Honors Chemistry Syllabus 2020-2021 - Belle Vernon Area ...

Honors Chemistry

Instructor Information:
Teacher:                      Mrs. Amber Null

Room:                         Belle Vernon Area High School, Room 413

Contact:                      Phone:         724-808-2500; ext. 2413
                              Email:         amber.null@bvasd.net

Websites:                     http://www.bellevernonarea.net/bvahs
                              Google Classroom

Required Text:                Modern Chemistry by Holt
                              Online textbook

Course Description:
This course is for tenth grade students who have successfully completed biology and plan on
entering a science, engineering, medical or health related field. The course will cover the
structure of matter and how it affects the physical and chemical properties of matter. Emphasis
will be on theoretical applications, equation writing and problem solving. Note: A three-days-a-
cycle lab accompanies this course.

Course Pre-Requisites: A minimum 85% in Algebra I. Successful completion of H Biology or a
minimum grade of 85% B in Biology.
Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, the successful student will be able to:

   1. Lab procedures and safety: During all lab activities throughout the year, students will be
       taught and will practice correct and safe lab procedures.
   2. Matter and energy: Students will be able to classify, identify, and describe different
       types of matter and how matter and energy can be changed into a different form.
   3. Atomic Structure: Students will be able to identify the parts of atoms, to explain how we
       know what an atom is made of, and to describe what happens when atoms when their
       parts are changed through a chemical or nuclear reaction.
   4. Electrons: Students will be able to describe and identify the location of electrons in an
       atom and how the arrangement of electrons in an atom affects its chemical reactivity
       and properties.
   5. The Periodic Table: Students will be able to explain how the periodic table was
       developed and how the organization of the periodic table allows us to predict properties
       of elements.
   6. Bonding: Students will be able to describe and differentiate between different types of
       intermolecular and intramolecular bonding and explain how the type of bonding affects
       a compound’s properties. Students will be able to name different types of compounds
       based on the type of bonding.
   7. Chemical Reactions: Students will be able to classify, write, and balance chemical
       equations in order to predict products of reactions.
   8. Moles and Stoichiometry: Students will be able to determine the ratios and amounts of
       reactants and products in a chemical reaction.
   9. Gases: Students will be able to describe and calculate what will happen to a sample of
       gas if the temperature, volume, or pressure is changed.
   10. Solutions: Students will be able to describe and identify different types of solutions and
       the factors that affect solubility (the ability of a solid to dissolve).

Academic Honesty:
Any work submitted by the student shall be his/her own. Work taken from others shall be
deemed as unacceptable. Any doubts will initiate the completion of an alternative assignment
or a zero on the required effort, depending on the severity of the infraction.
Class Policies and Expectations:
   1.     Be on time and prepared for class (books, notebook, tablet,
          Chromebook, homework, pens/pencils, calculator etc...)
   2.     No food or drink.
   3.     No horseplay.
   4.     Respect others, their property, and this classroom.

Academic Expectations
All students are expected to participate in classroom activities and labs and to complete
homework assignments. Success in chemistry requires practice. Each assignment is
designed to help you succeed in this class. Therefore, you will be held accountable for
completing every assignment. Homework may be graded on accuracy, completeness, or
both. Homework is due at the beginning of class.

Class begins when the bell rings, and the expectation is that all students are in their seats
and ready to work. There will be a warm-up each day, which students are to begin as
they enter the room.

If your cell phone causes a distraction to you or to the learning process during class, I will
ask that you put it away and if it continues, take it off of you and give it to administration.

Assignments are due at the beginning of class. Points will be deducted from your score
if the assignment is turned in late.

Late Work
With an excused absence, students have the same number of days to make-up work as
the number of days they were absent. For example, if you are absent two days (Monday
and Tuesday), you have two days (Wednesday and Thursday) to make up work.
Homework or other work that is one day late will be worth half credit. Work will not be
accepted more than one day late unless you have spoken to the teacher ahead of time.

Chemistry is a cumulative subject which means that each topic builds on top of the
previous topic. Therefore, it is crucial that you attend EVERY class period ON TIME.
Tests and quizzes will be given approximately once a week. It is very difficult to catch up
on classwork or make up labs from several absences. Missing work will result in a zero
on that assignment. It is your responsibility to see the teacher after class or after school
to make up any missed work.
Make up Tests
You have one week to make up a missed test, quiz, or lab. It is your responsibility to
schedule a time before or after school. This is done by scheduling an appointment with
the teacher. If you need to make up a lab or a test, you must arrange a time during study
hall or before school to meet with the teacher. If you are absent the day before a test you
must still take the test on test day. If you have an excused absence, you will have an
equal number of days to make up the work for full credit. Make up tests will be different
than the test given on the assigned date.

Plagiarism or cheating will not be tolerated. Plagiarism or cheating in any form will result
in a zero on the assignment with notification of the parents and administration. Each and
every student is responsible for his/her own work.


All students are expected to keep a notebook. The notebook is designed to help you stay
organized and as a studying tool. Please use it to your advantage.

You should bring the following supplies to class every day:

    •   Three ring binder or folder to keep papers organized or an organized folder in your
        Google Drive for your chemistry assignments.
    •   Pen or pencil (preferably both)
    •   Assignment Book to write down assignments (student handbook)
    •   Scientific Calculator

Course Grading Criteria:
All quizzes, tests, and projects will be graded according to the Belle Vernon Area School District
grading policy. Total points will be accumulated for all evaluated efforts in this class rather than
having letter grades per each effort. The grading scale is as follows:

A       -      90-100
B       -      80-89
C       -      70-79
D       -      60-69
F       -      0-59

Emphasis will be on formal assessments. Therefore, grades will be weighted in this course.

Formal Assessments will account for 90% of a student’s grade (quizzes, tests, projects,
performance-based rubrics, essays, graded homework, etc.)
Informal Assessments will account for 10% of a student’s grade (homework for completion,
class participation, exit tickets, etc.)
Assignments per Quarter:
Homework/Classwork: 5-10 points each (approximately 10-15) =                 approx.. 100 pts
Quizzes: 15-30 points each (approximately 3 quizzes) =                       approx.. 60 pts
Tests: 30-80 points each (approximately 3 test) =                            approx.. 150 pts
Quarterly Assessment: 80-100 points (1 per quarter) =                        approx.. 100 pts
Lab report: 50 points each (1 per quarter) =                                           50 pts
Labs: 10-20 points each (approximately 5-10 per quarter) =                   approx.. 100 pts
Class Participation or Warm-Ups: (5-10 per week) =                           approx.. 50-90 pts

TOTAL POINTS = 700 Points (approximate)
*Assignments or assessments may vary due to pace of class and individualized

Academic Standards:
Students will be reacquainted with the Pennsylvania Academic Standards that have been
adopted by the Department of Education, along with the Common Core Standards that are in
the process of being implemented nationwide. Students will be made aware of the importance
of the standards and the efforts to meet them.

Sapphire: https://bellevernon-sapphire.k12system.com/CommunityWebPortal/Welcome.cfm

Grades will be updated on a regular basis. If you lost or cannot remember log in information,
please contact our high school representative.

Schoolwires (Website): http://www.bellevernonarea.net/Domain/192
My website will be updated with the syllabi for the courses that I teach. A calendar with the
week’s activities and assignments will be done through Google Classroom.

Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/
I will post off of the class activities and necessary material here. There will be daily information
posted in my google classroom.
Dochub: Dochub.com
This is a chrome extension that will allow you to write over a document. I will give you guys pdf
versions of notes and worksheets and Dochub will allow you to write, highlight, or add to a pdf
file so that you can save notes and enter content directly onto a file.

Required Grades for Following Courses:
In order to promote to the following classes during the next school year, the certain grades may
be required from this class. There are more options available to you besides these next
courses, but they do not have a required grade from this chemistry class. The classes that
require a specific grade from this class are as follows.

A 90% or better is required for the following classes:

       CHS/AP Chemistry

A 80% or better is required for the following classes:

       Organic Chemistry

       Honors Physics

       CHS/AP Biology

A 70% or better is required for the following classes:


A 60% or better is required for the following classes:

Course Outline:

   1st Quarter            2nd Quarter         3rd Quarter           4th Quarter
I. Matter and          I. The Periodic     I. Chemical           I. Gases
Change                 Law                 Equations and
                                           Reactions             -The Gas Laws
-Properties of         -History of the
Matter                 Periodic Table      -Describing           -Diffusion and
                                           Chemical              Effusion
-Classification of     -Groups of the      Equations
Matter                 Periodic Table
-Introduction to the   -Periodic Trends    Chemical
Periodic Table                             Equations

                                           -Types of Chemical


II. Measurements II. Chemical              II. Stoichiometry     II. Solutions
and Calculations Bonding
                                           -Stoichiometric       -Types of Mixtures
                       -Covalent Bonding   Calculations
-The Scientific                                                  -The Solution
Method                 -Lewis Structures   -Limiting Reactants   Process

-SI Units              -Ionic Bonding      -Percent Yield        -Concentration
Conversions            -Metallic Bonding

-Density               -Molecular
-Significant Figures

-Scientific Notation
III. Atoms:The  III. Chemical              III. The States      III. Ions in
Building Blocks Formulas and               of Matter            Aqueous
Of Matter       Chemical                                        Solutions and
                Compounds                  -Kinetic Molecular   Colligative
-Atomic Theory                             Theory
-The structure of                          -Phase Diagrams
                                                                -Compounds in
the atom               -Oxidation                               Aqueous Solutions
                       Numbers             -Heating Curves
-Average Atomic                                                 -Colligative
Mass                   -Percent            -Specific Heat
                                                                Properties of
                       Composition                              Solutions
-Mole Conversions
                       Chemical Formulas

IV.            IV.                         IV.                  IV.
Arrangement of
Electrons in

-Properties of Light
-The New Atomic
-The Quantum
Model of the Atom
-Quantum Numbers
Honors Chemistry

Instructor Information:
Teacher:                       Mrs. Amber Null

Room:                         Belle Vernon Area High School, Room 413

Contact:                      Phone:         724-808-2500; ext. 2413
                              Email:         amber.null@bvasd.net

Website:                      http://www.bellevernonarea.net/bvahs

Required Text:                Modern Chemistry by Holt

The following signatures state that all parties are aware of the preceding syllabus.

   Student Signature____________________Date_______________

   Parent Signature_____________________Date_______________

   Teacher Signature____________________Date_______________
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