Honours - Colerne Parish Magazine - box, colerne & rudloe link

Page created by Micheal Hodges
Honours - Colerne Parish Magazine - box, colerne & rudloe link
                             Parish Magazine
                             JANUARY 2021 FREE

                                                    NEW YEAR
                                                  Run, cycle,
                                                      see p.12

 Honours       New Year

Honours - Colerne Parish Magazine - box, colerne & rudloe link
The Parish Church of St John the Baptist, Colerne
                                                                A member of the Lidbrook Group of Churches
                                                                      Revd Dr Janet Anderson-MacKenzie
                                                               The Vicarage, Church Lane, Box, Wilts SN13 8NR
                                                          Tel. 01225 744458 Email: janet@anderson-mackenzie.co.uk
                                                                               Ministry Team
                                                               Revd Clair Southgate     Mrs Margaret Edmonds
                                                             Rob Featherstone, 47 Round Barrow Close, SN14 8EF
                                                            Tel: 01225 743044 Email: rob.featherstone4@gmail.com
                                                        Karen Brzezicki, The Stables, 11 Trimnells, Colerne, SN14 8EP
                                                                 Tel: 744499 Email: karen@brzezicki.co.uk
                                             For enquiries to hire the Parish Church for a community event, contact the Churchwardens
                                                       To arrange a Baptism, please contact the Vicar or the Churchwardens
                                            To arrange a Marriage, contact Celia Batterham, celia@washmeres.co.uk or 01225 744809
                                                   To arrange a Funeral or make an application for a churchyard memorial,
                                                  contact Ray Barker, ray262@btinternet.com or 01225 743402 or 07768 500684
                                                                    Website: www.colerneparishchurch.org.uk

                                                                          Magazine Committee
                                                                              Editorial Team
                                                  Phil Chamberlain (07793 018283) Email: editorial.colernemag@gmail.com
                                                    Kathryn Houldcroft (744006) Email: editorial.colernemag@gmail.com
                                                        Lavinia Wilson (742417) Email: Lavinia.wilson@valecourt.org
                                                                           Design and prodution
                                                           Liz House (740098) Email: design.colernemag@gmail.com
                                                           Celia Batterham (744809) Email: celia@washmeres.co.uk
                                                                     Distribution: Rosemary Sadler (742531)
                                                                   Facebook page: @ColerneParishMagazine

                                                                     CHURCH FLOODLIGHTING
                                            Anyone wishing to arrange for the Church Floodlighting to be turned on should contact
                                            Derek or Julie Burgess on 743999 or 07470 031062 or at del.burgess@gmail.com

                                            Front cover: By Jody Gaisford, Colerne Photographic Company, of Colin Rolfe from The Fox and
                                            Hounds, Colerne. See p.22 for more on Colin and other local Covid heroes from our community.

2   Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021   Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021                                                          3
Honours - Colerne Parish Magazine - box, colerne & rudloe link
                                                                                                           During January we have planned a simple service of
               LINK                                                                                      holy communion at St John the Baptist Parish Church at:
                                                                                                            9.30am each Sunday and 9.45am each Thursday
                                                                                             We also have a number of ZOOM services in the Lidbrook Group of Churches,
          Box, Colerne                                                                                please contact Rob Featherstone, see p.3 for contact details.

           & Rudloe                                                                                                                ★★★
                                                                                            When attending a service in the church please bring and wear a face covering unless you
                                                                                            are officially exempt. Access to the church and services are subject to guidance from the
      Our Good Neighbours’                                                                Government and National Church. Please keep an eye on the notice boards near the church for
          Organisation                                                                        further and more up to date information on services and openings for private prayer.

       for anyone in need of help
                                                                                                                     FROM THE REGISTERS
              Just ring and ask                                                              FUNERAL SERVICE AND BURIAL: 25th November – Laura-Jo JEFFRIES
           Tel: 07970 617617
      Monday – Friday 9.00am–5.00pm
                                                                                                                   NEW YEAR BEST WISHES
           www.boxlink.org.uk                                                             As we start 2021 Colerne Parish Magazine is looking forward to all the people, events,
                                                                                          history and news to bring you in the months to come.
                                                                                          We could not do that without all our amazing correspondents, the volunteers who deliver
                                                                                          the magazine, the advertisers, our editorial committee and the feedback from readers.
      M W Bayfield                                                                        We are lucky in this parish to have such a community to support us and write about. Let
    Chartered Institute of Plumbing                                                       us hope we can all continue to support each other through 2021.

        & Heating Engineering
            (reg. plumber)                                                                              COLERNE VILLAGE HALL ASSOCIATION
                                                                                                The 300 Club monthly Prize Draw winners drawn in the Village Hall while
    Plumbing, Heating, Gas & s Solar                                                                            observing social distancing rules are:
     Installations and Maintenance                 Skilled Pruning                                 October: £25, No: 33, Mrs P Sames, £15, No: 250, Mrs D Dymond,
                                                 Felling/Dismantling                                                 £10, No: 50, Mrs N K Guest.
            2 High Street                      Immaculate Cleaning Up                             November: £25, No: 65, Mr C Reynolds, £15, No: 197, Mrs L Wilson,
                                                  Free Quotations                                                 £10, No: 14, Mrs D Hutchinson.
              Colerne                               Fully Insured                                  December: £25, No: 187, Mr P Plank, £15, No: 36, Miss S Nicholas,
             SN14 8DB                                                                                              £10, No: 111, Mrs J Gardiner.
                                                  01225 571405                                                For the Hall’s COVID19 Risk Assessment and
           Tel. 01225 743315                                                                         Special COVID19 Conditions of Hire and any other information
          Mob. 07903 087862                       07849 248980                                       about the Hall please see the Hall’s website www.colvhall.co.uk
     Email – m.bayfield@virgin.net
                                                     Joe Thomas
                                            Tech Cert (Arboricultural Association)
    Web Site – www.bayfieldplumbing.co.uk        RFS Cert in Arboriculture

4                                                 Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021   Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021                                                     5
Honours - Colerne Parish Magazine - box, colerne & rudloe link
Happy New Year             speakers planned but we can’t do
                                                                                                              to all our members         anything until we know what is to come.
                                                                                                              and all those ladies         We did over the summer of 2020 meet
                                                                                                              who might be               in gardens for tea socially distanced and
                                                                                        thinking of joining in the future.               a maximum of six and we were very
                                                                                          I’m Caroline Moore and I’ve taken              lucky with the weather.
                                                                                        over as president from Wendy James                 Norma also held our committee
                                                                                        who did such a brilliant job for five            meetings in her garden so we were able
                                                                                        years. A hard act to follow.                     to keep up with federation and national
                                                                                          I have lived in the village for over           information.
                                                                                        45 years and 40 have been spent as a               Let’s hope we can all meet up safely as
                                                                                        member of the WI.                                the new year unfolds.
                                                                                          This past year has been so strange,              All best wishes
                                                                                        normally we would have events and                                        Caroline Moore

                                                                                                           This poem was supplied by Margaret Edmonds:

                                                                                                                       Four candles slowly burned.
                                                                                                        The ambience was so soft one could almost hear them talking
                                                                                                                     The first candle said, “I am Peace.
                                                                                                                  The world is full of anger and fighting
                                                                                                                        Nobody can keep me lit.”
                                                                                                               Then the candle of Peace went out complete
MARSHFIELD                      SCHOOL OF                    DANCING                                                  The second candle said, “I am Faith.
                                                                                                                         I am no longer indispensable.
       PRINCIPAL: Rachel A Hopkins AISTD Dip(NB, TB, MB, IB)                                                 It doesn’t make sense that I stay a moment longer.”
                 ASSISTANT: Alesha Austen (BAHons Dance)                                                        Just then a breeze softly blew out Faith’s flame
                         Established for over 20 Years                                                        Sadly the third candle began to speak, “I am Love.
                                                                                                                 People do not understand my importance,
           Classes take place at the Community Centre, Marshfield Village                                                 They simply put me aside.
                                                                                                               They even forget to love those nearest to them.
                           Children from 2½ years                                                                     I haven’t the strength to stay lit.”
                                                                                                                And waiting no longer, Love’s flame went out
                 Ballet, Tap, Modern and Jazz Lessons                                                  Suddenly, a child entered the room and saw the three candles no
             Great for Discipline, Musicality and Confidence                                                        longer burning. The child began to cry,
                       All Teachers CRB checked                                                                         “Why are you not burning? You
                                                                                                                    are supposed to stay lit until the end.”
                     Morning & Evening Pilates Classes                                                                   Then the fourth candle spoke
                                                                                                                        “Don’t be afraid, for I am Hope,
    Exams, Shows or Just for Fun – Saturday Morning and Weekday Lessons                                     and while I still burn, we can relight the other candles.”
                             All Abilities Welcome                                               With shining eyes the child took the candle of Hope and lit the other candles
                     Call or Email for more Information.                                                       Never let the Flame of Hope go out of your life.
                                                                                                             With Hope, no matter how bad things look and are.
                   Tel: 0117 961 6557 Mob: 07928 454709                                                      Peace, Faith and Love can shine brightly in our lives.
                 Email: marshfieldschoolofdancing@gmail.com                                                                      Anonymous

6                                              Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021   Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021                                                         7
Honours - Colerne Parish Magazine - box, colerne & rudloe link
Oaks Farm Meat Box Delivery                                                                      Wiltshire Between the Covers
                                                                                                                       We’re interested in finding out what people in the parish are reading.
                         Weekly delivery of locally reared beef, lamb
                                                                                                                                 To kick that series off Phil Chamberlain looks at
                        and sausages. Our livestock is born and bred

                                                                                                                                     how Wiltshire has featured in literature.
                          at Oaks Farm and grazes the hillsides and
                               valleys next to Colerne village.                                                              very major English author has
                                                                                                                             taken inspiration from Wiltshire -
       Joints, mince, steaks, homemade burgers and sausages, stewing steak                                                   though it seems stately homes, old
              and more… choose your own selection to make up a box.                                                stones and ancient times are the biggest
         £25 minimum spend, free delivery in Colerne and surrounding area.                                         draws for writers.
                                                                                                                     Dickens named his first book after the
                    Call or email for our information sheet, price list or any queries.
                                                                                                                   little village near Box called Pickwick
                M: 07843 413139 Email: oaksfarm.colerne@gmail.com                                                  while Jane Austen based Northanger
                           Facebook: @oaksfarmcolerne                                                              Abbey partly in the county.
                    The Gooding Family, Oaks Farm, Rode Hill, Colerne SN14 8AR                                       Salisbury and Stonehenge dominate
                                                                                                                   the Wiltshire references in books. The
                                                                                                                   spiritual and political machinations of
                                                                                                                   Salisbury are particularly popular. Nobel      writes about the immigrant experience
                                                                                                                   Prize winner William Goldings’ The             coming to the county. While Swindon
                                                                                                                   Spire is a fine example. Victorian writer      was the setting for the child narrator in
                                                                                                                   Anothony Trollope’s set of six novels set      The Curious Incident of the Dog in the
                                                                                                                   in the fictional county of Barsetshire and     Night Time.
                                                                                                                   town of Barchester are based on Wiltshire        For many it seems like Wiltshire is merely
                                                                                                                   and Salisbury. Edward Rutherford’s             a land of stately manors. In Brideshead
                                                                                                                   Sarum has been very popular.                   Revisited it is the place narrator Charles
                                                            Karen Sayers Limited                                     Meanwhile lots of thriller and science       Ryder calls home. It is also where the
                                                                                                                   fiction writers have chosen to use             Malfoy family in Harry Potter reside.
                                                           Chartered Accountants                                   Stonehenge as a backdrop from Dr Who             Richard Jefferies, a Wiltshire-based writer
    At The Vintage Hamper Company we take                     Specialising in small businesses                     plots to 2000AD’s Johnny Alpha, whose          from the 19th century, was one of the few
    pride in creating unique and beautiful hampers.               and the self employed                            mutant army hides by the stones. Thomas        interested in writing about the farmers and
    Every product is handpicked by us and is chosen                                                                Hardy made a different use for it in his       ordinary people who worked in the county.
    for their quality and style. We can supply:                                                                    shattering Tess of the D’Urbervilles. In         Most recently the true life detective
                                                               Self assessment tax returns                         John Wyndham’s Day of the Triffids,
       Delightful vintage English fine bone                                                                                                                     story The Suspicions of Mr Whicher by
          china beautifully boxed as gifts                 Limited Company statutory accounts                      the refugees fleeing London stay near          Kate Summerscale is set in the county
       Bespoke picnic hampers to buy, each                       Sole trader accounts                            Devizes. Horror writer James Herbert’s         in the 19th century. In 2019, To Calais,
          one individual and made truly special
          by our beautiful bone china
                                                                       VAT returns                                 second novel The Fog was set in a village      In Ordinary Time by James Meek was
       A lovely selection of gifts for the home               Payroll and bookkeeping                            called Wiltshire.                              published to high praise. Set in the 14th
          and garden                                                                                                              In the Enigma of Arrival,       century, it follows a group of travellers
       If you are looking for the perfect wedding/               Tel: 01225 744355                          R N EP
                                                                                                                     ARISH MAG
                                                                                                                               AZ  Caribbean writer V S Naipul    from Malmesbury to France.


                                                         Email: karensayerslimited@gmail.com

          gift do visit our website - or our new
          little showroom in Colerne                            29 Silver Street, Colerne                                                               HAVE A WORD
       www.thevintagehampercompany.uk                                                                                            What books have you been enjoying recently and would
          or contact Catherine Hughes by                                                                                       recommend to readers? Send us you name and road address,
              Calling: 01225 582825,or                                                                                          the name and author of your book and, in no more than 30
      cathy@thevintagehampercompany.uk                                                                                                    words, what made it so memorable.

8                                                               Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021           Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021                                                        9
Thickwood Logs

                                                                                                                Nature notes
                                                    All our logs are                           In a new and occasional series we’ll bring you observations from the hugely
          T: 01225 743742                           fully seasoned,                           varied natural history in the parish. If you have any nature notes, even if just
          M: 07825 535095                           locally sourced                                     a picture, you can email editorial.colernemag@gmail.com
     W: www.prchimneysweeps.co.uk                at competitive prices.                   An unusual fungus at Thickwood
      Fully qualified and insured. Brush and                                              Autumn is the season for fruiting fungi and this year a
     vacuum. Power sweeping of lined flues.
                                                We deliver to your door,                  group of these more unusual Collared Earth Stars was
     Birds nest removal, cowl supply and fit.    unload and stack.                        seen in Thickwood. North Wiltshire       is the 6th Vice
                                                                                                                          Nature notes
                                                                                          County* in the league table for sightings in the UK.             Colerne Birds
               Clean and efficient.
                                                                                          Its scientific name is Geastrum triplex, the Geastrum            November was a month of
      SERVICE WITH A SMILE THAT                  Tel: Tom & Kay Hall                      referring to earth, Geology, ‘astrum’ means a star               meagre returns; an influx of
       WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN                       01225 743351                           (astronomy); while ‘triplex’ refers to the three layers          Redwings and Fieldfares early
                                                                                          than make up the fruiting body of the fungus.                    on gave hope for a rewarding
                                                                                            They appear late summer/autumn and often last for              month’s birding, but the
                                                                                          months. The central spore sack is hidden at first but            unrelenting gloom thereafter
                                                                                          exposed as the outer two layers peel back, to leave it           saw little in the way of reward
          Home & Business                                                                 sitting in the saucer-like base, 5-10cm across, with a           for a lot of fieldwork. Dorothy
               Computing                                                                  variable number of “rays” formed from the split outer            Robertson had bird of the
                                                                                          layer. Raindrops hitting the ripe spore sack will cause          month in the form of a Redpoll
           Support, help and advice                                                       a jet of spores to be released into the air.                     in her garden on the 21st, so
     call for a local and friendly service:                                                                                            Chris Wood          keep an eye out around the
                                                                                                                                                           village for this pretty little
      l   Purchasing + set up advice                                                                                                                       winter visiting Finch.
      l   Broadband, Internet + email                                                                                                                        Red Kite sightings have been
      l   Cloud computing                                                                                                                                  regular from the Three Shires
      l   Share Files, photos etc                                                                                                                          Stones, as have a group of
                                                                                                                                                           around 100 Golden Plover.
      l   Defence against the dark arts                                                                                                                    The autumn rains bloated
      l   Backup valuable information                                                                                                                      the By Brook, forcing up to a
      l   PC, Mac and phones                                                                                                                               dozen Little Egrets into the
                                                                                                                                                           open. There was a mixed Tit/

                                                 DOG WALKING
    Call Ian on 07711 513722 to                                                                                                                            Finch flock around the Mill
 talk about what you want and how                                                                                                                          including Bullfinch and Marsh
    I can help, or see our web site              Hayleys.hounds@aol.co.uk                                                                                  Tit. Other November notables
                                                                                                                                                           were Kingfisher, Goldcrest (our
        for more information:                          07584 665530                                                                                        smallest bird), Tawny and
                                                                                          * A Vice County is a geographical division for the purposes of   Little Owl.
                                                                                          recording biological data.                                                    Keith Mortimer

10                                                Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021   Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021                                                        11
COELRNE 2021 CARDIO SPECIAL                                          every way. From the Roman motorway,
                                                                                              Beacon Batch, down to its Velvet Bottom

                               Ru n n i n g
                                                                                              and up the aptly named Hell’s Steps and
                                                                                              repeat. My most favourite individual
                                                                                                 There are two unique marathons for

               GOING THE DISTANCE
                                                                                                 me. In 2015 I was lucky enough to
                                                                                              run the Bristol to Bath Road Marathon,
                                                                                              unique because it was a one time only
                      Veteran marathon runner Bernie Rigby
                                                                                              event. It was hard but worth the finish
                    recalls her racing and fundraising highlights                             in Bath. Second has to be 2020’s virtual

                                                                                              London. Planning the route, fuel points
     aving served more than 22 years in the Royal Signals I suppose staying fit, strong       and training all done in four weeks. A
     and challenging myself became a lifestyle. But marathons are something else.             wet, cold, windy day, a great support team
                                                                                              and 4.02 finish.
The saying “a marathon is hundreds of miles, the finish is 26.2” is true. It takes a
healthy balance of self discipline, endurance training, strength and diet (I never give up
                                                                                                                                               A marathon in stages
                                                                                                 My absolute favourite and my fastest
chocolate brownies or Prosecco). It’s never going to be easy and there are no shortcuts.         marathon is the London. The whole             In Advent 2020 Rev Janet Mackenzie
You put in the work and you get stronger.                                                     event is awesome. The most iconic route,         ran a marathon for the churches in the
                                                                                              fantastic support, crossing the Tower            Lidbrook Group.
But, it’s also a mindset and incentive that gets you out in all weathers; early, late and
                                                                                              Bridge halfway and then the world’s best          Rev Janet aimed to run the
sometimes when you just don’t feel like it. For me it’s fundraising and great causes.
                                                                                              finish line. I only wish everyone could get      marathon in seven segments of 6km
Many miles have been run, a tandem parachute jump, abseiling, Christmas day swims             that feeling, it’s truly inspiring.              each between 29th November and
and a super amount of support from friends and this community has resulted in more                                                             Christmas Eve.
than £10,000 raised for seven charities.                                                      Mostly I’m grateful I have my running,            Money raised will go towards
                                                                                              it keeps me both physically and mentally         churches in Colerne, Box and
                                        A funny marathon story. When stationed in             strong.                                          Ditteridge where income has fallen
                                        Rheindahlen I took part in the Moenchengladbach
                                                                                              The person who starts a marathon is              dramatically due to Covid restrictions.
                                     marathon and Army championships. Having
                                     crossed the line in 3 hours and 27mins I drove           not the same who finishes: Psalm 26.2
                                     straight back to camp as I had a charity football
                                     match. The next day I found out I was the first
                                     Army lady finisher and missed my own medal
                                     presentation. Plus side, we won the footie and had
                                                                                              Seven Marathon Facts                            rough rule, a runner burns up to 100 calories
                                                                                                                                              per mile, or 2,620 calories during a race.
                                     a great BBQ and a few beers.                             1. The current course London Marathon           5. The oldest marathon is the Boston which
                                                                                              record for the men is 2:03:05 achieved
                                       It is not all about marathons. In Cyprus I was         by Eliud Kipchoge, whilst the women’s is
                                                                                                                                              celebrated its 112-year anniversary in 2019.
                                       lucky enough to take part in a 24-hour charity run.    the world record set by Paula Radcliffe of
                                                                                                                                              6. Women weren’t allowed to take part in
                                     Early hours we left our base south of Famagusta          2:15:25. Radcliffe ran the second half of the
                                                                                                                                              marathon races during the 20th century
                                     headed to Dhekelia, running the coastal roads in the     race quicker than the first
                                                                                                                                              because it was believed the rigours would
                                     sunshine from Larnaca, Limassol to Episkopi. We                                                          be too physically challenging [Tell that to
                                     spent the night climbing the mountain roads up and       2. In 2016, New York held the largest           Bernie, ed]. It wasn’t until 1984 that the first
                                     around Troudos and we descended during sunrise           marathon ever with over 50,000 finishers.       women’s Olympic marathon took place, with
                                     and back to base. A tough and amazing 24 hours.          3. There are Japanese monks who live on         Joan Benoit Samuelson winning the race in a
                                                                                                                                              time of 2:24:52.
                                      The hardest marathon ever (and the slowest)
                                                                                              Mount Hiei who practice the challenge of
Mostly I’m grateful I                                                                         running a marathon a day for 100 days for
                                      was at Cheddar Gorge – it was tough, hilly and                                                          7. Born in 1911, Fauja Singh is the oldest runner
have my running, it keeps            glorious at the same time. It is a National Trust
                                                                                              seven years.                                    to take part in a marathon. He ran the 2011
me both physically and               Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty with some             4. The number of calories burnt while           Toronto Waterfront Marathon, aged 100 at the
mentally strong.                     unforgiving terrain and this challenged me in            running varies for individuals. However as a    time, and completed it in a time of 8:11:00.

12                                                    Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021   Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021                                                         13
                              Better health is
                                                                                                                                                  C y c l i ng

                            only two feet away
                                                                                                                              TWO WHEELS, MUST TRAVEL
                                   Why try Foot Reflexology?
   “The benefits for runners and sports people is that it’s a time to relax, to take care of
    a part of the body that is under appreciated and often unloved. When our mobility                             Tutton Hill resident Donald Thompson has racked up the miles over the years on
   is compromised our lifestyle is dramatically affected. Reflexology may help to locate                          his bike. Commuting to Bath and regular cycling holidays have added up to tens
 tensions in the feet, that are sometimes reflected elsewhere in the body, and it’s believed                      of thousands of miles. One of his earliest excursions was as a 17-year-old. Donald
   to stimulate the body’s natural healing system to bring the body back into balance.”                           decided, as you do, that he and a school friend would cycle from his then home in
                                                                                                                   Kent to Glasgow. He hadn’t cycled that far before, he had a budget of £5 and a
     I also offer:       Hot Stones l Reflexology for lymphatic drainage, fertility and maternity
                                                                                                                         heavy Raleigh four-speed sports bike. It was set to be an adventure.

                             l Facial Reflexology l Online skin consultations

                             l Neal’s Yard Remedies Independent Consultant                                             olin and I were both at Bryanston Raleigh sports bike with 4-speed Sturmy
                                                                                                                       School in Blandford, Dorset, when Archer gears. My bike had originally had
                                                                                                                  we decided, in the summer of 1952, to a casing round the chain which added to

                                                                                                                  cycle to Scotland and combine cycling its weight and for the trip I removed it.
                                                                                                                  with trainspotting.                          Colin’s bike looked and felt more suitable

                                    T: 0751 665 8729                                                                Neither of us was a particularly fit for the escapade.
                     E: DeborahArmitage-HolisticTherapist@outlook.com                                             cyclist; I was 17 and Colin was 16. I lived    My training over the summer holiday
                       www.DeborahArmitage-HolisticTherapist.com                                                  in Orpington, Kent and Colin lived in involved cycling to Sevenoaks, Tonbridge
                                                                                                                  Harpenden, Hertfordshire. Our cycling and Tunbridge Wells on a regular basis.
                                                                                                                  exploits were confined to cycling to This conditioned me to cycling up Polhill

                                                                                                                  Dorchester, Salisbury                                          to Knockholt and River
     CONCEPT                                                                                                      and Templecombe for
                                                                                                                                                As far as money for this Hill up to Sevenoaks on
     FITNESS                                                                                                                                   trip was concerned, I had the return journey from
                                                                                                                    We planned to make                                           Tunbridge Wells after
                                                                                                                  the journey at the end        £5 which I had to make           a day’s trainspotting at
          Specialist senior’s personal trainer for over 65s                                                       of August and take             last for the entire trip.       the West Station. That
                                                                                                                  nine days for the 440-                                         sounds diligent but my
                          • 25 years senior’s health and fitness experience                                       odd miles. We aimed to return by train diary confirms that I had been on a two-
                     • For healthy agers to frail senior’s who require assistance                                 from Glasgow in time to start school in week holiday in the Channel Islands before
                                      • Neurological disorders                                                    September. Our route would be from returning to Orpington. I played golf the
                                                                                                                  Harpenden along the A5 to Cheshire, day before setting out, so had done no
                                     • Falls and balance training                                                 across the Mersey by way of the Runcorn cycle training for about three weeks.
                         • Zoom classes for the elderly with different levels                                     Transporter Bridge and then on through         I had a haversack that I fixed behind the
                          Whether you are wanting optimum health and fitness in your                              Lancashire on the A6 to Carlisle before saddle resting on the strong mudguard
                         older years or you need help with your independence, call me.
                                                                                                                  joining the A74 to the outskirts of of the Raleigh. Colin had panniers either
                                                                                                                  Glasgow. It helped that in 1952 there were side of his back wheel. That way each of
               In these strange times, health and fitness has taken on a new meaning.                             4.2 million registered vehicles on the us was not encumbered by having our
                           A fitter body means a healthier immune system.                                         road compared with 35.6 million now. We belongings over our shoulders.
                    Find out how I can help you age better and regain your health.                                booked ourselves into youth hostels and        As far as money for this trip was
                                                                                                                  our destination was to be East Kilbride concerned, I had £5 which I had to make
         Call Arthur on 07971245221 or email arthur@conceptfitness65.co.uk                                        where I had been born.                       last for the entire trip. Our meals at the
                Visit me at www.conceptfitness65.co.uk or follow me on                                              Colin had the latest Raleigh Lenton Super Youth Hostels were prepaid – our evening
                                                                                                                  Sports bicycle. I had a relatively heavy meal and breakfast – so all we had to w

14                                                                    Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021       Colerne Parish Magazine, December 2020                                               15
continued...                    with its beautiful triple spires as part of
                  Colerne After
                  School Club Ltd
                                                           The IRON lady                                w buy was food for the middle of the day
                                                                                                                                                      our plan to see places of interest.

                                                                                                        and possibly the odd snack, mid- morning      DAY FOUR
                   Ofsted Registered URN: EY494696                                                      and/or mid-afternoon. There were no credit    Our next run was from Lichfield to Delamere
                                                                                                        cards or mobile phones in those days – we     Forest, just east of Chester. Cheshire is
         Fully Qualified Staff with years of
              experience in child care                                                                  just got on with cycling, trainspotting and   a lovely county to cycle through and I
      Collection from Colerne Primary School                                                            sightseeing for just over a week!             still recollect what a pleasant experience
       Variety of activities for all age groups                                                                                                       it was because of its rural nature. We had
               Very competitive prices                                                                  DAY ONE                                       a superb meal at a restaurant in Nantwich
                                                           For regular orders or one-off                I must have had a good breakfast and          which cost us 4/6 (23 pence). Naturally, I
                  We are open                              backlog clearance.                           early lunch when I set off from Sevenoaks     can’t remember what we ate, but we were
               Monday to Friday:                                                                        Road, Orpington, to ride to Colin’s home      very well provided for. As part of our
                  7.30–8.30am                              Professional and flexible service in a
               for Breakfast Club                          smoke and odour-free environment.
                                                                                                        in Harpenden through Central London –         trainspotting programme we visited Crewe
                                                                                                        Bromley, Lewisham, Elephant & Castle,         North locomotive shed. We had already
       After School Club hours are:                        Please call Gilly for prices                 Victoria, and Hyde Park Corner to the start   obtained a shed pass and we just walked
     Monday to Thursday: 3.25–6.00pm                       and further details.                         of the A5 at Mill Hill Northway Circus, St    past other children hoping to get someone
        and Fridays: 1.30–4.30pm                                                                        Albans and Harpenden. In South London,        to take them in. Crewe North was a shed
                                                           Free collection and delivery
                    Please contact:                        within Colerne.                              I had to cope with tramlines which you        that housed/serviced some of the named
            Jemma on 07446 447541 or                                                                    had to steer across, rather than get your     passenger locomotives, many of which
               Bev on 07881 367022
          or email cascltd@outlook.com                     Mobile: 07810 248408                         wheels caught in the tracks. Hyde Park        were never seen in the south of England.
                see our Facebook page:                                                                  Corner was also a bit scary, but once
                                                           Home: 01225 744611
          Colerne After School Club Ltd                                                                 across and into the Park, it was all modest   DAY FIVE
                                                                                                        traffic thereafter. Welcomed by Colin’s       Delamere Forest to Lancaster was another
                                                                                                        parents, a good night’s rest, fed and         60-odd mile run. We made our way to
                                                                                                        watered for the ‘off’ after lunch for our     Runcorn on the banks of the Mersey
                     Hazelbury                                                                          first ride together. My parents didn’t know   and crossed by way of the transporter
                       HealtH                                     Your Local Salon
                                                                                                        Colin or his parents and until I arrived at
                                                                                                        Harpenden his parents hadn’t met me.
                                                                                                                                                      bridge to Widnes. [The transporter bridge
                                                                                                                                                      has long ago been superseded by a road
                      Practice                                        01225 743736                                                                    bridge – Thelwall Viaduct on the M6.]
                                                                      38 High Street                    DAY TWO                                       Our route took us to St Helens and Wigan
     We offer Homoeopathy and                                                                           Harpenden to Astwell Castle Youth             until we joined the A6 near Chorley
      Kenshin Anma Shiatsu                                                                              Hostel was an easy starter for our trip.      which we kept with through Preston and
 Kenshin Anma Shiatsu is a wonderfully relaxing and
                                                                           Open on                      Got back onto the A5 and cycled through       Garstang before coming into Lancaster
 energising form of massage therapy which is very            Tuesday 8.30am-2.00pm                      pleasant countryside in Hertfordshire and     where we found accommodation in a
 ancient, predating even Shiatsu, and works to rebalance
                                                             Thursday 8.30am-4.00pm                     Northamptonshire to arrive at our first       Temperance Hotel. [My great grandfather
                                                                                                        youth hostel after 42.5 miles.                had owned the Temperance Hotel in
 the entire system. Kenshin means ‘essence of health’,
 and Anma means ‘spreading peace with the hands’. It          Friday 8.30am-5.00pm
 is performed fully clothed and lasts 75 minutes. Anma                                                                                                Alva, Clackmannanshire.] As part of our
 is non-diagnostic and is not recommended for pregnant       Saturday 8.30am-1.00pm                     DAY THREE                                     cultural raison d’etre, we naturally visited
 women or cancer patients.
                                                           Extended hours by appointment only           Having experienced and survived our           the Roman Catholic Cathedral situated
     Laurent and Susan Lacroix hold diplomas in                                                         first night in a youth hostel, and having     just off the A6.
       Anma from Anma France. Susan is also
 a registered homoeopath and counsellor and offers               We cover the whole                     performed our mandatory duties, we were
              consultations and sessions.                    family’s hairdressing needs                ready to leave by mid-morning for a 60-       For the next leg Donald and Colin had to
                                                                                                        odd mile run to Lichfield. Once again we      tackle the steep ascents of the Lake District
                                                              from perming, cutting and
      Hazelbury Health Practice                                                                         made for the A5 (Towcester, Daventry,         before the final long run to Scotland and
          Hazelbury Manor,                                   barbering to hair extensions               Atherstone), before leaving again five        then try and get back for the start of term.
       Box, Wiltshire SN13 8HX                                      and colouring
                tel: 01225 810644                                                                       miles north of Tamworth and heading off       Find out in next month’s edition if they
                                                                                                        to Lichfield. Visited Lichfield Cathedral     manage to complete their trip.

16                                                              Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021   Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021                                                   17

                                                                                                         Sport & Science
                                                                                                          EXERCISING THE MINDS
                                                                                                  Keeping fit starts long before the PE classes, as these pupils at
                                                                                                                   Colerne have been finding out

                                                                                       S   port and PE at Colerne
                                                                                           Church of England Primary
                                                                                       School is something all are
                                                                                                                                                       felt their hearts and had
                                                                                                                                                       a go at taking their heart
                                                                                                                                                       rate. On completion of our
                                                                                       very passionate about. The                                      investigation, the children
                                                                                       children take part in two PE                                    were very excited to know
                                                                                       sessions a week; one with their                                 that their prediction was
                                                                                       class teacher and one with a                                    right. The children really
                                                                                       sports coach from Up and                                        enjoyed discussing how
                                                                                       Under Sports.                                    exercising is really important for us as
                                                                                         Here Warwick Class explain how they            it keeps our hearts healthy and our
                                                                                       have been learning about keeping fit.            muscles strong.
                                                                                         “In Warwick Class we love to keep                The children have taken their new
                                                                                       active. During the autumn term we have           knowledge about keeping healthy into
 17(17) Hyundai i10 1.0 SE                                                             taken our enthusiasm into other subjects.        their PE lessons.
        5Dr, in Blue, Bluetooth, Cruise, DAB, EW, A/C, CL etc ….£6,795                   In science we have been exploring what           Circuit training is their current focus. Each
                                                                                       happens to our hearts when we exercise.          week the children practise a different skill
 14(14) Hyundai i20 1.2 Active,                                                        The children made a prediction. “When we         which will become a circuit at the end of the
        5dr, in Blue, Bluetooth, A/C, EW, CL, Alloys, CD etc ....... £4,995            exercise our heart will beat really fast and     unit. They are very keen to set themselves
                                                                                       we might get a bit out of breath,” said Rosie.   challenges and beat their scores.
 10(10) Seat Leon 1.4 TSI SE,                                                            In small groups, the children planned            We certainly enjoy a competition in
        5Dr, in Black, Climate, Cruise, Alloys, CD, EW etc …..........£3,995           an investigation and chose exercises to          Warwick Class and there are definitely
                                                                                       complete to see if they were right. Before       some competitive children in our village.”
                                                                                       beginning the exercises, the children                                             Kelly Russell

18                                             Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021   Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021                                                        19
REFLECTIONS                                                     irrelevant institution. Recent adverse criticism of certain members of the royal family

                                                                                               have accentuated this perception. Along with this tendency, there seems to be an
       he assassination of Julius Caesar occurred at the end of the Roman republic on          increasing proclivity for successive British governments to adopt a presidential style
       the Ides of March (15 March) 44 BC. It was the culmination of a conspiracy              of administration. We have seen unelected apparatchiks introduced into the heart of the
       led by Marcus Junius Brutus and Cassius Longinus. The conspirators were                 government to play a significant policy role which many believe goes well beyond their
concerned that Julius Caesar appeared to be intent on making himself supreme ruler of          stated role as special advisers. Fortunately, the most contentious of these persons has
Rome thereby bringing the republic to an end. William Shakespeare’s account of this            now departed from government.
event occurs in his play, Julius Caesar, probably produced in 1599, at the end of the
reign of Elizabeth I.                                                                          When one considers the utter shambles of the recent presidential election in the United
                                                                                               States and the continued insistence of the outgoing President that his rival’s victory
In the play, Shakespeare puts the following words in Cassius’s mouth as he endeavours          was the result of fraud, without providing any convincing proof, one concludes that
to persuade Brutus to join the conspiracy:                                                     the British constitutional monarchical system has a lot going for it; as long as there are
                       ‘I cannot tell what you and other men                                   sufficient members of the Royal Family willing to undertake their allotted roles.
                       Think of this life; but, for my single self,                                                                                                   John Crittenden
                       I had as lief not be as live to be
                       In awe of such a thing as I myself.’
This was a brave thing for Shakespeare to have written during the reign of a powerful
monarch. Elizabeth had imprisoned and beheaded Mary Queen of Scots on a charge                                           COELRNE 2021 CARDIO SPECIAL
of conspiring against her life. It is one of the ironies of history that Mary’s son (King

                                                                                                                               W a l k i ng
James VI of Scotland) became King James I of England on Elizabeth’s death in 1603.
In those febrile times, Shakespeare might easily have lost his own head by having one
of his characters proclaim the justification of a republic over a monarchy.
When Oiver Cromwell died in 1658, the short-lived Commonwealth collapsed and
Charles II became king on the restoration of the monarchy.                                                              PILGRIM’S PROGRESS

With the restoration of the monarchy, there began the process of what may be called the
resetting of the British constitution. From that time onwards, the powers allowed to the              ay I thank John Crittenden for         on her own) and the churchwardens and
monarch by the people through Parliament were gradually whittled away until, in the                   his kind words in his December         others, who kept the parish running very
present day, the monarch has little if any power left, other than that directed towards her    Reflections – retired rectors still read      smoothly without me.
own household. She may not express an opinion in public on the great affairs of state          parish magazines! I did indeed walk             If a parish priest keeps going for another
and the residue of the monarch’s prerogative seems now to be acted upon solely by the          The Pilgrims’ Way, from Winchester to         ten years he or she is entitled to a second
prime minister. Nevertheless, the British public, and in particular the media, continue        Canterbury, in June 1989, and it was a        sabbatical. By then I had moved to be the
to show an intense curiosity in respect of the royals who are subject to almost constant       very interesting and enjoyable journey.       Team Rector of Corsham, but this time I
attention. It is therefore not surprising that some members of the royal family feel life        I actually took eight days and it was the   cycled eight hundred miles round southern
in a gilded cage is not for them and decide to jump ship.                                      last part of my first sabbatical. If clergy   England to see the places on which T
                                                                                               can stay alive long enough without            S Eliot based his Four Quartets, a long
Believe it or not, the above resumé of some historical matters is a prelude to informing       being found out, the diocese give them        poem reflecting on the nature of time. But
you that I received presents of the first three series of The Crown for my recent birthday.    three months study leave. You have to         that, as they say, is another story...
Since then, I have viewed the whole of the first ‘season’ of The Crown and begun to            undertake a specific project.                   We’re still walking – last September
view the second. It is a well-produced production, not necessarily containing the whole          My first two months were spent              Penny and I walked The Dales Way, one
truth, but I am sure it will be repeated and referred to many times in the forthcoming         backpacking up the west coast of              of the national trails, which goes through
years when the media comments on the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. As I am only two             Scotland in the steps of the Celtic           the Yorkshire Dales. It’s only 80 miles,
years younger than the Queen, I find the whole series of great interest as it reminds me       saints, finishing up by climbing some         but we took our time. It goes through
of what I was doing when the events depicted occurred in reality. I could be said to have      of the biggest mountains in Torridon.         beautiful country.
had a worm’s-eye view of the reign and these events.                                           Remarkably, it only rained twice in the         We shall be interested to hear if any of
Reviews of The Crown that I have read in newspapers have indicated that there is               whole three months. I couldn’t have           your readers take up John’s challenge of
a mood, among some journalists at least, that suggests a shift of preference towards           done all this without the support of Janet    doing the Pilgrim’s Way!
republicanism for the British constitution. The monarchy is seen as an increasingly            (who was looking after three small boys           Roger Clifton, former Colerne vicar

20                                                     Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021   Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021                                                  21

                                                                                                                                               I would like to mention Mrs Thomas as a Covid
                                                                                                                                                 hero. My daughter was in year 6 last academic
                                                                                                                                                  year. She and her classmates missed their
                                                                                                                                                    residential, end of year performance and
                                                                                                                                                      all the other activities that would usually
                                                                                                                   Kim and Dennis                      happen in their final year of primary
                                                                                                                  Harris on Forrester                    school. However Mrs Thomas made sure
                                                                                                                  Green – nominated
                                                                                                                                                           that the year 6s still made memories by
                                                                                                                    for being good
                                                                                                                      neighbours!                            creating videos, having silent discos,
                                                                                                                                                              a red carpet on the final day and just
                                                                                                                                                                being an awesome person who
                                                                                                                                                                  truly cared about the well-being
                                                                                                                                                                    of her pupils.
                                                                                                     Dorothy Robertson has been an amazing
                                                                                                     whirl of activity and ideas to get the Covid                  I would like to nominate

                                                                                                     volunteers up and running.                                Mollie Ley as she worked as key
     one of us were unaffected by the           owners to volunteers. We stepped up.                                                                           worker in Morrisons from the first
     Covid pandemic which swept the              Last year we asked you to nominate                                                                        lockdown and is doing it still. We worried
world in 2020 and remains with us still.        those in the parish who had helped out                 I would like to nominate Emma                         about her doing it and she did too but
  Tragically it claimed the lives of several    during the crisis - to remember the good               Hucklebridge of Colerne News as                        she knew that she was needed and
of our neighbours while more were               that we have done as we start 2021.                    during the first lockdown she went                           couldn’t let them down.
infected but thankfully recovered. It also       So this is our very own New Year’s                    out of her way to make sure that the
had a huge impact on our working and            Honours List. We don’t claim it to be                  villagers of Colerne could access
social lives.                                   comprehensive. You may well have other                 their money, use the postal services,         Please include Dr Karen Prees in the Colerne
  And yet it also brought out the best in       names and stories to share.                            receive newspapers and she also               COVID Heroes Honours List for her continued
our community. From nurses to milkmen,           But for all those listed and everyone                 supplied basic items such as milk.            hard work and dedication at keeping the
delivery drivers to teachers, business          who served anonymously - thank you.                    Even though the shop had to close             communities of Colerne, Batheaston and
                                                                                                       she arranged boxes around the village         surrounding areas safe during this pandemic.
                               Trish Phillips                                                          so that people could pick up their            She is a local GP and often goes out of her way
                                 she voluntarily works in and has transformed the primary              newspapers/orders. She also provided          to support members of Colerne in their time
                                   school garden into an amazing place to be! The teachers,            a box outside the Post Office for             of need. Many thanks!
      Lucy Corry from                children and parents are amazed at the transformation.            postal services.
       Larch Road for                  She supplied the village with all the freshly grown
      doing long hours                   fruit and veg anyone could wish for from the school                                                 YOU A
      with Medvivo out-                    garden shed during lockdown and continues to do           Colin and team at                     STEP LL
        of-hours care                        so from the Post Office. She does it all just for the   the Fox & Hounds                          UP!                Suzy Price from the
                                               love of it.                                           They turned the pub into a place
                                                                                                                                                                 High Street who worked
                                                                      Also all those
                                                                                                     to buy fruit and veg. They hosted the
                                                                                                                                                                 all throughout both
                                                                      carrying on with
                                                                                                     bakers. And you could get takeaway
                                                                                                                                                                 lockdowns delivering
                                                                      doorstep luncheon
                                                                                                     meals and a si-in cafe. The way they
                                                                                                                                                                 prescriptions from
Fiona Brooke-Vincent                                                 club. Our postman
                                                                                                     responded as a business, quickly and
                                                                                                                                                                 Box Pharmacy.
She volunteered as a nurse in adult ITU near                         Glenn and our Milk              effectively, was a credit to them and as a
the beginning of the pandemic and has                                & More milkman                  community we’re lucky to have them.
since changed departments to work
there permanently - she’s helped           THANK                                                     145 people signed up as Covid volunteers
to treat and save people with COVID
19 as well as many other patients.
                                             YOU                                                     at the start of Lockdown 1. See next page...

22                                                       Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021       Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021                                                       23

                                                                                        Jane Brookes                   Tiah Harper                      Sarah Porter
I wanted to say a massive                                                               Ian Butterworth                Brian Harris
                                                                                                                                         THAN            John Porter
thank you and shout                                                                     Julie Burgess                  Karen Harvey                      Karen Prees
out to Lisa and Wayne                                                                   Ian Buss                       Liane Hayens       YOU            Daniel Prideaux
Summsion. My parents live                                                               Jenna Buss                     Annabelle Heap                    Abigail Reilly
in Pembrokeshire and are                                                                Clare Callery                  Chris Hibell                     Lecia Rees
both in their 80s my Dad                                                                Sophie Cattermole              Annette Hitch                  Bernie Rigby
has multiple health issues                                                              Phil Chamberlain               Hilary Holman              Dorothy Robertson
and my Mum doesn’t drive.         The Three Shires Surgery:     Rose Sadler             Jo Chambers                    Lizzie House               Duncan Robertson
Coincidentally Wayne has a        Dr Pedro Pinto                Vickie Thomas           Andy Chapman                   Carmen Irving-French       Karen Sayers
relative that lives in the same   Dr Jeremy Cottrill            Leanne Dunstone         Henry Clarke                   Megan Jones                Catherine Simon
village as my parents and this    Dr Liz Dixon                  Jill Scott              Greg Corr                      Julie Joyce                Alan Simon
had been mentioned to Lisa        Rachel Legg                   Tina Goodway            Emma Corr                      Zeynep Kayacan             Gemma Small
previously in conversations.      Susanne Read                  Becky Costello          Sophie Crawley                 Justine Knight             Hayley Smith
  At the beginning of             Liliana Barnard               Susi Gaston             Melissa Dawn                   Hilary Lavender            Sarah Stephens
Lockdown 1 my parents             Caroline Yallaoui             Paula Couzens           Keith Dorsey                   Julian Lavender            Lisa Sumsion
were having trouble getting       Cathy Atkins                  Josie Osborn            Cat Dilloway                   Sophie Lavender            Jade Titmus
groceries etc and being so far    Jennie Smith                  Ella Reed               Louise Dirs                    Chris Lilley               Paula Tucker
away I felt helpless.             Sue Knight                    Izabela Bradley         Oliver Dirs                    Amanda Lindsay             Alison Turnbull
  My husband suggested that       Alison Turner                 Nannette Savine         Catherine Dixon                Phil Lucas                 Helen Tylee
I contact Lisa and see if her     Rebecca Loughlin              Tim Bunting             Dorothy Dunkley                Clare Lucas                Jax Ward
brother in law may be able to     Lisa Overton                  Sarah Vickers           Tora Edmonds                   Jackie Mason               Mark Wakefield
help. Lisa responded swiftly                                    Eileen Collins          Sarah Edmonds                  Jules Meadowcroft          Jessie Walrond
and was most concerned.           The staff at Colerne Church   Sally Phillimore        Sarah Fern
                                                                                                                               Jessie Meredith    Liz White
                                                                                                                                                                         YOU AL
  The following day I spoke       of England Primary School:    Mark MacPhee            Chris Fereday
                                                                                                         HE ER
                                                                                                                               Nicola Middleton   Amy Witwicki
with my parents and they told     Kelly Sullivan                Karen Carey             Emily Fereday
                                                                                                           ROE                Tristan Middleton   Paula Wilcox                  D
me that they’d had a phone        Stella Harding                Mark Solomon            Sara French            S             Celia Mike                                   UP!
call from the vicar offering      Kim Russell                   Carole Rowlands         Jane Gooding                        Ally Minch            Brian and Nancy at
them help. The phone call         Donna Burns                                           Archie Gooding                      George Morris         Anstees Bakery.
had been generated from           Julia Johnston                The school              Oliver Gooding                     Alison Mortimer        All the staff at
Lisa’s brother in law and         Sally Kearns                  gardening team:         Dan Grabham                    Keith Mortimer             The Firs Surgery.
he also provided Lisa with        Jess Feghali-Brown            Christine Rogers        Corinne Greenman               Dawn Mowat                 Alison Blake Reed
names of local companies          Kimberley Bennetts            Trish Phillips          Kay Hall                       Charlotte Mumford          Mandy Pocock
that were delivering to the       Daisy Broomfield              Mike Rogers             Amanda Hayllar                 Jennifer Nixey
elderly and vulnerable. I then    Ellie Gordon                  Shirley Willcox         Jack Harper                    Hannah Newton
utilised this information and     Gillian Low
ordered a meat box delivery       Kelly Russell                 Covid 19 volunteers,
for my parents. They were so      Nikki Brennan                 area leads in bold:                KEEPING COLERNE SAFE FROM COVID-19
grateful for Lisa’s help and      Ann Jennings                  Jen Allan
                                                                                         If you are shielding, have been asked to self-isolate or your usual family/neighbour
concern. Even though they         Sam Thacker                   Penny Andrews
                                                                                         support is unavailable, give us a call. We can help with shopping, prescription
have never met her.               Carole Palmer                 John Armstrong
  Lisa then continued to ask      Julie Baldwin                 Tessa Armstrong          collection, posting letters, and dog walking.
after my parents and still does   Ruth Holden                   Abi Ashfield             Are you feeling isolated and a bit low? We can help you connect with others - you
even now.                         Zac Topping                   Karen Brzezicki
                                                                                         won’t be the only one.
  She went above and beyond.      Maura Chamberlain             Celia Batterham
Truly deserves a mention.         Kerinne Bunting               Cathy Biggs              To be put in touch with your nearest volunteer contact Dorothy Robertson on
                                  Keren Wynn                    Julie Bright             01225 742767, email cv19colerne@gmail.com or use the Link number 07970 617617
                                  Gemma Banfield                Peter Brookes

24                                              Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021   Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021                                               25
Grounds for Optimism – Chapter XLII
                                                   Port Area, Bukoba (W shores of L Victoria), Kagera District, NW Tanzania;
                                                                        mid-day Tues. 23rd Jan 2018
                                             Background Where I’d taught from 1967 to 1971 I’d been allowed to give workshops
                                             to show fellow science teachers how the study of local manufacturing industry (e.g.coffee
                                             processing) could enthuse students with more memorable and relevant lessons.
                                             Continuation Bosses at the coffee curing factory had bade me farewell with a cuppa and
                                             doughnuts and I walked back into town by the shore past little pyramids of dried sardines for
                                             sale, remembering to admire swings and slides at a lake-side play area financed by Bukoba
                                             Rotary Club, whose current chairman was factory manager Mashusha.
                                             A bit further on another persistent cultural import from pre-independence times was The
                                             Club originally an expatriate watering hole. Today there was less sport but still bottled beer,
                                             bonhomie, brides-to-be betrothal parties and billiards. Golf and cricket were dead already in
                                             1967. I remember the story of long grass and two caddies – a short one to find the ball and a tall
                                             one to find the short one. I’d been a “social member” organising children’s Christmas parties.
                                             As a bingo caller, I learnt to count in Swahili. Sunday curry lunch profits bought a fence round
                                             the tennis court, but we never benefited from it because the club became a Tanzanian army
                                             officers’ mess when border skirmishes with Idi Amin’s Ugandan army started.
                                             That afternoon I saw the most persistent cultural import of all – the craving for education
                                             and qualifications as a route to promotion and a better life. Universities and training colleges
                                             abound, many founded and financed by churches. A secular government in a cash-poor country
                                             cannot possibly pay for them all but does insist on inspecting and licensing them and validating
                                             their certificates. One such institution is Lutheran foundation “JOCUKO”, Bp Josiah Kibira
                                             (aka “Tumaini” = Hope) University where colleague Reuben from Ihungo was a part-time
                                             chemistry methods lecturer. This offshoot campus had good modern buildings and labs but,
                                             a rarity, an uncooperative administrator dubious about the value of my input. Reuben and his
                                             assistant Marcelline won him round in a country where dogged politeness is appreciated.
                                             We were 20 delegates in all, one third female and all were science teachers in training. I
                                             stretched the permitted hour to two, finishing in time for supper. To convince how industry
                                             can create wealth, I handed out eleven paper £20 sterling notes depicting Adam Smith, the
                                             Scots 18th century enlightenment philosopher. His treatise The Wealth of Nations used the
                                             division of labour in his local pin-making factory to show how efficient, profitable industry
                                             could bring prosperity and freedom from want. We talked about Tanzania’s industries
                                             already transforming the country, providing goods and services people were ready to buy for
                                             money. We were not starry-eyed; delegates were realistic about practical problems changing
                                             ideas into reality. They quoted examples where things had gone wrong in 50-plus years
                                             since independence and how cronyism, nepotism and get-rich-quick attitudes had held them
                                                                                             back. We concluded that a scientifically
                                                                                             literate populace would be a central part of
                                                                                             successful nation building.
                                                                                               Does this sound worthy yet stodgy? We
                                                                                               leavened it with the fun of experiments,
                                                                                               convincing one another that science only
                                                                                               works when it is honest and its practitioners
                                                                                               trustworthy. All eleven Bank of England notes
                                                                                               		    returned.              Rodney Priest

26   Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021   Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021                                                          27
Old School, Vicarage Lane. Clerk: Sharon Whelon: 01225 742207

         e: clerk@colernepc.uk
         Village website: www.colerne-pc.gov.uk                                                           COLERNE
                                                                                                       PARISH COUNCIL
             Restored footpath!
     In June 2019 local school girl Alice Hayllar
     from Thickwood, wrote to Cllr. Brian Matthew                                                      Notification Wiltshire Council decisions of planning consent determined:
     to ask if the Council could do something local                                                    20/08075/FUL. 37 Martins Croft, Colerne SN14 8DT. Proposal: Single storey rear extension.
     to stop climate change. Her idea was that if the                                                  Decision: Approve with conditions.
     footpath between Thickwood and Colerne could                                                      20/06980/FUL. Lucknam Park Hotel, Colerne SN14 8AZ. Proposal: Redevelopment of
     be repaired (it was very pitted with pot holes and                                                existing garage block to provide 2 self contained guest cottages to be used in conjunction with
     over grown at the sides), then children like her                                                  Lucknam Park Hotel. Decision: Approve with conditions
     could cycle or use scooters to get to school and
     the village, and adults with mobility scooters                                                    The month of December
     could do the same, or walk without tripping up,                                                   saw the lifting of the second                    Cotswold
     or the need to drive. This was raised at Colerne
     Parish Council and letters were written to
                                                                                                       COVID19 ‘Lockdown’ and                           Voluntary
                                                                                                       with it, the Cotswold Voluntary
     Wiltshire Council’s roads department.                                                             Wardens (CVW) have enjoyed                       Wardens
     Some work was done as a result by our parish                                                      a busy period of hedge and
     steward Mark, but during December 2020                                                            broadleaf tree planting. They have planted
     Ringway have been restoring the path and laying                                                   300 metres of hedge adjacent to Public Right
     new tarmac!                                                                                       of Way COLE11. This hedge-line will provide
     Well done Alice! I think you may have brought                                                     a super-highway for animals, birds and insects
     Thickwood a very nice Christmas present!                                                          connecting Bob’s Wood to Abbotscombe
                                                                                                       Wood. They have planted mix of fifty oak,
                                                                                                       field maple and beech as replacement trees in
     Gigaclear’s broadband installation                                                                Bob’s Wood, and also replaced two stiles and
                                                                                                       installed two Way Marker Posts in order to
     in Colerne’s conservation area                                                                    improve navigation of within the Parish.
                                                                                                       They are starting a programme to restore the
     Residents will have noticed streetworks commencing as Gigaclear installs the new superfast        dry stone walls within the Parish and will
     broadband service which we mentioned last month. The Parish Council were concerned with           complete the Ogbourne dry stone wall as
     Gigaclear’s initial plans to install a series of connecting cabinets (green metal street boxes)   a dedication to Russell Harding who sadly
     along High Street, through the conservation area.                                                 passed after a long fight with illness.
     As Wiltshire Council does not routinely notify communities of these rural broadband
     installations, it was late in the day before the Parish Council was able to get in touch with
     Gigaclear and discuss their plans. A Parish Council task force, made up of councillors and        Russell Harding
     residents, met on-site with Gigaclear representatives at the end of October to review their       Russell was for many years Cotswold Warden
     proposals.                                                                                        for Colerne Parish, and in 2018, the Corsham
     We are pleased to report that Gigaclear responded positively to our concerns and have recently    Area Board of Wiltshire Council acknowledged and formally thanked him for his long-
     undertaken to place the connecting equipment below pavement surface along the High Street.        standing work as Cotswold Warden and his many other services to the PC and our community.
     The PC thanks Gigaclear for their cooperative                                                     Many will remember the Tuesday Tramps that Russell regularly lead, and then when his
     response and is pleased to report this success in                                                 health prevented him venturing out - helped create the route using his extensive knowledge
     preserving our conservation area streetscape.                                                     of our delightful countryside.

28                                                        Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021            Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021                                                         29
                       Award Winning, Family Run,
                               Farm Shop
                                                      Colerne Liberal Club                                     COLERNE BUILDER AND SPORTSMAN

                      Established for over 30 years
                     Selling Quality Local Produce
                                                                                                           oystone Clarke, known                                  survived after being under
                      Open Daily 9.00am – 5.00pm
                     10.00am – 4.00pm on Sundays
                                                                                                           universally as Roy,                                    intense fire for some time.
         FRESH MEAT, POULTRY & GAME                   The Club is ready to reopen.                         was the fourth child of                                  In 2016 he received the
     HOMEMADE SAUSAGES, BURGERS & FAGGOTS                                                          Henry – always called Harry –                                  French Legion d’Honneur
                                                      As soon as we are allowed to                 and Ethel Mary. Sister Lillian                                 for his part in the liberation
                                                        reopen, we shall reopen.                   was born in 1911, brother                                      of France in a ceremony at
                                                               (We do not sell Scotch eggs)        Albert was born in 1914,                                       the Guildhall in Bath.
                                                                                                   brother Ronald in 1917 and                                       After the war he could have
                                                         To monitor developments, please           Roy in 1923. His father was                                    returned to Westinghouse
                                                                                                   the Box blacksmith for 50                                      but he wanted to work
      LOCAL CHEESES & HOME COOKED MEATS                 keep an eye on the Club website at
          HOMEMADE CAKES & PIES                       ✪ http://www.libclubcolerne.co.uk            years and the family lived in                                  outside and did so with John
    LOCALLY MADE CHOCOLATE & FUDGE                                                                 Laurel Cottage, Devizes Road.                                  Field and Colerne Builders.
                                                               and on Facebook at                    On leaving Box School                                        He made so many friends
              GIFT HAMPERS                              ✪ Colerne Community Pages                  Roy went to work at Westinghouse in             through that work and his legacy of
                                                                                                   Chippenham where he was involved                building is there to be seen.
          Orders now being taken for
     Minimum Contact Collection & Delivery
                                                        Many thanks for your messages of           in testing electrical equipment for the           Roy was always a keen sportsman. He
 Email orders to sales@allingtonfarmshop.co.uk          support and suggestions via email          railways and later for wartime aircraft.        relished the day at the end of the war when
                                                                                                   He cycled to work on a Raleigh bicycle          he played for the Army against Ipswich
     www.allingtonfarmshop.co.uk TEL: 01249 658112      ✪ colernelibclub@yahoo.com
       Allington Bar Farm, Chippenham, SN14 6LJ                                                    bought for him by his mother for 7/6d.          Town at Portman Road. He played football
                                                                                                     When war broke out Roy was a young            for Box Hill & Colerne at centre half and
                                                                                                   member of the Home Guard in Box. He             played cricket for Box.

                                                                                                   joined up on May 27th 1942 at the age             After the war, Roy moved to Martins
                                                                                                   of 18 but needed a special Certificate of       Croft where he lived for a short time at
                                                                                                   Release because Westinghouse was a              no.5 with his brother and his family.
 THE GARDEN AND LANDSCAPE SPECIALISTS                                                              wartime factory.                                Fortuitously next door at no.4 lived
                                                                                                     After six months training at the 58th Royal   Monica Collett. Romance blossomed and
       ● Garden clearance                                                                          Armoured Corps Regiment at Bovington            they married in 1951 and were together
                                                                                                   he joined the 1st Northamptonshire              for 69 years.
       ● Tree work                                                                                 Yeomanry who were then based near                 Roy was a loyal member of the British
       ● Real and artificial turf                                                                  Marlborough. From there he went to Bury         Legion for more than 60 years. With his
         supplied and laid                                                                         St Edmunds where he trained as a rear           wife Monica and his former comrades he
                                                                                                   gunner on Sherman Tanks. Incidentally,          visited France on numerous occasions.
       ● Fencing                                                                                   Roy had the best tank library outside of          Roy died in the Royal United Hospital
       ● Grass cutting and                                                                         the Bovington Tank Museum.                      aged 97 having contracted the Covid-19
         general maintenance                                                                         The war changed Roy’s life and he was         virus. It is ironic that his grandfather died
                                                                                                   always at his most lucid and animated           in the last big pandemic, the Spanish flu,
       ● Domestic & commercial                                                                     talking of his wartime experiences.             in October 1918.
       ● Based locally                                                                               On June 13th 1944 he landed as part of          Nephew Philip Clarke said: “We say
                                                                                                   the D-Day operation in Normandy and             goodbye to Roy after a life led to the full,
         Call Mark for a FREE QUOTE                                                                went right through to Holland where he          serving his country bravely and leaving
                                                                                                   was wounded. Among his many wartime             behind such pleasant memories which
             07913 003 065                                                                         experiences was the episode when four           we will not forget – there are so many
       Email: green_team@post.com                                                                  tanks were sent out on a sortie to German       lessons we can learn from his friendship,
                                                                                                   lines. Three tanks were wiped out but his       generosity and wisdom.”

30                                                         Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021   Colerne Parish Magazine, January 2021                                                     31
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