       tions have increased        tionally. Previously the        civil and infrastructure         company’s parent
     company, Big River         the company’s sales         MaxiWall brand was              pipeline, together with          name, Big River Indus-
     Group is experiencing      and distribution            only available in South         Big River’s geographic           tries (BRI) earlier this
     a period of growth in      outlets to 13 locations     Australia. Mr Bindon            diversity, means we are          year.
     its share price follow-    in the major popula-        said:                           poised to continue this            goo.gl/nfaiSP
     ing the acquisition of     tion centres. Big River       Solid outlooks in the         success in 2018.
     four timber businesses.    managing director Jim       detached housing and              The acquisitions
     The acquisitions reflect   Bindon told the Daily       commercial construc-            come on top of the
     Big River’s plan to        Examiner:                   tion markets and a              company’s listing on
     better supply the trade      These new businesses      sizeable increase in the        the ASX under the
     segment of the build-      increase the group’s
     ing and construction       exposure to detached
     industry in Australia.     housing and the alter-
       In March 2017 Big Riv-   ation and additions
     er acquired Adelaide       market, to better bal-
     Timber & Building          ance activities in other
     Supplies (ATBS), a sup-    sectors. They were key
     plier to the SA market.    purchases within our
     In April, Sabdia Mitre     continued diversifica-
     10 in Brisbane was         tion strategy across
     acquired, followed by      states and construction
     Midcoast Timbers on        segments.
     the Gold Coast in Sep-       The acquisition of
     tember, and Ern Smith      ATBS allowed Big River
     Timber and Hardware        to launch MaxiWall, a
     in Hume (ACT) due to       new, cost-competitive
     complete in December.      autoclaved aerated
       These latest acquisi-    concrete product, na-         Big River has launched MaxiWall nationally. It is an autoclaved aerated concrete product.


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                                                                   Contact Betty Tanddo
 HNN. The home improvement industry digital experts.               betty@hnn.bz or
                                                 hnn.bz            0411 431 832
                            IHG responds to
                            Natbuild allegations
                              In the matter of the alleged breach of National  of the breach itself — that much harm had been
                            Building Suppliers’ (Natbuild) TradeNET mem-       done by downloading the document.
                            bers-only information database by employees          Equally, if HNN had downloaded a “hot tips”
                            of Metcash’s Independent Hardware Group            document that revealed Beyonce was about
                            (IHG) in September/October 2017, those employ-     to have triplets, given HNN’s interest in actual
                            ees have now lodged their defence statements,      news, it would not be likely we would benefit
                            along with defence statements by Metcash and       from that information, or, simply by knowing it,
                            its various commercial entities.                   do much harm.
                              Reporting on the matter of the defence state-      A slightly trickier area might be downloading
                            ments contrasted with the Statement of Claim       a document that the website’s owner would
                            by Natbuild is difficult. It is impossible to offerconsider confidential, but which, as it is not
     • The respondents      an opinion about a matter before the Court, and,   adequately marked as confidential, the intruder
       in the Natbuild      in the absence of any opinion, the usefulness of   might not recognise as confidential. For exam-
       breach case
28     have filed their
                            the reporting itself is diminished. Such opinions  ple, a spreadsheet listing the circulations of a
                            would, of course, be disrespectful to the Court.   publisher’s magazines could be confidential, or
       defences               What does seem possible (and remains             it could just be a record of information readily
     • One key con-         properly respectful of the Court) is to broadly    available to the public.
       sideration is        characterise some elements of the defence that       Of course, what might also be taken into ac-
       whether the          is being presented, and to provide some exam-      count would be whether the employees of HNN
       documents that       ples of what the Statement of Claim alleges, and   were previously acquainted with the type of
       were allegedly       how the defence documents respond.                 information they were handling. If, for exam-
       accessed were          For cases like this one, at this stage much of   ple, we produced our own circulation spread-
       actually confiden-   the focus is on ascertaining how much, if any,     sheets, and all of those were regarded as highly
       tial or not          damage might actually been done by the activi-     confidential, then it could be assumed that we
                            ties that may or may not have taken place. That    knew the third-party ones accessed were also
                            will likely relate to whether any compensation     confidential.
                            is due, and, if so, what the amount of that com-     Or could it be assumed? It is a very interesting
                            pensation should be.                               legal point. For example, should the very nature
                                                                               of making illegitimate access to documents alert
                            Admission and denial                               the intruder that they were likely to encounter
                                                                               confidential material?
                              HNN must caution our readers that it is very       In a very, very broad sense, these examples
                            easy to rush to judgement. What is being judged hint at the content of some defence documents
                            here is not “everyday conduct”, but rather legal presented by Metcash and its employees.
                            matters, which must strive to be exact and fair.     Again, while we really encourage readers to
                              Most of us would, in our everyday way, assume follow this case, as we’re sure the Court’s ruling
                            that if you breached the security of a website     will have much to teach us all, this is a very
                            and downloaded documents, those documents technical area. HNN really does not have an
                            would presumably to be “protected” in some         opinion, but we remain eager to learn.
                              Yet, if we take an entirely hypothetical case,   Examples
                            where a news organisation like HNN breached
                            a website’s security (as unlikely as that is), and   In the following examples, HNN will be per-
                            then downloaded from that site a news article      sisting in its policy of not naming individuals,
                            that was available to the public, it would be      using codes instead. A1 refers to the person who
                            difficult to show — apart from the illegal nature was allegedly responsible for the breach itself,

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